ELECTROMECHANICAL TRANSIENT OF SERIES CONNECTED THREE PHASE SLIP RING INDUCTION MOTORS R.M.Hamouda M.A. Badr A.I. Alolah EE Dept., King Saud University, P.O.Box 800 Riyadh 11421, Saudi Arabia EE Dept., College of Eng., Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt induction motors represents one of such modes. This mode of operation was almost completely ignored due to the The series connected represents a peculiar mode of operation of three phase slip-ring induction motors. When the rotor is connected in series belief that the motor would be unable to start at all. This is with the stator with opposite phase sequence, the motor can start and reach true if the rotor winding is connected in the same sequence a speed close to synchronous speed. It has been also shown that the motor as that of the stator winding. However, the authors have under this mode can operate at double synchronous speed. The main proven that if the rotor phase sequence is opposite to that of objectives of this paper is to develop a mathematical model along with a computer simulation, whereby the transient behaviour of the series the stator, the motor can start and reach a speed close to connected induction motor can be analyzed, particularly during the synchronous speed [6]. On the other hand it has been starting period and synchronous speed operation. The torsional dynamic shown that if the series connected three phase induction elyects become serious when one of the torsional modes of the motor-shaft motor is driven to a speed double its synchronous speed, assembly resonates with one of the pulsating torque components of the overall electromagnetictorque. Therefore, the effect of torsional dynamics the motor can continue running as a synchronous motor at this speed. Other authors have pointed out this fact but they has been taken into considerations. dealt with the problem from the control point of view and K eywordr: Induction motors, Transient analysis, Series nothing was mentioned about how the motor will reach cmnection such a speed [7].In addition, no information regarding the stability limits of the motor under this mode of operation List of Symbols p.u instantaneousvalue of voltage and cumnt, respectwely was given. Abstract p.u w and peak value of supply line to neutral voltages, respectively p.u. damping coefficient of mass, and its inertia in seconds, respectively p.u stiffness of the shaf? section connecting motor with the load p.u inductance, resistance and reactance, respectively p.u magnetizing reactance and maximum mutual inductance between stator and rotor phases, respectively p.u motor and load torque, respectively p.u transfer torque between motor and load time in seconds ,d/d(o t) and slip, respectively motor rotor and load position angles synchronous and rotor speed, respectively supply frequency in d s e c and p.u rotor speed, respectively Subscripts A, B, C a, b, c r, s 1, m statorphases rotor phases rotor and stator, respectively leakage and magnetizing, respectively I. Introduction Conventional balanced operation and starting of three phase induction motors, in general, and three phase slip ring induction motors in particular, have been well understood and investigated over the extent of this century. Theories concerning such a conventional mode of operation have been well established and published in numerous publications. However, little interest has been directed to investigate the behaviour of these motors under peculiar modes of operation, especially under transient c.onditions[I ,2]. Recently, the authors have suggested several modes of operation of three hase slip ring induction motor t2-61. The series connected operation of three phase slip-ring 0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00 (c) 2000 IEEE The main objectives of this paper is to develop a mathematical model along with a computer simulation, whereby the transient behaviour of the series connected induction motor can be analyzed, particularly during the starting period and synchronous speed operation. The torsional dynamic effects become serious when one of the torsional modes of the motor-shaft assembly resonates with one of the pulsating torque components of the overall electromagnetic torque. Therefore, the effect of torsional dynamics has been taken into considerations. II. Basic Principle I. Asynchronous mode of operation When the motor windings are connected in series as shown in Fig. 1, the interaction between the magnetic fields and torques produced by both the stator and rotor can be analyzed as follows r61: i) The supply cu%nts that flow into the stator winding produce a uniform magnetic field M,, rotating w.r.t. stator by U,. By induction action hisIinduces another uniform magnetic field Mr2 in the rotor rotating