AP Assembly Archives

No. 5
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
**** ^ ' ^ R8M S E
AnJhra Pradesh Legisiative AssemMy Debates
Part !—Qnestions and Answers
Oral Answers to Questions
.. 221-263
Short Notice Question and Answer
Mated by Ajant$ Puiaten, SecwMK*b*d,
^ the Dt!ee^w. Q<wewmMa( PtMim P#ew^ ^ y ^ & ^ A . P ^
[ Part I - Questions and Answers ]
o / ^ ^/!^fjfr^&^ Z^gz^^v^ /4&y2m%/y
Saturday, ^6 2J^A Afar^A, 7Pd7
The House met at Half Past Eight of the Clock
/* Afir ,%e#%:er f/? ^Ag C%#;r y
Prcyec/f^ P^z^r <y^^/^ gcA^w^ ?o yrava^M^a
815*1321 Q —Srz <S TvlorayaMa^a ( G o o ^ - Gaweya/)
Will hon the Chief Minister be pieased to refer to the
answer to Question N o 97 given on 24th June 1960 and
(a) whether the protected water supply scheme of
Uravakonda, Anantapur District, has been mciuded m
the 3rd Five-Year Plan, and
(b) whether any estimates have been prepared,
(c) if not, w h y not ?
T%e CTHe/AfznM^r f,Sh D. &Hz/zvayvgJ
(a) & (b) The answer is m the negative.
(c) A s only limited provision is available for
Urban Water Supply and Drainage Schemes m the
Third Five Year Plan and as priority had to be given to
more important and Urgent schemes, the water suppiy
scheme for Uravakonda Panchay at could not be included
m the Third Five Year Plan. The report of the Chief
Engineer (Buildings and Public Health) regarding the
particulars of the estimated cost of the scheme is yet
23;/: MarcA, 196!
J)S <yc*d&Ea;y)
supply scheme orders
Ore/ ^7Mwe;-.y ;o QMgF//o^
^$ca?, & d ^ § ^ o ^
cdr*^ xSosS^iy-eMrr'
Ty-er etsS^cf^^ ^)jj!po3joterv*6§8y"^ *3sMX3j Tr*a43 Chief Engineer
^joD detailed report "3h^o3 &,s^^V <y^K)^c3bj3jj - ^ T r - o o ^ q O )
-cr*X)D ^ 6 ^ ^&)co M^sS^r*X)g -RFoeo &xbgbo<^ir' ^
^ ) & go^Rd&g
Mojo^j ^ o ^ ^ T y o F ^ 3a ^^.&)j ty-g
^-X)8 plan F^ dr'^r'oao^sx&oa
q:yy<&) ty-K)X) disturb ^oabcr"D3
(§ d & ^ ^ * ^ ^ c ^ (o*d&&6"\
^§ A ^o^^dCbg
ga ^^g*^nsb investigation
Preliminary investigation a5Roa Detai-
led investigation §"a*Sj Cheif Engineer So 3oaosy*&M
t g o a r * ^ ^ ^&<
^ g j ^ ^ M S S ) , q6 -o-*^o&) MocoCj X3o3^Cf&u
c?F^ 3_T* 8 -y"3eM X)L.3bu
F r ^ ^ c ^ y%;er 5*M/^/y ^cA^AM^ ^ (?oo(M PancAayaf
*1322Q—6*n ^ J V a r ^ j ^ / ? ^
Willhon the
Chief Minister be pleased to refer to the answer to
question N o 97 on 24th June 1960 and state
(a) whether Government issued orders for investigation of the protected water supply scheme to Gooty
Panchayat, Anantapur D m n c t ,
(b) when such orders were issued,
(c) what is the amount paid by the panchayat
towards the investigation charges, and
(d) when the investigation will be started ?
g n D &m/!vaxys
(a) The answer is m the affirmative.
(b) 14-7 1960
(c) Rs. 16,000
(d) The investigation work wi!l be started soon
after the receipt of the boring plant from the Agriculture
Department required for the said work
Ora/ ,4n,HV6M /o gM^ffow^
^ ) d^S a-ty-daes^
25rA Afa^A, 1961
^$g<sp, ^9 investigation r*^^^ Rosy*
o^)& g^g) < ^ ^ s'g -a-n^g) cs* ^ o ^ ^ ^ R ^ j ^ ^ 3 ^ o 8 Investigation start ^o3jdj-°3§ s;ov" o)o^v"o53jj 3&3j3boa ? ^Qdd^ M S ^p 8
^o^o-S) estimates gcOj^ta^oajata & ^Cb^eo ^ o ^ aTr''\&M:g;3*Tr'3
(^ & ^o^s$c^g
Investigate ^oaoSja ^a^t^g
& ^dj^eo
RoS!)oTT"Ruj <3a^ S*^3 3o53^dXuj -^^<3j 1960 3o 6^*^ g'^r-ct) ^a
^oaj&r"X)5 S'Rag"* Ebg* ADedX^ &^_a
-sr-Qg 3&*3 27-12-60 ^ & ^
a &Daj§" 3 D dose tscoi&sgb^a ^?3b^, v-Sun^g^ <&$r. Division So
^ s^) {ggysar^a)
Tr-aj )3d3j^^7r^cj Agricultural Depart-
ment ;&o-a §^*o^ equipment u^^o^oBJoXba ^ a vrr**^ t^d'o^o^
D/-//!^z/!g Wafer ;<? Af^^/aw/?aaf Mz//a^f ^/
Pa/nag* % M ;
*586 (1591) Q — , S h Faw/a/a G^aMrzj/:/!a^a
(<Sa^e/!apa//!) Will hon the Chief Minister be pleased
to state
at what stage the proposal of distribution of
water to Mutyalampad village, Patnad Taluk, Guntur
District stands *?
<Sh D 5*j^va^a
The C I Pipes required for
distribution of drinking water to Mutya!ampadu village
are being conveyed to the said village
jRey?a?r^ f<? ?%e 7an% ^ Fo^^Mga/ ^?//age
818*305 (1197) Q—St-: P C ^ a / ^ ReJ^y [FM/ &y
*Srz D P a w a ^ f a A w a w ^ M ^ a y M J ] Will hon the Deputy
Chief Minister be pleased to state,
(a) whether it is a fact that the ryots of Bondugal, B h u v a m g m taluk, Nalgonda district have deposited
a contribution of Rs 2,000 towards repairs to the feeder
channel of the tank m m their viHage,
(b) when the contribution was made ?
(c) whether any amount has been sanctioned and
given for the repairs of the channel,
23M AfarcA, ] 961
Ore/ ^/MW^rF ^ QMM^MMy
(d) if not, the reasons therefor , and
(e) whether the said work wiH be taken up at
least n o w ?
27ie Deputy C%?e/ M^j^ter (&*t ^
^ i!^g^
(a) Yes, Sir. The amount deposited is only
Rs. 1,900 but not Rs. 2,000
(b) On 2—2 1955
Rs 1,700 and
On 7—5—1955
(c) N o , Sir
(d) Part of bed of the tank is patta land and the
pattadars were against the raising F. T L. of the tank
and foregoing their lands with or without compensation
(e) N o , Sir
jRqMHrF t<? Aftnor ZrriggfM?M %??%.? tn Certain Mi#ageF o/
CA^MrMpa//: 71n/M%;
*419 (1348) Q — S r : Af ^t^MarayaMa RajM [PMt
^ & : /4. Fern/m Na/a*M (*ya/Mr Genera/)] Will hon.
the Deputy Chief Minister be pleased to State
(a) whether any Minor Irrigation tanks of
Budarayavalasa andPedabantupalh viHages m Chipurupa!hta!uq. Snkakuiam district, pending repairs from
1955, have been repaired ,
(b) if so, the names of the tanks that have been
repaired, and
(c) the names of other minor irrigation tanks of
the satd two villages yet to be repaired ?
SrtjK T. ^aHga^ea*ay
(a) and (b) N o Minor Irrigation works are pending execution of repairs since 1955 m Budarayavatasa
village. In PedabantupaHi village, repairs to Ve!aga
Gedda D a m are pending execution smce 1955 Though
an estimate for this work was sanctioned m 1955, the
contractor did not start the same. His agreement has
been cancelled, and the Tahasi!dar, Cheepurupalh is
taking action to execute the repairs to the source.
Ora/ ^n-ywe^ /o QMg^/wn?
25?A Murc/t, 1961
(c) The foHowmg are the M m o r Irrigation sources yet to be repaired
#M&7r#ygvg/aMf Pl//^ge
Jagannadhasagaram and
T u m m u Tank
2 Ravi Tank
3 Dasan Banda
4 Gedda Tank
Pecfa6anfM?cpaM: ^//age
Patna)k Koneru
Venkatrajn Tank
Chintaia Tank
Nerella Tank
(J), (a) jRxSTr-c&gea t T v ^ ^ F ^ A ^
-a^^O^xScf &ny&^^be3o
6b pendtng rv ^3j
3 & 3 j o a 1968 3jo^)
T)Ra)o&jj30 !rr-^
3d)F^ *3e^<^ or^Roj ^bcy&n&)eM 1968 Rogg^tfRu &)o^3 pendmgrr*
AK^D 3a 3X)§ ^ o ^ u - 1966 d^ 3oOer-d) M03o33^0§^) S'ot&r'yaj 3X)
)^*^o$)o-^ 3aj
eoc^3e MO&3 s'otir'Bb cancel 3o&gIb3a
33^3J &ny^gj^o3j&r-ag
^3j0b30 Ty*ej-*ir* g^heMT^Ob -^do
(X)) 3s tSoS ^)3^M33d8J ^j^Ru^cM ^o3o3oX) AR^D
sMR-or-o3J3e3 trr&nix!^—
(1) aKnr*^3S3Ktfo 3o8o3bj ab&n30o3j
(2) v*oa)3ca3_)
(8) HR30b$j
*3Rao&HaO ]rv-3j3joF^—
(1) 3&r^o3o^ S^^ab
(2) *3oSt&r*a'3&3)
(8) ^ogo30b3j
(4) ^*B^3co3j
33jeo Mas^oojXSsiX) 3 d ^ d )
(S *3 a don*'3A
Mooj*^ <so&y^cr-crs_Tr' ^ 3 j ^ & )
-&g)&)30 -u-cj^-y* ^3-"§h(Mcr*d) 3j^&n^3
25;A AfarcA, 1961
Or^/ ,4n,Hye/-,y yo g M ^ n o H j
*1160 Q — ^ n 6! ^ y ! ^ ^
Will the hon
Minister for Public Works be pleasd to state
(a) whether the State Government requested the
Central Government to include the construction of a
Railway line from NeHore to Kazipet via, Nagarjunasagar in the Third Five-Year Plan, and
(b) if so, the views expressed by the Central
Government thereon ?
