Vectren Corporation Vectren Contractor Safety Evaluation RETURN SIGNED FORM TO : Michael Preske U.S. MAIL: Vectren Corporation Procurement Department Attn: Michael Preske 1 N. Main Street, P.O. Box 209 Evansville, IN. 47702-0209 (or) Facsimile: 812-491-4701 – email: Questions: 812-491-4226 Company Name Address State & Zip Code Telephone Number Fax Number Vectren (Primary) Contact Person Standard Industry Code (SIC)*** Today's Date Health & Safety Contact Name Safety Contact Telephone Number Safety Contact E-mail address ***SIC may be found on the Internet at Vectren is committed to working with safe contractors. Therefore, Vectren has established a "PASS / FAIL" criteria to help find contractors with effective safety programs. Before your organization will be allowed to work at a Vectren site, your safety performance will be compared to the criteria specified below. PASS / FAIL CRITERIA If your organization does not pass our safety criteria, you are invited to explain why, and the steps being taken to improve your safety performance. Vectren safety pass / fail criteria are as follows: Pass – The organization's current Worker's Compensation Insurance Experience Modification Rate (EMR) is less than or equal to 1.20, and the Total Recordable Incident 1 Revised: 7/22/2003 10/7/2003 12/16/03 6/24/04 Vectren Corporation Rate (TRIR) for the last calendar year is less than 20% above the industry average for the organization's specific SIC, for OSHA Recordable injuries and illnesses per 200,000 hours. Pass – The organization's current EMR is greater than 1.20 and the trend for the last three years is downward, and no single EMR in that period is above 1.40, and the OSHA Incident Rate for the last calendar year is less than 20 % above the industry average for the organization's specific SIC, for OSHA Recordable injuries and illnesses per 200,000 effort hours. Fail – The organization cannot meet the criteria listed above. ************************************************************************************************ **Contractor Work Location (Please mark the appropriate Vectren location) – *Power Plants ______ Gas _____ Electric _____ Other _________ (Designate area) *Type of Work Performed/Services Rendered: __________________________________ ************************************************************************************************* *If you marked “Power Plants” as your work location please read the following: Vectren is an “owner member” of the Tri-State Industrial Safety Council (TSISC). Vectren is one of many area companies in the Tri-State representing the TSISC. The TSISC is a member of the Association of Reciprocal Safety Councils, Inc. (ARSC). ARSC is a national organization supporting councils like the TSISC here in Evansville, IN. More information on ARSC can be found at Starting March 31, 2004 Vectren will be requiring all contractors and subcontractors engaging in any electrical, mechanical, laboring, excavating, heavy equipment operating, steel erecting, and/or other construction related work to have successfully completed and passed the “Basic Orientation Plus” or the “Basic Orientation Plus-Refresher” course. NOTE: The “Basic Orientation Plus-Refresher” has to be taken within a year after taking the “Basic Orientation Plus.” If not taken within a year the employee will have to retake the “Basic Orientation Plus.” Any persons supervising any of the work mentioned above will also be required to attend the course (i.e. Foremen, General Foremen, Superintendent, Supervisor, Site Construction Management) The courses are held at the University of Southern Indiana. The cost to the employee is $100.00 for the “Basic Orientation Plus” and $75.00 for the “Basic Orientation Plus-Refresher.” Class size is limited. Participants must register and pay for their course by 2:00 pm one business day prior to the class session. Register by phone or fax using VISA, MasterCard, or Discover—call 812/464-1989 or fax registration to 812/465-7061. Upon completion and passing the class the employee(s) will be issued a picture ID card. This card is good at other representative companies of the TSISC. Exemption: Some contracting work at our power plants will not benefit from the ARSC training. At this time that work includes any pick-up/drop-off, clerical work, and office cleaning/janitorial services. Visitors (i.e. upper management, sales representatives, consultants, etc.) who are only visiting for a short time and not engaging in any work activity nor supervising any work activity will not have to attend the course. Contact your project manager if you are unsure about attending the course. If a contractor has completed the 2 Revised: 7/22/2003 10/7/2003 12/16/03 6/24/04 Vectren Corporation course from another ARSC represented council location (i.e. Kentuckiana Construction Users Council – Louisville, KY) and can show an up-to-date card, Vectren will accept it. If you have any questions regarding the required course contact Jason Street at 812/491-5397 or Bill Brown at 812/491-4160. If your company is interested in joining the TSISC call 812/4641816 for more information. CONTRACTOR’S PAST PERFORMANCE AND HEALTH & SAFETY PROGRAM INFORMATION Worker's Compensation Insurance – Experience Modification Rate (EMR) Please obtain from your insurance agent (or state fund, if applicable) your interstate EMR for the last three (3) rating periods. If you do not have an interstate rating, obtain your intrastate EMR. Then complete the following data: Effective Dates Modification Rates Current policy year 1 year previously 2 years previously Is your firm self-insured for Worker's Compensation Claims? YES___ NO___ OSHA Recordable Incidents Use your organization's OSHA 200/300 Log for the last three years to complete the information below. Some firms are not required to complete the OSHA 200/300 Log because they have too few employees (less than ten at any time during the calendar year) or are exempted by virtue of the services they perform. If you do not complete an OSHA 200/300 Log, is it because your organization has too few employees? YES___ NO___ N/A___ Does your organization perform a service, which is exempted from completing an OSHA 200/300 Log? YES___ NO___ N/A___ If you do not complete an OSHA 200/300 Log and you answered "No" to the above questions, please explain 3 Revised: 7/22/2003 10/7/2003 12/16/03 6/24/04 Vectren Corporation Last full calendar Year 1 Year Previous 2 Years Previous Fatalities Injuries/Illnesses with Lost Work Days Injuries/Illnesses without Lost Workdays Total Number of Injuries/Illnesses ___________Employee Hours (Total employee hours worked last year (field, supervisory and clerical) ___________Last Calendar Year Total Incident Rate (Total OSHA recordables x 200,000 / Employee hours) _______________________________________________________________ Signature of person completing form: ______________________________________________________________ Date By signing this document or typing my name and sending it electronically, I am verifying that the foregoing information is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. 