Physics 169 Kitt Peak National Observatory Tuesday, March 29, 16 Luis anchordoqui 1 Question Steady electric current can give steady magnetic field Because of symmetry between electricity and magnetism ☛ we can ask: Steady magnetic field can give steady electric current OR!Changing magnetic field can give steady electric current S ECTI O N 31.1 • Faraday’s Law of Induction 969 When a magnet is moved toward a loop of wire ☛ sensitive ammeter deflects indicating that current is induced in the loop I N Ammeter S When magnet is held stationary ☛ there is no induced current in the loop (a) even when the magnet is inside the loop N Ammeter S When magnet is moved away from loop ☛ ammeter deflects in opposite direction (b) indicating that induced current is in opposite direction I N Ammeter Tuesday, March 29, 16 S (c) Active Figure 31.1 (a) When a magnet is moved toward a loop of wire connected to a 2 Answer Steady electric current can give steady magnetic field Because of symmetry between electricity and magnetism ☛ we can ask: Steady magnetic field can give steady electric current ✘ OR!Changing magnetic field can give steady electric current S ECTI O N 31.1 • Faraday’s Law of Induction 969 ✔ When a magnet is moved toward a loop of wire ☛ sensitive ammeter deflects indicating that current is induced in the loop I N Ammeter S When magnet is held stationary ☛ there is no induced current in the loop (a) even when the magnet is inside the loop N Ammeter S When magnet is moved away from loop ☛ ammeter deflects in opposite direction (b) indicating that induced current is in opposite direction I N Ammeter Tuesday, March 29, 16 S (c) Active Figure 31.1 (a) When a magnet is moved toward a loop of wire connected to a 3 Figure 30.20 The magnetic flux surface, shownthat in Figure 30.20. If the magnetic field at this element is netic flux through the element is B ! dshaped A, where d A is as a vector is perpendicular through an area element dA is flux the element B ! dA, where dA is a vector that is perpend heBsurface and has#,awhere magnitude to the area d A.through Therefore, the totalismagnetic ! dA $ BMagnetic dA cos dA is a equalmagnetic 9.1 Flux to the surface and has a magnitude equal to the area dA. Therefore, the total ma the surface is "vector perpendicular to the B through ˆ surface. flux "B through the surface is ① Magnetic flux through surface S ! = Definition of magnetic flux "m B $ B · dA ! B!dA S = Z (30.18) "B $ B!d A ~ · dA ~ B Consider the special case of a plane mof area A in a uniform field B that makes an Consider thethis special e # with d A. The magnetic plane case iscase of a plane of area A in a uniform field B that ma S in Unit flux of through : the Weber (Wb) m angle # with dA. The magnetic flux through the plane in this case is " $ BA cos # (30.19) B 1Wb = 1Tm2 Unit of m ☛ "B $ BA cos # e magnetic field is parallel to the plane, as in Figure 2 30.21a, then # $ 90° and the If the magnetic fieldtoisthe parallel to as theinplane, through the plane is zero. If the field is perpendicular plane, Figureas in Figure 30.21a, then # $ 90° a fluxplane through plane is zero.value). If the field is perpendicular to the plane, as in $ 0 and the flux through the is BAthe (the maximum 1b, then ② #Graphical 2 # $ 0 and flux(Wb); through the$plane is BA (the maximum value). which then is defined as athe weber 1 Wb The unit of magnetic flux is T ! m ,30.21b, 2 2 The unit of magnetic flux is T ! m , which is defined as a weber (Wb); 1 m. (2) Graphical: m2. ☛ number 1ofT ! magnetic field lines passing through surface Weber (Wb) 1 Wb = 1 Tm m Flux through plane is zero when magnetic field is parallel to plane surface dA m = Number of magnetic field lines passing through surface dA dA Faraday’s law of induction: B dA B (a) B Induced emf(b)|E| = N d m dt B (a) (b) ve Figure Magnetic flux link through a plane lying in a magnetic field. At 30.21 the Active Figures he through theFlux planethrough is you zero whenplane the magnetic field is parallel to the plane isFigure maximum when magnetic islying perpendicular to plane atflux, Active 30.21 Magnetic flux throughfield a plane in a magnetic field. ce. (b)rotate The flux the plane is a maximum when the magnetic field can thethrough plane and (a) The flux through the plane is is zero when the magnetic field is parallel to the plane