The Ithaca Community Microgrid: First Stage

New York Prize
Submitted By:
Hon. Svante Myrick
Mayor of the City of Ithaca
108 E Green St, Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 274-6501
The Ithaca Community
Microgrid: First Stage
Feasibility Assessment
Project Contact:
Dan Ramer, PhD.
Chief Operator, Ithaca Area Waste Water
Treatment Facility
525 3rd Street
Ithaca, NY 14850
(607)273-8381 ext. 202
Submitted to:
New York Prize
May 15, 2015
Project Partners: City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca, Town of Dryden,
Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility, NYSEG, Unchained
Properties, LLC & Ithaca Community Energy, Inc.
Attachment A: Proposal checklist .............................................................................................................................. 3
Attachment B: Disclosure of Prior Findings .............................................................................................................. 4
SECTION 3. Executive summary ................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Proposal title: “The Ithaca Community Microgrid: First Stage Feasibility Assessment”......................... 6
3.2 Team members............................................................................................................................................ 6
3.3 Problem and opportunity............................................................................................................................ 6
3.4 Existing initiatives ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Prior Feasibility Studies of IAWWTF and CWD: ................................................................................................ 7
3.5 Benefits to New York State ......................................................................................................................... 7
3.6 Feasibility grant ........................................................................................................................................... 8
Contextual Map of the City of Ithaca................................................................................................................ 9
SECTION 4. Proposer Information ...........................................................................................................................10
4.1 Proposer .....................................................................................................................................................10
Project Contact ................................................................................................................................................10
4.2 Legal Representative .................................................................................................................................10
4.3 interests/organization/future customers who will be members of the Project Team..........................10
4.4 Professional organizations, energy developers, and district energy engineering firms and suppliers
that have already been interviewed or hosted ..............................................................................................11
4.5 Coalition of Partners invited to participate in the Project as advisors and consultants outside the
Project Team ....................................................................................................................................................12
SECTION 5. Project Description and Benefits .........................................................................................................13
5.1 Overview ....................................................................................................................................................13
5.2 Proposed structure ....................................................................................................................................14
5.2.1 Northside Energy District (NED) ............................................................................................................14
5.2.2 Southside Energy District (SED) .............................................................................................................15
5.3 Building community resilience ..................................................................................................................16
5.4 About the project community ..................................................................................................................17
5.5 Utility system benefits ...............................................................................................................................17
5.6 Building competitive markets, supporting new services and demonstrating a new business model ..17
5.7 Ownership, maintenance, and management of assets ...........................................................................18
5.8 Related energy efficiency projects ...........................................................................................................18
5.9 Scalability and replication .........................................................................................................................18
5.10 Success factors, barriers, and timeline ..................................................................................................18
5.11 Feasibility study .......................................................................................................................................19
SECTION 6. Work Plan and Schedule ......................................................................................................................19
Introduction: ....................................................................................................................................................19
Task 1 - Project Scoping and Needs Analysis with the Host ..........................................................................20
Task 2 – Evaluation of Existing Infrastructure ................................................................................................20
Task 3 – Evaluation of Energy Demand ..........................................................................................................21
Task 4 – Evaluation of Energy Supply (DERs) .................................................................................................22
Task 5 – Evaluation of Legal, Regulatory, and Zoning Issues.........................................................................22
Task 6 – Proposed System(s)...........................................................................................................................22
Task 7 – Ownership & Funding Models ..........................................................................................................23
Task 8 – Recommendations ............................................................................................................................23
SECTION 7. Proposer Qualifications ........................................................................................................................24
7.1 Proposing Organizations ...........................................................................................................................24
7.2 Organizational Chart .................................................................................................................................25
SECTION 8. Budget ...................................................................................................................................................26
Appendix ...................................................................................................................................................................27
Map of the area with all the supported critical facilities, the NED and SED, the IAWWTF, CWD, and
the two key NYSEG substations .......................................................................................................................28
Letters of commitment from proposer and team members ...............................................................29
Letters of support from PROJECT Partners ...........................................................................................36
Proof of ownership – CHAIN WORKS DISTRICT/UNCHAINED PROPERTIES ..........................................48
Qualifications of team............................................................................................................................51
FRANCIS VANEK CLASS REPORT – IAWWTF EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ....................................................63
Francis Vanek class report – CWD executive Summary .......................................................................68
Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility (IAWWTF) — district energy resource
NYSEG — local electric distribution company
City of Ithaca — local government, IAWWTF co-owner, and lead applicant
Town of Ithaca and Town of Dryden — local governments and IAWWTF co-owners
Unchained Properties, Inc. — principal under contract to acquire the former Emerson
Power Transmission factory, which is planned for redevelopment as the CWD, a potential
site of district energy resource
Ithaca Community Energy, Inc. (ICE) — Ithaca-based non-profit third-party implementer
In common with communities throughout the state, the City of Ithaca is vulnerable to grid-wide power
outages caused by increasingly common extreme weather events and other emergencies. Of particular local
concern is the possibility of a breakdown at the area’s wastewater treatment plant (the IAWWTF), failure of
which would not only make the city essentially uninhabitable but would also endanger the operation of the
nearby Bolton Point water treatment plant that supplies drinking water to several area municipalities. In
addition, Ithaca is highlighted in the New York Prize’s Finger Lakes "Opportunity Zone" as an area where
microgrids may reduce utility system constraints and defer expensive infrastructure investment costs. The
ability of the IAWWTF to provide both electrical and thermal energy to its local area presents an opportunity
to exploit.
This proposal is designed to create the basis for an Ithaca Community Microgrid by using two existing facilities,
the IAWWTF and the former Emerson Power Transmission plant now referred to as the Chain Works District
(CWD), for power generation to serve two city energy districts, preferably via existing NYSEG distribution
infrastructure. The IAWWTF will serve as the core distributed energy resource facility of a Northside Energy
District (NED) and the CWD will serve the same function for a Southside Energy district (SED). This project
proposes the feasibility assessment of Combined Heat and Power (CHP) as well as extensive biogas, solar PV,
and energy storage systems at these two facilities. The value of energy production buildout at these two sites
is emphasized by the extensive planned developments in the areas of the IAWWTF and the CWD that will
significantly augment current electricity demand. Thus, development of the two new energy districts will
provide an economic foundation for the project and the community. The microgrid configuration as proposed
would provide electricity that is islandable from the commercial grid to power vital community services during
emergencies. Collaboration with NYSEG to improve electric system reliability, efficiency, expansion, emissions
reduction, and cost will also interest third party investors.
Plans for the Ithaca Community Microgrid draw upon opportunities presented by three existing local
initiatives: The Cornell campus microgrid, the IAWWTF carbon neutral plan, and the CWD mixed-use
The system model outlined in this proposal incorporates key elements of the widely acclaimed
nearby Cornell campus microgrid. Cornell converted its coal burning Central Heat Plant to a naturalgas-driven 30 megawatt-capacity combined heat-and-power (CHP) plant that allows the University
to simultaneously produce electricity and utilize the “waste” heat for campus heating requirements.
The IAWWTF has already invested nearly eleven million dollars in renewable energy generation (biogas) from
wastewater treatment and food waste processing. This facility’s anaerobic digesters presently generate
enough methane from processed waste to supply half of the electricity needed to operate. The facility’s
Special Joint Committee (the inter-municipal owner) intends to push production beyond what is needed on
site. A goal of this project is to increase electric generation to between 5 to 15 MW. This new generation,
along with energy storage and optimization technologies, can serve the IAWWTF, new development, and
emergency energy needs for nearby critical services.
The CWD’s 95-acre site contains 880,000 square feet of buildings constructed for industrial uses.
Currently vacant, Unchained Properties is developing the CWD as a new mixed-use neighborhood
with industrial, commercial, and residential uses outlined in an innovative master plan based on the
sustainability principles of LEED for Neighborhood Development. Unchained Properties will
rehabilitate existing structures and build 1 million square feet of new space. The proposed CWD can
easily house a new power plant of 5 MW up to 15 MW that can meet the needs of its own campus
as well as critical services in the surrounding area. Most prominently, the development could
support the neighboring Ithaca College, the largest consumer of electricity in the South Hill
A graduate course at Cornell University provided students with a hands-on chance to look at the energy
generating potential of the two sites. The CWD site was looked at by one team in 2011. The IAWWTF site
was studied by a different team in 2014. This preliminary work was monitored by members of the Project
Team and has been valuable for the preparation of this proposal. A brief description of these studies is
provided in the appendix.
At a minimum, the project will provide municipalities throughout the state with mature models for increasing
the usefulness and reliability of wastewater treatment facilities and for reusing large abandoned factories to
add energy resilience at a low cost. Both models are scalable and replicable, offering an opportunity for the
substantial energy, environmental, social, and economic benefits of the project in our local community to be
replicated around the state. As an identified Opportunity Zone, we expect broader savings for all NYSEG
ratepayers due to avoided costs of infrastructure investment as a result of this project.
Winning a NYSERDA feasibility grant will allow the ICM (Ithaca Community Microgrid) team, working with a
top-notch consulting firm selected via competitive solicitation, to determine the architecture of the ICM
concept — in particular, to determine how distributed energy resources associated with the IAWWTF and the
CWD facility can feasibly be married to the existing NYSEG infrastructure. Members of the ICM team have
access to a pool of third party investors, both public and private, who are interested in this model. The
proposed Feasibility Assessment should provide the data for the detailed analysis necessary to complete a
planning stage and then secure the investment needed to develop the microgrids. The City of Ithaca is
collaborating with Ithaca Community Energy, Incorporated (ICE), a New York State not-for-profit with broadbased community support, in submitting this proposal. The City will continue to work with ICE throughout the
Community Grid Competition process.
This project proposes two new combined heat and power facilities supported by solar PV and energy storage
systems at the center of the Northside Energy District (NED) and the Southside Energy District (SED) that will,
upon build-out, provide energy resiliency to two major population centers within the City of Ithaca. The Mayor
of Ithaca, Hon. Svante Myrick, represents the City as the Lead Applicant for the NYPrize.
Hon. Svante Myrick, Mayor of the City of Ithaca
108 E Green St, Ithaca, NY 14850 - (607) 274-6501
Dan Ramer, PhD., Chief Operator, Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Facility
525 3rd Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 - (607)273-8381 ext. 202
Dan Ramer, PhD, Chief Operator, Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Facility
525 3rd Street, Ithaca, NY 14850 - (607)273-8381 ext. 202
Alternate: Nels Bohn, Director, Ithaca Urban Development Agency
As a municipal corporation, the City of Ithaca is eligible for funding from NYSERDA, the US Department of
Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and Community Development Block Grants from Disaster Recovery
(CDBG-DR) program. Funds would be disbursed for a feasibility study through the City Controller to whichever
engineering or development firm chosen from the RFQ process. The Chief Operator of the IAWWTF, Dan
Ramer, is authorized to sign such contracts on behalf of the City of Ithaca and the Special Joint Committee that
oversees IAWWTF operations. As the City is one the three owners of the facility, this arrangement allows for
continuity of authority and the promise of cooperation between all concerned.
