National Electrical Safety Month—

The Association of Electrical Equipment and Medical Imaging Manufacturers n n May 2012 n Vol. 17 No. 5
National Electrical Safety Month—
Guarding against Electrical Hazards
n Safety Begins at Home, but Shouldn’t Stay There
n Lightning Protection Systems
n Online Resources
n Safety Aspects of Dose Initiatives
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Lightning Protection System—
Ultimate Line of Defense.................................8
Government Relations Update.........................5
Lightning Strikes Twice:
Proper Grounding Prevents Outages..............10
Safety Begins at Home, but Shouldn’t Stay There—
Why is Good Grounding Important? ...............12
Oregon Passes Mercury Content Bill for
Lighting with NEMA Support.........................................7
New Code Requirements
Expand Carbon Monoxide Detection...............14
Power Marketing Administrations Told to Move
Ahead on Grid Modernization........................................7
Emergency Communication Systems
Provide Safer Structures, Save Lives...............16
Electroindustry News....................................25
Dose Initiatives Underscore Industry’s
Commitment to Patient Safety.....................................25
Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of
Fire Alarm Systems—A Key to Life Safety.......18
ESFI Highlights Emerging Technologies
during National Electrical Safety Month.........21
California Regulatory Update.........................................5
Legislative & Regulatory Developments........................6
Code Actions / Standardization Trends............26
Wiring Practices & Troubleshooting with AFCIs...........26
NEMA Announces Arc-Fault Circuit Interrupter
Basics Training Course...................................................27
Duty to Warn— U.S. Standards on Warnings
and Instructions are Updated........................22
Inspections: Who is the Customer?..............................28
Know before Digging—
APWA Provides Uniform Marking of
Underground Facilities..................................24
NEMA Hires New Southern Field Representative.........29
Electrical Inspectors—It Won’t Happen to Me!..........29
Calculation Tool Highlights New Edition of NEMA
Conduit Fittings Selection and Installation Guidelines....30
International Roundup.................................31
NEMA Officers.................................................................2
NEMA Hosts Visiting Intelligent Transportation
Systems Delegation from Mexico.................................31
Comments from the C-Suite...........................................2
Economic Spotlight.......................................32
View from the Top...........................................................3
Policy & Politics...............................................................4
Learn More....................................................................32
Did You Know…
You can nominate an industry leader for a prestigious award?
NEMA’s Bernard H. Falk Award recognizes outstanding
achievement in technology, management, marketing,
international trade, education, public affairs or other fields
important to the electroindustry.
EBCI Online....................................................................32
Available from NEMA/BIS –
The Electroindustry Economic Outlook........................32
The 2012 award will not be limited to an executive of a
NEMA company.
Kite & Key awards are open to individuals who have been
active in NEMA and the industry.
Winners will be recognized November 10, 2012, during
Illuminations Weekend, NEMA’s annual meeting, in Florida.
Email nominations to
NEMA electroindustry text and cover pages are printed using SFI certified Anthem
paper using soy ink.
• SFI certified products come from North American forests
managed to rigorous environmental standards.
• SFI standards conserve biodiversity and protect soil and
water quality, as well as wildlife habitats.
• SFI forests are audited by independent experts to ensure
proper adherence to the SFI Standard.
• SFI participants also plant more than 650 million trees each year to keep these forests thriving.
Publisher | Joseph Higbee
Managing Editor / Editor in Chief | Pat Walsh
Contributing Editors | William E. Green III
Chrissy L. Skudera
Economic Spotlight | Timothy Gill
Standards | Al Scolnik
Government Relations Update | Kyle Pitsor
Art Director | Jennifer Tillmann
Media Sales Team Leader | Stephanie Bunsick
electroindustry (ISSN 1066-2464) is published monthly by NEMA, the Association of Electrical Equipment and Medical Imaging
Manufacturers, 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 1752, Rosslyn, VA 22209; 703.841.3200. FAX: 703.841.5900. Periodicals postage paid at
Rosslyn, VA, and York, PA, and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NEMA, 1300 N. 17th Street,
Suite 1752, Rosslyn, VA 22209. The opinions or views expressed in electroindustry do not necessarily reflect the positions of NEMA
or any of its subdivisions.
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Dominic J. Pileggi
Chairman of the Board & CEO
Thomas & Betts Corporation
A lot of us love golf. Every so often, we are willing to take a risk and attempt a shot
statistically proven more difficult to place. But the big payoff has at times been worth the
risk. While our consistent approach to golf sometimes gives way to such risks, we do it
with a full understanding of the potential downside.
First Vice Chairman
John Selldorff
President & CEO
Legrand North America
But safety is no game. It is the top priority of the electrical manufacturing and
medical imaging industry. There is no success that can be achieved in the research,
manufacturing, and deployment of electrical products that rises above ensuring the safety
of our products. Our industry is a proven advocate of electrical safety—the risk of unsafe
products is just too immense.
Second Vice Chairman
Christopher Curtis
President & CEO
Schneider Electric
This is why NEMA and its companies have led the charge in advocating legislation and
instituting safety standards that meet the demands of today’s world. While we build
products to very high safety criteria, we also manufacture products that are specifically
designed for safety.
Thomas Gross
Vice Chairman & COO
Eaton Corporation
Immediate Past Chairman
David J. FitzGibbon
Vice Chairman & CEO
ILSCO Corporation
President & CEO
Evan R. Gaddis
Clark R. Silcox
Innovative safety solution products stand as an example of how NEMA members
keep individuals and families across America safe. These products are expanding in
capabilities and saving lives every day.
I would be amiss if I did not mention the very successful collaborative program started by
NEMA and the Consumer Product Safety Commission: The Electrical Safety Foundation
International (ESFI). The organization is expanding its international footprint through
the backing of members such as The Home Depot, WESCO Distribution, and State Farm
insurance. We need your support; I encourage you to work with ESFI. Additionally, I’d
like to highlight its new campaign (see more on page 21). ESFI is moving forward to
reduce counterfeit products in the marketplace and raise awareness of the importance of
electrical safety.
Nothing is more important than ensuring safety where we work and play. As springtime
is now in full swing, you can work hard and play hard knowing our industry is better
than par at keeping you safe. ei
Dominic J. Pileggi
2 NEMA electroindustry • May 2012
View from the Top
ŰŰInnovative Technologies Spur Call to Action for ESFI
Stephen Sokolow, Chairman of the Board, Leviton Manufacturing Co., Inc.
At Leviton, we
pride ourselves
on bringing
innovation to
the electrical
industry by
providing the most
range of smart solutions for professionals
in residential, commercial, and industrial
markets around the world. We commend
the Electrical Safety Foundation
International (ESFI) for encouraging
innovation to take center stage during
National Electrical Safety Month
this May by educating consumers
about safe practices for emerging
residential technologies.
enabling consumers to adequately
prepare their homes for a charging
station before purchasing an
electric vehicle.
As an industry leader in the electric
vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) market,
our product lines are rigorously tested
both in our facilities and through thirdparty testing organizations. Leviton
pioneered the industry’s first plug-in
prewire system for Level 21 EVSEs,
TRR Battle Rages On
As society embraces the latest
innovations, it is important to not
overlook safety technologies that are
still relatively modern, though not
considered cutting edge. ESFI’s
National Electrical Safety Month
resources also highlight the importance
of tamper-resistant receptacles (TRRs),
and how they can prevent shock and
According to U.S. Department of Energy Vehicle Technologies
Program, Level 2 is the primary and preferred method for a
battery electric vehicle charger. It specifies a 240-VAC, singlephase, 40A branch circuit and employs special equipment
to provide a higher level of safety required by the National
Electrical Code®.
However, the home is only part of the
equation. Consumers must be equipped
with the knowledge required to operate
the equipment safely. ESFI has proven
to be an invaluable partner, seamlessly
bridging the gap between industry and
the consumer through the development
of highly effective electrical safety
awareness materials. The foundation’s
evolving library of safety resources
perfectly complements our state-of-theart products to ensure that consumers
have the knowledge to safely utilize our
newest technologies.
burn injuries to children that insert
objects into wall outlets.
Leviton is a leading manufacturer of
TRRs, which have proven so effective
that the National Electrical Code® (NEC)
requires them to be installed in all newly
constructed homes. Despite their proven
effectiveness, the adoption of this simple
home technology into the NEC was a
difficult endeavor undertaken by Leviton
and other industry leaders as part of a
taskforce spearheaded by NEMA.
Though we were ultimately successful
in having TRRs included in the code,
no nationally consistent code
enforcement exists and implementation
varies on a statewide level. To date, 46
out of 50 states require TRRs in new
homes, but we won’t be satisfied until
this regulation is adopted in every
jurisdiction in the country. Additionally,
there is no requirement for consumers to
install TRRs in existing homes.
ESFI’s National Electrical Safety
Month campaign is the latest platform
that allows us to champion the cause
for TRRs, which will encourage
homeowners to install the devices
voluntarily, regardless of electrical
code requirements. ei
ŰŰGet the National Electrical Safety Month Toolkit
The 2012 National Electrical Safety Month (NESM) campaign provides consumers with an introduction to some of the latest advances in residential electrical
technologies, including important safety considerations for existing home electrical systems. ESFI encourages consumers to consider the overall electrical safety of
their homes when making decisions regarding the installation of new technologies.
ESFI’s NESM Toolkit is a collection of new resources to help you facilitate an effective electrical safety awareness campaign for your community, organization, school,
or family. Included are useful facts and related safety tips about electric vehicles, smart meters, solar and wind power, and other technologies.
NEMA electroindustry • May 2012 3 Policy & Politics
Smart Energy Act,
HR 4017
Rep. Charlie Bass
(R-NH); Rep. Jim
Matheson (D-UT)
Support: Promotes energy efficiency and
Establishes a federal loan program for energy-efficiency upgrades in commercial,
greater adoption of energy efficient technologies
multifamily residential, industrial, municipal, government, school, and hospital
buildings. Enables federal government to use energy-savings performance contracts in in buildings.
support of deployment of electric vehicles or electric vehicle supply equipment. Requires
federal agencies to participate in demand response programs to reduce energy costs.
Requires analysis of best practices in federal buildings for advanced metering, including
recommendations on guidelines for automated energy management systems.
Storage Technology for Sen. Ron Wyden
Renewable and Green (D-OR); Rep. Chris
Energy (STORAGE) Act, Gibson (R-NY)
S 1845 / HR 4096
Establishes investment tax credits for a broad array of energy storage technologies
that are connected to the grid (20% credit) or used on-site at industrial, commercial,
or residential locations (30% credit).
Support: Accelerates adoption of energy
storage technologies.
Introduced 2/14/12
Next Step: House Energy &
Commerce Committee hearing
Introduced in House and Senate
Next Step: Senate Committee
on Finance, House Committee on
Ways & Means
Energy Savings
and Industrial
Competitiveness Act,
S 1000
Sen. Jeanne Shaheen Creates federal-state loan programs for commercial building and industrial facility
Support with modification: Promotes
(D-NH); Sen. Rob
energy efficiency upgrades that the market is not currently encouraging. Incents states energy efficiency, supports manufacturing jobs, and
Portman (R-OH)
to adopt national building energy codes developed by ASHRAE or ICC.
increases U.S. competitiveness. Modification to
building code provisions pending.
Accountability Act
HR 3010, S 1606
Sen. Lamar Smith
(R-TX); Sen. Rob
Portman (R-OH)
Modernizes 1946 Administrative Procedures Act (APA) for economically significant
regulations. Enhances public participation in rulemakings; requires agencies to choose
the lowest cost option or explain compelling need otherwise; calls for on-the-record
administrative hearings with agency officials; includes direct and indirect cumulative
costs, benefits, and estimated impact on jobs, growth, innovation, and competitiveness;
considers reasonable alternatives, including no federal response. Would not affect any
regulations in effect or proposed.
