- ( dv- t , i 'tI - w. I I 4. , abi ;te Is tf . . - -- i d a a m ti ., oa V dcg a::d lneoret tor - l I stock saaoc r , I bars reewred vtraoerwei. payment in rnu to my enure BaUafaedua. caa cuaerfnliy reoommend tbia aaeocHna DB.C.B y -- ! i' to ill Broteetioa aa tbelr 11 ree aa It la and prompt U 1U asttlauMUii 1 &?'- I . Sn.--e- . Ware tie J- ... e sad VT Law aed iwee'-e- .1I . I . r- -I iizzz r s 14 uia m k a I grsta 4 t 1 Fl sevvM Of s - ..fatata, at tbs V,eetern Ac Falscms of the Bossies w utiaai aa, aaamns. Ir-- De, XuS a v now of stnsic, S.. dtrevuei w Credit ths Bed eacwt Agent a. t. A.. ., n.. . t Aasieuat C ico. lennwg sf e "' BASW-- Cvelg nated nciriTAL. .. Pt f l.ir. .... -- - Ve ....A. L .""tl. . ' P. . bw L. Jrivx RailcoidLCp. V-- ' lists CAIOM s U Estops 1 DBPOT. Arrives. r fTBt Hxcbesgs snd . s, TransfarBa. 00 s. av Per Mavgsre. Balaler. 11 SB I l a. a l BnsA.il, i WESOO, vlolla-mskand reosfrsr; work a-- .4 oa New Tork. A o. w-i'Bt Leo' Dsllg, ClataBaals WestInert. Dsll, fire Melees, is Busssl bulg.. 4ik and bwrrlsoa. ; f Onmha. a ar-- l CUfaoa, Assarls, . ajndnsl snlete I. M.. Haaa-Bwewt eeeeaa. eruiy, rentoa, Plavd, WBBBBB'S BTssdoUn. Bnnye. Onltar studto. ITS ssd time bUs 4 -- wa ' s s to p . ST. CLAIR. W. Btsvens. Pert Lsodoa, . aor Pamaojoua. Perm, ejinnsa wm a. Coal Co., Sd Proot at St. CkJr lea Aesrksrt Park. Baoaloe. "els. Hoagfcong, t LAI-'-- T 1 OOU.POB, THJPLMOBN. nanll of Cbriaflsals. Stockbolta, mi. ketatxwg. Wes- 1. ANSA LI" UT e MBS. BBBTBB son 4 e- -4 ror bsosert BMIL w..e An y veecnor. bssla Sued. ntnnio iso Bixtn. Tel. Earlis. Iiamh... ail ac4 dleeaeee; all kinds at batbs given: Collections Msos sa'lbseeetila Tsrsaa. electric maaaace; alas bars the Preocb kud BxpsssB Dadg. Ttfep.1 for removlBC wrlnklee: aune. BarroWa taaseua DAtTCH'G. Dails. Dstir. . remeoiea. STAT P Cj xi. OSTEOPATHS. racifls less. SdV Taymr at. UVmD OP atomBsfc,sy,isabi sjpassBemm . w a eCi. .IV ..1. ", ' B01THWT.1T Ov. BACK ALUS and kidney ar bladder dlaaasea WOOOWABCS denctai e mO OAS STS. af tba Waetera ADIT A NORTH RHP, T Dekam av. w. Academy af axeeaa. Ifuweer a sel TBareasy. e. aaa au. aewrie, 4 Be siaaaaoxa s g eared wltb Oregoa berba; trial elaa for 10c Bssla bldd.. Tblrd and Wsshlugtoa sta. asi Pboaa 0 A. STBWABT, Cosamerclst Agoax. Be Ahtsr Bpsctstors tavlteo DBAr-- i f . . I am is COe. la atampa. B. ei. f., SdH Tblrd St. oeei eve. assisiBStlons free. eueea. rsose sieis eua. AvalUbbi la All Cities s- - b.s tNlted SUtss to II. Cor. Saoaad and Tbrongh Pallawa sundstd sad toert- -t r sag . atorops, axoeigkoas' WBT PKBT are dsnseroaa. Webtoot blaaklos log-oa- re DR,7" II5 aad kaaila. "ABEL AKIN, otiS Msclesy bldg. dallT to Omana. Cheraeo. t PBOP. BINGLER. SOS Alder, pang SlxCh slaes CUy TTB Baa. M. 1181.. Oouaultatioa free. le absolutely waterproof. rlst sleeolsg'Ssrs deny to heaess raUBCTIOBB BLADE OAT PAT0A" "axea. vr prrraiw leeeons, sue. troagb sesrlot elee.lna-crr- a (w Pauines very clairvoyant THB BROTHER WILLIAM, media m. lad; y sstsopstb fax towsv.- Us. rrwaioent. - -- P ti sily eonSorteal weettly - ..-.- -. -palmier... baa returned froaa X." O. Jo -. psychic bldg. its is. Beijiaf-Htrer- a sbslroars . free! Ss: ts the Beet leeats borne, new and located Is fcA Hon hi his urlvato ELECTKICAL STJPPLIE& Cssnier BAST. ABB POPULAB BTBAKSBtPS where yon can eonealt him la privacy without- UNION DBPUI. .. Lee ree. ............au A.W.M. BfTva- - 1 Aeei.teet , oeing anojecieo la panuo ffaee ano enucaa NORTHWEST Csshler..... PRINTINO. Lesvs Seattle BLBCTRICAIi BNOINSBRINO CHlCAOO-PORTtAMAselstsnt Cesbler Tf froia the vnbjrar pereooa who- - loHer-sroa- ad ,W. A, buLT UomBeu.-- S Bevsatd sen lartlead. Ofcblrlef WRI--BTOtberWIUtarn'r-rsading- s ptibHe-- bnltainae. A UAV'ia. TWra Printers elenw of giBaUB-B1 CX01TaUTT.BATNOS smtfKtJlbiwfbjjlfeaiB, 0you peu Bra eaesinae CO "Bti" "Bbi Baa?ats Heat Qm!r?m SLC.'t- setau, wblsb tell sf It AX things T"vxa-wiaagi- sr type tab" with and oa paprrWsnf Ssd Morrleoa St. Or, preeeat aad future and things which . yoa lagtoa. ...... ... V oug.. niitn sna Horriaoa. Mala 4141. to know; treatoHlatnn; reunites the CAIXIitfJ AT wT-r- r ee s trenerei y BLBOTBIO-O- sosht SPOJCANB separated: restores lost powers,' fives power. FACIPIO PtTBB. ANDKBSON A DCNIWAT pnassa, printing. COMPANT, IVmgtea. Ha teas, Ssaa Bstskiksa, tors.- repelieie, sisetils wlrmgr u nltsa.. 