The Ithaca Community Microgrid concept has already received broad-based support from its identified Project
Team members:
Local electrical and natural gas distribution company – New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG)
Local Government:
City of Ithaca. Role: project proposer, energy consumer, emergency services (City of Ithaca
Police Department, the Streets and Facilities, and Water and Sewer Facilities Divisions of the
Department of Public Works), supporting development of alternative energy production and
storage, development and expansion of distributed energy resources as partial owner of the
Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Facility (IAWWTF)
Town of Ithaca. Role: energy consumer, emergency services, supporting development of
alternative energy production and storage, development and expansion of distributed
energy resources as partial owner of the Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Facility
Town of Dryden. Role: Partial owner of IAWWTF, potential replicator of the project model.
Nonprofit organizations:
Ithaca Community Energy (ICE). Role: local coordinator of the proposed project, the Project
Team, and the collaborating partners. The NY Prize Feasibility Assessment, if awarded, will
have ICE as community developer of renewable energy projects and liaison with third party
investors into local Distributed Energy assessments
Third party implementers/project developers:
Unchained Properties LLC. Role: principal under contract to acquire the former Emerson
Power Transmission factory, which is planned for redevelopment as the CWD, a potential site
of district energy resource.
Ithaca Community Energy (ICE) has established relationships with the following advisors in advance of this
proposal’s submission:
International District Energy Association (IDEA): Robert P. Thorton, President
Danish Board of District Heating
Ramboll North America: Jens O. Hansen, Head of District Energy
TERMIS District Utility Software: Thomas Lund-Hansen, North American Representative, Schneider
Veolia North America: Jesse Douglas, Business Development Manager
Energy Components International: North American Representative for District Energy, B&K Vibro,
condition monitoring for rotating machinery
Urecon (Montréal): Jean Laganière, Sales Mgr., insulated pipe for distributed energy
SSOE Group: Emery Otruba, Head of Albany Office, engineering expertise in power development,
microgrid design, and biomass CHP
The University of Texas at Austin: Juan M. Ontiveros, Executive Director, Utilities and Energy
Management Department,
NYSEG (Iberdrola): Bob Pass, Regional Manager, Community Outreach & Development
Cornell University: Lanny Joyce, Director, Utilities and Energy Management,
Cornell University: Francis M. Vanek, PhD, Senior Lecturer, School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
CHA Consulting: Timothy S. Peer, P.E., Market Segment Director, District Energy
Shalom Flank, PhD, Microgrid Architect
HD1 LLC: Janet E. Hawkes, PhD, Biomass Consultant
New York Biomass Energy Alliance: Alice Brumback
Greener Earth Financial Solutions: Michelle Maltese, Member, Third-Party Financing
Unifinancial International, Inc.: Robert Zimmer, Principal, Third-Party Financing
Andrews Kurth LLP (Washington, DC): Roger Feldman, Counsel, Energy Law
● Regional Economic Development Councils:
Ithaca Urban Renewal Agency (IURA). Role: Promoter for development in the proposed NED
and SED, including affordable housing development
Tompkins County Area Development (TCAD). Role: Promoter for development in the
proposed NED and SED, as well as facilitators for partnerships between IAWWTF and
feedstock sources, industry partners and energy consumers
Industrial Development Agency (IDA). Role: Promoter for development in the proposed NED
and SED, as well as possible issuer of tax abatements
Southern Tier Regional Economic Development Council. Role: Financial support infrastructure
Low to moderate income tenants associations:
Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services (INHS). Role: Representatives for energy consumers
and developer of a new affordable housing complex (35 planned units) in the SED, and a new
65-unit affordable housing and mixed use development in the NED
Ithaca Housing Authority (IHA). Role: Representatives for energy consumers and feedstock
suppliers in subsidized affordable housing developments, including 235-units of senior
housing at Titus Towers I, II in the SED, and 70-multi bedroom units of subsidized affordable
housing in the NED
Local/regional emergency management:
NYS Department of Transportation (DOT). Role: energy consumer in the NED, as they house
all equipment for area State road maintenance during weather crises
Ithaca City School District (ICSD). Role: Four main energy customers in both proposed energy
districts, including: Ithaca High School, Boynton Middle School, Fall Creek Elementary School,
and South Hill Elementary School. All four schools would also serve as feedstock supplier for
the biogas production facility of the IAWWTF.
Tompkins County Emergency Planning Committee. Role: emergency preparedness support
Retail/Institutional customers:
Ithaca College. Role: SED energy consumer
CWD (Chain Works District) Mixed-use Community. Role: energy consumer and site for energy
production (SED)
Nonprofit organizations:
Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce. Role: energy consumer (NED) and promoter for
community support in the City of Ithaca Business District
Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE). Role: community education and outreach and energy
consumer (NED)
Tompkins County Area Transit (TCAT). Role: energy consumer and public transportation
coordinator, as well as a critical facility, (NED)
Tompkins Community Action (TCAction). Role: energy consumer, feedstock supplier and
provider of supportive housing for men in crisis (Chartwell House) and women and children
in crisis (Magnolia House), (NED)
Engineering Technical Advisors:
CHA Consulting: Timothy S. Peer, P.E., Market Segment Director, District Energy. Role: expert
consultant on district energy and microgrid development. Mr. Peer was the Project Manager
for the Cornell CHP project and also former Energy Plant Manager at Cornell University.
Shalom Flank, PhD, Microgrid Architect. Role: expert consultant for designing microgrids to
maximize the delivery of their economic, environmental, and community benefits
The City of Ithaca lies at the southern end of Cayuga Lake in
Central New York. It is the home of Cornell University and Ithaca
College and a key tourist and population center in New York’s
Finger Lakes region and Southern Tier Regions.
The proposed project leverages existing electrical distribution
and biogas generation infrastructure in the City of Ithaca to
create two new energy districts that would expand local power
generation and provide energy resilience to critical services
during emergency outages. Benefits would include increased energy security; lower cost of electricity;
reduction in electrical distribution losses; increased biogas recovery; alternative energy for local mass transit
(including in electrical emergencies); reduced dependence on fossil fuels; lower greenhouse gas emissions;
increased business development; job creation; and establishment of a basis for a community-wide district
energy system in the future.
The City is seeking a New York Prize to plan proof-of-concept and implementation of two 5-15 MW combined
heat and power plants as well as solar and energy storage systems near existing NYSEG substations to create a
microgrid structure that would serve selected critical facilities in the near term, including the IAWWTF, the city
water treatment plant, four public schools, a four-year college, the county public library, other emergency
shelters, subsidized affordable housing, housing for people with disabilities, select fire stations, Ithaca City Hall,
Town of Ithaca Offices, and the city police department/city court headquarters.
The new local power capacity described for Feasibility Assessment could, in a reasonable time horizon,
interface with the existing generating infrastructure and the Cornell University microgrid to provide electrical
power for a population of 30 to 40 thousand and thermal energy to serve the heating and cooling needs of
nearby commercial and institutional facilities. In addition to targeting a key set of Central New York critical
services for support in the event of an emergency, this solution can be a scalable and replicable model for New
York State.
Ithaca is connected to the commercial grid by two substations owned by New York State Electric and Gas
(NYSEG), one in the north end of the city (the Fourth Street Substation) and another toward the south end (the
South Hill Substation); see Illustration 1. This limited number of connections facilitates isolation of a city
microgrid in an emergency, and it suggests that implementation of two combined heat and power plants can
serve two new energy districts through distribution feeders originating at the existing NYSEG substations: a
Northside Energy District (NED) based on the Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Facility (IAWWTF) and a
Southside Energy District (SED) based on the Chain Works District. These two energy districts and their key
facilities are described in detail below.
The NED would be served by an annual 5-15 MW generation from a combined heat and power plant
supplemented by up to 6MW of solar PV and an energy storage system, based on existing flat-roof and ground
space for solar panel coverage. These energy resources would be located next to the Ithaca Area Wastewater
Treatment Facility (IAWWTF), which treats wastewater from the City of Ithaca, the Town of Ithaca, and the
Town of Dryden as well as trucked waste from a number of other sources, including a growing tonnage of local
food and agricultural waste.
The IAWWTF is designed to treat 13 million gallons per day
and discharges its effluent into Cayuga Lake. The Bolton
Point water system, which supplies drinking water to five
municipalities in the area, takes its water from pipes
located about 2.5 miles from the IAWWTF discharge pipe,
so an extended outage of wastewater treatment could lead
to pollution of the potable water supply for 30,000
inhabitants, and raw-sewage flooding of low-lying
neighborhoods near the IAWWTF. The proposed CHP plant
would provide electrical and thermal capacity to insure that the facility would continue to function in times of
emergency. Approximately 3 to 5 MW of the power plant’s electrical output could be fed into an existing
medium-voltage distribution feeder at the NYSEG substation, or utilize new express feeders, to serve additional
critical community services and/or institutional customers.
Any excess thermal output of the proposed power plant could be initially converted into electricity. Excess
thermal output can be minimized by a modular build-out of the CHP generation, matched to the development
of the surrounding district. Eventually, all the excess heat can be shared through low-temperature hot water
distribution with adjoining properties: a site plan-approved 150-unit housing development with 125-employee
commercial development; a planned expansion of a nearby Farmer’s Market for year-round operation; and
businesses that eventually will locate on 3.5 million sq. ft. of nearby undeveloped and underdeveloped land
zoned and planned for enterprise and mixed use (12 distinct parcels). It is expected that development will be
particularly encouraged by available shared heat from this proposed project that is more economical than selfproduction. The area around the plant is ideal for pipe distribution, as it has yet to be developed. Additionally,
new construction can be designed from the start for compatibility with the microgrid and provide strong
economic incentive for the project development.
Proposed feedstocks for this CHP plant would be natural gas and anaerobic digester derived biogas. Biogas
production already in place at the IAWWTF provides about 50% of the facility’s electrical needs by the use of
microturbines and adequate thermal output to maintain process temperature for two existing digesters. The
IAWWTF is planning to double digester capacity in the near future, extract more gas and reduce sludge output
by an intermediate process, and use locally-sourced food waste and agricultural byproducts to stockpile biogas
as a contribution to the combined needs of the IAWWTF and the NED. Critical facilities located in this district
include the IAWWTF, the Ithaca High School and Administration Building Complex, Boynton Middle School, Fall
Creek Elementary School, TCAT (the county public transit system), the City of Ithaca department of public
works, and several residential facilities for vulnerable populations, including section 8 properties owned by the
Ithaca Housing Authority.
A recent feasibility study conducted by Cornell graduate engineering students concluded that CHP and solar PV
could produce enough energy to make the IAWWTF self-sufficient and produce energy for new development
in the waterfront area near the IAWWTF. The study found the potential demand to be almost 2 MW in just this
one condensed area of the NED. An additional 1.5 MW demand at Ithaca High School, 0.6 MW at Boynton
Middle School, new housing at the Neighborhood Pride site, and existing low income housing near the NYSEG
Fourth Street Substation would bring the demand usage to 5 MW. This is a good fit for a district energy
approach because the new developments and capacities will pay for energy generation in the NED.
Furthermore, the new developments can be designed for a microgrid connection from the beginning.
The SED would be served by 5-15 MW generation from a combined heat and power plant, and up to 4MW of
solar PV and an energy storage system located in a large former industrial site (the Emerson factory) within a
mile of the city’s business district and half a mile from the Ithaca College Campus, whose considerable electrical
usage is currently supplied by the macrogrid. The CWD building complex has 880,000 square feet of usable
industrial-grade floor space situated on 95 acres of land, about half of which is suitable for building. It is soon
to be privately redeveloped for multipurpose use consisting of residential, commercial, and light industrial
infrastructure. The complex will consume significant electrical and thermal loads for its own use and to supply
future expansion on the property. CHP using natural gas or woody biomass, heat exchange, solar, and an energy
storage system are all being considered to support this extensive development project, with a goal for
renewable energy sources of 80% CHP and 20% solar. There are approximately 320,000 square feet of
unobstructed, south-facing roof area to accommodate the solar component, equating to about 4 MW of solar
capacity. Development of a CHP plant in combination with the solar resources and an energy storage system
could meet and exceed the needs of the CWD and create a potential surplus to provide to the larger SED in
times of energy crisis.
