Datapath Scheduling with Multiple Supply Voltages and Level

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ECE Technical Reports
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Datapath Scheduling with Multiple Supply
Voltages and Level Converters
Mark C. Johnson
Purdue University School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Kaushik Roy
Purdue University School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
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Johnson, Mark C. and Roy, Kaushik, "Datapath Scheduling with Multiple Supply Voltages and Level Converters" (1996). ECE
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TR-ECE 96-16
Datapath Scheduling with Multiple Supply
Voltages and Level Converters
Mark C. Johnson and Kaushik Roy
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana, 47907-1285, USA
mcjohnso, }
This research was supported in part by ARPA (F33615-95-C- 1625),
NSF CAREER award (9501869-MIP), and ASSERT program
We present an algorithm called MOVER (Multiple Operating Voltage
Energy Reduction) to minimize datapath energy dissipation through
use of multiple supply voltages. In a single voltage design, the critical
path length, clock period, and number of control steps limit minimization of voltage and power. Multiple supply voltages permit localized
voltage reductions to take up remaining schedule slack. MOVER initially finds one minimum voltage for an entire datapath. It then determines a second voltage for operations where there is still schedule
slack. New voltages can be introduced and minimized until no schedule
slack remains. MOVER was exercised for a variety of DSP datapath
examples. Energy savings ranged from 0% to 50% when comparing
dual to single voltage results. The benefit of going from two to three
voltages never exceeded 15%. Power supply costs are not reflected in
these savings, but a simple analysis shows that energy savings lcan be
achieved even with relatively inefficient DC-DC converters. Daitapath
resource requirements were found to vary greatly with respect to number of supplies. Area penalties ranged from 0% to more than 150%.
Implications of multiple voltage design for IC layout and power ;jupply
requirements are discussed.
A great deal of current research is motivated by the need for decreased power dissipation while satisfying requirements for increased computing capacity. In portable
systems, battery life is a primary constraint on power. However, even in nonportable systems such as scientific workstations, power is still a serious coristraint
due t o limits on heat dissipation.
One design technique that promises substantial power reduction is voltage scaling.
The term "voltage scaling" refers t o the trade-off of supply voltage against circuit
area and other CMOS device parameters t o achieve reduced power dissipation while
maintaining circuit performance. The dominant source of power dissipation in a
conventional CMOS circuit is due to the charging and and discharging of circuit
capacitances during switching. For static CMOS, the switching power is proportional to V& [Rabaey 19961. This relationship provides a strong incentive to lower
supply voltage, especially since changes to any other design parameter can only
achieve linear savings with respect to the parameter change. The penalty of voltage reduction is a loss of circuit performance. The propagation delay of CMOS is
approximately proportional to (vd:&),
[Rabaey 19961, where VT is the transistor
threshold voltage.
A variety of techniques are applied to compensate for the loss of performance
with respect to Vdd including reduction of threshold voltages, increasing transistor
widths, optimizing the device technology for a lower supply voltage, and shortening
critical paths in the data path by means of parallel architectures and pipelining.
Data path designs can benefit from voltage scaling even without changes in device
technologies. Algorithm transformations and scheduling techniques can be used to
increase the latency available for some or all data path operations. The increased
latency allows an operation to execute at a lower supply voltage without violating
schedule constraints. "Architecture-Driven Voltage Scaling" is a name applied to
this approach.
A number of researchers have developed systems or proposed methods that incorporate architecture driven voltage scaling [Chandrakasan et al. 1995; Raghunathan
and J h a 1994; Raghunathan and J h a 1995; Goodby et al. 1994; Kumar et al. 1995;
SanMartin and Knight 1995; Raje and Sarrafzadeh 1995; Gebotys 1995al. HYPERLP [Chandrakasan et al. 19951 is a system that applies transformations to the data
flow graph of an algorithm to optimize it for low power. Other systems accept the
algorithm as given and apply a variety of techniques during scheduling, module
selection, resource binding, etc. to minimize power dissipation. All of the systems
mentioned above try to exploit parallelism in the algorithm to shorten critical paths
so that reduced supply voltages can be used. Most systems [Chandrakasan et al.
1995; Raghunathan and J h a 1994; Raghunathan and Jha 1995; Goodby et al. 1994;
Kumar et al. 1995; Gebotys 1995al also minimize switched capacitance in the data
Most voltage scaling approaches require that the IC operate at a single supply
voltage. Although substantial energy savings can be realized with a single minimum
supply voltage, one cannot always take full advantage of available schedule slack
to reduce the voltage. Non-uniform path lengths, a fixed clock period, andl a fixed
number of control steps can all result in schedule slack that is not fully exploited.
Figure 1 provides examples of each type of bottleneck. When there are non-uniform
path lengths, the critical (longest) path determines the minimum supply voltage
even though the shorter path could execute a t a still lower voltage and meet timing
constraints. When the clock period is a bottleneck, some operations only use part
of a clock period. The slack within these clock periods goes to waste. Additional
voltages would permit such operations to use the entire clock period. Finally,
a fixed number of control steps (resulting from a fixed clock period and latency
constraint) may lead to unused clock cycles if the sequence of operations cloes not
match the number of available clock cycles. This could even occur in the critical
path. Consider the control step bottleneck illustrated in figure 1. Decreasing the
supply voltage would cause the datapath latency to increase from three to six clock
cycles. Unless the clock period can be changed, the datapath cannot be scaled
to four clock cycles. Additional voltages would allow specific operatior~sto be
slowed down to take up unused cycles. It should be noted that in some cases
these bottlenecks can be alleviated by restructuring the datapath specification or
choosing alternate circuit implementations for some operations.
Clock Cycle
Path LenGh
Fig. 1.
Number of'
Control St'eps
Examples of scheduling bottlenecks
Literature on multiple voltage synthesis is limited, but this is changing. Publications that address the topic include [Raje and Sarrafzadeh 19951, [Gebotys 1995a],
and [Johnson and Roy 19961. Raje and Sarrafzadeh [Raje and Sarrafzadeh 19951
schedule the data path and assign voltages to data path operators so as to minimize power given a predetermined set of supply voltages. Logic level conversions
are not explicitly modeled in their formulation. Gebotys [Gebotys 1995a] used an
integer programming approach to scheduling and partitioning a VLSI system across
multiple chips operating at different supply voltages. Johnson [Johnson and Roy
19961 used an integer program to choose voltages from a list of candidatec,, schedule datapath operations, model logic level conversions, and assign voltages to each
The integer linear program (ILP) presented in [Johnson and Roy 19961 led to
the MOVER algorithm to be discussed in this paper. The purely ILP approach was
useful because it allowed us to test the problem formulation and obtain provably
optimal solutions using a general purpose branch and bound ILP solver. Execution
times varied from minutes t o days. However, for certain well defined problems, ILP
can in fact be very efficient. Gebotys [Gebotys 19921 has shown that for the general precedence constrained scheduling problem, one can specify linear constraints
on continuous variables that very closely approximate the boundary of the set of
integer solutions. This is a very desirable property because it allows a branch and
bound algorithm to finish in a small number of iterations. A difficulty with the ILP
approach is that there may be subproblems for which it is very difficult to obtain
such tight linear constraints. This often leads to very large execution times. Modeling of logic level conversions proved to be especially difficult in terms of decision
variables and constraints.