64 r for 1 eaters Washlno-tnrvm ilnas TlsaiiSIH Next to Oregoa hotel. S5 Seventh at. Lew tee. llewed ee way. Ceassets wttk W, P. A T. rests see raoaa Mala IT. ..wamawi . First cor, Stark, i Mala Sbw.it H. ate, mgr. e Aere mm T.n. Wstla Walls. Law-htn- sWS f. 1 at. ssa, Atltn, Paw Taaaaa. Ess, sts. oTAIens DsUp. Ceonr LADIES, do yoa want to keep booesT Bead Drifts aad Letters of Crsa t Areijabls la AH ' Pas All BesUaastora Astaka Perta, -snd Clsest Bortaers 10c la postags stamps to the Widowers' and rersa wa sue rferra.. .... . polnta. . . , P. ADAMS Bachelors" correspond ing Clnb. p. w. bos l DETECTIVES.' ..Praaldeat OsB ee sens for "Trip to Weneerfnl A leaks," PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS.' A. LEWIS, at .First Poles." MTsea , . "laatlaa Basfcetrr." ATLABTIO EXPBESA. L. M1IXS NBD Heard whet was'aald aad It. did no TELL tm snar trouhleat wo never eleent svt 81 s. Bscond 'tY't-'TitmPec the Esst vis stent-Ingto- a. DsUy. , Dsiiy. CO. The Pioneer Paint Co. F. B. BBACH . AlASXA S. S. OS. berm. reel very grateful for tba commnoa " " ' .oecrviarr window-glas- s rrseea eaaes. m. sna Z-civu la Wosatcg , t snmlsau glaslng. 18d - uoa i Agents, PrsaA sod -First : aaa wtu snow a . joax ' apprsciaiion, Co. Pertlsai, st ' tieainger.- - Boa Una IBS Osk St, , BBLL. Or. . Oelasnkts Brver Dtvteeaa. TKB M0BT0A0E BIT A AJFTTW BBNEST MILLER A CO., Second aad Taylor POB ASTOB1A sad war I A TBOof COatPABT BABX. :oep. sm. ex pneee, tree Stocks. lWls and Mortoves Bongbt au mars a ' aolnta, exaaaecting'wlth Daily ' FRENCH BAKERIES. ewes' psaf ATTORNEYS.' snd Bold. . dellsory. ' p. ss. BtexTj. for Ilwsse snd ea. Snsdsp. North . Beach. , stmr. Satnrosy. Capital., inO,00 OS THB ooly Discs la Portland . to got Preach p. on sa. v, neeesic. in press. Bsrrsrs aSBt. tt. weternarr, msyiis. sot atxta Bseons aad Washington sta, rnose ataia aaa. 0. yr. Miller..... .....Vlos-PrselaePLUMBERS. Dally daUrary. . Pboaa Orees 60S. TsmkUl Per Osos Bay, Burska and Saa Ptaaclsco. v, o. viemeot.. neeretsry H. P BDRLBIGBV lawyer. US Orsad a DONNERBBBO A BADBMACnBR, euae xvmpie. twvcntn saa nt&rs atrssxs. sanitary Bsrf aallng front Portland, Tfcej., 'Jaa. M. POB DATToN Baat Fortlaad.' . plumbers. . Sd Fourth st aoia pponss. .. : Pons Msla IBs. : VVKtirrtMB City Tasahlll el SS. T:Baav FACTORIES. sailing troxa Saa etsswBseo, Taos., Jss.lA points,aad Baat . stairs. Roth snd Dally . . . Dsir s. rrt i m. BDWABD T. TAOOABT, steuaniy and KB OOBTtsTEBTAlV - OOBJANT. : asa-et- .' "J" Does aaofino, on day. OBBBltOrOrt.Orscawlck sa. Son aelor. SIB Chamber of Oommerca wag. eow OBBOON yrsgon oeiojon. jrnoBS Parnltaro Mann factoring Osaxpaay " AelxWxoTaxa Mats apoi. (Water permitting. no. s. raono Mala IN. xsMTBx? ATaTeBW a'sT. Msnofsetarera sf foraltura tor tba trada. unniB " - STOCKS,' BONDS rwuaao, ur. AND MOBTOAGI T PATENT-tAWYERSFCRNITURB xnanafactartng special Stt Btarb Street Pboos Mala ltTA clear to them except to drop tho matter POB LBWIBTOIf, Ida.. I :4s. m.l dtosa av and let the Rhodes, Blnkler ex Butcher ;ii-""w,- ?il etavesasy e furnltnrs factory, STO Front st B. 0. WRIQHT, dotn ratio sad foreign na ten tat HOWARD COTCT, rtfteentb and Aider, sgaat Dsiiy syndicate, which own the local watar poaaaa .... .. pn veanaa. . tor caaiiias ana nerro antomoBUSs mansiaea .u..wu. rrtaap. es. ssd tswtatcsv lighting Systems, have eompleta reateo. repaireo aaa atsraa. Oa Pertland Real Eststo at Lowest Rates, and FURNACES. of and control thoee utilities wait for ofrlrM. Third snd Waah&gUa' C-Abstracts FnralehsA. Titles las. red. PHYSICAL CULTURE. the fulfillment of the company's prom- TITLE OUARABTISA TRUST OlX "M sum xia BbTNTON warm.ew fa raster aata Past . 0 wmv weaninawa at. ""Cor." Iimsd. ronmproremenr, ises S.W- - bimuBB, dtp ticket Agssd. Bayer rnrnsce Co., Sad Sseoad. Msla 481. PBOP, RINOLXB'S School of Pbyatesl Osltnrei Is CBAIO, A,, Oeaarai Peace agar Acax. SOS Aider st. seer Sixth. all branches. Saooad St HOWB. DAVIS B KTLHAM, 10S-I1- 1 psok sgenta tor WALLA Biaas WALLA ssafaetarsrsi SLOT ( Improved FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. Leoaa Leaf tedgerai sea tlx ( ROOFING. Barekn leef. the best aa tba nssrksC MACHINES OUT 'A. r...oao , bnt .a.bt Tn.C"" aT"TTI Hta tost. v. POR 1 ; 3ALmSCStLANSOU3; fCBNITCHB .of. JT Pebrusrv 1: good , aooas. The Peiter, BfB prist m MX , -- rfl -f before mrt W alter. lad cheap. Aopiy Twelfth sad Washington. proper oa fro selllne-card- rooms mfc. i jjo a bought, scM Old Book piorc. BOOKS n. ij st. WBSTKBN OBBOON MININO headquarters; stock for aala if. t tb and sxehanged XefflfclU h NO CO, 11 ILL! aad tn forma First at. Om Maul 1S0 jrVB need furniture aad will pay full vera. rnons reciiic ma. wanin - naivag Wi ; linn at . ISO waanington osci at ' stork of bottla tn wnrtsweeti orders -LAROEBT filled