The CWD factory building is located adjacent to the second NYSEG substation and could be the distribution
point for the south end of the city. Critical facilities located in its district include South Hill Elementary School,
the Ithaca Police Station, the South Hill fire station, the
County Mental Health Building, the County Library, the
City Water Treatment Plant, Ithaca City Hall, Town of
Ithaca Offices, several residential facilities for up to
1,000 individuals from among vulnerable populations,
including subsidized affordable housing for families and
seniors, as well as the Ithaca College campus.
These two districts — NED and SED — would be models
for harnessing existing local resources (natural gas, biogas, biomass, and solar) for energy production in Ithaca
and the surrounding area. Of special relevance to New York Prize is that this plan would protect critical facilities
in emergencies affecting the commercial grid. Portions of the project area experienced power outages during
Hurricane Irene, Tropical Storm Lee, Hurricane Sandy and the October 2011 Winter Storm. The combination
of local energy production with existing diesel backup generation would create both redundancy and flexibility
in the local energy system, with two sets of energy generation centers and potential energy storage systems
supporting a seamless transition from the macrogrid to minimize the risk of energy distribution disruption and
reducing the demand on overtaxed macrogrid electrical distribution infrastructure during times of peak load.
Existing biogas production technology in place at the IAWWTF could also provide an alternative source of
transportation fuel for emergency public transportation (the central garage for the county transit system is
located in the NED). Emergency power to local schools would create “facilities of refuge,” providing shelter,
fuel, and food source distribution centers for microgrid participants and the community at large. Securing 100%
of the energy needs of the IAWWTF through expanded biodigesters will ensure full function during electrical
service disruption, protecting drinking water for over 30,000 area residents.
It should be noted that a 300 MW coal-fired power plant located fifteen miles to the north of Ithaca on the east
shore of Cayuga Lake is almost certain to cease operations over the next few years. This closure will have
significant economic impact on Tompkins County and will further isolate it from energy resources. It is not
known how this will affect NYSEG’s ability to keep the power flowing to Ithaca during energy emergencies that
may occur hundreds and even thousands of miles away. The plan proposed to be assessed with a NYPrize
Feasibility Award would ultimately generate approximately 60% of Tompkins County’s current total electrical
The City of Ithaca is already trending toward significant increases in housing and commercial development,
something expected to continue over the next ten years. The present moment is a critical time to begin
assessing, planning, and implementing a sustainable energy infrastructure before necessity forces the
community to settle for less-renewable quick-fix solutions.
The Northside Energy District (NED) has a residential population of 3,738 in a total of 1,680 households. This
includes 958 individuals in poverty, as identified by the Census. Another 115+ low/moderate-income units are
under development here by INHS/Neighborhood Pride. In addition, the school-day population includes
approximately 2,443 children in Ithaca High School, Boynton Middle School, and Fall Creek Elementary School.
The NED worker population is 1,476, with a large cohort of white and blue collar employment, including retail,
professional, non-profit, and public works employees. During the Feasibility Assessment phase, NYSEG will
provide statistics on the population that the Fourth Street Substation serves.
The South Hill Energy District has a residential population of approximately 11,822 in a total of 3,885
households. This includes approximately 2,059 individuals in poverty, as identified by the Census. The SED
worker population is 4,051, also with a large cohort of white-collar jobs (2014 Census Data). During the
Feasibility Assessment phase, NYSEG will provide statistics on the population that the South Hill Substation
This proposal provides an opportunity for NYSEG to better understand the costs and benefits of microgrids to
provide reliable power for critical facilities. In addition, the proposed CHP facilities, which would provide chilledwater production, and solar power generation could reduce summer peak electricity demand. The feasibility
assessment will provide concrete designs for how best to attain these benefits.
As a core for local distributed energy resource production in accordance with the goals of the REV Order
Adopting Regulatory Policy Framework and Implementation Plan, the NED and SED would provide a diverse
and stable -- and competitive -- local energy portfolio including CHP, solar, and energy storage systems to
stimulate a competitive market that is not merely a repackaging of far-off generation. The IAWWTF project
could provide heat and power to several waterfront developments supported by the city’s new comprehensive
plan, and the CWD Project could provide both heat and power to the planned residential, office, and industrial
space in the 880,000 square foot property. Electric fueling stations could also be built and powered by the two
planned CHP systems. Renewable natural gas vehicle fueling systems can be built to fuel a variety of customers
in both the NED and SED, and biosolids produced at the IAWWTF can be converted into biodiesel. Although not
directly supporting the microgrid, the ability of the IAWWTF to convert carbon to renewable fuel via
biodigesters provides revenue and could be used to exchange heat and power for carbon produced locally,
either directly or through indirect relationships in partnership with NYSEG. The feasibility study will clarify
existing and possible new outlets for technologies being considered in this proposal.
The existing ownership model of the utility (Iberdrola/NYSEG) providing all grid connections especially those
that cross multiple rights of way is to continue. The feasibility study will assess the viability of various ownership
and service models for new generation equipment and potential heating and cooling customers near the two
energy districts. One resource for review is a 2010 NYSERDA report titled “Microgrids: An Assessment of the
Value, Opportunities and Barriers to Deployment in New York State.” Ownership determination will be made
in collaboration with developers, local government, and third-party financing sources.
The IAWWTF has invested more than $11 million over the past four years to upgrade key infrastructure; $9
million of that via an Energy Performance Contract with Johnson Controls. These improvements place the
IAWWTF in a position to potentially produce more biogas than it can use internally. With the expansion of the
receipt of feedstocks via the new trucked residuals receiving facility, the goal is to have an excess capacity
within five years. Other plans include revamping the primary treatment system with a new enhanced primary
treatment technology and additional anaerobic digester tankage to further the energy producing potential.
These activities are financially supported by a NYSERDA digester gas utilization payment program worth
$400,000 over a 3-year period (PON #2138).
Unchained Properties, the CWD Project owners, have already received a $250,000 grant from NYSERDA’s
Cleaner Greener Communities Program. With these funds, Unchained Properties will design a master plan for
the CWD as a highly integrated and energy efficient mixed-use community that will serve as a model for similar
large-scale vacant industrial properties elsewhere in New York State.
Wastewater treatment plants and unused or underused factory buildings are numerous in New York State. The
proposed developments could serve as a test bed for creating community-wide microgrids elsewhere in the
Timeline: Onboarding all the stakeholders, public and private, could take as long as five years to accomplish,
and this would be just the first phase in creating a larger community-wide network of energy islands.
Success Factors: The organizations on the Project Team (governmental, corporate, and non-profit) constitute
a factor for success. The team has in-depth expertise in engineering, science, finance, education,
socioeconomics, community development, project management and politics, and comes to this project with
government and institutional commitment.
Barriers: Longstanding legal and regulatory barriers and the difficulty of acquiring rights-of-way are well-known
obstacles. Problems of interconnection of new distributed energy resources to the grid also impede
opportunities to upgrade and modernize the NYSEG substations next to the IAWWTF and the CWD. Such
fundamental barriers inhibit investment in new electric generation and heat distribution to critical services in
the Ithaca community. The New York Prize Competition and the REV open the way to overcome these perennial
barriers and attract public and private investment.
Upon award of the grant, the City will contract for a first-level study to confirm the architectural and economic
viability of the proposal. The study will determine whether distributed energy resources associated with the
Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility (NED) and the CWD factory complex (SED) can be married to the
existing NYSEG infrastructure and at what level. A local model for a community “island microgrid” that provides
electricity to select critical services and new development beyond the property lines of our distributed energy
resources will be assessed. Provision of electricity to critical services in times of emergency will be the top
priority in this assessment. The Project Team will lead in the design and oversight of the contract from inception
to completion.
Stipulation: The first look at determining the feasibility of two heat and power districts supported by solar and
energy storage systems and coordinated by a microgrid can only start at a scale that is compatible with the
existing utility infrastructure connecting the power plants to the customers while still being considered an
“investment grade” project. Financing will involve the combination of government incentives (e.g., the NY Prize
or PON 2701 for large CHP), local investment by government and NYSEG, and private capital.
Context for the assessment design: Feasibility will (1) assess steps to bring the IAWWTF’s energy profile as close
to net-zero as possible while maximizing its biogas output. With three public schools and two low-income
housing developments within a mile radius of the plant, the challenge will be to (2) determine which facility or
facilities should be connected first and (3) at what cost they can be wired directly from the substation to
maximize their security under extreme circumstances. Part of the analysis will necessarily (4) evaluate
projected cash flow and the length of the commitment that critical customers are willing to make. Depending
on the ownership model, which is no small detail and subject to public input, the financial feasibility will (5)
analyze how the new rate schedule for electricity, space heat, and hot water compares to the current rate
schedule for commercial energy. Assessment will be influenced by the reality that any new venture like this will
be affected by a volatile international environment where pricing is based on uncontrollable circumstances.
With the recent confluence of generally rising energy costs, climate change, and regulation of carbon emissions,
the application of microgrids has undergone resurgence as a business strategy for companies, universities,
communities, and governmental institutions. With advances in technology and changing regulatory framework,
the risks previously associated with microgrids and distributed generation are decreasing and allowing for a
well-understood and predictable performance.
The U.S. Department of Energy’s official definition of a microgrid is “a group of interconnected loads and
distributed energy resources within clearly defined electrical boundaries that acts as a single controllable entity
with respect to the grid and can connect and disconnect from the grid to enable it to operate in both gridconnected or island-mode.” A microgrid is not a one size fits all solution. Each and every installation is a uniquely
engineered system to best fit the physical, social, technical, and legal conditions that are unique to that site.
The applicability of cogeneration/trigeneration is enhanced by, or is often the impetus for, a microgrid and the
creation of a district energy system which is the ultimate goal for optimized thermodynamic performance. By
placing the power generation closer to the end users, a microgrid opens up the ability to perform energy
recovery for heating and/or cooling to nearby facilities. This reduces total energy usage through improved
thermodynamic efficiencies and thermodynamic efficiencies leads to lower emissions and lower operating
costs. The creation of district energy systems built to take advantage of the microgrid opens up the application
of other renewables such as biomass, solar thermal, energy recovery chillers, and advanced geothermal.
The overall scope of this work plan is to develop a framework for obtaining the ultimate (future) goals of the
contemplated Ithaca area energy district(s) while at the same time determining what immediate microgrid
projects can be accomplished with existing generation assets and potential thermal hosts. Each task description
below is for both the Northside and Southside Energy Districts as each will be approached in a similar manner.
The outcome will be an Energy District Master Plan to guide future decisions and development while identifying
feasible projects to provide the initial foundation for the development of each energy district.
Note: While the 8 tasks outlined below define the anticipated scope of work, once the Feasibility Assessment is
funded, each of them will be adjusted to make sure the work plan specifications of Attachment C in RFP 3044 are
This task will bring the project participants together to define goals, further clarify requirements and
expectations for the study and to schedule regular review sessions to guide the tasks. Outcome of this task will
include Adherence to Work plan in RFP 3044, Confirmation of Goals, Strategy, Scope of Energy Master Plan;
and Stakeholder Groups, Communications and Outreach Plan.
