A generic PBPK model for predictive DMPK (GastroPlus) Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling in Drug Development and Evaluation April 6-10, 2009 Alexandria, VA Viera Lukacova Simulations Plus, Inc. PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Outline • Physiological model of GI tract – pH-dependent solubility and absorption – Saturable processes in gut • PBPK model – Tissue types – Transport, clearance and distribution mechanisms • Examples: – Midazolam • Predict human (adult and pediatric) PK using in silico and in vitro data – Cilostazol • Predict human PK using in silico and in vitro data – Terbinafine • Predict human PK using in silico properties and rat clearance PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Fa FDp (not Fa!) * Modified from van de Waterbeemd, H, and Gifford, E. ADMET In Silico Modelling: Towards Prediction Paradise? Nat. Rev. Drug Disc. 2003, 2:192-204 PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 F Processes Involved in Oral Absorption Efflux & Influx Transport Cmesentery/portal vein Blood Centerocytes Passive Absorption Enterocytes Gut wall metabolism Dissolution Dose Disintegration Lumen Local pH, fluid volume Excretion Drug in solution, Clumen Precipitation Degradation These phenomena are repeated in each of the compartments of the gastrointestinal tract PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Advanced Compartmental Absorption and Transit (ACAT) Simulation Model Enterohepatic Enterohepatic circulation circulation Stomach Stomach Duodenum Duodenum Jejunum1 Jejunum1 Jejunum2 Jejunum2 Ileum1 Ileum1 Ileum2 Ileum2 Ileum3 Ileum3 Caecum Caecum Unreleased Unreleased Undissolved Undissolved Dissolved Dissolved Lumenal Lumenal Degradation Degradation (losses) Gut GutWall Wall Portal Portal Vein Vein Gall Gall Bladder Bladder Metabolism Metabolism Liver Liver Hepatic Hepatic Artery Artery Systemic Systemic Circulation Circulation Brain nd Compartment 22nd 33rdrd Compartment Adipose Compartment Compartment Muscle Skin PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Asc. Asc. Colon Colon E E xx cc rr ee tt ii oo nn GastroPlus Physiologies • • • • • • • • • • • • Human Physiological Fasted – PBPK* Human Physiological Fed Human Equal Transit Time Fasted Human Equal Transit Time Fed Beagle Dog Fasted – PBPK* Beagle Dog Fed Rat Fasted – PBPK* Mouse Fasted – PBPK* Cynomologous Monkey Fasted – PBPK* Rabbit Fasted Cat Fasted User-defined PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Each physiology includes default values for: • pH in each compartment • Transit time for each compartment • Lengths & radii of each compartment • Stomach volume • Hepatic blood flow rate • Gut enzyme and transporter distributions * Each species shown with PBPK can also be modeled with a traditional compartmental PK approach pH-Dependent Solubility Base Acid Zwitterion PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Changing pH Environment PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Oral Absorption of Ionizable Drugs F F F H N O O CH3 O H 3C H3 C N CH3 N H LAB687 Log P = 4.7 *S+Native Solubility = 0.17 µg/mL *S+Peff = 1.96 x 10-4 cm/s Fraction Absorbed: ~8% Cl Toremifene *S+Log P = 6.57 *S+Native Solubility = 0.069 µg/mL *S+Peff = 12 x 10-4 cm/s Fraction Absorbed = 100% *estimated PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 O by ADMET Predictor LAB687 SolFactor* = 7.8x104 PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 * Toremifene SolFactor=1.2x105 SolFactor = ionized-form solubility / neutral-form solubility Dissolution Dissolution rate constant in intestinal lumen compartment number i for bin j: k diss ( i , j ) = D ρr jT (C s − C(i ) ) (1 + 2 s ) s Cs C(i) r T D = diffusion coefficient CS = solubility at local pH C(i) = lumen concentration in compartment i T = r0j ρ = particle density (solid density of API particles after disintegration) rj = spherical particle radius for bin j T = diffusion layer thickness (= particle radius up to a limit) s = shape factor (Length/diameter*) – for spherical particles = 1 *in original Johnson’s equation, s’=Length/radius and the term in equation is 2(1 + s') s' PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Absorption