Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Department of Physics- Course Specifications Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Pre-requisites: Co-requisites : Course Specifications References General physics (201) 31031201 4(3+2)h : Third None Non Theoretical part Measurement Motion in One Dimension Vectors The Laws of Motion Circular Motion and Other Applications of Newton's Laws- work and Energy Linear Momentum and Collisions- - Universal Angular Momentum Gravitation Fluid Mechanics: Pressure-Buoyant Forces and Archimedes's PrincipleFluid Dynamics. Bernoulli's Equation. elasticity. The Conditions for Equilibrium-Elastic Properties of Solids. Heat: temperature and work – heat capacity- heat expansion – heat conductivity- kinetic theory of gases. Practical part: Measuring of length, time, The relation between normal force and mass and density frictional force Friction Determining the gravitation constant Moment of inertia Modulus of elasticity Hooke's law Free fall Centripetal force Surface tension heat capacity Thermal expansion Viscosity with falling ball • Halliday, David, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker. Fundamentals of Physics, 7th ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons. 2005. • Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Raymond A. Serway, Thomson Brooks, 2004; 6th Edition. 1 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Accreditation Unit Course Specification General physics(phys202) 31031202 4(3+2)h Fourth level Pre-requisites: Phys 201( 31031201), Co-requisites : Course Specifications Non Theoretical part Motion in Two Dimensions Oscillatory Motion Motion of an Object Attached to a Spring-Mathematical Representation of SimpleHarmonic Motion-Energy of the Simple Harmonic Oscillator.- Comparing Simple Harmonic Motion with Uniform Circular Motion.- The Pendulum. Damped Oscillations/ Forced Oscillations. Wave Motion Propagation of a Disturbance- Sinusoidal Waves.- The Speed of Waves on Strings. Reflection and Transmission.- Rate of Energy Transfer by Sinusoidal Waves on Strings.- The Linear Wave Equation. Sound Waves Speed of Sound Waves.- Periodic Sound Waves.- Intensity of Periodic Sound Waves. The Doppler Effect.- Digital Sound Recording.- Motion Picture Sound. Superposition and Standing Waves Superposition and Interference.- Standing Waves.- Standing Waves in a String Fixed at Both Ends.- Resonance. Standing Waves in Air Columns.- Standing Waves in Rods and Membranes. -Beats: Interference in Time. -Nonsinusoidal Wave Patterns. Practical part: String pendulum (mathematical pendulum) Velocity of sound Simple pendulum Speed of waves in a string Simple harmonic motion Coupling pendulum Hear the Doppler Effect References • Resonance in string and Air columns Hook's law Investigate Standing waves Torsion pendulum Speed of sound in Air Damping oscillation Halliday, David, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker. Fundamentals of Physics, 7th ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons. 2005. • Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Raymond A. Serway, Thomson Brooks, 2004; 6th Edition. 2 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Accreditation Unit Course Specification Electricity and magnetism (phys204) 31031204 4(3+2)h Fourth level Pre-requisites: Co-requisites : Course Specifications Non Non References • Theoretical part Electric Fields: Coulomb's law, electric field, Motion of Charged Particles in a uniform electric field Gauss's Law: Electric Flux, Gauss’s Law and its applications, conductors in electrostatic equilibrium Electric Potential: Potential differences in a uniform electric field, electric potential and potential Capacitance and Dielectrics : Capacitance, energy stored in a charged capacitor, capacitors with dielectrics, electric dipole in an electric field. Current and Resistance: Electric Current, resistance Direct Current Circuits: Electromotive Force, resistors in Series and Parallel, Kirchhoff's Rules, RC circuits, electrical meters. Magnetic Fields: Magnetic force acting on a current carrying conductor, torque on a current loop in a uniform magnetic field, motion of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field. Sources of Magnetic Field: Biot-Savart law, magnetic force between two parallel conductors, Ampere's law, displacement current, magnetic field of the earth. Faraday's Law: Lenz's Law, induced emf , generators and motors, eddy currents Inductance: Self-Inductance, RL circuits, mutual inductance, RLC Circuits. Practical part: Wheatstone bridge Joules equivalence Measurement of earth’s magnetic field Capacitive Reactance. Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor as a function of Resistance of a wire depends on plate area and plate spacing its length and cross section. Charge and discharge of capacitors Voltage in a series circuit RC circuits Specific resistivity of wires resistance of a wire depends on its temperature RCL circuits. Measurement of small resistance Halliday, David, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker. Fundamentals of Physics, 7th ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons. 2005. • Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Raymond A. Serway, Thomson Brooks, 2004; 6th Edition. 