Scoping document
SOW[1] + 2 weeks
This task will review existing utility infrastructure to provide a basis for development of the contemplated
energy districts. In order to better understand the potential for the contemplated energy districts and potential
projects, the investigation will provide an overview of existing systems for the following;
Power distribution – the current power distribution system is owned by New York State Electric & Gas.
The study will provide an overview of existing grid inter-connect locations, capacity, age, condition,
and any other technical aspects that can be determined by high level evaluation and information
provided by NYSEG.
Gas distribution - the current gas distribution system is owned by New York State Electric & Gas. The
study will provide an overview of existing pipeline distribution systems, capacity, age, condition, and
any other technical aspects that can be determined by high level evaluation and information provided
IT infrastructure – an understanding of existing IT and communications infrastructure is required to
determine the possibility of development of an Energy Management System with load shedding
Biofuel availability – several studies by the local university have been performed regarding potential
for biomass and biogas fuels. The results of this study will be reviewed and incorporated into this study
as appropriate. In addition, the Ithaca wastewater treatment plant is developing further potential for
generation of methane gas which could provide further expansion of self-generation at the IAWWTF.
Existing and future fuel & energy pricing structures.
Draft and final reports
SOW + 12 weeks
This task will inventory local facilities, buildings, and business that could be included in the energy district
microgrid. The goal is to provide a basis for thermal and electrical loads to be included in the energy district
evaluation and how they might be integrated now or in the future. Included will be current (existing), planned
(proposed), and future (possible) facilities to better understand the current and future energy district
potential. This task will better understand the following:
Existing electrical loads including identification of critical loads in order of priority to determine
sheddable assets.
Base load
Peak load
Emergency load
Existing thermal (cooling and heating) loads
Review of energy diversity and thermal/power overlaps
Planned facilities with forecasted power and thermal loads
Future potential for new facilities, energy conservation, and development within the energy districts
Identification of critical facilities within each energy district and how they would be served during
times of grid outages or other emergencies.
Draft and final reports
SOW + 12 weeks
This task will inventory existing distributed energy resources within the energy district to better understand
available capacity, age, condition, and performance of existing assets. A review of planned DER will also be
conducted for consideration of inclusion in the microgrid. This task will better understand the generation types,
ratings, and fuel supply considerations for the following;
Existing generation assets
Emergency diesel generators and their corresponding ability to grid synchronize
(transfer/trip operation vs. paralleling gear)
Existing base load generators (CHP)
Existing solar assets
Potential generation assets
Evaluation of the potential for new solar development
Evaluation of potential power and thermal output from increased biogas generation
Evaluation for CHP/Trigen each associated with existing, planned, and proposed facilities
within the energy districts
Draft and final report
SOW + 12 weeks
This will review legal, regulatory, and local issues associated with development of the energy districts. Some of
the potential issues include:
Interconnect requirements, standby rates, feed-in tariffs, and net metering issues related to the
proposed energy districts
Franchised utility issues, impacts associated with the REV proceeding and new regulatory models.
Environmental and permitting issues
Zoning and planning requirements with local authorities
Draft and final report
SOW + 16 weeks
This task will present a view of the potential future of the fully developed microgrid(s) and also show what near
term projects can be developed and how they fit into the vision of the energy districts. Potential components
of the proposed systems will include:
Existing DERs and operability evaluation in current configurations. Initial evaluation to determine if
operation on a continuous basis is feasible solely in the event of a power outage in islanded mode or
participation in a demand response program.
If investigation of existing DER assets proves to be of significance, use of the HOMER[2] model
will be investigated to extent budget allows
Proposed thermal distribution systems
Proposed power distribution systems and public ROW crossings that will require municipal approvals
Proposed architecture for an Energy Management system (EMS) Controls and load shedding capability
Proposed cost, efficiency, and performance of near term projects
Proposed impacts of reliability and business continuation for proposed projects
Power quality enhancements and issues associated with proposed projects
Environmental issues and greenhouse gas reductions associated with proposed projects
Draft and final reports
SOW + 16 weeks
This task is intended to investigate and evaluate different ownership and funding mechanisms for development
of the microgrid and generation assets within the energy districts. Some of the potential options include:
Own-use microgrid.
Municipally owned microgrid(s)
Energy service provider microgrids.
Landlord/tenant microgrid.
Owner/merchant microgrid.
Independent provider microgrid
Combination(s) of the above
The existing ownership model of the utility, NYSEG, providing grid connections across multiple rights of way
will continue to be supported by any additional options provided by the analyses for this task.
Draft and final reports
SOW + 16 weeks
This task will provide recommendations for next steps and feasible projects to start the implementation of the
energy districts. It is expected that a mixture of feasible projects will be supplemented with guidance for
development of future projects, a plan for tracking, maintaining, and periodically adjusting the energy district
goals, and allowing for adjustment to changes in technology and zoning.
Draft and final reports
SOW + 16 weeks
[1] Start-of-Work date for this task
[2] Hybrid Optimization of Multiple Energy Resources (HOMER), a microgrid optimization model licensed by
HOMER Energy LLC, available at
Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility (IAWWTF) is an inter-municipally owned public facility. The owners
are the City of Ithaca, Town of Ithaca and Town of Dryden. The facility is serviced by an ownership board named
the Special Joint Committee (SJC). On behalf of the ownership the Chief Operator is submitting this proposal.
This facility was placed into service in 1987 after 4 years of construction. Currently three of the facility’s
employees are engaged in various aspects of this proposal. Dan Ramer serves as the Chief Operator with over
25 years of wastewater treatment plant operations experience, 23 of those as a supervisor. Mr. Ramer is an
anaerobic microbiologist with special knowledge in the biochemistry of methanogens and has participated in
many local and national groups involved in the development of policies and practices to help municipal
treatment plant operators become more energy self-reliant. Another member of the staff engaged in this
proposal is Jose Lozano the plant’s Lab Director with over 20 years of experience in developing projects at the
IAWWTF that increase the plant’s ability to become energy self-reliant. Both Ramer and Lozano have a history
in working with NYSERDA to implement projects that enhance energy efficiency at wastewater plants that
utilize anaerobic digesters. The third member of our team is James Goodreau who has been an operator for six
years but has a strong background in science and has taken an interest in developing the plants branding
strategy and feedstock recruitment from various sources. Recent projects have focused on reducing the energy
footprint and increasing the harvest of energy from in plant residuals and outside feedstocks for the anaerobic
digesters. Of the nearly $11 million spent on these upgrades approximately $900,000 were contributed from
several NYSERDA PONs.
Unchained Properties LLC, (UP) – the developer of the 95-acre Chain Works District – is a single purpose limited
liability corporation organized to acquire and invest in the redevelopment and repurposing of the Emerson
Power Transmission plant. David Lubin, managing partner of UP, has developed and managed properties in
New York and Pennsylvania since 1980. His development experience includes: Hilton Garden Inn
Elmira/Corning, NY; Hampton Inn Oneonta, NY; Guthrie Clinic - Big Flats, NY; and a 525-acre business park and
residential development in Athens Township, Pennsylvania. David worked to develop this site, landing multiple
occupants including Mill’s Pride lumber mill, Camco, a tool and dye manufacturer, and Chesapeake Energy
Corp.’s residential training facility and corporate headquarters, all of which brought 1,000s of jobs to the area.
For the Chain Works District project, Unchained Properties has engaged a dynamic group of professionals to
collaborate on the design, redevelopment and repurposing of the facility. With an effective team, UP believes
the Emerson site will become a vibrant mixed use development to provide an increased quality of life for
everyone in the Town and City of Ithaca. The UP team of mostly Upstate professionals – environmental
engineers, architects, landscape architects, structural and civil engineers – is very sensitive to the site's
importance to the community because of its history and its high visibility. David Lubin and his management
team have a combined total of over 60 years of experience in development, real estate, hospitality and retail.
Fagan Engineers & Land Surveyors from Elmira, New York, are the civil and environmental engineers for the
Chain Works District project. Fagan has been involved with over 350 land development projects since 1985,
ranging from residential subdivisions to multi-million dollar mixed use complexes. Their services include civil,
municipal, environmental, surveying and mapping, energy, and construction management.
Additional team firms include:
Harter, Secrest, & Emery: Environmental, Land Use and Zoning Law
Chaintreuil | Jensen | Stark Architects: Architecture and Planning
D.I.R.T. Studio: Landscape and Site Design
Austin + Mergold: Architecture, Branding and Outreach
Whitham Planning and Design: Project Planning Approvals
STREAM Collaborative: Zoning Development and Approvals
La Bella P.C.: Environmental Consulting
SRF & Associates: Traffic Engineers
Randall + West: Urban Planning/LEED ND
Johnson-Schmidt, Architect, P.C.: Historic Preservation/SHPO
Brous Consulting: Public Information and Outreach
Unchained Properties, LLC is also working closely with two Microgrid area experts as consultants on this project:
Timothy S. Peer, Market Segment Director, District Energy and Shalom Flank, PhD, Microgrid Architect. Tim is
a professional engineer with over 24 years’ experience in maintenance, operations, engineering, planning, and
project management in thermal energy, power, and piping systems primarily in the University setting. He has
served as a Project Manager for many technically complex, multi-disciplined projects and also has extensive
University utility master planning experience including load forecasting, distribution system modeling, energy
analysis, fuel & power procurement negotiations and financial modeling. He has extensive experience
specifically with microgrid developments including the current Walter Reed Microgrid project. For over a
decade, Dr. Shalom Flank's work has focused constructing microgrids and engineering their feasibility. This role
has given him deep familiarity with a broad range of microgrid sites in the U.S., and long experience with local
regulatory issues and how to overcome them.
Ithaca Community Energy, Inc. (ICE) is a New York State not-for-profit Community Development Organization
formed in 2014, dedicated to achieving sustainable energy security in Ithaca New York through education and
collaboration. Members of ICE have developed extensive working relations with advanced energy technology
companies, and with third-party investment groups focused on installation of power generation facilities.
Members Wade Wykstra, Anna Kelles, Bruce Abbott, John Graves, Jim Goodreau and Tom Hanna played a direct
role in the development of this application. All were also involved with the IAWWTF-Cornell feasibility study
supervised by Cornell faculty member Francis Vanek. Bruce Abbott (Abbott, Lund-Hansen) was the client for
2011 Vanek group study of what is now the CWD Project to repurpose the 880,000 square foot factory
building and develop the 95 acre parcel in the SED (See
and for executive summaries
The proposal team has not chosen a consultant. Upon grant receipt we will issue a Request for Qualifications
(RFQ) to select a contractor to perform the specified scope of work as detailed in number six herein. The
suggested budget is based on conversations with qualified consultants. It is our aim that the qualified
consultant will work within or below the proposed budget. If proposals exceed the budget we will work with
our municipal owners, Unchained Properties and other strategic stakeholders to come up with the additional
funding required.
Funding Source Table
Project Total $
Total (cash + in-kind)
Funding Source
Total ($)
Svante Myrick, Mayor, City of Ithaca
Herbert Engman, Town Supervisor, Town of Ithaca
Mary Ann Sumner, Town Supervisor, Town of Dryden
David Lubin, Unchained Properties, Chain Works District
Wade Wykstra, Director, Ithaca Community Energy Inc.