MOVER attempts to use ILP only to solve those subproblems for which an efficient formulation is known. particular, ILP is used t o partition operations into high
and low voltage groups and to evaluate schedule feasibility for particular choices of
supply voltages. MOVER searches a user specified range of supply voltages, calling
the ILP formulation as needed t o evaluate schedule feasibility and obtain a11 energy
estimate. In the remainder of this paper, we will describe the MOVER algorithm,
explain the delay and energy dissipation models, discuss IC layout and power supply considerations, present scheduling results for several datapath specifi~cations,
make observations and draw conclusions regarding multiple voltage datapaths and
the applicability of this algorithm.
A datapath is specified in the form of a d a t a flow graph (DFG) where each vertex
represents an operation and each arc represents a d a t a flow or latency constraint.
This DFG representation is similar t o the "sequencing graph" representation described by DeMicheli [DeMicheli 19941 except that hierarchical and cortditional
graph entities are not supported.
T h e DFG is a directed acyclic graph, G(V,E ) , with vertex set V and edge set
E. Each vertex corresponds one-to-one with an operator in the d a t a path. Each
edge corresponds one-to-one with a dependency between two operators: a d a t a
flow, a latency constraint, or both. Associated with each vertex is an aktribute
that specifies the operator type such as adder, multiplier, or null operation (NOO P ) . Associated with each edge is an attribute that indicates a latency constraint
between the start times of the source and destination operations. A positive value
indicates a minimum delay between operation start times. The magnitude of a
negative value specifies a maximum allowable delay from the destination t o the
source. Figure 2 provides a simple example of a datapath specification and defines
elements of the DFG notation.
> Data Flow
Fig. 2.
Win. Latency Clock Cycles]
Maximum Latency
of 1Sample Period
Sample datapath specification and key t o notation
Two types of NO-OP's are used which we will refer t o as "transitive" and "nontransitive" NO-OP's. The term "transitive" is used to indicate that a NO-OP
propagates signals without any delay or cost. Neither type of NO-OP in1;roduces
delay or power dissipation. Both types serve as vertices in the DFG to which latency
constraints can be attached. The transitive NO-OP is treated as if signals and their
Table I.
Sample datapath constraints
Maximum Multipliers
Maximum Clock Cycles
Convergence threshold
= l.5V
VconV= 0.lV
logic levels are propagated through the NO-OP. Non-transitive NO-OP's and the
arcs entering or leaving a non-transitive NO-OP are ignored in the accounting of
register delays, level conversions, and voltage supply choices.
MOVER will generate a schedule, select a user specified number of supply voltage
levels, and assign voltages to each operation. MOVER uses an ILP method to evaluate the feasibility of candidate supply voltage selections, to partition operations
among different power supplies, and to produce a minimum area schedule under
latency constraints once voltages have been selected. The algorithm proceeds in
several phases. First, MOVER determines maximum and minimum bounds on the
time window in which each operation must execute. It then searches for a minimum single supply voltage. Next, MOVER partitions datapath operations into two
groups: those which will be assigned to a higher supply voltage and those which
will be assigned to a lower supply voltage. The high voltage group is initia.11~
to a voltage somewhat above the minimum single voltage. MOVER then searches
for a minimum voltage for the lower group. The voltage of the lower group is fixed.
A new minimum voltage for the upper group is sought. To find a three supply
schedule, partition the lower voltage group and search for new minimum voltages
for bottom, middle, and upper groups.
Let us use the datapath shown in figure 2 to illustrate the process. Let the
scheduling constraints be as specified in table I. Maximum clock cycles indicate the
user specified maximum number of control steps. The convergence threshold, V,,, ,
determines when the voltage search mechanism will accept a candidate vol1,age; the
candidate must be known to be within one threshold of the minimum voltage.
Table I1 describes how MOVER would typically process this simple example. Vl
is the minimum single supply voltage. V2h and Vzl are the minimum voltages given
two supplies. V3h,V3mr and V3( are the minimum voltages given three supplies.
Please note that the voltage search shown in step two is simplified somewllat from
the actual search process, but it conveys the concept. A more precise description
of the voltage search is given in section 3.6. Figure 3 presents examples of the type
of schedules that would be available at the completion of steps 2, 6, and 12.
3.1 ILP Formulation
At the core of MOVER is an integer linear program (ILP) that is used repeatedly
t o evaluate possible supply voltages, partition operations between different power
supplies, and produce a schedule that minimizes resource usage. A single ILP
Table 11. MOVER Scheduling Example
Determine maximum range of
start times for each operation
by generating an as soon as
possible (ASAP) schedule and
an as late as possible (ALAP)
Search for minimum single supply
Initial condition
1st Candidate voltage
Infeasible, so try higher
Feasible, so try lower
Feasible, so try lower
Infeasible, try higher
Vhl - KO< V c o n v
So let Vl = 3.6V
Partition operations between two
power supplies
Insert logic level conversions
into delay and energy
-- model.
Temporarily fix high voltage
Search for minimum lower supply
in same manner as step 2
and then fix that voltage
Search for minimum higher
supply and fix voltages
Partition operations from lower
group into middle (V&,,)
and bottom (V31) voltage
Insert logic level conversions
into delay and energy model
Temporarily fix top voltage
Temporarily fix middle voltage
Search for minimum low supply
Search for min. middle supply
Search for minimum top supply
X 1 E [l,41, X 2 E [O, 31, X 3 E [O, 31
A1 E [ l , 41, A2 E [2,5]
High voltage operations: ~ 1 , ~ 2 Low voltage operations: Xl,X2, X3
Level conversions required between
X1 and A2, X2 and A l , X3 and A1
h =
x (Vma, + V l )
Vm,,, 5 V21 5 Vl
~ e s u l t y&l = 2.4
Vzr 5 V2h 5 previousvzh
Result: V2h = 3.7V
Operations in top group
Middle group: X 1,X2.
Bottom Group: X3.
No new logic level conversions
required in this example.
V3h = $ X (Vma~ V2h)
Km =
Result: v3l = 1.9V
= 2.5V
Result: V3h = 3.8V
Fig. 3.
(Step 6)
(Step 12)
2 Supplies
3 Supplies
Sample Schedules
formulation serves all three purposes. In each case, MOVER analyzes the DFG and
generates a collection of linear inequalities that represent precedence constraints,
timing constraints, and resource constraints for the datapath to be scheduled. A
weighted sum of the energy dissipation for each operation is used as the optiimization
objective when partitioning operations or evaluating the feasibility of a supply
voltage. A weighted sum of resource usage serves as the optimization objective
when minimizing resources. The inequalities and objective function are packed
into a matrix of coefficients that are fed into an ILP program solver (CPLEX).