3 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Pre-requisites: Co-requisites : Course Specifications 3(3+0)h Fourth introduction of linear algebra 31041207, Calculus (1) 3104201 Non References • Theoretical methods (1) (phys206) 31031206 Theoretical part Complex numbers: Manipulation of complex numbers, de Moivre’s theorem, Euler's formula, Complex logarithms, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, essential rules, fundamentals differentiation and integration of complex Matrices: Special types of matrix (Diagonal, Symmetric, Hermitian, Unitary, Normal), eigen values, eigen vectors Partial differentiation: Total differential and total derivative, theorems of partial differentiation, change of variables, Taylor’s theorem for many-variable functions, thermodynamic relations, differentiation of integrals. Multiple integrals: Double and triple integrals, physical applications: area, volume, center of mass, inertia, and mean values, change of variables. Vector analysis: Vector products, differentiation and integration of vectors, gradient, divergence and curl operators, Gauss, Stokes and Green theorems, curvilinear coordinates. • " Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering" , K.F. RILEY, M.P. HOBSON and S. J. BENCE, 3rd, 2006, by Cambridge University Press. "Mathematical Physics, Applied Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers", Bruce R. Kusse and Erik A. Westwig, 2nd, 2006, by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA • "Higher Mathematics for Physics and Engineering",Hiroyuki Shima · Tsuneyoshi Nakayama, 2010, by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 4 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Pre-requisites: Co-requisites : Course Specifications 3(3+0)h Fourth Calculus (1) 3104201 Non References • Thermodynamics (phys208) 31031208 Theoretical part THE FIRST LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS : The statement of the first law of thermodynamics - The application of the first law to systems - The application of the first law to gases – Adiabatic and Isothermal transformations of a gas. THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS: The statement of the second law of thermodynamics- -The Carnot cycle - The absolute thermodynamic temperature - Thermal engines . The Clapeyron equation THE ENTROPY: Some properties of cycles - The entropy - Some further properties of the entropy- The entropy of a real gas – third law - The Van der Waals equation. Thermodynamic relation: Enthalpy- Helmholtz Function- Gibbs function Maxwell relation- TdS relation –specific heat and energy relations. Halliday, David, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker. Fundamentals of Physics, 7th ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons. 2005. • Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Raymond A. Serway, Thomson Brooks, 2004; 6th Edition.hermodynamics - E. Fermi. • • • Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics - Walter Greiner, Ludwig Neise & Horst Stöcker. Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics,Richard Fitz. Wilson, Thermodynamics and Statistical mechanics (1957). Greiner-Neise-Stocker - Thermodynamics and Statistical Mech 5 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Fundamental of computation physics(Phy210) 31031210 Pre-requisites: Co-requisites : Course Specifications Introduction of linear algebra 31041207, Non References 3(2+2)h Fourth level Theoretical part numerical calculations variables and functions graphics and animation solving equations algebra and trigonometry differential calculus integral calculus lists vectors matrices differential equations Physical applications: equations of the motion on one dimension, vibrating systems, electric circuits Practical part: numerical calculations, variables and graphics and animation functions algebra and trigonometry solving equations differential and integral calculus differential equations lists Physical applications: vectors equations of the motion on one dimension, vibrations, electric circuits matrices • Mathematica by examples, M. L. Abell & J. P. Braselton, Academic Press, 3rd ed., 2004.. • Mathematica Demystified, J. Hoste, Mc. Grow Hill, 2009. 6 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Pre-requisites: Co-requisites : Course Specifications Accreditation Unit Course Specification Statistical Physics (phys301) 31031301 3(3+0)h Fifth level Thermodynamics31031208, Principle of statistical and probability31041203 non Theoretical part Probability: One random variable, probability distributions, many random variables, sums of random variables and the central limit theorem, rules for large numbers Kinetic theory of gases Maxwell’s distribution: of the velocities of gas molecules and its applications, Distribution function of the energy of molecules, Liouville's theorem, Equilibrium properties Microcanonical ensemble: Two-level systems, The ideal gas, Mixing entropy and the Gibbs paradox, The canonical ensemble, Canonical examples, The Gibbs canonical ensemble, The grand canonical ensemble Distributions: Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, Bose Einstein distribution, FermiDirac distribution, Vibrations of a solid, Black-body radiation, Canonical formulation, Grand canonical formulation, The degenerate Fermi gas, The degenerate Bose gas. References • "Thermal and statistical physics", Harvey Gould and Jan Tobochnik (2010). • "Introduction to Statistical Physics" K. Huang , Taylor & Francis eLibrary, 2002. 