Support: Incorporates established cost/benefit Approved by House 253-167,
principles in considering rulemaking, makes
the process more transparent, agencies more
Next Step: Senate consideration
accountable, and overhaul out-moded APA.
High Performance
Federal Buldings Act,
HR 3371
Rep. Russ Carnahan
Promotes energy efficiency and high performance in federal buildings through
integrated and holistic approach to building design, construction, operations, and
maintenance including use of building information modeling, lifecycle costing,
commissioning, and compliance verification.
Support: Promotes energy efficiency in federal
buildings and greater adoption on energy
efficient technologies in these buildings.
Introduced 11/4/2011; referred to House
Transportation and Infrastructure
Next Step: House committee hearing
Directs Department of the Interior to prioritize minerals, including rare earths, based
on importance to U.S. economy; outlines policies to bolster domestic production
of these minerals, expand manufacturing, promote recycling and alternatives, and
maintain strong environmental protections. Since electroindustry relies on stable
supply of materials, disruptions in international supply and demand, and a dearth of
U.S. production, have significant impact in specific sectors.
Support: Leverages work already done at
Interior and Energy, and brings greater urgency
and coordination at the federal level to create
opportunities for U.S. manufacturers.
Recognizes importance of critical materials for
many NEMA industries, including arc welding,
lighting, electric motors, superconducting wire,
advanced batteries, and medical imaging.
Senate Energy and Natural
Resources Subcommittee hearing
held 6/9/2011
Next Step: Senate committee
Reauthorizes and reforms federal surface transportation programs. Would provide a
greater emphasis on deployment of ITS technologies in federally-funded projects, but
Senate bill would cut annual ITS research program funding authorization from $110
million to $50 million.
Support with modification: Seeking
full $110 million authorization for ITS research
program (Senate Bill would cut in half) and
secure ITS deployment grant program.
Senate passed MAP-21, 3/14;
sent to House. House passed HR 4348
on 4/18 and requested a conference
with Senate to reconcile the bills.
Next Step: Current authorization
expires 6/30.
Protect Medical
Rep. Erik Paulsen
Innovation Act, HR 436 (R-MN)
Repeals the $20 billion medical device tax enacted in the Affordable Care Act. The bill
includes no offset.
Support: Eliminates a new 2.3% excise tax on
all MITA product sales.
Introduced 1/25/2011
Next Step: Committee consideration
Rep. Whitfield
The Consistency,
Accuracy, Responsibility, (R-KY) and Rep.
Barrow (D-GA)
and Excellence in
Medical Imaging and
Radiation Therapy Act of
2011CARE Act, HR 2104
Requires certification of technicians who perform imaging services
Support: Bill would improve the use of
imaging technology at the point of care, reducing
adverse events and improving safety at no cost
to manufacturers.
Introduced 6/6/11
Next Step: Gain additional House
support for movement in the
Energy and Commerce Committee
Requires CPSC to adopt voluntary consensus standards for CO alarms (ANSI/UL 2034)
and detectors (ANSI/UL 2075) as mandatory consumer product safety rules. Creates
a federal grants program to incentivize states to adopt laws/codes that mandate the
installation of CO detection in homes. The monies could be used for public education,
training of code enforcement, installation of devices in homes of low-income/elderly/
non-residential buildings where children spend time (e.g., schools).
Support: Provides assurance that all CO
detection products in U.S. market meet rigorous
standards industry already follows and creates
incentives for states to enact laws, thereby
growing markets for member products.
Introduced in House 3/29/12
Next step: Senate introduction of
companion bill after recess
Critical Materials Policy Sen. Lisa Murkowski
Act, S 1113
Moving Ahead for
Progress in the 21st
Century (MAP-21),
S 1813
Surface Transportation
Extension Act,
HR 4348
Residential Carbon
Monoxide Poisoning
Prevention Act,
HR 4326
4 Sen. Barbara Boxer
(D-CA); Rep. John
Mica (R-FL)
Rep. Charles Bass
(R-NH); Rep. Jim
Matheson (D-UT);
Sen. Amy Klobuchar
(D-MN); Sen. Olympia
Snowe (R-ME)
NEMA electroindustry • May 2012
Voted out of Senate Energy and
Natural Resources Committee
Next Step: Senate floor
Government Relations Update
ŰŰCalifornia Regulatory Update
Title 20 Appliance Code
In January, the California Energy
Commission (CEC) voted to adopt
the proposed changes to Title 20 for
Battery Chargers and Self-Contained
Lighting Controls.
The lighting controls portion saw few
comments from NEMA. No significant
concerns were raised as a result of a
high degree of collaboration as proposal
language was being developed. The
battery charger portions of the code
were approved by CEC despite many
comments from a wide range of industry
representatives whose arguments were
mostly feasibility-related.
One of the most common complaints
was that testing did not yield data for a
sufficiently representative population of
devices. While thousands were tested,
they represented only a few in any given
product family because of the large scope
of devices included in the proposal.
Despite numerous objections, the draft
proposal language was adopted almost
entirely as written.
NEMA sections directly affected are
power electronics and emergency
lighting for their uninterruptible
power supplies (UPS) and life safety
lighting products, respectively. Exit
signs are exempt.
The final version of Title 20 with all
proposals incorporated is expected
to be published in mid-2012. As the
effective dates of February 1, 2013, for
most consumer products and January
1, 2017, for all non-consumer products
approach, NEMA members can better
gauge the impacts as product redesigns
are investigated more fully.
NEMA will monitor their efforts and
bring matters of infeasibility and
requests for waiver to CEC as needed.
Title 24 Building Code
The California Building Code is in active
revision this year. The official 45-day
language is publicly available and is
being evaluated by NEMA members for
unforeseen impacts and the need for
public comment by industry.
NEMA member sections and working
groups have reviewed many of the
proposals for this cycle of Title 24’s
revision as part of the public proposal
development process.
Some of the changes are:
• completing the migration of lighting
controls requirements in Title 24 to
Title 20,
• adding more definitions for devices
and applications to the foreword of
the code, and
• adding increased requirements
for energy efficiency both in terms
of product performance and the
application of products.
The permitting and design processes
are being expanded to include more
details. Additional devices and design
consideration will be required in
installations done to code. One of these
is the upgradable setback thermostat
(UST)1. Despite several substantive
complaints and comments, the strongest
of which involve intellectual property,
CEC has elected to pursue these code
proposals despite industry objections.
Legal issues are still being wrangled,
but a requirement for USTs is alive and
well in the 45-day language. A UST is
an otherwise normal programmable
thermostat, but with a communications
port that will accept a radio module,
thus upgrading the device to enable
For background information, see “NEMA Regulatory Actions
communications with the utility, smart
meters, or other demand response and
energy usage monitoring programs.
While some patents exist for this
technology, it is important to note that
these devices are not readily available or
in widespread use. Since USTs arguably
can be made, however, CEC has decided
that the process followed for this
proposal is not in violation of internal
process requirements that require it to
not mandate devices that do not exist.
While NEMA—and therefore the bulk of
the thermostat industry—opposes USTs,
there is a strong chance that the UST
proposals will also be carried through,
given CEC’s recent performance in Title
20, where it approved controversial code
proposals despite numerous objections.
Some might say that the new home
construction market for USTs is small
and inconsequential, and thus not a big
problem. This, however, does not factor
into account:
• the influence California legislation has
on other states and
• the fact that Title 24 continues to
be modified in a way that requires
up-to-code renovations more and
more during maintenance and
improvement jobs.
It is unclear at this time how CEC will
address the legal issues raised by NEMA,
as they have not responded to formal
NEMA letters to the Title 24 docket sent
in November and January.
NEMA is coordinating member-led
comments to these proposals through
the 15- and 45-day language periods that
end in late spring 2012. ei
Alex Boesenberg, Regulatory Affairs
Manager |
NEMA electroindustry • May 2012 5 Government Relations Update
ŰŰSafety Begins at Home, but Shouldn’t Stay There—
Legislative & Regulatory Developments
NEMA has long advocated for legislative,
regulatory, and code initiatives that
advance electrical and life safety. These
efforts have resulted in state and local
governments requiring installation of
technology such as ground-fault circuit
interrupters (GFCIs), arc-fault circuit
interrupters (AFCIs), and smoke and
carbon monoxide (CO) detection devices
in homes across the country.
While safety begins at home, it isn’t the
only place where the health and lives of
individuals are at stake. Here are a few
of the things NEMA is doing to advance
safety in other places.
CO Detection in Schools,
Commercial Residential
As school infrastructure ages, reports of
CO incidents increase. Common sources
of CO in schools include fossil fuel-fired
heating systems, boilers, water heaters
and other appliances, vehicles left idling
in loading docks, and use of gas-fired
power tools. Exposure of students and
school personnel to CO is determined
by proximity to CO-emitting sources
and/or configuration of buildings’
HVAC systems.
In an effort to stave off a growing threat,
NEMA successfully advocated for
adoption of CO detection requirements
for schools in Connecticut, which
enacted its law in 2011. NEMA’s efforts to
secure similar requirements in Maryland
resulted in the legislature’s passage of HB
2 / SB 173. These two precedents will give
NEMA leverage in developing model
code proposals for expansion of CO
detection in schools to other states.
Through its Signaling, Protection, and
Communication Section, NEMA also
has worked to expand CO detection to
additional occupancies, including hotels,
motels, dormitories, prisons, healthcare
facilities, and others. Several states
6 NEMA electroindustry • May 2012
have adopted such requirements. Most
recently, West Virginia enacted a law to
require CO detection in hotels, motels,
and other public lodging after a man
died from CO poisoning while staying at
a Charleston hotel.
These requirements will become the
norm as states adopt 2012 editions of
the International Code Council (ICC)
model codes.
Workplace Safety
As secretariat for the ANSI Z535 series
of standards for safety signs, NEMA
is actively promoting incorporation
of the 2011 editions by reference into
U.S. Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) regulations.
Currently, OSHA regulations cite
outdated standards from 1967 and
1968 that do not reflect changes that
have occurred in America’s workplaces
since OSHA first incorporated them
by reference. By referencing the
current Z535 series of standards,
OSHA will enable users to more clearly
communicate safety information and
hazards, reduce compliance uncertainty,
and protect workers.
For more information on the
ANSI Z535 standards, please visit
(Also see Duty to Warn—U.S. Standards
on Warnings and Instructions are
Updated, page 22.)
U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission (CPSC) Update
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety
Commission (CPSC) is “committed
to protecting consumers and families
from products that pose a fire, electrical,
chemical, or mechanical hazard or can
injure children.”
NEMA has worked closely with CPSC
throughout the years on numerous
product-specific issues including GFCIs,
AFCIs, extension cords, smoke and
CO alarms, lighting, batteries, tamperresistant receptacles, and others.
Recently, CPSC has demonstrated a
greater interest in limiting accessibility
to, and subsequently preventing
ingestion of, lithium button and coin
cell batteries, an area in which the
NEMA Dry Battery Section has shown
tremendous leadership.
NEMA also is exploring opportunities
for greater collaboration with CPSC
on CO education and awareness and is
working with other life safety advocates
to advance federal legislation to
incentivize states to adopt and enforce
CO detection requirements in homes.
More broadly, CPSC continues to
implement the landmark Consumer
Product Safety Improvement Act of
2008, including management of a
public database of incident reports
filed by consumers with knowledge of
injuries, illnesses, or deaths—or risk of
same—from products. This database
( is growing
exponentially and eventually may help
CPSC and industry identify trends that
warrant further review.
Enhancements in technology and
communication and increasingly
informed consumers have heightened
legislative and regulatory attention
on safety in recent years. NEMA has
demonstrated leadership in advancing
electrical safety and life safety and is
well-positioned to continue promoting
its member products as solutions. ei
Sarah Owen, Government Relations
Manager |
ŰŰOregon Passes Mercury Content Bill for Lighting with NEMA Support
Demonstrating how an industry’s
product stewardship efforts can
help guide public policy, Oregon
recently passed a law that directly
reflects achievements by NEMA lamp
manufacturers to reduce the amount
of mercury in energy efficient lamps.
