hbc spring 2014

“Who Am I?”
Travelling Exhibit
to China
North Pacific
125 Years
Sustainable tourism
Telling our maritime stories
North pacific cannery
fort langley
Capacity planning
Heritage BC is a not for profit, charitable
organization supporting heritage conservation
across British Columbia through advocacy,
training and skills development, capacity building
in heritage planning and funding through the
Heritage Legacy Endowment Fund.
We are passionate about building links between
heritage conservation and tourism, economic and
environmental sustainability, community pride
and an appreciation of our common history.
Programs include workshops, annual conferences,
publications and grants for the conservation
of historic buildings and special places. We are
funded through membership fees, program and
service revenues, charitable gifts and donations
as well as sponsorships.
Today we have a growing membership of
individuals, groups and business members who
share a common interest in heritage conservation,
historic places, and promoting the value of British
Columbia’s heritage for all.
On the Road with Heritage BC
There’s no better time to start planning your summer vacation, and this issue of
Heritage BC Quarterly is full of ideas about how you and your family can enjoy the
beauty and bounty of British Columbia’s cultural and place based heritage.
Have you considered a trip up the north coast to discover the spectacular coastal
landscapes on the way to Prince Rupert? This is the year to enjoy North Pacific
Cannery’s 125th anniversary celebrations with exhibits, guided tours, original
architecture, historically inspired cuisine and the pristine wilderness surroundings that
tell the story of an industry that played an integral role in BCs economic, cultural and
natural development over the last century.
Perhaps you’d rather travel to the foothills of the Cariboo Mountains—just like the
miners and prospectors did during the original gold rushes—to take in the one of a
kind heritage attraction of Barkerville. Be sure to see “Who Am I? Bridging the Pacific:
From Guangdong to Barkerville and Back”—the interactive exhibit that explores the
fascinating history of Chinese pioneers in this region.
Or maybe this is the summer you’ll explore a city-based
heritage attraction and visit the Vancouver Maritime Museum
and its famous St. Roch National Historic Site. While you’re
there, check out their stylish new exhibit, “Mail Order:
Swimwear from the Woodward’s Catalogues.” If only they still
made those modest bathing suits!
British Columbia may still be relatively young in heritage
terms, yet we have a proud and diverse culture and heritage.
Touring the province is a great way to support the local
economies, enjoy some of the most incredible scenery
in the world, and engage with our rich and storied past.
Thanks to all the editorial contributors for this issue of Heritage BC Quarterly.
I hope to see many of you at our annual conference this September in Cloverdale,
where we can all share our heritage tourism stories. Speaking of being on the road,
please feel free to stop by our new offices in West Vancouver, 102-657 Marine Drive,
compliments of Seacliff Properties. There’s still a lot of unpacking to do—if you want
to hone your archival skills as a “heritage tourism” activity this summer, we’d be
pleased to have you volunteer!
Kathryn Molloy
Executive Director
Email: kmolloy@heritagebc.ca
ON THE COVER: Images courtesy of the British Columbia Postcards Collection,
a digital initiative of Simon Fraser University Library.
Cultural Tourism:
Tourism is often proposed as a way for
heritage facilities and organizations to generate
income. While revenue is important, we want
to suggest that for the heritage community,
tourism has the potential to bring benefits of
even greater significance.
Cultural tourism, which includes heritage
tourism, is travel which is motivated wholly
or in part by the visitor’s desire to experience
the differing ways of life of other people,
places and/or times. It involves not only
“gated” attractions such as museums, but also
extends to the broader aspects of heritage that are reflected in the human-shaped
landscapes and cityscapes that visitors find attractive.
At the core of cultural tourism is “the experience”—the memories visitors take away
from their visit. Tourism operators and interpreters, like educators, have found that
the best way to make an impression on people is to encourage them to participate
in activities that engage as many of their senses as possible. As teachers say: first get
their attention, then get them involved. This is “experiential tourism” and its lessons
apply equally to when we reach out to guests from overseas as to visitors from
around the block.
Done well, the experience may not only form the basis of future water cooler
chats and home slideshows, but it also gives you the chance to tell the stories you
cherish to receptive audiences while also building community identity and pride,
and bolstering the foundations of your local support. Ideally you’ll even recruit the
visitor as an interested and engaged ambassador for heritage.
Making this happen—doing tourism right—calls for an honest and equitable
relationship between the host and visitor, based in part on the authenticity of the
heritage stories being presented. Authenticity is the heritage community’s trump card
in cultural tourism.You’re the experts, and it’s up to you to ensure the stories are
factually accurate, that they are presented in ways that are appropriate, and that all
points of view are fairly represented.