Absorption term in compartment number i: dMabs(i)/dt = α(i) Peff(i) Vlum(i) (C(t)lum(i) – C(t)ent(i)) ka‘(i) Mdiss(i) α(i) = absorption scale factor in compartment i (nominal value is surface/volume, which is 2/Ri) Ri = radius of compartment i Li = length of compartment i Peff(i) = permeability in compartment i* Vlum(i) = volume of lumen for compartment i C(t)lum(i) = lumen concentration in compartment i C(t)ent(i) = enterocyte concentration in compartment i * permeability may be net, or only passive component PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Ri Li Ungell, A.L., et al., 1998, J. Pharm. Sci. 87:360-366 PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Rabbit Isolated Tissue Permability Size of Circle = Pcolon / Pileum Ratio Rabbit Ileum Peff (cm/s x 10^6) 100 Ratio of 1 10 1 -6 -4 -2 0 log D (7.4) PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 2 4 6 Opt logD model Colon ASF estimation 2.5 Default colon ASF (2/R) Colon ASF 2 Opt logD model colon ASF 1.5 1 0.5 0 Fosinopril (logP=4.5, JejPeff=1.26) PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Carbamazepine (logP=1.5, JejPeff=4.3) Ranitidine (logP=0.1, JejPeff=0.43) Carrier-mediated Transport dMent(i)/dt = Apical Diffusion Rate + Apical Carrier-mediated Transport Rate - Basolateral Transfer Rate - Gut Metabolism Rate Enterocytes Efflux transporter Blood B Gut Wall Metabolism Apical Carrier-mediated Transport rate = DFinflux(i) Vmax,influx C(i) / (Km,influx + C(i)) - DFefflux (i) Vmax,efflux Cu,ent(i) / (Km,efflux + Cu,ent(i)) A Lumen Influx transporter DF = distribution factor for transporter amounts relative to Vmax measurement environment (when Vmax in a compartment is the same as Vmax in the measurement environment, then DF = 1.0). PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Transporter Distribution Factors Lower Vmax PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 B B A A Higher Vmax Influx Transporter Distribution in Human Gut Human Stom. Jejunum Ileoc. AscCol. DecCol. Caco-2 Esoph. Duod. Ileum Cecum TraCol. Rectum RT-PCR Peptide Transporter-1 Southern Peptide Transporter-3 Peptide Histidine Transporter 1 Human Peptide Tranporter – 1 β-actin Herrera-Ruiz AAPS Pharmsci 2001; 3 (1) article 9 (http://www.aapspharmaceutica.org) PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Influx Transporter Distribution in Rat Gut Rat Stom. Jejunum Duod. Ileoc. Ileum Colon Cecum RT-PCR Peptide Transporter-1 Peptide Transporter-3 Peptide Histidine Transporter 1 Human Peptide Tranporter – 1 β-actin Herrera-Ruiz AAPS Pharmsci 2001; 3 (1) article 9 (http://www.aapspharmaceutica.org) PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Southern Pgp Expression in Human Small Intestine Mouly, S., Paine, M.F. PharmRes-20(10):1595-1598 (2003) PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Simulated Valacyclovir GastroPlus results with gut transporters were first reported in Feb. 2003 at AAPS Drug Transport Workshop, Peachtree City, GA PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Simulated Gabapentin PBPK Simulation of 400 mg Solution Dose Using LAT2 Gut Distribution Vss from in silico Kps (Rodgers & Rowland) CL was from fup * GFR for 41 yo Female Optimized LAT2 Km and Vmax across PO doses from 400 to 1600 mg Km = 5.8 mM Vmax = 5.1 µg/s PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Clinical data from: Gildal BE, Epilepsy Res. 40:123 (2000) Non-linear Dose Dependence of Gabapentin PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 400 mg Fb = 55% 800 mg Fb = 46% 1200 mg Fb = 41% 1600 mg Fb = 36% First Pass Metabolism • Gut wall first pass metabolism can be significant, especially for CYP3A4 and CYP2D6 substrates CYP3A4 • Hepatic first pass is a function of the unbound concentration presented to the liver and the hepatic blood flow rate • Changing absorption location and rate (e.g., by changing formulation) can change both gut wall metabolism and hepatic first pass metabolism PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 J lumen enterocyte Drug Metabolite Hepatic Metabolism Liver Metabolism Rate = CLh * Cliver CLh = Eh * Qh * RB Eh = CLinth* fu,plasma / [CLinth* fu,plasma + Qh * RB ] where CLinth = Σ Vmax(j) *Cu,hepat / (Km(j)+ Cu,hepat) Eh = total hepatic extraction Qh = hepatic blood flow rate RB = blood-to-plasma concentration ratio CLinth = total hepatic intrinsic clearance Vmax(j) = maximum metabolic rate for enzyme j Km(j) = Michaelis-Menten constant for enzyme j Cu,hepat = unbound concentration in hepatocytes PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Gut Metabolism Scale Factors Paine MF and Thummel KE, JPET, 1997; 283(3): p. 1552-62. 