4 Revised: 7/22/2003 10/7/2003 12/16/03 6/24/04 Vectren Corporation GENERAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS & RULES OF CONDUCT THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT REPLACE THE CONTRACTORS EXISTING SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM(S), PROVIDED THAT THEIR PROGRAM(S) MEET OR EXCEED THESE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. CONTRACTOR’S EMPLOYEES NOT FOLLOWING THESE RULES WILL BE REPORTED TO THE CONTRACTORS SUPERINTENDENT FOR THE JOB AND BE SUBJECT TO REMOVAL FROM THE JOB SITE. GENERAL SAFETY REQUIREMENTS & RULES OF CONDUCT 1. Contractors will comply with all applicable federal, state and local codes and regulations. Contractors will also comply with site specific safety rules and programs provided by VECTREN relevant to the work performed. The most stringent of these are applicable. Should VECTREN standards be more stringent than federal, state or local codes, VECTREN standards shall govern. 2. Contractors will be responsible for providing their employees, and any subcontracted employers, with all information provided by VECTREN. Contractors are responsible for establishing control measures to protect their employees, and/or employees under their control, from exposures to hazards (chemical, atmospheric health and physical) present at the work location. 3. The following activities are prohibited on the part of Contractor’s employees, agents or representatives while on Vectren property or at a Vectren work site: Possession, use or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs. Possession of firearms or other weapons. Threatening or disorderly behavior, including but not limited to conduct that presents a danger to persons or property, is detrimental to the reputation of Vectren, or is in violation of any local, state or federal laws or regulations. Theft, unauthorized use, or willful or careless damaging or destruction of Vectren property, or property of another person. Unauthorized solicitation, distribution of materials or other unwarranted interference with Vectren employees or Vectren business operations. The Contractor will be expected to take immediate appropriate action when made aware of any of the above activity or conduct on the part of it’s employees, agents or representatives, including the removal of the person or person’s involved from Vectren property or Vectren work site. 4. VECTREN policy prohibits contractor’s employees, agents or representatives from: Allowing employees to perform work, while using prescribed or over-the-counter medication that can impair the employee’s ability to perform work in a safe manner, i.e. operating heavy machinery or working at elevations. 5. All contractors performing work regulated by the Department of Transportation that mandates drug and alcohol testing shall comply with the guidance set forth in the DOT Safety Regulations. Failure to comply with the program may result in removal from the project. 5 Revised: 7/22/2003 10/7/2003 12/16/03 6/24/04 Vectren Corporation 6. The contractor will report any contractor personnel accidents, including vehicle and property damage, requiring medical attention to the VECTREN project engineer or field representative immediately. 7. The Contractor will provide a copy of the accident investigation upon completion. Serious injuries must be reported within 15 minutes even during off shifts to the plant contact. 8. Any contractor’s employee, who is unable to perform his/her job in a safe manner will be reported to the contractor’s supervision for evaluation and possibly removed from the site. 9. Contractors will provide a competent person to the job site when performing scaffolding, fall protection, excavations and/or trenching operations as required by State and Federal OSHA standards. Documentation must be available. 10. Nothing in this document or in the project Scope of Work relieves the contractor from fully understanding and complying with the Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA), and all other applicable laws, regulations, and standards. 11. Failure to comply with the VECTREN rules or Federal or State regulations may be cause for termination of contract and disqualification for future bidding. 12. Any additional costs for safety and health by the contractor will be born by the contractor. Contracts: Safety Considerations All contracts must be evaluated for their potential to create a safety liability for VECTREN. Each contractor will be required to submit a Contractor Safety Evaluation and Compliance Review prior to the issuance of a Purchase Order or the commencement of any work activities at Vectren. A Contractor’s safety history and performance, overall safety program, training, policies and procedures, and management support are evaluated to be Approved or Not-Approved. For the purpose of the Safety Evaluation, a CONTRACTOR is defined as a person and/or company hired by Vectren to perform work on or off Vectren Property (including customer premises and right of ways). This definition does not include delivery personnel (i.e., vending machines, rug/rag services, UPS or postal delivery services, or vendor service companies delivering repaired parts, etc.) or utility/telephone service companies or consulting/engineering contractors working only in offices, training rooms, etc. and not directing or performing physical work. Included in this definition are personnel who work periodically or regularly on Vectren property (i.e., cleaning services, tree trimming, mechanical or electrical contractors, gas construction, heavy equipment operators, etc.). Any problems or questions will be handled by the Vectren Safety Department. 6 Revised: 7/22/2003 10/7/2003 12/16/03 6/24/04