The Application of 600 Volt Class Current Transformers in Medium Voltage Switchgear August 10, 1999 ANSI Medium Voltage Switchgear commonly uses 600-Volt Class window type current transformers in medium voltage circuits. For many years manufacturers have installed 600-volt class current transformers in medium voltage switchgear. The preferred location for the current transformers is the circuit breaker spouts. To certify the dielectric capability of the equipment the switchgear type tests are performed with the maximum number of current transformers mounted on the circuit breakers cell’s feed through bushings. A typical configuration of the switchgear with the smallest air gaps is then subjected to the series of Basic Impulse Levels Tests required by ANSI. The success of the BIL testing in the area around the circuit breaker feed through bushings relies on the following combination of insulation: The solid dielectric of the circuit breaker’s feed through bushings The air gap between the conductor and spout The air gap between the spout and the case of the current transformer The 600 volt class insulation of the current transformer This series combination of various insulating mediums provides an insulating system that goes through the dielectric testing along with the entire switchgear system. During the power frequency test (high potential) and the impulse test required in ANSI C37.20.2, it is proven that the system dielectric strength exceeds the nominal BIL rating for the voltage class. Bus Mounted Current Transformers Occasionally the client’s current transformer requirements exceed the physical mounting capacity of the circuit breaker spouts. In these cases it becomes necessary to add additional window type current transformers. These additional current transformers are mounted in the cable compartment around the run-back bus. Since these are non-standard components, they do not get included in the switchgear BIL testing. To maintain the BIL of the equipment an industry rule of thumb for both factory and field installations requiring bus mounted window type current transformers is to allow a 1 inch air gap between the insulated bus and the current transformer housing. Powell went through the process of testing the 1-inch air gap rule of thumb with various bus insulation systems that we use in the manufacture of the switchgear. We have established an internal matrix that applies to the various insulating systems, the associated standard current transformer and a special "increased dielectric" current transformer. The table below indicates what configurations were acceptable when tested for 95kV BIL. Powell Industries, Inc. PO Box 12818 Houston, TX • 77217 ©2005 Powell Industries, Inc. • All rights reserved. Tel: 713.944.6900 • Fax: 713.947.4453 The Application of 600 Volt Class Current Transformers in Medium Voltage Switchgear page 2 Table of BIL Tests on 6.5 Inch Bus Mounted Window Type Current Transformer Number of Bus Insulation Standard Current Increased Dielectric Bars per Phase Material Transformer Current Transformer and Size (inches) Hipoxy-2000® GE-Noryl (1) 1/2 x 3 Passed Passed (1) 1/4 x 4 Failed @ 82kV Passed (1) 3/4 x 4 Failed @ 78kV Passed (2) 1/2 x 3 Failed @ 94kV Passed (2) 1/2 x 4 Failed @ 74kV Passed (2) 3/4 x 4 Failed @ 72kV Passed (1) 1/4 x 4 No Test Passed (2) 3/4 x 4 No Test Failed @ 94kV (3) 3/4 x 4 No Test Passed (sandwiched) Note: Standard current transformers would be suitable for all switchgear designs requiring 60kV. Scotch BBI-4A Jim Bowen Technical Director Powell Industries, Inc. PO Box 12818 Houston, TX • 77217 ©2005 Powell Industries, Inc. • All rights reserved. Tel: 713.944.6900 • Fax: 713.947.4453