SB 1512 establishes a mercury content
ceiling for various lamp types either sold
in Oregon or purchased by the state for
government use.
The lighting market is fiercely
competitive. Companies seek to gain
advantage by producing lamps that
provide optimum performance and
reliability but contain less mercury per
unit than competing brands. This “race
to the bottom” has resulted in steadily
declining average mercury levels for all
types of linear and fluorescent lamps.
When the Oregon Department of
Environmental Quality (DEQ) sought
to establish legislative limits on mercury
in lamps, NEMA advised staff on
appropriate thresholds. NEMA member
companies had been involved five years
earlier in crafting AB 1109 in California,
which drew on mercury content
limits established by the Restriction of
Hazardous Substances (RoHS) Directive
in the European Union. Because RoHS
applied to lamps sold in EU markets,
our members worked to ensure the levels
in AB 1109 were appropriately defined
to address products made for the U.S.
electrical infrastructure—a critical
distinction that escaped lawmakers in
Oregon as well.
As enacted, SB 1512 prohibits the sale
of lighting in Oregon that exceeds the
four and five milligram ceilings for
screw-based compact fluorescent lamps
established voluntarily by NEMA for
lamps up to or exceeding 25 watts. The
law also establishes state procurement
policy to govern publicly funded lighting
purchases and requires that certain
reports regarding mercury be provided
to the state legislature.
NEMA members worked closely on these
details with staff from the DEQ and the
bill’s sponsor in the legislature, advising
them of the situation in other states and
cautioning against adopting European
thresholds without modification. The
agreement that resulted stands as a
clear example of how proactive efforts
by manufacturers, driven by a need
to compete and respond to market
demands, can provide a rational
framework for progressive legislation. ei
Mark A. Kohorst, Senior Manager of
Environment, Health, & Safety |
ŰŰPower Marketing Administrations Told to Move Ahead on Grid Modernization
With activity related to the electric grid
plodding along in Congress, the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE) is moving
full steam ahead under its existing
congressional authorities to modernize
how the federal Power Marketing
Administrations (PMAs) do business.
On March 16, Energy Secretary Steven
Chu issued a memorandum to the
four federal PMAs—Bonneville (BPA),
Southwest (SWPA), Southeast (SEPA),
and Western Area (WAPA). He wants
PMAs to lead the way on rate designs to
“incentivize energy efficiency programs,
demand response programs, integration
of renewables, and preparation for
electric vehicle development.”
PMAs own and operate 33,750 miles
of transmission, which by any measure
is a significant part of the national
grid. Due to the aging of the grid and
increased demand on it, Secretary
Chu’s dual strategy of encouraging
greater partnering with third parties
and ensuring PMAs have sufficient
borrowing authorities to develop
transmission will help PMAs remain
reliable and efficient.
topics, though not without some
controversy. Some in Congress have
argued that these directives may run
counter to the PMAs’ mission to deliver
federal hydropower at cost-based rates,
though the DOE has expressed its
commitment to operating within its
statutory authorities.
Because they are physically connected
to, and therefore mutually dependent
on, the rest of the grid, the secretary
is directing PMAs to enhance their
collaboration with other owners and
operators of grid components.
While most attention is paid to the
investor-owned utilities, municipals,
and co-ops, we should not forget that the
federal government owns and operates a
significant part of the U.S. electric grid.
Regardless of who has the responsibility
for any one segment, however, we all
share the goal of building a robust,
reliable, and efficient electric grid. ei
He will also be requesting that Congress
provide WAPA and SWPA with the
same revolving loan fund for capital
improvements that BPA currently enjoys.
Secretary Chu will be issuing specific
directives to each PMA on all these
Jim Creevy, Director of Government
Relations |
NEMA electroindustry • May 2012 7 Lightning
Ultimate Line of Defense
Mark S. Harger, Owner/President,
Harger Lightning & Grounding
ightning, one of nature’s most destructive forces, continues to wreak
havoc on lives and property especially in today’s electronic environment.
On average, a lightning strike contains approximately 50 million volts
carrying 18,000–20,000 amperes of current, but strikes with up to 300
million volts and 200,000 amps are not that uncommon.
To protect against this destructive phenomena, a properly
designed and UL-listed lightning protection system is required.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 780 Standard
for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems defines a
lightning protection system as “a complete system of strike
termination devices, conductors, grounding electrodes,
interconnecting conductors, surge suppression devices and other
connectors or fittings [that] are required to complete the system.”
How does this system work? Picture a hockey goalie protecting
his net. He has four basic tools—gloves, mask, stick, and pads—
that help him prevent the puck from entering the net. Just like
a goalie, there are four main parts that comprise a lightning
protection system.
Part 1—Intercept the Lightning Strike
Like a goalie guarding his net, a strike termination device,
commonly known as an “air terminal” or “lightning rod,”
intercepts the lightning strike and prevents it from hitting the
structure. These devices neither attract nor repel lightning.
8 NEMA electroindustry • May 2012
Air terminals are manufactured primarily from copper, tinned
copper, or aluminum. Their size is determined by the structure’s
height and placement location. Buildings not exceeding 75 feet in
height are protected by Class I materials. Structures or portions
of structures over 75 feet tall are protected by Class II materials.
Part 2—Provide a Path to Ground
The next part of the system consists of down conductors and
various bonding components.
The primary objective is to provide multiple parallel paths
for the lightning currents to follow. The second objective is
to bond metallic bodies to the lightning protection system,
creating potential equalization that prevents unwanted side
flashes from occurring.
Class I or Class II lightning protection main conductors, or
structural metal with a thickness of 3/16-inch or greater, can be
used as down conductors. In fact, in structural metal framed
construction, metal is the preferred down conductor since it
provides a lower impedance path to ground as does a main
lightning conductor. Lightning conductors are manufactured
from copper, tinned copper, or aluminum just like the air
terminals, and fall into either Class I or Class II categories.
Generally speaking, Class II materials are heavier and larger
than Class I materials because they have to travel a longer
distance down the structure to ground. It is important to
Guarding against Electrical Hazards
remember that the use of aluminum materials (conductors,
fittings, and components) should not be installed on or in
contact with copper surfaces, or be exposed to runoff from
copper surface as this would set up a galvanic couple resulting
in material failure due to corrosion.
There are various types of grounding electrodes such as ground
rods, ground plates, ground loop conductors, radials, and
concrete encased electrodes. Grounding electrodes are installed
for the purpose of providing electrical contact with the earth
which allows the lightning currents to dissipate harmlessly into it.
Aluminum materials should not be installed in locations that
are subject to excess moisture, imbedded into concrete, or come
into direct contact with the earth since alkali, moisture, and soil
rapidly disintegrate aluminum. Copper conductors, fittings, and
components must not be installed on aluminum surfaces since
this also forms a galvanic couple which leads to deterioration
of the aluminum components. When transitioning from
aluminum to copper, bimetallic fittings must be used.
Loop conductors encircle the structure interconnecting the
ground electrodes. Ground rod electrodes are made from
copper-clad steel, solid copper, or stainless steel. The diameter
must not be less than one-half inch with a total length of at least
eight feet. Ground rods must extend vertically to a depth of at
least ten feet into the earth with soil compacted against both the
conductor and the ground rod.
Another key aspect of Part 2 is to remove the possibility for
side flashes. Side flashes are dangerous electrical sparks that are
caused by differences of potential. Metal bodies inside or outside
the structure that contribute to lightning hazards because they
are grounded (or because they help provide a path to ground)
must be bonded to the lightning protection system to meet the
goal of potential equalization. There are formulas available to
help the design engineer determine what metal bodies need to
be bonded and where.
Part 3—Safely Disperse Lightning Currents into
the Earth
Via a properly designed grounding electrode system, lightning
currents are safely dissipated into the earth and away from
the structure, similar to a goalie using his stick to deflect the
opponent’s puck from entering the net.
Part 4—Surge Protection
These devices are installed on the electrical and
telecommunications service entrances to prevent unwanted
electrical currents from entering the structure via the power and
communication lines. In addition to structural damage caused
by a strike, lightning energy can cause serious physical and
financial damage to electronics inside the structure.
Installed at all power service entrances, surge protection
devices must also be installed at all points where an electrical
or electronic system conductor leaves one structure to supply
another structure, if cable or conductors are longer than 100
feet. Although not required by lightning protection standards,
consideration should be given to providing surge protection
at the branch panels and at the point of use as well. This
practice provides the ultimate in equipment protection for
sensitive electronics.
Winning Combination
Upon completion of the installation, it is recommended that UL
conduct an inspection to ensure that the system is in compliance
with a nationally recognized standard such as NFPA 780 or UL
96A. If the system is in compliance, UL will issue a Master Label
Certificate—the “Stanley Cup” of lightning protection.
A properly designed and installed lightning protection system
is the ultimate line of defense, much like an all-star goalie that
even Wayne Gretzky couldn’t score against. ei
Mr. Harger is an industry expert with more than 20 years of
experience in lightning protection, grounding, and bonding. He
is a member of the NEMA 8CC section, and chairs the BICSI
Grounding & Bonding Committee, which created NECA/BICSI
607-2011. He also chairs the Engineering Subcommittee TIA
TR-42.16, which is responsible for rewriting ANSI-J-STD-607-B.
Lightning protection devices include (left to right, starting in the back) lightning
conductor on reels, in aluminum and copper; copper air terminal with universal
copper base; decorative finial (air terminal); aluminum air terminal with
universal aluminum base; one-bolt parallel connector; copper adhesive cable
holder; and bonding plate. Courtesy of Harger Lightning & Grounding
NEMA electroindustry • May 2012 9 Lightning Strikes Twice:
Proper Grounding Prevents Outages
A total systems approach to electrical
grounding may save millions of dollars
Photo by David Brender, CDA
Ned Brush, PhD, Energy Efficiency Consultant, BBF & Associates
ightning storms occur on average 130 days a year in Florida’s Lightning
Alley, making this area one of the most dangerous in the U.S. with respect
to weather-related incidents.
It is not true that lightning never strikes the same place twice.
Communications towers in this area are prone to lightning
strikes during any major thunderstorm. If not properly
equipped, this regular lightning activity can cause millions of
dollars in damage.
Orange County, Florida, is in the heart of Lightning Alley, and
it sees more than its fair share of damaged buildings, disrupted
power lines, fires and, unfortunately, injuries caused by
lightning strikes.
Lightning can be costly. According to the National Lightning
Safety Institute, U.S. lightning costs and losses may exceed $5 to
$6 billion per year.
David Brender, national program manager for the Copper
Development Association’s Electrical Program, urges all
building owners and facility managers to check their electrical
grounding systems and to take a “total systems approach” when
evaluating lightning protection.
“A well-placed lightning strike can seriously compromise any
facility, leaving lost equipment and damaged electronics in its
wake,” said Mr. Brender.
In essence, lightning protection is the process of creating
electrical paths of least resistance in order to direct strikes to the
ground and away from where they can cause damage.
10 NEMA electroindustry • May 2012
While grounding systems may have complied with electrical
codes when they were built, they were not all designed by the
same contractor, which eventually led to problems. Retrofits,
which took place over the course of several years, were
integrated into the total systems approach.
It all begins with materials. Copper radials, plates, electrodes,
conductors, and wiring are all integral to the success of a
lightning protection system. Corrosion resistance, reliability,
and superior conductivity make copper the ideal metal for a
robust grounding system.
Mr. Brender recommends building and facility managers take the
necessary steps to protect their property from lightning damage.
A total systems approach with copper grounding will provide the
best support for those areas where lightning does strike twice.
The Copper Development Association is the information,
education, market, and technical development arm of the
copper, brass, and bronze industries in the U.S. Learn more
at ei
Dr. Brush, who holds four degrees from MIT, has lectured and
published in energy efficiency and related areas, including power
quality, transformer and motor cost-effective selection and use,
and motor efficiency improvements with cost-effective die-casting
of copper for motor rotors.