(a) N o , Sir
(b) Does not arise
"3 su3j**#i&o
^r*R-cr*-E!-*&>a, M8*^.^&<o^ X)dr'^eb-s-"oS) ^ ^ o S b a,s* Broadguage
hne ?3o "^o&^oX) ^o.^t^-o^gX^ §^8o&j-<3-^a)o cr*K)§ air-eM qov"
3a 13 3j s9RjeMF^?)§ ^ *A *3e^^d3^o^5j^^ TarTr*Sb;5;&Tf(5"
( N o answet)
^% *^f ^ef^<"&°K!&(&^d&^6)
^ r d ^ & o Rajah of Panagai
S^o^^t^^ *8 pSb *^OJJo^) v * ^ ) \ ^-80=5^03
3i3g eao-y^pa
0/-a/ ,4/Mwer.y /o g M M ^ c w
1955 6^^ g^^^&o^eaoa
25^A JMarcA, 1961
* 1233 Q - ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ e ^
Will the hon
Minister for Public works be pleased to state
(a) whether the Nagarjunasagar Contro! Board
has met m the month of October 1960, and
(b) if so, the decisions taken at the said meeting?
3 n ^ ,S#;y#Hcr%y%7?% R%/M
(a) Yes, Sir
(b) The decisions cover a wide range of subjects
A statement indicating them m outline is placed on the
Table of the House
The Board reviewed the progress of works to the end of
September and were satisfied that the work was proceeding
according to the programme
In regard to the dam, against the year's programme of
three lakhs units of masonry, the quantity executed to end of
September was 82,750 units Excavation m the Right Canal
is m progress from head upto the 50th mile and the quantity
of earthwork exacavation including rock completed to end of
September was 50,250 units Excavation m the Left Canal is
m progress from head upto 51st mile and the quantity excavated during the year upto end of September was 26,800 units
Detailed investigation has been completed for the entire
length of both channels and most of the designs for the
major works and estimates are ready The tunnel at the head
of the Left Canal is m good progress and against the total
length of 7,500 ft of the tunnel, boring has already been
tackled for a length of 7,000 ft The total workload for the
tunnel is 8 05 M C ft of rock blasting and the quantity
achieved during the year upto the end of September was
1 35 M C ft In regard to the tunnel at the head of the Right
25*AA?3M%, 1961
Ora/ y4wj!Wgrj ^o QMayfKMM
Canal, preliminary arrangements have been completed and
work will shortly be commenced
The labour strength
engaged was 27,000 at the Damsite and approximately an
equal number on both canals
The construction of the Chandravanka Aqueduct on
the right Canal and Halia Aqueduct on the Left Canal which
are two largest masonry works on the canals are m good
progress Various other aqueducts and bridges are also m
progress Residential accommodation has been completed for
the staff m the various canal camps and at the Damsite
Future Programme qfW(M%
The State Government had decided to allot Rs one
crore more to the Project during the current year m addition
to the amount of Rs 10 crores already allotted there by bringing up the total allotment for the year to Rs 11 crores O f
this, it is proposed to allocate Rs 6^ crores for the D a m and
R s 4^ crores for the Canals
Including allocations m a d e
for the current year, the total provision for the II Plan period
for the Nagarjunasagar Project will be R s 39 10 crores
Fbrnw%* f/gHfw%g o/* M^H, Afaferfa/g ant? MgcAmerj;
The position regarding the supply of cement is fairly
satisfactory But m regard to supply of steel, the position
is not entirely satisfactory Against 10,000 tons required for
the Trestle Bridge about 4,000 tons balance under D L F
has been received Out of the balance planned under local
resources, only a very small quantity has been received
Steps have been taken to impress on indigenous manufacturers
the necessity to supply the balance of steel at an early date
Various items of machinery required for the D a m and Canals
are being received under the Export Import Loan Assistance
and also by transfer from other Projects m India The total
value of machinery purchased up-to-date for the three units
of the project from the commencement is as follows
1 Dam
R s 280 68 lakhs
2 Right Canal
3 Left Canal
Rs 206 80 lakhs
Rs 132 43 lakhs
&m<nh?H qfEMMnales
The Board approved the following estimates
(1) Embedding penstocks and other preliminary works
at Nagarjunasagar D a m R s 67 11 lakhs
(2) Installing rain-gauges in the canals are Rs 60,600
(3) Constructing the aqueduct across the Nagileru
river of the Right Canal at M 34/6 Rs 29 71
Org/ ^4/Mwer.s to QMayfM/M
25fA Af^rcA, 1961
(4) Constructing the tunnel (4,135 ft, long) at Pasuvemula on the Right Canal Rs 99 04 lakhs
(5) Excavation of open cut (2,510 ft long) on the Right
Canal m rear of the tunnel Rs 91 03 lakhs
The Control Board examined and approved the arrangments made for the construction of masonry for the Nagarjunasagar D a m for 1960—61 and the contracts entered into
and the rates accepted for the work
The Control Board also examined the proposals for the
continuance of the construction allowance to the staff working
m the Project and decided that the allowances at the existing
scales should be continued till the end of this financial year,
when the matter would again be reviewed
The Control Board examined the scales of rent prescribed
for occupation of the Rest Houses by the Officers of the
Department and they decided that ofRcers of Grade IV and
below m a y pay a rent of Rs. 1 per day and officers of higher
grades should pay the full rent prescribed for the Rest Houses
The Control Board took the view that Macherla town
has become very congested on account of the large m S u x of
population due to the project and the town has become very
insanitary and the water supply was very inadequate It was,
therefore, decided to prepare immediately a scheme for
supply of protected water to the town and present it at the
next meeting of the Control Board for acceptance, pending a
decision on the share of expenditure to be borne by the Project
and the State Government on the scheme
In regard to the question of opening a Co-operative
Milk Supply Union at the Nagarjunasagar D a m site, the
Control Board decided that the Co-operative Department
should be requested to work out the scheme as soon as
ConsfUMfton o / a H Thter-ZpyMfJ-CoMMC!/ Co^r^^wg o /
*1070 Q — * S h Mav;/a/% G3pa/%%rM%7Mp'.ya Will
the h o n Minister for P u b h c W o r k s be pleased to state
(a) whether the Government are aware of the
statement of S n Shah N a w a z K h a n , Union Deputy
Mmister, G o v e r n m e n t of India, promising to constitute
23;A MarcA, 1961
Ora/ 4nwer.s fo gMg^^on^
an Inter-Zonal Council consisting of three Zones including the Andhra Pradesh m reply to the M e m o r a n d a
given to him at K a k m a d a on 23rd October, 1960, and
(b) if so, whether the Government have addressed the Government of India and the Railway authorities
to implement the promise and to have the details
worked out 7
5 h ^4 i&yrygMaygygwa i?g/n
(a) and (b) The Government have seen a report
published m the press regarding Shn Shah N a w a z
Khan's statement promising the constitution of an InterZonal Council, consisting of the three Railwas (Viz,
the Central Railway, the Southern Railway and the
South Eastern Railway) serving the Andhra Pradesh
State The Government of India have been addressed
m the matter for details They have replied that there
is no such proposal with the Government of India
^e/HCM/gr jR%?/way over-Fridge tn %/#y%M'g%a
*1114 Q . — S r i F FMW6FM;ar3Rgo[P%;6y &-tg
J&IM Reddy]. Will the hon Minister for Public Works
be pleased to state
(a) whether the Municipal Council, Vijayawada
requested the State Government to recommend to the
Railway Board and the Government of India for giving
priority for the vehicular over-bridge north of the existing railway station at Vijayawada and also to bear a
portion of the cost of the same between the railways,
the State and the Municipality, and
(b) if so, the action taken by the Government m
this matter ?
3 h ,4 gafya/igrgyang .Rq/M.
(a) Yes
(b) The Railway Board have been addressed m
the matter They have stated that the Railway authorities cannot be expected to bear any portion of the cost,
since the bridge work is necessitated by the growth of
the town However, it is proposed to address the
Railway Board again for reconsideration of their decision
O r a / 4n.wer.y ro Q M M f M ^
25f/t AfarcA, 1961
21e/gMgana 4rea
*937 Q — 3 h P C A o ^ a ^ o [F^^ 6i ^n D
T V a ^ M V ^ (NMZM/-^ga7*)] Will the hon Minister for
Public Works be pleased to state
(a) whether it is a fact that there is no special
investigation section m Telangana area to consider the
representations m a d e by the ryots regarding the utilisation of water resources for cultivation ,
(b) whether it is also a fact that m the absence
of the special investigation section, it is difBcult to
understand the various schemes proposed to be included
m the plan , and
(c) the action proposed
matter ?
to be taken m the
(a) There is an investigation circle in Telangana
to investigate the representations made by the ryots
^ regarding the utilisation of water resources for cultivation
(b) and (c) D o not arise
(.)) & A 3 3 3 # & 3 o 3 ^ o & a u 3 a
aRoar-aoTag^&r-ae 3 a 3
D a g) o3) 36§eo-by6j-*DS ^eorv-nr*^ s.s' investigation circle
(#) & 3#3d&g
en?cssp, g< 8*&)4JeM 3 ;3-*oa)6^ &3^D -^ g9er^*ocod^3j, -cr"€Lr'B-"^'ocj6^3j 63^Tr° ? J^r* A3^X)
6*0*^\&M l3c^83&3RfD 5 ^ \ 3 b ^ *cr*
g)o35* !b)g5* Dcr-qT^v 3jot8rr*eb 5^*o33jj sac3cX)jo^ 3 ^ 0 b
^ D ?ySb ^ojCb 3-0^o8 t9o<3)3o iy*9§ 3oe)b$o-D3 ! 3 ^ e 3 ) ^3rr*
questions for 826 to 828 3o g R u s - g &3)8bo^j-3o.—
Loanj Given ^ ^ e ^ D O a^ <S^^M/
830*1273 Q —*yn F i?3?/MM,MM<%M;%? ( F ^ w / )
Will the hon Minister for Planning and Information be
pleased to state
25;/: Ma/d!, 196!