promi.tlv. fntlnt MtU Puppty Com i sex xioru. Kignteeain steia zax. at. SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES tnads to ardart second-han- d goods (or sale. Carlaoa KaU- . stroan. saw Vouch at. . foona Clsy 871. BOB SALE OR RENT NEW AND gBCOND. HAND SBWINO MACHINES. STANDARD HEWING MACHINE AuKNGx, H. D. JONES, - : " iawuui ar. gov l . prices, ssvsrsl ssmpfct gasoline AT closlag-oa- t sngtasa, merino and stationary: srrlts fat prices. Belsrson Machinery Oe, Portland. Ceneen- kind repaired. Steel Works, tnS'Ollsaa at. B0BSB8 af an kinds for aala at vsry lissso " aia pneee. inquire XI a Front at. . ef all MACHINEHT nisi Iron BILLIARD aaaa tor feat at AND POOL table ' eaer payments. S BBUNgWrf-K-BALK- Third., at.. B He tXvtXBWBEB- -: Fortlaad. PAS ROTS Berel red a lot ef Mextceo doppsl rsllowbssd parrota toe lata for Cbrlatmaa trade: will sell SIS parrota for AS till sold. Fortlaad Bird Caw 117 N. sta, Fbaaa Bad Ml. , rr njrl), ... ..... Bast pobtland fbncb t. six vtrn. wirb wobksW 1C BATHS-MASSA- GE. nt Hardman. armd aa B aoat SSTB; oaab or payment. Tbia Bssora, abort time, , afannv TWO roan la berfmla trill aaiy laat tion. diss gtvs tub and Taper baths. Wasbington.' Ponrth, cor. iiOH new, CBBAP-Seneed fa. dxrtaf 10 R BALB fair. CeU I D t, zuo Auuy bias. - rf-j- t faaaatateaSSjn4.pai all trnewrl itwa. .kJr rent at ' 8 Co., Fatma Rt, tber rare commission Merchants. ALL praducs bandied oa assamlssloat try ne; ws. pay aignrst prices aaa par imaisaiaisi, personai.'; . " Snrrassor PsdSs Pbena Tableta nuke fas Sleep perfectly! peieuaanna ana maaa yoei ST : In drurnita. ot'addreaa Brooke Drag Oa , bterta, iblrS at.. .roruaao. urasoav aNT aaa a woman eaa be atraas aad bappy .. ay ejune-- aenne rnua. tne areei loeir, pmm full Bnarantee. JI a boa.er SaellboxeaJ.-- fo, : wltb ClemeneM. aruntat. - aaa.adreaa Second aad Yamktll atn.. Feruaao. or, ioni Al, ts. P. Miller SSS. v Co. SSS Conch at BTBRDINO PABBBTX. pvedncs Bad cemnrtw aioa msrenaars. leu rroal St., nruus, ur, Pbonv Mala ITS. !rT"r?,.l, MORTQAQQ LOANO fittO' XI.Kt?.00rI1!0vs1,tBrl"F. repawns and general lobbing. J. Loell, Hi Jeffersoa st HMO 0 STREET PAVINO. Co.. street pavtng, sldo. aujaw i ao urvponaaa OKlg. THB Barber Asphalt Psvlog Cs. sf Pvctlsad. '' vie eve vrorcvsier SIB. WABBBM Ooastracttoa m spates to The JcaraaL) . At Walla, Wash-- Jan. midnight the new alot machine ord. nance passed by the eouneil last weak booame offeotlve and proprietors have put the little gambling devices la com etorago for the time Peing. ; About 80 machines that - have Win earnlnaT an eatlmatod revenue of $100 a day to proprietors will be put out of commission. WaUa 'FRISCO ROADS RUBBER STAMPS. TAlrt WORKS. S4S Alder st. boom Msla ,ivi reoewr stamps, sesw, sxsnciia. DSggeea. treda checks send for catalogue No. SS, . Southern Pacific Negotiating to Secure Possession of United Railways System. Or, The Jearaal.) ts (SdscUI Dtsastch Albany, elan. I fie aoMeMa ejosto prlssa. IS 1st St. sec. Alder. lattr to IslSsA .H0TELSVM;i'-':- ' HOTEL Pendleton, FsadJstoa. WA. Beswn, mgr. HOTEL Portland. A merlons plaat fS. 8 per day, HOTEL St. George, Pendletoal leading bstsL BELVBDBRBj Baiopesa plan.; 4th aad Aider sta. tnlu mrwm mm S:4Sp.Ba. Slaoo, . Western Psciflc to Establish Ferry Line Into the Heart of Oakland, OOODBTB Pnrnltara Hones Highest prices Bald Ruining Local Business of tha Old for second hand furnltsrs. 211 Isosad st rnoao- rscjns sew. ..J. r Lines. . anaa a SIGN PAINTERS. GOODS.' SECOND-HAN- D - ' AT THE THEATRES. BIONS, window lettering. sconomicsi stertne- - isns and el awe of ell kinds msdo etdrkly. Poster A K I nicer, Fifth rsons xcosngs. BO. sbo wversii. GOLD ' (Jearaal Spa rial atarrles.)' rraaolaeo, Jan. lo-- B. Saa man sitner Htrrl- apreparing train ABwa- Te,s. - - ena- - aiivorxsn. 1BB; p. 'Dstly.- The fsstnres ef the Iteocsnt Hslos Bsrlssaos Bompsny at ths Baker this week are the two srreeailng faross, - "A Bight a-- Ktwport" an4 Tba sosMdlaa, Joka fiemona Palace Barks, saa ale sxtaay eonker, 'wise alike," sxesngfe laaghe to last eos a weak. fnrnlsks The regalar ksrgala ststlnoe will hs gives wbob. . - w Law raw, Ptw xno with train for axoaat Anget, BrowssvlUej Spring t I e 1 A Waaxdllag aad Batroa. Aagene raaainrer-cca)-sac- ts 4:U p. m, at Wocopora wlui lit. An el and Silver. SlSSASa. io:so ."The Innocent Msids." mmm seiee. mens sno Morning Ttss a. bb, 4:60 p. ax. ,r... Vw, tocstoa. B.I scalp treatment.' ,., Anlisa. I UNION DEPOT. OVERLAND BXPBBaS. tA Belaia. Baea. bnrg. Aahlaad. Sacra- - Sanagh Waate Plvoroa. - 9i7 SOUTH Kv . - Pertland Hardware