7 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Pre-requisites: Co-requisites : Course Specifications Accreditation Unit Course Specification Electronics1 (Ph303) 31031303 4(3+2)h Fifth level Electricity and magnetism31031204 Non Theoretical part Alternating current: AC Sources.-Resistors in an AC Circuit.-Inductors in an AC Circuit.- Capacitors in an AC Circuit.-The RLC Series Circuit.-Power in an AC Circuit.-Resonance in a Series RLC Circuit.- Filter circuit Semiconductors : Silicon and germanium material- intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors-Electrons and "holes" - The P-N junction- Junction diodes. DIODES AND RECTIFIERS: Rectifier circuits- Clipper circuits- Clamper circuits - Zener diodes - Special-purpose diodes- Schottky diodes - Tunnel diodesLight-emitting diodes- Laser diode –Photodiodes- Varactor diodes -Constantcurrent diodes- Other diode BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS: The transistor as a switch -The common-emitter amplifier -The common-collector amplifier- The common-base amplifier -Biasing techniques -Input and output coupling -Feedback -Amplifier impedances. Single stage and multi stage amplifier. FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS: The transistor as a switch -The commonsource amplifier- The common-drain amplifier- The common-gate amplifier Biasing techniques. Practical part: RL- Circuit , RC- Circuit The RLC Series Circuit Current as a function of time for LC circuit Resonance in a Series RLC Circuit Full-wave bridge rectifier Rectifier filter circuit JFET Amplifier References • • • Voltage regulator (zener diode) Transistor as a switch Characteristic of Transistor The Common Emitter Amplifier Multi-stage amplifier Characteristic of FET Transistor Lessons In Electric Circuits, Volume III { Semiconductors)By Tony R. Kuphaldt, Fourth Edition, last update January 1, 2004. Principles of electronics, S.Chand & Company ltd.Fifth Edition,1997 by V.K. Mehta -Electronic devices ,Prentic Hall International,Inc Fifth Edition,1999 by Floyd و#$ " رج ' &آ١٩٨٧، ا، ات اوت-٣ '( د &ي • 8 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Pre-requisites: Accreditation Unit Course Specification Theoretical methods (2) (phys305) 310313 3(3+0)h Fifth level Theoretical method (1) 31031206 Co-requisites : Course Specifications non References • Theoretical part First order differential equations: separation of variables, homogenous equation, exact, linear equation, physical applications in: electricity, mechanics, thermodynamics, and fluids. Linear differential equations with constant coefficients: linear operators, homogenous solution, particular solutions, physical applications in : electricity, mechanics, and vibrating systems. Solution of differential equations with variable coefficients by series: Frobenius's method, solution of the differential equations for special functions: Legendre, Bessel, Hermite, Laguerre, and Gauss. Fourier series: periodic functions, Dirichlet's conditions, odd and even functions, Fourier coefficients, complex Fourier series. Transformations: Fourier transforms, Laplace transforms, inverse Laplace transformations, solutions of differential equations by Laplace transforms, Dirac- delta functions. • " Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering" , K.F. RILEY, M.P. HOBSON and S. J. BENCE, 3rd, 2006, by Cambridge University Press. "Mathematical Physics, Applied Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers", Bruce R. Kusse and Erik A. Westwig, 2nd, 2006, by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA • "Higher Mathematics for Physics and Engineering",Hiroyuki Shima · Tsuneyoshi Nakayama, 2010, by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 9 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Classical Mechanics (1) (phys307) 31031307 Pre-requisites: Co-requisites : Course Specifications Theoretical methods (1) 31031206 non 3(3+0)h Fifth level Theoretical part Vector analysis: position, velocity, and acceleration in Cartesian, Polar, Spherical and Cylindrical coordinates Equation of the motion in one dimensional: forces as a function in : time, distance, velocity, potential energy), variable mass, escape velocity (gravitational ) Harmonic motion: free, forced, damping Motion in two and three dimensions: in resistant media, motion on a curve Moving reference systems: translation motion, general motion, forces types, effect of the earth motion, dynamical effects, Foucault pendulum Systems of the particles: center of mass, linear momentum, angular momentum, kinetic energy, equations of the motion of two interacting bodies Dynamics of rigid body: center of mass, moment of inertia, perpendicular-axis theorem, compound pendulum, rolling of bodies. • "Classical Mechanics Systems of Particles and Hamiltonian Dynamics", Walter Greiner, 2nd, 2010, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. • "Classical Mechanics", Herbert Goldstein, Charles P. Poole, and John L. Safko, 3rd,2001, Addison Wesley. 