Indoor Golf International (IGI) Tour – Concept & Rules
Eligibility/Registration: Players who have an official OT User handicap or a IGI-Tour handicap from
previous seasons may compete, after three events the players tour handicap will be applied and be solely
based on tour cards. Players can join the tour at any time during the tour but cannot play events once the
scheduled timing for each event has elapsed. To be eligible for prizes and FSG $$$ and ranking points,
there will be an annual IGI-T registration fee to join the tour. Registration fees will be used for
administration costs and go towards the overall prize pool until significant sponsorship and advertising
streams can be developed.
Fees: Set by home/local indoor golf centre.
Nomination fees will be discounted based on number of consecutive tours the player has completed*
Nomination Fee Exemption Status from previous seasons rankings may apply. Nomination fees
discounted as follows:
1st Season - Full Price
2nd Season - 10% Off
3rd Season - 20% Off
4th Season - 40% Off
5th Season - 60% Off
6th Season - 80% Off
7th Season+ - Free
* A completed tour is considered to be 10 completed IGI-Tour events or more.
Format/Duration of tour events: All events, 2 rounds of 18 holes for IGI Tour regular season events
and 3 rounds of 18 holes for Majors, must be played during the scheduled period. IGI Tour regular
season events will be open for three weeks (four weekends) and will be overlapped by the next event by
one week. IGI-T Majors will be open for play for four weeks (five weekends). Events will over-lap with two
events to play at any given time.
Handicaps: Specific IGI Tour handicaps will be used. New players are required to submit at least 3
handicap cards (18 holes) to determine a starting User/System handicap via FSG OT. Players’ handicaps
will be adjusted on a Sunday each week as long as events have been concluded. A max handicap of 36
will apply. Handicaps are determined using 3 handicap cards (initially) and then the best 10 rounds of 20
OT events. New handicaps will be available to the players via the FSG OT website. Players with a valid
FSG OT User/System handicap will not be required to submit handicap cards to join the IGI Tour.
Players' User OT handicap will be used until the player has played sufficient IGI-Tour rounds to establish
an official IGI Tour handicap. This handicap will not be affected by other OT golf play. Normal
handicapping rules including ESC will apply. some explanatory notes available at:
The IGI-Tour Committee reserves the right to manually adjust handicaps to protect the integrity of the
Flights and Grades: It is expected that multiple flights will be established including a Championship
flight, A flight through to E flight. Flights / Grades may be added/adjusted as numbers require. Tour
points and therefore rankings will be allocated to players in all flight as if each flight is a seperate event.
See below for allocation of tour points. Players may move from Flight to Flight as the season progresses
and ranking points may be carried over to the new flight based on the players handicap index. Final
allocation of flights for the end of season playoffs/match play will be the Flight that players are eligible for.
Flights will be seperated by handicap as follows:
Championship Flight: plus handicaps - 0 Handicap (Scratch Markers)
A Flight/Grade: 1 - 6 Handicap
B Flight/Grade: 7 - 12 Handicap
C Flight/Grade: 13 - 18 Handicap
D Flight/Grade 19 - 24 Handicap
E Flight/Grade 25 - 36 Handicap
It may be necessary to merge some flights until the tour has matured sufficiently to support multiple
flights. EG Champ Flight with A and B Flight, C Flight with D Flight and E Flight. There should be a
minimum of 32 players in each flight to allow ranking points to be allocated effectively.
Ladies and Juniors: Ladies plus handicaps to 36 (note that Ladies should be provided their own Flight
but may need to be included within other flights until numbers permit. There is currently no provision for a
Junior Tour. Specific instructions for Juniors will need to be developed based on participation rates. If a
seperate flight is unavailable, Lady and Junior players (U14) will play off the Ladies tees and merge with
the highest handicapped flight. Juniors may be played from Junior tees if available.