w.r.t. rotor by (ns-n). The interaction between these two fields produces a uniform induction torque Cl. Due to this torque the motor can continue running in the direction of My/, ii) The supply currents that flow into the rotor winding produce a uniform magnetic field Mrl rotating w.r.t. rotor by n,. Due to the reversal of the phase sequence the direction of M,,will be opposite to that of MsI. By induction M,,induces another uniform magnetic field Ms2 in the stator rotating w.r.t. stator by (ns-n). The interaction between Mr,and Ms2 produces a uniform induction torque acting on r2 260 the stator in the direction of Mr,. Due to the principle of action and reaction'there will be a torque exerted on the rotor in the opposite direction and consequently will be in the direction of T,I. iii) The interaction between M,,and M,/produces a pulsating torque Tp with no average value. Consequently the motor can not continue running due to this torque. [RJ =Diag [r, r, r, rr rr r r ] , and [LJ is the system inductance matrix as given in the Appendix. From the above, it can be realized that: 0 VA The summation of T,], and Tp makesthemotor start and continue running as an induction motor, i.e. n n,. if both the stator and rotor have the same sequence, T,Iy d T,3 would have opposite directions. Their magnitude is equal at standstill and the motor has no useful starting torque. If the rotor is driven at twice the synchronous speed, i.e n=2n, MrI will be rotating w.r.t. stator by n,. Accordingly, and MrI will be rotating at the same speed and direction, which means that Tpwill be a uniform synchronous torque. - Motor Load "I Rotor Stator Fig.I: (a) mechanical system .(b) Connection of the series slip ring induction motor with opposite phase sequence The voltage equation representing the series connected mode of operation can be obtained by manipulating eq.( 1) using the following connecting equations: [vs 11. Synchronous mode of operation J = (c11[VI (2) (3) The series connected slip ring induction motor can operate ril =rc2Iriwl synchronously at twice its rated synchronous speed [6]. where: This requires an external prime mover to drive the motor at 2 4 with its rotor winding having a phase sequence opposite to that of its stator winding and then connected to a three v, cos (at+120) phase supply after disconnecting the prime mover. With these requirements satisfied and as stated above, the 100 conditions for uniform torque production are met and the motor can operate as a synchronous motor at Zn,. However, 010 100100 at this speed, both T,, and X 3 oppose the torque component 001 T,,. This reduces the net uniform electromagnetic torque 010001 100 and hence the pull out torque of the motor. Consequently, 001010 the motor under this mode of operation suffers from two 001 drawbacks: (i) the loading margin is very narrow and (ii) 010 the need for an external prime mover to start and run the where the rotor is connected in a sequence opposite to that motor at a speed of 2n,. of the stator. Substituting from eq.(2) and (3) in eq.(l) yields: III. Transient Analysis A. Voltage equations The system under study comprises a star connected three phase slip ring induction motor with the stator and rotor connected in series as shown in Fig. 1. The mathematical model of the system in the original phase values reference frame, is as given below. I= [v]'[vA vB I+ [ RI[i 1 vC [ i ] = [ i A i B i, va i, (1) 'b ib 'c COS e,+ x 11 I B. The current state space model The stator and rotor currents in addition to the rotor speed and position are chosen as the state variables. The current space model can be derived as follows: I' i, 0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00 (c) 2000 IEEE I= Diag [(rs +rr (rs +rr (rs +rr cos e, - 0.5 COS e, - 0.5 [ L , , ] = ~ xco~e,-o.5 , C O S ~ , + X c0se,-o.5 cos e, - 0.5 cos e,- 0.5 cos e, + x wherex= r+xl/Xm, e,= ut, e2= ut-120, e3-wt+120. [&,e [ The voltage equation of the system is: [ v P [ L I[i where In normalized form: 26 1 HI is the normalized inertia of massi and is given by: H: = 2a,H, The equations describing the unforced, undamped mechanical system may be rearranged into the following form: The required state space model can be expressed as: ~ [ i s e] = [ A where: 1 [ise [ A I=- L,, I-' I+[B I[vse 1, [GJe [ 1 (6) (9) I= [&,, I-' <:.Electromagnetic Torque equation The developed electromagnetic torque can be obtained as the partial derivative of the energy stored in the mutually coupled inductive circuits with respect to the rotor position angle 0 ,. Accordingly, the torque in p.u can be expressed as: -'IO -! lo 1 1 72 CL 3 N' F I -12 4 1 3 .o 0.0 t, sec 6.0 D. Mechanical system The mechanical system consists of two masses as shown in Fig.1. This system is represented as two inertias