MOVER interprets the results from CPLEX and annotates the DFG to indicate
schedule times and voltage assignments.
The architectural model assumed by MOVER is depicted in Figure 4. All operator outputs have registers. Each operator output feeds only one register. That
register operates a t the same voltage as the operator supplying its input. All level
conversions, when needed, are performed at operator inputs.
Fig. 4.
MOVER architectural model
MOVER'S ILP formulation works on a DFG where voltage assignments for some
operations may already be fixed. For operations not already fixed to a voltage,
the formulation chooses between two closely spaced voltages so as to minimize
energy. The voltages are chosen to be close enough together that level con.versions
from one to the other can be ignored. Consequently, level conversions only need
to be accounted between operations fixed to different voltages and on interfaces
between fixed and unfixed operations. Figure 5 gives examples of situations in
which MOVER would or would not insert level conversions. Question marlcs in the
figure represent operations that have not yet been fixed to a voltage.
Level Converter
? can be 4.OV or 4.1V
Fig. 5.
Where MOVER inserts level converters
3.2 I L P Decision Variables
Three categories of decision variables are used in the MOVER ILP formulation.
One set of variables of the form x i , l , , indicates the start time and supply voltage
assignment for each operator that has not already been fixed to a particular supply
voltage. x i , [ , , = 1 indicates that operation i begins execution on clock cycle I
using supply voltage s. Under any other condition, xi,l,, will equal zero. The
supply voltage selection is limited to two values where s = 1 selects the lower and
s = 2 selects the higher candidate voltage. Another set of variables, xi,^, indicates
the start time of operations for which the supply voltage has been fixed. xi,l = 1
indicates that operation i starts at clock cycle 1. Under any other condition, xi,/ will
equal zero. The last group of variables, a,,,, indicates the allocation of operator
resources to each possible supply voltage. a,,, will be greater than or equal to the
number of resources of type rn that are allocated to supply voltage s. In this case,
s can be an integer in the range (1, # fixed supplies 2). s E (1,2) corresponds to
the new candidate supply voltages. s > 2 corresponds to supply voltages that have
already been fixed.
3.3 Lookup tables for delay and energy
Delay and energy estimates are tabulated as a function of supply voltage prior to
solving the ILP formulation. Section 4 describes the delay and energy calculations
used to fill the lookup tables. The functions onrg(), rnrg(), and cnrg() were defined
to look up energy values from those tables and scale the result as a functioin of load
capacitance and switching activity. deli,,, gives the delay of each operation i as a
function of supply voltage s;.
onrg(j, s j , cload)returns the energy estimate for operation j, using suplply voltage s j , with a load capacitance of cload at the output. rnrg(sj, fanoutj) returns
the energy estimate for a register using supply voltage s j and an output load capacitance of fanoutj. janoutj reflects the level of fanout from operation j in the
DFG. cnrg(si, s j , cj) returns the energy estimate for a level conversion froni a block
operating at supply voltage si to a block operating at supply voltage s j . cj is the
input capacitance of operation j. deli,,, gives the delay of operation i including
register propagation and level conversion delays.
3.4 Objective Functions
The objective function (equation 1) estimates the energy required for one execution
of the data path as a function of the voltage assigned to each operation. Consider
the energy expression split into two parts. The first nested summation counts the
total energy contribution associated with operations not already fixed to a supply
voltage. The second nested summation counts the total energy contribution of
operations that are already fixed to a particular supply voltage.
For each operation j that has not been fixed to a supply voltage (e.g., j E Vfree),
the first nested summation accumulates the energy of operation j (onrg(j,s j, creg)),
the register at the output of operation j (rnrg(sj, fanoutj)), and any level conversions required at the input to j (cnrgfree(j,s ) ) . The decision variables ,cj,r,, are
used to select which lookup table values for operator, register, and level conversion
energy are added into the total energy. We must sum over both candidate supply
voltages s j and all clock cycles I in the possible execution time window R j of operation j . E,,,, is the set of DFG arcs that may require a level conversion, depending
on voltage assignments. Voperis the set of DFG vertices that are not NO-OPs. biz
is the set of DFG vertices (operations) that have been fixed to a particular voltage.
Q,,, is the set of vertices that have not previously been fixed to a voltagl?.
For each operation j that has been fixed to a supply voltage, we again accumulate
the energy of each operation, register, and level conversion. The only difference
from the expression for free operations is that now all voltages in the expression
are constants determined prior to solving the ILP formulation. Consequently, the
index s j can be removed from the summation and the decision variable x .
Energy =
C C xj,r,s
(onrg(j1US I creg)
+ rnrg(u,, cf anout(i))+ cnr,yf.,,(j,
cnrg ,,,(j, S) and cnrg f i x (j) represent the level conversion energy at the input
of free and fixed operations respectively.
cnrgfree(j,s ) =
C cnrg(vi, us, ci,,) + C cnrg(u1,
and iEVfree
cnrgji=(j) =
C cnrg(vi, v j , tin,) + C cnrg(v1. ujl cin1)
il(i,j)EEcon,a n d i E V f r e e
Equation 4 is the objective function used when minimizing resource usage. Here,
a,,, indicates the minimum number of operators of type m with supply voltage s
needed to implement a datapath. Each operation of type m is considered ta have an
area of area,. Moper represents the set of all operation types excluding NO-OPs.
The summation accumulates an estimate of the total circuit resources required to
implement a datapath.
area =
C C aream x
3.5 ILP Constraint Inequalities
Equation 5 guarantees that only one start time 1 is assigned to each operation i
for which the supply voltage is already fixed. Equation 6 guarantees that only one
start time 1 and supply voltage s can be assigned to each operation i that does not
have a supply voltage assignment.
Equation 7 guarantees that the voltage of a transitive NO-OP j matches the
voltage of all operations supplying an input to the transitive NO-OP. &rn,,opis the
set of vertices in the DFG corresponding to transient NO-OP's. E is the set of all
arcs in the DFG.
Equations 8 through 11 enforce precedence constraints specified in the IIFG. All
are adaptations of the structured precedence constraint shown by Gebotys 1:Gebotys
19921 to produce facets of the scheduling polytope. Each arc (i,j) with a latency
lati,j 2 0 specifies a minimum latency from the start of operation i to the start of
operation j . Equation 8 defines the set of precedence constraint inequalities corresponding to DFG arcs where the source and destination operations are both free
(not fixed to a voltage). The remaining equations are simplifications of equation 8.
Equation 9 handles the case where the source operation is free and the destination is
fixed. Equation 10 handles fixed source operations with free destination operations.
Equation 11 handles the case where both operations are fixed.
del,,,, +l
del,,.. +I
del,,.. +l
Vi, j E Vfiz, Vl E L, V(i, j ) I lati,j 2 0
Equations 12 through 15 enforce maximum constraints specified in the DFG.
