International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014) Minimization of Power Loss in SRIM with Rotor Chopper Control Dr. K. B. Porate1, Neha R. Kochar2 Electrical Engineering Department, Priyadarshini College of Engineering, RTMNU, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India Such circuits are widely used in industrial applications where the drive operation is intermittent such as hoists, cranes, conveyors, lifts, excavators and high starting toque are more important with low starting current to avoid voltage dip.[11] The torque depends on motor resistance. Therefore, increasing the rotor resistance at a constant torque causes a proportionate increase in the motor slip with decrease in rotor speed. Thus, the speed for a given load torque may be varied by varying the rotor resistance. The function of this resistance is to introduce voltage at rotor frequency, which opposes the voltage induced in rotor winding. [3] Conventionally, the rotor resistance is controlled manually and in discrete steps. The main demerit of this method of control is that energy is dissipated in rotor circuit resistance, internal and external, and this energy is wasted in the form of heat. Because of the waste-fullness of this method, it is used where speed change are needed for short duration only. [2] This paper deals with eliminating the drawbacks of a conventional scheme by using a 3 phase un-controlled bridge rectifier and a chopper controlled external resistance. However, this arrangement for controlling the average value of rotor current (external resistance) introduces the additional problems of discontinuity in the rotor winding currents and voltage spikes across the chopper thyristor. These problems could be taken care of by having a filter in the rotor circuit. [1] Abstract— Slip Ring Induction motors are widely used for high torque and variable speed applications. Conventional methods of speed control of Slip Induction Motor from rotor side, lead to wastage of energy, in external resistance. With the advent of power electronic devices power loss at rotor side could be minimized and smooth speed control can be achieved. This paper deals with reducing energy losses by implementing rotor chopper control, Chopper control along with filter in open loop and then the system is studied in closed loop system. A thorough analysis of the steady state performance of the system is presented for the conventional vis-à-vis chopper control system. Simulations are made in MATLAB environment. Keywords— Slip Ring Induction Motor (SRIM), Chopper Control, Power Loss, Voltage Spikes. I. INTRODUCTION Induction motors are the most widely used electrical motors due to their reliability, low cost and robustness. However, induction motors do not inherently have the capability of variable speed operation. Due to this reason, DC motors were applied in most of the electrical drives. But the recent developments in speed control methods of the induction motor have led to their large scale use in almost all electrical drives. [1] Induction motors are a constant speed machines which account for 90% of the electrical drives used in Industry. Induction motors are usually constructed to work with a small value of slip, normally less than 5% at full load. Therefore the deviation of the motor speed from the synchronous speed is practically very small. However, there are certain applications that require enormous variation of the motor speed [5]. With the increase in availability of high current power electronic devices, smooth and quick variation of external resistance introduced in the rotor circuit of slip ring induction motor to control its speed, can be accomplished electronically. Schemes employing chopper control resistance can be used to obtain a constant torque, constant speed or any desired characteristics by using a proper feedback circuit along with it. II. CONVENTIONAL METHOD [1] CONVENTIONALLY, the rotor resistance is controlled manually and in discrete steps. The torque is proportional to product of rotor current and fundamental magnetic flux cutting rotor. The maximum torque is independent of rotor resistance, but the value of slip at which maximum torque occurs is directly proportional to the added rotor resistance. Increase in the rotor resistance does not affect the value of maximum torque but increases the slip. 180 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014) A chopper is a power switch electronically monitored by a control circuit. When the chopper is in the ON mode all the time, the equivalent resistance Req