EASTv . ovening there was filed In the office of the ; Stb at Paetne HI. county clerk a complaint for divorce. PART OF PLAN TO KEEP Minnie M. Darragh . against Frank P. kntves, sctasoes sharpened to jaewrsa ORAT, felting bstr, dsadrnff tree ted i sbsmpes. AWAY COULD FROM CITY , Plaintiff Darragh. alleges, cruel and Tag, hpacins nsrusa a taw boh sta. "SBiennag, rniropooy. lace worn, his. jo, They were Inhuman treatment. . e. Bwyns. isbm rosrtn. asr. stsssB ss. none sslSs SSS. ried June 4, 1S. HARDWARE. Jl; TO OUY - (Special P.O. ti 37S; . - im. SALBV-Blen- 1ABOB ntoek eeaond-kan- d anekea. for aaU. : er Underwood Typewriter KBirn S. S. F. 7L ......... T . - .,,. aWomobiisst -- (or f:ll '".:. mr r tcaa tT ............ S aTOtt ii l. ' . ...;;; l.PA..en, em, Tl..p""f i ' Ml j 1 sow bmsx jaorrisna ex. raoaa Bast SSl UTTBR8 patent ar state rights for anlversailr ART EMPORIUM. PORTLAND' WIBB Sj ntoN woByfej saf srucas. j a, cere ei nu. riaadsra at; or. Sd. raono ataia auoo. 1ANTJBB by wsgonlosd ar ear load on O. W. t, nornmoB M Portrait aad landaeaps artlat and tsasksr. Br. Pboas Baat S315, GROCERS." HOW eeeea, counters, fixtures booth t. Bold ar eST Waeb- , exchanged. Weetera Balvags Co.. ASSAYERS. WADRAMS A CO., wkolaeele grocers, . ugtoa pi, rscine TV. Z Poartk .IsctBrsrs ana Bad Oak sta. OARTIN CTANIDB BXTR ACTION CO. tTWO J1WBL.. na Ntacara Grand, botel ranaaa. atoataaa Aeeny-- urnce. itaj obaap. Sid Cbambar of Coar- ALLBN A LEWIS, eocemlaslon aad prod nee caants. gront ana Osvls ets., Fertlsad, Or. naed anriebt. allrtitl liLKJCnm BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES. 7 coat 1450!. will aell for 121)0. . Thle la aoel tlrel a bona flda bamtaln. We made ar- -' GRINDING BtBKBNWALD CO.. Kverect at ranaeaianta to aell it for a wlooir In a Largest batchers supply aenae aa tba assss Can be eeea a atraitened etrcDmeuaeea. CASTRkLINB I. CO.. IsvSnter af tba SW Aide St. . Caab or parawnta. If eealrad. fsnMos steel tsm: I toots abarp- , !! PN' no:M ... i,r Corral lis Porest Orove peeeenger- aaea. e: 1 im - - x, an. a. at. p. w. Huang Vi.llieB ft. . hi sad Taxsta BUWeVea W . lJmXSrtU-mmCins boogtir op Is dally for Oavrego tcave Portland W t t to bux control of the United Rauwaps. S:t. S:si UiM. SS. 4:00. SiSO.SnndsyV tin, XifL i "uTXin. S ej. b . S fexespt Dally p. av Such, was oa made ths flonday a.av snly, m. M a. HAY AND GRAIN. A . '- O10:2S ' V SHOWCASES AN 1 F1ATURE8. rrom Osweaav arrive Portia , , or AnstTiBcusrs and ft wsa not tnada S:1S o'clock. .. . 1.aa . rnr cigars. . t e.e I a. a. COOPBB m CO. Potsi , sd sad .,.-,'on without avidsnoo basod tho atrateglo FtOWrtAaieii' eS e.e.e ft..wil,irtii r a. M M a m. Dslly sceat bjssV le. liHO p. LBS unloa are. 16tT mwtrw lunirss maoe to ornar. BTIBllns IB Tsllroad davaU fja tbb kbias potutlon 6:Bn. I'M, tw aaraa a. SroMBN Dan': , ."The CoUefo Widow-- Tonlght. BPBCIAL - NOTICB-T... xuanineraring 4je.t - I'ott lens. manta. . lOjOO B. 8X- .' . , - Mmm. ' rroxe rente enr Harriman hss aent out word to his V 1 Bsarp W. Ssvags effsrs Ossrge Ads's record mediate points Haauiettp :J INSURANCE. .JHIROPRACTia la aWed ty naraleaaaaeemtftioOar 4:1 p. Ss. Arrive dally Uautanantg operaSan la Fraaolaoo tha J that Oollege Widow," comedy, Msrooaai Ufa where, st "The the properly applied will ea. a. SAFES. t teae with tho Weatant Paiilflo win bo Oraad theatre tonight sad tosaorrow algbt at hBfl to:.o the latent larenooe CURES appendlcltbj wlfhsat drngs or knife. nana biil. . wa pea to control dleiam peeallar to woman, vt. to a finish snd in ordsr to atrangthen S:IS o'clock, wltb a aaatlnsc tustartaa aftor-Dr. Bvb Hagsa. SSS HsU st Phone Main sod. ISA AO L. WHITE, ttra lnsnrsaca. S00 Dejrsai WB repair traoaS eompany'a UmAir nieetrlcuul. Of. SO aad rebuild sntomoMlst, gas Pari Naee. at. SctlnTwItb Sosthern Bosses S:18. ssrtsfcalv Ads to J. have at hla poaltlon atratsgloAllr ho is credited Sinss, printing preeses, time locks, safes. flee TIB Deknm bio. Fbaaa BadSSSl., OfflaB sf popular approval as this Sre-e-- s. with tho Intention to sat control of tho struck the balkaaye lorkoats, do sll klada of machlns work. .beans Stt, S V PaMt. satire a Aaaarleas souogo lira, SHf CLEANING AND DYEINO. Gas Enrtns A Ssfs Works, S4S Ssesnd street railroad systems, oa both sides LAMBBBT. WHtTMBB A CO. Tire lnenrancs per M SIS, r r aad Henry W. Savage fess aent a pertha B Tv sx. rnons racltle 070. rrsnk-sna real sstatei stnees Super, supt of tho top. - ' bldg. Sherlock far. fect ssst, as well as a prodsetvoa of rare aoaaty taVHeidnal baBlSARTORIAL TAILOBINQ CObTPANT Ladles' Msla 