Metal Oxide ZnO-Based Varistor Ceramics

Metal Oxide ZnO-Based Varistor Ceramics
Mohammad Reza Meshkatoddini
Faculty Member of Shahid Abbaspour PWUT University of Technology (SAUT), Tehran,
1. Introduction
The metal oxide ZnO-based varistors are non-linear ceramic resistors which are largely used
to protect the electric and electronic circuits and components against overvoltages. These
varistors, which are among the most non-linear discovered materials, are used in lightning
arresters owing to their strongly non-linear characteristics I(V). (Figure 1).
Fig. 1. Current versus Voltage characteristic in a ZnO-Based Varistor.
A varistor is a type of resistor with a significantly non-ohmic current-voltage characteristic.
The name is a portmanteau of variable resistor, which is misleading since it is not continuously user-variable like a potentiometer or rheostat and is capacitor rather than resistor at
low field. The most famous type of varistor is metal oxide varistor (MOV), which is also
called as ZnO varistor. These varistors are used to protect circuits against excessive voltages.
They have become more and more important during the past four decades due to their
highly non-linear electrical characteristics and their large energy absorption capacity. They
are normally connected in parallel with an electric device to protect it against the
overvoltages. They contain a mass of zinc oxide grains in a matrix of other metal oxides
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sandwiched between two plasma sprayed metal electrodes. The ZnO grains have
dimensions in the range of 10µm to 100µm. The boundaries between the grains form double
potential barriers with Schottky junctions having conduction voltages in the range of 3.5V.
The boundary between each grain and its neighbor forms a Zener-like diode junction. ZnO
grains are separated by these “active” grain boundaries of nanometers thickness. Then the
mass of randomly oriented grains is electrically equivalent to a network of back-to-back
diode pairs, each pair in parallel with many other pairs. When a small or moderate voltage
is applied across the electrodes, a small thermally activated reverse leakage current flows
through the diode junctions. When a large voltage is applied, the diode junctions break
down from the avalanche effect, and large current flows. The result of this behavior is a
highly nonlinear current-voltage characteristic, in which the MOV has a high resistance at
low voltages and a low resistance at high voltages.
Three regions can be distinguished in the current voltage characteristics of the ZnO varistor.
At low voltages, the insulating barriers between the grains result in a very high and almost
Ohmic resistivity, which is called the pre-breakdown or Ohmic region. At a certain voltage,
called the threshold or breakdown voltage, the system enters the breakdown region in
which the current increases abruptly, and the dependence of current on voltage is described
by the empirical relation:
I = k Vα
α = d [log (I)] / d [log (V)]
From which the parameter α is equal to:
This parameter is a measure of the element nonlinearity, which varies with voltage. At
higher current densities, the voltage starts to increase again resulting in an upturn region of
the I-V characteristic. This voltage increase gradually becomes linear with current, i.e.
Ohmic, and is associated with the resistivity of the ZnO grains, i.e. the voltage drop in the
ZnO grains.
Among their electric properties the most important ones are:
The threshold voltage: It can be defined as the value of the voltage across the varistor,
corresponding to a current of 1mA passing through it. From this voltage value, the
varistor starts to change from the insulating state into the conducting state.
Energy capacity: It is the maximum capacity of the energy absorption of a varistor
without any damage, while the discharge current due to an overvoltage passes through
The other properties (chemical, mechanical...) are closely related to the two properties
quoted above.
We have tried in our works to accomplish several statistical studies on these varistors, to
find suitable ways to control their main characteristics such as the nonlinearity coefficient
and conduction threshold voltage.
These varistors are composed of zinc oxide and some other metal oxides, which provide the
desired characteristics for these varistors. The microstructure of the varistor ceramics
develops while sintering ZnO powder doped with small amounts of additives such as Bi2O3,
Sb2O3, Mn3O4, Co3O4, Cr2O3 and others, at a temperature in the range of 1100 to 1300oC.
The typical microstructure of a ZnO-based varistor is shown in figures 2 and 3. It is
composed of ZnO matrix grains doped with Co, Mn, and Ni. These grains are n-type semi-
Metal Oxide ZnO-Based Varistor Ceramics
conductors. Both Bi2O3-rich and Zn7Sb2O12 spinel phases are also usually present at the grain
boundaries of the ZnO, but the presence of a Bi3Zn2Sb3O14 phase is possible as well. ZnOZnO grain boundary, rich of Bismuth, which is a highly resistive phase, is the main cause of
the varistor effect, while spinel-ZnO junctions do not contribute to the nonlinear effect.
Fig. 2. Typical microstructure of a ZnO varistor taken by electronic microscope. (ZnO=Zinc
oxide grain, Bi=Bismuth, Sp=Spinel phase).
Fig. 3. A Model of ZnO-ZnO grain boundaries in a zinc oxide varistor.