Scott Bochenek, Manager, Smart Grid Programs
Cornell University Campus Sustainability Office
City of Ithaca Economic Development & Planning
Ithaca Housing Authority
Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services
Dr. Francis Vanek, Professor, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Cornell University
Ithaca Urban Renewal Agency
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Tompkins Community Action
Tompkins County Area Development
10. Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit
11. Tompkins County Chamber of Commerce
Letter Of Commitment
City of Ithaca Community Microgrid
Grant Application and Feasibility Assessment
Dear NY Prize Committee,
Ithaca Community Energy Inc. (ICE) is a registered New York State not-for-profit established to foster
development of distributed energy resources (DERs) in the greater Ithaca area. The ICE mission is to
promote development and dissemination of successful local energy strategies. ICE serves as a
community developer of local Distributed Energy Resource (DER) projects and liaison with third party
investment. ICE performs its mission with a multidisciplinary team of experienced professionals and
community members.
Our current efforts brought the Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Facility (IAWWTF), Unchained
Properties (currently under contract to purchase the Emerson property) and NYSEG together to build
sustainable energy innovation, economic development and job growth in Ithaca. ICE has
crowd-funded and subsequently secured a contractor to write an application for the NYSERDA NY
The executive board of ICE believes the NY Prize Community Microgrid initiative will have wide appeal
in Ithaca by supporting the goals of both the new City Comprehensive Plan and the City’s Energy
Action Plan which call for an 80% reduction in GHG emissions by 2050. It will expedite the cleanup
and redevelopment of over 880,000 square feet of former industrial space. It will increase the
production of carbon negative biogas at the IAWWTF that will be used as a renewable energy fuel
source and it will encourage sustainable growth in two underdeveloped areas of the City.
ICE has mapped a Northside Energy District (NED) with the IAWWTF as an emerging DER at its core,
and a Southside Energy District with the Chain Works District as a potential DER at its core. Our
ongoing role will be to bring distributed energy innovation, NYSEG's collaboration and third party
investment into existence.
ICE will continue advocating for sustainable local energy, not only by working with the IAWWTF,
Unchained Properties, NYSEG and third party funders but by working with other interested
stakeholders in Ithaca to launch a true community microgrid.
Wade Wykstra
Wade Wykstra
Director - Ithaca Community Energy Inc.
May 13, 2015
Dan Ramer
City of Ithaca
525 Third St
Ithaca, NY 14850
Dear Mr. Ramer:
New York State has adopted the US Department of Energy definition of micro-grids, describing
them as “a group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources with clearly defined
electrical boundaries that act as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid, and can
connect and disconnect from the grid to enable it to operate in both grid connected and island
NYSEG is encouraged by the level of community enthusiasm regarding micro-grids. Distributed
energy resources are likely to play a central role in future energy production and micro-grids
have the potential to provide additional reliability and resiliency for critical facilities. There are
many unknowns regarding micro-grid design, development, implementation, and operation and
we feel that a feasibility study is an important step to better understand the potential implications.
In the case of the Ithaca Community Microgrid proposal, we support NYPrize funding for a
feasibility study to better understand the cost and benefits of a micro-grid to meet the power
needs of the critical infrastructure identified in this application.
Given that we are in the very early stages of the NYPrize process, please understand that our
support of this proposal moving forward is in no way a final endorsement of the proposal. The
feasibility study and a comprehensive engineering study will be needed before a decision can be
made on the appropriateness of any micro-grid proposal.
Please contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for your consideration.
Scott Bochenek
Manager – Smart Grid Programs
t.! 607H254H2818
f. 607H255H5377
School of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Cornell University
307 Hollister Hall
Ithaca, NY 14853-3501 USA
Atn. Mayor Svante Myrick, Mayor
City of Ithaca
108 E Green St
Ithaca, NY 14850
May 12, 2015
Dear Mayor Myrick,
In my capacity as faculty member in engineering at Cornell University, and lead author of one of the
leading textbooks on energy systems in the U.S. (Energy Systems Engineering from McGraw-Hill), I am
writing to you to express my strong support for the “Ithaca Community Microgrid” proposal to the NY
Prize competition.
Thanks to research and feasibility studies conducted in collaboration with engineering students, I am
familiar with both the north and south energy districts, and the expanded waste water plant and
repurposed Emerson factory, respectively. I can assure you that both parts of the microgrid proposal
represent highly innovative opportunities to use an existing structure as a hub for generating, storing, and
distributing energy to surrounding residential, commercial, and institutional customers. The Ithaca waste
water plant already has a track record of innovation in converting waste biomass into electricity and heat.
Our work supports the finding that this capacity could be expanded using regional biomass to supply
energy to the surrounding district. The former Emerson plant provides another excellent potential
resource for a microgrid. Our study found that the large available space could support combined heat and
power equipment inside the building, with possible energy storage systems and large scale solar PV
generation on the roof.
Both projects would take place in a city and county that has been a leader in sustainable energy
innovation. Ithaca and Tompkins County have been very active in installing distributed solar PV systems
for residences and businesses, and more recently institutional-size multi-megawatt arrays. Work is
currently underway to bring a commercial wind farm to the county, partly financed with community
investment. Cornell University has been a leader in both using lake water for campus cooling, and in
installing a combined heat and power system with campus distribution of thermal energy. Pursuing a
microgrid in this culture of innovation makes sense because the stakeholders are already engaged with the
energy innovation process.
The proposal is very much in line with the goals of the NY Prize because a successful microgrid in Ithaca
would have many components that are reproducible in other locations around the state. For example, the
amount of sunlight for the solar PV component is similar across the state, and other regions could also
divert biomass waste from wastewater treatment and food production and consumption processes from
landfills to energy systems. The former industrial plants of the type represented by the Emerson facility
are widespread through upstate and western New York state, and repurposing them as part of the
microgrid not only makes energy supplies more secure and sustainable but also breathes new life into
structures that are no longer used for heavy industry.
In closing, I thank you for your efforts and leadership on this matter.
Francis M Vanek, PhD
Senior Lecturer and Research Associate
CC: JoAnn Cornish, City of Ithaca; William Reed, Unchained Properties LLC
To: The NY Prize Committee
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County wholeheartedly supports the City of Ithaca's
application to assess the feasibility of establishing two new microgrids in Ithaca linked to NYSEG's
South Hill and Fourth Street Substations. The substations connect the Southside Energy District (SED),
including South Hill and Chainworks District, and Northside Energy District (NED), including the Ithaca
Area Waste Water Treatment Facility, Tompkins Consolidated Area Transit, and surrounding area can
provide a large portion of Ithaca’s power in an outage. The potential of such microgrids to protect and
enhance the wellbeing of the community we serve is of the utmost importance. We have cooperated
in the proposal's development and know that it complements our mission.
The mission of Cooperative Extension is to enable people to improve their lives and communities
through partnerships that put experience and research knowledge to work. Extension staff and trained
volunteers deliver educational programs, conduct applied research, and encourage community
collaboration. To meet the challenges of energy resilience and sustainability, we focus on energy
conservation, consumer empowerment, alternative energy choices, and energy infrastructure
awareness and education. Our energy-focused programs reach homes and businesses throughout
both NED and SED.
Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County's offices are inside the NED, where our commercial
kitchen, shelter above the flood zone, when our elevated building renovation is complete, and
participation in NY EDEN, (Extension Disaster Education Network), is a hub for disaster relief,
information and response teams. NY EDEN links extension educators, emergency managers, and
community officials to enhance resilience and reduce the impact of disasters in New York
We support the New York Prize application to study the feasibility of Ithaca's Southside Energy District
(SED) and Northside Energy District (NED).
Ken Schlather, Ph.D.
Executive Director
cc.Mayor Svante Myrick, City of Ithaca
Wade Wykstra, Chair, Special Joint Committee, Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Facility
William F. Reed, Unchained Properties
Tompkins County Area Development
401 E. State St. | E. MLK Jr. St., Suite 402B
Ithaca, New York 14850
T: 607-273-0005 |
APPENDIX E: Qualifications of Team Members
143 Jamesville Drive
Syracuse, NY 13210
High school regents diploma
Bachelor’s of Science Degree
NYSDEC Grade 4A Operator
Cell 315-762-3489
Nottingham High School
SUNY College of Env. Sci. And Forestry
4/09 TO Present Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Plant Chief Operator
Duties include: Operation and maintenance of a 13.1mgd activated sludge facility with tertiary
phosphorous removal and anaerobic digestion. Assisted by a 13 member staff including eight
licensed operators, lab director, lab technician and account manager. Other features of the
plant include cogeneration system and trucked waste receiving center. Treatment is
conducted for three municipalities and chief operator is tasked with preparing budgets and
capital projects for the governing board made up of members of the three municipal boards.
Recent capital projects have included replacement of the trucked waste center, replacement
of the old aeration system, replacement of the cogeneration system. Working with cornell
university to add food waste as a substrate for codigestion . pursuing beneficial reuse of
biosolids generated as a result of anaerobic digestion of in plant and trucked waste solids.
8/94 TO 7/08:
City of Oneida Sanitary Engineer II, Oneida NY
Duties include: Operation and Maintenance of a 2.5 MGD advanced activated sludge
wastewater treatment plant including 40 miles of sewer main and 6 pump stations. Responsible
for 10 full-time staff and a two million dollar annual budget. Perform project planning and
project management duties. Oversee the industrial pretreatment program and initial
enforcement response. Manage reclaimed water system for Turning Stone Resort Golf
Course irrigation system, a NYSDEC permitted treated wastewater reuse project. Serve as the
City’s liaison to the Oneida lake watershed management plan watershed advisory board and
served as chairman of the board of directors for two years.
PROJECTS: Developed Sewer Use Ordinance, Enforcement Response Plan, Industrial User
Permit and Industrial Waste Questionnaire as part of Pretreatment Program. Modified
Industrial Waste Surcharge Formula for calculating the monthly charge for high strength
waste. Planned, helped install, start-up and operate Reclaimed Water System to irrigate a
nearby golf course. Planned and installed two new computer controlled VFD pumping
systems. Oversight on installation and start-up of a Belt Filter Press and dual fuel Waukesha
Cogeneration System. Managed and participated in digester cleaning projects (first cleaning
in more than fifteen years). Served as safety coordinator for the city. Planned and
implemented a multi year 10 million dollar upgrade program. Upgrade program focused on
Compliance and Energy Savings. Reduced electric Usage by 45% as a result of project
Recent Presentations: 2008: CNYWEA Spring Meeting and Genesee Valley NYWEA IIC Spring
seminar; 2007: WEFTEC 2007 International Meeting; 2006:NYSERDA/NYWEA Energy Specialty
7/90 to 8/94: Onondaga County Department of Drainage and Sanitation Sanitary Engineer
Duties Included: Management of the Industrial Pretreatment Program for Onondaga County.
Supervised Engineers and Technicians responsible for field work and program documentation.
Supported legal staff and Program Manager in resolving enforcement actions against
industries. Prepared responses to EPA as a result of an ongoing lawsuit and annual program
reviews. Issued Permits and performed routine and surprise inspections of County industrial
OBG Operations, Operations Specialist
Worked at various facilities as a contract operator. Oversaw operations at Seneca County
Sewer District, Wellesley Island Customs Station, and GE French Road pH neutralization
treatment system. Prepared O&M Manual for the US Naval Station Wastewater Treatment
Plant. Designed solids handling facilities for Groveland State Prison. Startup of Elkland
Pennsylvania Wastewater Treatment Plant. Laboratory Training for City of Norwich
Wastewater Treatment Plant.