100S; dept. 404 East Alder. East dBt mHm.1 .i.irti mAm a. Tlcketa to Eeeters polntn nndBiii apsi The ferry snd local train hualnegg of snc maa a cleaning ana praaaing. BOO WssB Monololo and mlealnp rrlntlroe Joeatedt neee or property; Ispen, Oilns, ttmm WBSe-... ., .... Southern tho ae a Paclno suffarad lagtoa at. Mela HIS. hi laaw JAS. Mel. WOOP. smploysrs Hablltty aad Is. ana Brute eoueetea; eaargea reem TRANSFER AND HAULING. ' rely Key re Orepoa route competition. reepondanea from aoUrltrd. aoeinent surety honos sc au klaos. omauai Matinee of Widow. "The UCTIAIO. CoHee Sj X XAMHUX, CUEANINO PBBSfUNO CO. BTPfOBB. Phono 4T. S03 MoJUy bldg. Srnlne. oMev B14.B1S fMnmbla The annual report of tho Southern Qen. Pass. Agewt, SAFES,- ptsaos and furnltnrs aaovsd, packed City Ticket Ageat, Wk csned for aad. delivered. Fbsas Ctsp H. P. B ARTELS COMPANY Waablaatoa at. Pbone Mala SS1S. for, tho fiscal year of ltOI end A Bxattnea will be ilisa tnasnrrow (Wsanss reeoy tor scrpniag ssa snipped ana. ssr ssaaniH. lisnsraaes. ell work Paclflo Fire Say) 1:11 Msranaai clock afternoea c' at the et 1194 Bhows that In elsht months after guaranteed; large. brick, 441 Sherlock bids. Oregon Pboas Clay S2S. DONnDRimAL. awdlral ad rlre to women We PnrtbwS Steam Cbmaing brlUlsat obAr- Dyslag Wsrfcei prs wsrenonee ror storsgs. urnce 12B rirsi st tha oatAbUahment of the Key route tho Orang tnsatro, when Oserge Ade'a treat dleeaeee af women eicloelrely, enrtns ossnear. "Toe OoUege- - WMow." will be v em. vii,. , uvii, fia ovi. with aararylns aaroeea all frmale allmenta e neat Barter la aaaaetnoa. ail sta. uap too. Harriman ferries carried upward of the arwu. , rram the ellabteet lornl Irrttatloa taa nwi CLOTH BB LOCKSMITH. cteeasd and Pressed SI par breath, eiiuiaa a. nuviana iciivana cia 000,004 Mas paaaengera than in tha rslews Tallorlnc Co.. MT Wssatogtoa'st nr. Bixtb sag Oak sts.i bsggsas checked correspondlnr period of precedlna rears. TIME CARD I. gaH. RICHARDSON, expert lock aad koyamlthi i Modjeska Next Thursday. from botel or residenca direct to deetl satins Now oomes tho Western Paclflo pre par-ItL W. TTTBNBBv prof-- e atonal dvar end iliiaay serai repairing: eeatiron nranngt au work pssasagers therefore avoid rash snd anaoy reananeai top to Wish etrts ferry to another hp Maoanxe Helens Itodjeska, sapporteS her gtiarsatssd. SST Bnmslds at Pboaa fnsitls . or . dub ssnsrsoa ex. . fa aaa jaaia anu. aneo at depots. Privets Bxobsags SS. naninn.' Madi lartltote aad Sanlterfem, . loss. tho heart of OaJtland And eompste for owe oomplete eoenpsnr. will BOgxs ss .Tblrd eadAl it ec three pBaruiuisncas at tne Marasaaa HKW PBOCBSS hua cnrtala rleaatag, 80s to 1 PICK, office SS First st. between Btsrk the beat buaineaa that the Key route PortUad. 0. a BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert Isekamlfli and 4-TRAINS Grand tbsstre next Tbarsdsr alrht, Jaaaarr and Osk sts., pbons 594; pianos aad furniture haa left to the Bouthern paclflo. ir. ess uimaa. Bfaia zw Btsrk. bicycle repelrlng. Dap opening blU will be Sbskespssrs s SRSB eeanle eoi banfna and wart enra. moved snd packsd for snipping : coma Although the United Railways of 11, when bar Clay Stl sight pbone, Msla SSSS. : rnaay tragsoy. B. Taantaa. brick warehouse. Front id clsg sts. Macoetn wla U bean. aignt. ficials dsny any knowledge of a .deal. araatetie AsUgbtfsl eossedy. "Mseh A As Sbsksspssrs'B CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE. by Pr, Roberta' Merre OBBOON TRANSFER CO., 14 North Sixth. men la financial olrcles say that a dsl A Dost Kotnatg" ! Batttraay autinoe, "Mary ntn- If A N LT 1gvr imrtored I meet. moatb'a so, rxorage. ussvy PlooMea. One all pandlnB, asanas ana DAILT. ' MONEY rasaa LOAN. Msia t ' TO per is W1U be no Mtarasy night enwkery WHOLfeSALB and There srt." alrd by BMlL 'mee the. SBi eewi eemrelv on., lop to los ONION DEPOT. Hegeis tb. cor. Stark st. That tho Bouthern Pacific hag lost ths formance. Modjeska la one of those grand A rente. Waodard. Clarke k Cc. Fortlaad, Or. BAST BTDB Tranafer Co.. A. B. Holcomb, HBADQUABTBRS FOB BALABT LOANS. Berkeley ootnmutera ts due primarily Sgnrss ef the stage, llks Bdwta Booth. Charlotte s. 121 East - Wales st.