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The size of ZnO grains (d in Figure 2) determines the number of ZnO grain boundaries
between the electrodes of the varistor. As mentioned before, the typical breakdown voltage
for a non-ohmic ZnO-ZnO grain boundary is around 3 Volts, and hence, the size of the
grains determines the overall breakdown voltage of varistor and then the length of the
varistor column in a lightning arrester.
Sb2O3 is the standard additive for inhibiting the ZnO grain growth. The inhibition of ZnO
grain growth is normally attributed to the existence of Zn7Sb2O12 spinel-type particles,
formed during heat treatment in ZnO grain boundaries.
To decrease dimensions of the varistors, and at the same time, to save the raw materials,
many tests have been carried out on various formulations in order to apprehend an increase
in the threshold electric field. There are many researches on this subject by adding additive
oxides such as the lithium oxide, the magnesium oxide, the antimony oxide, etc. But one
often runs up against the same difficulty; plus the threshold voltage is raised, plus the
energy capacity decreases. For example when the threshold voltage is around 100V/mm,
the capacity for energy absorption is in the order of 100 to 120 J/cm3, but when the
threshold voltage is about 350 V/mm, the capacity for absorption of energy falls down to 30
Another type of varistor has been proposed, which is made by adding a certain percentage
of some rare earth oxides such as praseodymium, Pr6O11, to the traditional composition. The
analysis of the results of the electric characteristics of the various studied samples has made
it possible to highlight a threshold voltage of about 300 to 400 V/mm, and a capacity for
absorption of energy about 90 to 120 J/cm3. The increase in the height of potential barrier
and the inhibition of the growth of the grains during the sintering cycle explain this physical
For a high energy-absorption capacity, a micro-structural homogeneity (uniform ZnO grainsize distribution; uniform distribution of phases along the grain boundaries of ZnO; no or at
least very little fine porosity) is required, that allows a uniform current and hence an energy
distribution throughout the whole varistor.
2. Manufacturing of ZnO-based varistors
Normally the varistors are prepared by traditional method used for electro-ceramics
(Figure 4).
The principal chemical formulation is made up of about 95% ZnO, plus Bi2O3, Sb2O3, Co2O3,
MnO2, Cr2O3 and NiO as additives. All these oxides are mixed in a plastic earthenware jar
with balls with zirconium, and pure ion-free water distilled during 24 hours. Rare earth
oxide (Pr6O11 or Nd2O3) can be added too in the principal composition. The powder is
obtained after drying and 150µm sifting. An appropriate dimension of the blocks to be made
and tested in an experimental procedure can be 26mm in diameter and 2mm of thickness,
but industrial varistors have much bigger dimensions, up to tens of centimeters as diameter
and height. They are sintered during a period in the range of 2 hours. Electrodes are
deposited on two surfaces of the samples to provide electric connections and to measure
I(V) characteristics. These characteristics are measured while continuous currents up to
10mA pass through the samples, and impulses of great amplitude by using 4/10 and 8/20µs
impulse generators up to tens of kA are applied.
Metal Oxide ZnO-Based Varistor Ceramics
Fig. 4. Traditional procedure to manufacture a ZnO-based varistor.
Some examples for experimental composition of the samples are given in Table I. The
composition S1 can be modified by the addition of small amounts of Pr6O11 or Nd2O3 to
obtain the compositions S2 and S3, respectively.
Table I. Some experimental compositions of ZnO varistor samples.
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Reagent-grade oxides are mixed in appropriate ratios for each composition, and disks are
cold pressed at a pressure up to hundreds of MPa. Electrodes are coated on parallel surfaces
of the sintered samples. Polished cross sections of the samples are prepared, and the
microstructures of the samples are examined using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).
3. Measurement of electrical properties
The current versus voltage (I-V) characteristics of the varistor samples are measured using a
dc power supply up to tens of mA, and a 4/10μs impulse generator up to 100 kA, to identify
the upturn voltage and the current energy absorption capacity. Energy-absorption capacity
(A) is the maximum amount of lightning energy absorbed and/or passed through a varistor
when it explodes. To measure this capacity, impulse currents are applied to the samples
with increasingly larger amplitudes.
The current I(t) and the voltage V(t) waveforms are recorded with a storage oscilloscope.
The energy absorption is calculated as follows.
A = I(t) V(t) dt
This parameter is calculated for all samples, and the average energy absorption is used to
estimate the result. As an example, the electrical properties of some experimental varistor
samples are given in Table II. As can be observed, the introduction of small amounts of rare
earth oxides (REO) into composition S1, with a threshold voltage (V1mA) of 280V/mm,
increased the threshold voltage of sample S2, doped with Pr6O11, and sample S3, doped with
Nd2O3, to slightly above 300 V/mm. But what is more significant, is that doping with REO
strongly increased the energy absorption capacity of samples S2 and S3 in comparison with
sample S1, from 52 to 112 J/ cm3.