endicular to the plane. Tuesday, March 29, 16 4 change the value of the field to surface. (b) The flux through the plane is a maximum when the magnetic field is where N = Number of coils in the circuit. Ammeter 9.2 Faraday’s Law Switch – + Primary coil Iron Secondary coil At the Active at can open and clo Active Figure 31.2 Faraday’s experiment. When the switch in the primary circuit is When switch in primary circuit is closed Faraday’s experiment and observe the closed, the ammeter in the secondary circuit deflects momentarily. The emf induced in ammeter. the secondary circuit is caused by the changing magnetic through the secondary ammeter in field secondary circuitcoil. deflects momentarily Battery emf induced in secondary circuit is caused by changing magnetic field through secondary coil Faraday’s law of induction Induced emf ☛ |E| = N d m dt number of coils in circuit Tuesday, March 29, 16 5 8.2. LENZ’ LAW 99 ! B = Constant A = Constant E =0 B = Constant  = Constant dA/dt ⇤= 0 |E| > 0 B̂ = Constant dB/dt ⇤= 0 A = Constant |E| > 0 B = Constant A = Constant dÂ/dt ⇤= 0 |E| > 0 Note : The induced emf drives a current throughout the circuit, similar to the Note function of a battery. However, the di⇥erence heresimilar is that the induced emf Induced emf drives a current throughout circuit is distributed throughout the circuit. The consequence is thatofwea cannot to function battery define a potential difference between any two points in the circuit. Difference here is that induced emf is distributed throughout circuit Suppose there is an induced current in the loop, can we define consequence VAB ? we cannot define a potential Recall: difference between any two points in circuit Tuesday, March 29, 16 V =V V = iR > 0 6 Suppose there is an induced current in the loop, can we VAB ? define a potential difference between any two points in the circuit. Suppose define there is an induced current in loop ☛ can we define VAB ? Suppose there is an induced current in the loop, can we define VAB ? Recall:Recall Recall: VAB = VA VB = iR > 0 VAB VAB = = VV =BiR= > 0iR > 0 A A VB V )⇥VAVA > > VBVB ⇥ VA > VB Going anti-clockwise as i ) Going anti-clockwise (same as(same i), ockwise as A i), > VB If we (same start to to wegetget B!B, then If wefrom start fromgoing A, going then we VA > VV B .A If we start from B, going to A, then we get VB > VA . > .VA If we start from B going to A! then we get B V f we start from A, going to B, then we get V V> A B We cannot definethen VABwe !! get V > V . f we start from B, going to A, A ) We cannot define VAB !!B This situation is like when we study the interior of a battery. This situation is like when we study interior of a battery o We cannot define n ⇥ AB⌥ A battery ⌥ ⌃ provides the energy needed to drive the ⇧ chemical reactions. A battery chemical provides energy needed to drive ⌥ ⌅ charge carriers around the circuit by ⌥ ⇤ V !! reactions changing magnetic flux. n isThe likeloopwhen we study the interior of a charge carriers around circuitbattery. by A loop sources of emf changing magnetic flux non-electric means ⌥ chemical reactions. ⇧ non-electric means needed to drive the 8.2 Lenz’ Law charge carriers around the circuit by ⌥ ⇤ Tuesday, March 29, 16 sourcesthe of emf provides energy changing magnetic flux.7 9.3 Lenz’s Law ① Flux of magnetic field due to induced current opposes change in flux that causes induced current ② Induced current is in such a direction as to oppose changes that produces it ③ Incorporating Lenz’s law into Faraday’s Law ☛ E = If d m dt > 0, m " ) N E d m dt appears ) Induced current appears so that ) ~ -field due to B induced current Tuesday, March 29, 16 ) change in m ) m # 8 ④ Lenz’s Law is consequence from principle of conservation of energy Suppose bar is given slight push to right This motion sets up a counterclockwise current in the loop R BUT × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × I What happens if we assume that current is clockwise Bin × FB v × such that direction of magnetic force exerted on bar is to the right?