THE ' OMATIA Tslsphone .WE CLOS? 8ATUR DAVS AT 694. Lift U an age to the miserable -- a mo ment to the Y Bee,Juna . 101 16, RUBDRY BATH TOWELS Look at our display of Hubdryg in the Sixteenth street window, then eoine in and let us point out the advantages this towel hag over all others. V cotton, therefore more absorbent than any other. Made of Made of flne a nub yarn ao woven aa to (five all the exhilaration of the best and most expenelve of friction towels. There la never any lint from the Rubdry, nor la there any pulling out of the threads. In fact, they will out wealths,' ordinary bath towel. These towela are woren In clean sunlit weave sheds and are taken fresh from the bleaching; and finishing, nmld healthful surroundings, and each Inclosed In an attractive package where It remains until opened In your own house. n Rubdry Dath Towels 25c, 35c, Prices 50c, 75c and $1.00 each. Rubdry Wash Cloths 5c each. Investigate Our Deposit Account Department. n with-Iraw- TW0KDPS1RI.1ELE1!!I 8MBl V. M. C A. Building, Corner Sixteenth and Douglas St. women to escape, trampling under foot scores of children. During Its run to North Brother Island the General- Blocum's whistles kept blowing for assistance, but before the whistles began to blow several tugs, the captains of which had seen the outbreak of the fire, started after the vessel, Joined by a yacht, while rowboats put out from the shore. The number of these craft constantly grew and not the least dramatic Incidents of the catastrophe were the efforts of the. people In these boata to rescue those who had Jumped overboard . from the burning vessel. ;',' Men crowded t the rails, of the tugs and caught up the drowning persons aa they were borne by the current. There were many thrilling rescues by this means. North Brother Island, where the vessel waa beached, contains a scarlet fever ward. The patients, who witnessed the disaster, were ordered Indoors and the doctors hastened to the rescue of those who had been washed ashore, but some scores of persons died while they were being attended to. Captain VanSchalck and his two pilots, Edward Van Wert and E. M. Weaver, have been arrested. rights! which came down with a 'crash' on thipae below. It Is thought that most of those Ort the hurricane deck' were burried. ) As the Are increaaed the struggle,' to gain k 4 point' of vantage' at the stern bee roe frightful, worhen and children crowded falhst the afterrall until It gave way and hundreds were pushed off into the river. After this there was a steady- - stream Of persons who Jumped or were thrown Into the water. In the wake of the Slocum, as It'hurrled upstream, was a line of little- blaob, .spots, marking the heads and bodies of those who furnace had sought to ' escape on the. ship by throwing .themselves, overboard. Few of those saved by the small boats had on life preservers. At no time during the progress of the fire waa there any opportunity to either lower the lifeboats or get the life preservers out from underneath the seats. This pehaps gives an Idea of the rapidity with which the flames swept the decks. It was an experience harrowing and and that any escaped alive seems wonderful. Barns to Water's Edge. Through all the wild panic,, .during all that Inferno, with fire . and smoke surrounding them the officers and men of the doomed boat remained at their posts, but they were powerless to avert the catastro- flame-envelop- The General Blocum left Third street, Bast river, at 9:30 o'clock this morning, having on board the Sunday achool excursion of St. Mark's German Lutheran church, located In Sixth street Its destination was Locust Grove, one of the many resorts on Long Island sound. The excursion was In charge of Rev. George C. Haas, pastor of the church. The vessel waa commanded by William Van Bchalk, one of the bent known excursion boat captains in New York harbor. He has commanded the General Slocum for almost the entire time alnce It was built. In 1891. The steamer after leaving Its dock this morning proceeded up the East river, all three of ita decks being crowded with merrymakers. Bands played and' the great aide wheeler was decorated with flags from stem.,to stern. The Slocum had reached a point near the Sunken Meadows off One Hundred aqd Thirty-fiftstreet, Manhattan, which-lat the extreme eastern end of Randall's Island, when fire, broke out in a lunchroom on the forward deck. The blase was caused by the overturning of a pot of grease. The headway of the vessel and a high wind almost Instantly fanned the Insignificant flame Into fury. Efforts were at once directed tQ subduing the fire, ' but they were 1 .. futile. , h, Pot of Grease Orertorned. ' ' ' decks..",. The steamer's whlsle was blowing for assistance and tugs and ether nearby craft answered t otho call, before any of the boards, could reach the burning steamer, however, the fruiKio,, women and children began to Jump overboard. The current waa strong snd there are .many, whirlpool eln the channel.