Nonlinear coefficient (α), Threshold voltage (V1mA), Breakdown voltage per grain boundary (VGB), and
Energy absorption capacity (A) of varistor samples.
Table II. Average Current-Voltage characteristics
Further investigation shows that when the Pr6O11 content increases, the threshold voltage
increases as well but the coefficient of non-linearity α decreases.
4. Study of the varistors’ microstructure
The microstructures of some investigated samples are presented in Figure 5. Phase
composition and the distribution of phases in samples S1, S2, and S3 are evident from
Metal Oxide ZnO-Based Varistor Ceramics
micrographs 5(a) to 5(f). The analyses confirms presence of the Zn7Sb2O12 spinel-type phase
containing Cr, Mn, Co, and Ni and also Bi2O3-rich phases with Zn, Sb, Cr, Mn, Co, and Ni
detected at the ZnO grain boundaries of all the samples.
We can also see that the Bi2O3-rich phase, although present in all samples and more
noticeable in sample S3. The analysis also confirms the presence of the Bi3Zn2Sb3O14 (called as
pyrochlore-type phase), at the grain boundaries of ZnO in sample S1. In samples S2 and S3, a
new phase is determined containing oxides of Pr and Nd, respectively.
Key: Z=ZnO phase; B=Bi2O3-rich phase; S=Zn7Sb2O12 spinel-type phase; PY=Bi3Zn2Sb3O14 (pyrochloretype) phase; Pr=Pr-containing phase; Nd=Nd-containing phase; P=pore.
Fig. 5. Images from SEM of microstructures of varistor samples sintered at 12000C: (a) S1;
(b)S1(etched), (c) S2; (d) S2(etched); (e) S3; (f) S3(etched).
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The Pr-containing phase in particular is relatively fine-grained and distributed everywhere
along the grain boundaries of the ZnO, while the grains of Nd-containing phase are larger
and localized. While the grains of spinel phase are large in sample S1, they are significantly
smaller in samples S2 and S3. The formation of significant spinels in compositions with large
amounts of added Sb2O3 has been observed by different researchers.
Thus micro-structural observations show a strong influence of REO doping on the ZnO and
spinel grains, which is clearly evident from the micrographs in Figure 5. Doping of the
composition with Pr6O11 results in a significant decrease in the ZnO grain size and doping
with both Pr6O11 and Nd2O3 has a similar effect on the spinel phase; the size of spinel grains.
Average size of the different phases of the varistor specimens are given in Table III.
Table III. Average size D (μm) of ZnO grains, spinel grains, and pores of varistor samples S1,
S2, and S3 with corresponding deviations δ (μm).
These observations indicate that doping with REO has a strong influence on the mechanism
of formation of the Zn7Sb2O12 spinel phase. There are many reports in the literature about
the formation of the spinel phase in the ZnO-Bi2O3-Sb2O3-based varistor compositions.
Depending on the Sb2O3 / Bi2O3 ratio, the spinel phase forms either by the direct reaction of
Sb2O3 with ZnO or by the decomposition of the Bi3Zn2Sb3O14 (named as pyrochlore phase)
according to the following reactions:
ZnO + Sb2O3 + O2 ----> ZnSb2O6
ZnSb2O6 + 6 ZnO ---> Zn7Sb2O12
2 Bi3Zn2Sb3O14 + 17 ZnO ---> 3 Zn7Sb2O12 + 3 Bi2O3
The increase in threshold voltage (V1mA) can be ascribed to the smaller ZnO grain size.
However, the increase in V1mA is much smaller than could be expected from the large
decrease in the ZnO grain size and suggests that the increase in the number of non-ohmic
grain boundaries is not proportional to the increase of all ZnO-ZnO grain boundaries due to
the smaller ZnO grain size in this sample. It is evident from Table II that the average
breakdown voltage of the grain boundary (VGB) in sample S1 is 1.9 V, while in sample S2 it is
only 1.5 V. Sample S3 also has a significantly higher V1mA than sample S1, despite the fact
that it has a larger ZnO grain size than sample S1. The VGB in sample S3 is 2.5 V which
indicates that a larger fraction of grain boundaries in this sample has a non-ohmic character.
Metal Oxide ZnO-Based Varistor Ceramics
Sample S3 also has a higher nonlinear coefficient α of 52 than samples S1 and S2 with α equal
to 40.
Doping with REO significantly improves the energy characteristics of samples. The low
energy-absorption capacity of sample S1 can be attributed to the large amount of spinel
phase in this sample.
The spinel phase forms large grains along the grain boundaries of ZnO, and so insulating
chains of spinel phase significantly interrupt the current flow by narrowing the effective
conduction section of the varistor. This leads to current localization and local overload, and
hence a low energy-absorption capacity due to a non-uniform energy distribution.
