Kāpiti College NQF – procedures for NCEA and other National Certificates Information for students and caregivers 2015 2 NCEA Credits NCEA Level Credits required NCEA Level 1 80 credits (at Level 1 or above) 144 10 Level 1 Literacy (minimum) 10 Level 1 Numeracy (minimum) 80 credits 120 60 at Level 2 or above plus 20 at any level 10 Level 1 Literacy 10 Level 1 Numeracy 80 credits 100 60 at Level 3 or above plus 20 at Level 2 or above 10 Level 1 Literacy 10 Level 1 Numeracy Achievement of Level 3 NCEA, including 14 credits from each of 3 approved subjects + UE Literacy - 5 + 5 reading and writing credits from specific standards at level 2 or above from specific Level 2 or above te Reo Maori standards from 2 specific level 4 English for academic purposes unit standards + 10 numeracy credits at Level 1 or abovefrom specific achievement, or three specific numeracy unit standards. (Level 1 Numeracy) NCEA Level 2 NCEA Level 3 University Entrance Scholarships Endorsement certificates and Course Endorsements Average number of credits available per student A scholarship is a monetary award to recognise top students in NZ. It does not attract credits nor contribute towards a qualification but the fact that a student has gained a scholarship appears on the Record of Achievement. It can help students gain access to courses at Tertiary level. Students have the opportunity to gain a scholarship by completing another examination for each subject in Year 13. Certificate Endorsements - Students require 50 credits at Excellence to gain an NCEA endorsed with excellence and 50 credits at Merit (or Merit and Excellence) to gain an NCEA endorsed with Merit. Credits can be gained over one or more years, but need to be specific to the level of the certificate or above. Subject/Course Endorsements – Students require 14 credits at Excellence (or Merit and above) in a particular course. They must gain at least 3 credits externally and 3 credits internally. Credits must be gained in the same year. 3 What is NCEA? NCEA consists of three certificates: Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3. The table on the previous page shows the requirements for each certificate. The key points are: To get any certificate the minimum number of credits is 80 A single subject will offer about 20 - 24 credits To qualify for Level 1 you have to gain 10 credits in English or Te Reo Maori, and 10 numeracy credits, as part of the 80 credits. 20 of your Level 1 credits count towards Level 2, and 20 Level 2 credits count towards Level 3, as well as counting for the original certificate. Multi Level courses allow you to earn credits for more than one certificate - you can use Level 2 or 3 credits towards a Level 1 Certificate if you don’t have enough. How does the system work? Students studying for NCEA may attempt two types of standards – achievement standards and unit standards. Each standard is worth anywhere between 2 and 8 credits usually, and will assess a particular aspect of a subject. Students attempting achievement standards are assessed according to 4 grades: Not Achieved (N), Achieved (A), Merit (M), and Excellence (E). Most unit standards carry only two grades: Not Achieved (N) and Achieved (A). All unit standards and some achievement standards are assessed internally – here at school by your teachers. Not-Achieved grade is awarded when a student has been given the opportunity to achieve but doesn’t turn up for the assessment, misses the deadline or whose work does not meet the standard. The school is required to report these Not Achieved results to NZQA. Please note: a student who passes with Excellence gains no more credits than someone who gets Merit or Achieved, but each Excellence credits counts towards a certificate endorsement, and a subject/course endorsement. Some achievement standards are assessed by an examinationt at the end of the year – these are called external standards. A student who does not attempt a standard in an examination (either by being absent from the examination or by not writing any answers in the question booklet) is not awarded a grade for that standard. What about other National Certificates? Credits gained for the NCEA may be used towards meeting the requirements of other qualifications such as: National Certificate in Computing (Level 2 and Level 3) National Certificate in Employment Skills (Level 1) National Certificate in Tourism and Travel (Introductory Skills)(Level 2) National Certificate in Early Childhood Education and Parenting (Level 3) National Certificate in Cookery (Level 1 and Level 2) These qualifications require 40 credits or more and contain both compulsory standards and some restrictions. They may take two years to complete, and may be completed after the student leaves school. There is additional fee over and above the NCEA fee for these Certificates. Further details about these National Certificates is available on the NZQA website – http://nzqa.govt.nz/ 4 Course and Assessment Details Students will receive a course outline for every subject they take. This contains: course aims and a list of topics For each standard offered in the course title, version, the number of credits, how it will be assessed, approximately when the assessment will take place, whether a further assessment