Operating System Bull DPS 7000 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory GCOS 7-V8 Software Subject : This manual describes the system messages and return codes as they appear in the Job Occurrence Report, some of which are also displayed on the console. Special instructions : Revision 09 replaces earlier versions of the manual for all users of GCOS 7-V8 TS 8560. Software supported : GCOS 7-V8 (TS 8560) Date : February 1998 Bull Electronics Angers S.A. CEDOC Atelier de reprographie 331, Avenue Patton 49004 ANGERS Cedex 01 FRANCE 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Bull HN Information Systems Inc. Publication Order Entry FAX: (508) 294-7411 MA02/423S Technology Park Billerica, MA 01821 U.S.A. Copyright Bull S.A. 1991, 1995, 1996, 1998 Bull acknowledges the rights of proprietors of trademarks mentioned herein. UNIX is a registered trademark of UNIX system laboratories. Suggestions and criticisms concerning the form, content, and presentation of this manual are invited. A form is provided at the end of this manual for this purpose. Bull disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and makes no express warranties except as may be stated in its written agreement with and for its customer. In no event is Bull liable to anyone for any indirect, special, or consequential damages. The information and specifications in this document are subject to change without notice. Consult your Bull Marketing Representative for product or service availability. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Preface OBJECTIVES This manual describes in detail the system error messages and their associated return codes that are produced whenever an abnormality occurs in processing, and that are printed in the Job Occurrence Report. All the messages and return codes in this manual can appear in the Job Occurrence Report and/or on the IOF terminal submitting the job. Messages that appear only on the main operator's system console are described in the GCOS 7 Console Messages Directory. INTENDED READERS This manual is for users of DPS 7000 systems with the GCOS 7 operating system (Release V8). ASSOCIATED DOCUMENTS Refer to the complete GCOS 7 manual set, but especially refer to: GCOS 7 Console Messages Directory......................................................... 47 A2 61UU GCOS 7 Network System Messages and Return Codes.............................. 47 A2 29EB Network User's Guide.................................................................................. 47 A2 94UC 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 iii GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory STRUCTURE OF THIS MANUAL iv Section 1 briefly describes the Job Occurrence Report (JOR). Section 2 tells you how to interpret error messages. It gives you the general format of error messages. It lists the two- or threeletter message-class code that precedes each error message, thus allowing you to identify which system component was being used when the error occurred. Sections 3 to 47 explain error messages and their association with the return codes listed from Section 49 onwards. Section 48 tells you about system and file violation messages. Section 49 describes the trace messages for IDS/II under TDS. Section 50 tells you how to interpret return codes. It gives you the general format of return codes and tells you how to make use of the return code explanations in the sections that follow. Sections 51 to 54 list return codes in alphabetical order and give a short generic explanation for each return code. For some system components, there is a more detailed explanation of the return code. Section 55 lists the return codes in order of their hexadecimal numeric value. Section 56 gives detailed explanations of the return codes set by the Device Management module, DVMGT. Section 57 gives detailed explanations of the return codes sent by the File Management modules: File Assignment, File Description Processing, File Processing Preparation, and File Management in the Transactional Context Restart Facility. Section 58 lists the TDS return codes in more detail. Section 59 mentions XBUP messages and refers you to the appropriate documentation. Appendix A contains completion codes for I/O errors. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Preface NOTATION CONVENTIONS The following notation conventions are used in this manual when describing the format of error messages. Error messages have the following general format: llmn. message text where ll is a two- or three-letter classification code and mn is the number of the message within its class. The text after the code explains the cause of the error or gives a further numerical classification followed by a return code. UPPERCASE The word(s) appear in the message exactly as shown. lowercase Indicates a value which varies depending on the context of the error. {message-text 1} {message-text 2} {message-text 3} 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 A column of message texts between braces means that one of these message texts is output depending on the context of the error. v GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory vi 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Table of Contents 1. The Job Occurrence Report ........................................................................ 1-1 2. Interpreting Error Messages ........................................................................ 2-1 3. BN Messages .................................................................................................... 3-1 4. CBL Messages .................................................................................................. 4-1 5. CG Messages .................................................................................................... 5-1 6. CK Messages .................................................................................................... 6-1 7. CL Messages ..................................................................................................... 7-1 8. DCT Messages.................................................................................................. 8-1 9. DDM Messages ................................................................................................. 9-1 10. DF Messages ..................................................................................................... 10-1 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 vii GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 11. DS Messages..................................................................................................... 11-1 12. DU Messages .................................................................................................... 12-1 12.1 MODULE = H_DFSRD_CLONE.............................................................................. 12-2 12.2 MODULE = H_DFSRD_DYNJP .............................................................................. 12-2 12.3 MODULE = H_DFSRD_FICB.................................................................................. 12-2 12.4 MODULE = H_DFSRD_IRWI .................................................................................. 12-3 12.5 MODULE = H_DFSRD_PLUG ................................................................................ 12-5 12.6 MODULE = H_DFSRD_PLUG ................................................................................ 12-9 12.7 MODULE = H_DFSRD_SLAVE .............................................................................. 12-9 12.8 MODULE = H_DFSRD_SPGIM............................................................................... 12-16 12.9 MODULE = H_DFSRD_SRV................................................................................... 12-17 12.10 MODULE = H_DFSRD_WAIT ................................................................................. 12-18 12.11 MODULE = H_GAC_INITSV................................................................................... 12-21 13. DUF Messages .................................................................................................. 13-1 13.1 UFAS MESSAGE DESCRIPTIONS ........................................................................ 13-1 13.2 UFAS-EXTENDED MESSAGE DESCRIPTIONS .................................................... 13-3 13.2.1 13.2.2 13.2.3 File Level Statistics ............................................................................................... Pool Level Statistics ............................................................................................. Step Level Statistics ............................................................................................. 13-3 13-4 13-4 viii 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Table of Contents 14. DV Messages..................................................................................................... 14-1 15. DY Messages..................................................................................................... 15-1 16. EX Messages ..................................................................................................... 16-1 16.1 EXCEPTION MESSAGES ...................................................................................... 16-1 16.2 MAIN EXCEPTION CONDITIONS .......................................................................... 16-3 17. FP Messages ..................................................................................................... 17-1 18. GAC Messages ................................................................................................. 18-1 18.1 GAC MESSAGE DESCRIPTIONS .......................................................................... 18-1 18.2 GAC-EXTENDED MESSAGE DESCRIPTIONS...................................................... 18-3 19. GCOS 7 Kernel Messages ............................................................................ 19-1 20. GPL Messages .................................................................................................. 20-1 21. IL Messages....................................................................................................... 21-1 22. IN Messages ...................................................................................................... 22-1 23. JB Messages ..................................................................................................... 23-1 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 ix GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 24. JP Messages ..................................................................................................... 24-1 25. LD Messages ..................................................................................................... 25-1 26. LK Messages ..................................................................................................... 26-1 27. LH Messages ..................................................................................................... 27-1 28. MAC Messages ................................................................................................. 28-1 29. MU and MV Messages .................................................................................... 29-1 30. OU Messages .................................................................................................... 30-1 31. PAS Messages .................................................................................................. 31-1 32. PCF Messages .................................................................................................. 32-1 33. PT Messages ..................................................................................................... 33-1 33.1 INITIALIZATION MESSAGES PT01 TO PT26 ....................................................... 33-2 33.2 DIALOG WITH VCAM MESSAGES PT31 TO PT63 ............................................... 33-6 33.3 VCAM ERROR MESSAGES ................................................................................... 33-11 33.3.1 33.3.2 33.3.3 Status..................................................................................................................... 33-11 Reason................................................................................................................... 33-11 C_REASON ............................................................................................................ 33-12 x 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Table of Contents 34. QC Messages .................................................................................................... 34-1 35. QL Messages .................................................................................................... 35-1 35.1 MESSAGE DESCRIPTIONS FOR VBO SYSTEMS................................................ 35-1 35.2 MESSAGE DESCRIPTIONS FOR FBO SYSTEMS ................................................ 35-14 36. RDN Messages ................................................................................................. 36-1 37. RR Messages .................................................................................................... 37-1 38. RT Messages..................................................................................................... 38-1 39. RY Messages..................................................................................................... 39-1 40. SC Messages..................................................................................................... 40-1 41. SQ Messages .................................................................................................... 41-1 42. TD Messages..................................................................................................... 42-1 43. TN Messages..................................................................................................... 43-1 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 xi GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 44. TR Messages..................................................................................................... 44-1 44.1 COLLECTOR OPERATOR MESSAGES - TR20 .................................................... 44-1 44.1.1 44.1.2 44.1.3 44.1.4 44.1.5 44.1.6 44.1.7 SICID 4004 messages............................................................................................ SICID 4005 Messages............................................................................................ SICID 4006 Messages............................................................................................ SICID 4007 Messages............................................................................................ SICID 4009 Messages............................................................................................ SICID 4011 Procedure Message............................................................................ SICID 4012 Messages............................................................................................ 44-1 44-5 44-5 44-7 44-8 44-9 44-9 44.2 EXTRACTOR OPERATOR MESSAGES TR40 AND TR41 .................................... 44-11 44.2.1 44.2.2 SICID 400B Messages ........................................................................................... 44-11 SICID 400F Messages............................................................................................ 44-13 44.3 MESSAGES FROM MAIN OPERATOR COMMANDS - TR60 TO TR72................. 44-14 45. TS Messages ..................................................................................................... 45-1 46. TW Messages .................................................................................................... 46-1 46.1 GENERAL ENVIRONMENT.................................................................................... 46-1 46.2 MESSAGES............................................................................................................ 46-3 47. TX Messages ..................................................................................................... 47-1 48. System and File Violation Messages ........................................................ 48-1 48.1 OBJECT CODES (OO) ........................................................................................... 48-2 48.2 VIOLATION CLASSES (CC)................................................................................... 48-3 48.2.1 48.2.2 48.2.3 Violation Classes 01 to 07: Violation of Access to Cataloged Objects .............. Violation Classes 11 to 13: Violation of Access to the System .......................... Violation Classes 21 to 23: Attempt to Use a Protected Service ........................ 48-3 48-3 48-3 xii 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Table of Contents 49. Trace Messages for IDS/II under TDS ....................................................... 49-1 50. Interpreting Return Codes ............................................................................ 50-1 50.1 UNDERSTANDING THE RETURN CODE FORMAT .............................................. 50-1 50.2 UNDERSTANDING MESSAGES WITH RETURN CODES ..................................... 50-3 50.3 HANDLING ERRORS ............................................................................................. 50-4 50.4 ORGANIZATION OF THE RETURN CODE EXPLANATIONS ............................... 50-11 50.5 USING THE RETURN CODE EXPLANATIONS ..................................................... 50-12 51. ABNCCAD to DATALOSS Return Codes ................................................. 51-1 52. DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes ........................................................... 52-1 53. IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes .......................................................... 53-1 54. RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes ..................................................... 54-1 55. Return Codes Listed in Numerical Order ................................................ 55-1 56. Device Management Return Codes in More Detail .............................. 56-1 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 xiii GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 57. File Management Return Codes in More Detail..................................... 57-1 57.1 FILE ASSIGNMENT ............................................................................................... 57-2 57.2 FILE DESCRIPTION PROCESSING ...................................................................... 57-7 57.3 FILE PROCESSING PREPARATION ..................................................................... 57-9 57.4 INTERNAL FUNCTIONS FOR SERVICE CENTER USE ONLY ............................. 57-18 57.5 FILE MANAGEMENT IN THE TRANSACTIONAL CONTEXT RESTART FACILITY .............................................................................................. 57-19 58. TDS Return Codes in More Detail .............................................................. 58-1 58.1 TPR/TRANSACTION ABORT CODES ................................................................... 58-1 58.2 TDS RETURN CODES ON [M] OPEN, [M] CLOSE................................................ 58-3 59. XBUP Messages ............................................................................................... 59-1 xiv 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Table of Contents Appendix A. Completion Codes for I/O Errors ............................................................... A-1 A.1 CARTRIDGE TAPE ERRORS ................................................................................ A-1 A.2 TAPE ERRORS ...................................................................................................... A-3 A.3 DISK ERRORS ....................................................................................................... A-5 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 xv 1. The Job Occurrence Report This section describes the Job Occurrence Report (JOR) that contains, among other things, messages and return codes. If you want a more detailed description of the JOR, refer to Section 7 of the: JCL User's Guide .........................................................................................47 A2 12UJ What is the JOR? The Job Occurrence Report is a system report produced for each job run (unless specified otherwise in the JCL $JOB command) on the system and for each data enclosure entered. What does the JOR do? The JOR: • describes the work submitted to the system and lists the Job Control Language (JCL) of that job, • describes the operations (in order) that take place when a job executes. Whenever a step executes, there are messages in the JOR that fully identify the step and give the result of the step's execution. Each time an external event influences the execution of a job (the operator intervenes, for example) there is a message in the JOR to record this event, • records any abnormal situations by producing a warning or an error message. Sometimes there is a return code within the message. Each message has a code that allows you to identify it and find its meaning, • records the amount of resources (Central Processing Unit Time, Input/outputs) used by the job when it is executed. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 1-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory How is the JOR organized? The JOR has two subordinate sub-reports: • the Job/Data Introduction and Translation Report that is produced when job descriptions or data enclosures are entered into the system. • the Job Execution Report that is produced when the job executes. When data is entered, the Job Execution Report is not produced because the $JCL statement does not imply that a job was run. The JOR messages usually begin in column 11 of the listing. The left margin (columns 1 to 10) is for emphasizing important messages (for example, start and end-step messages and error messages). The Output Writer prints the JOR when the job terminates. Then the JOR is automatically deleted. Sometimes, however, the Output Writer does not print the JOR (service jobs, for example). 1-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 2. Interpreting Error Messages If the system detects a malfunction when a job executes, an error message is written in the JOR (Job Occurrence Report). A user error or a system error may cause a malfunction. Some messages are also displayed on the IOF terminal when an error occurs during the execution of an interactive step. Error messages begin with a two- or three-letter code. If you cannot find a message in this manual, and the message is not self explanatory, look for the code in the following table. The code corresponds to the system component used when the error occurred. Then, refer to the appropriate user's manual. If no manual exists, or if the cause and/or meaning of the error message are still unclear, inform the Service Center. The sections that follow (one type of error message for each section) give you information to determine why the error occurred and suggestions and examples of how you might resolve the error condition. The general form of a message is: llmn. message text where ll is a two- or three-letter classification code and mn is the number of the message within its class. The text after the code explains the cause of the error or gives a further numerical classification followed by a return code specification. The second part of this manual explains the return codes. An error message may have no qualification or it may be a WARNING message, a FATAL message or a SYSTEM message. WARNING and FATAL messages usually refer to errors made by users and are self-explanatory. SYSTEM messages refer to some malfunction of the system itself (either hardware or software). They have a message code and number, but no text. You should inform the Service Center if this type of message occurs. NOTES: 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 1. This manual does not document messages produced by some utility programs. You can find these messages in the appropriate user's manual. 2. This manual does not document self-explanatory messages destined for Bull software or hardware engineers. 2-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory Messages are grouped according to the system components that detected the error. There is one section for each class of message. The name of the system component that detected the error is at the beginning of each section. For each message, there is, when possible: Meaning: Why the error occurred. Result: What happened because of the error. Especially, the consequences of the error regarding the execution of the step. Action: What you should do. The following table lists message codes and their corresponding system component names. Message codes preceded by an asterisk are documented in this manual. The other messages are documented in the appropriate user's manual. Message Codes and System Component Names Code ACT AL ARM AT AV BAC *BN BOO BPM CA *CBL CF *CG *CK *CL CS CX *DCT *DDM *DF DFA DFR DG DH DI DIO DK DL DM DMG DN DP DPA DPS *DS 2-2 System Component Name Job Accounting Add and Delete Functions Automatic Resource Manager System Disks Configuration Availability Control Basic Level Access Binder Bootstrap Buffer Pool Management Communications Access Method COBOL Compiler System Configuration Catalog Specific Access Method Checkpoint/Restart PRLOGC Utility Unbundling Facilities Calculate Key Catalog Management Data Base Control System (DBCS) File Management (DEFINE part) File Assignment File Recovery Database Reorganization Data Dictionary Handling Interface DML Interpreter for T&D Diskette Driver Data Base Validation Utility Data Manipulation Language Processor File Migration Tool Data Base Analyzer Utility Data Base Print Utility Dump Accounting Information (DUMPACT) Dump System File Description Processing 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Interpreting Error Messages DT *DU *DUF DUM *DV *DY EL EV *EX FDS FECM FFU FHU FM FN FO FOR *FP FPU FR FRM FRU FS FS FSR FVL FVP FX *GAC *GPL HDR IA IF II *IL *IN INS JAG *JB JLD JOB *JP KOM *LD *LH *LK LL LTC *MAC MC MCS MG MIK MP MR 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Data Base Tools Dynamic Save UFAS Files (All Organizations) Dummy Access Method Device Management Dynamic Addresser (for sharable modules) Error Logging Component Event Management Exception Handling File Label Description Front End Processor Control and Management File Format Utility File Handling Utilities FORTRAN Mathematical Package Front End Network Processor Support FORTRAN Compiler Formatting for Listing File Preparation File Patch Utility FORTRAN Run-Time Package Forms Handling File Rename Utility Front End Processor Control and Management (FECM) File Space Management Utilities File Save and Restore Files and Volumes Handling Utilities File and Volume Physical Handling File Transfer Generalized Access Control GCOS Programming Language Procedure Header Integrated File Access Control (IDS) Italian File Access Method Implementors Instrumentation Initial System Load System Input Control Installation Creation Functions After Journal Generation Job Management Jobstep Loader for SCP Job Initiation and Termination Management After Journal KOM Building Loader Component Storage Management Static Linker Level Functions Software Factory LTC MACPROC Macro Processor Message Control System Message Catalog Generator Microform Building JCL Tables Generation Merge Utility 2-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory *MT *MU *MV MZ NA NF NG OP *OU OW *PAS PAT *PCF PIA PL PSR *PT *QC *QL QY RB *RDN RF RFW *RR RS *RT RY SB *SC SCH SCN SFI SG SIP SL SLD SLU SMM SO SP *SQ *SR SS SUM SV TD TL *TN *TR *TS TSK *TW UPN UPS 2-4 Monitor for the Transaction Driven System (MU and MV from GCOS 7-V6) Monitor for the Transaction Driven System Monitor for the Transaction Driven System Interactive Debugging Aid (internal use only) Network Administration Network Administration Storage Facility Network Generation Operator Message Handler (OMH) SYSOUT Component Output Processing (Output Writer Utilities) PASCAL Compiler Patch Insertion Program Checkout Facility Hardware Error Recovery Performance Log Analyzer PASCAL Run Time Package Passthrough mechanism Communication Queue Control Library Access Easy Data QUERY Remote Operating Facilities "Read Normalized" Module Remote File Access File Roll Forward Rerun Support Resource Control Remote File Access File Recovery System Base Management Communications Session Control Scheduler VPF File Scanner Save File Utility System Generation and Update Initialization Language Syntax Description System Loader for SCP + ISIP List Subfile Utility Sharable Module Maintenance Validation of Unbundled Product Schema Processor (IDS) BFAS Sequential Files SORT/MERGE Common Standard Level 2 Structure Summary=CROSSREF Salvager Sort Distribution Software Delivery Tailoring Tool Translation of JCL Statements (JTRA) System Trace BFAS/UFAS Sequential Tape File Access Task Management Generalized Terminal Writer UPSITE for UNCP Automatic Patching Facility 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Interpreting Error Messages URI URR SYS.URCINIT Loading and Updating Retrieval from SYS.URCINIT The following messages are all related to GCOS 7 telecommunications sessions. They are documented in GCOS 7 Network Operations Reference Manual. Code System Component Name CA CC CD FE FR NA NG QC TF TP Communications Access Method Communication Control Communication Directory Handler Front-End Controller Management Front-End Processor Subsystem Network Administration Network Generation Communication Queue Control Transport and Front-End Subsystems Transport and Network Subsystems 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 2-5 3. BN Messages General Environment BN messages are produced by the Binder Utility. Pertinent Manuals Binder User's Guide..................................................................................... 47 A2 11UP Message Descriptions Binder1 THE BINDER IS NOT AVAILABLE ON YOUR SITE. SUPPLIER. PLEASE CONTACT Meaning: You do not have Binder on your site. Action: Contact your supplier. Binder2 ABNORMAL RETURN CODE FROM SYSOUT. RC = edited-return-code Meaning: Binder failed to open the report file. This message is uncommon when the standard SYSOUT file is used. When a permanent SYSOUT file is used, the most common return codes sent are EFNUNKN, external file name unknown, or IOFAIL, I/O failure on a damaged volume. Result: The bind is not performed. Action: Correct the JCL or contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 3-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory Binder3 WRONG TYPE OF SYSOUT Meaning: The file specified in a PRTFILE or a PRTLIB parameter is not the SL type. Result: The bind is not performed. Action: Contact your supplier. Binder4 ABNORMAL RETURN CODE FROM SPACE MANAGER RC = edited-return-code Meaning: Abnormal internal processing. Result: The bind is not performed. Action: Contact your supplier. Binder6 ABNORMAL OPENS OF SYSOUT SUBFILE. RC = edited-return-code Meaning: Binder failed to open the report subfile in the library specified by a PRTLIB parameter. The reason is given in the return code. Result: The bind is not performed. Action: Contact the Service Center. Binder7 ABNORMAL CLOSES OF SYSOUT SUBFILE. RC = edited-return-code Meaning: Binder failed to close the report subfile. The reason is given in the return code. Result: The bind is performed. Action: Contact the Service Center. Binder8 UNABLE TO CHANGE NAME OF SYSOUT SUBFILE H_BIN_OUT. RC = edited-return-code Meaning: Binder failed to give the report subfile its final name. The reason is given in the return code. The report is available in the subfile H_BIN_OUT of the library specified in the PRTLIB parameter. Result: The bind is performed. 3-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 4. CBL Messages General Environment CBL messages are produced when COBOL facilities are used. Messages CBL01 to CBL06 are output by the COBOL Compiler. Messages CBL11 to CBL23 are output during the execution of a COBOL program. Pertinent Manuals COBOL 85 Reference Manual ......................................................................47 A2 05UL COBOL 85 User's Guide ..............................................................................47 A2 06UL Message Descriptions CBL01 ERROR WHILE COMPILING [LINE source-line-number OF] program-id [RC = edited-return-code] [ON file] [(ifn)] Meaning: An abnormal condition caused the compiler to terminate abnormally. The message gives the abnormal return code returned by the system service called by COBOL. Unless the error was in the listing file (ifn=H_PR) a diagnostic message is available in the compilation listing which specifies which kind of error was encountered. Result: Compilation is aborted. In some cases the source program was already analyzed. The CBL02 message gives a summary of errors detected. Action: Examine the diagnostic message in the compilation listing. Contact the Service Center if necessary. CBL01 ERROR WHILE COMPILING program-name. LISTING FILE EXHAUSTED Meaning: While creating the compilation listing in a permanent file specified in the PRTLIB or PRTFILE parameter, the compiler runs out of available space in the file. Result: Compilation is aborted. The new CU is not produced; the old version of the CU is still available in the library if it in fact previously existed. Action: Use another permanent listing file or the standard SYSOUT file. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 4-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory CBL01 ERROR WHILE COMPILING program-name, INVALID LIB TYPE FOR {PRTLIB } {PRTFILE} {SYSOUT } Meaning: The library where the compilation listing is to be stored (indicated in the PRTLIB parameter) is not the type SL. Result: Compilation is aborted. The CU is not produced, no compilation listing is produced. Action: Specify an SL library in PRTLIB parameter. CBL01 ERROR WHILE COMPILING program-name. IMPOSSIBLE TO OPEN H_PR Meaning: The file or library specified for storing the compilation listing cannot be opened. A previous message, FP17, containing the return code, gives the reason for the error. The return code EFNUNKN indicates that the file specified in either the PRTLIB or PRTFILE parameter does not exist on the specified volume. Result: Compilation is not performed. Action: Check the PRTLIB or PRTFILE parameter specified. CBL02 SUMMARY FOR program-name <error-summary> [NO] CU PRODUCED Meaning: Information message displayed for each procedure compiled. It indicates: • The name of the compiled program. • The summary of errors detected, i.e. the number of errors for each severity level, or the phrase NO ERRORS. • Whether or not the CU was produced. Action: None. CBL04 NOT ENOUGH MEMORY TO RUN COMPILER Meaning: The amount of memory requested (in the SIZEOPT parameter) is not enough to run the compiler. Result: The memory reserved for the compiler is increased to fit the compiler's needs. 4-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 CBL Messages CBL05 extra-size K EXTRA MEMORY USED FOR cpu-time CPU MINUTES, elapsetime ELAPSED MINUTES Meaning: The EXPSIZE parameter of a COBOL statement indicates that the memory size reserved for the compiler can be extended during execution. This message indicates the amount of extra memory that has been allocated and the time during which it has been allocated. CBL06 environment-error-explanation Meaning: This message reports errors detected by the compiler that deal with the environment, rather than the source program itself. For example: • the source to be compiled has not been found in the specified library, • the file specified in the CULIB parameter is not in a CU library. These problems are usually due to errors when specifying parameters of the COBOL JCL statement. Action: Check the COBOL JCL statement. CBL07 SPECIFIED WORKING SET TOO SMALL, extra-stack USED. Meaning: The size specified in SIZEOPT is too small for the compiler to run in an acceptable way. The compiler uses more memory if it is available. CBL11 DISPLAY program-name console-displayed-string Meaning: This message prints, in the JOR, the contents of a message that was sent by the program to the main console or to an alternate console as a result of DISPLAY UPON [ALTERNATE] CONSOLE CBL12 IFN: ifn RELATIVE KEY CANNOT BE USED Meaning: This message may appear when a program declares a file with ORGANIZATION IS RELATIVE in the SELECT clause when the program was run on a file whose physical organization was not RELATIVE. This message warns the user that overriding has been authorized at open time but some operations using the relative key will fail if they are used because the record format is not F or FB. Result: This message is sent at OPEN time, Execution proceeds but the program may abort if operations that are not permitted are used. CBL13 ACCEPT program-name console-accepted-string Meaning: This message prints, in the JOR, the contents of a message received by the program from the main console or an alternate console as a result of an ACCEPT FROM [ALTERNATE] CONSOLE operation. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 4-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory CBL14 IFN: ifn ORGANIZATION OVERRIDEN Meaning: The organizations found in the program and on the file were not identical. Result: This message is sent at OPEN time. Execution proceeds. CBL15 IFN: ifn RECORD LENGTH CONFLICT [ACCEPTED IN INPUT] (length ON FILE) Meaning: Warning message that indicates that the record lengths found in the program and in the file label are not equal. The value found in the file label is given in the message. This checking is done at OPEN time. Result: If the file was opened in input mode, the execution usually proceeds. When a record read in is greater than the record area, the record is then truncated and the file status "9U" is set. The program aborts if no USE procedure was defined. If the file was not opened in input mode, the program will abort unless a USE procedure was defined to bypass the error. When the error is bypassed, the results of READ or WRITE operations may be unpredictable. CBL16 {CALL } program-name RC=edited-return-code AT ADDRESS address {CANCEL} Meaning: The execution of a CALL or CANCEL statement (CALL CANCEL with identifier) has failed. The message gives: • the name of the program object of the CALL/CANCEL statement, • the address in the program of the CALL/CANCEL statement. The return code gives the reason for the error; the following return codes normally indicate a user error: • IDERR means that the identifier in a "CALL/CANCEL identifier" statement does not contain a program-name, • NOMATCH means that the program object of the CALL or CANCEL statement does not actually exist in the load module. This can be for a number of reasons: • the program name is not the one expected, • the program referred to has not been linked by the static linker because an explicit reference does not exist ("CALL literal") to that program in the main program or in any subordinate program. An "INCLUDE=program-name" command must be added at linkage time in order to force the static linker to include the specific program name in the load module. Result: Execution is aborted. Action: The source program should be checked. Add an INCLUDE command at linkage time if relevant. In other cases, contact the Service Center immediately. 4-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 CBL Messages CBL17 STOP literal Meaning: This is an information message which informs the operator that the "STOP literal" statement has been executed. A message to this effect is also output to the JOR. Action: None CBL18 IFN: ifn RC=edited-return-code AT ADDRESS <address program-name> [ILN=internal-line][XLN=external-line] Meaning: An abnormal return code is returned to the program and a recovery procedure was defined by the system as a result of a data management operation on a file whose name is given in the message. The message gives the name of the program and the segmented address from where the data management operation has been called. If the program has been compiled using the DEBUG option, the source line numbers of the involved statement as they appear in the program listing are also given. Result: Relevant to the individual incident or if an error recovery procedure was defined within the program. CBL19 IFN: ifn CONTROL RECORD 101 TRUNCATED Meaning: The file was created in SFF format, therefore the system automatically adds a special record named "control record 101" at the beginning of the file. This record gathers various control information and the size of the record is usually 79 bytes. The message warns the user that the control record 101 has been truncated because the maximum record size of the file is less than 79 bytes. Result: Execution proceeds. The file can be re-read by a user program. However some trouble may arise when the file is used by the LIBMAINT processor. Action: None. CBL20 USETST RC=edited-return-code AT ADDRESS address Meaning: The run-time routine H_CBL_USETST was called to set the step termination status, but the operation failed for reasons indicated by the return-code. The return code is usually "INDOUT" which indicates that the status value given was negative. Result: The step termination status is not set but execution proceeds. Action: Correct the program. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 4-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory CBL23 IFN: ifn DATAFORM OVERRIDING NOT TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT Meaning: A DATAFORM parameter was specified in a DEFINE JCL statement for the file indicated, but overriding the data format is not possible using the DEFINE JCL statement for a user program. Result: Execution proceeds on the file with the data format specified in the program. Action: The program must be corrected if the data format specified in the program is not suitable. CBL24 IFN: ifn DESCRIBED IN PROGRAM ... as ... is not matched with one described as ... Meaning: The same file name (ifn) is defined in two or more programs of the run unit. These file descriptions in the programs are not identical. This is prohibited by the standard. Result: Execution aborts. Action: Check and correct the file descriptions in the programs. CBL25 IFN: ifn ERRONEOUS ATTRIBUTES (SEE creating program): attribute (attribute in creating program), attribute... Meaning: A program that attempts to open a file describes this file with fixed attributes different from those of the assigned file. The fixed attributes of the assigned file are those given in the program that created it. Result: Execution aborts. Action: Correct the file description or the file assignment. SPM message Meaning: Some unexpected event has occurred for the COBOL compiler and several system components during memory management. Action: Correct the cause of the error or contact the Service Center. 4-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 5. CG Messages General Environment CG messages are produced by the catalog specific access method. Pertinent Manuals GCOS 7 Guide to Security...........................................................................47 A2 17UG Catalog Management User's Guide ............................................................. 47 A2 35UF Message Descriptions CG01. WARNING: SITE CATALOG ALMOST FULL or CG01. {RESIDENT } CATALOG catalog-name ON { } IS ALMOST FULL {MEDIA volume-name} Meaning: This message may appear during an operation that stores information in the catalog e.g., CATALOG, CATMODIF. Result: Execution proceeds. Action: Extend the catalog if required using the CATEXTD utility. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 5-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory CG02. ron SITE CATALOG OVERFLOW or CG02. {RESIDENT } CATALOG catalog-name ON { } IS FULL {MEDIA volume-name} Meaning: This message may appear during an operation that stores information in a catalog e.g., CATALOG, CATMODIF. It indicates that there is no more space available in the catalog. Result: Some of the catalog information may be unstable. Action: To check if any information is unstable, list the catalog. If any unstable records are found, run the CATCHECK utility. Then extend the catalog if required using the CATEXTD utility. CG03. ATT INCORRECT CATALOG FILE NAME or CG03. efn NOT FOUND ON MEDIA vsn or CG03. ifn efn NOT FOUND Meaning: A catalog specified in an ATTACH statement has not been found on the specified volume. Result: ATTACH is not performed. Action: Check the volume name specified in the ATTACH statement or check the volume contents using the VOLCONTS utility. CG04. ifn efn IS PROTECTED AND NO ACCESS RIGHTS EXIST Meaning: An attempt to use a protected catalog on a system which is not protected. A catalog with a non-empty access list has been referenced in an ATTACH statement in a job that is running on a system where no access list has been provided to the SITE.CATALOG (non-protected system). Result: ATTACH is not performed. 5-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 CG Messages CG04. ATT TRY LATER: CATALOG IS BUSY Meaning: This message appears on a coupled system if the named catalog is accessed on one site but is to be used on the second site. Action: Check the state of the catalog on the other machine. CG05. ifn efn CATALOG ACCESS RIGHT VIOLATION Meaning: An ATTACH statement refers to a catalog but the project under which the job is running has no WRITE access on this catalog. Result: ATTACH is not performed. CG06. catalog-name CANNOT BE {LOCKED } [IOCC = completion code] {UNLOCKED} RC= edited return code Meaning: This message may appear on a coupled system, when an utility that wants to lock (unlock) the named catalog cannot lock (unlock) it. Result: The return code indicates the reason for the failure. CG07. catalog-name ON volume-name IS BUSY: CHECK OTHER MACHINE STATE Meaning: This message appears on a coupled system if the named catalog is accessed on one site but is to be used on the second site. Action: Check the state of the catalog on the other machine. CG09. SYS.CATALOG IS CONSIDERED AS NOT VALID Meaning: This message occurs at system initialization time, when catalog tables are initialized: the SYS.CATALOG is protected while the SITE.CATALOG is not protected. Result: The SYS.CATALOG is considered invalid. No information about it is kept in system tables. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 5-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory CG10. UNABLE TO INITIALIZE catalog-name: FILE FOUND TWICE ON RESIDENT or CG10. UNABLE TO INITIALIZE catalog-name: edited return code Meaning: This message occurs at system initialization time, when initialization of the catalog tables has failed. The reason for the failure is indicated by the return code. CG11. SITE CATALOG NOT FOUND ON RESIDENT Meaning: This message occurs at system initialization time, when initialization of the catalog tables has failed. The reason for the failure is indicated by the return code. 5-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 6. CK Messages General Environment CK messages are produced by the Checkpoint/Restart component of the system when an abnormal situation is detected at checkpoint time or when the step is restarted. If the problem is caused by a user error, an explanation of the error is given in the message text. In the other cases (system error) an error code indicates the reason for the error. Pertinent manuals JCL User's Guide .........................................................................................47 A2 12UJ GCOS 7 System Administrator's Manual .................................................... 47 A2 54US Message descriptions CK01.00 DEBUG OPTION, CHKPT DENIED Meaning: The checkpoint mechanism cannot be used simultaneously with the Program Checkout Facility. Result: Execution proceeds but the checkpoint mechanism is inhibited. CK01.01 STEP IS MULTIPROCESS, CHKPT DENIED Meaning: The checkpoint mechanism can be used only with mono-task steps. Result: Execution proceeds but the checkpoint mechanism is inhibited. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 6-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory CK01.02 INTERNAL ISD.S, CHKPT DENIED Meaning: The step uses system mechanisms that are incompatible with checkpoint. Result: Execution proceeds but the checkpoint mechanism is inhibited. Action: Contact the Service Center. CK01.03 UNALLOWED ISD.S Meaning: The step uses system mechanisms that are incompatible with checkpoint. Result: Execution proceeds. The checkpoint is taken but problems may arise at restart time. Action: Contact the Service Center. CK01.04 MISSING REPEAT OPTION, CHKPT DENIED Meaning: The running step contains activations of the checkpoint mechanism but since the step has not been declared repeatable (no REPEAT parameter in the STEP JCL statement) the checkpoint activation is useless thus it is inhibited. Result: Execution proceeds but the checkpoint mechanism is inhibited. CK01.20 PENDING TIMER REQUESTS Meaning: The running step performed timer requests before the checkpoint was taken. If the step is restarted these requests may be lost. For example if ELAPTIME was specified in the STEP JCL statement and the time is over during the restart of the steps, the time limit will be ignored. Result: Execution proceeds, checkpoint is taken. CK01.21 PENDING OPRTR COMMANDS Meaning: The step performed dynamic creation of commands before the checkpoint was taken. If the step is restarted the created commands become unknown. This message may indicate a system error. Result: The checkpoint taken, execution proceeds. 6-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 CK Messages CK02.xx CK-code checkpoint-code RC = edited-return-code {RESTARTING FROM CHKPT # n } {STEP ABORTED } {WHILE IN CHKPT # n } {RESTART ABORTED } {CHECKPOINT ABORTED } {NEXT CHKPTS INHIBITED} Meaning: System error. The message text indicates: • the operation being performed, either a checkpoint or restart; • the result of the error • the origin of the error explained in the checkpoint code and the return code. Action: Contact the Service Center. CK03.xx checkpoint-code RC = edited-return-code {RESTARTING FROM CHKPT # n } {STEP ABORTED } {WHILE IN CHKPT # n } {RESTART ABORTED } {CHECKPOINT ABORTED } {NEXT CHKPTS INHIBITED} Meaning: System error. The message text indicates: • the operation being performed, either a checkpoint or restart; • the result of the error • the origin of the error explained in the checkpoint code and the return code. Action: Contact the Service Center. CK04.xx checkpoint-code RC = edited-return-code {RESTARTING FROM CHKPT # n } {STEP ABORTED } {WHILE IN CHKPT # n } {RESTART ABORTED } {CHECKPOINT ABORTED } Meaning: System error. The message text indicates: • the operation being performed, either a checkpoint or restart; • the result of the error • the origin of the error explained in the checkpoint code and the return code. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 6-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory CK05.xx checkpoint-code RC = edited-return-code {RESTARTING FROM CHKPT # n } {STEP ABORTED } {WHILE IN CHKPT # n } {RESTART ABORTED } {CHECKPOINT ABORTED} Meaning: System error. The message text indicates: • the operation being performed, either a checkpoint or restart, • the result of the error, • the origin of the error explained in the checkpoint code and the return code. Action: Contact the Service Center. CK06.xx checkpoint-code RC = edited-return-code {RESTARTING FROM CHKPT # n } {STEP ABORTED } {WHILE IN CHKPT # n } {RESTART ABORTED } {CHECKPOINT ABORTED} Meaning: System error. The message text indicates: • the operation being performed, either a checkpoint or restart, • the result of the error, • the origin of the error explained in the checkpoint code and the return code. Action: Contact the Service Center. CK07.11 UNABLE TO REOPEN JOURNAL RC = edited-return code WHILE IN CHKPT # n {STEP ABORTED } {CHECKPOINT ABORTED} Meaning: The Before Journal file cannot be accessed at checkpoint time. This may be due to a system error. Action: Check the volume supporting the journal file. Contact the Service Center if required. CK07.12 UNABLE TO REOPEN Q_JOURNAL. RC=edited-return code WHILE IN CHKPT # n NEXT CHKPTS INHIBITED Meaning: The journal for communication queues cannot be accessed. This may be due to a system error. Action: Contact the Service Center. 6-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 7. CL Messages General Environment CL messages are produced by the PRLOGC utility that is used to output previously saved messages that appeared on the main operator's console. Pertinent Manuals JCL User's Guide .........................................................................................47 A2 12UJ GCOS 7 System Operator's Guide .............................................................. 47 A2 53US Message Descriptions CL01. UNABLE TO WRITE ON SYSOUT. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The utility has failed to access the output file (always the standard SYSOUT). Such a message is very unusual and could indicate a system error. If the return code is IOFAIL, this indicates an I/O error and the volume supporting the standard SYSOUT file may be damaged. Result: This error may occur either at OPEN time or during a WRITE operation. The step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. CL02. INCORRECT OPTION STRING Meaning: The option string (OPTIONS parameter of the STEP JCL statement), specifying the options for execution of the utility, is incorrect; e.g. a semi-colon (;) was encountered before the end of the string. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check the contents of the OPTIONS parameter of the STEP JCL statement. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 7-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory CL03. SYNTAX ERROR Meaning: A syntax error was detected in the description given in the OPTIONS parameter of the STEP JCL statement. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check the contents of the OPTIONS parameter of the STEP JCL statement. CL04. PARAMETER ERROR Meaning: An illegal keyword value for an execution option has been detected. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: If the utility was started using basic JCL, check the contents of the OPTIONS parameter of the STEP JCL statement. If the utility was started by a Start Job command, check the parameters specified in the SJ command. CL05. UNKNOWN KEYWORD Meaning: An unknown keyword for an execution option was found in the options string (OPTIONS parameter of STEP JCL statement). Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check the contents of the OPTIONS parameter of the STEP JCL statement. CL06. OPTION ERROR Meaning: Incompatible execution options were found in the options string (OPTIONS parameter of STEP JCL statement). Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check the contents of the OPTIONS parameter of the STEP JCL statement. CL07. START VALUE NOT FOUND Meaning: A start date was specified in the options (FROM parameter), indicating that all the messages appearing on the console after this date should be printed. Due to the circular organization of the SYS.LOGC file, the file does not contain all the messages, since new messages may have overwritten the older messages. The oldest available message is after the specified date. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Use the FROM=BEG option to print, starting at the oldest available message. 7-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 CL Messages CL08. LASTPR OUT OF RANGE Meaning: The oldest message currently available in the SYS.LOGC file is not the next in sequence to the last message printed at the last run of the PRLOGC utility. Due to the circular organization of the SYS.LOGC file, some messages may have been overwritten before being printed. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Either run the utility more frequently or increase the size of the SYS.LOGC file. CL09. ABNORMAL PROC OF SYS.LOGC.RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An incident occurred when accessing the SYS.LOGC file. The reason for the incident is given by the return code. If the incident was an I/O error (return code IOFAIL), the volume supporting the file may be damaged. Result: The incident occurred when opening the SYS.LOGC file. The utility is not performed. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the volume and the device supporting the file. CL10. OPTION NOT AVAILABLE NOW Meaning: One of the options specified is not currently implemented. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: None. CL11. CPU NOT FOUND Meaning: The SYS.LOGC file can contain console messages produced on several CPU's. A specific CPU has been selected in the execution options (REPORT parameter). The message indicates that the SYS.LOGC file does not contain any message from the CPU concerned. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check the CPU identify given in the options. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 7-3 8. DCT Messages General Environment DCT messages are produced by the catalog utilities. Messages DCT01 to DCT21 may appear during the execution of any utility; the others are specific to a utility. Most of the messages begin with the name of the object involved. This can be a file name, a directory name, a catalog name, etc. Pertinent Manuals Catalog Management User's Guide ............................................................. 47 A2 35UF Message descriptions DCT01. utility-name UTILITY ABNORMALLY TERMINATED. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An error caused the utility to abort. The return code gives the reason for the abort, but preceding information usually gives more details of the error detected. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check the return code and preceding information and rectify the error. DCT02. REQUESTED SPACE NOT AVAILABLE Meaning: A catalog file creation (CATBUILD), or catalog file extension (CATEXTD) is to be performed, but there is not enough space available on the volume involved to create or extend the catalog file to hold all the objects specified in the NBOBJECT parameter. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Create a new catalog on another media. In the case of CATEXTD, use the CATMOVE utility to move the contents of the old catalog into the new catalog. Then delete the new catalog. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 8-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DCT03. SUBMITTER IS NOT OWNER OF DIRECTORY Meaning: A catalog file creation (CATBUILD) has been requested but the project under which the step was running has no OWNER rights on the directory under which the catalog is to be created. Result: The catalog is not created. Action: Check owner rights. DCT04. SUBMITTER IS NOT OWNER OF CATALOG FILE ENTRY Meaning: A catalog file creation (CATBUILD) has been requested. The file entry for the catalog file already exists in the SITE.CATALOG but the project under which the step was running is not the OWNER of the file entry. Result: The catalog is not created. Action: Check owner rights. DCT05. CATALOG OWNER IS NOT OWNER OF VOLUME Meaning: A catalog file creation (CATBUILD) has been requested. The volume specified for allocation of space for the file is protected (that is, only the volume owner can allocate a file on the volume) and the project under which the step is running is not the owner of the volume. Result: The catalog is not created. Action: Modify the volume specification. DCT06. SITE.CATALOG DOES NOT EXIST: NO OTHER CATALOG CAN BE BUILT Meaning: 1. Creation of a private catalog has been requested. This operation requires the cataloging of the catalog file in the SITE.CATALOG. As the SITE.CATALOG does not exist on the site, the operation cannot be performed. 2. Creation of a System Catalog (SYS.CATALOG) has been requested. As no catalog is considered valid by the system if the SITE.CATALOG does not already exist, the request is denied. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Create SITE.CATALOG 8-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DCT Messages DCT07. SITE (SYS) CATALOG MUST BE BUILT BY SYSADMIN Meaning: Creation of the SITE.CATALOG (or SYS.CATALOG) has been requested by the CATBUILD utility, but the project under which the step was running is not the SYSADMIN project. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Try again under the SYSADMIN project. DCT08. INFILE AND OUTFILE CATALOGS ARE IDENTICAL Meaning: A CATMOVE operation has been requested but the receiving catalog is the same as the originating catalog, i.e. catalog names, devclass and media names are the same. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check the catalog names. DCT09. INFILE AND OUTFILE CATALOGS ARE NOT BOTH SYS.CATALOG Meaning: A CATMOVE operation has been requested and one of the catalogs involved is a system catalog but the other is not. The contents of a system catalog can only be moved to a system catalog and conversely a system catalog can only receive objects coming from another system catalog. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: None. DCT10. CATALOG STATES ARE INCOMPATIBLE. MOVE REFUSED Meaning: A CATMOVE operation has been requested but the receiving catalog is not protected while the originating catalog is. This operation is not allowed for security reasons. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Perform a CATMODIF operation on the receiving catalog in order to protect it. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 8-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DCT11. NUMBER OF OBJECTS EXCEEDS CATALOG CAPACITY Meaning: A catalog extension has been requested (CATEXTD) but the specified number of objects (NBOBJECT parameter) is too high; i.e., the number of already declared objects plus the number of new objects declared, exceeds the maximum number of objects allowed in a catalog. Result: The catalog extension is not performed. Action: Rerun the utility, specifying a smaller value for NBOBJECT. DCT13. SITE (OR-SYS) CATALOG DOES NOT EXIST Meaning: The requested operation requires accessing the SITE.CATALOG, but the SITE.CATALOG does not exist on the site. • If no ATTACH statement was specified in the JCL and references to cataloged objects are made, only the SITE.CATALOG is searched. • If private catalogs are specified in ATTACH statements, and the SITE.CATALOG does not exist on the site, the device class and media of the private catalogs must be specified. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check the ATTACH statements in the JCL. DCT14. EFN MUST BE SPECIFIED WITH ABSOLUTE GENERATION NUMBER Meaning: A modification has been requested using the CATMODIF utility. The file description to be modified is a generation group, thus the external file name specified in CATMODIF must contain the absolute generation number. The relative generation number cannot be used. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Modify the external file name. DCT15. PERFORM SHIFT FUNCTION BEFORE UPDATING NBGEN Meaning: A modification to the number of generations of a generation group has been requested, although the "+1" generation still has a media list attached to it. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Perform a shift function to make the newest generation become the current one: the generation group will therefore become valid for the requested function. 8-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DCT Messages DCT16. NEWEST GENERATION NOT FOUND Meaning: A SHIFT of generation has been requested but the file label of the newest generation has not been found on the media of the oldest generation. In most cases this message indicates that the newest generation (i.e. the generation following the current generation) has never been created i.e., the file has never been opened in OUTPUT mode since the last SHIFT operation has been performed on the generation group. Result: The SHIFT is not performed. Action: Open the required file in OUTPUT mode. DCT17. NBGEN: ILLEGAL VALUE FOR CLOSELOOP GENERATION GROUP Meaning: A modification to the number of generations of a generation group has been requested, although the group is a close loop, and the specified number is greater than 32. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Modify the "NBGEN" parameter of the statement. DCT18. BAD SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONS BETWEEN SITE AND SYS CATALOG Meaning: Occurs when the FILREST or FILDUPLI utility applies to a non-protected site catalog as output, although the running SYS. CATALOG is protected. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Set access rights on the output site catalog. DCT20. ACCESS RIGHTS {DELETION} FORBIDDEN Meaning: When the site catalog is not protected, it is forbidden to delete access rights in a private catalog. Result: The utility is not performed. DCT21. ACCESS RIGHTS {SETTING } FORBIDDEN Meaning: When the site catalog is not protected, it is forbidden to set access rights in a private catalog. Result: The utility is not performed. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 8-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DCT22. DUPLICATE NAME, MLINK NOT CREATED IN SITE Meaning: This warning message is sent each time a user or an utility creates a master directory in an automatically attachable catalog, when the named directory already exists, either as a master directory of the site catalog, or as a master directory link known in the site catalog. Result: The given master directory is created in the private catalog, but it will not be a master directory link known from the current SITE.CATALOG. Action: If an automatically accessible directory is required, delete the one currently created and create another with a different name. DCT23. DEVCLASS/MEDIA MUST BE MODIFIED BY SYSADMIN ONLY Meaning: Modification of the volume list of a file in the catalog has been requested, but the project has no right to perform this operation. For security purposes, this operation is reserved for the system administrator. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: None. DCT24. DEVCLASS PARAMETER DOES NOT MATCH WITH CATALOGUED DEVCLASS Meaning: You tried to change the DEVCLASS characteristic of a file using the CATMODIF utility, where the specified file is a multi-volume file that already has more than 10 assigned medias. You may not specify a device class which is different from the existing one. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check the "DEVCLASS" corresponding to the already assigned medias, by using the CATLIST utility. DCT26. ABNORMAL PROCESSING OF JOURNAL Meaning: A shift function has been requested, with "journal" option specified, and journal processing failed. Action: Shift function is performed, without journal processing. 8-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DCT Messages DCT27. NEW MASTER DIRECTORY MAY ONLY HAVE CATALOG FILE ON NEXT LEVEL Meaning: A CATMODIF utility has been submitted specifying the "newname" parameter. The renaming will not be performed if the catalog is "AUTOATT" and if at least one object already exists under the new master directory. Result: No action performed. Action: Try to rename, starting from an "empty" directory. DCT30. BACKWARD SHIFT FORBIDDEN: GENERATION NUMBER OOOO NOT ALLOWED. Meaning: A shift operation has been requested on a close loop generation group. (This was done by specifying CURGEN where CURGEN < NBGEN.) The corresponding generation is not valid since its absolute number is equal to zero. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Supply a larger value for "CURGEN". DCT33. SYS. CATALOG PROTECTED RESET ACCESS RIGHTS ON SITE CATALOG Meaning: Sent after running the FILDUPLI or FILREST utility for a site catalog. The receiving catalog is not protected although the current SYS. CATALOG is protected. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Put access rights onto the receiving site catalog. DCT38. SPECIFIED ATTACH IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH REQUESTED FUNCTION. Meaning: A catalog renaming has been requested on an automatically attachable catalog: no other attach than "ATT;" is authorized on the renamed catalog. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Perform "ATT;" and try the CATMODIF function again. DCT39. USE AUTOATT/NAUTOATT ONLY WHEN THE ENTRY EXISTS IN SITE.CATALOG Meaning: The CATMODIF utility is running on a catalog previously attached using the ATTACH command with the DVC and MD parameters. This catalog has no entry in SITE.CATALOG. Result: The requested action is not performed. Action: Create an entry in SITE.CATALOG and retry CATMODIF. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 8-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DCT42. NBOBJ. MUST NOT EXCEED 10000 FOR ALLOCATION ON A VBO DISK Meaning: The maximum number of objects for creating or extending a catalog on a VBO disk volume is 10,000. Result: The utility is not performed. DCT43. KEYWORD CYL NOT SIGNIFICANT ON A FBO DISK Meaning: There is no equivalent function for FBO disk volumes. When creating a catalog on a VBO disk volume, you can specify the address of the beginning of the allocation with the CYL keyword. Result: The utility is not performed. DCT46. DOWNWARD MIGRATION V5 - V4 NOT SUPPORTED Meaning: During a MOVE_PROJECT, you tried to replace (on the output site catalog) a project using the pre-V5 format (32-byte record) with a project having the same name but in V5 format (84-byte record). Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Delete the project on the output site. DCT47. FORWARD UPGRADED PROJECT CAN'T REPLACE A PRE_FBO ONE Meaning: During the execution of a MOVE_PROJECT in V5 projects using the pre-V5 format (32-byte record) are transformed by default into the FBO record format (84-byte record) before being on the site catalog. The transformed projects cannot overwrite a PRE_FBO cataloged format project having the same name on the site catalog. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Delete the project on the output site or use the NUPGRADE option. DCT52. object-name SOME NAME IN PATH DOES NOT EXIST Meaning: An object searched for in the catalog(s) was not found; e.g. when cataloging a file, this message is displayed if the directory under which the file is to be cataloged does not exist. Action: Check that: • the object name is correct, • the correct catalog(s) have been searched, • the object type is correct. 8-8 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DCT Messages DCT53. object-name FILE GENERATION UNKNOWN IN CATALOG Meaning: A file generation has been specified as a parameter of the utility, but the generation number does not exist in the catalog. This is because: • the generation number is obsolete, • the generation number is not yet created and does not correspond to the next generation to be created. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Use CATLIST to check the catalog contents. DCT54. object-name REFERENCED CATALOG CANNOT BE ACCESSED Meaning: A catalog has been referenced with the CATALOG=i parameter in the JCL of the utility, but the value i does not lead to a valid catalog: • either there is no CATALOGi parameter in the active ATTACH statement, • or the CATALOGi parameter in the active ATTACH statement specifies a DUMMY catalog. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check the active ATTACH statement. DCT55. object-name AN OBJECT WITH THE SAME NAME ALREADY EXISTS IN THE SAME CLASS Meaning: The creation of a catalog object (directory, file, file-link, generation group) has been requested but an object already exists in the catalog with the same name but possibly with a different type. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Use CATLIST to check catalog contents. DCT56. object-name ATTEMPT TO CREATE ILLEGAL PATH STRUCTURE IN CATALOG Meaning: Creation of a catalog object has been requested but the catalog sequence rules have not been followed, e.g. an attempt has been made to create a file or directory entry under a file entry. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Ensure that the request was made in the correct sequence. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 8-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DCT57. object-name OBJECT TYPE DOES NOT MATCH WITH CATALOG INFORMATION Meaning: The type of the object on which an operation has been requested, is not known by the catalog access method. This message indicates a system error. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Contact the Service Center. DCT58. object-name UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR IN CATALOG Meaning: An I/O error occurred when accessing the specified catalog. Result: The utility is aborted. Action: Check the volume and the device supporting the catalog. DCT60. name GENERATION GROUP IS FULL: MAXIMUM NUMBER IS REACHED. Meaning: The maximum number of generations allowed for an open loop generation group has been reached. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check "nbgen" characteristic of the generation group. DCT61. name MAXIMUM ABSOLUTE GENERATION NUMBER IS REACHED Meaning: Applies to an open loop generation group. A generation is searched for by the catalog access method, but its computed absolute number is greater than 9999. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Either the specified relative number is wrong, or check "nogen" characteristic of the generation group. DCT62. catalog-name NOT DELETED: CATALOG IS BUSY Meaning: Deletion of a catalog file has been requested but cannot be performed because the catalog is being used by another job in SHARE mode, and this job is waiting for a resource. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Try again later. 8-10 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DCT Messages DCT63. catalog-name NOT DELETED: VALID FILES EXIST STILL EXIST IN CATALOG Meaning: The requested catalog deletion (CATDELET) cannot be performed because the catalog contains a file entry containing a valid media list, or because the expiration date has not been reached. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Use CATLIST to check the catalog contents. The FORCE keyword can be used in the CATDELET JCL statement in order to bypass the checking of the expiration date. DCT64. catalog-name NOT DELETED: SYSTEM ERROR Meaning: Due to a system error, the requested catalog deletion cannot be performed. A following message, DCT01, gives the reason for the error. Result: The utility cannot be performed. Action: Contact the Service Center. DCT65. catalog-name NOT DELETED: SYS.CATALOG MUST BE DELETED BEFORE SITE.CATALOG Meaning: Requested deletion of SITE.CATALOG cannot be performed because a SYS.CATALOG exists on the site. Note that the SYS.CATALOG is mandatory when AFTER JOURNAL facilities are used. The SYS.CATALOG is usually allocated at system tailoring time when after journalization has been requested on the site. DCT66. SHIFT OF GENERATION GROUP IS NOT SUCCESSFUL Meaning: The requested SHIFT operation has not been performed on the generation group specified. The reason is given by a following message DCT01. If the return code given in the message DCT01 is MDNAV, the following situation has occurred. Usually, a SHIFT of a generation group requires the volumes supporting the generations to be mounted in order to perform various checks, but the operator refused to mount the volumes by issuing a CANCEL REQUEST command. Result: The SHIFT is not performed. Action: The FORCE parameter of the SHIFT statement can be used in order to avoid volume mounting, but this option must be used with care, because in this case the checks are not performed. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 8-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DCT67. NEW FILE NAME ALREADY EXISTS Meaning: A catalog creation (CATBUILD) has been requested, but a file with the same name already exists on the specified media. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: None. DCT68. FILE ALREADY HAS A MEDIA LIST Meaning: Catalog creation (CATBUILD) has been requested but there already exists in the SITE.CATALOG, a file entry with the same name and which contains a valid volume list; that is, the catalog has already been created. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Ensure that existing file is correct. DCT69. directory-name DIRECTORY NOT FOUND Meaning: A catalog creation (CATBUILD) has been requested but the directory in which the catalog is to be created does not exist in the SITE.CATALOG. It is not possible to create a catalog in a directory that belongs only to a private catalog. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check contents of SITE.CATALOG. DCT70. name UNSTABLE RECORD ENCOUNTERED. PERFORM CATCHECK Meaning: The CATMOVE utility is requested and an unstable record is found. Result: The utility is performed until the error has been encountered. In the example of the CATMOVE utility, a part of the original structure was not moved. Action: Perform CATCHECK and submit the utility again. DCT71. name DUPLICATE NAME, MLINK CANNOT BE CREATED FOR MASTER DIRECTORY Meaning: Appears when you submit CATMODIF utility with the "AUTOATT" keyword and you want to make a private catalog "auto-attachable". An error occurs if at least one of the directories of the catalog is already known in the site catalog, either as a master directory or as a master directory link for another catalog. Result: The utility is performed and so the specified catalog is made auto-attachable; but the directory that already is known in the site catalog is not created as a master directory link. 8-12 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DCT Messages DCT72. name CANNOT BE ATTACHED AUTOMATICALLY: DEPENDENT NODES EXIST Meaning: An attempt has been made to build an automatically attachable catalog beyond a given directory. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Create the catalog under a free master directory. DCT73. name DELETION OF MASTER DIRECTORY LINK IN SITE CATALOG NOT PERFORMED Meaning: The "UNCAT" function has been requested on a master directory of an automatically attachable catalog. An error occurred during deletion, e.g. an I/O error. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check that you can delete this master directory. DCT77. name REFERENCED CATALOG CANNOT BE ATTACHED Meaning: A creation function has been requested on an object whose first simple name is that of a master directory link on the current site. Attaching the corresponding catalog has failed, e.g., the catalog is busy. Result: No action is performed. DCT78. name STARTGEN CANNOT BE MODIFIED Meaning: The CATMODIF utility has been requested, by specifying the "STARTGEN" keyword. It refers to an open loop generation group whose function is only authorized before any allocation of a generation in this group. Result: The function is not performed. DCT87. ACCESS RIGHTS OF THIS PROJECT project-name are NOT {SET} {ACCESS RIGHTS SETTING FORBIDDEN } {PROJECT NOT FOUND IN SITE CATALOG } {FUNCTION RESERVED TO SYSADMIN PROJECT} Meaning: Access rights setting on a file or directory has been requested, via the CATMODIF utility, but the access rights cannot be granted to the project specified in the message, for the reason specified in the message. Result: Some access rights to other projects may have been set or deleted by this utility. The report produced by the utility indicates which actions have been performed. Action: Ensure correct access rights have been set. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 8-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DCT88. ACCESS RIGHTS OF THIS PROJECT project-name are NOT {DELETED} {ACCESS RIGHTS DELETION FORBIDDEN } {PROJECT NOT FOUND IN SITE CATALOG } {FUNCTION RESERVED TO SYSADMIN PROJECT} Meaning: Access rights deleting on a file or directory has been requested, via the CATMODIF utility, but the access rights cannot be granted to the project specified in the message, for the reason specified in the message. Result: Some access rights to other projects may have been set or deleted by this utility. The report produced by the utility indicates which actions have been performed. Action: Ensure correct access rights have been set. DCT97. object-name FILE NAME SYNTAX ERROR Meaning: A file name specified in a parameter of the utility does not follow the catalog naming rules; e.g., a simple name is greater than 16 characters. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check the file name. DCT98. object-name DIRECTORY NAME SYNTAX ERROR Meaning: A directory name specified as a parameter of the utility does not follow the catalog naming rules; e.g., a simple name is greater than 16 characters. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check the directory name. DCT99. object-name FILE ACCESS RIGHT VIOLATION Meaning: The project does not have sufficient access rights to perform the operation on the specified file; e.g., CATALOG, UNCAT and CATMODIF need the OWNER access right; SHIFT needs the RECOVERY access right. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check the project access rights. 8-14 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DCT Messages DCT100. object-name DIRECTORY ACCESS RIGHT VIOLATION Meaning: The project does not have sufficient access rights on the directory specified to perform the operation requested: e.g. CATMODIF or UNCAT need the OWNER access right. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check the project access rights. DCT101. object-name FILE REMAINS CATALOGUED: SPACE STILL ALLOCATED Meaning: The deletion of a file catalog entry (UNCAT utility) has been requested but the catalog still contains a valid media list for the file. • If the operation requested was to delete a cataloged file, i.e. deallocate space and remove the catalog entry, the two operations must be performed in the following order: first deallocate space using the DEALLOC utility, then remove the catalog entry using the UNCAT utility. NOTE: Both operations can be performed at the same time using the UNCATNOW keyword of the DEALLOC utility. • If the operation requested was to transform a file from cataloged to uncataloged, the utility FILMODIF should have been used. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Either check for the correct sequence of DEALLOC and UNCAT or ensure that FILMODIF has been used. DCT102. object-name DIRECTORY REMAINS CATALOGUED: DEPENDENT NODES EXIST Meaning: The deletion of a directory entry in the catalog (UNCAT utility) has been requested, but some valid files, file-links and/or directories exist in the directory. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Use CATLIST to list the catalog contents, then delete all the dependent nodes if relevant. DCT103. object-name FILE LINK NAME SYNTAX ERROR Meaning: A file-link name specified in a parameter of the utility does not follow the catalog naming rules; e.g., a simple name is greater than 16 characters. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check the file-link name. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 8-15 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DCT104. object-name FILE LINK ACCESS RIGHT VIOLATION Meaning: The project does not have sufficient access rights to perform the operation on the specified file-link; e.g., attempt to delete a file-link without having the OWNER access right on that link. Result: The utility is not performed. Action: Check project owner access rights. DCT118. object-name ACCESS RIGHTS SETTING FORBIDDEN Meaning: When the SITE.CATALOG is not protected, it is forbidden to set access rights in a private catalog. Result: The utility is not performed. 8-16 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 9. DDM Messages General Environment DDM messages are produced by the Data Base Control System (DBCS). The DBCS can be used in Batch, TDS or IQS environments. Messages may appear during various phases of a session: schema/subschema loading, area/index initialization, area/index processing. Error Messages DDM00066 to DDM00279 may appear during the analysis of IDS/II run time options; they appear interspersed among the trace of run time options printed in the JOR. An error message refers to the command that precedes it in the listing. The message text, in addition to the faulty command printed, allows easy error detection. These message texts are not listed here. Pertinent Manuals IDS/II User's Guide ...................................................................................... 47 A2 12UD Full IDS/II User's Guide ............................................................................... 47 A2 07UD UFAS-EXTENDED User's Guide ................................................................. 47 A2 04UF IQS Reference Manual Volume 1................................................................. 47 A2 77UD IQS Reference Manual Volume 2................................................................. 47 A2 78UD 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 9-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory Error Localization Every error message (except messages printed during analysis of run time options) is provided with a standard header that describes the context of the error. In the messages that follow, this standard header is indicated as <error localization>. The header has the following format: {ERR}: { } U... {WNG}: DDMX... PGID:Y... ILN:Z... SCH:V... SUB:W... ORG: (aa-bbbb) The meanings of the various fields are: DDM Data Description and Manipulation. X... A 5-digit decimal number which is the code of the DBCS message. Y... A 12-character field containing the ProGram IDentification. Z... A field of a maximum of 7 decimal digits containing the Internal Line Number of the DML program. V... A 30 character field containing the SCHema name. W... A 30 character field containing the SUBschema name. aa A 2-digit decimal number which identifies a DBCS function, either external (such as STORE) or internal. bbbb A 4-digit decimal number which identifies a point in the procedure code of the function. This identification is intended for the Service Center. The group (aa bbbb) can be repeated to indicate the stack of DBCS Functions called when the error is detected and reported. The maximum depth is 6. 9-2 ERR Indicates a fatal ERRor. WNG Indicates a "Functional" error (a WarNinG).. U... A 4-digit decimal number that is the code of the error. This code is equal to, or greater than, the code of the DBCS message (the latter case occurs when the same text, that is, the same message code, is used to report several errors). 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DDM Messages Message Descriptions DDM00001 <error localization> UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE WHEN CALLING UFAS, RC = edited-return-code Meaning: The UFAS primitives (GETCI, FREECI, SETCI, GETUL, PUTUL, CHECKCI, OPEN, CLOSE) have not been executed correctly. Abnormal return code. Result: In Batch/IOF environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00002 <error localization> UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE WHEN CALLING GAC, RC = edited-return-code Meaning: The GAC primitives (LOCKCI, UNLOCKCI) have not been executed correctly. Abnormal return code. Result: In a Batch/IOF environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00032 <error localization> UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE WHEN CALLING JOURNAL, RC = edited-return-code Meaning: The After Journal primitives (OPEN, CLOSE, WRITE), or the Before Journal primitives (NOTE, ROLLBACK), have not been executed correctly. Abnormal return code. Result: In a Batch/IOF environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00034 <error localization> UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE WHEN REWRITING {PAGE page_nb}, {USER LABEL }, RC = edited-return-code Meaning: The label or page after-image rewriting has not been executed correctly (ROLLFORWARD). Abnormal return code. Result: See ROLLFORWARD utility. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 9-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DDM00048 <error localization> UNEXPECTED SYSTEM RETURN CODE, RC = edited-return-code Meaning: One of the other SYSTEM primitives has not been executed correctly. Abnormal return code. Result: In a Batch/IOF environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00049 UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE DURING ERROR PROCESSING, RC = edited-return-code Meaning: The primitive which processes the error messages has not been executed correctly. Abnormal return code. Result: In Batch/IOF the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00050 <error localization> UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE WHEN PROCESSING USER TRACE, RC = edited-return-code Meaning: The primitive processing the user trace has not been executed correctly. Abnormal return code. Result: In a Batch/IOF environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00051 <error localization> UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE WHEN CALLING GENERAL INDEX MANAGER, RC = edited-return-code Meaning: The General Index Manager primitives have not been executed correctly. Abnormal return code. Result: In a Batch/IOF environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. 9-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DDM Messages DDM00384 <error localization> SCHEMA NAME schema-name DOES NOT CORRESPOND TO MEMBER NAME member-name IN LIBRARY ASSIGNED TO IFN DDLIBi Meaning: The specified member of the object schema library contains the description of a schema whose name is different from the name of the member. This may arise when a LIBMAINT command, RENAME, has been performed on this member. This command should not be used on DD objects. To change the name of a schema, the schema must be completely described again using the MNDD or the DDLPROC utility. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: In the case of an I/O error (return code IOFAIL), the volume and drive supporting the library should be checked. Contact the Service Center if necessary. DDM00385 <error localization> NO FILE IS ASSIGNED TO IFN'S DDLIB1, DDLIB2, DDLIB3 Meaning: The IDS session cannot be initialized because no library description, containing an object schema, has been found in the JCL. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Provide an ASSIGN statement to ifn DDLIBi, defining the library where the object schema is to be found, in the JCL. DDM00386 <error localization> NO FILE IS ASSIGNED TO IFN ifn Meaning: The library where the object schema is to be found has been specified in IDS run time options by its internal file name (DDLIBi), but there does not exist in the JCL, an ASSIGN statement with that ifn. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Provide the corresponding ASSIGN statement in the JCL. DDM00387 <error localization> NO LIBRARY OF EFN efn IS ASSIGNED TO IFN'S DDLIB1, DDLIB2, DDLIB3 Meaning: The library where the object schema is to be found has been specified in IDS run time options through its external file name, but there does not exist in the JCL, an ASSIGN statement of ifn DDLIBi which refers to the external file specified in run time options. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the JCL against the run time options. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 9-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DDM00388 <error localization> EFN ASSIGNED TO IFN DDLIBi IS UNKNOWN Meaning: A JCL statement, ASSIGN, defining a library where the object schema is to be searched (ifn = DDLIBi), specified a file which does not exist. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the file name and volume name provided in the ASSIGN statement. DDM00389 <error localization> THE FILE ASSIGNED TO IFN DDLIBi IS NOT A LIBRARY Meaning: An ASSIGN statement of ifn DDLIBi, which would define a library where the object schema is to be searched, specified a file which is not a library. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the file name specified in the ASSIGN statement. DDM00390 <error localization> THE LIBRARY ASSIGNED TO IFN DDLIBi IS NOT OF TYPE BIN Meaning: An ASSIGN statement of ifn DDLIBi, which would define a library where the object schema is to be searched, specified a library whose type is different from BIN, and therefore it cannot contain object schemas. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the file name specified in the ASSIGN statement. DDM00391 <error localization> NO {SUBSCHEMA subschema-name} {SCHEMA schema-name } HAS BEEN FOUND IN LIBRARY ASSIGNED TO IFN DDLIBi Meaning: At schema/subschema loading time, IDS did not find the requested object schema/subschema in the library specified in the JCL statement, ASSIGN area-ifn. Result: In a Batch/IOF environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the JCL statement, ASSIGN area-ifn. DDM00392 <error localization> NO {SUBSCHEMA subschema-name} {SCHEMA schema-name } HAS BEEN FOUND IN SEARCH PATH Meaning: At schema/subschema loading time, IDS did not find the requested object schema/subschema in the libraries specified in the ASSIGN statements of DDLIBi. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the ASSIGN statements of DDLIBi. 9-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DDM Messages DDM00393 <error localization> NO {SUBSCHEMA subschema-name} {SCHEMA schema-name } HAS BEEN FOUND IN LIBRARY ASSIGNED TO EFN efn Meaning: At schema/subschema loading time, IDS did not find the requested object schema/subschema in the library specified in the JCL statement, ASSIGN area-efn. Result: In a Batch/IOF environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the JCL statement, ASSIGN area-efn. DDM00394 <error localization> {SUBSCHEMA subschema-name} {SCHEMA schema-name } IN LIBRARY ASSIGNED TO IFN DDLIBi IS IN TRANSIENT STATE THEREFORE UNAVAILABLE Meaning: The object schema/subschema specified is in a transient state (thus unavailable). Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Schema/subschema description must be performed again. DDM00395 <error localization> DD OBJECT member-name IN LIBRARY OF EFN efn IS NOT A {SCHEMA } {SUBSCHEMA} Meaning: The object found in the specified library does not correspond to an object schema/subschema. It may be a REORG object. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the schema/subschema name and library name specified. DDM00396 <error localization> DD OBJECT member-name IN LIBRARY OF EFN efn IS NOT AN INTEGRATED {SCHEMA } {SUBSCHEMA} Meaning: The object found in the library specified does not correspond to an IDS schema/subschema; it may be a file schema/subschema. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the schema/subschema name and library name specified. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 9-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DDM00397 <error localization> SCHEMA schema-name IN LIBRARY ASSIGNED TO IFN DDLIBi IS INCOMPLETE (DMCL MISSING) Meaning: The IDS session tried to use a schema that was not completely described; no DMCL command, TRANSLATE, of the MNDD or DDLPROC utility has been performed for it. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check that the schema involved is the one expected. Perform the DMCL command, TRANSLATE, if relevant. DDM00398 <error localization> THE SAME EFN IS ASSIGNED TO TWO IFNS, QUALIFY SCHEMA NAME schema-name BY IFN INSTEAD OF EFN Meaning: The library where the object schema is to be found has been specified in IDS run time options through its external file name, but there exist in the JCL, several ASSIGN statements defining objects/schema libraries (ifn = DDLIBi) which specify the same external file name (and possibly different volume names). Therefore IDS is unable to decide which library is referred to in the run time options. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the JCL statements, ASSIGN DDLIBi; if several object schema libraries have the same efn, use the ifn in the run time options to qualify the schema names. DDM00399 <error localization> UNSUCCESSFUL CREATION OF IDS ROOT, RC = edited-return-code Meaning: This message indicates a system error; the reason is given by the return-code. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00400 <error localization> SUBSCHEMA subschema-name HAS NOT BEEN VALIDATED AGAINST THE SCHEMA schema-name IN LIBRARY ASSIGNED TO IFN DDLIBi (SUBSCHEMA VALIDATION DATE date-time, SCHEMA DDL REFERENCE DATE date-time) Meaning: The Subschema validation date is not consistent with the schema DDL Reference date. Action: Check that the subschema validation date is the same as the schema DDL reference date. if not, perform the VALIDATE subschema command in the MNDD utility. 9-8 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DDM Messages DDM00401 <error localization> NOT ENOUGH SEGMENTS AVAILABLE TO LOAD {SCHEMA schema-name } {SUBSCHEMA subschema-name} FROM LIBRARY ASSIGNED TO IFN DDLIBi Meaning: The number of vacant segment entries reserved at linkage time is not sufficient to load the schema/subschema. Vacant segment entries are used by different components of the system. Action: Link again the step providing the linker command, VACSEG = (SHARE = +10), if it was not already present, or increase the value specified in the VACSEG command if this command was already present. DDM00402 <error localization> MISMATCH BETWEEN SDDL REFERENCE DATES IN SUBSCHEMA subschema-name IN LIBRARY ASSIGNED TO IFN DDLIBi: sddl-ref-date-time AND IN PROGRAM program-name: date-time Meaning: IDS detected an inconsistency between the subschema and the programs which process the data base. This may arise, for example, when the subschema description has been modified without recompiling the programs which reference the schema. DDM00403 <error localization> MISMATCH BETWEEN DD OBJECT NAMES IN MAIN PROGRAM program-name: (SUBSCHEMA subschema-name, SCHEMA schemaname) AND IN SECONDARY PROGRAM program-name: (SUBSCHEMA subschemaname, SCHEMA schema-name) Meaning: The schema or subschema object referenced in the secondary program is different from the DD objects used in the main program. Action: Check the DB clauses in the main and secondary programs. DDM00404 <error localization> MISMATCH BETWEEN SCHEMA NAMES IN SUBSCHEMA subschema-name IN LIBRARY ASSIGNED TO IFN DDLIBi: schema-name AND IN LOADED SCHEMA: schema-name Meaning: The schema-name in the subschema object is different from the schemaname of the loaded schema object. Action: Check that the subschema has been translated or validated against the referenced and loaded schema. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 9-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DDM00405 <error localization> UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE WHEN OPENING IDSOPT, RC = edited-return-code Meaning: IDS failed to open the file containing run-time options; the reason is given by the return code. This message may indicate a system error. However, return code EFNUNKN indicates that the user private file, specified in the JCL statement, ASSIGN IDSOPT, does not exist on the specified volume. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the JCL statement, ASSIGN IDSOPT; contact the Service Center if necessary. DDM00406 <error localization> IDSOPT DATA TYPE MUST BE DATA OR DATASSF Meaning: The type of source data for run time options commands, specified either in the JCL statement, $INPUT, in case of an input enclosure, or at member creation time when the run time options are found in a member of a library, is different from DATA or DATASSF. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the JCL statement, $INPUT, or modify the type of library member using the LIBMAINT MOVE command. DDM00407 <error localization> IDSOPT SUBFILE IS UNKNOWN Meaning: The member specified in the JCL statement, ASSIGN IDSOPT, which would contain the IDS run time options, does not exist in the specified library. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the member name and library-name specified in the ASSIGN statement. DDM00408 <error localization> UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE WHEN LOADING {SCHEMA schema-name } {SUBSCHEMA subschema-name}, RC = edited-return-code (DEBCODE = edited debcode) Meaning: An abnormal condition has been detected during the loading of the schema. The return code gives the reason for the error. This message usually indicates a system error. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. 9-10 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DDM Messages DDM00409 <error localization> UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE WHEN ANALYZING THE COMMAND, RC = edited-return-code Meaning: An abnormal condition has been detected during analysis of an IDS run time command. The return code gives the reason for the error. This message normally indicates a system error. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the run time options provided; contact the Service Center. DDM00410 <error localization> UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE WHEN OPENING TRACE, RC = edited-return-code Meaning: IDS failed to OPEN the file to receive the outputs created by the TRACE option. The reason is given by the return code. Such a message would be very unusual when traces are directed to the standard SYSOUT (no ASSIGN statement was provided for the trace file), and indicates a system error. When a private file is used, return codes EFNUNKN or SFUNKN usually indicate a user error: the file or library member specified in the JCL statement, ASSIGN, does not exist on the specified volume. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the corresponding JCL statement, ASSIGN, if it exists; contact the Service Center if necessary. DDM00412 <error localization> UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE WHEN CLOSING IDSOPT. RC = edited-return-code Meaning: An abnormal condition has been detected when closing the file containing the run time options. The reason is given by the return code. This message usually indicates a system error. Result: In Batch, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00413 <error localization> UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE WHEN CLOSING TRACE. RC = edited-return-code Meaning: An abnormal condition has been detected when closing the file which received the trace outputs. The return code gives the reason for the error. This message usually indicates a system error. Result: In Batch, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 9-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DDM00414 <error localization> UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE WHEN UNLOADING THE {SCHEMA } {SUBSCHEMA} RC = edited-return-code Meaning: An abnormal condition has been detected while unloading the schema/subschema. The return code gives the reason for the error. This message usually indicates a system error. Result: In Batch, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00416 <error localization> UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE WHEN OPENING FILE ASSIGNED TO IFN ifn (SCHEMA {AREA area-name } {INDEX index-name}) RC = edited-return-code Meaning: An abnormal condition has been detected when a DML statement, READY, refers explicitly or implicitly to the file specified. The return code gives the reason for the error. This message usually indicates a system error. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00417 <error localization> NO FILE IS ASSIGNED TO IFN ifn SCHEMA {AREA area-name } {INDEX index-name} Meaning: A DML statement, READY, refers explicitly or implicitly to the file specified, but there is no associated ASSIGN statement for it with the ifn, in the JCL. Note that when a program does not use all the areas of the data base, any areas used must be given explicitly in the DML statement,READY. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Provide the necessary JCL statement, ASSIGN, or correct the program. DDM00418 <error localization> EFN ASSIGNED TO IFN ifn (SCHEMA {AREA area-name } {INDEX index-name}) IS UNKNOWN Meaning: The area "area-name"/index "index-name" cannot be used because the associated JCL statement, ASSIGN, (with ifn "ifn") specified a file which does not exist on the specified volume. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the JCL statement, ASSIGN. 9-12 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DDM Messages DDM00419 <error localization> INSUFFICIENT BUFFER MEMORY FOR THE FILE ASSIGNED TO IFN ifn (SCHEMA {AREA area-name } {INDEX index-name}) Meaning: The number of buffers specified either in the DMCL or in the IDS run time options, is too low to satisfy the file needs. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Specify a higher value for "number of buffers". DDM00420 <error localization> READY USAGE MODE OF FILE ASSIGNED TO IFN ifn (SCHEMA {AREA area-name } {INDEX index-name}) IS IN CONFLICT WITH $ASSIGN SHARE/ACCESS OR $DEFINE JOURNAL/READLOCK PARAMETERS Meaning: There is an incompatibility between the sharing mode and access modes specified both in the program (READY statement) and in the JCL or the catalog (SHARE, ACCESS, READLOCK, JOURNAL parameters). Detailed explanations on sharing modes and access modes can be found in the IDS/II User's Guide. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. DDM00422 <error localization> THE DATA BASE FILE ASSIGNED TO IFN ifn (SCHEMA {AREA area-name } {INDEX index-name}) IS IN TRANSIENT STATE Meaning: A previous IDS session terminated abnormally. The FINISH function has not been performed for this file. As the data base may be left in an inconsistent state, further access to it is denied until the recovery procedures have been performed. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the data base contents, perform the necessary FILREST functions, then restart the step; alternatively the IGNORE TRANSIENT STATE run time option can also be used when the user is certain the files are in a consistent state. DDM00432 <error localization> PROTECTION LEVEL OF FILE ASSIGNED TO ifn (SCHEMA {AREA area-name } {INDEX index-name}) IS IN CONFLICT WITH THAT OF OTHER FILES ALREADY OPENED Meaning: This message may appear if several files of the data base have been readied in UPDATE mode and only some of them are journalized. This could lead to an inconsistent data base in the case of abort and rollback, since only some files will be rolled back. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Correct the JOURNAL parameters in the JCL or in the catalog. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 9-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DDM00433 <error localization> THE FILE ASSIGNED TO IFN ifn (SCHEMA {AREA area-name } {INDEX index-name}) IS NOT A DATA BASE FILE Meaning: The execution of the READY statement leads to a file which is not a UFAS file with integrated organization. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check that the efn specified in the JCL statement, ASSIGN, is the one expected. Run FILDESC in order to ascertain the file format and file organization. DDM00434 <error localization> MISMATCH BETWEEN SCHEMA NAMES OR DMCL REFERENCE DATES IN SCHEMA schema-name OF LIBRARY ASSIGNED TO IFN: DDLIBi: area-name/index-name date-time AND IN LABEL OF FILE ASSIGNED TO IFN ifn (SCHEMA {AREA area-name } {INDEX index-name}): schema-name date-time Meaning: IDS detected an inconsistency between the different elements which participate in the data base environment i.e., the schema and the data base files. This message may be output when the schema has been reprocessed after the pre-allocation of a data base file. Further explanations about global consistency checks can be found in the IDS/II User's Guide. Result: The step execution is aborted. Action: Check that the schema has been retrieved in the expected library; check that the ASSIGN statements specify the correct files. In the case where the program has been redefined without reallocating the data base files, check that the data has been forced to the file allocated. DDM00435 <error localization> MISMATCH BETWEEN FILE NAMES IN SCHEMA schemaname OF LIBRARY ASSIGNED TO IFN DDLIBi: {area-name} {index name} AND IN LABEL OF FILE ASSIGNED TO IFN ifn {area-name } {index-name} Meaning: IDS detected an inconsistency between the different elements which participate in the data base environment i.e., the schema and the data base files. This message may be output when the schema has been reprocessed after the pre-allocation of a data base file. Further explanations about global consistency checks can be found in the IDS/II User's Guide. Result: The step execution is aborted. Action: Check that the schema has been retrieved in the expected library; check that the ASSIGN statements specify the correct files. In the case where the program has been redefined without reallocating the data base files, check that the data has been forced to the file allocated. 9-14 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DDM Messages DDM00436 <error localization> MISMATCH BETWEEN FILE PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS IN SCHEMA schema-name OF LIBRARY ASSIGNED TO IFN ifn AND IN LABEL OF FILE {area-name } {index-name} ASSIGNED TO IFN ifn Meaning: The physical characteristics found in the schema resulting from the DMCL description are different from the characteristics found in the data base file (which are those present in the schema at the time the files have been pre-allocated). This usually happens when the DMCL has been redefined after the files have been pre-allocated. Result: The step execution is aborted. Action: Check that the target schema and the areas or indexes specified are the ones expected. Run the DDLPROC or MNDD utility to respecify the physical characteristics of the schema, if relevant. DDM00437 <error localization> THE DATA BASE FILE ASSIGNED TO IFN ifn (SCHEMA {AREA area-name } {INDEX index-name}) IS IN INCONSISTENT STATE Meaning: A previous IDS session on the data base detected an inconsistency in the data base file specified. The file cannot be accessed until the recovery procedures have been performed. Result: The step execution is aborted. Action: Examine the JOR's of previous IDS sessions to find which type of inconsistency has been detected; you may run the H_DBUTILITY utility to validate and recover the data base. DDM00438 <error localization> UNEXPECTED RETURN CODE WHEN CLOSING FILE ASSIGNED TO IFN ifn (SCHEMA {AREA area-name } {INDEX index-name}) RC = edited-return-code Meaning: An abnormal condition has been detected when a DML statement,FINISH, refers explicitly or implicitly to the file specified. The return code gives the reason for the error. This message usually indicates a system error. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00439 <error localization> THE DATA BASE FILE ASSIGNED TO IFN ifn (SCHEMA {AREA area-name } {INDEX index-name}) IS NOT IN INCONSISTENT STATE Meaning: The RESET INCONSISTENT clause of the PATCH LABEL command of H_DBUTILITY is required for this file which is not in an inconsistent state. Action: Do not use this command in this case. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 9-15 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DDM00440 <error localization> PROTECTION IMPLIES REPEAT OPTION FOR THIS STEP Meaning: The file protection for this step requires a REPEAT option (MONITOR>REPEAT, for example). Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the JCL statements for this step because the REPEAT option must be specified. DDM00441 <error localization> PLEASE CHECK IF BEFORE JOURNAL IS NEEDED FOR THIS STEP OR LOCKMARK HAS BEEN DECLARED BY ERROR FOR IDS FILES Meaning: Check if this step needs a BEFORE JOURNAL or if LOCKMARK has been specified by error for IDS files because LOCKMARK is allowed only for IQS. Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the JCL for this step and contact the Service Center, if necessary. DDM00442 <error localization> DATA BASE FILE IS NOT IDS Meaning: The assigned file is not an IDS/II file, since the file labels do not have an IDS/II structure. Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center or check the ASSIGN statement, or use the PRINT_LABEL command of H_DBUTILITY. DDM00443 <error localization> DEFERRED WRITE IS NOT SUPPORTED FOR TDS FILES SHARED AT SYSTEM LEVEL Meaning: The deferred updates are not supported for files shared by two TDSs or a Batch step and a TDS. Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Update the JCL statements. 9-16 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DDM Messages DDM00444 <error localization> IDS LABEL STRUCTURE DAMAGED, LABEL MUST BE REBUILT THROUGH H_DBUTILITY Meaning: The assigned file is an IDS/II file, but the file labels do not have the correct structure. Result: The step execution is aborted. Action: Check the IDS/II label using the PRINT LABEL command of the H_DBUTILITY and recover it using the PATCH LABEL command. Contact the Service Center if necessary. DDM00448 <error localization> NO BEFORE JOURNAL BEING ACTIVE, THE DATA BASE IS NOT ROLLED BACK Meaning: The data base cannot be rolled back because the Before Journal is not active for this data base, or absent for one or more IDS/II files. Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center or modify the JCL statements. DDM00449 <error localization> ERROR(S) ENCOUNTERED DURING IDSOPT ANALYSIS, PLEASE REFER TO MESSAGES ON JOR Meaning: Errors occurred during IDSOPT analysis; consult the appropriate messages on the JOR to obtain more explanations. Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Correct the IDS/II options in IDSOPT file. DDM00512 <error localization> SYSTEM INCONSISTENCY Meaning: This message usually indicates an IDS/II system error. The code of the error is specified in the ORG field of the "error localization". Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00562 <error localization> SYSTEM INCONSISTENCY, INVALID IDS ROOT, REFERENCE CODE: code Meaning: System inconsistency, there is a problem in IDSROOT. Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 9-17 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DDM00563 <error localization> SYSTEM INCONSISTENCY, INVALID MESSAGE INTERFACE, MESSAGE KEY: key-code, ERROR CODE: error-code Meaning: The DBCS tried to send an error message which is not recognized by the message interface. Result: The step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00594 <error localization> REQUESTED USER TRACE FUNCTION NOT ALLOWED Meaning: User trace not allowed. Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Modify the IDS/II options to enable the user trace, if necessary. DDM00595 <error localization> SYSTEM INCONSISTENCY WHEN PROCESSING USER TRACE Meaning: System inconsistency during user trace execution. Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00691 <error localization> SYSTEM INCONSISTENCY, DBCS INTERNAL SPACE EXHAUSTED, INTERNAL LIMITS REACHED Meaning: The DBCS cannot create or extend its own work space during the execution of a DML verb. Result: The step execution is aborted. Action: If possible, try to reduce the number of parameters in the DML verbs. Contact the Service Center. DDM00768 <error localization> DATA BASE INCONSISTENCY DETECTED BETWEEN ADDRESS A:... P:... L:... AND ADDRESS A:... P:... L:... Meaning: Data base inconsistency between two addresses (either it points to inconsistent element or it doesn't point to any record). Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. 9-18 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DDM Messages DDM00769 <error localization> PAGE INCONSISTENCY AT ADDRESS A:... P:... Meaning: Page inconsistency (currency doesn't point to any record or currency points to a record which has another type). Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00770 <error localization> PAGE INCONSISTENCY AT ADDRESS A:... P:... Meaning: Error detected when CHECK PAGE required through IDS run-time options. Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00771 <error localization> DB-STATUS: value DATA BASE CANNOT BE RESTORED TO ITS INITIAL STATE DURING A MODIFY WITH MIGRATION ON CRU, A:... P:... L:... Meaning: Recovery is impossible. Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00772 <error localization> DB-STATUS: value DATA BASE CANNOT BE RESTORED TO ITS INITIAL STATE DURING AN ERASE ALL ON CRU, A:... P:... L:... Meaning: Recovery is impossible. Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00773 <error localization> DB-STATUS: value RETURNED BY A MODIFY WITH MIGRATION Meaning: This error occurs only in the TDS environment, when the MODIFY statement is recovered. The DEFERRED WRITE option is active or dynamic recovery using the Before Journal is impossible. Result: The step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 9-19 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DDM00774 <error localization> DB-STATUS: value RETURNED BY AN ERASE ALL Meaning: This error occurs only in the TDS environment, when the ERASE ALL statement is recovered. The DEFERRED WRITE option is active or dynamic recovery using the Before Journal is impossible. Result: The step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00775 This message has two variations: DDM00775 <error localization> DATA BASE/INDEX INCONSISTENCY DETECTED DURING ACCESS THROUGH KEY key-name, INDEX ENTRY POINTS TO AN INVALID DATA BASE ADDRESS A:... P:... L:... Meaning: The DML statement needs the key. The index entry exists, but leads to an invalid data base address. The area was updated in a previous statement without index on line. The record was previously erased or modified. Action: Rebuild the keys in the corresponding index. Contact the Service Center if necessary. DDM00775 <error localization> DATA BASE/INDEX INCONSISTENCY DETECTED DURING COMPUTATION OF KEY key-name, DATA BASE RECORD AT ADDRESS A:... P:... L:... DOES NOT LEAD TO A VALID INDEX ENTRY Meaning: This error occurs when using the FIND or MODIFY statement. There is no key entry for this record. The area was updated in a previous statement without the index on line. The record was previously stored or modified. Action: Rebuild the keys in the corresponding index. Contact the Service Center if necessary. 9-20 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DDM Messages DDM00896 <error localization> DML INCONSISTENCY Meaning: This message usually indicates an IDS/II system error at the parameter level. The error code is specified in the ORG field of the "error localization". Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00897 <error localization> AT LEAST ONE AREA IFN, GIVEN IN "IDS DEFINITION" OF TDS GENERATION, DOES NOT LEAD TO A VALID AREA IFN DERIVED FROM THE SCHEMA DEFINITION Meaning: Mismatch between area/index ifns defined in TDS generation and those derived from DMCL definition and run-time specifications. Result: In a TDS environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the TDS generation or contact the Service Center. DDM00922 <error localization> DATA BASE ROLLBACK AT STEP LEVEL IS SUCCESSFUL, STEP CANNOT PROCEED Meaning: The data base has been rolled back correctly, but the step cannot proceed. The REPEAT statement has been omitted, or no previous checkpoint was taken. Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check if the REPEAT option is present or contact the Service Center. DDM00923 <error localization> TDS SAVING AREA FOR IDS CURRENCIES TOO SMALL, TRANSACTION CANNOT PROCEED Meaning: This message appears during the intermediary checkpoint phase before the process is unmapped. The DBCS cannot save its structures in the TDS saving area. Result: The step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. DDM00924 <error localization> TDS SAVING AREA FOUND INCONSISTENT, TRANSACTION CANNOT PROCEED Meaning: This message appears during the intermediary restart phase before the process is remapped. The DBCS cannot read its structures in the TDS saving area. Result: The step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 9-21 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DDM0100 <error localization> IDS2 PROGRAMMING RULE VIOLATION: IN A GIVEN STEP, ONE CANNOT EXECUTE BOTH SCHEMA AND SUBSCHEMA DML Meaning: It is impossible to access a database using, in the same step, COBOL programs which execute both a DML schema and a DML subschema. That is, you cannot mix, in the same step, access to the old and the Full IDS/II. For further information, refer to the IDS/II User's Guide. Result: The step execution is aborted. Action: Check the COBOL program and modify the DB clauses. DDM0101 <error localization> IDS2 PROGRAMMING RULE VIOLATION: TWO SUBSCHEMAS RELATED TO THE SAME SCHEMA CANNOT BE USED AT THE SAME TIME Meaning: It is impossible to access the database via two subschemas related to the same schema. For further information, refer to the IDS/II User's Guide. Result: The step execution is aborted. Action: Check the COBOL program and modify the DB clauses. DDM01024 <error localization> SCHEMA INCONSISTENCY Meaning: This message usually indicates a system error at the schema level. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the schema description; contact the Service Center if necessary. DDM01152 <error localization> SCHEMA INCONSISTENCY Meaning: This message usually indicates a system error at the subschema level. Result: In a Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Check the subschema description; contact the Service Center if necessary. DDM01536 <error localization> DATABASE/SCHEMA INCONSISTENCY AT ADDRESS A:... P:... L:... Meaning: Inconsistent pointer or record header. Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. 9-22 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DDM Messages DDM01792 <error localization> SCHEMA/DML INCONSISTENCY Meaning: Inconsistency has been detected between the schema and the program which processes the data base. This error may have the following origins: • The schema has been redefined without recompiling the DML programs. • The type of the record is incompatible with the function requested. Action: Check DML program against the schema contents. Contact the Service Center if necessary. DDM02048 <error localization> DATA BASE/CURRENCY INCONSISTENCY AT ADDRESS A:... P:... L:... Meaning: Inconsistent currencies in the data base (currency doesn't point to any record or currency points to a record which has a wrong type). Result: In Batch environment, the step execution is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 9-23 10. DF Messages General Environment DF messages are produced by the part of File Management that assigns the internal file name to the physical file. The internal file name is given in most messages. The explanations in the following message descriptions are given assuming that the file is referenced through a basic JCL statement, ASSIGN. The remarks are also valid when the file is referenced in a parameter of a step defining statement (SDS) such as INFILE, OUTFILE, OUTLIB etc. Pertinent Manuals Catalog Management User's Guide ............................................................. 47 A2 35UF JCL Reference Manual .................................................................................47 A2 11UJ JCL User's Guide .........................................................................................47 A2 12UJ Message Descriptions DF02. ifn DEFINE ALREADY REQUESTED Meaning: Several DEFINE statements appeared in the same step enclosure for the same ifn. Only one DEFINE statement is allowed per ifn. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Merge the DEFINE statements into a single statement, if relevant. DF03. ifn ALREADY ASSIGNED Meaning: Several ASSIGN statements appeared in the same step enclosure with the same ifn. Except in the case of file concatenation (where the ifn is specified only in the first ASSIGN) an ifn can only be associated with one external file. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check the JCL. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 10-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DF06. UNABLE TO INITIALIZE SYS.KNODET Meaning: An error has occurred at system initialization during the initialization of the file SYS.KNODET, or File Management cannot reserve the necessary tables for SYS.KNODET. Result: The system cannot be initialized. Action: Verify the CONFIG parameters or the allocation parameters of SYS.KNODET. or DF06. UNABLE TO REINITIALIZE SYSTEM: SITE.CATALOG NOT FOUND Meaning: During a warm restart the SITE.CATALOG is not valid. Result: The system cannot be initialized. Action: Verify that the SITE.CATALOG is on the RESIDENT volume of the site and is correctly validated. DF07. ifn TOO MANY ASSIGN OR ASSIGN SUBFILE. TABLE OVERFLOW Meaning: Issued during an ASSIGN ALLOCATE or a DEFINE, when the number of internal file names within the step exceeds the system capacity. Issued during an ASSIGN if number of assignments, or assignments with SUBFILE in the step, exceeds the system capacity. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Run CONFIG. DF08. ifn INVALID DEFINE STATEMENT Meaning: Issued during an ASSIGN or a DEFINE, when attributes specified in both statements, relative to the same file, are incompatible; e.g., the ASSIGN indicates DEVCLASS=PR and the DEFINE specifies parameters for a PUNCH device. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check the JCL. 10-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DF Messages DF09. ifn INVALID CONCATENATION REQUEST Meaning: This message may appear in the following situations: • The first ASSIGN statement encountered in a step enclosure does not contain the ifn. NOTE: The only case when an ifn can be omitted is file concatenation: the external file specified in the ASSIGN statement is concatenated to the file declared in the ASSIGN statement preceding the current one. • The current ASSIGN statement does not contain the ifn and is not preceded by an ASSIGN statement. • External files to be concatenated have incompatible characteristics e.g. disk file and printer. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check the JCL. DF10. ifn ATTEMPT TO ASSIGN RESIDENT VOLUMES WITH EXCLUSIVE USE Meaning: This message usually appears in the following situations: • A volume is requested on a specific drive (DVIDLIST parameter of the ASSIGN statement), but this volume is resident on another drive. • A volume is requested on a specific drive (DVIDLIST parameter of the ASSIGN statement), but the resident volume is already mounted on this drive. Result: This error is usually detected at step initialization time; the step cannot be started. Action: Correct the JCL; avoid requests by device name (DVIDLIST parameter). DF11. ifn NO VOLUME DEFINED Meaning: This message is issued during a dynamic file ASSIGN, when the given media list is empty. Action: Correct the GPL program. DF12. ifn ENTITY STILL ACTIVE Meaning: Issued during a dynamic file ASSIGN or ALLOCATE or DEASSIGN, requested for a file which is still open or assigned. Action: Correct the GPL program. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 10-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DF13. ifn ERRONEOUS NUMBER OF VOLUMES (IN MEDIA PARAMETER) Meaning: Erroneous number of volumes assigned to a file; the limit is 10 volumes. Probably a user GPL-program error. In some cases it may indicate a system error. Action: Check and correct the GPL program. DF14. ifn INVALID LABEL VALUE Meaning: Issued during a dynamic file assign. The value given for the label option in the input structure sent is unknown. Action: Correct the GPL program. DF15. ifn INVALID WORK VOLUME SPECIFICATIONS Meaning: In an ASSIGN statement, a work disk was used for a file which is not temporary. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Use a normal volume to support the permanent files. DF18. ifn ALLOCATION ALREADY REQUESTED Meaning: Several ALLOCATE statements appeared in the JCL for the same ifn; only one is allowed. Result: The second ALLOCATE statement is ignored; step initiation proceeds. Action: Check the JCL. DF19. ifn ALLOCATION NOT ALLOWED FOR CATALOGED FILES Meaning: An allocation (JCL statement, ALLOCATE) was requested for a cataloged file (FILESTAT=CAT). Space preallocation (PREALLOC) is mandatory for cataloged files. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Preallocate the file if relevant. 10-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DF Messages DF20. SYSTEM I/O ERROR ON SYS.KNODET FILE Meaning: System error. An I/O error has been encountered while accessing a system file during file assignment. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Change the drive of the resident volume disk. Contact the Service Center if necessary. DF21. ifn OVERRIDING OF CATALOG JOURNAL OPTIONS FORBIDDEN Meaning: A "JOURNAL=" option was specified in a DEFINE statement for a cataloged file which is incompatible with the journal processing option defined in the catalog for this file, e.g. JOURNAL=BOTH was indicated in the catalog and JOURNAL=BEFORE was specified in the JCL. Such overriding is only allowed when the user has the RECOVERY right on the file, for security reasons. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Change the JOURNAL option for the file in either the DEFINE statement or the catalog. DF22. ifn NBEFN AND FIRSTVOL OPTIONS ARE INCOMPATIBLE Meaning: The NBEFN option, which specifies file links on multifile tape volumes, cannot be used with the FIRSTVOL option which specifies partial processing of a multivolume file. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check the options. DF23. ifn INVALID CATALOG RANK Meaning: Issued during an ASSIGN when the specified catalog rank is not consistent with the previous JCL statement, ATTACH. Result: Error detected at step initialization. The step cannot be started. Action: Check JCL. DF26. ifn TOO MANY DEFINE STATEMENTS. TABLE OVERFLOW Meaning: The number of DEFINE statements in the step enclosure is greater than the maximum number allowed by the system. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check the CONFIG parameters. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 10-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DF27. ifn MOUNT = ALL OPTION IS REQUESTED Meaning: Issued during an ASSIGN if the value of the MOUNT parameter is not ALL when creating a new version of a cataloged disk file. Result: This error is detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check the JCL. DF28. ifn ACCESS = SPWRITE OR ACCESS = WRITE IS REQUESTED Meaning: Issued during an ASSIGN performing one of the following functions: • partial deallocation of a file, • releasing unused space, • creation of a new version of a cataloged file. Result: This error is detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check the JCL. DF29. ifn UPDATING OF VERSION IS INCOMPATIBLE WITH PARTIAL PROCESSING Meaning: Issued during an ASSIGN if the value of parameters FIRSTVOL and LASTVOL is inconsistent with the other function of the same ASSIGN - the creation of a new version of a cataloged file. Result: This error is detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check the JCL. DF30. ifn FIRSTVOL GREATER THAN LASTVOL Meaning: Issued during an ASSIGN if the value of parameters FIRSTVOL and LASTVOL are inconsistent. Result: This error is detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check the JCL. DF31. ifn FIRSTVOL GREATER THAN NUMBER OF VOLUMES Meaning: Issued during an ASSIGN if the value of parameter FIRSTVOL is greater than the number of volumes of the specified file. Result: This error is detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check the JCL. 10-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DF Messages DF32. devclass DVC NOT SUPPORTED Meaning: The device class specified for a file is not currently supported; such a message may indicate a system error. Action: Contact the Service Center. DF34. devclass INCOMPLETE DEVICE ATTRIBUTE SPECIFICATION Meaning: An ASSIGN was issued with a device type MS or MT but with no device attributes, or with incomplete device attributes. Consequently the system assumes default values for non-provided attributes, but this may result in unpredictable results e.g., an M400 disk can be requested while the disk is of M452 type. Result: Step initiation proceeds but may abort later, for example, because the operator issued a Cancel Request command (CR) in response to request to mount a disk on an incorrect drive. Action: The JCL must be corrected. DF43. efn NO DEFINED VOLUMES (CHECK CATALOG MEDIA LIST) Meaning: Issued during an ASSIGN on a file which does not have a media list and in one of following cases: • The assigned file is involved in a set of concatenated files. • The CONFIG option (see SITEOPT parameter) is not "if no media list then use WORK tapes". Result: This error is detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check the JCL. DF48. efn INVALID SHARE SPECIFICATION Meaning: Issued during an ASSIGN when the value of the SHARE parameter is invalid or during assignment (refer to the GCL commands MWLIB or MWINLIB) with SHARE not equal to DIR. Alternatively there is an inconsistency between SHARE and device type. Result: Error detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Error detected also when performing GCL MWLIB or MWINLIB commands. Action: Check SHARE parameter. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 10-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DF49. efn INVALID FILESTAT SPECIFICATION Meaning: Issued during an ASSIGN with invalid FILESTAT parameter. Result: This error is detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check FILESTAT parameter. DF50. efn INVALID ACCESS SPECIFICATION Meaning: Issued during an ASSIGN with invalid ACCESS parameter. Result: This error is detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check ACCESS parameter. DF59. efn CANNOT BE LOCKED. RC = edited-return-code Meaning: Issued during an ASSIGN, on coupled systems, when the file currently assigned cannot be locked between the systems. Result: System error during use of coupled system. Action: Contact the Service Center. DF60. efn CANNOT BE UNLOCKED. RC = edited-return-code Meaning: System error during use of coupled system. Action: Contact the Service Center. DF61. efn ifn FILE BELONGS TO A SEARCH PATH: EXCLUSIVE ACCESS FORBIDDEN Meaning: Issued during an ASSIGN with exclusive access requested on a file already CONSIGNED, that is to say already referenced through MWLIB or MWINLIB. Result: Error detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check JCL. DF62. EFN:efn IFN:ifn ASSIGN CONFLICTS WITH PREVIOUS ONE FOR THE SAME FILE Meaning: Issued during an ASSIGN on a file already assigned in the same step or passed by a preceding step of the same JOB, and with ASSIGN performed with parameters incompatible with current ones. Result: Error detected at step initiation time. The step cannot be started. Action: Check JCL at step and JOB level. 10-8 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 11. DS Messages General Environment DS messages are produced by the part of File Management that checks the consistency of the external file description during the File Assignment phase. When the file is cataloged, the catalogs are accessed and various checks are performed. The external file name of the file involved is given in most messages. The explanations given in the following message descriptions assume that the file is referenced in the basic JCL statement, ASSIGN; the remarks are also valid when the file is referenced in a parameter of a step defining statement (SDS) such as INFILE, OUTFILE, OUTLIB etc. Pertinent Manuals Catalog Management User's Guide ............................................................. 47 A2 35UF JCL User's Guide .........................................................................................47 A2 12UJ Message Descriptions DS02. efn SOME NAME IN PATH DOES NOT EXIST Meaning: The cataloged file defined, through its full path name (after prefixing if any), in the JCL statement, ASSIGN, does not exist in the catalogs searched: one simple name at least is not present. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check that: • the file name specified is correct, • the correct catalogs were searched. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 11-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DS05. efn CATALOGUED FILE NAME SYNTAX ERROR Meaning: A specified catalog file name in the JCL statement, ASSIGN, does not follow the catalog naming rules. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check the file name specified. DS06. efn FILE ACCESS RIGHTS VIOLATION Meaning: The project under which the step is running has no rights to access this file according to the access mode specified (ACCESS parameter of JCL statement, ASSIGN). Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check that the ACCESS mode is correct. Note that in the ASSIGN statement, if no ACCESS parameter is specified, ACCESS=WRITE DS07. efn FILE GENERATION UNKNOWN IN CATALOG Meaning: In the JCL statement, ASSIGN, the catalog file name includes a generation number which does not exist in the catalog. The reason may be one of the following: • the name specified is not the name of a generation group, • the generation number is obsolete, • the generation number has not been created and does not correspond to the next generation to be created. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Use the CATLIST utility to check the generations present in the catalog. DS08. efn REFERENCED CATALOG CANNOT BE ACCESSED Meaning: In the ASSIGN statement, a catalog rank is referenced through CATALOG=i, but the value i does not lead to a valid catalog. Either there is no CATALOGi parameter in the active ATTACH statement or the CATALOGi parameter in the active ATTACH statement specifies a DUMMY catalog. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check the active ATTACH statement. 11-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DS Messages DS09. efn OLDEST AND NEWEST GENERATION MAY NOT BE ASSIGNED CONCURRENTLY Meaning: The following situation exists: • The job contains two ASSIGN statements which reference two generations of the same generation group. • The two ASSIGN statements are active because either both belong to the current step or one of them belongs to the current step and the other belongs to a preceding step and the file has been passed. • One of the ASSIGN statements refers to the oldest generation known in the catalog and the other ASSIGN statement refers to the next generation of the file to be created. Simultaneous access to these two generations is not allowed, because the new generation will overwrite the oldest generation. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. DS10. efn FILE NOT ACCESSIBLE (SECURITY LOCK OR ABORT LOCK SET) Meaning: For special reasons, the file cannot be accessed with the usual access rights associated with the project. Either the security lock is set; the file is no longer accessible until this lock is reset by the owner of the file, or the abort lock is set (due to an abort of a job which used this file); only the projects with RECOVERY right can access this file. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: The owner of the file should be consulted. DS12. efn SHARE (OR JOURNAL) VALUE FOR SAME FILE CANNOT BE DIFFERENT Meaning: An attempt has been made to do one of the following: • assign a cataloged file with values different from those declared in the catalog • re-assign a cataloged file with values different from those in the original ASSIGN statement. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Correct the JCL. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 11-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DS20. efn INVALID FILESTAT (CATALOG FILE DOES NOT EXIST) Meaning: In the JCL statement, ASSIGN, efn refers to a cataloged (FILESTAT=CAT), but there is no attached catalog and no SITE catalog. file Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: This problem may arise when files are transferred from a site with a site catalog to a site without a site catalog. In this case, the ATTACH statements must be added to the JCL. DS26. efn UNSUCCESSFUL FILE ASSIGNMENT. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The file cannot be assigned due to a system error, the return code gives the reason for the error; a possible reason is an I/O error while accessing the catalog. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Contact the Service Center. DS29. efn PASSED FILES CANNOT BE DISTINGUISHED: PRECISE VSN(S) Meaning: The ASSIGN statement refers to a passed file and only the efn was given. Unfortunately there exist two passed files with the same efn (and obviously different volume names), thus the system is unable to decide which one is referred to in the ASSIGN statement. Result: The step cannot be started. Action: Specify the media of the target file to remove the ambiguity. DS30. efn CANNOT BE A VALID FILE (WRONG HOMONYM) Meaning: In the step, two ASSIGN statements specified the same efn but either the sets of media are not disjointed or the sets of media are the same but the order in which media are specified is not the same. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check the JCL. DS32. efn ASSIGN CONFLICTS WITH PREVIOUS ONE FOR THE SAME FILE Meaning: Two ASSIGN statements specified the same efn and undefined volume list (MEDIA=*). The system cannot decide if it is the same physical file or if it is two homonym files. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. 11-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DS Messages DS34. ATTACH NOT PERFORMED ELIMINATE CATALOGED FILES FROM SEARCH PATH DS35. USE MWLIB AND/OR MWINLIB COMMAND(S) AND THEN ISSUE ATTACH Meaning: A terminal user working interactively in GCL can assign his work libraries by using the GCL commands: MWINLIB and MWLIB. (Refer to the IOF Terminal User's Reference Manual.) The libraries you assign remain in force until you issue a further MWLIB and/or MWINLIB command or you terminate the present interactive session. When an assigned library is cataloged, the contents of the attached catalogs cannot be modified. Result: ATTACH command is not executed. Action: List the assigned libraries using the GCL command DISPLAY_PROFILE (DP). Deassign the libraries using the appropriate GCL command: MWLIB {BIN} {SL } {CU } {LM } {SM } or MWINLIB {BIN} {SL } {CU } {LM } {SM } Resubmit the ATTACH command. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 11-5 12. DU Messages General Environment Certain DU messages are produced by the DYNSAVE utility and others by the associated server. The error messages take the following format: HH.MM.SS DUxx MESSxxx Text-message value where: HH.MM.SS = transmission time of the message (Hours, Minutes, Seconds) DUxx = xx indicating the number of the module transmitting the message. The dynamic save modules have the numbers 90 to 99. MESSxxx = xxx is a message number (1,...,n without spaces) in the module indicated. There is no «common message n». The text of the message may be specified. Text-message = see above. value = either a value given by the text or a Return Code. This may not be applicable. Two types of messages are given below by originating module: • messages which provide information (end of save, etc.), • error messages. In the second class, a message has a rank in its originating module. This rank is useful for maintenance purposes. A rank corresponds to only one point in the module code. This is particularly useful when the message text is general (i.e. Abnormal Return Code of a given GCOS 7 primitive). If the rank is 10 in the module H_DFSRD_PLUG, then the message begins with DU94 «text». 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 12-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 12.1 DU90. MODULE = H_DFSRD_CLONE EXCEPTION IN MODULE H_DFSRD_CLONE Action: Indicate the module where the exception has arisen. DU94. SERVER TERMINATION RUNNING(BYPASS VOP) Meaning: Synchronization instructions are bypassed when the TERMINATE operation is running. It may be after a TDYNSVR GCL command (normal) or after an abort of the dynamic save server (abnormal). 12.2 DU94. MODULE = H_DFSRD_DYNJP SERVER TERMINATION RUNNING(BYPASS POP) SERVER TERMINATION RUNNING(BYPASS VOP) Meaning: Synchronization instructions are bypassed when the TERMINATE operation is running. It may be after a TDYNSVR GCL command (normal) or after an abort of the dynamic save server (abnormal). DU91. EXCEPTION IN MODULE H_DFSRD_DYNJP Action: Indicate the module where the exception has arisen. 12.3 MODULE = H_DFSRD_FICB DU92. LIST OF SAVED FILE(S): DU92. FICB_FILENAME Action: Indicate the file name for this file. DU92. FILE ENTRY NOT FOUND IN H_KNODET Meaning: Internal error. 12-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DU Messages DU92. ABNORMAL RC WHEN UNLOCKING FICB DU92. INITIAL NUMBER OF COMMIT (NO TDS) TO WAIT FOR: DU92. SHARING NOT ALLOWED Meaning: The SHARE of the file to be saved by Dynamic save is neither MONITOR nor ONEWITE. Normally files with other SHARE are saved by static save, even under the DYNSAVE command. DU92. J NUMBER OF CU NO TDS TO WAIT FOR = Jnumber(decimal) XRON TO WAIT FOR = Xron NUMBER OF CU NO TDS TO WAIT FOR = value(decimal) FDB ADDRESS OF A SAVED FILE = ptr(hexa) Meaning: Self explanatory. DU92. POP ASKED TWICE Meaning: Internal error. DU92. CST SET BEFORE POP Meaning: Internal error. DU92. EXCEPTION IN MODULE H_DFSRD_FICB Action: Indicate the module where the exception has arisen. DU92. EXCEPTION IN DYNSAVE SERVER 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 12-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 12.4 DU93. MODULE = H_DFSRD_IRWI WORKFILE WITH MORE THAN ONE FDXE CELL(SPACE 2) Meaning: Internal error. DU93. WORKFILE CISIZE MUST BE 4096 Action: Change CISIZE. DU93. ABNORMAL BUFFER SEGMENT CREATION Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU93. ABNORMAL RWI INPUT SESSION OPEN Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU93. ABNORMAL RWI OUTPUT SESSION OPEN Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU93. ABNORMAL RWI OUTPUT,FORMAT SESSION OPEN Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU93. CLEAR SLAVE WORK RWI NOT DONE Meaning: Internal error. DU93. ABNORMAL RWI INPUT SESSION CLOSE Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU93. DU93 ABNORMAL RWI OUTPUT SESSION CLOSE Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU93. ABNORMAL RWI OUTPUT,FORMAT SESSION CLOSE Return code Meaning: Internal error. 12-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DU Messages DU93. EXCEPTION IN MODULE H_DFSRD_IRWI Action: Indicate the module where the exception has arisen. DU93. 12.5 DU94. EXCEPTION IN DYNSAVE SERVER MODULE = H_DFSRD_PLUG TERMINATE SERVER STARTED Meaning: Normal under TDYNSVR command or after an abort of the server. DU94. TERMINATE SERVER ASKED AND SERVER NOT ACTIVE Meaning: Normal under TDYNSVR command or after an abort of the server. DU94. TERMINATE SERVER ASKED AND SAVE RUNNING Meaning: Normal under TDYNSVR command or after an abort of the server. DU94. USE TERMINATE FORCE OR WAIT FOR SAVE END Meaning: Self explanatory. See TDYNSVR command definition. DU94. UNKNOWN COMMAND OPTION FIRST LETTERS : wrong option Action: Use the right option. See TDYNSVR, DDYNSVR definition. DU94. INTERNAL ERROR : WRONG LAST FILE TO DSBAP Meaning: Internal error. DU94. INTERNAL ERROR : TOO LARGE LAST FILE NB TO DSBAP Meaning: Internal error. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 12-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DU94. INTERNAL ERROR : TOO SMALL FIRST FILE NB TO DSBAP Meaning: Internal error. DU94. DU94 FCB_C PTR NOT NULL IN DCWAIT(INTERNAL ERROR) Meaning: Internal error. DU94. FCB_C PTR NULL IN DCWAIT(MAY BE INTERNAL ERROR) Meaning: May be internal error. DU94. END OF FILE REACHED AT PGT Meaning: Normal message after an abort of dynamic save. DU94. END OF DISBAP OF ANY FILE FOR THIS SAVE Meaning: Normal message after an abort of dynamic save. DU94. A TERMINATE OR START COMMAND IS ALREADY ACTIVE Meaning: Self explanatory. DU94. SSMFRE FORCE COMPLETED(TERMINATE SERVER) Meaning: Normal under TDYNSVR command or after an abort of the server. DU94. NO MORE FILE UNDER DYNAMIC SAVE Meaning: Normal message in TERMINATE process. DU94. FINAL RE INIT FOR DYNAMIC SAVE SERVER Meaning: Normal message in TERMINATE process. 12-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DU Messages DU94. [DDYNSVR Display:] SERVER OF DYNAMIC SAVE : Xron SAVE XRON : Xron NUMBER OF FILES TO SAVE : decimal value REMAINING FILES TO SAVE : decimal value WORKFILE BLOCK-4K USED : decimal value SAVE WAITS FOR BATCH WAITED BATCH : Xron SAVE WAITS FOR TDS SAVE IN SAVE PHASE Meaning: Normal end of the DDYNSVR Display DU94. PLEASE RETRY LATER(TERMINATE RUNNING OR NO SERVER) Meaning: Self explanatory. DU94. DYNAMIC SAVE SERVICE JOB ALREADY ACTIVE Meaning: Self explanatory. DU94. ABNORMAL TYPE 0 SEGMENT CREATION Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU94. TYPE 0 RESOURCES FOR DYNSAV NOT CREATED Meaning: Created at GCOS 7 session start if Dynamic save purchased. DU94. TURBOCONFIG.DYNSERV0 = value NOT READY TO ACTIVATE SERVER(SEE DYNSERV0) Meaning: The two above messages show a SDYNSVR with type 0 structures not created (DYNSERV0=»00»x) or a server already active (DYNSERV0=»02»x). DU94. ABOVE MESSAGE IN H_DFSRD_VALIDCI(PLUG) Action: Indicate the module sending the preceding message. DU94. ABOVE MESSAGE IN H_DFSRD_FREECI(PLUG) Action: Indicate the module sending the preceding message. DU94. ABOVE MESSAGE IN H_DFSRD_ENDFIL(PLUG) Action: Indicate the module sending the preceding message. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 12-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DU94. END OF FILE REACHED Meaning: End of the dynamic save of the current file. DU94. ABNORMAL CLOSE RWI ON WORKFILE Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU94. ABNORMAL CLOSE WORKFILE Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU94. ABNORMAL DLFD ON WORKFILE Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU94. ABOVE MESSAGE FROM H_DFSRD_ENDSAV(PLUG) Action: Indicate the module sending the preceding message. DU94. ABOVE MESSAGE IN H_DFSRD_CIMAX(PLUG) Action: Indicate the module sending the preceding message. DU94. INVALID DYN.SAVE NB.(>32 OR <1) IN FILE(INTERNAL ERROR) Meaning: Internal error. DU94. MISMATCH ON SLAVE POINTER(INTERNAL ERROR) Meaning: Internal error. DU94. SERVER TERMINATION RUNNING(CALL TO WRONG SLAVE) Meaning: Synchronization instructions are bypassed when the TERMINATE operation is running. It may be after a TDYNSVR GCL command (normal) or after an abort of the dynamic save server (abnormal). DU94. UTILITY SAVE HAS NO SLAVE AND CALLS ONE Meaning: Internal error. 12-8 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DU Messages DU94. INTERNAL ERROR ON POP TURBOCONFIG Meaning: Internal error. DU94. INTERNAL ERROR : TURBOCONFIG NAV Meaning: Internal error. DU94. SEMAPHORE CREATION RC Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU94. DYNSAVE EXCEPTION IN MODULE H_DFSRD_PLUG Action: Indicate the module where the exception has arisen. DU94. UNSTABLE STATE : PLEASE RETRY ASKING STATISTICS LATER Meaning: When DDYNSVR is sent, the server is not able to answer ( TERMINATE running or other such event). 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 12-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 12.6 MODULE = H_DFSRD_PLUG DU94. COMMUNICATION ERROR BETWEEN DYNSAVE AND SERVER DU94. SERVER TERMINATION RUNNING (COMMUNICATION ERROR) DU94. NO MORE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN DYNSAVE AND SERVER DU94. SERVER TERMINATION RUNNING (NO MORE COMMUNICATION) DU94. ABNORMAL H_DDASG ON WORKFILE DU94. SAVE CALLS ENDSAV WITH NULL COMM_ZONE PTR (INTERNAL ERROR) DU94. START OF DYNAMIC SAVE SERVER REQUESTED DU94. READY TO START AGAIN DYNAMIC SAVE SERVER DU94. WARNING SOME FILE REMAIN UNDER DYNAMIC SAVE DU94. ABNORMAL RC ON H_SMPLDL 12.7 DU95. MODULE = H_DFSRD_SLAVE ABNORMAL RC : CREATE TRACE BUFFER Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. DFASG,OPEN OF WORKFILE NOT DONE Return code Action: Verify the WORKFILE definition and assignment. May be an internal error. DU95. UNABLE TO RETRIEVE FDBC PTR Return code Meaning: Internal error. 12-10 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DU Messages DU94 SERVER TERMINATION RUNNING(BYPASS POP) SERVER TERMINATION RUNNING(BYPASS VOP) Meaning: Synchronization instructions are bypassed when the TERMINATE operation is running. It may be after a TDYNSVR GCL command (normal) or after an abort of the dynamic save server (abnormal). DU95. TWO DYNAMIC SAVE ON THE SAME FILE Meaning: You have tried to save the same file twice at the same time. DU95. ABNORMAL RC : CREATE CU_CINB SEG. Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL INITIAL STATE OF CU,FRU Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL RC : CREATE FREE RWINB POOL SEG. Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL RC : CREATE BITMAP ROOT SEG. Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL RC : CREATE GIM CACHE CICA SEG. Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL WORKFILE RWI SESSION OPEN Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL OPEN OF GIM INDEX(XCBWAIT) Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL OPEN OF GIM INDEX(XCBSAVE) Return code Meaning: Internal error. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 12-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DU95. C1 AND C2 SWITCHES TOGETHER SET Meaning: Internal error. DU95. NEGATIVE COUNT OF C1 TDS CU Meaning: Internal error. DU95. NEGATIVE COUNT OF C1 NOT-TDS CU Meaning: Internal error. DU95. VALID CI EVENT SENT OUT OF SAVE PHASE Meaning: Internal error. DU95. VALIDATION OF CIS OUT OF SAVED SPACE Meaning: Internal error. DU95. XCBSAVE.H_ERRID = XCBSAVE.H_ERRID Meaning: Internal error. DU95. BEFORE IMAGE IN BITMAP AND NOT IN GIM Meaning: Internal error. DU95. GIM KEY LENGTH ERROR(VALIDATION OF CIS) Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL DELETE OF A GIM BEFORE IMAGE Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL S_CUR_FILE_NB ^= S_FILE_NB Return code Meaning: Internal error. 12-12 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DU Messages DU95. END OF SAVE REACHED Meaning: The dynamic save server stops running for the current DYNSAVE. Error messages may precede this ending message. DU95. ABNORMAL ENBAP Return code Meaning: Abnormal RC on H_ENBAP of the MIDAS buffer of an UFAS before image. Internal error. DU95. BNORMAL DSBAP Return code Meaning: Abnormal RC on H_DSBAP of the MIDAS buffer of an UFAS before image. Internal error. DU95. NUMBER OF BEFORE IMAGES = decimal value Meaning: Total number of blocks of saved file(s) written on the workfile during this dynamic save. DU95. ABNORMAL WRBEFORE Return Meaning: Internal error. DU95. WRITE IN AN ADDRESS SPACE WITHOUT BITMAP Meaning: A before image of a block of the saved file exceeds the scope of the BITMAPs of the server. Internal error. DU95. DSBAP ALL FILES DONE Meaning: After an abnormal condition, the server indicates in a file structure (FDBVS) that the file is no longer under dynamic save. The abnormal condition is detailed by other messages. DU95. XCBWAIT.H_ERRID = XCBWAIT.H_ERRID Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL GET IN GIM XCBWAIT INDEX Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. GIM KEY LENGTH ERROR(FORGET IMAGE) Meaning: Internal error. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 12-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DU95. VALIDATION OF CIS OUT OF SAVED SPACE Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL GIM DELETE IN FORGET_IMAGES Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. GIM KEY LENGTH ERROR(VERIF) Meaning: Internal error. DU95. GIM KEY ERROR(VERIF) Meaning: Internal error. DU95. GIM KEY LENGTH ERROR(MODIFY_INDEX) Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL GIM DELETE IN MODIFY_INDEX Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. XCBSAVE.H_ERRID = XCBSAVE.H_ERRID Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL GIM INSERT IN MODIFY_INDEX Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. END OF WAIT PHASE REACHED Meaning: Normal message: the server is ready to save the current file. It was waiting for this condition. DU95. ABNORMAL CRFD Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL RFLDEF Return code Meaning: Internal error. 12-14 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DU Messages DU95. ABNORMAL DFLDEF Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL DYNAL Meaning: Abnormal RC on H_dynal (dynamic allocate) of the workfile. Action: Check workfile definition and allocation parameters. DU95. DYNSAVE WORKFILE MAY NOT BE TEMPRY Meaning: Your dynamic save WORKFILE is TEMPRY and must not be. See the dynamic save WORKFILE definition. DU95. ABNORMAL DFLASG Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL H_RFLDEF NOLABEL Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL RTVLID VOLSTAT Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL OPEN Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. NOT ENOUGH SPACE ON WORKFILE Meaning: The WORKFILE is too short and may not be extended further (no INCRSIZE? or no disk space). DU95. NUMBER OF WORKFILE BLOCK USED Meaning: The first available block address on WORKFILE is [block address]. DU94. RWI WRITE ERROR(H_RWMWRITE) RWI.CHECK ERROR(H_RWWAIT) RWICHECK Meaning: Internal errors. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 12-15 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DU95. ABNORMAL GIM INSERT(XCBSAVE) Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL GIM INSERT(XCBWAIT) Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. WORKFILE CAN NOT BE EXTENDED Meaning: The WORKFILE is too short and may not be extended further (no INCRSIZE? or no disk space). DU95. NOT ENOUGH TYPE 3 4Mb SEGMENTS FOR BITMAPS Meaning: Internal error. DU95. NEEDS MORE THAN 12 SEGMENTS(X4MB) FOR BITMAPS Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL WORKFILE RWI SESSION CLOSE Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL WORKFILE CLOSE Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL WORKFILE DEALLOC Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL WORKFILE H_DDASG Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU95. ABNORMAL WORKFILE H_DLFD Return code Meaning: Internal error. 12-16 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DU Messages DU95. CLEAN SAVE DONE Meaning: Clean of the server resources. This is carried out at normal or abnormal end of save. DU95. EXCEPTION IN MODULE H_DFSRD_SLAVE Action: Indicate the module where the exception has arisen DU95. EXCEPTION IN DYNASAVE SERVER DU95. ROLLBACKED CI UNKNOWN IN CURRENT BITMAP DU95. CUR MAXCI < UFAS NEXT CI DU95. ABNORMAL H_RFLDEF (DELETE ALLOCATE) DU95. BEFORE IMAGE OUT OF KNOWN SPACE DU95. UNKNOWN REQUEST NUMBER IN SLAVE (INTERNAL ERROR) 12.8 DU96. MODULE = H_DFSRD_SPGIM GIM CACHE BUFFERS SEGMENTS OVERFLOW(>64 SEG.) Meaning: Internal error. DU96. ABNORMAL RC ON SEGMENT CREATE(GIM4K SEGS) Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU96. GIM CACHE TAIL LRU CICA BUSY Meaning: Internal error. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 12-17 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DU96. ABNORMAL GIM CI POOL MANAGEMENT DU94. RWI.CHECK ERROR(H_RWWAIT) Meaning: Internal error. DU96. XFREECI NO BEFORE IMAGE FOR GIM CI DU96. NO MORE BEFORE GIM BUFFER FREE DU96. GIM GETADR AND MODIFY NOT SET Meaning: Internal error. DU96. GIM SETCI AND MODIFY NOT SET Meaning: Internal error. DU96. GIM SETCI AND BUSY NOT SET Meaning: Internal error. DU96. WORKFILE CAN NOT BE EXTENDED Meaning: The WORKFILE is too short and may not be extended further (no INCRSIZE? or no disk space). DU96. NOT ENOUGH SPACE ON WORKFILE Meaning: The WORKFILE is too short and may not be extended further (no INCRSIZE? or no disk space). DU96. EXCEPTION IN MODULE H_DFSRD_SPGIM Action: Indicate the module where the exception has arisen. DU96. 12-18 EXCEPTION IN DYNSAVE SERVER 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DU Messages 12.9 DU97. MODULE = H_DFSRD_SRV DYNAMIC SAVE NOT PURCHASED Meaning: Self explanatory. DU97. ABNORMAL SERVER ACTIVATION Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU97. FILES FDB SEGS.CREATE RC Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU94. SERVER TERMINATION RUNNING(BYPASS POP) SERVER TERMINATION RUNNING(BYPASS VOP) Meaning: Synchronization instructions are bypassed when the TERMINATE operation is running. It may be after a TDYNSVR GCL command (normal) or after an abort of the dynamic save server (abnormal). DU97. CONFLICT BETWEEN NB_PSLAV_WAITING,WAITING_P,S-TOPP Meaning: Internal error. DU97. ABNORMAL H_RDTKDR Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU97. ABNORMAL H_INITSK Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU97. END OF DYNAMIC SAVE SERVICE JOB REQUESTED Meaning: Message for future use. DU97. EXCEPTION IN MODULE H_DFSRD_SRV Meaning: Indicate the module where the exception has arisen. DU97. ABNORMAL H_WAITSK Return code Meaning: Internal error. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 12-19 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 12.10 MODULE = H_DFSRD_WAIT DU98. DYNAMIC SAVE NOT PURCHASED Meaning: Self explanatory. DU98. H_CRFD H_WRKFIL Meaning: Abnormal Return Code of the given primitive. DU98. H_RFLDEF(SOURCE) H_WRKFIL Meaning: Abnormal Return Code of the given primitive. DU98. H_DFLDEF H_WRKFIL Meaning: Abnormal Return Code of the given primitive. DU98. H_RFLDEF(ALLOC) H_WRKFIL Meaning: Abnormal Return Code of the given primitive. DU98. FIRST H_RTVLID H_WRKFIL Meaning: Abnormal Return Code of the given primitive. DU98. H_RTVLID H_WRKFIL Meaning: Abnormal Return Code of the given primitive. DU98. H_RTCAT S_WKEFN_CAR50 Meaning: Abnormal Return Code of the given primitive. DU98. WORKFILE CATALOG NOT AUTO ATTACHED IS FORBIDDEN Meaning: If the WORKFILE is catalogued, it must be in an auto-attached catalog or in the SITE catalog. 12-20 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DU Messages DU98. WORKFILE MAY NOT BE TEMPRY Meaning: The WORKFILE must be a permanent file (not TEMPRY), whether preallocated or not. See other mandatory characteristics in the corresponding chapter. DU98. WORKFILE SHARE MUST BE ONEWRITE Meaning: Self explanatory. DU98. WORKFILE ACCESS MUST BE READ IN SAVE STEP Meaning: ACCESS=READ is mandatory for WORKFILE. DU98. SERVER NOT ACTIVE Meaning: A dynamic save has been launched (DYNSAVE or H_SAVE_FILE) and there is no dynamic save server active.(SDYNSVR). DU94. SERVER TERMINATION RUNNING(BYPASS POP) SERVER TERMINATION RUNNING(BYPASS VOP) Meaning: Synchronization instructions are bypassed when the TERMINATE operation is running. It may be after a TDYNSVR GCL command (normal) or after an abort of the dynamic save server (abnormal). DU98. DU98 H_DFLASG H_WRKFIL Meaning: Abnormal Return Code of the given primitive. DU98. H_OPEN H_WRKFIL Meaning: Abnormal Return Code of the given primitive. DU98. H_RWOPEN H_WRKFIL Meaning: Abnormal Return Code of the given primitive. DU98. LOCKED POP TURBOCONFIG Meaning: Internal error. DU98. NOT AVAILABLE TURBOCONFIG Meaning: Internal error. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 12-21 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DU98. IFN NOT FOUND IN IFNLIST(STATUS FF) Meaning: Internal error. DU98. EXCEPTION IN MODULE H_DFSRD_WAIT Action: Indicate the module where the exception has arisen. 12.11 MODULE = H_GAC_INITSV DU99. ABNORMAL RC FROM FICB Return code Meaning: Internal error. DU99. LKIDTAB PAGE POINTER NULL Meaning: Internal error. DU99. WRONG STEP ENTRY STATUS Meaning: Internal error. DU99. XRON TO WAIT FOR = Xron Meaning: At the beginning of the save, the server waits for the end of the coherence units which have already written the file to save. It gives these units. DU99. LOCKID OF A TDS CU TO WAIT FOR lockid number Meaning: At the beginning of the save, the server waits for the end of the coherence units which have already written the file to save. It gives these units. 12-22 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DU Messages DU99. NUMBER OF TDS CU TO WAIT FOR = decimal value Meaning: At the beginning of the save, the server waits for the end of the coherence units which have already written the file to save. It gives these units. DU99. WAITTAB INSTABILITY Meaning: Internal error. DU99. EXCEPTION IN MODULE H_GAC_INITSV Action: Indicate the module where the exception has arisen. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 12-23 13. DUF Messages General Environment DUF messages are produced by the UFAS component of the system. The first set of messages are output by UFAS when the GCOS 7 operating system in use is not a large system. Pertinent Manuals UFAS User's Guide ..................................................................................... 47 A2 01UF UFAS-EXTENDED User's Guide ................................................................. 47 A2 04UF 13.1 DUF01. UFAS MESSAGE DESCRIPTIONS IFN=ifn REUSE BUFFER=number-of-reuse Meaning: This message gives the number of times a buffer has been reused for the specified file. The value given can be used to optimize the buffer management; for more details refer to the UFAS User's Guide. Result: This message is printed each time a UFAS file is deassigned. DUF04. IFN=ifn LABEL HAS BEEN SALVAGED Meaning: The file label has been salvaged by the UFAS File Salvager at the first OPEN of the file in write mode following a system crash. Result: The UFAS File Salvager is called automatically. Action: None. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 13-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DUF05. IFN=ifn PRIMARY INDEXES HAVE BEEN SALVAGED Meaning: The primary indexes have been salvaged by the UFAS File Salvager at the first OPEN of the file in write mode following a system crash. Result: The UFAS File Salvager is called automatically. Action: None. DUF06. IFN=ifn SECONDARY INDEXES HAVE BEEN SALVAGED Meaning: he secondary indexes have been salvaged by the SORTIDX utility. DUF07. IFN=ifn SECONDARY INDEXES HAVE TO BE SALVAGED Meaning: The UFAS File Salvager has not been able to salvage the secondary indexes of the UFAS file being processed at the time of a system crash. Action: Run the SORTIDX utility on the unstable file. DUF08. IFN=ifn UNRECOVERABLE I/O DISK ADDRESS=ccccttttrr I/O TERMINATION MESSAGE=xxxx Meaning: An I/O error has been detected during access to a UFAS file. The I/O termination message gives a detailed status of the error. Result: This error may result in program abortion. Action: Refer to the section on I/O completion codes in this manual. DUF09. STEP BUFFER POOL UNLOCK BUFFER=n CREATE BUFFER=p Meaning: This message gives statistics about buffer pool usage. The values given can be used to optimize buffer management. This message is issued when the last file deassign for the step is carried out. Action: Refer to the UFAS User's Guide. DUF10. IFN=ifn REWRITE CNT=n1 DELETE CNT=n2 WRITE CNT=n3 Meaning: Information message giving the primitive counts for the REWRITE, DELETE and WRITE functions, performed in update mode (I/O in COBOL), respectively. 13-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DUF Messages 13.2 UFAS-EXTENDED MESSAGE DESCRIPTIONS These messages give statistical information about the behavior of programs which use UFAS-EXTENDED. 13.2.1 File Level Statistics >>> UFAS IFN STATISTICS IFN = ifn WRITECNT = c READCNT = d REWRITECNT = a DELETECNT = b Meaning: This message is output after the execution of each user primitive. It is an information message which gives the primitive counts for the REWRITE, DELETE, WRITE and READ functions respectively. >>> TURBO EFN STATISTICS EFN = efn IOCOUNT = f GETCICOUNT = d HITCOUNT = e Meaning: This message is output when the last ifn assigned to this efn is closed. GETCICOUNT is the total number of times a GETCI has been performed for the file, i.e. the number of blocks accessed. HITCOUNT is the read hit count, that is, the number of GETCIs which retrieved the correct file Control Interval from memory, regardless of the status of the buffer containing the Control Interval, which may be BUSY, WD or RM. IOCOUNT is the total number of p-operations on I/O semaphores. That is, the number of calls to H_CPEXEC or H_EXCP. Each I/O request concerns one CI or one physical record (H_CPEXEC), or one track (H_EXCP, mass formatting). 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 13-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 13.2.2 Pool Level Statistics >>> TURBO POOL STATISTICS POOL = pool-name GETCICOUNT = i IOCOUNT = j NBFILES = g NBBUF = h Meaning: This message is output when the last efn in the pool is closed. NBFILES is the maximum number of files that can be open simultaneously in the pool. NBBUF is the maximum number of buffers that the user can declare for the pool. This number is meaningless for the default pool, as the resource "buffer" is not shared between files. If you do not specify the BUFPOOL parameter in H_FD or the JCL statement DEFINE, the file is considered to be in the default buffer pool. NBBUF must be considered with POOLSIZE and USED SIZE (refer to the STEP STATISTICS message below) as there may be a conflict between the number of buffers and the amount of memory space. If SECGCR < NBBUF, then the maximum number of buffers has not been created. This is either because the application does not need so many buffers or because POOLSIZE is not large enough. GETCICOUNT is the total number of times the pool has been accessed, in the same way as for files above. HITCOUNT is the read hit count for the pool, in the same way as for files above. 13.2.3 Step Level Statistics >>> TURBO STEP STATISTICS STEP = step-name POOLSIZE = k USED SIZE = l NBPOOLS = AVAIL CI = n FREE CI = o TOTAL CI = SEGCR = q SEGDL = r READIOCT = s WRITEIOCT = t m p Meaning: This message is output at the end of the step. POOLSIZE is the amount of memory in the step dedicated by the user to buffers, whichever file or buffer they belong to. It must be considered together with USED SIZE and NBBUF. It is a maximum value. The value of POOLSIZE is expressed in Kbytes. USED SIZE is the actual maximum amount of memory dedicated to buffers in the step. All buffer segments are taken into account, including EMPTY buffers, whichever pool or file they may belong to. The value of USED SIZE is expressed in Kbytes. To make the best use of the resources available, USED SIZE must be approximately equal to POOLSIZE. AVAIL CI is the number of C.I. buffers already created during the current GCOS 7 session and not reserved by an active job. These buffer resources are available for any new job. 13-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DUF Messages FREE CI is the number of C.I. buffers already created during the current GCOS 7 session and not active (not input/output, not BUSY, not WD, not RM). TOTAL CI is the number of C.I. buffers already created during the current GCOS 7 session. This is reinitialized at the beginning of a session. NBPOOL is the number of pools that were open simultaneously. SEGCR and SEGDL represent the total number of calls to the segment creation and segment deletion primitive respectively. SEGCR includes the control structure segments created when the step was opened which are never deleted. READIOCT and WRITEIOCT represent the total number of read and write I/O operations respectively. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 13-5 14. DV Messages General Environment DV messages are produced by the system component that manages peripheral devices. Pertinent Manuals JCL Reference Manual .................................................................................47 A2 11UJ JCL User's Guide .........................................................................................47 A2 12UJ Message Descriptions DV01. MEDIA volname IS ALREADY REQUESTED Meaning: A duplicate request in exclusive mode has been made for the named volume. Result: The error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Correct the JCL. DV02. MEDIA volname HAS BEEN DECLARED UNAVAILABLE BY THE OPERATOR Meaning: The indicated volume cannot be used by the step and the operator issued a Cancel Request command either as a response to a mounting request for the volume at step initiation time, or to a recover request for the volume during step execution. The reason for the problem may be one of the following: • User error in volume specification: the indicated volume does not exist. • The volume is not available (e.g. broken). Result: Depending on conditions, the step is aborted either at step initiation or during step execution. Action: Modify the command. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 14-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DV04. RESIDENT VOLUME ON device-id. REQUEST IS REJECTED Meaning: A device is explicitly requested to support a volume by a JCL statement, "POOL device-id", but either the volume requested is a resident volume mounted on another device or a resident volume is mounted on the device requested. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time and the step cannot be started. Action: Correct the JCL; whenever possible, the explicit request of a particular device in a POOL should be avoided. DV05. CHARACTER SET NUMBER nn OR FORM form-id IS UNKNOWN Meaning: The printer was assigned in direct mode to the step but the value specified in the MEDIA parameter of the JCL statement, ASSIGN, is not valid. Remember that: • The first two characters of media indicate the character set to be used. • The last four characters of media indicate the form to be used. • Both character set and form descriptions must be known to the system and stored in the SYS.URCINIT file. For more details on this topic refer to System Operator's Guide appendix "The SYS.URCINIT Printer Control File". Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time and the step cannot be started. Action: Correct the JCL if relevant; list the contents of SYS.URINIT file using the URINIT utility. DV06. REQUEST EXCEEDS SYSTEM CAPACITY BY nn DEVICES OF DEVCLASS devclass Meaning: According to the JCL, the step requests more devices of the indicated device class than there are devices of this class on the site. Result: The step cannot be started. Action: In some step cases, the number of devices requested can be decreased by using the following facilities: • Device pool (JCL statement, POOL). • Partial mounting of volumes for a multivolume file (MOUNT parameter). For more details, refer to the JCL User's Guide. DV08. INCORRECT DEVICE TYPE devtype Meaning: Device Management received an illegal value for device type. Legal values are, for example, MS, MT. Such an incident is probably due to a system error. Action: Contact the Service Center. 14-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DV Messages DV09. INCORRECT DEVICE ATTRIBUTE devtype device-attribute Meaning: Device Management received an invalid value for a device attribute. Device attributes are usually specified in the DEVCLASS parameter. Examples: DEVCLASS=MS/FSA DEVCLASS=MT/T9/D6250 MS, MT are device types and FSA, T9, D6250 are device attributes. This message usually appears when the user specified a device class value that does not exist on the site. Result: This error is usually detected at step initiation time and the step cannot be started. Action: Check the JCL. DV10. INCORRECT DEVICE NAME device-id Meaning: Device Management received an illegal value for device-id; this is probably due to a system error. Action: Contact the Service Center. DV11. DEVICE device-id IS NOT AVAILABLE Meaning: A device requested for mounting a volume (DVIDLIST parameter of the JCL ASSIGN statement) was not available; the operator had put the device in the HELD state. Alternatively, a Test and Diagnostic request (T&D) has been made while an Automatic Volume Recognition (AVR) is running. Result: The step cannot be started. Action: Set the device to IN and restart the job. Avoid an explicit request for a particular device whenever possible. Alternatively, wait for the end of the AVR and restart the T&D. DV12. DEVICE device-id IS ALREADY REQUESTED Meaning: In the same step, one device was explicitly requested (DVIDLIST parameter of ASSIGN JCL statement) for mounting two different volumes or no device is free. Result: The step cannot be started. Action: Correct the JCL or try again later. Avoid an explicit request for a particular device whenever possible. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 14-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DV13. NUMBER OF REQUESTED DEVICES IS INCORRECT. Meaning: Incorrect argument values were received by Device Management. Result: This is probably due to a system error. Action: Contact the Service Center. DV15. nn CONDITIONAL REQUESTS ARE NOT SATISFIED ON DEVCLASS devclass. Meaning: This message may appear when the MAX option is used in the JCL statement, POOL. This message warns the user that the number of devices indicated in the MAX parameter could not be allocated to the pool. The minimum number of devices requested has been allocated to the pool. Action: If more devices than were allocated are required in the pool, change the minimum number in the JCL statement, POOL. DV16. REQUESTS BY DVIDLIST MUST BE PERFORMED BEFORE REQUESTS BY DEVCLASS. Meaning: The system was unable to allocate the devices to a step because the ASSIGN statements specifying device-ids (DVIDLIST parameter) appeared after the ASSIGN statements specifying devclass (DEVCLASS). Result: The step cannot be started. Action: Correct the sequence of the JCL statements, ASSIGN. DV17. volname IS A RESIDENT VOLUME. NOSHARE IS REJECTED Meaning: This message is probably due to a system error. Action: Contact the Service Center. DV18. CONFLICT IN STEP ACCESSES ON VOLUME volname Meaning: Incompatible access mode was specified for the volume indicated between two assignments in the same step. For example, in a step, one ASSIGN statement specified the NVOLWR option, another ASSIGN specified the VOLWR option; both ASSIGN statements referred to the same volume. Result: Depending on conditions, the step is aborted either at step initiation or during step execution. Action: Check the JCL and rerun the job. 14-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DV Messages DV20. TWO ASSIGNED FILES ON NON SHARABLE VOLUME volname Meaning: There are two ASSIGN statements on a non-sharable volume (e.g. magnetic tape). Result: The error is usually detected at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: Check the JCL. If the same volume is to be used successively using two ifns in the same step, use the POOL, FIRST option for the first ifn and the POOL, NEXT option for the second ifn. DV21. UNSUCCESSFUL ACCESS ON FILE SYS.URCINIT xxxx FOR volname. Meaning: "xxxx" is the edited value of the return code. A unit record device (e.g. printer) is to be used directly by the step. Device management wanted to access the SYS.URCINIT file to retrieve the characteristics attached to the volume specified in the ASSIGN statement (e.g. character set, form identification). Access to SYS.URCINIT failed. Result: This error usually occurs at step initiation time; the step cannot be started. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the SYS.ERLOG file for a complete description of the error. DV22. THE DEVICE CLASS OF VOLUME volname IS NOT devclass-1 BUT devclass-2. Meaning: Warning message indicating that the density specified in the command (devclass-1) for a volume is not the same as that found on the volume (devclass-2). Result: The value for the density found on the volume overrides that declared in the command. Action: Check the command. DV23. THE VOLUME volname OF DEVCLASS devclass DOES NOT EXIST IN THE CONFIGURATION. Meaning: The command refers to an irremovable volume that is unknown. There is probably an error in the volume name. However, this message may also appear if the volume is requested at the precise moment that it is under Automatic Volume Recognition (AVR); in this case, try again. Result: This error usually occurs at step initiation time; and the step cannot be started. Action: Check the command. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 14-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DV24. USE OF volnm E-TAPE NOT ALLOWED ON dvc DEVICE Meaning: The requested volume is an E-tape and the requested device does not support E-tapes (cartridge library only). Result: The request is automatically cancelled and the cartridge is unloaded. Action: Check the command and the cartridges. DV25. USE OF volnm 36-TRACK CARTRIDGE NOT ALLOWED ON dvc DEVICE. Meaning: The requested volume is a 36-track standard length tape and the requested device does not support the 36-track recording format (cartridge library only). Result: The request is automatically cancelled and the cartridge is unloaded. Action: Check the command and the cartridges. If you want to prepare the tape with the 18-track recording format, use PREPARE_TAPESET. DV26. MEDIA volname HAS BEEN DECLARED UNAVAILABLE BY THE USER. Meaning: The operator has typed a Cancel Request command which refers to the same volume which is requested by the command. Following a DV44 message (waiting allocation of volume), the user has entered either "CANCEL" or "CAN", or simply Break. Result: This error usually occurs at step initiation time and the step cannot be started. Action: Contact the operator. DV27. DEVICE OR CONTROLLER device-id IS NOT IN HELD STATE. Meaning: The Test and Diagnostic request (made via a DDVASG statement) refers to a device which is not in the HELD state (NB: T&D can only be performed on a HELD device). Result: T&D sets the device in the HELD state and will attempt to reassign it. Action: None. DV28. MEDIA volname IS WORK AND ALREADY ASSIGNED. Meaning: A work volume has been assigned by a first job. A second job tries to assign the same volume by its name. Result: The error is usually detected when the step is initiated. The step of the second job cannot start. It is aborted with DVMGT 19, DVIDFBID. Action: Assign another media in the second job, or wait until the media is deassigned in the first job. 14-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DV Messages DV29. ANY MEDIA OPTION IS ALLOWED FOR TAPES, CARTRIDGES, AND DISKETTES ONLY. Meaning: The ANY MEDIA option was used for a device type for which it is invalid. Result: The step cannot be started. Action: Correct the JCL. DV30. THE DEVICE MODE IS NOT ALLOWED WITH ANY MEDIA OPTION. Meaning: The Test and Diagnostics request uses the ANY MEDIA option. Result: The step cannot be started, due to a system error. Action: Contact the Service Center. DV31. NO VOLUME NAME MUST BE GIVEN IN DEVICE MODE. Meaning: The Test and Diagnostics request uses a volume name. Result: The step cannot be started, due to a system error. Action: Contact the Service Center. DV32. A DEVICE NAME IS MANDATORY IN DEVICE MODE. Meaning: The device name is missing in the Test and Diagnostics request. Result: The step cannot be started, due to a system error. Action: Contact the Service Center. DV33. A VOLUME NAME IS MANDATORY FOR DISKS. Meaning: The step requests a disk without giving its name in the JCL ASSIGN statement. Result: The step cannot be started. Action: Correct the JCL. DV34. THE DEVICE MODE IS MANDATORY FOR T & D. Meaning: Error in the Test and Diagnostics request. Result: The step cannot be started, due to a system error. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 14-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DV35. THE DEVICE MODE IS NOT ALLOWED FOR NON-REMOVABLE DISKS. Meaning: Illegal allocation of a volume by a job. Result: The step cannot be started, due to a system error. Action: Save the SYS.LOGC and SYS.SWLOG files (domain=DVMGT) and contact the Service Center. DV36. MIRROR VOLUME ON device-id. REQUEST IS REJECTED. Meaning: The step requests a disk and gives a specific drive in the JCL ASSIGN statement. This is not allowed for MIRROR disks. Result: The step cannot be started. Action: Correct the JCL. DV37. ILLEGAL USE OF MIR/DV ALLOCATION OPTIONS. Meaning: Illegal allocation of a volume by a job. Result: The step cannot be started, due to a system error. Action: Save the SYS.LOGC and SYS.SWLOG files (domain=DVMGT) and contact the Service Center. DV38. DAMAGED TABLES. Meaning: System error. Action: Contact the Service Center. DV39. NO NON-STANDARD VOLUME IN THE CONFIGURATION. Meaning: The command refers to a non-removable non-standard disk and none exists. Result: The step cannot be started. Action: Check the command and correct it as necessary. DV40. BOTH COPIES OF MIRROR VOLUME volnm OF DEVCLASS dvc ARE MISSING. Meaning: During volume allocation, both disks of the mirrored pair volnm are inaccessible. (HELD or STANDBY) and the Mirror Disks mode is AUTOMATIC. Result: The allocation is rejected with RC DVIDFBID. Action: Set your disks to IN READY and restart the job. 14-8 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DV Messages DV41. THE PRIMARY COPY OF MIRROR VOLUME volnm OF DEVCLASS dvc IS MISSING. Meaning: During dynamic volume allocation, the primary disk of the mirrored pair volnm is unknown (never recognized). Result: The allocation is rejected with RC DVIDFBID. Action: Set your primary disk to IN READY, and restart the job. Or issue the command UNPMIR KEEP=SECONDARY and restart the job (only if the volume is not SHARED; if it is SHARED, contact the Service Center). DV42. THE VOLUME volnm OF DEVCLASS dvc IS NOT ON DEVICE dev-id. Meaning: The JCL (usually the ASSIGN statement) refers to a non-removable disk by both its volume name and its assign name, and they do not match. Result: The step cannot be started. Action: Check and correct the JCL. DV43. THE NON-STANDARD VOLUME volnm OF DEVCLASS dvc IS NOT ON DEVICE dev-id. Meaning: The JCL (usually the ASSIGN statement) refers to a non-standard nonremovable disk and specifies a device name on which it cannot be found. Result: The step cannot be started. Action: Check and correct the JCL. DV44. INCORRECT LDN ldn. Meaning: Illegal allocation of a volume by a job. Result: The step cannot be started, due to a system error. Action: Save the SYS.LOGC and SYS.SWLOG files (domain=DVMGT) and contact the Service Center. DV45. THE SECONDARY COPY OF MIRROR VOLUME volnm OF DEVCLASS dvc IS MISSING. Meaning: During dynamic volume allocation, the secondary disk of the mirrored pair volnm is unknown (never recognized). Result: The allocation is rejected with RC DVIDFBID. Action: Set your secondary disk to IN READY and restart the job, or issue UNPMIR KEEP=PRIMARY and restart the job. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 14-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DV46. ANY MEDIA OPTION IS NOT ALLOWED FOR T & D. Meaning: The Test and Diagnostics request uses the ANY MEDIA option. Result: The step cannot be started, due to a system error. Action: Contact the Service Center. DV47. THE VOLUME volnm OF DEVCLASS dvc HAS BEEN MODIFIED. Meaning: The command refers to a non-removable disk for which the name has been modified by a job that is still running. Result: The step cannot be started. Action: Wait until the media is deassigned and rerun the job, or modify the command. DV48. THE NON-STANDARD VOLUME volnm OF DEVCLASS dvc HAS BEEN MODIFIED. Meaning: The command refers to a non-standard non-removable disk which has been modified (probably set to standard) by a job that is still running. Result: The step cannot be started. Action: Wait until the media is deassigned and rerun the job, or modify the command. DV49. A SEMAPHORE CANNOT BE GIVEN FOR ALLOCATION TO X1. Meaning: Illegal allocation of a volume by a job. Result: The step cannot be started, due to a system error. Action: Save the SYS.LOGC and SYS.SWLOG files (domain=DVMGT) and contact the Service Center. DV51. ANY MEDIA OPTION NOT ALLOWED FOR dvc. Meaning: The step requests an unknown volume (MEDIA=* in JCL ASSIGN statement). This function is not supported on cartridge devices connected to a library. Result: The step cannot be started. Action: Correct the JCL. (DEVCLASS or MEDIA parameters must be updated in the JCL ASSIGN statement.) 14-10 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DV Messages DV52. INCOMPLETE DEVICE ATTRIBUTES FOR CT DEVICE. Meaning: A cartridge device is requested on a site equipped with a cartridge library or with different cartridge drive models. The device attribute must precisely specify which class of device is requested. The device allocation is rejected. Result: The step cannot be started. Action: Correct the command. (DEVCLASS parameter must be updated in a JCL ASSIGN statement.) DV53. ILLEGAL ACCESS TO THE VOLUME volnm OF DEVCLASS CT/LIB. Meaning: The access to the volume volnm is not allowed. This check is performed only on cartridge devices connected to a library. The device allocation is rejected. Result: The step cannot be started. Action: There are two possibilities: 1. Correct the command. (MEDIA or DEVCLASS parameter must be updated in a JCL ASSIGN statement.) 2. Update the configuration file used by CLC or CLX (refer to the Cartridge Tape Library User's Guide or the CTL-UNIX Server User's Guide for further information). 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 14-11 15. DY Messages General Environment DY messages are produced by the Dynamic Addresser component of the system that manages the sharable modules (SM). Message Descriptions DY02. ERROR DETECTED : SHARED MODULE <SM_name> NOT FOUND Meaning: The SM is not stored on the backing store. Action: Load the SM onto backing store. DY02. ERROR DETECTED : NO SM LOADED FROM LIBRARY <library_name> Meaning: There are two or more empty SM libraries referenced by the load module that are empty. Action: Modify JOBLIB. DY02. ERROR DETECTED : CONFLICTING SM ENTRY SEGMENT STE Meaning: Two referenced SMs are linked with the same ESSTE parameter value. Action: Modify the ESSTE parameter and link one of the SMs again. DY02. ERROR DETECTED : SM ENTRY SEGMENT LARGER THAN START ASSIGN Meaning: The STARTASG parameter value of the linked LM is less than the STE value of an entry segment. Action: Modify the STARTASG parameter. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 15-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DY02. ERROR DETECTED : SM SYSTEM ENTRY SEGMENT STE LARGER THAN START ASSIGN Meaning: The STARTASG parameter value of the linked LM is less than the STE value of an implicit SM (SYS.SYSTEM). Action: Modify the STARTASG parameter. DY02. ERROR DETECTED : CONFLICTING SM STE E Meaning: Two referenced SM's are linked with the STN parameter value equal to E. Action: Modify the STN value of one of the SM's. DY02. ERROR DETECTED : SM SYSTEM <SM_name> NOT REFERENCABLE BY LM Meaning: The specified SM is an implicit SM not on the system. Action: Reinstall the system. DY03. SHARED MODULE = <SM_name> (<library_name>) Meaning: The name of the SM referenced by the LM. Action: None. 15-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 16. EX Messages General Environment EX messages are produced when abnormal conditions (or exceptions) have been detected. Messages EX01 and EX02 indicate abnormal conditions detected by hardware or firmware; message EX03 indicates abnormal conditions detected by software. Message Descriptions Some exceptions are automatically handled by the software. Exceptions that usually correspond to error conditions detected during the execution of an instruction are reported in the user's Job Occurrence Report as an exception message with the following format. 16.1 EXnn. EXCEPTION MESSAGES EXCEPTION class-type: exception-identification [exception-parameters] in TASK task-name AT ADDRESS segmented-address When an exception message is encountered in the JOR: • If the exception arose in user code (as indicated by the address given in the exception message) the operands of the statement being executed should be checked. • If the exception arose in code not written by the user, the parameters (in terms of value and length) given to the activated procedure, should be checked. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 16-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory EX01. EXCEPTION class-type: exception-identification [exception parameter] IN TASK taskname AT ADDRESS segmented-address Meaning: Indicates that an exception condition has been detected during the execution of the instruction at the specified address. Exception conditions are usually the result of a user or system error. Refer to the table that follows for an explanation of the main exception conditions. Result: The step is aborted. EX02. EXCEPTION class-type: exception-identification [exception parameter] IN TASK taskname AT ADDRESS segmented-address Meaning: Indicates that an exception condition has been detected during the execution of the instruction at the specified address. Exception conditions are usually the result of a user or system error. Refer to the table that follows for an explanation of the main exception conditions. Result: The error is not considered as FATAL, execution proceeds. EX03. ABNORMAL RETURN CODE (RC=edited-return-code) SET IN TASK task-name AT ADDRESS segmented-address Meaning: Indicates that an abnormal condition has been detected during execution of the user program. The return code gives the reason for the error. The address specified is the address when the return code was set. Result: The step is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. EX04. MAXIMUM EXCEPTION WARNING COUNT EXHAUSTED Meaning: Indicates that more than 99 non-fatal exceptions occurred in the execution of the step; no more messages (EX02) will be produced for further non-fatal exceptions. Result: Execution proceeds. 16-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 EX Messages 16.2 MAIN EXCEPTION CONDITIONS A list of the main exception conditions (usually indicating a user error) is given below. First the class-type is indicated, then the message text. Comments and/or an example of the error follow. 3-3: ILLEGAL SEMAPHORE TYPE Attempt to perform an operation reserved for 'semaphore with message' on a 'semaphore without message'. 4-3: SEMAPHORE COUNT OUT OF RANGE Too many events are pending on the semaphore; increase the semaphore maximum count. 6-0: ACCESS OUT OF SEGMENT BOUNDS In COBOL, may appear when the SUBOPT option has been used. In GPL, usually due to misuse of based variables and pointers. 6-1: ILLEGAL SEGMENT NUMBER The STE value is greater than the maximum segment number in the segment table. In GPL this is usually due to an illegal pointer value. 6-2: UNAVAILABLE SEGMENT The STE value does not correspond to a valid segment in the segment table; in GPL this is usually due to an illegal pointer value. 6-3: ILLEGAL SEGMENT TABLE NUMBER The STN value does not correspond to a valid segment table; in GPL this is usually due to an illegal pointer value. 9-1: ILLEGAL DECIMAL DATA Non-decimal data is involved in a decimal operation. Refer to the COBOL 85 User's Guide. 9-2: ILLEGAL DATA LENGTH A bit string operand is greater than 64 bits or a decimal operand is greater than 31 digits. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 16-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 9-5: ILLEGAL DATA DESCRIPTOR The data descriptor used is invalid. 9-7: ILLEGAL OPERATION CODE May appear in GPL during the execution of a SELECT instruction when an OTHERWISE clause has not been specified and no unit has been selected. 9-9: ILLEGAL BRANCH The name of a TPR is the same as that of a file or an item of shared data. 9-10: ILLEGAL OVERLAP IN TRANSLATE INSTRUCTION Appears when the string to be translated overlaps on the translation table. 10-1: FLOATING POINT INSTRUCTIONS NOT ALLOWED Appears when an attempt is made to run a FORTRAN program where the scientific instruction set feature has not been selected. 10-4: OUTWARD CALL Attempt to activate a procedure that would execute in a less privileged ring than the current procedure, e.g. a ring 2 procedure calls a ring 3 procedure. 10-9: ILLEGAL GATE SEGMENT Attempt to activate a more privileged procedure which is not gated. 