11/1019 : VM Bromborough T2400 For:UpNorthGroup(VirginMedia Ltd.) th Revision: First Issue 9 July2013 Planning Support Statement VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 1 Contents 1.0 Background information 2.0 Location, constraints and context 3.0 The Proposals 3.1 Amount 3.2 Layout 3.3 Scale 3.4 Appearance 3.5 Access 3.6 Planning : guidance data 4.0 Appendices 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 Napper Architects drawing AL(0)01 Location Plan Napper Architects drawing AL(0)02 Existing Plan Napper Architects drawing AL(0)03 Proposed Plan Napper Architects drawing AL(0)04 Existing Elevations Napper Architects drawing AL(0)05 Proposed Elevations Weatherite : VMR30 fabrication drawing Weatherite : VMR30 technical data VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 2 1.0 Background Information UpNorth Group commissioned Napper Architects to submit applications for planning approval for the alteration and / or adaption of a number of Virgin Media ‘hubs’ nationwide, to provide air handling equipment to serve new VM digital media apparatus. The Virgin Media premises is accessed directly from Skiddaw Road,75m from its junction with Bassendale Road : VM Bromborough T2400 Unit 4 Skiddaw Road Corft Business Park Bromborough Merseyside CH62 3RB VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 3 2.0 Location, constraints and context Figure 1. Site location plan not to scale The Virgin Media building is a detached two storey industrial building, sitting within a development of four units, accessed from a central access road. Unit 4 is accessed via a dedicated parking apron which also provides direct access to its private service yard and plant compound. The walls are finished in coloured composite metal cladding, with contrasting panels and rainwater goods, with a similar profiled sheet metal roof with contrasting gutters. The building is surrounded on all sides by a Heras compound fence, with supplementary fencing to the plant compound. The proposals comprise the installation of a new chiller installations within the building, connecting via internal plenums to new powder coated louvers in the external facade. VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 4 Figure 2. Google Earth view of the site. View 1. Birds eye view of the Virgin Media premises from the east. VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 5 3.0 The Proposals The proposals which form this submission build on the evolving client brief and the technical analysis noted in the sections below. View 2. Southern elevation looking due west View 3. Entrance gate to secure compound running length of west elevation with secure plant compound to the right. 3.1 Amount Three prefabricated ‘Weatherite’ air conditioning chiller units (refer to appendices 4.6 and 4.7) incorporating integral fans within a prefabricated powder coated steel casing; the units to be located internally within the building to replace two similar existing units. The new installations are to be connected to the rear of the existing / new louvres via insulated ductwork plenum. Three new pressure relief dampers are also to be provided; these are 1000mm x 750mm and operate as control when the chillers are in free cooling / mixed mode cooling. VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 6 View 4. Eastern gable wall looking south View 5. View of the south elevation from the north east 3.2 Layout The three new chillers are to replace existing (dissimilar units) and are located internally, close to the external facade with insulated ductwork connection via plenums to the external louvers as per layout as proposed, reference 4.3. The three new pressure relief dampers are located in the southern elevation, spaced symmetrically and lining through at the head with the existing similar sized louvres. VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 7 View 6. Birds eye view from the south VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 8 3.3 Scale These are proprietary units, sized for performance capacity; they are located internally, positioned to cool new digital media apparatus, with air intake via the gable louvres. View 7. Secure plant compound – unaffected by the proposals View 8. Looking north at the plant compound. An access pathway running to the full perimeter of the building passes between the plant compound and the building – refer to view 11. VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 9 3.4 Appearance Figure 3. Weatherite ‘Chiller Unit’ – typical unit, in internal configuration supply ducting connected to the rear of the intake / supply louvre. with intake Powder coated sealed casings to AC chiller units, located internally with connection to existing / new powder coated steel louvres. New chiller intake / exhaust louvres and pressure dampers are proposed to be finished in RAL 7042 to match the existing cladding, to LPA approval. There are no proposed works to the compound enclosure. VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 10 View 9. Birds eye view from the west 3.5 Access The installations require periodic maintenance, with full access required only during the installation period and for inspection of any damage or major technical faults that occur during operation. Direct access is possible from within the building. View 10. Birds eye view from the north VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 11 View 11. Looking north between the building and the secure plant compound. VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 12 3.6 Planning : guidance data Refer also to preceding sections 3.1-3.5 A. Site analysis - Virgin Media occupy Unit 4, Skiddaw Road, Corft Business Park, Bromborough, Merseyside CH62 3RB The premises comprises a two storey industrial building with shallow pitched roof, both clad in profiled metal composite sheeting, with dedicated parking apron and service yard, with secure compound fencing and external plant area. B. Context analysis – The proposal is to provide supplementary air cooling plant to serve digital media equipment. No existing access arrangements for either Virgin Media or their neighbours is compromised. C. Policy Context D. Movement – No existing access arrangements are compromised by the proposal E. Access – The Virgin Media premises is approached via a dedicated parking / service apron and has a secure plant compound, and perimeter fencing. Refer also to item 3.5 F. Amount – refer to item 3.1 G. Layout – refer to item 3.2 H. Scale – refer to item 3.3. The proposed chiller units measure 2000mm (wide) x 925mm (deep) x 2850mm (high) - refer to 4.6 for full fabrication drawing. The setting out and size of external louvres are indicated on drawing AL(0)05 I. Appearance – refer to item 3.4 J. Landscaping – no landscaping is involved in this application K. Community safety – The proposed plant is located within the secure Virgin Media premises and is accessible by only Virgin Media staff and service engineers. L. Environmental Sustainability – The scheme proposal is to provide a far more efficient element of plant with greater capacity than the equipment it replaces to serve new digital media distribution equipment, whilst adhering to current legislation in terms of performance output. Final scheme - As application drawings VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 13 4.0 Appendices 4.1 Napper Architects drawing AL(0)01 Location Plan VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 14 4.2 Napper Architects drawing AL(0)02 Existing Plan VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 15 4.3 Napper Architects drawing AL(0)03 Proposed Plan VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 16 4.4 Napper Architects drawing AL(0)04 Existing Elevations VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 17 4.5 Napper Architects drawing AL(0)05 Proposed Elevations VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 18 4.6 Weatherite : VMR30 fabrication drawing VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 19 4.7 Weatherite : VMR30 technical data VM Bromborough T2400 - Design and Access Statement 20