Oyo/ ^n-ywerg fo QMe^no/M
(a) whether it is a fact that the B D O at
Sidhout, Cuddapah district has given loans without
prior sanction of the Standing Committee ,
(b) whether any loans have been sanctioned by
the Standing Committee without getting the applications
properly examined and scrutinised , and
(c) if so, the action taken thereon 7
[T%e Aft/Hs/er ybr y4gr/cM/Mre and La^OMr aepManswered? f/:e ^Mes^a^].
7^e M^is^erybr /4gr;cM//Mre anJ La^a^r ( & / TV
-RamcAanara ^a*a^)
(a) It is fact that m two cases the Block Development Officer disbursed Rs. 1,000 as loan to two
mdiviouals without specific sanction of the Standing
Commitee The Standing Committee had o n g m a H y
sanctioned this ioan of R s 1,000 to one person
d!dnot, however, avail himself of the sanction, and
the Block Devetopment Officer disbursed that amount
to two other persons
(b) Except m two cases where the loans were
sanctioned but not disbursed pending further enquiries
m all other cases the loans were sanctioned only after
making enquiries.
(c) In respect of (a) suitable action is being taken
against the Officers concerned.
Ca-aperarzve CreJ^ &M?e?y a? Ganara/a %//age
*1253 Q — , S h D ATaraMaA
Will the hon
Minister for Endowments and Co-operation be pleased
to state
(a) whether it is a fact that the administrative
inspector himself organised a rival society after the
organised and held elections for the co-operative credit
society at Gondrala village, H u z u m a g a r taluq, Naigonda
district ,
(b) whether it is also a fact that the managing
committee rejected the applications of the ryots of the
Ore/ /4?Mwers to QuestM/M
25^A MarcA 1961
village to jom as members m
credit society, and
the said co-operative
(c) whether it is also a fact that the present
Managing Committee caused obstruction to the Deputy
Registrar of Co-operative Societies ofthe district for
checking the records m September 60 and had indulged
m illegal practices hke the failure to maintain accounts
properly ?
(7%e AfinAyfe;- ./br Zfp/we &p%?z,ye6f ?%g M^Hj^r
/br F w ^ o w w ^ M ^ ^7?^/ Co-o/ygr^^ow ^^^ answerer/ ^Ae
71^^ A/^zj^yb/* #<?/Me ^ & ^ Af TV^raF^g^^ao)
(a) T h e answer is m the negative
(b) The answer is m the ai&r mative
(c) The answer is m the negative
($) & ^^cj&g
^o<s?, tp^eS^ (a) 5 "Negative' MX)
e^h qo^^dSb pcndiogF^ &o=o*"db 6}Q )^$Sb^giSjj^\Sx5 TT'^cr*?
(^) JsSo
s9^^-<% ej6^^ D&oBb^o
^"6 3)3 ea i rr-anSxtg"* ^oTy"o3J&^oj6^gj, Co-operative Society
gpl) iS "^ej-o^ Rd^r-Xb H)^r"3b m a ^ §"og3)oaD ^db\8bir^0b
M O M 3 Mo<S8& ^cb)g^^dD M & § * ^ ) ^ a j
-o-*D2b(3 ^o^c ^"$
g r * ^ ^ *^^r-d) atogeR) ^abjS^^^a Regtstrar 8b (J^^. .)o%&)oa3
^Cb-jS^&r'DS wgv{^^jjo&Moa^Mo^&)oap ^ObjS^^DTT'd) ^_g&n$)
qsj^R, qa cay^<g & ^ X < & ^
Aj^X)5 ^S^^^^^jJJo8JJ^)- policy &:3y&3ocr*?
^Sb^. 6<$j.ir- ?
*Bo<^ A u ^ ^ S r ^
^^S^*$ a."§{3^^
tso&ny* Ao'g) &o<^o&, ^^!^"$ ^Dj M36J*i3S beu&^TT^ c 8
Ty."3 ir* Ki"3, -votlSXbni'a, g*&^oa^rr-X), ^ o ^ T v D ,
& ^ ^ ,
^ ) ^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j ^ ^ X ) § , ^&%jg3M c a ^ h - policy ^^^5 ^
25;A AfarcA, 1961
/^ <3So
Or^/ /l/Mitw-y /o gM6^//o^
M^o<sb^T3--C)b a*^a*g correct
&r*a ^5 ^o&^oa tj)0&6^ Mode^) 3l&)S'^o'3
s^^6* ^ ^ 6 " iT^ss bea &%%&) t9o<^a<o ^Rj^^R ^^er*
§^db e-Iiyda "Bo^a^o^o Q^-tr" ^ -r"5*^^ a8l3a ^
^SS 3%aoRtr3)
a)^0* ^ 6 *
^ o ^ 8 b ^ d 3 j § ^ ^ e ^ ^^b^^jjoabo^^
Moa)*3 g g ^ a ^ e a r ' ^ ^SoO ^
<a5a ^ a o ^ c S ^
Equal strength ^o^djo^ao"^) -JOJ\
g)3^6* ^ ^ 6 " M^ej A a ' M C o operation iy8§ M&)&yaajo
^&-y*e&^ctnao4j-*&) ^ooour*, Chief Minister rv&) 5Xb ^3a)j-ar-ej?
/sh & ^ o ^ d & g
^ &
M#o<gbe)Tj''ca 3L\xS^ correct
*Bo<%3a, unlimited liability
expos?, &.*^ trr-ab
&x^o<&)iSe) a^Ob^ ^ Tr-8R ^Cbj5^
^r-M, a ^ ^ a "& ModObod a^^bodX) ^oabs3<^ir-d) ^odj^o ^6bj
^r-e^D RrT&jSJD *Bo<Xa?5o$j5jj8j*"<^ "^&)j§^&y-D§ ^ir^&M ^!^-cr*?
^S aRggrgc&g (^0^6*)
^§ <^S) ^X)o^{y^
Sb^6* ^ ^ 5 *
^ovp^oiarrcb *Bo<g3 X5o^)3a)
nr-aRaa^ information w o - u ^ a ^ a b
R-g ^ ^ & ^ House d^ aa^sgRT^d ^ a ^
8J0B-* ^^"Cb M§ "a^g^oA
Registrar sb appeal ^ y c b Action is being taken by the Regi-
<3/-a/ ,4;MiK?r.y /o Q M e ^ o ^
25^A AfarcA, 1961
strar of C o operative Societies to dispose of these appeals and
the persons will be admitted if the decisons on the appeal are
m their favour, and
if they are not otherwise
unfit for
admission to the C o operative Society
(^) aooS&eS *aoS"3)3'gc3 (!$oarrs&)
s)^v, ^iy?
^-D q3y<3o & ^
Membership &) refuse
exposs? ' "6o3=;3 ,y°*a63
cr*X)§ Policy
l35botz-° d r * ^
amend ^ ^ - v - ^
A < 3 S ) ^o^^o^c^)
^ S "33)d&g
MJ^j3y"^^b8o-3 examine 5^cb^cr"
*5o<&) { ^ T ^ o ^
<0^<3b Y^"§ -sr*8X) l3&r\§^3bj t?K) M o ^
a,5 ^ ^ _ 4 § M 9oiT"co
^ ^ < & ) *6o<^^ 3o$Sj&x) *^^o
q^tr* ?
^?S5* ^ ^ < f
It will be examined, eX) ^^cb^-o-*
*D-"8F^ Ty"6X) % 3 ^ gjS^e'OD F^RO§ -o--X)^Sboc-', -sr*^ 3 o & a u & )
cr*X)"^)^ Registrar 8b appeal !3oSb%ajj MO^oa
M 8 a8a ^ n r ^ y ^ Mooo^a crD bo^ ^Sb
^^Sb^^Ob ? qg*
^iMo& Mox)?r° Ty6K) ^S^Sbocs- ^d^Sbo^ir' ?
(#) ^So ^d5o^o*S^
So^5* a ^ F *
nT'Si^ iy^D§ information l^<Sb
D c r " o W sSootSrr'CJ ^=cr^Cb q5 -ST-eiR^ex)
*316fl214) Q — R n ^ ^ ^ ^ Ma/!MA Will the hon
Minister for Education and Transport be pleased to
(a) whether it is a fact that an application was
sent to the Minister for Education and Transport on
26th M a y 1960 from the ryots, Esmailkhanpet, taiuq
Kalabgooro, M e d a k district, tor stopping of buses mside
the village, and
2S;A Marc/:, 1961
Ora/ ,4/MMw.y /o QMgjffoM
(b) if so, the action taken thereon ?
