Astec Advanced Power Systems UM6C75AA Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual P0914425 Standard 3.00 March 2001 Astec Advanced Power Systems A part of Emerson Network Power Astec Advanced Power Systems Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual Manual Number : UM6C75AA Manual Status : Standard Manual Issue : 3.0 Release Date : March 2001 P0914425 Copyright 2001 Astec Advanced Power Systems Ltd All Rights Reserved Published in Canada PROPRIETARY INFORMATION The information contained in this manual is the property of Astec Advanced Power Systems Ltd and is subject to change without notice. Astec Advanced Power System Ltd reserves the right to make changes in design or components as progress in engineering and manufacturing may warrant. Except as specifically authorized in writing by Astec Advanced Power Systems Ltd, the holder of this manual shall keep all information contained herein confidential and shall protect same, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to all third parties, and use the same for installation, start-up, operation, and maintenance purposes only. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. Astec Advanced Power Systems A part of Emerson Network Power Helios Candeo is a trademark of Astec International Ltd. The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 5 Publication history March 2001 Standard Issue 3.0. Software upgrade to version 1.2 e. Modification of the start-up screen, when the system is initializing. In the Communication Ports screen, the DNS address field is blocked, to prevent using a wrong DNS address. New views of the frames and backbones. New examples of configurations of the modules in the frames. Battery polarity changed in Figure 1. CANFAR connections removed on all modules. New procedure for the software upgrade when using Explorer and Netscape. Additional information on the configuration of breakers and the mounting space of each module. New default password for the supervisor privilege and information on the temporary password for engineer privilege. ( ECN : 102-25123 ). February 2001 Standard Issue 2.0. BLVD limitations for the Battery Connection Modules ( section 2.3.3 ). Utilization of a foil shield Ethernet cable (section 3.2.4. Change of default passwords ( sections 4.1.3 and 4.1.4 ). Preventing alarm triggering when removing the temperature probes (sections 3.4.5 and 4.2.8 ). Details to install double-pole clip of 60 A capacity ( section 3.5.5 ). ( ECN : 102-24873 ). January 2001 Standard Issue 1.0 ( ECN : 102-24873 ). Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 6 Publication history This page is left blank intentionally. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 7 Contents 1 General information...........................................................................................13 1.1 Purpose of this manual................................................................................13 1.2 Cautions and Warnings................................................................................13 2 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System ..........................................17 2.1 Inside a single frame ...................................................................................17 2.1.1 Basic modules ...................................................................................17 2.1.2 DC and data backbone, and ac rail inside a frame..............................19 2.1.3 Converting a frame into a cabinet......................................................23 2.1.4 AC box, ac duct, ac interface modules and ac rail..............................24 2.2 Adding frames.............................................................................................26 2.2.1 Interframe Linking Kit........................................................................26 2.2.2 Distributed architecture.....................................................................28 2.3 Configurations and limitations.....................................................................29 2.3.1 Engineering notes..............................................................................29 2.3.2 Usable space in the frames................................................................31 2.3.3 Typical configurations.......................................................................33 3 Description of the Helios Candeo Modules ......................................................39 3.1 Helios Candeo Power System specifications................................................39 3.1.1 Regulatory and safety standards.......................................................39 3.1.2 Environmental operating conditions ...................................................39 3.2 System Manager.........................................................................................40 3.2.1 Functions of the System Manager.....................................................40 3.2.2 Status and alarm indicators of the System Manager .........................41 3.2.3 Interfacing to the System Manager ...................................................41 3.2.4 Graphical User Interface....................................................................44 3.3 50 A / –48 V Rectifier Module.....................................................................48 Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 8 Contents 3.3.1 Functions of the Rectifier Module......................................................48 3.3.2 Status and alarm indicators of the Rectifier Module ..........................49 3.3.3 Electrical specifications of the Rectifier Module ................................50 3.3.4 Interfacing to the Rectifier Module....................................................52 3.4 Battery Connection Module.........................................................................53 3.4.1 Functions of the Battery Connection Module.....................................53 3.4.2 Electrical specifications of the Battery Connection Module ...............54 3.4.3 Status and alarm indicators of the Battery Connection Module .........55 3.4.4 Battery Low Voltage Disconnect contactor .......................................57 3.4.5 Temperature compensation ...............................................................59 3.5 500 A Distribution Module ..........................................................................61 3.5.1 Functions of the Distribution Module.................................................61 3.5.2 Status and alarm indicators of the Distribution Module .....................62 3.5.3 Electrical specifications of the 500 A Distribution Module.................62 3.5.4 Interfacing to the Distribution Module ...............................................63 3.5.5 Load Low Voltage Disconnect contactor............................................63 4 Start-up and configuration settings .................................................................69 4.1 Quick start-up .............................................................................................69 4.1.1 Initially starting–up from the GUI on the system Manager.................71 4.1.2 Security and log-on privileges ............................................................74 4.1.3 Home page of the GUI .......................................................................75 4.1.4 Communication between the System Manager and a remote PC........80 4.2 Battery management and power system thresholds.....................................84 4.2.1 Battery parameters ...........................................................................84 4.2.2 Battery selection...............................................................................84 4.2.3 Adding a new Battery Connection Module .........................................85 4.2.4 Voltage thresholds settings ...............................................................85 4.2.5 Current thresholds settings ...............................................................86 4.2.6 Voltage boost and charge control settings .........................................86 4.2.7 Battery discharge test settings and results .......................................88 4.2.8 Temperature compensation ...............................................................89 4.3 Alarm triggering and output.........................................................................90 4.3.1 Alarm severity and output ports ........................................................90 4.3.2 Alarm input ports ..............................................................................94 4.3.3 Permanent Audible Cut-off ................................................................96 4.4 Rectifier Sequential Start-up mode..............................................................97 5 Monitoring the modules.....................................................................................99 5.1 Total inventory and mapping .......................................................................99 5.2 Status of the modules ...............................................................................100 UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Contents 9 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 System Manager version, Alarm Input and Output Status................100 Rectifier, Battery Connection and Distribution Modules status ........101 Alarm investigation .........................................................................102 Status and alarms of the modules ...................................................103 6 Maintenance and troubleshooting ................................................................. 105 6.1 Maintenance Switch Enabling ...................................................................105 6.2 Battery maintenance.................................................................................106 6.2.1 Manual Voltage Boost ( Equalize ) to maintain the battery ...............106 6.2.2 Forced Battery Discharge................................................................107 6.3 LED Test and Alarm Relay Test.................................................................109 6.4 Contactor bypassing, test and replacement...............................................110 6.4.1 Manually bypassing the contactor ...................................................110 6.4.2 Electrically opening the contactor in the Battery Connection module111 6.4.3 Replacing the contactor in the Battery Connection Module..............112 6.4.4 Replacing the contactor in the Distribution Module..........................113 6.4.5 Testing a contactor.........................................................................114 6.5 Reset, reconnect and shutdown conditions................................................115 6.5.1 High Voltage Shutdown and Rectifier Reset ....................................115 6.5.2 Low voltage disconnect and Contactor Reconnect...........................115 6.5.3 System Manager screen activation and Reset .................................116 6.6 Replacing the Control Assembly ................................................................117 6.7 Replacing the rectifier Fan Assembly.........................................................119 6.8 Installing the DC link bar between two frames ..........................................120 6.9 Software upgrade .....................................................................................122 6.10 Alarm troubleshooting..............................................................................125 6.10.1 History of the power system ..........................................................125 6.10.2 Summary of set and reset conditions of the alarms ........................126 7 Appendix A : Recommended replacement parts............................................ 131 8 Appendix B : Technical service assistance ................................................... 133 8.1 Local toll-free prefixes...............................................................................133 8.2 Toll-free technical assistance numbers ......................................................134 List of Figures Figure 1 — Connecting the in-line fuse holder between the sense leads and the battery ..................................................................................................14 Figure 2 — Helios Candeo Power System modules .......................................................18 Figure 3 — The mounting slide-clamp mechanism.........................................................19 Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 10 Contents Figure 4 — Views of the 84-inch frame with full height backbone, ac rail, dc / data bus and ac interface module ..................................................................20 Figure 5 — Views of the 84-inch frame with half-height backbone, ac rail, dc / data bus and ac interface module ..................................................................21 Figure 6 — Views of the 42-inch frame with half-height backbone, ac rail, dc / data bus and ac interface module ..................................................................22 Figure 7 — The Cabinet Kit ..........................................................................................23 Figure 8 — AC cabling inside the frame and Interframe data link modules cabling ........25 Figure 9 — AC cabling using loose wires and armored cables .......................................26 Figure 10 — The interframe dc link bar between the backbones of two frames............27 Figure 11 — Distributed architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System ...................28 Figure 12 — Block diagram of the Helios Candeo Power System..................................30 Figure 13 — Configuration of a Helios Candeo Power System ( Example 1 ) .................34 Figure 14 — Configuration of a Helios Candeo Power System ( Example 2 ) .................36 Figure 15 — Configuration of a Helios Candeo Power System ( Example 3 ) .................38 Figure 16 — Isometric view of the System Manager ....................................................40 Figure 17 — Block diagram of the System Manager and signals...................................42 Figure 18 —Location of the communication and alarm ports ........................................42 Figure 19 — four typical remote connections to the System Manager..........................45 Figure 20 — Isometric view of the 50 A / –48 V Rectifier Module................................48 Figure 21 — Output power stability of the 50 A / –48 V Rectifier Module....................51 Figure 22 — Block diagram of the 50 A / –48 V Rectifier Module and signals...............52 Figure 23 — Isometric view of the Battery Connection Module ....................................53 Figure 24 — View showing cabling to the Battery Connection Module .........................54 Figure 25 — Front view of the Battery Connection Module ..........................................55 Figure 26 — Block diagram of the Battery Connection Module and signals...................56 Figure 27 — The 1000 A Battery Connection Module ..................................................58 Figure 28 — The 600 A Battery Connection Module and its BLVD contactor................58 Figure 29 — Access to connectors J1 and J2 for the temperature probes....................59 Figure 30 — Location of connectors J1 and J2, contactor kill switch and the contactor bypass switch .......................................................................60 Figure 31 — View showing an isometric view of the 500 A Distribution Module ..........61 Figure 32 — Block diagram of the 500 A Distribution Module and signals ....................63 Figure 33 — View showing the 500 A Distribution Module without a contactor ...........64 Figure 34 — View showing the 500 A Distribution Module equipped with a contactor...............................................................................................64 Figure 35 — The Distribution Module with the bypass busbar in the bypass position....65 Figure 36 — Settings for mid-tip or standard circuit breakers.......................................66 Figure 37 — View showing the 500 A Distribution Module with the front panel open...67 Figure 38 — Manually bypassing the contactor..........................................................111 Figure 39 — Replacing the contactor .........................................................................113 UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Contents 11 Figure 40 — Replacing a Control Assembly ................................................................118 Figure 41 — Replacing the rectifier Fan Assembly......................................................119 Figure 42 — Linking with a dc link bar the backbones at the top of two frames ( bottom fed ) ......................................................................................121 List of Tables Table 1 — AC cabling with an ac channel ....................................................................24 Table 2 — AC cabling with MC or Teck type cable.......................................................24 Table 3 — Dimensions and weight of the modules........................................................31 Table 4 — Mounting space in an 84-inch ( 213.4 cm ) Helios Candeo frame .................32 Table 5 — Mounting space in a 42-inch ( 106.7 cm ) Helios Candeo frame...................32 Table 6 — Typical configuration in one frame ..............................................................33 Table 7 — Typical configuration in two frames ............................................................35 Table 8 — Typical configuration in two frames ............................................................37 Table 9 — Status and alarm indicators of the System Manager ...................................41 Table 10 — Alarm input ports description ....................................................................42 Table 10 — Alarm input ports description ....................................................................43 Table 11 — Alarm output ports description..................................................................43 Table 12 — Ethernet, RS-232 and RS-485 ports and Auxiliary Power Input Connector on the System Manager........................................................44 Table 13 — Operational and alarm indicators on a 50 A / –48 V Rectifier Module ........49 Table 14 — Electrical specifications of the 50 A / –48 V Rectifier Module...................50 Table 15 — Standards met by the 50 A / –48 V Rectifier Module ................................52 Table 16 — Electrical specifications of the Battery Connection Modules......................54 Table 17 — Alarm indicators on the Battery Connection Module..................................56 Table 18 — Sensing devices of the Battery Connection Module ...................................57 Table 19 — Status and alarm indicators on the 500 A Distribution Module ..................62 Table 20 — Sensing devices of the Distribution Module ...............................................62 Table 21 — Electrical specifications of the 500 A Distribution Module.........................62 Table 22 — Privileges to access the System Manager .................................................74 Table 23 — Alarm input ports to the System Manager.................................................94 Table 24 — Power system alarms, severity, set conditions and reset conditions........126 Table 25 — Replacement parts ..................................................................................131 List of Procedures Procedure 1 – Remote connection between a PC and the System Manager .................82 Procedure 2 – Manually bypassing the contactor to test it or replace it.....................110 Procedure 3 – Replacing the contactor in the Battery Connection Module..................112 Procedure 4 – Replacing the Control Assembly containing the neuron card ................117 Procedure 5 – Replacing the Fan Assembly................................................................120 Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 12 Contents This page is left blank intentionally. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 13 1 General information 1.1 Purpose of this manual 1.2 Cautions and Warnings This manual describes the operation and maintenance of the Helios Candeo Power System ( AP6C75AA ). Please refer to the Helios Candeo Installation Manual IM6C75AA for the installation procedure. The following Cautions and Warnings must be observed at all times when handling and operating the power equipment. CAUTION Optimizing the life of the equipment Make sure there is no obstruction in front of the ventilation openings that could restrict the flow of air. Leave a space of at least 6 inches ( 15.24 cm ) between the frame and the wall. WARNING Generator requirements To select ac generators that will effectively maintain peak performance and operating characteristics for all Astec Power Systems, follow the instructions on the partners’ page of the Astec APS web site at to access the Engine Alternator Standard specifications. You can also dial our local 1−800 technical support line listed in Appendix B of this manual. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 14 General information CAUTION Preventing short circuits between the senses leads Ensure that the remote sense leads are connected between pins #1 and #2 of the J1 connector ( on the Battery Connection Module ), and the BR and –48 V dc battery terminals respectively. An in-line fuse must be installed at the battery end of the sense lead ( see Figure 1 ). Figure 1 — Connecting the in-line fuse holder between the sense leads and the battery UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 General information 15 CAUTION Preventing erratic rectifier output voltage If battery disconnect units are used, ensure that the Remote sense leads are connected between the battery disconnect units and the Helios Candeo Power System, never between the battery disconnect units and the batteries. DANGER Short circuit hazard Despite the fact that the Helios Candeo Power System is designed for maximum safety, rectifiers and batteries can deliver high current if a short to ground occurs. When working on live equipment, remove all personal jewelry, use properly insulated tools, and cover any live bus bars with an insulating sheet of canvas to prevent short circuits that could be caused by falling tools or parts. DANGER Protecting against electrical shocks The ac cabling of the Helios Candeo Power System, and all other cabling, must be carried out by qualified personnel and in conformance with local and national electrical codes. Input ac voltage to the rectifiers is at a dangerous level. Ensure that the circuit breakers are locked in the OFF position in the ac service panel before cabling the power system. Dangerous voltages may be present at the output dc terminals even if the rectifiers are OFF. Use a voltmeter to verify for the presence of such voltages. Do not put the circuit breakers to ON until the entire system has been assembled and you have been instructed to do so. Verify, and identify with a tag, the proper polarity of the battery leads before connecting them to the power system. Before starting up and configuring the settings, the ac cabling of the Helios Candeo Power System, and all other cable distribution and battery cabling, must have been carried out by qualified personnel, as described in Installation Manual IM6C75AA. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 16 General information This page is left blank intentionally. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 17 2 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System 2.1 Inside a single frame The AP6C75AA Helios Candeo Power System is a positive ground –48 V dc modular power system that can be expanded from 50 A to 2,000 A ( using forty 50 A rectifiers ). The design makes installation easy and simple. No tools are required to start up and set the parameters of the system, and it can be upgraded while it is live. The modules are plug-in type and can be removed and relocated anywhere in the frame. 2.1.1 Basic modules The Helios Candeo modules are mounted in frames that can be converted into cabinets with a cabinet kit, if so desired. As illustrated in Figure 2, a basic 50 A Helios Candeo Power System consists of at least : • one Battery Connection Module • one Distribution Module • one System Manager • one 50 A / –48 V Rectifier A System Manager provides the following functions : • automatic system set-up • control and monitoring • inventory, history of incidents and remote access Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 18 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System Figure 2 — Helios Candeo Power System modules The mounting mechanism allows the installation of the System Manager and the Rectifier Modules in a frame without the use of mechanical fasteners. It includes a rail ( on the equipment frame side ) that captures a sliding bracket. Two rails are required for each piece of equipment. The equipment is slid into its final position in the frame on these rails, and locks into position ( see Figure 3 ). UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System 19 Figure 3 — The mounting slide-clamp mechanism CAUTION Preventing damage to the locking mechanism When sliding the System Manager and the Rectifier Module into the Helios Candeo Power System, the locking latches must be fully open to prevent damage to the locking mechanism system ( see Figure 3 ). 2.1.2 DC and data backbone, and ac rail inside a frame The 84-inch ( 213.4 cm ) frame is equipped with : • a vertical backbone consisting of - a dc bus ( battery return and –48 V ) - a data bus - an Interframe data link module • a vertical ac rail It can also be equipped with a half-height backbone when battery strings or other equipments are located inside the frame. The 42-inch ( 106.7 cm ) frame must be equipped with a half-height backbone. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 20 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System Figure 4 — Views of the 84-inch frame with full height backbone, ac rail, dc / data bus and ac interface module UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System 21 Figure 5 — Views of the 84-inch frame with half-height backbone, ac rail, dc / data bus and ac interface module Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 22 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System Figure 6 — Views of the 42-inch frame with half-height backbone, ac rail, dc / data bus and ac interface module UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System 23 2.1.3 Converting a frame into a cabinet The frame can be converted into a cabinet with a Cabinet Kit as illustrated in Figure 7. Figure 7 — The Cabinet Kit Note : Do not remove the auxiliary bracket unless it obstructs the insertion of the cables. If the eyelets are removed, secure the auxiliary bracket to the frame with two 1-inch long, 5/8-inch bolts, washers, and lock washers. If the frame is secured with tie rods refer to Installation Manual IM6C75AA. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 24 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System 2.1.4 AC box, ac duct, ac interface modules and ac rail There are three ac wiring options : • loose wires through conduit into the ac channel ( see Figure 8 and Table 1 ) • armored cables running inside the frame ( ac channel not required ) • armored cables run outside the frame, through knock-outs ( see Table 2 ) Refer to Installation Manual IM6C75AA for the complete ac cabling procedures. The ac cables to the rectifiers enter the frame on the left side, when viewing it from the front, and are run to the ac interface modules. Most of the cables are run in a built-in ac duct, and the rest outside the frame when the duct is full ( see Table 2 ). An ac Channel Kit ( P0912455 ) must be ordered for applications with internal loose wires. Table 1 — AC cabling with an ac channel Maximum number of rectifiers Cable Type Size ( AWG # ) 20 RW90 6CL-1007-01 ( white ) 10 20 RW90 6CL-1007-02 ( black ) 10 20 RW90 6CL-1007-04 ( green ) 10 Table 2 — AC cabling with MC or Teck type cable Max. number of rectifiers Cable type model Typical Squeeze Connectors ( 90° angle ) Cable numbers inside the frame Cable numbers outside the frame 24 + 1 redundant TECK90 7TF1002AJ T&B 268-C 0-10 11-25 24 + 1 redundant MC 7XF-1003AJ T&B 268-C 0-10 11-25 24 + 1 redundant MC 7A-1002A T&B 266-C 0-16 17-25 UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System 25 Figure 8 — AC cabling inside the frame and Interframe data link modules cabling Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 26 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System Figure 9 — AC cabling using loose wires and armored cables Armored cables run inside the frame Loose wires in the conduit run into the ac box 2.2 Adding frames 2.2.1 Interframe Linking Kit To link two frames you must install the Interframe Linking Kit consisting of : • an interframe linking plate ( see Figure 8 ) • an interframe dc link bar ( see Figure 10 and 11 ) • an interframe data link cable ( see Figure 8 ) UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System 27 The interframe linking plate is used to secure two frames together. The interframe data link cable extends the data bus and is connected between the interframe data link modules, adjusting the impedance of the data bus. The interframe dc link bar consists of a horizontal bipolar bus and bracket assembly. It provides a high current electrical connection ( bridge ) between vertical bipolar bus bars in two or more adjacent frames. It can be installed in the “dead space”, located at either the top or the bottom of the frames, through side openings. Figure 10 — The interframe dc link bar between the backbones of two frames DC LINK OF TOP FED CABLED FRAMES WITHOUT ISOLATION COVERS AND WITHOUT SAFETY LINER DC LINK OF BOTTOM FED CABLED FRAMES WITHOUT ISOLATION COVERS AND WITH A SAFETY LINER Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 28 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System 2.2.2 Distributed architecture In the following example, as the Distribution Modules, Battery Connection Modules, and Rectifier Modules are populated equally between frames, the current in the interframe dc link bar is low. The backbone extension through the interframe dc link bar ensures that the same dc potential exists throughout the entire system. Although the interframe dc link bar has a capacity of 1,200 A, there should be practically no current flowing through it ( see Figure 11 ). Each frame should be equipped with its own Battery Connection Module, Distribution Modules, and Rectifier Modules. Figure 11 — Distributed architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System 29 The rectifier current is measured by adding : • battery currents from all the Battery Connection Modules • load currents from all the Distribution Modules The advantages of a distributed architecture are : • reduced dc cable congestion by spreading the wiring of batteries and loads amongst several frames • easier expansion by allowing all types of modules to fit in all frames ( except the System Manager in the first frame ) • expansion to the left or to the right of the first frame • specific shunt for each module, allowing to measure the current of each module 2.3 Configurations and limitations 2.3.1 Engineering notes A single Helios Candeo frame can be equipped with the following ( see Figure 10 for the typical number of each module type ) : • a backbone having a capacity of 1,200 A • a data bus that can access a total of 100 modules ( 40 of the same type ) • one System Manager ( required only in the first frame ) • up to twenty-five 50 A / –48 V Rectifier Modules ( one for redundancy ) with MC or TEK bottom fed ac cables ( one 50 A rectifier used for redundancy ) • or up to twenty 50 A / –48 V Rectifiers with free wiring ( one 50 A rectifier used for redundancy ) • one 1,000 A Battery Connection Module ( without LVD ) • only one 600 A Battery Connection Module ( with LVD ) for the system • two Distribution Modules ( 500 A ) Note : Up to forty 50 A / –48 V Rectifiers Modules can be installed in a Helios Candeo Power System distributed in several frames Note : The number of rectifiers in a frame is also limited by the size of the ac cables connected to the rectifiers as described in Table 1 and Table 2. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 30 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System Figure 12 — Block diagram of the Helios Candeo Power System DC BUS FRAME 1 BR -48V DATA BUS AUX. DC POWER IN SYST EM MANAGER ( 1 P ER SYSTEM) EXT COM PORT DISTRIBUTION MODULE ( MINIMUM 1 PER FRAME ) TO LOADS CABINET LAMP AC INPUT TO BATTERIES BATTERY CONNECTION MODULE ( 1 PER FRAME ) 50 A RECTIFIER ( UP TO 25 ) INTERFRAME DC LINK BAR DISTRIBUTION MODULE ( MINIMUM 1 PER FRAME ) TO LOADS TO BATTERIES BATTERY CONNEC TIO N MODULE ( 1 PER FRAME ) CABINET LAMP AC INPUT 50 A RECTIFIER ( UP TO 20 ) INTERFRAME DATA LINK FRAME 2 DAISY-CHAINED Sufficient numbers of rectifiers have to be installed in a frame to provide equal current capacity to the loads fed from the same frame. The battery backup capacity must match the rectifier capacity and current draw from the loads. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System 31 2.3.2 Usable space in the frames The space available for modules inside a frame depends on the backbone used ( full-height or half-height ), if the system is top fed or bottom fed, and if the Interframe Linking Kit is used. The configurations listed in Table 4 and Table 5 have been calculated based on the height of the modules as described in Table 3. Table 3 — Dimensions and weight of the modules Modules Height ( including rails ) ± 0.01 in. ( ± 0.03 cm ) Depth Width ± 0.02 in. ± 0.02 in. ( ± 0.05 cm ) ( ± 0.05 cm ) Mounting space Weight System Manager 2.96 in. ( 7.51 cm ) 14.70 in. ( 37.34 ) 22.62 in. ( 57.45 cm ) 3 in. 7.50 lbs ( 3.402 Kg ) Rectifier Module 2.22 in. ( 5.63 cm ) 14.79 in. ( 37.56 cm ) 22.62 in. ( 57.45 cm ) 2 in. 25.50 lbs ( 11.57 Kg ) Battery Connection Module 8.23 in. ( 20.90 cm ) 14.75 in. ( 37.46 cm ) 23.00 in. ( 58.42 cm ) 8 in. 43.00 lbs ( 19.51 kg ) Distribution Module 8.23 in. ( 20.90 cm ) 14.75 in. ( 37.46 cm ) 23.00 in. ( 58.42 cm ) 8 in. 45.00 lbs ( 20.41 kg ) Frame full-height ( 84 in. ) 199.3 lbs ( 90.4 kg ) Frame half-height ( 42 in. ) 131.2 lbs ( 59.5 kg ) 1200 A Copper Backbone Kit – full-height 116.6 lbs ( 52.9 kg ) 1200 A Copper Backbone Kit – half-height 63.3 lbs ( 28.7 kg ) Cabinet and Door Kit 82.7 lbs ( 37.5 kg ) Free Standing Earthquake Bracing Kit 19.4 lbs ( 8.8 kg ) AC Channel Kit – full-height 40.6 lbs ( 18.4 kg ) Note : The height of each module is greater than the mounting space because the rails of each module slide into the rails of the modules located above and below it. The height of each module without taking the rails into consideration is listed in the mounting space column of Table 3. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 32 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System Table 4 — Mounting space in an 84-inch ( 213.4 cm ) Helios Candeo frame Full-height backbone mounting space Top fed Bottom fed 77 inches ( 195.6 cm ) without an Interframe Linking kit 67 inches ( 170.2 cm ) without an Interframe Linking kit 77 inches ( 195.6 cm ) with an Interframe Linking kit 67 inches ( 170.2 cm ) with an Interframe Linking kit Typical configuration of modules in the first frame with full-height backbone 1 Battery Connection Module 8 in. 24 Rectifier Modules 48 in. 2 Distribution Modules 16 in. 1 System Manager 3 in. 1 System Manager 3 in. 1 Distribution Module 8 in. 25 Rectifier Modules ( 1 is redundant ) 50 in. 1 Battery Connection Module 8 in. Half-height backbone mounting space Top fed Bottom fed 31 inches ( 78.7 cm ) without an Interframe Linking kit 29 inches ( 73.7 cm ) with an Interframe Linking kit ( top ) Typical configuration of modules in the first frame with half-height backbone 1 Battery Connection Module 8 in. 5 Rectifier Modules 10 in. 1 Distribution Module 8 in. 1 System Manager 3 in. 1 System Manager 3 in. 1 Distribution Module 8 in. 6 Rectifier Modules 12 in. 1 Battery Connection Module 8 in. Table 5 — Mounting space in a 42-inch ( 106.7 cm ) Helios Candeo frame Half-height mounting backbone space Top fed Bottom fed 31 inches ( 78.7 cm ) without an Interframe Linking kit 29 inches ( 73.7 cm ) with an Interframe Linking kit 26 inches ( 66.0 cm ) with or without an Interframe Linking kit Typical configuration of modules in the first frame with half-height backbone 1 Battery Connection Module 8 in. 3 Rectifier Modules 6 in. 1 Distribution Module 8 in. 1 System Manager 3 in. 1 System Manager 3 in. 1 Distribution Module 8 in. 5 or 6 Rectifier Modules 10 or 12 in. 1 Battery Connection Module 8 in. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System 33 2.3.3 Typical configurations The three following examples illustrate typical configurations of the Helios Candeo Power System. In each example, the concept of distributed architecture must be respected. The space required to support the projected load in the frames must be evaluated ( leaving space for additional rectifiers and batteries if necessary ). Example 1 ( see Figure 13 ) System requirements : an initial load of 700 A, a battery reserve of eight hours, and for the future, a distribution load of 800 A. Configuration of the modules in one frame : • fifteen 50 A Rectifier Modules to feed the initial 700 A load • total capacity of 875 A in the two 500 A Distribution Modules : − ten 60 A circuit breakers and one 25 A circuit breaker − five 30 A circuit breakers and four 25 A circuit breakers • one System Manager • one 1,000 A ( no BLVD contactor ) Battery Connection Module • one frame • sufficient batteries for the 700 A load Note : Only one 600 A Battery Connection Module ( always equipped with a BLVD contactor ) can be used in a Power System, even with many frames. When two Battery Connection Modules and more are used, no BLVD should be used in any module. Table 6 — Typical configuration in one frame Top fed frame 1 ( 77 inches of mounting space ) Qty Description Space used 1 1,000 A Battery Connection Module x 8 inches 8 inches 2 500 A Distribution Modules x 8 inches 16 inches 1 System Manager x 3 inches 3 inches 50 A Rectifier Modules x 2 inches 30 inches 14+1 Total space occupied 57 inches Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 34 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System Figure 13 — Configuration of a Helios Candeo Power System ( Example 1 ) UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System 35 Example 2 ( see Figure 14 ) System requirements : a load of 1,900 A and a battery reserve. This configuration is well distributed between the two frames ( see Figure 14 ). Configuration of the modules in two frames : • total capacity of 2,375 A in four 500 A Distribution Modules : − eighteen 30 A, one 60 A and one 25 A circuit breaker − six 100 A, one 10 A and one 15 A circuit breaker − four 150 A, five 5 A − ten 50 A circuit breakers • two 1,000 A Battery Connection Modules without BLVD contactors ( one by frame ) • forty 50 A rectifiers ( twenty in each frame ) • sufficient batteries for the 1,900 A Table 7 — Typical configuration in two frames Top fed Frame 1 ( 77 inches mounting space ) Loose wires in the ac channel Top fed Frame 2 ( 77 inches mounting space ) Loose wires in the ac channel Qty Description Space used Qty Description Space used 1 1000 A Battery Connection Module x 8 inches 8 inches 1 1000 A Battery Connection Module x 8 inches 8 inches ( without a BLVD contactor ) ( without a BLVD contactor ) 2 500 A Distribution Modules x 8 inches 16 inches 1 System Manager x 3 inches 3 inches 19+1 Rectifier Modules x 2 inches 40 inches Total space occupied 67 inches 2 500 A Distribution Modules x 8 inches 16 inches No System Manager required 19 +1 Rectifier Modules x 2 inches Total space occupied 40 inches 67 inches Note : Only one 600 A Battery Connection Module ( always equipped with a BLVD contactor ) can be used in a Power System, even with many frames. When two Battery Connection Modules and more are used, no BLVD should be used in any module. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 36 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System Figure 14 — Configuration of a Helios Candeo Power System ( Example 2 ) UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System 37 Example 3 ( see Figure 15 ) System requirements : a load of 1,500 A and a battery reserve. This configuration is well distributed between the two frames ( see Figure 15 ). Configuration of the modules in two frames : • total capacity of 1,875 A in three 500 A Distribution Modules : − eighteen 30 A, one 60 A and one 25 A circuit breaker − six 100 A, one 10 A and one 15 A circuit breaker − four 150 A, five 5 A circuit breakers • two 1,000 A Battery Connection Modules without BLVD contactors ( one by frame ) • thirty-two 50 A rectifiers • sufficient batteries for the 1,500 A Table 8 — Typical configuration in two frames Top fed Frame 1 ( 77 inches mounting space ) Top fed Frame 2 ( 77 inches mounting space ) With teck cables Loose wires in the ac channel Qty Description Space used Qty Description Space used 1 1000 A Battery Connection Module x 8 inches 8 inches 1 1000 A Battery Connection Module x 8 inches 8 inches ( without a BLVD contactor ) ( without a BLVD contactor ) 2 500 A Distribution Modules x 8 inches 16 inches 1 System Manager x 3 inches 3 inches 24 +1 Rectifier Modules x 2 inches 50 inches Total space occupied 77 inches 1 500 A Distribution Modules x 8 inches 8 inches No System Manager required 6+ 1 Rectifier Modules x 2 inches Total space occupied 22 inches 38 inches Note : Only one 600 A Battery Connection Module ( always equipped with a BLVD contactor ) can be used in a Power System, even with many frames. When two Battery Connection Modules and more are used, no BLVD should be used in any module. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 38 Architecture of the Helios Candeo Power System Figure 15 — Configuration of a Helios Candeo Power System ( Example 3 ) UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 39 3 Description of the Helios Candeo Modules 3.1 Helios Candeo Power System specifications 3.1.1 Regulatory and safety standards The Helios Candeo Power System complies to the following standards: Safety : UL-1801 EN 61204 VDE Grounding : Telcordia TR-NWT-000295 General : CE Telcordia GR-1089-CORE Telcordia TR-NWT-000154 Electromagnetic Compliance ( EMC ): FCC Part 15, Subpart B, Class B with foil shielded Ethernet cable EN 300 386-2 General: NEBS Level 3 ( pending ) 3.1.2 Environmental operating conditions During normal operation, the Helios Candeo Power System can be subjected to the following conditions without sustaining damage : Temperature : 0 to 40°C and 50°C for a short period Humidity : 5% to 95 % RH ( non-condensing ) Altitude : standard performance from –300 ft ( -91.44 m ) to 7,000 ft ( 2133.6 m ) and derating from 7,000 ft ( 2133.6 m ) to 13,000 ft ( 3962.4 m ) Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 40 Description of the Helios Candeo modules 3.2 System Manager 3.2.1 Functions of the System Manager Figure 16 — Isometric view of the System Manager The System Manager ( see Figure 16 ) monitors the voltage, the current and the alarms of the power system, and it monitors and sets the Rectifier modules. The main functions of the System Manager are : • automatic set-up and adjustment of float voltage and charge current • setting of the optional Low Voltage Disconnect • temperature compensation, discharge tests, charge control and equalize of the batteries • sequential start and current share of the rectifiers • statistical history of faults and inventory mapping • connections to Ethernet and serial ports • configuration of the alarm thresholds and I / O ports • programmable control of output dry-C contacts UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Description of the Helios Candeo modules 41 The System Manager has a local database of up to 200 different battery specification records and configuration settings. An updated version of the files can be loaded. However, the user can customize the configuration settings. 3.2.2 Status and alarm indicators of the System Manager The red, yellow and green LED pathfinders indicate ( only one at a time ) the status of the System Manager ( see Figure 16 ). The alarms are classified as critical, major and minor. The alarm status and definitions are described in Table 9. Table 9 — Status and alarm indicators of the System Manager Indicator Description Critical Critical alarm Major Major alarm Minor Minor alarm RED triangle pathfinder System Manager failed or is initializing YELLOW circle pathfinder System Manager is in an abnormal condition GREEN rectangle pathfinder System Manager is in a normal condition 3.2.3 Interfacing to the System Manager The –48 V dc operating voltage is supplied to the DC bus from either : • one battery supply input ( –48 V dc, BR ) • one auxiliary back-up power on J4 ( –48 V dc, BR ) The available communication ports ( see Figure 18 ) are : • RS-232, RS-485, Ethernet RJ45 • optional modem ( external ) Note : Use shielded cables to the Ethernet, RS-232 and RS-485 connections and 16-26 stranded wires to the input and output ports. There are six alarm input ports ( see Figure 17 ) : • Aux 1, Aux 2, Aux 3 ( user defined ) • Generator on, Generator overload, System shutdown There are eight alarm output ports equipped with C-relay contacts ( see Figure 17 ). The input and output port connections described in Table 10 and Table 11 are programmed and monitored by using the Alarms Severity and Output pages of the GUI. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 42 Description of the Helios Candeo modules Figure 17 — Block diagram of the System Manager and signals Figure 18 —Location of the communication and alarm ports AUX POWER IN 1 AND 2 ( J4 ) IN PUT PORTS 1 TO 6 ( J7 ) ETHERNET PORT ( J5 ) UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 OUTPUT PORTS 1 TO 8 ( J8 ) COM1 PORT ( J2 ) RS-232 D -SUB 9 FEMALE CONNECTOR COM2 PO RT ( J3 ) RS-485 D-SUB 9 FEMALE CONNEC TOR C ANFAR D-SUB 9 FEMALE C ONNECTOR ( J6 ) Description of the Helios Candeo modules 43 Table 10 — Alarm input ports description Pin no. Input port number Alarm description Alarm level J7-1 Input port 1 + Minor ( default ) J7-2 Input port 1 – Auxiliary input 1 ( programmable ) J7-3 Input port 2 + Minor ( default ) J7-4 Input port 2 – Auxiliary input 2 ( programmable ) J7-5 Input port 3 + Minor ( default ) J7-6 Input port 3 – Auxiliary input 3 ( programmable ) J7-7 Input port 4 + Generator on ( fixed ) Minor ( fixed ) J7-8 Input port 4 – J7-9 Input port 5 + Generator overload ( fixed ) Major ( fixed ) J7-10 Input port 5 – J7-11 Input port 6 + System shutdown ( fixed ) Major ( fixed ) J7-12 Input port 6 – Note : If –48 V is applied between J7-11 and J7-12 the power system will shut down ( a supervisor privilege is required to modify the Input port 6 parameters ). Table 11 — Alarm output ports description Pin no. Output port number Pin no. Output port number J8-1 Output port 1 ( NC ) J8-13 Output port 5 ( NC ) J8-2 Output port 1 ( COM ) J8-14 Output port 5 ( COM ) J8-3 Output port 1 ( NO ) J8-15 Output port 5 ( NO ) J8-4 Output port 2 ( NC ) J8-16 Output port 6 ( NC ) J8-5 Output port 2 ( COM ) J8-17 Output port 6 ( COM ) J8-6 Output port 2 ( NO ) J8-18 Output port 6 ( NO ) J8-7 Output port 3 ( NC ) J8-19 Output port 7 ( NC ) J8-8 Output port 3 ( COM ) J8-20 Output port 7 ( COM ) J8-9 Output port 3 ( NO ) J8-21 Output port 7 ( NO ) J8-10 Output port 4 ( NC ) J8-22 Output port 8 ( NC ) J8-11 Output port 4 ( COM ) J8-23 Output port 8 ( COM ) J8-12 Output port 4 ( NO ) J8-24 Output port 8 ( NO ) Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 44 Description of the Helios Candeo modules Table 12 — Ethernet, RS-232 and RS-485 ports and Auxiliary Power Input Connector on the System Manager Pin Number Ethernet Port J5 RS-232 Port J2 RS-485 Port J3 ( Ethernet ) ( COM1 ) ( COM2 ) 1 TX+ DCD SIRIN 2 TX- RXD SIROUT 3 RX+ TXD GND 4 NC DTR GND 5 NC GND TXD+ 6 RX- DSR TXD- 7 NC RTS RX+ 8 NC CTS RX- 9 N/A RI GND ( through 100 Ω ) Pin Number Auxiliary Power Input Connector J4 1 Battery Return 2 –48 V 3.2.4 Graphical User Interface GUI in the System Manager A liquid crystal display ( LCD ) screen displays the information processed through the Graphical User Interface ( GUI ) in the System Manager. It allows operation, administration, maintenance and provisioning activities through the System Manager. The different icons and menus are selected by sliding a finger over the touch pad to move an arrow cursor. When the arrow cursor moves over an active element, it changes into a hand showing a direct link to a specific page. Taping on the item selected with a finger ( or pushing the left button located below the touch pad ) accesses the function page selected. ( The right button is used to set the contrast of the screen. ) Note : The LCD screen has an energy saver, which is enabled after one hour of inactivity. The screen is activated by tapping on the touch pad with a finger ( or pushing the left button located below the touch pad ). UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Description of the Helios Candeo modules 45 PC remote access to the System Manager Figure 19 — four typical remote connections to the System Manager Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 46 Description of the Helios Candeo modules The System Manager can be accessed through an Ethernet RJ45 connector by a remote personal computer ( use a foil shield Ethernet cable ). A LAN access through an Ethernet port or a direct access through an RS232 modem connection is required. To establish a remote connection you need Java Plugin and Netscape or Explorer. The procedure for establishing this connection is described in the "Start-up and configuration section" of this manual. The Home page has a Menu, a pop-up window of active alarms, and it displays the float voltage, the total load current, the total current from the rectifiers, and the battery current. STATUS OF OPERATION POWER SYSTEM VOLTAGE The status of operation of the system is also displayed to the right of the power system voltage on the Home page with one of the following statuses : • Sequential start in progress • Charging is being limited • Voltage boost in progress • Temperature compensated • Alarm relay test in progress • Float UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Description of the Helios Candeo modules 47 To view the menu list, slide the cursor to the Menu and tap on the touch pad of the System Manager to open the menu. If a remote PC is used to access the System Manager, slide the mouse to select the Menu, and click on it to open it. For more detailed information about navigating from the Home page, accessing the Menu, and using the icons on the lower bar of the Graphical User Interface, see the “Start-up and configuration settings” section of this User Manual. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 48 Description of the Helios Candeo modules 3.3 50 A / –48 V Rectifier Module 3.3.1 Functions of the Rectifier Module The Helios Candeo 50 A Rectifier Module ( see Figure 20 ) provides isolated, filtered and regulated dc power from a single-phase ac source, to feed the load and charge a positive grounded battery. The nominal output is adjustable within a range of –42 V to –58 V to float a 23-cell or 24-cell battery string. The ac input is protected by an ac breaker and the dc output is protected by a replaceable fuse. Figure 20 — Isometric view of the 50 A / –48 V Rectifier Module UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Description of the Helios Candeo modules 49 At start-up, the operating parameters of the rectifiers are controlled by the System Manager, and no adjustments are required at the rectifier level. The parameters of the rectifiers are measured and sent through the data bus to the System Manager. These parameters are : current, alarm conditions, serial number, internal temperature, and derating status. The default operating parameters of the Rectifier Module allow the rectifier to operate normally without a System Manager. 3.3.2 Status and alarm indicators of the Rectifier Module Pathfinders, located on the face of the Rectifier Module, indicate ( one at a time ) its status ( see Figure 20 and Figure 22 ). The operational and alarm indicators on a 50 A / –48 V Rectifier Module are listed in Table 13. Table 13 — Operational and alarm indicators on a 50 A / –48 V Rectifier Module Indicator Description FAN ( RED rectangle ) Fan alarm Pathfinder ( RED triangle ) • rectifier failed, is not in sequential start and the Temporary Release status is Off • ac failed • high voltage shutdown • dc fuse opened • thermal shutdown • fan failed Pathfinder ( YELLOW circle ) Abnormal condition : • high temperature • power derating • temporary release status is On • sequential status in progress Pathfinder ( GREEN rectangle ) Rectifier operating normally Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 50 Description of the Helios Candeo modules 3.3.3 Electrical specifications of the Rectifier Module Table 14 — Electrical specifications of the 50 A / –48 V Rectifier Module Input voltage : Single phase nominal 208 / 240 V ac at 45-65 Hz Range : 80 to 300 V ac with reduced output power outside the normal operating range ( see Figure 21) Absolute maximum : 300 V ac High voltage inhibit > 295 V ac High voltage shutdown reset > 283 V ac Input current : Nominal : 14.5 A at 208 V ac input if the dc output is 50 A at –54.5 V dc Recommended ac service input : Two poles / 30 A, ac circuit breaker Output voltage : Float : –42 V to –58 V dc High voltage shutdown : –59.0 V dc ± 0.75 V Output current : 50 A Input protection : Two poles / 25 A circuit breaker open both lines Output protection : 70 A fuse, output current limited between 50 A and 55 A ( factory set ) Output voltage regulation : Automatic regulation within the selected value ± 0.5% for all load conditions and within the specified input voltage, frequency, at ambient temperature • ± 1% for any combinations of specified input, output and environmental conditions Efficiency : Efficiency is better than 92% at a nominal input voltage of 230 V ac for an output load of 20 A to 50 A Power factor : Power factor better than 0.99 for an input voltage from : • 176 V to 265 V ac for an output load of 20 A to 50 A Total harmonic distortion : Less than 5% for an input voltage of 187 V to 240 V ac Operating conditions : Ambient temperature : 0 °C to 65 °C ( see Figure 21 ) UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Description of the Helios Candeo modules 51 Figure 21 — Output power stability of the 50 A / –48 V Rectifier Module Note : The temperature inside the rectifier is usually 5°C higher than the ambient temperature Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 52 Description of the Helios Candeo modules The Rectifier Module complies with the following standards. Table 15 — Standards met by the 50 A / –48 V Rectifier Module Safety standards : Electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) : General standards : UL-1950 VDE ( safety requirement similar to UL ) Safety and EMI compliance : CE mark Grounding standard : CSA 22.2 ( #0.7 ) EN 60950 ( before IEC-950 ) US : FCC, Part 15, Subpart B, Class B EN 55022 / CISPR22 Class B EN 300 386-2 Design to meet GR-1089-CORE ( emission Class B ) Telcordia Technologies GR-947-CORE ( for rectifiers ) 3.3.4 Interfacing to the Rectifier Module Figure 22 — Block diagram of the 50 A / –48 V Rectifier Module and signals DC BUS P1 TB1 L1 1 AC INPUT CONNECTOR L2 2 GND 3 2 1 CO NTROL AND INTERFACE YELLO W FAN RE D FAIL G REEN PATHFINDERS UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 DATA INTERFA CE Description of the Helios Candeo modules 53 3.4 Battery Connection Module 3.4.1 Functions of the Battery Connection Module The Battery Connection Module allows the connection of battery strings ( or other dc power reserve ) to the Helios Candeo Power System. Each module has a total capacity of 600 A ( with a BLVD contactor ) or 1,000 A ( with no BLVD contactor ). The Battery Connection Module provides operation status indication on the pathfinders, and also sends alarm signals on the data bus to the System Manager. Note : Only one 600 A Battery Connection Module ( always equipped with a BLVD contactor ) can be used in a Power System, even with many frames. When two Battery Connection Modules and more are used, no BLVD should be used in any module. Figure 23 — Isometric view of the Battery Connection Module The Battery Connection Module can be mounted at the top or at the bottom of a Helios Candeo frame. The front panel of the module can be completely removed to access the –48 V dc and the battery return bus bars ( BR ) of the module. Up to six pairs of 750 kcmil cables can be attached back-to-back to the bus bars. ( See Figure 24. ) Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 54 Description of the Helios Candeo modules Figure 24 — View showing cabling to the Battery Connection Module 3.4.2 Electrical specifications of the Battery Connection Module Table 16 — Electrical specifications of the Battery Connection Modules Battery string connections Maximum : twelve cables Busbar capacity 600 A ( with contactor ) Input voltage range Input current 1000 A ( with no contactor ) 40 V to 60 V 60 mA The location of the fuse alarm, pathfinder of the Battery Connection Module, monitoring jacks for the voltage between the sense leads, and the contactor bypass switch are shown in Figure 25. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Description of the Helios Candeo modules 55 Figure 25 — Front view of the Battery Connection Module 3.4.3 Status and alarm indicators of the Battery Connection Module The operational and alarm indicators located on the front panel of the Battery Connection Module are described in Table 17. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 56 Description of the Helios Candeo modules Table 17 — Alarm indicators on the Battery Connection Module Indicator Description FA ( RED rectangle ) Fuse alarm for internal or external fuse alarm Pathfinder ( RED triangle ) Battery Connection Module failed Pathfinder ( YELLOW circle ) Abnormal condition : • contactor opened • bypass switch activated • mechanical bypass installed • contactor kill switch activated • no communication with the System Manager Pathfinder ( GREEN rectangle ) Battery Connection Module in normal condition The functions of the Battery Connection Module and its signals are described in Table 18 and in Figure 26. Figure 26 — Block diagram of the Battery Connection Module and signals UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Description of the Helios Candeo modules 57 Table 18 — Sensing devices of the Battery Connection Module Test points ( jacks ) Voltage ( + and – ) and current shunt ( + and – ) : 50 mV for 2,500 A measured at the sense leads connected to the battery. Contactor bypass switch Forced closure of the contactor. Contactor kill switch inputs Shorting pins 3 and 5 of J1 forces the opening of the contactor. External fuse alarm User installed on J1 Temperature probe 1 inputs Measures the temperature of the battery Temperature probe 2 inputs Measures the ambient temperature Remote sense leads Regulation of the float voltage ( see Figure 30 ). 3.4.4 Battery Low Voltage Disconnect contactor The 1,000 A Battery Connection Module has no contactor, while the 600 A Battery Connection Module is equipped with a contactor, which can be : • opened automatically by the System Manager at low voltage and reconnected automatically at a set voltage • closed manually through a bypass switch ( located on the Battery Connection Module ) for maintenance purposes. • opened manually by an external contactor kill switch ( overrides all software commands from the System Manager ) The contactor bypass switch overrides all software commands coming from the System Manager. The contactor kill switch inputs can be used to disconnect the battery in critical situations. To access it, and connect the contactor kill switch according to your needs, you must loosen the captive screw and open the hinged plate ( see Figure 29 ). To manually bypass the contactor, the bypass busbar must be placed in an upper horizontal position. This must be done to replace the contactor or when the bypass switch, for any reason, cannot be used. Note 1 : For evident security reasons ( lightning and restricted access ), the contactor kill switch must not be installed outside a building. Note 2 : The contactor kill switch on the Battery Connection Module must be the only one used. Non-linked Helios Candeo Power Systems, each having a System Manager, must have the kill switch of their Battery Connection Modules daisy-chained. Under no circumstances must a kill switch be connected to a Distribution Module. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 58 Description of the Helios Candeo modules Figure 27 — The 1000 A Battery Connection Module Note 3 : The contactor is a magnetic latching contactor. Once latched by applying a manual or electrical force, it will remain in this latched state ( Opened or Closed ) until unlatched electrically or manually. Figure 28 — The 600 A Battery Connection Module and its BLVD contactor UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Description of the Helios Candeo modules 59 3.4.5 Temperature compensation The temperature compensation function adjusts the float voltage of the rectifiers to optimize the charging of VRLA batteries and limit their oxidation. When temperature Probe 1 is connected, the temperature compensation function is automatically enabled. Disconnecting probe 1 or probe 2 generates an alarm if you do not disable the function in the Temperature compensation screen before disconnecting the probes. The ambient temperature may be measured by probe 2 ( optional ). The two probes measure the difference between the temperature of the battery and the ambient temperature ( see Figure 30 ). A high difference in temperatures may indicate a thermal runaway of the batteries. Refer to Installation Manual IM6C75AA for the temperature probe installation procedures. Use probe 1 to measure the temperature of the post of a battery located in the middle of the string ; this probe must be connected between pin #1 and pin #2 of connector J2. The ambient temperature near the battery is measured by probe 2 connected between pin #3 and pin #4 of the J2 connector. Figure 29 — Access to connectors J1 and J2 for the temperature probes PROBE 2 FOR AMBIENT TEMPERATURE CONNECT THE TEMPERATURE PROBE TO THE POST OF ONE OF THE BATTERIES LOCATED IN THE CENTER OF THE BATTERY STRING PROBE 1 FOR BATTERY TEMPERATURE BATTERY STRINGS Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 60 Description of the Helios Candeo modules Sense leads connection • • The sense leads can be connected remotely by connecting pins 1 and 2 on J1, respecting polarity, to the + and – terminals as shown in Figure 1. The sense leads can be connected locally by connecting pins 1 and 2 on J1, respecting polarity, to the Uninterrupted Battery Supply connectors marked –48 V and BR ( see Figure 32 ). Figure 30 — Location of connectors J1 and J2, contactor kill switch and the contactor bypass switch UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Description of the Helios Candeo modules 61 3.5 500 A Distribution Module 3.5.1 Functions of the Distribution Module The Distribution Module is used to terminate customer loads. Distribution Modules provide local alarm indications on the module itself, the status of the breakers or fuses, the current and the low voltage disconnect, and the alarm signals on the Data bus to the System Manager. The operational and alarm indicators on the Distribution Module are listed in Table 19 and a block diagram of its functions and signals are shown in Figure 32. Figure 31 — View showing an isometric view of the 500 A Distribution Module Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 62 Description of the Helios Candeo modules 3.5.2 Status and alarm indicators of the Distribution Module Table 19 — Status and alarm indicators on the 500 A Distribution Module Indicator Description FA ( RED rectangle ) Fuse alarm Pathfinder ( RED triangle ) Distribution Module failed Pathfinder ( YELLOW circle ) Abnormal condition : Pathfinder ( GREEN rectangle ) • contactor opened • bypass switch activated • mechanical bypass installed • no communication with the controller Distribution Module operating normally Table 20 — Sensing devices of the Distribution Module Test points Distribution voltage ( + and – ) and current shunt ( + and – ) : 50 mV for 2,500 A Contactor bypass switch Forced closure of the contactor 3.5.3 Electrical specifications of the 500 A Distribution Module Table 21 — Electrical specifications of the 500 A Distribution Module Circuit breakers Maximum : 20 breakers Busbar Capacity : 500 A Input voltage range 40 V to 60 V Input current 60 mA UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Capacity : 1 to 150 A Description of the Helios Candeo modules 63 3.5.4 Interfacing to the Distribution Module Figure 32 — Block diagram of the 500 A Distribution Module and signals Note : Under no circumstances must a kill switch be connected to a Distribution Module. 3.5.5 Load Low Voltage Disconnect contactor The Distribution Module can be equipped with a 600 A Load Disconnect contactor. A Distribution Module is shown without a contactor in Figure 33 and equipped with an optional contactor in Figure 34. The contactor can be : • opened automatically by the System Manager at low voltage and reconnected automatically at a set voltage • closed manually by a bypass switch ( located on the Distribution Module ) for maintenance purposes. To manually bypass the contactor, reposition the bypass busbar horizontally ( see Figure 35 ). This has to be done when the contactor must be replaced, or when you want to ensure that the loads will not be disconnected. The corresponding procedure is described in the "Maintenance and troubleshooting" chapter of this manual. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 64 Description of the Helios Candeo modules Figure 33 — View showing the 500 A Distribution Module without a contactor Figure 34 — View showing the 500 A Distribution Module equipped with a contactor UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Description of the Helios Candeo modules 65 Figure 35 — The Distribution Module with the bypass busbar in the bypass position The 500 A Distribution Module can be equipped with ( see Figure 36 and Figure 37 ) : • load clips, single or double-pole, one for each breaker or plug-in fuse • twenty positions for 1 A to 60 A bullet-type single-pole circuit breakers ( mid-trip and standard trip ) occupying one position ( total breaker capacity of 625 A ) • ten positions for 65 A to 100 A bullet-type single-pole circuit breakers ( mid-trip and standard trip ) occupying two positions ( total breaker capacity of 625 A ) • seven positions for 100 to 150 A double-pole circuit breakers ( midtrip and standard trip ) occupying two positions with an empty space between two breakers ( total breaker capacity of 625 A ) • any combination of the above Refer to Installation Manual IM6C75AA for the complete breaker installation procedures. You must install the jumper in mid-trip or standard position ( J2 ) on the front side of the circuit breaker contact support. The distribution interconnect cable must also be connected to J1 on the backside of the circuit breaker contact support. Note 1 : Leave an empty position on each side of breakers having a capacity of 65 A and greater, and use the double-position load clip type. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 66 Description of the Helios Candeo modules Note 2 : An angle bracket must be fixed on the Battery Return busbar of the Battery Connection Module when using a double-pole clip ( 65 A and greater ). See Figure 37. Note 3 : If the connector J2 is incorrectly positioned, continuous alarms will be generated. Figure 36 — Settings for mid-tip or standard circuit breakers UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Description of the Helios Candeo modules 67 Figure 37 — View showing the 500 A Distribution Module with the front panel open ANGLE BRACKET FOR LOADS OF 60 AMPERES AND ABOVE DOUBLE LOAD CLIP ( SEE VIEW A ) SINGLE LOAD CLIP ( SEE VIEW B ) RAIL TO REMOVE THE LOAD CLIP LIFT THIS TAB USING A SCREWDRIVER INSERTED INTO THE SLOT RAIL TO INSTALL A LOAD CLIP, PLACE IT ON THE RAIL, MAKING SURE THE TABS ARE INSERTED INTO THE SLOTS, AND PUSH TOWARDS THE REAR UNTIL IT SNAPS INTO PLACE. VIEW OF THE DOUBLE LOAD CLIP WITH THE COVER OPEN VIEW A TO REMOVE THE LOAD CLIP, LIFT THIS TAB WITH A SCREWDRIVER OR OTHER SIMILAR OBJECT. VIEW OF THE SINGLE LOAD CLIP WITH THE COVER CLOSED VIEW B Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 68 Description of the Helios Candeo modules This page is left blank intentionnally. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 69 4 Start-up and configuration settings 4.1 Quick start-up When starting-up, the System Manager gathers information to build the inventory of all the modules in the system and it validates their compatibility with the System Manager. When the System Manager is initializing, its Red pathfinder lights up. A built-in self-test in the BIOS tests the presence of the DiskOnChip and the read/write access of the CAN controller. In a normal situation, the following screens will appear as no error was detected during the built-in "self-test". In a defective situation, one of the following screens will appear "DiskOnChip" defective. "CAN controller" defective. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 70 Start-up and configuration settings When starting-up for the first time, or after a "software upgrade", a backup is created, which may take from five to ten minutes. When starting-up in difficult conditions, or after an incomplete "software upgrade", a previous backup copy of the software application is loaded. Once ON, the pathfinders of the other modules ( Distribution Module, Battery Connection Module, Rectifier Module ) will light up for five seconds. Then the pathfinders reflecting the actual state of operation light up. The conditions indicated by the pathfinders are as follows : • Green pathfinder lit, if the System Manager is operational • Yellow pathfinder lit, if the Maintenance Mode is active • Red pathfinder lit, if the System Manager is initializing or faulty If the Green pathfinder is lit, proceed as described below. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Start-up and configuration settings 71 4.1.1 Initially starting–up from the GUI on the system Manager At the initial start-up, the System Manager displays the Initial System Configuration Sequence page shown below. From the System Manager only You must set the following : language, screen contrast, date and time, and number and type of batteries chosen from the database used in the System Manager. You can skip the other parameters of configuration. Finally, you have to select System Configuration Completed to indicate you have completed the initial sequence. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 72 Start-up and configuration settings Future use Note : Languages other than English will be available in the future. On the System Manager only The seconds are not configurable but are set to zero when the time is set. Only the battery type, model and quantity need be configured from the database. If the batteries used are not listed in the database, you must configure your system manually or accept the default values set by the UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Start-up and configuration settings 73 System Manager. Choose the type of battery, the number of strings and the number of cells / strings ; the capacity of the string will be displayed. Optional Enter a system name to identify this particular system ( optional ). It will be used as a reference for the files saved on an external computer. Click System Configuration Completed to indicate you have completed the initial sequence. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 74 Start-up and configuration settings 4.1.2 Security and log-on privileges There are three levels of privileges for accessing the System Manager ( see Table 22 ). The hierarchy of the privileges ranges from Supervisor ( highest ) to Remote access ( lowest ). All functions available to a lower privileged access level are available to the higher privileges. The Remote access privilege requires a password, but viewing the power system locally on the System Manager does not require any password. The default password can be modified to a new password consisting of zero to twelve characters ( case sensitive ) that can be any combination of the 26 letters of the alphabet, or the integers 0 to 9 ( alphanumeric ). Table 22 — Privileges to access the System Manager Supervisor Default password : type super and press Maintenance, Enter ( for software version 1.2 e and higher ) manufacturing and field service technical user Modify Default password : press Enter End user and operator with power system data modification rights Remote access Default password : type remote and press Enter End user and operator with viewing and alarm resetting rights Note : The Engineer privilege is a temporary password obtained from the technical service assistance. This privilege is necessary in case of password loss or to change the state of the relays in the screen Alarm Output Ports. In the Menu click Preferences and select Password Change to set your password. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Start-up and configuration settings 75 The password privilege is lost after a 15-minute of inactivity, after which the following window appears. 4.1.3 Home page of the GUI The Home page has a Menu and a window indicating active alarms. The buttons located at the top of the Home page are to execute the following functions : go to the Home page go to the previous page go to the next page Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 76 Start-up and configuration settings On the touch pad of the System Manager, with a finger tap ( or click with the mouse of a remote computer ) on the Alarm status bar to access the Active Alarms List page ( Critical, Major, Minor or No Alarm ). The Home page also displays the float voltage, the total load current, the total current from the rectifiers, and the battery current. • If you click on the –54.0 V power system voltage, the Voltage Thresholds page will be displayed. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Start-up and configuration settings 77 • If you click on the Load Current, you can select Current Threshold or Distribution Modules Verify and press Cancel to return to the Home page or modify and press OK to return to the Home page Click to return to the previous page which is the Home page • If you click on the Rectifier Current, you can select Current Threshold or Rectifier Modules • If you click on the Battery Current, you can select Current Threshold or Battery Connection Modules Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 78 Start-up and configuration settings The functions of the tools located at the bottom of the Home page are defined as follows : • Indicates the language selected • Will Indicate the remaining battery reserve ( future use ) • Indicates the status of the audible alarm shutdown as follows : – If critical, major and minor audible alarms are disabled, the icon has an X. – The icon blinks when an alarm is audible. Note : Clicking the icon shuts down the audible alarm until a new alarm is triggered. • Maintenance Mode Note : The icon blinks when Maintenance Switch is on. • Indicates the time : Clicking on the digital clock icon opens the Date And Time page. Will be displayed when a password ( level Modify, Supervisor or Engineer ) to modify the settings is entered. Special buttons appear on the Home page if the following conditions occur : button When an LVD is activated, clicking the opens the Contactor Reconnect page. When an HVSD alarm is active, the appears. When clicked, it restarts the rectifier. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 button Start-up and configuration settings 79 Clicking the Menu gives access to a detailed menu shown as follows. From System Manager From System Manager From a remote PC From a remote PC Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 80 Start-up and configuration settings 4.1.4 Communication between the System Manager and a remote PC The System Manager and the remote computer have to be configured with identical communications parameters ( but their IP addresses are different ). Take note of the specific communication parameters of your PC and enter in the System Manager ( through the GUI ) the same parameters in the fields described below ( the default values set at the factory are in bold ). • Baud rate : 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 • Parity : None, Odd, Even, Mark, Space • Data Bits : 7, 8 • Stop Bits : 1, 2 • Nb. of rings : 1 ( min. =1, max. = 10 ) • Flow Control : Xon / Xoff, Hardware, None If you use the RS232 port, in the Connection field, enter Modem or Null-Modem ( direct cross link connection up to 50 feet between a PC and the System Manager ). The shaded area below it becomes available if you have entered Modem in the Connection field. You must then type the initial string required. From the System Manager, select Preferences in the Menu and then Communication ports. From the System Manager only Clicking in the field requiring user input causes a keyboard to pop-up on the screen to enter alphanumeric characters. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Start-up and configuration settings 81 If you use the RS485 port ( future use ), set the parameters and in the Connection field, enter Null-Modem ( only choice possible). From the System Manager only If you use an Ethernet connection, contact your Network administrator to obtain the IP address and subnet mask for the System Manager. From the System Manager only The Callback function ( from the System Manager only ) of the modem to eight programmed phone numbers is for future use. To communicate from a remote PC to the System Manager execute Procedure 1. Note : If you do not have experience with computer communication, contact your information system or network expert to connect the PC to your System Manager with the proper cables ( see Figure 19 ) and to configure the communication parameters. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 82 Start-up and configuration settings Procedure 1 – Remote connection between a PC and the System Manager Step 1 Action Download Java Plug-in Find the Java Plug-in under the menu The Java Platform at Web site : or Download the Java Run Time Environment, Standard Edition ( US version or international version ) for your operating system and install the application on your PC. 2 Set or verify your IP address and your sub-net mask. • If the PC is connected directly to the System Manager by a shielded cross-link cable, in the Windows Control Panel, open the Network folder, select TCP / IP and Specify an IP address ( ask your network administrator ) to select an address in the range between : and and a sub-net mask of the type : ( See the note below. ) • 3 If the PC and System Manager are connected through a private network ( LAN ), the IP address and the sub-net mask of the PC are assigned by the network server. In your computer menu ( Windows 2000 for example ), select Settings and then Network and Dial-up Connections, and select Make New Connection. Then configure the parameters for either : • Modem ( connected to the RS232 port ) • Null-modem communication ( shielded cross-link cable connected to the RS232 port ) • Local network (LAN ) ( connected to the Ethernet port ) If you need any help, ask your IT administrator. 4 Launch Netscape or Explorer. In the address bar, type the IP address of the System Manager entered in the Communication Ports page of the GUI, for example : end UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Start-up and configuration settings 83 Note : If the connection between the PC and the System Manager will not be connected to the Internet, any IP address can be chosen for the System Manager. However, for safety and consistency, some IP network addresses have been reserved for this purpose. These are specified in RFC1597 by the Internet Engineering Task force ( IETF ). After typing the IP address of your System Manager ( different from the one shown below ) in the address bar of your navigator ( Explorer or Netscape ) the following screen should appear. Click on the blue icon to start. CLICK HERE TO START The Java Applets will be loaded and you will then be requested to enter your remote password, as shown in the following screen. The default remote access password from a remote PC is remote ( case sensitive ). Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 84 Start-up and configuration settings 4.2 Battery management and power system thresholds 4.2.1 Battery parameters The battery database provides the following configuration parameters and they can be modified by the user : • Manufacturer name and model name • Recommended cell float voltage at the nominal temperature • Minimum and maximum cell float voltage at the nominal temperature ( with or without Temperature Compensation ) • Voltage alarm thresholds for each cell • Battery on discharge alarm threshold for each cell ( with or without Temperature Control Module ) • Voltage boost for each cell • Temperature compensation slope for each cell • Maximum recharge current in % of the A-H rating • Nominal and maximum operating temperature At the start-up sequence or after, the user can verify, choose, modify and accept the settings. From the System Manager the status and inventory can also be saved. 4.2.2 Battery selection In the Menu click Settings and choose the Battery Selection page to modify the battery string selection. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Start-up and configuration settings 85 4.2.3 Adding a new Battery Connection Module If a new Battery Connection Module is added, the System Manager will ask you to review the number of battery strings. 4.2.4 Voltage thresholds settings In the Menu click Settings to verify and modify the operational parameters derived from the database, or set by default. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 86 Start-up and configuration settings 4.2.5 Current thresholds settings 4.2.6 Voltage boost and charge control settings In the Menu click Settings and Voltage Boost (Equalize) to verify or modify the battery voltage boost parameters. Flooded battery UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 VRLA battery Start-up and configuration settings 87 A voltage boost of 0.7 V will be set by default by the system for a flooded battery and 0 V for a VLRA battery ; this setting can be modified as required. In the Menu click Settings and select Charge control to enable, and set or modify the battery charging parameters. If Battery Connection Modules without BLVD are used, the maximum charge current could be from 1000 A to 6000 A. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 88 Start-up and configuration settings 4.2.7 Battery discharge test settings and results In the Menu : • click Settings to verify or modify the Battery Discharge Test Settings • click Functions to execute the Manual Battery Discharge Test • click History to access the Battery Discharge Test Results UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Start-up and configuration settings 89 4.2.8 Temperature compensation The temperature compensation function adjusts the float voltage of the rectifiers to optimize the charging of VRLA batteries and limit their oxidation. The temperature compensation function is automatically enabled when the temperature probes are connected ( see Figure 1 ). Temperature probe 1 must be connected between pin #1 and pin #2 of the J2 connector and temperature probe 2 between pin #3 and pin #4 of the J2 connector ( see Figure 29 and Figure 308 ). The two probes measure the difference between the temperature of the battery and the ambient temperature. A high temperature difference may indicate a thermal runaway of the batteries. In the Menu click Settings to verify and modify the temperature compensation according to the battery characteristics. Before disabling the temperature compensation function in this screen, probe 1 and probe 2 must be left in the connection to prevent generating alarms. After the function is disabled, you can disconnect the probes. The maximum temperature of the battery, and the differential temperature with the ambient temperature have to be configured in the System Manager. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 90 Start-up and configuration settings The slope and level of voltage compensation have to be set according to the battery specifications. 4.3 Alarm triggering and output 4.3.1 Alarm severity and output ports Any state other than normal indicates a problem in the power system. The problems are categorized in terms of severity as follows : Minor : The power system is fully operational despite the conditions detected. Major : The power system requires attention to resolve the condition. Critical : The power system has reached a condition where the loads are not being supported and requires urgent attention. Disable : The alarm is disabled The sources of the alarms detected by the System Manager can be either : • a faulty condition of the Helios Candeo Power System • an outside alarm signal on any of the six Alarm Input Ports The active alarms are displayed as follows : UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Start-up and configuration settings 91 In the Alarms Severity & Output page, many alarm severity levels are fixed but all the alarm output ports are configurable. The alarms can be sorted by port number, severity, or by alarm name. • Output Port 1 is assigned by default to Minor alarms • Output Port 2 is assigned by default to Major alarms • Output Ports 3 to 8 have to be defined ( no default value ) Output Port 1 being assigned to the Minor Alarm, if a minor alarm is present and has None port assigned to it, it will be sent to Output Port 1. In the above screen, when a minor alarm ( Load Disconnect Fail, Load Reconnect Fail, Low Float or Maintenance active ) is active, it will be sent to Output Port 1. Output Port 2 being assigned to Major Alarm, if a major alarm is present and has None port assigned to it, it will be sent to Output port 2. In the above screen, when the major alarm ( Low Voltage ) is active, it will be sent to Output Port 2. A specific output port can also be assigned to a specific alarm of any severity. The next screen lists all the possible alarms in the system. In this example, the Low Voltage Alarm is set to Output Port 7 and its severity is set to Major. When this alarm is activated, the Major Alarm LED will be lit and an alarm signal will be sent to Output Port 7. If an alarm severity is set to Disable, this alarm will not activate the Alarm LED and it will not be sent to an output port. In the next screen, Major Audible is set to Disable. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 92 Start-up and configuration settings UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Start-up and configuration settings 93 In the Menu click Settings to access the Alarm Output Ports and to configure the alarm relay state of the eight Alarm Output Ports of the System Manager. The state of the C-relay contact when an alarm is activated could be Energized or Not energized. The default value is : Not energized. The alarm condition is an OR combination of any alarms configured to that port. ( See also Table 11 ). Contact the technical service assistance if you need a temporary Engineer password to modify, for each output port, the alarm relay state Engineer password required In the Menu click Modules and System Manager to see the Alarm Output Status as programmed in Alarm Output Ports and Alarms Severity & Output pages. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 94 Start-up and configuration settings 4.3.2 Alarm input ports The Alarms Severity & Output page also includes the alarm triggered by external signal alarms on the six Alarm Input Ports of the System Manager listed in Table 23. Table 23 — Alarm input ports to the System Manager Input Port Label Mask Level Severity Port 1 Auxiliary alarm 1 ( optional ) 0 to 60 sec. Low Critical Port 2 Auxiliary alarm 2 ( optional ) High Major Port 3 Auxiliary alarm 3 ( optional ) Fall, Minor Port 4 Generator on ( fixed ) Rise Disable Port 5 Generator overload ( fixed ) Port 6 System shutdown ( fixed ) Default : High Default : Disable Default : 0 sec. In the Menu click Settings and select Alarm Input Ports to define the TRUE condition ( High, Low, Fall or Rise ) of the six Alarm Input Ports. The labels of Input Ports 1, 2 and 3 can be defined but those of Input Ports 4, 5 and 6 are fixed. The System Manager polls the Alarm Input Ports every 1 to 60 seconds, as specified in the Mask ( default : 0 second ). The alarm on the Input Port is TRUE if present for the duration specified in the mask. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Start-up and configuration settings 95 If the defined triggering level is : • Fall, a transition from High ( BR ) to Low (–48 V )sets the alarm condition • Rise, a transition from Low (–48 V ) to High ( BR ) sets the alarm condition The severity of the alarm on each Input Port can be set to Critical, Major, Minor or Disable. On the Input Port 4 of 6 page, selecting Prevent Battery Recharge to prevent the battery recharge when the generator is on, gives you the option of using a smaller capacity generator. On the Input Port 5 of 6 page, you can select Charge Current Limiting to limit the charge current as long as the generator is in the overload condition. On the Input Port 6 of 6 page, if you have the Supervisor privilege, you can select the level of the System Shutdown signal to turn off all the dc output of the rectifiers. When the battery voltage drops to less than 49 V ±1 V, the Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 96 Start-up and configuration settings BLVD contactor in the Battery Connection Module opens first and then the LLVD contactor in the Distribution Module. In the Severity field, you can disable the signal or set its alarm severity. Supervisor privilege only Note 1 : On the System Manager, connect –48 V and BR to the Auxiliary Power Inputs (J4-1 and J4-2) before executing a System Shutdown ( signal on J7-11 and J7-12 ) to power the System Manager. Note 2 : Insure that the signal applied to Input Port 6 is electrically stable ( no transient ) for the duration specified in Mask. In the Menu click Modules and System Manager to see the Alarm Input Status as programmed in the Input Ports pages. 4.3.3 Permanent Audible Cut-off In the Menu click Preferences and select Permanent Audible Cut-off to cancel the audible alarm. The System Manager generates an audible alarm whenever a UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Start-up and configuration settings 97 Minor, Major or Critical alarm occurs, unless the corresponding audible alarm generation is disabled. The appearance of the icon on the status bar changes according to the following conditions : • The icon is fixed if there is no alarm. • If critical, major and minor audible alarms are disabled, the icon is covered by an X. • The icon blinks when an alarm is active. Note : Clicking the icon shuts down the audible alarm until a new alarm is triggered. 4.4 Rectifier Sequential Start-up mode This feature is recommended when multiple rectifiers are connected to a common ac input to stagger the inrush currents. The calculation and assignment of the sequencing delay to each rectifier should take place each time the user : • enables the sequential startup mode • changes the sequencing delay parameters • adds or removes a Rectifier Module The Sequential Start-up Mode of the rectifiers is enabled by default to a delay of 2 seconds ( plus the five seconds initial start-up delay ). It can be set to a sequencing delay of 0 to 12 seconds. The maximum starting delay of the 62nd rectifier would be 744 seconds ( 62 X 12 seconds ) later. If the user cancels the sequential start-up procedure, the rectifiers will be activated according to the previous set-up delay. This command is available to users with Modify privileges. The system Manager sends a "Cancel Sequential Startup” message to all the rectifiers, if the sequential startup mode is disabled ( 0 second in the field delay ), or if the BLVD contactor is open. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 98 Start-up and configuration settings This page is left blank intentionnally. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 99 5 Monitoring the modules 5.1 Total inventory and mapping The System Manager controls the inventory and displays the mapping of all the modules, which are self-identifying ( serial numbers only ). In the Menu click Modules and then Total Inventory List & Mapping. The serial numbers of the modules are specified automatically, but their position ( Frame and Height ) has to be allocated manually ( optional ) by the user through the GUI. The position consists of the Frame number ( five alphanumeric characters ) and the Height in the frame ( vertical location, from 1 to 78 , stamped in the left mounting bracket of the frame ). The address is stored by the System Manager until the module is removed from the inventory or changed by the user. To remove a module from the inventory, in the Menu click Modules and then Inventory Update. In the Inventory Update page, you can sort by Serial number or Position. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 100 Monitoring the modules 5.2 Status of the modules 5.2.1 System Manager version, Alarm Input and Output Status In the Menu click Modules and System Manager to see the serial and part numbers, the hardware and software release versions, the Alarm Input Status and the Alarms Output Status of your system. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Monitoring the modules 101 5.2.2 Rectifier, Battery Connection and Distribution Modules status In the Menu click Modules and select as required Rectifiers Modules, Battery Connection Modules or Distribution Modules. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 102 Monitoring the modules 5.2.3 Alarm investigation When there are active alarms, you can verify the status list of the modules to find which module is defective, as in the following example. The Rectifier Status List shows a rectifier not responding and in the Distribution Modules Status list, one Distribution Module has an alarm. By clicking on the Serial#/Pos of the defective Distribution Module, you can find the Readings, the Alarm name and the Status and Alarm history of that module. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Monitoring the modules 103 5.2.4 Status and alarms of the modules The possible status and alarms of the Rectifier Modules, the Battery Connection Modules and the Distribution Modules are described below. Possible status : Thermal shutdown dc fuse open Current control Charge control ac power derating Ambient power derating Internal power limit High voltage shutdown ac fail Rectifier fail Fan fail Rectifier derated Maximum power / current limit Low bulk Temporary release Sequential start Self-test result ( hexadecimal ) Sequential start delay ( MM:SS ) Possible alarms : Module not responding Module S / W version mismatch Module configuration fail Module self-test fail Possible status : Temperature probe 2 Contactor 1 installed Cabinet alarm Contactor 1 bypass installed LVD 1 algorithm active Contactor 1 open LVD 1 inhibit Shunt 1 installed HVSD detection Electrical Bypass Switch HVSD algorithm Remote sense Self-test result FFFF Temperature probe 1 ( hexadecimal ) Possible alarms : Contactor open Fuse alarm ( FA ) Kill Switch activated Module capacity exceeded Invalid voltage measurement Module % capacity exceeded Battery disconnected ( BLVD ) Module not responding Battery low voltage disconnect Module S / W version mismatch fail Module configuration fail Battery contactor reconnect Module self-test fail fail Bypass installed Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 104 Monitoring the modules Possible status : Shunt 3 installed Contactor 1 installed Shunt 4 installed Contactor 1 bypass installed Electrical Bypass Switch Contactor 1 open Self-test result FFFF Shunt 1 installed ( hexadecimal ) Possible alarms : Contactor open Invalid voltage Fuse alarm ( FA ) measurement Module capacity exceeded Module not responding Module % capacity exceeded Module S / W version mismatch Load disconnected ( LVD ) Module configuration fail Load low voltage disconnect Module self-test fail fail Bypass installed Load contactor reconnect fail . UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 105 6 Maintenance and troubleshooting 6.1 Maintenance Switch Enabling In the Menu click Preferences and choose Maintenance Switch Enabling icon appears When the Maintenance switch is enabled, a maintenance on the status bar of the Home page. If this icon is clicked, the user will enter the Maintenance mode and the icon will “blink”. This will temporarily disable the Low Voltage Disconnect functions ( LVD ) and all the external alarms ( except the Maintenance mode active ). The Maintenance Mode works without disconnecting the loads, and inhibits remote alarms through the Output ports, with the exception of the maintenance alarm. The active alarms will still be displayed on the GUI. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 106 Maintenance and troubleshooting In the Menu click Functions and choose the required maintenance function. 6.2 Battery maintenance 6.2.1 Manual Voltage Boost ( Equalize ) to maintain the battery To maintain the float cells of a battery in good condition, it is essential to equalize them cyclically or after a low voltage condition. To manually start or stop the battery equalization process in the Menu click Functions, select Manual Voltage Boost ( Equalize ), and then click the Start or Stop buttons. You can also modify the duration of the boost. This equalization will be temporarily disabled if the temperature of the battery is too high ( configured in the Settings ). These manual commands override the general or cyclic voltage equalize configured at start-up in the Settings. The default equalization time duration is 30 minutes, but the range is up to 99 h 59 min. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Maintenance and troubleshooting 107 6.2.2 Forced Battery Discharge To manually start or stop the battery discharge process in the Menu click Functions, select Manual Battery Discharge Test, and click the Start or Stop command buttons. The results of the battery discharge tests available from the History menu include : • total duration of discharge • beginning and end voltage • average plant current for the duration of the discharge • amp-hour integrated over sampling duration of the current Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 108 Maintenance and troubleshooting The forced Stop of the battery discharge will immediately terminate the discharge whether it was triggered manually or cyclically, if : • the plant voltage has reached the cut-off voltage level • the maximum discharge time duration has expired The forced Start and cyclic battery discharge will be temporarily disabled, if : • the power system is in charge control or in current limit • the batteries are already discharging • a Battery Low Voltage Disconnect or a Battery Voltage Reset is in progress • a Voltage Boost ( Equalize ) is in progress • the batteries are not fully charged • at least one rectifier is defective • the power system voltage is below the cut-off voltage level for the forced battery discharge • the Insufficient Rectifier Capacity alarm is active In the Settings menu option of the Battery Discharge Test Settings page, the maximum test duration is set to 120 minutes by default, but the possible range is from 1 minute to 24 hours. The discharge cut-off voltage ( the highest of the LLVD or BLVD +2 V dc ) has to be adjusted when an LVD parameter is changed. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Maintenance and troubleshooting 109 6.3 LED Test and Alarm Relay Test To test all the alarms LEDs, in the Menu click Functions and select LED Test. This will light up the LEDs of all the operational modules for 30 seconds. This command does not require a password. To test each alarm relay output, in the Menu click Functions and select Alarms Relay Test. This command is available to a supervisor privilege in the Maintenance mode. Supervisor privilege only This test changes the electrical status of the relay. The GUI displays the port number and the electrical status of the relay as well as a Start button. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 110 Maintenance and troubleshooting 6.4 Contactor bypassing, test and replacement 6.4.1 Manually bypassing the contactor To manually bypass the contactor of the 600 A Battery Connection Module or the 500 A Distribution Module, manually reposition the bypass busbar as described in Procedure 2. This has to be done before testing or replacing the contactor or when you want to insure that the loads will not be disconnected. WARNING Preventing electrical shocks Use insulated tools and exercise care when executing Procedure 2 and Procedure 3. Make sure that the contactor is in the close position before executing Procedure 2. If not, manually operate the contactor to close it. Procedure 2 – Manually bypassing the contactor to test it or replace it Step Action 1 Remove the nuts and washers from the studs located on the busbars and set them aside for reuse ( See Figure 38 ). 2 Remove the bypass busbar and slide it horizontally over the four studs, located in the two busbars. 3 Secure it in place with the nuts and washers put aside in Step 1. —end— UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Maintenance and troubleshooting 111 Figure 38 — Manually bypassing the contactor 6.4.2 Electrically opening the contactor in the Battery Connection module Shorting pins 3 and 5 of J1 ( the contactor kill switch inputs ) forces the opening of the contactor. Use the manual bypass switch ( in position 1 ) to close the contactor ( see Figure 30 ). Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 112 Maintenance and troubleshooting 6.4.3 Replacing the contactor in the Battery Connection Module Procedure 3 – Replacing the contactor in the Battery Connection Module Step Action 1 Open the front-hinged panel by pushing on the latches located on each side, and remove the transparent plastic cover by inserting your fingers through the slot and pulling it out towards you. 2 Remove the two screws ( on the left side ) securing the uninterruptible battery supply connection plate in place. Be careful not to drop the screws and set them aside for reuse. 3 Pull out the uninterruptible battery supply connections plate towards you, exercising care not to break the attached wires, and leave it hanging at the front of the unit. 4 Bypass the contactor by repositioning the bypass busbar as described in Procedure 2. 5 Remove the four bolts and lock washers securing the contactor to the busbars. 6 Pull the contactor out towards you taking care not to snag or break any wires. 7 Disconnect the wires tagged “+“, “–“, “3“, and “4“ ( connected to J3 ) from the contactor ( see Figure 39 ). 8 Reconnect the wires tagged “+“, “–“, “3“, and “4“ to the new contactor. 9 Insert the new contactor into position and secure it to the busbars with the four bolts and lock washers removed in step 5. 10 Manually close the contactor. 11 Reposition the bypass busbar to its vertical position, making sure you replace and tighten the three nuts and washers on the studs of the busbars. 12 Replace the uninterruptible battery supply connection plate and secure it in place with the two screws removed in step 2. 13 Replace the transparent plastic cover and close the front-hinged panel, making sure it snaps in place. —end— UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Maintenance and troubleshooting 113 6.4.4 Replacing the contactor in the Distribution Module The procedure for replacing the contactor in the Distribution Module is identical to Procedure 3 except that there is no uninterruptible battery supply plate to remove. Figure 39 — Replacing the contactor Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 114 Maintenance and troubleshooting 6.4.5 Testing a contactor This software command ( available to a user having a Modify privilege and higher ) is useful for testing a contactor that has been newly installed. From the Home page of the GUI, you can test the contactor ( of a Battery Connection Module or of a Distribution Module ) if you are in the maintenance mode and if the mechanical bypass has been installed. You can test the opening of the bypassed contactor by pressing the button Open contact in the field Test. If the test succeeds : "Load disconnected or Battery disconnected" will be displayed. You can then test the closure of the bypassed contactor by pressing the button Close contact in the field Test. If you do not execute this command, the system will close it automatically after one minute. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Maintenance and troubleshooting 115 6.5 Reset, reconnect and shutdown conditions 6.5.1 High Voltage Shutdown and Rectifier Reset If a High Voltage Shut Down alarm is active, a Rectifier Reset button appears on the Home page ; click on it to reset the rectifier. 6.5.2 Low voltage disconnect and Contactor Reconnect When a low voltage disconnect is activated, a Contactor Reconnect button appears on the Home page to link to the Contactor Reconnect page. After a Contactor Reconnect command, the list of the modules is refreshed. If the command fails, the module will remain in the list, but an alarm will be triggered. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 116 Maintenance and troubleshooting 6.5.3 System Manager screen activation and Reset The LCD screen of the System Manager has an energy saver, which is enabled after one hour of inactivity. The screen is activated by tapping on the touch pad with a finger ( or pushing the left button located below the touch pad ). If the screen is "frozen", remove the System Manager from the frame and reinsert it to reinitiate good contact. The System Manager Reset command is for critical situations and it can be used only by a Supervisor Privilege user as it will erase all inventory and history data. It is essential to carry out a Save Settings to a PC before executing System Manager Reset to be able to reload them. On the System Manager only UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Maintenance and troubleshooting 117 6.6 Replacing the Control Assembly Procedure 4 – Replacing the Control Assembly containing the neuron card Step Action 1 Open the front panel of the Distribution or Battery Connection Module by pressing on the latches located on each side of the panel. 2 Loosen the captive screw on the neuron door assembly and open it. 3 Pull the Control Assembly partway out of the Distribution or Battery Connection Module taking care not to snag or damage any of the wires. 4 Disconnect all the wires and the ribbon cable connected to the Control Assembly. Cut the cable tie securing the cable harnesses to the left side of the Control Assembly. 5 Slide the Control Assembly out of the Distribution or Battery Connection Module. 6 Slide the new Control Assembly partway into the Distribution or Battery Connection Module. 7 Reconnect the wires and the ribbon cable in their appropriate locations. Secure the cable harnesses to the side of the assembly with a cable tie, leaving slack to insert the assembly. The smaller cable runs to the rear of the assembly. The larger cable must hang in front of the contactor. 8 Fully insert the Control Assembly into the unit by pushing on it. After it has been fully inserted, place the larger cable in the space between the Control Assembly and the contactor, making sure it is behind the contactor. 