At this Fall’s annual gathering, Heritage BC will present a working session on tourism
for the heritage sector. That session will explore how the heritage community can
ensure the authenticity of cultural tourism experiences that engage both local
residents and visitors in supporting and celebrating British Columbia’s heritage.
Tourism has come in for some well-earned criticisms in the past, around
misrepresentation, trivialization and commoditization of culture. But by becoming
actively involved in culture and heritage tourism, the heritage community can take
control over how and what tourism develops.
If it’s your hand on the tiller, nobody can steer you wrong.
Ursula Pfahler is Heritage Conservation Officer, Heritage Branch, BC Ministry
of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations (ursual.pfahler@gov.bc.ca).
Bruce Whyte is Senior Tourism Development Officer, Tourism Branch, BC
Ministry of Jobs, Tourism and Skills Training (bruce.whyte@gov.bc.ca).
Heritage Hand
on the Tiller
“Who Am I?”
Bridging The Pacific:
from Guangdong
to Barkerville and back
Travelling Exhibit
to China
arkerville celebrated its sesquicentennial in 2012. As part of this signature 150th
anniversary, The Barkerville Heritage Trust developed a unique travelling exhibit in
response to interest expressed by several institutions in China. The exhibit, which has
already toured to locations in BC and China, depicts the lives of Chinese people in the
Cariboo in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, especially during the gold rush period,
through the use of historic photographs, including portraits by C. D. Hoy, a Chinese
photographer who emigrated to Canada in 1900 and who lived in Quesnel. The
photographs are complemented by bilingual brochures and two interactive kiosks.
The main goal of the exhibit has been to further relations with China, building networks
and knowledge to support regional and BC–wide tourism and economic development.
Significant outcomes include the collection of research data about Chinese pioneers
and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with Guangdong Qiangxiang
Cultural Research Centre within Wuyi University, to create international and academic
research. Three Chinese delegations were organized, including two from the Chinese
Consulate General in Vancouver and one from Jiangmen, China, to visit Prince George,
Quesnel and Barkerville, strengthening the regional connections. All of these outcomes
have and will continue to create synergies which lead to potential increased tourism
and investment opportunities in the region.
More than 1,000 photographs directly related to Chinese people in this region have
been digitized. Two interactive computer kiosks have been developed at which visitors
can view the images, make comments and potentially identify relatives or friends who
came to Barkerville and BC during the gold rush.
Without the support of a number of partners, including the Province of British
Columbia, this exhibit and research project would not have been possible. We have been
able to develop and tour an exhibit that is drawing attention to the Cariboo region and
all of BC and will undoubtedly result in future agreements and opportunities. Thank you
to all of our partners for your trust and support. Special thanks also go to the Omineca
Beetle Action Coalition, the Cariboo Chilcotin Beetle Action Coalition and the City of
Prince George for your financial support.
Canadian Claim Exhibit Opening
New Shows at the Theatre Royal
Brand new street interpretation
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All new Town Tour
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Protecting The Resource
That Creates Our Experiences
I’m delighted to work for Heritage BC as Office Administrator. In working towards my
Masters in Science in Leadership for Sustainable Development, and having worked in
the field of protected landscapes and tourism in Northern Ireland for four years, I’ve
developed a strong passion for the concept of sustainable tourism.
The local impacts of the tourism industry are diverse and wide-ranging. Tourism
activities primarily involve the transportation and hosting of a consumer into and
within a local community. The tourism industry is unique in that it delivers the
consumer to the product as opposed to the more usual process of bringing the
product to the consumer. The “products” in this case are highly sensitive, historic and
often living ecosystems that require careful protection and conservation in order to
survive. How do we balance the economic development that the tourism industry
generates with the need to protect and conserve our heritage value? I believe the
answer lies in the concept of sustainable tourism.
Sustainable tourism development means more than simply protecting our natural,
cultural and/or built heritage environment. It also means proper consideration of
host peoples, communities, cultures, customs, lifestyles, and social and economic
systems. It is tourism that truly benefits those who are on the receiving end—the
host communities—and that does not exploit and degrade the environment in which
they continue to live and from which they must earn a living after the last tourist has
left. It is tourism that enhances the material life of local communities without causing
acculturation, social disruption or a loss of traditional employment systems.
For a tourism business, whether that’s a heritage museum, an artisan’s workshop or an
outdoor recreation provider, adopting sustainable practices in the workplace makes
good business sense. According to a Nielsen Wire Survey (2012), 66% of consumers
around the world stated they would prefer to buy products and services from
businesses that have implemented initiatives that give back to society. Furthermore,
according to a recent survey conducted by the website Tripadvisor, 77% of visitors
said they plan to make more “eco-friendly” trips in the next twelve months.