10 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Pre-requisites: Co-requisites : Course Specifications References Accreditation Unit Course Specification Optics (phys309) 31031309 4(3+2)h Fifth level General physics 2 (31031202) non Theoretical part Wave's theory of light: wave equation, sinusoidal waves, phase velocity, complex representation, and plane waves. Reflection and refraction of light: reflection and refraction laws, refraction by plane-parallel plate, total internal reflection and the critical angle. Geometrical optics: mirrors, lenses, and prisms. Superposition of waves: superposition principle, superposition of waves of the same frequency, standing waves, phase and group velocities, energy and power, random and coherent Sources. Interference: two-beam interference, Young's double-slit experiment, double-slit interference with virtual sources, interference in dielectric films, Newton's Rings. Optical Interferometery: Michelson, Mach-Zehnder, and Fabry-Perot interferometer. Polarization: Linear, circular, and elliptical polarization, production of polarized light, double refraction (birefringence), optical activity, and photo elasticity. Diffraction of light: types of diffraction, Fraunhofer diffraction by single slit, by double slit, and by many slits, rectangular and circular apertures, beam spreading, and resolution. Diffraction grating, grating equation, dispersion, types of grating and grating instruments. Practical part: Geometrical optics: Interference at a mica plate according to • Reflection and diffraction.-Law of imaging Pohl • Optical instrument Measuring the velocity of light Fresnel’s zone construction / zone plate Laws of lenses and optical instruments Michelson interferometer Dispersion and resolving power of the prism and Coherence and width of spectral lines grating spectroscope with Michelson Interferometer. Interference of light Refraction index of air and CO2 with Michelson interfer Newton’s rings • Halliday, David, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker. Fundamentals of Physics, 7th ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley and Sons. 2005. • Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Raymond A. Serway, Thomson Brooks, 2004; 6th Edition. • Introduction to Optics, by Frank J. Pedrotti, Leno M, Leno S. Pedrotti, 3rd ed. 2006, Publisher: Benjamin Cummings. • Optics by Eugene Hecht, 4th ed. 2002, Publisher: Addison Wesley. ; د# ا<& ا، م٢٠٠٩ +و, ا-.ا، /0ن و ' ا23 ا4'ا-5 ، ء3 ا/7 '8 11 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Modern physics (phys302) 31031302 Pre-requisites: Optics (31031309) Co-requisites : Course Specifications non References 4(3+2)h sixth level Theoretical part The Special Theory of Relativity: Galilean Transformation, Michelson-Morley Experiment, Lorentz Transformations, Velocity Transformation, Simultaneity, Time, Doppler’s Effect, Variation of Mass, Energy, Momentum. Origin of Quantum Concepts : Black Body Radiation (Classical Theories of Black Body Radiation, Planck’s Radiation Law), Photoelectric Effect, Compton’s Effect. Wave Nature of Material Particles: de Broglie Hypothesis, Experimental Verification of de Broglie Hypothesis, Wave Behavior of Macroscopic Particles, Wave Packet, Uncertainty Principle. Atomic structure: Rutherford, Bohr, and Sommerfeld models. X-ray: X-ray product, X-ray diffraction Practical part: X-ray diffraction (Bragg’s law) I-V characteristics of solar cells Determination of Planck’s constant (h) Electron diffraction Determination of e/m Study of hydrogen atom’s spectra (Rydberg constant) & Balmer series) Determination of Zeeman effect (Zeeman shift) Introduction to modern physics, R. B. Singh, Second edition, Copyright © 2009 12 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Electronics 2 (304) 31031304 Credit Hour: level 4(3+2)h Pre-requisites: Electronics 1 (303) 31031303 Co-requisites : Course Specifications non sixth level Theoretical part OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: NUMERATION SYSTEMS: Numbers and symbols, Systems of numeration, Decimal versus binary numeration Octal and hexadecimal numeration, Octal and hexadecimal to decimal conversion Conversion from decimal numeration . BINARY ARITHMETIC: Numbers versus numeration, Binary addition, Negative binary numbers, Subtraction, Overflow, Bit groupings . Logic gates Boolean Algebra Karngugh Mapping- Combinational Logic Functions. MULTIVIBRATORS- COUNTERS- SHIFT REGISTERS - DIGITAL-ANALOG CONVERSION Practical part: Differential amplifier Simple op-amp Non-inverting amplifier 555 audio oscillator Logic Gates and Truth Tables Gates (AND, OR, NAND, NOR, XOR) References The Half and Full Adder Parallel Binary Adder Parallel Binary Subtract Circuit S-C Flip Flop from NOR and NAND D- Flip Flop from NOT and NAND Counters (j-k Flip Flop) • ELECTRONIC DEVICES AND CIRCUIT THEORY, ROBERT BOYLESTAD ,LOUIS NASHELSKY, sixth edition • Lessons In Electric Circuits, Volume IV { Semiconductors, By Tony R. Kuphaldt,Fourth Edition, last update January 1, 2004. • Electronic devices ,Prentic Hall International,Inc Fifth Edition,1999 by Floyd. 