in the rotor circuit is R1. When the chopper is in the OFF mode all the time, the equivalent external resistance Req in the rotor circuit is (R1 + R2). If the chopper is periodically regulated so that, in each chopper period, it is ON for some time and OFF for the rest, it is possible to obtain a variation of Req between R1 and (R1 + R2). Thus the chopper electronically alters the external resistance R2 in a continuous and contactless manner. The duty cycle ton/(ton + toff) of the chopper is controlled by a pulse width modulation (PWM) circuit. The pulse width and, hence, the duty cycle of the chopper is proportional to ei, the input voltage to the PWM circuit. FIG. 1 BASIC CONVENTIONAL SCHEME [1] When high starting torque is needed, the R2 can be chosen to obtain Tmax at stand still. FIG. 3 BASIC CHOPPER CIRCUIT [1] This simple arrangement for controlling the average value of rotor current (external resistance) introduces the additional problems of discontinuity in the rotor winding currents and voltage spikes across the chopper thyristor. These problems could be taken care of by having either a first- or second-order filter in the rotor circuit. [4] FIG. 2 SPEED TORQUE CHARACTERISTICS FOR ROTOR RESISTANCE CONTROL [1] Fig.2 gives the speed-torque characteristics of a slip-ring induction motor for different values of rotor resistances. Main drawback of the conventional scheme being energy is dissipated in rotor circuit resistance, internal and external. This energy is wasted in the form of heat. Because of the waste-fullness of this method, it is used where speed change are needed for short duration only. FIG. 4 CHOPPER CONTROL SYSTEM [1] Fig. 4 gives a chopper circuit with a second-order filter. Removal of filter capacitor C and current limiting resistor RC will make it a first-order filter. With a second-order filter, one can use higher values of R2. This permits a wide variation in speed-torque characteristics of the drive. In fact, one can remove the resistance R2 altogether. A. Chopper Controlled System With the advent of power semiconductors, the conventional resistance control scheme can be eliminated by using a three-phase rectifier bridge and a chopper controlled external resistance as shown in Fig. 3. 181 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014) With a filter in the rotor circuit, current waveforms can be made continuous and ripple in the dc current can be reduced to a very small value by selecting the appropriate chopper frequency and corresponding parameters of the filter circuit. However, transfer functions that will be valid for small perturbations may be derived under certain simplifying assumptions, the parameters being dependent on the given steady-state operating point. Thus an analysis for small changes of speed about an operating point is attempted below. The following simplifying assumption is made in the dc circuit model given in the previous section.[10] The voltage drop across stator impedance and voltage loss due to commutation are negligible." With this assumption, the torque developed by the motor under steady-state becomes as given B. DC Circuit From (2), torque is a linear function of Id. This will hold good only when the motor is not heavily loaded. For a given duty cycle of the chopper, Id is proportional to slip S and E is constant. However, for a given value of the slip, current Id is a linear function of the duty cycle only when T1 = T2, where FIG. 5 DC CIRCUIT MODEL WITH BRIDGE RECTIFIER [3] Fig. 5 gives a dc circuit model for the chopper-controlled slip-ring induction motor with a filter in the rotor circuit. From this model, the torque Td developed by the motor is given by: ………. (1) T1 rotor circuit time constant during ON mode, T2 rotor circuit time constant during OFF mode Where, E In a practical drive, it will not be possible to satisfy a condition like T1 = T2. Considering this nonlinear relationship between rotor current and the duty cycle of the chopper. dc output volt.of3 phase rectifier E2 rms rotor voltage per phase (stand still) r1 stator resistance/phase referred to rotor Xlm In the above equation, f(ei) is a nonlinear function of ei, the input-to-PWM circuit which is proportional to the duty cycle. R is the total resistance in the rotor circuit when the switch is ON, and S is the motor slip. For 100-percent duty cycle, f(ei) = 1. Hence, (l1+l2) total leakage inductance referred to rotor ω supply frequency (Hz) Id average current in the dc link of rotor circuit Ws synchronous speed of motor (rad/s). Id(max) = (E/R)S. The above equation holds good under the following assumptions: 1) The effect of ripple in the bridge rectifier output is negligible. 