Sustainable tourism is not merely a niche form of tourism. It is a responsible and
increasingly reliable way of doing business (Destination BC, 2014). It meets the growing
demand by consumers, reduces energy bills, protects the resources that are used in
creating the experience, helps to attract and create new labour, and adds resilience to
an organization.
With thousands of tourists visiting British Columbia’s beautiful landscape and its
many heritage offerings, we must remember the importance of sustainability.
When an industry such as tourism relies so strongly on natural, cultural and social
heritage resources, it’s our duty to protect and enhance those resources for future
generations to enjoy.
Come and visit one of Canada’s
National Historic Sites
1050 Joan Crescent Victoria BC
Sarah Irwin, Office Administrator, Heritage BC (sirwin@heritagebc.ca)
Sarah obtained a Masters Degree in Leadership for Sustainable Development at
Queen’s University, Belfast in 2009. For four years before joining the Heritage
BC team, she worked in the field of heritage conservation and tourism in
Northern Ireland, coordinating various projects centred around sustainable
tourism and protected areas.
Sustainable Heritage Tourism
Impact.Vulnerability. Mitigation. Adaptation. Adaptive Capacity. Sensitivity. Resilience.
These are terms we will hear more and more in the coming years. Often used in the
context of understanding ecosystems and their response to climate change, the terms
are also useful in planning related to sustainability in its other forms—social, cultural,
environmental and economic. We can also use these terms to think about and plan
for sustainable heritage tourism. In addition, as we are involved in educating our
visitors, it is possible that to present and interpret our sites and exhibits in ways
that illustrate impacts and how society adapted or did not. Here is a quick primer
to start you rolling.
The definitions presented here are adapted from the document, From Impacts to
Adaptation: Canada in a Changing Climate (2007), a Government of Canada publication
that you can find online. There are many other publications and websites available
online that discuss these terms in similar contexts.
Let’s start with “impact”, which refers to the changes that occur over a given period
of time: these can be social, cultural, environmental, economic or related to climate
change, and can be positive or negative, but in this context are generally negative.
“Vulnerability” is the extent to which we are susceptible to these impacts. Some of
the impacts are things we have direct control over, such as the amount and types of
garbage we produce. But what other impacts are there?
This is where we can use the term “sensitivity”, which in the context of sustainability
means simply recognizing what the impacts are as well as recognizing the need to
adapt. Are we aware of, or sensitive to, the range of impacts around us and the
change required?
“Adaptive capacity” refers to the ability to adapt to or mitigate impacts and is
dependent on things such as access to information, technology, economic health as
well as our skills and knowledge. Our ability to mitigate impacts or at least adapt
to them therefore requires that we build adaptive capacity in our organization and,
I would add, in ourselves.
“Mitigation” refers to addressing the source of the impact to either remove or reduce
it. Some impacts we can control whereas others are not in our ability to control.
This is where we think about “adaptation”—minimizing the impact by adjusting or
doing something differently to reduce your vulnerability. For example, taking the bus
rather than driving: you are still using fossil fuels, but you are using less and being more
efficient and saving money.
Heritage is our
Sustainable tourism
is our future.
Join us for
The Master of Arts
in Tourism Management
Online and full time options.
For more information, sign up
for a half-hour teleconference:
July 10 3pm pst
July 29 6pm pst
Sept 18 3pm pst
Oct 8 5pm pst
The ultimate goal is for heritage tourism to move toward greater resilience.
“Resilience” means an ability to absorb impacts and refers to the amount of change
that can be experienced without significant alteration to the organization or system.
Heritage tourism is not only about what we can do to operate sustainably. The stories
our sites tell can help illustrate sustainability—or a lack of sustainability—by using
the various terms described here. More than ever, we need to learn from the past in
order to inform our future. Indeed, this growing need is as much a call to action as a
wonderful opportunity for us to embrace sustainable heritage tourism.
Dr. Geoffrey Bird (Associate Professor, Program Head, Master of Arts in
Tourism Management): Acting Director, School of Tourism and Hospitality
Management, Royal Roads University
EMAIL: Geoff.2bird@royalroads.ca
» www.royalroads.ca
Contact Melody for more details
Interactions With The Sea
Since opening in 1959 as a British Columbia Centennial project, the Vancouver
Maritime Museum has celebrated the profound significance of the ocean and
waterways of the Pacific Northwest and Arctic.