The analysis of the whole results obtained during the tests of the samples, manufactured
with various percentages of praseodymium and neodymium oxides makes it possible to
suggest that:
The presence of rare earth oxides improves the homogenization of the size of the grains
in material.
The increase of potential barrier height in the grain boundary supports a rise in the
threshold electric field of the varistor.
A good capacity of energy absorption is resulted compared to the traditional varistors.
Doping with Pr6O11 and Nd2O3 appears to be promising for the preparation of ZnO-based
varistors with a high breakdown voltage and also high energy-absorption capacity. This can
be a successful step because our objective is to have smaller and lighter surge arresters in
power network. This aim involves such varistors, which have high conduction threshold
voltage, while their energy absorption capacity remains enough high. In such conditions we
will be able to use a smaller number of varistors to make a high-voltage arrester.
Consequently this will provide smaller and lighter arresters.
Of course we have to respect the necessary outer creepage distance of the arrester housing,
according to the pollution level of the location where the arrester is to be used.
5. Computation of nonlinear properties in ZnO ceramics
Different computational methods are used for investigation of the non-linear behaviour of
zinc-oxide varistors. In a ZnO varistor, when a voltage is applied between the electrodes, the
majority of the grain boundaries show a strong non-linear behavior, but a certain number of
grains do not present, under the applied voltage, a high non-linear characteristic or are
nonconducting. Under a known voltage level, several current paths occur from one
electrode to the other, which are called as the current percolation paths. The number of
grains on each path crossing by the current is a statistical parameter. It is shown that the
distribution of this statistical number depend on the block thickness and percentage of
nonconducting grains in the varistor.
Using a Monte Carlo method in our research works, we have realized that the number of
ZnO grains providing the percolation path fits a lognormal distribution especially in thin
varistors. We have also proposed a binomial direct approach for this problem. It is found
that the direct approach could be satisfying too.
Both approaches show that the threshold voltage and the nonlinearity coefficient of the
varistors can be controlled, to some degree, by the fraction of nonconducting grains. These
results help us to have a better understanding of the varistors’ behavior and enable us to
make more realistic electric models for these elements.
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Few works can be found, which have experimentally studied the individual grain
boundaries in the varistor. Most of the Schottky junctions give a nonlinearity coefficient
which is normally in the range of 30-70 for a normal varistor, whereas the actual α of a good
ZnO material junction can be in the range of 150. Even it can attain values greater than 200
in certain grain to grain microvaristors. Figure 6 shows the typical variation of the current
density as a function of the barrier voltage, for a single barrier in a varistor.
Fig. 6. The grain boundary current density vs. grain boundary voltage.
In Figure 7 the variation of the non-linearity coefficient α as a function of the varistor barrier
voltage, for a single potential barrier is observed. This curve is deduced computationally,
using Maple software, from the slope of the current-voltage characteristic of a single grain
boundary as in Figure 6.
Fig. 7. Non-linearity coefficient α as a function of the varistor barrier voltage, for a single
potential barrier.
Metal Oxide ZnO-Based Varistor Ceramics
5.1 Model of the varistor's microstructure
In Figure 8 a simplified model of the varistor's microstructure is observed. We use this
model for computer simulation.
If the ZnO element thickness is D and the average grain thickness is d, then the minimum
number of grain boundaries between the electrodes is L=D/d.
5.2 Monte Carlo method
As we read in the literature, the Monte Carlo is a technique that provides approximate
solutions to problems expressed mathematically. Using random numbers and trial and
error, it repeatedly calculates the equations to arrive at a solution. Then using random
numbers or more often pseudo-random numbers, as opposed to deterministic algorithms,
uses this algorithm for solving various kinds of computational problems.
Monte Carlo methods are extremely important in computational physics and related applied
fields. Interestingly, the Monte Carlo method does not require truly random numbers to be
useful. Much of the most useful techniques use deterministic, pseudo-random sequences,
making it easy to test and re-run simulations. The only quality usually necessary to make
good simulations is for the pseudo-random sequence to appear "random enough" in a
certain sense. They must either be uniformly distributed or follow another desired
distribution when a large enough number of elements of the sequence are considered.
Because of the repetition of algorithms and the large number of calculations involved,
Monte Carlo is a method suited to calculation using a computer, utilizing many techniques
of computer simulation.
Fig. 8. Simplified micro-structural model of varistor for computer simulation.
Using a Monte Carlo algorithm, we follow a stochastic procedure to compute the number of
the conducting grains on the current path in the varistor model as a statistical parameter.
