ENSC E-123: Schedule 1 ENSC E-123 (Physics E123b): Schedule, Spring 2016 Laboratory Electronics: Digital REV 0; November 17, 2015. DATE TOPIC & LAB January 1. Thu. 1/28 Analog versus Digital; Basic Gates: Gate Innards, TTL & CMOS Lab 14/D1: Gates, TTL & CMOS Ass’mt: HW 1 (due at Class #2) Monday, Feb. 1 is last day to withdraw for full refund, or to change “credit status” (say, from “GRAD” to “Undergrad”). Monday midnight is the deadline. If you are registered as “Grad,” make sure you mean it! February 2. Thu. 2/4 Combinational Logic; first look at PLD’s (programmable logic devices: “PALs”); Sequential Circuits I: Flip-Flops & Counters Lab 15/D2: Flip-Flops Ass’mt: HW 2 (due at Class #3; and so on, henceforth) 3. Thu. 2/11 Sequential Circuits II: Counters & Counter Applications Lab 16/D3: Counters 4. Thu. 2/18 PALs in Sequential Circuits; Memory Lab 17/D4: Memory; State Machines 5. Thu. 2/25 Analog <--> Digital: Conversion Methods Lab 18/D5: A/D Converter MARCH 6. Thu. 3/3 Microcomputer I: Hardware: processor + ? = computer Quiz: Pre-microcomputer topics (about 40 minutes) Lab µ1: Add CPU 7. Thu. 3/10 Microcomputer II: I/O hardware; first programming Lab µ2: I/O Hardware; Subroutine Thursday, March 17: Spring Break. No class. 8. Thu. 3/24 Microcomputer III: bit operations; stack; conditional branch; subroutine CALL Lab µ3: Input & Output hardware & code; for SiLabs: Timers 9. Thu. 3/31 Microcomputers IV: Interrupts; ADC & DAC ENSC E-123: Schedule 2 Lab µ4: Converting data APRIL 10. Thu. 4/7 Microcomputers V: Moving Pointers Lab µ5: Data Tables, serial buses 11. Thu. 4/14 Micro VI: Data Tables Quiz: micro topics (about 40 minutes) Lab µ5 (‘Storage Scope’) or Lab µ6: Standalone Microcontroller 12. Thu. 4/21 Micro VII: Micro as Standalone Device; Program Downloader Lab: Begin Project 13. Thu. 4/28 Micro VIII: Projects Lab: Continue Project MAY 14. Thu. 5/5 Review Lab: Continue Projects Thu. 5/12 EXAM (syl xb 16.tex: November 17, 2015)