8/88-11/89 Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility Operator/Operator Trainee
Performed all duties of an operator and served as Assistant Laboratory Technician and
Pretreatment Program Coordinator. Managed anaerobic digesters and Phostrip facility for
biological phosphorus removal. Participated in maintenance and troubleshooting projects.
8/85-11/89 Cornell University Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Microbiology
Studied various physiological characteristics of thermophillic methanogenic bacteria as part
of a grant sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. Utilized Fast Protein Liquid
Chromatography to isolate various key enzymatic activity centers thought to be components in
catabolizing acetate into methane. taught two different microbiology Course lab sections
during five semesters. Completed 60 hours of graduate course work.
525 Third St., Ithaca, NY 14850
(607) 273-8381
Ph.D., Cornell University, 1991, Plant Physiology, Ecology and Genetics.
Master in Sciences, 1988, Soil, Water, and Atmospheric Sciences.
Bachelors Degree in Science, 1978, Biology.
Jose Lozano is the Director of the Environmental Laboratory, Ithaca Area Wastewater
Treatment Facility, City of Ithaca, New York, and he participated on the development of
the Cayuga Lake Watershed Management Program.
Numerous successful grant proposals have been prepared by J. Lozano.
Among these are:
Three proposals funded through the New York State Clean Air Clean Water Bond Act,
totaling over 16 million dollars, for the development and implementation of the InterMunicipal Sewer Agreement and the Six Mile Creek riparian restoration and protection,
and from the New York State Energy R&D Authority funding for R&D of advanced
anaerobic digestion.
The US Forest Service, the NY Department of State, and the US EPA Region 2, have
also awarded funding for different aspects of the Cayuga Lake Restoration and
Protection Plan. The US Department of the Interior granted funding for the development
of a watershed educational program, through a web-enhanced, interactive CD.
J. Lozano serves in:
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Regional Strategy Group for
Non-point Source Pollution,
The Tompkins County Water Resources Council
Board of Directors, Cayuga Lake Watershed Network (Network):
During 1998- 1999 served as the Network Chairman of the Issues Committee, from 1999 to
2003, as a member of the Finance/Development Committee, and Chairman of the Public
Relations Committee.
The Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Organization (IO), 1999 – 2000 alternate representative for the
City of Ithaca and member of the IO Finance Committee. Currently he is a member of the
technical committee.
Education and Outreach Activities:
J. Lozano has organized four annual Public Forums -"Water In - Water Out" in cooperation with
the Cayuga Nature Center, the Cornell Cooperative Extension Service, the Tompkins County
Water Resources Council, the IO, and the Cayuga Lake Watershed Network.
March 1993 to date: Laboratory Director, Environmental Laboratory,
Ithaca Area Waste Water Treatment Facility, Ithaca, NY,
June 1991 to August 1992: Plant Physiologist, Seed Physiology Laboratory Director,
Flower Seed Group, Geo. J. Ball Inc. West Chicago, Illinois.
1989 to January 1991: Scientist, Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research
at Cornell University. Ithaca, NY.
1985 to Spring 1990: Graduate Fellow at Boyce Thompson Institute
for Plant Research at Cornell University. Ithaca, NY.
Memberships & Affiliations:
American Association for the Advancement of Science
National Association of Clean Water Agencies
New York Water Environment Association
Water Environment Federation
Tompkins County Water Resources Council
Lozano J L, Wettlaufer S H & Leopold A C (1988) Polyamine titres cosegregate
with high seed survival in corn. Plant Phys. 86(S):105.
Lozano J L & Leopold A C (1988) Lower DNA stability for short-lived maize
embryos. Plant Phys. 86(S):105
Lozano J L & Leopold A C (1988) The physiology and genetics of seed aging.
In: CIMMYT (1988) Recent advances in conservation and utilization
of genetic resources. Proceedings of the Global Maize Germplasm
Bank. Mexico D.F.
Lozano J L, Wettlaufer S H & Leopold A C (1989) Polyamine content related to
seed storage performance in Zea mays. J. Exp. Bot. 40:1337-1340.
Lozano J L (1989) Genetic and physiological aspects of storage performance
in Zea mays seeds. M.S. Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca NY 14853.
Lozano J L & Mayer A M (1990) Water relations and oxygen uptake by two lines
of corn differing in storage performance. Israel J. Bot. 39:347-354.
Lozano J L (1991) Loss of Maize (Zea maiz L.) seed quality in storage.
Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell University, Ithaca NY, 14853.
Lozano J L (1998, 2002) Rapid BOD5 measurements for process control.
Water Environment Federation, NYWEA 71st & 75th Annual Meeting.
New York.
Lozano J L (2010) Enhanced Anaerobic Digestion Using Fenton Reagent.
Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation, WEFTEC 2010
Lozano J L & L Smith (2011) Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility
Tertiary treatment upgrades Before/After impact study: effluent and lake
Phosphorus results Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation,
Contributor to:
United States Geologic Survey, USGS, Water Resources Data,
New York Water Year 1995, 1996… to 2002 (Six Mile Creek).
Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Organization (1999) Preliminary Cayuga
Lake Characterization Report. Ledyard, New York.
Cayuga Lake Intermunicipal Organization (2001) Cayuga Lake Restoration and
Protection Plan. Lansing, New York.
Unchained Properties LLC, (UP) – the
developer of the Chain Works District –
is a single purpose limited liability
corporation organized to acquire and
invest in the redevelopment and repurposing of the Emerson Power
Transmission plant. David Lubin,
managing partner of UP, has engaged
a dynamic group of professions to
collaborate on the design, redevelopment and repurposing of the facility. With an
effective team, UP believes the Emerson site will become a vibrant mixed use
development to provide an increased quality of life for everyone in the Town and City of
UP plans to create The Chain Works District, an urban style “live, work, play” mixed use
development that will include apartments, office space, incubator and flex space, and
areas devoted to manufacturing. Rather than clear the spectacular site and start anew,
UP intends to repurpose most of the existing structures as a regional model for
innovative design and sustainable adaptive use. The Chain Works District will also
include a network of open spaces with courtyards and green spaces, natural areas with
recreational trails, and intermodal connection with South Hill and Downtown Ithaca.
The UP team of mostly Upstate professionals – environmental engineers, architects,
landscape architects, structural and civil engineers – is very sensitive to the site's
importance to the community because of its history and its high visibility.
David Lubin and his management team have a combined total of over 60 years of
experience in development, real estate, hospitality and retail.
David Lubin, the developer, worked for a family owned business for 22 years beginning
in the 1970’s. He has leased properties to many national and regional corporations
since 1980. He has been general contractor for many of his leased projects. In 1998, he
purchased and developed a 525-acre site into a business park and residential area in
Athens Township, PA. He has worked to develop this site, landing multiple occupants
including Mill’s Pride lumber mill, Camco, a tool and dye manufacturer, and
Chesapeake Energy Corp.’s residential training facility and corporate headquarters. All
of which have brought 1,000s of jobs to the area as a result of his efforts. He has also
developed and assisted in the construction of the Hilton and Hampton Inns
Elmira/Corning, NY, Hampton Inn, Oneonta, NY, Guthrie Clinic, Big Flats, NY, Harold’s
Square Ithaca, NY, and retail space in Corning, NY. Throughout his career, he has
successfully taken projects from inception through local, state and federal agencies to
Unchained Properties with David Lubin as Managing Director will be the Project Leader
for the Chain Works District and its participation in the New York Prize.
TIMOTHY S. PEER, PE | Market Segment Director, District Energy
Tim has over 24 years’ experience in maintenance, operations,
engineering, planning, and project management in thermal energy,
power, and PM on many technically complex, multi-disciplined projects
and has extensive university utility master planning experience
including load forecasting, distribution system modeling, energy
analysis, fuel & power procurement negotiations and financial
Corning Community College,
Administration (with distinction)
Cornell University,
NY/BS/Agricultural & Biological
Engineering (Cum Laude)
Licensed PE in NY
American Society of Heating,
Refrigeration and Air conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE)
Cornell Society of Engineers (CSE)
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME)
International District Energy
Association (IDEA)
Northeast Gas Association
Operation Qualified for Multiple
Inspection Tasks
Prior to Joining CHA, Tim worked in the Utilities and Energy
Management Department at Cornell University holding multiple
positions in plant operations, maintenance, engineering, and project
management eventually rising to the position of Energy Plant Manager.
Here Tim was responsible for the University's mission critical district
heating and cooling systems. Each are managed as cost-recovery
enterprise units with an overall budget of ~$40mill/yr budget for
district heating and ~$9 mill/yr for cooling. The heart of the district
heating system is a modern combined heat and power facility which
includes two combustion turbines with heat recovery steam generators,
three package boilers, two back pressure steam turbines, a reverse
osmosis water treatment facility and ancillary equipment. The chilled
water facilities include three refrigerant based Chillers totaling 8,500
tons capacity, 4.5 mill gallons of thermal energy storage, and the Lake
Source Cooling facility totaling 20,000 tons capacity. This position
directed all aspects of the operation, maintenance, and capital
improvements of these facilities which operate 24/7/365 including the
management of a staff of approximately 30 salaried and hourly union
employees to provide cost effective and reliable steam, electric and
chilled water to campus.
Cornell University, Combined Heat & Power Project. Project Manager
for $82.3 mill addition to the Central Heating Plant which incorporates
two Solar Titan-130 combustion turbine generators, totaling a nominal
30,000 kilowatts of electrical output, with Rentech dual-pressure heat
recovery steam generators. Included was renewal and upgrade to the
University owned 115kV substation and complete conversion of the
energy plant from coal to natural gas.
Cornell University, Central Heating Plant Master Planning. Project
Manager for the $750k effort to develop a plan to fulfill the Energy
Plant capacity and reliability requirements over a 25 year planning
horizon. Perform Monte Carlo simulations on options to evaluate
financial risk.
Cornell University, Thermal Storage Project. Project Engineer and
Commissioning manager for the $3 mill plant expansion/addition for
4.5 mill-gallon stratified thermal storage facility.
TIMOTHY S. PEER, (cont.)
Cornell University, Lake Source Cooling Project. Project Engineer for
design and construction of the facility and process portion of the $60
mill innovative district cooling system. Lake Source Cooling is the first
large scale demonstration of a deep water based cooling system in the
world and serves as a model for sustainable district energy systems.
Cornell University, Chiller #8 Project. Project Engineer and
Commissioning Manager for the $5 mill plant expansion/addition for a
2,300 ton electric chiller including pumps, cooling towers, controls &
Cornell University, Water Filter Plant Renewal Project. PM for the $2
mill renewal of Cornell’s Water Filter Plant including replacement of
the filter header piping, rate controllers, backwash valves & actuators.
Design and installation of a digital electronic control system with new
process monitoring devices, a networked centralized control system,
and operator interface consoles.
Cornell University, Chilled Water Master Planning. Performed
multiple master planning projects and studies related to distribution
system modelling, capacity forecasting, plant expansion optimization,
emergency planning, chemical treatment & filtration, and
upgrades/renewal to controls & automation systems.
Cornell University, Energy Procurement. Key negotiator for flex rate
contract with local electric utility ($14 mill/yr) and participant in rate
intervention at the NYS Public Service Commission. Managed and
assisted with energy procurement processes for coal ($4 mill/yr) and
natural gas ($15 mill/yr).