Each arc (i, j ) with a latency latiIj < 0 specifies a maximum delay from operation
j to operation i. Equation 12 defines the set of maximum latency constraint inequalities corresponding t o arcs where the source and destination ~perat~ions
both free (not fixed to a voltage). The remaining equations are simplifications
of equation 12. Equation 13 handles the case where the source operation is free
and the destination is fixed. Equation 14 handles fixed source operations with free
destination operations. Equation 15 handles the case where both operat,ions are
Vi, j E
Vl E L, V(i, j ) I lati,j < 0
tli E Vfix, tlj E VVfreetll E L, tl(i, j) I l ~ t i<, ~
xi,r2 5 1
Equations 16 and 17 ensure that resource usage during each time step does not
exceed the resource allocation given by am,,. The expressions on the left computes
the number operations of type m with supply voltage s that are executing concurrently during clock cycle I. am,, indicates the number of type m resources that have
been allocated to supply voltage s. Equation 16 enforces the resource constraint
for free operations. Equation 17 enforces the constraint for fixed operations. Free
operations are allowed to take on one of two candidate voltages.
tlm E Moper, tll E L , tlsi E ( 1 , 2 )
iEV f i x , type(i)=m,
supply(i)=s, ll=l-del,,,,
5 am,s,
Equation 18 enforces the user specified resource constraints. mazres(n;~)represents the total number of resources of type m (regardless of voltage) thai; can be
permitted. The left side expression accumulates the number of resources of type m
that have been allocated to all supply voltages. The total is not allowed to exceed
the user specified number of resources.
C a m t 35 maxres(m)
tlm E Moper
3.6 Voltage search
MOVER searches a continuous range of voltages when seeking a m i n i m u ~ voltage
one, two, or three power supply design. The user must specify a convergence
Table 111. Voltage search algorithm
Choose starting voltages V2 and Vl = V2 - V,,,,
where V,,,
V2 5 V,;,
Create matrix of ILP constraint inequalities.
Obtain minimum energy soIution to inequalities.
The solution will provide a schedule,
a mapping of Vl or V2 to each
operator, an energy estimate, and an area
estimate for the datapath.
If a solution was found, then
If most operations were assigned to Vl, then
Choose new candidate voltages midway between
Vl and KO. Set Vh, = V2.
Go to step 2.
There must be little or no benefit to assigning
operations to VI
Fix all operations to V2
else (if the problem was infeasible)
Choose new candidate voltages midway between
l4and Vh;. Set KO= V2
G o t,n den 2 .
threshold Vconuthat is used to determine when a voltage select,ion is acceptably
close to minimum. Let Vhi and KO represent the current upper and lower bound
on the supply voltage (as in table 11). The initial values of Vhi and KO will1 be set
as described in table 11.
When searching for a minimum single supply voltage, all operations are initially
considered to be free (not fixed to a voltage). When searching for a minimumset of
two or three supply voltages, MOVER considers one power supply at a time. The
voltage will be fixed for any operations not allocated to the supply voltage under
consideration. Table I11 outlines the voltage search algorithm.
3.7 Partitioning
Partitioning is the process by which MOVER takes all free operations in the DFG
and allocates each to one of two possible power supplies. Partitioning is not performed until a single minimum supply voltage is known for the group of operations.
Let Vl represent the minimum supply voltage for the free operations. Choose two
candidate supply voltages (V, and Vb) one slightly above Vl and the other. slightly
v, = Vl - 2
Set up the ILP constraint inequalities. Obtain a minimum energy schedule.
Operations will only be assigned t o V, if there is schedule slack available. There
may be several ways that the operations can be partitioned. In such a case, the
optimal ILP solution will maximize the energy dissipation of the lower vo1ta:gegroup
(i.e., put the most energy hungry operations in the lower voltage group). 'Phis will
tend to maximize the benefit from reducing the voltage of the lower group.
Given a successful partition, operations assigned t o Va will be put into the lower
supply voltage group and operations assigned to Vb will be put into t h l ~higher
supply voltage group. Let count(V,) represent the number of operations a.llocated
to voltage V,. Let M i n P a r t i t i o n represent the user specified minimum allocation
ratio for a successful partition. Then the partition is considered successful if the
following two conditions are satisfied:
count (V,)
> MinPartition
count(V,) count(Vb) -
count (V,)
count(Va) count(Vb)
The partition can fail at least three ways.
(1) All operations were allocated t o the lower supply voltage.
(2) All or nearly all operations were allocated t o the higher supply voltage.
(3) The ILP solver exceeded some resource or time limit.
The first situation indicates that the minimum single voltage could have been a
bit lower. In this event, MOVER lowers the values of V, and
and tries
the partition again. Lowering Va and Vb too far will lead t o a completely infeasible
ILP problem. The second situation indicates that there is not enough schedule
slack available for any operations to bear a further reduction in voltage. In this
case, MOVER terminates. The only remedies for the third situation are to either
increase resource and time limits on the ILP solver or make the problem smaller.
The results presented in this paper make use of four types of circuit resources:
an adder, multiplier, register, and level converter. MOVER requires models of
the energy and delay of each type of resource as a function of supply voltage,
load capacitance, and average switching activity. The input capacitance of each
resource type is required in order t o determine load capacitances within a dlatapath
design. For each type of resource, an HSPICE netlist was created. 0.8 micron
MOSIS library models were used with the level 3 MOS transistor model. Energy
dissipation and worst case delays were measured from simulation results. Energy
dissipation is assumed t o scale proportionally to input switching activity. Input
capacitance in each case was determined by inserting a series resistance .at input
nodes and then measuring input rise time in response t o a step function. The
results of all measurements were used t o compute model parameters pro.vided as
Table IV.
Nominal energy and delay values used by MOVER
I -$Energy I
I $ Delay I
input to MOVER. In this section we will discuss the particulars of how the delay
and energy characteristics of each resource type were measured and modeled with
respect to supply voltage and load capacitance.
4 . 1 D a t a path operators and registers
16 bit adders and multipliers were simulated with a supply voltage of 5V, average
input switching activities of 50% and a nominal load capacitance of O.lpF on each
output pin. Total average power dissipation was measured. The average energy per
clock cycle was then computed and provided as input to MOVER. Registers were
characterized in a similar manner, except that a single bit register was simulated
for a few clock cycles. The register energy dissipation was then scaled to represent
16 bit, 50% switching activity conditions. Worst propagation delays through the
adder and multiplier were measured at 5V supply and O.lpF load on each output.
Delays were also measured at 0.2pF load in order to measure the scaling of delay
with respect to load. Delay is modeled as scaling linearly with respect to the load
Power dissipation (E) for each operator and register scales with respect to supply
voltage as
where Eo is the energy dissipation of the operator or register measured at the
nominal supply voltage Vo.
Delay ( t p )for each operator and register scale with respect to supply voltage as
where tp, is the propagation delay measured at the nominal supply voltage Vo.
The power and delay scaling factors were derived directly from the CMOS power
and delay equations described by Rabaey [Rabaey 19961.