Located in stunning Vanier Park on the west side of Vancouver, the Maritime Museum’s
featured attraction is the St. Roch, a National Historic Site. This Royal Canadian
Mounted Police arctic exploration vessel was the first to circumnavigate North
America and provided the only link between distant communities in the Canadian
Arctic in the early twentieth century. Between 1928 and 1954, the St. Roch logged
tens of thousands of kilometres crossing and re-crossing the Arctic, acting as a floating
detachment of the RCMP. Launched on its most famous voyage on a secret mission to
cross the Arctic during the Second World War, this amazing vessel travelled through
treacherous and uncharted waters to cross the Northwest Passage, relying on the skill,
talent and luck of only a handful of men. Incredibly, they managed to make the crossing
not just once, but twice, the second time in only 86 days.
The Maritime Museum has extensive galleries of model ships (including a particularly
fine bone model of the French warship Vengeur du Peuple which was built around
1800 by French prisoners of war), a Children’s Maritime Discovery Centre, a
recreation of the fo’c’sle (forecastle) of Vancouver’s ship Discovery, an extensive
collection of maritime art, the boiler of the Beaver—the first steamship in the Pacific
Northwest—and many more wonders and treasures.
On a lighter note, this summer’s main exhibit explores the styles, fashions and heritage
of our beaches with Babes & Bathers: History of the Swimsuit. This collection
of swimwear from the extensive collection of fashion historian Ivan Sayers celebrates
beachside styles from the 1890s to the 1980s.
The focus of the extensive collections
at the Maritime Museum is human
interactions with the sea and the
stories these tell about our past,
present and future. Accordingly, the
Leonard G. McCann Archives features
an extensive collection of maritime
artifacts and over 100,000 photographs,
while the W.B. & M.H. Chung Library
has over 11,400 books and published
manuscripts dating from 1678 to 2013.
Specific strengths of the collection
relate to the City of Vancouver, British
Columbia, the Pacific Northwest, and
the Canadian Arctic. The Vancouver
Maritime Museum is a centre for
historic research and hands-on
experience, and a must-see stop on
for any visitor to Vancouver.
Want to learn more about the
exhibits and collections at the
Vancouver Maritime Museum?
» www.vancouvermaritimemuseum.com
A True Canadian Adventure
Built in BC, named after a parish in
Quebec, captained by a newcomer,
crewed by farm boys from sea to sea
to sea, and helped by the Inuit people.
Visit St. Roch National Historic Site,
an icon of Canadian history.
North Pacific Cannery
Celebrates 125 Years
North Pacific Cannery was established in Port Edward, BC in 1889. Its canning lines
ran for nearly eighty years until regular canning seasons stopped in 1968. In 1987 the
site opened with a different goal—to display an important aspect of British Columbia’s
history. North Pacific Cannery was designated a National Historic Site and has been
an essential display of Northwest British Columbia’s history for over 25 years.
The site features many exhibits housed in the original cannery buildings—a reform line
in the can loft, a processing line in the main canning building, fishing methods displays
in the net loft, and displays in the company store and office.Visitors are welcome to
explore the site on their own, or experience a guided tour. The picturesque site is
located on Inverness Passage, where guests are surrounded by the wilderness that
defines British Columbia. Just twenty minutes outside of Prince Rupert, visitors will
find themselves stepping into the shoes of a cannery worker and transported back to
the days of a bustling cannery operation.
Today, North Pacific Cannery is proud to be a thriving part of the community in
Northwest British Columbia. With 2014 marking the 125th anniversary of the site,
numerous community events will be hosted throughout the season. Four key events in
May and June focus on engaging a variety of audiences:
Community Science Celebration with Science World: On May 4th 350 people attended this free
event featuring Science World alongside local organizations showcasing how science influences their
operations through presentations, exhibitor tables and activities.
Looking for information about
hours of operation, tours,
admission, special events and
for regular updates?
» northpacificcannery.ca
Northwest Regional Heritage Fair: On May 23rd, Participating students from across the region
displayed heritage research projects and six students were chosen as representatives for the
Provincial Fair. This event encouraged students to connect with their roots, while learning about the
impact that local history has on our present-day community.
Northwest Coast Cannery Workers Reunion: Friday, June 13–Saturday June 14
This multi-day event will provide cannery alumni the chance to come together and share their
memories of cannery life. Stories shared will be documented and used to illustrate the vibrant social
history of the cannery site.
North Pacific Cannery 125th Community Anniversary: Saturday, June 21–Sunday June 22
A celebratory weekend to recognize this Skeena River site as an important landmark.
