and parallel RC, RL, and RLC circuits. Step response of series and

and parallel RC, RL, and RLC circuits. Step response of
series and parallel RC, RL and RLC circuits. AC Circuits
Analysis Theorems and Techniques. AC Steady state
power calculation and power factor correction: Poly-phase
circuits, balanced and unbalanced three-phase circuits.
Magnetically-Coupled circuits and mutual inductance:
Transformers. Series and Parallel Resonance: Passive
filters. Fourier analysis: Response of electric circuits to
non-sinusoidal signals. Average, rms, and power values
for non-sinusoidal signals. Laplace transform and its
application to First & Second-Order circuit analysis.
Two-port networks: Different representations of two-port
networks, interconnections of two-port networks.
ELEC 201
ELEC 203
Electric Circuits II Lab
Credit Hours: 1
Selected experiments are performed, these including;
Response of RL and RC circuits; Series and Parallel
Response of RLC networks; Measurement of average
and rms values; Sinusoidal Steady State Analysis using
Circuits techniques; Three-phase circuits; Measurement of
three-phase power; power factor correction, etc.
ELEC 202
ELEC 231
Fundamentals of Electronics
Credit Hours: 0 OR 3
Semiconductor Materials and PN Junction: Forward
biased, reverse biased, and I-V relationship. Diode
and Zener Diode Circuits: DC analysis, models, and
applications. Bipolar Junction Transistor: Transistor
structure, biasing, and I-V relationship. DC analysis of
transistor circuits. Basic transistor applications: Switch,
digital logic, etc. Basic transistor amplifier configuration.
Design and applications. Field Effect Transistor: MOSFET,
DC circuit analysis. Basic MOSFET applications: switch,
digital logic gates, and amplifiers.
ELEC 201
ELEC 232
Lab for Electronics I
Credit Hours: 1
Selected laboratory experiments for characterizing diodes
and transistors, and designing and testing electronic
circuits that employ diodes, BJTs, and MOSFETs.
ELEC 234
ELEC 234
Electronics I
Credit Hours: 3
Review of semiconductor physics, PN junctions, Diode
circuits, Special diodes, Bipolar junction transistor (BJT) ),
DC and small signal analysis of BJT circuits, MOSFETS,
DC analysis of depletion and enhancement MOSFET
circuits, small signal analysis of MOSFETs and JFETs.
ELEC 201
ELEC 261
Digital Systems Design
Credit Hours: 3
Number systems. Boolean Algebra. Combinational Logic
Design. Logic Minimization Techniques. Sequential Logic
Design. State minimization Techniques. Sequential Circuit
Implementation. PLA and Memories. Introduction to
Computer design.
ELEC 262
Digital System Design Lab
Credit Hours: 1
Selected experiments examining logic devices and circuits,
and including a final design project, to accompany and
complements the lecture course.
ELEC 261
ELEC 263
Computer Arch & Organization
Credit Hours: 0 OR 3
Introduction and historical overview. The Five classic
components of a Computer. Performance measures for
Computers. CPU description at the instruction level. CPU
organization. CPU types. CPU design: Register transfer
language, Hardwired and micro-program control, CISC
and RISC processors. Instruction and hardware study
of a commercial 8-bit microprocessor (e.g. Intel 8088).
Computer Memory, Input and output devices.
ELEC 261
ELEC 299
Elect Engineering Seminar
Credit Hours: 0
Selective weekly seminars given by the faculty and invited
speakers from the industry. Topics include contemporary