2) The current in the dc circuit is perfectly smooth To obtain the transfer functions for current and speed, we will linearize the above equations around a reference point. Let the operating point be defined as Id = Ido, S = So, and ei = ei0. Using a Taylor's series expansion of (4) around the given operating point, and neglecting higher order terms, the following linear equation is obtained: C. Development Of Small Signal Model The complete transient analysis of a conventional induction motor is quite involved. The presence of a bridge rectifier and chopper makes it all the more difficult. Therefore, it is not possible to derive analytically a transfer function that will be valid under all conditions. 182 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014) Where function Where internal speed feedback. derivative at the reference point for the , represent perturbations around the operating D. Block Diagram And Transfer Functions Before developing a block diagram, the presence and effect of various time constants in the system are investigated. point. Since Where i] Chopper Time Constant: Although the duty cycle is proportional to ei, the triggering of the thyristors is not instantaneously corrected. There is a certain delay in the actual change in the duty cycle and a change in the control signal. Hence, the system should be treated as a sampled data system. The triggering of the main thyristor corresponds to sampling of ei. The amplitude of et at that instant determines the duty cycle. The chopper does not respond to any changes in ei until the next cycle. This corresponds to a zero-order hold arrangement. Analysis can be simplified by considering it as a simple first-order system with a time constant Tc = T/2, where 1/T is chopper frequency. Let = motor speed, then Let , and Substituting these relations in (5) gives From (4) From (5), (6) and (7) The delayed change in duty cycle is represented by ii] Filter Time Constant: A filter connected in the rotor circuit to reduce the heating of rotor windings could be a "first-order filter" or a "second-order filter". However, during the ON mode of the main thyristor, both of them will act as first-order filters with a time constant T1. It is only during the OFF period that the second-order filter will act as a second-order filter. [6] Let the filter parameters be adjusted such that their effective time constant during the OFF period is T2. Then Let Then , can be written as From (3), torque TL is speed is given by represents the effect of . If the perturbation in load , the perturbation in motor steady-state With this, the effective time constant of the filter will be. Where f is the coefficient of linear (viscous) friction of load. Substituting the value of ΔId from (8) gives where From (8) and (9), under steady-state 183 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014) The chopper time constant Tc comes into the picture only when the change in ei is being considered. However, the filter time constant Tf is to be considered for changes in w and also in ei. Considering these time constants, (6) and (8) can be rewritten as Let (15) gives . Substituting this in From the block diagram Considering the perturbations in speed and torque Substituting for from (16) yields Where is the mechanical time constant of load and motor J = moment of inertia of motor and load. Effect of ∆TL From the block diagram, if ∆TL is not zero, then If ∆TL = 0 Equations (17) and (18) are the transfer functions for the perturbations around the operating point. From the block diagrams it can be observed that 1) the internal feedback factor keb tends to make the current response more oscillatory, and 2) if keb<<1, , then the transfer functions can be simplified to The block diagram corresponding to (13)-(14) is given in Fig. 6. + + - - FIG. 6 CHOPPER-CONTROLLED SR-IM SMALL SIGNAL BLOCK DIAGRAM iii] Derivation of the block diagram of Fig. and : From III. SIMULATION MODELS A 3-hp slip-ring induction motor is used for simulations. The speed control of this motor is obtained with rotor chopper control as explained in the preceding sections. Where The two poles S1&S2 of this transfer function are given by 184 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014) Analysis of induction motor have been made for a speed less than rated speed for 1000 rpm, by various modules such as Speed Control of Induction Motor with conventional rotor resistance scheme, Speed Control of Induction Motor with