-Thboats thar always abound In the vicinity picked many persons from the water, but these were only a small were seen struggling number of those, in the swift current riamra Cut Off Racape. tin the Slocum the first sweep of the flames cut off escape from the hurricane deck, where a great many of the women and children were crowded together, and soon burned away the light wooden up- - tht Bad Blood V, Upturn. The Slocum got within fifty feet of the northwest point of North Brother Island and there stopped in the shallow water. It waa Just before the vessel, beached that the hurricane deck, the supports of which had burned away, fell with its load of women and children, adding to the panic and horror of those on the deck below. Very soon after parts of the second and third de"ks also caved In. But before this happened the tug Walter Tracy had come alongside the burning steamer and been lashed to It. Many of .the passengers! were taken oft by the crew of frne Trace y,- - which remained alongside the steamer until the tug's pilot house took Are. The point where the Slocum beached was Just , oft Lhe, scarlet . fever ward on North Brother Island. The patients, who had been outon the porches and lawns watching the approach of the burning steamer, were ordered indoors and the physicians on the inland hastened to the assistance of those who were being brought ashore through the shallow water.. Many of those who leaped from the Slocum were carried away by the current even after she beached and were drowned. ' . ( i Body After Body Washed Ashore, .The scene-- , on - North Brother. IsUuvV as described by was a pitiful one. Body after body waa washed ashore or brought in by boata and added to the long row on the beach. Fifty-thre- e persons died .there while-- : the- doctors were attending them. As the bodies of the living and the dead were taken from the water, those alive were taken to the hospital drt the Island or sent across the river to hospitals In Manhattan: Here ambulances from almost all the hospitals in Greater New York and every other sort of conveyance which could be found were put Into service. ; For hours the bodies of the burned" and the drowned drifted ashore 'on the island and between 131st and S8th streets, In Manhattan. Some came ashore still alive. Many of these died, while others will recover. It is doubtful. if some of the bodies can ever be ldenttAd. Heads, legs and arms are burned off' arid not a shred of clothing Is left on them. What looked like a big hntrhway, on which were Ave or six bodies, was found floating in the cove at Hunt's Point and towed carefully alongside the Fidelity. The wood was badly charred snd ' the bodies seemed to stick to It.- Ths ollce-me- n and ths crew of the Fidelity were to release the bodies without further mutilating them, and arrangements were made to noise the hatchway with the bodies on it to the deck of the Fidelity. Craft Comes to Assist. Among the boats that hurried to the auc-cof the stricken passengers were several tugs of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad company, the auxiliary ratbont.Easy Times, the Health department tug Franklin Edson and the steamer . These, approached. with , swarm ' of roooats manned 'by willing hands and rescued scores of people. The Franklin T'dson went so close to the burning steamer that he r own paint was scorebpd... The crew oMhe tug, however, stuck braveiy to their work and snatched many women and children from a terrible death.. The Are had possession of the boat, from stem to stern by' the time' It was off One Hundred and Thirty-eight- h street. The Areboat Mills was summoned from Its moorings at the foot of East Nlnety-nint- b street and was snort on tb,e scene, Its crew lending valuable aid In saving life. Tonight a surging crowd is held back by police lines formed about the city morgue at the foot of East Twenty-sixt- h street. i , - -- ' iin-sh- or Zo-1'h- ar QF.IHE TOLL , l The commencement exercises ot the and Bailed Heart school at Thirty-sixt- h Hurt streets will be held Wednesday, June 22 Councilman O'Brien bas secured the adoption by the council of a resolution directing the city electrician to require the A Northwestern railway to place an arc lamp at the Sherman avenue crossing Just north of .the Ames avenue viaduct, and to maintain the light without coat to the city fur the safety and protection of public travel. Hill Improvement club, ins 1'rospect accomplished about, all the work hating expected from that could be reasonablyspring and sum. the organisation for the liter, has dectilvd to adjourn Its meetings with until September. The club feels that getting a lot of trees planted, the Thirty-thir- d street pavement under headway and a considerable number of streets graded, sidewalks and croaawalks laid, that It has dune fairly well and deserves a Teres The club Intends to start in with IUUUA Vim again attet ita summer recta. lfi, 1004. LOCAL PRINTERS LOSE WORE $ st Dsprirrd of AkSarBa Contrsot