Tlhe Mz77^^rybr EJMca^on on^ 3Tran,sporf (gfr? ^S
(a) Yes
(b) The matter is being examined by the Andhra
Pradesh State Road Transport Corporation
"3jKS trr-&)Rx) ^^.^
&r-{ygjj^ 6^<&) a ^ a
18 "lie aur-y" & ^ a
esin-'&r'iOS s ) ^ o ^ ^ e X ) i^ateo §^Cb
^ ^^? D ^ SjdJ-^o*^ro*^)
[R8 3<3&
]rr*^r*X)§ *Bo%) ^ ) ^
tit^csi?, R T C T y 9 M!fo^H3bj
s^Tyco^) BXi.*3j!6^D. -Yy8§ & ^
a & ^ e HovQS^cy^
S)eoeooo^o^^d8b ^T'S'do&u g*eHX"g!o&4j-*i3S ly-co j^oCi)
Feeder service sb "3^&r'X)S r'o^ ^igjo g&Mgboa
M a m service &)o-3 feeder service 6**§ divert ^ "^ efBciency Sy*^
v X ) 8)?3^&r"^o^orr'Ob 3&y$ cr*DX)^beo-a 530§oX!
826*8!0Q—S*N M ^ V a g : ^ ^ y ^ P M ^ &y S*r: ^
Plewa^ya (FMcA:reaW!pa/6w-^yarv^)] WiH the hon
Minister for Education and Transport be pleased to
(a) whether an accident occurred m the month
of August to a lorry proceeding from Nagarjunasagar
to PuMareddigudem,
(b) if so, the number of persons injured m the
(c) the number of the deceased, and
(d) whether compensation has been paid to all
the injured persons ?
Org/ ^nswer-y *o QMe^NoMJ
25rA March, 1961
^ <y F P P^z^^A^ Pa/Ma 7?ao
(a) Yes
(b) 70
(c) 4
(d) The matter is under consideration
&*: <S yewRyyc
accident, Sii *?
What is the nature of the
3 n 3 i? f Fa^a^A^ R a w o Rao Lorry bearing
registration N o A P L 726 Bedford Diesel of the Executive
Engineer, Mechanical Division, N o 2, Nagarjunasagar,
Vijayapun North, Nalgonda District, was involved m
an accident on 4-8-1960 at 6 30 p m near the road
junction from Vijayapun site connecting the road leading to the top of the hill, N e w M u s e u m
The R T O ,
Guntur, has stated that the issue of compensation to
the persons concerned is under correspondence with
the Labour Commissioner, Hyderabad
*Sh *y ye/Mgyya Under what circumstances the
accident took place 7 That is what I want to know
A d&S a & g&r'ao*:&*cy*f§
M r *ype#%er
qogg'o^) #"*;<(b-"^a>
Accident is accident, that is all
(^ <3&i5 l&S&d&g
aaporr* s6Ro8 ? Investigate ^?*ir* ^
Compensation X)o^^Do^3 ?
3 n 3 ^ . P P a ^ A ^ RarrM Rao I a m primarily
concerned with compensation to the injured people S;r
r^) d!^5
ly^cy 6 & o ^ ^
eaa H o m e
*^H) Compensation 0&o&o
Labour Commissioner rr*8y" correspondence ^A)ir^R^
F ^ ^ 383?^. tfo ^^sSbT^^Co
^ & ce3^^c?K?d&3&
a t<^ojj^cb survive Mccoyiy ?
^ 35 B a ^ ^ a c ^ r c ^ )
Information ^ c ^
25;/: AfarcA, 1961
Ora/ ,47Mw?r.y /o Q a e y n o ^
t§ J)F* e<Qs8n*S(&*ef;3er),o-aR#6') expotB? Lorry accidents
^^t^r* MOo^^Ty^oM
Mo<&)^3 )S3^b3^o speedo metre contro! ^X)
6)o^S*o^S "^-^ s p e e d s *3^jSJ^<^&) ^"^ rule ^^oo^nr" ^ ^ v ?
rr-*^ &X^a
Lights dim ^ct&4jo speed limits ^ ^ ^
*^)&^^x) ?"X)
^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ d & g (^co)
^een'^eM TT*)&)^ "a-r^rr* i^^Sj^
6^&r^^ trafHc "Sr-^rr" ^ ^ ^ ^
a,S* S J &o<a Ty-ta 10-12 ^o^e) ^$<o
^ hghts dim ^ ^ K r ^ 6 ^
^ 5 ^ speed <Joa ' B ^ d o v ^ e ^ check ^<c
^Xbeo H)A*^ ?r"^o&x)oa
^4j-"oO effective steps RsSooMur* &^jgbo&r''cn'^
^ &oo&e8 *3o^*t^C&
^&)OJ07r deposit ^ w * ^
ga compensation aao3bo{5"* ^aj^
^ D^o&o
vocju^ a3ot8rr*e e$^y
&^-cf ?
Sb?S5* &\g5"
A m o u n t ^ 0 o 3 j ^ <^^ ^
(^ & ee&e8 *3og*&yg&
ooour* deposit ^v^xr*?
^ "^ qo^ ^X) & & ' scale & ^ a
^ stage 6^* & ^ a ^
oX)ex) ^
-s-"Sboy" ^-0) H o m e Department & MgKoA, Tr"^X) ^^/^oA b^X)
<9(%^oA c^^Xb
replies csoA ^
I request you to advise the
Minister to come well prepared with the reply
gbRS* &Rg6*
^)^&j A^-o-" ^g" each case
on its merits *?
<S*/*f & F. P P^^^M: ^^wa! ^ ^
its merits
Each case on
* 1096 Q.—<S*rz # ^ n M w ^ ^^-/Ajp a ^ ^ n ^ K a n
Org/ ^/!Fwer^ lo g M g j N o ^
25 rA AfarcA, 1961
j7#//z - Gem?/-!?/)] Will the hon Minister for Education
and Transport be pleased to state
(a^ whether the Government constituted a high
level connmttee to go into the working of the nationalised bus service, and
(b) if so, what are the terms of reference ?
*Sn ^ B P Pa?;<r/&/H P a w a ,Rao
(a) N o , Sir
(b) Does not arise
Loa^j fo ?Ae Poor R f M & M M /or ^7g/?6r <S^/^^
828*!329Q--iS'r; ^ A ^ r a ^ / ! ^ ^ Will the hon
Minister for Education dnd Transport be pleased to
(a) whether the Government created any fund
for giving loans to poor students w h o are desirous to
go for higher studies m academic and technical courses,
(b) if so, how much amount was set apart for
1960-61, and
(c) what are the details regarding sanctioning of
the loans ?
Sri S # P Po^ooA! P a m a .Rao
(a) A scheme for the grant of loans to students
of Engineering, Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary
courses has been sanctioned by the Government
(b) R s 3 lakhs
A copy of the rules is placed on the Table of the
^niMra Pf%%MA FdMMiMM Loim ^M/^yb/* Engineer/Kg, AM/cc/,
^grfcM/Mra/ am? Peferf/Mfy Flm&ay
1 These rules may be called Andhra Pradesh Educational Loan Rules for Engineering, Medical, Agricultural and
Veterinary studies
2 The rules shall come into force at once
23tA Afa;-<%, 1961
0/*a/ 4/Mwef.y /c $MM^(?/M
3 A loan under these rules shall ordinarily be granted
for Engineering, Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Education m India, to a student of more than average ability
having an aptitude for such education but with no adequate
means to pursue the same and enrolled m an institution or
College which has been recognised by the State Government
for purposes of application of these rules provided he/she is
a domiciled resident of Andhra Pradesh
4 A n application (vide Appendix A ) for the grant of
loan shall be made m the prescribed form to the Chairman
of the Selection Committee of the concerned faculty or institution (engineering, medical, agriculture or veterinary) through
the Principal or Head of that institution Such applications
shall be accompanied with the certificate of income of parent
or guardian from an oiRcial of the Revenue Department not
below the rank of Tahsildar
N" F
For the current year i e , 1960-61, loan shall be
advanced only to Rrst year students of the above
mentioned courses, m Colleges & Polytechnics
Applications from students whose parent's or
guardian's gross income is be!ow R s 500 p m and w h o
have secured not less than 5 0 % average marks m the
qualifying subjects at an examination conducted by any
recognised University m a y only be considered for the
award of loans Students of non-Government Medical
Colleges will not be considered for the grant of loans
6 Applications made under rule 4 shall be placed
before the Selection Committee consisting of the following
for each institution
faj Degraa Principal of Engineering College and two
Senior Professors nominated by the Director of Technical
f&; Djp/oHMt Principal and two Heads of sections
m Polytechnics nominated by the Director of Technical
Principal of the Medical College, Superintendent of
the Teaching Hospital m the area and a Professor nominated
by the Director of Medical Services
Ora/ /4/MW2r,y fo gMg^no^^
25y/i AfarcA 1961
Principal of the College, Professor nominated by the
Director of Agnculture/Ammal Husbandry, and the local
Regional Officer (Deputy Director)
The Committees after interviewing the applicants recommend to the Director the names of applicants suitable for
the grant of the loan In making their recommendations,
the Committees shall give preference to those applicants who
are not eligible for any scholarship, fee concession or other
pecuniary assistance The Rnal selection shall be made by
the Director of Technical Education/Medical Services/Agnculture/Ammal Husbandry
advancing Joans M M & r fAiF <yc%eM?e and a loan shall be granted
to an applicant m accordance with his/her requirements but
will m no case exceed Rs 1,000 per annum per candidate for
Medical and Engineering College students, Rs 800 per
a n n u m per candidate for Agricultural and Veterinary students
and Rs 600 per a n n u m per candidate for students m Polytechnics A loan granted under these rules will not bear any
8 The Director of Technical Education/Medical
Services/Agnculture/Ammal Husbandry, as the case m a y be,
shall be the controlling and distributing authority for these
9 The Principals of the respective institutions will
draw the loans sanctioned m advance and disburse them to
the candidates The first instalment of Rs 500 m the case
of Medical and Engineering College students, Rs 400 m the
case of Agricultural and Veterinary students and Rs 300 m
the case of Polytechnic students shall be paid to the candidates when they join the College or Polytechnic at the beginning of the academic year The balance shall be paid in two