chopper, Speed Control of Induction Motor with chopper and filter controlled in open loop and closed loop. Filter circuit is used to reduce voltage and current spikes in open and closed loop scheme. A resistance connected in the dc part of the rotor circuit was used to obtain a current feedback signal in closed loop scheme. The conventional testing methods were used to determine the mechanical parameters of the slip-ring motor. Three phase Induction motor is tested with its full load and rotor short circuited. Simulation in MATLAB environment has been made, Simulation model is shown in fig 7. Parameters like Speed, Torque, Stator & Rotor Current are observed from simulations. Rotor speed of SRIM is found to be 1440rpm with full load torque of 14.83N-m. Rated stator current noted from simulation results 6.74Amp and rotor current found is 4.612Amp. Simulated parameters are also shown in fig 8, 9, 10 & 11. A. Slip Ring Induction Motor Parameters 3 phase slip ring induction motor 3 HP, 400 V RMS line-to-line, 50 Hz, 4 Pole The stator and rotor resistance and inductance referred to stator are Rs = 0.7384 Ω; Ls = 3mH Rr = 0.7402 Ω; Lr = 3mH FIG. 8 SPEED OF SRIM WITH ROTOR SHORT CIRCUITED The mutual inductance is Lm = 0.1241 H. The rotor inertia is J = 0.0343 kg.m2 Torque = 14.85 N-m Synchronous Speed Ns = 1500 rpm Rotor Speed Nr = 1440 rpm Slip = 4%, Rated Current Il = 5.38 Amp No load Current Io= 0.5 Amp. B. Slip Ring Induction Motor with rotor side short circuited FIG.9 TORQUE OF SRIM WITH ROTOR SHORT CIRCUITED FIG. 10 STATOR CURRENT OF SRIM WITH ROTOR SHORT CIRCUITED FIG. 7 SPEED CONTROL WITH ROTOR SIDE SHORT CIRCUITED 185 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014) This arrangement will give proportional speed control and will give improved speed regulation. Losses occur in the form of heat dissipation in resistance. FIG. 11 ROTOR CURRENT OF SRIM WITH ROTOR SHORT CIRCUITED C. Slip Ring Induction Motor with conventional rotor resistance scheme FIG. 13 SPEED OF CONVENTIONAL ROTOR RESISTANCE SCHEME FIG. 14 TORQUE OF CONVENTIONAL ROTOR RESISTANCE SCHEME FIG. 12 SPEED CONTROL WITH CONVENTIONAL ROTOR RESISTANCE SCHEME Speed Control of SRIM can be done with conventional rotor resistance scheme. Speed can be reduced from rated speed to desire by adding external resistance in the slip rings of rotor. Resistance of 20Ω is added in each phase to achieve speed of 1000rpm.Simulation in MATLAB environment has been made for full load torque condition. Parameters like Speed, Torque, and Stator & Rotor Current are noted. Rotor speed of SRIM with conventional scheme is found to be 1000rpm with full load torque of 14.83N-m. Stator current noted from simulation results is 6.74Amp and rotor current found is 4.15Amp. Power Consumption in the rotor circuit is 200.4W. Energy Consumption in the rotor circuit is calculated considering motor is running for 8hrs.Simulated values are reported in table no II. Simulated parameters are also shown in fig 13, 14, 15 and 16. FIG. 15 STATOR CURRENT OF CONVENTIONAL ROTOR RESISTANCE SCHEME 186 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014) Stator current noted from simulation results is 6.1Amp and rotor current found is 1.1Amp. Power Consumption in the rotor circuit is 120.75W. Energy Loss in the rotor circuit is calculated for simulated values considering motor is running for 8hrs. Simulated values are reported in table no II. Simulated parameters are also shown in fig 18, 19, 20 and 21. Losses are still there, but the losses can be minimized if we implement filter in the circuit. Care is taken to make controller response as fast as possible. FIG. 16 ROTOR CURRENT OF CONVENTIONAL ROTOR RESISTANCE SCHEME D. Slip Ring Induction Motor with chopper scheme FIG. 18 SPEED OF SRIM WITH CHOPPER SCHEME FIG. 17 SPEED CONTROL WITH CHOPPER SCHEME FIG.19 TORQUE OF SRIM WITH CHOPPER SCHEME In this scheme Chopper is used with GTO as a switch. Simulation Model is shown in fig 4.0.External resistance is inserted periodically, when chopper switch is ON resistance is taken out. Continuous energy loss in resistance of rotor circuit with previous scheme is minimized. By adjusting the duty cycle of chopper and pulse width of pulse generator, speed is controlled and adjusted to 1000rpm. This arrangement will give proportional speed control and will give improved speed regulation. Simulation in MATLAB environment has been made for full load torque condition. External resistance is inserted and taken out with the help of chopper switch. GTO is acting as a switch. Parameters like Speed, Torque, Stator & Rotor