Contact details. Tel / Fax 01237 441258 Email admin@hartland

Menu week commencing 25 April
Newsletter 22nd April 2016
Homemade lasagne (beef or vegetarian) garlic bread. Sandwich option is tuna. Angel delight.
Southern fried chicken or cheese wheel, potato wedges, carrot sticks, cucumber. Sandwich option is
cheese. Ginger cookie.
Roast gammon and pineapple or vegetarian roast, roast potatoes, vegetable selection. Sandwich
option is ham. Apple crumble and custard.
Cottage pie (beef or vegetarian) mixed vegetables. Sandwich option is cheese. Fruit jelly.
Picnic style fish and chips or tomato pasta bake. Sandwich option is egg. Cinammon swirl.
Congratulations to Class 4, you were
Attendance Champions last week with
99.6%. Well done.
Scholastic Book Fair
The Book Fair is in school until next
Tuesday and will be open before
school from 8.30am, after school until
4pm and during lunchtimes.
Swimming Year 3 and 4
Thank you for your continued
swimming donations. Please keep
them coming in.
Class Photographs
Please ensure any last orders are with
the school office on Monday.
Governor Corner
We have a full Governing Board
meeting next week where Governors
will be discussing the strategic
direction of the school and setting the
term dates.
Tag Rugby Club – Key Stage 2
Tag Rugby Club starts next
Wednesday – if you have not done so
already please return your permission
slip to the school office. The
information letter with permission slip
is available on our website.
Film Club Friday 29th April
Our next Film Club takes place on
Friday 3.30pm to 5pm and will be
showing ‘Honey I Shrunk The Kids’.
£2.00 per child (Max £5 per family) to
include a snack and a drink.
Contact details. Tel / Fax 01237 441258 Email
Asthma Inhalers
If your child has an asthma inhaler in
school please can you check they are
in date. If your child no longer requires
an inhaler please let the school office
know and we will update our records
and return inhalers to you.
Diary Dates
29th April – Film Club
9th May – SATs week
20th May – Film Club
27th May – Last day of half term
7th June – Back to school
17th -19th June – Skern Lodge
21st July – Last day of school year
Little Fawns - for children aged 0 to 3
Little Deers – for children aged 0 to 5
£1.50 per child - 1.30pm to 3.20pm
Both welcoming groups for all to join in
with fun activities for the children.
Come along and have a play, chat,
and a cup of tea or coffee. This half
term we will be learning all about
rainbows and there will be outdoor
play, singing, water play, painting etc
Dates for each group are as follows:
27th April
4th May
11th May
18th May
25th May
Little Fawns
Little Deers
Health Visitor In
Little Fawns
Little Deers
Little Fawns
Contact details. Tel / Fax 01237 441258 Email