-- - Pboaa- - Kast rJS-- Mobswk bldg., sor. Morrleoa sad TbbrA Biles Terry, Mary Asdsraon - sad to the poor aervloe slvsn. No Improve- Cnsbsssa,Irving, "LOST powers reetorod by tba ejraat Dr. Velluaetono Ladles or usntisessa. Ne Fntllelty. whoss Intellect, pnrpoee, achieve CAFES. per SBa an. Larena's Nerve Taale- Tablttai .rjteJit. laola Sec--yoa borrow SM poo pap back ft.SS a week. FONT SPECIAL DELIVERY No. SOOH Wash ments have been made for years, the Henrv If ment and Ufa raised seting Into tea realm ef paa. S bosen tor 91. fS. Write ar nil at Byi tngtoa Pboas Mala AS yoa tSS borrow roa st week. for Cbahslls, .Ceos neck ear out, Key worn are II cars del while the used ii THB orPICB BBS Waahlngtsa st arts, sstabllahod ss Mala sad the theatre fine :SSa av the 4p.at. frnermaoy, U I MonlBaa. wa Olrtnpla. Oraya borrow Bo sow MrM SS AO s wa. route.- oloo-a modern, Bad pnwarral tastttsv tralla. f aaateel vignssa. tti. uuarow sna vest Bar necs as m e wees. Soath Baea TO Raroerr I na eerrtoe, trtoAl DR. WORLBT BBNJAntlN, great Bpeelattat. Pont Bow Is Interact taooa Spokane. modern life. the ia pea Seattle. sf yoa pap eosM. If borrow ISO back a wsek. PEWRITERS. ' SSOH Waehhigtoa eC Beod SO. Bars faei toar la proved by the slrferent Lawlaten. anrte, suf. hs Pamenu ssjsnemded la save ef slckaem. Osaaba, maaa CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALMIST dtlee along kec roots vying with one aaotbor Mnaa. Denvee. iStrletly Salarr Lnsna. NSW Dueailleis, an makes, rented, sold and City. Leaas . x cioarsn. And tobaccos g BBBKRO-OrjHB- in -- hag rB-ui- nJ cnt " O- T . Btredt-ygBte- 1 , nlar r : 1 :, a.lJ.. - B.-I- mm -- O- , mmM Vk- -tt m -- . - flg-n- . . iot-io- s e 1 - .. ..,. 'Vni."?.' gooa-aatnr- Swam . art eecond-cies- s tar. an s"SJH well-nig- h aWasfiittfl S14A pasv BBXS Sn. - ;. - 1 fire-pro- of . , . rn . ns . . - sm-- -- . i- . a. Portland j " . . ; Park-Ka- a , oa .te - ' gnod-by- to eat of town natrons, eejr latast cata- rb. Billow tone, canter af faaer 01aMaL aWlftWalMl ts and soreltlea. The NeedlB Craft Shop, BOX Albky bids., Portland. Or. BINQ CBOONO. Imaorter af Obtaeaa rent etnesi selb) ChlneaB tea that le certaht ears for ah dleeaeee. m Seeond bat. Xambili aad "BBB . ..(in . Taylor. : ..- one-o- $1-0- 0 -- . DR. ATWOOD, IS Bi ell bMy., ni at. " Pemala dleeaeee and aonflamnean taken and eared tar apea ereolase. Oaasaiutlsa ALWAYS RRUABLB SfCB THB BB8T. ST. GB0RGB ORMONDB, seer ef Bgypt tells Ton of msrrlsro. love, boelness, sick- "w" to lnrfSt money, apecolarlofl, Tiess," selling, partners, frlesds, ssemlest rurre all asrvous dleesses. wesknesa ef everv kind. settles love quarrels, reunites the separated, baateas marriage, locates mlsee. barled treee. ares, musing ones, papers, rsasws- - yeathfal vitality, gives magnetic secret powers of ontrrvl. develops, tescbes. SS8M Wasblagtoa St. Msdlnav pslmlat, beeler. eSs--S TUB CRESCENT. LOAN CCs. Msbawk bldg.. sor. Morrison aad Third. MONBT TO LOAN Vt.noses Improved city property or . for repaired, coast agency, gsi stars, xsi. wi. B4S stars f st. tn.e ' TOWEL' SUPPLY. emnj (Tie m '' Any aslsrlsd employs, waee-eam- er. esn sat OLRAN TOWKLB DAILT Comb, brnsb, scan, St per month, Lawrenoa Bros.' Towel Supply sw naorrgsgs mm nana, wiiaonx SOS BUILDERS. CARPENTERS AND TURKISH BATHS, Orefonna bld. Mdlas Month. H Month, Week, ! Co.. Ninth aad Coach, Pboaa 410. days, (eatkemea nlshta. Ifala 1SSS. fm.rsWrtepay to'to S1R.SS ar Sa gs or ll.U ("AUTHORS Si WOOr. sai pastel s. mnlderei ro "0 Repay to aa S on or fx. IS or il.SS BBND far free Net af rot prices aad ctabbti fil8.0O aelrlns? smi lobMnert stors sad ef flee fl: Bepay tn as 4.00 or U.00 a fL.00 Shop SOS Colsmbla. rates oa masaitnea, . Jones' Bonk - Store. SB Mala BSPT. TELEPHONES. Mlt - aaa jacnay siog. ... . ' , i .. v Alder'at, WA8HB0RNB PLOTD, wsgna ball dare sad B.-only tolspboas beose, THE sxelndve ga serai Job work. SS Its st Pboas Heed Sea. MONET to loan oa real, personal and collateral .. Blsstrtc . ORDBB OP WASHINGTON PuiSiaiiat Talepbons Msaafactartag asa eecurttyi special attention to chattel mert- sorletr af north weatt protects (be Urtnf. SIS SS paay, st. Fifth bough t. 0. W. Pslhrt, S04-- S Marqnam bldf ., Portland. Oresoa. TANDBBHOOP. figes; notes bldg.. S4 Sixth 1ST. k mens BRTJCBOSS atands for relief) eperlally treat. FINANCIAL.' 