12-0: READ VIOLATION Attempt to access data from a procedure that executes in a ring greater than the read ring associated with the segment which contains the data. 12-1: WRITE VIOLATION Attempt to write data in a segment whose write ring is less than the ring of the executing procedure; or there has been an attempt to write to a segment that cannot be written. 16-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 EX Messages 12-2: 12-3: EXECUTE RIGHT VIOLATION a) Branch operation inside a segment with a current ring outside the scope WR, MAXR. b) Branch operation inside a segment which is not executable. This exception may appear when a procedure contains several segments with different values for WR and MAXR rings. GATE PROCEDURE CALL RIGHT VIOLATION Activation by a procedure of a more privileged procedure, the execute ring of the calling procedure being greater than the caller maximum ring number (CMRN) of the called procedure. of the called procedure. 14-1: FAULT DATA DESCRIPTOR In most cases this corresponds to an unresolved reference on a procedure or data item at linkage time, e.g. a procedure has not been linked because it has not been found in the libraries. Check the linkage report. 15-0: DECIMAL DATA OVERFLOW The result of a decimal operation is beyond the range represented in the result field. 15-1: DECIMAL DIVIDE The divisor is equal to zero in a decimal division. 16-0: FLOATING POINT DATA OVERFLOW The characteristic of the result is greater than 127 in a floating point operation. 16-1: FLOATING POINT DATA UNDERFLOW The characteristic of the result is negative in a floating point operation. 16-2: FLOATING POINT DIVIDE The divisor is equal to zero in floating point operation. 17-0: FIXED POINT DATA OVERFLOW The result of a fixed point operation is beyond the range represented in the result field. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 16-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 17-1: FIXED POINT DIVIDE The divisor is equal to zero in fixed point division. 17-2: SUBSCRIPT OUT OF ARRAY RANGE Attempt to access data outside the upper or lower limits of a table. 16-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 17. FP Messages General Environment FP messages are produced by the File Preparation component of the system that is responsible for file opening, file closing, file space allocation and extension and file recovery after step abort. Pertinent Manuals BFAS User's Guide ..................................................................................... 47 A2 02UF UFAS User's Guide (V1/V2/V3A/V3B) ......................................................... 47 A2 01UF UFAS-EXTENDED User's Guide (V3A/V3B/V5/V6/V7)................................ 47 A2 04UF Catalog Management User's Guide ............................................................. 47 A2 35UF JCL User's Guide .........................................................................................47 A2 12UJ Message Descriptions FP01. SYSTEM I/O ERROR H_RQSPCE FOR IFN: ifn Meaning: During extension of the file indicated in the message, the system was unable to access the system file SYS.KNODET. Result: An abnormal return code is returned to the program as a result of the WRITE operation. Action: Contact the Service Center. FP02. {BLOCKS } {TRACKS } SPACE EXTENDED ON VOLUME: volname NEW SIZE=size {CYLINDERS} FOR IFN: ifn EFN: efn Meaning: Information message, indicating that the new file was automatically extended. The new size of the file, after extension, is given in the message. Result: Execution proceeds. Action: None. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 17-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory FP03. NO SPACE AVAILABLE ON VOLUME: volname FOR EXTENSION IFN: ifn EFN: efn Meaning: The automatic extension mechanism has been initiated for the specified file but the extension failed because no more space was available on the volumes specified in the volume list. Result: The End of File condition is returned to the program. Action: Extend the file on another volume, using the PREALLOC utility. FP04. {CYLINDER(S)} nnn {TRACKS } ALLOCATED ON VOLUME: volname {SECTORS } FOR IFN: ifn EFN: efn {BLOCKS } Meaning: Information message, indicating that an allocation took place for the file on the specified volume. The allocated size is given in the unit indicated. Result: Execution proceeds. Action: None. FP05. {ON VOLUME: volname FOR {ON RESIDENT VOLUME(S) FOR NO SPACE AVAILABLE {ON RESIDENT FOR EXTENSION. {FOR EXTENSION. {FOR } } } IFN: ifn EFN: efn } } Meaning: Allocation of the file was requested (ALLOCATE in JCL), but no more space was available on the volume specified. The automatic extension mechanism has been initiated for the specified file but the extension failed because no more space was available on the volumes specified in the volume list. Result: The file cannot be opened; the abnormal return code SPACENAV is set. Action: Specify another volume in the ASSIGN statement. FP06. CANNOT CLOSE IFN= ifn. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: Warning message, indicating that the CLOSE function (automatically requested at step termination if it was not previously requested by the user) failed for the reason given by the return code. Action: Check the file. 17-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 FP Messages FP07. IFN: ifn HAS BEEN CLOSED BY SYSTEM Meaning: Information message, indicating that the specified ifn has not been closed by the user at the time the step was terminated. Result: A close function has been automatically performed by the system. Action: None. FP08. CLOSE DONE ON VOLUME: volname FOR IFN: ifn EFN: efn Meaning: Information message indicating in the case of file creation or file extension, that the last record was written to the specified volume. NOTE: FP09. FOR FPO9 TO FP11, volname may not be known, so volname will be called "******". VOLUME: volname NOT MOUNTED FOR IFN: ifn EFN: efn Meaning: At close time, the magnetic tape volume for which the end of file labels have to be written, has already been dismounted. This message is always followed by message FP10. Result: Message FP10 indicates that no end of file labels have been written for the specified file, either for the reason given in message FP03, or because of an I/O error on the tape. Further access, after the last written record on the tape, will result in an I/O error. FP10. {UPDATED} NO LABELS {WRITTEN} ON VOLUME: volname BY H_CLOSE FOR IFN: ifn EFN: efn Meaning: Indicates that no end of file labels have been written for the specified file, either for the reason given in message FP09 or because of an I/O error on the tape. Further access, after the last written record on the tape, will result in an I/O error. FP11. SYSTEM I/O ERROR ON VOLUME volname IN H_CLOSE FOR IFN: ifn EFN: efn Meaning: System error. An irrecoverable operation, while accessing the SYS.KNODET file. Action: Contact the Service Center. Check the file involved in the step. FP12. SYSTEM I/O ERROR IN H_CLOSEV FOR IFN: ifn Meaning: System error. An irrecoverable I/O error has been encountered during a close volume operation, while accessing the SYS.KNODET file. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 17-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory FP13. NO EOV LABEL WRITTEN ON VOLUME: volname FOR IFN: ifn EFN: efn Meaning: Applies to magnetic tapes only. An irrecoverable I/O error has been encountered during the close of the specified volume. Result: No end of volume labels have been written on the volume. FP14. VOLUME LIST BEGINS WITH VSEQN: volume-sequence number FOR IFN: ifn EFN: efn Meaning: Warning message, indicating that the first volume specified in the volume list for a file is not the first volume of the file. Result: If FIRSTVOL= 1 was specified in the ASSIGN JCL statement, the file cannot be opened; the abnormal return code SEQERR is set. If no FIRSTVOL parameter was specified, the file is accessed starting on the first volume indicated in the volume list. Action: If no partial processing of a multivolume file is desired, add the parameter FIRSTVOL= 1 in the ASSIGN statement so that File Management checks that the first volume given in the media list is the first volume of the file. FP15. SYSTEM I/O ERROR IN H_OPEN FOR IFN: ifn Meaning: System error. An irrecoverable I/O error has been encountered during an open file operation, while accessing the SYS.KNODET file. Result: The file is not opened. Action: Contact the Service Center. FP16. WORK VOLUME: volname HAS BEEN ALLOCATED TO IFN: ifn EFN: efn Meaning: This message may appear during the creation of a magnetic tape file or a diskette file and indicates that either the file has been created on a work file (refer to the media list in ASSIGN), or the volumes specified in the media list are not sufficient to support the file. File creation is continued on a work volume, the name of which is given in the message. Result: The volume indicated loses its WORK status and becomes a normal named volume. Action: None. 17-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 FP Messages FP17. FILE CANNOT BE OPENED FOR IFN: ifn EFN: efn. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: Message indicating failure to open the specified file. The reason is given by the return code. In some cases, a message preceding the message FP17 gives a more detailed reason for the failure. Result: The abnormal return code is returned to the program. In COBOL, this will result in step abortion unless a special error recovery procedure was specified. Action: None. FP18. VOLUME: volname CANNOT BE OPENED FOR IFN: ifn EFN: efn RC=edited-return-code Meaning: System error during execution of a utility. The specified volume cannot be opened for access at volume level. The reason is given by the return code. Action: Contact the Service Center. FP19. SYSTEM I/O ERROR IN H_OPENV FOR IFN: ifn Meaning: System error. An irrecoverable I/O error has been encountered during an open volume operation, while accessing the SYS.KNODET file. Action: Contact the Service Center. FP21. RESTART OF IFN: ifn NOT ASSIGNED ANY MORE RC=edited-return-code Meaning: System error during RESTART of a step. Action: Contact the Service Center. FP22. RESTART OF IFN ifn: UNABLE TO CLOSE Meaning: System error. Action: Contact the Service Center. FP23. RESTART OF IFN: ifn: ERROR WHILE ACCESSING KNOT. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: System error during the restart of a step. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 17-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory FP24. RESTART OF IFN: ifn UNABLE TO DELETE CHANNEL PROGRAM RC=edited-return-code Meaning: System error during the restart of a step Action: Contact the Service Center. FP25. RESTART OF IFN ifn: VOLUME OR EFN NOT ASSIGNED RC=edited-return-code Meaning: System error during the restart of a step. Action: Contact the Service Center. FP26. RESTART OF IFN: ifn ERROR IN MEDIA MOUNT REQUEST RC=edited-return-code Meaning: If the return code is MDNAV, the following problem occurred: During the restart of the step the mounting of a volume supporting the file has been requested but the operator issued a CR (Cancel Request) command for this volume, indicating that the volume was not available. In the other cases, it is probably a system error. Result: The step cannot be restarted. Action: Check the volume or contact the Service Center. FP27. RESTART OF IFN ifn: NO SEGMENT AVAILABLE FOR FDB. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: System error during the restart of a step. Result: System error. Action: Contact the Service Center. FP28. RESTART OF IFN ifn: NO SEMAPHORE AVAILABLE FOR FDB RC=edited-return-code Meaning: System error during the restart of a step. Result: System error. Action: Contact the Service Center. 17-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 FP Messages FP29. RESTART OF IFN ifn: MISMATCH BETWEEN LABEL AND STRUCTURES. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The contents of the Data Management control structures, saved at CHECKPOINT time, do not correspond to the file labels on the mounted volumes at restart time for the specified file. (File not on volume or incorrect volume sequence number.) Result: The step cannot be restarted. Action: Ensure that the correct volumes were mounted. FP30. RESTAT OF IFN ifn: UNABLE TO CREATE FECB RC=edited-return-code Meaning: System error during the restart of the step. Error during creation or update of the FECB control structure. Result: System error. Action: Contact the Service Center. FP31. RESTART OF IFN ifn: ERROR DURING A/M SPECIFIC PROCESSING. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: System error during the restart of the step. Error during repositioning of the file by the Access Method. Result: System error. Action: Contact the Service Center. FP32. SPACE CANNOT BE DEALLOCATED ON VOLUME: volname FOR IFN: ifn EFN: efn Meaning: Allocation was requested for the specified file through the JCL ALLOCATE statement (or default allocation for a temporary file). The allocation has been performed by File Management, but an error was detected during the OPEN processing. File Management then attempted to deallocate the file but an incident occurred during this operation. Result: The file cannot be opened, an abnormal return code is returned to the program. The file is still allocated on the specified volume. Action: Try to deallocate space using the DEALLOC utility. The volume may be damaged. Contact the Service Center, if necessary. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 17-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory FP33. SPACE DEALLOCATED ON VOLUME: volname FOR IFN: ifn EFN: efn Meaning: Information message, indicating that a file allocated in this step through JCL ALLOCATE (or default allocation for a temporary file) has been deallocated because an error has been detected during OPEN processing. A message, FP17, gives the reason for the error. FP34. VOLUME: volname SKIPPED, FILE NOT FOUND FOR EFN: ifn EFN: efn Meaning: Information message, indicating that this volume does not contain the EFN so it has been skipped. The search continues on the next volume. FP35. SYSTEM I/O ERROR IN RLSPACE FOR IFN: ifn Meaning: When releasing space belonging to the file indicated in the message, the system was unable to access the system file SYS.KNODET. Result: An abnormal return code is returned to the program. Action: Contact the Service Center. FP36. {BLOCKS } REQUESTED SPACE HAS BEEN DEALLOCATED, NEW SIZE=size {TRACKS } {CYLINDERS} Meaning: This is an information message, indicating that the file's space has been reduced. The new size of the file is given in the message. Result: Execution proceeds. Action: None. FP38. ALL SPACE HAS BEEN DEALLOCATED ON VOLUME: volname FOR IFN: ifn EFN: efn Meaning: This is an information message indicating that there is no longer any space allocated to the specified file on the specified volume. Result: Execution proceeds. Action: None. FP39. SPACE CANNOT BE ALLOCATED: BLOCKSIZE MUST BE LOWER THAN 32 KBYTES FOR IFNNN: ifn EFN:efn Meaning: The specified blocksize (or CISIZE for a UFAS file) is greater than 32 kbytes. The space cannot be allocated. Result: The BLKSZERR return code is sent. Action: Modify the BLOCKSIZE (or CISIZE) parameter for file allocation. 17-8 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 FP Messages FP40. ABNORMAL EVENT DURING H_CLOSE FOR IFN: ifn EFN: efn Meaning: The corresponding device to the efn is not in a READY state. The step is in abort phase. The close function (automatically requested at step termination) ends without updating file labels on disk or without writing the EOF label on tape. Action: Check the file. FP49. SYSTEM ERROR: EXCP = exception-type ICC = exception-address Meaning: An exception has occurred during the execution of system code. This is a system error. Action: Contact the Service Center. FP50. FILE NOT ACCESSIBLE (SECURITY LOCK SET) FOR IFN: ifn EFN: efn Meaning: A file was security locked (SLOCK option of the CATMODIF JCL statement) and the step attempted to OPEN this file in a processing mode which is not allowed. For more details, refer to the Catalog Management User's Guide. The name of the involved file is given in a following message, FP17. Result: The file cannot be opened. The abnormal return code WRONG PMD is set. FP51. MONITORING ACTIVE LOCK FILE IS UNEFFECTIVE FOR IFN: ifn Meaning: The step is under GAC control (SHARE=MONITOR option specified for a file) and an attempt is made to lock a file ($H_LOCK primitive in GPL). Both facilities cannot be used at the same time because a deadlock situation could arise. Result: The locking of the file is not performed. The abnormal return code SHCTVIOL is set. FP51. MONITORING REQUESTED, LOCK FILE DENIED TILL OPEN FOR IFN: ifn Meaning: The step may be under GAC control (SHARE=MONITOR option specified for a file) and an attempt is made to lock a file ($H_LOCK primitive in GPL) before opening the file. Both facilities cannot be used at the same time because a deadlock situation could arise. Result: The locking of the file is not performed. The abnormal return code INVUSE is set. FP52. ifn WRITE ON 18-TRACK CARTRIDGE NOT ALLOWED ON 36-TRACK DEVICE Meaning: The opening of an 18-track cartridge mounted on a 36-track device is refused to prevent unintended overwriting of any existing files. To use this cartridge on a 36track device, a PREPARE_TAPE is mandatory. Result: The file cannot be opened and the abnormal return code WRVIOL is set. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 17-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory FP53. ifn VALID OR CATALOGED FILE(S) MAY BE PRESENT ON 36-TRACK DEVICE OUTPUT VOLUME Meaning: The opening of files on this cartridge is refused to prevent unintended overwriting of any existing files. To use this cartridge, a PREPARE_TAPE is mandatory. Result: The file cannot be opened and the abnormal return code TYPERR is set. FP60. MOUNT MEDIA volnm ON A DEVICE SUPPORTING IDRC Meaning: The processing of the file needs hardware compaction but the current drive does not provide it. Action: Remove media and mount it on a device that supports IDRC. Type: M Destination: Specific 17-10 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 18. GAC Messages General Environment GAC messages are produced by the Generalized Access Control component of the system. The first set of messages are output by GAC when the GCOS 7 operating system is at Release V3A0/V3B0. The second set of messages are output by GACEXTENDED for GCOS 7 Releases V3A7/V3B7/V5/V6. These messages give statistical information about the behavior of programs that use the GAC component. Pertinent Manuals GAC-EXTENDED User's Guide................................................................... 47 A2 12UF 18.1 GAC01. GAC MESSAGE DESCRIPTIONS IFN=ifn CONFLICT CNT=n1 DEADLOCK CNT=n2 Meaning: Information message, indicating for the specified file: • the number of conflicts of access detected while accessing a CI of the file (n1). • the number of deadlock situations detected while accessing a CI of the file (n2). Result: Too high a value for these counters may indicate an inadequate organization of the data base. The message is printed each time a monitored file is deassigned. GAC02. STEP INFO QUEUING CNT=n Meaning: Information message, indicating the number of times two consecutive deadlocks appeared in the same Commitment Unit. When such a situation arises, a special mechanism called "serialization" is activated to avoid repetitive deadlocks. Result: Too high a value for this counter indicates that several non-cooperating jobs were running at the same time. The message is printed when the last monitored file in the step is deassigned. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 18-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory GAC03. COMMITMENT NUMBER=n NUMLOCK VALUE INCREASED TO x Meaning: Information message, indicating the effective length of the lock list needed by a Commitment Unit to run correctly. This information is given only when GAC has had to increase the NUMLOCK value for Commitment Unit n. The message means that the user has selected a value for NUMLOCK which is too low for the Commitment Unit. Result: GAC increases the value of NUMLOCK for Commitment Unit n. GAC05. IFN = ifn LOCKMARK OPTION NOT ALLOWED OR BEFORE JOURNAL MISSING Meaning: An attempt has been made to specify the LOCKMARK option for an IDS/II or an TDS file, or a Batch file cannot be opened as the Before Journal is missing. Result: The program will be aborted. Action: Correct the code, or specify the Before Journal. GAC06. ACCESS MUST BE SPREAD OR SPWRITE WITH DEFERRED UPDATES Meaning: A program under TDS has been assigned with SHARE = MONITOR and with an access mode which authorizes sharing, i.e. not SPREAD or SPWRITE. Only deferred update protection has been requested. Result: When an attempt is made to access the program, it will be aborted. Action: Specify the Before Journal, or assign the file in exclusive mode. GAC07. IFN = ifn REPEAT OPTION MISSING Meaning: For Batch steps to be able to lock files using GAC, the REPEAT option must be specified. This was not done. Result: GAC will not be able to be restarted after a deadlock. Action: Specify the REPEAT option. GAC08. IFN = ifn MONITORED FILE IN TDS MUST BE CONTROLLED Meaning: A file which is non-TDS-controlled has been assigned with SHARE = MONITOR. Result: The operation which you requested will not be performed. Action: Either alter the value of SHARE or make the file a controlled file. 18-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 GAC Messages 18.2 GAC01. GAC-EXTENDED MESSAGE DESCRIPTIONS IFN = ifn MAXLOCKCOUNT=n1 IFN = ifn CONFLICT CNT = n2 DEADLOCK CNT = n3 Meaning: Information message, indicating for the specified file: • the number of locks taken for the file (n1). • the number of conflicts of access detected while accessing a CI of the file (n2). • the number of deadlock situations detected while accessing a CI of the file (n3). Result: Too high a value for the counters n2 and n3 may indicate an inadequate organization of the data base. The message is printed each time a monitored file is deassigned. GAC03. IFN =ifn SHARE = MONITOR ONL WITH UFAS DISK FILE Meaning: Assigning the value MONITOR to the SHARE parameter of a file indicates that the sharing of the file is to be controlled by GAC-EXTENDED. GAC-EXTENDED may only be specified for UFAS and IDS/II files. Result: The operation you requested is not performed. Action: Check the file organization. GAC04. IFN =ifn REPEAT OPTION MISSING Meaning: For Batch steps to be able to lock files using GAC-EXTENDED, the REPEAT option must be specified. This has not been done. Result: GAC-EXTENDED will not restart after a deadlock. Action: Specify the REPEAT option. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 18-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory GAC05. IFN =ifn MONITORED FILE IN TDS MUST BE CONTROLLED Meaning: A file which is non-TDS-controlled has been assigned with SHARE = MONITOR. Result: The operation you requested will not be performed. Action: Either alter the value of SHARE or make the file a controlled file. GAC06. BEFORE JOURNAL MISSING Meaning: When GAC-EXTENDED is used to control file sharing, the Before Journal must be specified for each of the files to be shared. Result: A file for which Before journalization has not been specified cannot be shared using GAC-EXTENDED. Action: Specify that the file is to be shared without GAC-EXTENDED, or specify Before journalization for the file. 18-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 19. GCOS 7 Kernel Messages General Environment GCOS 7 Kernel Messages are sent by the GCOS 7 kernel. If this type of message appears, you should contact the Service Center. Message Description The general format of GCOS 7 kernel messages is: GCOS ERROR CODE=xxxxxxxx DATA=xxxx INFO=xxxxxxxx RC=xxxxxxxx JP=xxxx Here is an example of a GCOS 7 kernel message: GCOS ERROR CODE=250C0009 DATA=0301 INFO=87020028 RC=250C1E00 JP=0003 AVAIL 12, IOERR 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 19-1 20. GPL Messages General Environment GPL messages are produced by the GPL Compiler. Message GPL00 just gives information. Messages GPL17 to GPL48 indicate that an incident occurred during the compilation. Pertinent Manuals GPL System Primitives ................................................................................47 A2 34UL GPL Reference Manual ................................................................................47 A2 35UL GPL User's Guide.........................................................................................47 A2 36UL Message Descriptions GPL00. (uu.nn) SUMMARY FOR program-name <error-summary> [NO] CU PRODUCED Meaning: Information message, displayed for each external procedure compiled by the activation of the GPL compiler. The message indicates: • the version of the compiler: uu.nn, • the name of the compiled program, • the summary of detected errors, i.e., the number of errors for each relevant severity level or the phrase NO ERRORS, and whether or not a CU was produced. GPL.K1 ERROR WHEN OPENING THE PRTLIB RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The GPL compiler failed to OPEN the permanent report file for the reason indicated by the return code. The most common user error is: RC=EFNUNKN; the report file specified has not been found on the indicated volume. Result: The compiler proceeds but the listing is produced in the standard SYSOUT. The listing will be deleted after being printed. Action: Correct the JCL if relevant, or contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 20-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory GPL.K2 ERROR WHEN OPENING THE PRTFILE RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The GPL compiler failed to OPEN the permanent report file. The reason is given by the return code. The most common user error is: RC=EFNUNKN: the report file specified has not been found on the indicated volume. Result: The compiler proceeds but the listing is produced in the standard SYSOUT. The listing will be deleted after being printed. Action: Correct the JCL, if relevant, or contact the Service Center. GPL.K3 ERROR WHEN OPENING THE INLIB RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The GPL compiler failed to OPEN the file containing the source program(s) to be compiled. The file can be either a library or an input enclosure. The reason is indicated by the return code. The most common return code is EFNUNKN, which indicates that the library specified in the INLIB parameter of the JCL statement, GPL, has not been found on the specified volume. Result: No compilation is performed. Action: Correct the JCL if relevant, or contact the Service Center. GPL.K4 ERROR WHEN OPENING THE CULIB, OBJECT CODE WILL NOT BE PRODUCED RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The GPL compiler failed to OPEN the library where the produced objects should be stored. The reason is indicated by the return code. Such a message is very unusual when a temporary CU library is used. When a permanent CU library is used, the most common error is: RC=EFNUNKN indicating that the library specified in the CULIB parameter of the JCL statement, GPL, has not been found on the specified volume. Result: The compiler continues processing but it will not generate any Compile Units. Action: Correct the JCL if relevant, or contact the Service Center. GPL.K5 ERROR WHEN PROCESSING SOURCE LIST (BUILD) RC=edited-return-code Meaning: A problem occurred when the compiler attempted to retrieve source member names from the input library. The reason is indicated by the return code. Result: No further compilation is performed. Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. 20-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 GPL Messages GPL.K6 ERROR WHEN OPENING INLIB SUBFILE member-name (OPENS) RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An incident, which may be due to a system error, occurred when the compiler attempted to access a source member from the input library. The reason is indicated by the return code. The most common return code is SFUNKN, which means that the member does not exist. Result: The compilation is aborted. Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. GPL.K7 ERROR WHEN OPENING PRTLIB SUBFILE proc-name_L (OPENS) RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An incident, which may be due to a system error, occurred when the compiler attempted to create the member to receive the listing created by the compilation. Note that the name of the member is derived from the procedure name by adding the "_L" suffix. The reason is indicated by the return code. Result: The listing will be stored in the standard SYSOUT and will be deleted after being printed. Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. GPL.K8 ERROR WHEN CLOSING INLIB SUBFILE member-name (CLOSES) RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An incident occurred at the end of source program reading. The reason is indicated by the return code. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Result: Compilation of the source program continues. Action: Check the compilation was correctly performed and report the problem to the Service Center. GPL.K9 ERROR WHEN CLOSING PRTLIB SUBFILE proc-name_L (CLOSES) RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An incident occurred at the end of creation of the listing in the print library. The reason is indicated by the return code. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Note that the name of the member is derived from the procedure name by adding the "_L" suffix. Result: The listing may be accessible from the print library. At the time of the incident the CU had already been produced (assuming that no serious errors were detected in the source program). Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 20-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory GPL.K10 ERROR WHEN CLOSING CULIB RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An incident, which may be due to a system error, occurred when the compiler attempted to CLOSE the CU library. The return code gives the reason for the incident. Result: The CUs had already been produced and may be accessible in the CU library. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack. Contact the Service Center if necessary. GPL.K12 ERROR WHEN CLOSING INLIB. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An incident, which may be due to a system error, occurred when the compiler attempted to CLOSE the library containing the source programs. The return code gives the reason for the incident. Result: The compiler processing continues. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack. Contact the Service Center if necessary. GPL.K12 ERROR WHEN CLOSING SYSOUT. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An incident, which may be due to a system error, occurred when the compiler attempted to CLOSE the standard SYSOUT containing the report. The return code gives the reason for the incident. Result: This incident occurred at the end of compiler processing when the CUs were already produced. The reports may be accessible and printed. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. Contact the Service Center if necessary. GPL.K12 ERROR WHEN CLOSING PRTLIB. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An incident, which may be due to a system error, occurred when the compiler attempted to CLOSE the report file, or the library specified in the PRTLIB parameter of the JCL, or a sequential file specified in the PRTFILE parameter of the JCL. The return code gives the reason for the incident. Result: This incident occurred at the end of compiler processing when the CUs were already produced. The reports may be accessible and printed. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. Contact the Service Center if necessary. 20-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 GPL Messages GPL.K13 ERROR WHEN WRITING ON SYSOUT (PUT). RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to write a record in the standard SYSOUT containing the report. The reason is indicated by the return code. Such an incident is very unusual and may indicate a system error. Result: Compiling stops. The CU generation phase of the program being processed had already been performed. Message GPL00 in the JOR indicates which CUs were already produced. A partial listing of the program being processed may be accessible. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. Contact the Service Center if necessary. GPL.K13 ERROR WHEN WRITING ON PRTLIB (PUT). RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to write a record in the report file or in the library specified in the PRTLIB parameter, or the sequential file specified in the PRTFILE parameter. The return code indicates the reason for the incident. The return code DATALIM means that the file or library is full and cannot be extended. Remember that: • the PRTFILE is processed in append mode, • in the PRTLIB, the listing of the procedure "procname" is stored in the member "procname_L" and replaces the one created by a previous compilation of "procname". GPL.K14 ERROR WHEN READING member-name FROM INLIB (GET) RC=edited-return-code GPL.A61 ERROR WHEN READING member-name FROM INLIB (GET) Meaning: The compiler was unable to read a source record either from a user library or from the standard SYS.IN library. The reason for the incident is given by the return code. Such an incident is very unusual and may indicate a system error. Result: The member is not compiled control passes to the next one. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. Contact the Service Center, if necessary. GPL.K15 THE SOURCE MEMBER member-name IS EMPTY Meaning: The specified member given as input to the compiler contains no records. Result: Compiling stops. If several compilations were requested, the compiler goes on to the next one. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 20-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory GPL18. OPENS CULIB OLD-MEMBER: member-name. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to access the member containing the old CU version of the program being compiled, to replace it by the new version. The return-code indicates the reason for the incident, which is probably due to a system error. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Refer to message GPL15. GPL19. procname IS ALREADY AN ALIAS IN CULIB. DUPLICATE NAME Meaning: An attempt was made to create a CU when another CU, containing a secondary entry point, already exists in the library with the same name as the procedure being compiled. Example: procedure: P1: PROC; P2: PROC; . . P2: ENTRY . . . END P1; END P2; Procedure P1 is already compiled. In the CU library directory there exist two entries P1 and P2, both entries leading to the same member. P2 is said to be an alias of P1, thus a new member P2 cannot be added to the library. Result: The new CU cannot be created in the library. Action: Use the LIST command of LIBMAINT CU to get the name of the procedure containing the secondary entry point, then rename the new procedure or use a new CU library. GPL20. GET CULIB OLD MEMBER: member-name. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: To replace an old version of the CU by a new one, the compiler reads the old CU. An incident occurred while reading a record. The return code gives the reason for the incident, which is probably due to a system error. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Refer to message GPL15. 20-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 GPL Messages GPL21. PUT CULIB WORK MEMBER: member-name Meaning: The compiler was unable to write a CU record in the CU library. The reason for the incident is given by the return code. The return code DATALIM indicates the CU library is full. Remember that the compiler generates the CU in a work file before replacing the old version of the CU by the new one. Thus enough room must be provided in the CU library to create the work file even when an old version of the CU already exists in the CU library. Result: Compiling stops. The old version of the CU, if it exists, is still available in the CU library. Action: Compile the program again using another CU library, or delete the old CU. If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk and the disk pack supporting the library. GPL22. STOW (ADD) CULIB ALIAS: alias-name TO member name. RC= edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler is processing the GPL program "member-name", and this program contains a secondary entry point named "alias-name". The compiler is trying to store the name of the secondary entry point as an alias of the main entry point, i.e., both names lead to the same CU member in the library directory. An incident occurred, the reason being given by the return code, during this operation. The most common incident is the return code "DUPNAME", meaning that the name of the second entry point already exists in the library directory either as the main entry point or as the second entry point of another procedure. Result: The new CU is created in the library but the name is not cataloged in the directory as an alias of this CU. Action: Use the LIST command of LIBMAINT CU to check the contents of the CU library. GPL23. CLOSES (DELETE) CULIB MEMBER: member-name RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to delete the old version of the CU in the CU library. The reason for the incident is given by the return-code. Such an incident is very unusual and may indicate a system error. Result: The compiler proceeds. Action: Use the LIST command of the LIBMAINT CU to check the contents of the library. If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. Contact the Service Center if necessary. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 20-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory GPL24. CLOSES CULIB WORK MEMBER: member-name. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to CLOSE the CU work member. The reason for the incident is given by the return code. This kind of incident is very unusual and may indicate a system error. Result: The compiler stops. The old version of the CU is available in the CU library. Action: Use the LIST command of the LIBMAINT CU to check the contents of the library. If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. Contact the Service Center if necessary. GPL25. STOW (DELETE) CULIB ALIAS: alias-name OF member name RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An old version of the CU being created exists in the library. The old version of the program had a secondary entry point or data SYMDEF with names cataloged in the CU library as alias names of the main entry point. The compiler is deleting these alias names. An incident occurred while deleting one of these names, the name concerned being specified in the message. The reason for the incident is given by the return code. Result: The compiler proceeds but the alias involved is not deleted from the library directory. Further consequences can be: • the error GPL22 in the same compilation, when the compiler tries to add this name as an alias of the new CU, • the return code ADDROUT at linkage time, when this name is referenced. Action: Use the LIST command of the LIBMAINT CU to check the contents of the library. If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. Contact the Service Center if necessary. GPL26. SOURCE MEMBER EMPTY: member-name Meaning: The specified member, given as input to the compiler, does not contain any record. Result: If several compilations were requested, the compiler proceeds to the next compilation. Action: Check the library contents. GPL27. PUT ON SYSOUT LNERR. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: A record cannot be written in the standard SYSOUT due to a software problem. Result: The compiler proceeds but the current record is not stored in the report file. Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. 20-8 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 GPL Messages GPL27. PUT ON PRTLIB LNERR. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: A record cannot be written in the private SYSOUT specified in the PRTLIB or PRTFILE parameter of the JCL, due to a software problem. Result: The compiler proceeds but the current record is not stored in the report file. Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. GPL28. CHNAME CULIB FROM WORK member-name-1 TO member name-2 RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler has created a new version of a CU, when an old version existed in the library, in a member with a work file name (member-name-1). After deleting the old member, the compiler renames the work member with its actual name (membername-2). An incident, the reason for which is given by the return code, occurred during this operation. Result: Compiling stops. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. Contact the Service Center if necessary. GPL30. VMMACC WORK. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: There was a problem with the management of the virtual memory files used by the compiler; the return-code gives the reason. Such a message indicates a system error. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Contact the Service Center. GPL31. VMFOP WORK. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: There was a problem with the management of the virtual memory files used by the compiler; the return code gives the reason. Such a message indicates a system error. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 20-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory GPL32. VMFCL WORK. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: There was a problem with the management of the virtual memory files used by the compiler; the return code gives the reason. Such a message indicates a system error. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Contact the Service Center. GPL33. OPEN SYSOUT. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to OPEN the standard SYSOUT in order to create the compiler report; the return code gives the reason. Such an error is unusual and may indicate a system error. Result: Compiling stops but the CU is already produced in the CU library. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. Contact the Service Center if necessary. GPL34. PSEGMAX OPTION IS OBSOLETE, USE 'WITHIN' CLAUSE IN SOURCE PROGRAM Meaning: The PSEGMAX option can no longer be used to split code segments automatically. Result: The option is ignored. Action: Use the WITHIN clause in the source program to split segments. GPL35. SEGSIZE FCB.POOL. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: There was a problem with the management of the virtual memory files used by the compiler; the return code gives the reason. Such a message indicates a system error. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Contact the Service Center. GPL36. SOURCE member-name NOT FOUND Meaning: The user asked for compilation of a source program present in the member "member-name", but the member does not exist in the specified source library. Result: If several compilations were required, the compiler proceeds with the next member. Action: Correct the JCL. 20-10 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 GPL Messages GPL37. GET INLIB FOR: member-name. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to read a source record either from a user library or from the standard SYS.IN library; the reason is given by the return code. Such an incident is very unusual and may indicate a system error. Result: Compiling stops. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. Contact the Service Center if necessary. GPL38. SOURCE MEMBER1: member-name NOT IN SSF FORMAT Meaning: The source given in the input to the compiler is not in SSF format; the compiler cannot process the input. This error may occur when an input enclosure is used and no "TYPE" parameter is specified in the $INPUT JCL statement. In this case the system assumes TYPE=DATA Result: Compiling stops. Action: If the source was in an input enclosure, use TYPE=DATASSF or TYPE=GPL in the $INPUT JCL statement. If the source was in a permanent library, use LIBMAINT to create a member in SSF format. GPL39. SOURCE MEMBER: member-name IS NOT IN GPL LANGUAGE Meaning: This is a warning message. The source member given as input to the compiler has neither TYPE=DATASSF nor TYPE=GPL. Result: The compiler proceeds; this may produce strange results if the GPL compiles JCL commands or a COBOL source program. Action: Change the TYPE of the source member, using the LIBMAINT processor. GPL40. PUT SYSOUT. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to write a record in the standard SYSOUT when tracing; the return-code gives the reason. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Contact the Service Center. GPL41. SEGSIZE IN DEBUG. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: A system problem occurred during the compilation. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 20-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory GPL42. TYPE OF INLIB SHOULD BE SL Meaning: The library given as input to the compiler is not a source language library. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Check the JCL and correct it if relevant. GPL43. TYPE OF CULIB SHOULD BE CU Meaning: The library specified in the CULIB parameter is not a Compile Unit library. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Check the JCL and correct it if relevant. GPL44. TYPE OF PRTLIB SHOULD BE SL Meaning: The library specified in the PRTLIB parameter is not a source language library. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Check the JCL and correct it if relevant. GPL45. PROCESSING OF proc-name: COMPILER GIVES UP IN phase-name Meaning: Information message, displayed when a compilation is stopped. This message indicates: • the name of the program which was being processed: procname, • in which phase of compilation the processing was stopped: phase-name. Another message in the JOR, or in the report, usually says why the processing has been suspended. GPL46. PROCESSING OF proc-name: COMPILER ABORTS IN: phase-name Meaning: This message is displayed when the compiler is aborted due to an internal error; the message indicates: • the name of the program which was being processed: proc-name, • in which phase of compilation the compiler aborted: phase-name Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. 20-12 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 GPL Messages GPL47. VMM TABLE OVERFLOW Meaning: A internal compiler problem occurred in the management of virtual memory working files. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. GPL48. UPDATE: ERRONEOUS LENGTH Meaning: A internal compiler problem occurred in the management of virtual memory working files. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 20-13 21. IL Messages General Environment IL messages are produced during an Initial System Load session. Message Description IL21. ERROR DURING LAST SESSION ON efn : volname Meaning: During the last GCOS session an I/O error occurred on the system file indicated in the message (SYS.BKSTi, SYS.LIBi, SYS.PVMFi or SYS.TVMFi). In automatic mode, this message is followed by IL72 AUTO MODE STOPPED. Action: At the following IL01 you have to modify the list of system files in order to replace the damaged file and restart the system with RESTORE, RESTART (CLEAN). Type: I. Destination: Main operator. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 21-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory IL72. AUTO MODE STOPPED: CRASH TIME LIMIT (1) IL72. AUTO MODE STOPPED (2) Meaning: (1) Two crashes occurred within the time interval specified by the REPEAT command or within 60 minutes if REPEAT (OFF) has been specified in the IL01 options. (2) An I/O error occurred on a system file during the last GCOS session. The message is preceded by IL21. Action: (1) Wait for a display of question IL01. (2) See message IL21. Type: I. Destination: Main operator. 21-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 22. IN Messages General Environment IN messages are produced by the input reader component of the system. The messages may appear either in the Job Introduction and Translation Report, when the job has been submitted, or in the Job Execution Report when the job has been submitted by a RUN JCL statement. Pertinent Manuals JCL Reference Manual .................................................................................47 A2 11UJ JCL User's Guide .........................................................................................47 A2 12UJ Message Descriptions IN00 ron proc-name error-description. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An error condition has been specified to the procedure specified while calling a system primitive; the return code gives the reason for the error. This message normally indicates a system error, but return code EFNUNKN may indicate a user error, for example, when the file specified in a $SWINPUT or $INPUT JCL statement does not exist on the specified volume. Result: Job reading is stopped. Action: Check the JCL, contact the Service Center, if necessary. IN01 IN01 ron IN jnm USER=usernm CLASS=jclass SPR=spr STATION=stnm ron HOLD jnm USER=usernm CLASS=jclass SPR=spr STATION=stnm (01) (02) Meaning: (01) A job has been introduced to the system. (02) The job was put into HOLD after translation and will not be started until a RELEASE_JOB command is issued or another job executes a RELEASE JCL statement. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 22-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory IN10 OUTLIB: NOT READY AT INTRODUCTION TIME Meaning: An input stream, submitted by the JCL statement, RUN, contains a $DATA statement which specifies a receiving library on a volume which was not mounted when the RUN statement was executed. Result: The data enclosure is not entered. Action: Try again, after mounting the requested volume. IN11 OUTLIB: RESOURCE BUSY Meaning: An input stream, submitted by the JCL statement, RUN, contains a DATA statement which specifies a receiving library which was being used by another job when the RUN statement was executed. Result: The data enclosure is not entered. Action: Retry later. IN12 LAST JOB SELECTED NOT FOUND Meaning: The JCL statement, RUN, specified job selection (JOB parameter) and the last job to be selected has not been found in the input file. Result: All the jobs, starting from the first job selected (if specified) up to the last job in the input file, have been selected. Action: Check the RUN statement and the input file. 22-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 IN Messages IN13 {CR } ron JOB READING STOPPED {END} Meaning: Execution of the RUN statement has been stopped by operator intervention: either by a Cancel Request command or by a TERMINATE_SYSTEM command. Result: Only jobs read before the execution of the command are entered. IN14 {INPUT ERROR } JOB READING STOPPED: {JOB MAX NUMBER } {ENDJOB COMMAND FOUND} Meaning: The execution of the RUN statement has been stopped for the reason specified in the message: INPUT ERROR means the input file was a dummy file, JOB MAX NUMBER means the limit on the number of jobs known by the system was reached, ENDJOB COMMAND FOUND means THAT THE $ENDJOB JCL statement was found, but there was no $JOB JCL statement. IN15 INPUT FILE UNKNOWN Meaning: The file specified in the JCL statement, RUN, has not been found on the specified volume. Result: No job is introduced. Action: Check the JCL statement, RUN,. IN17 nn RECORDS BETWEEN JOBS Meaning: Several records in the input file have been found outside a job enclosure ($JOB and $ENDJOB) or a data enclosure. This message may appear when errors have been discovered in a $JOB JCL statement, causing the statement to be ignored. Result: Only the valid job descriptions or data entry descriptions are entered. Action: Check the input file. IN20 ron SWITCHED FILE: NOT READY AT INTRODUCTION TIME Meaning: The input file, read by the JCL statement, RUN,, contains a $SWINPUT statement which refers to a file or a volume that was not mounted at job introduction time. Result: The job which contains the $SWINPUT statement is not entered. Action: Mount the volume and re-enter the job. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 22-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory IN21 ron SWITCHED FILE: RESOURCE BUSY AT INTRODUCTION TIME Meaning: The input file, read by the JCL statement, RUN,, contains a $SWINPUT statement which refers to a file or volume being used by another job at job introduction time. Result: The job which contains the $SWINPUT statement is not entered. Action: Retry later. IN27 INPUT RECORD SIZE MAY BE TOO LARGE Meaning: The file specified in the JCL statement, RUN, has a record size greater than 1024 and cannot be accepted by the reader. Action: Check that the correct file was specified. IN31 NO JOB INTRODUCED Meaning: The execution of the JCL statement, RUN, did not result in a job being introduced. This may occur, for example, when the RUN statement specified job selection ("JOBS"= parameter) and the first job has not been found in the input file. Action: Check the JCL statement, RUN, and the input file contents. 22-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 23. JB Messages General Environment JB messages are produced by the Job Management component of the system, responsible for sequencing of jobs and job steps. Pertinent Manuals JCL Reference Manual .................................................................................47 A2 11UJ JCL User's Guide .........................................................................................47 A2 12UJ Message Descriptions JB00. code Meaning: System error. The code gives the detailed reason for the error. The code will be between 00 and 04 inclusive. Action: Contact the Service Center. JB03. code Meaning: System error while accessing JCL in translated format. The code gives the detailed reason for the error. It will be from 00 to 03 inclusive. Action: Contact the Service Center. JB09.00 Meaning: System error. Indicates that a request to the timer cannot be deleted. A following message, JB40, may appear in the JOR and should be ignored. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 23-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory JB10.01 Meaning: System error while accessing a pre-initialized load module. Action: Contact the Service Center. JB11. WRJOR LIMIT OVERFLOW Meaning: The maximum number of user messages allowed in the JOR was reached. This limit is defined at CONFIG time. Result: The user messages which follow are lost, but the system messages are still printed in the JOR. The job processing is not affected. JB14. STEP HAS BEEN DECLARED NOT REPEATABLE BY PROGRAM Meaning: The user's program forbids a potential repeat of the current step after it has aborted. The operator is not asked whether she or he wants the step to be repeated or not. JB14. SUBFILENAME: cli-name UNKNOWN Meaning: System error during the GET of an input-enclosure. Action: Contact the Service Center. JB15. JOB MANAGEMENT INTERNAL ERROR code Meaning: System error while accessing a system file. The code give the detailed reason for the error. Action: Contact the Service Center. 23-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 JB Messages JB20. RESOURCE NOT AVAILABLE NOW: resource-identification Meaning: This message is related to an IOF terminal. It appears during the step initiation phase and is intended to warn the IOF operator that his request cannot be satisfied. Resources that may be involved are the same as for RS04 (see the Console Messages Directory). If the resource is released before the message is displayed on the console, or if it is a migrated file and ARS is active on the site, the resource is not identified and the second part of the message is "RETRY LATER" Result: The step initiation is aborted and the "S:" prompt is sent to the terminal. Action: Try again later. JB30. RELEASE JOB: job-id NOT FOUND Meaning: A RELEASE JCL command specified a job which is not known by the system. Result: No job is released. Action: Check the job-id specified in the RELEASE command or check that the specified job has been entered into the system. JB40. TIMER REQUEST UNKNOWN Meaning: System error: a time out event occurred concerning a job/step unknown to the system. Action: Contact the Service Center. JB50. Unable to ASSIGN lm-lib-name edited-return-code Meaning: Message issued at lm loading time. Result: Fatal for current action. Action: Analyze return code value 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 23-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory JB51. {lm-name } {lm-lib-name} NOT FOUND Meaning: Message issued at step initiation time when: • either the load module to be executed cannot be found in the specified library • or the specified library containing the load module to be executed cannot be found on the volume. Result: The step is aborted. Action: Check the JCL statement, STEP. JB52. VOLUME CONTAINING lm-lib-name NOT AVAILABLE This message is issued at step initiation time when the operator refused to mount the volume to support the library containing the load module to be executed. The reason for the problem may be: • user error on volume specification: the indicated volume does not exist • the volume is not available (e.g. broken). JB53. UNABLE TO OPEN lm-lib-name. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: System error. The message is issued at step initiation time, when the library containing the load module to be executed cannot be opened. The return-code gives the reason for the error. Result: The step is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. JB54. LOAD MODULE NAME MISMATCH-ACTUAL NAME=lm-name Meaning: The load module identification, found in the member of the library, does not match with the load module name from the JCL statement, STEP,. This error arises, for example, when the library specified in the STEP statement is not a load module library but a source library. Result: The step is aborted. Action: Check the JCL statement, STEP. Contact the Service Center if necessary. 23-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 JB Messages JB55. UNABLE TO READ LOAD MODULE Meaning: System error, probably due to an incorrect load module format. Result: The step is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. JB56. UNABLE TO CLOSE LOAD MODULE Meaning: System error, possibly due to an I/O error. Action: Check the disk pack and disk drive supporting the file. JB57. REQUESTED NUMBER OF ACTIVE PROCESSES/AMOUNT OF MEMORY EXCEEDS CAPACITY OF SYSTEM Meaning: The step requests more resources than are available in the system; e.g., a JCL statement, SIZE, indicates a memory size greater than the size of the system memory. Result: The step is aborted. Action: Reduce the requested number of processes or increase the amount of memory space. JB58. CHECKING OF VACANT ENTRIES NOT AVAILABLE Meaning: System error. Action: Contact the Service Center. JB59. {STEP INITIALIZATION KILLED SEV 5 RC = (Return Code)} {STEP INITIALIZATION ABORTED SEV 3 RC= (Return Code)} {STEP INITIALIZATION ABORTED SEV 7 RC= (Return Code)} Meaning: The step initialization has been killed or aborted. Result: The reason is given by the return-code. JB60. UNABLE TO DEFINE SYSOUT FOR {DUMP } {DEBUG} RC=edited-return-code Meaning: System error. The report for DUMP or Program Checkout facility cannot be defined. Result: The DEBUG or DUMP option is deleted. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 23-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory JB61. WARNING: ACCESS RIGHTS ON LM-DUMP AND DEBUG DENIED Meaning: This message is issued at process-group initialization when the user has only the execution right on the Load Module. The DUMP option requires the read right and the DEBUG option requires both the read and write rights. Result: The DUMP and DEBUG options are deleted. JB65.0201 Meaning: This message does not appear on the JOR, but the message key appears in the reason field of the access right violation records in the accounting file. An explanation of the reason field is given in the section on I/O completion codes in this manual. In this case, the reason field means that the user attempted to execute a preinitialized load module without having the EXECUTE right on that module. 23-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 24. JP Messages General Environment The After Journal sends JP messages. JP messages occur either during execution of a user step using the After Journal or during execution of the MAINTAIN_JAS utility. Pertinent Manuals File Recovery Facilities User's Guide........................................................... 47 A2 37UF GCOS 7 System Administrator's Manual ..................................................... 47 A2 54US Message Descriptions JP22 jas_name: THE jas_name.JADIR DIRECTORY FILE IS ALMOST FULL. ANY NEW JOURNALIZING ACTION WILL ABORT. DELETE IT AND CREATE IT LARGER. Meaning: The After Journal has detected that its directory is almost full and may no longer ensure file integrity. See Note. No new File Recovery Unit can start, but all those currently executing will terminate normally. Any attempt to open a user file will be rejected. Action: First try to purge the directory file of obsolete information through the MNJAS commands TRANSFER and FORGET_USER_FILE. If still not successful, stop the steps using the After Journal and recreate a larger JAS Directory: • enter the command MNJAS jas_name COMMAND=DELETE to delete the After Journal, • then recreate it with a larger JADIR_SIZE, using MNJAS command CREATE. Journalization can then resume. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 24-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory The utilities ROLLFWD and DUMPJRNL cannot execute on After Images logged before this operation. So before deleting the JAS, run FILSAVE on each protected active user file and run DUMPJRNL for each active TDS. NOTE: JP23 If the jasname.JADIR file is expandable, an extent is automatically created and no JP22 message appears. jasname: THE jasname.JADIR DIRECTORY FILE IS ALMOST FULL. STEP REJECTED. Meaning: The After Journal detected that its SYS.JADIR file is almost full. The After Journal may not be able to assure file integrity. Create a new SYS.JADIR before starting a new journalizing step. Action: None. Destination of the message: JOR of the starting step. JP33 JP33 jasname: WARNING: POSSIBLE PREDATING LAST RECORDED AFTER JOURNAL DATE: date or time JOURNALIZATION IS WAITING FOR OPERATOR DECISION (01) jasname: WARNING: POSSIBLE POSTDATING LAST RECORDED AFTER JOURNAL DATE: date or time JOURNALIZATION IS WAITING FOR OPERATOR DECISION (02) Meaning: Message (01): after journalization starts, and the date or time is before the last date recorded for the After Journal. Question JP31 is simultaneously sent to the operator. Message (02): after journalization starts, and one working day has expired without journalizing in the After Journal. Question JP32 is simultaneously sent to the operator. The person who submitted the job receives this message. This person should contact the operator to confirm his/her decision to abort or not abort the current step. The person who submitted the job cannot make the decision alone because, if the current step is predated, there will be no control for all the steps using the After Journal. Action: The person who submitted the job should contact the operator to decide what to do about the current step. (Refer to the questions asked in messages JP31 and JP32). Journalization cannot start before answering the question. Destination of the message: The person who submitted the job or the JOR. JP34 24-2 jasname: PREDATING OR POSTDATING HAS OCCURRED. STEP ABORTED BY OPERATOR. (01) 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 JP Messages JP34 jasname: PREDATING HAS OCCURRED. JOURNALIZATION FORCED BY OPERATOR. FUTURE ROLLFORWARDS ARE NOT GUARANTEED. (02) Meaning: Message (01): The operator answered NO to question JP31 or JP32. Message (02): The operator answered YES to question JP31. Action: None. Destination of the message: Submitter of the job or the JOR of the current step. JP36 jasname: efn THE DATE OF THIS SAVE HAS NOT BEEN RECORDED IN THE JAS FOR SECURITY AND PROTECTION PURPOSE. THE PRIVATE CATALOG OF THIS FILE MUST BE ATTACHED WITHOUT DEVCLASS, MEDIA SPECIFICATION. Meaning: The file being saved is cataloged in a private catalog. There is already a journalized file which has the same file and catalog name. Since the rules for journalization and FILSAVE are not respected, the system cannot determine whether the file being saved is the one already known to the JAS jasname. The save date is not recorded in the jasname After Journal, so : • no automatic cycling is performed for the journal files, • the oldest save date known by the jasname After Journal is not modified. Action: None. Destination of the message: JOR of the FILSAVE utility. JP37 jasname: efn SAVE DATE RECORDED IN THE JAS IS date Meaning: The specified file, journalized in AFTER mode, has been successfully saved. The date is given, to the nearest millisecond, in the format: HH.MM.SS.mSmSmS Month Day Year This save date is used as input to the ROLLFWD utility if you do not use the AUTOCYCLE option. If you specify the AUTOCYCLE option for the JAS, journal files will be automatically recycled after the save, if the saved file was the oldest file known by the JAS. Action: None. Destination of the message: JOR of the FILSAVE utility. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 24-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory JP38 jasname: efn ERROR IN SYSTEM DATE. SAVE DATE CANNOT BE RECORDED. Meaning: The date on which the file was saved is earlier than the last jasname After Journal date. The file save aborts. Action: None. Destination of the message: JOR of the FILSAVE utility. JP46 JP46 JP46 JP46 jasname1: JOURNALIZATION CANNOT BE PERFORMED. jasname2 JAS IS NOT AVAILABLE ON THIS SYSTEM. (01) jasname1: JOURNALIZATION CANNOT BE PERFORMED. jasname2.JADIR FILE DIRECTORY IS NOT ALLOCATED. (02) jasname1: JOURNALIZATION CANNOT BE PERFORMED. THE SYSTEM AFTER JOURNAL IS DAMAGED. PLEASE CONTACT THE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR. (03) jasname1: JOURNALIZATION CANNOT BE PERFORMED. GR4. (04) Meaning: Message (01): At the start of the step, neither jasname2 JAS nor the SYS JAS is available and the step aborts. Action (01): Create the JAS requested. Meaning: Message (02): At the start of the step, jasname2.JASDIR has not been allocated or cataloged in the catalog jasname2.CATALOG and the step aborts. Action (02): Allocate jasname2 and catalog it in jasname2.CATALOG. Meaning: Message (03): Applies to the SYS JAS. Action (03): Run JRU. Meaning: Message (04): System error. Action (04): Run the PRLOG utility to print the ERLOG file. If the message persists, contact your service center Destination of the message (all variants): JOR of the step. 24-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 JP Messages JP47 jasname1: journalization cannot be performed. THE AFTER JOURNAL IS DAMAGED. THE STEP JRU HAS BEEN LAUNCHED. CHECK IT IS SUCCESSFUL. (01) JP47 jasname1: journalization cannot be performed. IMPOSSIBLE TO ACCESS jasname.JADIR DIRECTORY FILE. (02) Meaning: A step has begun a journalization session on a non-private JAS: (01) when the After Journal is damaged (02) when it is impossible to access the JAS directory. Action: (01) The JRU step has been launched but a TDS session, or the opening of file for a batch/IOF session, is rejected with JAP 5 DAMAGED. Try again once JRU is completed. If JRU is not successful, launch the REBUILD command of MNJAS to recover the JAS integrity. (02) Make the JAS directory accessible and repeat the action. JP51 OPEN REJECTED FOR efn USER FILE PROTECTED BY jasname1 JAS STEP ALREADY CONNECTED TO SWITCHABLE jasname2 JAS. jasname1 JAS IS NOT STARTED. STEP ALREADY CONNECTED TO HA jasname2 JAS. STEP IS WORKING ON SYS JAS. TDS IS NOT CONNECTED TO THIS JAS. (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) Meaning: An attempt has been made to open the user file efn when one of the rules for using the JAS is not respected: (01): The step is connected to a switchable JAS. Only files protected by this JAS may be opened. The step may only successfully open the efn protected by the switchable JAS jasname1 when JAS jasname2 becomes unswitchable. (02): JAS jasname1 must be started before the step can open the user file. (03): The step is connected to BLUE JAS and tries to use a file protected by GREEN JAS or vice versa. The user file must be protected by the same JAS as that to which the step is connected. (04): The step uses files protected by SYS JAS and now attempts to open a file protected by switchable JAS jasname1. The step may only successfully open the efn protected by the JAS jasname1 when this JAS becomes unswitchable. (05): TDS tries to open a user file protected by JAS jasname1 whereas it was declared at CRCXGEN as protected by another JAS. Action: Ensure the above conditions are satisfied. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 24-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory JP52 OPEN REJECTED FOR efn USER FILE BECAUSE ITS CATALOG FILE IS NOT CATALOGED IN SITE.CATALOG. IS LINKED TO A HA JAS AND HAS NOT AUTO-ATTACH OPTION. (01) (02) Meaning: An attempt is made to open a user file efn whose catalog checks are not satisfied. The conditions for which the catalog is not valid are: (01): The catalog concerned is not cataloged in the SITE.CATALOG. (02): The catalog of the user file is linked to an HA-type JAS and is not auto-attachable. Action: (01): Ensure that the SITE.CATALOG contains the catalog. (02): Ensure that this catalog is auto-attachable before retrying opening the file. JP53 JP53 OPEN REJECTED FOR efn USER FILE. CONNECTION TO SYS JAS NOT DONE AT STEP INITIATION. (01) OPEN REJECTED FOR efn USER FILE. SYS JAS NOT AVAILABLE ON THIS SITE. (02) Meaning: When the efn user file opened, the After Journal was unavailable for the step. Message (01): the After Journal is unavailable because it must be known at step initiation. If the step needs to use at least one file protected in AFTER mode, you must assign a file cataloged with JOURNAL = AFTER or BOTH statically for this step, or include a JCL command DEFINE JOURNAL = AFTER or BOTH. Message (02): the After Journal was not created or an incident occurred when the system restarted. In the latter case, the MAIN operator receives message JP41. Action: (01) If at least one file needed by the step is protected by the After Journal, it must: • either be statically assigned and cataloged with JOURNAL=AFTER or BOTH, • or include the JCL command DEFINE with JOURNAL=AFTER or BOTH. If at least one file needed by the step, is protected by the Before Journal, it must: • either be statically assigned and cataloged with JOURNAL=BEFORE or BOTH, • or include the JCL command DEFINE with JOURNAL=BEFORE or BOTH. Action: (02) Create SYS JAS. If JP41 was printed at system restart, make the SYS JAS Directory available and activate JRU. 24-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 JP Messages JP56 OPEN REJECTED FOR efn USER FILE BECAUSE ITS CATALOG FILE IS LINKED TO A PRIVATE JAS AND HAS NOT AUTO-ATTACH OPTION Meaning: The step has attempted to open a user file whose catalog is linked to a nonHA private JAS and which is not auto-attachable. Action: Make the catalog auto-attachable before reopening the file. JP57 OPEN REJECTED FOR efn USER FILE PROTECTED BY jasname JAS. ONLY SYS JAS IS SUPPORTED ON THIS SYSTEM. Meaning: An attempt is made to open a user file whose catalog is linked to a non-HA Private JAS when the marketing identifiers "3JAS" or "HA" have not been installed. Action: Link the catalog of the user file to SYS JAS through the LINK command of MNJAS, or install a marketing identifier that allows the use of a Private JAS. JP61 jasname: DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD NOT SUCCESSFUL FOR ron Meaning: This message is sent when a TDS is rolled forward dynamically: • either at TDS abort, • or at system restart. See JP63, JP64, JP65 or JP66. Some user files using Deferred Updates may remain unstable. Action: Execute the utility FILREST followed by ROLLFWD for each file concerned. JP62 jasname: efn USER FILE DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD SUCCESSFUL, ROLLED FORWARD RECORDS = n Meaning: Dynamic rollforward was successful. Action: None. Destination of the message: JOR of the concerned TDS. JP63 jasname: DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD CANNOT BE PERFORMED. [return code] Meaning: It is impossible to create the resources (segment, file, etc.) for a dynamic rollforward. Action: Execute the utility FILREST followed by ROLLFWD for each file concerned. Destination of the message: JOR of the concerned TDS. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 24-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory JP64 jasname: DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD FAILURE, READ ERROR ON JOURNAL FILES. Meaning: The dynamic rollforward mechanism cannot read the After Journal Files. The system does not know which file or TDS is involved. Action: Execute the utility FILREST followed by ROLLFWD for each file concerned. Destination of the message: JOR of the concerned TDS. JP65 JP65 JP65 JP65 jasname: efn USER FILE DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD NOT PERFORMED. UNABLE TO CREATE A FD FOR THIS FILE : [return code] (01) jasname: efn USER FILE DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD NOT PERFORMED. UNABLE TO ASSIGN THIS FILE : [return code] (02) jasname: efn USER FILE DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD NOT PERFORMED. UNABLE TO OPEN THIS FILE : [return code] (03) jasname: efn USER FILE DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD NOT PERFORMED. DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD CANCELLED BY OPERATOR. (04) Meaning: The dynamic rollforward cannot be performed because of one of the following: • the system cannot create a file descriptor - message (01), • the system cannot assign the user file - message (02), • the system cannot open the file - message (03), • the operator cancelled a request for mounting the disk volume supporting the file - message (04). Action: Execute the utility FILREST followed by ROLLFWD for each file concerned. Destination of the message: JOR of the concerned TDS. 24-8 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 JP Messages JP66 jasname: efn USER FILE DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD NOT SUCCESSFUL, ROLLED FORWARD RECORDS = n NUMBER OF ERRORS = m (01) JP66 jasname: efn USER FILE DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD NOT SUCCESSFUL, ROLLED FORWARD RECORDS = n UNABLE TO CLOSE THIS FILE. return code (02) Meaning: (01): errors occurred while applying an After Image to the specified file. (02): no errors occurred while applying After Images to the file, but it was impossible to close the file. The file remains unstable. Action: Execute the utility FILREST followed by ROLLFWD for each file concerned. Destination of the message: JOR of the concerned TDS. JP78 jasname: STOP STRONG REQUESTED FOR THIS JAS. ABORT OF THE STEP IS REQUESTED. NOTE: This message applies only to GCOS 7 HA. Meaning: The JAS jasname terminates after a CMSC command TSRV STRONG or after a timeout. All steps using this JAS receive the return code ABORTPG when journalization is attempted. The JAS effectively terminates when all steps have aborted. If the step is connected to the JAS without journalization, you need only disconnect it from the JAS which will be obtained when it has deassigned all files protected by this JAS. Action: Terminate or disconnect the step. Destination of the message: JOR of all the steps using the JAS. JP91 jasname:STEP NOT REPEATED BECAUSE IT IS WORKING WITH A HA JAS. NOTE: This message applies only to GCOS 7 HA. Meaning: The system restarts and the steps can be repeated. At GCOS READY, the Complex Management ServiCe (CMSC) restarts the HA JAS either on the same member or on the other member of the complex. TDS steps managed by CMSC automatically start on the correct member. Users must restart other batch and IOF steps and TDSs not managed by CMSC, after the used JAS restarts. Action: None. Destination of the message: JOR of all concerned jobs. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 24-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory JP93 jasname: COMMAND TRANSFER WAITS FOR n DEVICE(S) devclass Meaning: This message is sent to the administrator's JOR and console if he/she is connected. The MNJAS step is suspended until the necessary resources have been freed. If the command was sent in IOF, a break will stop the step wait and interrupt the command. The JAS for which the TRANSFER command came is specified. If the transfer is done on dual copy of the secondaries, "n" will have a value of "1" or "2" depending on the number of devices unavailable. If not, "n" will equal 1. The devclass of the device to be freed is given. Action: Ensure that an operator releases the necessary resources. 24-10 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 25. LD Messages General Environment LD messages are produced by the loader component of the system which loads the modules into the backing store before execution. Pertinent Manuals JCL Reference Manual .................................................................................47 A2 11UJ JCL User's Guide .........................................................................................47 A2 12UJ LD01. RETURN CODE FOUND DURING PROCESSING RC = edited-return-code Meaning: An abnormal situation was encountered when the load module was loaded; the message usually indicates a system error. Result: The step is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. LD02. ERRONEOUS ENTRY SEGMENT STE RC = edited-return-code Meaning: An illegal segment number was specified for the entry segment of the shared module at shared module creation. Result: Loading is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. LD03. LOAD MODULE PRIOR TO 1C RELEASE (COMPATIBILITY MAY NOT BE ENSURED) Meaning: Load Module belongs to a previous release. Result: Loading proceeds. Action: Relink the Load Module. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 25-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory LD04. POTENTIAL INCOMPATIBILITY WITH FUTURE HARDWARE (STN 4) Meaning: Warning message. Result: Loading proceeds. Action: Relink the Load Module. LD10. EXCEPTION class-type exception-name (parameters) IN j-number.p-number AT ADDRESS address Meaning: An exception has occurred during loading. Result: Loading is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. LD30. LOAD MODULE INCOMPATIBLE WITH HARDWARE: COMPILE AND LINK AGAIN Meaning: The load module is not compatible with the hardware. Scientific compatibility does not exist on your computer. Result: Loading is aborted. Action: Compile and link again. LD31. YOUR PROGRAM NEEDS A VERY LARGE SEGMENT AND THIS CAPABILITY DOES NOT EXIST ON YOUR COMPUTER Meaning: The very large segment is not accepted on your computer. Result: Loading is aborted. Action: Compile and link again. LD40. ERROR DURING THE LOADING OF THE CLONES OF THE TASK <task-number> Meaning: An abnormal situation occurred when a load module is loaded. Error message LD01 if there is an abnormal return code, or LD10 if an exception occurs, identifies the problem. Result: Loading is aborted. Action: Contact the Service Center. LD41. PROCESS <inf-process-number> TO <sup-process-number> HAVE BEEN GENERATED FROM THE LINKER TASK <task-number> Result: Cloning is performed. 25-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 26. LK Messages LK messages are produced by the static linker utility. Pertinent Manuals LINKER User's Guide .................................................................................. 47 A2 10UP Message Descriptions LK00. (100.00) SUMMARY FOR output-module-name [error summary] [NO] OUTPUT MODULE PRODUCED Meaning: Information message displayed for each output module to be created as either a load module or a TPR executable module; it indicates • the version of the linker: 100.00, • the name of the output module, • the summary of detected errors, i.e., the number of errors for each severity, • whether or not the output module was produced. LK00. (100.00) fatal-error-message-text Meaning: This message is displayed when a fatal error has been detected and gives the reason for the error. Refer to the LINKER User's Guide for a full description of the message text. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 26-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory LK32.01 UNABLE TO OPEN SYSOUT. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The linker failed to OPEN the report file. As a general rule such a message is very uncommon when the standard SYSOUT file is used. For a permanent SYSOUT file, the most common cases are: • RC = EFNUNKN: the external file name has not been found on the specified volume. In this case, check the file name and media description. • RC = IOFAIL: an I/O failure occurred during the OPEN; the volume supporting the file may be damaged. Result: The linkage is not performed. Action: Correct JCL if relevant or contact the Service Center. LK32.02 UNABLE TO CLOSE SYSOUT. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The linker failed to CLOSE the report file. The reason is given by the return code. Result: The linkage has been performed. Action: Contact the Service Center. LK32.03 ERROR 231 PRTLIB IS NOT A SL LIBRARY Meaning: The library specified in PRTLIB parameter is not of SL type. Result: Linkage is not performed. Action: Check the JCL statement, LINKER. LK41.01 UNABLE TO WRITE ON SYSOUT. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The linker failed to write a record in the report file. As a general rule, such a message is very uncommon when the standard SYSOUT file is used. When a permanent SYSOUT file is used, the most common case is RC mnemonic = DATALIM: the end of file has been reached; in that case your permanent SYSOUT is full. When the PRTFILE parameter is used, the file is processed in append mode. Result: Some linkage may have been performed; consult the message LK00 in JOR and the linkage report. 26-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 27. LH Messages General Environment LH messages are produced by the Storage Manager. Pertinent Manuals Administering the Storage Manager............................................................. 47 A2 36UF LH02. ron WAITS FOR TEMPORARY FILE SPACE Meaning: The job is waiting for temporary file space on a list of volumes which contains at least one resident volume. Action: Wait for the space to become available, or issue a break command ($*$BRK) to display the LH04 message (see below). You can also change one or several resident disks from NTEMP to TEMP, so that the required temporary file space becomes available. The result of this action depends on the size of the temporary file that the system is trying to allocate, and the amount of space on the resident disks that are not NTEMP. Type: I, R Destination: Generic, Specific LH04. WAIT FOR TEMPORARY SPACE: CANCEL OR WAIT (DEFAULT) Meaning: The operator has issued a break command ($*$BRK) after receiving an LH02 or LH06 message. This message is sent during IOF sessions only. Action: Reply WAIT, W, wait, w, or nothing, to carry on waiting for temporary space. Reply CANCEL, CAN, C, cancel, can, or c, to cancel the job. Type: R Destination: Specific (user) 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 27-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory LH05. SPACE MANAGEMENT ACTION FORBIDDEN ON volnm, VOLUME IS BEING REFILLED Meaning: File allocation or deallocation has been attempted on the mirrored pair volnm, while it is being refilled. This is not allowed. Action: Wait until refilling is competed, and then restart the allocation/deallocation. Type: R Destination: Specific (user) LH06. ron WAITS FOR TEMPORARY FILESPACE ON VOLSET volsetnm Meaning: The job is waiting for temporary file space on volsetnm. Action: Wait for temporary file space to become available, or issue a break command ($*$BRK) to display the LH04 message (see above). Type: I, R Destination: Generic, Specific LH07. ron WAITS FOR PERMANENT FILE SPACE ON VOLSET volsetnm Meaning: The job is waiting for permanent file space on volsetnm. Action: Wait for file space to become available, or issue a break command ($*$BRK) to display the LH08 message (see below). Type: I, R Destination: Generic, Specific LH08. WAIT FOR PERMANENT SPACE: CANCEL OR WAIT (DEFAULT)? Meaning: The operator has issued a break command ($*$BRK) after receiving an LH07 or LH09 message. This message is sent during IOF sessions only. Action: Reply WAIT, W, wait, w, or nothing, to carry on waiting for temporary space. Reply CANCEL, CAN, C, cancel, can, or c, to cancel the job. Type: R Destination: Specific (user) 27-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 LH Messages LH09. ron WAITS FOR PERMANENT FILE SPACE Meaning: The job is waiting for permanent file space on a list of volumes which contains at least one resident volume. Action: Wait for file space to become available, or issue a break command ($*$BRK) to display the LH08 message (see above). Type: I, R Destination: Generic, Specific 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 27-3 28. MAC Messages General Environment MAC messages are produced by MACPROC, when it is activated for the processing of GPL primitives. Pertinent Manuals GPL User's Guide.........................................................................................47 A2 36UL MACPROC Reference Manual .....................................................................47 A2 70UL MACPROC User's Guide..............................................................................47 A2 71UL Message Descriptions MAC00(uu.nn) SUMMARY FOR input_unit_name [error_summary] [NO |INCOMPLETE] OUTPUT PRODUCED [,n DEF PROCESSED |STORED] Meaning: Information message displayed for each unit processed. The message indicates: • the version uu.nn of MACPROC, • the name of the source (member of a library or unit of a sequential file), • the summary of errors detected, i.e. the number of errors of each relevant severity level, • whether or not an output unit was produced, • the number of internal prototypes (DEF) processed or stored in a permanent library, if any. MAC01. SILENT OPTION IS INEFFECTIVE IN BATCH MODE Meaning: Observation message only. Incorrect SILENT option in JCL. Result: Processing continues. Action: Do not use the SILENT option in Batch mode. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 28-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MACO3. TYPE OF OUTLIB SHOULD BE SL Meaning: The specified output library is not a source library. Result: Processing stops. No unit is processed. Action: Check the library name specified in the OUTLIB parameter. Reallocate a type SL library with the GCL command BUILD_LIBRARY if relevant. MAC04. TYPE SHOULD BE BIN FOR STORE: store_file_efn Meaning: The specified library to store macro prototypes is not of the expected type. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: Check the library name specified in the STORE parameter; reallocate a library of type BIN using the BUILD_LIBRARY command if relevant. MAC05. TYPE SHOULD BE BIN FOR RETRIEVE n retrieve_file_efn Meaning: The nth specified retrieve library is not of the expected type. Result: Processing stops. No unit is processed. Action: Check the library name(s) specified in the RETRIEVE parameter. MAC06. CRFD NO MORE SPACE TO LOCATE IFN FOR RETRIEVE n RC=edited_return_code Meaning: There is a problem of file management for the nth specified retrieve library. Too many retrieve libraries have been specified, or a system error has occurred. Result: Processing stops. No unit is processed. Action: Decrease the number of retrieve libraries. If necessary contact the Service Center. MAC07. SYS.GPL.MACLIB NOT AVAILABLE RC=edited_return_code Meaning: The standard GPL retrieve library 'SYS.GPL.MACLIB' is not available. Result: Processing stops. No unit is processed. Action: The 'SYS.GPL.MACLIB' library must be cataloged or resident. Contact the Service Center. 28-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MAC Messages MAC08. INPUT AND OUTPUT LIBRARIES OR FILES MUST BE DIFFERENT [-> input_file_efn] Meaning: The input and output libraries or sequential files must be different to avoid the loss of the input source. Result: If only one input library is specified, processing stops. No unit is processed. If several input libraries have been specified, the processing of the current unit stops and the processing of the next unit (if any) begins. Action: Correct the JCL. MAC09. STORE: WRONG ORGANIZATION Meaning: Invalid file characteristics for STORE library. RECSIZE must be greater than 78. If RECFORM is not V or VB, RECSIZE must be less than 101. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: Check the library name specified in the STORE parameter; reallocate a library of type BIN using the BUILD_LIBRARY command if relevant. MAC10. BAD INPUT ENCLOSURE. ADD 'TYPE=DATASSF' Meaning: The INPUT ENCLOSURE is not in SSF format. Result: Processing stops. No unit is processed. Action: Include TYPE=DATASSF in the JCL $INPUT statement. MAC11. MISSING RECORD 101 FOR input_file_efn: input_member_name or FOR INCLUDE include_file_efn:include_member_name ->INCLUDE MEMBER IGNORED Meaning: Include source is not in SSF format. Result: Processing of the current unit stops. The processing of the next unit (if any) starts. If the error occurs for the include source, the include is ignored and processing continues. Action: The source can be converted from SARF to SSF format with the MAINTAIN_LIBRARY command MOVE. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 28-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MAC12. INCORRECT NAME IN RECORD 101: input_unit_name Meaning: The name of the source read from the SSF source unit header (record 101) is incorrect. A name must be composed of letters, digits, hyphens and underscores. The first character must be a letter or a digit. The maximum length is 31 characters. Result: Processing of the current unit stops. Processing of the next unit (if any) starts. Action: Check the source file. It can be reformatted with the MAINTAIN_LIBRARY command MOVE or RENAME. MAC13. NAME TOO LONG (>31): unit_name [TRUNCATED TO trunc_unit_name] Meaning: The name of the source, or the name of the listing unit, derived from the source name by adding '_J', has more than 31 characters. Result: In the first case, the processing of the current unit stops. Processing of the next unit (if any) starts. In the second case, the name of the listing unit is composed from the source name truncated to 29 characters followed by '_J'. Processing continues. Action: Check the source file. It can be reformatted with the MAINTAIN_LIBRARY command MOVE or RENAME. MAC14. NAME IN RECORD 101 NOT EQ MEMBER NAME: input_unit_name VS input_member_name Meaning: The name of the source as read from the SSF source unit header is different from the name of the member as read from the library directory. Result: Processing continues using the name from the library directory. Action: Check the source file. It can be reformatted using the MAINTAIN_LIBRARY command MOVE or RENAME. MAC15. STORE NOT AVAILABLE: store_file_efn RC=edited_return_code Meaning: The STORE library cannot be opened; the return code indicates the reason why not. The most frequent cases are: • Return Code EFNUNKN: the specified library has not been found. • Return Code UNRECIO: the disk pack or drive supporting the library may be damaged. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: Correct the JCL if relevant or contact the Service Center. 28-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MAC Messages MAC16. LIBRARY NOT AVAILABLE: RETRIEVE n retrieve_file_efn RC=edited_return_code Meaning: The nth RETRIEVE library cannot be opened. The return code indicates the reason why not. The most frequent cases are: • Return Code EFNUNKN: the specified library has not been found. • Return Code UNRECIO: the disk pack or drive supporting the library may be damaged. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: Correct the JCL if relevant or contact the Service Center. MAC17. PUT ON SYSOUT RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to write a record to the standard SYSOUT file containing the report. The return code indicates the reason. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Result: Processing stops. A partial listing of the source currently being processed may be accessible. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC18. PUT ON PRTLIB RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to write a record to the report library specified by the PRTLIB parameter. The return code indicates the reason. The return code DATALIM means that the library is full and cannot be extended. Result: Processing stops. A partial listing of the source currently being processed may be accessible. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC19. PUT ON PRTFILE RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to write a record to the report file specified by the PRTFILE parameter. The return code indicates the reason. The return code DATALIM means that the file is full. Result: Processing stops. A partial listing of the source currently being processed may be accessible. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 28-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MAC20. VMM FAIL: VMFOP RC=edited_return_code Meaning: There is a problem with the management of the Virtual Memory File used by MACPROC. The return code indicates the reason. Such a message indicates a system error. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: Contact the Service Center. MAC21. VMM FAIL: VMFCL RC=edited_return_code Meaning: There is a problem with the management of the Virtual Memory File used by MACPROC. The return code indicates the reason. Such a message indicates a system error. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: Contact the Service Center. MAC22. VMM FAIL: VMLKAC RC=edited_return_code Meaning: There is a problem with the management of the Virtual Memory File used by MACPROC. The return code indicates the reason. Such a message indicates a system error. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: Contact the Service Center. MAC23. A BREAK OCCURRED. NO EXPANSION PRODUCED FOR input_file_efn: input_unit_name Meaning: The user has performed a break in interactive mode. Result: Processing stops. Messages on the screen indicate which units have been processed. Action: None. 28-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MAC Messages MAC24. (PREVIOUS OUTPUT MEMBER DELETED) CHNAME FOR output_unit_name RC=edited_return_code Meaning: To preserve the old member if an error occurs during processing, the new expanded member of the output library is created with a temporary name. If processing is successful, the old member is deleted and the new member is renamed. In this case, an error has occurred during the renaming of the member. The return code indicates the reason. It is usually a system error, but it may be due to the action of another processor (such as the MAINTAIN_LIBRARY command LIST), which has accessed the member during the short time between closing and renaming. Result: Processing of the current unit stops. The old output member (if there is one), and the new output member are deleted. Processing of the next unit (if any) begins. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC25. OPENS IN UPDATING OUTPUT CR101 FOR output_unit_name RC=edited_return_code Meaning: An error has occurred while updating the SSF unit header of an expanded member in the output library. The return code indicates the reason. It is usually a system error, but it may be due to the action of another processor (such as the MAINTAIN_LIBRARY command LIST), which has accessed the member during the short time between renaming and reopening. Result: The processing of the current unit contains errors, but the expanded member is available. Processing of the next unit (if any) starts. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary contact the Service Center. MAC26. GET IN UPDATING OUTPUT CR101 FOR output_unit_name RC=edited_return_code Meaning: An error has occurred while updating the SSF unit header of an expanded member in the output library. The return code indicates the reason. It is usually a system error. Result: The processing of the current unit contains errors, but the expanded member is available. but the expanded member is available. Processing of the next unit (if any) starts. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 28-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MAC27. PUTX IN UPDATING OUTPUT CR101 FOR output_unit_name RC=edited_return_code Meaning: An error has occurred while updating the SSF unit header of an expanded member in the output library. The return code indicates the reason. It is usually a system error. Result: The processing of the current unit contains errors, but the expanded member is available. but the expanded member is available. Processing of the next unit (if any) starts. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC28. CLOSES IN UPDATING OUTPUT CR101 FOR output_unit_name RC=edited_return_code Meaning: An error has occurred while updating the SSF unit header of an expanded member in the output library. The return code indicates the reason. It is usually a system error. Result: The processing of the current unit contains errors, but the expanded member is available. but the expanded member is available. Processing of the next unit (if any) starts. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC29. OPEN SYSOUT RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to open the standard SYSOUT file in order to create the report. The return code indicates the reason. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Result: Processing stops. No unit is processed. Action: If the incident is an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC30. OPEN PRTFILE RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to open the report file specified by the PRTFILE parameter. The return code indicates the reason. The most frequent cases are: • Return Code EFNUNKN: the specified file has not been found. • Return Code UNRECIO: the disk pack or drive supporting the file may be damaged. Result: Processing stops. No unit is processed. Action: Correct the JCL if relevant, or contact the Service Center. 28-8 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MAC Messages MAC31. OPEN PRTLIB RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to open the report library specified by the PRTLIB parameter. The return code indicates the reason. The most frequent cases are: • Return Code EFNUNKN: the specified library has not been found. • Return Code UNRECIO: the disk pack or drive supporting the library may be damaged. Result: Processing stops. No unit is processed. Action: Correct the JCL if relevant, or contact the Service Center. MAC32. RFLDEF FOR PRTLIB OR OUTFILE RC=edited_return_code Meaning: There is a problem of file management for the report library specified by the PRTLIB parameter. The return code indicates the reason. Result: Processing stops. No unit is processed. Action: Contact the Service Center. MAC33. DFLDEF FOR PRTLIB OR OUTFILE RC=edited_return_code Meaning: There is a problem of file management for the report library specified by the PRTLIB parameter. The return code indicates the reason. Result: Processing stops. No unit is processed. Action: Contact the Service Center. MAC34. TYPE OF PRTLIB SHOULD BE SL Meaning: The report library specified by the PRTLIB parameter is not a source library. Result: Processing stops. No unit is processed. Action: Check the library name specified by the PRTLIB parameter. MAC35. CLOSE SYSOUT RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to close the standard SYSOUT file containing the report. The return code indicates the reason. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Result: This incident can only occur at the end of processing when all output units have already been produced. The listings may be accessible and printed successfully. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 28-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MAC36. CLOSE PRTFILE RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to close the report file specified by the PRTFILE parameter. The return code indicates the reason. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Result: This incident can only occur at the end of processing when all output units have already been produced. The listings may be accessible and printed successfully. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC37. CLOSE PRTLIB RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to close the report library specified by the PRTLIB parameter. The return code indicates the reason. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Result: This incident can only occur at the end of processing when all output units have already been produced. The listings may be accessible and printed successfully. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC38. OPEN OUTFILE RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to open the output file specified by the OUTFILE parameter. The return code indicates the reason. The most frequent cases are: • Return Code EFNUNKN: the specified file has not been found. • Return Code UNRECIO: the disk pack or drive supporting the file may be damaged. Result: Processing stops. No unit is processed. Action: Correct the JCL if relevant, or contact the Service Center. MAC39. OPEN OUTLIB RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to open the output library specified by the OUTLIB parameter. The return code indicates the reason. The most frequent cases are: • Return Code EFNUNKN: the specified library has not been found. • Return Code UNRECIO: the disk pack or drive supporting the library may be damaged. Result: Processing stops. No unit is processed. Action: Correct the JCL if relevant, or contact the Service Center. 28-10 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MAC Messages MAC40. CLOSE OUTFILE RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to close the output file specified by the OUTFILE parameter. The return code indicates the reason. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Result: This incident can only occur at the end of processing. All output units have already been produced and may be accessible. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC41. CLOSE OUTLIB RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to close the output library specified by the OUTLIB parameter. The return code indicates the reason. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Result: This incident can only occur at the end of processing. All output units have already been produced and may be accessible. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC42. OPENS OUTLIB FOR output_unit_name RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to create a member in the output library specified by the OUTLIB parameter. The return code indicates the reason. Such an incident may be due to a system error. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. The old output member of the current input unit, if any, and any output members which have been processed, may be accessible. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC43. PUT ON OUTLIB RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to write a record in the output library specified by the OUTLIB parameter. The return code indicates the reason. The return code DATALIM means that the library is full and cannot be extended. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. The old output member of the current input unit, if any, and any output members which have already been processed, may be accessible. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 28-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MAC44. PUT ON OUTFILE RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to write a record to the output file specified by the OUTFILE parameter. The return code indicates the reason. The return code DATALIM means that the file is full. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. The output file is incomplete. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC45. MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ERROR DIAGNOSTICS HAS BEEN DETECTED [TRY WITH NOBSERV OR NWARN OPTION] Meaning: MACPROC stops when 5000 error diagnostics have been detected. Result: Processing of the current unit stops and processing of the next unit (if any) starts. Action: Correct the input source or if many errors have severity 1 or 2, try using the NOBSERV and/or NWARN options. MAC46. OPENS PRTLIB FOR input_unit_name_J RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to create or replace a member in the report library specified by the PRTLIB parameter. The return code indicates the reason. Such an incident may be due to a system error. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC47. CHNAME STORE FOR store_member_name RC=edited_return_code Meaning: To preserve the old version of a prototype in case an error occurs during storage, the new member of the store library is created with a temporary name. If the storage is successful, the old member is deleted and the new member is renamed. An incident has occurred during the renaming of the member. The return code indicates the reason. It is usually a system error, but it may be due to the action of another processor (such as the MAINTAIN_LIBRARY command LIST) which has accessed the member during the short time between closing and renaming. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. The old store members (if any exist), and any new current store members are deleted. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. 28-12 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MAC Messages MAC48. CLOSES PRTLIB RC=edited_return_code Meaning: An incident occurred after the creation of the listing in the report library specified by the PRTLIB parameter. The return code indicates the reason. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. The listing of the current source unit may be accessible. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC49. CLOSES OUTLIB RC=edited_return_code Meaning: An incident occurred after the creation of the output in the library specified by the OUTLIB parameter. The return code indicates the reason. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. The output member of the current source unit may be accessible. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC50. UNABLE TO DO A SEGSIZE RC=edited_return_code Meaning: There is a problem with the Virtual Memory Management facility. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: Contact the Service Center. MAC51. UNABLE TO DO A SGCR RC=edited_return_code Meaning: There is a problem with the Virtual Memory Management facility. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 28-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MAC52. OPENS MACRO LIBRARY FOR retrieve_member_name or store_member_name RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to access or create the specified member of the retrieve or store library. The return code indicates the reason. Such an incident may be due to a system error. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC53. GET MACRO LIBRARY FOR retrieve_member_name RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to read a record from the specified member of the retrieve library or store library. The return code indicates the reason. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC54. TYPE OF MACRO IS NOT MAC: retrieve_member_name Meaning: The specified member of a retrieve library was not produced by MACPROC. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: Check the JCL or the contents of this retrieve library. MAC55. CLOSES MACRO LIBRARY FOR retrieve_member_name or store_member_name RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to close the specified member of a retrieve or store library. The return code indicates the reason. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. If the member concerned belongs to a store library, the old current member, if any, is available. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. 28-14 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MAC Messages MAC56. PUT MACRO LIBRARY FOR store_member_name RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to write a record to the library specified by the STORE parameter. The return code indicates the reason. The return code DATALIM means that the library is full and cannot be extended. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. The old current store member, if any, and any store members already processed may be accessible. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC57. CLOSE STORE FOR store_file_efn RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to close the file specified by the STORE parameter. The return code indicates the reason. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. This incident can only occur at the end of the processing of the current unit. All stored prototypes may be accessible. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. MAC58. CLOSE RETRIEVE n retrieve_file_efn RC=edited_return_code Meaning: MACPROC was unable to close the file specified by the RETRIEVE parameter. The return code indicates the reason. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Result: Processing stops. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. This incident can only occur at the end of the processing of the current unit. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 28-15 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MAC (HR_DN_ELINE)nn: WORKING ON input_file_efn: input_member_name (file_ifn). or MAC (HR_DN_ELINE)nn: WORKING ON INCLUDE include_file_efn: include_member_name file_ifn. SOURCE IS input_file_efn: input_member_name. Meaning: This message reports errors detected while accessing or reading input or include source units. These problems are usually due to: • Errors in the parameters of the MAC or MACPROC JCL statement. • Incorrect source units, (bad SSF control record for example). Result: If the source unit is incorrect, processing usually stops for that unit, but any subsequent units are processed. In the case of an incorrect include member, the processing of the current source unit usually continues, but the include is ignored. Messages in the JOR indicate which units have been processed. Action: Correct the JCL or check the erroneous source or include units. The message texts for the error number nn are as follows: nn MESSAGE TEXT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 28-16 ILLEGAL VERSION NUMBER. IMPOSSIBLE TO CLOSE THIS FILE. ERROR WHILE READING THIS FILE. ERROR WHILE READING THIS FILE. THE SPECIFIED SUBFILE DOES NOT EXIST IN ASSIGNED LIBRARIES THE SPECIFIED LIBRARY OR FILE IS NOT ASSIGNED. THE SPECIFIED SUBFILE DOES NOT EXIST IN THE LIBRARY. unused RECORD TOO SMALL TO BE A SSF_RECORD, IGNORED. UNEXPECTED SSF CONTROL RECORD, IGNORED. TOO LONG A RECORD TO BE AN INPUT LINE, IGNORED. NEXT OR FIRST MEMBER OF A SERIES MISSING. EMPTY SOURCE FILE. ILLEGAL SYNTAX IN MEMBER SERIES OF THE OPTION STRING. IMPOSSIBLE TO NOTE WHERE TO START FROM AT NEXT MEMBER IN THE SERIES. ILLEGAL OPTION STRING. SPECIFIED FILE NOT ASSIGNED (INPUT FILE). THE FILE OR LIBRARY CANNOT BE OPENED. THE SUBFILE CANNOT BE OPENED. IMPOSSIBLE TO REPOSITION ON THE BEGINNING OF THE NEXT MEMBER IN THE SERIES. THE FILE IS NOT A SOURCE LIBRARY. THIS INCLUDE FILE CANNOT BE CLOSED. MORE THAN ONE LIBRARY MAY MATCH THE LIBRARY NAME OF AN INCLUDE MEMBER. unused MAXIMUM INCLUDE NESTING DEPTH EXCEEDED, IGNORED. EMPTY INCLUDE FILE, IGNORED. A LINE MAY BE LOST. unused INCLUDE TEXT NOT FOUND IN ASSIGNED LIBRARIES, IGNORED. INCLUDE LIBRARY SPECIFIED UNKNOWN, IGNORED. INCLUDE TEXT NOT FOUND IN SPECIFIED LIBRARY, IGNORED. INCLUDE LIBRARY NOT ASSIGNED, TEXT NOT INCLUDED. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29. MU and MV Messages General Environment MU and MV messages are produced by the TDS processor. The messages appear in the JOR of the TDS job. Pertinent manuals TDS Concepts............................................................................................. 47 A2 26UT TDS Quick Reference Handbook................................................................. 47 A2 04UT TDS Administrator's Guide .......................................................................... 47 A2 32UT TDS COBOL Programmer's Guide .............................................................. 47 A2 33UT IQS/TDS User's Guide (IQS-V3).................................................................. 47 A2 81UD IQS-V4/TDS User's Guide (IQS-V4) ............................................................ 47 A2 81UR Message Descriptions This section lists TDS error messages in numerical order. All error messages are reported in the JOR and some appear on the screen. Error messages printed in the JOR have one of two forms: WARNING hhmmss MUxx. message-text FATAL hhmmss MUxx. message-text hhmmss is the time in hours, minutes, and seconds at which the error occurred. The prefix MU or MV always appears both in the JOR and on the screen. xx stands for the number of the message. Messages in this section are followed by: Action: Tells you what to do about the message. Type of message: WARNING or FATAL error message. Dump taken: Whether or not a dump is taken, YES or NO. Recipient of the message: Main Operator, TDS Master, or both. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MU00. CONNECTION TO COMMUNICATIONS NOT ESTABLISHED. RC=return-code Action: Run the NETGEN utility before starting the TDS session. MU01. OMH COMMAND FOR MASTER OF TDS CANNOT BE CREATED. Action: Ensure that the TDS name is not the same as a command name. Delete dynamic commands created by other jobs. Consult the Service Center. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MU02. UNSUCCESSFUL TDS TABLE ENTRY CREATION. Action: If the return code is USERUNKN, ensure that the TDS was not started by a user under the OPERATOR project with the Station attribute whose value is a "site name" (not MAIN). For more information, see the TDS Administrator's Guide "Starting a TDS Session". In other cases, this is an internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MU03. UNABLE TO SEND MESSAGE TO MASTER. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: No. MU04. A TDS TASK HAS NOT BEEN INITIATED. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. 29-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MU05. CANNOT ENTER IN MONOSIMULTANEITY PROCESSING. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU06. ERROR WHILE RETRIEVING RECORD FROM TDS SYSTEM FILE. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU07. ERROR WHILE PUTTING RECORD TO TDS SYSTEM FILE. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU08. ERROR WHILE ACCESSING RECORD IN TDS SYSTEM FILE. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MU09. UNEXPECTED AFTER IMAGE FROM AFTER JOURNAL. PRINT SYS.JADIR. Meaning: Error during dynamic rollforward. Action: Print the SYS.JADIR directory. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MU10. NO LINK TO USER JOURNAL UCA. Meaning: If the return code is USERUNKN, ensure that the TDS was not started by a user under the OPERATOR project with the Station attribute whose value is a "site name" (not MAIN). For more information, see the paragraph 5.3 "Starting a TDS Session". In other cases, this is an internal error. Action: Remove this JCL statement and restart the TDS application. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. MU11. ILLEGAL TYPE OF RECORD. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU12. UNABLE TO OPEN SYSOUT. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MU13. UNSUCCESSFUL WRITE ON AFTER JOURNAL. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. 29-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MU14. UNABLE TO OPEN BEFORE JOURNAL. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MU15. UNABLE TO INITIALIZE AFTER JOURNAL FOR USER JOURNAL USE. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MU16. MASTER MAILBOX NOT OPENED. Action: Ensure that the master mailbox name is cataloged in the APPLIST parameter of the SITE.CATALOG. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MU17. TDS MAILBOX NOT OPENED. Action: Ensure that the tdsname is cataloged in the APPLIST parameter of the SITE.CATALOG. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: No. MU18. UNSUCCESSFUL CLOSE OF AFTER JOURNAL. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MU19. UNSUCCESSFUL CLOSE OF BEFORE JOURNAL. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. MU20. PLEASE CHECK M.I. Action: check whether the product M.I. (Marketing Identifier) has been purchased for this site. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU21. ERROR WHILE READING DEBUGFILE. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU22. STATIC/DYNAMIC ASSIGN CONFLICT ON IFN:xxxxxxxx EFN:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Action: There is a conflict at TDS warm restart between the ASSIGN statement of the job description and the dynamic file assignment of the previous TDS session (external file names or catalogs are not the same as those assigned dynamically). Access to the file is denied. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. MU23. CANNOT RESTORE POOL OF SESSIONS. Action: Re-issue the [ M ] OPEN_COR_POOL or the [ M ] MODIFY_COR_POOL command to re-establish the pool of sessions. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. 29-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MU24. CANNOT RESTORE COMMON STORAGE AT RESTART. Action: None. The common-storage is reset to zeros. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MU25. CANNOT ACTIVATE SPAWNING TRANSACTION AT RESTART. Action: None - internal error. The spawned transactions are lost. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MU26. CANNOT SWITCH SHARABLE MODULE LIBRARIES AT RESTART. Action: Check that at least one module of each sharable module library is present using the command DC BS=SM. If necessary, load any unloaded modules (at least one for each library) using the SYSMAINT or MNSYS processor. Re-issue an MDTDS SMLIB command to re-establish the TPR library search rules of the previous TDS session. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MU27. SWAP DIRECTORY NOT AVAILABLE. Action: An error has occurred at TDS warm restart; TDS has overridden the swap directory (<tdsname>.RECOV); the TDS application proceeds normally. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU28. CANNOT ENTER CORRESPONDENT xxxxxxxxxxxx IN TDS TABLE. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MU29. COLD RESTART FORCED DUE TO UNSUCCESSFUL FILE RECOVERY. Action: Check the GCOS 7 restart conditions. Some files may be inconsistent as TDS recovery procedures do not occur at GCOS 7 warm restart. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. MU30. PROCESS EXCEPTION INSIDE TDS CODING. Action: Reload TDS, internal error within TDS or UFAS- EXTENDED. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU31. DEBUG FILE CANNOT BE OPENED. Action: Ensure that the ASSIGN DBUGFILE statement in the TDS step enclosure is correct. A detailed reason will be given in the TDS JOR. Type of message: Warning Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU32. ERROR WHILE OPENING DEBUG SUBFILE. Action: None - internal error. Return code is displayed at the user terminal. Type of message: Warning Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU33. ERROR WHEN CLOSING DEBUG SUBFILE. Action: None-internal error reported but does not prevent TDS from executing. Type of message: Warning Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. 29-8 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MU34. ERROR WHILE WRITING TO DEBUG SUBFILE. Action: None-internal error reported but does not prevent the TDS application from executing. The return code is displayed on the user terminal. The DEBUG file is probably full. Type of message: Warning Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU35. ERROR WHILE SENDING FOR TRACES. Action: None-internal error reported but does not prevent the TDS application from executing. Type of message: Warning Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU36. CANNOT CLEAR SYSTEM FILE AT COLD RESTART. Action: None-internal error which must be reported. Type of message: Warning Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MU37. TDS APPLICATION NOT GENERATED. Meaning: The TDS application is not generated. Action: Run the TP7GEN utility. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MU38. ERROR WHILE ADDRESSING FILE STRUCTURES. Action: If a hyphen is used in an internal file name (specified at TDSGEN), ensure that a reserved word follows the hyphen. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU39. ERROR DETECTED BY IDS2 ACCESS METHOD. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Warning Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU40. CANNOT CREATE MEMORY AREAS. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Warning Dump taken: No. MU41. TDS-IDS INTERFACE ERROR. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Warning Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU42. SEGMENT SIZE CANNOT BE INCREASED OR CREATED. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. 29-10 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MU43. INIT PROCEDURE NOT FOUND. Meaning: The procedure for transaction initialization was not found as requested in TDSGEN. Action: Check the TDSGEN report file and re-run the TP7GEN utility to include this procedure in the TDS load module. This error does not prevent the TDS application from executing. Type of message: Warning Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MU44. UNABLE TO GET ADDRESSABILITY TO TDS ERROR PROCEDURE. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU45. ERROR WHILE READING FILE CONTROL STRUCTURE. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU46. XXXXXXXX SCHEMA STRUCTURES NOT AVAILABLE. Action: Ensure that the named schema is correctly declared. If necessary, recreate TDSGEN to correct the error. When the "USE IDS-SUB-SCHEMA" is used in the STDS, ensure that the schema corresponds to a Full-IDS/II schema. Type of message: Warning Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MU47. ABORT DURING WARM RESTART. NEXT RESTART IS COLD. Action: None. The system encountered a fatal error during the recovery processing and restarts cold without shutdown. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU48. INTERNAL ERROR IN TDS - COMMIT-MANAGER. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU49. CANNOT CREATE IDS FD. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU50. CANNOT BUILD ROLLFORWARD CONTROL SEGMENT. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU51. UNSUCCESSFUL REBUILD OF TERMINAL TABLE AT RESTART. Action: Run the TP7GEN utility and perform a cold restart. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. 29-12 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MU52. XXXXXXXX ASSIGNMENT IMPOSSIBLE AT RESTART. Action: Reload TDS and perform a warm restart with all available used files. If unsuccessful, perform a cold restart. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MU53. TERMINAL WRITER STRUCTURE INITIALIZATION FAILED. Action: None - internal error. The GTWriter is not available for the TDS session. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU54. INTERNAL ERROR DURING CLOSING PROCESS. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU55. USER JOURNAL MISSING - USED IN PREVIOUS SESSION. Action: Insert the DEFINE H_SWAP, JOURNAL = AFTER statement in the job description; perform a warm restart. Otherwise, perform a TDS cold start with the same JCL. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU56. UNEXPECTED CALL TO FILE ERROR HANDLER. Action: None - internal error. A dump is provided. The TDS session resumes. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: Yes. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MU57. CANNOT COMPLETE FILE RECOVERY.IFN = xxxxxxxx. Action: None-internal error which does not prevent the TDS application from executing. Ensure that the specified ifn is available and perform the recovery procedures if necessary. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MU58. INTERNAL ERROR IN M TRANSACTION. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU59. INTERNAL ERROR IN VCAM INTERFACE. [VCAM STATUS (HEXA)=xx]. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU60. DEFINE EXISTS BUT JOURNAL NOT DECLARED. Action: Remove the ASSIGN USERJRNL, DUMMY statement or regenerate the TDS application with user journalization. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. 29-14 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MU61. ERROR IN FORM ACTIVATION. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU62. H_SWAPxx FILE NOT INITIALIZED. Meaning: Depends on the return code displayed at the console. Does not prevent a TDS application from executing if there is more than one swap file. The return code TP7 13, FLNAV means that the location of <tdsname>.RECOV or <tdsname>.SWAP has changed since the last session. The location of a swap or recovery file may have changed due to the DELETE_FILE/BUILD_FILE commands, or the SAVE_DISK/RESTORE_DISK commands (with the REORG option). Action: Run the TP7GEN utility. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU63. ERROR DETECTED WHILE ACCESSING TDS SWAP FILE. Meaning: This message <tdsname>.SWAP file. can concern the <tdsname>.RECOV file, or the Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-15 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MU64. IO FAILURE ON SWAP FILE (C CODE=xxxxxxx). SEARCH ADDRESS+CCCC/TT/RR. Meaning: This message can concern the <tdsname>.RECOV file, or the <tdsname>.SWAP file. C.CODE is the I/O completion code. CCC/TT/RR is the (decimal) address of the last searched cylinder/track/record. Action: See PRLOG for causes. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU65. NO SWAP AVAILABLE FOR TDS. Meaning: This message <tdsname>.SWAP file. can concern the <tdsname>.RECOV file, or the Action: Run the TP7GEN utility. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU66. SWAP CAPACITY NOT COMPATIBLE WITH TDS TABLE. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. 29-16 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MU67. SWAP FILE TOO SMALL-xxxx SESSIONS MAX-xxx CYL MISSING. Meaning: This message appears only for VBO swap files which are not large enough to support the generated configuration. NOTES: 1. The SESSION MAX number gives the maximum number of contexts that can be allocated. 2. One swap context is needed for each correspondent (TM, XCP2 and VIRTUAL terminals) and for each session of a POOL (XCP1 and DUMMY) 3. Furthermore, for each correspondent, several swap contexts may be needed. For each occurrence of a special purpose transaction such as break and logon, a swap context is allocated and kept until the end of the transaction. 4. A correspondent abnormally disconnected will keep all its previous allocated swap contexts. Action: Either reallocate a new file with TP7PREP or update the Network Generation with NETGEN.. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU68. TIMER REQUEST FAILED. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU69. TDS PROTOCOL ERROR. Action: None-internal error in implementing the cooperative application protocol. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-17 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MU70. TDS TABLE INCONSISTENCY. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU71. PMOS DYNAMIC COMMAND FOR MASTER CANNOT BE CREATED. Action: Ensure that the tdsname is not the same as a command name. Delete dynamic commands created by other jobs. Consult the Service Center. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MU72. ERROR IN STATIC ASSIGN: ASSIGNMENTS REQUESTED IN TP7JCLBAC.IGNORED Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: MU73. INTERNAL ERROR WHILE UNLOCKING USER RESOURCES. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. 29-18 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MU74. TDS WARNING ***DDM00001 xxxxxxxxxx//xxxxxxxxxx RC = xxxxxxxx. Meaning: An error detected by IDS is reported to TDS, a dump is taken. Refer to Messages and Return Codes Directory (class DDM0001). NOTE: The whole text may be edited by several consecutive MU74 messages. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU75. NO MORE TABLE SPACE FOR TRANSACTION STACKING. Meaning: A transaction is prevented from executing due to lack of TDS table space. Action: Increase the value specified in the NUMBER OF TERMINALS clause or in the TMSESS clause in NETGEN. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU76. NO MORE SWAP SPACE FOR TRANSACTION STACKING. Meaning: The TDS swap file is full. This is detected when processing special purpose transactions such as break and logon for which the allocation of a new swap context is requested. Action: Increase the TDS swap size by executing the TP7PREP utility and re-run the TP7GEN utility. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU77. CANNOT START IQS SESSION FOR VIEW = xxxxxxxx. Action: Refer to the IQS/TDS User's Guide. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-19 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MU78. CANNOT INITIALIZE IQS STRUCTURES FOR FILE = xxxxxxxx. Action: Refer to Section 3 of the IQS/TDS User's Guide. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU79. ERROR ON PMOS COMMAND RECEIPT. Meaning: Interface error concerning a PMOS command. Action: Consult the Service Center. Use the SEND_TDS command to enter the command in line mode. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU80. ERROR DETECTED WHILE DYNAMICALLY ASSIGNING TDS SYSTEM FILE. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU81. ERROR DETECTED WHILE OPENING TDS SYSTEM FILE. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. 29-20 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MU82. ERROR DETECTED WHILE CLOSING TDS SYSTEM FILE. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU83. UFAS/GAC OR COMMIT-MANAGER CONTROL STRUCTURES DAMAGED. Action: None - internal error. A recovery procedure will dynamically restart the system with no shutdown of the network. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU84. ABORT DUE TO SWAP REORGANIZATION, NEXT RESTART WILL BE COLD. Meaning: This message appears the first time you run a TDS application after UFASEXTENDED has been installed at your site and the TP7GEN utility was not run. Action: Run the TP7GEN utility. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU86. ORACLE INITIALIZATION FAILED. Meaning: The SM containing ORACLE is not loaded; or the correct library is not specified in the JOBLIB statement. Action: Ensure that the SM containing ORACLE is loaded; otherwise ensure that the correct library is specified in the JOBLIB statement. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-21 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MU87. ERROR DETECTED IN ORACLE/TDS PROTOCOL. Action: None-internal error Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU88. UNSUCCESSFUL RELEASE OF DYNAMIC PMOS COMMAND. Meaning: Internal error at job termination. Action: None. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. MU89. SWAP FILE TOO SMALL-XXXX SESSIONS MAX-XXXXXX BLOCKS MISSING. Meaning: This message appears only for GCOS 7-V5 FBO systems. The size of the swap file(s) is too small in relation to the number of terminals defined at NETGEN or in the STDS. Action: The information provided (number of missing blocks to support the configuration and the number of possible users for the file) enables the administrator to re-allocate a new file by using the TP7PREP utility, or update the STDS. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU90. TP7GEN NECESSARY DUE TO UNSUCCESSFUL SYSTEM FILE RECOVERY. Meaning: After a GCOS 7 clean restart, some TDS system files may be inconsistent because TDS recovery procedures were not performed. Action: Run the TP7GEN utility. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. 29-22 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MU91. XCP2 SERVICE UNAVAILABLE - INTERNAL STATUS = XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX. Action: Ensure that: • an XCP2WKS was declared for the TDS application in the NETGEN service, • the JPPC job is running, • the XCP2 option was specified at preparation time. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU92. SYSTEM ERROR IN XCP2 SERVICE - INTERNAL STATUS = XXX-XXX. Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MU93. ERROR ON SYSTEM FILE PROTECTION. Action: Ensure that the TDS system file (CTLM) is protected by the Before Journal. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU94. SWAP FILE TOO BIG: SWAP xx NOT USED. Action: Reduce the size of the swap files. Try to balance the size of each swap file. This message may appear several times with a different number of swap files. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-23 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MU95. INCOMPLETE ROLLFORWARD. RECOVER FILES PROTECTED WITH AFTER JOURNAL. Action: Perform the recovery procedures for the files which are used with the After Journal. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MU96. UNSUCCESSFUL RELEASE OF MEMORY. Action: None - internal error which does not prevent TDS from executing. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU97. UNSUCCESSFUL REQUEST OF MEMORY. Action: None - internal error which does not prevent TDS from executing. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU98. TDS SIMULTANEITY SYNCHRONIZATION ERROR. Action: None - internal error which does not prevent TDS from executing. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MU99. ERROR IN ADMINISTRATION OF TDS-HA Meaning: Internal protocol error in the HA context. For example, the TDS was declared WATCHED BY CMSC but was not started by CMSC. Action: If the cause cannot be identified, contact your service center. 29-24 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MV00. UNABLE TO ACCESS SECURITY PROCEDURES. Meaning: On a site declared with the SECUR'ACCESS option, the SM containing the SECUR'ACCESS TPR is not present; or the library containing the SM is not specified properly in the JOBLIB statement. Action: Ensure that the SM containing the SECUR'ACCESS TPR is present; otherwise ensure that the library containing this SM is actually specified in the JOBLIB statement. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MV01. DPF SYSTEM ERROR. Meaning: Internal error in DPF Action: Consult the Service Center. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MV02. UNABLE TO SEND A CATALOGUED MESSAGE OR PMOS RESPONSE. Meaning: TDS fails when sending a message to the master using DOF 7-PO. Action: Consult the Service Center. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MV03. SUPERVISION INITIALIZATION FAILED AT RESTART. Meaning/Action: A system error prevents the supervision facility from starting, but does not prevent TDS from executing. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-25 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MV04. UNABLE TO TRANSLATE A MNMC/PMOS COMMAND INTO TDS COMMAND. Meaning: This incident does not prevent the command from being executed. Action: Consult the Service Center. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MV05. SYSTEM ERROR IN PROCESS MAP-UNMAP MECHANISM Action: None - internal error. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: Main Operator and TDS Master. MV06. NO MORE SUBFILES AVAILABLE IN DEBUG FILE FOR PRINT OPTION. Meaning: There are too many subfiles being used with the trace mechanism. The limit is 100 subfiles. Action: Reduce the number of subfiles. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MV07. NO MORE SUBFILES AVAILABLE IN DEBUG FILE FOR PCF OPTION. Meaning: There are too many subfiles being used with the trace mechanism. The limit is 100 subfiles. Action: Reduce the number of subfiles. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. 29-26 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MV08. TDS { WARM | COLD } RESTART. TS=xxxx Meaning: This message appears only in the JOR and indicates at what time the TDS application started and the current Technical Status (xxxx).. Type of message: Warning. Dump taken: No. MV09. GAC INITIALIZATION FAILED. Meaning: The TDS application cannot start. Action: Consult the Service Center. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: Yes. Recipient of the message: TDS Master. MV10. JOURNAL INITIALIZATION FAILED. Meaning: An internal error prevents the TDS application from starting. Action: Consult the Service Center. Type of message: Fatal. Dump taken: No. Recipient of the message: Main Operator. MV11. ERROR WHILE WRITING TO SECURITY LOG FILE Meaning: An internal error occurs while TDS is recording information in the Log C2 file. Action: Consult the Service Center. MV12. JPPC SERVICE UNAVAILABLE OR OVERLOADED; IQS RUNS IN DEGRADED MODE Meaning: This is a warning message. IQS (only version 41) cannot use the JPPC service, it uses the GMEM file. Action: Verify that the JPPC is not accessible. MV13. TPR NOT INCLUDED Action: None - internal error. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-27 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MV14. UNABLE TO CREATE A CACHE FOR CONTEXT Action: None - internal error. MV15. UNABLE TO EXPAND THE CACHE OF CONTEXTS Action: None - internal error. MV16. CANNOT CLOSE ALL XCP2 POOLS, RETRY LATER OR SUBMIT TTDS STRONG Meaning: This is a warning message. A protocol problem prevents the normal ending of a TDS application using XCP2 after a TERMINATE_TDS command. Action: Try the TTDS command later or issue with the STRONG option. MV17. INCONSISTENCY IN XCP2 SERVICE AT WARM RESTART COLD RESTART MANDATORY Meaning: This is a warning message. A protocol or configuration problem prevents the normal start of the XCP2 service. Action: Restart TDS in cold mode. MV18. MLDS FILE NO LONGER SUPPORTED IFN=XXXXXXXX Meaning: MLDS files are not supported in this release of GCOS 7. Action: None possible. MV19. H_SWAP ERROR DETECTED BY TDS: EXPECTED ADR = CCCC/TT/RR READ = CCCC/TT/RR Meaning: H_SWAPxx is the ifn of the swap file. No error has been detected by the I/O interface, but the address read form the controller is different from the computed address. CCCC/TT/RR is Cylinder, Track, and Record information. Action: None. MV20. JPPC SERVICE UNAVAILABLE OR OVERLOADED FOR XCP2 SERVICE Meaning: Fatal, dump. The capacity of the JPPC is not sufficient to start the TDS using XCP2 Action: Verify the configuration of the application requested segments from the JPPC job or increase its configuration. 29-28 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MV21. TP7GEN MAY BE NECESSARY AFTER A CHANGE OF TECHNICAL STATUS Meaning: The application you are attempting to start has been generated on a previous release not compatible with the current release. Action: Regenerate the application with the TP7GEN utility. MV22. WRONG DEFINE STATEMENT FOR H_SWAPxx. RC=DFASG 39,OVRVIOL Meaning: An incorrect DEFINE statement concerning the swap file xx is present in the JCL for the TDS job. Action: Modify the JCL for the TDS job. When working with the USER JOURNAL, check that the TDS-V5 statement DEFINE H_SWAP[nn],JOURNAL=AFTER; has been replaced by the new TDS-V6/V7 statement: ASSIGN USERJRNL,DUMMY; MV23. START UP NOT FINISHED (CHECK MASTER CONNECTION) Meaning: The CMSC command (used to manage the TDS service, for example TSRV = TERMINATE_SERVICE) is postponed since the startup has not completed. Action: Verify that the master operator is well connected and wait until the startup terminates. MV24 UNDEFINED NUMBER OF TERMINALS - CHECK THE NETWORK GENERATION (OR TDSGEN) Meaning: TDS cannot be run, because the number of terminals has not been declared (neither in the network generation, nor in the NUMBER OF TERMINALS clause). Action: Declare the number of terminals (for details, refer to the TDS Administrator's Guide). MV25 TDS INITIALIZATION FAILED. RETRY LATER RC=xxxxxxxx Meaning: The TDS cannot be started because of missing resources. If this message appears just after the message MU83, this means that the TDS cannot be started because a GAC reinit is in progress. Action: Retry later. Refer to the GAC-Extended User's Guide, and see the listing in this manual for the return code indicated in the message. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-29 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MV26. UNABLE TO CONNECT MASTER TERMINAL, STARTUP ON DUMMY SESSION. Meaning: In an HA environment, at restart after takeover, the startup transaction has been executed on a dummy session because the reconnection to the Master Terminal was unsuccessful. Action: Start a dummy session. MV27. SWAP INCONSISTENCY DETECTED, NEXT RESTART WILL BE COLD. Meaning: Fatal error detected on context processing at TDS warm restart. Action: None. Next restart will be forced at COLD. MV28. xxxxxxxx SCHEMA STRUCTURES FOUND UNAVAILABLE SINCE TDS GENERATION Meaning: Initialization of IDS schema structure has failed; this schema cannot be accessed in this TDS and other sessions: • on first startup of TDS after TP7GEN; the return code gives the reason • this warning message is sent at each startup of the NEXT TDS session; return code is TP7 11, NOTDONE. Action: Perform the following: • correct the original incident to make all databases accessible, • run TP7GEN, startup the TDS session and then verify that no further MV28 messages appear. MV29. TOO MANY DUMMY/VIRTUAL CORRESPONDENTS FOR NUMBER OF TERMINALS. Meaning: The total number of virtual correspondents in all families and the maximum number of DUMMYs exceeds the number specified in the NUMBER OF TERMINALS Clause (if this clause is not overridden by a NETGEN directive). Action: Increase the number of terminals, or decrease the number of virtual correspondents, or use the NETGEN directive. MV30. ERROR WHEN ALLOCATING OR CONNECTING DUMMY/VIRTUAL CORRESPONDENTS. Meaning: TDS cannot connect all the virtual correspondents or DUMMYs; because the TDS tables are full, or because the swap file is too small. Action: Decrease the number of virtual correspondents, or increase the size of the swap file. 29-30 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MV31. TDS MAILBOX TABLE IS FULL, USE CTC COMMAND ON FROZEN CORRESPONDENT Meaning: The maximum size of the TDS MAILBOX table has been reached during a connection. Action: If there are many frozen correspondents, use the CTC command to clean the table entries. MV32. RESTARTABLE ABORT RECOVERY PHASE. Meaning: A restartable abort is beginning its recovery phase. Action: None. MV32. RESTARTABLE ABORT RESTART PHASE. Meaning: restart. The recovery phase is finished, and the Commitment Units are ready to Action: None. MV33. DUE TO GENERATION VALUES, NO CONNECTION LEFT FOR TM CORRESPONDENTS. Meaning: This message appears when the computed number of TM Correspondents is 0: • either at TDS startup • or after [M] ALLOW_NEW_TDS_COR has been issued on TM Correspondents. Any attempt to connect terminals to the TDS will be rejected with the code 0006. [M] TERMINATE_TDS CONNECT=NONE has been performed on the previous session or TDS has been started up with CN=NONE in OPTIONS for the JCL on starting the TDS job. The computed number of TM Correspondents is 0 when: • either the TMSESS value of the TDSWKS Directive in the NETGEN for this TDS is 0, • or, if no TDSWKS Directive exists, the number of terminals supplied in the STDS results in no TM correspondents left (after decrementing the DUMMY maximum plus the virtuals of all virtual families and subtracting 1, if TDS MASTER MAILBOX is used). Action: None if this situation is expected. Otherwise increase the TMSESS value of the TDSWKS Directive according to the number of terminals expected and resubmit NETGEN. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-31 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MV34. H_REINIT TRANSACTION CANNOT BE LAUNCHED - WARM RESTART MANDATORY Meaning: The H_REINIT transaction defined in the TDS generation to be used as a STARTUP transaction (in case of RESTARTABLE ABORT) cannot be executed due to lack of space in the TDS Tables or in the SWAP file, or due to the fact that the TDS has been generated with a single level of simultaneity, or if there is no simultaneity left to execute the transaction. Action: Restart TDS in WARM mode. MV35. TX: txname MUST BE DECLARED RPC TO USE RPC SERVICES (TPR: tprname) Meaning: The transaction does not specify RPC SERVICE USED but one of its TPRs has attempted to run an RPC service while running on a non-RPC process. The transaction then aborts with the following message that appears on the screen and also in the JOR: ABORT(x.xx.xxxx) RC=xxxx1463->TP7 X, PMDVIOL(tprnm). Action: Specify the RPC SERVICE USED Clause in the MESSAGE Statement of the Transaction Section and rerun TP7GEN. MV37 CNCT DEBUG FROM:XXXXXXXX C=000 ST=00X R=000X Meaning: This version of the MV37 message applies to Technical Statuses before TS7356 (MDTDS TRACE = 02). The "XXXXXXXX" value is CONNECT or CPCNCT to identify the TDS procedure. "C" is the decimal value of an internal error code (if not zero). "ST" is the VCAM status (hexadecimal). "R" is the VCAM reason (hexadecimal). Action: This information is used by your Customer Service Center. message, enter the command MDTDS TRACE=00. 29-32 To de-activate this 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MV37 CNCT DBG:ZZZZZZZZZZZZ-->>V=YYYYYY, I=CCC, S=XXXX(HEXA), REASON=RRRR(HEXA) or MV37 CNCT DBG:ZZZZZZZZZZZZ-->>V=YYYYYY, I=CCC, S=XXXX(HEXA), ADDR=FFFFFFFF Meaning: This version of the MV37 message applies to Technical Statuses from TS7356 (MDTDS, TRACE = 02 for XCP1 correspondents, TRACE = 01 for TM correspondents, and TRACE = 03 for TM and XCP1 correspondents). The "ZZZZZZZZZZZZ" value is ************ (no correspondent name available), **CPCNCT** (error detection in H_TP7_CPCNCT component), or CORRESPONDENT NAME. "V=YYYYYY" is the verb name (CNxxxx or CPxxxx from H_TP7_CONNECT or H_TP7_CPCNCT, RJCP or CLCP from H_TP7_CONNECT rejection, "I=CCC" is an internal error code (decimal), "REASON=RRRR" is the VCAM reason, "S=XXXX" is the rejection code from TDS if V = RJCP or CLCP, or the VCAM status (hexadecimal). "ADDR=FFFFFFFF" is the address of the connection rejection (if the value of ADDR is not FFFFFFFF). Action: This information is used by your Customer Service Center. To de-activate this message, enter the command MDTDS TRACE=00. MV38. TIMEOUT UPON SYNCHRONOUS SEND. USER=user_name, TPR=tpr_name Meaning: Warning message. This message is sent when the TDS generation clause "MAXIMUM WAIT-TIME UPON SYNCHRONOUS SEND IS nmin" is present and when the nmin value is exhausted during a SEND verb. This means that network acknowledgement was not received during the WAIT-TIME. MV39 COLD RESTART FORCED DUE TO ABORT DURING PREVIOUS COLD RESTART. Meaning: An abort occurred during the previous TDS cold restart phase. The current TDS restart mode is forced to cold in order to ensure the TDS next session consistency. Action: None - Files are recovered to their last commitment point; TDS is cold restarted. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-33 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MV40 IDS/GAC ERROR TPR:XXXXXXXXXXXX , XXX SCHEMA/COMMIT, XXX USABLE SCHEMAS. Meaning: Fatal abort. The swap area used to save IDS/ll currencies, after a TPR execution is not sufficient. The size of this area is computed at the beginning of the first TDS session following TP7GEN. This size depends on schema descriptions and depends on the STDS clause MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SCHEMA IS maxschema PER COMMITMENT. TPR:XXXXXXXXXXXX is the name of the faulty TPR. XXX SCHEMA/COMMIT is the maximum number of schemas per commitment unit: If the clause MAXIMUM NUMBER OF SCHEMA IS n PER COMMITMENT is absent from the STDS generation member, the value XXX is 001. If the clause is present XXX is the value n. XXX USABLE SCHEMAS is the number of schemas currently usable for the TDS session. Action: Check the value XXX SCHEMA/COMMIT is correctly defined. If not, increase this value and run TP7GEN. If XXX is correct, contact the Service Center. MV41 XXXXXXXXXXXX CANNOT BE MASTER OF TDS (NOT MASTER IN A PREVIOUS SESSION) Meaning: As from TS7458 this message is issued at TDS warm restart when the master of the current TDS session (whose name is XXXXXXXXXXXX) was an "ordinary" user in a previous TDS session. As he is still known to TDS as an ordinary correspondent, he cannot be the master of the starting session (display of return code DUPNAME). MV42. TIMEOUT UPON CONNECTION TO NODE=xxxx MBX=mailbox_name, (TPR=tpr_name) Meaning: Warning message. This message is sent when the TDS generation clause "MAXIMUM WAIT-TIME UPON SYNCHRONOUS SEND IS nmin" is present and when the nmin value is exhausted during an asynchronous outward CONNECTION. NODE=xxxx is the name of the destination node. This means that the connection destination did not answer during the WAIT-TIME. MV60. XA SERVICE DAMAGED Meaning: A protocol error has been made by TDS-XA or a swap failure occurred. Action: None. Internal error. 29-34 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 MU and MV Messages MV61. XA SESSION CANNOT BE INITIALIZED FOR ORACLE Meaning: The SM containing ORACLE7/TDS is not loaded, or the correct library is not specified in the JOBLIB statement of the TDS job. Action: Ensure that the SM containing ORACLE7/TDS-XA is loaded. If it is, check JOBLIB statement of TDS job. MV62. ERROR DURING XA RECOVERY PHASE Meaning: ORACLE7/TDS-XA has been asked to perform XA recovery in a bad context or with incorrect parameters which involved a protocol error. Action: None. Internal error. MV63. XA FUNCTION IS NOT AVAILABLE Meaning: The product TDS-XA (Marketing Identifier) has not been purchased for the site. Action: Verify if the product was purchased or not. MV70. CMA INITIALISATION FAILED RC=XXXXXXXX Meaning: CMA cannot be initialized. Action: Ensure that the SM H_SM_CMA is loaded in BKST. If it is, check JOBLIB statement of TDS job. MV79. TCP/IP COMMUNICATION IS NOT INITIALIZED ERRNO=XXXXX ON XXXXXXXXXXXXX Meaning: An error occured during TDS-TCP/IP initialization: ERRNO=XXXXX is the error code returned by the invoked Sockg7 function, see TDSTCP-IP User's Guide. XXXXXXXXXXXXX is the name of the invoked Sockg7 function which encountered a problem. Action: Check <<hosts>> and <<services>> configuration files used for the chosen TCP/IP way of communication. Check OPEN 7 and sockg7 products are active and ready on the site. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 29-35 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MV80. TCP-IP FUNCTION IS NOT AVAILABLE Meaning: The product TDS/TCP-IP (Marketing Identifier) has not been purchased for the site, see TDS-TCP-IP User's Guide. The H_SM_DCM SM of SYS.DCM.SYSTEM is not loaded. Action: Verify if the product was purchased or not. H_SM_DCM is loaded. TDS TP7 Ensure that the SM containing RECOVERY RC= return code. This is a warning message. This message appears in the JOR during the recovery phase at end of job, restartable abort, or after a crash. An abnormal return code indicates that some problem has occurred during the recovery phase. Refer to messages in Before and After Journals. 29-36 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 30. OU Messages General Environment OU messages are produced by the SYSOUT component of the system. Some messages (OU26, OU27, OU28, OU32) appear only in the JOR of the WRITER service job and are simply a log of messages that have been displayed on the operator console. They indicate an abnormal situation during the printing of output. The other messages may appear in the JOR of any user job and indicate an abnormal situation during the creation of an output file. Pertinent Manuals GCOS 7 System Operator's Guide .............................................................. 47 A2 53US GCOS 7 Console Messages....................................................................... 47 A2 61UU Message Descriptions OU13. ron.step SYS.OUT OVERFLOW Meaning: The step tried to write a record in the public SYS.OUT file but the file is full and cannot be extended. Such a situation usually arises when a step makes a loop while writing to the SYS.OUT file. Result: The step will wait until space is released from SYS.OUT. However the main operator may decide to abort the step. Action: If a step generates very large outputs, permanent SYS.OUT should be used. Use the LINES limit parameter of the STEP statement to give protection against indefinite loops. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 30-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory OU26. ddnn ron:oseq CANCELLED RC=edited-return-code EFN=efn [SUBFILE=subfile-name] Meaning: This message appears only in the JOR of the WRITER service job and is sent to the submitter of the output. Refer to the appropriate Console Messages Directory for a detailed description. OU27. {HELD } ddnn ron:oseq {CANCELLED} [WRITER TERMINATED] RC=edited-return-code [ON SYSOUT FILE] Meaning: This message appears only in the JOR of the WRITER service job. For a detailed description, refer to the appropriate Console Messages Directory. OU28. ddnn WRITER TERMINATED RC=edited-return-code Meaning: This message appears only in the JOR of the WRITER service job. For a detailed description, refer to the appropriate Console Messages Directory. OU29. IFN ifn IS NOT IN SYSOUT FILE FORMAT [EDITION PARAMETERS WILL NOT BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT FOR FURTHER OUTPUT REQUESTS OF THIS FILE] Meaning: This message warns the user that the SYSOUT mechanism cannot be used for the creation of a permanent SYSOUT file, i.e. editing of the file is not performed at file creation time. If file printing is requested by the step creating the file (JCL statement, SYSOUT, in step enclosure), the editing parameters specified in the DEFINE and SYSOUT statements will be taken into account. But for further output requests of this file (WRITER statements), the editing parameters specified at file creation time are lost. For these requests, the default value for editing parameters will be used unless the editing parameters are respecified in the JCL statement, WRITER. For more details, refer to the JCL User's Guide. 30-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 OU Messages OU30. OVERFLOW ON OUTPUT WRITER CONTROL STRUCTURES Meaning: The maximum number of outputs known by the output writer for a job has been reached. The present limit is 256. This message may appear when a step uses a public SYS.OUT file and OPENs it the first time in output and then performs several OPENs in APPEND. Although the file is viewed by the user as a single output, a new output (from the system internal point of view) is created each time the file is opened. Result: An abnormal return code is returned to the program as a result of the OPEN operation. Action: Check the program. OU31. ERROR IN OUTPUT STATEMENT wrong-parameter Meaning: An incorrect output description parameter has been found in the case when the output description is given in the program itself instead of in the JCL. This message may indicate a system error. Result: The output description is ignored. Action: Contact the Service Center, if necessary. OU32. {BEGINNING } OUTPUT WILL BE RESTARTED FROM {CURRENT ADDRESS} {BACK=nn } Meaning: This message may appear only in the JOR of the WRITER service job. It gives a trace of the operator's reply to question OU02. Refer to the System Operator's Guide. OU34. UNABLE TO ACCESS STATION station-name RC=edited-return-code MAIN STATION ASSUMED Meaning: An output was to be directed to a remote station, but the station is not accessible. This may arise when a remote station has been deleted between the time when the job has been entered in the system and the time when the output is sent to the remote station. Such a message may indicate a system error. Result: The output will be directed to the central site. Action: Contact the Service Center, if necessary. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 30-3 31. PAS Messages General Environment PAS messages are produced by the PASCAL Compiler. The message PASOO gives information; messages PAS01 to PAS44 indicate that an incident occurred during the compilation. Pertinent Manuals PASCAL User's Guide..................................................................................47 A2 52UL Message Descriptions PAS00. (uu.nn) SUMMARY FOR program-name <error-summary> [NO] CU PRODUCED Meaning: Information message, displayed for each external procedure compiled by the activation of the PASCAL compiler. The message indicates: • the version of the compiler: uu.nn, • the name of the compiled program, • the summary of detected errors, i.e., the number of errors for each relevant severity level or the phrase NO ERRORS; and whether or not a CU was produced. PAS01. OPEN PRTLIB. LISTING WILL BE ON SYSOUT. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The PASCAL compiler failed to open the permanent report file for the reason indicated by the return code. The most common user error is: RC=EFNUNKN; the report file specified has not been found on the indicated volume. Result: The compiler proceeds but the listing is produced in the standard SYSOUT. The listing will be deleted after being printed. Action: Correct the JCL if relevant, or contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 31-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory PAS02. OPEN PRTFILE.LISTING WILL BE ON SYSOUT RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The PASCAL compiler failed to OPEN the permanent report file. The reason is given by the return code. The most common user error is: RC=EFNUNKN; the report file specified has not been found on the indicated volume. Result: he compiler proceeds but the listing is produced in the standard SYSOUT. The listing will be deleted after being printed. Action: Correct the JCL, if relevant, or contact the Service Center. PAS03. OPEN INLIB. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The PASCAL compiler failed to open the file containing the source program(s) to be compiled. the file can be either a library or an input enclosure. The reason is indicated by the return-code. The most common return code is EFNUNKN, which indicates that the library specified in the INLIB parameter of the JCL statement, PASCAL, has not been found on the specified volume. Result: No compilation is performed. Action: Correct the JCL if relevant, or contact the Service Center. PAS04. OPEN CULIB. NO OBJECT CODE PRODUCED. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The PASCAL compiler failed to open the library where the produced objects should be stored. The reason is indicated by the return code. Such a message is very unusual when a temporary CU library is used. When a permanent CU library is used, the most common return code is EFNUNKN indicating that the library specified in the CULIB parameter of the JCL statement, PASCAL, has not been found on the specified volume. Result: The compiler continues processing but it will not generate any CU. Action: Correct the JCL if relevant, or contact the Service Center. PAS05. BUILD INLIB. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: A problem occurred when the compiler attempted to retrieve source member names from the input library. The reason is indicated by the return code. Result: No further compilation is performed. Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. 31-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 PAS Messages PAS06. OPENS INLIB FOR: member-name Meaning: An incident, which may be due to a system error, occurred when the compiler attempted to access a source member from the input library. The reason is indicated by the return code. Result: The compilation is aborted. Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. PAS07. OPENS PRTLIB FOR: proc-name_L. LISTING WILL BE ON SYSOUT Meaning: An incident, which may be due to a system error, occurred when the compiler attempted to create the member to receive the listing created by the compilation. Note that the name of the member is derived from the procedure name by adding the "_L" suffix. The reason is indicated by the return code. Result: The listing will be stored in the standard SYSOUT and will be deleted after being printed. Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. PAS08. CLOSES INLIB FOR: member name. RC=edited-return code Meaning: An incident occurred at the end of source program reading. The reason is indicated by the return code. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Result: Compilation of the source program continues. Action: Check the compilation was correctly performed and report the problem to the Service Center. PAS09. CLOSES FOR proc-name_L. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An incident occurred at the end of creation of the listing in the print library. The reason is indicated by the return code. Such an incident is very unusual and may be due to a system error. Note that the name of the member is derived from the procedure name by adding the "_L" suffix. Result: The listing may be accessible from the print library. At the time of the incident the CU had already been produced (assuming that no serious errors were detected in the source program). Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 31-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory PAS11. CLOSE CULIB. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An incident, which may be due to a system error, occurred when the compiler attempted to CLOSE the CU library. The return code gives the reason for the incident. Result: The Compile Units had already been produced and may be accessible in the CU library. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack. If necessary, contact the Service Center. PAS12. CLOSE INLIB. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An incident, which may be due to a system error, occurred when the compiler attempted to close the library containing the source programs. The return code gives the reason for the incident. Result: The compiler processing continues. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack. If necessary contact the Service Center. PAS13. CLOSE SYSOUT. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An incident, which may be due to a system error, occurred when the compiler attempted to close the standard SYSOUT containing the report. The return code gives the reason for the incident. Result: This incident occurred at the end of compiler processing and the CUs were already produced. The produced listings may be accessible and successfully printed. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. PAS14. CLOSE PRTLIB. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An incident, which may be due to a system error, occurred when the compiler attempted to close the report file, or the library specified in the PRTLIB parameter of the JCL, or a sequential file specified in the PRTFILE parameter of the JCL. The return code gives the reason for the incident. The incident may be due to a system problem. Result: Refer to the preceding message. Action: Refer to the preceding message. 31-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 PAS Messages PAS15. PUT ON SYSOUT. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to write a record in the standard SYSOUT containing the report. The reason is indicated by the return code. Such an incident is very unusual and may indicate a system error. Result: Compiling stops. The CU generation phase of the program being processed had already been performed. Message PAS00 in the JOR indicates which CUs were already produced. A partial listing of the program being processed may be accessible. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. PAS15. PUT ON PRTLIB. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to write a record in the report file or to a library specified in the PRTLIB parameter, or a sequential file specified in the PRTFILE parameter. The return code indicates the reason for the incident. The return code DATALIM means that the file or library is full and cannot be extended. Remember that: • the PRTFILE is processed in append mode, • in the PRTLIB, the listing of the procedure "procname" is stored in the member "procname_ L" and replaces the one created by a previous compilation of "procname". Result: Compiling stops. The CU generation phase of the program being processed had already been performed. Message PASOO indicates which CUs were already produced. A partial listing of the program being processed may be accessible. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. PAS16. GET INLIB FOR: member-name. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to read a source record either from a user library or from the standard SYS.IN library. The reason for the incident is given by the return code. Such an incident is very unusual and may indicate a system error. Result: Compiling stops. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 31-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory PAS17. OPENS CULIB WORK MEMBER: member-name. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to create the member in the CU library to receive the CU being generated. The return-code indicates the reason for the incident. Result: Compiling stops. The old version of the program being compiled is still available in the CU library, because the compiler creates the new version of the CU in a temporary member and replaces the old version by the new one only when the CU generation phase is completed. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. PAS18. OPENS CULIB OLD-MEMBER: member-name RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to access the member containing the old CU version of the program being compiled, to replace it by the new version. The return code indicates the reason for the incident, which is probably due to a system error. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Refer to message PAS15. PAS19. procname IS ALREADY AN ALIAS IN CULIB. DUPLICATE NAME Meaning: An attempt was made to create a CU when another CU containing a secondary entry point already exists in the library with the same name as the procedure being compiled. Result: The new CU cannot be created in the library. Action: Use the LIST command of the LIBMAINT CU to get the name of the procedure containing the secondary entry point, then rename the new procedure or use a new CU library. PAS20. GET CULIB OLD MEMBER: member-name. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: To replace an old version of the CU by a new one, the compiler reads the old CU. An incident occurred while reading a record. The return code gives the reason for the incident, which is probably due to a system error. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Refer to message PAS15. 31-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 PAS Messages PAS21. PUT CULIB WORK MEMBER: member-name RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to write a CU record in the CU library. The reason for the incident is given by the return code. The return code DATALIM indicates the CU library is full. Remember that the compiler generates the CU in a work member before replacing the old version of the CU by the new one. Thus enough room must be provided in the CU library to create the work member even when an old version of the CU already exists in the CU library. Result: Compiling stops. The old version of the CU, if it exists, is still available in the CU library. Action: Compile the program again using another CU library, or delete the old CU. If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk and the disk pack supporting the library, or delete the old CU. PAS22. STOW (ADD) CULIB ALIAS: alias-name TO member name. RC= edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler is processing the PASCAL program "member-name", and this program contains a secondary entry point named "alias-name". The compiler is trying to store the name of the secondary entry point as an alias of the main entry point, i.e., both names lead to the same CU member in the library directory. An incident occurred during this operation. The reason is given by the return code. The most common incident is return code "DUPNAME", meaning that the name of the second entry point already exists in the library directory either as the main entry point or as the second entry point of another procedure. Result: The new CU is created in the library but the name is not cataloged in the directory as an alias of this CU. Action: Use the LIST command of LIBMAINT CU to check the contents of the CU library. PAS23. CLOSES (DELETE) CULIB MEMBER: member-name RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to delete the old version of the CU in the CU library. The reason for the incident is given by the return-code. Such an incident is very unusual and may indicate a system error. Result: The compiler proceeds. Action: Use the LIST command of the LIBMAINT CU to check the contents of the library. If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 31-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory PAS24. CLOSES CULIB WORK MEMBER: member-name. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to close the CU work member. The reason for the incident is given by the return code. Such an incident is very unusual and may indicate a system error. Result: The compiler stops. The old version of the CU is available in the CU library. Action: Use the LIST command of the LIBMAINT CU to check the contents of the library. If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. PAS25. STOW (DELETE) CULIB ALIAS: alias-name OF member name RC=edited-return-code Meaning: An old version of the CU being created exists in the library. The old version of the program had a secondary entry point with a name cataloged in the CU library as an alias name of the main entry point. The compiler is deleting this alias name. An incident occurred while deleting the name, which is specified in the message. The reason for the incident is given by the return code. Result: The compiler proceeds but the alias involved is not deleted from the library directory. Further consequences can be: • error PAS22 in the same compilation, when the compiler tries to add this name as an alias of the new CU, • return code ADDROUT at linkage time, when this name is referenced. Action: Use the LIST command of the LIBMAINT CU to check the contents of the library. If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. PAS27. PUT ON SYSOUT LNERR. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: A record cannot be written in the standard SYSOUT due to a software problem. Result: The compiler proceeds but the current record is not stored in the report file. Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. PAS27. PUT ON PRTLIB LNERR. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: A record cannot be written in the private SYSOUT specified in the PRTLIB or PRTFILE parameter of the JCL, due to a software problem. Result: The compiler proceeds but the current record is not stored in the report file. Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. 31-8 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 PAS Messages PAS28. CHNAME CULIB FROM WORK member-name-1 TO member name-2 RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler has created a new version of a CU when an old version existed in the library, in a member with a work name (member-name-1). After deleting the old member, the compiler renames the work member with its actual name (member-name2). An incident occurred during this operation, the reason for which is given by the return code. Result: Compiling stops. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. PAS30. VMMACC WORK. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: There was a problem with the management of the virtual memory files used by the PASCAL compiler; the return-code gives the reason. Such a message indicates a system error. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Contact the Service Center. PAS31. VMFOP WORK. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: There was a problem with the management of the virtual memory files used by the compiler; the return code gives the reason. Such a message indicates a system error. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Contact the Service Center. PAS32. VMFCL WORK. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: There was a problem with the management of the virtual memory files used by the compiler; the return code gives the reason. Such a message indicates a system error. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 31-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory PAS33. OPEN SYSOUT. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to OPEN the standard SYSOUT in order to create the compiler report; the return code gives the reason. Such an error is unusual and may indicate a system error. Result: Compiling stops but the CU is already produced in the CU library. Action: If the incident was an I/O error, check the disk drive and the disk pack supporting the file. If necessary, contact the Service Center. PAS35. SEGSIZE FCB-POOL. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: There was a problem with the management of the virtual memory files used by the PASCAL compiler; the return code gives the reason. If the return code is SGOV (code sent by VMM) and if the incident occurs during the FIXUP phase (phase name shown by and following the PAS45 message) the reason may be an overflow in the ISN table of the compiler i.e. the number of record tables stated in the program, is too high. Result: Compiling stops. Action: If the situation is as described above, use dynamic allocation with NEW/DISPOSE for certain of the larger objects. Otherwise, contact the Service Center. PAS39. SOURCE MEMBER=member name IS NOT IN PAS LANGUAGE Meaning: The source member given as input to the compiler is neither of the PASCAL type (TYPE=PAS) nor the DATASSF type (TYPE=DATASSF). Result: The compiler proceeds; this may produce strange results if the PASCAL compiles JCL commands or a COBOL source program. Action: Change the TYPE of the source member, using LIBMAINT. PAS40. PUT SYSOUT. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: The compiler was unable to write a record in the standard SYSOUT when tracing; the return code gives the reason. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Contact the Service Center. PAS42. TYPE OF INLIB SHOULD BE SL Meaning: The library given as input to the compiler is not a source language library. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Check the JCL and correct it if relevant. 31-10 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 PAS Messages PAS43. TYPE OF CULIB SHOULD BE CU Meaning: The library specified in the CULIB parameter is not a Compile Unit library. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Check the JCL and correct it if relevant. PAS48. UPDATE: ERRONEOUS LENGTH Meaning: A compiler internal problem occurred in the management of virtual memory working files. Result: Compiling stops. Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. PAS56. CALLERS ARE address values Meaning: An information message which appears every time a compilation steps before normal termination. Action: Take the contents of this message to the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 31-11 32. PCF Messages General Environment PCF messages are produced by the Program Checkout Facility component of the system. Pertinent Manual Program Checkout Facility User's Guide...................................................... 47 A2 15UP PCF00. <dynamically created message text> Meaning: The message cannot be directed to the standard output. Result: The job is aborted. Action: Variable; depends on the nature of the error. PCF01. PCF UNABLE TO EXPAND ITS COMMAND TABLE Meaning: There is no more space available for PCF to create its data structures. Result: The job is aborted. Action: Lower the consumption of type segments by the process group being debugged. PCF02. UNRECOVERABLE ERROR IN PCF I/O PROCEDURE Meaning: PCF can no longer perform the inputs and outputs which are necessary during its execution. Result: The job is aborted. Action: This error is external to PCF. The action to be taken depends on the cause of the error. It may be an error in the line, the terminal, or the telecom. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 32-1 33. PT Messages General Environment PT messages are produced by the GCOS 7 Passthrough mechanism. Message Descriptions The general format of PT error messages is: PTnn message-text RC=return-code The format of PT error messages giving VCAM error codes for GCOS 7 -V6 is: PTnn message-text VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=hhX REASON=hhX C_REASON=hhX The format of PT error messages giving VCAM error codes for releases prior to GCOS 7–V6 is: PTnn message-text VCAM ERROR CODES: BYTE1=hhX BYTE2=hhX BYTE3=hhX or PTnn message-text VCAM ERROR CODES: BYTE1=hhX BYTE2=hhX ERROR=hhX Where hh is a hexadecimal value. For these messages, refer to the VCAM error codes in this section. Messages PT01 to PT26 are for initialization. Messages PT31 to PT63 are for the dialog with VCAM. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 33-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 33.1 PT01 INITIALIZATION MESSAGES PT01 TO PT26 UNABLE TO OBTAIN VCAM SEMAPHORE RC=return-code Meaning: Software error. Action: Contact the Service Center. PT02 UNABLE TO ACTIVATE WORKSTATION VCAM ERROR CODES: WSTAT=wstat Meaning: Software error. Action: Contact the Service Center. PT03 UNABLE TO ACTIVATE MAILBOX VCAM ERROR CODES: MBSTST=mbstat Meaning: Software error. Action: Contact the Service Center. PT04 UNABLE TO OPEN REMOTE APPL MSG_GROUP VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Software error. Action: Refer to the VCAM error codes. Contact the Service Center. PT05 UNABLE TO DEACTIVATE MAILBOX VCAM ERROR CODES: MBSTST=mbstat Meaning: Software error. Action: Contact the Service Center. PT06 UNABLE TO DEACTIVATE WORK_STATION VCAM ERROR CODES: WSSTAT=wsstat Meaning: Software error. Action: Contact the Service Center. 33-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 PT Messages PT07 UNABLE TO FREE SEMAPHORE RC=return-code Meaning: Software error. Action: Contact the Service Center. PT08 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=ABNREJECT VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Abnormal rejection. Action: Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT09 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=DNODENOP VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Destination node not operable. Action: Check the status of the remote network system. Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT10 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=DNODESTST VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Destination node saturated. Action: Check the status of the remote network system. Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT11 CONNECTION REJECTED-MAILBOX UNKNOWN Meaning: Remote application is not known on the remote site. Action: None. PT12 CONNECTION REJECTED-MAILBOX NOT OPERABLE Meaning: Destination mailbox not operable. Action: Check the status of the remote network system. PT13 CONNECTION REJECTED-MAILBOX SATURATED Meaning: Destination mailbox saturated. Action: Check the status of the remote network system. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 33-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory PT14 CONNECTION REJECTED-APPL REJECT Meaning: Destination application saturated. Action: Check the status of the remote network system. PT15 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=DLGREJECT VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Dialog rejection. Action: Check the status of the remote network system. Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT16 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=PCREJECT VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Presentation rejected (negotiation result). Action: Check the status of the remote network system. Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT17 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=TMOUT VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Time out. Action: Check the status of the front end. Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT18 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=ACCVIOL VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Access rights violation. Action: Check the access rights of the specified USER/PROJECT/BILLING to the system or application on the remote site. Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT19 CONNECTION REJECTED SECURITY CHECKS FAILED Meaning: Security checks failed. Action: Enter the correct password. 33-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 PT Messages PT20 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=DNODEUKN VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Destination node unknown. Action: Check the network generation parameter against the network configuration. Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT21 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=PATHNAV VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Path to destination not available. Action: Check the network generation parameter against the network configuration. Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT22 CONNECTION REJECTED-USER ALREADY LOGGED Meaning: As in message text. Action: None. PT23 CONNECTION REJECTED-DUPLICATE STATION NAME Meaning: As in message text. Action: None. PT24 UNABLE TO CLOSE REMOTE APPL MSG GROUP VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: System error on termination of message transmission. Action: Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT25 CONNECTION REJECTED Meaning: As in message text. Action: None. PT26 PASS_THROUGH ABNORMALLY TERMINATED Meaning: Abort on passthrough connection. Action: Try again. If the problem persists, contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 33-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 33.2 PT31 DIALOG WITH VCAM MESSAGES PT31 TO PT63 CHECK SEMAPHORE ERROR RC=return-code Meaning: Software error. Action: Contact the Service Center. PT32 UNEXPECTED VCAM EVENT Meaning: User session has been interrupted. Action: None. If the problem persists, contact the Service Center. PT33 SESS TERMINATED BY REMOTE APPL Meaning: The passthrough connection opened by the remote application has been terminated by the application. Action: None. PT34 UNABLE TO RECEIVE IT Meaning: Interrupt (break) cannot be acknowledged. Action: None. If the problem persists, contact the Service Center. PT35 REMOTE IOF ABNORMALLY DISCONNECTED Meaning: A rupture in the communications link with a remote system has occurred. Action: None. If the problem persists, contact the Service Center. PT36 UNEXPECTED VCAM INTERRUPT Meaning: System session has been interrupted. Action: None. If the problem persists, contact the Service Center. PT37 UNABLE TO SEND_IT RC=return-code Meaning: Interrupt (break) is not recognized for transmission. Action: None. If the problem persists, contact the Service Center. 33-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 PT Messages PT38 UNEXPECTED STATUS ON SEND_IT Meaning: Interrupt has been sent but not correctly acknowledged. Action: None. If the problem persists, contact the Service Center. PT39 UNEXPECTED STATUS ON RECEIVE Meaning: Data transmission from remote site is invalid. Action: None. If the problem persists, contact the Service Center. PT40 UNABLE TO RECEIVE MESSAGE RC=return-code Meaning: The turn for transmission has not been acknowledged by sender. Action: None. If the problem persists, contact the Service Center. PT41 UNEXPECTED STATUS ON SEND Meaning: Data transmission to remote site is invalid. Action: None. If the problem persists, contact the Service Center. PT42 UNABLE TO SEND MESSAGE RC=return-code Meaning: The turn for transmission has not been acknowledged by receiver. Action: None. If the problem persists, contact the Service Center. PT43 REMOTE INTERACTIVE SESSION STARTED Meaning: A pass-through is started. Action: None. PT44 CONNECT REJECTED BY REMOTE APPL VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: User unable to connect to the mailbox of the application. Action: Refer to the VCAM error codes. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 33-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory PT45 CONNECTION IMPOSSIBLE VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Connection parameters are not valid for the user's cataloged rights. Action: Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT46 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=ABNREJCT VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Abnormal rejection. Action: None. PT47 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=DNODENOP VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Destination node not operable. Action: None. PT48 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=DNODESAT VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Number of connections supported by the destination node is saturated. Action: Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT49 CONNECTION REJECTED-MAILBOX UNKNOWN VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Remote application is not known on remote site. Action: Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT50 CONNECTION REJECTED-MAILBOX NOT OPERABLE VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Destination mailbox not operable. Action: Check the status of the remote network system. Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT51 CONNECTION REJECTED-MAILBOX SATURATED VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Number of users connectable to destination mailbox is saturated. Action: Check the status of the remote network system. Refer to the VCAM error codes. 33-8 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 PT Messages PT52 CONNECTION REJECTED-APPL REJECT Meaning: Destination request cannot be enqueued. Action: Check the status of the remote network system. PT53 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=DLGREJCT VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Dialog rejection (negotiation result). Action: Check the status of the remote network system. Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT54 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=PCREJCT VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Presentation rejection (negotiation result). Action: Check the status of the remote network system. Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT55 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=TMOUT VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Expiration time out. Action: Check the status of the front end. Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT56 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=ACCVIOL VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Access rights violation. Action: Check the access rights of the specified USER/PROJECT/BILLING to the system or application on the remote site. Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT57 CONNECTION REJECTED SECURITY CHECKS FAILED VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Security checks failed on (PROJECT,BILLING optional if the default). the specified USERID, PASSWORD Action: Enter the correct logon parameters. Refer to the VCAM error codes. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 33-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory PT58 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=DNODELINK VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Destination node link down. Action: Call the operations center of the remote system to ready the system and its front-end processor (if any). Then try the connection again. Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT59 CONNECTION REJECTED-STATUS=PATHNAV VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: Path to destination not available. Action: Check the system site logon parameter against the name declared for the SYSTEM in NETGEN. Refer to the VCAM error codes. PT60 CONNECTION REJECTED-USER ALREADY LOGGED VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: As in message text. Action: None. PT61 CONNECTION REJECTED-DUPLICATE STATION NAME VCAM ERROR CODES: STATUS=status REASON=reason C_REASON=c_reason Meaning: As in message text. Action: None. PT62 UNABLE TO CLOSE MESSAGE GROUP RC=return-code Meaning: A system error has occurred in terminating a duplex message transmission. Action: Try the transmission again. Center. PT63 If the same error persists, contact the Service UNABLE TO INQUIRE RC=return-code Meaning: Software error. Action: Contact the Service Center. 33-10 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 PT Messages 33.3 VCAM ERROR MESSAGES 33.3.1 Status The status of user connections that are rejected is 35. In some messages STATUS appears as BYTE1. The following supplementary STATUS values are for Maintenance Purposes only: hh Status 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 40 CHECK SKIP ALREADY DACTIV RESOV SYSTERR LMBXSAT DSTUNSPEC TURNVIOL USERNG TRUNC NODATA MOREDATA INTPDNG Other STATUS values are given in C_REASON. 33.3.2 Reason The following values give the reason for disconnection. In some messages, REASON appears as BYTE2. hh Reason 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 09 0A 15 17 18 ABNORMAL TERMINATION ACCEPTOR CUSTOMER NODE INOPERABLE ACCEPTOR CUSTOMER NODE SATURATED ACCEPTOR MAILBOX UNKNOWN ACCEPTOR MAILBOX INOPERABLE ACCEPTOR MAILBOX SATURATED ACCEPTOR APPLICATION PROGRAM SATURATED DIALOG PROTOCOL ERROR OR NEGOTIATION FAILED PRESENTATION PROTOCOL ERROR OR NEGOTIATION FAILED TIME-OUT ON MESSAGE GROUP INITIATION INCORRECT ACCESS RIGHT FOR MB INCORRECT ACCESS RIGHT FOR THE APPLICATION 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 33-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 19 1A 1B 1D 21 40 41 42 43 PRENEGOTIATED MESSAGE PATH DESCRIPTOR UNKNOWN SECURITY VALIDATION FAILED ACCEPTOR MAILBOX EXTENSION UNKNOWN MB NUMBER INVALID INACCESSIBLE NODE NODE UNKNOWN PATH NOT AVAILABLE DUPLICATED USER ID DUPLICATED STATION ID (FOR REMOTE BATCH) The following supplementary REASON values are for Maintenance Purposes only: hh Reason 00 08 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F 10 11 12 13 1C 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 RESTART RECEIVED TRANSPORT PROTOCOL ERROR OR NEGOTIATION FAILED GETSEM OVERLOAD WRONG INQUIRY JOB SUBMISSION ON RFA INVOLVES DUPLICATE USER JOB CLASS Q NOT STARTED NO MEMORY RESOURCES NO J-PROCESS OR P-PROCESS AVAILABLE LINE LENGTH NOT SUPPORTED NUMBER OF SERVICE JOBS SATURATED ANOMALIES IN START JOB JOB STEP ABORT OR MESSAGE REJECTT ACCEPTOR MAILBOX EXTENSION INOPERABLE NORMAL DISCONNECTION SATURATION FAILED NEGOTIATION DOUBLE CONNECTION INCOMPATIBLE PLUGS TIME OUT T1 AT TRANSPORT LEVEL OCCURRED TIME OUT T2 AT TRANSPORT LEVEL OCCURRED PROTOCOL ERROR 33.3.3 C_REASON The following values for C_REASON apply when the STATUS value is 35. In some messages C_REASON appears as BYTE3 or ERROR. hh 8C 8E 8F 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 33-12 C_Reason Requested mailbox is local and saturated. Requested node is local and requested mailbox is not defined. Duplicate name owner creating a MAIN user ID in dictionary. USERUNKN return code sent from catalog. PROJUNKN return code sent from catalog. BILLUNKN return code sent from catalog. STTNUNKN return code sent from catalog. APPLUNKN return code sent from catalog. RLUPUNKN return code sent from catalog. RLBPUNKN return code sent from catalog. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 PT Messages 97 98 99 9A 9C 9E 9F A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 AA AB B0 B6 B7 B8 B9 C0 RLAPUNKN return code sent from catalog. RLSPUNKN return code sent from catalog. PSWVIOL return code sent from catalog. Unexpected return code sent from catalog. Catalog not validated or submitter identification set not given by initiator and destination mailbox specifies CTL=, or NCTL=0. Unexpected type returned by dictionary for the destination mailbox. (Wrong destination mailbox name.) NOTDONE return code from dictionary when creating USER ID. Destination session (node) unknown. Neither the caller's mailbox nor the destinations mailbox is an application mailbox and the queue monitor is not available. Requested node is remote and the corresponding work station is not active. Requested node is remote and the corresponding work station does not exist. Requested node is remote and the corresponding work station is not active. Destination mailbox is saturated and has REJCT option. Destination mailbox is in the ending state, is static and has REJCT option. SBC allocation failed, remote initiator case. Session entry allocator failed, remote initiator case. NOTDONE return code when trying to put connection letter into the buffer pool. Remote initiator case and ILLRL connection letter is not in agreement with DSA protocol. Remote initiator case, ILLRL connection letter specifies an extension, and this parameter is not implemented in the current release. Immediate connection asked for and destination mailbox saturated or not active. Wrong routing path. Connection arrives from a remote initiator and the specified destination is not the local node. Synchronous OPMG verb and V_OPENACK message received with a reject as reason. Synchronous OPMG verb and V_OPENACK message not received by the event processing. Remote initiator case and wrong node codes are driven in the address record of the ILCRL connection letter. Semaphore logon overflow. The following supplementary C_REASON values with their STATUS values are for Maintenance Purposes only. C_R stands for C_REASON and ST stands for STATUS in the following table. C_R ST C_Reason 81 34 82 34 Failure when allocating session entry. Reason=V_R_DNODENOP. Failure when allocating space for special user trace. Reason=V_R_DNODENOP. Unable to access MGI parameter. Unable to access WKS parameter, or WSIDENT error. Unable to access MPD parameter. Unable to access MBX parameter. Wrong link to next entry device in parameter. Caller's MBX is not active. 83 84 85 86 87 88 83 84 85 86 87 88 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 33-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 89 89 8B 8B 8C 37 8D 34 9B 38 9D 36 AC AC AD AD AE AE AF AF B1 36 B2 36 B3 36 B4 36 B5 36 33-14 Caller's MBX does not belong to caller's W. MSI_L08JNUMB greater than maximum allowed by CONFIG (physical process work station). Caller's MBX is saturated. NOTDONE return code during semaphore allocation. Destination mailbox not specified by initiator and no default option exists in catalog. Reason=V_R_DMBXUNK. Destination type is RDTN and an unexpected return code is given by dictionary when retrieving the V_RDTN object.AC AC Asynchronous catalog access completion and caller was not waited for. Reason=V_R_DNODENOP. Asynchronous catalog access completion caller was not waiting for. Reason=V_R_DNODENOP. Unable to access submitter set (MGI_P04AREA parameter error). Unable to access terminal identical (MGI_P04AREA parameter error). Unable to access User Identification (MGI_P04AREA parameter error). NOTDONE return code from dictionary when retrieving source mailbox name. NOTDONE return code from dictionary when retrieving local node name. NOTDONE return code from dictionary when retrieving destination node name. NOTDONE return code from dictionary when retrieving initiator node name in case of remote initiator. Reason=V_R_DNODENOP. NOTDONE return code from dictionary when retrieving destination node name in case of remote initiator.Reason=V_R_DNODENOP. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 34. QC Messages General Environment QC messages are produced by an MCS (Message Control System) application or by the QMAINT (Queue Maintenance) utility. QC messages are documented in the Network Operations Reference Manual 47 A2 72UC. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 34-1 35. QL Messages General Environment QL messages are produced when library files are used. In every message the user is provided with the internal file name (ifn) through which the library is accessed by the program. Pertinent Manuals BFAS User's Guide ..................................................................................... 47 A2 02UF JCL User's Guide .........................................................................................47 A2 12UJ 35.1 QL01. MESSAGE DESCRIPTIONS FOR VBO SYSTEMS IFN: ifn OPTION 'MOUNT=ALL' IS MANDATORY Meaning: The value indicated in the MOUNT parameter of the JCL is less than the number of volumes in the volume list for a library file, and all the volumes supporting a library must be mounted. Result: The library cannot be opened. The abnormal return code MOUNTERR is set. Action: Modify the JCL. In some cases, the use of device pool facilities can minimize the device utilization. Refer to the JCL User's Guide. QL02. IFN: ifn INVALID SHARING LEVEL VALUE Meaning: The SHRLEVEL value of the file description, indicating in which segment type the file control structures are allocated, is unknown. Result: The library file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Such a message normally indicates a system error. Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 35-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory QL03. IFN: ifn INVALID RECORD FORMAT Meaning: The RECFORM value found in the file description is unknown. Result: The library file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Such a message normally indicates a system error. Contact the Service Center. QL04. IFN: ifn RECORD FORMAT NOT SUPPORTED (KEY OR TRACK OVERFLOW) Meaning: The specified record format is not supported (records with key, or records with track overflow). Result: The library file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Such a message normally indicates a system error. Contact the Service Center. QL05. IFN: ifn RECORD FORMAT NOT SUPPORTED (SPAN) Meaning: The specified record format is not supported (spanned records). Result: The library file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Such a message normally indicates a system error. Contact the Service Center. QL06. IFN: ifn 'COMPACTION' NOT SUPPORTED FOR RECORD FORMAT UNDEFINED Meaning: The data record compaction is not supported for records with format undefined. Result: The library file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Such a message normally indicates a system error. Contact the Service Center. QL07. IFN: ifn BLOCKSIZE SHOULD BE >= RECSIZE+4(V,VB) Meaning: The block size is not compatible with the record size according to the format of the records (V or VB); at least 4 bytes more than the record size must be reserved in the block to build the record header. Result: The library file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Such a message normally indicates a system error. Contact the Service Center. 35-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 QL Messages QL08. IFN: ifn 'COMPACTION' NOT SUPPORTED FOR RECORD FORMAT F OR FB Meaning: The data record compaction is not allowed for fixed length records. Result: The library file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Such a message normally indicates a system error. Contact the Service Center. QL09. IFN: ifn ILLEGAL RECSIZE VALUE (0 OR NEGATIVE) Meaning: The provided record size is negative or zero. Result: The library file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Such a message normally indicates a system error. Contact the Service Center. QL10. IFN: ifn INCOMPATIBLE BLOCKSIZE/RECSIZE VALUES FOR COMPACTION Meaning: For compacted files, the blocksize must be at least equal to the maximum record size + 4 bytes for the record header + 1 byte per 128 characters of the maximum record size. Result: The library file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Such a message normally indicates a system error. Contact the Service Center. QL11. IFN: ifn BLOCKSIZE SHOULD BE >= TO RECSIZE (F,FB) Meaning: With record format F or FB, the blocksize must be at least equal to the record size. Result: The library file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Such a message normally indicates a system error. Contact the Service Center. QL15. IFN: ifn ILLEGAL BLOCKSIZE VALUE (NEGATIVE) Meaning: The specified blocksize is negative. Result: The library file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Such a message normally indicates a system error. Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 35-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory QL16. IFN: ifn ILLEGAL BLOCKSIZE VALUE (GREATER THAN TRACK CAPACITY) Meaning: The specified blocksize exceeds the track capacity of the media supporting the file. Result: The library file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Such a message normally indicates a system error. Contact the Service Center. QL17. IFN: ifn FILCHECK NOT PERFORMED: UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERROR Meaning: An I/O error has occurred during the operation of FILCHECK. Result: FILCHECK is not performed. Action: Analyze the return code and contact the Service Center. QL19. IFN: ifn ERROR IN ACCESS METHOD: ADDITIONAL INFO = info Meaning: Internal error. The additional information is the error number. Result: Processing ends abnormally. Action: Contact the Service Center. QL20. IFN: ifn ILLEGAL 'ACCLEVEL' PHYSICAL FOR COMPACTED FILES Meaning: For compacted files, access is allowed only at record level. Result: The library file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Such a message normally indicates a system error. Contact the Service Center. QL21. IFN: ifn CANNOT FORMAT FILE: LOGTRKSZ MUST BE AT LEAST n Meaning: The current allocation parameters (blocksize, file size or maximum size) do not allow the building of control information (BAM: Block Allocation Map) in the library. Result: The file cannot be opened and the return code BAMOV is set by the access method. Action: This message indicates a system error when the file has been allocated by the JCL statement, LIBALLOC. Report the problem to the Service Center. 35-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 QL Messages QL22. IFN: ifn NO DATA RETRIEVED: SUBFILE HAS BEEN SET EMPTY Meaning: The first data block of the subfile has an incorrect subfile identifier. Result: The subfile has been set empty in the directory. Some data may be lost. Action: None. QL24. IFN: ifn DATA SALVAGING TERMINATED Meaning: An error has occurred during file salvaging. The salvaging is not complete. Result: The file is not completely salvaged. Action: Analyze the return code and contact the Service Center. QL25. IFN: ifn DATA SALVAGING COMPLETED Meaning: This is an intermediate message from the File Salvager. The data part of the file has been salvaged. Result: The data part of the file is coherent. Action: None. QL26. IFN: ifn ILLEGAL 'DIRSIZE' VALUE (ZERO) Meaning: The number of blocks to be allocated for the library directory cannot be zero. Result: The library file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Such a message normally indicates a system error. Contact the Service Center. QL27. IFN: ifn ILLEGAL 'LOGTRKSZ' VALUE (ZERO) Meaning: The logical track size cannot be zero. A logical track is the unit of space management for libraries. Result: The library cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Such a message normally indicates a system error. Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 35-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory QL28. IFN: ifn MONITOR SHARING NOT SUPPORTED: ONLY DIR OR NORMAL ALLOWED Meaning: GAC is not available for libraries, thus an option SHARE=MONITOR found either in the JCL ASSIGN or in the catalog entry when the file is cataloged, is illegal. Result: The file cannot be opened. Action: Correct the JCL ASSIGN statement or modify the catalog entry. QL29. IFN: ifn AT LEAST ONE LINK ALIAS TO ALIAS HAS BEEN DELETED Meaning: During File Salvaging or the operation of FILCHECK some links that are internal to the access method have been deleted. Result: The file is coherent. Action: None. QL30. IFN: ifn UNABLE TO WRITE TO DATA BLOCK NUMBER = n Meaning: An I/O error has occurred while writing to a data block. Result: The subfile is truncated at the previous block. QL31. IFN: ifn UNABLE TO ACCESS TO DATA BLOCK NUMBER = n Meaning: An I/O error has occurred while reading a data block. Result: The subfile is truncated at the end of the previous block. QL32. IFN: ifn SUBFILE HAS BEEN BOUNDED Meaning: The current data block contains errors. The subfile is truncated at the end of the previous block. Result: Some data may be lost. QL33. IFN: ifn DIRECTORY SALVAGING TERMINATED Meaning: During the File Salvaging process, directory salvaging has terminated abnormally due to an error previously given in an error message. Result: The file is unstable. Action: Look at the return code given in the error message. Contact the Service Center. 35-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 QL Messages QL34. IFN: ifn DIRECTORY SALVAGING COMPLETED Meaning: The directory salvaging part of the File Salvaging process is complete. Result: Salvaging continues. QL37. IFN: ifn UNABLE TO WRITE DIRECTORY BLOCK NUMBER = n Meaning: An error has occurred while writing to a directory block. Result: This block is skipped and is not updated by the File Salvager. Action: Depends on the return code. QL38. IFN: ifn UNABLE TO ACCESS DIRECTORY BLOCK NUMBER = n Meaning: An error has occurred while reading from a directory block. Result: This block is skipped and is not updated by the File Salvager. Action: Depends on the return code. QL39. IFN: ifn SALVAGING REPORT FOR FILE filename Meaning: The file was found to be unstable when it was opened. You are warned that the File Salvager has been activated for this file. Result: The File Salvager makes the file stable and coherent. Action: None. QL40. IFN: ifn FILCHECK REPORT FOR FILE filename Meaning: FILCHECK has been activated to make the file stable and coherent. Result: You will be able to use the file with no inconsistencies. Action: None. QL44. IFN: ifn UNABLE TO ACCESS A BLOCK OF BAM: END OF SALVAGING Meaning: An error has occurred while accessing a block of the Block Allocation Map. File Salvaging is terminated. Result: The file is not completely salvaged and is therefore not stable. Action: Depends on the return code. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 35-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory QL45. IFN: ifn AT LEAST ONE SUBFILE SIZE HAS BEEN UPDATED Meaning: This is a warning message. The size of at least one subfile has been changed. Result: The file is now coherent. Some data may have been lost. QL48. IFN: ifn SUBFILE IDENT REORGANIZATION COMPLETED Meaning: The reorganization of subfile identifiers (an intermediate phase of FILCHECK) is complete. Result: The subfile identifiers are reorganized. Action: None. QL49. IFN: ifn SUBFILE IDENT REORGANIZATION TERMINATED Meaning: The reorganization of the subfile identifiers could not be completed due to some reason given in an error message. Result: The subfile identifiers have not been reorganized. Action: Depends on the return code. QL53. IFN: ifn UNEXPECTED DIRECTORY STRUCTURE IN BLOCK NUMBER = n Meaning: A directory block does not have a directory structure; it has been changed to zero. Result: All the entries in this directory block are cancelled. Some information may have been lost. QL54. IFN: ifn ALL ENTRIES CANCELLED IN BLOCK NUMBER = n Meaning: A directory block does not have a directory structure; it has been changed to zero. Result: All the entries in this directory block are cancelled. Some information may have been lost. QL55. IFN: ifn ONE SEGMENT CANNOT BE CREATED Meaning: There is not enough memory available to run FILCHECK. Result: Only File Salvaging has been done. Action: Try to run FILCHECK again later if necessary. 35-8 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 QL Messages QL56. IFN: ifn SIZE OF THE SUBFILE HAS BEEN UPDATED TO NEW VALUE: n Meaning: The size of the subfile has changed after salvaging. Result: The subfile has been salvaged. Some data may have been lost. QL59. IFN: ifn UNABLE TO WRITE A BLOCK OF BAM: END OF SALVAGING Meaning: An error has occurred while writing to a block of the Block Allocation Map. Result: File Salvaging terminates abnormally. The file is not completely salvaged. Action: Contact the Service Center. QL60. IFN: ifn UNEXPECTED BAM BLOCK STRUCTURE: FILCHECK SUBMITTED Meaning: The Block Allocation Map is in an inconsistent state. FILCHECK has been activated to eliminate the inconsistencies. Result: The Block Allocation Map is rebuilt. QL61. IFN: ifn SUBFILE DELETION COMPLETED Meaning: A subfile was not completely deleted. File Salvaging has completed the deletion. Result: The subfile is now deleted. QL62. IFN: ifn CHANGE NAME ACTIVATED. PREVIOUS STATE RESTORED Meaning: A CHNAME command with the REPLACE option has terminated abnormally. Result: The directory and the Block Allocation Map are restored to the state they were in before CHNAME was run. QL63. IFN: ifn CHANGE NAME ALIAS STATE RESET Meaning: The primitive H_RENAME has terminated abnormally. Result: The File Salvager completes the renaming process. QL64. IFN: ifn CHNAME FUNCTION COMPLETED, BUT LOGICAL TRACKS MAY BE LOST Meaning: The CHNAME command with the REPLACE option has completed. Result: The name is changed, but some logical tracks may be lost. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 35-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory QL65. IFN: ifn CHANGE NAME FUNCTION COMPLETED Meaning: The CHNAME command with the REPLACE option is completed successfully. QL66. IFN: ifn CANNOT FORMAT FILE. SIZE MUST BE AT LEAST n {CYLINDERS} {TRACKS } Meaning: The SIZE allocation parameter has not been specified large enough to contain the Block Allocation map and the directory. n is suggested as a suitable value. Result: The file cannot be opened and the return code FILEOV is set. Action: Increase the SIZE parameter to the specified value. QL67. IFN: ifn LINK MAIN TO MAIN HAS BEEN DELETED Meaning: This is a warning message. A link (DMM) which is internal to the access method has been deleted after alias and main updating. Result: The DMM is deleted. QL68. IFN: ifn ALIAS(ES) WITHOUT MAIN DELETED Meaning: This is a warning message. Some aliases without a main entry have been found and deleted. Result: The file is in a coherent state. QL69. IFN: ifn ALIAS ENTRY HAS BEEN INSERTED IN A CHAIN Meaning: Due to a function on an alias having terminated abnormally, this alias is not linked to its main. Result: The alias is inserted in the chain of mains and aliases. QL70. IFN: ifn CHANGE NAME ALIAS FUNCTION COMPLETED Meaning: The CHNAME function on an alias is complete. Result: The file is in a coherent state. 35-10 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 QL Messages QL71. IFN: ifn FILCHECK UTILITY HAS TO BE LAUNCHED Meaning: The subfile identifiers must be reorganized. When the file was opened, an overflow was detected on a subfile identifier number. The file is processed in degraded mode. Result: The subfile identifiers are not reorganized. Action: Activate FILCHECK as soon as possible. QL72. IFN: ifn UNABLE TO REWRITE FILE LABEL2 Meaning: An error has occurred while writing the file label2. Result: File label2 is not updated to reflect the exact state of the file. Action: Contact the Service Center. QL74. IFN: ifn SUBFILE DELETION FUNCTION COMPLETED, BUT LOGICAL TRACKS MAY BE LOST Meaning: The main entry was being deleted. The data part and the aliases (if any) are also deleted. Result: The subfile is deleted. Some logical tracks may be lost. QL76. IFN: ifn INCONSISTENT ALIASES FOUND: SALVAGING IS TRIGGERED Meaning: During the processing of a V1/V2 file, some aliases have been found without a main. Result: Dynamic file salvaging is triggered. QL77. IFN: ifn UNSTABLE FILE: SALVAGING IS TRIGGERED Meaning: The file was found to be unstable when it was opened. File Salvaging is performed. Result: The file is in a coherent and stable state. QL78. IFN: ifn UNSTABLE FILE: FILCHECK IS TRIGGERED Meaning: When the file was opened, FILCHECK was activated to make it stable. Result: The file is in a coherent and stable state. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 35-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory QL79. IFN: ifn END OF SALVAGING Meaning: This is a warning message which may appear when a file is opened. File salvaging is complete. Result: The file is stable and coherent. QL80. IFN: ifn END OF FILCHECK Meaning: This is a warning message. FILCHECK processing is complete. Result: The file is stable and coherent. QL81. IFN: ifn ONEWRITE SHARING NOT SUPPORTED: ONLY DIR OR NORMAL ALLOWED Meaning: The value of the SHARE parameter, either in the $ASSIGN JCL statement or in the catalog entry for the file, is ONEWRITE. This type of sharing is not allowed for libraries. Result: The file cannot be opened. The return code SHCTVIOL is sent. QL82. IFN: ifn NO MAXSIZE SUPPLIED: COMPUTED ONE IS n Meaning: At file allocation time, INCRSIZE was specified but MAXSIZE was not. A value has been computed by the access method. Result: The file can be extended up to the specified value. QL84. IFN: ifn DIRECTORY FORMAT SWITCHING FOR FILE filename Meaning: The directory for the file is in V1/V2 format. Result: It is automatically transformed into V3 format. QL86. IFN: ifn UNEXPECTED DIRECTORY STRUCTURE Meaning: The contents of the directory are inconsistent. The remaining part of the block has been cleared. Result: Some entries may be lost. Processing continues. Action: Contact the Service Center. 35-12 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 QL Messages QL87. IFN: ifn UNSUCCESSFUL DIRECTORY FORMAT SWITCHING Meaning: The switching of the directory format has failed. Result: The file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set. Action: Such a message normally indicates a system error. Contact the Service Center. QL88. IFN: ifn CANNOT FORMAT FILE. MAXIMUM SIZE ALLOWED IS n Meaning: The specified size is too large; the Block Allocation Map cannot be built. Result: The file cannot be allocated. Action: Reduce the file size to the given value. QL89. IFN: ifn ENTRY INSERTED IN DIRECTORY OVERFLOW Meaning: An entry has been stored in the directory overflow area. Result: Performance degradation when searching for or creating an entry. Action: Reallocate the library with a larger value for DIRSIZE or MEMBERS. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 35-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 35.2 QL01. MESSAGE DESCRIPTIONS FOR FBO SYSTEMS 'MOUNT=ALL' OPTION IS MANDATORY Meaning: All volumes of a queued file must be on line at OPEN time. Result: The file cannot be opened and the abnormal return code MOUNTERR is sent. Action: Correct the JCL statement, ASSIGN, (MOUNT keyword). QL02. SHARE=MONITOR NOT SUPPORTED: ONLY DIR OR NORMAL ALLOWED Meaning: GAC is not available for QUEUED files, thus a SHARE=MONITOR option found either in the JCL statement, ASSIGN, or in the catalog entry (if the file is cataloged) is illegal. Result: The file cannot be opened and the abnormal return code SCHTVIOL is sent. Action: Correct the JCL statement, ASSIGN, or modify the catalog entry. QL03. SHARE=FREE NOT SUPPORTED: ONLY DIR OR NORMAL ALLOWED Meaning: The SHARE=FREE option found either in the JCL statement, ASSIGN, or in the catalog entry (if the file is cataloged) is illegal. Result: The file cannot be opened and the abnormal return code SCHTVIOL is sent. Action: Correct the JCL statement, ASSIGN, or modify the catalog entry. QL04. SHARE=ONEWRITE NOT SUPPORTED: ONLY DIR OR NORMAL ALLOWED Meaning: The SHARE=ONEWRITE option found either in the JCL statement, ASSIGN, or in the catalog entry (if the file is cataloged) is illegal. Result: The file cannot be opened and the abnormal return code SCHTVIOL is sent. Action: Correct the JCL statement, ASSIGN, or modify the catalog entry. QL05. UNSTABLE FILE: FILECHECK IS TRIGGERED FOR FILE <FILE_NAME> Meaning: The file is found unstable at OPEN time. A complete FILECHECK is necessary. Result: FILECHECK is executed. Action: None. 35-14 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 QL Messages QL06. UNSTABLE FILE: FILECHECK IS TRIGGERED FOR FILE <FILE_NAME> Meaning: Salvaging requested by OPEN on detection of an unstable file. Result: A short salvaging is executed. Action: None. QL07. ACCLEVEL=PHYSICAL NOT SUPPORTED Meaning: Access is only allowed at logical (record) level. Result: The file cannot be opened and the abnormal return code LEVVIOL is sent. Action: Correct the file definition (ACCLEVEL). QL08. FILECHECK REPORT FOR FILE <FILE_NAME> Meaning: File recovery has been launched on explicit request (RECOVER command of the MAINTAIN_FILE processor). Result: FILECHECK is executed. Action: None. QL09. END OF FILECHECK Meaning: FILECHECK has been completed. Result: The file has been successfully recovered. Action: None. QL10. END OF SALVAGING Meaning: SALVAGING has been completed. Result: The file has been successfully recovered. Action: None. QL1. SUBFILE INDENT NUMBER OVERFLOW. LAUNCH LOGICAL COPY OF FILE. Meaning: Too many subfiles have been created. Result: It is not possible to create any more subfiles. Action: Perform a logical copy of the file. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 35-15 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory QL12. UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERRORS: FILE HAS BEEN LEFT UNSTABLE. Meaning: Fatal I/O errors occurred during salvaging. Result: The file is left unstable and cannot be accessed. Action: Restore the file from a previous save. QL17. FILCHECK NOT PERFORMED: UNRECOVERABLE I/O ERRORS. Meaning: Fatal I/O errors occurred during salvaging. Result: The file is left unstable and cannot be accessed. Action: Restore the file from a previous save. QL19. ERROR ACCESS METHOD. ADDITIONAL INFO = <info> ON BLOCK NUMBER <block_number>. Meaning: An inconsistency is detected in the directory block. Result: Recovery cannot be performed and the file cannot be accessed. Action: This is a system error. Contact the Service Center. QL22. NO DATA RETRIEVED: SUBFILE HAS BEEN SET EMPTY Meaning: No data blocks were found for a given subfile during salvaging. Result: The subfile is set empty in the directory. Action: None. QL23. SUBFILE IS LEFT UNBOUNDED. IT IS NOW READ ONLY. Meaning: An I/O error prevented the salvager from bounding the subfile. Result: The subfile is now read only. Action: Copy the subfile to another one. QL30. UNABLE TO WRITE TO DATA BLOCK NUMBER <block_number>. Meaning: An I/O error occurred while writing to a data block during salvaging. Result: The subfile cannot be bounded. Message 23 is sent. Action: Refer to message 23. 35-16 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 QL Messages QL31. UNABLE TO ACCESS TO DATA BLOCK NUMBER <blk_number>. Meaning: The block is not in the "Data Part" of the file, or an I/O error has occurred. Result: The last valid block is marked as the end of the subfile. Action: Depends on the next message, either 22 or 32. QL32. SUBFILE HAS BEEN BOUNDED Meaning: The subfile has been found opened and has been bounded to the last written block. Result: The subfile is recovered. Action: None. QL33. DIRECTORY SALVAGING ABORTED Meaning: An access method error or an I/O failure during directory salvaging. Result: The file is left unstable and cannot be accessed. Action: Restore the file from a previous save. QL34. DIRECTORY SALVAGING COMPLETED Meaning: The directory has been salvaged. Result: The directory can be accessed. Action: None. QL36. DIRECTORY SALVAGING Meaning: The first message sent by Directory Salvaging. Result: The directory will be recovered. Action: None. QL37. UNABLE TO WRITE DIRECTORY BLOCK NUMBER <blk_number> Meaning: An I/O error occurred while writing the directory block number <blk_number>. Result: The file is left unstable and cannot be accessed. Action: Restore the file from a previous save. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 35-17 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory QL38. UNABLE TO ACCESS DIRECTORY BLOCK NUMBER <blk_number> Meaning: An I/O error occurred while accessing the directory block number <blk_number>. Result: The file is left unstable and cannot be accessed. Action: Restore the file from a previous save. QL43. ENTRY NAME: <entry_name>. Meaning: Indicates the name of the current subfile. Action: Depends on the following messages. QL44. UNABLE TO ACCESS A BLOCK OF BAM: END OF SALVAGING. Meaning: An I/O error on the bam block. Result: Salvaging cannot be performed. Action: Restore the file from a previous save. QL50. FATAL I/O ERROR ON DIRECTORY OR BAM BLOCK NUMBER <blk_number>, COMPLETION CODE: <XXXX>. Meaning: During the processing of the file, an I/O error occurred on the directory or bam block number <blk_number>. Result: The current action is stopped and the file is left unstable. Action: None, if the message is sent during normal processing of the file, because salvaging will begin at the next OPEN. If this message is sent during salvaging, recovery is aborted. Refer to the following messages for the action to take. QL53. UNEXPECTED DIRECTORY STRUCTURE IN BLOCK NUMBER <blk_number>. Meaning: An incorrect directory block structure was detected.. Result: The block is truncated at the last valid entry. Action: Check the directory contents. 35-18 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 QL Messages QL54. ALL ENTRIES CANCELLED IN DIRECTORY BLOCK NUMBER <blk_number> Meaning: A directory block does not have a directory structure; it has been changed to zero. Result: All entries are cancelled in that block. Action: Check the directory contents. QL59. UNABLE TO WRITE A BLOCK OF BAM: END OF SALVAGING Meaning: An I/O error occurred while writing to a block of the Block Allocation Map. Result: File Salvaging aborts. The file is left unstable and cannot be accessed. Action: Restore the file from a previous save. QL60. UNEXPECTED BAM BLOCK STRUCTURE: FILCHECK SUBMITTED Meaning: The given Block Allocation Map block is in an inconsistent state (the number of formatted LTs is not equal to the number of free and used LTs). Result: The Block Allocation Map is rebuilt. Action: None. QL61. SUBFILE DELETION COMPLETED. Meaning: A subfile was not completely deleted. File Salvaging has completed the deletion. Result: The entry has been deleted as expected. Action: None. QL62. CHANGE NAME ACTIVATED. PREVIOUS STATE RESTORED. Meaning: A RENAME function was interrupted. The file has been restored to the previous state. Result: The RENAME was not performed. Action: Perform the RENAME operation again. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 35-19 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory QL63. CHANGE NAME ALIAS STATE RESET. Meaning: An interrupted RENAME function on an alias entry has been detected. Result: The function is completed. Action: None. QL64. CHANGE NAME FUNCTION COMPLETED, BUT LOGICAL TRACKS MAY BE LOST. Meaning: An interrupted RENAME function has been detected. The directory has been updated, but data blocks were lost. Result: Some file space has been lost. Action: Perform a MAINTAIN_FILE with the RECOVER command. QL65. CHANGE NAME FUNCTION COMPLETED. Meaning: An interrupted RENAME function on a MAIN entry was detected. Result: The function is completed. Action: None. QL68. DELETED ALIAS(ES) WITHOUT MAIN. Meaning: Some aliases have been found without a corresponding MAIN entry. Result: These entries are deleted. Action: None. QL69. ALIAS ENTRY HAS BEEN INSERTED IN A CHAIN. Meaning: An interrupted STOW ADD ALIAS function was detected. Result: The function is completed. Action: None. QL70. CHANGE NAME ALIAS FUNCTION COMPLETED Meaning: An interrupted rename function on an alias entry was detected. Result: The function is completed. Action: None. 35-20 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 QL Messages QL74. SUBFILE DELETION FUNCTION COMPLETED, BUT LOGICAL TRACKS MAY BE LOST. Meaning: An interrupted subfile deletion was detected. Result: The function is completed, but the data block chain was not fully deleted. Some file space may be lost. Action: Perform a MAINTAIN_FILE recover command. QL75. DIRECTORY ENTRY HAS BEEN UPDATED. Meaning: After salvaging the data of a subfile, the corresponding directory entry was rewritten with the new characteristics of the subfile. Result: The subfile is fully accessible. Action: None. QL152. FATAL I/O ERROR ON DATA BLOCK NUMBER COMPLETION CODE: <XXXX>. <blk_number>, Meaning: While processing the file, an I/O error occurred on data block number <blk_number>. Result: If this message is sent while reading the subfile, the IOFAIL return code is sent. If this message is sent while writing to the subfile, the current action is stopped and the NOWAIT return code is sent until the end of CLOSES. Action: None. If a problem occurs at CLOSES, the subfile is left unstable and salvaging starts at the next OPEN. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 35-21 36. RDN Messages General Environment RDN messages are produced by the "Read Normalized" module that is common to most compilers (FORTRAN, COBOL, PASCAL, C) and which is in charge of: • managing the input library or file that contains the source programs to be compiled, • delivering in a standard format to the various compilers all the options provided by the user in the JCL statement that activates the compiler (e.g., FORTRAN). Message RDN01 is specific to input file or library management; it may be the result of a user error. Messages RDN11 to RDN20 are specific to options processing. When produced, they usually indicate a software problem and should be reported to the service center. Messages RDN12 to RDN20 may indicate a user error when the user activated the compiler using the basic JCL instead of the SDS. In that case these messages indicate an invalid format of the option string. Pertinent Manuals C Language User's Guide.............................................................................47 A2 60UL COBOL 85 User's Guide ..............................................................................47 A2 06UL FORTRAN 77 User's Guide..........................................................................47 A2 16UL PASCAL User's Guide..................................................................................47 A2 51UL 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 36-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory Message Descriptions RDN01. ERROR WHILE COMPILING [LINE nnn OF program-id] RC=edited-returncode ON ifn Meaning: An incident occurred while processing the input library or file, usually during an OPEN or READ operation. The message gives the return code returned by the system and also gives the ifn of the file concerned. The following convention is used: <ifn>= H_<keyword parameter> E.g. H_INLIB2 means the file specified in the INLIB2 parameter of the LIB JCL statement. When the incident occurred while reading a source line, the message gives the name of the program and the line number of the line being processed. The error may be a system error or a user error. Return code EFNUNKN indicates a user error: the user specified in the INFILE parameter a file that does not exist on the specified volume. Return code MDNAV indicates that the operator refused to mount the volume supporting the file. Usually another message is also available, either in the JOR or in the compiler report, which gives a simple explanation of the error. Result: In most circumstances the compilation is aborted. Action: Correct the error, if relevant, or contact the Service Center. RDN11. ERROR WHILE PROCESSING OPTION STRING RC= edited-return-code Meaning: Software problem in the management of the OPTION segment which must receive the translated compiler options. Result: The compilation is aborted. Action: Report the problem to the Service Center. RDN12. ERROR WHILE PROCESSING OPTION STRING PARAMETER jcl-parameter APPEARS TWO OR MORE TIMES Meaning: Inconsistency in compiler options delivered to the RDN module. In most cases it is due to a user error in the JCL which was not detected at JCL translation time. The message gives a simple explanation of the error. Result: The compilation is aborted. Action: Correct the JCL, if relevant, and report the problem to the Service Center. 36-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RDN Messages RDN13. ERROR WHILE PROCESSING OPTION STRING UNKNOWN PARAMETER jcl-parameter Meaning: Inconsistency in compiler options delivered to RDN module. In most cases it is due to a user error in the JCL which was not detected at JCL translation time. The message gives a simple explanation of the error. Result: The compilation is aborted. Action: Correct the JCL, if relevant, and report the problem to the Service Center. RDN14. ERROR WHILE PROCESSING OPTION STRING UNKNOWN PARAMETER OR INVALID VALUE jcl-parameter Meaning: Inconsistency in compiler options delivered to RDN module. In most cases it is due to a user error in the JCL which was not detected at JCL translation time. The message gives a simple explanation of the error. Result: The compilation is aborted. Action: Correct the JCL, if relevant, and report the problem to the Service Center. RDN15. ERROR WHILE PROCESSING OPTION STRING SOURCE NAME MISSING Meaning: Inconsistency in compiler options delivered to RDN module. In most cases it is due to a user error in the JCL which was not detected at JCL translation time. The message gives a simple explanation of the error. Result: The compilation is aborted. Action: Correct the JCL, if relevant, and report the problem to the Service Center. RDN16. ERROR WHILE PROCESSING OPTION STRING MISSING ")" AFTER "SOURCE= (" Meaning: Inconsistency in compiler options delivered to RDN module. In most cases it is due to a user error in the JCL which was not detected at JCL translation time. The message gives a simple explanation of the error. Result: The compilation is aborted. Action: Correct the JCL, if relevant, and report the problem to the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 36-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory RDN17. ERROR WHILE PROCESSING OPTION STRING MANDATORY SOURCE/INFILE PARAMETER MISSING Meaning: Inconsistency in compiler options delivered to RON module. In most cases it is due to a user error in the JCL which was not detected at JCL translation time. The message gives a simple explanation of the error. Result: The compilation is aborted. Action: Correct the JCL, if relevant, and report the problem to the Service Center. RDN18. WARNING jcl-parameter IS IGNORED IN STEP OPTION STRING Meaning: Inconsistency in compiler options delivered to RDN module. In most cases it is due to a user error in the JCL which was not detected at JCL translation time. The message gives a simple explanation of the error. Result: The compilation is aborted. Action: Correct the JCL, if relevant, and report the problem to the Service Center. RDN19. ERROR WHILE PROCESSING OPTION STRING "COMFILE" IS FORBIDDEN WITH "SOURCE=(...)" Meaning: Inconsistency in compiler options delivered to RDN module. In most cases it is due to a user error in the JCL which was not detected at JCL translation time. The message gives a simple explanation of the error. Result: The compilation is aborted. Action: Correct the JCL, if relevant, and report the problem to the Service Center. RDN20. ERROR WHILE PROCESSING OPTION STRING "INLIB". MISSING WITH 'SOURCE=(STARNAME)' Meaning: Inconsistency in compiler options delivered to RDN. Source=(starname) is used and no INLIB has been specified. Result: The compilation is aborted Action: Correct the JCL RDN21. ERROR WHILE PROCESSING OPTION STRING "NDIAGIN" REPLACED BY "DIAGPT" Meaning: Inconsistency in compiler options delivered to RDN module. In most cases it is due to a user error in the JCL which was not detected at JCL translation time. The message gives a simple explanation of the error. Result: The compilation is aborted. Action: Correct the JCL, if relevant, and report the problem to the Service Center. 36-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 37. RR Messages RR messages have the following general form: RR nn. xx where nn and xx may have the following values: nn Meaning: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 SYS.URCINIT SYS.IN SYS.OUT JCFI JOR JCFS queues of TC0M KN0DET Journal KJOB SYS.JADIR SYS.FTU event not related to file. xx 02 03 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 14 Meaning: pb in h_open/h_sysop pb in h_close/h_syscl pb in h_syspnt pb in h_get/h_sysget. file that should be present is not found. H_SYSBDL error before journal. when nn = 08 then After Journal error when nn = 08 then H_SYSPUT error MAM crash while processing the job during a previous WARM RESTART. Meaning: An error has occurred during a WARM RESTART. Result: System error. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 37-1 38. RT Messages General Environment RT messages are produced by the RemoTe File Access protocol. Pertinent Manuals Unified File Transfer User's Guide ............................................................... 47 A2 13UC Distributed Job Processing User's Guide ..................................................... 47 A2 14UC Message Description The Remote File Access protocol generates two kinds of messages: • messages that inform users, without the words "WARNING" or "FATAL" in the lefthand margin; • messages about problems, with the words "WARNING" or "FATAL" in the left-hand margin. Remote File Access messages begin with the prefix RT as in the following example: RT 204 CONNECT CANNOT GET A SEMAPHORE Remote File Access messages are self-explanatory; therefore they are not listed in this manual. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 38-1 39. RY Messages General Environment RY messages are related to the RecoverY step. Pertinent Manuals File Recovery Facility User's Guide ............................................................. 47 A2 37UF Message Descriptions RY 22 jasname: SEGMENT CREATION IS IMPOSSIBLE Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the recovery step. The segment necessary for recovery cannot be reserved. No further operator intervention is possible and the Recovery Step terminates. Action: See HA-type JAS and Recovery in the File Recovery Facility User's Guide. RY23 jasname:IMPOSSIBLE to ACCESS SYS.JRNAL file. Meaning: This message appears at the console and is printed in the JOR and SYSOUT of the recovery step. SYS.JRNAL cannot be accessed by the step. RY01 is displayed on the console requesting operator intervention. Action: See File Inaccessibility in the File Recovery Facility User's Guide. RY24 jasname:FD CREATION IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR SYS.JRNAL FILE. Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the Recovery Step. The system structures necessary for recovery cannot be created. No further operator intervention is possible and the Recovery Step terminates. Action: See HA-type JAS and Recovery in the File Recovery Facility User's Guide. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 39-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory RY25 jasname:IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND SYS.JRNAL FEATURES. Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the recovery step. The physical attributes of SYS.JRNAL cannot be retrieved. No further operator intervention is possible and the Recovery Step terminates. Action: See HA-type JAS and Recovery in the File Recovery Facility User's Guide. RY26 jasname:WRONG SYS.JRNAL BLOCK SIZE. Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the recovery step. The block size of SYS.JRNAL is incorrect. No further operator intervention is possible and the Recovery Step terminates. Action: See HA-type JAS and Recovery in the File Recovery Facility User's Guide. RY27 jasname:IMPOSSIBLE TO CREATE BEFORE JOURNAL CONTROL STRUCTURES. Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the recovery step. The control structures necessary for rolling back the files cannot be created. No further operator intervention is possible and the Recovery Step terminates. Action: See HA-type JAS and Recovery in the File Recovery Facility User's Guide. RY28 TDS tds_name user_ron CANNOT BE RECOVERED. Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the recovery step. Rollback and/or rollforward cannot be executed for this TDS since it cannot supply the list of CUs (commitment unit) aborted or committed: • either on recovery before system crash, • or during the Recovery Step. Since the files accessed by this TDS remain unstable, this TDS cannot be restarted. However, recovery continues for other TDSs. Action: See Journal Recovery on Takeover in the File Recovery Facility User's Guide. RY29 BATCH user_ron CANNOT BE RECOVERED. Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the recovery step. Recovery cannot be performed on this batch or IOF job. Action: None 39-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RY Messages RY31 RY32 ROLLBACK SUCCESSFUL. ROLLBACK NOT SUCCESSFUL. NUMBER OF ROLLED BACK BLOCKS number. Meaning: RY31 and RY32 are printed in the SYSOUT of the recovery step. At the end of the rollback of each file accessed by the step before system crash, either RY31 or RY32 appears. Both messages follow a message naming the file and indicate the result of the rollback on the file. Action: Run the ROLLFWD utility on files which have remained unstable. RY33 INCIDENT ON USER FILE: ERROR DURING OPEN. WRITE ERROR. READ ERROR ON JOURNAL. CHANNEL PROGRAM WRITE ERROR. CANCEL REQUEST DURING OPEN. I/O ERROR ON FICB. FD CREATION IMPOSSIBLE. ERROR DURING CLOSE. SHARED FILES TABLE ACCESS ERROR. A HEURISTIC DECISION HAS BEEN TAKEN ON STATE OF COMMIT ACCESSING THIS FILE: EFN=FILENAME (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the recovery step. An incident has occurred during the rollback of a step. RY33 appears after a message identifying the user file. The state of the user file is as follows: (01)-(09): unstable, (10): stable but potentially inconsistent since rollback may have been incorrect. Action: None RY34 ROLLBACK PROCESSING STOPPED. BUFFER ACQUISITION PROBLEM. SEMAPHORE ACQUISITION PROBLEM. JOURNAL LOGICAL TRACK ADDRESS ERROR. CHANNEL PROGRAM BUILD ERROR. BAD DIALOG WITH TDS. JCT CONSTRUCTION ERROR. READ ERROR ON JOURNAL. EXTENT OPEN DIFFICULTY. ABNORMAL USER FILE ASSIGN. ABNORMAL GLOBAL OPEN NO EOF ON BEFORE JOURNAL FILE. FD CREATION IMPOSSIBLE. THE USER FILE CANNOT BE READ IN SYS.JRNAL. REPORT SEGMENT ACCESS ERROR. SHARED FILES SEGMENT ACCESS ERROR. (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) (07) (08) (09) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the Recovery Step. An error at the initialization phase of rollback has been detected causing the immediate termination of the Recovery Step. The message text is self-explanatory for all cases. Action: None 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 39-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory RY35 ROLLBACK IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR UPDATES MADE BY JOB user_ron [tds_name] on file: efn= file_name rc= return-code Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the Recovery Step. An incident has occurred when the file named in EFN was being accessed. RY01 will then appear requesting operator intervention and RY35 will appear again if the file remains inaccessible. Action: Run the utility FILREST then ROLLFWD to reconstruct the file. RY36 ROLLBACK IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR UPDATES MADE BY JOB user_ron [tds_name]: before journal file not accessible. rc = return-code Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the recovery step. An incident has occurred while a Before Journal file of this TDS was being accessed. RY01 will then appear requesting operator intervention and RY36 will appear again if the file remains inaccessible. Action: Run the utility FILREST then ROLLFWD to reconstruct the file. RY37 RECOVERY IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR UPDATES MADE BY JOB user_ron [tds_name] on file: efn= file_name rc= return-code Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the recovery step. Since the file (file_name) cannot be accessed, it cannot be recovered for JOB user_ron using Rollback and/or Rollforward. RY01 will then appear requesting operator intervention and RY37 will appear again if the file remains inaccessible. Action: Run the utility FILREST then ROLLFWD to reconstruct the file. RY40 ROLLFORWARD IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR UPDATES MADE BY JOB user_ron [tds_name] ON FILE: EFN= file_name rc= return-code Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the Recovery Step. An incident occurred when the file named in EFN was being accessed. RY01 will then appear requesting operator intervention and RY40 will appear again if the file remains inaccessible. Action: Run the utility FILREST then ROLLFWD to reconstruct the file. 39-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RY Messages RY41 ROLLFORWARD IS IMPOSSIBLE: AFTER JOURNAL FILE file_name NOT ACCESSIBLE. RC= return-code AFTER JOURNAL FILE file_name NOT ACCESSIBLE. RC= return-code (01) (02) Meaning: This messsage is printed in the SYSOUT of the recovery step. An incident occurred when the file named in EFN was being accessed. RY01 will then appear requesting operator intervention and RY41 will appear again if the file remains inaccessible. The occurrence of the incident is indicated as follows: (01): during file recovery, (02): during the recovery of the After Journal by JRU. Action: Run the utility FILREST then ROLLFWD to reconstruct the file. RY43 ROLLFORWARD NOT PERFORMED FOR FILE FILE_NAME UNABLE TO CREATE A FD FOR THIS FILE. UNABLE TO ASSIGN THIS FILE, RC = return-code UNABLE TO OPEN THIS FILE, RC = return-code DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD CANCELLED BY OPERATOR. (01) (02) (03) (04) Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the recovery step. Dynamic rollforward cannot be performed because: (01): the system cannot create a file descriptor (02): the user file cannot be assigned (03): the user file cannot be opened (04): intervention to make the file accessible has failed. Action: Run the utility FILREST then ROLLFWD to reconstruct the file. RY44 *** FILE: FILE_NAME DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD NOT SUCCESSFUL NUMBER OF ROLLED FORWARD RECORDS: records NUMBER OF ERRORS: errors UNABLE TO CLOSE THIS FILE, RC = return-code (01) (02) Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the recovery step. (01): an error has occurred while applying After Image(s) (02): the file on which After Image(s) have been successfully applied, cannot be closed. The file remains unstable in both cases. Action: Run the utility FILREST then ROLLFWD to reconstruct the file. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 39-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory RY45 *** FILE: file_name DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD SUCESSFUL. NUMBER OF ROLLED FORWARD RECORDS: number Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the recovery step. It is sent for each file for which the dynamic rollforward was successful, each time a step is processed by the recovery step. Action: None RY46 DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD NOT SUCESSFUL FOR THIS STEP Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the Recovery Step. This message is preceded by a message identifying the step and is sent when a TDS is rolled forward dynamically. Further explanation of the error is given in the same SYSOUT by the messages RY43, RY47, RY48, or RY44, where applicable. Some user files specified with the Deferred Update may remain unstable. Action: Run the utility FILREST then ROLLFWD to reconstruct the file. RY47 DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD CANNOT BE PERFORMED FOR THIS STEP. Meaning: This mesage is printed in the SYSOUT of the Recovery Step. None of the resources concerning segment(s), file(s) and internal structures needed to perform a dynamic rollforward can be created. Action: None RY48 DYNAMIC ROLLFORWARD FAILURE, READ ERROR ON JOURNAL FILES. Meaning: This message is printed in the SYSOUT of the recovery step. Dynamic rollforward cannot be performed since the After Journal files cannot be read. Action: None RY50 jasname:RECOVERY SUCCESSFUL. Meaning: This message appears in the JOR and the SYSOUT of the Recovery Step. The step has successfully terminated allowing switching of jasname JAS. Action: None. 39-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RY Messages RY51 jasname:RECOVERY FAILED. Meaning: This message appears in the JOR and the SYSOUT of the Recovery Step. An error preventing recovery has occurred with a result that jasname JAS cannot be switched. Action: See HA-type JAS and Recovery in the File Recovery Facility User's Guide. RY52 jasname:MESSAGE UNKNOWN. RC= return-code Meaning: This message appears in the JOR and the SYSOUT of the Recovery Step. An internal error has occurred. Action: Call the Service Center. RY61 IMPOSSIBLE TO RUN RECOVERY: INCORRECT SYSTEM STRUCTURES. INCORRECT COMMAND FORMAT. UNKNOWN COMMAND. UNKNOWN JAS NAME. INCORRECT RECOVERY OPTION. SYS JAS IS JOURNALIZING OR DOES NOT EXIST. (01) (02) (03) (04) (05) (06) Meaning: This message is printed in the JOR of the recovery step. An error during the phase analyzing the call options to the load module H_RECOV has been detected before invoking: • either the Recovery Step itself for file recovery, • or the JRU for recovering the journal(s). The message text is self-explanatory. Action: Call the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 39-7 40. SC Messages General Environment SC message are produced by Communications Session Control. Message Description SC01. WRONG CONFIGURATION OR GREAT SEGMENT CANNOT BE ALLOCATED: MAXISO & MAXDSA ARE REDUCED OR/AND A SMALL SEGMENT IS ALLOCATED 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 40-1 41. SQ Messages General Environment SQ messages are produced by the BFAS sequential Disk File Access method. However message SQ50 can also be displayed when library files are used. In each message the user is provided with the internal file name (ifn) of the file the message is related to. Pertinent Manuals BFAS User's Guide ..................................................................................... 47 A2 02UF JCL User's Guide .........................................................................................47 A2 12UJ Message Descriptions SQ01. IFN: ifn. OPTION 'MOUNT = ALL' IS MANDATORY FOR THIS PROCESSING MODE Meaning: The value indicated in the MOUNT parameter of the JCL is less than the number of volumes in the volume list and the processing mode specified in the program requires that all the volumes supporting the file be mounted at the same time. All the volumes must be mounted when the processing mode is: • UPDATE (I-O in COBOL) • INAPPEND or INOUTPUT Result: The file cannot be opened. An abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Modify the JCL statement, ASSIGN. In some cases, the use of device pool facilities can minimize the device utilization. Refer to the JCL User's Guide. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 41-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory SQ02. IFN: ifn. INVALID SHARING LEVEL VALUE Meaning: The SHRLEVEL value of the file description, indicating in which type the file control structures are allocated, is unknown. The message normally indicates a system error. Result: The file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Contact the Service Center, if necessary. SQ03. IFN: ifn. INVALID RECORD FORMAT Meaning: The RECFORM value found in the file description is unknown. Result: The file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Contact the Service Center, if necessary. SQ04. IFN: ifn. RECORD FORMAT NOT SUPPORTED (KEY OR TRACK OVERFLOW) Meaning: The specified record format is not supported (records with key, or records with track overflow). Result: The file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Contact the Service Center, if necessary. SQ05. IFN: ifn. RECORD FORMAT NOT SUPPORTED (SPAN) Meaning: The specified record format is not supported (spanned records). Result: The file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Contact the Service Center, if necessary. SQ06. IFN: ifn. 'COMPACTION' NOT SUPPORTED FOR RECORD FORMAT UNDEFINED Meaning: The data record compaction is not supported for records with format undefined. This problem should not normally arise with a user file. Result: The file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Contact the Service Center, if necessary. 41-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 SQ Messages SQ07. IFN: ifn. BLOCKSIZE SHOULD BE >= TO RECSIZE +4 (V,VB) Meaning: The block size is not compatible with the record size according to the format of the records (V,VB): at least 4 bytes more than the record size must be reserved in the block to build the record header. Result: The file cannot be opened. An abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: This type of message is related to checking the consistency of file characteristics. Remember that these characteristics are provided as follows: • in the file label when the file already exists and the file label contains this information: in this case the file label is inconsistent. • in the file description of the program or in a JCL statement, DEFINE, when either the file is to be allocated by the step execution or when the file already exists but the file label does not contain these characteristics (DOS/VS files); in this case, a correct value must be specified either by modifying the program or by specifying the value in a JCL statement, DEFINE. SQ08. IFN: ifn. 'COMPACTION' NOT SUPPORTED FOR RECORD FORMAT F OR FB Meaning: The data record compaction can not be used for records with format F or FB. Result: The file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Contact the Service Center, if necessary. SQ09. IFN: ifn. ILLEGAL RECSIZE VALUE (O OR NEGATIVE) Meaning: The specified RECSIZE is either negative or zero. A zero value for RECSIZE may correspond to the following situation: No RECSIZE parameter provided in the H_FD primitive of a user program written in GPL. Result: The file cannot be opened. The abnormal return code RECSZERR is set by the access method. Action: This type of message is related to checking the consistency of file characteristics. Remember that these characteristics are provided as follows: • in the file label when the file already exists and the file label contains this information: in this case the file label is incoherent. • in the file description of the program or in a JCL statement, DEFINE, when either the file is to be allocated by the step execution or when the file already exists but the file label does not contain these characteristics (DOS/VS files); in this case, a correct value must be provided either by modifying the program or by specifying the value in a DEFINE statement. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 41-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory SQ10. IFN: ifn. INCOMPATIBLE BLOCKSIZE/RECSIZE VALUES FOR COMPACTION Meaning: For compacted files, the blocksize must be at least equal to the maximum record size + 4 bytes for the record header + 1 byte per 128 characters of the maximum record size. Result: The file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Contact the Service Center, if necessary. SQ11. IFN: ifn. BLOCKSIZE SHOULD BE >= TO RECSIZE (F,FB) Meaning: With record format F or FB, the blocksize must be at least equal to the record size. Action: This type of message is related to checking the consistency of file characteristics. Remember that these characteristics are provided as follows: • in the file label when the file already exists and the file label contains this information: in this case the file label is incoherent. • in the file description of the program or in a JCL statement, DEFINE, when either the file is to be allocated by the step execution or when the file already exists but the file label does not contain these characteristics (DOS/VS files); in these cases, a correct value must be specified either by modifying the program or by specifying the value in a JCL statement, DEFINE. SQ12. IFN: ifn. ILLEGAL 'NUMBUF' VALUE (O) Meaning: The number of buffers for the file specified either in the file description of the source program or in the JCL statement, DEFINE, should have a positive value. Result: The file cannot be opened and the abnormal return code BUFNAV is set by the access method. Action: Correct the program or specify a positive value for the NBBUF parameter in the DEFINE statement. SQ13. IFN: ifn. INCOMPATIBLE NOFORCE/CKPTLIM VALUES Meaning: Incompatible options were indicated for end of volume processing: NOFORCE means no automatic volume switching with "end of volume" visibility. Result: The file cannot be opened and the abnormal return code CONFLICT is set by the access method. Action: Remove the CKPTLIM, EOV parameter from the JCL statement, DEFINE, if present, or contact the Service Center. 41-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 SQ Messages SQ14. IFN: ifn. PROCESSING MODE 'REVERSE' NOT SUPPORTED Meaning: The processing mode REVERSE is not supported in the current release. Result: The file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Contact the Service Center, if necessary. SQ15. IFN: ifn. ILLEGAL BLOCKSIZE VALUE (0 OR NEGATIVE) Meaning: The specified blocksize is either negative or zero. A zero value for blocksize may correspond to the following situation: No BLKSIZE parameter provided in the H_FD primitive by a user program written in GPL. Result: The file cannot be opened and the abnormal return code BLKSZERR is set by the access method. Action: This type of message is related to checking the consistency of file characteristics. Remember that these characteristics are provided as follows: • in the label when the file already exists and the file label contains this information; in this case the file label is incoherent. • in the file description of the program or in a JCL statement, DEFINE, when either file is to be allocated by the step execution or when the file already exists but the file label does not contain these characteristics (DOS/VS files); in this case, a correct value must be specified either by modifying the program or by specifying the value in a JCL statement, DEFINE. SQ16. IFN: ifn. ILLEGAL BLOCKSIZE VALUE (GREATER THAN TRACK CAPACITY) Meaning: Disk file allocation is required by the step execution but the provided blocksize value exceeds the track capacity. Result: The file cannot be opened and the abnormal return code BLKSZERR is set by the access method. Action: Specify a smaller value for BLKSIZE in a JCL statement, DEFINE. SQ17. IFN: ifn. ILLEGAL PROCESSING MODE FOR DOS 360 FILE (ONLY IN, UP, OU ALLOWED) Meaning: For DOS 360 IBM disk files, the only processing modes applicable are INPUT, UPDATE (I-O in COBOL) or OUTPUT. The APPEND (EXTEND in COBOL) processing mode is not allowed. Result: The file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Contact the Service Center, if necessary. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 41-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory SQ18. IFN: ifn.ILLEGAL PROCESSING MODE FOR PHYSICAL LEVEL (ONLY IN, OU ALLOWED) Meaning: When accessing a file at physical level (read or write a physical block on each call), the only applicable processing modes on disk are: INPUT, OUTPUT, UPDATE (I-O in COBOL) is not allowed. This problem normally arises only during the use of a system component, and indicates a system error. Result: The file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Contact the Service Center, if necessary. SQ20. IFN: ifn. ILLEGAL 'ACCLEVEL' PHYSICAL FOR COMPACTED FILES Meaning: For compacted files, access is allowed only at record level. This error is normally possible only in a system component and indicates a system error. Result: The file cannot be opened and an abnormal return code is set by the access method. Action: Contact the Service Center, if necessary. SQ23. IFN: ifn. * ONE BLOCK SKIPPED AFTER I/O ERROR ON DISK Meaning: Warning message, indicating that an error occurred during an I/O operation (read) on a disk file. As the ERROR-SKIP option was specified, the erroneous block was skipped. Result: Execution proceeds on the next block. SQ50. IFN: ifn. * I/O ERROR CODE= nnnn. RC = edited-return-code Meaning: An I/O error has been detected. The I/O completion code (nnnn) gives a detailed status of the error; refer to the section on I/O completion codes in this manual. Result: Execution may proceed, depending on the user-specified option for I/O error processing (ERROPT-SKIP available in input mode only). 41-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42. TD Messages General Environment TD messages are produced by the SORT/MERGE facility. This facility is used in the following circumstances: • Use of SORT and MERGE utilities. • Use of other utilities which activate the SORT facility; for example the data base utilities DBANALYS and DBVALID. • Use of SORT facilities via a programming language, COBOL or GPL. The execution error messages are produced as part of the Sort Report in a SYSOUT subfile (see Appendix B); The general format is as follows: *** TDXX.YY: error-message [return-code] ["secondary information"] XX = number of procedure giving rise to error. YY = error code within the procedure. error-message is a phrase that describes the diagnosis or error. return-code appears either with the abnormal execution of a system primitive or when there is an internal sort error. secondary information appears when there is an I/O error on the work file. It allows the user to identify the completion code, the device in use, the address of the error, presented as: Cylinder/Track. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory Example: **** SORT EXECUTION LISTING **** *** TD11.18: I/O ERROR ON WORK FILE: WKDISK-READ RC = 5F8B0481 --> TRID11, IOFAIL COMPLETION CODE=8104, DEVICE NAME=MS12, ADDRESS=380 **** SORT AUDIT INFORMATION **** In this example: XX = 11 (procedure), YY = 18 followed by a return-code (RC) and ending with secondary information (COMPLETION CODE, DEVICE, ADDRESS). Pertinent Manuals COBOL 85 User's Guide ..............................................................................47 A2 06UL Full IDS/II User's Guide ............................................................................... 47 A2 07UD GPL User's Guide.........................................................................................47 A2 36UL IDS/II User's Guide ...................................................................................... 47 A2 12UD SORT/MERGE User's Guide ....................................................................... 47 A2 08UF 42-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD00.00 DSORT INVALID MESSAGE XX YYYY Meaning: XX = module number (hexa digits 2), YYY = error number (hexa digits 4). An error occurred that caused the module number or the error number to be incorrect. Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD01.01 INVALID SCA Meaning: SCA version is neither 0 (standard value) nor 1 (BMICK REL/RET). See SH_DCSCA. Action: Correct the user program. TD01.02 INVALID SRTDEF Meaning: The SRTDEF is not correct. Details are given by the messages TD01.65 to TD01.81 messages. Action: Correct the user program. TD01.03 INVALID SRTDEF Meaning: The option string (see JCL statement STEP) cannot be interpreted. Action: Correct the JCL. TD01.04 KEY NUMBER MUST BE 1 TO 64 Meaning: The number of key fields is greater than 64. Action: Correct the user program. TD01.05 INVALID KEY TABLE Meaning: The key definition table (pointed to by SRTDEF) is wrong. Details are given by messages TD01.82 to 86. Action: Correct the user program. TD01.06 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: The main segment (record segment) used for sorting cannot be created. A return code from H_SGCR is given. The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL, SRTDEF) or the number of vacant entries is insufficient (linkage problem). 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD01.07 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: The common sort segment used for sorting cannot be created. A return code from H_SGCR is given. The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL, SRTDEF) or the number of vacant entries is insufficient (linkage problem). TD01.08 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: The generated code segment use for sorting cannot be created. A return code from H_SGCR is given. The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL, SRTDEF) or the number of vacant entries is insufficient (linkage problem). TD01.09 UNABLE TO CREATE WORK FILE DEFINITION Meaning: A dynamic FD (file definition table) is required and cannot be created. A return code from H_CRFD is given. It could be a linkage problem (ENTRYOV). TD01.10 UNABLE TO DELETE WORK FILE DEFINITION Meaning: Sort is deleting useless FD (file definition table). H_DLFD is given. The return code from Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD01.11 UNABLE TO IDENTIFY WORK FILE Meaning: Sort is unable to know which volume supports the workfile ($H_RTVLID). The return code from H_RTVLID is given. TD01.12 INVALID RUN.TIME : SCB Meaning: The SCB table in the run time module does not begin with the characters "SCB1". Check for the link. Action: Correct the user program. TD01.13 INVALID RUN.TIME : SCR Meaning: The SCR table in the run time module does not begin with the characters "CURR". Action: Check for the link. Correct the user program. 42-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD01.14 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The main segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD01.15 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The common Sort segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD01.16 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The generated code segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD01.17 INVALID SORT CALL NESTING Meaning: Several nested Sorts have tried to use the same run time static resources. Action: Correct the user program. TD01.18 UNABLE TO RETRIEVE SORT RUN-TIME RESOURCES Meaning: An abnormal return-code from H_SGSIZE is given when trying to identify a run-time segment. Possible user linkage error or the problem must be reported to Technical Support. TD01.19 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The segment for an old COBOL key comparison routine cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD01.20 ERROR IN COBOL-COMPILER/SORT INTERFACE Meaning: Self-explanatory. Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD01.21 NO TAPE-WORK-FILE SUBROUTINE-SORT AVAILABLE Meaning: Self-explanatory. Action: Modify the JCL ($SORTWORK) to supply a disk work file. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD01.22 PARALLEL SORT IS NOT AVAILABLE IN TDS CONTEXT Meaning: Self-explanatory. TD01.65 SRTDEF : NO VALID KEY SPECIFICATION Action: Correct the user program. TD01.66 SRTDEF : INVALID COBOL_COMP Action: Correct the user program. TD01.67 SRTDEF : INVALID LOCAL_PTR Action: Correct the user program. TD01.68 SRTDEF : INVALID CODE_LENGTH Action: Correct the user program. TD01.69 SRTDEF : ALL FILLER FIELDS ARE NOT 0 Action: Correct the user program. TD01.70 SRTDEF : SIZE IS NEGATIVE Action: Correct the user program. TD01.71 SRTDEF : NO_WORK_FILES MUST BE -1 TO +255 Action: Correct the user program. TD01.72 SRTDEF : IN_VOLUME IS NEGATIVE Action: Correct the user program. TD01.73 SRTDEF : INPUT RECORD LENGTH IS NOT > 0 Action: Correct the user program. TD01.74 SRTDEF : REPORT IS > "01"B Action: Correct the user program. 42-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD01.75 SRTDEF : COLL_SEQ IS NOT 1 Action: Correct the user program. TD01.76 SRTDEF : DUP_REC_SEQ MUST BE ZERO OR "F" Action: Correct the user program. TD01.77 SRTDEF : DUP_REC_DEL IS NOT ZERO Action: Correct the user program. TD01.78 SRTDEF : IN_FD IS NOT NULL Action: Correct the user program. TD01.79 SRTDEF : OUT_FD IS NOT NULL Action: Correct the user program. TD01.80 SRTDEF : INVALID KEY_PTR Meaning: The user program must be corrected. TD01.81 KEY # XXXXX : INVALID POSITION Meaning: The user program must be corrected. XXXXX = rank of the incorrect field. TD01.82 KEY # XXXXX : INVALID SENSE XXXXX = rank of the incorrect field. Action: Correct the user program. TD01.83 KEY # XXXXX : LENGTH IS NOT POSITIVE XXXXX = rank of the incorrect field. Action: Correct the user program. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD01.84 KEY # XXXXX : INVALID TYPE XXXXX = rank of the incorrect field. Action: Correct the user program. TD01.85 KEY # XXXXX : INVALID LENGTH FOR TYPE XXXXX = rank of the incorrect field. Action: Correct the user program. TD01.86 SRTDEF : INVALID COBOL KEY COLLATING SEQUENCE Action: Correct the user program. TD01.87 RECOMPILE AND RELINK COBOL PROGRAM IF YOU WANT UP-TO-DATE DISK-SORT Meaning: The merge Sort is used instead of the distribution Sort in this case. This is only a warning. TD02.01 ABOVE CHARACTER ALREADY MENTIONED IN USER COLLATING SEQUENCE Meaning: The collating sequence is incorrect. Action: Correct the sort DSL. TD02.02 SEPARATOR MISSING Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.03 "=" MISSING AFTER PRECEDING KEY_WORD Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.04 FUNCTION PARAGRAPH MISSING Action: The DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". 42-8 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD02.05 RECORD PARAGRAPH MISSING Action: The DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.06 ABOVE KEY-WORD IS OUT OF CONTEXT IN FUNCTION PARAGRAPH. RECORD PARAGRAPH INSERTED Action: The DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.07 ABOVE KEY-WORD IS OUT OF CONTEXT IN RECORD PARAGRAPH. FUNCTION PARAGRAPH INSERTED Action: The DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.08 ILLEGAL CHARACTER(S) IGNORED Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.09 NUMERIC VALUE OUT OF BINARY WORD VALUE LIMITS Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.10 LITERAL > 256 INTERNAL CHARACTERS Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.11 ZERO LENGTH LITERAL Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.12 INVALID LENGTH FOR COLLATE SEQUENCE Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.13 > 1024 CHARACTERS FOR RECORD PARAGRAPH LITERALS Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD02.14 ODD LENGTH FOR HEXADECIMAL LITERAL Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.15 INVALID OR UNEXPECTED LITERAL Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.16 MULTIPLE USE OF KEYWORD Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.17 UNEXPECTED END OF OPTION STRING LITERAL Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.18 UNEXPECTED END OF DSL Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.19 INVALID NUMERIC VALUE Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.20 ILLEGAL ZERO VALUE Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.21 PARAMETER VALUE > MAXIMUM ALLOWED Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.22 KEYWORD VALUE IS NOT ALPHANUMERIC Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". 42-10 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD02.23 UNKNOWN KEYWORD OR OUT OF CONTEXT Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.24 INVALID FIELD POSITION Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.25 INVALID FIELD LENGTH Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.26 INVALID FIELD LENGTH FOR FIELD TYPE Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.27 2ND CHAR FIELD LENGTH NOT = 1ST LENGTH Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.28 UNEXPECTED LITERAL Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.29 UNEXPECTED NUMERIC VALUE Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.30 UNEXPECTED ALPHANUMERIC VALUE Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.31 WKTAPE CANNOT BE SUPPORTED BY DSORT Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD02.32 OUTPUT DATA MUST BE (DEFAULT) FOR H200 FILES Action: TD02.33 Self-explanatory. INVALID COLLATE SPECIFICATION Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.35 FUNCTION PARAGRAPH MUST APPEAR 1ST AND ONCE Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.36 ARRANGE/SUM IMPOSSIBLE WITH OUTPUT = KEYADDR/ADDROUT Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.37 SUM AND DELETE CANNOT BE USED TOGETHER Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.38 INCLUDE AND OMIT CANNOT BE USED TOGETHER Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.39 MULTIPLE RECORD PARAGRAPH Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.40 OVER 64 KEYS SPECIFIED Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.41 OVER 16 SUM FIELDS SPECIFIED Action: Self-explanatory. 42-12 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD02.42 OVER 128 ARRANGE FIELDS SPECIFIED Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.43 OVER 16 INCLUDE/OMIT CONDITIONS SPECIFIED Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.44 INVALID FIELD SPECIFICATION Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.45 FIELD LENGTH MISSING Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.46 ILLEGAL FIELD TYPE Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.47 FIELD TYPE MISSING Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.48 MULTIPLE LITERAL TYPE Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.49 LITERAL MISSING Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.50 "AND" MISSING Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD02.51 END PARAGRAPH MUST BE EMPTY OR COMMENT Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.52 LENGTH OF ARRANGED RECORD > 32767 Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.53 NO ZONE SPECIFIED IN ARRANGE LIST Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.54 OVER 128 ERRORS ON ABOVE LINE Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.55 NO VALID KEY SPECIFICATION OCCURRED Action: The option string or DSL (Data Services Language) must be corrected. Each error is underlined by a "?". TD02.56 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: The main segment (record segment) used for sorting cannot be created. A return code from H_SGCR is given. The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL, SRTDEF) or the number of vacant entries is insufficient (linkage problem). TD02.57 UNABLE TO OPEN COMFILE Meaning: A return code from H_OPEN is given. Action: Correct the JCL. TD02.58 UNABLE TO GET DSL RECORD Meaning: A return code from H_OPEN is given. Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. 42-14 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD02.59 UNABLE TO CLOSE COMFILE Meaning: A return code from H_OPEN is given. Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD02.60 ERRORS IN STATE IOF PARAMETERS Meaning: A return code is given from H_STIOF. Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD02.61 UNABLE TO IDENTIFY PRTFILE Meaning: A return code is given from H_RTVLID. Action: correct the JCL or report the problem to Technical Support. TD02.62 INFILES NUMBER IS < 2 OR > 8 Action: Use INFILE if only one input file; 8 files is the maximum. TD02.64 SUM FIELD VV {OVERLAPS { SUM FIELD } WW} { { KEY FIELD } } { } {OUT OF ALL ARRANGE FIELDS } VV, WW are the ranks of the fields involved among the sum or key fields. Action: Correct the DSL. TD03.01 USER SORT KEYS ARE TOO LONG Meaning: The total length of the sum or key fields exceeds 7000 bytes. Action: Correct the user program. TD03.02 USER RECORD IS TOO LONG Meaning: The sort record size exceeds 15000 bytes. Either the user record is too long or too many keys overlap. Action: Correct the user program. TD03.03 INSUFFICIENT MEMORY SIZE Meaning: The size parameter is too small according to the other parameters. Action: Correct the user program. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-15 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD03.04 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The main segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD03.05 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: The node segment (record segment) used for sorting cannot be created. A return code H_SGCR is given. The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL,SRTDEF) or the number of vacant entries is insufficient (linkage problem). TD03.06 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The node segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD03.07 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The generated code segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD03.08 UNABLE TO MODIFY SEGMENT ATTRIBUTES Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD03.09 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: The segment used for large COBOL key tables cannot be created. A return code from H_SGCR is given. The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL,SRTDEF) or the number of vacant entries is insufficient (linkage problem). TD03.10 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The segment used for large COBOL key tables cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD03.11 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The common sort segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). 42-16 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD03.12 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: A record storage area segment cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD03.13 UNABLE TO MODIFY SEGMENT ATTRIBUTES Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD03.14 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: A return code H_SGCR is given. Action: The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently: either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL,SRTDEF) or the number of vacant entries is insufficient (linkage problem). TD03.15 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: A return code H_SGCR is given. Action: The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently: either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL,SRTDEF) or the number of vacant entries is insufficient (linkage problem). TD03.16 PARALLEL SORT ASKED BUT NOT PURCHASED Meaning: Parallel sorts are available if you have the MI for the Extended Sort. Action: If you have purchased the Extended Sort and you get this message, report the problem to your Service Center. TD03.17 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: A return code H_SGCR is given. Action: The error could be internal to SORT but most frequently: either too much memory is required for SORT (SIZE in JCL,SRTDEF) or the number of vacant entries is insufficient (linkage problem). TD03.18 MEMORY FORCED TO 512K (LIMIT FOR NOT PURCHASED SORT) Meaning: For the Basic Sort, the memory limit is 512K bytes. Action: If you want to use more memory during sorts, you must install the Extended Sort (separate MI). 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-17 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD04.01 UNABLE TO DEFINE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD04.02 NO DISK WORK FILE ASSIGNED Meaning: NO WORK FILES (SRTDEF) implies an already assigned work file which is not supplied. Action: Correct the user program. TD04.03 UNABLE TO CREATE WORK FILE DEFINITION Meaning: A dynamic FD (file definition table) is required and cannot be created. A return code from H_CRFD is given. It could be a linkage problem (ENTRYOV). TD04.04 UNABLE TO OPEN WORK FILE Action: Check the work file state and assignment. problem to Technical Support. TD04.05 If these are correct, report the UNABLE TO RETRIEVE WORK FILE EXTENTS Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD04.06 MUCH TOO MANY EXTENTS IN WORK FILE Action: Report the problem to Technical support. The installation's resident disk space must be reorganized. TD04.07 WORK FILE IS NOT ALLOCATED IN CYLINDERS Action: Correct the user program. TD04.08 ALL THE WORK FILE VOLUMES ARE NOT PREMOUNTED Action: Correct the JCL. TD04.09 WORK FILE IS NOT ON DISK Action: Correct the JCL. 42-18 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD04.10 ALL THE WORK FILE EXTENTS ARE NOT IN CYLINDERS Meaning: Abnormal file. Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD04.11 SEVERAL DISK TYPES FOR WORK FILE Action: Correct the JCL. Contact your Service Center. TD04.12 INSUFFICIENT MEMORY SIZE Meaning: The SIZE parameter is too small in relation to the other parameters. Action: Correct the user program. TD04.13 WORK FILE OVERFLOW Meaning: The work file has been extended as much as possible. It is still insufficient to hold the whole input file. Either the work file is actually too short or some incorrect parameter (record size, memory size) has caused an unexpected work file occupancy (e.g. one record per block). TD04.14 WORK FILE OVERFLOW : CHECK FOR AVERAGE RECORD SIZES Meaning: The work file is too small according to the Sort parameters (record size, number of records). Action: Redefine the work file. TD04.15 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: The buffer segment used for sorting cannot be created. A return code from H_SGCR is given. The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL, SRTDEF) or the number of vacant entries is insufficient (linkage problem). TD04.16 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The buffer segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL, SRTDEF). 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-19 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD04.17 UNABLE TO LOCK B SEGMENT Meaning: A return code from H_SGLOCK is given. Action: SIZE is smaller than the locked memory needed or the problem must be reported to Technical Support. TD04.18 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The main segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD04.19 UNABLE TO GET SEMAPHORES Meaning: Linkage problem (insufficient semaphore pool). Could be caused by nested sorts. TD04.20 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The node segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD04.21 USER SORT KEYS ARE TOO LONG Meaning: The total length of the sum or key fields exceeds 7000 bytes. Action: Correct the user program. TD04.22 USER RECORD IS TOO LONG Meaning: The sort record size exceeds 15000 bytes. Either the user record is too long or too many keys overlap. Action: Correct the user program. TD04.23 UNABLE TO ALLOCATE DYNAMIC DISK WORK FILE Meaning: A return code from H_DYNAL is given TD04.24 UNABLE TO ASSIGN DYNAMIC DISK WORK FILE Meaning: A return code from H_DYNASG is given. 42-20 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD04.25 UNABLE TO DEASSIGN DYNAMIC DISK WORK FILE Meaning: A return code from H_DDASG is given. Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD04.26 UNABLE TO CLOSE DYNAMIC DISK WORK FILE Meaning: A return code from H_CLOSE is given. Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD04.27 MEMORY_SORT OVERFLOW Meaning: A memory-sort is required and the memory is too small. Action: Correct the user program. TD04.28 UNABLE TO DELETE WORK FILE DEFINITION Meaning: Sort is deleting useless FD (file definition table). A return code from H_DFLD is given. Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD04.29 UNABLE TO IDENTIFY WORK FILE Meaning: Sort is unable to determine which volume supports the work file ($H_RTVLID). A return code from H_RTVLID is given. TD04.30 SORT NESTING OVERFLOW Meaning: Too many dynamic resources needed by nested sorts. TD04.31 SORT MEMORY TOO SHORT FOR WORK FILE FILE-BLOCK SIZE RC = 5F841807 --> TRID 4, LNERR Action: Refer to the description of WKDISK[S] in the SORT/MERGE User's Guide. TD04.32 INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-21 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD04.33 INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD04.34 UNABLE TO EXTEND WORK FILE Meaning: Self explanatory. TD04.35 UNABLE TO RETRIEVE WORK FILE DEFINITION Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD04.36 NON SEQUENTIAL FILEORG OF WORKFILE IS RISKY AND SHOULD BE CHANGED Meaning: Self-explanatory. Action: Correct the JCL. TD04.37 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: The segment used for work file extents description cannot be created. Return code from H_SGCR is given. The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL, SRTDEF) or the vacant entries are insufficient (linkage problem). TD04.38 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The segment used for work file extents description cannot be adjusted to the desired size. Return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL, SRTDEF). TD04.39 WORK FILE ASSIGNED ON FBO OR FSA VOLUMES IS NOT UFAS SEQUENTIAL Meaning: Self-explanatory. JCL must be corrected. Return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TDXX.YY INTERNAL SORT ERROR XX = Module number (hexa digits 2) where the internal error has been detected. YY = Number (hexa digits 2) of the internal error detected. Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. 42-22 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TDXX.17 UNABLE TO LAUNCH CHANNEL PROGRAM XX = Module number where the error has been detected. Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TDXX.18 I/O ERROR ON WORK FILE : WKDISK-WRITE XX = Module number where the error has been detected. Meaning: Detailed information (completion code, involved address) is given below. TDXX.19 WRONG INPUT RECORD LENGTH FOR { INCLUDE/OMIT } { KEY/ARRANGE/SUM } XX = Module number where the error has been detected. Meaning: The involved record is too small to hold all the indicated fields. Action: Correct the user program. TDXX.20 OVER 2147483647 INPUT RECORDS XX = Module number where the error has been detected. Meaning: The number of records exceeds the capacity of 31 bits (more than 2**31-1 records). TDXX.21 ATTEMPT TO REQUEST A SORTED RECORD AFTER END OF SORT-OUTPUT Meaning: Self-explanatory. Action: The user program (Sort output procedure) must be changed ; or problem in system processor must be reported to Technical Support of this system processor. TDXX.22 KEY SEQUENCE ERROR Meaning: Self-explanatory. Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD06.01 UNABLE TO DEFINE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-23 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD06.02 UNABLE TO DELETE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD06.03 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The main segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD06.04 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The buffer segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD06.05 INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD06.06 INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD06.07 INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD06.08 UNABLE TO LOCK B_SEGMENT Meaning: Return code from H_SGLOCK is given. Action: Either $SIZE is smaller than the locked memory needed or the problem must be reported to Technical Support. TD08.01 UNABLE TO DEFINE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD08.02 UNABLE TO DELETE CHANNEL PROGRAM Meaning: Report the problem to Technical Support. 42-24 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD08.03 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The main segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD08.04 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The main segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD08.05 INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD08.06 INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD08.07 INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD08.08 INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD08.09 UNABLE TO LOCK B_SEGMENT Meaning: Return code from H_SGLOCK is given. Action: Either $SIZE is smaller than the locked memory needed or the problem must be reported to Technical Support. TD10.01 UNABLE TO DEFINE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD10.02 UNABLE TO DELETE CHANNEL PROGRAM Meaning: Report the problem to Technical Support. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-25 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD10.03 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The main segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. (JCL,SRTDEF). TD10.04 Generally caused by the SIZE parameter UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The buffer segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. (JCL,SRTDEF). TD10.05 Generally caused by the SIZE parameter INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD10.06 INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD10.07 UNABLE TO MODIFY SEGMENT ATTRIBUTES Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD10.08 UNABLE TO MODIFY SEGMENT ATTRIBUTES Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD10.09 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The generated code segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD10.10 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The node segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). 42-26 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD10.11 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The node segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD10.12 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: A buffer segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD10.13 UNABLE TO LOCK B_SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: A return code from H_SGLOCK is given. Action: Either SIZE is smaller than the lock memory needed or the problem must be reported to the Service Center. TD10.14 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: A work segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD10.15 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: A work segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD10.16 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: A pseudo-buffer segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD10.17 INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD12.01 UNABLE TO DEFINE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-27 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD12.02 UNABLE TO DELETE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD12.03 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The main segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD12.04 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The node segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD12.05 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The generated code segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD12.06 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The buffer segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD12.07 UNABLE TO MODIFY SEGMENT ATTRIBUTES Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD12.08 UNABLE TO MODIFY SEGMENT ATTRIBUTES Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD12.09 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The segment used for large COBOL key tables cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). 42-28 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD12.10 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: A pseudo-buffer segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD12.11 UNABLE TO LOCK B_SEGMENT Meaning: A return code from H_SGLOCK is given. Action: Either SIZE is smaller than the locked memory needed or the problem must be reported to Technical Support. TD14.01 UNABLE TO OPEN PRTFILE Action: correct the JCL or report the problem to Technical Support. TD14.02 UNABLE TO CREATE PRTFILE BANNER Action: Correct the PRTFILE or report the problem to Technical Support. TD14.03 UNABLE TO CREATE RECORD 118 ON PRTFILE Action: Correct the PRTFILE or report the problem to Technical Support. TD14.04 UNABLE TO PUT RECORD ON PRTFILE Action: Correct the PRTFILE or report the problem to Technical Support. TD14.05 INCONSISTENT DATA : DATA LOSS Meaning: When the ENDSRT procedure was called, the number of returned entities was lower than the number of released entities. TD14.06 INCONSISTENT DATA : DATA GAIN Meaning: When the ENDSRT procedure was called, the number of returned entities was greater than the number of released entities. TD14.07 UNABLE TO OPEN LOGFILE Action: Correct the LOGFILE JCL parameter or report the problem to Technical Support. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-29 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD14.08 LOGFILE OVERFLOW Meaning: The LOGFILE assignment is not correct or the DSL implies that many invalid records have been put in the LOGFILE. TD14.09 UNABLE TO PUT RECORD ON LOGFILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD14.10 UNABLE TO CLOSE LOGFILE Action: Correct the PRTFILE or report the problem to Technical Support. TD14.11 UNABLE TO CORRECTLY RESET SORT RESOURCES ** ** ** ** Action: Correct the PRTFILE or report the problem to Technical Support. TD14.12 END OF FILE REACHED BEFORE LAST RECORD TO BE PROCESSED Meaning: The HALT option indicated more records than there are in the file. This is only a warning issued by the module XX. TD14.13 OUTFILE IS EMPTY Meaning: The user is advised that there is no output record. This is only a warning issued by the module XX. TD14.14 CHECK FOR RECORD TRUNCATION Meaning: The user has defined the output record shorter than the input record. This is only a warning issued by the module XX. TD14.15 CHECK FOR RECORD PADDING Meaning: The user has defined the output record longer than the input record. This is only a warning issued by the module XX. TD14.16 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The main segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. 42-30 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD18.01 UNABLE TO GET RECORD/BLOCK FROM INPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD18.02 UNABLE TO CLOSE LOGFILE Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD18.03 UNABLE TO CLOSE LOGFILE Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD19.01 UNABLE TO RETRIEVE INPUT FILE IDENTIFICATION Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD19.02 UNABLE TO OPEN INPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, the problem must be reported to Technical Support. TD19.03 UNABLE TO GET RECORD/BLOCK FROM INPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD19.04 UNABLE TO RETRIEVE GETCI, CHECKCI ADDRESS FOR INPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment (UFAS involved). correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD19.05 If they are INVALID INPUT FILE PARAMETER (FILEFORM OR RECFORM) Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD22.01 UNABLE TO PUT RECORD/BLOCK ON OUTPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-31 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD22.02 UNABLE TO CLOSE OUTPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD22.03 OUTPUT FILE OVERFLOW Meaning: Either the output file is actually too small or some incorrect parameter (e.g. output record or block size) implies an abnormal output file occupancy (e.g. one record per block). TD22.04 UNABLE TO GET RECORD/BLOCK FROM INPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD22.05 UNABLE TO CLOSE INPUT FILE Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD23.01 UNABLE TO OPEN OUTPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, the problem must be reported to Technical Support. TD23.02 UNABLE TO PUT RECORD/BLOCK ON OUTPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, the problem must be reported to Technical Support. TD23.03 UNABLE TO RETRIEVE GETCI, CHECKCI ADDRESS FOR OUTPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, the problem must be reported to Technical Support. TD23.04 OUTPUT FILE OVERFLOW Meaning: Either the output file is actually too small or some incorrect parameter (e.g. output record or block size) implies an abnormal output file occupancy (e.g. one record per block). TD23.05 INVALID INPUT FILE PARAMETER (FILEFORM OR RECFORM) Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. 42-32 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD23.06 UNABLE TO PUT RECORD/BLOCK ON OUTPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD25.01 CHECKPOINT ERROR Meaning: The checkpoint conditions are probably not satisfied. Action: Correct the program or the JCL. TD25.02 BREAK POINT : QUIT Meaning: An abort has been requested by the response QUIT. TD25.03 INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD26.01 ONLY OUTPUT=DATA IS CORRECT FOR TAPE INPUT FILES Action: Correct the JCL or DSL. TD26.02 MIN IS GREATER THAN MAXIMAL INPUT RECORD LENGTH Action: Correct the JCL or DSL or SRTDEF. MIN is defined as the length of the shortest record which can hold all the KEY, ARRANGE, SUM and INCLUDE/OMIT fields. TD26.03 INCLUDE/OMIT FIELD END OUT OF MINIMAL INPUT RECORD Action: Correct the JCL or DSL. MIN is defined as the length of the shortest record which can hold all the KEY, ARRANGE, SUM and INCLUDE/OMIT fields. TD26.04 KEY/SUM/ARRANGE FIELD END OUT OF MINIMAL INPUT RECORD Action: Correct the JCL or DSL. MIN is defined as the length of the shortest record which can hold all the KEY, ARRANGE, SUM and INCLUDE/OMIT fields. TD26.05 AVERAGE IS GREATER THAN MAXIMAL INPUT RECORD LENGTH Action: Correct the JCL or DSL must be corrected. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-33 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD26.06 AVERAGE IS LOWER THAN MINIMAL INPUT RECORD LENGTH Action: Correct the JCL or DSL MIN is defined as the length of the shortest record which can hold all the KEY, ARRANGE, SUM and INCLUDE/OMIT fields. TD26.07 DUMMY INPUT FILE Meaning: This function is not available. Action: Correct the user program. TD26.08 UNABLE TO RETRIEVE INPUT FILE DEFINITION Meaning: The sort cannot determine the characteristics of the input file. A return code from H_RFLDEF or a return code set by Sort is given. JCL error or non-standard file. TD26.09 ERRORS IN SORT PARAMETERS Meaning: This message is only a general title for specific messages. TD26.10 USER SORT KEYS ARE TOO LONG Meaning: The SUM or KEY field length exceeds 7000 bytes. Action: Correct the user program. TD26.11 USER RECORD IS TOO LONG Meaning: The sort record size exceeds 15000 bytes. Either the user record is too long or too many keys overlap. Action: Correct the user program. TD26.12 UNABLE TO OPEN INPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD26.13 UNABLE TO GET RECORD/BLOCK FROM INPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD26.14 UNABLE TO CLOSE INPUT FILE Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. 42-34 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD26.15 UNABLE TO CHANGE SEGMENT SIZE Meaning: The main segment used for sorting cannot be adjusted to the desired size. A return code from H_SGSIZE is given. Generally caused by the SIZE parameter (JCL,SRTDEF). TD26.16 INVALID MONITORED SORT_INPUT_FILE ASSIGNMENT Meaning: Conditions for use of "SHARE = MONITOR" (GAC) for input file assignment are not satisfied. Action: Correct the JCL. TD26.17 UNABLE TO GET INPUT FILE SIZE Meaning: Check the input file assignment in your JCL. Action: If it is correct, contact your Service Center, or submit a STAR. TD26.64 END OF { { { { { INCLUDE OMIT KEY SUM ARRANGE } ZZZZZ IS BEYOND INPUT RECORD SIZE } } } } ZZZZZ = rank of the field which is beyond the record size. Meaning: The involved field ends beyond the end of the input record. Action: Correct the DSL or the user program. TD27.01 UNABLE TO RETRIEVE OUTPUT FILE DEFINITION Meaning: The sort cannot discover the characteristics of the output file. A return code from H_RFLDEF or a return code set by Sort is given. JCL error or non-standard file. TD27.02 DUMMY OUTPUT FILE Meaning: This function is not available. TD27.03 UNABLE TO OPEN OUTPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-35 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD27.04 UNABLE TO CLOSE OUTPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD27.05 UNABLE TO ALLOCATE OUTPUT FILE Action: Check the other messages which accompany this one. These will be of the form DUxx.yy (PREALLOC). See the description of PREALLOC in the Data Management Utilities User Guide. Generally, the problem is due either to a shortage of disk space or to a bad file definition. TD30.21 ATTEMPT TO REQUEST A SORTED RECORD AFTER END OF SORT_OUTPUT Meaning: The program or processor calling Sort is erroneously starting an infinite loop after the H_RETSRT primitive has returned the return code DATALIM, or after the COBOL verb RETURN has activated the paragraph or Chapter "AT END". TD33.01 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: A return code from H_SGCR is given. Action: The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL, SRTDEF) or the vacant entries are insufficient (linkage problem). TD33.02 UNABLE TO GET SEMAPHORES Action: Linkage problem (insufficient semaphore pool). Could be caused by nested sorts. TD33.03 UNABLE TO DEFINE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD33.04 UNABLE TO DEFINE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD33.05 UNABLE TO GET RECORD/BLOCK FROM INPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. 42-36 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD33.06 UNABLE TO GET RECORD/BLOCK FROM INPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD33.07 UNABLE TO GET RECORD/BLOCK FROM INPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD33.08 UNABLE TO START A SERVANT PROCESS Action: Check that you have not tried to run a multi-process sort with the mono-process LM, or with a multi-process LM which was linked with insufficient few processes declared (with respect to the value of NBSORT). TD33.09 INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD33.10 INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD33.11 INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD34.01 UNABLE TO DELETE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD34.02 UNABLE TO DELETE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD34.03 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: A return code from H_SGCR is given. Action: The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL, SRTDEF) or the vacant entries are insufficient (linkage problem). 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-37 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD34.04 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: A return code from H_SGCR is given. Action: The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL, SRTDEF) or the vacant entries are insufficient (linkage problem). TD35.01 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: A return code from H_SGCR is given. Action: The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL, SRTDEF) or the vacant entries are insufficient (linkage problem). TD35.02 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: A return code from H_SGCR is given. Action: The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL, SRTDEF) or the vacant entries are insufficient (linkage problem). TD35.03 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: A return code from H_SGCR is given. Action: The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL, SRTDEF) or the vacant entries are insufficient (linkage problem). TD35.04 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: A return code from H_SGCR is given. Action: The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL, SRTDEF) or the vacant entries are insufficient (linkage problem). TD35.05 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: A return code from H_SGCR is given. Action: The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL, SRTDEF) or the vacant entries are insufficient (linkage problem). 42-38 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD35.06 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: A return code from H_SGCR is given. Action: The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL, SRTDEF) or the vacant entries are insufficient (linkage problem). TD35.07 UNABLE TO GET SEMAPHORES Action: Linkage problem (insufficient semaphore pool). Could be caused by nested sorts. TD35.08 UNABLE TO START A SERVANT PROCESS Action: Check that you have not tried to run a multi-process sort with the mono-process LM, or with a multi-process LM which was linked with insufficient few processes declared (with respect to the value of the NB_PARAL field of SRTDEF for a subroutine parallel sort). TD35.09 UNABLE TO DEFINE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD35.10 UNABLE TO GET RECORD/BLOCK FROM INPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD35.11 UNABLE TO GET RECORD/BLOCK FROM INPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD35.12 UNABLE TO GET RECORD/BLOCK FROM INPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD35.13 UNABLE TO GET RECORD/BLOCK FROM INPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-39 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD35.14 UNABLE TO GET RECORD/BLOCK FROM INPUT FILE Action: Check file labels, characteristics, assignment. If they are correct, report the problem to Technical Support. TD35.15 UNABLE TO DELETE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD35.16 UNABLE TO DELETE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD35.17 UNABLE TO START A SERVANT PROCESS Action: Check if you have tried to run a multi-process LM. If not, report the problem to Technical Support. TD35.18 INTERNAL SORT ERROR Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD36.01 UNABLE TO CREATE SEGMENT Meaning: A return code from H_SGCR is given. Action: The error could be internal to Sort but most frequently : either too much memory is required for Sort (SIZE in JCL, SRTDEF) or the vacant entries are insufficient (linkage problem). TD36.02 UNABLE TO DEFINE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD36.03 UNABLE TO DEFINE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD36.04 UNABLE TO DELETE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD36.05 UNABLE TO DELETE CHANNEL PROGRAM Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. 42-40 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TD Messages TD37.01 UNABLE TO CREATE WORK FILE DEFINITION Meaning: A dynamic FD (file definition table) is required and cannot be created. Action: A return code from H_CRFD is given. (ENTRYOV). TD37.02 It could be a linkage problem UNABLE TO ASSIGN DYNAMIC DISK WORK FILE Action: Check the return code from H_DYNASG. TD37.03 UNABLE TO RETRIEVE WORK FILE DEFINITION Action: Report the problem to Technical Support. TD37.04 UNABLE TO DELETE WORK FILE DEFINITION Meaning: Sort is deleting useless FD (file definition table). H_DLFD is given. The return code from Report the problem to Technical Support. TD37.05 UNABLE TO ALLOCATE DYNAMIC DISK WORK FILE Action: Check the return code from H_DYNAL. TD37.06 TOO FEW WORK DISKS (<2) FOR A PARALLEL SORT Meaning: For a parallel sort, at least 2 disks are needed. Only one workfile is assigned (WKASG1) and/or only one MEDIA is specified (WKFILE, WKDISK). TD37.08 UNABLE TO IDENTIFY WORK FILE Meaning: Sort is unable to know which volume supports the workfile ($H_RTVLID). The return code from H_RTVLID is given. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 42-41 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TD37.09 STATIC H_WSTAxx ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE CONSECUTIVE FROM H_WSTA01 Meaning: For a multi-process sort, the static assignments must start from H_WSTA01 and there must be no gaps in the sequence. TD37.10 H_SRTWKD AND H_WSTAxx CAN'T BE TOGETHER ASSIGNED Meaning: WKFILE (H_SRTWKD) and WKASGi (H_WSTAi) are mutually exclusive. TD99.99 USER SORT CALL VIOLATION Meaning: The primitives H_BEGSRT, H_RELSRT, H_SRT, H_RETSRT and H_ENDSRT have been called in the wrong order. In COBOL, this incorrect order could be caused by wrong end of paragraph, section ... etc. 42-42 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 43. TN Messages General Environment TN messages are produced by the JCL translator component of the system: they usually appear in the job introduction and translation report. Pertinent Manuals JCL User's Guide .........................................................................................47 A2 11UJ Message Descriptions TNnn ron procedure-names error description. RC=edited-return-code Meaning: This message usually indicates a system error: an error condition has been returned to the procedure specified when calling a system primitive. The return code gives the reason for the error. Action: Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 43-1 44. TR Messages General Environment TR messages are produced when the System Trace facility is used. Message Descriptions 44.1 COLLECTOR OPERATOR MESSAGES - TR20 The general format of error messages generated by the collector is: TR20 TRCCL ERROR sicid.msgnbr RC. TRCCL stands for Trace Collector, SICID for system integration component identification, msgnbr for message number and RC for return code. The complete list of these messages, in ascending order of the sicid message number, is given below. 44.1.1 SICID 4004 messages Error number 4004.1 Return code file open RC 4004.2 ARGERR 4004.3 ARGERR 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Meaning/Action Collector initialization file-open error. Verify TRC_CLTR_V20 file exists in SYS.HSLLIB. Collector initialization file is empty or contains empty records. Check the collector initialization commands. Collector initialization file contains incorrect first level commands or a TRCBUF enclosure is not closed. Check the collector initialization commands. 44-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 44-2 4004.4 ARGERR 4004.5 ARGERR 4004.6 ARGERR 4004.7 ARGERR 4004.8 file close RC 4004.9 ARGERR 4004.10 ARGERR 4004.11 ARGERR 4004.12 ARGERR 4004.13 ARGERR 4004.14 ARGERR 4004.15 ARGERR 4004.16 ARGERR 4004.17 ARGERR 4004.18 ARGERR 4004.19 ARGERR Collector initialization commands must define at least one trace buffer. Check the collector initialization commands. A TRCBUF is connected to an undefined TRCFILE in collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. A TRCFILE not connected to any TRCBUF in collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. A TRCFILE command for an undefined TRCFILE in collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. Collector initialization file, close error. Check the file state. Incorrect TRCBUF name in collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. Duplicate TRCBUF name in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. More than maximum accepted TRCBUF definitions in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. A define TRCBUF without TE keyword in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. Incorrect TE page size word for a TRCBUF in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. A TRCBUF trace event buffer page size is not 2, 4, 8, 16 in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. An incorrect TRCBUF memory classes status word in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. An incorrect TRCBUF file classes status word in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. A class has both mem and file status or TDP class status is mem on a TRCBUF command in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. Incorrect wait attribute on a TRCBUF command in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. TRCBUF command without TD keyword in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TR Messages 4004.20 ARGERR 4004.21 ARGERR 4004.22 ARGERR 4004.23 ARGERR 4004.24 ARGERR 4004.25 ARGERR 4004.26 ARGERR 4004.27 ARGERR 4004.28 ARGERR 4004.29 ARGERR 4004.30 ARGERR 4004.31 ARGERR 4004.32 ARGERR 4004.33 ARGERR 4004.34 ARGERR 4004.35 ARGERR 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Incorrect trace dump buffer size on a TRCBUF command in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. TDP class open in a trace buffer without TD pages. Check the collector initialization commands. Incorrect TD buffer page size on a TRCBUF command in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. TRCBUF command without TRCFILE keyword in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. Incorrect TRCFILE number on a TRCBUF command in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. TRCFILE index greater than maximum on a TRCBUF command in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. Incorrect domain name in a TRCBUF enclosure in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. More than maximum allowed trace domains definitions in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. Incorrect trace domain index value in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. Trace domain index greater than version high bound in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. Duplicate trace domain name/index definition in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. An incorrect trace domain memory classes status in the collector initialization file. Verify initialization command file. An incorrect trace domain file classes status in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. A class has both mem and file status or TDP class is mem on a trace domain definition in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. TDP class open for a domain in a TRCBUF without TD pages in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. An incorrect trace domain wait attribute definition in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. 44-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 4004.36 4004.37 4004.38 4004.39 4004.40 4004.41 4004.42 4004.43 4004.44 4004.45 4004.46 4004.47 4004.48 4004.49 4004.50 44-4 ARGERR Empty TRCBUF enclosure in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. ARGERR Incorrect index word on a TRCFILE in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. ARGERR TRCFILE index outside this version allowed range in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. ARGERR Incomplete TRCFILE command in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. ARGERR Duplicate TRCFILE efn definition in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. ARGERR Duplicate TRCFILE command definition in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. ARGERR EFN or CMD keyword are absent on a TRCFILE command in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. ARGERR Incomplete TRCFILE efn command in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. ARGERR Incorrect external TRCFILE name in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. ARGERR Incorrect filestat attribute for a TRCFILE in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. file asg RC Incorrect dynamic assign for a TRCFILE defined in the collector initialization file. Verify TRCFILE names. ARGERR Incorrect threshold word on a TRCFILE command in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. ARGERR Threshold is not a positive percent on a TRCFILE command in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. ARGERR Incomplete TRCFILE command in the collector initialization file. Check the collector initialization commands. h_get access inc Collector initialization file read error. Verify RC command file status. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TR Messages 44.1.2 SICID 4005 Messages Error number 4005.01 Return code ARGERR 4005.02 CHECK 4005.03 h_ssmget RC 4005.04 h_sgcr RC 4005.05 h_sgcr RC 4005.06 h_ssmfre RC 4005.07 h_sgdl RC 4005.08 CHECK 4005.09 ILLSEM 4005.10 ILLSEM Meaning/Action Previous system trace collector occurrence left an incorrect descriptor for SYS_RDYSEG segment . A new segment is allocated for this purpose. Incorrect internal segment descriptors table status detected when allocating system trace collector resources. Incorrect semaphore acquisition when allocating system trace collector resources. Type=0 segment acquisition error when allocating system trace collector resources. Type=2 segment acquisition error when allocating system trace collector resources. Semaphore release error following an incorrect system trace collector resource allocation phase. Segment release error following an incorrect system trace collector resource allocation phase. Incorrect access to system trace resident structures. Incorrect access to system trace resident structures. Incorrect access to system trace resident structures 44.1.3 SICID 4006 Messages TR20 messages numbers issued by 4006 sicid procedure are defined as a function of the originating task ordinal number (1 to 6). Messages are listed once with the six corresponding numbers that allow precise task (and buffer) identification. Error number 4006.1-6 Return code MSGERR 4006.7-12 JPNBERR 4006.13-18 CHECK 4006.19-24 CHECK 4006.25-30 CHECK 4006.31-36 ARGERR 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Meaning/Action The collector task is notified with a message not related to current system trace collector occurrence. The collector task is notified with an incorrect target field message. Discrepancy between in procedure constants and values in system trace resident tables detected during task initialization. Incorrect collector task internal state descriptor detected during initialization phase. During collector task initialization phase, the collector task internal descriptor values are out of bounds. During collector task initialization phase, invalid access path to collector task related buffer descriptor in system trace resident structures. 44-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 44-6 4006.37-42 CHECK 4006.43-48 ARGERR 4006.49-54 ARGERR 4006.55-60 ARGERR 4006.61-66 ARGERR 4006.67-72 ARGERR 4006.73-78 ARGERR 4006.79-84 ARGERR 4006.85-90 INDERR 4006.91-96 COUNTERR 4006.97-102 MSGERR 4006.103 REQUNKN 4006.104-109 ILLSEM 4006.110-115 DUPNAME 4006.116-121 SRCHFAIL 4006.122-127 ILLSEM 4006.128-133 4006.134-139 ILLSEM h_sndcmd RC 4006.140-145 ufas RC 4006.140-145 h_put/putx RC During collector task initialization phase, incorrect buffer descriptor detection. During collector task initialization phase, incorrect access path to collector task related trace event buffer descriptor. During collector task initialization phase, incorrect access path to collector task related trace dump buffer descriptor. During collector task initialization phase, incorrect access path to collector task related trace event control buffer. During collector task initialization phase, incorrect access path to collector task related trace event buffer. During collector task initialization phase, incorrect access path to collector task related trace dump control buffer. During collector task initialization phase, incorrect access path to collector task related trace dump buffer. The access path to trace event mode=init buffer is not valid. Page index in read trace event message is not on page boundary. Page index in read trace event page message is not in buffer. A collector task not in charge of a trace dump buffer is notified to read a trace dump page. Collector task is notified with an unknown RI message. Access error to collector supervisor task semaphore. The collector task detected twice the same page index in trace dump buffer. No trace dump page in buffer matches the latest read trace dump request. Collector task related trace dump buffer semaphore incorrect state. Collector task trace dump attribute is reset. Incorrect submission of the operator command for the file related to this collector task. Incorrect access to the file related to this collector task. Incorrect write in the file related to this collector task. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TR Messages 44.1.4 SICID 4007 Messages Error number 4007.01 Return code CHECK 4007.02 CHECK 4007.03 CHECK 4005.04 h_ssmfre RC 4007.05 h_sgdl RC 4007.06 h_close RC 4007.07 CHECK 4007.08 CHECK 4007.09 ILLSEM 4007.10 ILLSEM 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Meaning/Action Incorrect buffer index detected during resource release procedure execution for system trace collector exit routine. Incorrect internal segment identifier in a trace dump buffer descriptor detected during system trace collector resources release phase. Incorrect internal segment identifier in a trace event buffer descriptor detected during system trace collector resources release phase. Semaphore release error during system trace collector resource release phase. Segment release error during system trace collector resource release phase. System trace collector close and deassign error during resource release phase. Incorrect internal semaphore identifier detected during system trace collector resource release phase. Incorrect access to system trace resident structures. Incorrect access to system trace resident structures. Incorrect access to system trace resident structures. 44-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 44.1.5 SICID 4009 Messages Messages numbers issued by 4009 sicid procedure, when describing a collector task state are defined as a function of the concerned process ordinal number. Such messages are listed once with the six corresponding numbers that allow precise task (and buffer) identification. Error number 4009.1 4009.2 4009.3 4009.4 4009.5 4009.6 4009.7 4009.8 4009.9 4009.10 4009.11-16 4009.17 4009.18-23 4009.24-29 4009.30 4009.31 4009.32 4009.33-38 4009.39-44 4009.45-50 4009.51-56 4009.57-62 44-8 Return code NOINIT Meaning/Action System trace collector execution is not allowed during a GCOS session initialized with the ISL argument TRC OFF. TMLIM At least one deadlock state was detected (and cleared) during current system trace collector execution. This informative message is issued before collector termination. MSGERR System trace collector is notified with an out of bounds target descriptor message. MSGERR System trace collector is notified with a message not issued for current collector occurrence. MSGERR System trace collector is notified with a read trace object message with incorrect buffer identifier. MSGERR System trace collector is notified with a read trace object message for an absent buffer. MSGERR System trace collector is notified with an incorrect stop message. MSGERR System trace collector is notified by a collecting task with an incorrect RI message. MSGERR System trace collector is notified with an unknown RI message. h_sgdl RC Incorrect release of trace event mode=init segment. PCSNAV One collector task has abnormally terminated. MSGERR System trace collector is notified with an incorrect RI message. ILLSEM Incorrect state for a system trace collector task semaphore. TMLIM The defined collecting task is declared deadlocked. Current buffer attributes: wait trace event mode and trace dump attributes are disabled (temporarily if for the first time) . CONFLICT Incorrect access to system trace resident structures. ILLSEM System trace resident structures access error. ILLSEM System trace resident structures access error. h_initsk RC Collector task abnormal initiation. tskunkn/h_waitsk RC Collector task abnormal state detection. NOINIT Incorrect collector task initialization. MSGERR Incorrect initialization message from a collector task. h-waitsk RC Abnormal collector task state is detected during termination phase. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TR Messages 44.1.6 SICID 4011 Procedure Message Error number 4011.nn Return code CHECK Meaning/Action System trace collector exit routine execution for an active process. The nn value describes the task status when the exit routine is called. 44.1.7 SICID 4012 Messages TR20 messages numbers issued by the 4012 sicid procedure are defined as a function of the system trace circular file descriptor ordinal number in the collector initialization subfile. Thus each message identifier is presented with the two corresponding numbers that allow precise file identification. Error number 4012.1-2 4012.3-4 4012.5-6 4012.7-8 4012.9-10 4012.11-12 4012.13-14 4012.15-16 4012.17-18 4012.19-20 4012.21-22 4012.23-24 4012.25-26 4012.27-28 4012.29-30 4012.31-32 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Return code h_ddasg RC Meaning/Action System trace collector file dynamic deassign error following an incorrect file access initialization. h_open RC/objtperr System trace collector file exclusive access open error or incorrect output file recsize/cisize. h_get RC System trace collector file first record read error. h_put RC System trace collector file first record initialization error. h_putx RC System trace collector file first record rewrite error. h_close RC System trace collector file close, deassign error. h_dflasg RC System trace collector file dynamic assign error. h_open RC System trace collector file second open error. OBJTPERR System trace collector file control record structure error. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. OBJTPERR System trace collector file second record structure error. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. RECNFD System trace collector file control record structure error. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. OBJTPERR System trace collector file control record structure error. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. h_get RC System trace collector file second record read error. OBJTPERR System trace collector file highest logical address record header error. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. RECNFD Incorrect record sequence numbers in system trace collector file. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. OBJTPERR Incorrect record sequence numbers in system trace collector file. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. 44-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 44-10 4012.33-34 RECNFD 4012.35-36 OBJTPERR 4012.37-38 h_get RC 4012.39-40 OBJTPERR 4012.41-42 h_get RC 4012.43-44 h_get RC 4012.45-46 OBJTPERR 4012.47-48 h_get RC 4012.49-50 OBJTPERR 4012.51-52 OBJTPERR 4012.53-54 RECNFD 4012.55-56 OBJTPERR 4012.57-58 h_get RC System trace collector file control record structure error. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. System trace collector file control record structure error. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. System trace collector file highest logical address read error. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. System trace collector file control record structure error. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. Unexpected RC for system trace collector file read out of defined address space. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. System trace collector file first record read error. System trace collector file structure error. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. System trace collector file access error. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. System trace collector file size greater than release high bound or file access error. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. System trace collector file contains an incorrect header record. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. System trace collector file control record structure error. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. System trace collector file control record structure error. Verify file name or clear file area to continue. System trace collector file access error. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TR Messages 44.2 EXTRACTOR OPERATOR MESSAGES TR40 AND TR41 The general format of error messages generated by the extractor is: TR40 TRCEXTR ERROR sicid.msgnbr RC. TRCEXTR stands for Trace Extractor, sicid for identification, msgnbr for message number and RC for return code. The complete list of these messages, in ascending order of the sicid message number, is given below. 44.2.1 SICID 400B Messages Error number 400B.1 Return code ARGERR 400B.3 SEQERR 400B.4 OUTSEQ 400B.5 OUTSEQ 400B.8 SEQERR 400B.10 OBJTPERR 400B.11 OBJTPERR 400B.12 OBJTPERR 400B.13 OBJTPERR 400B.14 OBJTPERR 400B.15 OBJTPERR 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Meaning/Action Extraction argument "O_IFN2" is exclusive with "LATEST", "NOUPD", "APPEND". Verify extractor job execution arguments. Records time stamp are not monotonous in system trace circular file to be extracted ( this may be due to incorrect isl time values ). No action is required. Incorrect records sequence number in the partially written system trace circular file to be extracted. The complete sequential copy of the file is done. Incorrect records sequence number in system trace circular file to be extracted. The complete sequential copy of the file is done. Records time stamp are not monotonous in system trace circular file to be extracted ( this may be due to incorrect isl time values ). No action is required. Extraction input system trace circular file structure is not correct . Verify file identification, if valid clear file to continue. Extraction input system trace circular file contains incorrect records. Verify file identification, if valid clear file. Extraction input system trace circular file contains incorrect records. Verify file identification, if valid clear file. Extraction input system trace circular file structure is not correct . Verify file identification, if valid clear file. Extraction input system trace circular file structure is not correct . Verify file identification, if valid clear file. Extraction input system trace circular file structure is not correct . Verify file identification, if valid clear file. 44-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 400B.16 400B.17 400B.18 400B.19 400B.20 400B.21 400B.22 400B.23 400B.24 400B.25 400B.26 400B.27 400B.28 400B.29 400B.30 400B.31 400B.32 400B.33 400B.34 400B.35 44-12 OBJTPERR Extraction input system trace circular file structure is not correct . Verify file identification, if valid clear file. OBJTPERR Extraction input system trace circular file structure is not correct . Verify file identification, if valid clear file. OBJTPERR Extraction input system trace circular file structure is not correct . Verify file identification, if valid clear file. OBJTPERR Extraction input system trace circular file structure is not correct . Verify file identification, if valid clear file. OUTSEQ Extractor input system trace circular file has incorrect records sequence number monotony. The complete sequential copy of the file is done. OUTSEQ Extractor input system trace circular file has incorrect records sequence number monotony. The complete sequential copy of the file is done. h_get abnormal returnSystem trace circular file access error; no code record extraction is performed. h_get incorrect return System trace circular file access error; the code requested extraction is not performed. h_close incorrect System trace circular file close error. return code h_get incorrect return System trace circular file direct access error; code the extraction may be incomplete. h_get incorrect return System trace circular file sequential access code error; the extraction may be incomplete. h_get incorrect return System trace circular file first record read error; code the extraction may be incomplete. h_open abnormal System trace circular file open error; the return code extraction may be incomplete. h_putx incorrect System trace circular file first record rewrite return code error; the extraction may be incomplete. h_open abnormal Extraction output file open error; the extraction return code may be incomplete. datalim Output file is full before extraction termination. h_open abnormal Extraction second output file open error; the return code extraction may be incomplete. h_put incorrect return Extraction output file put error. code h_close abnormal Extraction output file close error; the extraction return code may be incomplete. OBJTPERR Incorrect record structure detected in system trace circular file to be extracted. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TR Messages 44.2.2 SICID 400F Messages TR41. Error number 400F.1 Return code h_close RC 400F.2 h_get RC 400F.3 h_putx RC 400F.4 h_close RC Meaning/Action Extraction current outfile close error during h_trcextr exit routine execution. Incorrect read of system trace circular file first record during h_trcextr exit routine execution. Incorrect rewrite of system trace circular file first record during h_trcextr exit routine execution. Incorrect system trace circular file close during h_trcextr exit routine execution. NO RECORD SINCE PREVIOUS EXTRACTION Meaning: The System Trace extractor has been launched but there are no new trace records to extract since the last extraction was performed. Action: None. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 44-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 44.3 TR60 MESSAGES FROM MAIN OPERATOR COMMANDS - TR60 TO TR72 Error Message The TR60 error message has seven variations given below. TR60 time cmd_name COMMAND COMPLETED Meaning: correct execution of system trace operator command. Action: None. TR60 time cmd_name COMMAND REJECTED: SYSTEM TRACE IS NOT IN CONFIGURATION Meaning: The system trace facility is not active during this GCOS session Action: Restart a new GCOS session with the ISL command: TRC=ON. TR60 time cmd_name COMMAND REJECTED: ILLEGAL ACCESS RIGHTS Meaning: This command is reserved for the main operator. Action: Consult the main operator. 44-14 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TR Messages TR60 time cmd_name COMMAND REJECTED: ARGERR er_nbr Meaning: There is an incorrect command argument depending on the er_nbr value: argerr 6: argerr 7: argerr 8: argerr 9: argerr 10: argerr 11: argerr 12: argerr 13: argerr 14: argerr 15: argerr 17: argerr 18: argerr 19: argerr 20: argerr 21: argerr 23: argerr 24: argerr 25: argerr 26: argerr 30: argerr 31: argerr 32: argerr 33: DSYSTR incorrect argument set DSYSTR, option must be F, or more than one of BUFFER, TDOM, OPTION is used ISYSTR incorrect argument set MSYSTR incorrect argument set MSYSTR from_evid > to-evid or evid > 4095 MSYSTR incorrect option argument MSYSTR empty argument set SSYSTR incorrect argument set SSYSTR incorrect use of option=C SSYSTR incorrect use of option=W SSYSTR incorrect option value SSYSTR incorrect BUFFER parameter use TSYSTR incorrect argument set TSYSTR incorrect use of option TSYSTR incorrect argument set TSYSTR incorrect option argument procedure execution error incorrect trace class name incorrect trace class state MSYSTR incorrect string length MSYSTR incorrect string, offset values MSYSTR incorrect string, offset values trace domain name is not star convention Action: For argerr 24, contact the Service Center. For the other errors, retype the command with the correct arguments. TR60 time cmd_name COMMAND REJECTED: EMPTY OBJECT SELECTION Meaning: There is no TRace object corresponding to command argument. Action: Check the domain/buffer name. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 44-15 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TR60 time cmd_name COMMAND REJECTED: Meaning: Incorrect command execution depending on er_nbr: error 1: error 5: error 27: error 37: error 38: error 40: abnormal $h_getcmd. start/stop collector not done; the return code may be: - trc 8, notdone => no active collector - trc 8, noinit => GCOS session without trc - jobm 52, tabov => collector already started. incorrect XRON argument, retcode is:-nomatch. procedure execution error, retcode is: -typerrr. procedure execution error, retcode is: -$h_chkstar abnormal retcode. procedure execution error, retcode is: -$h_mtrc abnormal retcode. Action: For error 1, contact the Service Center. For error 5, check the system trace collector service job state. For error 27, check the XRON value, correctly retype the command. For errors 37, 38, 40, contact the Service Center. TR60 time cmd_name COMMAND REJECTED:SYSTEM TRACE COLLECTOR IS NOT STARTED Meaning: The command requires the system trace collector to be started. Action: Check system trace collector service job state. TR62 time DSYSTR SYSTEM TRACE DOMAIN = tdom_id BUFFER=bfr-id WAIT=wait_yn CND(INT)=cls-cnd CLASS= cls-name WHERE= cls_where Meaning: The message displays the trace domain attributes, as follows. tdom_id: system trace domain name. bfr_id: system trace buffer name connected to the domain. waiy_yn: values may be: YES, NOT depending on domain WAIT attribute. cls_name: system trace class filter names, NOR DET TRM INR IDT CND DTV ABN ARC TRP TDP. cls_where: for each class filter state may be: MEM for a trace in memory; F for a trace in memory and save buffer page in trcfile; : class filter is closed. Action: None. TR63 Error Message The TR63 error message has eight variations; they are given below. 44-16 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TR Messages TR63 NO TRACE DOMAIN FILTER TR63 EVID= evid_1 - evid_2 TR63 STRING= str_vl/.str_off TR63 XRON=lk_xron TR63 EVID= evid_1 - evid_2 STRING= str_vl/.str_off TR63 EVID= evid_1 - evid_2 XRON=lk_xron TR63 STRING= str_vl/.str_off XRON=lk_xron TR63 EVID= evid_1 - evid_2 STRING= str_vl/.str_off XRON=lk_xron Meaning: The message displays the attributes of active filters in the trace domain. The meanings of variables are: evid_1: the minimum accepted value for the evid range filter. evid_2: the maximum accepted value for the evid range filter. str_vl: the string filter pattern hexadecimal value. str_off: the string filter pattern hexadecimal displacement (from 0). lk_xron: the XRON filter value. Action: None. TR72 tdom_1 tdom_2 TR72 tdom_1 Meaning: The message displays the list of names of the system trace domains. The first message is issued if 2 domain names are to be listed on one line. The second message is issued if one domain name is to be listed. tdom-d1 is the first system trace domain name. tdom-id2 is the second system trace domain name. Action: None 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 44-17 45. TS Messages General Environment TS messages are produced by the BFAS/UFAS Sequential Tape File Access method. In each message the user is provided with the internal file name (ifn) of the file the message is related to. Pertinent Manuals BFAS User's Guide ..................................................................................... 47 A2 02UF JCL User's Guide .........................................................................................47 A2 12UJ UFAS-Extended User's Guide ..................................................................... 47 A2 04UF Message Descriptions TS24. IFN: ifn. * ONE BLOCK SKIPPED AFTER I/O ERROR ON TAPE Meaning: Warning message, indicating that an error occurred during an I/O operation (read) on a tape file. As the ERROR-SKIP option was specified, the erroneous block was skipped. Result: Execution proceeds on the next block. TS43. IFN: ifn. * TAPE REPOSITIONING HAS BEEN TRIGGERED, AROUND BLOCK NUMBER nn Meaning: An I/O incident occurred on a tape file requiring the tape to be repositioned. nn is the block number on which the tape is to be repositioned. TS47. IFN: ifn. * APPEND ON 18-TRACK CARTRIDGE NOT ALLOWED ON 36T DEVICE Meaning: The user has attempted to write in append mode on an 18-track cartridge mounted on a 36-track device. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 45-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TS48. IFN: ifn. * SUCCESSFUL RECOVERY AFTER GLOBAL TAPE POSITIONING ERROR Meaning: The tape was successfully repositioned using the global tape repositioning processing. This message is usually preceded by message TS47. TS49. IFN: ifn. UNSUCCESSFUL RECOVERY AFTER GLOBAL TAPE POSITIONING ERROR Meaning: Repositioning was not successfully performed using the global tape repositioning processing. Result: An abnormal return code is set by the access method and the file cannot be accessed. Action: Rerun the program using another drive. TS50. IFN: ifn. * I/O ERROR CODE= nnnn. RC = edited-return-code Meaning: An I/O error has been detected. The I/O completion code (nnnn) gives a detailed status of the error; refer to the section on I/O completion codes in this manual. If the I/O completion code is 92FF (repositioning needed on tape), the next message (TS48 or TS49) indicates whether or not the repositioning was successful. If the I/O completion code is 9205 (write failed for 18-track cartridge on a 36-track device), the return code is WRVIOL and this message is followed by message TS47. Result: Execution may proceed, depending on: • the type of error (REPNEED and successful recovery); • the user-specified option for I/O error processing (ERROPT-SKIP available in input mode only). 45-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 46. TW Messages 46.1 GENERAL ENVIRONMENT TW messages are produced by the Generalized Terminal Writer. The messages are classified according to their code "TWnn" (in ascending nn order). The meaning of each message is explained. The person who receives the message is also indicated. Pertinent Manuals Generalized Terminal Writer User's Guide ................................................... 47 A2 55UU Message Format The messages consist of fixed fields which always contain the same information (for a given message), and variable fields whose content varies. Here is an example of a GTWriter message: TW08. <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO ASSIGN: <media> NOT MOUNTED In this example, all but the two fields "Rxxxx" and "media" are fixed. These two fields are called variable fields. When the message is sent, they contain the name of a report and the name of a media, respectively. Codes Used in the Explanations Codes used to indicate who receives the message: TWCOMMSUB The submitter of H_TWCOMM. MASTER This code is used for messages sent on GTWriter initialization. When this is done at system initialization time, the MASTER code signifies the MAIN operator. When a user launches H_TWCOMM to initialize GTWriter, he/she becomes MASTER. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 46-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory SUBUSER In IOF, the submitter of DPRINT. In TDS, the TDS MASTER. OWNER-CONTROL The OWNER of the terminal concerned by the command, if one exists and if the CONTROL parameter has been specified in the corresponding USER generation-statement. Otherwise, the message is sent to the SUBUSER. OWNER The OWNER of the terminal, if one exists. Otherwise, the message is not sent. COMMANDSUB The person who has submitted the command. Codes Used in the Variable Zones 46-2 <Rxxxx> Name of the report. <dest> Name of the terminal or of the pool to which the report is sent. <term> Name of the terminal. <form> Name of the paper format. <code> Code specifying why a connection is refused. <driver> Name of the driver. <command> Name of the command. <user> Name of the user who created the report. <ron> Run occurrence number of the user's job that created the report. <retcode> Return Code. <media> Name of the media (disk) used. <proc> Name of the procedure. <mb> Name of the subfile (when the "Star Convention" is used). 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TW Messages 46.2 TW01. MESSAGES GENERATION NOT PERFORMED Meaning: Message sent at system initialization or at Command Handler launching. A GTWriter generation must be done. Who receives the message: The MASTER. TW03. <command> COMPLETED Meaning: The command has been taken into account and executed by the Command Handler. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB TW04 <Rxxxx> TERM=<dest> USER=<user> FROM=<ron> Meaning: Message sent after a DPRINT request to indicate that a report Rxxxx is created. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB TW05 <Rxxxx> [RE]STARTED ON <dest> [(COPY=n)] [(MB=<mb>)] Meaning: Start or restart of report printing. If it is a restart, this happens after a RTO command has been issued. COPY, if present, indicates that this is the copy number n of that report. MB, if present, indicates the name of the member whose printing begins (when using the Star Convention). Who receives the message: The SUBUSER TW06 <Rxxxx> REPORT COMPLETED Meaning: The printing of this report is finished. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 46-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TW07 <Rxxxx> REPORT CANCELLED Meaning: The report has been cancelled by a CTO command. Who receives the message: Usually the COMMANDSUB. If an interruption occurs at the same moment as the CTO command, it is the SUBUSER. TW08 UNABLE TO OPEN SYS.TW.OUT: <retcode> Meaning: GTWriter cannot open the library SYS.TW.OUT. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB if the problem occurs during H_TWCOMM launching. The MASTER if the problem occurs during GTWriter initialization. TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO DELIVER: UNKNOWN TERMINAL Always followed by a TW11 message. Meaning: The terminal (or pool) does not exist: a new generation has been done after this report has been created. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER. TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO DELIVER: UNKNOWN FORM Always followed by a TW11 message. Meaning: The paper-format required for that report does not exist: a new generation has been done after this report has been created. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER. TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO DELIVER: <retcode> Always followed by a TW11 message. Meaning: The access to a record of the file or subfile failed, or this record is inconsistent. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER and the TWCOMMSUB. 46-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TW Messages TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO DELIVER_PTEST : <retcode> Meaning: The access to a record of the environment subfile failed, or this record is inconsistent during PTEST processing. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB and the OWNER. TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO ASSIGN : <media> NOT MOUNTED Always followed by a TW11 message. Meaning: The media (disk) is not mounted. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER and the TWCOMMSUB. TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO ASSIGN: DRIVES OR FILES BUSY Always followed by a TW11 message. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER. TW08 UNABLE TO ASSIGN: DRIVES OR ENVIRONMENT LIBRARY BUSY Always followed by a TW11 message. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER. TW08 UNABLE TO ASSIGN: DRIVES OR ENVIRONMENT LIBRARY BUSY Sent in case of PTEST processing. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB and the OWNER. TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO ASSIGN: <retcode> Always followed by a TW09 message. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER (and possibly the TWCOMMSUB, depending on the return-code). TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO ASSIGN_ENV : <retcode> Always followed by a TW11 message. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER and possibly the TWCOMMSUB, depending on the return code. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 46-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TW08 UNABLE TO ASSIGN_ENV : <retcode> Sent in case of PTEST processing. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB and the OWNER. TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO ASSIGN: ACCESS RIGHTS VIOL Always followed by a TW09 message. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER. TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO ASSIGN: ACCESS RIGHTS VIOL ON ENVIRONMENT LIBRARY Always followed by a TW11 message. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER. TW08 UNABLE TO ASSIGN: ACCESS RIGHTS VIOL ON ENVIRONMENT LIBRARY Sent in case of PTEST processing. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB and the OWNER. TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO OPEN: UNKNOWN FILE Always followed by a TW09 message. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER. TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO OPEN: UNKNOWN ENVIRONMENT LIBRARY Always followed by a TW11 message. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER. 46-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TW Messages TW08 UNABLE TO OPEN: UNKNOWN ENVIRONMENT LIBRARY Sent in case of PTEST processing. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB and the OWNER. TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO OPEN: <retcode> Always followed by a TW09 message. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER (and possibly the TWCOMMSUB, depending of the return-code). TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO OPEN_ENV: <retcode> Always followed by a TW11 message. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER (and possibly the TWCOMMSUB, depending of the return-code). TW08 UNABLE TO OPEN_ENV: <retcode> Sent in case of PTEST processing. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB and the OWNER. TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO START: UNKNOWN REPORT Always followed by a TW09 message. Meaning: The subfile is unknown. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER. TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO OPENS : UNKNOWN ENVIRONMENT Always followed by a TW11 message. Meaning: The environment subfile is unknown. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 46-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TW08 UNABLE TO OPENS : UNKNOWN ENVIRONMENT Sent in case of PTEST processing. Meaning: The environment subfile is unknown. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB and the OWNER. TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO START: REPORT BUSY Always followed by a TW11 message. Meaning: The subfile is busy. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER. TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO OPEN: <retcode> Always followed by a TW09 message. Meaning: The subfile cannot be opened. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER (and possibly the TWCOMMSUB, depending on the return-code). TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO OPENS_ENV : <retcode> Always followed by a TW11 message. Meaning: The environment subfile cannot be opened. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER (and possibly the TWCOMMSUB, depending on the return-code). TW08 UNABLE TO OPENS_ENV: <retcode> Sent in case of PTEST processing. Meaning: The environment cannot be opened. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB and the OWNER. TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO DELIVER : RC=283B1E02->TW 11, DATAERR Meaning: Error detected by the PRT1262 (NIP3) printer in the source in POSTCRIPT language. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER (submitter of the report). 46-8 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TW Messages TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO CONNECT : <dest> NOT DECLARED AS NIP3 Meaning: The terminal is a PRT1262 (NIP3) printer, but it has not been declared as NIP3 in the TERM statement at GTWriter generation. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER (submitter of the report). TW08 <Rxxxx> UNABLE TO CONNECT : <dest> IS NOT A NIP3 Meaning: The terminal has been declared as NIP3 in the TERM statement at GTWriter generation, but it is not really a NIP3. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER (submitter of the report). TW09 <Rxxxx> REPORT CANCELLED BY SYSTEM This message follows a TW08 message which indicates the reason why the report has been cancelled. Meaning: Because of a file-access problem, GTWriter could not start the report and cancelled it. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER (and possibly the TWCOMMSUB if there is a return-code problem). TW10 <command> ILLEGAL SYNTAX Meaning: Error in the syntax of the command. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW11 <Rxxxx> REPORT HELD BY SYSTEM Meaning: GTWriter puts the report in the "HOLD" state. Either: 1. 2. the destination of this report is unknown to the network. In this case, the TW11 message is preceded by a TW45 message. or GTWriter cannot access the file which contains this report. In that case, a TW08 message precedes the TW11 and gives the reason of the problem. Who receives the message: In the first case (1 above): the OWNER-CONTROL. In the second case (2 above): the SUBUSER (and possibly the TWCOMMSUB if there is a non-mounted disk or a return-code problem). TW12 <Rxxxx> RECOVER <term> Meaning: The printing of the report was interrupted by a communication breakdown. Who receives the message: The OWNER-CONTROL. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 46-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TW13 TWRITER ERROR: <proc> <retcode> This message is also reported in the JOR. Meaning: An error occurred in a procedure. Who receives the message: The MASTER. TW14 <command> COMMAND NOT AUTHORIZED Meaning: The submitter may not use this command. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW15 <command> COMMAND MEANINGLESS Meaning: The syntax of this command is correct but it has no meaning for GTWriter at that moment, thus no effect. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW16 DPR REPORT QUEUE OVERFLOW Meaning: GTWriter was not able to enqueue the report. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW17 <command> UNKNOWN TERMINAL OR POOL Meaning: The terminal or pool has not been declared in the generation of GTWriter. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW18 <command> UNKNOWN OUTPUT Meaning: The report is not in the queue. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW19 <Rxxxx> REPORT FROZEN: SYSTEM INTERRUPTION Meaning: The reports that are being processed when a GTWriter interruption occurs are frozen. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER. 46-10 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TW Messages TW19 <Rxxxx> REPORT FROZEN: TERMINAL ERROR Meaning: Reconnection attempts are stopped either because the number specified in RETRYCT is reached, or because a CTO, HTO or TTO command is issued. The report is frozen. Who receives the message: The OWNER-CONTROL and the SUBUSER. TW19 <Rxxxx> REPORT FROZEN: USER REQUEST Meaning: Interruption of a report-printing on a terminal which is being deconnected, or for which RETRYCT=0. No attempt is made to reconnect it. The report is frozen. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER. TW19 <Rxxxx> REPORT FROZEN: FAST SHUTDOWN Meaning: Interruption of a report-printing on a terminal which is being deconnected with a fast shutdown. The report is frozen. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER. TW19 <Rxxxx> REPORT FROZEN: TWRITER ABORT Meaning: Interruption of a report-printing because of a GTWriter abort. The report is frozen. Who receives the message: The SUBUSER. TW20 <command> NO REPORTS Meaning: The queue is empty. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW21 <command> ILLEGAL ACCESS Meaning: The user has not the access rights to this command: LIB=SYS.TW.OUT, or not authorized priority. DPRINT with Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 46-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TW22 <Rxxxx> MOUNT <form> ON <term> Meaning: The paper-format required for this report is not mounted on the terminalprinter. Who receives the message: The OWNER-CONTROL. NOTE: TW23 This message is sent every minute, provided that the OWNER-CONTROL (who receives it) is connected to IOF. <command> UNKNOWN FORM NAME Meaning: The required paper-format has not been declared at GTWriter generation. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW24 <command> NO DEFAULT TERMINAL Meaning: The destination is not specified and the user has no default terminal. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW25 <Rxxxx> <term> NOT READY (REJECT CODE: <code>) Meaning: The attempt to connect this terminal failed. Who receives the message: The OWNER-CONTROL. NOTE: TW26 This message is sent only once unless REPEATMSG has been specified for this terminal, in which case it is sent at each unsuccessful connection retry. <command> UNKNOWN USER Meaning: The user has not been declared at GTWriter generation. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW27 YOU HAVE n FROZEN REPORT[S] Meaning: A user who is connecting to IOF is informed of the number of frozen reports that belong to him/her. Who receives the message: The submitter of a frozen report, or the owner of the destination-terminal of a frozen report. 46-12 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TW Messages TW28 TWRITER TERMINATED BY SHUTDOWN Meaning: This message is sent in case a END SYSTEM command has been issued. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB. TW29 UNKNOWN DRIVER Meaning: GTWriter cannot find the Driver to launch. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB TW29 <command> UNKNOWN DRIVER Meaning: The Driver is unknown to GTWriter. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW30 DRIVER <driver> STARTED Meaning: The Driver is started and ready to process outputs. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB. TW31 MTO NOT PERFORMED FOR <Rxxxx> Meaning: The re-direction of an output toward a system-printer has failed. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW31 STW NOT PERFORMED FOR <driver> Meaning: The launching of the driver has failed. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW32 <command> UNKNOWN STATION Meaning: The station required for re-direction of output(s) is not known to GTWriter. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 46-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TW34 MTO PERFORMED FOR <Rxxxx> DEST=<station> Meaning: The report is re-directed. (H_TWCOMM). It is now an output for the Command Handler Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW35 COMMAND HANDLER HAS BEEN STOPPED Meaning: GTWriter cannot start a Driver because H_TWCOMM has been stopped. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB. TW36 DRIVER <driver> TERMINATED Meaning: A TTW command is issued for a Driver being started. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB. TW37 WORKSTATION CREATION FAILED Meaning: This message is sent when a Driver starts if a workstation cannot be activated. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB. NOTE: TW38 The Driver is aborted. MAILBOX CREATION FAILED Meaning: This message is sent when a Driver starts if a mailbox cannot be activated. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB. NOTE: TW39 The Driver is aborted. MESSAGE PATH CREATION FAILED Meaning: This message is sent when a Driver starts if a message-path cannot be activated. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB. NOTE: 46-14 The Driver is aborted. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TW Messages TW40 TIMER REQUEST FAILED Meaning: This message is sent when a Driver starts if GTWriter cannot activate the timer which handles re-connections, connections attempts, and requests for paper-forms mounting. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB. NOTE: TW40 The Driver is aborted. TIMER REQUEST FAILED Meaning: This message is sent when a Driver starts if GTWriter cannot activate the timer which handles the auto-mechanism. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB. NOTE: TW41 H_TWCOMM is aborted. COMMAND HANDLER ALREADY RUNNING Meaning: H_TWCOMM has already been started. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB. TW42 RTO FROM=BEG IS MANDATORY FOR NIP3 Meaning: Only the FROM=BEG parameter of the RTO command is allowed for a PRT1262. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB (submitter of the command). TW43 <term> NOT READY. PTEST NOT PERFORMED Meaning: GTWriter cannot connect the terminal in order to do a printing test. The request is disregarded. Who receives the message: The OWNER. TW44 ILLEGAL OPTION FOR H_TWCOMM LAUNCHING Meaning: The H_TWCOMM launching option was not one of the following: "WARM", "warm", "COLD", "cold", "CLEAN", "clean", "GEN", "gen". Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 46-15 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TW45 <term> CLOSED BY SYSTEM: DESTINATION NODE UNKNOWN This message is followed by a TW11 message. Meaning: The terminal has been declared with an unknown node. GTWriter closes the terminal and sets the report to the HOLD state. GTWriter does not try again to connect this terminal. Who receives the message: The OWNER-CONTROL. TW45 <term> CLOSED BY SYSTEM: DESTINATION MAILBOX UNKNOWN This message is followed by a TW11 message. Meaning: The terminal has been declared with an identification unknown to the network. GTWriter closes the terminal and sets the report to the HOLD state. GTWriter does not try again to connect this terminal. Who receives the message: The OWNER-CONTROL. TW46 DTW NO POOLS Meaning: no POOL has been declared at generation. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW48 <Rxxx> REPORT CREATION FAILED : TERM=<dest> USER=<user> FROM=<RON> Meaning: Report creation failed at commit time (after invocation of the H_TW_USTART primitive). Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW49 <Rxxx> REPORT HELD Meaning: The report has been held by an HTO command. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. TW49 <Rxxx> REPORT RELEASED Meaning: The report has been released by an RTO command. Who receives the message: The COMMANDSUB. 46-16 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TW Messages TW60 <Rxxxx> <status NIP3> Meaning: Display of a status sent by the PRT1262 (NIP3) printer. Who receives the message: The submitter of the report. TW98 TWRITER READY Meaning: The Command Handler is ready to receive and process commands. Who receives the message: The TWCOMMSUB. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 46-17 47. TX Messages General Environment TX messages are produced by the TDS processor. The messages appear in the JOR of the TDS job and are sent to the master terminal. Pertinent manuals TDS Concepts............................................................................................. 47 A2 26UT TDS Quick Reference Handbook................................................................. 47 A2 04UT TDS Administrator's Guide .......................................................................... 47 A2 32UT TDS COBOL Programmer's Guide .............................................................. 47 A2 33UT IQS/TDS User's Guide (IQS-V3).................................................................. 47 A2 81UD IQS-V4/TDS User's Guide (IQS-V4) ............................................................ 47 A2 81UR Message Descriptions This section lists TDS error messages in numerical order. All error messages are reported in the JOR and some appear on the screen. Error messages printed in the JOR have one of two forms: TX00 Convention used for null response to PMOS. TX01 REQUESTED TDS tds NOT AVAILABLE Response to all commands when the TDS is not started or not valid. TX02 message See text of message. TX04 POOL USED (KB) = poolused PSEUDO BUFFERS = pseudobuf POOL SIZE (KB) = poolsize Response to DISPLAY_TDS STAT. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 47-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TX05 INIT.SIMU.COUNT ACC.SESS.ALLOC USED TX COUNT USED TPR COUNT COMMIT COUNT = = = = = init_simu sess_alloc txnb tprnb cmtnb CUR.SIMU.COUNT ACC.SESS.REJEC TX ABORT.COUNT TPR ABORT COUNT DIALOG COUNT = = = = = cur_simu sess_rjct txabtnb tprabtnb dialnb Response to DISPLAY_TDS STAT. TX06 TPR ELAPSED TIME DEADLOCK COUNT TABOV ABT COUNT LGWAITABT COUNT BUFOVABT COUNT = = = = = tprelps ddlcknb tabovnb lgwaitnb bufovnb TPR CPU TIME NON CONCUR WAIT WDNAV ABT COUNT DIRTY READ ABORT SERIALIZATION = = = = = tprcpu nconcnb wdnavnb dirtabtnb serialnb Response to DISPLAY_TDS STAT. TX07 MAX TM SES MAX XCP1 SES MAX XCP2 SES MAX VIRT SES PMOS COR COUNT = = = = = mxtmnb mxxcp1nb mxxcp2nb dummax pmossesnb CUR CUR CUR CUR TM SES XCP1 SES XCP2 SES VIRT SES = = = = curtmnb curxcp1nb curxcp2nb virtsesnb Response to DISPLAY_TDS STAT. TX08 authcode1 authcode2 ... authcode32 Response to DISPLAY_TX spec-tx AUTHCODE. TX09 MAX.SIMU.COUNT = init_simu FROZEN SIMU COUNT = frz_simu CUR.SIMU.COUNT = cur_simu Response to DISPLAY_TDS SIMUL. NOTE: TX10 The last 2 counters are always set to zero because they are not used. SM LIBRARY 1: SM LIBRARY 2: SM LIBRARY 3: smlib1 smlib2 smlib3 Response to DISPLAY_TDS SMLIB. TX11 XCP2 SERVICE USED : PRIORITY : TRANSACTION STORAGE SIZE : ACCOUNTING : FORM : xcp2used priority txstosz account form Response to DISPLAY_TX spec-tx. 47-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TX Messages TX12 MESSAGE FIRST ASSIGNED TPR CLASS IMPLICIT COMMITMENT AUTOMATIC UNMAPPING : : : : : name of the transaction name of the tpr n (alphabetic) { Y | N } { Y | N } Response to DISPLAY_TX spec-tx. TX13 DISPLAY_TX: txnm message-text where message-text is: (1) FILE SECURITY OPTION: SUPPRESS { BEFORE JOURNAL | DEFERRED UPDATES } (2) LIST OF AUTHORITY CODES (3) NO CLAUSE SPECIFIED (4) SHARED READ FOR: (5) SUPPRESS CONCURRENT ACCESS CONTROL FOR: (6) TX [ MANUALLY ] NON CONCURRENT WITH: (7) TX MANUALLY NON CONCURRENT WITH ALL [ TX ] (8) USE DEFERRED UPDATES [ EXCEPT FOR: ] Response to (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) TX14 txnm1 txnm2 DISPLAY_TX spec-tx FSEC DISPLAY_TX spec-tx AUTHCODE DISPLAY_TX spec-tx {FSEC|FSHRD|TXNCONC|FSCAC} DISPLAY_TX spec-tx FSHRD DISPLAY_TX spec-tx FSCAC DISPLAY_TX spec-tx TXNCONC DISPLAY_TX spec-tx TXNCONC DISPLAY_TX spec-tx FSEC. txnm3 txnm4 txnm5 txnm6 ifn4 ifn5 ifn6 Response to DTX *. TX15 ifn1 ifn2 ifn3 Response to DTX file-options or LSTF * DTLD=0. TX16 LOCKED TRANSACTION FOR DEBUG TX FOR INQUIRY TX HIDDEN (IN MENU) TX : : : : lock value validate value inquiry value hidden value { { { { Y Y Y Y | | | | N N N N } } } } Response to DISPLAY_TX spec-tx. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 47-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TX17 entry-tabulation where entry-tabulation is: (1) IFN (2) ifn OPEN open MONITORED monitored PMD pmd (1) LSTF startx DTLD. (2) LSTF * DTLD. Response to ----- TDS: tds date_time --------heading ------------------------------------------------where heading is: (1) LIST OF CLOSED FILES (2) LIST OF FILES (3) LIST OF OPENED FILES Response to TX18 (1) LSTF * OPENED=0. (2) LSTF *. (3) LSTF * OPENED. ------------------------------------------------- TDS: tds date_time --------heading ------------------------------------------------where heading is: (1) LIST OF CLOSED FILES (2) LIST OF FILES (3) LIST OF OPENED FILES Response to TX19 (1) LSTF * OPENED=0. (2) LSTF *. (3) LSTF * OPENED. XCP2 HEURISTIC : {COMMIT | BACKOUT | NONE} NO DEFERRED RESYNCHRONIZATION : { Y | N } NOT RESTARTABLE COMMITMENT (XCP2): { Y | N } Response to DISPLAY-TX (DTX) spec-tx for XCP2 transaction. TX20 TX21 SWAP_FILE swapifn ACT active LOGGED_CNTXT ctxnb OCCUPANCY occup% ALLOC_FACTOR alfactor% Response to DISPLAY_TDS SWAP. NOTE: The number of user contexts displayed may not correspond to the number of users logged on because TDS dynamically reports all contexts including breaks and logons. If only swap file is declared, the allocation factor is set to 100%. 47-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TX Messages TX22 cornm1 cornm2 cornm3 cornm4 cornm5 Response to LIST_TDS_COR * DTLD=0. TX23 TX24 CORRESPONDENT cornm ADDRESS coraddr TX_COUNT txnb TPR_COUNT tprnb STATUS status TX_NM txnm Response to LIST_TDS_COR * { TM | * } DTLD. TX25 ------------------------------------------------- TDS: tds date_time --------heading ------------------------------------------------where heading is: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) TX26 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TRANSACTION LIST OF CORRESPONDENTS LIST OF POOLS LIST OF SESSIONS WITH SPAWNS LIST OF SPAWNEES WITH QUEUE LENGTHS LIST OF TRANSACTIONS. DTX spec-tx. LIST_TDS_COR. LIST_COR_POOL. LIST_TDS_SPAWN DTLD=0. LIST_TDS_SPAWN DTLD. DTX *. Response to (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) CORRESPONDENT cornm ADDRESS coraddr COR_BACKUP corbck Response to LIST_TDS_COR * TM DTLD NG. TX27 CORRESPONDENT cornm ADDRESS coraddr NB_OF_POOLS poolnb Response to LIST_TDS_COR * XCP2 DTLD NG=0. TX28 STATE: state / TYPE: cor-typ / LIST: list / OPTION: option Response to LIST_TDS_COR * TYPE=*. TX29 CORRESPONDENT cornm ADDRESS coraddr MXALCSES mxalses CUMALCSES cumalcses REJALCSES rejalcses Response to LIST_TDS_COR * XCP1 DTLD NG=0. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 47-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TX30 ------------------------------------------------- TDS: tds date_time --------heading ------------------------------------------------where heading is: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) CHARACTERISTICS OF THE POOL CURRENT SEARCH RULES OF SM LIB CURRENT SIMULTANEITY LEVELS GENERAL TDS STATISTICS LIST OF SWAP FILES Response to TX31 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) LIST_COR_POOL DISPLAY_TDS SMLIB DISPLAY_TDS SIMUL DISPLAY_TDS DISPLAY_TDS SWAP. poolnm1 poolnm2 poolnm3 poolnm4 poolnm5 poolnm6 Response to LIST_COR_POOL cor POOL=*. TX32 POOL MAXSESNB MINWINSC MINWINTG AUTOACT DRAINSC DRAINTG MAXSYNC poolnm maxsesnb minwinsc minwintg autoact drainsc draintg maxsync Response to LIST_COR_POOL cor pool DTLD NG. See CALL "DISP-POOL" Procedure in TDS COBOL Programmer's Guide. TX33 CORRESPONDENT cornm ADDRESS coraddr COR_BACKUP corbck PRIM prim ACTIVE activ INITWK initwk Response to LIST_TDS_COR * XCP1 DTLD NG. TX34 CORRESPONDENT cornm ADDRESS coraddr COR_BACKUP corbck PRIM prim PRL prl WIN win SYNLVL synlv Response to LIST_TDS_COR * XCP2 DTLD NG. See CPI-C/XCP2 User's Guide. TX35 POOL poolnm CURSESNB cursesnb CURWINSC curwinsc CURWINTG curwintg TRSTSESNB trstssnb Response to LIST_COR_POOL cor pool DTLD NG=0. See CALL "DISP-POOL" Procedure in TDS COBOL Programmer's Guide. 47-6 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TX Messages TX36 ATTRIB attrib ACTSESNB actsesnb FRZSESNB frzsesnb TRSTSESNB trstssnb Response to LIST_COR_POOL xcp1-cor DTLD NG=0. See CALL "DISP-POOL" Procedure in TDS COBOL Programmer's Guide. TX38 COR cornm HIGH_SPW_NB highspnb MED_SPW_NB medspnb LOW_SPW_NB lowspnb TIMER_SPW_NB timspnb Response to LIST_TDS_SPAWN * DTLD. TX39 RPC SERVICE USED: rpcused Response to DISPLAY_TX spec-tx. TX40 -------------------------------------------- TDS=tdsname hh:mm:ss Month Day, Year -----TDS RPC STATISTICS ------------------------------------------------Response to DISPLAY_TDS RPC_STATUS. TX41 USED RPC TX COUNT =rpctxnb USED RPC TPR COUNT =rpctprnb MAX RPC TX COUNT =mxrpctxnb CUR RPC TX COUNT =currpctxnb WAITING TPR MEAN =wtprmean RPC TPR ELAPSE TIME=rpctprelps WAITING RPC TPR MEAN=wrpctprmean Response to DISPLAY_TDS RPC_STATUS. TX42 MAX RPC SIMU COUNT=max_rpcsimu CUR RPC SIMU COUNT=cur_rpcsimu Response to DISPLAY_TDS SIMUL. TX43 WAITING TPR MEAN = wtprmean Response to DISPLAY_TDS STATUS. TX44 XA SERVICE USED : usexa {Y|N} Response to DISPLAY_TX spec-tx. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 47-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TX45 -------------------------------------------- TDS=tds hh:mm:ss Month Day, Year -----heading ------------------------------------------------where heading is: (1) CURRENT XA PARAMETERS (2) CURRENT XA PARAMETERS AND RM Response to TX46 (1) DTDSXA RM_STAT=0. (2) DTDSXA RM_STAT=1. XA_RESYNC_DELAY = xarsyncdlay Response to DISPLAY_TDS_XA. TX47 RM_IDENT CNCT SES RESYNC START TX48 rmident cnct ses resync start Response to DISPLAY_TDS_XA RM_STAT=1. TX49 NO XA RM YET CONNECTED Response to DISPLAY_TDS_XA RM_STAT=1 instead of TX47 and TX48. TX50 TDS: tds { { { { COLD RESTART STARTED WITH STARTED; YOU WARM RESTART IS PERFORMED MASTER MAILBOX: mbx ARE MASTER TERMINAL OPERATOR IS PERFORMED } } } } Startup message. TX51 cornm DISCONNECTED FROM { coraddr | TDS tds } Unsolicited message. Perhaps a response to the CANCEL_TDS (CTC). TX52 cmdnm COMMAND NOT PERFORMED, { INVALID | UNKNOWN } TX: txnm Response to DTX or MDTX. TX53 TDS:tdsname SHUTDOWN Shutdown message, after TTDS. 47-8 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TX Messages TX54 TDS:tdsname, cmdnm COMMAND COMPLETED Response to normal execution. TX55 TDS:tdsname, cmdnm COMMAND NOT PERFORMED rc Command has failed to execute. Check the return code and the sicid. TX56 cmdnm { UNKNOWN OR NO MATCHING OBJECT: { WRONG TYPE OF CORRESPONDENT objnm } } Response to commands which deal with correspondents. TX57 cmdnm SCROLLING UP MORE? (ENTER Y/N) Startup message or response to some list or display commands. TX58 OVERFLOW ON PMOS COMMAND/RESPONSES QUEUE TX59 ONLY ONE PROGRAMMED OPERATOR ALLOWED TO CONTROL TDS Response occurs when several programmed operators try accessing a TDS application. TX60 COMMAND cmdnm IGNORED; RETRY LATER Returned when a command is submitted by an IOF or PMOS correspondent who has not the turn, that is, when a transaction is already running for its current session. TX61 SM LIBRARY NOT FOUND; ISSUE DISPLAY_TDS TO CHECK Response to MDTDS SMLIB. TX62 SWAP CONTEXT MAXIMUM REACHED Unsolicited message. TX63 cmdnm: ifn action where action is: (1) CLOSED (2) OPENED Response to (1) CLTF or startup message: file assigned and closed (2) OTF or startup message. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 47-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TX64 cmdnm: ifn NOT action gr4 where action is: (1) CLOSED (2) OPENED Response to (1) CLTF (2) OTF or startup message. TX65 UNKNOWN MASTER COMMAND: TX66 cmdnm cmdnm COMMAND NOT result where result is: (1) PERFORMED; SHUTDOWN IN PROGRESS (2) SUPPORTED FOR PROGRAMMED OPERATOR Response to TX67 cmdnm tobjnm (1) TTDS command has been issued. Programmed operator cannot submit another command. (2) EXEC_TDS or MDTX for programmed operator. action where action is: (1) LOADED INTO MAIN MEMORY (2) UNLOADED FROM MAIN MEMORY Response to TX68 cornm: (1) LDTMEM. (2) UNLDTMEM. UNRECIO ON { BEFORE JOURNAL { CI NUMBER: cinb FOR } efn } Unsolicited message - The input/output operation failed. TX69 reason: txnm, SPAWN CANNOT BE STARTED FOR cornm where reason is: 1. 2. TX70 ACCESS DENIED TO TX UNKNOWN TX poolnb POOL(S) OPENED TOWARD cornm Response to OCPOOL. 47-10 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TX Messages TX71 POOL poolnm { CLOSED | MODIFIED | OPENED } BY cornm Unsolicited message which appears on the remote correspondent following a command which acts on pools. TX72 cmdnm COMMAND NOT PERFORMED FOR poolnm reason where reason is: (1) NETGEN REASON: netgen (2) PPC REASON: ppc_rc/ppcreason CC=cplcode (3) TDS REASON: tdsreason Response to (1) OCPOOL (2) MDCPOOL (3) CLCPOOL. cplcode is an internal value giving an error number inside the H_PPC_COM_S procedure. See the TDS Administrator's Guide. TX73 cmdnm COMMAND NOT PERFORMED reason where reason is: (1) NETGEN REASON: netgen (2) PPC REASON: ppc_rc/ppcreason CC=cplcode (3) TDS REASON: tdsreason Response to (1) OCPOOL (2) MDCPOOL (3) CLCPOOL. cplcode is an internal value giving an error number inside the H_PPC_COM_S procedure. See the TDS Administrator's Guide. TX74 cmdnm COMMAND NOT PERFORMED FOR cornm TDS REASON: tdscode Response to MDCPOOL, or CLCPOOL for XCP1 or DUMMY correspondents. See the TDS Administrator's Guide. TX75 cmdnm LIMIT IS REACHED, ONLY sessnb { CREATED | DELETED } Response to MDCPOOL, or CLCPOOL for XCP1 or DUMMY correspondents. TX76 TDS: tds SUPERVISION { ACTIVATED | DEACTIVATED } Response to SPRVT. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 47-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TX77 TDS: tds SUPERVISION { ABNORMALLY DEACTIVATED } gr4 { CANNOT BE ACTIVATED } Response to SPRVT. TX78 TDS: tds ERROR LEVEL erlvl DETECTED BY SUPERVISION OF { SESSION | PROCESS } Unsolicited message sent by the supervision manager. TX79 cmdnm: NO SPAWNED TRANSACTION ON THE SPECIFIED USER Response to OCPOOL, MDCPOOL for xcp1, dummy cor. TX80 cmdnm: cornm { CONNECTED | NOT CONNECTED; REASON: reason } Response to OCPOOL, MDCPOOL for xcp1, dummy cor. TX81 TDS: tdsname, HOST GATEWAY `gateway-name' BOOTED BY BOS-TP/applid Meaning: Issued each time a boot request is received from TUXEDO. Action: None. Type: Informative. TX81 TDS: tdsname, HOST GATEWAY `gateway-name' SHUTDOWN BY BOS-TP/applid Type: Informative. Meaning: Issued each time a shutdown request is received from TUXEDO. Action: None. TX81 TDS: tdsname, HOST GATEWAY `gateway-name' RECONNECTED BY BOS-TP/applid Type: Informative. Meaning: Issued each time a RECONNECT request is received from TUXEDO. Action: None. 47-12 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TX Messages TX90. DESYNC XAEVT. TPR: tprnm USER: usernm TDS_XA_STATUS: tdsxast XA_GLOBAL_STATUS: xagblstat Action: Desynchronization has been detected in the XA protocol and asynchronous resynchronization has been launched. TDS_XA_STATUS indicates whether TDS took the decision to roll back or to commit the desynchronized CU to assist the database administrator in taking a heuristic decision. TX90. RESYNC XAEVT. TPR: tprnm USER: usernm TDS_XA_STATUS: tdsxast XA_GLOBAL_STATUS: xagblstat Action: Resynchronization is completed. Check XA_GLOBAL_STATUS to find out the result of resynchronization. TX91 CUR TCP SES = cur_tcpses Response to DISPLAY_TDS_STATUS. TX92 TDS SOCKET action where action is: (1) BEING CLOSED (2) CLOSED (3) OPENED. Unsollicited message which follows CLTS or OTS commands when they are successful. TX93 -------------------------------------------- TDS=tdsname hh:mm:ss Month Day, Year ------ CURRENT TCP/IP PARAMETERS ------------------------------------------------Response to DISPLAY_TDS_SOCKET STATUS. TX94 SOCKET INTERFACE IS = s_interface Response to DISPLAY_TDS_SOCKET STATUS. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 47-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TX95 cmdnm: ATTACH RM REFUSED COR=cornm POOL=poolnm TP=tpnm US=usernm RS=reason CC=cplcode RC=rc TXT=text. This message is sent to the master when a user is unable to start a transaction on a remote application. This message is filtered: the TDS Master command "MDTDS XCP2TRC=80" must be issued to allow it to be displayed. reason is an internal error number in the procedure H_TP7_EVTMGT. cplcode text: - TXINIT ERROR The significant CC values are: CC=9 attempting to invoke the "CLOSE" transaction CC=8 the transaction is declared FOR INQUIRY and the asked security level is different from NONE CC=16 the transaction name is illegal (ex: LOGON, RESTART, SYNCPEVT,...) or the transaction is locked, or mismatch between authority codes of the invoked transaction and those defined in the catalog. XCP2 mailbox with TDSCODE must be declared in application list in the project of the user for whom the TX is to be running. See CPI-C/XCP2 User's Guide (paragraph Authority Codes Checking). - CANNOT ALLOCATE SESSION ENTRY CC=17 internal error. TDS table entry creation is not possible. - CANNOT ALLOCATE TRANSACTION PHASE ENTRY CC=17 internal error. TDS table entry creation is not possible. - CANNOT ALLOCATE COMMIT ENTRY CC=17 internal error. TDS table entry creation is not possible. - TERMINATE TDS IN PROGRESS CC=16 TTDS weak or strong has been issued. - TRUNC FROM H_PPC_GET_TX CC=6 internal error: length or number of TIPs (Transaction Input Parameters) is not correct. - TPNAME>8 CC=9 transaction name exceeds 8 characters. - TPNAME NOT FOUND IN TX TABLE CC=9 - TX NOT USABLE FOR XCP2 CC=4 generation clause "XCP2 SERVICE USED" missing for the invoked transaction. - INVALID PARTNER FROM H_PPC_DISPL_COR CC=2 internal error Action: For internal error, contact your supplier, otherwise modify the application. 47-14 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TX Messages TX99 cmdnm: POOLREQ REFUSED POOL=poolnm RC=rc RS=reason CC=cpicode TXT=text This message is sent to the master when a problem occurs during the processing of a remote pool request. reason is an internal error number. cplcode is the requested function: CC=0 command) for OPENING the POOL (OCPOOL CC=1 for MODIFYING the POOL (MDCPOOL command) CC=2 for CLOSING the POOL (CLCPOOL command) text: - ERROR: INIT_XCP2_VALUES Internal error. Communication with partner is not established or is not available. - ERROR: GET_POOL_REQUEST_PPC Internal error. Abnormal return code returned from PPC when trying to get information on pool. - ERROR: OPEN_POOL_XCP2_ACCEPTOR Internal error. If the return code is not "ABOPROC" this message is preceded by the message TX02, TX56, TX72 or TX73. - ERROR: MOD_POOL_XCP2_ACCEPTOR Internal error. This message is preceded by the message TX72 or TX73. - ERROR: CLOSE_POOL_XCP2_ACCEPTOR Internal error. - OPEN POOL REJECTED DUE TO PVNTC Pool request is rejected due to the previous master command PVNTC. - ERROR: H_PPC_REPLY_POOL Internal error. Action: If internal error, contact your supplier. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 47-15 48. System and File Violation Messages When a system or file violation occurs, the error message has the following format: XXNN.OOCC XXNN is the key of the message. XX is the abbreviation of the system component that sent the message (for example, JB for Job Management). NN is the message number (for example, 65 in JB65). OO is the two-digit object code. It identifies the object on which an invalid access was performed (refer to the list below). CC is the two-digit violation class. violation. (refer to the list below). 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 It identifies the type of 48-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 48.1 OBJECT CODES (OO) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 48-2 root directory file file link volume catalog user project billing application station password relation user/project relation project/billing relation project/station relation project/application transaction site main operator right 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 System and File Violation Messages 48.2 VIOLATION CLASSES (CC) 48.2.1 Violation Classes 01 to 07: Violation of Access to Cataloged Objects 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 simple access violation rights: LIST/EXECUTE/READ/WRITE/RECOVERY owner right violation illegal setting of access right illegal deletion of access right violation of SYSADMIN right access to a protected object when the checking of access to the system is not performed volume access violation 48.2.2 Violation Classes 11 to 13: Violation of Access to the System 11 12 13 Batch access violation Telecom access violation Operator's logon cannot be checked because a system failure has been encountered during this checking. The logon is accepted in order to let the operation continue, otherwise the system would be deadlocked. Example: I/O error in accessing the catalog. 48.2.3 Violation Classes 21 to 23: Attempt to Use a Protected Service 21 22 23 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Use of TDS Routing of outputs Station-site mapping 48-3 49. Trace Messages for IDS/II under TDS Environment These messages are sent by IDS/II when the TRACE command is used. Pertinent Manuals IDS/II Reference Manual.............................................................................. 47 A2 11UD Message Descriptions The format of the trace message when IDS/II is used under TDS is: PGID: <tprname> SLN: <internal-line-no> {ERR}: <error-no> <text> {WNG} where: <tprname> <internal-line-no> ERR/WNG <error-no> <text> 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 is a 30-character string containing the program identification as specified in the PROGRAM-ID clause. If this information is not available or is irrelevant, it is replaced by asterisks. is a 7-digit decimal number identifying the source internal line number where the statement involved is coded. If this information is not available or is irrelevant, it is replaced by 0. indicate a fatal error or a warning respectively. is a 4-digit decimal number. The meaning of each error number is described in the table below. describes the error. These texts are as explicit as possible. 49-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory Error Numbers and Their Descriptions Error Number 0402 0516/0530/0532 0896 to 0904 1792 to 1811 49-2 Description Mismatch between schema name or date in TPR and object file. The TPR was not compiled with the same object schema file as the one assigned to the TDS. Check that the TPR is programmed according to TDS-IDS/II rules. DML inconsistency. Contact the Service Center. DML/schema inconsistency: check for consistency between TPR and schema. Possibly the TPR was not recompiled after a schema modification or an internal error. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 50. Interpreting Return Codes Return codes indicate a condition or conditions existing when a step terminates normally or abnormally. The codes and their explanations are listed in the following sections. This section explains the basic return-code format and how return codes are presented in this manual. 50.1 UNDERSTANDING THE RETURN CODE FORMAT A return code contained in a message in the Job Occurrence Report has the following format. RC = XXXXxxxx -> name1 number, name2 The return code is identified by the initial characters RC =. This is followed by: XXXX Four hexadecimal characters that represent the system component number. xxxx Four hexadecimal characters that represent the numeric value of the return code. -> A horizontal arrow. name1 A mnemonic name, known as the system component code, which identifies the part of the system software that produced the return code (for example, COBOL Compiler). The table at the end of this section lists the most common system component codes together with their full names. number A number used internally to identify a specific part of the given system component. name2 The return code mnemonic. The sections following this one contain a complete list of these mnemonics. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 50-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory The following figure illustrates the parts of a return code in a message. RC = XXXXxxxx -> name1 number, name2 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | return code mnemonic | | | | | | | | | | | | | | internal number within system | | | | component | | | | | | | | | | | system component name | | | | | | | | numeric return code | | | | | system component number | | abbreviation of Return Code Figure Showing a Return Code in a Message NOTE: 50-2 A message containing a return code is often preceded by another message set by the system, or a warning message (or error message). The other message might give, for example, details of the file being processed at the time. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Interpreting Return Codes 50.2 UNDERSTANDING MESSAGES WITH RETURN CODES The following examples of messages containing return codes illustrate how you interpret the information contained in the message. TASK MAIN J=01 P=00 ABORTED BY SYSTEM. RC=208304C5 -> EXCEP 3, PROCEXCP The above message, printed in a Job Occurrence Report (JOR), indicates that the return code PROCEXCP was set by the system component EXCEP (Exception Handling). The return-code mnemonic PROCEXCP means that there was an abort by process or a system exception. This alphabetical mnemonic (PROCEXCP) corresponds to the numeric code 04C5. The system-component name, EXCEP, corresponds to the system component number 2083. 3 is the internal number within the system component. FP17. FILE CANNOT BE OPENED FOR IFN: MYIFN EFN: MYEFN RC = 4BC61007 -> DFPRE 6, EFNUNKN The above message, printed in a JOR, indicates that the return code EFNUNKN has been set by system component DFPRE (File Processing Preparation). The file to be opened and assigned to the internal-file-name MYIFN, was not been found on the specified volume. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 50-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 50.3 HANDLING ERRORS Whenever a system component detects an abnormal situation, before returning control to another system component or run time package (the caller), it sets a register to a value that: • identifies the component which has detected the abnormal situation, • gives the coded reason for the abnormal situation. The content of this register is called the "return code" value. The return code contents may appear in error messages in an edited format. When control returns to the caller, the caller analyzes the return code value and the following action may be taken: 1. The value found corresponds to a functional condition. The component processes this condition and resets the value of the register. 2. The value found corresponds to an abnormal condition. The component may give a more precise reason for the error according to the level of component in question. If so the return code value will be changed to give a fuller description. 3. The component has no knowledge of why the error occurred and leaves the return code unchanged. In addition, the component may send a message to the JOR giving the reason for the error and information on whether the step was aborted or not. System Component Codes and Names Code System Component Name ADAPT ADDEL ARS System Disks Configuration Add and Delete Functions Automatic Restore and Save (Automated Storage Management function) Availability Control Binder Bootstrap Calculate Key Communication Access Method Communications Control (BTNS) (GCOS 7-V3A only) Checkpoint/Restart Commit Manager (internal to TDS) Network Generation COBOL Compiler System Configuration Physical I/O Interface with Access Methods File Label Description File Format Utility File Handling Utilities File Patch Utility AVAIL BINDR BOOT CALEX CAM CCTL CKRST CMG CNC COBOL CONFG DBACC DBFDS DBFFU DBFHU DBFPU 50-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Interpreting Return Codes DBFRU DBFSM DBMGT DBORG DBSLU DBUTILITY DBVHU DBVLU DBVPU DBVRU DBVSR DCTLG DDML DDS DDX DEBPR DFASG DFDES DFPRE DFREC DFSRD DFVLU DFVPH DIACS (IA) DIDML DIRIO DISKT DMIG DMIR DPACT DQULK DRFIL DSEQL DSFIL DSLVG DSMGT DSORT DSP DUFAS DUM DUMPACT DUTIL DVCK DVMGT DYNAD EDQ ERLOG EVMGT EXCEP FMATP FNPS FORMA FORMS 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 File Rename Utility File Space Management Utilities Buffer Pool Management Database Reorganization List Subfile Utility Database Utility Volume Handling Utility List Volume Content Utility Volume Preparation Utility Volume Relocation Utility Volume Save Restore Utilities Catalog Management Data Manipulation Language Processor Data Dictionary Handling Data Dictionary Extension Debugging Support Processor File Assignment File Description Processing File Processing Preparation File Recovery File Save and Restore Files and Volumes Handling Utilities File and Volume Physical Handling Integrated File Access System Interactive DML Interpreter for T&D Diskette Driver MAINTAIN_MIGRATION Processor MIRROR Utilities (START_MIRROR and FILL_MIRROR) Dump Accounting Information Library Access Restore File Utility BFAS Sequential Files Save File Utility Salvager Disk Storage Management and Tape Label Handling SORT MERGE Schema Processor UFAS Files (All Organizations) Dummy Access Method Dump Accounting Information Data Management Utilities (general) Volume Check Salvaging Device Management Dynamic Addresser (for sharable modules) Easy Data QUERY Error Logging Event Management Exception Handling FORTRAN Mathematical Package Front End Network Processor Support Formatting for Listing FORMS Handling 50-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory FORTR FRTP FXFER GPL HEADR HPR HURTA HURTM IFAS INIT INSTL ISIP IOF JACNT JAGEN JLOAD JOBM JRAFT JRNAL JTRA KOMWT LBMNC LEVEL LOAD MACPR MACSY MCFCO MERGE MESSG MIKRO MIZOP MTRA NADM NASF OPRTR OWRT PATIN PG PIAR PIO PRLOG PSCL PSRT QCTL RBF RDN RERUN RFA ROLFW RSCTL SBR SCANR SCHDL 50-6 FORTRAN Compiler FORTRAN Run-Time Package File Transfer GCOS Programming Language Procedure Header Printer Handler Retrieval from SYS.URCINIT SYS.URCINIT Loading and Updating Italian File Access Method Initial System Loading Create Installation Functions Initialization Interactive Operation Facility Job Accounting After Journal Generalization Job step Loader for SCP Job Initiation and Termination Management File After Update Journalization Journalization Translation of JCL Statements KOM Building Library Maintenance Level Functions Process Group Loader Macro Processor System Nucleus General Services Copy queued file to build MCF MERGE Utility Message Catalog Generator Microform Building Interactive Debugging Aid JCL Tables Generator Network Administration Network Administration Storage Facility Operator Message Handler (COMM) Output Processing (Output Writer Utilities) Patch Insertion Process Group Hardware Error Recovery Physical I/O Performance Log Analyzer PASCAL Compiler PASCAL Run Time Package Communications Queue Control Remote Batch Facilities Program Reading by Compiler (before compilation) Rerun Support Remote File Access File Roll Forward Resource Control System Behavior Reporter VPF File Scanner Scheduler 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Interpreting Return Codes SCPLD SDL SFLTC SMMNC STLNK STND2 SUMAR SYGUP SYSBA SYSIN SYSOP TAILR TASKM TDS TIMER TP7 TRID UPNCP USER VCAM VMM 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 System Loader for SCP and ISIP Language Syntax Description Software Factory LTC Sharable Module Maintenance Static Linker Common Standard Level 2 Structure Summary=CROSSREF System Generation and Update System Base Management System Input Control Validation of Unbundled Product Software Delivery Tailoring Tool Process Management Transaction Driven Subsystem Monitor Timer Transaction Driven Subsystem Monitor Sort Distribution Upsite for UNCP User Error (COBOL Program) Virtual Communications Access Method Virtual Memory Management 50-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory Abbreviations Used in the Return-Code Explanations Abbreviation ASA AVR BAM BFAS BINLIB BKST BPB BSN CA CCE CD CHKPT/RES CI CKPT CLI CLM CNC CONFIG CPI CPU CU DBCS DKTT DMU DNET DOF DPAN DPS DSD DSL DWS DYNAD ECB ECMA EFN EOD EOF EOV FCB FECB FS GAC GCL GCOS GPL GTP HPL ICA IDS IDX IFN INIT 50-8 Meaning American Standards Association Format Automatic Volume Recognition Block Allocation Map Basic File Access System Binary Library Backing Store Blocks Per Buffer Block Sequence Number Control Area Channel Command Entry Communications Checkpoint/Restart Control Interval Checkpoint Internal Coding of GCL Statements GCL (JCL) Configuration Load Manager Communications Network Configurator Configuration Utility (for GCOS 7) Common Programming Interface Central Processing Unit Compile Unit or Commitment Unit Database Control System Diskette Data Management Utilities DATANET Device Oriented Format/Distributed Operator Facilities Dump Analyzer Distributed Processing System Dynamic Status Display Data Services Language Declared Working Set Dynamic (Memory) Addressor Event Control Block European Computer Manufacturers Association External File Name End of Data (or Diskette) End of File End of Volume File Control Block File Extended Control Block File Separator General Access Control GCOS 7 Command Language General Comprehensive Operating System GCOS Programming Language Generalized Transfer Processor Honeywell Programming Language Individual Control Attribute Integrated Data Store Index (part of UFAS) Internal File Name Initialization 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Interpreting Return Codes I/O IOF IRM IRT ISD JCL JOR LDN LM MAM MBZ MCS MLA MLOG MNJAS MPL MSC OMH OU OWQ PCB PCF PCS PECT PIO PLM PMD PMM RBF RDW RMS RTP RWI SARF SBR SD SDPI SICID SIU SRB SRST SSF STN SWI SYS TDS TERMJ TNS TPR TTW TW UFAS URCINIT 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Input Output Interactive Operation Facility Interactive Resource Manager Installation Resource Table Indirect Segment Descriptor Job Control Language Job Occurrence Report Logical Device Number Load Module Message Access Method Must Be Zero (i.e., the value of a given field) Message Control System Multiline Attachment Message Log alias for MAINTAIN_JOURNAL_After_Switchable Multi-programming Level (part of Job Scheduling) Mass Storage Controller Operator Message Handler Output Job State (as shown in response to a DS command) Output Writer Queue Process Control Block Program Checkout Facility PXU Control Store Process Exception Class Table Physical Input Output Preinitialize Load Module Power Module for SCI Drive Preload Main Memory Remote Batch Facility Record Description Word Remote Maintenance Software or Service Run Time Package Read Write Interface Standard Access Record Format System Behavior Reporter Segment Descriptor Standard Device Programmatic Interface System Internal Component Identification Software Integration Unit Semaphore Request Block or Software Release Bulletin System Resource and Status Table System Standard Format Segment Table Number (used in CPU internal management) or Station Switch (access from JCL, GCL, executing programs) System Transaction Driven Subsystem Terminate Job Transport and Network Subsystem Transaction Processing Routine Terminate Terminal Writer Terminal Writer Unified File Access System Unit Record Controller Initialization 50-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory VCAM VFU VMA VMF VMM VSN VTOC XCP XUFAS 50-10 Virtual Communications Access Method Vertical Format Unit Virtual Memory Access Virtual Memory File Virtual Memory Management Volume Serial Number Volume Table of Contents Transactional Communication Protocol Extended Unified File Access System 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Interpreting Return Codes 50.4 ORGANIZATION OF THE RETURN CODE EXPLANATIONS The return codes explained in the following sections appear in alphabetical order of the return code's name (mnemonic code). The return code's name is followed by its associated hexadecimal value. This is followed by a generic explanation of the return code. Where appropriate, the line below gives the associated COBOL Status Key value. Here is how the return codes are presented: RETURN CODE Hexadecimal value Generic explanation (COBOL Status Key value) If a return code is explained in more detail for a particular system component, this information is given after the generic explanation. There are three columns of information as follows: System Component Operation Explanation or Cause The first column, System Component, gives the name of a system component or utility program from which a return code may have originated (for example, TDS, File Management, Unit Record Driver, BFAS Sequential Disk File Handling). If you want more information about a particular part of the system, consult the appropriate user's manual. In general, entries marked internal or system are not directly accessible by the user. The second column, Operation, contains entries for the operation (e.g., COBOL verbs, Transaction Processing Routine commands), performed within the corresponding system component of the first column. The third column gives an explanation of the return code and recommended action. Some return codes (for example, DONE, ALREADY) do not mean an abnormal condition and consequently do not require any corrective action. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 50-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 50.5 USING THE RETURN CODE EXPLANATIONS You should do the following when you want to understand the meaning of a return code: 50-12 1. Look up the return code's name in the sections following this one. You will find a short generic explanation of the return code. 2. If the information in the short generic explanation is inappropriate or insufficient, immediately following the generic explanation, look up the relevant system component and an operation that correspond to the current circumstances. Take recommended action, if any. 3. If no recommended action is given (or no relevant entry appears at all) and the reason for the return code message is still unclear (particularly for components marked internal or system), you should consult the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 51. ABNCCAD to DATALOSS Return Codes This section lists the ABNCCAD to DATALOSS return codes in alphabetical order of the return code's name (mnemonic code). Each return code is presented with its name, associated hexadecimal value, and a generic explanation of its meaning. The line following that gives the associated COBOL Status Key value, if it exists. Here is how this section presents the return codes: RETURN CODE Hexadecimal value Generic explanation (COBOL Status Key value) If a return code is explained in more detail for a particular system component, this information is given after the generic explanation. There are three columns of information as follows: System Component Operation Explanation or Cause The first column, System Component, gives the name of a system component or utility program from which a return code may have originated (for example, TDS, File Management, Unit Record Driver, BFAS Sequential Disk File Handling). If you want more information about a particular part of the system, consult the appropriate user's manual. In general, the user cannot directly access entries marked internal or system. The second column, Operation, contains entries for the operation (e.g., COBOL verbs, Transaction Processing Routine commands), performed within the corresponding system component of the first column. The third column gives an explanation of the return code and recommended action. Some return codes (for example, DONE, ALREADY) do not indicate an abnormal condition and consequently do not require any corrective action. There is a list of abbreviations used in the Interpreting Return Codes Section. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 51-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory ABNCCAD 0487 Abnormal completion code returned with additional data Job Management ABNORMAL 0100 7FFF ABOPROC Chkpt/Res. Call Operation has not been performed because of abnormal execution condition 04C2 Fatal error, abort the current running procedure Catalog Management DMU FILPATCH IDS/II Access IOF Network Management PCF SORT/MERGE SBR UFAS-EXTENDED ABORT 04C0 04E0 DMU 51-2 Checkpoint taken but problem may occur at restart. If rightmost (32nd) character of returned data string is 1, the next checkpoint will fail. System error. Contact the Service Center. Error detected in the ITEM option analyzed by the load module. Internal processor error. Take a dump and contact the Service Center. Abnormal termination of IOF session, or a TERMINATE_JOB command has been processed for the current IOF. System error due to an incoherent server state in the System Table. Contact the Service Center. Abort of the process group: 1. The user sent the END command. 2. A fatal exception in PCF. In this case, send a STAR. TD xx.yy (The message prefix gives the sort module number "xx", that chose the Internal Sort number "yy." Produce a memory dump (DUMP=DATA at STEPOPT or STEP LEVEL, and no H_ENDSRT execution in a subroutine sort caller), then contact the Service Center. An SBR task has aborted. Refer to the Job Occurrence Report. Internal errors in H_XUF_JREFCI, H_XUF_CHNRCI or H_XUF_UVALCI. Send a trace and log to the Service Center. Abort the current running step QUIT A utility with a star-expression in interactive mode has received a QUIT command from the user. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 ABNCCAD to DATALOSS Return Codes ABORTCU 04CC Abort the Commitment Unit GAC Journalization TDS ABORTPG XCP2 Transaction or ORACLE 04C4 Abort process group GCL Job Management (TDS) Load Module Loader Journalization ABTASK LONGWAIT, TABOV, DEADLOCK detected or internal error in GAC tables. The current Commitment Unit is aborted. Internal error during the journalization of a Commitment Unit. Send the UFAS trace to the Service Center. 1. The transaction aborts. A transaction with its principal session is XCP2 and cannot be rolled back and restarted in the first commitment. 2. A transaction declared with the HEURISTIC Commit in the generation of TDS cannot interface with the ORACLE database. Refer to the TDS-XCP2 Programmer's Manual. OMH Terminal Management SBR Analyzer The process group has aborted due to an implementation or a system error. Load Module references a Sharable Module with incorrect Segment Table Entry, or two (or more) empty SM libraries. The system aborts all steps that are journalizing. File integrity is guaranteed, the After Journal is not damaged, and user file recoveries are guaranteed. You must make new primary journal files available so that the aborted steps can be restarted. Refer to section three of the File Recovery User's Guide for more details. Re-connection of interactive session not possible because the new terminal is not of the same type as the previous one. The analyzer has aborted. Refer to the output listing. UFAS-EXTENDED Internal errors in H_XUF_JRINIT or H_XUF_UVALCI. Send a trace and log to the Service Center. 04C3 Abort task (COBOL Status Key value 30) Generally, Particularly Micro-Mainframe Journalization 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Any Operation COBOL SORT Any Operation Step abort produced by program call (not by abnormal condition). An internal error has occurred in the Link PassThrough Events Handler. The user is disconnected. Contact the Service Center. Internal error while sending a TPR. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. 51-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory ABTPRC 0940 Abort the current running process MCS An invalid internal condition, such as invalid data or data out of range, has been detected during processing a disk for an I/O request. File processing discontinues. Take a dump and contact the Service Center. System error. Contact the Service Center. Network Generation ABTVIOL 1620 Abort violation ACCTUNKN 101C Account unknown on volume ACSSVIOL 1400 16FF System Nucleus Access violation Dynamic Addresser ACTIVECU 1407 System Nucleus ACTIVVMA 1706 51-4 CU which is object of CANCEL is not COBOL. Commitment Unit already active Dynamic Addresser CANCEL COBOL error. A procedure cannot cancel itself. Modify the user code. Deletion forbidden for active VMM area 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 ABNCCAD to DATALOSS Return Codes ADDRERR 1819 Any File Organization Generally IOF Journalization OMH Queued Files System Nucleus Unit Record Driver: Diskette VCAM/ISO 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Address error Any I/O Operation A physical address is erroneous. Send a trace and log to the Service Center. Any CPU A CPU address is erroneous. Operation Invalid parameter(s) given by PUTIOF, GETIOF, ASKIOF, or SENDO macro. Verify the parameters. The logical address of a block in the journal is erroneous. Send the PRLOG log and UFAS trace to the Service Center. Command The current command cannot be processed as Management the component which is to process the command cannot be called. OPENS Address given by INADDR is erroneous VMM 1. An address specified in the segment is bigger than the segment size. 2. The Page Table Area Control Entry (PTACE) cannot be released. 3. The address of a page in backing store has been specified incorrectly, or the page has already been released to backing store. 4. Invalid directory pointer or block pointer. 5. An address specified either in memory or in the BKST is invalid. In all cases, contact the Service Center. GET Diskette address given via INADDR out of volume limits, or DD field of INADDR diskette address greater than block size value. The ISO Session Service cannot find the correspondent. Check the network address configuration. 51-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory ADDROUT 0804 Address out of bounds (COBOL Status Key value 24 if WRITE statement, 23 otherwise) Any File Organization Any I/O Operation The mass storage address specified is outside file limits; this may occur when all volumes containing the file are not fully described in the JCL volume list. Correct program or JCL or check INADDR, or LRR(R). BFAS/UFAS Tape START Address out of file limits. Files Catalog Management Catalog record address is not valid. This is a Catalog Access Method error. Inform the Service Center. RWI Address out of bounds (illegal) The address of the block is out of the range of the file. The transfer is refused. (See rules on mono-block or multi-block transfers.) System Nucleus Dynamic Address out of range. A return address in the Addresser stack was modified. Modify the user code. VMM 1. Invalid page number. Verify it. 2. A process has been suspended after an external exception has occurred. UFAS Relative Any I/O Operation Record key value outside file limits. Correct program. Unit Record Driver: GET Diskette address out of file limits. Diskette ADDRVIOL 1480 14FF System Nucleus ADFTERR Address violation Dynamic Addresser 1823 Any File Organization Various Operations Unit Record Driver: OPEN Diskette AGENERR An attempt has been made to CANCEL an active Commitment Unit. Address format error Incorrect volume address format. System error. Given address format insufficient to receive diskette address format (e.g., TTR or LRRR required with blocked records). 1874 Absolute generation error AGENUNKN 101D Absolute generation unknown on volume Catalog Management $H_UNCAT 51-6 When uncataloging an object, an absolute generation number has been referenced which is not known to the catalog. Check and modify this number. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 ABNCCAD to DATALOSS Return Codes ALIASERR 181F Queued Files ALMOST Not possible for an alias OPENS 0015 Subfile processed through ALIAS, but the PMD is not input. Request not fully performed (COBOL Status Key Value 00) DSD File and Data Management Job Management MCS Network Generation RBF Services System Nucleus (Internal) System Output 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Request partially performed. The file specified by the efn parameter has been partly extended. Check for free space in the given list of volumes. 1. An error has been found in a named field. The selection vector indicates the field(s) in error. Check the contents. 2. An error has been detected page or line skipping. System Disk Abnormal I/O termination. Introduction of No jobs introduced except current job. No action Jobs required. RECEIVE Message received but at least one message in the queue lost due to I/O error. Operation is not complete. A new call to the telecommunications dictionary is needed because the interface structure is full. This is not an error so no action is needed. Level 6 AM Site shutdown requested. Tabulation Expansion of tabulations would cause overflow Handling of output string; concealed part contains spaces only. The current value entered is already a current Automatic value. Use the DDIM command to ascertain the Resource current values. Check the operator message. Manager Task Management Wait on semaphore is performed, but RI or ITS to procedure to be called is erroneous. VMM All segments cannot be loaded together; or a large segment has been referenced by a small segment descriptor. No action required. Segment resource overflow when listing outputs. Contact the Service Center. File Space Management Utilities FORMS 51-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory ALREADY 0012 Any File Organization Service was already fulfilled before current request Requested space allocation not done since file already allocated. Check that the correct file was processed (even if the program ran successfully). Catalog The specified catalog resides on a coupled Management volume and has already been locked by the same task. COBOL Attempt to initiate an already initiated report (Report Writer). Dump Analyzer The descriptor has already been returned. Check that the descriptor is really the one to be freed. File Management File Space The output file already exists in the list of Management Utilities volumes. The step termination depends on the presence of the CHECK parameter in the OUTALC parameter group. If CHECK is not specified, the file is altered, and the command terminates with severity level 1. If CHECK is specified, the file is left untouched and the command aborts with severity level 3. IDS/II Access Pages already reorganized. Contact the Service Center. IOF Task Management Asynchronous trap already set (internal error). OMH Command Command name already used by the current Management process. A request has been made to open a catalog which is already open. RBF Check Station Station exists and is in unattended mode. Start Station An operator already exists for the station. RWI Already formatted (Normal). System Nucleus Task Management The task or process whose ABORT was requested ($H_ABTSK or $H_ABTPCS internal primitive) was already terminated. Dynamic Addresser The requested function has already been done. VMM The requested service to VMM has already been done. 1. The segment to be loaded in memory is resident or is already in memory. 2. No more pages to be released. 3. The specified file is already open. 4. The segment already has the requested size. In all cases, contact the Service Center. TDS Attempt to close a file that is already closed. Check the IFN or state the corresponding file. CLOSE Another TPR has already requested that the file be closed. UFAS-EXTENDED OPEN BATAB, RASTAB and CPTAB have already been created, as this is not the first OPEN in the step. This is an information message only. 51-8 OPEN 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 ABNCCAD to DATALOSS Return Codes ALTRKOV 1227 No more alternate track available Any File Organization File and Device Management APPLUNKN 1029 File Storage and Tape Handling Overflow in alternate track zone. (Disk contains too many bad tracks.) No more alternate tracks available. Allocate a dummy file in place of the bad track. Application unknown (not found in catalog) Catalog Management SITE.CATALOG ARDLFBID 1708 The specified application does not exist in SITE.CATALOG. Deletion of access rights forbidden Catalog Management CATMODIF, CATALOG File and Data Management ARGERR As SITE.CATALOG is not protected, it is impossible to delete the access rights of other catalogs. Set access rights on SITE.CATALOG. Save and Restore Valid cataloged files found on the volume at volume restore. Check the validity of the existing cataloged files on the output volume and destroy them if necessary. 1853 Argument error OPEN BFAS Sequential (Disk) BFAS/UFAS Tape Buffer Management Resource Status Catalog Management CATEXTD COBOL RTP DMU Dump Analyzer File and Device Management 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Inconsistent block size. Correct program or JCL. Parameter checking has failed. Refer to dump. An invalid parameter has been specified, the record type specified by RECTYPE is incorrect, or the number of objects given exceeds the catalog capacity (< 10,000 objects). COMPUTE Exponentiation used on a negative number with functional exponent. ACCEPT Input string incorrect. ASSIGN, OPEN Related file literal incorrect. CREATE,PRINT Errors in option string, or inconsistent or illegal COMPARE,FILDE define or assign parameters. SC,FILDUPLI, VOLCONTS VOLPREP Error in command language. A specified argument is incorrect. Begin again with the correct arguments. Save and Restore The input files, output files or media are incorrect for one of the following reasons: - dummy files. - wrong record size for save files. - device class incorrect or not supported. - input or output file organization incorrect. Check file characteristics. System Disk Wrong value specified in input parameters. File Space Wrong parameters specified for a command. Management Utilities 51-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory FORMS GAC-EXTENDED GCL GTWriter IOF Job Management Journalization Network Generation OMH Pascal RTP PCF RBF Services SORT/MERGE System Nucleus 51-10 An unexpected parameter or an incorrect parameter number has been specified. Verify these. General An error has occurred when parameter values were being passed between another system component and GAC. The user can do nothing. In TDS mode, reinitialization takes place. An incorrect argument has been specified for the called function. Verify the arguments. User error in field(s) of the input structure of the invoked primitive. No action is performed. Wrong parameter specified when using RMS facilities. Load Module 1. Error in patch record. Internal error. Loader 2. The wrong parameters were given to the procedure during the loading of the step. Modify the parameters. 1. Parameter error while initializing a TDS step 2. File incorrectly described during an OPEN of a journal file. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. System error. Contact the Service Center. Message Catalogued messages: a pointer to a variable Management field is missing, or the initialization of the variable field does not match its definition in the catalog. (A character field is binary.) Correct the argument. An input parameter has been specified incorrectly. An argument passed to a predefined procedure or function has an incorrect value. For example, The argument passed to DISPOSE is NIL. Correct the argument. Dump Analyzer The parameters transmitted to the Program Checkout Facility by the Dump Analyzer are not those expected. Send a STAR. Station Bad parameter given when trying to delete a Management station. Site Management Bad parameter given when calling site management primitives. Date and Time Unknown format of date or time. Handling Banners Unknown type of banners. The subroutine sort structure(s) such as SortCommunication -Area, Sort-Definition, SortRun-Time segments are either not properly initialized or they are erroneously addressed. Correct the source program calling SORT and/or linker commands. If this occurs in a system processor calling sort, contact the Service Center. Automatic Syntax error. Check the operator message. Resource Manager Dynamic An incorrect parameter has been detected on Addresser entering a procedure. Modify the caller's code. Loader Internal interface error. Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 ABNCCAD to DATALOSS Return Codes System Output System Trace TDS Unit Record Driver: Diskette Task Management 1. The value of the LENGTH parameter of the external primitives $H_BEGTSK, $H_ABTSK or $H_WAITSK or of the internal primitive $H_RDTKDR, is invalid; it is <0 or >31. 2. Exception when trying to access the NAME argument of the $H_ABTSK external primitive. Check the activation context of the $H_ABTSK primitive. 3. Invalid arguments provided to the $H_BEGTSK external primitive or to the $H_INITSK internal primitive. Check the activation context of the $H_ABEGTSK primitive. VMM The input argument is invalid or not accessible, or the object referred to is in a state which does not allow it to perform the requested action. Contact the Service Center. Software problem due to either OWQ tables which are not coherent or an output with a nonstandard priority (FF). Contact the Service Center. Collector The activation parameters of the Trace Collector, in the file TRC_INIT_COLLECTOR, are incorrect. TPR Operation COBOL SYMBOLIC QUEUE within output CD or device name separated by "/" (1C syntax). TP7 0 SICID Invalid value for LEVEL or ABORT-LEVEL parameters in the Supervise-TDS command. Check the parameters. Refer to the TDS Administrator's Guide. TP7 52 SICID Invalid value for TPR or USE_PROC parameters given in the Load/Unload_TDS_Memory command. Check the parameters. Refer to the TDS Administrator's Guide. XCP2 Wrong number or type of parameters for a TDS-XCP2 verb. Refer to the CPI-C/XCP2 User's Guide. GET ALN value is negative. OPEN UFAS-EXTENDED VCAM VCAM/ISO 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Various Operations 1. NUMBUF value is negative. 2. BPB value is negative. 3. Invalid bad track number (foreign processor). One or more parameters of the primitive are incorrect. Either a VCAM primitive or an argument has been specified which is incorrect. A predicate or a composition of predicates has an invalid value. Check the ISO session context according to the functional units that are selected and Session Service execution. Refer to the ISO Session Service and Protocol manuals for the definition of predicates. 51-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory ARSTFBID 1705 Access rights setting forbidden Catalog Management CATMODIF, CATALOG ARVIOL 1501 Access rights violation Catalog Management Various Operations ASSIGN, OPEN, Utilities) COBOL RTP File and Device Management File Management GAC and GACEXTENDED Step Initiation Physical I/O Access (internal) In General TDS ASGERR System Nucleus 1. The submitter project cannot access the given item (file, directory, volume). Set only when the CHECK parameter = X'01'. 2. The requestor has no access rights on the specified object. Inconsistency between generated code and COBOL RTP. Contact the Service Center. Illegal access rights, or the disk is not a native GCOS 7 disk. The user does not have the right to access the disk volume or the file level catalog entry. Contact the System Administrator. An attempt was made to update a file declared with READLOCK=STAT (in $DEFINE). Check READLOCK parameter (Batch), or MESSAGE statement (TDS). The user attempted to execute a pre-initialized load module without having the execute right at their module. An access right violation has occurred. The user tried to call a function not allowed in the caller's ring or the user tried to access a file whose protection ring is too small. Check the file's access rights. Illegal file access. Change Queue State Various Channel program access rights violation. Operations Cancel Channel Illegal file access. Program Execution Request Channel Program Caller's ring greater than 0. Deletion Dynamic The CANCEL COBOL primitive was not called Addresser by a COBOL procedure. Modify the user code. TPR Operation Access rights violation. Write verb requested while in statistical read. 1864 File Management 51-12 File Storage and Tape Handling File Space Management Utilities WRITE, REWRITE DELETE Job Management System Nucleus As SITE.CATALOG is not protected, you cannot set access rights on another catalog. Assignment is denied Assignment of File, Volume or Device. Dynamic Addresser Exclusive access has been requested for a volume which is already assigned to a file (via the ifn). There is a conflict between the Segment Table Entry (STE) of the entry segment of a sharable module and the start assign value. Relink with a valid start assign value. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 ABNCCAD to DATALOSS Return Codes AUPI 0301 037F Administrative Utilities Programmatic Interface BADOWNER 1C12 Catalog BAMERR System Output The user does not follow the hierarchy rule, and, for example, tries to catalog a directory under a file. Data block not in the expected state OPENS, CLOSES, File damaged as result of system error during STOW, CHNAME, updating. RTSPCE, BUILD OWQ tables are not coherent. Contact the Service Center. 1220 Queued Files BDELERR CATALOG 186E Queued Files BAMOV Attempt to create a wrong catalog structure BAM overflow OPEN Depends on environment. 1866 Start delimiter error BILLUNKN 1027 Billing unknown (not found in catalog) BKSIDOV 122D Backing store ident overflow BKSNAV 0A1B Backing store not available BKSOV 122C Backing store overflow BLKBUSY 0203 The referenced block is active System Nucleus (Internal) BLKFERR VMM 1861 Block format error BFAS Sequential DiskWRITE Files Unit Record 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 A process is accessing a block of an internal file which is already active. If the block is deleted in Basic Mode Access, a pointer must be specified. Contact the Service Center. GET Block format error at physical level; the checking of the structure of the data block which was submitted to PUT, was unsuccessful. The block structure is not valid (length (ALN), RDW position or values). End of Data (EOD) value incompatible Driver: Diskette with last block address and block size. 51-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory BLKSZERR 1862 Block size error BFAS Sequential DiskOPEN Files BFAS/UFAS Tape Files OPEN File and Device Management File Storage and Tape Handling File Management System Disk Journalization Unit Record Driver: Diskette OPEN BOUNDOUT 0800 087F BREAK Illegal block size (negative) or block size should not be less than record size or incomparable block size/record size for compaction. Incorrect value for BLOCKSZ specified by the user. Correct value in DEFINE or PREALLOC, or program. The block size is greater than the track size. Reduce the parameter in CONFIG which specifies the number of jobs which can share a file. Block size greater than track size or size less than record size. Illegal block size in the SYS.JRNAL. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. Block size value O or negative, or greater than sector size, or less than record size. Value out of bounds 1E04 A break request has been issued from the DMU GCL FILLIST VOLLIST The user has issued a QUIT command. An illegal interruption has occurred. In IOF mode, re-execute the function without interruption. The operator pressed the BREAK key. (Return code given by PUTIOF, GETIOF or ASKIOF macro.) The user interrupted the action with a break. OMH PCF BSNFERR 1C26 Block serial number format error BSOVLD 0503 Backing store overloaded System Nucleus BSWSOV 51-14 1222 VMM Backing store saturated; not enough space to load or swap object (e.g., load module, sharable module, page). Stop process group loading. Perform the DC BS=MAP command, and at the next restart, increase the size of the overloaded backing store. System backing store working set overflow 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 ABNCCAD to DATALOSS Return Codes BUFNASG 0906 Buffer not assigned RWI BUFNAV The file transfer buffers have not been defined, or do not have the required characteristics (for example, a multiblock transfer request has become a monoblock transfer request, or vice versa). After this return code is sent, the buffer memory table is changed, and this method cannot be used for the next request. 0A0A Buffer not available Any File Organization OPEN Buffer Management Resource Status File Management Journalization MCS Physical I/O Access UFAS-EXTENDED Unit Record Driver: Diskette BUFNBOV 1206 TDS 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 File not opened due to lack of buffer space. There are no more buffers available in the buffer pool. The buffer pool may be enlarged. File Storage and There are no more buffers available in the Tape Handling buffer pool. It was not possible to create a buffer either when the system was initialized or RERUN, or during a rollback of a step after an abort. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. SEND RECEIVE Shortage of buffer space. Some message data not transferred. The buffer is not available because the buffer address is either in a segment which is not a buffer segment, or not locked, or the requested transfer to tape or disk starts less than 32 bytes of a page boundary. Check the buffer addresses. VMM If the buffer is not an XAS segment, it must be accessed directly (ISD = 'NOT PERMIT'). Buffer size > UMADR. The specified segment is not a buffer. (Internal error). Contact the Service Center. Abnormal processing of a buffer: segment attributes, size, buffer address (ENBAP), IO semaphore (SSMGET). Verify the STEP options SIZE, POOLSIZE, number of files. If these are correct, contact the Service Center. OPEN BPB BLOCKSIZE greater than 64K bytes. Buffer number overflow (not enough in the working pool) Any TPR Operation Number of TDS file buffers exceeds the number specified at TDS generation. Switching to Before Journal is not possible. Increase buffer pool size or add Before Journal. 51-15 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory BUSY 0200 The object of the request is still working UFAS and UFASEXTENDED READ, WRITE, The number of buffers in the pool is too small. DELETE, START, The "WRITE DEFERRED" buffers plus the REWRITE "BUSY" buffers exceed the maximum number of buffers. Increase the number of buffers (and SIZE, POOLSIZE), or decrease the number of simultaneously active transactions (TDS). Availability Control Set Function Abnormal termination of the channel program of Mask/Set Set Function Mask: the device is reserved. Operating Mode Check device accessibility. Catalog Management ATTACH, 1. It is impossible to attach the specified catalog CATDELET because it is already attached. Try again later. 2. An automatically attached catalog is not available. Try again later. 3. The specified catalog resides on a coupled volume. It is shared by two coupled systems and is currently locked by the other system. Check the state of this other system. If it is not running, enter the MV...CLEAR command on the main console. 4. It is impossible to delete the specified catalog at present. Try again later. File Management File Storage and The file sharing parameters are not compatible Tape Handling with those of other users. The VTOC is locked by another system. Journalization When sending a step, there are no more resources available in the journal tables. GAC Resource Conflict over the allocation of a resource as a Allocation buffer is still active in the sequence control block. GCL A resource which is needed to execute the function is presently busy and cannot be accessed. In IOF mode, wait for a while and reexecute the command. Network Generation 1.) Remote site is busy with another server; stop the other server with the TTSVR command, then issue the previous command again. or 2.) Enabling is aborted due to the concurrent running of NETGEN; rerun the NETGEN utility. or 3.) Loading/enabling an incremental generation is in progress; try again after the CRNETGEN utility finishes running. PCF The Program Checkout Facility cannot retrieve its command table. Collect all relevant information then contact the Service Center. RWI 1. Session Busy. Temporarily, the session cannot be accessed because another RWI primitive is being executed for this session. 2. Volume busy For the H_RWLOCK primitive, this return code signifies that the lock attempt has failed. See the description of the H_RWLOCK primitive for more information. 51-16 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 ABNCCAD to DATALOSS Return Codes SORT/MERGE SBR Collector System Nucleus Automatic Resource Management Dynamic Addresser System Nucleus Dynamic Addresser VMM TDS Any TPR Operation UFAS-EXTENDED VCAM/ISO Call violation RELEASE COBOL SORT Utility SORT RETURN FORMS SBR Physical I/O Access 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 SM used by another process group, and cannot be disconnected; or SMAT entry occupied, so SM cannot be connected, or PLMT entry occupied. The object requested is currently being used by another process. Try again later. 1. An attempt has been made to fix or free a page in a buffer which has some pages already fixed or freed. 2. Some pages in the region to be released are still being used. 3. The target segment is not vacant. 4. An attempt to perform an action on an active buffer segment. In all cases, Contact the Service Center. File currently assigned to another job. Lock test error. Contact the Service Center. An application tried to close SSAP while some sessions linked to the SSAP were still active. Check the application, and stop the session before closing the SSAP. CALLVIOL 1481 System Nucleus 1. (TRID1) Incorrect SORT call nesting; there is the same Sort-Communication Area for 2 nested Sorts. 2. (TRID4) The work file share is abnormal or there are too many nested sorts with the nonpreassigned work file. Correct the source program. If this occurs in a system processor calling SORT, contact the Service Center. Another SBR collector is already active. Terminate the current collector before starting a new one. The dimension is busy. Check the operator message. VMM Access to the input procedure using RELEASE denied. Attempted execution of SORT twice in the same step produces abnormal condition; step is aborted. Access to the output procedure using RETURN denied. Environment is neither TDS nor IOF. H_SBR was started in a non-system dimension. Connect H_SBR to the SYS dimension. Incorrect access to an object (FCB or PMD), or forbidden option requested according to the caller's ring. The requested function is reserved for system use only. 51-17 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory CANCEL 00D2 00DB Something has been cancelled File Management SBR Save and Restore The volume cannot be restored because the save was incomplete. Check if all the tapes containing the volume save are mentioned in the volume list, or use another save. Collector Abnormal termination of the collector is requested. Refer to the output library and JOR. CANEVT 00D3 Cancel an event within event manager CANIO 00D4 The IO has been cancelled OMH Main Console Driver RWI Channel program check on main console. Inform Service Center. I/O cancelled. The input/output was cancelled, by one of the following: $H_IOCAN $H_RWCLOSE termination of the process issuing the request. CASEUNKN 1032 Case unknown Pascal RTP CATERR 1879 Not a CASE constant. A file has been requested which should be cataloged and is not, or vice versa Catalog Management File Storage, Tape Handling Data Management Utilities File Management File Management Save and Restore File Space Management Utilities OMH 51-18 Cataloged Messages 1. The file is cataloged and the user says that it is uncataloged (or not protected) or the file is uncataloged and the user says that it is cataloged (or protected). Check JCL, catalog contents and file label. 2. The specified object can only be cataloged in SITE.CATALOG. An attempt has been made to duplicate or restore a cataloged file into a file which is not cataloged. An attempt has been made to write to a magnetic tape, on which there is a cataloged file. If you want to use this volume, you must first deallocate the file or re-format the volume using VOLPREP. At least one file with the same name exists on the given media list (or resident volumes), but its status in the file label does not match the FILESTAT parameter. Check the file status using FILLIST. If necessary, change the value of the FILESTAT or CATNOW parameter, or reduce he media list using the MEDIA and DEVCLASS parameters. A catalog or a catalog pointer has been specified which is incorrect. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 ABNCCAD to DATALOSS Return Codes CATOV 1218 No more space in catalog Catalog Management CATALOG CCBRIL 2400 24FF Physical I/O Access (Internal) CCBUFNAS 2000 20FF Physical I/O Access (Internal) CCDADVL 2100 21FF Physical I/O Access (Internal) CCFLGIL 2300 23FF Physical I/O Access (Internal) CCFMVL 2200 22FF Physical I/O Access (Internal) CCILLEG 2600 26FF Physical I/O Access (Internal) CCNUMIL 2500 25FF The catalog file is full; perform extension by running CATEXTD utility. Invalid branch address Various Operations There is an invalid CCE branch address. The address of a branch Channel Command entry is illegal. Check the addresses in the CCE branch; they must refer to the CCE in the Channel program. Buffer not assigned Various Operations The buffer is not assigned in the CCE. A buffer address is in a segment which is either not a buffer or not locked. Check the data transfer CCEs and buffer segments. Disk address violation Various Operations Disk address violation in a CCE. The CCE refers to an address outside the assigned files. Invalid flag modification Various Operations Invalid flag modification in a CCE. File mask or Function mask violation Various Operations Invalid parameters for set file or function mask CCE. Illegal CCE Various Operations Invalid Channel Command entry in Channel program. Invalid CCE number CDATANOV 1A77 ARG=+-i: overflow (complex arctan) CDATNHOV 1A7A ARG=+-i: overflow (complex arctanh) 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 51-19 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory CDERR 1813 Command error FORMS A severity 3 error has been detected. The MAINTAIN_FORM processor stops. The error message displayed indicates the type of error. There is an error in the command to be executed. Modify the command. SWI processing is forbidden under RMS. Error in command analysis or processor. 1. A command has been specified which is reserved to the system. 2. An interactive command has been submitted in an non-interactive environment. A specified command cannot be processed or an unknown command has been specified (syntax error). Correct input commands. GCL IOF Operator Message Handling RMS Command Processing SBR Collector and Analyzer CDTHPREC 1A71 :real ARG: >= 2**50*PI (complex tanh) CDTNPREC 1A74 :imag ARG: >= 2**50*PI (complex tan) CDUNKN 100B Unknown command GTWriter OMH SBR CHAINLIM 0022 Buffer Management Command Processing Collector and Analyzer Resource Status 00C8 Buffer Management After the BUFNAV return code has been issued, the "Get Buffer Request" is not enqueued. The buffer pool may be enlarged. Refer to the dump. The last object has been reached when retrieving in the dictionary using TYPE. This is not an error. The selected object/type has been found in the telecommunications dictionary. A check is mandatory here Resource Status GTWriter 51-20 An unknown command has been specified. (Syntax error). Correct the input command(s). The limit of a chain of elements has been reached Network Generation CHECK An unknown command has been specified. No action is performed. An unknown command has been specified. System Nucleus Dynamic Addresser VCAM Any operation The server has been aborted due to an error. For further information, refer to the dump. There is an inconsistency in the GTWriter tables. The load module is aborted. The sharable module was not found in the USEDSM list. Relink with a correct USEDSM list. Before a VCAM service is requested, a pending status must be checked. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 ABNCCAD to DATALOSS Return Codes CINAV 0A1C A control interval is not available UFAS-EXTENDED CKRVIOL An invalid Control Interval image exists in a pool buffer. This is usually an information message. 1619 System Nucleus Check ring violation VMM UFAS-EXTENDED The system option specified and the caller's ring number are not 0 or 1. Contact the Service Center. Busy buffer and SGATTR mandatory. This is usually an information message. CLASSUKN 100D Class unknown CLOSVIOL 1403 Entity should not be closed File Management CMOVLD 0501 System Nucleus CMWSOV File Storage and Tape Handling The access method has not written the tape mark at the end of the file. Central memory overloaded Automatic When a job exceeds its authorized fixed size Resource Manager(4*<DWS> or 1 megabyte) ARM asks for its abort with the return code CMOVLD. The declared Working Set for the step is too small. increase the value of SIZE. VMM Too many pages are fixed relative to the memory size, or the size of the working set is too small for some job steps. Use the JCL statement SIZE to increase the size of the working set. 1217 Central memory working set overflow (COBOL Status Key value 30) Any File Organization OPEN (Unit Record Driver SORT Included) Job Management Load Module Loader Resource Management System Nucleus VMM TDS Any TPR Operation UFAS-EXTENDED 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 File not open due to lack of buffer space. Reduce number of blocks per buffer (DEFINE) or increase size of control memory (SIZE). Segments of the user load module exceed the SIZE value. The declared working set (DWS) of a step is underestimated to such a level that the (WEAK) call is performed). Increase the DWS using $SIZE and rerun the job. There are too many pages locked in memory. Increase the SIZE parameter of the EXEC_PG command. Memory overflow. Check SIZE statement, if any. The POOLSIZE is took small, or the step SIZE parameter is too small for the given POOLSIZE. Increase POOLSIZE and/or SIZE. 51-21 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory CNSLUNKN 1003 Console unknown OMH COMDERR Message Processing 1895 A message has been sent to a user who is not logged on. An operator name has been specified which is unknown to the system. Communication description error MCS SEND Communications description pointer does not point to an application output CD (no data transferred). Input CD referenced when OUTPUT specified or output CD referenced when INPUT specified. Correct program. Communications description pointer does not point to an application input CD (no data transferred). ENABLE DISABLE RECEIVE COMMUNBUN 0AE3 Communications unbundled COMNAV 0A20 0A3F Telecommunications entities not available COMPREC 00B6 Complementary record is accessed through a secondary record CONFLICT 0460 Parameter value is incompatible with another parameter value (COBOL Status Key value 9J) Catalog Management COBOL RTP File Management GAC and GACEXTENDED 51-22 Assignment of File, Volume or Device File Storage and Tape Handling The commands of the utility are erroneous. Check your JCL against utility specifications. The permanent file attributes declared in the program for the external file being opened contradict the permanent file attributes for the same file in another program of the same run unit. Wrong or conflicting input parameters for current operation. Correct program. There is a conflict between file organization parameters, or all volumes of the given media list do not have the same characteristics (organization, mirror status). TDS Interface There is an anomaly in the GAC-TDS interface. TDS reinitialization generally takes place. Commitment Unit Before Journal not allowed or write with Management deferred update not allowed. Resource Locking The access request is incompatible with the access mode of the file. OPEN, CLOSE An error has occurred in the GAC_AM_FIMA interface. The number of sequence control blocks is greater than 255. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 ABNCCAD to DATALOSS Return Codes Generally Incompatibility between ASSIGN parameter(s) and label contents. Refer to the JOR for possible complementary messages. File Organizations OPEN Certain file characteristics are inconsistent (e.g., Other Than UFAS RECSIZE = 0; CISIZE > track size for a UFAS file; processing mode implies writing but NVOLWR specified in ASSIGN). FORMS The attribute conflicts with the form (e.g. because the selected field starts in column 1). Job Management Step Initiation QASSIGN used in JCL when a process group is (MCS) not linked with the $LINKER parameter COMFAC, or LINKTYPE=MAM. OMH Terminal Connection to IOF with the project name RMS Management (Remote Maintenance) refused, because there is already a user connected to IOF under this project. Try again later. Process Management This is a normal message; no action need be taken unless there are other symptoms. RBF Station An operator already exists for the station, and a Management change of operator is requested. Services String Handling Given key character not present in string. SORT/MERGE The SORT input file access is not correct under GAC. Correct the SORT step JCL: access inside infile parameter group (refer to the SORT/MERGE User's Guide). SBR Collector There is a conflict between the SBR and an instrumental procedure. Try to run SBR again later. System Nucleus Dynamic There is an inconsistency between the object Addresser description and the processing of the function. Modify the user code. TDS OPEN Conflict in the file's characteristics. (Internal error.) XCP2 Inconsistency between parameters for opening the XCP2 workstation in warm mode don't match those of the previous session. Either the swap file or the PPCLOG file is not the correct. Restore the correct file or restart TDS in cold mode. Refer to the CPI-C/XCP2 User's Guide. UFAS and UFASAny Except OPEN File organization, access mode or record EXTENDED addressing method conflict. Unit Record Driver: OPEN RECFORM=U and locate foreign processor. Diskette COPYERR Any Operation 1876 OMH RWI COPYUNKN 101B 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Copy error Main Console Driver Hardware problem on hard-copy device. Inform Service Center. The COPY parameter contains an invalid value. Copy unknown on volume 51-23 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory COUNTERR 181B Check fails on number of records on a media BFAS/UFAS Tape READ SBR System Output System Trace COUNTLIM 0025 Collector Number of blocks read does not correspond to the number written in the EOV or EOF label. There is an error in the record sequence on SBR file. Contact your Service Center. After a warm restart, inconsistencies were detected at output processing; that is, there is a logical incoherence in the sorting process. The index of the page in the semaphore message does not correspond to the value of the index in the trace buffer. If such error messages persist, stop and restart the collector. Count value limit has been reached during the operation (COBOL Status Key value 00) Buffer Management Resource Status File Organizations Other Than UFAS FORMS READ WRITE TDS Master Command UFAS-EXTENDED Unit Record Driver: Diskette 51-24 GET PUT FORCE The maximum number of attempts to obtain buffer space in the buffer pool has been reached. Enlarge the buffer pool. Number of blocks read does not correspond to the number written in the EOV or EOF label. A form has a line which includes more than 16 attributes (device VIP 7804). Modify this line. When using the M MDTDS SIMUL=xxx command, the resulting simultaneity is greater than the maximum allowed for TDS. Modify the STDS and generate again. The checkpoint counter requests a checkpoint. Checkpoint condition is met. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 ABNCCAD to DATALOSS Return Codes COUNTOV 120F GAC-EXTENDED MCS Network Generation Physical I/O Access Queued Files System Nucleus (Internal) UFAS-EXTENDED CPERR Count overflow Lock List Handling An attempt has been made to allocate more GAC lock list entries than the limit defined by NUMLOCK. Increase the value of NUMLOCK. Verify the GAC CONFIG parameter LOCKSIZE. The threshold of I/O errors defined at initialization has been exceeded. Any pending I/O operations are not executed, and the system is shut down. Either try to copy the file affected and try the job again or, if it is not possible to copy the file, preallocate a new file, re-initialize the system, re-generate the network and try the job again. Some limits have been exceeded. Refer to the documentation and run the NETGEN utility. Contact the Service Center. Termination semaphore count overflow. Check the program for wait on I/O termination or semaphore maximum count. OPEN The maximum level that a file can be shared (255) has been exhausted. The file cannot be opened. Task Management Semaphore count overflow (operation not performed). The maximum number of files is open and is causing overflow. Decrease the number of files according to the limits for UFAS-EXTENDED: 200 per step, 600 for the whole system. 1804 File Management Error in channel program File Storage and Tape Handling Journalization MCS Physical I/O Access (Internal) UFAS-EXTENDED CPOV Various Channel Program Operations Channel program error. Contact the Service Center. 1203 BFAS Sequential (Disk) MCS Physical I/O Access (Internal) RWI 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Channel program error. Contact the Service Center. 1. It was not possible to open an RWI session. 2. A read/write error on a journal block. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. A channel program error or hardware malfunction has occurred. Try again. If the same condition occurs, call the Service Center. Invalid channel program name. Channel program overflow OPEN Channel program overflow. An internal error has occurred while trying to start multiple channel programs simultaneously. Call the Service Center. Various Operations Total channel program space exhausted or total number of buffers exceeded. Use SIZE. Channel program overflow 51-25 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory CPYNAV 0A09 A copy of the file is not available Any File Organization Any I/O Operation System Trace Extractor System error; difficulty in disk address checking. Inform Service Center. The extractor entry file is not the type of circular file created by the collector. Compare the description of the entry file with the circular file of the collector. If the files are the same, reallocate or empty the circular file. CQATANOV 1A78 ARG=+-i: overflow (complex arctan) CQATNHOV 1A7B ARG=+-i: overflow (complex arctanh) CQTHPREC 1A72 :real ARG: >= 2**100*PI (complex tanh) CQTNPREC 1A75 :imag ARG: >= 2**100*PI (complex tan) CSATANOV 1A76 ARG=+-i: overflow (complex arctan) CSATNHOV 1A79 ARG=+-i: overflow (complex arctanh) CSTHPREC 1A70 :real ARG: >= 2**19*PI (complex tanh) CSTNPREC 1A73 :imag ARG: >= 2**19*PI (complex tan) CVUNKN 1004 Control variable unknown DAMAGED 0120 Function not performed. Some entities are damaged File Management File Storage and Tape Handling FORMS GAC-EXTENDED and UFAS-EXTENDED Job Management 51-26 Load Module Loader DSMGT structures are damaged. A system error has occurred. Contact the Service Center. An internal error has been detected in the UFAS-GAC control structures. Dynamic reinitialization of GAC and UFAS usually takes place. If it does not, contact the Service Center. The data structures PGCS and PCS were found to be inconsistent during the loading of a step. If the step is preinitialized, cancel this with the CLM command and preinitialize again with the PLM command. If the step is not preinitialized, re-link the load module. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 ABNCCAD to DATALOSS Return Codes Journalization Network Generation OMH PCF System Nucleus TDS VMM System Output TDS DAPPLSAT 0A33 DASCUD 1A2E Mathematical Package DAT2ZR 1A31 Mathematical Package 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Cataloged Messages Dump Analyzer After Journalization is impossible due to a previous system error. Refer to the File Recovery Facilities User's Guide for more information. Enabling ends abnormally and the configurations running are no longer valid. Run the CRNETGEN utility. Cataloged message defined incorrectly. The Program Checkout Facility cannot create or retrieve its working segment. Send a STAR. Dynamic Addresser A SMAT inconsistency occurred at step termination. Modify the user code. Loader Internal system data structure inconsistent. Contact the Service Center. XCP2 Internal TDS-XCP2 error detected. Contact the Service Center. 1. The region identified in the MME is Management not the owner of the list in which the page is linked. H_PANIC is called. 2. The MME chaining is damaged. H_PANIC is called. 3. The PGCS segment descriptor of the process group to be released is an ISD. 4. The VMF control structure was damaged. In all cases, contact the Service Center. WRITER, Job Level System structures damaged: output writer request not taken into account. (Permanent SYSOUT) System structures damaged: SYSOUT request WRITER, Step not taken into account by system. Level (Standard SYSOUT) Any Operation Internal error. Contact the Service Center. Destination application saturated Undefined for : ARG: > 1 Arc sine argument absolute value is >1. The result is undefined (double precision). Null vector Both arguments of ATAN2 function are zero. The result is undefined (double precision). 51-27 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DATAERR 1E02 DMU Error in data read CREATE, PRINT, COMPARE Catalog Management Error Logging FORMS File Management IDS/II System Disk WRITE OMH PASCAL RTP Main Console Management READ RBF A.M. Level 6 SORT/MERGE TDS TPR Operation UFAS-EXTENDED Unit Record Driver: Diskette 51-28 PUT Record has an unpacked decimal value in a packed decimal field. Records have been degraded in the catalog. Patch the record(s) to recover or correct them and notify the Service Center. Incoherent information found in the log file (SYS.ERLOG, SYS.ERLOGC or SYS.ERLOGF) during the salvaging phase. Contact the Service Center. A system error has occurred. Contact the Service Center. Data error during I/O. Corrupt CI chain encountered by system. File must be restored (e.g., from a previous FILSAVE). Hardware problem on Main Console. Inform Service Center. An integer or real data that has been read was incorrectly specified. Correct the data in the TEXT field. Erroneous contents of block received. Transmission aborted. There are more than 2,147,483,647 SORT records. Reduce the sort input and possibly execute it with several SORT/MERGE steps. Database inconsistency possibly due to suppression of GAC. There is incoherence in a data CI. Recover the file. Data error in I/O. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 ABNCCAD to DATALOSS Return Codes DATAGAIN 0435 Initial amount of data input but data limit not reached (data gain) FORMS A system error has occurred during folding (data to send again). Contact the Service Center. SORT/MERGE Some sorted records are unexpected. Reexecute the SORT step with DEBUG or the CHECK keyword in the FUNCTION PARAGRAPH of DSL (or with X"0" or X"02" value in the second byte of the SRTDEF_FILLER7 field for a subroutine (sort call) together with "DUMP=DATA" at STEPOPT or STEP level in JCL/GCL. Then contact the Service Center. System Interface Reading of Sorted End of data has not yet been reached but the With COBOL SORT Records (RETURN) number of sorted records returned is already equal to the number of records sent for sorting. Further records will be read if so specified in the program. Restart the SORT step with the keyword DEBUG in the FUNCTION paragraph for the $SORT command or with DEBUG = 1 in the step option string of COBOL subroutine SORT or with the equivalent SRTDEF modification for GPL caller, plus DUMP= DATA in JCL. DATALIM 0027 File limit reached (COBOL Status Key value 10 for READ, 34 if open library file in output mode) Any File Organization READ WRITE End of file reached or file declared as dummy at assignment. No action required. End of file reached. No record written. No action required. End of data reached on a multi-logical unit file. The AT END clause of the COBOL READ statement is activated. A tape mark has been encountered. COBOL RTP READ DMU VOLLIST FILLIST Dump Analyzer End of descriptor data reached. The user should return to the beginning of the file. Save and Restore Normal return code. End of file reached. The end of file has been reached, or there is no more space in the library. Modify the size of the file or the library. The GAC save area is too small. (Error in TDSUFAS interface). No more mailboxes. (Internal error). VMM End of virtual memory file reached (linked access). Dynamic Addresser No more objects to be found. End of file reached. VMM The file which has been opened contains a single block. Contact the Service Center. File Management FORMS GAC-EXTENDED OMH System Nucleus System Nucleus 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 51-29 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TDS Not enough space for saving file currencies in the swap-file buffer. This lack of space may cause the DATALIM return code to be sent: - when unmapping is performed, but no commitment point is performed. - on a commitment point if the CALL "KEEPCURRENCIES" procedure has been called for the files protected by the Before Journal (sizing the swap-file buffer is discussed in the TDS Administrator's Guide. - if the limit of the swap capacity is reached, increase the swap size with the TP7PREP utility and generate TDS again. End of data reached. No record delivered. Unit Record Driver: Diskette GET NOTE: Occasionally, it may be to the user's advantage to re-allocate a larger file. DATALOSS 0436 Data limit reached, but initial amount of data not all input (loss of data) Buffer Management The destination area to which data is to be moved from the buffer pool is too small. File Management Save and Restore Save file was incomplete, so the restore cannot be performed. Use another SAVE. SORT/MERGE Some sorted records have been lost. Reexecute the SORT step with DEBUG or the CHECK keyword in the FUNCTION PARAGRAPH of DSL (or with X"0" or X"02" value in the second byte of the SRTDEF_FILLER7 field for a subroutine sort call) together with "DUMP=DATA" at STEPOPT or STEP level in JCL/GCL, then contact the Service Center. System Interface Reading of Sorted End of data has been reached but some data With COBOL SORT Records (RETURN) has been lost (during the sort process) as the number of sorted records is less than the number of records sent for sorting. Reading another record will produce the another record return code DATALIM. 51-30 Resource Status 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 52. DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes This section lists the DATANAV to IOFAIL return codes in alphabetical order of the return code's name (mnemonic code). Each return code is presented with its name, associated hexadecimal value, and a generic explanation of its meaning. The line following that gives the associated COBOL Status Key value, if it exists. Here is how this section presents the return codes: RETURN CODE Hexadecimal value Generic explanation (COBOL Status Key value) If a return code is explained in more detail for a particular system component, this information is given after the generic explanation. There are three columns of information as follows: System Component Operation Explanation or Cause The first column, System Component, gives the name of a system component or utility program from which a return code may have originated (for example, TDS, File Management, Unit Record Driver, BFAS Sequential Disk File Handling). If you want more information about a particular part of the system, consult the appropriate user's manual. In general, the user cannot directly access entries marked internal or system. The second column, Operation, contains entries for the operation (e.g., COBOL verbs, Transaction Processing Routine commands), performed within the corresponding system component of the first column. The third column gives an explanation of the return code and recommended action. Some return codes (for example, DONE, ALREADY) do not indicate an abnormal condition and consequently do not require any corrective action. There is a list of abbreviations used in the Interpreting Return Codes Section. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 52-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DATANAV 0A17 Dump Analyzer File Management SBR System Nucleus TDS UFAS and UFASEXTENDED Disk Files Data not available The Extended System Base has not been saved in the dump. Testing cannot be carried out. The action to be taken depends on the contents of the file. Save and Restore Infile was found in an unstable state. The utility cannot be executed. File Space A file has been found in a physically unstable Management Utilities state (possibly due to an abort while using FILREST or FILDUPLI). Restore the file again. An SRB probe could not be set in system SM. Dynamic Addresser Data not available as the SMCS was damaged before the end of the step. Modify the user code. OPEN File data lost due to a crash during creation. OPEN The file has been left in unstable state while in OUTPUT mode. Recover or recreate the file. DATNHUN 1A7D :ARG:>: = Underflow (arctanh) DCOTLOW 1A28 ARG too near N*PI from below DCOTOV 1A27 ARG too near to N*PI from above DCOTPREC 1A29 ARG >10**15 loss of precision DCSHOV 1A67 ARG > 175.36: overflow (cosh) DEADLOCK 0D00 Deadlock GAC and GACEXTENDED TDS Cleanpoint /Restart Resource Locking SBR DEBUG 0003 Collector A cleanpoint has been requested for a Commitment Unit that has already been aborted. A job has been aborted due to a deadlock. It is automatically restarted at the last programmed COMMIT, or at the beginning of the step if no COMMIT was executed previously. The job is first rolled back to that point. A deadlock situation has been detected during the initialization of the collector. Contact the Service Center. Debugger must be called In the course of standard Break processing, the user must call the Program Checkout Facility (H_DEBPR_ECONS). 52-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes DEFTRACK 1E08 File Management RWI DESCERR 186F Job Management System Nucleus DEXPOV 1A02 Mathematical Package DEXPUN 1A5E Mathematical Package Defective track File Storage and Tape Handling In the course of standard Break processing, the user must call the Program Checkout Facility (H_DEBPR_ECONS). The damaged track cannot be chained with the alternate track. Defective track. The write-with-verification request (option WRCHECK=Y when opening the session) is not completed because a defective track has been detected in the file space. A retry can be attempted after reallocation (H_RWTOALTAREA) from the first block following the block indicated in OUT_NUMBLOCK. Address in description incorrect Load Module Loader A step which is being loaded uses the CANCEL COBOL feature but does not have the INCLUDE CANCEL BLOCK segment. Link the load module with the correct options. Loader Internal system error. Contact the Service Center. Overflow for X> 174.67 There is an exponential function overflow for x > 176.6 (double precision). ARG less than -200: underflow There is an exponential function underflow for x < -180.2 (double precision). DFACNG 1A44 Negative argument DFACOV 1A43 ARG >56: overflow DGAMNG 1A4A Negative argument DGAMNGA 1A46 ARG almost negative integer DGAMOV 1A45 ARG >57.53: overflow DGAMUN 1A48 ARG less than -57.53: underflow DGAMZR 1A47 ARG = 0 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 52-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DGAMZRA 1A49 ARG almost zero DIMOV 1204 Overflow of the area dimension System Nucleus DIRERR 1863 Queued Files DIRLIM If, when an application is allocated, there is no space available in the dimension concerned, an attempt will be made to allocate space in the overflow zone. This does not apply to allocations that must be made in their own dimension (i.e., PMM areas and segments declared resident and relocatable). If it is not possible to find space in a dimension for this type of allocation, DIMOV occurs. Automatic Resource The number of steps in the dimension is greater Manager than or equal to the current MPL. The Multiprogramming level has been modified either by the system or by the operator. One or several steps are "waiting" and will automatically restart. Error in the directory of a queued file OPENS, CLOSES, File damaged due to system error during updating. BUILD, STOW, CHNAME, RTSPCE 002D End of directory reached GCL Queued Files DIROV BUILD 1210 System Nucleus This is a warning which indicates that there are no more entries in the directory. Terminate the scanning of the directory. Directory limit reached with option name. Directory overflow of a queued file VMM Dynamic Addresser TDS UFAS and UFASEXTENDED Disk Files OPEN DISABLED 0425 Data transfer logical path inhibited Buffer Management Resource Status MCS SEND RECEIVE 52-4 Directory overflow on control structure managing virtual memory file (PGBT directory). Contact the Service Center. Number of EPTs exceeds maximum allowed in XEPT (100). Overflow of the directory port of a queued file. Label space overflow. (Label extension). Server shutdown in progress. The memory assigned to the buffer pool is deallocated. Refer to dump. Logical data path from queue to terminal inhibited; action completed, data transferred to queue. Logical data path from terminal to queue inhibited; no data received. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes DLGMNG 1A4B Negative argument (or zero) DLGMNGA 1A4C ARG almost negative integer DLGMUD 1A4D Function undefined DLGMUN 1A4E ARG less than -150: underflow DLOGNG 1A07 Argument is less than zero: log undefined Mathematical Package DLOGZR 1A06 Mathematical Package The logarithm function argument is negative. The result is undefined (double precision). Argument is zero: log undefined The logarithm function argument is zero. The result is undefined (double precision). DLVIOL 1445 Mailphore deletion violation DM0DZR 1A10 Second ARG is zero DMBXNOP 0A22 Destination mailbox not operable DMBXSAT 0A32 Destination mailbox saturated DMBXUNKN 102F Destination mailbox unknown DMCSVIOL 1630 163F DNODNOP 0A21 Data Management control structures access violation Destination node not operable Network Control Modify Working Site Failure to connect with a remote site. Call the POST Service Center. Remote File Access A site cannot be accessed. A timer automatically checks the site every ten minutes to determine whether it has become operational. DNODSAT 0A31 Destination node saturated DNODUNKN 102E Destination node unknown 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 52-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DNSPEC 1030 Destination not specified IOF For a COBOL user, ECSNAME must be CONSOLE. Invalid endpoint name. The contents of the SYMBOLIC DESTINATION or SYMBOLIC QUEUE is illegal. TDS DONE 0000 Any Component DONEIDC Request has been fulfilled Any Operation REWRITE DELETE START CLOSE Correct execution. No action required. May mean a dummy file was assigned. No operation performed. No action required. 0001 Done, correct input data FORMS DONEIDE A function key has been received but the function code field was not selected. Select the function key field in the selection vector to get the function code and suppress the warning. 0002 File Management FORMS Done, input data error Save and Restore SAVE or RESTORE has been terminated but some tracks have not been processed correctly due to I/O errors. The integrity of the output file is not certain. The contents of the selection vector are invalid. Check the selection vector for the corresponding field(s) in error. DPREJCT 1712 Dialog protocol rejected DPWRNG 1A15 Negative number to power is ambiguous DPWROV 1A64 Result > 10** 252: overflow (power) DPWRUN 1A61 ARG Less then -200: underflow DPWRZRNG 1A14 Zero to negative power is undefined DRTERR 1810 DSAC 0380 03FF Distributed System Administration and Control DSB0 2800 2807 Detailed status byte 0 52-6 Device requirement table error 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes DSB00 2800 Detailed status byte 0 for channel 0 DSB01 2801 Detailed status byte 0 for channel 1 DSB02 2802 Detailed status byte 0 for channel 2 DSB03 2803 Detailed status byte 0 for channel 3 DSB04 2804 Detailed status byte 0 for channel 4 DSB05 2805 Detailed status byte 0 for channel 5 DSB06 2806 Detailed status byte 0 for channel 6 DSB07 2807 Detailed status byte 0 for channel 7 DSB2 2808 280F DSB20 2808 Detailed status byte 2 for channel 0 DSB21 2809 Detailed status byte 2 for channel 1 DSB22 280A Detailed status byte 2 for channel 2 DSB23 280B Detailed status byte 2 for channel 3 DSB24 280C Detailed status byte 2 for channel 4 DSB25 280D Detailed status byte 2 for channel 5 DSB26 280E Detailed status byte 2 for channel 6 DSB27 280F Detailed status byte 2 for channel 7 DSIHOV 1A6A ARG > 175.36: overflow (sinh) 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Detailed status byte 2 52-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DSNCPREC 1A1C ARG > 10**15: loss of precision Mathematical Package DSQRNG The sine/cosine function argument > 10**8; loss of precision (double precision). 1A19 Square root of negative number Mathematical Package DTANOV The square root of a negative number is undefined (double precision). 1A20 ARG too near to N*PI/2 DTANPREC 1A21 ARG > 10**15: loss of precision Mathematical Package The tangent function argument > 10**8; loss of precision. DTW0OV 1A0D Result too big when ARG > 251 DTW0UN 1A0C Result too small when ARG less than -260 DUMMY 0016 A dummy file was assigned (COBOL Status Key value 00 for sequential file in input mode, value 9I otherwise) Any File Organization OPEN NOTE: File was assigned as dummy, or a file was assigned as optional and either the file is not on the volume or the volume was not mounted (CR by the operator). No operation performed. For sequential access in input mode in COBOL, a READ will return DATALIM (a subsequent READ will return EXHAUST and a WRITE will respond DONE although no record will be stored. It may be useful to check the ASSIGN statements in the JCL. DUNAV Availability Control ISFM/IMRU Abnormal termination of channel program of Set Function Mask due to a channel exception or because there is no valid path. Availability Control ISFM/IMRU The logical device name supplied does not exist. DUNERR DUPENTY 52-8 04100 420 Duplicated entities 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes DUPKEY 0411 New record key duplicates existing record key (COBOL Status Key value 22) Any File Organization WRITE DUPNAME 0410 Duplicate key and no DUPREC parameter has been specified. Check key insertion and DUPREC. Duplicate name Any File Organization OPEN Catalog Management CATBUILD File exists in duplicate in the record. The catalog file already exists with a valid media list in the site catalog. The user tries to create an object which already exists in the same class. Check catalog contents against JCL. File Management File Storage and Tape Handling File Space Management Utilities FORMS Network Generation Log-in SWI (Internal) SBR Analyzer System Nucleus Automatic Resource Manager The specified entry point has already been Dynamic Addresser (Store stored. Find and delete the sharable module with the same entry point. Operation) VMM File name or block name already exists (internal error). Contact the Service Center. Master Command You have defined M LSTC COR=xxx or M LSCPOOL COR=xxx or M CTC COR=xxx, where xxx refers to a correspondent with a multiple definition (TM, XCPM, XCP2) in Netgen. Avoid multiple definitions for your correspondents; modify the Netgen declaration. 0420 Network Generation DUPSTTN The specified form already exists. (Warning message only.) You tried to create an object in the telecommunications dictionary having the same type and name as a previous one. Attempt to log-in twice with same user-name; or duplicated label-name in Switch Input; or attempt to create mailbox with a name already used. A command has been duplicated. Remove the duplicate command. The named Dimension already exists. OMH TDS DUPREL An attempt has been made to insert in the VTOC an efn which already exists. The file name already exists on the given media list. 0413 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Duplicate relationship You tried to create an object in the telecommunications dictionary having the same attributes (address) as a previous one. This error is described in the CRNETGEN report. Duplicate station 52-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DUPUSER 0412 Duplicate user DVCERR 180C Device class error Any Component SORT/MERGE Any Operation Specified device class does not correspond to valid device (for this operation). Check JCL. Workfile Handling The sort workfile is not assigned on one single disc device class. Check the SORT or SORTWORK or equivalent JCL/GCL statement. If the sort workfile is explicitly or implicitly assigned on disc, contact the Service Center. DVIDFBID 1703 Availability Control Device identification forbidden Set Operating Mode FORMS DVNASG 0903 Illegal device type. Only a cartridge device is supported. 1. The current device is not supported. Check if the current device is in the list of supported devices. 2. A system error has occurred during character synchronization (device forbidden). Contact the Service Center. Device not assigned (COBOL Status Key value 30) Any Organization DVNAV OPEN 0A02 Device not available Any File Organization Any Operation Except BFAS Sequential (Disk) BFAS Sequential OPEN (Disk) FORMS Physical I/O Access RBF RWI 52-10 An attempt has been made to open a file which had been assigned to a pooled device using the option POOL, NEXT; however, a file on the same device assigned using the option POOL, FIRST has not been closed with the COBOL option WITH LOCK. Therefore the device cannot be released. Assign Remote Device Entry Device not available or device identifier not recognized. Check syntax. Value of MOUNT not consistent with current processing mode. All volumes must be mounted. Correct MOUNT parameter. Device not supported. The device is not currently available. Use the MDHW IN command. No device entry for that site. Site for which remote device entry is required does not exist. Device not available. The device containing the part of the file on which the transfer could not be performed has become unavailable. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes DVNERR 180F Availability Control Various System Components DVOV Set Function Mask/Set Operating Control Various Operations 1208 Various System Components DVVIOL Device name error Unknown device. No more devices Various Operations 1461 Too many devices specified. Correct program. Device violation FORMS ECBERR Unknown device. The specified form cannot be processed for the current endpoint. Check the form coherence for the current device. (Device limitation). 1812 Event control block error System Output After a warm restart, inconsistencies were detected at output resequencing; that is, there is a logical incoherence in the sorting process. Contact the Service center. ECBNASG 0905 Event control block not assigned ECBOV 1211 ECB overflow ECPNASG 0907 ECP not assigned to ECB ECPOV 1213 Event completion procedure overflow EDELERR 1868 Ending delimiter error SBR EFNERR Collector and Analyzer 1825 File Management TDS 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Syntax error. Refer to the error message. EFN does not match File Storage and Tape Handling File Space Management Utilities Mismatch between efn and tape position. Modify efn. The specified file name is incorrect. Make sure the file name contains "SYS." or ".CATALOG". Invalid value for the PRTFILE parameter in the DUMP-TDS command. The name of the file given as PRTFILE must not have "$" attributes according to the GCL syntax. Change the name of the PRTFILE. 52-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory EFNUNKN 1007 External file name unknown (COBOL Status Key value 9N) Any File Organization OPEN Catalog Management File Management System Disk File Space Management Utilities Journalization RBF System Output TDS Unit Record Driver: Diskette The record to update (in the error-log procedure H_JRNAL_GECP) was not found. File from remote site is unknown. WRITER External file name missing. Correct JCL. OPEN or START efn unknown. Check syntax. Command OPEN File label not found. EMPTPLST 1C20 EMPTY MCS Network Generation OMH System Output EMUUNKN Empty polling list 00A0 Job Management The file with given efn is not found on the specified volume. Either correct the ASSIGN JCL statement, or allocate the file on the specified volume. The file name does not exist on the specified media. Check the volume contents. The file to be extended does not exist, or the file label cannot be found. The file does not exist in the given media list. Table (entry) or queue is empty Introduction of Jobs RECEIVE No jobs introduced and no jobs in the queue. No action required. No message in queue. No action required. The telecommunications dictionary is empty. Run the CRNETGEN utility. CONS mode requested. (Internal error.) Handling-IOF The Dynamic Command Table is empty. This return code may appear in a message when the modification command (MDO) of one or more outputs of a job is not successful because of a logical incoherence in the OW queue. Contact the Service Center. 1011 Emulator unknown ENDLOGMD 00DE End of logical module (printer) 52-12 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes ENQUE 0010 GAC Job Management System Nucleus VCAM ENTRYOV Request has been enqueued GAC-TDS Interface A TDS Commitment Unit is unable to execute because GAC has imposed total serialization. GAC notifies TDS when the CU may be reactivated. H_SCHJ Selection not possible. Request has been enqueued. Task Management The task or process whose ABORT was requested ($H_ABTSK or $H_ABTPCS internal primitive) was in a critical section; the action will be performed as soon as the process leaves the critical section. H_OPNDLG Request has been enqueued. 1223 BFAS Sequential (Disk) Number of entries overflow OPEN Dynamic Addresser Dump Analyzer File Management FORMS GAC Journalization OMH System Nucleus TDS Unit Record Driver 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 File Storage and Tape Handling OPEN The number of table entries (e.g. buffers, semaphores) reserved for this process group has been exceeded. Number of blocks for an EPT exceeds the maximum allowed (20). There are no more free buffers or descriptors. Check the usage of the descriptors. Add the macro H_DPANCLOSES. There are too many open VTOCs performed simultaneously on the disk. Maximum number of active or frozen forms exceeded. Check that the sequence of the SDCI verb does not overflow the specified limitations. There is no space available for GAC tables. 1. A semaphore could not be reserved when the system was initialized, at RERUN, or when a batch or TDS step was started. 2. The SYS.JRNAL is too small when the system was initialized. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. Not enough segments available to load the specified catalog of messages. The LM table is saturated. Message Management Automatic Resource Manager Task Management An attempt has been made to create a semaphore, but a semaphore segment has overflowed because the semaphore pool is full. VMM No more vacant entries are available when trying to create a segment. OPEN or START Number of vacant segment entries exceeds Command limit. Try again after a "CLOSE DEASSIGN" command. OPEN The number of table entries (e.g. buffers, semaphores) reserved for this group has been exceeded. 52-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory ENTYUNKN 1000 10FF System Nucleus EPTOV Automatic Resource 1. A dimension is unknown. Manager 2. One or all named objects are not connected. 1226 Entry point table overflow System Nucleus (Internal) ERLMOV Entity unknown 1221 Dynamic Addresser Entry Point Table (EPT) unable to hold all the entry points. Reduce the number of private segments or entry points, or the name length. Unload the unused sharable modules. Error limit overflow, abort the currently running procedure SBR Collector System Output WRITE ERROPNAV 0A12 Too many exceptions in the probes. Contact the Service Center. Limit reached on number of lines printed. Error option not available EVRVIOL 1616 Event management ring violation EXECERR 180E Segment is not executable System Nucleus EXHAUST VMM 1C0B An attempt to delete an executable segment. Check the segment id. End of data already signalled (COBOL Status Key value 30 for READ operations, 34 for WRITE to sequential or library files, 24 for WRITE to files to other organizations) BFAS/UFAS Tape COBOL RTP IDS/II Journalization Other File Organizations PASCAL RTP 52-14 READ WRITE DISPLAY Statement Attempt to retrieve or write a record out of file limits. End reached on the media on which H_PR was assigned. Provide more room for the data to be written. WRITE Statement End reached on the media where the multilogical unit was assigned. Action as above. Access The index space is exhausted. The Commitment Unit to roll back was not found in the list of active Commitment Units. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. READ Attempt to read beyond end of file. (DATALIM already signalled.) WRITE End of file reached. Record not written. No more space available. READ An attempt has been made to read past the end of a file. Test the EOF. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes SORT/MERGE The subroutine SORT caller requests a sorted record after having received the DATALIM return code indicating the end of sorted records. Correct the source program. If this occurs in a system processor calling SORT, contact the Service Center. System Interface Reading of Sorted End of file has already been encountered. With COBOL SORT Records Implies that fewer sorted records are available (RETURN) than were expected. The step is aborted. TDS Any TPR End of file (DATALIM) already signalled. Operation Unit Record Driver: GET End of data (EOD) already signalled in a Diskette previous GET. PUT No more space available (limit of 10 work volumes reached). EXTERR 1820 DMU File Management Journalization MCS Queued Files SORT/MERGE TDS UFAS and UFASEXTENDED 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 OUTPUT Procedure Extent error A diskette contains more than 200 files. Assignment of The specified extent does not exist. (Internal.) File, Volume or Device System Disk Overlap between two file extents on a volume. Save and Restore Inconsistency found in the extent description of a file during the saving or restoration of a volume. This is probably a system error; check the file. Error in the calculation of the address of an extension journal. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. A request has been made to read or write a record outside the limits of the allocated file. Try again; if the same condition occurs, call the Service Center. OPEN At least one file extent and/or media is not available due to an incorrect media list in ASSIGN or a partial duplication of the file. The file can only be accessed for read operations. Correct the ASSIGN media list. There are too many extents in the sort workfile. There are too many little holes on a private or resident disc volume(s). Change the sort work file assignment or "clean up" the files allocated on the volume(s) on which the error occurred. OPEN Some volume(s) or a multivolume file are missing. OPEN The mounted volume is not the first volume of the file. This may be an internal extent error. 52-15 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory EXTFBID 1704 Space extension forbidden EXTLIM 002C Maximum number of extents reached File Management SORT/MERGE FAILURE 0480 04BF FECBERR 1831 Various Number of extents requested is greater than the number available on the mounted volumes. Mount more volumes or correct the program. Workfile AllocationA workfile has more than 16 extents. If the file is temporary, or computed by SORT, the error may be in file management. Software IO failure FECB error arg is not an active FECB RWI FECB error. The specified argument (FECB or FILE_ID) does not pertain to a valid FECB. FECBVIOL 1631 Invalid access to an FECB FEND1LIM 0035 Full form 1 and form limit reached FILEMARK 00E4 File mark recognized FILEMIG 0A1D File management ARS File cataloged as "migrated out" File assignment FILENASG 0902 System Interface Initiation of SORT With COBOL SORT Process 52-16 The file is cataloged as "migrated out", i.e. transferred from on-line disk to secondary storage media (tape, cartridge, etc.) The automatic migration-in operation is not performed because: - automatic migration-in operating mode is not selected - use the DISPLAY_ARS command to check ARS configuration parameters - the migration-in operation was aborted check the error message(s) in the JOR of the migration-in job spawned by ARS. See the ASM 7 File Migration Administrator's Guide. File not assigned No work file has been assigned; or, for a tape sort, less than three work files have been assigned. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes FILEOV 1228 File overflow after record insertion; one record is lost (COBOL Status Key value 24 if WRITE or REWRITE statement, 23 otherwise) All File Organizations WRITE Catalog Management CATALOG UFAS OPEN UFAS-EXTENDED FILEOVLD 0507 System file overload FILEVIOL 1500 15FF SBR File violation Collector FILEWSOV 1216 SORT/MERGE System Interface with COBOL SORT The SORT input file is too small for declared or actual number of input records. Modify the JCL/GCL command to supply a larger and/or incrementable sort workfile. Refer to the SORT report (or the SORT subroutine Job Occurrence Report) for advice on how to compute the SORT workfile size. Transfer of Record Work file size limit reached. Current record not processed. Create larger work file. to Sort file (RELEASE) Completion of Sort Work file size limit reached. The remaining Process records will not be processed. Create a larger work file. File label unknown in the volume Catalog Management SHIFT Queued Files 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 The SBR file has been specified in the wrong format. The format should be BFAS SEQ FB, UFAS SEQ F or QUEUED MONOSUBFILE F. Re-allocate the SRB file using the appropriate format. File working set overflow FLABUNKN 100F File Management No space left in overflow area for record insertion; one record is lost. The maximum number of generations has been reached for the specified file. Check this number. Not enough space to allocate one data CI (or one data CA per key for indexed files). The file cannot be physically extended. (No INCRSIZE or exhausted increments.) Recreate the file with a larger SIZE and INCRSIZE. File Storage and Tape Handling OPEN The file label of the newest generation has not been found on the media of the oldest generation. Check the volume contents. Requested file unknown on this volume. Modify the efn. Due to an incorrect assign statement, the file label is unreachable and the file cannot be opened. Correct $ASSIGN and/or catalog description. 52-17 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory FLIDERR 1833 File identification error RWI File identification error. The FILE_ID parameter should not have been present, since the file identification was statically defined when the session was opened. FLIDMISS 1837 File identification missing RWI FLNAV File identification missing. The FILE_ID parameter should have been present (dynamic multiplexing). 0A06 IDS/II File not available Access Journalization Network Generation Physical I/O Access (Internal) SORT/MERGE Various Input Process Output Process System Nucleus Dynamic Addresser TDS Any TPR Operation UFAS and UFASOPEN EXTENDED Indexed READ START 52-18 1. The data base file is not an integrated file. 2. Error when loading a schema. It was not possible to allocate a TDS journal. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. The library specified in the SAVE or LOAD parameter of the CRNETGEN command is not a binary type library. Correct the CRNETGEN command and rerun it. Invalid file, or file not open. (TRID26) The SORT input file definition is not correct. (TRID27) The SORT output file definition is not correct. For both of the above cases, correct the JCL/GCL command. Generally, at least one parameter value in BLKSIZE, RECSIZE is not positive. The file is not available due to a failure in system initialization. Contact the Service Center. File in alert status and must be recovered before it can be opened. For IDS II areas, the return code corresponds to one of the following cases: - the assigned area is not an IDS II area the assigned area name is not the name declared for this ifn - the user label of the file is invalid- the schema date is different from the area date. (Update mode): An abort has occurred during a split within a CA or a CI when the file was accessed previously. The file is in an unstable state. Recreate the file. (Input mode and access by key.) An abort has occurred during a split within a CA. The file is in an unstable state. Recreate the file. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes FLNMNAV 0A0E File name not available Catalog Management CATBUILD Network Generation The catalog name already exists on the specified media. There is an invalid literal for the SAVE or LOAD parameter in the CRNETGEN command. Correct the CRNETGEN command and rerun it. FLOATOV 121C Floating point overflow FMVIOL 1622 Function mask/file mask violation UFAS-EXTENDED FORBID Illegal CICA mask (CI manager). If you called the CI manager, check the CI mask. Otherwise contact the Service center. 1700 1740 Forbidden action SBR System Nucleus FORCE 1C14 FORMEND 0030 0032 Automatic Resource Manager Closing of user file has been forced End of form FORMEND1 0031 Unit Record Driver: Printer End of form 1 WRITE FORMEND2 0032 Unit Record Driver: Printer FORMLIM WRITE 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 End of form (FF2) reached (DOF mode message). No action required. Head of form reached WRITE 002A Unit Record Driver: Printer End of form (FF1) reached (DOF mode message). No action required. End of form 2 FORMHEAD 0033 Unit Record Driver: Printer Illegal probe setting. Contact the Service Center. 1. The objects are already connected. 2. An attempt to delete a permanent Dimension. In DOF mode, the head of form level has been detected. Form limit reached WRITE End of page reached. No action required; might be useful as a restart point after a FORMRCVY return code. 52-19 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory FORMLMHD 0034 Unit Record Driver: Printer Both limit and head of form reached WRITE FORMRCVY 0960 End of page and beginning of page detected at the same time (DOF mode message). No action required. Might be useful as a restart point after a FORMRCVY return code. Form recovery needed (COBOL Status Key value 9K) Printer (Direct Print) WRITE Unit Record Driver: Printer FRMTERR WRITE CLOSE ???? Format request error RWI FUNCKEY Format request error The format request is not authorised during this session, due to the options specified when the session was opened. 00BF Function key FORMS FUNCNAV Form recovery needed - usually a hardware error. An error occurred during printing. Check (with help of operator) how many forms are lost, and perform a form recovery. The terminal user has pressed a function key. The first two characters of the received message contain the rank of the function key. 0A05 Function not yet implemented (COBOL Status Key value 9L) ARS The Automated Storage Management facility is not available on your site, or the ARS job is not started. Use the DISPLAY_ARS command to check ARS status or use the START_ARS command to start the ARS service job. See the ASM 7 File Migration Administrator's Guide. Catalog Management CATMODIF/CATA Access right not authorized on given site. LOG Contact the System Administrator. Dump Analyzer An invalid function number has been specified for the requested procedure. Use the standard DPAN macro. File Management Test of File Entity assigned to the ifn is not a file, but a Definition volume or a device. (Internal). Currently Applicable File Space MEDIA = * has been specified in a PREALLOC Management or DEALLOC command. A correct media list Utilities should be specified. 52-20 File assignment 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes FORMS GAC-EXTENDED GCL GTWriter IDS/II IOF Job Management Journalization Network Generation PASCAL RTP PCF RBF RWI 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 START The activation mode or the specified mechanism is not available. Check in your userprogram if the specified activation mode corresponds to the permitted mode or if the mechanism identifier is in the list of permitted mechanisms. GAC is not available on the user's system. Any Operation The function requested is not available. Close Remote Attempt to checkpoint a remote file. (Not implemented.) Site Management Attempt to use a site although RBF facilities not present on machine. ST was not issued. GTWriter is not running. The primitive invoked does not perform the required action. WRITE Organization is integrated but user not in IDS/II. REWRITE READ (Sequential access) Sequence mode not START allowed here. EPBM The terminal has not got the required input capabilities. JCRSWI There is no SWI in Batch. JSTART Tabulation not possible on this terminal. VPUT IOF not implemented for multiprocesses. CHKPT/RES Call Checkpoint not taken because of error condition. 1. The file to roll back is not a disk file. 2. The required function is invalid. Send the PRLOG log and UFAS trace to the Service Center. 3. After Journalization not supported for files cataloged in "not cataloged private catalog." The function requested is not available due to the state of the controller. Check the state of the controller with the DNET and DTSVR command and try again. Direct access from EOF has been attempted. This function is not yet implemented. 1. The Program Checkout Facility cannot save the execution context before a checkpoint. 2. The Program Checkout Facility cannot restore the execution context after a restart or checkpoint. Examine the return codes and system messages to pinpoint the cause of this error. Station Attempt to use a station although RBF facilities Management not present on the machine. Assign/Open File not accessible. Remote File Function not available. The requested function is not available in the current environment. (For example, H_TOALTAREA on a CKD-VBO or FSA volume). 