3A4 (nmol) = 9.7 Liver CYP3A = 5489 nmol Liver Wt. = 1800 g MicProt = 38 mg / g liver CYP3A4 = 69.7 pmol / mgP PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 38.4 22.4 Gut Metabolism GMR(i) = GEDF(j,i)*Vmax(j)* Cu,ent(i)/(Km(j)+ Cu,ent(i)) GMR(i) = gut metabolism rate in compartment i GEDF(j,i) = gut enzyme distribution factor for enzyme j in enterocyte compartment i relative to amount in whole liver Vmax(j) = maximum metabolic rate for enzyme j in whole liver Km(j) = Michaelis-Menten constant for enzyme j Cu,ent(i) = unbound drug concentration in enterocyte compartment i PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Physiologically based pharmacokinetics (PBPK) Each compartment represents a tissue, with a specific volume, blood perfusion rate, and partition coefficient Kp(i) for each tissue, where i denotes the tissue. Three types of compartment: Blood Perfusion-limited tissue Permeability-limited tissue Tissues can have enzymes and transporters. Tissues can have intrinsic clearance. For perfusion-limited tissues, the concentration of drug in the tissue is Kp(i) * unbound concentration in plasma at all times For permeability-limited tissues, Kp(i) serves as the limiting value, but the actual tissue concentration is determined by the permeability and surface area exposed to the plasma, so time is needed to reach the concentration ratio defined by Kp(i). PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 What’s Involved in PBPK • Models of individual tissues – Flows, Volumes • Global model – connections between tissues • Mechanisms – Clearance – Metabolism – Transport – Binding PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Perfusion or Permeability Limited? PERFUSION-LIMITED: If permeability is high, then the amount of drug that partitions into the tissue will be limited by the blood flow rate (perfusion rate) through the tissue. A partition coefficient, Kp, is used to calculate the concentration of drug in the tissue at each time step. Partitioning is assumed to be instantaneous. If there are no measured values, partition coefficients can be estimated from physicochemical properties (logP, fup,fut). PERMEABILITY-LIMITED: If permeability is low, the amount of drug that partitions into the tissue will be limited by the permeability and the surface area available for permeation. A (permeability*surface) area product is used to calculate the rate of drug transfer into or out of the tissue. At early times, the tissue concentration will be less than the product of the partition coefficient, Kp, and the unbound concentration in the blood. The partition coefficient, Kp, serves to limit the extent of partitioning, while permeability limits the rate. PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Perfusion limited Kp Q P*A Q Permeability limited Liver Tissue BSEP MRP2 MDR3 bile MDR1 hepatocyte Can be specified as: • Biliary Clearance Fraction (fraction of liver clearance due to biliary excretion) • An active efflux of drug across canalicular membrane • A passive diffusion of drug across canalicular membrane hepatocyte dM b Activity × Vmax × C drug × Fut = + (PStcAp × C drug × Fut ) + (M clear × Fbcl ) dt C drug + K m active efflux PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 passive diffusion Biliary clearance fraction Kidney Tissue Perfusion-Limited: CLfilt estimates: - Fup*GFR - GFR - Fraction of Kidney blood flow - Other PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Permeability-Limited: Mechanisms: Transport • Transport across cellular membranes: – Linear, PStc or Peff x SA • Only unbound fraction in extracellular space can permeate – concentration gradient determines rate