Current, and Power are noted from the simulated values. Rotor speed of SRIM with Chopper scheme is found to be 1000rpm with full load torque of 14.83N-m. FIG. 20 STATOR CURRENT OF SRIM WITH CHOPPER SCHEME 187 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014) Speed of Induction Motor is controlled, by chopper control and Parameters like Speed, Torque, Stator & Rotor Current, and Power are noted from the simulated values. Rotor speed of SRIM with Chopper in open loop along with filter scheme is adjusted at 1000rpm by adjusting the duty cycle of chopper. With full load torque of 14.83N-m, Stator current noted from simulation results is 6.1Amp and rotor current found is 1.1Amp. Now the power loss at rotor side is 53.13W which is reduced to 56 % as compared to chopper circuit. Energy Loss in the rotor circuit is calculated considering motor is running for 8hrs. Simulated values are reported in table no II. Simulated parameters are also shown in fig 23, 24, 25 and 26. FIG. 21 ROTOR CURRENT OF SRIM WITH CHOPPER SCHEME E. Slip Ring Induction Motor with open loop filter FIG. 23 SPEED OF SRIM WITH CHOPPER IN OPEN LOOP FIG. 22 SPEED CONTROL WITH OPEN LOOP FILTER Speed of SRIM can be controlled with chopper implemented with filter in open loop. The simulation model with this technique is shown in fig 22 In this scheme Chopper is used with SCR as a switch, Continuous energy loss in resistance of rotor circuit with conventional scheme is minimized. By adjusting the duty cycle of chopper along with pulse width of pulse generator and appropriate selection of filter parameters gives proportional speed control and will give improved speed regulation. The simple arrangement for controlling the average value of rotor current (external resistance) introduces the additional problems of discontinuity in the rotor winding currents and voltage spikes across the chopper thyristor. These problems could be taken care of by having either a first- or second-order filter in the rotor circuit. Here filter circuit is used in open loop, Simulation in MATLAB environment has been made for full load torque condition. FIG. 24 TORQUE OF SRIM WITH CHOPPER IN OPEN LOOP 188 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014) However, with a thyristor chopper in the rotor circuit, an induction motor may now be applied in closed-loop drives with a good degree of precision. A chopper with filter is connected on the rotor side of a three-phase slip-ring motor. The rotor current is sensed by connecting a small resistance in the dc circuit. The duty cycle of the chopper circuit is controlled by varying ei, the output of the current controller. A simple arrangement of proportional speed control with current limit will also give improved speed regulation with protection for excessive currents during starting and under overload conditions Simulation Model of SRIM with Closed Loop Control Is shown in fig 27 Simulation in MATLAB environment has been made for full load torque condition. Rotor chopper control along with second order filter is used in closed loop scheme. The rotor resistance-controlled slip-ring induction motor has very poor speed regulation with open-loop control.. A proportional-integral (PI) controller to get almost zero steady-state error. The speed controller output has an adjustable saturation level, which sets the reference for the current control loop. There is a second PI controller for current control. The current control loop maintains constant current against disturbances in supply voltage. Moreover, this provides fast response compared to the current limit arrangement. During starting and under overload conditions, the output of the speed controller limits the rotor current to a preset reference value. The starting current and, hence, starting torque can be adjusted by adjusting the saturation level of the output of the speed controller. Speed Control of SRIM is achieved as desired, by setting the desired reference value. Parameters like Speed, Torque, Stator & Rotor Current, and Power are noted from the simulation. Chopper in closed loop along with filter and PI Controller is implemented to achieve speed of 1000 rpm. With full load torque of 14.83N-m, Stator current noted from simulation results is 7.2Amp and rotor current found is 0.1025Amp. Now the power loss at rotor side is 5W which is reduced to 96 % as compared to chopper-filter circuit in open loop. Energy Consumption in the rotor circuit is calculated for simulated values considering motor is running for 8hrs. Simulated values are reported in table no II. Simulated parameters are also shown in fig 28, 29, 30 and 31. FIG. 25 ROTOR CURRENT OF SRIM WITH CHOPPER IN OPEN LOOP FIG. 26 ROTOR CURRENT OF SRIM WITH CHOPPER IN OPEN LOOP F. Slip Ring Induction Motor with closed loop filter FIG. 27 SPEED CONTROL WITH CLOSED LOOP FILTER In many industrial applications, very good speed regulation of the drive is essential. In such cases, it becomes necessary to employ closed-loop speed control. Precision closed-loop regulators for conventional rotor resistance control are impractical. 