The flowchart of the used program is observed in Figure 9. In this diagram the letters K and
N denote, respectively, the iteration number and the variable for the number of each layer in
micro-structural model of the varistor. B is the number of active grain boundaries through
which the current passes in going from one electrode to the other. As well, we define the
probability of a non-conducting grain boundary as P. For P=0, all grain boundaries are
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always active. It is obvious that the existence of non-conducting grains results in a longer
path for current across the ZnO element, which depends on the fraction of non-conducting
grains. We undertake a statistical analysis of the effect of L (the number of ZnO grain layers
across the varistor) and P (the probability of a non-conducting grain boundary) on the nonlinear characteristics of the varistor as characterized by α.
Fig. 9. Flowchart of Monte Carlo algorithm, for computation of the number of grains on the
current path through the varistor.
As said above, for P=0, there is no non-conducting grains and all path lengths are the same,
equal to L. With increasing fraction of non-conducting grain boundaries P, the conducting
grains number B, augments substantially, which will increase the voltage per unit thickness
of the ZnO element. P can also be augmented by increasing the amount of non-conducting
inter-grain material, often as a by-product of attempting to reduce grain size. This nonconducting phase can be a spinel phase. Obviously increasing the number of nonconducting grain boundaries increases the current density in the remaining grain
boundaries and results in greater grain boundary power dissipation and temperature rise.
Metal Oxide ZnO-Based Varistor Ceramics
By running the Monte Carlo program with different values of L, the number of ZnO grain
layers across the varistor, and P, the probability of non-conducting grain boundaries in
varistor, we obtain statistical sets of data for B, i.e. the number of grains crossed by the
As an example, a probability density histogram of B's data for the case of a very thin varistor
with L=10 and P=0.3 is seen in Figure 10, which is related to a varistor of about 0.1 mm
Fig. 10. A probability density histogram of the number of grains crossed by the current,
obtained for special case of a very thin varistor of about 0.1 mm thick with probability of
non-conducting grains equal to 30%.
Analyzing the statistical distribution of B by fitting different distribution curves on it,
several distributions such as Normal, Lognormal, Weibull, Logistic, Loglogistic and
Exponential were used for fitting our computational data. The best fitness was seen to be for
the three distributions of Normal, Weibull and Lognormal (identically for LogeNormal and
Log10Normal), comparing to the others.
In Figure 11 we can observe the fitted curves for these three distributions concerning the
special case of Figure 10.
The Anderson-Darling statistic is a measure of how far the plot points fall from the fitted
line in a probability plot. Using the Anderson-Darling measure to calculate the fit goodness
of these distributions, we obtain the curves of Figure 12.
The statistic is a weighted squared distance from the plot points to the fitted line with larger
weights in the tails of the distribution. In this method, a smaller Anderson-Darling (AD)
measure indicates that the distribution fits the data better.
As can be observed in Figure 12, the LogNormal distribution has the best fit for the B data
concerning the thin varistors of this study.
If the probability of a grain boundary to be non-conducting is P and as we supposed in our
model that the grains are cubes, then it can be shown that to a first approximation, the mean
number of active grain boundaries through which the current passes between electrodes is:
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B = L (1 +
Fig. 11. Curve fitting of the number of grains crossed by the current, on three different
distributions for the data of Figure 10.
Fig. 12. Comparing the fitness of three different distributions on our data, concerning
varistors of 0.1 to 1 mm thick.
Metal Oxide ZnO-Based Varistor Ceramics
And as we realized in our research work that the percolation number data for thin varistors
obey the lognormal distribution, we deduce, using the Maple software, the relation (8) as an
analytical formula for the standard deviation, s, of thin varistors data, having the lognormal
By plotting this equation for different values of L and P in Maple software, we obtain Figure
13. As it is seen, the standard deviation is not high for amounts of P less than 0.5, while it is
great for bigger P’s in thinner varistor blocks.
Fig. 13. Standard Deviation for percolation number B of thin varistors, having lognormal
We assumed that each current path is independent of every other path. In fact, at large P,
the number of non-conducting grain boundaries would reduce the likelihood of
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interconnection of paths. But in P less than 0.5, especially in thin varistors even if two paths
of differing length are near each other, the probability of their having substantially differing
potentials is not great.
We realize from the form of the statistical distribution for B, that as P increases, the varistor
conduction turn-on will be more rapid. This can be deduced from the low B tail of the
statistical distribution. For small L, the average value of B increases with P, but the
minimum value of B, which is L, remains the same. Thus the ratio of the mean to minimum
possible value of B increases. The turn-on characteristics are determined mainly by the first
few paths to conduct. Thus the number or fraction of completed paths for various P must be
considered in addition to α.
Figure 14 compares lognormal and Normal distributions with the same mean (200) and with
variances selected to give the same minimum value (~100) in a population of 600 random
numbers. This figure indicates that the probability density of B increases much more rapidly
at low values of B for the lognormal than for the Normal distribution. Thus conditions,
which drive the statistical distribution for B toward the lognormal distribution, are likely to
result in more rapid turn-on of the varistor element. The lognormal distribution also has a
long tail at high values, which will cause a long tail in α.