13 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: Nuclear physics (1) (phys306) ٣١٠٣١306 level Sixth level Pre-requisites: Co-requisites : Course Specifications non non 4h (3+2) Theoretical part Properties of the nucleus: Constituents of nucleus – determination of nuclear charge, Radius and mass – Properties of nuclear forces - Nuclear binding energy – Nuclear angular momentum – Electromagnetic moment of nuclei. Radioactivity: Decay law-Nuclear stability-Radioactivity and theory of transformation. Artificial Radioactivity: Discovery of artificial radionuclides – Transuranium elements – Unites of radiation measurements Nuclear models: shell model – Liquid drop model – Gas Fermi model - collective model – Vibrational and rotational motion. Sources of radiation: Definitions and units – Sources of accelerated electrons – Sources of heavy and light particles – Sources of Electromagnetic radiations – sources of neutrons. Interaction of radiation with matter: Interaction of heavy charged particles with matter – Stopping power – Energy loss – Particles range – Interaction of accelerated electrons with matter include; the energy loss and the particles range – Interaction of gamma radiation with matter includes mechanical interaction, the cross section interaction, scattering and also attenuation of gamma rays.– Interaction of neutrons with matters includes; neutron interactions and neutron cross section. Practical part: References Plotting the characteristic curve of G-M counter Determination operating voltage of G-M counter Determination of threshold voltage of GM counter Absorption of beta particles passing through different materials. Inverse square law in case of gamma rays Backscattering of beta particles. Dead time of G-M counter. Statistical nature of Radioactive decay law Attenuation of gamma-rays. Determination of efficiency of G-M counter. - Introduction to nuclear and particle physics, A. Dos and Ferbal 14 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Theoretical methods (3) (phys308) 310310308 Pre-requisites: Co-requisites : Course Specifications Theoretical methods (2) 31031305 non References • 3(3+0)h Sixth level Theoretical part Special functions: generation function, recurrence relations, orthonormal properties for Legendre, Bessel, Hermite, Laguerre, and Gauss functions. Partial differential equations: separation of variables, Laplace's equation, Poisson’s equation, diffusion equation, and wave equation. Complex variables: analytical functions, Cauchy's integral, singular points, Taylor and Laurent series, Residue theorem. Integral equations: Volterra, Fredholm, Green's functions. • " Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering" , K.F. RILEY, M.P. HOBSON and S. J. BENCE, 3rd, 2006, by Cambridge University Press. "Mathematical Physics, Applied Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers", Bruce R. Kusse and Erik A. Westwig, 2nd, 2006, by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA • "Higher Mathematics for Physics and Engineering",Hiroyuki Shima · Tsuneyoshi Nakayama, 2010, by Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. 15 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Classical mechanics (2) (phys310) 31031310 Pre-requisites: Classical mechanics (1) (phys307) 31031307 Co-requisites : Course Specifications non References • 3(3+0)h Sixth level Theoretical part Lagrange's equations: generalized coordinates, principle of virtual work, D'Alembert's principle, conservative and non-conservative systems, Lagrange's equations, Hamilton's equations. Variation principle: calculus of variation, Hamilton's principle, Euler-Lagrange equations, principle of least action. Central forces: equations of conic curves, equations of the motion for central forces, attractive potentials systems, classical treatment of scattering. Oscillations and stability: stability of equilibrium, conservative groups, linear harmonic motion, normal coordinates, continuum groups. Canonical transformations Poisson brackets, canonical transformations, generating functions, Hamilton - Jacobi equation. Physics of rotation: rotation matrix, Euler's angles, Euler's theorem, force-free motion of a rigid body). "Classical Mechanics Systems of Particles and Hamiltonian Dynamics", Walter Greiner, 2nd, 2010, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. • "Classical Mechanics", Herbert Goldstein, Charles P. Poole, and John L. Safko, 3rd,2001, Addison Wesley. 16 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Electromagnetism (phys312) 31031312 Pre-requisites: Electricity and magnetism 31031204 Co-requisites : Course Specifications non References 1- "Introduction to Electrodynamics", David J. Griffiths, 3rd, 1999, by PrenticeHall, Inc. 2- "Classical Electrodynamics", John David Jackson, 3rd, 1999, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 3(3+0)h Sixth level Theoretical part Electrostatic: Continuous charge distributions, electric potential, electric field, divergence and curl of electrostatic fields, energy of continuous charge distribution, Laplace and Poisson equations, multipole expansion, torque. Electric field in matter: Polarization, electric displacement, dielectrics, susceptibility. Magnetostatic : Lorentz force law, continuity equations, Boit-Savart law, divergence and curl of B, Ampere's law, magnetic vector potential. Magnetic field in matter: Magnetic dipoles, magnetization, Ampere's law in magnetized materials, linear and non-linear media. 