© 2012 Southwire Company. All Rights Reserved.
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Why is Good
Michael Gassman, Worldwide Product Manager,
ERICO International Corp. and
Paul Orr, Technical Program Manager, NEMA
A prefabricated equipotential copper-clad
wire mesh mat can be buried as part of a
ground grid system. Courtesy of ERICO
International Corporation
afety, a concern around power installations since the beginning of
the electric power industry, is perhaps more critical than ever before.
Increasing fault levels in interconnected power systems has generated a
renewed interest in safety goals that reduce the likelihood of electrical shock
to personnel; mitigate the likelihood of equipment failures, fires, or both; and
prevent the possible loss of power.
Therefore, good grounding is important for personnel safety,
equipment protection, and the integrity of electrical service.
Equally important is a low-impedance ground grid. Buried
in the ground, it is key to a facility’s electrical protection.
Low impedance (low resistance) promotes conductivity and
minimizes interruptions of service.
The facility electrical ground grid must:
• efficiently dissipate lightning surge energy (direct strikes to a
facility or via induced currents),
• efficiently dissipate electrical surges and “faults” to
minimize the chances of injury from either “step-potentials”
or “touch potentials,”
• provide a stable reference for electrical and RF (radio
frequency) circuits at the facility to minimize noise during
normal operation,
• be properly bonded to eliminate earth loops and differentials
under surge conditions, and
12 NEMA electroindustry • May 2012
“Electrical systems that are grounded shall be connected
to earth in a manner that will limit the voltage imposed by
lightning, line surges, or unintentional contact with higher
voltage lines and that will stabilize the voltage to ground
during normal operation.”
National Electrical Code®, Article 250.4(A)(1)
• be electrically and mechanically robust to assure performance
over the life of the facility (nominally 40 years minimum from
construction date).
Characteristics of a Good Grounding System
The lower the earth-circuit impedance, the more likely it is that
high frequency lightning impulses will flow through the ground
electrode path. Lower earth resistance ensures that energy is
dissipated into the ground in the safest possible manner.
Good Electrical Conductivity
A good grounding system is achieved with:
• conductors of sufficient dimensions capable of withstanding
high fault currents with no evidence of fusing and mechanical
deterioration, and
• low electrical impedance and resistance.
Good Corrosion Resistance
The choice of materials for grounding conductors, electrodes,
and connections is vital, since most of the grounding system
will be buried in the earth for many years. Copper is by far the
most common material used. In addition to its inherent high
conductivity, copper is usually cathodic with respect to other
metals in association with grounding sites, which means that it
is less likely to corrode in most environments.
Guarding against Electrical Hazards
Mechanically Robust and Reliable
A good grounding system must have the ability to perform for
the working lifetime of the facility, a recommended minimum
of 40 years. A number of interdependent factors can affect the
grounding of a facility. These include:
Choosing a Ground Electrode System
• soil resistivity, including seasonal changes
• overall needs and layout of the facility
• soil preparation
• ground environment of the facility
• design, including the number, size, and spacing of conductors
to manage anticipated fault or transient currents
• types of connections used to join conductors in any
specified environment
The most significant factors that will govern the choice of a
ground electrode system are:
• applicable standards and codes (e.g. ANSI/IEEE 80)
Typically, a grounding system is required for many components
of a facility:
• lightning protection down conductors
• main electricity supply
ŰŰConnector Section Advocates
for Industry
The mission of NEMA’s Electrical Connector (8CC) Section is to develop
connector standards and advocate technical and industry positions that
are in the best interests of the industry, member companies, and the
users of their products throughout North America and the world. The
section manages standards and technical projects for electrical utility
connectors and grounding electrodes.
Included in the scope of 8CC work, NEMA serves as secretariat of the
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Accredited Standards
Committee for Ground Rods and Accessories (ASC GR) and the suite of
utility connector standards covered under ANSI C119 American National
Standard for Electric Connectors.
• sensitive electronic equipment rooms, data, and
control centers
• telecommunications, main distribution frames (MDFs), radio
frequency, and telemetry systems
• facility tower footings, fences, gates, and other public
access points
Each individual ground (i.e., lightning, electrical,
telecommunications, and equipment rooms) must be of high
integrity, as well as considered a component of an overall
grounding system for the facility.
Where separate grounds exist, they must be bonded together to
form an equipotential ground plane in order to eliminate the
possibility of earth loops and potential differences arising under
transient conditions. A low impedance and resistance around
the grounding system is the goal.
Other Factors
The choice of a ground electrode system also includes local site
factors, such as:
For more information on ANSI C119 American National Standard for
Electric Connectors, visit
• soil resistivity (climate)
• space (area designated for the ground electrode system)
For more information on ANSI/NEMA GR 1-2007 Grounding Rod
Electrodes and Grounding Rod Electrode Couplings, visit
• presence of rock
• expected volume of pedestrian traffic
The grounding engineer will generally choose the design
option that provides the lowest impedance and resistance for
the electrical ground system, while servicing the needs of the
facility as a whole.
Reference to and compliance with appropriate codes and
standards must be taken into consideration with all grounding
considerations. ei
Mr. Gassman chairs the NEMA 8CC Technical Committee.
Mr. Orr is its secretary.
NEMA electroindustry • May 2012 13 Richard Roberts, Industry Affairs Manager, Honeywell Life Safety
arbon monoxide (CO), often referred to as “the silent killer,” claims
hundreds of lives and sickens thousands of individuals every year.
It is a colorless, odorless, and poisonous gas that results from the
incomplete burning of common fuels such as natural or liquefied
petroleum, gas, oil, wood, or coal. When inhaled, CO enters the
bloodstream and reduces the ability of the blood to carry oxygen
to vital organs, such as the heart and brain.
Legislation, codes, and standards continue to evolve in
an effort to reduce non-fire related deaths and injuries.
14 has an attached garage. An open parking garage, as defined in
the IBC, or an enclosed parking garage ventilated in accordance
with Section 404 of the International Mechanical Code®, is not
deemed an attached garage.
It also stipulates that CO alarms shall be installed and
maintained in accordance with NFPA 720 Standard for the
Installation of Carbon Monoxide (CO) Detection and Warning
Equipment® as well as the manufacturer’s instructions. Section
1103.9 of the IFC covers the requirements for existing Group-R
and Group-I occupancies, equivalent to the requirements in
908.7 for newly constructed occupancies.
The 2012 edition of the International Fire Code ® (IFC)
and the International Building Code® (IBC) contain new
requirements that are the result of the International Code
Council membership approval of a proposal to require the
installation of CO detection in new and existing Group-R and
Group-I occupancies. These would include hotels, dormitories,
apartment buildings, hospitals, and nursing homes.
As with most codes and standards, there are exceptions to the
mandatory CO requirements. Exceptions may apply to sleeping
or dwelling units that do not contain a fuel-burning appliance
or do have an attached garage, but are located in a building with
a fuel-burning appliance or an attached garage.
Section 908.7 of the 2012 IFC and IBC requires CO detection
to be installed in newly constructed Group-R and Group-I
occupancies if the building contains a fuel-burning appliance or
• a sleeping unit or dwelling unit is located more than one
story above or below any story that contains a fuel-burning
appliance or an attached garage;
NEMA electroindustry • May 2012
CO detection is not required if:
Photos courtesy of System Sensor
New Code Requirements
Expand Carbon Monoxide Detection
Guarding against Electrical Hazards
• a sleeping unit or dwelling unit is not connected by duct work
or ventilation shafts to any room containing a fuel-burning
appliance or to an attached garage;
• a building is provided with a “common area CO system,” a
vague and undefined term in the I-Codes and NFPA 7201.
Section 908.7.1 clearly permits system-connected CO detectors
to be installed as a primary form of protection if they are
installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 720 and
listed as complying with ANSI/UL 2075.
NFPA 720 permits either CO alarms complying with ANSI/
UL 2034 Single and Multiple Station Carbon Monoxide Alarms
or CO detectors complying with ANSI/UL 2075 Gas and Vapor
Detectors and Sensors to be installed.
NEMA representatives championed the new CO detection
requirements in the 2012 edition of NFPA 101 Life Safety Code®
and NFPA 1 Fire Code®. The 2012 Life Safety Code was published
in October 2011 and requires that CO detection be installed
in accordance with NFPA 720 in newly constructed daycare
occupancies, one- and two-family dwellings, lodging or rooming
houses, hotels and dormitories, and apartment buildings.
CO detection is required in these occupancies when they contain
a permanently installed fuel-burning appliance or when they
have a “communicating attached garage,” a term that is not
defined in the code or explained in the annex. The committee’s
intended definition of “communicating” is a garage with a door or
entryway between the garage and the dwelling unit or building.
For each occupancy, CO alarms or detectors shall be installed
1) outside of each separate sleeping area, in the immediate
vicinity of the sleeping rooms; and 2) on every occupiable level,
including basements, but excluding attics and crawl spaces.
NFPA 720 also requires the audible alarm notification signal to
be at least 75dBA (decibels adjusted) at the pillow in sleeping
areas. If the detector installed outside the sleeping area is unable
to produce 75dBA at the pillow, with the door closed, a CO
detector or a mini horn should be installed in the sleeping room.
For hotels, dormitories, and apartment buildings, NFPA 101
requires alarms or detectors to be installed in certain nonsleeping locations, including
• on the ceiling in rooms containing a permanently installed
fuel-burning appliance and
• centrally located within occupiable spaces served by the first
supply air register from a fuel-burning HVAC system.
This requirement is different from the NFPA 720 requirement
for CO detectors to be installed on every occupiable level and
centrally located in every HVAC zone of the building. The
committee felt the 720 requirement was excessive to require all
HVAC zones to have CO detection if they are not connected by
duct work or ventilation shafts.
There are specific locations where CO detection is prohibited.
These include garages and within dwellings, dwelling units,
guest rooms, guest suites, lodging houses, or rooming
houses with communicating attached garages that are open
parking structures as defined by the building code or with
communicating attached garages that are mechanically
ventilated in accordance with the mechanical code.
Regarding NFPA 1 Fire Code, the Technical Committee
accepted a proposal to incorporate the same NFPA 101 CO
detection provisions into the 2012 edition of the Fire Code,
thereby requiring CO detection in lodging houses, rooming
houses, hotels, dormitories, apartment buildings, one- and twofamily dwellings, and daycare homes that have a permanently
installed fuel-burning appliance or contain a communicating
attached garage. The location requirements are the same as in
NFPA 101.
The total number of states with some form of CO mandate
now stands at 36. NEMA actively engages state legislative and
code-making bodies to procure these requirements, which
primarily cover one- and two family dwellings, but in some
cases extend to commercial sleeping occupancies such as hotels,
dormitories, apartment buildings, hospitals, nursing homes,
and assisted living facilities. With CO requirements in the
model building codes, the number of states requiring the
installation of CO detection devices will only increase in the
next three to five years.
For details on specific state CO requirements, visit ei
Mr. Roberts, co-chair of NEMA 3SB Smoke/CO Group, has more
than 20 years of experience in all phases of the life safety market.
Other industry affiliations include several NFPA committees and
the UL Standards Technical Panel for Carbon Monoxide Alarms
and Gas Detectors.
A change proposal currently being considered for the 2015 edition of IFC and IBC would clarify
this term. The proposed text defines the term as “a CO detector to be provided in the common
area between the attached garage and the dwelling units and it will activate an audible alarm at a
constantly attended location.”
NEMA electroindustry • May 2012 15 Emergency Communication Systems Provide
Safer Structures, Save Lives
Jeff Van Keuren, Engineering Leader, Compliance Detection & Alarm, Edwards—A UTC Fire & Security Company
he 2010 edition of NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code received
a name change with the addition of the words “and Signaling” to its
title. The scope of the code covers the application, installation, location,
performance, inspection, testing, and maintenance of fire alarm systems,
supervising station alarm systems, public emergency alarm reporting
systems, fire warning equipment and emergency communications systems
(ECS), and their components1. The ECS is new to the code in this edition.