Fig. 14. Comparison of Lognormal (black) and Normal distribution data with same mean
(200) and with variances set to give about the same minimum value (100) in a population of
Based on the numerical computations and the distributions thereof, we believe that the more
rapid turn-on as a function of increased P for large L (thick elements) is probably associated
with a transition from a Normal distribution at P=0 toward a lognormal distribution with
increasing P.
This transition can be rationalized from the probability density of B for a thin varistor with a
reasonable probability of non-conducting grains, for which the distribution is clearly
asymmetric with a rapid turn-on, when the shortest path across the arrester becomes
conducting, followed by a rapid increase in the number of conducting paths with increasing
Metal Oxide ZnO-Based Varistor Ceramics
The Lognormal distribution increases more rapidly in the low end tail of the distribution
which would result in a more rapid turn-on of an arrester element.
In Figure 15, the variation of α as a function of the applied voltage is seen for a nonconducting grain probability 0.5 for a thick varistor of 10 mm thickness (L=1000) and a thin
varistor of 0.5 mm (L=50) thickness.
Both cases result in asymmetrical α characteristics, while the varistor thickness has an
obvious influence on the shape of the curve. We accomplished the same analysis for
varistors with different thickness (Number of grain layers L) and probability of nonconducting grains (P).
a) 10mm thick varistor (L=1000)
b) 0.5mm thick varistor (L=50)
Fig. 15. Varistor nonlinearity coefficient α as a function of the applied voltage for thin and
thick varistors at a non-conducting grain probability of 0.5.
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To provide a basis for comparison of the α(V) curves, we define the parameters FWHH and
β as measures for broadness and rate of rise of the α(V) curve (Figure 16). We define FWHH
as the Full Width at Half Height of the curve and β is defined as:
β = (V90% - V10%) / V10%
According to this definition for β, the small β means large slope of α(V) curve.
In Figure17, we see the variation of the (FWHH) of the α(V) curves as a function of L, which
is linear as might be expected.
Fig. 16. Definition of parameters FWHH and β.
Fig. 17. Full Width at Half Height (FWHH) of the α(V) curves with P=0.5 as a function of L.
Metal Oxide ZnO-Based Varistor Ceramics
For P=0 and large L, the characteristics are just a multiple of the grain boundary
characteristics which are modeled as symmetric. As the fraction of non-conducting grains
increases, the mean percolation path increases and the probability of a short percolation
path decreases.
However the minimum possible path remains the same (L) and above the minimum path,
the number of conducting paths appears to increase rapidly which results in an asymmetric
α with more rapid turn-on.
As both the threshold voltage and width of α are the sum of the contribution from each
grain, i.e. a 10 mm thick varistor (L=1000) is equal to twenty 0.5 mm thick (L=50) varistors in
series, so that the I(V) curve of the former will be sum of the I(V) curves of the latter. Thus
FWHH(L) should increase linearly with L, and the result of Figure 16 can be taken as a
verification of the computational methods.
Figure 18 shows the variation of β with non-conducting grain probability (P) for a thin
(L=50) and a thick (L=1000) ZnO element. As we can see in this figure, the rate of rise of the
α(V) curve depends on both the non-conducting grain probability and the element
Fig. 18. Variation of β as a function of P, for L=50 (0.5 mm thick) and L=1000 (10 mm thick)
varistors. Smaller β tends to indicate more rapid “turn-on” of the varistor with applied
For P>0.5 and large L (thick varistor), β remains constant, which means that increasing P has
little effect on the varistor turn-on characteristics. This is probably a result of the fact that for
large L, the standard deviation in B decreases as a fraction of L, so that the extreme value in
B decreases relative to the mean.
With increasing P, the mean number of grain boundaries increases, as does the distribution
of the number of grain boundaries through which the current passes from one electrode to
the other. As the grain boundary characteristic is highly nonlinear, the conductivity of the
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ZnO element rises rapidly once the first few current paths become conductive. This
probably accounts for the increasing asymmetry in α for the whole varistor, and
increasingly rapid current onset with increasing P, as the statistical distribution of path
lengths broadens with P.
For large L, β decreases with increasing conducting grain probability, P, but for small L this
is not the case. As well, the peak value of α increases with increased P for thick elements but
not for thin elements. This must result from competition between the larger variance in B,
the percolation path for small L, with the nature of the tail of the statistical distribution at
low values of B, which determines the turn-on characteristics.
One would prefer the ZnO “turn on” (become substantially conductive) to be very rapidly
so that the AC operating voltage can approach more closely the protection level of the varistor without causing excessive power dissipation. On the other hand, how the varistor
approaches its ultimate conductivity with voltage is less important. As we observed, the
probability, P, of non-conducting varistor grains has an influence on parameters such as the
rate of rise of α(V) curve.