Table IV gives the model parameters used by MOVER for each type of resource.
Note that the register delay given here is just the propagation time relative to a
clock edge. Register setup time is treated as part of the datapath operator delays.
~ ~ 16~bit wide operations, and
The nominal values are for VDD = 5V, C L = O.lpF,
input switching activities of 50%. Energy values are given as the average per clock
4.2 Level conversion
Whenever one resource has to drive an input of another resource operating a t a
higher voltage, a level conversion is needed at the interface. Four alternatives were
considered to accomplish this: omit the level converter, use a chain of inverters at
successively higher voltages, use an active or passive pullup, or use a dual cascode
voltage switch (DCVS) circuit as a level converter [Chandrakasan et al. 1994; Usami
and Horowitz 19951. We omit the level converter for stepdown conversions and use
the DCVS circuit for s t e p u p conversions. Given appropriate transistor sizes, this
circuit exhibits no static current paths and it can operate over a full 1.5V to 5.OV
range of input and output supply voltages.
M3N All transistors 0 . 8 length
and 4 . 0 ~width except where
Fig. 6.
DCVS Level Converter
Another option is to combine the register and level converters together. This
approach was documented by Usami and Horowitz [Usami and Horowitz 19951.
The combined register and level conversion was found to dissipate only 10% more
power than the register alone.
A model was needed that could accurately indicate the power dissipation and
propagation delay of the DCVS level converter as a function of the input logic
supply voltage Vl, output logic supply voltage Vz, and load capacitance. Th~ecircuit
was studied both analytically and from HSPICE simulation results to determine
a suitable form for the model equations. Coefficients of the equations were then
calibrated so that the model equations would produce families of curves closely
matching simulation results for Vl ranging from 1.5V to 5V and Vl +VT 5 Tfz 5 5V.
These are the ranges of supply voltages for which a level converter is needed. Typical
energy dissipation of the level converter was found to be on the order of 5 to 15pJ
per switching event per bit, given a O.lpF load. Typical propagation delays range
were approximately Ins for level conversions such as 3.3V to 5V or 2.4V to 3.3V.
Propagation delays become large as the input voltage of the level converter falls
towards 2VT. A 2.5V t o 5V conversion had a delay of about 2.5ns. A 2V t o 5V
conversion had a delay of nearly 5ns.
4.2.1 Power Dissipation Model. The power dissipation model is separa.ted into
three factors. The first factor calculates the power consumption for V1 = V2.
Charging and discharging of the load capacitance contributes a vZ2ternn t o the
power. The short circuit current on the paths through M l P / M l N and M:!P/M2N
contribute power as a third order polynomial of V2.
D C V S P WR(V2, Vz) =
The coefficients a 3 through a 0 are obtained by means of a polynomial curve fit
t o a plot of circuit power vs. V2.
The next factor estimates the ratio of increase in power consumption due t o Vl
being less than V2.
bO represents the portion of power dissipation not affected by Vl. The fractional
expression models the effect of Vl < V2. When Vl < V2, M2N is in saturation until
VoUT drops t o V2 - VT. Shortly thereafter, the cross-coupled circuit switches and
M2P turns off. The fractional expression in D C V S P W R ( V 1 , V2) models the effect
of saturation current in the pull-down transistors on the duration of short circuit
current. The final term represents the power consumption in the inverter.
The power model is scaled linearly for load capacitance. All of the ainalytical
expressions for DCVS power dissipation showed a linear dependence on load capacitance. Plots of power dissipation versus load capacitance showed an almost
perfect linear dependence on the load. Furthermore, if one chooses a nominal load
capacitance (CLo) t o evaluate power dissipation, the slope of power versus capacitance is found t o be proportional t o the power dissipation (pwr0) at the nominal
load. dpdc is the slope of power versus capacitance for the values of Vl and V2 for
which pwrO was measured. The following expression models this dependence on
load capacitance.
D C V S P W R ( V 1, V2) x ( 1
+ dpdc x
(CL - CLO)
4.3 Delay Model
The delay model hinges on the following observation of delay versus V2 -For fixed
values of Vl. For V2 > Vl VT, delay increases almost linearly with respect t o V2.
More importantly, the delay versus V2 lines all intersect a t nearly the sarne point
on a graph. To take advantage of this behavior, a polynomial curve fit t o
used to estimate the position of a point on the linear portion of each delay versus
Vz curve. In particular, data points corresponding t o V2 = Vl VT were used. The
expression for DCVSDEL(Vl, Vl VT) estimates these data points.
The expression for DCVSDEL(Vl, V2) models the radial behavior of the delay
versus Vz curves. (Vo,deEO) specifies the point from which the lines radiate.
x (V2 - Vo)
Vi VT - Vo
+ deEO
Delay scales with respect t o load capacitance in a manner identical to that described for power versus capacitance.
5.1 Datapath examples
ILP schedule optimization results are presented for six example data pathis: a four
point F F T (FFT4), the 5th order elliptic wave filter benchmark (ELLIP) [Rao
19921, a 6th order Auto-Regressive Lattice filter (LATTICE), a frequency sampled
filter (FSAMP) with three 2nd order stages and one 1st order stage, a direct form
9 t a p linear phase FIR filter (LFIRS), and a 5th order state-space realization of an
IIR filter (SSIIR). In the F F T data path, complex signal paths are split into real
and imaginary data flows. For all other data paths, the signals are modeled as noncomplex integer values. All data flows were taken t o be 16 bits wide. Switching
activities a t all nodes were assumed t o be 50%, i.e., the probability of a transition
on any selected 1 bit signal is 50% in any one sample interval.
Each example was modeled for one sample period with data flow and latency
constraints specified for any feedback signals. No conditional operations were modeled. Any loops that start and finish within the same sample period were completely
unrolled. Any loops spanning multiple sample periods were broken. A data flow
passing from one sample period t o the next was represented by input and and output nodes in the DFG connected by a backward arc t o specify a maximuni latency
constraint from the input to the output. A 20ns clock was specified for all e:iamples.
Latency constraints were specified so that the data introduction interval equals the
maximum delay from the input to the output of the data path.
5.2 M O V E R Results
The MOVER algorithm was exercised for each datapath topology (FFT4.,ELLIP,
LATTICE, FSAMP, LFIR9, and SSIIR) under a variety of latency and resource
Figure 7 presents energy reduction results. The left-most column identifies the
particular datapath topology and indicates the number of operations (additions,
multiplications, and sample period delays) performed in one iteration of the datapath. "Max Lat/Clks" specifies the maximum latency (equal to the data sample
rate) and the maximum number of control steps (Clks), both given in ternns of the
number of clock cycles. "Max +/-" specifies the maximum numbers of adder and
multiplier circuits permitted in the design. Values of "-/-"indicate that unlimited resources were permitted. The columns headed by "Voltages 1 2 3" indicate
the supply voltages selected by MOVER. A "-" is used to fill voltage columns "2"
or "3" in those cases where a one or two supply voltage result is presented. The
string " N R in voltage columns "1" and "2" indicates that a solution with two
supply voltages could not be obtained. " N R in all three columns indicates that a
solution with three supply voltages could not be obtained. The "Exec" column reports the minutes of execution time (Real, not CPU) required to obtain th~eresult.