opportunity will take place. For specific courses it will also indicate standards that contribute towards NCEA Level 1 Numeracy NCEA Level 1 Literacy UE Numeracy UE Literacy – reading UE Literacy – writing An assessment schedule Advice on how to succeed Authenticity requirements It is very important that these statements are kept safe, and that an overall assessment plan is created so that you know when several pieces of work are due at the same time. Enrolling for NCEA This is done by Kāpiti College. Early in Term 2 you will get a card with your NSI (National Student Identification) – a 9 digit number unique to you, and information how to access the NZQA website. Throughout the year you will be given progress reports. You need to regularly visit the NZQA website to check your results are being correctly loaded and monitor your progress. All results are required to be sent to NZQA, including Not Achieved. By mid August you will be required to confirm the external standards you will be sitting at the end of the year. After September 1 it is impossible to withdraw your entry from any external standard. Fees NCEA results are available on NZQA website from mid- January 2016. You will only receive these if you have paid the required fee by December 2015. Non-payment of this fee means you get no official record of your credits. Financial Assistance is available, to all families who receive a benefit or whose income is at or below the threshold for eligibility for a Community Services Cards. Information will be available in Term 2. Scholarship exams require an additional fee per subject. Special Assessment Conditions These are available to students who have special learning needs which meet the criteria set down by NZQA. This requires an assessment by a Level C assessor or similar. These generally need to have been completed by the end of Y10. Approved SAC are available for internal and external standards. See HOD Learning Support for more information. Authenticity Plagiarism is a breach of the rules and you are guilty of it when you use the work of another student or published author (includes the use of maps and diagrams or succinct quotations) to support your own statements without acknowledging the other person’s work or ideas in either footnote or bibliography. 5 Therefore you are required to acknowledge resources you used, including the names of people you consulted about your assessment with a brief description of how the person assisted you. You may also be required to sign a declaration of authenticity when you hand in your work. If a breach of the rules is suspected The teacher will retain the evidence of the breach and discuss the situation with the Principal’s Nominee. The teacher will notify the parent/guardian of the alleged breach of the rules. The Principal’s Nominee will investigate the matter, keep a written record of the investigation and consult with other relevant specialists as required. The PN will make the final decision and notify the student and the parent/guardian in writing of the outcome of the investigation. The school will report Not Achieved if the breach is proven. Guidelines concerning authenticity Ideas obtained from written sources should be expressed in your own words. If material is quoted word-for-word it must be shown as a quote by using speech marks, and the source shown. All sources, including internet addresses, must be listed in a bibliography set out as directed by your teacher. Art folios, music compositions, technology projects etc must be all your own original work. You must not use elements which have been designed, created, or produced by someone else unless specified by the teacher. Late or Missed Assignments Late work for assessments will not be accepted. Students need to keep tabs on what is due when and when tests and fieldtrips etc are on. As a general principle these activities take precedence over other, conflicting activities. Where there is a conflict with another school-related activity (eg sports fixture, field trip, camp) you must discuss the issue with your teacher before the clash arises, and see what can be done to reschedule the assessment. You must also complete an Application for Extension form. Sometimes you may be unable to be at an assessment or hand it in the day it is due, because of illness or exceptional circumstances beyond your control. You MUST complete an Application for Extension form within 48 hours of your return to school, and give it to your teacher. Failure to do this could lead to an N result. Further assessment and Resubmission At Kāpiti College, one further assessment opportunity will be given for internally assessed standards, where the department concerned has decided it is reasonable and practicable to do so. Check your assessment statement to see which standards provide a further assessment opportunity. Further assessment involves the student completing a new task or the same task in a different context, and follows the following guidelines: One further opportunity for assessment of a standard can be provided each year. This does not mean one must be offered, but if it is offered, it must be offered to all students, and all assessment grades must be available. 