As a conclusion, we say that the characteristics of the thin ZnO varistors were statistically
studied. The number of ZnO grains on each conducting path through a ZnO varistor,
crossing by the current, is a statistical parameter (B).
It was shown that the nonlinearity of ZnO ceramics can be controlled, to some degree, by
the fraction of non-conducting grains. Thus we can choose the best value for P to have the
maximum rate of rise of the α(V) curve. This will result in a rapid “turn on” of the ZnO
element, which allows the circuit being protected to operate more closely to the protection
level without excessive power dissipation in the arrester element. This optimum value of P
certainly depends L, which is related to the thickness of the varistor.
With increasing fraction of non-conducting grain boundaries P, the percolation number B,
increases substantially, which will increase the voltage per unit thickness of the ZnO
element. This can be exploited commercially in order to increase the percolation number.
These results can help us to have a better understanding of the behavior of these varistors,
and the dependence of this behavior on their geometrical dimensions and the constituting
materials. This will also enable us to have more realistic electric models for these ceramic
5.3 Direct Binomial method
We propose also that the Binomial distribution can be used directly to explain the conduction
phenomena in ZnO varistors. Here is a Maple program using the Binomial Distribution for
computation of the current in the varistor and calculation of its α, to predict directly the turnon characteristics. We use the Binomial Distribution formula to calculate the probability
function of the L success in B trials (B=Percolation Number & L=Number of Layers).
For example we consider a varistor block with a diameter of 4cm (Dvaristor = 0.04).
Then we calculate the number of grains in the first layer, from which a current can be
started, as follows:
Svaristor = π.(Dvaristor2) / 4
Dgrain = 0.000010
Sgrain = Dgrain2
NS = Svaristor / Sgrain
Metal Oxide ZnO-Based Varistor Ceramics
The number of the expected conducting grains just next to the upper electrode is:
NP=NS (1-P)
Now we compute the probability for the current to advance L layers in crossing B grains,
from one electrode to the other, for a given L & P (in the example here L=100 and P=0.3):
F = (B!) / ((L!).(B-L)!)
Probability(L=100) = F . (((1-P)L).(P(B-L)));
Now we can have the number of current paths in the varistor as a function of B, i.e., we
know that how many paths there are for each B:
NB = (Probability(L=100)) . NP
Here we plot the number of the conduction paths, in a varistor with 100 layers and 30% of
non-conducting grains, as a function of the percolation number B:
Fig. 19. Variation of P as a function of B for L=100 (~1 mm thick)
Advances in Ceramics –
Electric and Magnetic Ceramics, Bioceramics, Ceramics and Environment
Now we compute the current per grain boundary, using the relation of J(VG) for one single
grain boundary :
[ −4.5 tanh[ −
J = 10000 10
50 ln(VG )
+ 28] − 5.5]
10 ln(VG ) 20
+ ]
9 ln(10)
Then we substitute VG by V/B, as the total voltage V which is applied on the whole varistor
is distributed on B grains en series :
VG = V/B
In L trials, the mean number of cases without a non-conducting grain is L(1-P) and the mean
number with a non-conducting grain is L.P. We can ignore the cases, which are "dead
ends", as they do not count:
L.(1-P) = BM
Since these are the cases which move us forward. Thus for a probability of a nonconducting grain, P, the mean percolation number is:
BM = N/(1-P)
BM is the number of active grain boundaries through which the current passes between
Now we compute the current flowing per each single path, from which the total current
through the varistor can be obtained as follows:
IB = J.Sgrain
IV = Σ(IB.NB , B=L to 10L)
This is because the total current will be the sum of the number of paths multiplied by the
current in each path. Using this second formula for calculating the current in whole range of
B, the α will be obtained. We substitute V by V+1 in IV to obtain the derivative and calculate
the Alpha as follows:
IV1 = subs(V=V+1,IV)
α = (log10(10-2 IV1)-(log10(10-2 IV))) /(log10(V+1)-log10(V));
From Figure 20, it is obvious that how asymmetric the α(V) curve is. For large L, β decreases
with increasing conducting grain probability, P, but for small L this is not the case. As well
the peak value of α increases with increased P for thick elements but not for thin elements.
This must result from competition between the larger variance in B, the percolation path for
small L, with the nature of the tail of the statistical distribution at low values of B, which
determines the turn-on characteristics. Previous works indicated the statistical distribution
of the percolation number, B, for large L (thick varistors) is Gaussian. We used the Monte
Carlo computations for thin varistors (L<100). For L<100, histograms of percolation number
fit a Lognormal distribution better than a Normal distribution. We realize from the form of
the statistical distribution for the percolation number, B, that as P increases, the turn-on will
be more rapid. This can be deduced from the low B tail of the statistical distribution. For
Metal Oxide ZnO-Based Varistor Ceramics
small L, the average value of B (percolation number) increases with P, but the minimum
value of B, which is L, remains the same.