17 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Electrodynamics (phys403) 31310403 Pre-requisites: Electromagnetism (phys312) 31031312 Co-requisites : Course Specifications non 3(3+0)h Seventh level Theoretical part Electromagnetic Induction: Faraday's law, electromagnetic field induction, energy in magnetic field Maxwell's equations: generalized of Ampere's law, drift of current, Maxwell's equations in space and matter Conservation Laws and electrodynamics potentials: Poynting's theorem, momentum, potentials formulation, Gauge transformations , continuous distributions Electromagnetic waves: Waves in vacuum and matter, absorption and dispersion, guided waves Radiation: Electric dipole and magnetic dipole radiation, power radiated by a point charge, radiation reaction. Electrodynamics and relativity: magnetism as a relativistic phenomenon, electrodynamics in tensor notation, relativistic potentials References • Introduction to Electrodynamics", David J. Griffiths, 3rd, 1999, by PrenticeHall, Inc. • "Classical Electrodynamics", John David Jackson, 3rd, 1999, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 18 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Radiation physics (phys405) 31031405 Pre-requisites: Nuclear physics (1) ٣١٠٣١3 Co-requisites : Course Specifications non 3(3+0)h seventh level Theoretical part Ionizing Radiations: properties and sources: Atomic and nucleus – Nuclear binding energy – Radioactivity – Half live time Biological half live time - radiation measurements units – properties of radiation – sources of radiation ( natural and artificial) – natural radioactive series. Measurements and of radiations and units: Radiation exposure – units of radiation exposure – measurements of radiation exposure – absorbed dose – units of absorbed dose – relation between the exposure and absorbed dose – kerma- quality factor – equivalent dose – units of equivalent dose – internal radiation exposure – pocket dosimeters. Radiation detectors: Gas field detectors – scintillation detectors – dose film detectors –semiconductor detectors Biological effect of radiations: Cell – sensitivity of radiations – human effect body – effect of radiation on genes. Radiation doses from environment: Cosmic rays – radon gas – natural radiation – radiation in human body. Radiation protection: The main rules for radiation protection (time – distance – shielding) – shielding of Xand gamma rays – shielding of beta particles – the international authorities in the field of radiation protection – recommended dose equivalent limits for workers and external radiation exposure radioactive waste disposal. References >> >>ت5-.) G2>>H>>' اDأ. د، '>>D>>روق أ7 '>>." د5>>&>>ء ا2?@ اA>>"أ (; د#ا ، '>>>D>>>روق أ7 '>>>. د، >>>دD >>>زي7. د،M>>>Nات واOP>>>>>>ت وا5(ا&>>>ع – ا ري-# D'ا-5.د • • (3) Introduction to Health Physics By: H. Cember Atoms, Radiation, and Radiation Protection, J.E. Turner , 2007 WILEYVCH Verlag GmbH & Co.KGaA, Weinheim 19 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Quantum mechanics (1) (phys407) 31031407 Pre-requisites: Theoretical methods (3) 31031308 &Classical mechanics (2) 31031310 non Co-requisites : Course Specifications References 3(3+0)h Seventh level Theoretical part Schrödinger equation : time independent and dependent equations. Postulates of quantum mechanics: eigen functions, eigen values, expectation values One dimensional models: free particle inside potential well, step potential, tunnel effect, linear harmonic oscillator Three dimensional models: free particle, harmonic oscillator, central potentials, hydrogen like atom. Operators: Hilbert's space, eigen functions, operators, commutative relations, Dirac's notations, matrix representation, quantum algebraic treatment for harmonic oscillator. 1- "Quantum Mechanics Concepts and Applications" , Nouredine Zettili, 2nd ed., 2009, by John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. 2- Introduction to Quantum Mechanics", A. C. PHILLIPS, 2003 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. 3- "Essential Quantum Mechanics" , GARY E. BOWMAN,2008m by Oxford University Press Inc., New York 20 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Pre-requisites: Co-requisites : Course Specifications Accreditation Unit Course Specification Solid state (1) 31031409 4h (3+2) Seventh level statistical physics (31031301) non Theoretical part Chemical Bonding in Solids: Attractive and Repulsive Forces- Bonds. Crystal Structures: Crystal Structures - Determination - X-Ray Diffraction - Bragg Theory - Lattice Planes and Miller Indices - General Diffraction Theory - The Reciprocal Lattice - XRay Diffraction from Periodic Structures - Relation Between Bragg and Laue Theory. Mechanical Properties: Behavior of materials under stress and Hooke’s law- Elastic deformation-microscopic approach- Point Defects and Dislocations- Plastic deformation- The Role of Defects in Plastic Deformation- Brittle fracture. Thermal Properties of the Lattice: Lattice Vibrations - Simple Harmonic Oscillator The First Brillouin Zone -A Quantized Vibrations, Phonons - Three-Dimensional Solids Generalization to Three Dimensions - Heat Capacity of the Lattice - Classical Theory Einstein Model - Debye Model - Thermal Conductivity - Thermal Expansion- Allotropic Phase Transitions and Melting ). Free electron Fermi Gas: Effect of temperature on the Femi-Dirac distribution.