Which Othtf Cities Oet. 0MAH. TRADESMEN INDIGNANT ARE h; th the-matt- ls d. ' . . . .San-ehaits- u, . CPred. met-thai- . , NINETEEN NEW Additions Provided for City's Protection la Ordinance Introduced by Coancll, h; Clears the sky when Coffee, the slugger, has been thrown out, use then POSTUM the food drink Oet the little book. "The Road to ' ysllvUle" lu each pkg. Klopp-Bartlet- , tell. Is intended for nothing 'The if not ah Omaha boomer, organised and maintained for the essential purpose of advertising and promoting the. commercial Interests of Omaha; to take the lead In fostering and upbuilding home industries, discriminating against none, but favoring all. What have we here? This prime minister of home Industry taking the initiative in ignoring domestlo markets and patron izing foreign trade. It la almost too incred ible to believe. How long will It take Omaha to attain that standard of commercial supremacy which Ita citizens have set for It, If such methods as these are to obtain? 'Such a course might be pardonable In a private Individual or'concern, but In apublic organization, the distinctive advocate of clvlo success, It Is positively indefensi ble. If Mr. Uhl's action could bs supported by the argument that money Is saved or better : work secured,' it would, of course, be a weak plea, but might offer some slight extenuation, but It cannot be thus supported." orchestra Ladies' at SAYS FIGHT IS ON SOCIALISM .(Continued from First Page.) Gompers, President of Amerioan Federation of Labor, Washington, D. C. : We are of the Instructed by the executive board representUnited Mine Workers of Illinois, ing 60,000 tollers, to request you to call a convention of all the labor organizations affiliated with the American Federation of Labor for the purpose of considering the Colorado situation and taking such steps the as may be deemed necessary to curb unand murderous, despotic, unamerlean of constitutional acts of the mllltary-ma- d ficials of that unfortunate western, common wealth. ... W. F. SMITH, vice H. C. PERRY, President, W. D. RYAN. Secretary. BUTTE. Mont, June 15. President Roose velt will be urged by 16,000 Butte miners to Intorfere in the present deplorable state of The Butte Minersaffairs in Colorado. union Is- ths latest organization to ask the ... nation's chief executive to act and his reply anxiously awaited. A message was drafted and by a unanimous vote waa or dered sent to President Roosevelt without OMAHA r.s5- "-r- t delay. The bathing beach has opened at Court- land Beach. Hundreds of bathers indulge In the pleasing pastime dally. Russia Uas No News. , p. m. :35 ST. PETERSBURG, June No Information is obtainable here regarding the reported engagement between the Russian Vladivostok squadron and a Japanese squadron In the Corean straits. But it is aultely likely that a naval fight has occurred or Is about to occur. Vice Ad16.-3- miral Skrydloft has left Vladivostok with the armored cruisers Oromobol, Rossla and Ruiik and some torpedo craft The bathing beach has opened at Court-lan- d Beaoi. Hundreds of bathers indulge In the pleasing pastime dally. ' BLOOMERS. PUBLIC 4420 As a diversion from the close work of the past few weeks, the class day exercises of last week afforded a number of programs of exceptional merit. Among these were the closing exercises at Vinton school. Mrs. Woodward principal and Miss Rosa, eighth grade teacher. Thursday the members of the eighth grade, assisted by Miss Frances Roeder, Miss Kate Swartslander, Miss Ross and Miss Aleen,. gave, a program to the other membera ot the school. Rev. J. M, Ross making the address of ths afternoon. Following the program the pupils of the seventh grade tendered the graduating class a reception In the kindergarten room, which waa effectively trimmed In red, refreshments and other pleasant features contributing to the afternoon. Friday morning, at the close of the session, the members of the eighth grade entertained the entire school, holding a reception for an hour. Out of respect for Miss Lillian Little-fiellate principal of Park school, no closing exercises were held at that building. Park, however, has an honor roll of which it is especially proud, twelve eighth grade pupils who have not missed a day of school during the last year. The list Includes: Mlsces Bessie Townsend, Edith Lyon, Ruby Firazler, Nellie Kearns, Blanche Bellls, Mabel Vlerltng, Masters Earl Ayer, Elliott Ollmore, Alan McDonald, Harry Cockrell, Albert Cook and James Allan. Germs of Catarrh and Cares the Disease Money Back If It Falls. No other treatment for catarrhal troubles ! la as pleasant and convenient to use as. Hyomel. Simply put twenty Oops of Hyo- me,,n th Inhaler that comet with every out fit and then breathe It for a few minutes four ' times a day, and It will cure the worst ' case of catarrh. In this way, one takes into tho air passages ot the head, throat and lungs lr that Is filled with bulfamlcr healing and antiseptic fragrance. It goes tqi the most