interconnected by one torsional spring (the connecting shaft), and can be described by two second-order differential equations of the form [4]: f + N.Results The transients of the motor under normal connection when started against 0.2 p. u load by applying the rated voltage to its stator are shown in Fig.2. The response shows clearly the excitation of the mechanical system natural frequency mode (23.5 Hz). The maximum excitation occurs when the frequency of one of the electromagnetic torque components coincides with the natural frequency of the shaft. The transfer torque T,I indicates that the electrical system provides negative damping to this frequency mode at lower speed. Once the motor speed exceeds the critical value at which resonance occurs, the electrical system provides positive damping to this oscillatory mode. In this case the shaft will experience high stresses, about 7.0p.u.This is because of the slow speeding up process of the motor that will give a longer time for the electromechanical resonance to take place even under a small level of pulsating torque. The starting transients when the motor is connected in series as shown in Fig.1 and loaded by 0.2 p.u torque is sho n in Fig.3(a) when V=l.O p.u, and in Fig3(b) when V= 3 p.u. The results indicate that the motor can not start at the rated voltag under even under light load. At a supply voltage of 3 p.u, the motor can start easily in a time reduced by 45% compared with the conventional direct on line starting. This advantage is obtained on the expense of high torsional stresses on the shaft (about 12 p.u) due to the high level of pulsating torque components. Once the motor speed reaches the running value, the currents, electromagnetic torque and shaft torsional stress become low. Stator and rotor voltage variations for the case of Fig.3(b) are shown in Figd. It can be notedthatthe stator and rotor voltages of the motor under series connection do not exceed the rated values. 9 Fig.2 Starting transients of the motor when started under conventional method at V=l.Op.u and against 0.2p.u load [TI= [H*]P2 +[DIP The system under study has only one natural fiequency in the subsynchronous frequency zone. To assume the worst condition the mechanical damping is neglected during the study. [Kl )[el where V. Conclusions In this paper the series mode of operation of three phase slip ring induction motors has been investigated. The rotor windings are connected in series with that of the stator. This mode allows the motor to operate from a supply with 0-7803-5935-6/001$10.00(c) 2000 IEEE 262 a voltage higher than the rated one. The results indicate that: (i) under this mode, the motor can not start unless the rotor phase sequence is in opposite of that of the stator, (ii) the motor can not start under the rated voltage, (iii) at 133 supply voltage the motor under series mode is faster in starting than the conventional mode, and (iv) the stator and rotor voltages of the motor under series connection do not e r<ceedthe rated values 4. M.A. Badr, M.A. Abdel-halim and A.1. Alolah"A Nonconventional Method for Fast Starting of Three Phase Wound Rotor Induction Motors", IEEE Trans,Vol.EC-I 1(4), 1996, pp.701-707. 5. M.A. Abdel-halim, M.A. Badr and A.I. Alo1ah"Smooth Starting of Slip Ring Induction Motors", IEEE Trans.,Vol.EC-12(4), 1997, pp.317-322. 6. M.A. Badr, A.I. AIolah and A.F. A1marshood"Transient Performance of Series Connected Three Phase Slip-Ring Induction Motors", IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, Paper 97-036, accepted for publication. 81 7. Ho, E. and Sen, P. * * A High Performance Parameter-Insensitive Drive Using a SeriesConnected Wound-Rotor Induction Motor", IEEE Tw.. VoI.IA-25(6), 1989, pp.1132-1138. 2 m .- f a 2 i i -a 0.0 I- 3 n t< \- I- -a - I 0.0 3.0 6.0 t, sec I 0 3 t, sec 6 Fig.4: Stator and rotor voltages when the motor is s ed under series connection and against 0.2p.u load, V= 3p.u Y VI. Appendix The rating of the motor under study is 220 V, 60 Hz,IkW and its p.u. parameters are: rl ~0.015,X,,, =4.0, X I =X2 = 0.09, r2=0.015,H 1 ~ ~ 2 2 6 . 2 , H~~~565.5, K12=30.0. a U i I- -10 -12 ! $*..r" 4 0.0 0.0 1 3.0 6.0 t. sec (b) Fig.3: Starting transients of the motor when started under cries connection and against 0.2p.u load, (a) V=l.Op.u, @) V= 3p.u 3 W .References I. Alger, P."Induction Machines", Book, Gordon and Breach,New York,2" ed., 1970. 2. Say, M."AItemating Current Machines". Book.Pitman. England, 2 nd ed., 1984. 3. M.A. Badr, A.I. Alolah and M.A. Abdel-halim"A Capacitor Start Three. Phase Induction MotoS, IEEE Trans.. V0l.EC-10(4),1995, pp.675-680. 0-7803-5935-6/00/$10.00 (c) 2000 IEEE 263 The relation between the inductance matrix elements and the machine reactances in per unit &e: L, =Lrr=M=2X,l3, L,r=X,, L,=X, X,=X,=X,