1 ; CO. Ins shraals and prtTets dleeaeee. Cor. Id and vTK. PISHBBTK, enrpentsri repslrlng end nb-- THB CONTINENTAL . S4S Stark St., blag Sons. SP1 Bsrnatdo at Pboaa atata asst. ,i .dan. WI11 loss roa moner at S ear sent! S1.S0S SI EBCKABTS NATIONAL BANK. to I1B.0O0 oa realty so for building purposes. PORTLAND, OBI OObf. FBANK WATSON.......... Prcsldest J. COAL AND WOOD. HIOHLT respertsbls place wk are ladles and B L. m'BHAM.....,........,..TIca-PreeldeB- t r. P. (Tltal-Fowertableta wfll eaatora to caa borrow money on diamonds sad B. W. HOTT. Osebler BROS; have removed from foot pea tba aaaa, elm and ehtor af manbooai it CHTTRCHLBT Collateral Loss Bank. BBS Wash, wCOROB W. HOTT Asstetant Cesblsr Kearney at, near 11th; la pea tors lark In la tba power ef vitality. Its Dsvia st to 4 st pbone Blseb TI. Treses ets a 0 aaa raj Banking Bustnses. aow ths la reset woodysrd la tba city, carryloss rrenlUns from tedleerettona and sscasaea, ing aU kinds ad wood aad coat Mela SSL, MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PBOPLB bin) Drafts snd Letters at Credit Iseaed Arailsbls Bead for a bnl of taeee teblrbj aad Parte, arf- - tba KorUL. ineed of tbelr merit. . II la plain p m here, wimoat security! sssy payoients. CMleotloas a Bpscuity. WESTERN Peed tt Psel Co., oa Front between eew II. The Armetrans Tablet Cn iaa Offices tn M principal dUss. Tafaua, tSS ' saa ttoyt, ore lore in all Clans or tiussa Ablngtoa bldg.. lOSVs Third st ,Mk, Detroit. Mlenlfna. ; COMPANY OP 0BE00B. bones coals and blacksmith sosls. Jrhsas PBTLAND TBTTST Treat Osennaay fat Orsceo, Mala 101S. - - , v - . CHATTEL Vie as In saMoata ranging frets SSS SUITS araeeud while yoe wait, BOa. tadtea' 1,100,000. BE80DRCES0PBB s rooming-noosea new specialty, tn BB.onoi Skirts pressed. 60c. Gilbert, loSM BUtb stn ALBTNA PUBL CO. Dealers la enrdwoad,Ml aningtea bldg. Era lioaa a Trasxutw . aast to Qnells. Pboas Cley SOS. Oeaersl banking. Exchanre so til fsrts st m. n. and AV ana. trees ssa cry sisbwcm. tbi world. Savings acceosta. Time sert IdMnd sve., blockcssst af ferry. Best STA WANTED Mortgage baas; moderate snossts eates, T0TTNO Taffy eteea re nor, aVobol aad medicated special SertlaV 1 to I per rent; short-ca- ll in or a poet st. jesss. w. a. wsra, uvyer. satas, SSOS laths. Parlor ST, SSSli Stark. ... te 4 per rent. BTXRL BBIDOH WVIU CO. Dealers la Coal, st over, tU"ILLUSTBATIONB.' . AHsky bldg. . Csll ary book for of hews Beet sUbwoed. I eordwood aad MBS. STBTSN8. Portland's lead1ne pal mart, . Bostbeaet Corner Third and Osk Sta, ' MONBT to loss aa Clsckemss ooonty IsBda. astrolorlet and splrlmal Ufa reader, Caa Slea Pbons Prlvato Eaehsaga IS. FTJsX CO. AU kinds of cosl aad aaa r. m. stusy, mm Lvampst at Important and reliable facts ahoot tba peat 0RB00H an . . . Prosldewt an. I. COHEN raono PINT. a st. Aidar Mala sap. 16S Seven th at breeent and fatsre. t H. U PrTTtCK.iV4.av........Tlas-PresldenBats Portland.. Pboas Faclfla 714. . .aecrersry sseX SIS WStes HOOVBR. sWWeod sad KIRk LOWEST rates 00 rnrsltaro snd ptaiMW, sows. mooe 4S Mais .isststoat Sherlock bids.Co., Losa srs Clef MSS. Rnphla B. Setp, Twrrkomtrlet. siarsss and dally 10 to S, T to circles t. propbetsesi COAL CO.. Importers klrbrsds bane a, TO LOAN Sams to salt oa rbsttol Becnrlty. I ADD A TII.TOar Titeeday and Prlrteir. m-- t , S4SH Tamhltl. E1N0 (Estahllehed la IMS.1 steam ana smiming coe. stain nia. L B. A. era nit, B1 me eiaronam. ssr. Seventh. Paolfle Inn. Roada svaalns Transact a nasmal luMm wieerinta urew ball, loi PULTON WOOD CO Pboaa Paelfls SOd. for ta-- MONBT TO LOAN aa all kinds of sei 111 Itr. Oollectloea msde at sll points sa favorabls . SIOS ana green levweia. William Bon, room s, Wssblagtoa building. terms. Letters of credit leaned avsllabm la 'FORBtDPRN FRUIT. "A Hot Tamala.' Bnrona and all 'points la the United States. "Story of a Slavs." ''ranny Hill," Aanee." Sight Rvrbsns l,fesVl.Mn TO Vies by prtvato parts' SO and Telegraphic Treee fere '"Her Hidden tlharma." ho each. Tba A. W. sold sa Nsw Xork, Wsshlngtoa. Chicago, St reel sstses enemy, sus xwmmsrcisi mow. CARPET CLEANING. . Srbmato Cm., Sew Prrat. Lots, Dosvsr. Omsbs. Saa ' Frsnelsss aad Montaaa ssd Brltbtb CoramMs. STS STANDARD Cerpet Ctosnlng Co.. Isrgest plnnt BALM OP rlOS for alt female Eaohsngo sold oa London, Parts. Bertie. e MACHINERY. on ths coa at, taring ana tJaraing sts bartford t.t Psnmsnlsr station Prsnk fort, Bsagbsag, . lekeksaia. MsaOa sad Esst ISO Csrpsts caMnsd. refitted, macklssry, Hoaolnha. r".- ALBBE HOSPITAL sewed and laid! both atearn and latest Bom. THB H. tOtJV s ting-esSSlprocess: ttreeeee new. aad rmalrlne; and Tambtn, nrsaaed air iwneva sswmiim, sic. aea urnna BROS. featners a aoecialty. v ITPICLY A MTERS. mschtnlats sag olee MOBBIB tSS First St. lsrtlsad. Or. fn or e,"Hr. snrHea and electric Slavs tors, sleetrlesl machln- Iiidsrsi ; c cry snd raaollnc snglnes S apsslslty. Sts Offsr Om-Bdges eei farat "s c InveetBsents 1r Mwildaal sad ' . - ' atolkssd Beads. nta l CaU, M. Fbeaa Mala lba, -- M l st '; Sts as f :' m f BimU. S. m......