(a) This force would accelerate the rod and increase its velocity × × × This (in turn) would cause area enclosed by loop to increase more rapidly this would result in increase in induced current × × × which would cause increase in force which would produce increase in current ... and so on... R × × × System would acquire energy with no input of energy I × × × × × × v F × × × B × conservation This is clearly inconsistent with all experience and violates law× of energy We are forced to conclude that current must be counterclockwise × Tuesday, March 29, 16 × × × × 9 × × × × × (a) Likewise ☛ if bar is push to the left R × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × × I v FB clockwise whe direction.) If netic flux thr field is direc clockwise if it the induced c by the current Let us exa given a slight sets up a coun (b) Tuesday, March 29, 16 10 Example flux due to an external field directed into the page is increas× × this change, must produce a field rent,× if it× is ×to oppose age. Hence, the induced current must be directed counterWhen magnet is moved toward stationary conducting loop × ×to the × × × ar moves right. (Use the right-hand rule to verify this current is induced in the direction shown is moving to(b)the left, as in Figure 31.13b, the external magarea enclosed by the loop decreases with time. Because the ure 31.13 (a) As the ducting bar slides the two of the induced current must the page, the ondirection be v dduce conducting a fieldrails, thatthe also is directed into the page. In either case, netic flux due to the external ends to maintain the original flux through the area S enclosed N I N Example netic field into the page ugh the area enclosed by the s increases situationinusing considerations. Suppose that the bar is time. energy By Lenz’s the right. Incurrent the preceding the induced must be analysis, we found that this motion nterclockwise soinasfield to produce wise current the loop. if we that (a) the Magnetic lines What shownhappens are those dueassume to bar magnet (b) unteracting magnetic field ctedThis out of the page. (b) When induced current produces its own magnetic field directed to the left bar moves to the left, the that counteracts the increasing external flux uced current must be clockwise. ? S N N I v I S S N I Magnetic field lines shown are those due to induced current in ring (a) Tuesday, March 29, 16 (b) 11 Example r moves to the left, the ed current must be clockwise. When magnet is moved away from stationary conducting loop current is induced in direction shown I S N v I S S N I (b) Magnetic field lines shown are those due to(c)bar magnet This induced current produces magnetic field directed themagnet right is moved toward the stat Figure 31.14 (a) Whentothe loop, a currentand is induced in the direction shown. The magne so counteracts decreasing external flux are those due to the bar magnet. (b) This induced current pr magnetic field directed to the left that counteracts the increas magnetic field lines shown are those due to the induced curre I (c) When the magnet is moved away from the stationary cond is induced in the direction shown. The magnetic field lines sh N S the bar magnet. (d) This induced current produces a magnet I right and so counteracts the decreasing external flux. The ma shown are those due to the induced current in the ring. Field lines shown are those due to induced current in ring Tuesday, March 29, 16 12 ⌅ B-field due to induced current ⌅ change in so that m Question =⌅ m ⇤ 4) Lenz’ Law is a consequence from the principle of conservation of energy. 3 Motional EMF ’s try to look at a special case when the changing magnetic flux is carried by tion in the circuit wires. Tuesday, March 29, 16 13 ⌅ B-field due to induced current ⌅ change in Answer so that m =⌅ m ⇤ 4) Lenz’ Law is a consequence from the principle of conservation of energy. 3 Motional EMF ’s try to look at a special case when the changing magnetic flux is carried by tion in the circuit wires. Tuesday, March 29, 16 14 9.4 Motional EMF Straight conductor of length L is moving uniform -field nductor ofthrough length L B~moving directed into the page v in a magnetic field B. Assume conductor is moving with constant under influence of some external agent ~ ~v ? B ~ F~B = q~v ⇥ B v and B~ directed along the length L perpendicular to both ~ Electrons in conductor experience force Under influence of this force electrons move to lower end of conductor and accumulate there leaving net positive charge at upper end ~ is produced inside conductor Because of this charge separation electric field E Charges accumulate