What is so special about ECS and why is it important in the
evolution of the life safety systems of a building?
The scope of the 2002 edition of NFPA 72 involved the
performance and maintenance of only the fire alarm system.
The closest representation of an ECS was an emergency voice/
alarm communications system. During a fire emergency, its
function was to provide a dedicated fire communication system
for the partial or complete evacuation of occupants from large
structures, such as high rise buildings, in a safe and orderly
In an emergency, one-way ECSs are intended to broadcast
information to people in one or more specified indoor or
outdoor areas. According to NFPA 72, emergency messages can
be conveyed either by audible, visible, and textual means or any
combination thereof.
Two-way ECSs are divided into systems that are anticipated to
be used by building occupants, and systems intended to be used
by firefighters, police, and other emergency services personnel.
They are used to exchange and communicate information,
such as instructions, acknowledgement of receipt of messages,
condition of local environment, condition of persons, and to
provide assurance that help is on the way.
Out of Harm’s Way
Today, the code takes into account additional life-threatening
events that are considered equivalent to, or more important
than, a fire emergency. These events include:
• human-caused events (accidental and intentional) that
threaten security
• dangerous situations, such as carbon monoxide poisoning
• accidents, such as toxic spills and radiation leaks
• natural disasters, such as tornados and tsunamis
When identifying the different types of events, consideration
must be given to getting occupants out of harm’s way. This is
all part of an emergency response plan created by analyzing
different risks associated with the occupancy. In case of a fire,
the goal is to get the occupants out of the building or to an area
of refuge, but in the event of a tornado, the occupants should
be relocated to an area of the building out of the way of flying
debris or structural weakness.
Most emergency response plans should contain when and how
to use an ECS. This system is classified into two types—one-way
and two-way.
NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, National Fire Protection Association, Revised 2010
16 NEMA electroindustry • May 2012
In-Building Fire Emergency Voice/Alarm Communications System,
courtesy of UTC Climate, Controls & Security
Guarding against Electrical Hazards
• An in-building mass notification system is used to provide
information and instructions to people in a building or other
space using intelligible voice communications and visible
signals, text, graphics, tactile, or other communication
methods. Examples of these are commercial sound systems,
messaging displays, and flat-screen text displays.
Example HPSA units,
courtesy of UTC
Climate, Controls &
One Way to Safety
Focusing on one-way communications systems, NFPA 72-2010
subdivides this type of ECS into four categories:
• A distributed recipient mass notification system
communicates directly to targeted individuals and groups
that might not be in a contiguous area. An example of this is
mass text messaging.
• An in-building fire emergency voice/alarm communications
system consists of dedicated manual or automatic equipment
for originating and distributing voice instructions to the
occupants of a building, as well as alert and evacuation signals
pertaining to a fire emergency. By adding “in-building” to the
definition, it can be used for other emergency conditions.
• Wide-area mass notification systems are generally installed
to provide real-time information to outdoor areas and could
have the capability to communicate with other notification
systems provided for a campus, military base, municipality,
or similar single or multiple contiguous areas. Examples
of these are high power speaker arrays that are capable of
transmitting sound over one mile.
Technology-Based Flexibility
In buildings, flexibility is the key component of an ECS. The
purpose of a one-way system is to inform the occupants of the
potential danger and provide instructions on what to do, where
to go, and when to re-enter the building.
ECSs are a very significant change in how we think about a
building’s life safety systems. Proper communications between
emergency responders and occupants is a must, so improving
communication via new technologies will provide safer
structures and save lives. ei
Mr. Van Keuren has been involved in the fire alarm and signaling
business for 27 years. He is responsible for the global product
compliance strategies at UTC Climate, Controls & Security’s
Detection & Alarm business segment.
ŰŰSurge Protective Devices—Protecting Systems that Protect
Technology has given us many products that make modern life more convenient, productive, and safe.
Smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and arc-fault circuit interrupters keep us safer at home. Transportation and air traffic control systems keep planes,
trains, and automobiles traveling safely. Numerous other electronic systems enhance our safety on a daily basis.
But what is protecting the systems that protect us?
The Insurance Institute for Business and Home Safety estimates that power surges cost businesses $26 billion annually in lost time and equipment repairs and
replacements. When surges affect systems that are designed to enhance safety, more than money and equipment repairs are at stake. The failure of safety systems
puts people at risk.
Surge protective devices (SPDs) keep surges at an acceptable level that can be withstood by microprocessor- and electronic-based equipment. SPDs help prevent
damage, degradation, and disruption to electrical and electronic systems.
Not only do SPDs help extend the life of equipment and protect investments, they also protect systems that enhance personal safety.
John Miller, Industry Manager |
NEMA electroindustry • May 2012 17 Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Fire
Alarm Systems—A Key to Life Safety
Dan Finnegan, Manager of Industry Affairs for Siemens Fire Safety and Security
ire alarm systems are a key component in the 90,000 lives that have been
saved in fire-related events since 1970.
Fire alarm systems need to work right the first time—there are
no second chances in life safety performance. They are intended
to fulfill three essential objectives:
• life safety
• property protection
• continuance of the business mission
Electrical Safety Month is a good time to review the increased
reliance on the fire detection and notification systems for
life safety and the growing importance on maintaining the
predictability of the fire detection system response. The concepts
of reliability analysis and prediction form the foundation on
which all inspection, testing, and maintenance programs should
be based.
Reliability Activates Early,
Accurate Alarms
Reliability includes both the ability to detect and correctly
respond to a fire, and deliver a fire alarm indication only when
a legitimate fire alarm stimulus actually occurs. Simply stated,
The Theory of Preventive Maintenance
(The Bathtub Curve)
Preventive Maintenance
Extends the Useful Life
Wear Out
Useful Life Failures
(Constant Failure Rate)
early and accurate alarms avoid the concept of “unwanted”
alarms, a topic that has recently gained attention.
Based on Murphy’s law (the truism of anything that can go
wrong will go wrong), we can conclude that any system will
suffer a failure of one of its components at some time during its
design lifetime.
The reliability of a fire alarm system, like any electronic system,
can be computed using a method developed during WWII
by German scientist Robert Lusser, who discovered that the
reliability of a system was the product of the reliabilities of the
individual components.
Research into the reliability of systems has shown that, for most
physical systems, when the failure rate is plotted versus time,
a curve of a familiar shape termed the “bathtub” is displayed
(see Figure 1). The first curve shows a higher rate of failure on
startup, then flattens out over the length of the product life cycle
at a very slow rate, and spikes up at the end of life region.
A fire alarm system without a code compliance
comprehensive program is every bit as incomplete as
a car with only three wheels.
Designing Reliability into System Objectives
The driving force behind every inspection, testing, and
maintenance program is the need to make system reliability as
high as possible. System reliability is the result of four
key elements:
• system design
• installation
• equipment
• maintenance program
Operating Life (time, miles, ect)
Constant Failure Rate ≠ Zero Failures with Good PM
Figure 1. When failure rate is plotted against time, a “bathtub” curve results.
18 NEMA electroindustry • May 2012
The initial inspection and testing of the system should identify
any problems that are designed into the system so they can be
corrected before the system is accepted. For example, it would
not be advisable to locate a smoke detector in an area that will
normally sense aerosols, such as a cooking area.
Guarding against Electrical Hazards
The initial inspection and test should also uncover issues with
system installation, such as wiring, loose screw terminals, and
the correct raceways for the environment/weather.
Fire alarm equipment is very reliable today and is produced
under stringent quality assurance programs audited by
nationally recognized testing laboratories such as Underwriters
A program of inspection, testing, and maintenance of fire alarm
systems is critical to achieving the design objectives of the
system. It is through such a program that issues are discovered.
Ongoing inspection, testing, and maintenance aid in discovery
of changes in the building occupancy/layout and the proper
operation of the key system detection, control, and notification
components. A fire alarm system without a code-compliant
comprehensive program is every bit as incomplete as a car with
only three wheels.
Reliability establishes the demand for fire alarm systems to be
maintained. NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code1
establishes the requirement and places the responsibility for
the regular inspection, testing, and maintenance on the owner/
operator of the site.
An issue often faced in our industry is the enforcement of the
codes and standards that outline the frequency, method, and
qualifications for inspection, testing, and maintenance of fire
alarm systems. Systems that are not properly installed and
maintained lead to unwanted alarms and the potential loss of
life, property, and business mission.
Sadly Different Outcomes
Here are two recent examples of the impact on life safety when
codes and standards are followed; fire alarm and fire protection
systems are properly designed and installed; and a testing,
inspection, and maintenance program is followed.
Although both occurred in hospitals, they highlight the
importance of reliability of fire alarm and fire protection
systems in all buildings.
Montefiore Medical Center, The Bronx, New York
A fire broke out at the Montefiore Medical Center on the
afternoon of November 9, 2011, in a basement cogeneration
plant. The fuel ignited, causing a tremendous amount of smoke
in a short time. Smoke detectors activated properly, and the
engineering staff and foam sprinkler system quickly put out the
fire. Smoke traveled up a ventilation shaft to exit the hospital at
street level, and the hospital’s internal ventilation system shut
down as it should have when the alarms went off.
NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code, National Fire Protection Association, Revised 2010
ŰŰNew NEMA Section Website Launched
The NEMA Signaling, Protection and Communication Section membership unveils
its Life Safety Solutions Online website this month.
North Dakota
South Dakota
Vt. N.H.
New Jersey
The site provides visitors with key life safety information on:
New York
North Carolina
carbon monoxide (CO) detection
life safety regulatory and legislative updates
industry research papers
fire safety blogs, videos, podcasts, etc.
Visitors can also access answers to frequently asked questions on a number of
pertinent smoke detection and CO detection technology questions.
John J. Marcario, Industry Director, NEMA Signaling,
Protection, and Communication Section
New Mexico
State Carbon Monoxide Requirements
• Pending State Legislation
• Enacted CO Requirements for Child Day Care Facilities/
Group Homes Only
• Enacted CO Requirements by Statute, Code or Regulation
• Enacted Combination of CO Requirements, including Child Care
Facilities/Group Homes
NEMA electroindustry • May 2012 19 According to one building engineer, it was “everybody’s
worst nightmare, but from an engineering system standpoint,
everything couldn’t have worked better.” The adult and pediatric
emergency departments had about 150 patients total at the
time of the fire, and two intensive care units housed about 20
patients—including five who were on ventilators. There were no
serious injuries or deaths in the incident.
AMRI Hospital, Kolkata, India
On December 10, 2011, 89 persons choked to death at Kolkata’s
posh AMRI Hospital when thick smoke from a fire in the
basement went through the central air-conditioning ducts and
engulfed seven floors. There were 160 persons inside the hospital
when the fire began around 3 a.m., many of them were asleep
and some too ill even to move.
Reports indicated that the fire alarm system did not function
properly. The fire was confined, but not the smoke.
“The mechanism to stop smoke from spreading didn’t work,”
said Gopal Bhattacharjee, director of the fire department.
Inspect, Test, Maintain
The objectives of a fire alarm system will be achieved in the
event of a fire only if the fire alarm system functions properly.
An inspection, testing, and maintenance program is essential
for the reliable performance of the fire alarm system.
Our industry needs to promote the enforcement of the
provisions within NFPA and building codes that require all fire
alarm and fire protection systems be properly maintained. Lives
depend on it. ei
Mr. Finnegan has 38 years of fire life safety experience, and
serves on many technical code committees representing Siemens,
In partnership with
20 NEMA electroindustry • May 2012
Guarding against Electrical Hazards
ESFI Highlights Emerging Technologies
during National Electrical Safety Month
Brett Brenner, President, Electrical Safety Foundation International
e live in a world of constant innovation, and are often inundated
with promises of how new technologies can improve our lives. While
human nature fuels our desire to adopt the latest technologies, we should
not overlook electrical safety in our quest to remain current.