- ', li .i tlLJ, a Jmk is ' TREES. SHRUBS, ROSES. bnfldlng for from S- - to IS years' time, bevs them by tba tbosnoadat etrens. bsalthy with prrvflegs to repay all ar psrt of losa WsStock. Oar 1008 Utuetrnted and srloed catsafter ana year. Loans spproved from pinna legne tolls 11L POBTLAND BBEB W Float and money advanced as building progreseea; ana sis. Tsmhlll evortracea taken tip and referred. BassssssiBsasssmm FEED EL 8TB0NO. nnaacisl AsWt . GIVEN DEATH psi . oriiERSHip ,:u;;iciPnL BLOW Eugene Council' Takes Sudden and Surprising Action in ' Killing Bond Question. " ' (Soodal Dlspateh to The Jonrnal.) Eugene, Or., Jan. . At last nlgtit'e an ee tins ef tho olty council municipal ownerahip In Eugene was fflrea ita death blow by tha paaalnB of a resolution, in troduceVl by Councilman Beckwtth. en nulllns and reaclndlng the action of the council at lta meeting a week ago whan an order wae made througli a resolution to issue the 1100,000 water bonds recently Toted. The Beckwith reoolutton wae - passed by a vote of to I. This action upon tne part or uoee who are opposed to municipal ownerahip was planned trory oulotly and came aa a surprise to the councumen ' who hare etood for munrcipal ownerahip '; through r thick and thin. At the moo tins a week am tne reso lution to Issue the $10,000 waterworks bonds paaasd by a vote of I to I, Coun cilman Beckwith, who bad before stood with the "solid six" for municipal ownership, voting "no." At last Bight's meeting Councilman Horn, who had alao previously voted with tho majority, but wae - absent from the meeting a week lopped" and voted for, the Beck' Ago. with resolution. Councilman Calklna, municipal ownership loader, was ab sent, making the vote stand 4 for and t against the resolution. - Had ' Calklna been present and voted '"no," Mayor Wll- kine would have cast tho deciding vote and tho resolution would have . passed ".'-lust the eame. Municipal ownorenip advocates are honpluaaod at this unexpected tunt of affairs. They thou Eht that they had clear aall His on the waterworka prnp- ltloa and ware preparing to go a. .av4 with tha Issuance of bonds and the pre liminary work of constructing tha -s- -' tsm. They, caa now" see bvb ...ee- . -- . -- e - to aaais their testusnsxaal aatare possible. ssr Sf us wsrst-- t St. Baasss snd Bootnessti umttsev '....'. North Coast a electric Bghtsd, for Ts t:0S p. SA Beat tie. aooKsne. list, At Cripple Creek." Butts, lalsneapoiis. St. Panl and ths Bast At the Brnplre an this wssk s thrilling fale Pnatst Sonnd LlmlteA. mining great esaxo early taa la ths world's for ChehalM. Centra a. SB. tess p. days "At Cripple Creek" will he the attrae Tscosaa sow, ertgtaal enlr. y , aad Beaxus A sense ttooal story,' wira "At Cripple oreeB" w said ss so one Twla Cltv Pi ai aas ear ... of the beet Bxelodrsauxt to come to the Empire raeoesa, Bsattie, Sna- BBne, that Bosses. , Matlnss BataTday, neienn. BVAna-S-e. UiBpa. SSSp, Bellow-aton- e ee Park, polls, sa Peel and VAUDEVILLE AND STOCK. I me asst. . . A, D. CslABLTOW. " Asalarant Ocnersl laaaiaj. "Flchting Fortune.". x Bed afcrneaa St.. sor. Ultra. , PwTuasd. Orvejaa, The slap which opened a week's esarageinost reeteroey le entitled "Pigbttng at the lo-xl-e sartane,'' aad Is a story or 'adveafars, . Ths plsy I fall of skcttlng sitae tea ne. The fuU streagth ef the eompsay Is required to pro-da- ce - this plsy, which Is sbovp the average , a see nla gtsadpoiat. , . . . tfT :. Fun at Pantaure. et faa t ea thle wssh at the Psntsges. The program tnelodes a pair of eomcdlaae, who era Intersstlns kaock-sborightfully earned Biff and Bang; Jama Mack, eccentric eoameUaa: the Haslltts, a witty traa White In s new ef JurenOo eocnedlaaa: Law hbt-j-en aaa wbiiibwc Iinstratsa SOOgl riooa pare ; The Dollnuker'e and barrel-comedy preeentad by little clever d aaa Bobby Boyle aaa xae xnrso ieen-gerUllng acw sx a series tb chewing blograph. A csrnJvsl m ;vj 1: TZH 2 i onrt. Aa aevobsrle the rand's pw cBders Srs saao. b have - OiO I v " !" v 7 a,Tt9b tTt-MTOX- J, ,., ;,,. I"AVa : it 11 I " lr;- T 1 KOiPVe- - tfoet- r m. r, . f. .for i : ' r k - Sor"'j a. tn p. m i:i!p.m. Tea". - i- fMsatal I. halted, the Psgl CtwaVtaOVJ " Thnaa who ealo and Bpprsclsts goad stner bag voices will find exactly, what toey want as ker-at the- Star this week, where ths past rtrie, Bosbmb, Aesms sac aogsra, are fee tared. . The AMsans. hortsnatsl bar Probsts snd Seated taaa; BIDy Plmee, ajMwnb t. a wltk freeb )oCe saeteetali Veraaewta. e tmpervoaator; the eoxtesrtlna king. Prod I the sxsging or w, ?. I'srvnara sno xe e aiahe a --el tkmal pietorss sa tbs tne star very enjujauae. . m . KmSXVZX. TrijrrAJ C-;z- '"The Sinttof st' Star.' ; Acrobats, tt C i OTTTlsTOriosrixTWsl.-Tsis-:- Ta - e 3 ' ? , eO av BB. '