North Pacific Cannery is managed by Port Edward Historical Society, a registered charity,
with a purpose to preserve, restore, interpret and grow North Pacific Cannery as a living
museum that illustrates the diverse, industrial lifestyle of the West Coast fishery for the
local community and the world to experience.
Fort Langley &
The Coulter Berry Building
Rich in history, the Village of Fort Langley attracts multitudes of visitors annually
who explore its historic sites, museums and quaint heritage downtown. Starting as a
Hudson’s Bay Company trading post on the Fraser River in 1827, Fort Langley became
the “birthplace of British Columbia” with the 1858 proclamation that created this
Crown Colony.
Today the village is home to Fort Langley National Historic Site, which attracts 60,000
heritage tourists annually, all who come to experience what life was like at a busy
fur-trading outpost. Other attractions, including the Langley Centennial Museum, the
BC Farm Machinery and Agricultural Museum, and the heritage CN Station, provide
visitors with insight into the history and heritage of Fort Langley and BC Fort Langley’s
tree-lined downtown provides unique shopping and dining experiences housed in many
well-preserved nineteenth-century heritage buildings. Annual festivals, like Douglas
Day in November, Heritage Week in February, and the October Cranberry Festival,
celebrate Fort Langley’s rich heritage with residents and visitors alike.
With such clear connections between tourism and heritage in Fort Langley, there
have been several movements to preserve and protect the village’s numerous heritage
resources. A Heritage Conservation Area was created in the 1990s encompassing
areas of the historic downtown, and placing conditions on development and
alterations. A quick search of the Canadian Register of Historic Places reveals several
buildings and trees in Fort Langley identified for their heritage value. In 2012 the
Township of Langley commissioned a Heritage Strategy. This document, produced
by Donald Luxton and Associates, provided a ten-year plan with the vision that
“Langley’s past, present and future will be connected through community celebrations,
partnerships and heritage activities that will preserve our tangible and intangible
heritage resources, provide educational opportunities and enrich the lives of our
citizens and visitors.”1
Questions remain about
how the Coulter Building
will affect the heritage value of
downtown Fort Langley.
However, the recent proposed development of a large three-story building in Fort
Langley has many fearing that the heritage character of the downtown is being
threatened. In November 2012, the municipal council of the Township of Langley
approved the Coulter Berry building, a three-story development that would include
underground parking, mixed-use retail and restaurant space on the main floor, office
space on the second floor, and residences on the third floor, including adaptable
residential units for seniors. While the developers laud the LEED-designated
sustainability of the building and the “authentic heritage character”2 of the façade
design, critics question the size and height of the building in relation to the heritage
buildings in the area, plans which appears to contravene the development conditions
outlined for this Heritage Conservation Area.
A group of Fort Langley citizens brought their concerns to the BC Supreme
Court in October 2013, which ruled against the municipal council’s approval of
the project. Work on the development ceased, leaving a gaping excavated hole on
the site. Following months of heated public meetings, a deluge of letters to local
newspapers, and a divided community, the Township of Langley council re-approved the
development at the end of March 2014 with minor alterations to the building’s height.
With development of the Coulter Berry building set to resume, the question
remains how it will affect the heritage value of downtown Fort Langley, including
heritage tourism to the village. It may also have an impact on the future of Heritage
Conservation Areas and heritage preservation in British Columbia.
Donald Luxton and Associates, Township of Langley Heritage Strategy April 2012, p. 3.
From Statewood Properties Ltd: “Coulter Berry Building in Historic Fort Langley”; www.coulterberry.com
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Capacity Planning
Heritage BC has hired a Capacity Planner. This new role
was identified in the 2012 Business Plan, and is responsible
for several key initiatives intended to build a more robust,
independent and interconnected Heritage BC.
The Capacity Planner administers the Heritage Legacy
Fund grant program and will be the point of contact for
organizations interested in applying for grants and assisting
grant recipients in the successful completion of their
projects. Planning the annual Heritage BC conference is
another primary task. However, the Capacity Planner’s most
significant role is to help build capacity for other heritage organizations in BC through
training and skills development workshops. These workshops, including Heritage
Basics, Writing Statements of Significance, and Community Heritage Values, are offered
to Community Heritage Commissions, municipalities, and other nonprofit community
historical and heritage organizations to assist them to create and administer heritage
conservation planning in their communities.
Heritage Basics
For more information about
bringing a Heritage BC Workshop
into your community
see page 14 and contact
Karen Dearlove, Capacity Planner
Heritage Legacy Fund
Online Grant
Applications for Heritage
Conservation Projects and
Heritage Awareness Projects
now being accepted.