- Free electron gas in three dimensions. Heat capacity of the electron gas- Electrical conductivity and ohm’s law.- Motion in magnetic felids (Hall effect). -Thermal conductivity of metals. Practical part: Hall effect in p-germanium Debye-Scherrer patterns of powder samples with diamond structure (germanium and silicon) Hall effect in metals Characteristic X-rays of copper Thermal conductivity Moseley's Law; Rydberg frequency and screening constant References • Hall effect in n-germanium Examination of the structure of NaCl monocrystals with different orientations K- and L-absorption edges of X-rays Modulus of elasticity Characteristic X-rays of molybdenum • Introduction To Solid State Physics, Kittel Charles,8Th Edition, john wiley & son(2005) Solid State Physics, Hofmann P. (Wiley-VCH, 2008)Physics for Scientists and • Engineers, The physics of solids, Richard Turton, Oxford 2000 21 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: Computation physics (phys411) 31031411 level Seventh level Pre-requisites: Fundamental of computation physics 31031210, theoretical method (3) 31031305 non Co-requisites : Course Specifications 3(2+2)h Theoretical part Transformations: Fourier, Laplace Special functions (Bessel, Legendre, Hermit, Laguerre, hypergeometric) Partial differential equations Classical Mechanics : Lagrangian and Hamiltonian equations Electrodynamics (electrostatics, magnetostatics, electromagnetic waves). Quantum mechanics (Schrödinger equations and its applications, hydrogen atoms, angular momentum, scattering theory). Practical part: Transformations: Fourier, Laplace Special functions (Bessel, Legendre, Hermit, Laguerre, hypergeometric) Partial differential equations Classic Mechanics : Lagrangian and Hamiltonian equations Electrodynamics (electrostatics, magnetostatics, electromagnetic waves). Quantum mechanics (Schrödinger equations and its applications, hydrogen atoms, angular momentum, scattering theory). References • • • • "A Physicist’s Guide to Mathematica", P.T. Tam, 2nd., Academic Press,2008. "Mathematica for physics", R. L. Zimmerman & F.I. Olness, Addison Wesly Pub. ,2002 Mathematica Demystified, J. Hoste, Mc. Grow Hill, 2009. Mathematica by examples, M. L. Abell & J. P. Braselton, Academic Press, 3rd ed., 2004 22 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Laser (phys404) 31041404 Pre-requisites: Optics 31031309 , Solid state physics (1) 31031409 non Co-requisites : Course Specifications References 3(3+0)h Eight level Theoretical part 1-The Nature of Light: Introduction of the nature of light -Young’s experiment- Photoelectric effect 2-Interaction matter-light: Energy levels in atom- Spontaneous absorption and emission- Stimulated emission- Einstein RelationsPopulation inversion in two-level- Population inversion in three-levelPopulation inversion in four-level- Gain coefficient 3-Laser Oscillation: Types of the cavity - Homogeneous and inhomogeneous broadening- Modes of laser cavity - Transverses modes of laser cavity - Modes density - Diagram of transverses modes TEM 4-Laser types: Solid-state lasers (Ruby laser and Yag laser) Semiconductor lasers - Gas Lasers (He-Ne laser, Ar+ laser, CO2 laser) Dye lasers - Free electron laser and some new lasers. 5- Laser beam properties: Laser Line width- Beam DivergenceCoherence - Brightness - Focusing properties of laser- Q-Switching Frequency Doubling - Phase Conjugation. 6- Laser Applications: Medical application- Industrial applicationMilitary application- Scientific application- Holography and – communications- In research report • M Alsalhi & A Aldwayyan, KSU( translation of: Laser Principles and applications J.F.A.Hawkes and J.Wilson • Optical electronics in modern communications. A.Yariv 5th edition. Oxford university press 1997 • W.T.Silfvast.cambridge university press 1996 • Principles of laser, O.Svelto , 4th edition. plenum 1998 23 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Pre-requisites: Atomic physics (Phy(406)) 31031406 Co-requisites : Course Specifications non 3(3+0)h Eighth Level Quantum mechanics (1) 31031407 Theoretical part Atomic structure , atomic models. Correspondence principle – quantum numbers Electronic structure , atomic spectra. Monatomic spectra Diatomic spectra Effect of magnetic field on atomic spectra. Fine structure , hyperfine structure. References Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy, Hyper Physics, Sune Svanberg, Springer Verlag 24 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Pre-requisites: Co-requisites : Course Specifications Quantum mechanics (2) (phys408) 31031408 References • 3(3+0)h Eighth Level Quantum mechanics (1) 31031407 