perm = PSTC (Cect,u − Cict,u ) Cect : Drug Concentration in extracellular space Cict : Drug Concentration in intracellular space PSTC : Permeability - Surface Area product – Nonlinear: Vmax, Km Fluxin = PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Activity ⋅Vmax ⋅ Cect,u K m + Cect,u ; Fluxout = Activity ⋅Vmax ⋅ Cict,u K m + Cict,u Mechanisms: Clearance • Ability of tissue to clear drug – limited by mass-flow of drug to tissue – only unbound drug can be cleared • Linear clearance – CLint = intrinsic clearance • Nonlinear clearance – Michaelis-Menten kinetics i Activity ⋅ Vmax = ∑ i i =1 K m + C t ,u nEnz CLint, u CLint, u : Unbound intrinsic clearance Ct ,u : Unbound tissue drug concentrat ion PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Mechanisms: Clearance • Relationship between CLint and CLp – clearance limited by tissue perfusion – true regardless of actual mechanism CL int, u CL p = Rbp ⋅ CLb = Rbp ⋅ Q Rbp CL Q + int,u fup CL p , CLb : plasma, blood clearance Q : Tissue blood flow Rbp : Blood/plasma concentration ratio fup : fraction unbound in plasma PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Estimating PBPK Parameters Tissue weights, tissue perfusion rates, tissue densities, and partition coefficients for each tissue for the drug are required for PBPK. The Population Estimates for Age-Related Physiology™ (PEAR Physiology) module inside of PBPKPlus generates such values. It is based on the NHANES database (2003-2004) for American/Western physiologies, and a Japanese government database for Japanese/Asian physiologies. You specify age, gender, and venous hematocrit. The PEAR Physiology module also generates tissue parameters for rat, dog, and mouse, but age, and gender are fixed. PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 American Physiologies - Average Body Weight PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 American Physiologies - Average Body Height PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Japanese Physiologies - Average Body Weight PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Japanese Physiologies - Average Body Height PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 PEAR-Physiology Method • Input parameters for PEAR-Physiology are species, age, gender, and venous hematocrit. The output is a complete set of tissue physiology parameters. • 1. Look up average weight, height, bioimpedance. • 2. Calculate BMI and Fat Free Mass (FFM) • 3. Set the constant perfusion rates per mL tissue • 4. Calculate blood volumes • 5. Calculate mean weight, volume, density, perfusion for each tissue. PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 PEAR-Physiology Method PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Mechanisms: Distribution • Partitioning into tissues – binding – lipid partitioning – transport – other?? • Measurable quantity – Kpapp = Ctu / Cpu at steady state • non-eliminating tissue PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Combining In Silico Technologies F O N O QSAR Activity S+log P S+pKa S+Sw at native pH S+Peff S+Vd S+fup Cl Toxicities . . . etc. Structure-property predictions from ADMET Predictor™ provide estimates for: pKa, logP, solubility, permeability, plasma protein binding, etc. Kp’s estimated from logP or logD and tissue properties Clearance is the big unknown – not yet reliably predicted from structure for diverse molecular structure (you still need to measure this in vitro) PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Predicting Kp’s PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Predicting Kp’s Poulin & Thiel method (Homogeneous): [ K ⋅ (V Kp = [K ⋅ (V nlt nlp ] [ )]+ [(V ] ⋅ fu )] fu + 0.3V pht ) + (Vwt + 0.7V pht ) p + 0.3V php t wp + 0.7V php Poulin & Thiel method (Extracellular): Kp = Ve (1 − hct ) Berezhkovskiy: [ K ⋅ (V Kp = [K ⋅ (V nlt nlp PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 ⋅ fu p fut ] [ )]+ [(V ] )] + 0.3V pht ) + (Vwt / fut + 0.7V pht ) + 0.3V php wp / fu p + 0.7V php Predicting Kp’s Rodgers and Rowland method: Kp = Kpu × fup 1. Strong bases and zwitterions with at least one base pKa > 7 – takes into consideration the unique interaction of bases