Attachment to the Conformity document Page 1 of 1 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY with WELMEC 2 paragraph 12 COMPATIBILITY OF MODULES Ref.: WELMEC 2 (2000) Non-Automatic Weighing Instrument, single-interval Certificate of EU Type-Approval No: INDICATOR A/D (Module 1) TAC: Type: Accuracy class according to EN 45501 and OIML R76: Maximum number of verification scale intervals (n max): Fraction of maximum permissible error (mpe): Load cell excitation voltage: Minimum input-voltage per verification scale interval: Minimum load cell impedance: Coefficient of temperature of the span error: Coefficient of resistance for the wires in the J-box cable: Specific J-box cable-Length to the junction box for load cells: Load cell interface: Additive tare, if available: Initial zero setting range: Temperature range: Class ind nind p1 Uexc [ Vdc ] Δumin [ µV ] [Ω] RLmin Es [ % / 25°C ] Sx [%/Ω] (L/A)max [ m / mm² ] 4-wire (no sense) T+ [ % of Max ] IZSR [ % of Max ] T min / T max [ °C ] DANAK-1913746 Test report (TR), Test Certificate (TC) or OIML Certificate of Conformity: LOAD RECEPTOR (Module 2) ANALOG (Module 3) Type: -2 -10 5 / / 2 40 0.5 4 1 10 20 1.37 [ % of Max ] [ % of Max ] LFB-250M Class LC ( A, B, C or D ) nLC p3 C [ mV / V ] [Ω] RLC vmin% [ % of Emax ] Emax [ kg ] (Emin / Emax) * 100 [%] T min / T max [ °C ] R60/1991-DK-00.02 COMPLETE WEIGHING INSTRUMENT Manufacturer: Detecto Accuracy class according to EN 45501 and OIML R76: Fractions: p i = p1² + p2² + p3²: Maximum capacity: Number of verification scale intervals: Verification scale interval: Utilisation ratio of the load cell: Input voltage (from the load cells): Cross-section of each wire in the J-box cable: J-box cable-Length: Temperature range to be marked on the instrument: Peripheral Equipment subject to legal control: -10 C 3000 0.7 2 350 0.02 125 0 / 40 Single-interval 6500KGEU Class WI ( I, II, III or IIII ) pi Max [ kg ] n e [ kg ] α = (Max / Emax) * (R / N) Δu = C * Uexc * α * 1000 / n [ µV/e ] A [ mm² ] L [m] Not required T min / T max [ °C ] Type: Acceptance criteria for compatibility <= Class ind & Class LC (WELMEC 2: 1) (R76: <= 1 (R76: 3.2) <= nmax for the class (WELMEC 2: 4) <= nind <= nLC (R76: 4.12.2) <= DL * R / N (WELMEC 2: 6d) <= e (R76: 4.12.3) or (if vmin is not given) (Emax / nLC) * (√N / R) Δumin RLmin <= <= <= e Δu RLC / N (WELMEC 2: 7) (WELMEC 2: 8) (WELMEC 2: 9) L/A T range Q * Max * R / N <= <= <= (L / A)maxWI T max - T min Emax (WELMEC 2: 10) (R76: (R76: 4.12.1) Signature and date: 0.006 0.0152 127 Platform p2 N R=FM / FL DL NUD Q = 1 + (DL + T + + IZSR+ + NUD) / 100 Accuracy class according to OIML R60: Maximum number of load cell intervals: Fraction of mpe: Rated output (sensitivity): Input resistance of single load cell: (vmin% = 100 / Y) Minimum load cell verification interval: Rated capacity: Minimum dead load, relative: Temperature range: Test report (TR) or Test Certificate (TC/OIML) as appropriate: Class WI pi n n n Emin vmin * √N / R III 6000 0.5 5 0.83 87 Type: Construction: Fraction of mpe: Number of load cells: Reduction ratio of the load transmitting device: Dead load of load receptor: Non uniform distribution of the load: Correction factor: LOAD CELL DK0199.436 MV2 ( I, II, III or IIII ) III 1.0 350 1750 0.2 0.70 4.00 0.22 5 Passed, provided no result below is < 0 Class WI : PASSED 0.0 1 - pi = nmax for the class - n = 8250 4250 nind - n = nLC - n = 1250 (DL * R / N) - Emin = 8.75 e - (vmin * √N / R) = 0.150 Alternative solutions: ↑ ↓ e - ((Emax / nLC) * (√N/ R)) = 3.17 Δu − Δumin = (RLC / N) - RLmin = 1 (L / A)maxWI - (L / A) = (T max - T min) - T range = Emax - (Q * Max * R / N) = Conclusion . . . . . 695 20 5.1 PASSED This is an authentic document made from the program: "Compatibility of NAWI-modules version 3.0". Program made by DELTA Per Bengtsen, EU Notified Body No. 0199 Single-interval 6500KGEU-350kg_Comp_of_Modules