at both ends until downward magnetic force Tuesday, March 29, 16 qvB on charges remaining in conductor is balanced by the upward electric force qE 15 At this point ☛ electrons move only with random thermal motion F~E + F~B = 0 Equilibrium requires that ~ + q~v ⇥ B ~ = 0 ) qE ~ = ) E ~ ~v ⇥ B Voltage across ends of conductor ☛ V = ) Voltage ☛ V = Z L 0 ~ · d~s E EL V = vBL Potential difference is maintained between ends of conductor as long as the conductor continues to move through the uniform magnetic field Tuesday, March 29, 16 16 0 E · ds Suppose moving wire slides without friction EL age : on stationary U -shape conductor V = vBL Motional emf can drive electric current i in U -shape conductor without uctor. c cur- ) Power is dissipated in circuit . Pout = V i ☛ Joule’s heating ) What is source of this power? Look ucting rod:at the forces acting on conducting rod: • Magnetic force L⇥B LB (pointing left) ~ ⇥B ~ F~m = iL Fm = iLB ☛ (pointing left) • For wire to continue to move at constant velocity we need to apply an external force e at constant velocity v, we need to apply = iLB (pointing right) Tuesday, March 29, 16 oving: ~ext = F ~m = iLB F ☛ (pointing right) 17 ) Power required to keep rod moving Pin = F~ext · ~v = iBLv dx = iBL dt d(xL) = iB dt d(BA) = i dt ( xL = A area enclosed by circuit) (BA = m magnetic flux) Since energy is not being stored in system ) Pin + Pout = 0 iV + i We recover Faraday’s Law Tuesday, March 29, 16 d m dt ) = 0 V = d m dt 18 (2) Generators and Motors: and Motors Assume that the circuit loop isGenerators rotating at a constant angular velocity , (Sourcecircuit of rotation, e.g. is steam produced by water falling Assume loop rotating atburner, constant angular from a dam) velocity ! (Source of rotation ☛ steam produced by burner or water falling from dam) changes with time! ✓ = !t number of coils Magnetic flux through loop ☛ B = N Z loop Induced emf ☛ E = d B dt = ~ · dA ~ = N BA cos ✓ B d N BA (cos !t) = N B A ! sin !t dt E N BA ! Induced current ☛ i = = sin !t R R Tuesday, March 29, 16 19 Alternating current (AC) voltage generator ε εmax t External circuit Power has to be provided by source of rotation At the to overcome torque acting on a current loop in a magnetic field at http://w µ ~ (b) z }| { am of an AC generator. An emf is induced in ~ ~ ~⌧ =inNthe iAloop ⇥B The alternating emf induced ) ⌧ = N iAB sin ✓ can adjust rotation an field to see emf gener Net effect of torque is to oppose rotation of coil Tuesday, March 29, 16 20 The net effect of the torque is to oppose the rotation of the coil. with Electric motor is a generator operating in reverse An electric motor is simply a generator ) Replace loadoperating resistance with a battery of emf E inR reverse. ⌅ Replace the load resistance R with t inWith the battery coil, and itthere experiences a☛ battery ofisemf E.a a current in coil and it experiences torque in B-field to an induced emf, Eind , in ) Rotation of coil leads to an induced emf ☛ Eind of the battery. Law)there is a current in the coil, and it experienc With (Lenz’ the battery, in direction opposite that of battery torque in the B-field. law ⌅ Rotation of the coil leads to anLenz’s induced emf, Eind the direction opposite of that of the battery. (Lenz’ L ) i= i ⇤ Pelectric = torque delivered = N iAB sin Electric power input Tuesday, March 29, 16 E E) ind R i2 R ⇤ i = E Eind R As motor speeds up Eind ", + ) i # Pmechanical Mechanical power delivered 21 8.4 Induced Electric Field 9.5 Induced Electric Field We have seen that a changing magnetic flux induces an emf and a that current in a conducting o far we have discussed a change in mag- loop etic flux will lead in an induced emf distributed n the loop, resulting from an induced E-field. In the same way we can relate induced current in conducting loop to an electric field 4.owever, INDUCED even inELECTRIC the absence FIELD of the loop (so that there is no induced current) by claiming that electric field is created in conductor he induced E-field will still accompany change as a aresult of in themagnetic changingflux. magnetic flux Consider a circular path in a region th changing magnetic field. Tuesday, March 29, 16 22 me. Hence, the net emf induced in mf magnetic flux through the loop changes in time. Induced electric field is nonconservative unlike electrostatic