with acidic phospolipids Kpu = Vewt 2. (1 / X [ D ], IW ) Ka[ AP ]T ((1 / X [ D ], IW ) − 1) K ⋅ Vnlt + (0.3K + 0.7)V pht + + Viwt + (1 / X (1 / X [ D ], P ) (1 / X [ D ], P ) [ D ], P ) Acids, Neutrals, and weak bases – takes into account binding to lipoproteins (neutral drugs) or tissue albumin (acids and weak bases – ionized fractions) Kpu = (1 / X [ D ], IW )Viwt (1 / X [ D ], P ) + Vewt K ⋅ Vnlt + (0.3K + 0.7)V pht 1 K ⋅Vnlp + (0.3K + 0.7)V php + + −1 − × RAt fup ( 1 / X ) ( 1 / X ) [ D ], P [ D ], P X[D] – fraction of neutral drug species in intracellular water (IW, pH=7) and plasma (P, pH=7.4) K – vegetable oil/water partition coefficient for adipose tissue and 1-octanol/water partition coefficient for remaining tissues fup-fraction unbound of drug in plasma, Ka – association constant of base with acidic phospholipids, [AP]T – tissue concentration of acidic phospholipids RAt – tissue/plasma lipoprotein or albumin ratio PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Predicting Kp’s Rodgers and Rowland – Single (S+ modification) Simulations Plus (in collaboration with Roche) developed an alternative approach to calculating Kps according to Rodgers and Rowland: • Single equation is being used for all compounds • The binding of drug to acidic phospholipids or plasma proteins is given by actual ionization of each drug at physiological pH single equation two equations 3 1 2.5 0.8 Kp adipose Kp muscle single equation 2 1.5 1 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.2 0 0 4 6 8 pKa PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 10 two equations 4 6 8 pKa 10 Predicting Kp’s Rodgers and Rowland – Single (S+ modification) Comparison of Vss calculated from Kps based on Original Two and New Single Equation ( ErrTwo − ErrOne ) E= ( ErrTwo + ErrOne ) Pred Vss Normalized Error 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 -0.5 -1 -1.5 strongest base pKa PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 10 12 Predicting Kp’s Adjusted Fup • Highly lipophilic drugs can exhibit significant binding to plasma lipids • Binding to plasma lipids may not be captured by standard equilibrium dialysis measurement of Fup GastroPlus incorporates an equation for Adjustment of Fup based on following assumptions: 1. logPo/w can be used as an estimate for the drug partitioning into plasma lipids 2. Experimental Fup is a measure of drug binding ONLY to plasma albumin PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Required Parameters Biopharmaceutical properties (logP, pKa, Solubility, Permeability, Fup, Rbp) • prediction from structure (ADMET Predictor) • in vitro experimental values Clearance • in vitro (microsomes, hepatocytes, rCYPs) • Pre-clinical species PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Example: Midazolam Bornemann L.D. et al. Dose Dependent Pharmacokinetics of Midazolam. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 1985; 29:91-95. Human PK prediction using no human data: in silico and in vitro properties in vitro clearance PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Midazolam - Inputs F LogP = 2.7 pKa = 6.0 (Base) N N N Solubility = 0.13 mg/mL @ pH = 5.33 Fup = 3.5% Rbp = 0.55 Peff = 4.68×10-4 cm/s (ADMET Predictor) 3A4 Km = 3.7µM 3A4 Vmax = 850 nmol/min/mg MP Physiology – Typical western 30yo male PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Cl Midazolam – Model Setup • Import structure • Enter in vitro values for properties • Create default PBPK model for adult physiology • Calculate Kps • Set up enzymes the adult enzyme expression in liver included in the default PBPK model the distribution of 3A4 in gut included with default ACAT model use built-in utility for conversion of in vitro Km and Vmax values to in vivo values PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Midazolam – Results – No Fitted Parameters! PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Midazolam – Results – No Fitted Parameters! Cmax 1 : 1.4 1 : 1.3 1 : 1.3 AUC 1 : 1.3 1 : 0.96 1 : 1.2 PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Midazolam – Results – Pediatric • Midazolam metabolized by 3A4 • Known age-dependent 3A4 expression • Known age-dependent tissue sizes and blood flows Johnson, T.N., Br. J. Clin. Pharm. 