The number in parenthesis identifies the type of machine used to obtain the result.
"(1)" indicates a SPARCserver 1000 with 4 processors and 320MB of RAM. "(2)"
indicates a Sparc 5 with 64MB of RAM.
The bar graph down the center represents the normalized energy consuniption of
each test case. Each energy result is divided by the single supply voltage, unlimited
resource, minimum latency result to obtain a normalized value. Single supply
voltage results are shown with black bars. All other results are shown in gray. This
style of presentation is intended to visually emphasize the effect of different latency,
resource, and supply voltage constraints on the energy estimate. The right-most
column presents the absolute energy estimate in units of 10-12 Joules (pdl).
Figure 8 presents area penalty results. All but two columns have the same meaning as the corresponding columns in figure 7. The only exceptions are the bar graph
and the "area" column on the right. The "area" value is a weighted sum of the minimum circuit resources required to implement the datapath schedule. The resources
(all 16 bits wide) were weighted as follows: adder=l, multiplier=16, register=0.75,
and level converter=0.15. These weights are proportional to the transistor count
of each resource. Each area value was divided by the area estimate for the corresponding single voltage result. Each single voltage result is shown as a bllack bar.
Two and three voltage results are shown in gray.
5.3 Observations
The preceding results permit several observations to be made regarding the effect
of latency, circuit resource, and supply voltage constraints on energy savings, area
costs, and execution time. Because our primary objective has been to minimize
energy dissipation through use of multiple voltages, we are especially interested in
Min L a t . , U n l i m . R e s o u r c e s
16 adds
26 adds
11 adds
11 mults
14 adds
9 mults
38 d e l
8 adds
5 multS
8 del
10 a d d s
11 m u l t s
Fig. 7.
Multi-voltage Energy Savings
Datapath Max
Name L,at/Clks + / X
Area ratio vs. 1 supply
16 adds
26 adds
11 adds
11 mults
14 adds
9 mults
38 del
8 adds
5 mults
8 del
10 adds
11 mults
Fig. 8
Multi-voltage Area Penalties
the comparison of multiple supply voltage results to minimum single supply voltage
results. Energy savings ranging from 0% to 50% were observed when comparing
multiple to single voltage results. Estimated area penalties ranged from a slight
improvement to a 170% increase in area. Actual area penalties could be higher,
since our estimate only considers the number of circuit resources used. There is
not a clear correlation between energy savings and area penalty when looking at
the complete set of results. Sometimes a substantial energy savings was achieved
with minimal increased circuit resources, other times even a small energy savings
incurred a large area cost.
If we consider the impact of latency constraints alone, effects on area an,d energy
are easier to observe. In most cases, multiple voltage area penalties were greatest
for the minimum latency unlimited resource test cases. We can also observe that
increasing latency constraints always led to the same or lower energy for a given
number of supply voltages. However, the effect of latency constraints on the single
vs. multiple voltage trade-off varied greatly from one example to another. Results
for multiple voltages are most favorable in situations where the single supply voltage solution did not benefit from increased latency, perhaps due to a control step
bottleneck such as illustrated earlier in figure 1.
The effect of resource constraints on energy savings are also relatively easy to
observe. Not surprisingly, resource constraints tended to produce the lowest area
penalties. The only reason for any area penalty at all in the resource conistrained
case is that sometimes the minimum single supply solution does not require all
of the resources that were permitted. Tightening resource constraints always led
to energy estimates that were either the same or worse than the corresponding
unlimited resource case.
Program execution time was affected most by the latency, control step, and
resource constraints. 40% of the minimum voltage (1, 2, and 3 supply) schedules
were obtained in a minute or less. 93% of the results were obtained in 10 minutes
or less. The remaining 7% took anywhere from 37 to 101 minutes. All of execution
times less than a minute occurred for test cases with 10 or fewer control steps.
The largest execution times occurred for test cases where resource constraints were
applied and a much larger number of control steps were available. The impacts
of latency and control steps are likely due a greatly increased number of decision
variables and precedence constraint inequalities. The resource constraints can cause
the linear solution space t o not fit the integer solution space quite so tightly. This
can lead to a much larger integer solution search tree for the branch and bound
ILP solver.
There are several design issues that can be taken into account in order to make
MOVER results more useful. In particular, the effects of multiple voltage operation
on IC layout and power supply requirements should to be considered during design
optimization. In the following sections we will identify some of the impacts and
consider how MOVER might be enhanced to take them into account.
6.1 Layout
Following are some ways t h a t multiple voltage design may affect IC layouit.
(1) If the multiple supplies are generated off-chip, additional power and ground
pins will be required.
(2) I t may be necessary t o partition the chip into separate regions, where all operations in a region operate a t the same supply voltage.
(3) Some kind of isolation will be needed between regions operated a t different
(4) There may b e some limit on the voltage difference t h a t can be tolerated between
(5) Protection against latch-up may b e needed a t the logic interfaces between regions of different voltage.
(6) New design rules for routing may be needed t o deal with signals a t one voltage
passing through a region a t another voltage.
Some of these issues can be considered during multiple voltage scheduling. Perhaps the greatest impact will be related t o grouping operations of a pisrticular
supply voltage into a common region. It may also be necessary t o limit voltage
differences on logic interfaces in order t o avoid latch-up. Closely intermingled operations a t different voltages could lead t o complex routing between regions, iincreased
need for level conversions, and increased risk of latch-up. Grouping operations logically and temporally could not only improve routing, but should also lead t o fewer
voltage regions on the chip, less space lost t o isolation between voltage regions, less
interfaces where latch-up might be a problem, and fewer signals passing between
regions operating a t different voltages.
Another synthesis task t o be affected by multiple voltages is resource bincling, i.e.,
determining exactly which instance of a circuit resource will be used t o i~nplement
each datapath operation. Grouping of operations into voltage regions actually
constitutes a form of binding decision. Grouping decisions made without regard
t o binding are likely t o lead t o violations of resource constraints. Binding results
are also needed in order t o estimate the effects of scheduling decisions on switched
6.2 Circuit Design
There are some circuit design issues t h a t still need t o b e addressed by IMOVER
including alternative level converter designs, multiplexer design, and control logic
Alternative level converter designs such as t h e combined register and level converter should b e considered. T h e DCVS converter design considered in this paper
doesn not exhibit static power consumption, but short circuit energy is a problem.
Delays and energy also increase greatly as the input voltage t o the level converter
becomes small.
MOVER does not presently consider the area or delays associated with multiplexers needed t o share interconnect and circuit resources. T h e model
assumed by MOVER should be extended t o consider how resource sharing will be
implemented. In particular, it needs t o be decided where multiplexers should b e
inserted and at what supply voltage. An appropriate multiplexer must be selected
and characterized for delay and energy dissipation characteristics.