Schedule, Results/Leaderboards and other resources:
A schedule of the tour is available at: www.fullswinggolftour.com/hleaderboard.aspx?
Results of each event will be posted at: www.fullswinggolftour.com/hleaderboard.aspx?
Explanation of the handicapping process is at: www.
Listings of Course and Slope Ratings is at: www.
IGI-Tour Rankings will be available at: www.
Courses: A variety of courses will be used and will primarily be selected in an attempt to match the
course being played on the US PGA or other International tour being held at about the same time.
Courses may change at short notice. Tee blocks used may vary depending upon the course being
played, however generally men will play from PRO tees or Amateur tees and Ladies will play from the
Ladies tees.
FSG or IGI Tour points: Results at regular IGI Tour events will attract points as follows: First = 50 points,
Second = 40 points, Third = 30 Points. Fourth will be awarded 29 points and so on until 1 point is
awarded to the player in 32nd place. Points are doubled for Majors and will extend to 62nd position.
There will be no cut used and ranking points will be allocated across all flights played in the event.
Season Champions: IGI-Tour points will be used to determine the yearly champions of the tour. After
the penultimate IGI-Tour regular season event, tour points will be used to rank players for entry into the
season ending playoffs (Match-Play event). This will be the 'fifth Major' and will ultimately contribute to
deciding the overall season Champions in multiple flights/divisions. See seperate instructions on this
match play event.
Calculating Final Tour Rankings: The tour currently comprises 23 events, including four Majors plus a
24th event an end of season playoff match-play event which will be scored as if a Major (double points).
A maximum of 18 events (including Majors) will be used to calculate rankings. This will mean that any
player that plays more than 18 events will have their lowest point scoring events eliminated (up to 6
lowest scoring events) at the end of the season in order to determine the season champions in each flight
and up to 5 lowest scoring events to determine cedings for the end of season play offs.
Players that play less than 10 events will have their performances divided by 10 which is effectively the
10.1 qualifying number of events to figure in overall season rankings and compete in the end of season
Players total ranking points will be averaged before and on completion of the end of season playoffs
(event 24). Averaging will be performed as follows:
0 to 10 events - total ranking points divided by 10
11 to 18 events played - total ranking points divided by number of events played.
18 to 24 events played - total ranking points from 18 highest scoring events divided by 18.
End of Season Play-offs: Following the final Regular Season event (#23) competing players will be
ranked for potential play in the end of season playoffs but in a Match Play format. Cedings will be based
11.0 on rankings from the previous 23 rounds of the IGI Tour. (Tour points will be averaged in the same
manner as point 10.1 above prior to ranking the playoff event. FSG $$$ or IGI $$$ will be awarded in
accordance with performance during the season and the type of event (Regular vs Major).
Gross Rankings: Tour rankings will initially be based purely on Net Scoring, however gross scoring
could be a feature of future tours given the appropriate level of support. A Gross IGI-Tour could be
12.0 developed once the Net Scoring Tour is operating with sufficient numbers of competitors and corporate
support via sponsorship and advertising. Gross rankings regardless of tour status will be available in
concert with Net scoring leaderboards without specifically requiring players to play in a 'Gross Flight'.
Overall Tour Champions: Once the tour is officially launched, Awards that may include Prize Money,
Gift Vouchers or other prizes may be made awarded to champion players (ranked 1st) following the end
of season Match-Play Championships. This will need to be developed through engaging sponsors and
advertisers. During the trial period this may be available from the home or local centres if numbers of
competitors permit. Cash Prizes and other sponsored supplied prizes may be available pending
participation rates.
Overall Ranking Winners: Not applicable during the trial period. This table lists the registration fees
status for following years IGI tour (non-Flight specific)
1st - Fully Exempt
2nd - Fully Exempt
3rd - Fully Exempt
4th - Fully Exempt
5th - Fully Exempt
6th - Fully Exempt
7th - Fully Exempt
8th - Fully Exempt
9th - Fully Exempt
10th - Fully Exempt
11th - 25th 50% off
26th - 50th 20% off
Scoring: Net and Gross although Gross will not be considered for prizes/awards until the tour is
15.0 developed to allow this. Net scoring will be additionally modified by Slope and Course Ratings as
identified via the FSG website Course/Slope Rating matrix.