remote parts of the air passages; destroys all catarrhal germs, and enriches nd purifies the blood with additional ozone. The first days' use of Hyomel will show a decided, improvement, and In a short time there will be ao further trouble with catarrh. Its good effects are quickly gained, . and the benefit is permanent. You take no risk In buying iyomcl. Tha complete outfit costs but one dollur, and, if, after using, you can say that It did not give satisfaction, Sherman St JJoConnell Drug Co., corner lGth. and Dodge Sts., Omaha, will return your money, You have the promise of one of the most reliable drug firms In this section, that Jlyothet will cost you absolutely nothing, .if you can say, "It did not help." You are to, use it entirely at their risk risk, with the understanding that your money will be returned without, question or argument, if you ere not satisfied with Hyomel. . A SKIN OP BEAUTY 13 A JOY T. DR. Bimorei Tn, Pimylf ,Freclei, jhvui nun, ana bkid diseases, and tverr blsjnltu on Deantr, aoI mt detection. It ta ttoed tli trlt ot 66 yean, and It to harmlels ws taita It to be turt properly mtdo. I'll Aooept no counter lira L.litA. mm, pr. felt ot Btrrt Mid to a- n, a Most Gratifying-- Dally, Attend ance Bathing- - the Chief Sport Now. Has Courtland Beach continues to draw large crowds afternoon and evening due partially to Russell's sensational dive,- which Is given. afternoons at 5 and ' evenings at S, but mainly to the delightful weather of the re automobiles sort Yesterday twenty-fiv- e made a rim to the beach, unloading a large tfumber of people, mainly young women, who indulged in a pleasant dip in the water after spending the day boating, fishing and picnicking, Fremont and the Black Hills were represented by 150 people' who bad come to Omaha on a shopping visit. Nordln's brass band of forty pieces dis courses splendid music both afternoon and evening at the pavilion, while Booker's Ladles' orchestra makes melodious muslo in the cafe. The Washington Star quartet sings on the platform. A veritable festival of muslo is presented. Were It not for the engagement of the band at the Auditorium Courtland Beach would put in a bid for musical patrons. In a week or so Prof. Nordin will Inaugurate a series of band con certs, one night playing rag time muslo, other nights military, comle opera, musioal comedy and the like. Mile. Sangre makes a balloon ascension dally. Your Summer Vacation May be most agreebly spent atthe delightful resorts jeached ,1 by the The Black Hills, the Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota Lake Regions and scores of other pleasure grounds are reached by the Chicago & Northwestern Railway with the finest train service. Excellent service to St. Paul and Minneapolis, giving ready access to Lake Minnetonka, White Bear Lake' and other Northern summer resorts. Fast daily trains make connection with all lines east of PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS Oeorae H. Thummel left yesterday for Grand island. Bishop Williams came In from the east xuesaay evening. Klnehart, the photographer, has returned home from the east. Mrs. George R. Cockrell left yesterday for a visit to the Woria s lair and her old home at Jerseyville, 111. thA rnttloman from Central n City, made n donation of 30 to the Omaha AuJltorlum yesterday. a v Paarann of Haatincs. Neb., was In the city Tuesday. He had disposed of a carload of western horses, wmcn brougnt the top prices at me eoum umana niurnoi ueorge a. wey-W. J. Stocks ot Engmna, It. K. (Juiininahum. A TmvAr of Kearney, A. H. Coleman of Lucas Dller and George T. Wolf of Fremont are at the Minora. C. T. Browne, A. Eds Kelger, H. A. GarGeorge B, lilack of Hock rison of Denver, rtonestael. 11. X.. oMina a rv flhu-- ut W. M. Balrd of Iwle? bf Beatrice and (Jothenberg are at the Paxton. A. J. Baldwin of Stella. T. O. Hoxle of of Pocatello. Onalalla, Mrs. Mary Ocander of Columbus. Frank Idaho H. J. Aleaander , ........... J 2 ui iiu null Clark of Valey and W. It. Locke of Stan juercoanis.. tne are at ton LEES Chicago. C.l1 P. W. V. '. .' Special low rates are In effect from during the summer. ts t ESTABLISHED line n North-Wester- Tickets and full Information on application. Ticket Offices: H0M403 Farnam V M St- - A UT A . -- Waters pried you can get "Who Can CureWeak Men?'1 It Is the simplest thing in the world to be cured of nervous debility and lank of vital power if only you have the pood sense to iilace your case In .the right hand. In II. C. I)etroit there Is a fenvnAp tiw nflmn. whnm wl know to haVS) cure marvelous really a Is vitality and life it a prescription that we sincerely believe will cure any case of sexual weahuess, enlarge ment of the prostate, losses, promelurny, It stricture, vital decline inability, ofetc youth functions makes old men have the vigorous and full of and young men again vitality ancTlite. It Is really a morveiaus cur u you wouia ail ages anayou for weak men at prescription have elm-pl- y like