non Theoretical part Angular momentum operators orbital angular momentum, spin angular momentum, total angular momentum, commutative relations, eigen functions and eigen values, ladder operators, matrix representation, Pauli matrices. Time independent perturbation theory non-degenerate cases, degeneracy, Stark effect, helium atom Variation method fundamental of hypothesis functions, hydrogen molecule, helium atom. WKB method Validity of the WKB approximation, potential well, decaying of alpha particles. Time dependent perturbation theory transition probability, sudden effect, harmonic perturbation. Motion in magnetic field Hamiltonian operator for charged particles moving in magnetic field, Zeeman effect, spin dynamics, interaction of atoms. Scattering theory: cross section, scattering amplitude, Born approximation, partial waves. "Quantum Mechanics Concepts and Applications" , Nouredine Zettili, 2nd ed., 2009, by John Wiley and Sons, Ltd. • "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics", A. C. PHILLIPS, 2003 by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. • "Essential Quantum Mechanics" , GARY E. BOWMAN,2008m by Oxford University Press Inc., New York 25 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Pre-requisites: Co-requisites : Course Specifications Accreditation Unit Course Specification Nuclear physics (2) (phys410) ٣١٠٣١410 4h (3+2) Eighth level Nuclear physics (1) (phys306) ٣١٠٣١306 non Theoretical part Nuclear accelerators: Types of accelerators – The main parts of accelerators electrostatic accelerators - Tandem Van de Graaff - Cyclotron accelerator – Linear accelerators. Colliding-Beam accelerator Nuclear reactions: Types of reaction – conservation laws – Energy and threshold of reactions – cross section of reaction – Reactions of compound nucleus – direct reactions – Resonance reactions Nuclear fission: Discovery of Nuclear fission – theory of Nuclear fission. Energy production in stars – Spontaneous and intrinsic fission – Properties of fission – Fission reaction series. Nuclear fusion: properties of nuclear fusion - control of thermonuclear reactions. Numerical statistical: energy resolution measurements – amplifiers- single and multi channel analyzers – measurement apparatus. Elementary particles: Classification of elementary particles – Particle and anti particle - Conservation laws – Quark model. Practical part: Using (NaI) detector and multi channel Using Hyper Germanium detector and analyzer to determine unknown gamma- multi channel analyzer to determine ray sources. unknown gamma ray sources. Efficiency calibration of (NaI) detector. Analyzing multi gamma ray spectrum. Energy calibration of (NaI) detector. Calibration of Alpha spectroscopic system. Energy calibration of Hyper Germanium Determine unknown alpha source using detector. alpha spectroscopy system.. Efficiency calibration of Hyper Determine the energy of Beta particles by Germanium detector of point sources and beta spectroscopy system geometrical source . References Introduction to nuclear and particle physics, A. Dos and Ferbal 26 Al Baha University Faculty of Science Physics department Accreditation Unit Course Specification Course title and code: Credit Hour: level Pre-requisites: Co-requisites : Course Specifications Solid state physics (2) 31031412 References • • Introduction To Solid State Physics, Kittel Charles,8 Edition, john wiley & son(2005) Solid State Physics, Hofmann P. (Wiley-VCH, 2008)Physics for Scientists and Engineers. • The physics of solids, Richard Turton, Oxford 2000 4h (3+2) Eighth level Solid state physics (1) 3103140 non Theoretical part Energy bands: free electron model-Bloch functions- Kronig-Penney modelWave equation of electron in periodical potential.- Number of orbital’s in a band. Semiconductors: Band gap.- Equation of motion.- Intrinsic Carrier concentration.Impurity Conductivity. Thermoelectric effect.- Semimetals. 1) Optical properties: Electromagnetic waves in crystals- optical reflectionKramers-Kronig relation- optical constants -excitons . 2)Dielectrics : Macroscopic Description -Microscopic Polarization -The Local Field -Frequency Dependence of the Dielectric Constant -Other Effects -Impurities in Dielectrics -Ferroelectricity -Piezoelectricity -Dielectric Breakdown 3) Magnetism : Macroscopic Description -Magnetic Effects in Atoms - Weak Magnetism in Solids- Diamagnetism - Diamagnetism of the Ions - Diamagnetism of Free Electrons -Paramagnetism -Curie Paramagnetism - Pauli Paramagnetism Magnetic Ordering Magnetic Ordering and the Exchange Interaction - Temperature Dependence of the Ordering - Ferromagnetic Domains – Hysteresis. 4) Superconductivity: Basic Experimental Facts - Zero Resistivity - The Meissner Effect -The Isotope Effect Some Theoretical Aspects - Phenomenological Theory Microscopic BCS Theory - Coherence of the Superconducting State - Type I and Type II Superconductors - High-Temperature Superconductivity. Practical part: Polarisation by quarterwave plates Curi Temperature Band gap of germanium Dia-, para- and ferromagnetism Polarimetry Superconductivity Fresnel’s equations – theory of reflection Ferromagnetic hysteresis Malus’ law Dielectric constant Faraday effect Th 27