Each year, electrical failures or malfunctions cause more than
50,000 home fires in the U.S., resulting in 450 deaths, nearly
1,500 injuries, and more than $1.5 billion in property damage,
according to the National Fire Protection Association. Many of
these fires occur in homes with aging electrical systems, which
can become overburdened by modern energy demands.
ESFI sponsors National Electrical Safety Month (NESM) each
May to increase public awareness of electrical hazards in order
to reduce the number of electrically-related fires, fatalities,
injuries, and property loss. With this in mind, ESFI has focused
the 2012 NESM campaign on emerging electrical technologies
and how they relate to existing home electrical systems.
Electrical system components can wear out over time, just
like a roof or heating system, and may not be ready to support
additional technologies or electrical demands. It is critical that
consumers are aware that their home electrical system should be
evaluated by a qualified, licensed electrician before installation
of any new electrical technology or in conjunction with a
significant home renovation.
The NESM toolkit introduces a range of emerging technologies—
electric vehicles, smart meters, solar power, and wind power. It
explains how these technologies work and provides tips for safely
integrating them with an existing electrical system.
ŰŰESFI Launches Electric Vehicle Video
You’ve decided it’s time to buy a new car—and you’re thinking about going
electric. While an EV might be the right choice for you, there are things to know
before you drive one home.
ESFI has created What You Should Know before Going Electric. In just three minutes,
this video uncovers important information, such as:
• types of EVs and their differences
• how to equip a home for an electric charging station
• safety tips for operating a home charging station
See if going EV is right for you at
ŰŰGet the Facts on Emerging Technologies
Technologies that were “emerging” just a few years ago are now readily available
for installation in homes and businesses. ESFI’s Emerging Technology Factsheets
provide an introduction to some of the latest advances in residential electrical
technologies, including important safety considerations.
• What is an Electric Vehicle?
• Choosing Your Electric Vehicle
• Electric Vehicles in the Home
• Electric Vehicles on the Road
• Smart Grid & Smart Meters
• Solar Power
• Wind Power
Learn more at
The campaign resources also highlight other important
electrical technologies, such as arc-fault circuit interrupters,
ground-fault circuit interrupters, and tamper-resistant
receptacles. These devices provide enhanced protection for the
home against electrical fires, shocks, and electrocutions without
the need to undertake major home renovations.
In addition to the toolkit, a new Electric Vehicle Safety video
has been developed to complement the campaign’s electrical
safety messages. The dynamic, three-minute video guides
viewers through the various aspects they should consider
before “going electric.”
NESM resources also include an elementary education
component, which features lessons and activities about
electricity and electrical safety, as well as guidelines for
facilitating a NESM poster contest.
Safety should always be at the forefront of our awareness,
even during our pursuit of the latest and greatest residential
technologies. To help prevent electrical fires and incidents,
it is vital that consumers are familiar with their electrical
system and understand the safety concerns associated with
both emerging and existing residential technologies before
introducing them into their homes.
More information about emerging technologies and how
they can be merged safely with your lifestyle can be found
at ei
NEMA electroindustry • May 2012 21 Duty to Warn—
U.S. Standards on Warnings and Instructions are Updated
Kenneth Ross, JD, Of Counsel to Bowman and Brooke LLP
he ANSI Z535 standards addressing product safety labels have been in
existence since 1991. They have provided manufacturers with good guidance
for the creation of safety labels and more recently, instruction manuals.
Basic Duty to Warn and Instruct
The law of product liability makes it clear that product sellers
must provide “reasonable warnings and instructions” about
risks that exist in their products. And it has been held that
warnings, standing alone, may have no practical relevance
without instructions and instructions without warnings may
not be adequate.
Therefore, when the law talks about the “duty to warn,” it
includes providing warnings on products in the form of safety
labels, safety information in instructions, instructions that
affirmatively describe how to use a product safely, and possibly
even safety information in other means of communication such
as videos, advertising, catalogs, websites, etc.
The law says that a manufacturer has a duty to warn where: (1)
the product is dangerous, (2) the danger is or should be known
by the manufacturer, (3) the danger is present when the product
is used in the usual and expected manner, and (4) the danger is
not obvious or well known to the user.
Once the decision has been made to warn, the manufacturer
needs to determine whether the warning is adequate. Generally,
the adequacy of a warning in a particular situation is a question
of fact decided by the jury.
An adequate warning will:
• Alert the consumer or user to the severity of the hazard;
severity is the magnitude of the hazard and the likelihood of it
being encountered.
• Clearly state the nature of the hazard.
• Clearly state the consequences of the hazard.
• Provide instructions on how to avoid the hazard.
Case law concerning the adequacy of instructions is not
particularly illuminating. Most of the cases address the
adequacy of warnings either on the product or in the manual.
In discussing the adequacy of instructions, the cases only say
that manuals should be “adequate, accurate, and effective” and
“clear, complete, and adequately communicated.”
22 NEMA electroindustry • May 2012
ANSI Z535.4 Standard on Labels
For the last 20 years, the ANSI Z535 standards have provided
guidelines on creating safety labels. Unfortunately, these
standards mostly provide formats for labels and instructions.
As a result, it is possible to comply with these standards and still
have inadequate content, thereby resulting in potentially legally
inadequate warnings and instructions.
ANSI Z535 was initially published on June 6, 1991, with
revisions in 1998, 2002, 2006, and 2011. This standard provides
the basis for developing a safety label system. Unlike some
other labeling standards, ANSI Z535.4 sets forth performance
requirements for the design, application, use, and placement of
safety labels.
Compliance with a voluntary standard is not an
absolute defense.
ANSI Z535.4 deals with on-product safety labels and provides
a specific format label containing a signal word panel, word
message panel, and an optional pictorial or symbol panel. The
message required by the standard to be transmitted with words
or symbols individually or in combination is (1) the type of
hazard, (2) the consequences of not avoiding the hazard, and
(3) how to avoid the hazard. These requirements are consistent
with the case law that requires a label to convey the “nature and
extent” of the danger.
ANSI Z535.4 was revised and reaffirmed in 2011. These revisions
include the following:
• The signal word, CAUTION, is now to only be used for
the risk of injury and not for the risk of property damage.
NOTICE is the signal word to be used where the message
relates to only the risk of property damage.
• There is a new “signal word” called SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS
that can be used as a standalone sign or in combination
with the typical safety label. This was allowed previously,
but is now an official part of the standard. Other signal
These revisions are fairly minimal as the standard evolves
and would not necessitate any significant changes in
current labeling.
Guarding against Electrical Hazards
ANSI Z535.6 Standard on Instructions
No matter what the manufacturer does to meet its “duty to
warn” with on-product labels, most products will need some
instructions. Given the limited space on products and the
ever expanding need to warn about even remote risks, safety
information in instructions is taking on increased importance.
A number of years ago, the ANSI committee concluded that
while there are a number of other guides or standards that
discuss instructions, none dealt specifically with incorporating
safety information into instructions and how to interrelate these
instructions with ANSI Z535 safety labels.
Therefore, it published a new part of the standard, ANSI Z535.6,
to deal with this subject. This new standard was first published
in 2006 and reaffirmed with minor changes in 2011.
The standard provides requirements for the purpose, content,
format, and location of four different kinds of safety messages:
• supplemental directives
• grouped safety messages
• section safety messages
• embedded safety messages
Supplemental directives instruct readers to read the entire
manual or safety information in the manual. That information
can be located on the cover of a manual or on the first page of a
section in the manual.
Grouped safety messages are commonly referred to as a “safety
section.” This section usually appears at the beginning of the
manual, before or after the table of contents, and generally
describes the risks involved in the use of the product and how
to minimize or avoid them. These sections should include
definitions of the signal words—DANGER, WARNING, and
CAUTION—that are used on labels and in the manual, as well
as reproductions of the labels in an illustration showing where
they are attached to the product. If the product has symbol-only
labels, the manual should describe the meaning of all symbols.
Section safety messages are included at the beginning of
a chapter (i.e. maintenance, installation, or operation) or
within a chapter and do not specifically apply to a procedure.
They include general messages such as “Do not perform
maintenance without first reading this chapter and the safety
precautions at the beginning of this manual” or “Failure to
follow safety precautions in this chapter could result in serious
injury or death.”
Embedded safety messages are contained within a specific
procedure. For example, “To prevent burns, wear protective
gloves when performing this procedure.”
Today, providing more interesting, compelling, and
understandable safety information can be transmitted by video,
CDs, and webcasts, in combination with written literature. This
standard, however, does not provide any guidance on more
effective ways to transmit safety information.
The challenge for manufacturers in the future will be to provide
information in a way that is more likely to be read or viewed.
While the law doesn’t specifically require it, it is important for
manufacturers to consider doing more to encourage people to
read or view their instructions and to use their products more
safely. The technology is certainly available, but not many
manufacturers are fully utilizing it.
Be Prepared
Allegations of inadequate warnings and instructions are
dangerous because it is so easy for a plaintiff to argue that the
manufacturer should have done something different. If the label
had words, then a manufacturer would only have had to add a
few more words and the accident would not have happened. If
there had been only symbols and the plaintiff didn’t understand
them, it could be said that all the manufacturer would have had
to do was test the label for comprehension. The remedy is cheap
and simple and it may be hard to defend a particular label given
a serious injury and sympathetic plaintiff.
There is a similar argument for instructions, either in the form
of manuals that accompany the product or that exist on a
website. The plaintiff couldn’t understand the information, or it
was inconsistent with the label and they became confused, or it
didn’t have certain information.
Safety information in instructions is taking on
increased importance.
Manufacturers can certainly use symbol-only labels in the U.S.
because they will be able to say that the label complies with
ANSI Z535. However, compliance with a voluntary standard is
not an absolute defense. Therefore, they need to be prepared to
prove how the symbol transmitted the required information.
As more and better warnings are placed on products and
more safety information is created in manuals and elsewhere,
plaintiffs’ experts will attack the adequacy of the labels on
understandability and effectiveness. Every manufacturer needs
to be prepared to rebut this argument by any available means. ei
Mr. Ross, a former partner at Bowman and Brooke LLP in
Minneapolis, has provided legal advice to manufacturers on
safety labels and instruction manuals for more than 30 years,
including the Mr. Ouch labeling project sponsored by NEMA in
1980. He can be reached at
NEMA electroindustry • May 2012 23 Know before Digging—
APWA Provides Uniform Marking of Underground Facilities
Connie Hartline, Publications Manager, American Public Works Association
he American Public Works Association (APWA) urges all professionals and
agencies involved in construction, maintenance, excavation, or surveying
of any kind, to recognize and adopt the APWA Guidelines for Uniform
Temporary Marking of Underground Facilities, which use the APWA Uniform
Color Code safety colors as listed in ANSI Z535.1 American National Standard
for Safety Colors.
In conjunction with APWA’s Utilities and Right of Way
Committee, the association has developed and published the
guidelines for temporary marking of underground facilities,
including the APWA Uniform Color Code, in order to minimize
damages during excavation and other similar construction
operations in which earth is moved, displaced, or removed.
The APWA Uniform Color Code enables excavators, line
owners, and surveyors to recognize the intent of paint, flags,
stakes, and other temporary markings, including those that
identify the location of subsurface utilities, lines, and similar
facilities, and markings that identify the proposed excavation
and survey markings inherent to construction sites.
The safety colors used in the APWA Uniform Color Code are:
• Red—electric power lines, cables and conduit systems, and
lighting cables
• Yellow—gas, oil, steam, petroleum, gaseous or
dangerous materials
• Orange—communications, cable television, alarm or signal
lines, cables or conduit systems
• Blue—water, irrigation, and slurry lines
• Green—sewer and drain lines
• White—route of proposed subsurface line or location of
proposed excavation
• Purple—reclaimed water
The Uniform Color Code also includes fluorescent pink for
temporary construction project site survey markings or to
make survey monuments temporarily visible. ei
ANSI Z535 Colors Signal Safety
NEMA publishes ANSI Z535 to alert people to hazards
in the workplace and at home.
