THYRISTOR CONTROL OF SLIP RING INDUCTION MOTORS by NITIN Kuml,a JAIN DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING THESIS SUBMITTED IN FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY TO THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DELHI API:IL 1983 CERTIFICATE Certified that the dissertation entitled "THYRISTOR CONTROL OF SLIP RING INDUCTION MOTORS" which is being submitted by Nitin Kumar Jain in fulfilment for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering of the Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, is a record of the student's own work carried out by him under our joint supervision and guidance. The matter embodied in this dissertation has not been submitted for the award of any other Degree or Diploma. (B.P. Si. 41) April, 1983. (R. Arockiasamy) ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My sincere thanks are due to Prof. R. Arockiasamy for his invaluable guidance and encouragement throughout the course of this work. I am also greatly indebted to Dr. B.P. Singh for his unstinted help, guidance and encouragement in the later stages of the research work. They have always listened to whatever I had to say and have always found time for discussions inspite of their busy schedules. I am grateful to Mr. A.R. Agarwala for his invaluable help in development of the trigger controller, trouble shooting at every stage and for going through the manuscript. Thanks are also due to Mr. R. Mulchandani for his help in analysing the trigger control problem and in the development of the input stage. I am thankful to Dr. Krishna Kant for his help in the modelling and analysis. Thanks are due to Mr. N.K. Sharda for stimulating discussions and help. These colleagues have imensely helped in keeping an academic environment, which I enjoyed very much. I am thankful to my friend Lt. Comdr. A. Anand for his inspiring company and editorial help. My sincere thanks are due to Mr. Bhim Singh for final checking of the stensils. Sincere thanks are due to the staff of Electrical Engineering Department Senior Machines Lab and to the staff of IDDC Electrical/Electronics Lab for their willing help and cooperation. Many thanks are due to Ms. Suresh for typing the draft of the thesis and to Mr. N.D. Arora for final typing. Thanks to Ms. Shashi for making the figures. My profound gratitude is due to my affectionate mother-in-law and rememberance to my late father-in-law. Their loveaffection and inspiration has always given me courage in the difficult times. Finally, I gratefully acknowledge the contribution of my wife Veena for her constant encouragement. She has always "been there" providing renewed inspiration in these black moments when it all seemed futile. 1983 (NITIN KUMAR JAIN) iv ABSTRACT This investigation deals with the development of a variable speed drive using slip ring induction motor (SRIM) incororating thyristor converter rotor control scheme. Study of available literature in this area highlights various problems associated with the realisation of this scheme. The main bottleneck in realising a wide speed range of SRIM operation has been the presence of slot ripple in the rotor voltage particularly at high speeds. These ripples are responsible for spuribus zero-crossing determination leading to unreliable motor operation at high speeds with the trigger control schemes reported so far. Moreover, obtaining a speed independent linear relationship between the trigger angle of the thyrlstors and control voltage is also a problem. Another aspect needing attention has been the reauirement of a suitable method of analysis for predetermination of the performance of the SRIM with thyristor converter rotor control. Different methods of analysis of the induction motors employing thyristorised controllers, reported so far, do not prove to be quite adequate for the present case. Furthermore, the use of hybrid rectifier for SRIM rotor control, which offers certain economic advantages, has not been fully exploited. Yet another bottleneck in realising a variable speed SRIM drive using thyristor converter rotor control has been a poor load-speed regulation of the SRIM. The investigations reported in this thesis make an attempt towards the solution of the problems discussed above. The thesis reports about the development of a reliable trigger control scheme for operation of the thyristors in the rotor circuit of a BRIM. The trigger controller uses phase-locked loop technique and the ripple in the rotor reference voltage is eliminated by designing a suitable