equal instalments at the beginning of each term of the
acedemic year preferably in October and January
10 The payment of instalments to an applicant may
at any time be stopped on his failure m any recognised examination or on receipt of an unsatisfactory report about his
progress m studies from the Head of the Institution m which
he is enrolled and all orders m his behalf shall be immediately communicated to the Accountant General, Andhra
23;/; AforcA, 1961
Or^J ^/MtferF ^ Q M ^ n o ^
The Director of Technical Education/Medical Services/
Agriculture/Animal Husbandry, as the case m a y be, shall
obtain at the end of each term progress repoi t m respect of
the applicants to w h o m the loan is granted from the Head
of the Institution concerned
11 Befoie the loan is advanced, the parent or
guardian of the grantee if he is a minor, and m the case of
a grantee, who is a major, the grantee and the paientor
guardian shall execute an agreement m the pi escribed form
(vide Appendix <B')m favour of the Governor of Andhra
Pradesh covenanting to abide by the following terms
(a) that the loan shall be utilised foi the purpose for
which it is granted and foi no othei purpose,
(b) f/:a? 7%2 /pen jAg// ^a rcpa;;? %? Hi<%6#;<?;F ;/i /*M/<?f
72 a?M? V-? M o w and m the event of default of any
one instalment the whole amount ^ m a m m g due
shall become immediately payable,
(c) that on the grantee's failure to pay the instalment
hxed m rule 12 below or to fulni any teims or
conditions on which the loan is granted, the Government shall have power to realise the sum due from
the parent or gaurdian as if it were an arrear of
land revenue
(d) that the grantee shall pay the stamp duty payable
upon the agreement under the law for the time being
m force,
(e) that the payment of instalments of loan to the
grantee m a y at any time be stopped on his failure
m any recognised examination on receipt of an
unsatisfactory report about his progress m studies
from the Head of the institution m which he is
enrolled and the amount already paid will become
refundable to the Government
(f) that the grantee agrees to execute another bond
immediately he attains majority for the total
amount of the loan
12 The loan granted under this scheme will be iecoverable m monthly instalments at the rate of Rs 40 p m
m the case of Medical and Engineering graduates, at R s 30
p m m the case of Agriculture and Veterinary graduates and
at Rs 25 p m m respect of Polytechnics
Ora/ ,4/mte/-.? ro Q M M / ^ F
25//: MjrcA, 1961
13 T h e repayment of the loan shall be m a d e to the
Government and shall c o m m e n c e one year after the grantee
successfully completes the course
14 T h e Director of Technical Education, Directoi of
Medical Services, Director of Agriculture, Director of
Animal Husbandry, as the case m a y be, shall submit to
Government m the Finance Department annually o n September 30, a statement m the appended form (vide Appendix 'C')
showing the details of the loans advanced and borne m his
15 The period within which a loan is to be repaid
and the time for commencement of repaying m a y be extended
by one year for good and sufficient reasons by the Director
concerned on an application m a d e m this behalf by the
grantee T h e State Government m a y m exceptional circumstances on the recommendation of the Director concerned
grant further extension to an applicant for such period as
they m a y consider proper
Form of application for loans to students for Engineering,
Medical, Agriculture and Veterinary Education
N a m e and address (m Block letters)
Age and date of birth
Place of birth and domicile
N a m e of the institutions attended and particulars of the exami
nation passed
N a m e of H!gh School
College, University etc
Date of
Ciass or
M e m o r a n d u m of marks
Any additional qualifications not covered m
Column 5
7 (a) N a m e of parent or guardian (with relationship)
(b) Business or profession of parent or
(c) Monthly income of parent or guardian
(d) Capacity of parent or guardian to support
the applicant
If parents have separate incomes, the income of each parent
should be stated
2SyA AfurcA, 1961
Ora/ ,4fMwer.y ro Qt/e^^oMy
Particulars of the course for which the !oan
is required, and arrangements m a d e for the
A m o u n t of loan required
Duration of the course of study of the
A i m of the training and prospectus of
employment after training
Are you m receipt of or eligible for any
scholarship fee concession or other pecu
mary assistance from any other quarter *? If
so, give details
A n y general remarks that you m a y have to
offer (if the space below is not sufficient
attach a separate sheet)
Signature of the applicant
T o the best of m y knowledge and from the certificates submitted, the information furnished above is correct
Signature of Head of the Institution
A P P E N D I X 'B'
This Agreement made on the
day of
son of,
(hereinafter called "the Borrower'*),
resident of
(hereinafter called "the borrower's'* parent/
guardian) jointly and severally of the one part and the Governor of
Andhra Pradesh (hereinafter called "the Government'* of the other
Whereas the borrower/the borrower's parent/guardian has
apphed to the Government for the advance of a loan of Rupees
repayable without interest by instalments hereinafter specified for prosecuting studies m
Ora/ ^/Mivgry /o QMe^/o/M
25rA AfarcA, 1961
A n d whereas the Government have agreed to advance the
aforesaid loan subject to the conditions hereinafter contained
A n d whereas m consideration of the Government having
agreed to advance the aforesaid loan to the borrower, the borrower/
the borrower's parent/guardian have agreed to guarantee payment
of the said sum m accordance with the terms of this agreement,
N o w , therefore, m pursuance of the said agreement and m
consideration of the sum of Rupees
advanced by the Government to the borrower;the borrower's parent/guardian (the receipt of
which he hereby acknowledges) the borrower/the borrower's parent/
guardian covenants with the Government as follows
(1) The borrower/the borrower's parent/guardian wnl pay to
the Government the said sum of Rupees
without interest by
monthly instalments of Rs
each payable on the 10th of
every month,
(2) the borrower/the borrower's parent/guardtan shall spend
the loan hereby advanced to him for the purpose of
and for no
other purpose whatsoever,
(3) the borrower/the borrower's parent/guardian shall pay
stamp duty payable on this deed ,
(4) ihe borower/the borrower's parent/guardian shall truly
observe the Andhra Pradesh Loan Rules for Technical Education/
Medical/Agricultural and Veterinary studies promulgated by the
State Government and for the time bemg m force and these and
aH subsequent amendments thereof shall at aH times be binding on
the borrower/the borrower's parent/guardian,
(5) if any of the instalments shall be m arrears m whole or m
part the whole s u m then remaining due to the Government under
the deed becomes payable at once and the borrower/the borrower's
parent/guardian shall be jointly and severaMy liable to pay the same
(6) the payment of instalments of loan to the grantee m a y at
any time be stopped on his failure m any recognised examination or
on receipt of an unsatisfactory report about his progress m studies
from the Head of the institution m which he is enrolled and the
amount already paid will become refundable to the Government,
(7) the first instalment of the loan will become repayable one
year after the grantee completes the course successfully,
(8) It M hereby agreed and declared that m case of default m
the payment of such s u m as m a y become due under the covenant
hereinbefore contained or m case of the breach of any of the conditions by the borrower/the borrower's parent/guardian herein contained, the Government m a y realize the sum then due to it on account
25;A AfarcA, 1961
Ora/ v4fMn?e/-.y re Q^ajr^^M^
of the loan is arrears of land revenue by sale of the property belonging to inm/the borrower's parent/guardian without having recourse
to any proceedings m a court of law m respect thereof
borrower/the borrower's
parent/guardmn and
acting for and on behalf of the Governor of Andhra
Pradesh have signed this deed on the day and year first above written
Signed by the borrower
Borrower's parent/guardian
Signed by
acting for and on behalf of the
Governor of Andhra Pradesh
In the presence of