Learn more or purchase these standards at
24 NEMA electroindustry • May 2012
ŰŰUse of Temporary Marking
The APWA marking guide provides for universal use and understanding of the
temporary marking of subsurface facilities to prevent accidents and damage or
service interruption by contractors, excavators, utility companies, municipalities
or others working on or near underground facilities.
Color-coded surface marks (i.e., paint or chalk) indicate the location or route of
active and out-of-service buried lines. To increase visibility, color-coded vertical
markers (i.e., stakes or flags) supplement surface marks.
APWA encourages public agencies, utilities, contractors, other associations,
manufacturers and all others involved in excavation to adopt the APWA Uniform
Color Code, using ANSI Z535.1 American National Standard for Safety Colors for
temporary marking and facility identification.
For more information, visit
Uniform Color Code courtesy of APWA
Electroindustry News
ŰŰDose Initiatives Underscore Industry’s Commitment to Patient Safety
Medical imaging technologies, such as
computed tomography (CT), fluoroscopy,
and positron emission tomography
(PET), have become increasingly integral
components of the ever-evolving
practice of medicine. As they become
more innovative, they enable earlier
detection of potentially fatal conditions,
saving lives in the process. And as
the technology continues to advance,
medical imaging manufacturers are
reaffirming their commitment to making
medical devices safe and effective.
While advanced imaging modalities
have immeasurably enhanced standards
of care, risks associated with radiation
exposure are not to be discounted.
MITA has a long-standing commitment
to ensure safe dosage without
compromising diagnostic quality.
In 2011, manufacturers introduced the
CT Dose Check Initiative1, an industrywide commitment that aims to reduce
procedure dose and medical errors by
adding additional notification on CT
machines, recording dose information
consistently for each and every patient.
Manufacturers have already begun
producing and shipping equipment with
these enhanced safety features.
• The 2010 Radiation Therapy
Readiness Initiative2 , an endeavor
spearheaded by MITA and the
Advanced Medical Technology
Association (AdvaMed), enhances the
safety of radiation therapy equipment
through additional patient protection
features, verifying the delivery of
patient treatment plans via the proper
positioning of radiation therapy
equipment prior to delivery.
• MITA members have also been
involved with Image Gently3 to lower
radiation dose in the imaging of
children. The safeguards represent
a major step forward in managing
radiation dose during CT scans
performed on children, who are much
more sensitive to radiation than adults.
Through collaboration with providers,
academics, and government, the medical
imaging industry is successfully working
to measure and reduce dose while also
advancing technologies and standards
of care.
MITA members are also building on
their commitment to safety by directing
new initiatives. In response to the FDA’s
2010 Initiative to Reduce Radiation
Exposure from Medical Imaging, MITA
formed the Nuclear Medicine Dose Task
Force, focusing on CT, fluoroscopy,
and nuclear medicine. It aligns with
the initiative’s promotion of safe use of
medical imaging devices.
These equipment safety standards,
protocol development, quality and
safety checks, provider education
programs, and physician-developed
medical guidelines are a testament
to the medical imaging industry’s
commitment to patient safety,
effectively minimizing radiation dose
as much as possible while providing
even greater degrees of coordination,
transparency, and reporting in the
delivery of medical radiation.
The task force is comprised of three
teams that include a broad representation
of radiopharmaceutical and equipment
experts. The Evidence Team will work
to collect evidence supporting reduction
of radiation dose exposure, while the
State of the Union and Prospective
Teams will focus on current industry
programs and innovation efforts to
reduce dose, respectively.
MITA has also established an Advisory
Board for the Nuclear Medicine Dose
Task Force. It represents professional
medical societies, academia, and experts
in radiation dose and dosimetry. The
board will provide guidance and work
with scientific and clinical communities
to review and evaluate MITA proposals
to reduce dose.
Through ongoing industry-wide dose
initiatives, imaging manufacturers
remain true to our pledge to ensure
that all patients have access to the right
scan—with the right dose—at the right
time, and we will continue to do our part
to ensure that every imaging procedure
is both safe and medically appropriate
for the patient’s condition. ei
Gail M. Rodriguez, PhD,
Executive Director of MITA and
Vice President of NEMA |
NEMA electroindustry • May 2012 25 Code Actions/Standardization Trends
ŰŰWiring Practices & Troubleshooting with AFCIs
Arc-fault circuit interrupters (AFCIs)
provide protection to home owners from
electrical fires. Their advanced electrical
technology detects arcing conditions and
shuts down the electrical circuit before it
becomes a fire hazard.
Dangerous arc faults may result
from damaged wiring, overheated or
stressed electrical cords, worn electrical
insulation, wires/cords in contact with
vibrating metal, damaged electrical
appliances, and more.
For AFCIs to work effectively, it is
important that proper wiring practices
be followed. In the white paper Wiring
Practices & Troubleshooting with AFCIs1,
some of the important wiring practices an
electrician should follow are highlighted.
The paper includes the following
troubleshooting guides (see
accompanying charts) that outline
common scenarios and the appropriate
steps to diagnose and effectively alleviate
any problem that may be encountered in
the field. ei
Gerard Winstanley, Program Manager |
Download at
Sweeping the Nation is a one-stop information
resource for residential arc-fault breaker safety
information. It is maintained by NEMA’s Low
Voltage Distribution Equipment Section.
Each year, home electrical fires kill 480 people,
injure thousands, and destroy more than
$868 million in property. While smoke alarms,
fire extinguishers, and other devices provide
lifesaving help once a fire begins, AFCIs detect
dangerous electrical conditions beforehand.
See the video at
26 NEMA electroindustry • May 2012
The free AFCI installation and troubleshooting training program will be available soon on
the UL Knowledge Services website ( Availability will be
announced on, in electroindustry, and elsewhere.
Troubleshooting guides outline common scenarios
and the appropriate steps to diagnose and
effectively alleviate them.
ŰŰNEMA Announces Arc-Fault
Circuit Interrupter Basics
Training Course
Ed Larsen, Industry Standards Manager,
Schneider Electric
NEMA is partnering with UL Knowledge
Services (formerly known as UL University)
to produce a free online arc-fault circuit
interrupter (AFCI) installation and
troubleshooting training program.
AFCI breakers were created to reduce the
possibility of electrical fires that start from
arcing so small that it can’t be detected by
standard circuit breakers. However, achieving
the goal of saving lives and reducing property
damage caused by these fires requires a
partnership between the manufacturers and
installers of AFCIs.
Manufacturers need to design circuit breakers
that detect and interrupt low level arcs while not
tripping unnecessarily, but installers have a role
to play as well.
The goal of this course is to help contractors
complete the trouble-free installation of AFCIs
and other devices and educate them on what they
should do in the unlikely event that unwanted
tripping should occur. The course is intended
for anyone who installs electrical systems in
residences, whether they are single, multifamily, or
apartment buildings—anywhere the use of AFCIs
are required by the National Electrical Code®.
This course covers how to properly install AFCIs
and other residential branch circuit components
and how to find and fix electrical system
problems that might cause AFCIs to trip.
By taking this course, a contractor’s customers
will benefit from the increased safety afforded
by AFCIs without experiencing annoying,
unwanted tripping. They will benefit by
experiencing fewer call-backs, which means
more profit and the peace of mind in knowing
that they have done their best to improve the
electrical safety of the homes they wire. ei
Mr. Larsen has worked in the electrical industry
for 39 years and is a member of several NEMA
product sections and task groups. He currently
chairs the 5PP Personnel Protection Section.
NEMA electroindustry • May 2012 27 Code Actions/Standardization Trends
ŰŰInspections: Who is the Customer?
There has been a great deal of debate
recently over the scope of inspections,
code adoptions, rigorous enforcement,
qualifications of inspectors, and even the
appropriateness of government dictates.
We are witnessing a serious dilution of
our safety system, using the economy
as an excuse to gut many inspection
agencies and turn them into revenuegenerating paper handlers.
Most of the changes begin with, “We
need to better serve our customers—the
developers and builders.” This line of
thinking is because the builder/contractor
files for and purchases the required
permits. The original intent of building
inspection functions was to protect
persons who live, work, or visit the area.
But protect from whom or what?
Unscrupulous builders who would skimp
on basic construction practices? Or those
ignorant of basic minimums? Or inferior
products, possibly used without the
builder’s knowledge?
Because of these concerns, a safety
system has evolved that makes buildings
in this nation among the safest. The
system is based on the foundations of
appropriate and harmonized product
standards, installation codes that are
coordinated with those standards,
verification that products meet
appropriate standards, and inspections
to ensure that the correct products are
being used and installed safely, i.e.,
according to the latest installation code.
Eroding Safety
We are now seeing erosion of each of
these basic safety requirements: states and
local jurisdictions have removed certain
categories of products from having to
comply with standards, or exempted
products or installations from inspection.
The trend has been toward inspectors
who have the “right personality” rather
than specific experience.
There are also efforts to delete municipal
inspection departments entirely in favor
of private agencies. Independent thirdparty inspections are not inherently
inferior to municipal inspections. There
are, in fact, many competent, welltrained private inspection agencies.
But does replacing one of the most
respected and effective jurisdiction
agencies with contract inspectors make
sense? Will it save money? Will it result
in equal safety? There are no absolute
answers; it depends on how private
inspections are administered. Care
must be taken to ensure that inspectors
are competent, there are no conflicts of
interest, and municipal oversight exists
to verify integrity.
Could a private, for-profit agency better
serve the public safety mandate while
providing competent inspections for
the contractor? The process is further
eroded when codes are not implemented
in a timely fashion, or builders delay
adoptions or skip new codes entirely.
Is there any liability when an incident
occurs that could have been prevented
by newer codes? Should a jurisdiction be
held accountable for not implementing
the minimums found in recent codes?
Will a builder be brought to task for not
utilizing the provisions in the latest,
nationally-accepted codes, even if they are
not adopted locally? Is there a moral and
ethical obligation to protect the public to
the greatest reasonable extent possible?
Unfortunately, we will probably not have
the answers to those questions until
tragedy befalls members of the public
who relied on the local governmental
officials to ensure their safety.
Too successful?
In many ways, the construction industry
in general, and the electrical industry
specifically, might be a victim of its
own success. We have taken a very
dangerous physical property, tamed
it for productive use, and established
parameters for its use that has resulted
in an enviable safety record.
Could it be that this very success has
lulled us into a sense of security so deeply
ingrained that we believe taking away
critical foundations of that safety will not
put us at unnecessary risk? Is saving cost
worth the lessening of safety?
We need to do more than just hope that
tragedy will not result from refocusing
the purpose of inspections away from the
trusting public to helping the bottom line
of developers.
We need to become advocates for safety;
we need to speak out to the decisionmakers, and let them know that we
are on a tragic path. We need to do it
before the entire safety structure comes
crashing down as a result of a weakened
foundation to where it can no longer
protect us. ei
Joe Andre, NEMA West Coast Field
Representative |
ŰŰICC Building Safety Month 2012
Building Safety Month is a public awareness
campaign offered each May to help individuals,
families, and businesses understand what it takes to
create and maintain safe and sustainable structures.
28 NEMA electroindustry • May 2012
It is presented by the International Code Council
and its 50,000 members along with corporations,
agencies, professional associations, nonprofits, and
others in the building construction, design, and
safety community.
Vince Baclawski, Senior Technical
Director, Codes and Standards | vin_
ŰŰElectrical Inspectors—It Won’t Happen to Me!
Adding “electrical inspector” to an
individual’s job title does not add
protection from electrical hazards.
view their daily routine. Some become
complaisant and develop an attitude that
“it won’t happen to me.”
Even though inspectors are not
normally subjected to the same hazards
as field electricians, they do run a
considerable risk of being involved in
an arc-flash incident.