to have this to wrtte the dlsioverer rr. H. C. Ray-nMich., bunding. Detroit, and 232 Luck he will send it to you free of ckarge In a perfectly plain sealed envelope. The Is yours to keep and do with as you please and there Is no charge whatever of ell we are positive to attachedenra It.youBeat so write at once to tha i. uin . address. doctor, at the above doctor-iwla!ln- k'&'rlr . parents and admits boys of 1IllwlMtUl. .aar- -. BLEKS, S.rlnt.nd..t. 1T Karl Bless, .. good M. t, i or MENaNDWOMEIIs 'S ee BW Dee Bit for annsiaral dltckieren.lafleinmetloa, IrrltailoM .t uluerattraS ,r! tm biiiii aieaibraaaa. M etrteiere. tit I m PMM.e Ceertaetee a mA mum eMrlB. iHlfVMlCMlMiCMCf. feat er totMBoos. ay brasses' al4 seat la plala trmpvn ft rpld, MT Vf ej rM, en, or t bolilee sa.Ti. "fitBS SIUfa! seat a leases! ,f T 1 ' S 1 AMUSEMENTS. ar Seeks the patronage of dlHorliulnatlDk! character only. ' i ladr of the htutton (a patient) i "At yoa itaiei win arm mtm, 1 rece m m iMO 'Gturluf"! Crtam' as tha least harmful of all the ckln prenareUont. For ei or au urnafitu and rtner oodt Dwierg in tarn v. B.. t:tTitfua. .wi x.nropa. hud. T. HOPKINS, Prep'r. 87 Brett Japti 8t, N. I ' at any Bar or Restaurant? thi Natural - . .FASHION IN When for the For the accommodation of 1 ne Bee readers these patterns, which usually retail at to W cents, will be furnished at a from nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all 10 In order, to get a pattern enclose cents and address Pattaro V t, Bee, Omaha, Nb FOREVER. GOURACD'B ORIENTAL. fKUI OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIES. The eighth grade of Bancroft school, under Miss Carrie Robertson, rendered the following program Friday afternoon: The Bell in the Valley Piano solo HiHIR Bertha Malsslon Clre i rain t buitinil aeM or Mir. ni iwu Bessie Allen Muse of Music TltUn mt hur'e Tkoee the btrtle Piano solo Flower 8ong....Odetta Jackson Unit, rick brMH thtdae, taellcw ( )d fft, Life of Wagner.., Carl Epplen chtitout kuet, tre produced otly by he wtna Eighth Grade Song Piano solo Hornpipe Polka.... Jeanette Bell Imperial Hair Regenerator Composition of Wagner.. .....Edward Ryan Double Quartette.. The Lord Is My Shepherd d Heir Calories fo Gray or til Mch-- d TheStanile-., Emma Goertzen, Jessie Erwln, Lena Goert-seHilr. M.kee tke ktlr toft tnd forrietay. paeiphUlf fyoarhelrcolsrad free. Send Allie Willis, Anna Bock, Llllle Hansen, Agnes Anderson, Odetta Jackson. VY.Us Verk 111 St.,Nw laserlal CstmWiXa Pinno solo Mazurka. ...Helen Fredertckson Vtasraaaa sV Kama; uo.. Otaaaa. Guard Mount Duett Helen and Violin solo Angel Serenade. ..Edward Ryan Recitation Boldtei"s Fate. ... ..Mercy Miller Dutch dance in costume....: Marie Bnowden, Edward Ryan ..... .Eighth Grade School BEACH. , COURTLAND WHY DRINK Six-ye- Hyomel Destroys d, -- u Healing Air aminations and a general scattering for the summer, of teachers snd pupils. It Is anticipated that a most satisfactory proportion of the eighth grade pupils will make their grade and enter the high school In September. The class Is estimated at between 700 and 760 pupils. There are, of course, several schools that have eighth A classes finishing their work this spring, and these classes will, with the pupils who fall to pass, be condensed In three or four of the more centrally located buildings In the fall until February, when they will enter the high school. Mason, Comenlus, Long snd Lake were the schools selected last year and will probably be used again. CHILD'S Fishing, bathing, boating and unexcelled We. re accustomed to seeing plcnio grounds at Courtland Beach. perhaps bl6omers and bpys wearing little duolm. Jeweler. Wsddlng Rings. a few of us have teen, little girls wearing U-them.' but trila season the little man must not only condescend to wear the same style garment aa his little Bister's, but his bigger bister as well, for girls up to 10 years Common Carbonated of age have adopted this most practical garment. They take 4he place of petticoats and acarrely a wash dress is seen same in tho- shops that has not the bloomers with It.-- They are made of the same material as the dress, and besides being most comfortable to wear, they are such a savIn the ing in the family launder bill. modol shown liere the bloomers sre In one piece. They are of circular shaping, with This Is a no fullness about the waist. feature worth considering, for at this age children usually possess their share of "pudglness," and then, too, with warm weather coming on, any extra material Many mothers make should be avoided. Spring, Ncuenaht. bottied ONLY at Apollinaris these little bloomers of striped or checked earns color, If the gingham, but material of Gas Germany, and ONLY with its own not the same quality, should be chosen for girls. child requires 1V yards of material, 36 inches wide. and 10 years. Blsea- -I. 4, t. t, 7, S, No. Breathe SCHOOLS 111 e tension that always attends the closing weeks of school Is somewhat relaxed and Thursday will