189 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014) FIG. 31 ROTOR CURRENT OF SRIM WITH CHOPPER IN CLOSED LOOP FIG. 28 SPEED OF SRIM WITH CHOPPER IN CLOSED LOOP Speed Control of SRIM can be achieved using various techniques. While achieving the required speed losses occur at rotor side. It is the power that is wasted whenever machine speed is brought below rotor speed. Certain applications requiring high torque require speed less than rated speed. Here we have compared various techniques for speed control. Analysis is made assuming motor to run for 8 hours. Energy Consumption is calculated for 8 hours. It is the energy which is wasted at rotor side if motor runs for long time. When the speed is controlled with the conventional scheme energy wasted in the rotor is around 1603.2 W-hr. To minimize this loss new power electronics based techniques are implemented. When speed of SRIM is controlled with chopper, the power loss is reduced by 40%, But still there are voltage spikes and discontinuity in rotor winding currents so chopper with open loop scheme is implemented. Now the power loss is again reduced by 56% as compared to chopper circuit. When the closed loop scheme along with filter and PI controller is used for the same desired speed losses are reduced to around 96% as compared to previous schemes. FIG. 29 TORQUE OF SRIM WITH CHOPPER IN CLOSED LOOP FIG. 30 ROTOR CURRENT OF SRIM WITH CHOPPER IN CLOSED LOOP 190 International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Website: (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014) TABLE I SIMULATION VALUES OF SRIM WITH DIFFERENT TECHNIQUES Sr Parameters N. Acknowledgement The authors are grateful to the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Priyadarshini College of Engineering, Nagpur, for making available experimental and computing facilities. Conventio Chopper Chopper Chopper nal rotor in Open in Closed resistance Loop Loop 1 Speed (RPM) 1,000 1,000 1,000 REFERENCES 1,000 [1] 2 Torque (N-m) 14.83 14.83 14.83 14.83 3 Stator Current (A) 6.74 5.8 6.1 7.2 4 Rotor Current (A) 4.15 2.5 1.1 0.1025 5 Power loss in rotor (W) 200.4 120.75 53.13 5 6 Speed (RPM) 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 M. Ramamoorthi, Senior Member IEEE and NS Wani, Member IEEE “Dynamic Model for Chopper Controlled Slip-Ring Induction Motor” IEEE Trans. On Industrial Electronics and control Instrumentation., vol. IECI-25 ,no. 3, Aug. 1978. [2] M. Ramamoorty and N. S. Wani, "Chopper controlled slip-ring induction motor with closed loop control," IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. Contr. Instrum., vol. IECI-24, pp. 153-161, May 1977. [3] N. S. Wani, "Thyristor controllers for slip-ring induction motors," Ph.D. dissertation (under completion), Dep. Elec. Eng., Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India. 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Agu, “Induction motor control strategies: past & present” The specific journal of Science & Tech., vol 6, No.1, May 2005 [10] Leson S., Smaia Ms. Shepherd W. “Control of wound rotor induction motor using thyristor in secondary circuits” Industrial Application conference 28 IAS, Annual meeting of IEEE, 1993 Vol -1 [11] HilmiFadhil Amin. “High Chopper Frequency Drive of wound rotor induction motor with a resistively loaded rotor chopper” Dep. Elec. Eng, Salahaddin University- Erbil. IV. SIMULATION MODELS Speed Control of slip ring induction motor by implementing rotor chopper control is studied by using various techniques. Conventional method is compared with power electronic circuitry based schemes. Losses are reduced as new techniques are implemented. Closed loop scheme gives proportional speed control with current limit. It also provides improved speed regulation with protection for excessive currents during starting and under overload conditions. This scheme gives very good speed regulation of the drive and the power loss is reduced by 97% as compared with the conventional rotor resistance scheme and by 96% as compared with chopper open loop control scheme. 191