interface circuit. Direct throe phase model of the BRIM is modified to incorporate the rotor current switching constraints imposed by the thyristor converter. The model thus obtained is simulated on a digital computer topY036termine the steady state performance of the SRIM. The analytical results thus obtained are compared with the experimental results to ascertain the validity of the model. Study of the system performance under typical converter fault conditions is also carried out. vi The performance of the SRIM with hybrid rectifier rotor control is experimentally investigated and a comparative study of the SRIM performance with these two rotor control schemes is presented. Closed loop operation of the SRIM thyristor converter system with speed and speed-current feedback is studied to obtain a better load-speed regulation and modified torquespeed characteristics of the SRIM. Small signal linearised model of the system is developed for analytical studies. The feedback system is found to be stable in both the cases. It is shown that the thyristor converter rotor control using the trigger controller developed earlier in the investigation, permits the realisation of a SRIM based vafiable speed drive which compares favourably with the dc motors in terms of cost, maintenance, and load-speed regulation. CONTENTS Page Certificate ii cknowl edgements Abstract: List of Figures List of Principle Symbols Chapter I INTRODUCTION 1.1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.2 ST d'Emzur OF THE PROBLEM 11 1.3 OUTLINE OF VARIOUS CHAPTERS 12 Chapter II TRIGGER . CONTROL SCHEME 2.1 GENERAL 2.2TRIGGER REQUIREM..iNTS 2.3 PROPOSED SCHEME 2.3.1 Introduction 2.3.2 Input Stage 2.3.3. PLL Ramp Generator 17 18 21 21 24 25 2.3.4 Three: Phase Ramp Generator 29 2.3.5 Phase Control and Output Stage 31 2.3.6 Processing of the Speed Signal 34 xvi 2.4 TRIGGER CIRCUIT DESIGN 38 2.4.1 Input Stage 38 2.4.2 PLL Ramp Generator 42 2.4.3 Three Phase Ramp Generator 46 2.4.4 Phase Control and Output Stage 47 2.4.5 Speed Signal Processing Circuit48 2.5 PERFORMANCE OF THE TRIGGER CIRCUIT 51 Chapter III 2.6 DISCUSSION 54 2.7 CONCLUSION 58 STEADY STA'TE ANALYSIS OF SLIP.ING INDUCTION MOTOR-THYRISTORCONVERTER SYSTEM 3.1 INTRODUCTION 60 3.2 ANALYSIS OF INDUCTION MOIORTHYRISTOR CONVERTER SYSTEM 61 3.2.1 Induction Motor Model 61 3.2.2 Induction Motor-Thyristor Converter System 71 3.2.3 Modes of Operation75 3.2.4 Three Thyristor Conduction 83 3.2.5 Two Thyristor Conduction87 3.2.6 Open Circuited Rotor91 xv ii 92 3.3 DIGITAL COMPUTER SIMULATION 105 3.4EXPLIMENT,JJ SEAT UP 107 3.5 RESuLTS 3.5.1 Torque-Speed Characteristics 108 3.5.2 Stator Current-Speed Characteristics 110 3.5.3 Input Power Factor-Speed 112 Characteritics 3.5.4 Efficiency-Speed Characteristics 114 3.5,5 Stator and Rotor Current Waveforms 116 3.5.6 Variation in Performance Quantities withcK122 3.5.7 Discussion 131 3.6 PERFORMANCE 0i THE SYSTEM UNDER SUSTAINED CONVERTER FAULT CONDITIONS 3.6;1 System Operation 134 3.6.2 Performance of the system 135 3.7 CONCLUSION 140 Chapter IV PERFORMANCE OF INDUCTION MOTOR-HYBRID VECTIFIER SYSTEM 4..1 INTRODUCTION 143 4.2 SYSTEM OPERTION 144 4.3 EXPEIMENTAL RESULTS 153 4.3.1 Torque-Speed Characteristics 154 4.3.2 Stator Current-Speed Characteristics 156 4.3.3 'Input Power Factor-Speed Characteristics 158 41r3.4 Effici ency-Speed Characteristics 160 4.3.5 Stator and IZotorCurrent Waveforms 160 4.3.6 Variation of the Performance Quantities with044, 167 4.3.7 Discussion 4,4 CONCLUSION 171 172 Chapter VCLOSED LOOP OPEiTION OF INDUCTION MOTORTHYRISTOR CONVERTER SYSTEM 5.1 IN'T'RODUCTION 174 5.2 PRINCIPLE OF OPEi- TION 176 5.2.1 Speed Feedback 176 5.2.2 Speed-Current Feedback• 178 5.3 CLOSED LOOP SYSTEM MODELLING180 5.3.1 Trigger Controller 181 5.3.2 Induction Motor 185 5.3.3 Control Voltage Processor189 5.3.4 Current Signal Processor193 xix 5.4 ANALYSIS OF THE SPEED FEEDBACK SCHEME196 5.4.1 Closed Loop Transfer Function196 • 5.4.2Stability Analysis196 5.4.3Step Response197 5.4.4 Steady State Analysis203 5,5 RESULTS 5.5.1 Stability 203 204 5.5.2 Step Response205 5.5.3 Steady State Performance208 5.6 DESIGN ASPECTS 210 5,7 SPEED-CURRENT FEEDBACK SCHEME212 5.7.1 Closed Loop Transfer Function213 5.7.2 Steady State Analysis214 5.7.3 Experimental Results219 5.8 CONCLUSION 220 Chapter VI CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER WORK 6.1 MAIN CONCLUSIONS 6.2 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER WORK 222 229 REFERENCES 232 APPENDIX I:DIGITAL PHASE DETECTOR 242 All:;NDIX II:TEST MACHINE SPECIFICATIONS 249