see the completion of ex- is New Are hydrants contiifue to be ordered by the city council, and Tuesday night an ordlnsnce was introduced providing for nineteen more. At the same meeting ordinances were given Anal passage that direct the water company to Install eleven new hydrants. Fully a dozen have been ordered previous to this and one or two have been placed in pesitlon. ; For several years no additional hydrants could be secured because of the arbitrary limitation of the water fund, although there have been many requests from various parts of the city here residents believed they had 'Inadequate Are . protection. Recently City Attorney Wright gave an opinion that with the abolition of the water fund by the enactment of the bill to acquire the water plant obstacles to, these hydrants were removed and that pending the municipalization, of the plant as many hydrants could be ordered aa desired. The water company entered a feeble demurrer, but consented tu a friendly suit in court whereby It is mandamused to put the hydrants In as. directed by the mayor and council. , The new hydrants that have been authorised by the council are to be at the following locations: On California street 600 feet east of Fortieth; Evans, 00 feet east of Sherman avenue; Plnknsy, 400 feet east of Sherman avenue; Fowler avenue, 175 feet west of Twenty-sevent- h street; Pratt, 400 Thirty-eight- h feet east of Twenty-seventand Chicago, Thirty-eight- h and Davenport, Thirty-eight- h avenue and Chicago, Thirty-eight- h 4tt feet and Dodge, Twenty-eightICQ feet north of Plnkney; Twenty-eight- 16th and Douglas Sts. Proprietors of Omaha printing houses, of which there are no less than ten large ones ire indlgrant over the action of the board ot governors ot in giving to a Milwaukee house the Job of getting out the lithograph hanger for the fall festlvl ties. 'The work will oome to between $600 and $700, and the local prlntera regard it as a direct Injustice not even to have had the privilege of bidding for It. Never before, according to the local concerns, has this work been done outside of Omaha. One t, house. has done the work six times. 'And," said J. S. Redfield, sepretary of that company, "on an aggregate of $2,440 for these sis jobs we realised less than 10 per cent profit. But it Is not for the money consideration entirely that we are opposed to. this work going out of Omaha. The printers of this city cannot afford to have such work taken to other cities. Ws are perfectly able and competent to do It I suppose $600,000 Is a conservative estimate to place upon the value of the combined printing equipment of about ten of the best concerns In Omaha, and they pay an aggregate of probably $2(0,000 or more a year in wages. They are constantly spend ing money for the improvement of their equipment and for the population of the city have the very best service in the country. It is amazing that they should They be arbitrarily refused this work. are among the most aggressive and pro gressive advertisers Omaha has. Blame Mel V hi. "Mr. Mel Uhl, manager of the Dally News, Is secretary of the board of gov ernors and chalrmarKof the printing committee, and In this capacity has control of the letting of contracts. We charge hint with the responsibility, for Mr. Uhl exacted of the governors the concession of sending this work where he pleased and told them they had to support him in the matter, which they did. 'When we learned of the intention of sending this, work out of Omaha I wrote Mr. Uhl for our company and also wrote the governors, asking for the privilege of submitting bids, but this was not allowed me. We offered to do the work for nothing rather than sea it taken out of the city. but they said they didn't want anything for notlilng. I was advised that the board had confirmed the action of Mr. Uhl in sending the work abroad. The Invitations were sent to St Louis houses, so it seems arrangements are made to shut out Omaha prlntera altogether why J certainly cannot Becker's- - famous Con r Hand Beach. - Stttt. City Savings Bank, ' Bidding;. - HYDRANTS OMesf and Strongest Sitings Btnk In tht thL Manager of Dally and Say They Were Denied Privilege Blame Mel News, $ DOLLARS saved are dollars earned. Dollars invested at 4 per cent soon earn more dollars. We pay 4 per cent on all deposits. h; h, Chl-i-a- . it. f. Am phe f ""TnPPAY; JUNE north of Tlnkney. The loaatlcns embraced 4n the nw--erdnance Just Introduced. tire has follows: . Forty-flrand Chleage,- Burdette between Ousts JoVbirj. Say Bi tots lion of Brldf Sherman avenue 'ami Eighteenth, Twenty- and Sarafourth and Fort, Twenty-thir- d Arbitrary Lo6kr tmmiusau toga, Twenty-fourt- h and JUiflmore avenue. Lerlmore avenue, 4O0 feet east of Twenty-fourtMeredith avenue, 4rt) feet east of JiOT dlVEN f AIR CHANCE TO FIGHT IT Twenty-fourtWirt, 400 feet west of Twenty-fourth; Wirt, 800 feet west ef Twenty-fourthXotlflea at Last Menate After Coancll Wirt, 1.2TO feefcrweet of Twenty-fcurth- ; Thirty-secon- d .'