Form for mamtenance of accounts of loans advanced under the Andhra Pradesh Techmcal
Education/Mfedicai Services/Agncuhure/Vetennary Ru!es
N a m e of
the !oan
Amount of
Joan sanctioned
Rs nP
Rs nP
Rs nP
Date of
the !oan
this year
15Rs nP
Rs nP
Rs nP
BaMnce of
!oan at
close of
the year
Rs nP
25fA AfarcA, 1961
(% <Cb<^ X) *3s&(&
Ora/ <4/MMWF /o gMMNoHi&r-&<j""eiorr' iy^a.%a^b^o
^X)^ institutions^ a j a ^ a ^ o ^
domiciled^ &a^iy"8^
scholarships axu-Kr^ojo o D &oB ^ouo"^ §"K^ Cases ^
^o^ State serviced &nr^eb
T7*"8 ^eoo&r't^o q#6* States so
-^R)^)§^cr'D§ "3*^\ KoRTr-AeoTr^ox) S^^o
c & M ^ o ^ ao^-o-^o6^
cpojJiT' because they happen to be our State
Servants, wiH the Government try to relax the rules 2
^ d&5 D & 36j-&o*S&*o*:&
^ d&^* A *3:&)a
petition s^ X ) ^ A o g g o g o R
^asb ay-ea^o^o
^aig'-cr- *
^a Technical Institutions 4T* C o m ^^eX)^
So they
wiH be forced to go elsewhere to seek further studies
4);&c& &)?$ State Government servants children ^oouiy* ea facilities a)3o qsSgsR**^ MKr-ooSjo
gta-sr-tf Sugar Technology
Paper Technology "BjoRoojoaa &?r^ca3
^ c&S a & s$4j*$o*:&*o*g)
Students X) admit ^ajia^o
ir'^Bs^cr' q a ^ qXb
^ P 3 ? , Merit tav*do abao
sLr*!?^ "3cMKb
qS*^-^ seats
T3**8*r*ta ejo&A33^ooo^<^^&o^TJ^d<T^Ob MOjj*^q y &)a^?r'8'§
gjRo qa^^Sbocr" &o^& ao3Ji3vn8 gao^o #a^o?*(Sj
DAo85o6^ q^C
courses a u ^ o o o
a>3§ ^aj
states 6^ ^Rj$jai3 §^o^aooa§ sSuH-o-&^oF^ ^X)
For instance, Textile and other technology
Leather technology
^do$j8b^ TT-e§ F^o-Br-ooj
^X)D q^c states <y*
55j!or-Xb^' -RRigja^ -a^85
^ ^
*5o(S^ 5b?5o qKb-sr^o
^ di)^* X: * ^ ^ 7 ^ qgjgj Indian Institute of
&5^a M^^.<^ Aeoronuvtical Engineering Courses aba T^a^otS"*
^X)D Aur^cco -sr"8 parents aba ! Rgbgjg service F^ <ho^& ea plea
*^a TT*8 ^ ) - e 5 1 x 5 \ c$& ^aabeo
8 W
qg* ajjodocoTy* aba v^aL^oF^^X) courses q # # v^^-^oF^ ^8§)&)
gTo^TT'88 qa,sar*D8 ^ ^ ^ ^ - o - - ^
t^ d&S & & :66?-$o*:&'o*t§
ayajJ^eMTr* t9&r"o^v8§
^-^-e5 Sx&^ qaj?n^ajj qaj<gb -3-*t6 loan 8b^^ qabgo&Mnr^Ob
taa *3o&)3 -3a^or*!08 g)eo^&)
tagbggo xioS'^o-Ooa
25/A Afore/:, 1961
ej^^8 rules frame 3 ^ ^ 8 ^ g * ^ e
"^co^^Sb payment ^jR3<ga 5 ^ 0 b
q^\^3^^sb es ^jy<&) exKai
disburse -s^^<&) ^jo^^^o MvCJ ^ R ^ o S
<^^^3§ ^ ^ c o ^ ?3og
^\CS*o ]3^tfo3fo6"* E)"^) M students § 4^o3j-*^orr' d;o&)-.o8 ^^r^
c<&) 55-D\oO 3ju.^63 ^ o ^ ^ d o -^<3b^)gj*^ DcycCSo^^ loans '3jo ^o
q H courses ^p* C"^o^^$J
-a-°8S useful rr* 4o&no3 c$X) 69C§9o
Ty^jj -s-"D representatives ^ & ) ? r ^ d o ^ 5b6b tntroduce ^Xjoa
^jj^i3 ^o^s^do
v X ) ^ X)o^g^{^o Mo<^8§ qiSgoa M^)
representations sSTT^ooj
^j^Sjj 3j^) ^ S ^ O o O ^ ^ & ) ^ -<^aD
;g3^63§ e ) ^ D X)CfcMjo=Ey-i3jj e;a eje*^&j^&38 S"o3o ae^oo N8^o8
^ & trHn^oKydRaRa
^tcr*xb^ School of Arts 6x^6
-sr*e8&r'cr' &)rar"eM vTr-oX) tS^-cr'^DS represent 3oSj""e)&9jo6A)
)4 d & S a &
sS6j-Co*^rc^) d)^D ^v^R) -s-"^o&
cases6"* ^o^o gR\Sboc" -uSj^^o M^r* ^ai-a**^ S j ^ c
e^g' moer'Tr' a)-s**oE6;3 Architectural course -^R.'^)^bnr^)i&) Mo&)?65
special scholarship q-3j eao&^A) ts^g^Sr-xbu^^j
ExewpfMM y)*ow fAe Pa^/Man^ q/* Tax ybr R.T D ^M^€^
*t578Q.—3n P. F ^ a ^ ^rzrMVMrj WiH the
hon Minister for Education and Transport be pleased
to state
(a) whether it is a fact that some of the buses
run by the Andhra Pradesh Road Transport Corporation have been exempted from the payment of Tax, and
(b) if so, the amount m respect of which exemption was given during 1959-60?
Sh 3 P P Pj^aM? Pawa Paa
(a) Yes, Sir
2S*A AfarcA, 1961
Ora/ 4fmve/-s /o Q M M n o M
(b) The exemption was granted m respect of
9 buses of the Andhra Pradesh State Road Transport
Corporation only m June 1960
^cgo^^?^ aRj^eg'o'a -s^^'6^3jTr'&) Tr*e? RSb^.^ M^ext aaj:&
shuttle service routes r ^ i ? * ^ - s ^ ^ ^ ^ T r * ^ ^o^)^X) ^ 8 ^
eg^ )S3o3L)^^) ^8^"AS" ^ ^ ^ X ^ ^ M S*3^<gj^o0 M^8J^<% ar-^o^o
^oa^e*^ es^oHj^bo
s^-od)^^ nr-Sb p^oS'i^rn' Ro^_^ ^8&o^
832*1254 Q . - & ? D N ^ r a ^ ^ Will the hon
Minister for Endowments and Co-operation be pleased
to state
(a) whether it is a fact that the Government have
allotted ten villages m Huzurnagar block area m Nalgonda district under the pilot scheme and\ have taken
steps for the development of Agriculture,
(b) the amount of expenditure proposed to be
incurred for the implementation of the said scheme and
the actual amount of expenditure incurred so far, and
(c) the additional benefits obtained by the ryots
m the area under the pilot scheme 7
(a) Yes, Sir
(b) N o expenditure has so far been incurred on
the scheme as the Central Banks m Telangana decided
that the scheme cannot be implemented immediately,
and that they would be m a better position to undertake
financing the scheme only when adequate funds are
available The Registrar has proposed to drop the
scheme m the Telangana area. However he has been
instructed to take steps to implement m the first instance
0/-<?/ <4fMWgf,T ro Q M e j / ^ ^
25rA AfarcA, 1961
at least m some Districts where the Central Banks are
reported to be functioning well
(c) The scheme envisages the supply of credit
and agricultural requirements !ike improved seeds,
fertilisers etc , to the cultivators
(^ d^o
C o operative Central Bank Tr*R &r-
^ A d <ga^ ^<5?y-^^
q$er*i3-° ^ - d i ^ o g o
6c scheme imple
inent ^oSo^Sco mo^j s$ -s^cfn^eM ^3^\eo<&
(#) < & ^ ^ & d & g
^oar^e S ^ '
dSoo ^d^o^c^)
Scheme ^ § v c ^
qB ^^Tnco^)
?^^o g ^ o ^ D
Central Banks a.Ry
Centil Banks are to advance adequate short-term
and medium-term credit to the village co-operative
societies on the basis of the production programme and
other relevant factors and they have decided that the
scheme cannot be implemented immediately
Reserve Bank of India have recently suggested that the
Government need not proceed with the implementation
of the scheme but m a y await the decisions of the
Government of India on the recommendations of the
Credit Committeee which would provide for guaranteed
funds and which would be more acceptable to the Central Financing Agencies and to the Reserve Bank of
ge -s-tgTVo^e^ Reserve Bank iB^ta §"*o5o es^a)& 3&}<go
Co-pperafive Cre6?7; *&?c!e;y #f (?%7H;gM&a7K%% %//<%?
833*1260 Q — R r : D. M3/-aMg% Will the hon Minister for Endowments and Co-operation be pleased to
25f% Afnr<%, 1961
Ora/ 4mwer.s /o gMej/fowy
whether it is a fact that after the administrative Inspector of Co-operative Department, Huzurnagar,
Nalgonda district held elections and got the managing
committee constituted for a co-operative credit society
at Ganugubanda village, Huzurnagar taluk, another
Inspector named Sri Ramanarasiah went there and
organised separate nva! society 7
*&*: Af MMY/FHiga .Rao
As the old byelaws of the credit societies were
adopted dt the time of organisation of the society m the
Rrst instance, the Inspector was asked to reorganise the
society adopting the uptodate byelaws of the Multipurpose Co-operative Societies It is not therefore correct
to say that rival society was organised
Afr ^ ^ r Managing Committee or Executive Committee, whatever you call
a3<3^8 a8Ro8
qo§^-?-o3j^ qog^&3 ^^j-"Cb
&e* ^-93^63^ ,jfya;3 §* §^-^R*6M^" a ^ & 40 aioa g^^3
^abTr-^ e &86Ty*Co S^*o^d) ^ ^ T r ^ ^ o ^
($) & R&Sc&g
e^* ^ *3 5r*S"
{^^ocj&5 M ^ ^ ^X) 3*03-3-0^ ^ g *
" ^ ^ e'RB.*' ^^.^,, ^a ^ ^ g - r - ^ ^ ^ § gr-g
s'^)?Jo ^-^
Ora/ 4MSwe/.s (o gMe^no^
25fA Afdr<%, 1961
n8^o ^*^a ^KMod^T
gb^5* ^ 5 "
(^ & RKRd&g
s}§)/<F* Moaj*^ ^ e ^ a ^sbM ?
q^^J* M^ 3^-*\e v"^o<S !
d&o RRfoKo*:§
e)§"^^xb ^&<
Villagers of Ganugubanda represented that the
organisation of the societies was not done by admitting
all the persons w h o intended to join the society
*^o^^a -sr*8§ a^dxb ooosS^Soo or* ^o&^&)J
^^ojj^^y&) -yd)
* ^ ^ d ) ^ 8&f ^ § ^ ^ 0
& CM^^O3'd&0&
a,^ s&roxto&M & ^ a
-B^8§ S^dxb
qSS^^ R*38 {bg*M, "3o<^^a - ^^ojJiT' ^ ^nr* v§"X)^)c^" ^ X b ^
^cX) 3 M 3 y C & eto^8 *3jos)^&! 5)0^3 J ^ ^ :gT°tr*S ^5* iy"3j*^^*
($)d&o ^ ^ o ^ o * ^
^ M %o !!50 ^jo8 K3%jo edKr-^R)
goRS* ^3*6*
? 3 ^ M Xi"6, * 3 o ^ a *)K)^ s 8 ^ m , iySb*^&f
^ n Af N a r ^ M g a /?^o A fresh initial committee
had to be elected Election is not yet over
gbgy &;)36*
*5o%3a &ir*;)6j3 v " ^ &
M^"^"§ 7^a)"^^f
J!^r. ^ ^ a r
So, w e shall take up this tomorThis question is postponed to tomorrow
25;A ^tfarcA, 1961
Or^/ ^/Mwer.? /<? QMcj^oMy
0/?arr/^(?/? TT^ea^^ in GMMMr G^^cr^/ ^ y p ^ j /
*1249 Q — S n S. ^ r ^ ^ ^ y Will the hon
Minister for Health and Medical be pleased to state,
(a) whether the operation theatres m Guntur
General Hospital have beeen closed recentty, and
(b) if so, the reasons therefor ?