MOVER makes assumptions about datapath control and clocking that are convenient for scheduling and energy estimation, but will require support from the
control logic. It is assumed that the entire control of the datapath is accornplished
through selective clocking of registers and switching of multiplexers. This will require specially gated clocks for each register.
6.3 Power Supplies
Before implementing a multiple voltage datapath, some decisions must be made
regarding the voltages that can be selected and the type of power supply to be
used. Regarding voltage selection, we must decide how many supplies to use and
determine whether or not non-standard voltages are acceptable. Regarding the type
of power supply, we will only consider the choice between generating the voltage
on-chip or off-chip. All of these choices will depend largely on the application.
Possible scenarios include the following:
(1) The datapath is used in an ASIC where heat dissipation within the chip is the
over-riding concern.
(2) The datapath is the critical element (both in terms of power and speed) in a
battery powered system where it might be possible t o run the other corr~ponents
at some reduced non-standard voltages.
(3) The datapath is used in a battery powered system where one or more ~ ~ t a n d a r d
voltages (e.g., 5V! 3.3V, 1.5V, etc.) are required for other componeni,~in the
Scenario 1 is the most favorable to multiple voltages because we are willing to
bear the cost of off-chip power supplies for non-standard voltages if it will cool the
chip down. In this case, we must determine that the amount of heat reduction
achieved is enough to merit the increased layout complexity, more suplply pins
on the ASIC, and non-standard power supplies. Scenario 2 may favor using a
single minimum non-standard voltage. However, we would have to determine if the
energy savings of two or three supplies justify increased layout complexity and the
overhead of additional power supplies on or off the chip. Scenario 3 would tend to
favor a multiple standard voltage, provided that we can accept the increased layout
complexity. Non-standard voltages might be worth using if the energy savings
substantially exceeds the energy cost of the additional power supplies.
A simple analysis provides some insight into the conditions under which a new
supply voltage could be justified. In a battery powered system, we woulcl need a
DC to DC converter to obtain the new voltage. Let A represent the efficiency of
the DC to DC converter. The efficiency can be most easily described as the power
output to the datapath divided by the power input to the DC-DC converter.
This model does not explicitly represent the effect of the amount of loading or
choice of voltages on converter efficiency. For now, we are only trying to determine
the degree of converter efficiency needed in order t o make a new supply voltage
viable. Conversely, given a DC-DC converter of known efficiency, we want t o know
how much voltage reduction is needed t o justify use of the converter.
Let a represent the fraction of switched capacitance in the datapath that will
be allocated t o the new supply voltage. Vl represents the primary supply voltage.
V2 represents the new reduced supply voltage under consideration. El represents
the energy dissipation of the datapath operating with the single supply volltage Vl.
T h e energy El can be split into a portion, cw El, representing the circuitry that will
run at voltage V2, and a remaining portion (1- a ) El that will continue t o run at
voltage Vl .
El = cw El + (1 - a ) El
When the new supply voltage V2 is introduced, the first term in equatio:n 31 will
T h e new datapath energy dissipation (ignoring DC-DC
be scaled by the factor
conversion) becomes:
We can now determine the energy savings.
However, the energy lost in the DC-DC converter equals the energy of' the circuitry operating at V2 divided by the efficiency of the converter.
A bit of algebraic manipulation will reveal the system energy savings (including
converter losses) as a function of a , A, Vl , and V2.
= 100 x cw x (1 - -)vz"
Consider a simple example. Let Vl = 3.3V, V2 = 2.1V, and efficiency X = 0.75.
Suppose 60% of the circuit can operate a t voltage V2. Given an ideal DC-DC
converter, the energy savings would be 36%. However, when the converter efficiency
is considered, the savings drops more than a half t o 17%. T h e break-ev,en point
For the last example, the converter efficiency has t o be a t
occurs when X =
least 41% t o avoid losing energy. In practice, the break-even point will be somewhat
higher due t o logic level conversions that will be required within the datapath.
T h e preceding analysis suggests that a DC t o DC converter doesn not have t o be
exceedingly efficient in order t o achieve energy savings. Had the voltage rceduction
been merely from 3.3V t o 3.OV, DC-DC converter efficiency would have t o be at least
% Savings = 100 x
- Elost
83%. Converter designs are available that easily exceed this efficiency requirement.
Stratakos et al. [Stratakos et al. 19941 designed a DC-DC converter that achieves
better than 90% efficiency for a 6V to 1.5V voltage reduction.
In this paper we have presented MOVER, a tool which reduces the energy dissipation of a datapath design through use of multiple supply voltages. An area
estimate is produced based on the minimum number of circuit resources required
to implement the design. One, two, and three supply voltage designs are generated for consideration by the circuit designer. The user has control over latency
constraints, resource constraints, total number of control steps, clock period, voltage range, and number of power supplies. MOVER can be used to exanline and
trade-off the effects of each constraint on the energy and area estimates.
MOVER iteratively searches the voltage range for minimum voltages tha,t will be
feasible in a one, two, and three supply solution. An exact ILP formulation is used
to evaluate schedule feasibility for each voltage selection. The same ILP forinulation
is used to determine which operations are assigned to each power supply.
MOVER was exercised for six different datapath specifications, each subjected
to a variety of latency, resource, and power supply constraints for a total of 70
test cases. The test cases were modest in size, ranging from 13 to 26 datapath
operations and 2 to 24 control steps. 40% of test cases completed in less than
one minute; 93% in less than 10 minutes. The results indicate that some but not
all datapath specifications can benefit significantly from use of multiple voltages.
In many cases, energy was reduced substantially going from one to two supply
voltages. Improvements as much as 50% were observed, but 20-30% savii1gs were
more typical. Adding a third supply produced relatively little impr~vem~ent
two supplies, 15% improvement at most. Results from MOVER are comparable and
in many cases better than results obtained using the MESVS (Minimum Energy
Scheduling with Voltage Selection) ILP formulation presented in [Johnson and Roy
19961. Behavior with respect to latency, resource, and supply voltage coilstraints
is similar between MOVER and MESVS. The improvement relative to a pure ILP
formulation is due to the fact that ILP formulation could only select from a discrete
set of voltages, whereas MOVER can select from a continuous range of voltages.
Several opportunities exist to help MOVER address a broader range of datapath
design problems. One area for development is to integrate resource binding into
the scheduling process. The bindings can have a significant effect on :switched
capacitances, layout, and routing. Furthermore, multiple voltage requirements will
place new constraints on the binding process, especially if circuit resources at a
particular voltage are clustered together. The delay models also need to reflect the
effects of multiple voltage binding and IC layout. Finally, the architect~r~zl
used by MOVER should be extended to account for multiplexing of signals and
support conditional execution, functional pipelining, and chaining.