Fig. 20. Variation of α as a function of V for a L=100 (~1 mm thick) varistor.
6. Computer programs
6.1 Basic program for Monte Carlo modeling
4 OPEN "D:\Mohammad\B data\L200_1000. K5000. P 0.5\L200_K5000_P0.5.DAT" FOR APPEND
AS #1
'P = Probability of nonconducting grain
5 P = 0.5
'LMAX = Number of the layers across the varistor
6 LMAX = 200
'KMAX = Number of iterations (Current injection to the upper electrode)
7 KMAX = 5000
10 B = 0 : L = 0: K = 0
15 B = 0 : L = 0
20 R = RND(1)
30 IF R > P THEN GOSUB 100
40 IF P >= R AND R > P^5 THEN GOSUB 200
50 IF R <= P^5 THEN GOSUB 300
80 GOTO 20
Advances in Ceramics –
Electric and Magnetic Ceramics, Bioceramics, Ceramics and Environment
100 B = B + 1
110 L = L + 1
200 B = B + 1
300 B = B - 1
310 L = L - 1
320 IF L <= 0 THEN GOTO 15
330 R1 = RND(2)
340 IF R1 > P ^ 4 THEN B = B + 1
350 IF R1 <= P ^ 4 THEN GOTO 300
400 PRINT #1, B
410 K = K + 1
420 PRINT B, L, K
430 B = 0: L = 0
450 STOP
500 END
6.2 Maple program for varistor's conduction modeling
B:=L*(1+sum(P^n, n=1..infinity)); # B=The mean number ofactive
grain boundaries through which the current passesbetween
s1:=(log(B) - (1/L)*(log(B))) / (sqrt(L));
s := (((exp(1))^(s1^2))*(((exp(1))^(s1^2))-1))^(1/2);
plot3d(s,P=0.1..0.9, L= 10..1000,axes=boxed, title="Standard
Deviation = f(P & L), P=Nonconductivity Probability, L=Number
of varistor grain layers");
alpha_grain := ((log10(evalf(J1)*10^(-2))-log10(evalf(J)*10^(2)))/(log10(VG+.01)-log10(VG)),VG=2.8..4.5);
plot(alpha_grain, title="Alpha of a ZnO grain versus Grain
Boundary Voltage");VG:=(V/N);
L:=20; P:=0.1; JJLN;
P; L; plot(ALN201,V=0..1000, title="Alpha LogNormal of the ZnO
varistor versus the Applied Voltage");
B:=L1*(1+sum(P1^n, n=1..infinity));
J1:=subs(VG=VG+.01,J);VG:=(V/N); J;
Metal Oxide ZnO-Based Varistor Ceramics
=20; P1:=0.1;JJN; JJN1:=subs(V=V+1,JJN);
P1; L1; plot(AN201,V=0..1000, title="Alpha of the Normal ZnO
varistor versus the Applied Voltage");
P;L;plot([ALN201,AN201], V=40..120, color=[red ,green ],
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Electric and Magnetic Ceramics, Bioceramics, Ceramics and Environment
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Advances in Ceramics - Electric and Magnetic Ceramics,
Bioceramics, Ceramics and Environment
Edited by Prof. Costas Sikalidis
ISBN 978-953-307-350-7
Hard cover, 550 pages
Publisher InTech
Published online 06, September, 2011
Published in print edition September, 2011
The current book consists of twenty-four chapters divided into three sections. Section I includes fourteen
chapters in electric and magnetic ceramics which deal with modern specific research on dielectrics and their
applications, on nanodielectrics, on piezoceramics, on glass ceramics with para-, anti- or ferro-electric active
phases, of varistors ceramics and magnetic ceramics. Section II includes seven chapters in bioceramics which
include review information and research results/data on biocompatibility, on medical applications of alumina,
zirconia, silicon nitride, ZrO2, bioglass, apatite-wollastonite glass ceramic and b-tri-calcium phosphate. Section
III includes three chapters in applications of ceramics in environmental improvement and protection, in water
cleaning, in metal bearing wastes stabilization and in utilization of wastes from ceramic industry in concrete
and concrete products.
How to reference
In order to correctly reference this scholarly work, feel free to copy and paste the following:
Mohammad Reza Meshkatoddini (2011). Metal Oxide ZnO-Based Varistor Ceramics, Advances in Ceramics Electric and Magnetic Ceramics, Bioceramics, Ceramics and Environment, Prof. Costas Sikalidis (Ed.), ISBN:
978-953-307-350-7, InTech, Available from:
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