Deadline Sept 5, 2014
Karen Dearlove, Heritage BC’s new Capacity Planner, previously served as Executive
Director of the Canadian Industrial Heritage Centre and Living History Multimedia
Association in Brantford, Ontario, and most recently worked as Curator and Director
of Chiefswood National Historic Site located on the Six Nations of the Grand River
Reserve in southwestern Ontario.
Heritage Basics and the Village of Cumberland
Karen Dearlove, Heritage BC’s Capacity Planner, presented a “Heritage Basics”
workshop to the Village of Cumberland’s newly formed Heritage Commission.
City councillors, the Mayor, and several members from the community also attended
the workshop on May 5th. The interactive workshop provided participants with
general information about what heritage is, heritage conservation, and heritage
planning on a community level. Participants came away from the workshop with
tools and knowledge to help guide them in making decisions about the Village of
Cumberland’s Historic Village Commercial Core Heritage Conservation Area and
future heritage conservation planning.
2014 Heritage Legacy Fund Grant Applications
New Heritage Legacy Fund grant applications are now available online. Established as
an endowment from the Province of British Columbia in 2003, the fund is held by the
Vancouver Foundation and the program is administered by Heritage BC.
Grants are available for Heritage Conservation projects and Heritage Awareness
projects. The grants support the conservation of heritage resources in British
Columbia, as well as promote and increase public awareness, understanding, and
appreciation of British Columbia’s heritage resources.
Registered non-profit societies, registered federal charities, local governments, selfgoverning First Nations, and School Boards are eligible to apply for funding.
On the website there are downloads for Guidelines & Policies as well as a preapplication Worksheet to help organize all the required documents and support
materials. The Grant Application form is now a completely online process.
Completed applications are due by Friday, September 5, 2014. For more information
and to confirm if your organization and project are eligible for funding, please
contact Heritage BC Capacity Planner, Karen Dearlove.
President’s Message
Heritage Tourism is
Good for Business
I have a dear friend that I met more than 30 years ago, when our children were small.
We have had many laughs and tears through the years, and now with kids grown
and gone we have started to do some travelling together.
We have very supportive spouses who allowed us to go on a Mediterranean cruise as
our first adventure in 2009.
While the cruise was amazing, our pocket books have
now resigned us to road trips. Our first one was last
spring—a trip to the Lower Mainland from our homes
in the Okanagan. Our first stop was Fort Langley, where
we dined and shopped. Next stop was Burnaby, where
we visited Jacks New and Used (I was able to purchase
several items for a “character home” we are working
on). We also spent time at Burnaby’s Village Museum and
walking around Deer Lake looking at the beautiful scenery
and heritage buildings. Our final stop was Bellingham,
in Washington State, where we walked around historic
neighbourhoods and attended a production at the
beautifully restored Mount Baker Theatre.
Board Members
Janice Henry
Kelowna, BC
Helen Cain,
Vice President
Victoria, BC
Bjorn Simonsen
Victoria, BC
Eric Pattison
Past President
New Westminster, BC
We have just returned from our second road trip, this time
to Alberta. We spent time with family and friends along the way, and we attended a
production at the Rosebud Theatre in Rosebud, where we stayed in a charming bed
and breakfast filled with heritage furnishings. We spent an afternoon at Heritage Park
Historical Village in Calgary, and an evening walking the beautiful historic Elbow Park
neighbourhood. Unfortunately, a planned trip to the BAR U Ranch National Historic
Site near Longview was rained out.
There is no doubt that on both of these occasions we were cultural and heritage
tourists. We had a ball and dropped a few thousand dollars along the way. Our travels
and expenditures supported live theatre and those who work in the arts in two
communities, while heritage sites benefitted as did businesses such as restaurants,
antique dealers, service stations and hotels.
Clearly, heritage tourism is good for business!
Helen Edwards
Heritage Canada Governor
Victoria, BC
Ranjit Gill
Prince George, BC
Zlatan Jankovic,
Vancouver, BC
Perry Hale
Nelson, BC
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Call for
Board Nominations:
Deadline July 28, 2014
Contact us for more
» www.heritagebc.ca/contact
Heritage Education & Training Opportunities
Heritage BC Workshops
We’ll bring the expertise to your community
with interactive workshops. Need something
specific that is not listed here? A presentation
on heritage incentives, revitalization agreements,
or establishing conservation areas? Heritage
BC will work with you to develop educational
workshops to meet your community’s needs.