Appendix: MESVS ILP Formulation
The MESVS (Minimum Energy Scheduling with Voltage Selection) forinulation
[Johnson and Roy 19961 is an ILP formulation that solves nearly the same problem
as MOVER. The only difference between the problem definitions is that MESVS
selects supply voltages from a user specified discrete set, whereas MOVEIt selects
voltages from a continuous range of values. The big difference between MESVS
and MOVER is in the implementation. MESVS defines a single ILP problem to
simultaneously solve the scheduling, voltage selection, level conversion, voltage assignment, and resource allocation problems. The MESVS formulation is useful for
seeing what can be achieved with multiple voltages. It could also be useful .for some
design problems of moderate size (up to 20 or 30 operations), provided that the
designer does not mind running MESVS on a general purpose ILP solve^: several
times while adjusting problem constraints and ILP solver controls to obtain a solution. MESVS results were used as benchmarks against which MOVEFL results
were compared. MOVER results were consistently as good or better than MESVS
results and were obtained orders of magnitude more quickly with very little: manual
intervention. The MESVS formulation is present here for reference.
The MESVS formulation is a zero-one integer linear program (ILP) that adapts
and extends data path scheduling formulations described by DeMicheli [DeMicheli
19941 and Gebotys [Gebotys 1995b; Gebotys and Elmasry 19931. I n p ~ ~ touts,
puts, and architectural assumptions are all nearly identical between MESVS and
MOVER, so we will not repeat them here. MESVS decision variables, constraint
inequalities, objective functions, and solution strategies will be presented in the
remainder of this appendix.
Decision variables
Decision variables are defined for five types of design parameters: operation start
time and supply voltage (xiIl,,), operation completion time and supply voltage
(zi,,,,),supply voltage availability (vsei,), insertion of level conversions (viji,j,,,,,,),
and allocation of resources to each available supply voltage (aq,,,).
x;,l,, = 1
indicates that operation i is scheduled to start on clock cycle 1 and use:; supply
voltage s. zi,~,,= 1 indicates that operation i is scheduled to complete by clock
cycle 1 and uses supply voltage s. vsei, = 1 indicates that supply voltage s is
available for use by the data path. vijij,,l,,2 = 1 for voitage(sl) < voltage(s2)
indicates that a level converter is required in the signal path from operatioil i using
voltage s l to operation j using voltage s2. vij;,j,,o,,o = 1 is used to indicate that
no level conversion is required on the path from operation i to j. so is arbitrarily
chosen to be the index of the lowest supply voltage. aq,,, indicates the number
of resources of type m (e.g., adder, multiplier, etc.) that are allocated to supply
voltage s.
There can only be one assignment of a start time, completion time, and supply
voltage to each operation. These restrictions are enforced by equations 36 and 37.
Equation 38 guarantees that the supply voltages indicated by xi,,,, and zi,r,, are
consistent. S is the set of possible supply voltages.
If there is a data flow from operator i to j , operator i uses voltage supply s l ,
operator j uses supply s2, and voltage(sl) < voltage(s2), then v i j ( i ,j,:sl, s 2 ) is
forced to a value of 1. Econ, indicates the set of arcs that correspond t,o signal
Y ( i , j ) E Econv, voltage(s1) < voltage(s2)
For each data flow (i, j ) , only one level conversion can be specified. Equation 40
requires that there be one and only one choice of sl and s2 for which vijif,,,,,, = 1.
Equation 41 allows ~ i j ~ , ~=, 1
, ~so, that
, ~ there is a way to account for signal arcs
that do not use a level conversion.
If operator j is a transitive NO-OP, force the supply voltage for operator j t o
match the supply voltage for operator i. S is the set of user specified permissible
supply voltages. Et,,,, is the set of arcs ending at a transitive NO-OP.
Equation 43 restricts the number of supply voltages actually used to a specified
number. Equation 44 can be used to keep the ILP solution from selecting more
that one supply voltage in any range of vspace volts.
C vsel, = number of supplies allowed
Five similar inequalities are used to enforce precedence relationships and latency
constraints among the start and completion time variables for each operator. All
are derived from the structured precedence constraint shown by Gebotys [Gebotys
19921 t o be facets of the scheduling polytope. The first inequality 45 requires the
start time of a null operation to not exceed the completion time. The inequality 46
requires the completiori time of a non-null operation t o exceed the start time by
del;,j,,l,,, . deli,j,s,,s, is the sum of the register propagation and level conversion
delay from operation i t o j and the propagation delay of operation j, given that i
uses voltage s l and j uses voltage s2. Inequality 47 enforces any minimum latency
constraints, lat(i, j) > 0. Inequality 48 enforces maximum latency constraints from
operation j to i in the event that lat(i, j) < 0. lnequality 49 requires that for each
data flow (i,j ) , the completion time of operation i must not exceed the start time
of operation j . L is the set of available clock steps.
Three inequalities are used to enforce resource and voltage supply allocation
constraints. Equation 50 requires the number data path resources aq,,, of type
m allocated to each supply voltage s , to not add up to more than the resource
constraint for each resource type m. Equation 51 specifies that resources can only
be allocated for a supply voltage, s , that has been selected by variable u:;els. In-
equality 52 states that the number of operations of type m (i E V,) using supply
voltage s that are active during clock cycle 1 can not exceed the number of type m
resources allocated to supply voltage s.
5 usel,
x maxres(m)
Objective function
An estimate of energy dissipation serves as the objective function to be minimized
when scheduling and assigning supply voltages to resources in the data path. The
estimate is obtained by first taking the average total energy dissipated to process
one input sample, i.e., one execution of the data path. The parameter arrays
onrgy(i, s) and rnrgy(i,s ) contain estimates of the energy expended to perform
operation i and store the result for a single change of input values at voltage s.
cnrgymult(i, j) x cnrgy(sl,s z ) gives the energy dissipation of the level conversion
from voltage s l to s2 applied to a single change in the output of operation i destined
for operation j. The parameter arrays give energy estimates for each possible choice
of supply voltages. The voltage assignments indicated by s i l l , , and ~ i j ~ , ~ :are
used to select one energy estimate from the parameter arrays for each operator,
register, and level converter.
energy =
Solution strategy
The ILP formulation was implemented using GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling
System) and solved using the CPLEX linear and integer program solver. The
solution strategy taken was to start with a formulation that is relatively easy to solve
and then solve successively more difficult problems using the previous results to set
bounds and initial conditions. First, lower bound schedule times are determined
based on resource constraints [Chaudhuri et al. 19941. An ASAP (As !soon As
Possible) schedule is generated to update the lower bounds. An ALAP (As Late
As Possible) schedule is run to obtain upper bounds on schedule times. The upper
bounds are improved by taking into account resource constraints. A single voltage
minimum energy schedule is generated, given the ASAP schedule as a starting point
and a 5V energy estimate as an upper bound on the objective. A dual voltage
schedule is then generated using the single voltage solution as a starting point and
upper bound. A triple voltage schedule is generated using the dual voltage solution
as starting point and upper bound.
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Analyzing and exploiting
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