. Blnffs and Webster, Twen .Has. Had Tlsaa to Jj reTwenty-eighth Bpauldiag. and seat All Its Arguavenue and Spauldlng, ,T'enty?ninth and ment. W feet south of Spauldlng, Twenty-fourt' lot , George Forbes1 subdivision; Twenty- seventh and Meredith avenue, Twenty Euclid Martin, E. E. Bruce, C. H. Pickand Meredith avenue. Eleventh and ens and W. 8. Wright, Who went to Chicago eighth Forty-fourth ajid Dodge. the first of the week as a committee from Clark, the Commercial club to attend the meeting of traffic managers of western trunk lines, CANNOiNS have returned and report that at present the outlook for preventing a restoration of the old bridge arbitrary of 6 cents per (Continued from First Page.) hundred on shipments of class freight from Omaha Into Iowa Is quite discour- fore they could reach the Shelter of their aging. They say that unless something la done and done at once the arbitrary Is The Russians claim that ths Japanese very likely to be restored to the great detri- lost ten men to their one In this pre ment of the Jobbing interests of Omaha. liminary engagement. When the Japanese It was learned by the committee that the warships commenced the bombardment of Council Bluffs Commercial club has had the the Russian trenches from Kin ChoU bay matter up with the western trunk lines shot and shell fell among the Russians for the last six months and that three like hall and It was impossible for them to meetings have been held with the Iowa hold their position. It had been the Inten representatives In attendance, and that sion of the Russians to evacuate Kin ChoU, during all these meetings and the lengthy but the Japanese attacked them before consideration of the question the railroads they had time to move out. have not considered their Interests In this Everything was ready to retire, how city of enough importance to even notify ever, and the Russians returned to Port the Jobbers here what was going on until Arthur by train, leaving behind them only last Friday, after, It Is believed, the matter some old Chinese guns, the breech locks of had been definitely settled . and It was whloh had Oeen destroyed: The Japanese agreed to restore the arbitrary. artillery fire was well directed, but the Russians suffered more from the fire of Poll Every Possible Wire. The Council Bluffs club has not gone nt the Japanese of the gunboats. When the Russian merchant from whom in a haphncard way, but has employed eminent legal counsel In the per these details were obtained left Port Ar son of Congressman Smith of Council Bluffs thur the Japanese' wee Within twelve and has called to Its assistance the Iowa miles of that- place. The Russians have railroad commission, which It is said has trenches and 'earthworks at Intervals' of exerted every influence to secure the two miles throughout this distance. The Japanese fleet is "no longer able to restoration of the arbitrary. April'-- the legal representative of the club appeared support the army theWaer along the before a meeting of the railroad men In river being too shallow' to 'permit the vea-seChicago and delivered an address Covering to approach. Port 'Arthur is well There are 8,000 head of cattle thirteen pages, closely typewritten, as an argument why the arbitrary ' should be there, and the Arm of which' this merchant restored. At other times meetings have s a member has J list turned over to the been held and all the evidence which could authorities 03,000 poll rids of salt beef. be collected to help out the Council Bluffs Other Arms also have supplied the authorside of the case has been submitted for ities at Port Arthur with' provisions. This merchant estimates the number of the consideration of the railroads. During all these meetings Omaha has not had, an men at Port Arthur at 54,000. This exceeds opportunity to present any evidence to the Chinese estimates by 20,000. support the arguments of the jobbers of this city as to why the arbitrary should ARMIES APPROACIIIKQ IN FORCE not be restored, but has been in the dark, Omaha merchants not- even knowing that Proapects Bright for Fight Between Karokl and Konropatkln Forces. any movement- waa in progress by the GENERAL KUROKPS HEADQUAR Coucll Bluffs people, except such Information as came to them in a roundabout way. TERS IN THE FIELD (Via FUSAN), When the matter had practically been June 15. It was announced here today that settled a meeting was called in Chicago the enemy in front of the Japanese second Tuesday, it Is thought, for the purpose of army is Increasing and the two forces are officially reatorlng the arbitrary. At. the coming closer together, , A battle la exlast moment notice was sent to the Omaha pected. There has been no Aghtlng lh front of Commercial club that representatives might be present at the meeting If the club the first Japanese army .since June 12, so desired. When ths Omaha delegation when two companies, of Russians were with a loss of arrived It was admitted to the meeting driven from Wu