Determining Winners of tour events & resolving ties: During trial seasons (when prizes are managed
by home/local centres), and in the event of a tie after 36 holes (regular tour event) between two players
based out of the same centre, a 6-hole net count-back starting at the last hole will be applied (if tied after
six holes the countback will continue hole by hole sudden death). For Major events a 3-Hole play-off will
be used commencing at a hole from the course as determined by the tour officials taking into
consideration hole handicap/index. Sudden death will be applied after the 3rd hole if players are still tied.
Should there be more than 2 players in the playoff, players will be dropped from the play-off unless they
equal the best score after 3 holes or on each subsequent hole.
Tour Event Prizes: During the trial phase prizes will be at the discretion of the Home/Local Indoor Golf
Centre from which the winners are playing from based on the number of entrants from their centre. This
could include Trophies, Apparel, Merchandise, promotional material and gift vouchers. Other prizes may
be available for runners up positions and potentially statistic leaders. Expectation is that tour organisers
(possibly FSG or international committee) may ultimately be able to supply prizes (those readily
transferred internationally) once sponsorships and advertising rights can be secured.
Prizes for subsequent runners-up positions will initially be dependant on number of competitors at the
17.1 home centre. Players must complete both rounds (regular season) or all three rounds (Majors) to be
eligible for event prizes and tour points.
Shots not registering or phantom shots: If a shot does not register there is no penalty. If during a
practice swing contact is accidentally made with the ball and the shot is ‘registered’ the ball is considered
to be in play. Should players suspect a phantom shot has registered, a mulligan may be allowed by an
IGI Tour official****. Players will be disqualified from the event if mulligans are on the players scorecard
without authorisation. A ruling must be requested to determine the circumstances of any phantom shot.
Air swings are not penalised. Subsequent phantom shots caused by players loitering in the infra-red
region of the simulator will be deemed to be the rub of the green after a warning and a mulligan is taken
in the first instance.
Mulligans/Holing Out/Not Completing: Mulligans on the scorecard will result in the player being
disqualified from the event by Tour Officials. Should players terminate a round without IGI-Tour Official
authorisation through injury or other reason, the player will be disqualified from the event. Using the Hole
Out, Pick Up or Next Hole option will automatically disqualify the player from the event. Players are
encouraged to use features such as Drop and Rehit options when placed in extreme positions on the golf
Number of Clubs/Golf Club regulations: There are currently no rules regarding number of clubs you
20.0 may have in your bag or the type of clubs players may use on the Indoor Tour (eg length of shafts).....
Review this.
Playing Surfaces to be used/Grounding clubs: The main or fringe mats are to be used for all shots
except when on screen caddie indicates ball is in a non-mown surface eg: in the rough, heavy/deep
rough, sand, pine needles, leaves, wild grass, earth, dirt etc when the green/white rough brush mat
should be used, note that clubs may be grounded when playing from bunkers). Effectively the main
mat/fringe mat is used for mown surfaces plus including concrete, fringe, green, fairway, dormant grass,
pavement and asphalt. Ask for a ruling if in doubt from an IGI-Tour official. When playing from the rough
mat the ball must be played with the ball wholly in the mat. Use of the rough mat instead of the
fairway/fringe mat is not permitted except for tee shots.
Event Course Conditions – Environmental conditions will be set as follows:
Green Speed: Slow
Wind: Off
Green Hardness: Medium
Fairway Hardness: Fast
Gimmies: 6ft/1.83m
Elevation: Off
Tees: Pro/AM for Men and Ladies for Ladies
Pin Positions: TBA event to event