77;e M^^j^rybr #ea/;/? o?i^ ^f^ca/ (Sri P f G
(a) Three Operation Theatres m the Government
Central Hospital, Guntur were temporarily closed as
shown under
Surgica! Theatres (A & B) 14-i0-'60
2 11-1960
Gynaec Theatre
(b) D u e to the development of tetanus m certain
patients operated m the above theatres during the postoperative period
^ d & S , yt*5a
ga theatres S^r-ty qgy<&) Rtjfsborr* RX)^^j
Sn P P G . RajM Yes
C^w^o/j^M ^fo^/e/ M ^7y&raf&^ Ci^y
* 1 3 9 5 Q — S n jB D ^ W M M z A y ^ / M (N^Arr^^/)
Wi!l the hon Minister for Social Welfare be pleased to
(a) whether it is a fact that the Cosmopolitan
Hostel m the Hyderabad City was shifted to the new
(b) if so, whether it is also a fact that the new
building is not suitable for the students without any
lighting and water facilities, and
(c) if so, whether the Government proposed to
shift the hostel again to the previous building ?
(a) Yes
(b) N o , the new building is suitable for the
students and is provided with lighting and water facilities
(c) Does not arise
S A- J* j ^ ^ j fL ^ " ^ L
-<*. y
t+) Ji^.{* ^
<r* - f^ ^j-*** ^ ' /
j^i-lj ^1 D ^ t j -
,t-^ !*j*J t$^r
dfijCL ^*- <J^ ^* A- ^' '-'^ — (*^* ^ j<^*
- ^' ^ . j j ^ L^J,-*' y ^ ^ L
25iA AfgrcA, 1961
(?^/ 4/Mnwy /o gMe^no^
836*967Q.—gnwa^:P P ^ m ^ ^ M / ! ^ ^ ^ /^f^5^
3h G ^awj/^g^w (JaMga^7?-^^rv^)J Will the hon
Minister for Social Welfare be pleased to state
the number of Tribal and Non-tribal students
studying m the High Schools m Bhadrachalam and
Nugur taluks ?
gnniaf/H AfaMOMM Fe#:;m
and 933 Non-tribal students
54 Tribal students
* 6 9 9 Q — g r : g ^ ^ Fr^^(CAa^iMr) Will
the hon Minister for Agriculture and Labour be
pleased to state
the acreage of land under cultivation of Virginia
tobacco m (l) K h a m m a m district including Bhadrachalam taluk (n) area m the Warangai district, (m) area
m Polavaram agency taluk of West Godavan district
during the years from 1955 60?
7%eM;MFffr/br/4grzcMFfMrg%M<7 Labour (3W7V
.Ramgc/MWM&'g jRg^y) A statement is placed on the
Table of the House.
^rea t^w^r ^rg^M Manety ?lo^ccc grow?: /ro?M J5-Jd fa JP-dO
Taluk or distnct
(i) Khamtnam district including
Bhadrachalam Taluk
(H) Warangal District
(m) Polavaram taluk
55-56 acres
56-57 acres
57-58 acres
58-59 acres
59-60 acres
25*A Afarc/!. 1961
t^ a o*s&DoKo
0/*a/ ^ M w c ^ /o gMM^o^i
M^Q^sp, Virginia Tobacco .jo&o-a R o R & p
-^9 «)CJ^)eA) -a"*6'cr^'a"* X)^ooo atOl^^^M
MF^-O^iy ' .)oR)S'creb
^d)^)CM 2,500 &)&^€M ^ M ^ J r r * "BeoXb^a ^6b^)cx) -^--6 Ty^-cr^^$iy- ^ooj*&, Production MBS^b) ^ o & ^ ^ & ) ^!&)^ ^ D ^ o & ^ o j
consider ^ ^ v * s
)^^b^P*&) fertilizers 3j^&t. distri-
buter s&3)3b;^a I L T
^ ^ S D *3 ^^*<5*
i^a iy^ir- q-^^o^a a g ^ s ^ R )
s^rr-sb ^ o ^ j ^ o ^ ^ Acreage
dbX^a ADS v^o^Sbo aaodS"* ^enir'-cr- ^
(^ J)^* o-g)go(C3-'5(3
=cr-er- -sr-dca&ocM
&3^3 ^ v Q o r ^ /^ly^a ^CRsM 3 - D ^ ^ < ^ Seed beds e ^ §^*tM
5^*X) &*oa)3D &)0*o ^"^
Ro&)eM *^Xb§^3o!b
33)oa qa a.S'-s-'C
ca&j ^t3&T3-*^ fertilizers quota *)o# v-^S^S^, ^ 8 ^r* 8 rv 3b3&
gaug"* jsb^s$ s'^&o &x^a c?o^j^o
er*^;^ J&^3/? ^Xbo6{0, c n ^
M ^ & u o 5b^ s^ej^
Do&j X)o^eM
"3:6)3^ 6b "^)7Y*
t^rr*sb sSoijab *5r"^bj7v investment -y-ar*0 Sb8jS ^^^CRjo ^<3j
3er*o&3*s**#c9;&o9ge) acerage ^^ <^o^^i3bj
(^ g o*&Oo?fo
o^giBP ! I L T D
M loans q3jA)3y<&) fertilizer Sb Sb-°<g
KisSoco ^ , Tr*X) Dcu^ 3&MSbo&M-5r^eb
sTo^R) i^6b *5&)t)gb
*6o<&) S<p^bje^
(ka^aXKbg*. ^cib^oo I L T
Tr-8 ir*QiT- 3%3-tf*
( N o answer )
* 749 Q ^ n ^ FMwa^w^ya i!ao [Px; ^y & z <S
j^As^ ^%d%y] W d l the hon Mmister for Agnculture
and Labour be pleased to state
(a) whether the Government extended the term
of the Research Centre for Oil seeds and Sugarcane m
Hmdupur for another year, and
(b) the results achieved by this Centre so far?
(a) There is no Research Centre for Oilseeds or
Sugarcane at H m d u p u r
(b) Does not anse
(#; ^ S
O d Seeds ^
research ^"^a
(^ ^ S
S'aSF^'^ To-* .)og3#a m8ao<S^ S^-^-o- ?
9gtyger*9a Sjr"cr- extend ^o3o^r<X)§ (M^-O^-ir- 2
(^ ^^* o*&^o^n*'3d
^ aao&&Mj& <^eo^) ^e^o^ ncb^)
taaigaij ground-nut. castor seeds ^ H v c S b ^ eat&^)
iib^a 2343Sax)S^ $eir*o&)z)U Q^^er'eSj gr*<g extend i3oKr-eD
M F ^ ^ ^ &x^a
^ov- ^O^BooeM tr*3ea33 ^ 3 , -o^^A) MD8j^<^
R8$c:$ 3o&3p&d&);^a
*748 (1701) Q — S h ^ rzjwMwjra ^ o [Po^ &y
^ n ^ ^ ^ 7?^J^] W i H the hon Minister for Agriculture and Labour be pleased to refer to the answer
given to question N o 2841, dated 26th March 1960 and
at what stage the starting of Rural University
stands n o w ?
S h # J&2Miac/?(iyK&'% i?e<%fy The provision of the
draft Biii prepared by the Speciai OfBcer and important
subjects like the integration of teaching research and
extension were discussed at the meetings held on the
H t h and 12th September, 1960, between the members
of the C u m m m g s Committee appointed by the Oovernmant of India and the ofRcers of the State Government
Though m u c h of the ground was covered it is considered
desirable to work out in greater details the pattern of
integration both m respect of Research and extension
and evolve such pattern which would ensure the most
25;A AfarcA, 1961
Ora/ ^wer-s /o Q M M / M ^
efRcient organisation to take up heavy responsibilities
of food and hve stock production m the State and be
m keeping with the concept of Agricultural University
The Government of India have therefore been requested
to depute the C u m m m g s Committee once again to
which they have agreed The Committee proposes to
visit this State m December, 1960
36 a?r°gM i3Ter*6'*a'a]So!g :S3)!$a 3j^o C u m m m g s
tee urea 3 0 ) aa&Oo-D 13?^cb
Do?S6" ^ ^ 5 *
M^rov <JXyy&) start ^3^&) ^
<^^* o*S&^o(0**3&
"^ej^oooo^ ^o3orr*"^
start ^3ran3T^3)
^ ) ^^*
sr"^6^ MX) 3 ^ ^ d ) ? ^ D ^<^oH)Ro^
gjg#(y* start ^ ^ R j D -yrs^xs^i^ ^v-eb
840* 1 5 1 7 Q — & ^ P i?^dg<?pa/MH;A; Will the hon
Minister for Agriculture and Labour be pleased to state
(a) whether there is any proposal with the Government to introduce Crop Insurance m this State , and
(b) if so, the names of the crops to which insurance is to be extended ?