Having served as an electrical inspector,
I know it is not unusual for an inspector
to cross the imaginary safety line and
put himself into a potential arc-flash
zone without wearing appropriate
personal protective equipment (PPE).
While an inspector always tries to
inspect installations that are in a deenergized state, electrical inspectors
who retain the “it won’t happen to me”
mentality will inspect installations that
are not de-energized.
Most inspectors were at one time
electricians, and they carried the tools
of the trade with great pride. These
same individuals completed extensive
apprenticeship programs that included
classroom instruction and on-the-job
training, which gave them a safety
roadmap to complete the job safely.
Unfortunately, after all that training,
many of those same electricians are
involved in arc-flash incidents and are
shocked or even electrocuted each year.
Why does this still occur? The answer
may lie in the way that electricians
Previous editions of NFPA 70E Standard
for Electrical Safety in the Workplace
focused on protecting the safety of
electricians. The standard did not
mention the word “inspection” until the
2012 edition. During the 2012 revision,
“inspection” was added to the scope of
the document because inspectors are not
immune to the electrical hazards that
field electricians face. This change to
NFPA 70E should have a major impact
on the way that municipalities and
inspectors view safety.
Most communities mandate that
firefighters wear protective gear during
the course of their duties. Electrical
inspectors should be treated similarly
and should be supported by their
communities when it comes to being
properly equipped with appropriate PPE.
Remember, if it’s not locked out and
tested to be de-energized, treat electrical
equipment as energized. ei
Don Iverson, NEMA Midwest Field
Representative |
ŰŰNEMA Hires New Southern Field Representative
Paul W. Abernathy
joined NEMA
in March as its
Southern Field
He replaces John
Minick, who
retired in February.
He has more
than 22 years of
experience as
an electrician, electrical contractor,
electrical inspector, author, and educator.
At the age of 19, he became one of
Virginia’s youngest licensed electricians.
Paul Abernathy
Photo by Pat Walsh
In the 1990s, he began conducting
electrical code seminars and holding
classes on electrical code exam
preparation as well as training events
for municipal inspection groups.
Mr. Abernathy worked for the City of
Richmond as an electrical inspector,
senior electrical plans examiner, and
acting engineer within the Electrical
and Fire Alarm Plan Review division.
The majority of his work was as the inhouse electrical code educator and plans
examiner for new construction projects.
He supervised the electrical inspections
department and played a significant role
in the daily operations of the inspection
department as well.
Most recently, as code supervisor for
the City of Alexandria, Virginia, Mr.
Abernathy oversaw daily operations of
field inspectors in electrical, mechanical,
plumbing, building, and fire protection.
Mr. Abernathy is certified by the
International Code Council (ICC) in
residential inspections of building. He is
also ICC-certified as an Electrical Plans
Examiner and Commercial Electrical
Inspector. In 2007, he was named “Top
Gun” at the National Electrical Code®
(NEC) presenter honors as well as
Member of the Year for InterNACHI,
an association dedicated to the home
inspection industry where he served as
its electrical code consultant.
In his passion for teaching the NEC, Mr.
Abernathy has had more than 25,000
electricians, engineers, and inspectors
as his students. He is the author of
How to Perform Electrical Inspections
(InterNACHI, 2009).
Contact him at Paul.Abernathy@nema.
org or 972-358-0543. ei
Vince Baclawski, Senior Technical
Director, Codes and Standards |
NEMA electroindustry • May 2012 29 Code Actions/Standardization Trends
ŰŰCalculation Tool Highlights New Edition of NEMA Conduit Fittings Selection
and Installation Guidelines
NEMA recently published NEMA FB
2.10-2012 Selection and Installation
Guidelines for Fittings for Use with
Non-Flexible Metallic Conduit or Tubing
(Rigid Metal Conduit, Intermediate Metal
Conduit, and Electrical Metallic Tubing).
It gives installers and code enforcement
officials comprehensive guidance on
the proper selection and application of
common conduit and tubing fittings.
body complies with the “6 and 8 times
rule” in Sections 314.28(A)(1) and (A)
(2), the installer refers to the maximum
allowable number and size of conductors
according to conduit trade size in
Chapter 9, Table 1. If, however, the
conduit body does not meet the “6 and 8
times rule,” it must be marked with the
maximum permitted quantity and size
of conductors.
These guidelines explain the background
on critical installation issues such
as fitting and carton markings,
the importance of proper thread
engagement, applying proper torque,
and maintaining the integrity of the
grounding system.
But what if the electrician does not have
the specified size of conductor on hand
during an installation? Can a larger
quantity of a smaller size conductor than
what is marked on the conduit body be
installed? The answer is yes, if all the
aspects for determining compliance with
the NEC maximum fill area, or “wirefill,”
in the conduit system are considered.
In the new edition of FB 2.10, a more
descriptive definition of and guidance
information for expansion fittings
were added, along with updates to
reflect relevant changes in the National
Electrical Code® (NEC), which took effect
in 2011, and new guidance for conduit
bodies used in rigid metal conduit and
intermediate metallic conduit systems.
The most significant change is the
addition of an informative appendix
for guidance on conduit body wirefill.
According the NEC, when a conduit
These include determining the crosssectional area of the raceway for a given
trade size from NEC Chapter 9, Table 4;
the maximum conductor fill percentage
based on the conduit body marking; and
determining the installation conductor
fill percentage including grounding
conductor(s) based from NEC Chapter
9, Table 5. If the installation conductor
fill percentage including grounding
conductor(s) is less than the de-rating
conduit fill percentage calculated based
on the conduit body marking, the
installation is permitted.
The new appendix provides examples
using larger quantities of smaller
conductors than the maximum quantity
and size marked on the conduit body.
In the future, new examples involving
a smaller quantity of larger conductors
than the marked maximums will be
considered. Additionally, the NEMA
Conduit Fittings Section plans to
develop a web-based calculator that will
enable an installer or inspector to input
variables and to readily determine if an
installation complies with NEC.
According to Fred Small, chairman of
the Conduit Fittings Section Technical
Committee, “This new appendix is
a valuable tool for installers of our
products and for inspector authorities.
We also look forward to making the
calculator available to electricians to
make it easier to find out whether
a given installation is allowed.”
NEMA FB 2.10-2012 may be
downloaded at no charge at
Mike Leibowitz, Program Manager |
NEMA Engineering Bulletin 103, Photovoltaic Wiring Methods offers a concise summary of wiring methods
permitted as alternatives to the general wiring methods in National Electrical Code® Chapters 1 through 4.
30 NEMA electroindustry • May 2012
International Roundup
ŰŰNEMA Hosts Visiting Intelligent Transportation Systems Delegation from Mexico
NEMA recently hosted a visiting
delegation of Intelligent Transportation
System (ITS) officials from several states
of Mexico as well as its capital, Mexico
City. It was sponsored by the U.S. Trade
and Development Agency (USTDA),
one of the principal export promotion
agencies of the U.S. government.
The concession and government
highways present opportunities for U.S.
equipment vendors and engineering
firms. Mexico’s government has deployed
security technologies along the U.S.–
Mexico border to expedite truck security
and customs inspections.
as well as brand new systems. Together,
these deployments will demand U.S.
technologies including RFID tags and
readers, vehicle detection, message
signs, and CCTV cameras, along with
opportunities for engineering service
firms. All of these technologies are tied
together by NTCIP standards.
The delegation followed its NEMA visit
by hosting a business briefing the next
day at the USTDA, during which specific
plans for ITS systems were shared by
each of the delegates.
The remainder of 2012 will be unsettled
because of upcoming presidential
elections slated for July, but later this year
NEMA plans to meet with the incoming
administration of SCT to further
NEMA’s objective in hosting the group
was to inform the officials about the
ongoing development of ITS standards
by NEMA, focusing especially on
the NTCIP (National Transportation
Communications for ITS Protocol)
family of standards of which NEMA
has been the principal architect for the
past fifteen years, boosting the visibility
of members of the Transportation
Management Systems and Associated
Control Devices Section.
Mexico’s large territory, economic
development, and rapid population
growth have led to a steady demand
for road infrastructure and increased
urban mobility. Most toll roads are
administered by Mexican government
agencies, and all of them include
electronic toll collection using U.S.
standards. Over the last few years, a
renewed interest in highway concessions
has led to a number of new toll roads that
require ITS equipment such as electronic
toll collection, road safety equipment,
and modern communications systems.
Photos by Gene Eckhart
During recent years the Mexican Ministry
of Communications and Transport—
Secretaria de Comunicaciones y
Transportes (SCT)—the key federal
agency responsible for transportation,
has designed and consolidated publicprivate partnership models as tools to
attract larger investments to the highway
sector. These projects involve investments
of $11.7 billion dollars to construct or
modernize 3,200 kilometers of highspecification highways.
In the near future, urban modernization
and growth will require a number of
traffic management system upgrades,
develop a more formal system of NTCIPbased standards in Mexico to facilitate
members’ efforts to provide state-of-theart products and services in this
growing market. ei
Gene Eckhart, Senior Director for
International Operations |
Jean Johnson, Technical Program
Manager |
Bruce Schopp, Manager of
Transportation Systems |
NEMA electroindustry • May 2012 31 More
This month is all about
electrical safety.
• The 2012 National Electrical
Safety Month campaign provides
consumers with an introduction
to some of the latest advances in
residential electrical technologies.
• Life Safety Solutions Online is the
NEMA Signaling, Protection and
Communication Section website. It
provides key life safety information
on carbon monoxide detection,
life safety regulatory and legislative
updates, industry research
papers, fire safety blogs, videos,
podcasts, and more. Visit
Stock art Credits:
Cover, 1,8 ©photographer2222/
• NEMA is committed to safety in
the workplace. NEMA publishes
the ANSI Z535 series of standards
for safety signs and colors.
Collectively, they prevent accidents
and injuries. See how to make
the workplace a safer place at
• AFCI safety is sweeping the nation.
A free AFCI installation and
troubleshooting training program
will be available soon on the UL
Knowledge Services website. Learn
more at and
• NEMAcasts explore safety and other
news from the electroindustry with
key decision makers. Learn more and
sign up at
Cover, 1, 8 ©Alhovik/
10 ©
Coming in
Smart Grid—Meeting Future
With billions now invested in
Smart Grid, and numerous options
and technologies emerging,
everyone wants to know if the grid
will meet future expectations or go
the way of the dinosaurs.
Regardless of your area of
interest, June’s electroindustry
has it covered—shaping the
regulatory environment, demand
response strategies, changing
consumption patterns, electric
vehicles, smart appliances, smart
meters, microgrids, renewables,
energy storage, and more.
If you’ve got questions about
meeting future expectations of
the grid, we’ve got answers.
Economic Spotlight
NEMA’s Electroindustry Business
Confidence Index (EBCI) for current
North American conditions can be found
EBCI is based on results of a monthly
survey of senior managers at NEMA
member companies. It is designed to
gauge the business confidence of the
electroindustry in key world regions. ei
ŰŰAvailable from NEMA/BIS –
The Electroindustry Economic Outlook
Based on popular demand for current
data and forward-looking analysis of
the electroindustry and the economic
fundamentals that drive it, NEMA/BIS
offers a subscription-based, regularly
updated compendium of the information
that industry professionals and
executives most often request.
The Electroindustry Economic Outlook
is the preferred source for timely,
comprehensive coverage of the economic
trends and events shaping the U.S.
32 NEMA electroindustry • May 2012
• Extensive Coverage
• Frequently Updated
• Affordably Priced
To find out how the Electroindustry
Economic Outlook can help your
business, contact Tim Gill at
703-841-3298, or
Registration is now open for
November 9 & 10
Turnberry Isle Miami
Aventura/Miami, Florida
Join us for a mix of business
sessions, seminars, and strategic outlooks
with a global perspective. This is NEMA’s
premier event and your opportunity to meet
with fellow NEMA members to discuss
important issues facing electrical equipment
and medical imaging manufacturers.
register at
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