Fee will be dependent on workshop content and
length but includes multiple participants. Join
with another community to make it affordable
for all! To discuss options, book a workshop
or get more information, call our office at
Heritage Basics
For communities new to heritage conservation
or those that want to incorporate new legislative
tools or values-based management into existing
heritage programs. A great workshop for
heritage society members, planners, elected
officials, community heritage commissions,
heritage property owners, the business and
tourism community and the general public.
Tailored to reflect your community’s needs, goals
and capacity, we’ll discuss values centred heritage
conservation and benefits (social, environmental,
economic) to help you identify your heritage
values to guide decision making. We can include
an environmental sustainability component if
your community has integrated sustainability
into your Official Community Plan. NO heritage
background necessary.
Two Hour Workshop Fee: $500
for any number of participants
(non member $600) plus travel &
accommodation when required
Identifying Heritage Values
Are there places in your community that
have special meaning but may not conform to
conventional ideas of what ‘heritage’ may be?
This workshop is for communities that want to
understand the big picture of their own heritage
values to inform their Official Community
Plan or to develop their Community Heritage
Register (whether existing or new).
A great opportunity to engage a variety of ages
and backgrounds in community heritage planning.
Aimed at local governments and a diverse crosssection of the community this workshop brings
together business and tourism sector, educators,
heritage and recreation advocates, and First
Nations representation.
Think beyond the heritage label and consider
places that are special for social and community
reasons. Some of your best ‘experts’ may be
in your community and willing to express their
ideas about special places.
(non member $1200) plus travel &
accommodation when required
Writing Statements of Significance
A hands-on workshop to help participants
develop a Statement of Significance (SOS); part
of the necessary documentation for identified
sites on a Community Heritage Register. Get
the tools to update your Community Heritage
Register to meet the documentation standards
of both the BC Register of Historic Places and
the Canadian Register of Historic Places.
As an essential part of historic place record
documentation the SOS should function as
a planning tool to inform decision-making in
the heritage conservation process. It provides
guidance to property owners, architects,
developers and others who are making an
intervention to an historic place. By identifying
key elements of an historic place, the SOS
becomes a critical link between heritage values
and conservation actions.
Gain an understanding of what an SOS is, how
it can be used and what elements to include in
a well-written document. Get guidance on how
to research and develop a draft SOS. Aimed
at local governments and heritage advocates
with an existing understanding of valuesbased management and heritage conservation
The Writing Statements of Significance
workshop can also be condensed to a halfday format that will provide a more general
overview of the process of developing SOS.
Full Day Workshop Fee: $1100
(non member $1200) plus travel &
accommodation when required
Other Opportunities:
Heritage Education and Training
The College of New Caledonia
The College of New Caledonia in Prince
George offers a Heritage Building Conservation
Certificate. This accredited program, offered
through Continuing Education, focuses on wood
structures. The program includes 22 weeks of
theory and hands-on work experience. It is
competency based and will incorporate online
eLearning, classroom instruction, and field
experience. Attend Full-time or part-time.
Fees: $5,896. Contact Quesnel Continuing
Education: 1.250.991. 7500.
Athabasca University
Athabasca University offers The University
Certificate in Heritage Resources Management
(HRM). This is a comprehensive program of
study designed for people who want a broad
perspective on heritage resources management,
who wish to pursue careers, with heritage
resources practice, who are working or
volunteering in the field or those who wish to
improve their skills in heritage practice.
Call 1.800.788.9041, Ext 6955 or
email: hrm@athabascau.ca
University of Victoria: Heritage,
Culture and Museum Studies
The University of Victoria offers both
undergraduate and graduate diploma and
certificate programs in Cultural Resource
Management. These flexible programs combine
on-line and on-campus learning opportunities,
and provide participants with contemporary
perspectives and best practices in the cultural
resource management sector. Participants can
also choose to take individual courses offered
in the programs. For more information contact
Vancouver Heritage Foundation
The Vancouver Heritage Foundation offers an
assortment of interesting, interactive, and handson learning activities. These include “Brown Bag
Lunch and Learns,” evening lectures, workshops,
house tours, bus tours, and walking tours.
The VHF also offers the awarding winning Old
School: Maintaining Heritage Buildings program,
in which participants can earn a Certificate in
Heritage Conservation and other Professional
Development Credits. For more information:
» www.vancouverheritagefoundation.org/
Royal Roads University
Royal Roads University offers a Master of Arts
in Tourism Management with online and fulltime on campus options focusing on leadership,
strategy, marketing and sustainability. Heritage
tourism is an important area of study and can
be a specialization based on your own electives
and research. Ideal for early to mid-career
individuals interested in a versatile skillset and
recognized credential to advance their career
and personal development. Contact Geoffrey
Bird, Program Head, for more information.