(a) and (b) The matter is under consideration
($) & o*8/T*&*33*ci&)#)
Gfg'g"* ^ v a ^ r f C b
^ K3S*&!j tsr*v*&)
6So&)o^ 3TT°b-5'ge-*e(5^
3a DRdaax<&)
MoCbF^ Tr-Cb Kb^^o-DRa
^8*^*3 ^ R8S)o&) Ro<gb&)^5^, etg'iL.g
Pilot Scheme rr* t^Co^) ^) etS'L.tg ^ 6 successful "sr-^-^ ^X) 98
(g) ^^*
TT-Cb qS*)-&S So-'^ Rsy-\Co
Org/ /4yMM?er.s fa Quas/M/M
25/A AfarcA, 1961
*1463 Q—-S*n F Rivaia/: [PM^ ^ ^ ! f Rq/ago^a/ N%M?M] Will the hon Minister for Agriculture
and Labour be pleased to state
(a) whether it is a fact that the Guntur District
Marketing C o opeiative Society is not supplying fertilisers as per orders of the Zilla Panshad ,
(b) whether the orders of Panshad foi issue of
Fertilisers to the (1) Bapatla Co-operative Marketing
Co-operative Sale Society, (2) Cherukar Multipurpose
Co-operative Credit Society (Bapatla taluk) were
honoured by the District Marketing Co-operative
Society, and
(c) if not, the action proposed to be taken thereon?
*Sn TV <R%Mi%(%#7?%n2 i?e%Wy
(a) N o , Sir
(b) Yes, Sir
(c) Does not arise
* 1 6 0 5 Q — g r i P 7?ajagppa/M7i%*M Will the hon.
Minister for Small Scale and Cottage Industries and
Excise be pleased to state
(a) whether the Small Scale Industries Development Corporation was registered, and
(b) if so, when?
7%e Mincer ybr gm%// &7#/e #%%* C#M?g% 7in<?My(a) Not yet, Sir
(b) 1—3—1961.
25fA JMzrcA, 1961
<yAorf M?;f<re Q M M f ^ M an^ ^ M j w c ^
7w J ^ ^ a / Ey/afe ^ CA^rao?- Dfy^c^
843*1478 Q — ^ n P ^j/ag(?^/ MM<7M Will the hon
Minister for Small Scale and Cottage Industries and
Excise be pleased to state.
(a) whether there is any proposal before the
Government to start an Industrial Estate m Chittoor
district, and
(b) if so. the place of its location and the progress
so far made to establish the above estate ?
g n A L a w m a n j&%?ay!
(a) Yes, Sir
(b) The proposal of the Director of Industries
and Commerce to establish an Assisted Private Industrial Estate at Chittoor is under consideration of the
Government and orders sanctioning the scheme have
been passed.
W h e n I sent the answer, the matter was under
consideration, and it was expected that orders would be
issued shortly By this time, orders have been issued
M%y;rfa/ Eyfafe at Pa^awcAerM
844*1374 (R) Q —<Sh A M w a Afawra% Will the hon.
Minister for Small Scale and Cottage Industries and
Excise be pleased to state
(a) whether it is a fact that Government are going
to establish one Industrial Estate at Patancheru, M e d a k
district, and
(b) if so, the facilities that would be given for
the factories ?
# r f ^ LaMTwanFapM/!
(a) Yes, Sir
(b) This will be an Assisted Private Industrial
Estate for which the site required will be acquired and
<S%orf M?%C6 gMM^o/! CM J ^wwer
25/A M!fc/!, 1961
developed with usual c o m m o n services such as roads,
drainage, water supply, street lighting and landscaping
etc , at a cost of Rs 2 00 lakhs Besides, staff with an
annual expenditure of Rs 0 07 lakhs will be sanctioned
for the Estate The deserving cases of the Industrialists
would be recommended to the financing agencies for
advancing loans for their factory building and machinery.
<3o%3joa3 33-*o&&M ^v*3b? 3 3 <3oggjo3§ 3 ^ o a ?
t% H 9&&ea cy^y^
Latest Informotton ?r*3^ e!3j -?-3
q d 3 o §^ae^e^e)9J 3j-gjg3bj l3& e p ^ s T s ^ visit ^ 3 3 y ^ etS^R
Assistant Director <S^ Ar"&r-Aiy3j &3j-*ca24 RCp-nbto 3 ^ 3 D
Land Acquisition
3D progress 6"* & 3 ^ a
sa Industrialists 8b
allot 3*&&)3;p(&) J3B388 allot 3oR-*o*3a 3 8 ^ 3 ^ &3^a Financing Agency §"*33dj M0b^3eX)3 formalities M ^ 3 j " 8 ^ o 3 J 3 j 3
Assistant Director ^
=3^-^3) ^ 8 Individual industries a syer*
3y(i'R{^S'3jjrf &o&x>oR&, "6oRj3y33bjo tSo^"^ enr^tX)
^ eKSggrRdRg
ao35* ^ 5 *
^ *c^o industries /^8o-a &63a&n 3sy^oco
List o s ^ o ^ c b It is a waste of time
S.N Q N o 2086-C ,&? FaiuM: G o ^ M n ^ wa^ya Will the hon. Minister for Finance and Law be
pleased to state
(a) whether there is any proposal before the
Government to revise the pay scale of the U . D Clerks
of the Secretariat Departments as Rs 100-10-200
(b) if so, for h o w long has this proposal been
pending with the Government, and
(c) when the Government will take the final
decision and implement it ?
3r: ^ i&a/iTManando ^ & ^
(a) Yes.
(b) For the last 3 or 4 months
25;% MarcA, 1961
^Aorf Nonce Question aw^ ^ M w e r
(c) Orders have been issued m tins Department
G O M S N o 126, dated 21-3 1961
eta Legislature secretariat ^
Rorr* q%r^&
^ ^ graduates § M ^ _ 8 o ^
ir*& M Q Mot^ State Ty"8S M;3gj^o-cfR)
consider ^ ^ i r * ?
(^ *3 ^S^^o<^'3<5
§^o3iSbo mis-understanding
^eb-5r"t$ s5-Sh nr<S^ a r - d ^ a ^ clear ^ ^ R j
(§ S)oo^)^5 1 3 o S " & ^ ^
]^^j) MArr-eb
M^)<&) misunder-
standing & ^ a €9^) R^5y"-y"Ro 38"^ aaoer°%o ^
-qr-Ro 3 ^ 8
tpaaR-cr-^S RRj^
It is not a reply
&>;35* &^^5*
q^)<&) ^ir"eo qS^o^a
^S*0o, q ^ a
W e are divided into two halves <9oRjt5** <S^^oS'\adacrr'ta
^-c-eM qS^o-^^od^ $Rj Tr°8R&r° a,Ry8bo^) ^ijboo6 <^a^Ry"!^o
q ^ o & R&^eM "3oa5oR^ Mo*=§3 ^^r°<^ The majority should respect the views of the minority
The minority must be res-
ponsible e)o^-y*D qoXo<%)6** &;3^&M democracy sr^od) D e m o cracy 6^ the majority must respect the views of the minority
and take into consideration and enforce them as early as
*)oR)S'o'g) tReseR) qR&r° represent ^Xb-nr^R) g'&s'
Labour Party ^oRoig) a-s'eo ^0^*3jo^)Xb gb&-a^-""3o3jc&)D ascb
^3jnr* R"^ *^o&!Joc?^<Do'=§3 democracy =o*°e<5j
qo^o<&)d^ Labour
Party &R^a
qasSdSo Liberals &o^TT"d)
Democrats, Republicans &?r^ca
/^^eS'\Sio3Jcrr'0j Rj^-cn-ap
tso&as T ) ^ e^tr* -s^^&). S'&)8' RoRTtftr-g ^r<^ *^d) a o & R %Cb
^"^^ M ^ ^ c c r ' P
fail Mgjehoa
Roe§sSo3o07r"6 ^ R o F ^ S^&rjo^) 3Sb
^8*^*$ democracy will not go on e^a
ea"^)R coSjj^^y^" g**/t Sbc^j§3 ^-0^*3^", ^8*
5 TySj ^v^'ar* 3R^^jSd) ^oSoo^\gjgo ^^boa
Either Military
dictatorship or Communist dictatorship *5o6S<5^ R&* a.s'M Rxboa
36 *5o<&!^ v^sboty" Ao^cyDS India under leadership of Pandit
Nehru struggle ^ & n ^ 6 ,
though m y Communist friends mis-
SAor* M?th?6 g M M ^ o M anJ ^ w w c r
understand m e
avoid both
25;A ^farcA, 1961
Pandit Nehru's Government is strugghng to
.)3,y<& M O M ^ ^ s f e g r ' HO^) ^=cr-je^, Constitu.
tion tP^eMa&'bi&;3^;&(R) let us follow the principle followed
m England and America
^ d&S
Point of order, Sir
^xjy<gb supplementanes
Majority &**% minority 3a^3&M 3K)
erao§) ) ^ 3 3 j
tjSO *3joa&S ^"8j^-
^otOrr-e S b ^ a
-y^X) T3-*R) ^^o^^o&t^rr-OX) ^d3Tr-& ^-D) &y^^<g&)^^o -gr*fbo<g
cr-X)6^ lacuna & ^ a
qa^ta-sr^ v ^
Ty*e9 6^*o^e§ advantage ^{^o8 §^o^&)oa3 disadvantage 3&*oa
a lacuna "§oj)§^Tr'e"^ ^8tRy^ TJ^Cb nr*<S^ &r^^r"<g^!0
Ttr-^3o<X^^ v"8)M Rr-eofb qTT*^c!3 § ^ 0 b ^ 7 T ^ ^
S)o^6** &^^5*
3a (j3y^ q o ^ & 3 ^ ^3&)X) iy cb-*DoK) <S^^o
^ *3 ^ S ^ ^ o ^ * 3 A
g9]R3^ ^ ^ & j ^ O § G O
-sr*es lacuna &x!^a o*^ A^^iSbo A o 8 v*2)&3
sa^ob ^ ^ ^ o d ) nr-y* Rr*^cyCb
issue -s^^&
Moab*^' ^osb misunderstan-
ding &;3^&x>oa ^oj-B--^ explain ^ ^ * ^ u ^ ^
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Time ^<3o s*Kb^ allow €Jo&&
closing here the qustion hour
Time ^6b
s'^s' I a m
I request the members to co-
operate with m e