Editorial Board - Current Science

A fortnightly journal of research
Editor: P. Balaram
Associate Editors: K. S. Gandhi, N. V. Joshi, S. S. Krishnamurthy and R. Srinivasan
Editorial Board
G. K. Ananthasuresh, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
e-mail: suresh@mecheng.iisc.ernet.in
B. R. Arora, Uttarakhand State Council for Science and
Technology, Dehra Dun. e-mail: arorabr@wihg.res.in
E. Arunan, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
e-mail: arunan@ipc.iisc.ernet.in
Mammen Chandy, Tata Memorial Centre, Kolkata
e-mail: mammen@cmcvellore.ac.in
Dipankar Chatterji, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
e-mail: dipankar@mbu.iisc.ernet.in
G. R. Desiraju, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
e-mail: gautam_desiraju@yahoo.com
R. Gadagkar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
e-mail: ragh@ces.iisc.ernet.in
Debasish Ghose, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
e-mail: dghose@aero.iisc.ernet.in
K. N. Ganeshaiah, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore
e-mail: kng@vsnl.com
Giridhar Madras, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
e-mail: giridhar@chemeng.iisc.ernet.in
B. N. Goswami, Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, Pune
e-mail: goswami@tropmet.res.in
S. E. Hasnain, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
e-mail: sehiitd@gmail.com
A. M. Jayannavar, Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar
e-mail: jayan@iopb.res.in
S. Kailas, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai
e-mail: kailas@magnum.barc.ernet.in
A. K. Kembhavi, IUCAA, Pune
e-mail: akk@iucaa.ernet.in
Kusala Rajendran, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
e-mail: kusala@ceas.iisc.ernet.in
S. C. Lakhotia, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi
e-mail: lakhotia@bhu.ac.in
H. S. Mani, Chennai Mathematical Institute, Chennai
e-mail: hsmani@imsc.res.in
N. K. Mehra, AIIMS, New Delhi
e-mail: narin98@hotmail.com
Gadadhar Misra, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
e-mail: gm@math.iisc.ernet.in
T. J. Pandian, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai
e-mail: tjpandian@rediffmail.com
Deepak Pental, University of Delhi South Campus, Delhi
e-mail: dpental@gmail.com
G. Prathap, National Institute of Science Communication and
Information Resources, New Delhi. e-mail: gp@niscair.res.in
Girish Sahni, Institute of Microbial Technology, Chandigarh
e-mail: director@imtech.res.in
S. R. Shetye, Goa University, Goa
e-mail: shetye@unigoa.ac.in
Mewa Singh, University of Mysore, Mysore
e-mail: mewasingh@sancharnet.in
A. K. Singhvi, Physical Research Laboratory, Ahmedabad
e-mail: singhvi@prl.res.in
Anindya Sinha, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore
e-mail: asinha@nias.iisc.ernet.in
Somdatta Sinha, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research,
Mohali. e-mail: sinha@ccmb.res.in
S. K. Tandon, University of Delhi, Delhi
e-mail: sktand@nda.vsnl.net.in
B. K. Thelma, University of Delhi South Campus, New Delhi
e-mail: thelmabk@yahoo.co.in
R. Uma Shaanker, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore.
e-mail: rus@vsnl.com
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email: currsci@ias.ernet.in
Website: www.currentscience.ac.in
S. Ramaseshan Fellow:
Jaimini Sarkar
Riki Krishnan Science Writing Fellow:
Science Writing Interns:
Richa Malhotra
Hardik Panchal and K. V. Soumya
Editorial staff: R. Anuradha, Chandrika Ramesh, D. L. Geetha,
G. Madhavan, Megha Prakash, V. Rajitha, N. Subashini,
V. Venkateswari, M. S. Venugopal
Circulation and Accounts: Peter Jayaraj, B. Krishna, Ranjini Mohan,
Shanthi Bhaskar, A. Shashidhar, C. Vedamurthy
Working Committee, Current Science Association
Balaram, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
Balasubramanian, L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad
Gadagkar, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore (Treasurer)
M. Katoch, Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi
V. Madhusudana, Raman Research Institute, Bangalore
N. Mukunda, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore
R. Narasimha, Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific
Research, Bangalore (President )
Shailesh Nayak, Ministry of Earth Sciences, New Delhi
K. Radhakrishnan, Indian Space Research Organisation,
V. S. Ramamurthy, National Institute of Advanced Studies,
Bangalore (Vice-President)
P. Rama Rao, IARC for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials,
T. Ramasami, Department of Science and Technology, New Delhi
A. K. Sood, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore
M. S. Swaminathan, M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation,
Swati A. Piramal, Nicholas Piramal India Ltd, Mumbai
© 2012, Current Science Association