51(5):451 (2001) PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Example: Cilostazol Bramer S.L. et al. Cilostazol Pharmacokinetics after Single and Multiple Oral Doses in Healthy Males and Patients with Intermittent Claudication Resulting from Peripheral Arterial Disease. Clin Pharmacokinet 1999; 37(Suppl 2): 1-11. PK prediction using: in silico and in vitro properties in vitro metabolism data PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Cilostazol - Inputs N N N All properties from ADMETPredictor: S+LogP = 2.9 S+pKa = 1.39 (Base); 11.26 (Acid) O S+Sw = 0.542 mg/mL @ S+pH = 6.88 S+Fup = 22.86% (adjusted Fup = 10.86%) Rbp = 1 (default) N O S+Peff = 1.09×10-4 cm/s In vitro Km and Vmax for 3A4, 3A5, 2C19 and 2C8 Human Physiology – Typical western 30yo male PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 N Cilostazol – Model Setup • Import structure • Create default PBPK model for adult physiology • Calculate Kps • Set up enzymes the adult enzyme expression in liver included in the default PBPK model the distribution of 3A4 in gut included with default ACAT model use built-in utility for conversion of in vitro Km and Vmax values to in vivo values PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Cilostazol - Results 1 : 0.43 1 : 0.45 PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Default PBPK model with calculated Kps with all in silico inputs Cilostazol - Results 1 : 1.1 1 : 0.97 PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Default PBPK model with calculated Kps using in vitro Fup (3.3%) and Rbp (0.6) values Example: Terbinafine Hosseini-Yeganeh M., and McLachlan A. Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model for Terbinafine in Rats and Humans. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2002; 46(7): 2219-2228. PK prediction using: in silico properties clearance scaled from Rat PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Terbinafine - Inputs All properties from ADMETPredictor: S+LogP = 5.94 S+pKa = 7.95 (Base) S+Sw = 8.16 µg/mL @ S+pH = 8.66 S+Fup = 14.4% (adjusted Fup = 0.019%) Rbp = 1 (default) S+Peff = 12×10-4 cm/s Rat Cp-time profile after IV administration Human Physiology – Typical western 30yo male PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Terbinafine – Model Setup • Import structure • Create default PBPK model for adult physiology • Calculate Kps • Estimate CL from rat IV Cp-time profile • Scale rat CL to human PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Terbinafine – Rat Data Dose = 1.5mg IV bolus administration NONCOMPARTMENTAL ANALYSIS OF DATA: AUC = AUMC = MRT = CL = K(z) = CL/kg= Vss = Vss/kg= 3.6426 8.0494 2.2098 0.4118 11.7914 1.6472 0.91 3.6398 µg-h/mL µg-h^2/mL h L/h 1/h L/h/kg L L/kg Scaling clearance to human using ¾ power law: Human CL = 32.7 L/h PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Terbinafine - Results 1 : 0.8 1 : 1.3 PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Default PBPK model with calculated Kps Terbinafine - Results 1 : 1.1 1 : 1.3 PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Default PBPK model with rat Kps Published Studies Jones H. et al. Clin Pharmacokinet 2006, 45(5):511-542 PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Published Studies Cole S. et al. Poster Presentation, ISSX Asian meeting 2008 PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009 Summary • PBPK approach provides superior results to simple allometric scaling • For prediction of oral doses, the processes in the gastrointestinal tract are important – a predictive model must include a good gut model • GastroPlus Provides physiological models for gut (ACAT) as well as other tissues (PBPK) Provides an easy way of creating the default physiological models for routine predictions (different species, age dependent) Provides flexible models – easy to adjust for special populations, physiological or disease states for “expert” use Allows incorporating all relevant transport and clearance processes (with default settings for all processes for which information is already available in literature) PBPK Workshop April 6-10, 2009