Tal - Ho, ' and requested to present its aide of the twenty men. The Russians have, reoccupled Tong Yang case, only about ten minutes time being given to prepare an argument. The Omahi Pu, on the Liao Yang toad; SImingtsu, on men refused to go Into the matter unless the Lien Shang Kwahg road,, and oh the Hai Qheng rpad, with small they' Were allowed aome little time to pre' V ..'i,Ui,! pare their case, and finally the railroad forces. representatives agreed to allow them ten FIRE ... ON TRANSPORTS daya In which to get their evidence in RUSSIANS readiness. One Escape (ronv Vladivostok Fleet, , Very Flimsy Argument. : bat Others' MV Be by Is members of the committee I TOIQ:,.'JuWp'llS!0fy. It said qoutisel arguments by presented that the 'nHe transports,, w'ltr bound from for the Council Bluffs merchants are vary Jtuaslan warships ' this fllmsyv end -- hefore a fair Jury it woe Id be a very easy matter to show that they morning outside th Wrmtts 'cf Corea, The fjred eighteen, shots at the Japaare' not founded on fact. Proceedings "of Russians" ships... One transport aseaped. .The the Interstate Commerce commission of ten nese years ago have been dug up and offered in fate of the other two is not known. It Is ;' Sasebo1 'ttyat believed 'payl engageevidence to support the Council Bluffs ar.' . gument, and, as conditions have changed ment is injnrvlnent '. v materially since then, it said, these j . ' Rnsslana 60 - South. arguments would not hold good In any TIEN TSIN, June 15. It has been learned sense at this time. that 40,000 Rusr A meeting of the executive committee here'frorn'i'RuselaivsOur'ce of the Commercial club will be held to- aians passed, TashJ; Caao'. .Chad,., twenty of New Chwang, iast'Monday morrow to discuss'the situation and devise ImUes'sonth U 'i : supposed . ,tht this ways and means to fight the restoration feomg eoiith, js going to thA relief of Port Arthur. of what Is termed an unfair charge agalrjst force Omaha shipments entering Iowa. A plan for carrying on the campaign , probably will be outlined at this meeting and legal ',' SEASONABLE FASHIONS. talent to look after Omaha's Interests ifl be employed. Owing to the complications " which enter Into the case, it la said, that will be very difficult to And a lawyer who can sufficiently familiarise himself with the Conditions' within the short time allowed for the preparation of the case to make a good showing before the meeting. It is the opinion of the members of the committee that every Omaha citizen should arouse himself to the gravity of the situasr. tion and lend all assistance possible In fighting the unfair motives of those behind the movement. FEAR RETURN h, . iMeMia..r.-- . Into an Inferno of Fire. LOCAL BREVITIES Pimples, rashes, eczema, boils, headache, nervousness, debility these are some of the results of impure blood. Medical authorities agree that impure blood can. be made pure and rich. Your doctor will tell you about Ayer's Sarsaparilla. An&tt'wa. Bad blood follow constipation, and constipation follows a sluggish liver. Ayer'g Pill are liver pills. They produce nttura) daly, movements la ' natural way. ter-rlb'- e, ' The blase spread aft with almost lightning rapidity. Captain Van Schalk in the pilot house had been Informed of the outbreak of the fire and, realizing the danger to hundreds of excursionists, decided to send his vessel to shore at One' Hundred and Thrrty-fourt- h street. " At this point there ase a number of lumber yards and several huge oil tanks and the captain was warned that to attempt to land at this point would endanger the property and further Imperil the scores of. people who had already been frightened into a. state, of almoat uncontrollable excitement. Changing the big eteamer'a course elltrhtly he headed it for North Brother Island, half a mile away. By this time the flames were rushing by leaps and bounds from the forward part of the ship aft. The great open decks, built for excursionists,, with little obstruction from bow to stern, offered a clear sweep for the fire. As the Slocum dashed forward the Dames caught stanchion and ca.hln woodwork,, eating and tearing their way across the vessel. ' The excursionists, but a few moments before in the full enjoyment of an Ideal summer's day on Long Island sound, were drthren to the after pnrt of the steamer to escape the heat, flumes and smoke that were constantly incernslng. Policemen and deck hands aboard the boat struggled hard to quk't the panic, but their efforts were In vain. The wild disorder increased as frantic mothers sought to rind their children, who had been at play about the HEEt ARE QUIET of Tour money can be withdrawn at a moment's notice, but until It la apent or It la earning Interest for you. DAtLT 4th Big Week Woodward ft VIVO U U I U J Burgess, Mgrs. Slock Co. Tha Ferris lance of Week Jia Tonight (1 & and PICK t'lOKlUI In , (UWUOV aaa taa LADY THIS Hunday I'nlll Thursday WOMan AGAINST WOMAX., I0o, loo, Sbo. frloea any seat luo. Mat. ' . "