Cornell University, Boiler #1 Renewal Project. PM for $500k renewal
of 75,000 lb/hr coal fired steam generator which included
replacement of the economizer, traveling grate overhaul and redesign
& replacement of the baghouse lids and pulse-jet cleaning system.
Natural Gas Project Experience:
Direct Energy Compressed Natural Gas Center
Vermont Gas Systems Addition Natural Gas Project
Vermont Gas Systems St. Albans/Georgia Phase VI
NiSource East Longmeadow Mass Station Heater Evaluation
Scepter New York Natural Gas Project
Cargill Natural Gas Feasibility Study
NYSEG Seneca West Interconnect Project
Anschutz Horseheads Wellheads and Gathering Lines
Cornell University Natural Gas Pipeline
2726 Woodley Pl. NW
Washington, DC 20008
(202) 797-8820
Shalom Flank, Ph.D.
Incisive analysis of complex problems to reveal simple and concrete next steps: Exercise leadership
through identifying the key decisions, variables, or metrics that will determine success or failure.
• Designed dozens of microgrids for Pareto, from single-day charrettes to year-long model-based
analyses, using commercial and custom-developed software tools.
• Used structured project financing models to crystallize project value – secured term-sheets for
Pareto for multiple $10-$100 million microgrids.
• As a consultant, developed new commercialization strategy for leading concentrating-solar
company to reduce reliance on large-scale utility contracts (which almost saved the company).
• In almost every setting, giving a clear sense of how to move forward, even after wide-ranging
discussion. At DARPA, developed on-line action-item tool (back when the Internet was new).
Patient with Process: Diligent in working innovative projects through bureaucracies
• For Pareto, negotiated innovative structure for $350 million Power Purchase Agreement, from
initial proposal through MOU, term sheet, final contract language, and contract execution.
• Completed multiple microgrid patents, including formulating company-wide intellectual
property strategy and working with counsel for patent drafting, patent issue, and IP licensing.
• Executed three complete project cycles at DARPA, including concept development, program
approval, contracting, and implementation with over $10 million funding each.
Building stakeholder consensus around new technologies: Skilled in managing group process when
facing unfamiliar technologies and organizational change.
• At Pareto, negotiated across many departments of two large investor-owned utilities to achieve
interconnection approvals for large microgrids (10 MW and 28 MW).
• At DARPA, helped drive Air Force acceptance of a new technical approach for tracking enemy
vehicles (terrain-based Bayesian propagation) in a calcified field with strong vested interests.
Bringing non-technical audiences inside the core implications of new technologies: Eliminating
complexity so people can see what's at stake, without getting bogged down in the technology.
• Microgrid evangelist at conferences, on-line (e.g.; frequent guest
lecturer at universities (e.g. Harvard, Princeton, GW, Georgetown) and local community groups
• Raised by a professor of education – good teaching and clear explanation come naturally
Evaluating new technologies: Sniffing out the best new ideas, assessing their value and readiness for
prime time, avoiding the quicksand of too-complex or almost-ready approaches.
• Selected new microgrid interconnection technology, brought forward through design / approvals
• Performed comprehensive post-acquisition evaluation of defense R&D company's intellectual
property portfolio, shaping future investment and IP protection decisions.
• Reviewed and evaluated thousands of R&D proposals for DARPA, NIST, and NSF.
Proud not to specialize: Bridging technical disciplines to integrate and optimize complex systems,
taking advantage of broad experience in many areas.
• Pick up new technologies quickly, at sufficient depth for project management, investment
decisions, contract negotiations, improving on others' innovations, filing patents, etc.
• Diverse practical implementations, from power electronics for microgrid applications, to LED
packaging and thermal management, to information visualization for knowledge management.
Pareto Energy – The Microgrid Company
CTO & Microgrid Architect
2005 – present
Distributed Energy Financial Group
Associate and Sector Analyst (Prime Movers)
2004 – 2005
Haft, Harrison & Wolfson LLC
Director, Renewable Energy Group
2002 – 2003
Global Works Consulting (sole proprietorship)
Technology Commercialization Consultant
1999 – 2005
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Program Manager
1994 - 1998
Monterey Institute of International Studies
Visiting Scientist, Center for Nonproliferation Studies
1993 – 1994
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center for Science & International Affairs
1992 – 1993
Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Political Science / Science, Technology & Public Policy
S.M., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nuclear Engineering
B.A., Cornell University
Business reviewer for National Science Foundation, alternative energy technologies, and for Advanced
Technology Program, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2002 – current
Host committee member, EcoDistrict Summit, 2014; Sustainable DC, Energy Working Group, 2011
Director, MIT Enterprise Forum (DC Chapter), 1997-2004; awarded “Fellow of the Forum,” 2004
Coach, Mid-Atlantic Venture Fairs, Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship, Springboard Venture Forums
Teacher / lecturer at the Jewish Study Center, Washington Jewish Folk Arts Festival, New Israel Fund,
Land Development & Design
Fagan Engineers & Land Surveyors, PC
Contact: James B. Gensel, P.E., CPESC
PH: 607.734.2165
Land Development & Design Services
Building Plans for Municipal, Commercial & Industrial Applications
Construction Coordination & Management
Construction Stakeout & Control
Environmental Impact Statements (SEQR)
Flood Impact Analysis
Grant Applications (CFA Build-Now NY, ARC, etc.)
Land Development & Site Design
Local, State & Federal Permitting
Master & Land Use Planning
Boundary & Topographical Surveys
Residential & Commercial Subdivisions
Site Feasibility Analysis
Stormwater Design & Planning
Transportation & Traffic Engineering
Utility Design & Analysis
Fagan Engineers is a civil/environmental engineering firm located in Elmira, NY.
We have been involved with over 350 land development projects since 1985,
ranging from residential subdivisions to multi-million dollar mixed use complexes.
Our staff includes Professional Engineers (NY/PA), Licensed Surveyors (NY/PA),
Planners, CAD Designers, Wetland Delineators, GIS Technicians, Field Engineers, and Construction Managers.
“A Direct and Personal Approach to Your Needs is our Standard”.
Dennis Fagan, P.E., Founder, 1984
Partial Private Client List
Arnot Ogden Medical Center
Arnot Realty Corporation
Benderson Development Corporation
Chemung County Industrial Development Agency
Commercial Net Lease (Nat. Retail Properties)
Developers Diversified Realty (DDR)
Edger Enterprises
Simmons-Rockwell Automobile Dealerships
Southern Tier Economic Growth
Streeter Associates
Synthes (USA)
Talisman Energy USA, Inc.
UnChained Properties
X-Gen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Current Land Development Project
Chain Works District, Ithaca, NY
Fagan Engineers is leading the Generic Environmental Impact
Statement (GEIS) development process for the Chain Works District (CWD). CWD is a “Live/Work/Play” multi-use district that will
repurpose the existing 821,000 square feet of former industrial
buildings and develop new areas of the site. This transformational
project will consist of up to 1,700,000 square feet on 95 acres that
traverses the City/Town municipal boundary located near Ithaca
113 East Chemung Place, Elmira, NY 14904 | PH: 607.734.2165 FX: 607.734.2169 |
Land Development & Design
Fagan Engineers & Land Surveyors, PC
Contact: James B. Gensel, P.E., CPESC
PH: 607.734.2165
Our team of dedicated staff have been involved with over 350
land development projects since 1985. Our projects have ranged
from residential subdivisions to multi-million dollar mixed-use
complexes. We guide our clients through the total process,
permitting through construction.
A word from our clients:
“I needed help getting some questions answered and your staff
was helpful, knowledgeable, and courteous. You have a remarkable team at Fagan Engineers and I will continue giving you our
Annette Ajamian
Property & Real Estate Manager
Arnot Ogden Medical Center
Colonial Manor Apartments, Horseheads, NY
Seneca Beverage, Elmira, NY
Barrington East, Horseheads, NY
113 East Chemung Place, Elmira, NY 14904 | PH: 607.734.2165 FX: 607.734.2169 |
Ithaca Area Wastewater Facility Treatment
Engineering Management Project Team
as part of the CEE 5910 Engineering Management Project Course
A Feasibility Study of Energy Production
Robert Ainslie, Nitesh Donti, Jacqueline Maloney, Ruju Mehta,
Yeswanth Subramanian, Yilin Wang
under the guidance of advisor Francis Vanek, Civil and Environmental Engineering
Cornell University Graduate School, College of Engineering
Table of Contents
Advisor Introduction ....................................................................................................... 4
Executive Summary ........................................................................................................ 5
Introduction .................................................................................................................... 6
Mission Statement.................................................................................................................. 6
Project Motivation.................................................................................................................. 6
Project Goals .......................................................................................................................... 6
Team Members....................................................................................................................... 7
Assignment of Team Members to Topic Areas of Project ....................................................... 9
List of Project Assumptions .................................................................................................. 10
List of Project Boundaries and Project Scope ........................................................................ 11
Inside Scope: ..................................................................................................................... 11
Outside Scope: .................................................................................................................. 11
Literature Review ......................................................................................................... 12
Waste-to-Energy Systems ..................................................................................................... 12
Small Scale Waste-to-Energy Applications ............................................................................ 12
Possible Fuel from Chicken Feathers .................................................................................... 13
Solar Energy and Regulations in Ithaca ................................................................................. 13
What is Solar Power?......................................................................................................... 13
Types of Solar panels and their Merits/Demerits: .............................................................. 14
Drawbacks of Investing in Solar Technology ....................................................................... 15
Recently Established Snyder Road Solar Farm in Tompkins County .................................... 17
Alternative Energy Sources ................................................................................................... 18
Hybrid system – Solar PV and Wind Turbine......................................................................... 18
Low-head Turbines ............................................................................................................... 19
Transportation Fuel Technologies......................................................................................... 20
Natural Gas and Bio-SNG ................................................................................................... 20
Hydrogen Fuel Cells ........................................................................................................... 21
Plugging Into Electric Vehicles ........................................................................................... 21
Fleet Managers Save Millions with CNG ............................................................................. 22
Microgrids ............................................................................................................................ 22
District Energy ...................................................................................................................... 25
Grants ................................................................................................................................... 26
Energy Usage in a WWTF ...................................................................................................... 26
Information and Initial Data ......................................................................................... 28
Ithaca Wastewater Treatment plant..................................................................................... 28
Major Source of Waste ......................................................................................................... 29
Waste Processing .................................................................................................................. 30
CHP Initiative of IAWWTF ..................................................................................................... 31
District Energy ...................................................................................................................... 32
Key parameters considered for model .................................................................................. 33
Optimization and Modeling .......................................................................................... 34
Current Status ............................................................................................................... 36
Scenario Analysis .......................................................................................................... 38
Scenario 1: ............................................................................................................................ 38
Scenario 2: ............................................................................................................................ 39
Scenario 3: ............................................................................................................................ 40
Scenario 4 ............................................................................................................................. 41
Scenario Comparisons .......................................................................................................... 42
Final Recommendations ............................................................................................... 43
Future Projects ............................................................................................................. 43
Appendix A: Calculations .............................................................................................. 46
Current Status:...................................................................................................................... 46
Scenario 1: ............................................................................................................................ 48
Scenario 2A: .......................................................................................................................... 49
Scenario 2B: .......................................................................................................................... 51
Scenario 3: ............................................................................................................................ 53
Net revenue comparison of electricity and biodiesel produced by the same amount of
grease ................................................................................................................................... 55
How much biogas required to produce energy ..................................................................... 55
Solar Capacity ....................................................................................................................... 56
Appendix B: References ................................................................................................ 57
Executive Summary
This report presents the opportunity for the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility
(IAWWTF) to maximize its revenue by utilizing the potential of existing Combined Heat and
Power (CHP) turbines and exploring other energy sources and their possible implementations.