Email: Geoff.2bird@royalroads.ca
» www.royalroads.ca
Make a Real Difference to
Heritage Conservation in BC
Heritage BC is a not for profit charitable and a member based organization that seeks
to conserve, enhance and raise awareness of the unique heritage values across British
Columbia. We depend on the support and commitment of our members to ensure our
special heritage is conserved for future generations.
Become an annual member of Heritage BC today!
As a member, you contribute to the conservation and sustainability of BC’s unique built,
natural and cultural heritage. You also elect your board of directors, which sets the
policy, and strategic direction of the society. Your membership supports Heritage BC’s
goals of acting as a network hub and a collective and independent voice for heritage
in British Columbia. A strong membership also helps to leverage other funds from
foundations and donors. By building our membership and member services, we will
continue to grow an economy of heritage conservation in BC.
As a valued member, you receive these great benefits:
• Become part of the network hub that collaborates on new and innovative
ways to conserve BC’s heritage
• Print copies of Heritage BC Quarterly by mail
• Discounts on display advertising rates in the Quarterly magazine
• Heritage BC Update – our regular enews featuring member activities and events
•List your business or organization on our website and in other communications
• Voting rights at our AGM and member meetings
• 30% discount on Heritage Canada The National Trust (HCNT) Membership
• Reduced registration fees at our annual conference, workshops and webinars
• The satisfaction of supporting a dynamic and worthwhile organization!
Becoming a Heritage BC member couldn’t be easier!
Simply complete the form below and mail with your cheque to Heritage BC,
102 – 657 Marine Drive, West Vancouver, BC V7T 1A4.
Or complete the convenient online Heritage BC Membership Form with
Paypal/Credit Card payment: » heritagebc.ca/contact-us/become-a-member
Yes! I will become a Heritage BC Member and make a difference!
Corporate $100. *Group $65. *
Individual $25. *
Business/Government Agencies
Name: ___________________________________________________________
Title: _______________________ Organization __________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
City: _______________________ Province: ________ Postal Code: __________
Phone: _____________________ Email: _______________________________
Website: _________________________ Cheque is enclosed:
*Annual Heritage BC MembershipS includeS GST
Your privacy is important to us. From time to time other organizations may ask HBC if they can share special offers
with our members. If you would like to be excluded from such mailings, please check here:
102-657 Marine Drive
West Vancouver
BC Canada V7T 1A4
Heritage BC
The Bastion Group
Brian Childs & Co. Construction
Brian G. Hart & Company
Commonwealth Historic
Resource Management Ltd
d’Ambrosio Architecture + Urbanism
Donald Luxton & Associates
Eileen Fletcher, Architect
Golder Associates Ltd
Iredale Group Architecture
Jonathan Yardley Architect, Inc
Kickstart Technologies Ltd
MacDonald & Lawrence
Timber Framing Ltd
McGinn Engineering &
Preservation Ltd
McLeod Masonry International Corp
Pattison Architecture
Portfolio Art Services
Ravenstone Masonry & Conservation Inc.
2014 Heritage BC Conference
Building Bridges
Mark your calendars! The next Heritage BC Conference
will be held September 26-27, 2014 in Cloverdale—the
historic centre of Surrey, BC and the home of many
interesting heritage sites. The ‘Building Bridges’ theme
will bring together diverse individuals and organizations interested in heritage
conservation, including heritage professionals and trades people, educators, students,
tourism professionals, architects, consultants, planners, museums, archives, heritage and
historical organizations, heritage commissions, and environmental organizations.
Interactive workshops will provide hands-on and practical learning opportunities on topics
such as Heritage and Sustainability, Heritage and Cultural Tourism, Writing Statements of
Significance, setting up a Municipal Heritage Register and other Heritage Education and
Training Opportunities in British Columbia.
This year’s keynote speaker, Professor Maged Senbel from the University of British
Columbia’s School of Community and Regional Planning, is an expert in sustainable urban
design. His research focusses on effective public engagement in long-term neighbourhood
planning and municipal climate change planning.
We look forward to acknowledging Heritage BC Award recipients and all the diverse
opportunities for innovative discussions and multiple perspectives on heritage
conservation in British Columbia. We hope you will join us in September.
More details and online registration coming soon!
» www.heritagebc.ca/events
Simpson Roberts Architects
Steamworks Brewery Co.
The City of Rossland
TRB Architecture Inc
Vintage Woodwork Inc
Zeidler Partnership
102-657 Marine Drive
West Vancouver
BC Canada V7T 1A4
Heritage BC Quarterly
Summer: Sustainability
Article Submissions: July 10
Advertising Deadline: July15