field produced by stationary charges We can illustrate this point by considering conducting loop of radius r and Electric Fields situated in uniform magnetic field that is perpendicular to plane of loop nging magnetic flux induces an emf and a current in a udy If of electricity, related a current to an electric magneticwefield changes with time ☛ field on charged particles. In the same way, we can relate an according to Faraday’s law ucting loop to an electric field by claiming that an electric induced in loop ductor as aemf resultEof = the changing magnetic flux. d B /dt tudy of electricity that the existence of an electric field is ce ofInduction any test charges. This suggests that even in the absence of current in loop nging magnetic field would still generate an electric field~in implies presence of induced electric field E which must beunlike tangent to the loop eld is nonconservative, the electrostatic field produced × × × E E × × × × × × × × × × r × × × × × × × × E E B × × × in an illustrate point considering a conducting loop in of the wire move becausethis this is by direction in which charges Figure 31.19 A conducting loop rm magnetic field that is perpendicular to the plane of the in response electric force of radius r in to a uniform magnetic the magnetic field changes with time, then, according to field perpendicular to the plane of ~ q Work done by -field in moving test charge once around loop = qE E n emf ! " # d $B/dt is induced in the loop. The induction the loop. If B changes in time, an pliesBecause the presence of an induced electric field E, which must ~ electric field is induced in a electric force acting on charge = q E direction tangent to the ause this is the direction in which the charges in the wire work done by electric field in moving charge once around loop qE2⇡r circumference of the= loop. ctric force. The work done by the electric field in moving a he loop is equal q !. Because the These two to expressions for electric work force doneacting mustonbe equal done by the electric field in moving the charge once around Tuesday, March 29, 16 23 2% r is the circumference of the loop. These two expressions ) we see that ☛ qE = qE2⇡r E E= E = E2⇡r 2⇡r 1 d B = 2⇡r dt r dB = 2 dt In general ☛ emf for any closed path can be expressed as line integral E= I I ~ · d~s E ~ · d~s = E d dt Induced electric field is a nonconservative field that is generated by a changing magnetic field Tuesday, March 29, 16 24 L.H.S. = Integral R.H.S. = Integral I Z d ~ · dA ~ B ⇥Cdetermined by dt S Direction of dA direction of line ) Faraday’s Law becomes ☛ Direction of ~ ind · d~s = E L.H.S = Integral around a closed loop C R.H.S = Integral over a surface bounded by C ~ determined by direction of line integration C dA (Right-Hand Rule) Tuesday, March 29, 16 25 created by charges SUMMARY ~ -field atedRegular by charges E created by chan ~ -field B-field created by changing Induced E by charges eldcreated lines start from +ve and end created by changing B-field E-field lines form clo start from +ve and end ~ ~ -field lines start from form closedloops loops E -field veE charge E-field lineslines form closed rge +q and end on q charge can define electric potential Electric potential cannot be defined define electric potential so that electric so that so thatpotential we can discuss potential Electric potential ca (or, potential has no meaning) Electric potential cannot be defi candifference discuss potential difference between two points cuss potential difference (or,has potential has no (or, potential no meaning) ween two points ⇓ ⇓ o points Conservative force field Non-conservative force field ⇥ ⇥ ⇥ Classification of⇥electric and magnetic effects of reference of observer !!! ervative force fieldforce depend Non-conservative force field Conservative field on frame Non-conservativ e.g. For motional emf ☛ observer in reference frame of moving loop ~ -field but just a regular E ~ -field will NOT see an induced E ation ofcontinued electricofand magnetic depend on the frameon of the refere classification electric and effects magnetic effects depend fra To be next semester in Special Relativity same same ver. e.g. Fore.g. motional emf, observer inobserver the reference of e observer. For motional emf,bat-time, inbat-channel theframe referen Tuesday, March 29, 16 26