The report also analyzes four different scenarios to maximize revenues for the plant by increasing
the capacity of CHP turbines and adding other alternative sources of energy, such as biodiesel,
solar photovoltaic and hydro-turbines. This feasibility study is intended for the use of the
IAWWTF and professionals interested in producing electricity and heat in a more
environmentally friendly way. We hope that our study will help the IAWWTF and the Ithaca
communities to reduce their CO2 footprints.
CHP is a reliable, cost effective option for the IAWWTF to meet their current energy demand of
334,200 kWh per month using the two existing bio-digesters. The IAWWTF currently has the
capacity to produce approximately 120,000 to 150,000 cubic feet of biogas per day, which is used
as a fuel for the four CHP turbines, each with 65 kilowatts (kW) of capacity, to produce
200,520 kWh of electricity per month. The thermal energy produced by the CHP system is then
used to heat the bio-digesters, which need to be maintained at a temperature of 98°F for 28 days
to produce methane.
Every one million gallons of wastewater flow per day can produce enough biogas in an anaerobic
digester to support 26 kW of electric capacity and 2.4 million Btu per day (MMBtu/day) of
thermal energy in a CHP system1.
The IAWWTF has been exploring various means of producing electricity, and as part of the
initiative, they have already implemented a 7.5 kW solar system inside their facility. This array is
capable of producing 9,210 kWh of electricity per year.
Additional electricity produced by the CHP turbines can be used to power the plant and make the
plant self-reliant. By doing this, the plant avoids a cost of 10.5 cents per kWh, which is currently
the cost paid to utility companies.
Maximizing the intake of waste can help produce additional kW of electricity, which can be sold
to the new proposed development at 14 cents per kWh.
The IAWWTF currently receives an average of four percent grease as part of its trucked waste.
The cost of producing bio-diesel is considered to be $3.11 per gallon, but it can be sold to the
nearby TCAT facility at a price of $3.50 per gallon. Alternatively, if 80-gallon biodiesel
Opportunities for Combined Heat and Power at Wastewater Treatment Facilities: Market
Analysis and Lessons from the Field (n.d.): n. pag.Environmental Protection Agency. Combined
Heat and Power Partnership, Oct. 2011. Web. 7 Oct. 2014.
processors can be used, the price per gallon for production could be reduced to $2.18 per gallon,
using available capital and operating cost figures, making biodiesel more economically attractive.
Mission Statement
The Engineering Management Project Team works to determine how much energy,
whether biogas or alternative, the Ithaca Area Wastewater Treatment Facility (IAWWTF)
can produce and at what price, and explore possible uses for this energy. We have
estimated the energy consumption of the proposed Inlet Energy Improvement District and
analyzed the needs of the community compared to the output capabilities of the
IAWWTF. We have also taken into consideration the implementation cost and revenue
gained from each of the scenarios considered.
Project Motivation
As graduate students in engineering we gave back to the Ithaca community that has
educated us over the past four years. We gained the experience of working within an
interdisciplinary team to face the challenges of a large engineering project. We were
interested in learning about wastewater treatment and creating an optimal system that
allows the IAWWTF to not only have increased revenues but also decrease greenhouse
emissions. By focusing on an economic analysis of Kushan Dave’s original proposal, we
aimed to prove or disprove its feasibility.
Sustainable energy is an up and coming field with a great deal of applications. As a result
of the negative effects of pollution on climate change, finding sustainable solutions has
become increasingly important. Waste management systems that can convert harmful or
discarded materials into useful forms of energy are just one way that we can make a
positive impact on society. We want to help create a reliable energy source in Ithaca by
utilizing a variety of waste streams that would have otherwise ended up in a landfill. Not
only does this plan decrease the amount of waste sent to landfills, within which waste
cannot decompose quickly, but it can produce usable energy for the community,
decreasing dependency on non-renewable energy sources.
Project Goals
Firstly, our team analyzes the output potential of the IAWWTF in terms of biogas capacity,
hydro-turbine feasibility and significant solar energy production increases. We also analyze the
needs proposed by the Ithaca Energy Initiative Development using Ecovillage data as a baseline
for calculations. Using both of these analyses, our team proposes useful possibilities, such as
selling biogas to TCAT buses, selling electricity back to the grid or reselling repurposed enriched
Fall 2011
CEE 5910
Advisor: Dr. Francis Vanek
Authors: Itotoh Akhigbe, Corey Belaief, Omer Yigit Gursoy, Pouyan Khajavi,
Alejandro Martinez, Graham Peck, Ptah Plummer, Brad Sandahl, Taylor Schulz,
Manuel Garcia Vilches
CEE 5910 – Emerson Plant Feasibility Study – Fall 2011
1. Executive Summary .......................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. Background and Motivation ........................................................................................................................................... 7
3. Project Scope & Assumptions ........................................................................................................................................ 9
4. Energy Demand ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
4.1 Monthly Demand ................................................................................................................................................... 10
4.2 Daily Demand .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
5. Energy Sources .................................................................................................................................................................. 16
5.1 Combined Heat and Power (CHP) .................................................................................................................. 16
5.2 Solar Energy ............................................................................................................................................................ 20
5.4 Biomass ..................................................................................................................................................................... 30
5.5 Wind............................................................................................................................................................................ 31
5.6 Geothermal............................................................................................................................................................... 32
5.7 Energy Storage ....................................................................................................................................................... 33
5.8 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Reduction Cost .......................................................................................................... 41
5.9 Incentives.................................................................................................................................................................. 42
6. Optimization Model ......................................................................................................................................................... 44
6.1 Model Design ........................................................................................................................................................... 44
6.2 Optimization Model Implementation............................................................................................................ 45
7. Economic Analysis............................................................................................................................................................ 51
7.1 Costs of Energy Systems ..................................................................................................................................... 51
7.2 Economic Model..................................................................................................................................................... 53
8. Scenarios .............................................................................................................................................................................. 56
8.1 Summary ................................................................................................................................................................... 56
8.2 Scenario 1 – Baseline ........................................................................................................................................... 56
8.3 Scenario 2 – Minimize Cost ............................................................................................................................... 58
Page 2
CEE 5910 – Emerson Plant Feasibility Study – Fall 2011
8.4 Scenario 3 – Include Photovoltaics ................................................................................................................ 60
8.5 Scenario 3A – Photovoltaics and Solar Thermal....................................................................................... 62
8.6 Scenario 3B – grid, CHP, and PV with Storage ........................................................................................... 63
8.7 Scenario 3C – grid, CHP, PV, and Biomass ................................................................................................... 64
8.8 Scenario 4 – Introduce Wind Energy............................................................................................................. 65
8.9 Comparative Analysis .......................................................................................................................................... 68
9. Conclusions ......................................................................................................................................................................... 70
10. Appendices........................................................................................................................................................................ 71
A. Team Composition .................................................................................................................................................. 71
B. Project Milestones & Deliverables .................................................................................................................... 74
C. 25 Vs. 75 year life cycle ......................................................................................................................................... 75
D. Project Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................................... 76
B. Average Monthly Demand Data ........................................................................................................................ 78
F. Detailed New York State Incentives ................................................................................................................. 79
H. Detailed U.S. Federal Incentives ........................................................................................................................ 83
I. Model Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................................... 86
J. Solar Appendix ........................................................................................................................................................... 87
K. Personal Reflections .................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
L. Midterm Management Report ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
M. Final Management Report ...................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
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CEE 5910 – Emerson Plant Feasibility Study – Fall 2011
With rising energy costs as well as an increased awareness of the environmental impact of meeting
growing energy demands, the need to strongly consider alternative energy sources has quickly
developed. While the use of some renewable energy sources (such as hydroelectric and wind
power) is largely constricted to the power grid, other sources (such as solar thermal and solar
photovoltaic) are increasingly becoming directly available to the consumer. This report examines
the economic and technological feasibility of applying some of these alternative energy sources for
localized use by the consumer. With this purpose in mind, Abbott Lund-Hansen (ALH) and the
Cornell University College of Engineering have collaborated to assess the potential of repurposing a
former manufacturing plant in Ithaca, New York.
The facility under consideration is an abandoned complex owned by Emerson Industrial
Automation (Emerson). Due to pollution on the premises and the substantial cleanup that will be
required, Emerson has a vested interest in the future repurposing of the complex. As a potential
buyer, ALH is interested in developing a plan to convert the complex into an energy generation
facility that would provide electricity and hot water to tenants within the bounds of the complex. If
possible, generation and transmission could be extended to serve several potential local customers
like Ithaca College and Center Ithaca.
The focus of the study was to determine a cost effective combination of alternative energy sources
that could be installed at the complex to meet future energy demands. This study examines the
merits of renewable energy technologies such as solar photovoltaic (PV) arrays, solar thermal
power, wind power, and biomass powered plants. Cogeneration, or combined heat and power
(CHP), is also thoroughly discussed because of its important contribution to creating more efficient
power generation systems. By capturing the by-product waste heat that is created during electricity
generation, CHP systems can recover some of the lost energy and use it to produce domestic hot
water (DHW).
The team created a customizable tool that analyzes the available energy sources to determine the
most cost effective system that meets both the DHW and electricity demands of the building as well
as any constraints regarding the carbon footprint of the building. To act as a control, the team
analyzed a scenario where all of the electricity is purchased from the grid and the DHW is produced
using onsite boilers. This acted as a baseline in comparison to several other scenarios created to
examine possible combinations of the alternative energy sources. The Net Present Cost (NPC) of
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CEE 5910 – Emerson Plant Feasibility Study – Fall 2011
each system was calculated over a 25 year life cycle to determine its economic feasibility. The
amount of CO2 emitted for each scenario was also determined to allow the user to weigh economic
feasibility versus environmental mindfulness.
The most important conclusions that can be drawn from the results of the model are that regardless
of environmental concerns, CHP is the most cost effective solution for providing both electricity and
DHW. Since there is a direct correlation between the electricity and DHW output by the CHP
system, the amount of electricity that can be provided by the CHP system is bounded by the demand
for hot water. The remaining demand for electricity can be met by a number of sources; the source
that is chosen depends on its availability and the importance placed on reducing the carbon
footprint of the building. The least expensive way to meet the demand is to simply draw the
remaining demand from the grid. If it is important to reduce the CO2 output of the building, both
solar PV and wind power are feasible options. However, wind power is less expensive if available.
100% electricity from grid + onsite conversion of natural gas to heat
CHP system + remaining electricity from grid
CHP system + PV system + grid electricity
CHP system + PV system + solar hot water + grid electricity
CHP system + PV system + electricity storage + grid electricity
CHP system + PV system + biomass system + grid electricity
CHP system + wind electricity + grid electricity
Table i
Net Present Cost Comparison
Net Present Cost
$31.9 MM
$30.9 MM
$35.0 MM
$31.8 MM
$25.2 MM
$23.9 MM
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario
Scenario Scenario 4
Figure i
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CEE 5910 – Emerson Plant Feasibility Study – Fall 2011
CO2 Emissions Comparison
Tons of CO2 emissions
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 3A Scenario 3B Scenario 3C Scenario 4
Figure ii
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