6 A further assessment opportunity is only appropriate after additional teaching and learning has taken place. The highest grade gained by a student is the one which will be reported to NZQA. Resubmission takes place before feedback is given by your teacher, and no further teaching or learning is provided. It is an opportunity for you to find and correct errors or mistakes in already submitted work. Resubmissions follow these guidelines: A resubmission should be limited to specific aspects of the assessment and no more than one resubmission should be provided. Students should be capable of discovering and correcting immediately. Any resubmission must not compromise the authenticity or validity of the work A resubmission can be offered after either the first or the further assessment opportunity or after both. Appeals A student has the right to appeal any assessment decision. These include, but are not limited to, their awarded grade, an allegation that they have a Breach of the Rules or a decision affecting their access to assessment. In the first instance the student should try to resolve the issue directly with the teacher concerned. If this does not produce a satisfactory outcome for the student they should lodge a formal appeal. The student should lodge this within five days of being notified of the initial assessment decision. A student does not forfeit their right to appeal by acknowledging the return of their work or by sighting their grade. The Appeal Application Form must be used for the formal appeal. Privacy of Results, Retention of Work and Use of Work as Exemplars When an assessment is returned to you after marking you will be able to study it and check it but you will not be able to keep it. This is because a proportion of papers will be checked by NZQA moderators to see that our standards of assessing are in line with national standards. You have the right to have your results remain private to you and your family, and you must give your permission if your work is to be used as an exemplar to show other students. Significance of Practice Exams and Tests for externals If you are unable to attend an NZQA examination in November, because you are sick or have suffered the effects of some exceptional circumstance, you may apply for a Derived Grade. These grades are based on evidence you have produced during the year for the particular standards which are being assessed in the examination. This evidence must come from the end-of-topic test, and the practice exams we hold in August. Therefore it is essential for you to achieve to the best of your ability in these tests and exams – do not treat them lightly!! Please Note: The forms mentioned in the information are all attached to this information, and they are available from the Student Services Office at the end of the Staff Room, and on the Kāpiti College website. If you have any questions regarding the information in this booklet, or need more clarification about NCEA and its processes, please contact Kāpiti College Principal’s Nominee, Mrs Cathy Stewart (9025121 Ext 870); cathy.stewart@kc.school.nz 7 Kāpiti College Appeal of Assessment Decision Fill in the top section, attach an appropriate letter or other relevant information and hand in to the office or your teacher Name: Form class: Date of Application: Subject and Name of Teacher: Standard number and title: Type of assessment (practical, assignment, test, etc): Date of assessment or due date: Circle to indicate the assessment decision that you are appealing: 1.The Grade 2. Missed/late assessment 3. Further assessment 4. A breach of the rules (eg. Misconduct, cheating, plagiarism) 5. Other ___________ Explain why you think the incorrect assessment decision has been made: What do you think is the correct assessment decision? (please state or attach any evidence that you have to support this) Notes of person investigating: Decision of person investigating: Outcome communicated to student by _____________________ date ________________ Outcome communicated to other parties (please name) __________________ by _______________________ date _____________ Signed _________________ Date: _______ 8 Application For Extension Fill in the top section, attach appropriate letters or certificates and hand to your subject teacher. They will inform you of the decision made, and file this application with your work. Name: Form Class Date of Application: Assessment details: Subject and name of teacher: Standard number and title: Type of assessment (practical, assignment, test, etc) Date of assessment or due date: Reason for missing assessment: (please tick one) Illness: medical certificate may be required; letter from home attached Family/personal trauma/exceptional circumstances: documentation must be attached (eg letter from parent, counsellor, or form teacher/dean) School sporting/cultural activity: ______________________________ Signature of teacher-in-charge of activity: __________________ Decision by HOD/Principal’s Nominee: Extension granted. New due date: ____________ New assessment date granted. New date: __________ Application denied. Comment _________________________________ The reason for this decision has been explained to me and I accept the decision Signed: ____________________ (student) Signed: __________________________ (staff member). Date: _____________