8 Close and secure the neuron door assembly by tightening the captive screw. 9 Replace the front cover of the Distribution or Battery Connection Module making sure it snaps into place. end Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 118 Maintenance and troubleshooting Figure 40 — Replacing a Control Assembly UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Maintenance and troubleshooting 119 6.7 Replacing the rectifier Fan Assembly If a Fan Fail minor alarm occurs, one fan is defective in the Fan Assembly ; if a major alarm is displayed, two fans are defective. The procedure to replace the Fan Assembly is described below ( see Figure 41 ). Figure 41 — Replacing the rectifier Fan Assembly Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 120 Maintenance and troubleshooting Procedure 5 – Replacing the Fan Assembly Step Action 1 Remove the front cover of the rectifier using the release levers located at each end ( refer to Figure 41 to execute this procedure ). 2 Lift and rotate the two tabs securing the fan assembly in place, into a vertical position ( the tabs will be in line with the slots ). 3 Grab the fan assembly at both ends and pull it towards you while passing the tabs through the slots. Disconnect the connector located on the end of fan assembly wire harness. 4 To install the new fan assembly connect the connector located on the end of the fan assembly wire harness. Make sure the yellow, black and red wires from the fan assembly wire harness are located between the two fans on the right ( viewed from the front ) and not behind them before inserting the fan assembly into the unit. 5 Pass the securing tabs through the slots of the new assembly, press the unit firmly against the face of the rectifier and rotate the tabs into a horizontal position. Flip the tabs down against the fan assembly. 6 Replace the front cover by inserting the two release levers into the appropriate holes, ensuring the toggle switch of the circuit breaker ( located on the left-hand side of the unit ) is properly engaged into the slot provided for it, and push the cover making sure it snaps into place. end 6.8 Installing the DC link bar between two frames Please refer to the Helios Candeo Installation Manual IM6C75AA for the DC link procedure installation and to Figure 10 and Figure 42 of this User Manual. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Maintenance and troubleshooting 121 Figure 42 — Linking with a dc link bar the backbones at the top of two frames ( bottom fed ) Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 122 Maintenance and troubleshooting 6.9 Software upgrade Save the latest version of the software ( file candeo1_2e.csm in this example ), received by e-mail at your request, on your Desktop. The procedures are slightly different for Explorer and Netscape. To upload the latest version of the GUI : • • In the Menu click Files and select Software Upgrade. Click the link Open FTP window to upload file to open a FTP window into which you will drag the latest version of the software ( or run your favorite FTP program with an anonymous account ). One of the two following FTP windows will appear. With Netscape With Internet Explorer • Drag the new software file ( received by Email ) from the Desktop into the Current directory ( the content of the window may be different ). UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Maintenance and troubleshooting 123 With Netscape With Netscape With Internet Explorer With Netscape With Internet Explorer • Select to upgrade the software for all modules, or in certain cases, for the System Manager only. • Specify the name of the file uploaded ( file candeo1_2e.csm in this example ). If the name of the file is partly hidden, clicking on the name will display it completely. • Click Install Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 124 Maintenance and troubleshooting The GUI will display the following screens during the installation process. • Click the Reset button in this screen to have the new software effective. Resetting the system will cause loss of remote communication. • Close the GUI application and restart it three minutes later. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Maintenance and troubleshooting 125 6.10 Alarm troubleshooting Troubleshooting is easy with the Helios Candeo Power System. The pathfinders on each module and the display screen on the System Manager provide secured alarm history and remote network monitoring and controlling. The general alarm status can be Critical Alarm, Major Alarm, Minor Alarm or No Alarm. When a new alarm, or a new condition causing the same alarm occurs, the Active Alarms List is displayed. Alarms are listed chronologically. All modules can trigger the following alarms : Module not responding, Module software version mismatch, Module configuration failed, Module self-test fail alarms as well as the followings alarms. 6.10.1 History of the power system In the Menu click History and select the Alarms & Events, Statistics or Discharge Test Results to investigate problems. The history lists a maximum of 300 events and 300 alarms. Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 126 Maintenance and troubleshooting Table 24 provides a list of the problems that may occur on the Helios Candeo Power System, identifying their usual causes. Blown fuses and tripped circuit breakers should always be investigated first. 6.10.2 Summary of set and reset conditions of the alarms Table 24 — Power system alarms, severity, set conditions and reset conditions Alarm Name AC Fail Default Severity Set / Reset Condition Minor, Major if more Set : The ac Fail status is ON for at least one than one rectifier. The alarm is kept active if the module is not responding. Auxiliary Input 1 Disabled Set : Alarm Input 1 is set. [Minor, Major, Critical] Auxiliary Input 2 Disabled [Minor, Major, Set : Alarm Input 2 is set. Critical] Auxiliary Input 3 Disabled [Minor, Major, Set : Alarm Input 3 is set. Critical] Battery Discharge Test Active Minor Set : A forced battery discharge is in progress. Battery Disconnect Fail Major Set : Defective contactor. At least one BLVD contactor is not opening at the request of the System Manager. Battery Disconnected Major [Major, Critical] Set : A long interruption of ac power. ( BLVD ) At least one Battery Connection Module is opened. Battery On Discharge ( BOD ) Major Set : The batteries are discharging. Battery Reconnect Fail Minor Set : At least one BLVD contactor is not closing at the request of the System Manager. Bypass Installed Minor Set : At least one mechanical bypass was installed or an electrical bypass status was detected for a Distribution Module or a Battery Connection Module. continued UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Maintenance and troubleshooting 127 Table 24 ( continued ) — Power system alarms, severity, set and reset conditions Alarm Name Default Severity Charge Current Limiting Fail Minor Set : Communication Bus Fail Major Set : Fan Fail Full System Shutdown Fuse Alarm ( FA ) Generator ON ( GON ) Set / Reset Condition Erroneous value One module cannot communicate.. Minor, Major if more Set : The Fan Fail status is ON for at least one than one rectifier. Defective fan(s) of a rectifier. Disabled [Major, Critical] Set : The alarm Input "Shutdown" has been activated. Critical [Major, Critical] Set : The FA status is ON for one Distribution or Battery Connection Module at least. A fuse is blown or there is an extended FA alarm. Disabled [Minor] Set : The Alarm Input GON is set. Generator Overload Disabled [Minor, Major] Set : The Alarm Input Generator Overload is activated. A Supervisor privilege is required. High Battery Temperature Major High Float ( HF ) Minor Set : Defective Rectifier or System Manager Vpower syst ≥ HF High Voltage ( HV ) Major Set : Defective rectifier or System Manager Vpower syst ≥ HV Minor, Major if more Set : than one The HVSD status is ON for at least one rectifier. High voltage shutdown condition. High Voltage Shutdown ( HVSD ) Enabled when equipped with a T probe Set : The battery is too hot or too old. Or there is a ventilation problem. Insufficient Rectifier Minor [Major, Minor] Set : Capacity Preventive alarm to order rectifiers because their capacity will be reached shortly. continued Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 128 Maintenance and troubleshooting Table 24 ( continued ) — Power system alarms, severity, set and reset conditions Alarm Name Invalid Current Default Severity Set / Reset Condition Major [Major, Minor] Set : The current reading is invalid ( communication bug or failure of the module ). Kill Switch Activated Major [Major, Critical] Set : Load Disconnect Fail Minor A Kill Switch signal has been received. Set : At least one LLVD contactor in the Distribution Module is not opening at the request of the System Manager. Load Disconnected Critical [Major, Critical] Set : The status of the contactor and the ( LVD ) mechanical bypass indicate OPEN in at least one Distribution Module. A low voltage disconnect condition. Low Float ( LF ) Minor Set : Vpower syst ≤ LF Low discharge voltage condition. Defective rectifier(s). Shorted battery cell(s). Prolonged power failure. Load Reconnect Fail Minor Set : At least one LLVD contactor is not closing at the request of the System Manager. Low Voltage ( LV ) Major Set : Low discharge voltage condition. Vpower syst ≤ LV The ac circuit breaker is open. Bad connections between the rectifiers and the power system. The Discharge load is greater than the capacity of the rectifier. Maintenance Mode Active Minor Set : The Maintenance Switch is set. Module Capacity Limit Exceeded Major Set : The Module Capacity Limit is exceeded for at least one Battery Connection Module or one Distribution Module. Module Capacity Percentage Exceeded Minor Set : Preventive alarm because the alarm % capacity of a Battery Connection Module or a Distribution Module has been reached. continued UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Maintenance and troubleshooting 129 Table 24 ( continued ) — Power system alarms, severity, set and reset conditions Alarm Name Module Configuration Fail Default Severity Set / Reset Condition Major, Minor if from Set : Defective software. one rectifier A module encountered problems while configuring. Self-test failed. Software update required. Module Invalid Voltage Minor Set : The voltage from at least one Distribution or one Battery Connection Module was invalid for three consecutive reports. Module Max. Quantity Exceeded Minor Set : A 63rd module in any class or a 100th module. The Neuron card addressing capacity is exceeded ) Module Not Responding Module S/W Version Mismatch Rectifier derated Rectifier Fail Major, Minor if only Set : At least one module is not responding. from one rectifier Breaker OFF. No ac. The module is not inserted properly. Major, Minor if only Set : The Software version of the module is not from one rectifier recognized by the System Manager. Minor Set : Rectifier derating. The ac is too low. The temperature of the rectifier is too high. Minor, Major if more Set : The RFA status is ON for at least one rectifier. than one The alarm has to be kept active if the module is not responding. Minor : One rectifier has failed. Major : Two or more rectifiers have failed. Remote Sense Loss Minor Set : Remote Sense status indicates OFF for all Battery Connection Modules. Temperature Probe Loss Minor Set : The Temperature Probe status is OFF for all the Battery Connection Modules. Voltage Boost Active ( EQL ) Minor Set : The equalizing voltage is in progress. end Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 130 Maintenance and troubleshooting This page is left blank intentionnally. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 131 7 Appendix A : Recommended replacement parts The recommended replacements parts are described in Table 25. To order other equipment for the Helios Candeo Power System, visit the site. Table 25 — Replacement parts Ordering number Description A0793355 Control assembly ( replacement part only ) A0785070 Rectifier 50 A / –48 V A0795463 Fan assembly for the Rectifier 50 A / –48 V Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 132 Appendix A : Recommended replacement parts This page is left blank intentionally. UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 133 8 Appendix B : Technical service assistance For technical assistance, 24 hours a day / 7 days a week, dial one of the following toll-free numbers. This service complements the services offered by field support organizations such as, the Emergency Technical Assistance Service ( ETAS ), and the Installation Technical Assistance Service ( ITAS ). 8.1 Local toll-free prefixes The following prefixes give access to toll-free numbers in various countries. For further information, please contact the local service provider. Country Australia Belgium Brazil Denmark Finland France Germany Hong Kong Ireland Japan Korea Malaysia Netherlands New Zealand Singapore Switzerland United Kingdom Prefix 0011 00 0021 00 00 or 990 00 00 001 00 001 ( KDD ) 041 ( ITJ ) 0061 ( IDC ) 001( Korea Telecom ) 002 ( Dacom ) 003 ( Once ) 00 00 00 001 00 00 Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual 134 Appendix B : Technical service assistance 8.2 Toll-free technical assistance numbers United States: In Europe: Austria Belgium Denmark Finland France Germany Ireland Italy Netherlands Norway Sweden Switzerland United Kingdom *1 1-800-992-8417 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 In the Caribbean and Latin America ( CALA ): Bahamas 1-800-389-0081 Barbados 1-800-534-0225 Brazil 08-1571-012288 Colombia 980-192288 Dominican Republic 1-888-7514232 Jamaica 1-800-850-1755 Mexico 001-800-514-2288 Canada: 1-800-363-2288 In Asia and the Pacific: Australia Hong Kong Japan Malaysia New Zealand Philippines Singapore South Korea Taiwan 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 1-800-1-110-0131 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 800-213-49156 In the Middle-East: Israel 800-213-49156 Puerto Rico 1-888-680-2288 Trinidad & Tobago 1-800-363-2288 *1 The United Kingdom includes England, Guernsey, the Isle of Man, Jersey, Northern Ireland, and Scotland. Note : For countries not covered by a toll-free service dial Canada ( country code 001 ) at 514-832-6707 UM6C75AA P0914425 Standard 3.0 March 2001 Helios Candeo Power System AP6C75AA User Manual Astec Advanced Power Systems Ltd 2280 Alfred-Nobel Blvd St-Laurent ( Quebec ) Canada H8S 2A4 Copyright 2001 Astec Advanced Power Systems Ltd All Rights Reserved The information contained in this manual is the property of Astec Advanced Power Systems Ltd and is subject to change without notice. Astec Advanced Power Systems Ltd reserves the right to make changes in design or components as progress in engineering and manufacturing may warrant. Except as specifically authorized in writing by Astec Advanced Power Systems Ltd, the holder of this manual shall keep all information contained herein confidential and shall protect same, in whole or in part, from disclosure and dissemination to all third parties, and use the same for installation, start-up, operation, and maintenance purposes only. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. Astec Advanced Power Systems A part of Emerson Network Power Helios Candeo is a trademark of Astec International Ltd. The Emerson logo is a trademark and service mark of Emerson Electric Co. Manual number : UM6C75AA Manual Status : Standard Manual Issue : 3.0 Release Date : March 2001 P0914425 Published in Canada