52-21 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory System Nucleus Dynamic Addresser The function is not available due to a failure in the system initialization. Contact the Service Center. Loader TDS UFAS and UFASEXTENDED Sequential (Disk) UFAS and UFASEXTENDED Unit Record Driver: Diskette Unit Record Driver: Printer FVLIM The very large segment capability is not supported by this hardware. Compile and link again. System Output A TOW SPOOL command has been entered with the following syntax: TOW Tnnn; this is not accepted. Enter the TOW SPOOL command using the following syntax: TOW $site: SPOOL. Master Command The M MDTDS Master Command was sent and the XCP2 process or other process parameter was used. The function is not yet provided. TPR Operation Unavailable function for specified file, e.g., READ for user journal file. Transaction The transaction aborted due to a programming error (call to an unavailable function). XCP2 1) The JPPC has not started because of a problem when the JPPC Load Module started. Refer to the PP message issued when the JPPC Load Module started. or 2) The function is not supported. Check that XCP2 is installed. DELETE These operations are not allowed. START General OPEN OPEN The specified function is not available in this context. 1. Invalid access level. 2. Relocation mode denied. 3. ERROPT value denied. 4. PMD = IO and DKTT required. LOCATE not allowed in HPL. DOF data format not allowed in HPL. 00E3 No more file volumes remain; the entire list of volumes containing the file has been communicated to the user FVNOTCUR 1C0E File volume is not current 52-22 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes FWNAV 0A01 Firmware function not available Job Management Load Module Loader UFAS System Nucleus OPEN Loader GENEMPTY 00E2 Catalogued Files Network Generation GENNAV Generation not yet created Assignment 0A13 File Management File Space Management Utilities System Trace GEXTUNKN 1013 Specified generation is empty. Check JCL. Incremental generation has failed because the directory is empty; run the CRNETGEN utility.. Generation not available Network Generation VCAM The step has not been loaded, as one or more of its Compile Units are not compatible. Compile the step again with the option CODE=OBJCD, and then re-link, with either the option CODE=OBJCD (all Compile Units which are not compatible will be excluded), or the option CODE=ANY (all Compile Units are included). This latter option may lead to erroneous results. Violation of sharing rules. The load module is incompatible with the hardware. Compile and link again. Any Operation The cataloged file specified by the efn cannot be deleted as the file belongs to a closed loop generation group. UNCATNOW should not be used in the command. 1.) The generation of the communication's configuration is invalid; run the CRNETGEN utility. or 2.) Some binary configuration in binlib is not found or invalid; check the binary name or contents of the library and run the NETGEN utility again. Trace has not been activated in the Initial System Load for this session of GCOS. Reinitialize GCOS specifying TRC=ON in the Initial System Load. VCAM segment or tables not generated. Global extent unknown H200CN 0040 004C Last crossed channel number without form limit crossing over H200CN0 0040 No VFU without FORMLIM H200CN1 0041 Channel number 1 without FORMLIM H200CN2 0042 Channel number 2 without FORMLIM 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 52-23 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory H200CN3 0043 Channel number 3 without FORMLIM H200CN4 0044 Channel number 4 without FORMLIM H200CN5 0045 Channel number 5 without FORMLIM H200CN6 0046 Channel number 6 without FORMLIM H200CN7 0047 Channel number 7 without FORMLIM H200CN8 0048 Channel number 8 without FORMLIM H200CN9 0049 Channel number 9 without FORMLIM H200CNA 004A Channel number 10 without FORMLIM H200CNB 004B Channel number 11 without FORMLIM H200CNC 004C Channel number 12 without FORMLIM H200CNL 0050 005CLast crossed channel number with form limit crossing over H200CNL0 0050 No VFU with FORMLIM H200CNL1 0051 Channel number 1 with FORMLIM H200CNL2 0052 Channel number 2 with FORMLIM H200CNL3 0053 Channel number 3 with FORMLIM H200CNL4 0054 Channel number 4 with FORMLIM H200CNL5 0055 Channel number 5 with FORMLIM H200CNL6 0056 Channel number 6 with FORMLIM 52-24 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes H200CNL7 0057 Channel number 7 with FORMLIM H200CNL8 0058 Channel number 8 with FORMLIM H200CNL9 0059 Channel number 9 with FORMLIM H200CNLA 005A Channel number 10 with FORMLIM H200CNLB 005B Channel number 11 with FORMLIM H200CNLC 005C Channel number 12 with FORMLIM HARDMALF 04C7 Hardware malfunction HEADERR 1C25 Wrong header GTWriter UFAS and UFASEXTENDED Unit Record Driver: Printer HYVIOL 1401 GPL System Nucleus 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 There is an error in the input file header. The form and skip orders are incompatible. The current output is halted. The wrong block has been read. WRITE Incorrect DOF/SSF/ASA header. The driver has transformed the header into a single space line. The line is printed but may be out of place on the page. Incorrect SSF header: MBZ field not respected. Hierarchy access violation Start Task or Wait Process in execution not the main one. For End of Task Task Management 1. When using the $H_WAITSK customer primitive or the $H_WTPCS internal primitive, either the primitive was executed in a subtask of the process group, or the specified task waited for is the main task of the process group. Check the activation context of the $H_WAITSK primitive. 2. When using the $H_WAITSK customer primitive, the end of the specified task occurrence is the main task of the process group. Check the activation context of the $H_WAITSK primitive. 3. Attempt to initiate a task (with the $H_BEGTSK customer primitive or the $H_INITSK internal primitive) from a sub-task of the process group. Check the activation context of the $H_BEGTSK primitive. 52-25 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory IDELERR 1867 Intermediate delimiter error IDERR 1814 Identifier error COBOL RTP CALL, CANCEL Statements OMH Command Processing or Reply Processing VMM An invalid object identification in the argument. Contact the Service Center. Two ifns given for the same efn have incompatible POOLIDs. Modify these. System Nucleus UFAS-EXTENDED IDXNSTBL 1887 The data-name used to specify the program does not follow the syntax rules for a program name. A parameter is invalid or an invalid message identifier has been specified. Unstable index IFNASG 0A10 An entity is already assigned to the internal file name IFNDEF 0A11 A JCLDEFINE has already referenced the IFN IFNERR 1821 IFN does not lead to a valid structure Any File Organization Any Operation GAC and GACEXTENDED GTWriter Journalization RWI TDS 52-26 Internal file name not recognized. on ifn The error may be internal (invalid FCB), due to volume switching, or a system error because memory is corrupted. LOCKMARK The file control block pointer is invalid. An Option invalid internal file name has been specified. USTART Error in the SYS.TW.OUT file definition of the TDS when using H_TW_USTART. Any output created with H_TW_USTART is not enqueued and will not be printed. The pointer on the IFN is incorrect or it does not point to an FCB. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. IFN error. The specified argument (IFN or FILE_ID) does not pertain to a valid group of file control structures. CMG 13 SICID Access to a file that has been deassigned. Check the IFN or state of the file, and the source of the generation. TP7 6 SICID Attempt to assign and/or open a file that is not declared in the generation. Check the IFN or state of the file, and the source of the generation. TP7 52 SICID Attempt to issue a load/unload TDS file that is not declared in the generation. Check the IFN or state of the file, and the source of the generation. OPEN or START ifn incorrect: file may already be open. Syntax Command may be incorrect, or there may be an internal error. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes IFNNASG 0909 No entity assigned to the internal file name (COBOL Status Key Value 9M) Any Component Any Operation COBOL Program Execution Any Operation COBOL RTP ASSIGN Statement FORMS Journalization PASCAL RTP File Access TDS OPEN IFNSTRU 1505 IFN string already used Any File Organization Assignment IFNVIOL 1504 Physical I/O Access (Internal) TDS IGNORE FORMS 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Attempt to assign a file declaration to an ifn which is currently being used. Either there is a processor error, or the GPL file declaration primitives have been used incorrectly. IFN violation Various Operations 0005 Availability Control ifn already assigned. Correct program (e.g., deassign with CLOSE and reassign with OPEN) or JCL. Generally, inconsistency between the ifn declaration in the COBOL SELECT clause and the ifn specified in the JCL ASSIGN statement. Correct program and/or JCL. The file given as a reference in the FILE clause is neither assigned nor does it have a file-literal in the SELECT clause. A UFAS file or a library file is not assigned. Check that the file has been assigned. (Batch, IOF). 1. The device LDN containing the journal could not be found. 2. The file to roll back has not been assigned. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. An attempt has been made to access a file which has not been assigned. Assign the file in GCL or JCL or connect the file using FCONNECT. Attempt to deassign a file that is already deassigned. Check the IFN or the state of the file. No $ASSIGN statement for the internal file named; use the OPEN command to assign it dynamically. Illegal file access, invalid file or file not open. Check access rights on file (ring). Attempt to open or close a TDS system file. Check the IFN; TDS system files cannot be accessed with Open or Close verbs or commands. Do not take any action Set Function Mask/Set Operating Mode Device does not accept a set function mask. Combination of DONEIDC and some other erroneous condition. 52-27 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory GCL GTWriter IRM Journalization PASCAL RTP Various Operations UFAS and UFASEXTENDED This is a warning, indicating that the result of the function is to be ignored. Inconsistency in the GTWriter tables. GTWriter is aborted. Job is not an IRM subject. The file being opened has a non-standard label. An attempt has been made to use the PAGE procedure. This is ineffective. SORTIDX has been requested for a file with no secondary keys. ILLBAERR 0202 Illegal base register ILLCPHDR 1C27 Illegal channel program header ILLLDN 1894 Illegal logical device number ILLRECOV 1714 Illegal recovery UFAS-EXTENDED ILLSEM An illegal recovery (UFAS <-> Journal) has taken place. 04C6 Illegal semaphore Physical I/O Access PCF System Nucleus Task Management Erroneous semaphore address. During Remote Batch Debugging, the Program Checkout Facility cannot retrieve the semaphore descriptor to the asynchronous table. Contact the Service Center. Erroneous semaphore pointer. (Internal error.) ILSTREQ 1E26 Illegal station IO request INDERR 181A Index error Any File Organization File Management System or GPL error in retrieving assignment parameters. If this is a system error, inform Service Center. GCL The specified index is greater than the maximum number of elements in the list or less than 1. Re-issue the command with a valid index value. Job Management Load Module There is an inconsistency between the data Loader structures PGCS and PCS and the number of segments found during the loading of a step. The load module could be damaged so link it again. 52-28 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes System Nucleus Loader VMM System Trace INDOUT 0802 Availability Control Job Management PASCAL RTP System Nucleus VCAM (Internal) INDUNKN Index out of bounds GAGS Index out of SRST range. Specify a correct index to H_GISRST. Setting of Status The status value to be set by the program is out of range. Correct program; value should be from 0 to 32767. Setting of Switch The switch value to be set by the program is invalid. Correct program; value should be 0 or 1 for a single switch or between 1 and 32 for a set of switches. Sequence Error in CLI; wrong record (opcode). A value has been specified which is out of bounds. Change the value. Dynamic Internal error (e.g., Entry Point Table (EPT) Addressing index incorrect). Loader Internal interface error. Contact the Service Center. VMM The index does not correspond to an existent block or the PGBT does not exist. Internal error. Contact the Service Center. Identification of No space in VCAM tables for definition of Correspondent correspondent. The number of possible connections is greater than maximum allowed (specified at VCAM generation). No more space in caller's simultaneity array. 1020 GAC and GACEXTENDED TDS UFAS-EXTENDED INDVFBID 1702 INITERR Dynamic Addresser Collector 1880 188F INITVIOL 1443 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Internal system error. Contact the Service Center. Incorrect index specified for VMF file (e.g. INDIAC), or the index specified by LASTIDX does not correspond to the preceding block. Contact the Service Center. Index of a sharable module out of range. Relink with a correct USEDSM list. The index specified in the Trace message is not a page index. If this message persists, stop and restart the Trace collector. Index unknown TDS Cleanpoint /Restart Any TPR Operation The sequence control block identifier is invalid, or the lock-id is invalid after scheduling. TDS internal error (unknown index). The specified SCB is invalid, or it does not point to a record. Input device forbidden Error in initialization of a file Initialization violation 52-29 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory INTERUPT 0006 INVCHAR INVPECT Action done, but an interrupt has occurred 1C0D Invalid character File Management System Disk OMH Main Console Management SBR Collector and Analyzer The name of the file to be allocated contains a character which is not allowed by ECMA. Output message contains invalid characters, e.g. escape sequence. The current message is skipped. Syntax error. Refer to the error message. 04C9 Invalid private PECT entry INVSTACK 04C8 Invalid stack (descriptor) INVUSE 1707 GAC-EXTENDED Invalid use of function TDS/IQS Network Generation PASCAL RTP System Nucleus VMM TDS UFAS-EXTENDED IOACT 0482 Availability Control 52-30 An asynchronous call to an error procedure has produced a return code which is not DONE. The user can do nothing to correct this error. Attempt to enable an obsolete or temporary configuration. Run the CRNETGEN utility to recreate configurations. I/O operations are not allowed because the buffer is locked. This is because it was used in a WITH statement or paired by reference to a procedure or function. 1. The specified file has already been opened with the Processing Mode set to OUTPUT. 2. The maxsize change does not allow a segment greater than 64k. Contact the Service Center. Invalid values for the SMLIB parameter given in the "Modify-TDS SMLIB" command. Issue a Display-TDS SMLIB command to check the name of the SMLIBs. If preceded by XUFAS, 19, there is an invalid KEEP option in a multi-ifn context. If preceded by XUFAS, 91, an internal error has occurred. Contact the Service Center. Channel in enqueued or active status Set Function Mask/Set Operating Mode The function H_EXCEP has been in a loop for 20 seconds. The channel program of Set Function Mask cannot be connected. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 DATANAV to IOFAIL Return Codes IOERR 1E00 1E4F IOFAIL 0481 IO in an erroneous state due to a firm/hard recognized error Software IO failure (COBOL Status Key value 30) Any Disk File Any Except OPEN Irrecoverable I/O Error. Recovery of Volume Organization Table of Contents (VTOC) may be required. Catalog Management Any Function Irrecoverable I/O error in catalog. Check volume and device state using CATCHECK utility. In processing VTOC of a MS/M400 disk DMU VOLCONTS volume, length of data read not as expected. VOLSAVE VOLREST VOLDUPLI Error Logging Output during the initialization of the log file after the abnormal termination of access to this file. Verify the state of the log file concerned (SYS.ERLOG, SYS.ERLOGC or SYS.ERLOGF) and the media. IOF A problem has been detected under FORMS during a dialog with the terminal. A wait for reconnection is possible. Journalization An RWI input/output request abnormally terminated. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. OMH Main Console Abnormal I/O termination. Hardware I/O error. Management Physical I/O Access Various Hardware I/O error. (Internal) Operations RWI I/O operation failure. Abnormal termination of E/S. The detailed causes for the abnormal termination are given in the IO_STATUS field. System Interface Initiation of SORT Software I/O failure. The work files have not With COBOL SORT Process been opened successfully. UFAS-EXTENDED An attempt has been made to execute a primitive after a file creation has terminated abnormally. This may be an internal error. UFAS/BFAS Tape START I/O error during positioning. Re-run current step. Unit Record Driver: GET, PUT I/O error due to system error. Inform Service Diskette OPEN Center. Printer (Direct Print) WRITE I/O error, usually caused by user. Check media ASSIGN definition or contents of SYS.URCINIT. Unit Record Driver: OPEN A software error has occurred during the Printer initialization of a unit record device. System error. Inform Service Center. WRITE A software error has occurred during an I/O CLOSE operation. Check margin and line length - some lines may have been lost. VCAM (Internal) RECEIVE Mass storage read error - next message in queue cannot be received. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 52-31 53. IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes This section lists the IONOP to RESIDENT return codes in alphabetical order of the return code's name (mnemonic code). Each return code is presented with its name, associated hexadecimal value, and a generic explanation of its meaning. The line following that gives the associated COBOL Status Key value, if it exists. Here is how this section presents the return codes: RETURN CODE Hexadecimal value Generic explanation (COBOL Status Key value) If a return code is explained in more detail for a particular system component, this information is given after the generic explanation. There are three columns of information as follows: System Component Operation Explanation or Cause The first column, System Component, gives the name of a system component or utility program from which a return code may have originated (for example, TDS, File Management, Unit Record Driver, BFAS Sequential Disk File Handling). If you want more information about a particular part of the system, consult the appropriate user's manual. In general, the user cannot directly access entries marked internal or system. The second column, Operation, contains entries for the operation (e.g., COBOL verbs, Transaction Processing Routine commands), performed within the corresponding system component of the first column. The third column gives an explanation of the return code and recommended action. Some return codes (for example, DONE, ALREADY) do not indicate an abnormal condition and consequently do not require any corrective action. There is a list of abbreviations used in the Interpreting Return Codes Section. IONOP 0484 Physical I/O Access 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Channel not operational The device is not operational. It has been held by the system after an important flux of reported asynchronous events. Contact the Service Center. 53-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory IOTERM 2800 280F IRNAV 0A08 Input reader not available ISDBUSY 0201 Request deleted because either at least one ISD points to the segment or other ISD(s) point to the segment System Nucleus (Internal) ISDOV VMM 1224 System Nucleus ITMNAV Hardware detailed status byte Operation cannot be performed because an ISD is still pointing to the DSD of the Process Group to be released. Overflow in the number of ISDs requested VMM 0A07 Item (in a list) not available Availability Control GAGS Dynamic System Display File Management Resource found, but the requested entry type does not exist. Virtual screen description made unavailable. Before Journal No Before Journal has been specified for the file, therefore it cannot journalize. A step requires After Journalization but no After Journal file is available. To add new media use: MNJAS COMMAND='MDMD ADDPMIMMD=vsn'; Task Management TPR Operation Attempt to read inaccessible field of PCB (internal error). Attempt to modify file protected by Before Journal. Journal suppressed by the "SUPPRESS BEFORE JOURNAL" clause. Journalization System Nucleus TDS JCLERR 1891 Error in JCL statement Catalog Management ATTACH OMH JENTFBID 1701 JNBERR 181C Journalization 53-2 Too many ISDs point to the same segment. Command Management Error in the JCL statement ATTACH. Check and modify this statement. Invalid syntax. Job entry forbidden J-number error Error in the J number in the parameter of the H_JRNAL_EJCT procedure. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes JNBUNKN 1009 J-number unknown Journalization JOBCMD When J attempted to roll back a file after a crash, the J number is unknown for this file because it had just been deassigned at crash time. Sent with the message JL06. 00E6 A job command is detected (COBOL Status Key value 9R) Direct File Assignment JOBNRTRY 1896 READ A $JOB command has been detected in an input file. Job command read out of standard reading mode JOBRTRY 1897 Job command is to be reread JOBUNKN 1006 Job unknown Job Management H_ABTPG H_GETRON H_RDJOB H_SCH_READ_J OBID JPNBERR 1877 JP error Journalization System Nucleus Task Management VMM System Trace Collector JRNALERR 1C30 Journalization 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 The job number of the process group is unknown or not allocated. No effects. Recoverable error. Unknown job. The J number to journalize is either X'OO' or X'FF'. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. Job and process number do not exist. (Internal error.) The job and process number specified in the argument do not exist. The job number and process number given in the Trace message are not those of the collector. If this message persists, stop and restart the collector. Journal information not consistent Inconsistency in Journal tables or directory. The error is logged in the SYS.ERLOG file. Send the error log to the Service Center. 53-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory JUMPERR 1C22 Illegal jump COBOL Attempt to execute a GOTO statement without the procedure name, before it was altered. JUSTEXEC 0036 KEYCHG The execute right is just allowed 0204 Attempt to change existing record key (COBOL Status Key value 21) Any Disk File REWRITE Organization Except Sequential KEYERR 1898 Attempt to change an existing primary key. Key mismatch between source program and preallocation. (COBOL Status Key value 90) Any File Organization OPEN or START Discrepancy between record key defined in With Key Access source program and record key specified in PREALLOC (KEYSIZE or KEYLOC). Correct program or JCL. COBOL RTP The number of record keys of the indexed file, their position relative to the beginning of the record, their length and/or their permissible duplicate keys are not the same as those specified in the program. File Management File Storage and Error in requested space size. Tape Handling System Nucleus VMM Attempt to delete a segment protected by a key. The key provided is not the same as the segment key. KEYHIGH 00E7 Record selected has next higher key value KEYUNKN 1023 Key unknown, record not found LABELERR 1824 182F LABUNKN 1015 File Management SBR 53-4 Value of label is incorrect Label unknown File Storage and Tape Handling Analyzer VTOC label invalid. Try running VOLCHECK. Syntax error in command. Refer to the error message. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes LCPERR 1802 Error in logical channel program Physical I/O Access LEVVIOL A logical Channel Program error resulting from an erroneous Channel Program header. Check the parameters if a direct call to PIO was made. If this does not correct the error, the error is internal and you should contact the Service Center. 1404 Level of access (to a file) not allowed BFAS Sequential DiskOPEN Files SBR Analyzer Illegal access level (physical) for a file with compacted records. Illegal critical selection level detected during analysis. Contact the Service Center. The external call for an internal entry point and ACCLEVEL is not "physical". UFAS and UFASEXTENDED Disk Files All Organizations OPEN LIMIT 0020 003F Value limit has been reached during the operation LINKERR 181E Not possible for a link PASCAL RTP SBR Various Operations Collector Internal consistency check has failed. Contact the Service Center. The MSC option cannot be started because of inconsistent IRT. Check the IRT or contact the Service Center. LINKLIM 0026 Link number limit has been reached during the operation LINKOV 1209 No more links LINKUNKN 1022 Link name unknown LNERR 1807 Length erroneous (COBOL Status Key value 92) BFAS/UFAS Tape READ Catalog Management CREATE CATMODIF 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Size of current block inconsistent with Tape block size specification. Investigate with file dump (FILDESC, FILPRINT utilities - may be a system error. The length of the text record to be created is greater than 128 bytes, or is negative. Check the ALN parameter. The specified record length does not correspond with the length of the record to be modified. Check the ALN parameter. 53-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory COBOL DMU Error Logging File Organizations Other Than UFAS GCL READ WRITE IOF JSTART Job Management OMH RBF Services UPUT, EPBH ECTM Step Initiation Command Processing Message Processing Access Method (L6) Tabulation Handling SORT/MERGE System Interface Transfer of With COBOL SORT Record to Sort File (RELEASE) System Nucleus VMM System Output WRITE TDS Any TPR Operation WRITE UFAS and UFASEXTENDED 53-6 The data item referenced in the depending on option of an OCCURS or PICTURE clause lies outside the limits specified in that clause, or a reference modification specifies characters outside the data-name. An error message is too long. Contact the Service Center. When a log file is opened, the allocation parameters BLKSIZE and RECSIZE differ from the values given in the file definition. Verify and modify the allocation parameters of the log file concerned (SYS.ERLOG, SYS.LOGC or SYS.LOGF). Inconsistent or invalid parameters, (e.g., block or record length). Correct program or JCL. The length specified as a command parameter is not acceptable and must be modified. Page or line length exceeds the maximum size during GCL READ or GCL WRITE. Incorrect size specified for a buffer. CLI error. Multiblock command too large. The length of the output message text is too long or is less than or equal to zero. The length of the buffer provided for the reply is less than or equal to zero. Record size incorrectly specified or greater than allowed maximum. Length of input or output string not between 1 and 256. 1. (TRID14, 17, 26) The input record length is too short for the key/arrange/sum/include/omit fields, or longer than the declared maximum length. Correct the JCL/GCL/DSL source program. Contact the Service Center if a system processor calling SORT is used. 2. (TRID4) The preallocated SORT work file block size is too big for a sort memory size which is too short. Increase the SORT memory or preallocate the sort work file again with the BLKSIZE (and/or CISIZE) = 4096 bytes. Size of variable length record exceeds specified maximum value. 1. A segment requires a new Page Table segment to be created, but the page numbering is incorrect. 2. An incorrect length has been specified. Record size error - must be given a value from 1 to 263. Incorrect length for variable length record. Physical record length greater than RECSIZE value specified or otherwise invalid. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes Unit Record Driver: Diskette Unit Record Driver: Printer PUT OPEN WRITE OPEN LOCKERR 183A Error in lock count value RWI LOKVIOL Incorrect volume lock counter value (see intersystem share primitives). Note that when a session is closed, this counter must be zero. 1466 GAC and GACEXTENDED ALN negative in move mode, or ALN greater than block size. Invalid sector size (foreign processor). 1. Negative ALN not allowed in move mode. 2. ALN smaller than header length. 3. ALN greater than RECSIZE or previous expected length. Margin greater than or equal to requested number of hammers. Lock protocol violation OPEN, CLOSE DEASSIGN GAC/TDS There is an error in the locking protocol. Check the file define parameters (Batch, IQS), or the MESSAGE statements (TDS). Statistical read requested for a TDS file specified without SUPPRESS CONCURRENT ACCESS CONTROL. LONGWAIT 0018 A long wait may be needed before a resource becomes available GAC The waiting time for a CI exceeds the value specified in the GAC Configuration Statement and the Commitment Unit is aborted. The Commitment Unit is automatically restarted when the CI becomes available. 1446 List Quota VIOLation LQVIOL File management LTYPERR 1826 UFAS-EXTENDED MATHARG 1A7F Mathematical Package 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 File Storage and Tape Handling An attempt to allocate space on a list of volumes is not allowed by the quota manager. Label type does not match An unstable UFAS file has been opened under UFAS-EXTENDED. This may be an indexed file with secondary keys for which no SORTIDX has been performed. Recover the file under UFAS. Run SORTIDX if necessary. Not normalized argument when calling a mathematical function Non-normalized floating point argument when calling a mathematical function. 53-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MATHERR 1A00 1AFF ARG Error when calling a mathematical function MBXSAT 0A30 Mailbox saturated MCRDFAIL 0485 Read failure in macro processing, abort the current running procedure MCWRFAIL 0486 Write failure in macro processing, abort the current running procedure MDERR 181D DMU File Management Media error FILLIST The media specified for a multivolume file is non-existent. Disk File Address Specified volume non-existent. (Internal error.) Format Conversion System Disk The mounted media does not allow the required function. File Storage and The maximum number of volumes for a file has Tape Handling been reached or the extension does not begin with the last volume of this file. The specified media list is either not correctly File Space sequenced, or the last volume of the file has not Management been specified. Utilities Save and Restore Error in media name, or a file is supported by an incomplete list of media. Check the media list given for the infile. MDNASG 0908 Media not assigned MDNAV 0A03 Media not available (down or still used) (COBOL Status Key value 30) BFAS Sequential (Disk) Any Operation BFAS/UFAS Tape WRITE Catalog Management SHIFT MCS 53-8 A volume mounting or error recovery request has been rejected by the operator (CANCEL REQUEST). Request for mounting of work tape for dynamic file extension has been rejected by the operator. Assign more private volumes for the file. One medium of the newest generation has been declared unavailable by the operator. The file was not in the "ready" state when accessed by an I/O operation. Set the file in the "ready" state either using the same drive or a different drive and try the again job with the option MAM=YES. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes OMH Physical I/O Access (Internal) RBF RWI TDS Unit Record Driver Main Console Management The hard copy on the AQUILA System Console is not available. After correcting the problem, use the SHC command to obtain the hard copy facility. Various The media is not available after Canal Request Operations replied to a system message (Mount or Recover). Refer to the previously cancelled system request. Remote Writer Problem at remote site (e.g. paper not available). Media not available. The disk containing the part of the file for which the transfer was not performed, is not available. (Operator reply: Cancel Request). OPEN or START Volume not available. Command READ Device declared not available by the operator. OPEN Consult operator. WRITE MGNAKIDC 1E31 Message not acknowledged, input data correct MGNAKIDE 1E32 Message not acknowledged, input data error MGNAKNID 1E30 Message not acknowledged, no input data MISSREL 1033 Missing relationship between file and index MLAINTER 1E01 MLA interlocked MODERR 1801 Error in modification request Exception Handling FORMS Physical I/O Access System Nucleus (Internal) MODVIOL 1444 RWI 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 VMM A change to a system load module requires a modification to the Process Exception Class Table which is not authorized. A new interface has caused a system error. Contact the Service Center. Erroneous modification of Channel Program. 1. The type of the segment that requires the creation of a new Page Table segment is incorrect. 2. Attempt to lock a segment not in the buffer. Contact the Service Center. mode violation Mode violation. The requested operation does not match the modes specified when the session was opened. 53-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory MOUNTERR 185A Mounting request error BFAS Sequential DiskOPEN Files UFAS and UFAS-EXTENDED MSGERR 1811 Message error Journalization Error in the reply to a console message. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. Message error. The message passed to the H_RWCHECK primitive for analysis of the E/S termination does not correspond to that which was posted on the user's explicit semaphore. RWI MSGOV 1205 FORMS Job Management MCS Message number overflow SEND Expansion area overflow. Contact the Service Center. Start, Resume or Message count overflow or error in command Terminate Job interpreter. No action required (recoverable by system). SEND A disk I/O request specifying an invalid number of records (less than 0 or greater than 5), has been attempted. Take a dump and call the Service Center. MTCHVIOL 1406 Entity found but out of allowed domain Network Generation System Nucleus (Internal) MULTPLX 00DF NAMEERR 1870 187F GCL 53-10 "MOUNT = ALL" option should be specified for this PMD (10/1A/UP). Volume mounting error. Mount all the volumes. Automatic Resource Manager Dynamic Addressing VMM The directory or terminal configuration is not coherent with the basic network just enabled. Run the CRNETGEN utility to recreate the full set of configurations. 1. At least one named object is connected to another dimension. 2. Use LM/* in a command to disc. SM (sharable module) entry found in wrong SM set. Load correct SM in backing store. 1. A block must be ELA and is BLA. 2. A block must be BLA and is ELA. 3. The specified block does not belong to the file. In all cases, contact the Service Center. Multiplexing is requested Name error A warning indicating that an unknown variable has been specified. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes NASSIGND 0900 093F NAVAIL Entity not assigned to the process (group) 0A00 0AFF Entity not available (down, locked...) NCOMPREC 170B No complementary record allowed NEGSZERR 1899 Unexpected negative size has been found NEMPTY File Management File Storage and Tape Handling System Nucleus (Internal) Dynamic Addressing 0080 009F Record size is negative. Try to allocate a dummy file at this address. If possible, execute VOLPREP without the NTRKPRF option. There is an inconsistency in the USEDSM list. Modify this. Table (entry) or queue is not empty NEXPDERR 180A Segment is not expandable MCS Either VCAM or MAM has been preloaded and locked in memory thereby stopping the execution of the CNC utility. Use the CMM command to cancel the locked segment and rerun the network generation utility. NFREEVMA 1709 No free VMA System Nucleus NJAFT 1031 Journalization NMTCHERR 180D Catalog Management 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 VMM No more free entries in swap-in/swap- out IOF table. (Internal error.) After journal is not accessible After Journal files do not exist or they have not been correctly accessed when GCOS 7 restarted. This may occur if the SYS.JADIR was not created and managed through the MAINTAIN_JAS DELETE and CREATE functions, or the disk supporting SYS.JADIR could not be accessed when GCOS 7 restarted. Unmatch error There is an incorrect value in the FGENVERSION parameter in $H_RETOBJ. You have tried to map, as output, a new FGEN V5 structure on a V4 format. Specify the new V5 structure as the FGEN output structure then set FGENVERSION=1 in $H_RETOBJ 53-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory Job Management Load Module Loader System Nucleus Dynamic Addresser Loader VMM UFAS-EXTENDED NO 0013 An inconsistency has been found in the reloading table during the loading of a preinitialized step or a step with checkpoints. If the step is preinitialized, cancel this with the CLM command and then preinitialize again with the PLM command. If the step has checkpoints, contact the Service Center. A permanent object (SM, PLM, CKPT), cannot be found. Create the required object. System information has been lost. Contact the Service Center. 1. The address in backing store of the VMF segment to be deleted does not match the address specified. 2. There is a mismatch between the control structure of a permanent object and the allocation map of permanent backing store. Either: - the page to be allocated is already recorded on the map, or - the page to be deleted is not recorded on the map. 3. There is a mismatch at block level. In all cases, contact the Service Center. Incoherence between OPEN parameters and context (XUFAS, 41). Internal error at CLOSE time (XUFAS, 42). Negative answer to test request Dump Analyzer The option NON ACTIVE has been specified for the characteristics of the test decor of the system to be dumped. Testing has been carried out correctly. System forms are not supported for the current device. Check the device types in your user profile. FORMS NOCURREC 1C04 No current record (COBOL Status Key value 23) Any File Organization READ (and TDS) REWRITE DELETE COBOL RTP 53-12 File Management DELETE, REWRITE Statements Restore Unit Record Driver: Diskette GET PUT Operation rejected because no current record exists. Correct program. No current record exists. Record already updated or deleted. Previous operation should have been a successful READ. (Sequential mode.) Statement issued for a multi-logical unit file and the last I/O statement was not a successful READ statement. Processing cannot continue because the save file is a multivolume tape file and the given media list is not complete. Processing cannot continue because of incident. Diskette address not given. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes NODE 00B4 The item is a node item NODELETE 1C19 Record deletion not allowed (COBOL Status Key value 90) Any File Organization DELETE (and TDS) IDS/II Access Unit Record Driver: GET Diskette Deletion of record not permitted for current file. Error during an ERASE statement. A physically deleted sector met in a file where forbidden. NODETAIL 0430 NOINIT 1C09 Object has no lower level Attempt to operate a non-initiated object COBOL Journalization System Trace TDS Transaction /Network Subsystem UFAS-EXTENDED NOLOCK BFAS/UFAS Tape Files NOMATCH An error has occurred during UFAS-EXTENDED step initialization. Contact the Service Center. 1C06 BFAS Sequential No lock H-LOCK H_UNLOCK H_LOCK H_UNLOCK 1878 No semaphore is available in the system. The symbol specified as a parameter cannot be found in the Symbol Table. Try again with another symbol - the symbolic map may not be present in the dump (segment A7). Normal return code. No line number is available for this semaphore address in the PCF database. Virtual screen unknown. COBOL RTP 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 No locking semaphore available for this IFN. No matching name Dump Analyzer Dynamic System Display File Management FORMS Attempt to execute a Report Writer statement when the report involved is not in the initiated state (Report Writer). The RWI session was not opened to journalize the step. Collector The collector cannot be initialized. The action to be taken depends on the error message. There is an error in TNS initialization. Refer to the Network Generation Message. System Disk The file label to be deleted is not the last one. The creation date of the form does not match the creation date of the program structure. Update the creation date, and recompile the program. 53-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory GCL GTWriter IDS/II Access Journalization Network Generation System Nucleus Dynamic Addresser System Nucleus (Internal) Dynamic Addresser (Retrieve or Delete) VMM TDS UFAS-EXTENDED TPR Operation NORECFND 00DC NORMAL 0000 00FF NORUN 0114 SBR This is a warning indicating that there is no matching name. No generation is performed. GTWriter stops. Interface error with the General Index Manager. Contact the Service Center. After an IDS dynamic action abort, the identification of the dynamic action was not found in the journal at rollback. 1.) Mismatch between the permanent and running workspaces; restart GCOS 7 with the CLEAN option. or 2.) GCOS 7 is declared secured but the BCLS system is not present in the basic network configuration; run the NETGEN utility specifying the configuration as secured. or 3.) System error while enabling the directory; contact the Service Center. Entry point not found. SM not found on backing store and not known to process. SM library not found. Load the corresponding SM. Entry point cannot be retrieved or SM (sharable module) cannot be found. Virtual memory file block not found in directory. (Internal error). Contact the Service Center. Next program name unknown. BATABNB and CICA (or KEEP option) incompatible. Contact the Service Center. No record found Operation has been normal or almost normal Request not run by operator Analyzer The SBR Analyzer has been cancelled by the CJ command. NOSWAP 1C1C VMM area cannot be swapped NOTALL 0115 Request not fully performed; unpredictable results may occur TDS NOTCLOSV 1C18 53-14 Master Command The M CTC COR=<starname> Master Command was sent. The list of TDS correspondents increased while TDS was processing the command. Try the command again. IFN not in close volume state 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes NOTDONE 0110 Function not performed, nothing destroyed; explanation already provided. Dump Analyzer Dynamic System Display GAC-EXTENDED GTWriter Network Generation System Output TDS UFAS-EXTENDED NOTED Cleanpoint/Restart Returned when the File Access Method returns a normal return code which is not DONE or DATALIM. Syntax error in input data of GTWriter generation. Generation is not performed. NETGEN ends abnormally but any running configurations are preserved. Run the CRNETGEN utility. WRITER or Request not taken into account by system. SYSOUT Attempt to open or close an IDS schema when the DBS is not started. Check the IFN or state of the corresponding DBS. XCP2 Abnormal processing of an XCP2 verb. Refer to the CPI-C/XCP2 User's Guide. OPEN/CLOSE invalid error management. Contact the Service Center. 00E0 Job Management NOTOBS The dump has not been performed because an error has been detected at editor level, or there is an error in the PRTFILE. Reassign the PRTFILE using the PRTFILE command. Request not performed. Request taken into account Any Operation on Job number unknown. No action required. a Process Group (Recoverable by the system.) 1C0A Not obsolete (COBOL Status Key value 30) BFAS/UFAS Tape OPEN Catalog Management CATDELET File Management 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 System Disk File Storage and Tape Handling File cannot be created because tape contains a file whose retention date is still valid. Assign another tape volume. The catalog file is still valid. A valid file still exists or the catalog file has not expired. File still valid. The file cannot be deallocated because the expiration date has not yet been reached. Try the deallocation again with the BYPASS option. If the file is not multi-volume, perform VOLPREP with the BYPASS option before opening the output. 53-15 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory NOTOPEN 1C01 File not open (COBOL Status Key value 96) Any File Organization Any Except OPEN The file is not open. Perform OPEN in the or TDS program. Buffer Management Resource Status The telecom server buffer pool has not been allocated or initialized. Contact the Service Center. COBOL RTP Inconsistency between the program object code or the system data, and the COBOL RTP. Contact the Service Center. GAC and GACThe specified file is not open. EXTENDED GTWriter The file SYS.TW.OUT or SITEOUT has not been opened. Job Management Mailphore Mailphore not open. (System) Journalization At rerun, there was an overflow at the opening of user files so the CLOSE/DEASSIGN of all user files could not take place. OMH Compound Closed without having been opened. Messages PASCAL RTP An attempt has been made to access a file which is not open. Open the file using one of the procedures RESET, REWRITE or FUPDATE. System Nucleus VMM File not open. Contact the Service Center. System Output WRITER System has not taken output request into account (refer to JOR for reason). TDS Attempt to access a file that is already closed. Re-open the file with the OPEN_TDS_FILE Master Command. NOTOPENS 1C03 Subfile not open (COBOL Status Key value 30) Library Any Except OPEN Library subfile not open. May occur when an attempt is made to write to standard SYSOUT if there was no printer assignment in the COBOL program (PRINTER or SYSOUT). NOTOPENV 1632 File Management NOTVIOL 53-16 1617 IFN not in open volume state Assignment of File, Volume or Device System difficulty in volume switching. Notify ring violation 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes NOTYET 0013 Answer to a test request is negative GPL System Nucleus Waiting for End of Process VMM Process not yet terminated. When a file is closed, the number of opens has been decremented, but has not yet reached zero. Contact the Service Center. NOUPDATE 1C1A Update not allowed BFAS Sequential DiskREWRITE Files Common Code Generator Queued Files REWRITE NOWAIT 0700 File is in compacted form, and the modified record was not loaded in pseudo-compact form. Internal consistency check failed. Step aborted. On a file with the COMPACT attribute, the record after pseudo-compaction is not the same length as before. This means that this record was not originally written to the subfile with COMPACT="N". Synchronization should have occurred before that service was requested (COBOL Status Key value 30) Any Disk File Organization BFAS/UFAS Tape GAC and GACEXTENDED OMH Physical I/O Access (Internal) RWI Any Operation File currently being accessed by another process. Try to synchronize processes. Any Except OPEN File currently being accessed by another process. IQS File currently being accessed by another process. Command Command locked until the system is READY. Processing Various The previously requested I/O is not yet Operations terminated when a new request was issued. Wait for the previous termination of the Channel Program. Wait operation needed but not done. The state of the RWI session does not permit the requested function to be performed. More generally, this return code is issued when a synchronisation error is detected (request for analysis of E/S end, when no E/S is in progress). NRECURS 170A Recursion not allowed NSTDLAB 1827 Not standard label Any File Organization File Management Non-standard label found. Examine labels. (Including Diskette) 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 53-17 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory NSWAPERR 180B System Nucleus NULLPTR Segment is not swappable VMM 184F Reference has been made to a null pointer GTWriter GAC Journalization System Nucleus Operation cannot be performed as the object segment is resident, either because it is already in the system or because it was set by the PMM command. (Internal error.) Dynamic Addresser NUMBLERR 1834 There is an inconsistency in the GTWriter tables. GTWriter is aborted. System initialization error. Pointer found null in the journal tables. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. The fault descriptor points to a null pointer and not to a name string. Modify the user code. Erroneous number of blocks RWI The number of blocks specified during a multiple file transfer operation is incorrect. It is zero, or greater than the MAXNUMBLOCK value specified, or is different is different from that deduced (by addition of NUMBLOCK values) in the transfer addresses descriptor table. After sending this return code, the buffer memory table is altered, and this mechanism cannot be used for the next request. NVACANT 0C00 Table (entry) or queue is not vacant NVOLOV 1215 Number of volume overflow Journalization System Output CLOSE The list of volumes for the TDS journal is greater than 4. File on more than maximum permitted number of volumes. OBJ1UNKN 1018 Object1 unknown on volume OBJ2UNKN 1019 Object2 unknown on volume 53-18 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes OBJTPERR 186C Incorrect object type Catalog Management IDS/II IOF Access SWI Network Generation System Nucleus OBJUNKN Automatic Resource Manager 1017 The catalog object type referenced does not match with the one stored in the catalog. Check the OBJTYPE, RELTYPE or TYPE parameter. Invalid ROOT structure for DBCS. A library type which is not SL has been specified for an SWI member. The binary subfile specified in the LOAD parameter of the CRNETGEN command is not the NG type. Check the contents of the library and run NETGEN again. 1. Only JCGs/LMs may be disconnected. 2. JCG or LM connection is forbidden. Object unknown on volume Catalog Management CATLIST File Management FORMS GCL RBF Network Generation System Nucleus 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 The object name given in the FROM or the CURRENT parameter has not been found in the specified catalog. UNCAT The object to be deleted is a directory or has not been found in the catalog CATBUILD The directory beyond which the catalog is to be built does not exist. REPLACE The catalogued file has not been found in the MODIFY specified catalog. Check catalog contents against JCL. ATTACH Catalog name not found in site catalog. CATALOG The directory (or master directory) under which the object name is to be catalogued has not been found in the specified catalogs. SHIFT The generation group has not been found in the specified catalogs. The cataloged file name referenced by the efn File Space parameter does not exist. The CATNOW Management Utilities parameter must be specified for the PREALLOC or OUTALC commands. An unknown attribute or mechanism identifier has been specified. In your program, check the list of permitted attributes or mechanism identifiers. This is a warning indicating that the specified environment or context is not allowed. Site Management Named site does not exist in site table. 1.) The object searched for is unknown in the telecommunications dictionary. or 2.) No subfile is specified in the file literal of the SAVE or LOAD parameters of the CRNETGEN command; correct the CRNETGEN command and rerun it. Automatic 1. The original pattern was not found. Resource 2. The original SYS pattern is not allowed. Manager 53-19 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TDS Unit Record Driver: Diskette Unit Record Driver: Printer OBSOLETE 00AA RBF SBR Master Command The M LSTC COR=xxx Master Command was sent. The OBJECT (correspondent) is not known by the TDS application. If the NG parameter is used in the Master Command: check that the correspondent is declared in NETGEN. If the correspondent is declared, for XCP1, check that it is primary; for XCP2, check that a pool can reach it. If the NG parameter is not used in the Master Command, the correspondent has never been connected. GET Unknown type of deleted sector. Printer No belt linked to character set. Requested index table or editing table not found in SYS.URCINIT file. Too late to specify previously valid action Station Management Analyzer VCAM/ISO OFFLINE Station exists, and can be used, but has been deleted via CATMAINT. The SBR file is in 1E.0 format, which is no longer supported. The event notified by an application cannot be delivered (because of an error in decoding an SPDU, for instance). Use the VCAM trace to analyze the problem. 1E07 Device off line OGENUNKN 1014 Oldest generation unknown TDS OPCERR Master Command The M LSTC, M LSCPOOL COR=xxx, or M CTC Master Commands were sent. Netgen was incrementally generated while TDS was processing the command. Try the command later (retype the command). 1805 Operation code error SBR System Nucleus 53-20 Dynamic Addresser VMM Illegal probe setting. Contact the Service Center. The instruction is not ENTER or EXIT. The segment is not available. Modify the user code. A process cannot be restarted after an ISTK exception. Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes OPEN 1C07 File already opened (COBOL Status Key value 97) Any File Organization, TDS COBOL RTP IDS/II OMH TDS OPENS OPEN File is already open. If message is not expected by program logic, correct program. OPEN Statement An OPEN statement has been issued for a multi-logical unit file which is already open. Access Area or index already opened. Compound Another message is already open in the Messages process. Attempt to assign and/or open a file that is already open. Check the IFN or state of the file. Close and/or deassign the IFN before reassigning and/or re-opening the file. 1C08 Library File Subfile already opened OPEN OPERATOR 1730 TDS OPQOVLD OPSCUNKN 1010 OPSTNAV Decision taken by operator TPR Operation 0504 OMH 0A0D Library subfile is already open. Transaction cancelled by TDS Master Operator. Operator queue overload H_SENDO SWI Commands Overflow on the operator message queue. Too many SWI commands. Too many dynamic commands at present. Try to launch command again later. Scientific options unknown Option string not available Any File Organization File Management Option not available. Check JCL. File and Data File Allocation Error in option chain. Management OPTERR 1806 Compiler Error Logging File Management FORMS GAC and GACEXTENDED 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Error in options Program Reading An error was found in the list of options given to the Compiler. When a log file is opened, the allocation parameters RECFORM, FIXTRACK and NOLREC differ from those given in the file definition. Verify and modify these parameters for the log file concerned (SYS.ERLOG, SYS.LOGC and SYS. LOGF). Save and Restore Inconsistency between several options. System error only. Contact the Service Center. Invalid enclosure level. Modify this in your program. Only "1", "2" or "3" are allowed. OPEN, CLOSE For Batch steps, the REPEAT option is missing DEASSIGN from the JCL statement $STEP. 53-21 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory GTWriter IDS/II Job Management, File and Device Management, TDS, COMFAC OMH RDN Services System Nucleus (Internal) TDS Unit Record Driver: Printer OPUNKN Message Management Operator not logged on in interactive mode. A repeatable message has been sent to an interactive program. A request has been issued to empty a mailbox in a non-interactive program. U_RDN_ECUOPT Error in compiler option string. Time Handling Option unknown. Process Group Scientific option or emulator firmware not Loading available. Increasing Processing time not allowed to be modified. Processing Time Task Management The OPTIONS structure given in the $H_BEGTSK external primitive or in the $H_INITSK internal primitive does not belong to a process-group shared segment. Check the activation context of the $H_BEGTSK primitive. Attempt to open a file whose integrity level is not met. The Journal defined for the file is not sufficient according to the FILE-INTEGRITY clause in the generation. Attempt to open a shared file with no journal protection. Attempt to open an monitored file that has not been declared as a TDS file during generation. Modify the journal options in the catalog or DEFINE JCL statement. Modify the source of generation. OPEN Missing or inadequate $DEFINE statement. Required file integrity level cannot be obtained. No dynamic corrective action may be performed. Ensure $DEFINE is included in the next TDS session. OPEN No belt linked to character set. 1024 Network Generation OMH 53-22 Access Any Operation An invalid option has been used to launch the generation. It must be WARM, COLD or CLEAN. No generation is performed. Errors detected during IDSOPT analysis. Error in (option) parameter (e.g. user links telecommunications application program without option). Unknown operator Terminal Management System error. Contact the Service Center. Operator unknown. Repeatable SENDO is forbidden in an interactive program. There is an error in a parameter. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes OUTNAV 1C13 One subfile is already opened in output, so output is no longer available OUTSEQ 0205 Record key is lower than that of the previous record (COBOL Status Key value 21) System Trace Extractor UFAS and UFASWRITE EXTENDED Indexed OUTVIOL 1464 The dates and or the sequence numbers of the extractor entry file are out of order. The extraction has not been done systematically. Completely rewriting the circular file will update it. Otherwise, reallocate or empty the collector output file. In a creation step in OUTPUT mode, the key to be inserted is less than the last key in the file. Incompatibility between user PMDs OVERFLOW 1200 12FF Overflow would occur OVERLOAD 0500 05FF Some component of the system is currently overloaded System Nucleus OVRVIOL VMM It is impossible to return enough pages to the pool. Contact the Service Center. 1502 COBOL RTP Overriding rules violation OPEN Statement An OPEN statement is executed on a file whose COBOL description contradicts the permanent file attributes declared when the file was created. PADDING 0011 Padding has occurred during a move operation PAGEOV 1229 Page overflow FORMS IDS PAPERR WRITE 1C24 Unit Record Driver: Printer Paper definition error OPEN WRITE 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 System error during page overflow. Contact the Service Center. Given line number exceeds the maximum permitted in a CI. There is an inconsistency in the paper parameters. Abort the step and check the paper parameters. Error in a CR120. Print a warning message. 53-23 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory PARAMERR 1800 1BFF Parameter erroneous due to a programming error SBR Collector and Analyzer System Nucleus VMM Loader Unit Record Driver: Diskette POINT PARITYER 1E09 PATHNAV Parity error 0A20 Availability Control There is an error in one or more of the input commands. For help in resolving the error, refer to the additional information in the output library. Invalid format in the input argument. Internal interface error. Contact the Service Center. BEGIN argument not allowed in foreign processor. Message path not available ISFM/IMRV VCAM/ISO AVR cannot set the function mask because the path name is invalid. A problem occurred while interfacing with the transport error. Check the network address configuration and network availability. PCERR 1822 Physical channel error PCREJCT 1713 Presentation control rejected PCSERR 1869 Error in the process identification System Nucleus (Internal) Task Management When using the $H_WAITSK external primitive or the $H_WTPCS internal primitive, the specified task (the end of which is to be waited for) is the main task of the process group. Check the activation context of the $H_WAITSK primitive. PCSNAV 0A0B Process not available PCSUNKN 1012 Process unknown System Nucleus (Internal) 53-24 Task Management When using the $H_WAITSK external primitive or the $H_WTPCS internal primitive, the specified task occurrence number (or process number for $H_WTPCS) is invalid; the value is greater than the number of processes in the process group. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes PDIOV 122A System Nucleus (Internal) PDI overflow Dynamic Addresser (Retrieve) PLDSTKOV 122B System Nucleus PMDVIOL The PDI (Private Data Information) area is too small. Modify the caller's code. Process local detachment stack overflow Dynamic Addresser Process local detachment stack overflow. Too many sharable modules are switching in the stack. Modify the user's code. 1463 Processing mode violation BFAS/UFAS Tape Files System Nucleus START VMM TDS TPR Operation Current PMD is different from the PMD input. Check rules for START programming. Incorrect processing mode (OUTPUT). Contact the Service Center. Processing mode violation. PNBERR 1852 P-number error PQOV 1233 Permanent quota exceeded for the project File Management File Storage and Tape Handling Permanent quota overflow. Contact the Service Center. PROCEXCP 04C5 Abort by a process or system exception strictly reserved for ECP Exception Handling Job Management Load Module Loader Network Generation RWI System Nucleus Dynamic Addresser Loader TDS UFAS-EXTENDED 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TPR Operation Procedure exception within a channel program. If the error is in the user code, correct the program. An error has occurred during the loading of a step which could be caused by a damaged load module. Link the load module again. System error and system exception. Contact the Service Center. An exception has been recovered by RWI. A message is sent to the console, informing the user of the type and class of the exception, and the address at which it was produced. Certain information is recorded in the Trace file. Generally, this return code is issued following an error in passing parameters. An exception has occurred during the initialization of the Dynamic Addresser. Modify the caller's code. Exception during program loading. Contact the Service Center. Procedure exception within a TPR. Error in UFAS code. Contact the Service Center. 53-25 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory PROJUNKN 1026 Project unknown (not found in catalog) Catalog Management CATALOG, CATMOTIF The project on which access rights are to be set or deleted does not exist in SITE.CATALOG. PROTERR 1854 Protocol error PRTYLIM 0024 A priority value specified by the user in the request has been forced to the authorized limit System Nucleus (Internal) Load Module Loader PRTYVIOL 1225 SBR PSIEXS Priority violation Analyzer 00E8 System Nucleus PSWVIOL Dynamic Addresser PTIMEOV 53-26 Task Management 1. The task occurrence to activate with the $H_BEGTSK external primitive or with the $H_INITSK internal primitive is either started or suspended. Check the activation context of the $H_BEGTSK primitive. 2. When using the $H_WAITSK external primitive or the $H_WTPCS internal primitive, the specified task occurrence (or process) is not yet started. Check the activation context of the $H_WAITSK primitive. 3. The task or process whose ABORT was requested ($H_ABTSK or $H_ABTPCS internal primitive) was not yet started. Ensure that the $H_BEGTSK (GPL) or the $H_INITSK (internal) primitive was executed before using the $H_ABTSK (GPL) or the $H_ABTPCS (internal) primitive. Password violation ENABLE DISABLE 121A GPL There is insufficient private segment information. Enlarge the output zone for the $H_DYNAD primitive. Process state error 1405 MCS Illegal change of dispatching in SBR Analyzer. Contact the Service Center. Private segment information excess PSTATERR 1C15 System Nucleus (Internal) Dispatching priority defined at linkage time not allowed in job class used. The system has limited the priorities. Password missing or invalid. Correct program. Process timer overflow Task Management Process Timer Management: specified value too large. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes PURGECI 0509 FAS-EXTENDED The control interval must be purged Invalid buffer status. Contact the Service Center. QAT2ZR 1A32 Undefined function QATNHUN 1A7E |ARG | >1: underflow (arctanh) QCOTLOW 1A2B ARG too near to N*PI from below QCOTOV 1A2A ARG too near to N*PI from above QCOTPREC 1A2C ARG > 10**27: loss of precision QCSHOV 1A68 ARG > 157.36: overflow (cosh) QEXPOV 1A03 Overflow for X > 174.67 QEXPUN 1A5F ARG less than -200: underflow QFACNG 1A52 Negative argument QFACOV 1A51 ARG > 56: overflow QFNACCES 00C2 SITE.QUOTA file not accessible QFNAV 0A41 Quota control not available QGAMNG 1A58 Negative argument QGAMNGA 1A54 ARG almost a negative integer QGAMOV 1A53 ARG > 57.53: overflow QGAMUN 1A56 ARG less than -57.53: underflow 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 53-27 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory QGAMZR 1A55 ARG = 0 QGAMZRA 1A57 ARG almost zero QLGMNG 1A59 Negative argument (or zero) QLGMNGA 1A5A ARG almost a negative integer QLGMUD 1A5B Undefined QLGMUN 1A5C ARG less than -200: underflow QLOGNG 1A09 Argument is less than zero: log undefined QLOGZR 1A08 Argument is zero : log undefined QM0DZR 1A11 Second argument is zero QPWRNG 1A17 Negative number to power is ambiguous QPWROV 1A65 Result 10**252: overflow QPWRUN 1A62 ARG less than -200: overflow QPWRZRNG 1A16 Zero to negative power is undefined QREACHED 003F Permanent quota almost reached (consumption is at least 80% of CAT quota) QSIHOV 1A6B ARG > 175.36: overflow (sinh) QSNCPREC 1A1D ARG > 10**27 loss of precision QSQRNG 1A1A Square root of negative number QTANOV 1A22 ARG too near to N*PI/2 53-28 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes QTANPREC 1A23 ARG > 10**27: loss of precision QTW0OV 1AOF Result too big when ARG > 251 QTW0UN 1AOE Result too small when ARG less than -260 QUNKN 1021 Queue unknown QUOTAOV MCS SEND TDS TPR Operation Queue name unknown (queue field of Communications Description). No data transferred. SYMBOLIC-QUEUE within input CD is incorrect. 1230 Requested space rejected by Quota Control on the selected volumes (volume is not in the project's quota list) R0STAKOV 120B Ring 0 stack overflow R1STAKOV 120C Ring 1 stack overflow R2STAKOV 120D Ring 2 stack overflow (GCOS 7-V3A only) R3STAKOV 120E Ring 3 stack overflow RANGEOUT 0805 Value out of range System Nucleus Automatic Resource Manager The parameter is out of range. Check the operator message. RCERR 1893 Invalid return code RCVVIOL 1442 Receive violation RDVIOL FORMS RECEIVE TDS RECEIVE 1482 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Turn error. In your program, the sequence of the SDPI verb is invalid as regards the enclosure level. Violation in use of RECEIVE verb. Read violation 53-29 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory RECARERR 1817 FORMS IOF OMH SBR System Nucleus RECERR 1890 Error in receiving area RECEIVE The selection vector does not match an active form. Check the selection vector. H_IOF_JSTART is unable to write in the receiving area of $H_LISTIOF. Check the validity of $H_LISTIOF. Commands (GET Reply area incorrectly specified (e.g., size, Command) access). Messages Problem with reply area or semaphore (e.g., size, access). The probe setting failed. Contact the Service Center. VMM The receiving segment has been specified incorrectly. Contact the Service Center. Record does not agree with previous specification (COBOL Status Key value 95) Any File Organization OPEN Size of physical record not equal to value declared in program. (Situation not detected when file read from input enclosure.) Catalog Management CATLIST An unstable record has been encountered by the catalog access method. Run CATCHECK utility. COBOL RTP OPEN Statement An OPEN statement with the OUTPUT option is executed on a file whose maximum record size in the program is different from the one declared when the file was created. UFAS-EXTENDED Label record not found. Contact the Service Center with the file label dump. RECFERR 1860 Record format error BFAS Sequential DiskOPEN Files 53-30 File Management SBR System Disk Analyzer Unit Record Driver: Diskette OPEN Illegal record format (not supported). Keyed records, records with track overflow, spanned records or records whose format is not V or VB cannot have compacted data. Record format is not F, FB, V, VB, FS, or FBS. The input file is not an SBR file. This may be due to the wrong file having been specified, truncated records, or the wrong record size. Check the input file. Record format is not: -F/FB (standard processor) or F/U (foreign processor). 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 IONOP to RESIDENT Return Codes RECNFD 0437 Record not found or deleted (COBOL Status Key value 23) All File Organizations READ START REWRITE DELETE Catalog Management DELETE CATLIST Dump Analyzer File Management FORMS Journalization RWI Unit Record Driver: Diskette The record to be deleted cannot be found. 1.No object exists beyond this node (normal return code). 2.No more relations exist (normal return code). The data requested was not found in the DPAN file. Save and Restore The number of physical blocks found on a track do not match with the number specified to the file organization. (Real I/O error or system error.) Dump the track concerned and contact the Service Center. READ The specified form was not found. Check:- the library search rules;- the name of the form in the forms structure;- that the form was generated for the current device. At rerun, the first record to roll back was not found. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. Record not found. A physical record could not be found. This error condition corresponds particularly with a transfer attempt on an unformatted area of the disk. On CKD-VBO volumes, use preformatting. On other types of volumes, there is a disk subsystem error. GET A logically deleted sector has been detected (foreign processor). RECSZERR 185F Record size error BFAS Sequential DiskOPEN Files Common Code Generator File Management System Disk SBR Collector Unit Record Driver: Diskette GET OPEN 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 The record at the relative address given is deleted or does not exist. If this is not expected, correct the program. Illegal record size value (O or negative). Internal consistency check failed. Step aborted. Record size too large, or record format = FB and block size is not a multiple of record size, or record format = V and record size is less than 5. The SBR file has the wrong record size. Check the record size against the RECSIZE parameter of the JCL command SBR. They must be equal and a power of two, between 4096 and 16384. Current record size value not in range of values (128,256,512) when RECFORM = U for a foreign processor. Record size greater than sector size or block size. 53-31 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory REJCT 1710 171F RELOC 0014 Action rejected Relocation was applied Unit Record Driver: Diskette GET RELTPERR 186D Relocation not performed because of NORELOC request. Incorrect relationship type RELUNKN 101A Relationship unknown on volume REPNEED 1E0B Repositioning needed (COBOL Status Key value 91 for tape) Availability Control File Management Physical I/O Access (Internal) Set Function Mask/Set Operating Mode System Disk File Storage and Tape Handling Various Abnormal termination of the channel program of Set Function Mask on tape. Switch tape drive to STANDBY and then to READY. Abnormal I/O termination. Tape must be repositioned. Put into the ready state. 1. Repositioning needed following the loss of a block (BSN error), an excessive number of read or write errors, or use of the tape unit in STANDBY mode (for tape). 2. Unrecoverable I/O after channel exception (all other types of devices). REQOVLD 0505 Request overload REQUNKN 100A Request unknown Dynamic System Display File Management FORMS SBR System Trace RESIDENT 0D00 53-32 Unknown request. Save and Restore An attempt has been made to restore a volume on an output resident or shared volume. This is forbidden. A system error has occurred. Contact the Service Center. Collector An unknown request has been received. Contact the Service Center. Collector The request identifier given in the Trace message is not correct. If this message persists, stop and restart the collector. The object is resident so the operation should not be attempted 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 54. RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes This section lists the RESNAV to YETALLOC return codes in alphabetical order of the return code's name (mnemonic code). Each return code is presented with its name, associated hexadecimal value, and a generic explanation of its meaning. The line following that gives the associated COBOL Status Key value, if it exists. Here is how this section presents the return codes: RETURN CODE Hexadecimal value Generic explanation (COBOL Status Key value) If a return code is explained in more detail for a particular system component, this information is given after the generic explanation. There are three columns of information as follows: System Component Operation Explanation or Cause The first column, System Component, gives the name of a system component or utility program from which a return code may have originated (for example, TDS, File Management, Unit Record Driver, BFAS Sequential Disk File Handling). If you want more information about a particular part of the system, consult the appropriate user's manual. In general, the user cannot directly access entries marked internal or system. The second column, Operation, contains entries for the operation (e.g., COBOL verbs, Transaction Processing Routine commands), performed within the corresponding system component of the first column. The third column gives an explanation of the return code and recommended action. Some return codes (for example, DONE, ALREADY) do not indicate an abnormal condition and consequently do not require any corrective action. There is a list of abbreviations used in the Interpreting Return Codes Section. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 54-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory RESNAV 0A15 Buffer Management Resource not available Resource Status Dump Analyzer Dynamic System Display GCL Journalization OMH Command Processing Physical I/O Access RBF System Nucleus TDS Station Management Dynamic Addresser Any TPR Operation UFAS-EXTENDED VCAM Any Operation RESOURCE 00BE RESVIOL 1623 RETRY Attempt to access an unassigned resource TPR Operation 0019 SET-NOT-CONCURRENT not done for the calling TPR. Resource handling violation. FREE/SAVECOMMON function performed without TAKECOMMON, or violation of programming rules in transaction for inquiry, or monophase transaction, or transaction aborts due to the TDS supervisor with ORACLE in synchronous mode. Request not done, please retry IOF TDS Any Operation 54-2 Resource not available. A mandatory sharable module was not found in the SYS.SYSTEM file. Modify the system generation parameters. A TPR abort has occurred as a result of a crash, or the resource handling rules have been violated. Resource not available. Contact the Service Center. The requested action has not been performed due to a lack of system resources. Try again later. The item is a resource item GTWriter TDS In allocation mode, the maximum possible number of units has been created. In deallocation mode, there is no empty buffer to delete. Contact the Service Center. The structure of the DPAN file is incorrect. Reassign the file. The specified request cannot be performed as a resource is unavailable. This is a warning indicating that the resource requested is not available. Resource not available in the journal tables. The process group specified as being in charge of the command is not available. The resource is not available. The specified I/O device is not in the configuration. Site or device not attached to the station. Interactive Resource Manager and Task Management are trying again to process asynchronous events during H_WAITLONG. Attempt to open or close a file that is being closed by someone else. Wait and check the state of the file. The TDS tables are full. Try again later. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes RGENERR 1873 Relative generation error Network Generation Relative generation error during incremental telecommunications generation. A new incremental generation might have been performed. Run the GRNETGEN utility to generate new tables. RGENUNKN 101F Relative generation unknown on volume Catalog Management UNCAT RIMISS 1838 The relative generation number has not been found in the catalogs referenced. Check the catalog contents against the JCL. Request identification is missing RWI The RI parameter should be present (asynchronous operation). RISTKOV (where i= 0, 1, 2 or 3) System Nucleus VMM RLAPUNKN 102C Stack overflow on stack of ring i. The user is aborted. Relation application/project unknown Catalog Management CATALOG RLBPUNKN 102B The relation application/project does not exist in SITE.CATALOG. Relation billing/project unknown Catalog Management CATALOG RLSPUNKN 102D The relation billing/project does not exist in SITE.CATALOG. Relation station/project unknown Catalog Management CATALOG RLUPUNKN 102A The relation station/project does not exist in SITE.CATALOG. Relation user/project unknown Catalog Management CATALOG The relation user/project does not exist in SITE.CATALOG. RNGVIOL 1600 161F RONOUT 0801 Run occurrence number out of bounds RONUNKN 1005 Run occurrence number unknown Job Management 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Ring violation H_TERMJ Run occurrence number unknown. 54-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory RPARVIOL 1618 Parameter not allowed because of the ring of the primitive issued Physical I/O Access (Internal) Various Operations Ring parameters violation. RPWUNBUN OAE1 RSUNKN Report writer unbundled 100C Resource unknown Availability Control Error Logging GAGS GAC KEEP CURRENCY Network Generation Physical I/O Access (Internal) TDS Various Operations XCP2 Resource not found in SRST. The file SYS.ERLOG is initialized after a change to the hardware configuration which has not been detected by CONFIG. Re-initialize SYS.ERLOG using MLOG.INIT (JCL) or SERLOG CLEAR (GCL). An attempt has been made to modify the lock type for a resource which is not locked. An attempt has been made to unlock a resource which is not locked. The remote system was not found in the telecommunications dictionary. Resource not found in system or incomplete resource table. Reconfigure the system. Reference to a wrong conversation (unknown or wrong type) in a TDS-XCP2 verb. Refer to the CPI-C/XCP2 User's Guide. RTCOVIDC 1E21 Retry count overflow, input data correct RTCOVIDE 1E22 Retry count overflow, input data error RTCOVNID 1E20 Retry count overflow, no input data RTCOVNID Series 100 Communications RWIDERR 1830 Physical I/O Access RWIDUNKN 1002 54-4 Various Operations VIP Retry count overflow has occurred or TC but no text message has been received. RW session identification error Erroneous RWI session identifier (internal error). RW session identification unknown 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes SADMVIOL 1624 SYSADMIN identity violation Catalog Management CATMOTIF, CATALOG, Others SAMERR 1850 SAM integrity error Dynamic Addresser SASCUD Illegal non-zero SAM pattern. Stack segment has been damaged. Modify the user's code. 1A2D Undefined for |ARG | >1 Mathematical Package SAT2ZR Arc sine/Arc cosine argument absolute value is > 1. The result is undefined (double precision). 1A30 Both are equal to zero Mathematical Package SATNHUN Requested function may be performed only by users of the SYSADMIN project. Both arguments of the DATAN2 function are zero. The result is undefined (double precision). 1A7C |ARG |>1: underflow (arctanh) SCATUNKN 1016 Subcatalog unknown on volume Catalog Management Any Function CATBUILD OMH Command Processing SCATVIOL 1503 Catalog Management CATALOG CATDELET CATEXTD CATLIST MODIFY REPLACE SHIFT UNCAT OMH Message Management 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 SITE.CATALOG does not exist. No operation on a catalog can be performed. SYS.CATALOG does not exist and an attempt has been made to use it. The site catalog must exist before the creation of any private catalog. Run the CATBUILD utility to create a site catalog. Unable to retrieve GCL variable (language or default binary library) and return code of the primitives called by Data Management. Incorrect access on a subcatalog The catalog rank given does not lead to a valid catalog. (Catalog is a dummy, or catalog rank does not exist in ATTACH statement.) Check ATTACH statement, CATALOG command and CATNAME parameter. Incorrect catalog name specified. 54-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory SCIDXNAV 0A18 Secondary index not available UFAS and UFASEXTENDED Indexed Disk Files With Secondary keys SCIDXOBS 1888 OPEN READ START REWRITE DELETE Secondary index has not yet been created. Create it with SORTIDX. Index and primary file have different update dates SCOTLOW 1A25 ARG too near to N*PI from below SCOTOV 1A24 ARG too near to N*PI from above SCOTPREC 1A26 ARG > 10**8: loss of precision SCSHOV 1A66 ARG > 175.36: overflow (cosh) SCTYVIOL 1440 Security violation SDERR 1808 Job Management System Nucleus Error in segment descriptor Load Module Loader Step Initiation Loader VMM 54-6 There is an error in one of the segment descriptors of the load module. Link the load module again with the correct options regarding segments. CLI sequencing error. Internal system error. Contact the Service Center. Invalid segment name (segment number): the segment corresponding to this name does not exist or is not the expected type. Contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes SEEKERR 1803 No seek command in a disk channel program SEQERR 1889 Not in proper sort sequence (COBOL Status Key value 30) Catalog CATMODIF CATDELET COBOL File Management File Storage and Tape Handling FORMS Job Management Journalization Step Initiation RBF TDS GET L6 XCP2 UFAS/BFAS Tape VCAM/ISO SESREJCT 1711 SEXPOV 1A01 Mathematical Package SEXPUN 1A5D Mathematical Package READ SYS.CATALOG must be modified after SITE.CATALOG, or deleted before SITE.CATALOG. The flow of control attempts to go beyond the end of the program. Wrong SSEQN (Volume Sequence Number) sequence during file deallocation. The current device is not in forms mode. Check if it supports forms mode. CLI sequencing error. The system cannot find the item it expected. For example, a commitment unit is declared without any protection (the SUPPRESS BEFORE clause of TDS), and then tries to update a record of a journalized file. Record missing: transmission aborted. Device not in FORMS mode. Abnormal sequence for TDS-XCP2 verbs. Refer to the CPI-C/XCP2 User's Guide. Unsuccessful block serial number checking. Inspect BSN/NBSN parameter entry. 1.) The ISO session services are not available on your site. 2.) The current action is not possible in the present session context. Check that the ISO session product is on your site. Check the ISO configuration and use the User VCAM trace to analyze the problem. Session opening rejected Overflow for X > 174.67 There is an exponential function overflow for X > 174.67 (simple precision). ARG less than -200: underflow There is an exponential function underflow for X < -200 (simple precision). SFACNG 1A36 Negative argument SFACOV 1A35 ARG > 56: overflow 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 54-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory SFNBOV 1214 TDS SFNUNKN Too many subfiles open Any TPR Operation 1008 Any Access Method COBOL RTP FORMS IOF Job Management OMH Too many users in TRACE print mode. DIRSIZE parameter value in "tds-nameDEBUG" file is too small to accommodate all users. Subfile name is unknown OPEN Subfile indicated in ASSIGN not found in specified file. OPEN Statement An OPEN statement has been issued for a file declared as QUEUED, but no ASSIGN statement has been executed for the file. The specified form was not found for the libraries. Check: - the form name; - the library search rules. JCRSWI A member is found to be non-existent during SWI processing. Verify the name of the SWI member. Subfile Handling Subfile name unknown. Cataloged A catalog has been specified which is not in the Messages library. SGAMNG 1A3C ARG is a negative integer SGAMNGA 1A38 ARG almost a negative integer SGAMOV 1A37 ARG > 57.53: overflow SGAMUN 1A3A ARG less than -57.53: overflow SGAMZR 1A39 ARG = 0 SGAMZRA 1A3B ARG almost zero SGENERR 1875 Symbolic generation error SGENUNKN 101E Symbolic generation unknown on volume SGNAV 0A14 PCF 54-8 No segment available The Program Checkout Facility cannot expand its command table. Try again or contact the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes SGNMERR 1872 Segment name error Error Logging Job Management Load Module Loader System Nucleus Loader VMM SGOV 1207 Segment size would exceed maximum size Job Management Load Module Loader OMH PASCAL RTP Message Management Messages System Nucleus Loader VMM SGTPERR 1851 The PGCS is greater than 64K, which could be caused by a private PECT which is too large. Link the load module again with a smaller PECT. Mailbox overflow, or message too large. Too many objects have been locked in WITH statements or passed to procedures with the keyword VAR. Some linker structures are greater than the maximum permissible size. Contact the Service Center. A segment size has been specified which is too short. (INTO or SEGLIST options.) Segment type error Job Management Load Module Loader Physical I/O Access (Internal) Memory to be Unlocked 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 When SYS.ERLOG is initialized, the pointers cannot be updated. The STNs of the pointers cannot be found in the table of correspondence between the addresses of the temporary segments containing the control records and the addresses of the memory segments containing these records. An incorrect STE has been attributed to a segment. (Reserved for ENTRY segments.) Link the load module again with the correct options for the segment. Internal system error. Contact the Service Center. The specified segment does not exist. Contact the Service Center. During the loading of a load module, an error has been found in the segment table. This may be due to an incorrect STN number. Link the load module again with the correct options. Segment type error: the sharing level is equal to 3 or the segment is a large segment. (Large segments may be deleted if and only if no channel program referencing a buffer has been defined up to this point.) 54-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory SHCTVIOL 1465 Sharing control violation Any File Organization Queued Files System Nucleus Sharing control violation. Correct JCL or program. Depends on environment. There is an inconsistency in the arguments provided: PRIVATE and SHARE are not 2 or 3. Attempt to assign a TDS controlled file with an illegal share parameter. Modify the share attribute in the catalog or ASSIGN JCL statement. The share value must be MONITOR, ONEWRITE or NORMAL for a TDS controlled file. OPEN VMM TDS SHLVVIOL 1462 GAC and GACEXTENDED TDS GAC and GACEXTENDED IDS/II Job Management UFAS and UFASEXTENDED SHRERR 1836 SHRVIOL 1460 146F SHUTDOWN 0206 RBF Job Management Network Generation TDS 54-10 Sharing level violation OPEN SHARE = MONITOR not specified for a controlled file. Commitment Unit Management Access Introduction of Jobs OPEN SHARE = MONITOR specified when GAC not available. Conflict during an OPEN. END SYSTEM is active. The job cannot be created. Sharing rules violation. Check for concurrent OPENs. Use SHARE = NORMAL and ACCESS = SPREAD or WRITE if possible. Invalid value for share parameter Sharing violations Request not performed due to shutdown Station Shutdown of station requested, but some Management deliveries for the station remain to be output. Site Management Attempt to assign a remote device on a site for which shutdown was requested. Introduction of END SYSTEM is active. The job cannot be Jobs created. A terminate server GCL command (TTSVR) has been issued. Try again after complete termination of the server. XCP2 A TDS-XCP2 interface has been invoked during TDS-XCP2 shutdown. It is ignored. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes SKIPPED 000F Records or blocks have been skipped FORMS RECEIVE Unit Record Driver: Diskette GET Some received fields have not been selected because they are lost. This is a warning message only. Modify the selection vector for the fields to be selected if you do not want this warning. I/O error has been skipped because of ERROPT=SKIP. SLGMNG 1A3D ARG less than 1 SLGMNGA 1A3E ARG almost negative integer SLGMUD 1A3F Function undefined SLGMUN 1A40 ARG less than -100; undefined SLOGNG 1A05 Argument is less than zero: log undefined Mathematical Package SLOGZR The logarithm function argument is negative (simple precision). 1A04 Argument is zero : log undefined Mathematical Package SMNAV The logarithm function argument is zero (simple precision). 0A16 COBOL RTP System Nucleus 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Sharable module not available IO Operations CALL data_name Debugging Display Accept etc. Dynamic Addresser Program calling COBOL RTP is in a concurrent shared module. This SM was inadvertently detached from its segment table during the calling process. Either a sharable module is not available because there is more than one module with an STN equal to E, or the sharable module to be attached has been disconnected. In the first case, relink the sharable module with a switchable STN. In the second case, modify the user code. 54-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory SNDARERR 1816 Error in sending area Catalog Management Create Record Update Record DMU FORMS SEND OMH Message Management Time and Date Handling VMM Services System Nucleus SNDVIOL 1441 MCS SEND OMH Command Management SEND 1892 Error in SEND - no data transferred. Correct program. An unauthorized command has been sent. Violation in the use of the SEND verb. Invalid parameter value has been defined for the sort SORT/MERGE System Interface Initiation or With COBOL SORT Completion of SORT Process Transfer of Record to Sort File (RELEASE) SPACELIM 002E File Management Queued Files UFAS-EXTENDED 54-12 Wrong time or date value has been specified to be translated. There is an error in the argument of a primitive. The argument provided is out of bounds, or an error occurred when accessing the argument, or the object given as an argument is in a state which does not allow the requested action. Send violation TDS SORTERR Input locations not accessible. Create or modify them. The DSL is too big. Reduce the number of commands. The selection vector does not match an active form. Check that the selection vector corresponds to an active form. First character is X'FF' (EOM). Errors in the SORT parameters (sort commands in the input file, DUMMY INPUT or OUTPUT FILE, subroutine sort parameter values). Correct the JCL/GCL/DSL/source program. Refer to the error messages in SORT REPORT or in the Job Occurrence Report if SORT is a subroutine. A system processing error has occurred during the sort. The step is aborted. A sort processing error has occurred. If it is not traceable to a user error, consult the Service Center. The step is aborted. File space limit has been reached File Storage and Tape Handling System Disk EXTQUD No more labels can be recorded in the VTOC of this volume (Allocate). No more space available. Maximum size already allocated. The space allocated is greater than the space available. Send a description of the file to the Service Center. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes SPACENAV 0A0F Space not available Any File Organization OPEN Not enough space on specified volume to perform requested allocation (ALLOCATE). Catalog Management CATBUILD, The requested file space for the catalog or CATEXTD catalog extension is not available on the specified media. Check volume contents. COBOL SORT Utility SORT Insufficient room for temporary work file. Create larger file. File Management File Space A address (CYLINDER/TRACK) given for an Management allocation (or extension) is not available. Find Utilities this address using VOLLIST. Free or change the address. File Storage and The specific address is out of the disk space Tape Handling (split Allocation). Save and Restore No more space available to restore or duplicate a file. Find a volume with enough space to extend the restored or duplicated output file and request dynamic extension (OUTALC or EXTEND parameter). Journalization The extension of a batch/commit extension of the journal is not possible. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. MCS SEND Unavailability of mass storage space. Some message data not transferred. SPACEOV 1201 FORMS IOF OMH Physical I/O Access (Internal) PCF System Nucleus System Output 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Space overflow No more space available for control structures. Contact the Service Center. EPBH During exchanges with VCAM, an error is detected in the buffer size. Adjust the buffer size if possible. Commands No more space available in the system table (OCQ), or in the space for parameters. The number of messages exceeds the permitted quota for the process group. Initialize Process Not enough memory to initialize the process Group I/O group. Check JCL SIZE parameter. Overflow in the Program Checkout Facility working area. Reduce the number of commands or the number of action points during the Program Checkout Facility session. VMM User program instrumentation mode (MAXMEM option specified in JCL): amount of memory specified in JCL SIZE statement is too small. Dynamic Checkpoint save area is too small. Modify the Addresser user code. Generally More than 608 output files specified for a job, or an error occurred when accessing the output file. 54-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory SPCNTNAV 0A40 SPLIT Requested space not allowed by Quota (may be an uncataloged non-temporary a cataloged file without an owner on controlled 00E9 Control file or a Quota volume) Internal splitting UFAS and UFASWRITE EXTENDED Indexed A record insertion causes a CI to be split (or compacted), so some simple file relative addresses (SFRAs) will change. Normal return code. SPNACNT 00C4 Space not accounted by Quota Control(volume is not a quota controlled volume) SPWRNG 1A13 Negative number to power is ambiguous SPWROV 1A63 Result > 10**252: overflow (power) SPWRUN 1A60 ARG less than -200: underflow SPWRZRNG 1A12 Zero to negative power is undefined SQOV 1232 Temporary quota exceeded for the project's session SRCHFAIL 0488 Search failure (COBOL Status Key value 30) COBOL Program Execution File Management SRTUNBUN 0AE2 SORT/MERGE SSIHOV SEARCH Record not found (during SEARCH ON KEY operation). Probably part of file lost due to a disk hardware fault. Save and Restore System error: incorrect address given when accessing a record. Contact the Service Center. Sort unbundled Incorrect SORT unbundling or SORT has not been purchased. Contact the Service Center. 1A69 ARG > 175.36: overflow (sinh) SSNCPREC 1A1B ARG > 10**8: loss of precision Mathematical Package 54-14 The sine/cosine function argument > 10**8; loss of precision (simple precision). 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes SSQRNG 1A18 Square root of negative number Mathematical Package STAGEERR 1C1D STAKERR The square root of a negative number is undefined (simple precision). Processing state has not reached the expected stage 1818 Job Management Specified segment should not be a stack Load Module Loader PCF System Nucleus Dynamic Addresser Loader VMM STAKOV 120A 120E STANDBY 1E06 The description of a non-zero stack segment is incorrect. (The stack is of ring 1 or ring 3 and must not be in Control Memory). Link the load module again with the correct options for these segments. The Saving Area Mask (SAM) is not zero in the execution stack and the Dynamic Addresser (DYNAD) cannot switch sharable modules to clean it. Send a STAR. The stack is damaged due to an error. Modify the user code. Internal system error. Contact the Service Center. Attempt to delete, or change the size of, a stack segment. Stack overflow Device stand by Any File Organization Any I/O Operation Abnormal STANDBY state detected on device in use (non-software recoverable). File Management File Storage and Disk has stopped. Put into the READY state. Tape Handling STANOV 1A1E ARG too near to N*PI/2 STANPREC 1A1F ARG > 10**8: loss of precision Mathematical Package STATEERR 1C00 1DFF The tangent function argument > 10**8; loss of precision. Entity in an erroneous state due to a programming sequence error STERR OMH 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Command Management An incorrect station name has been specified. 54-15 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory STILLMSG 0081 OMH Message(s) still pending Command Management H_SCDCT Message Management STILLPG Dynamic command cleaning has taken place at process group termination. Dynamic commands for the specified job are in the DCT (Dynamic Command Table). Other pending messages for the process group are being output. 0082 Process group(s) still pending STILLTER 0083 Terminals still pending STNOINIT 1C21 Station not initialized STTNUNKN 1028 Station unknown (not found in catalog) Catalog Management RBF Station Management STUNTEST 1E25 The specified station name is not known in the catalog. Station unknown in the station table. Station is unknown either through a a CHAR(8) or a BIT(8). Station declared under test by MLA STW0OV 1A0B Result too big when ARG > 251 STW0UN 1A0A Result too small when ARG less than -260 SUBFROUT 0803 Subfile reference out of bounds Queued Files CLOSES SUMOVERR 122F SWAPPED 54-16 Invalid subfile reference. Overflow in summation field 1C1E Area(s) already swapped IRM IRM-specific System Nucleus Task Management The job or process is currently swapped out from main memory. Process is presently swapped out from main memory. (Internal error.) 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes SYNCERR 1835 Synchronization mode error RWI Synchronisation mode error. The requested synchronisation mode is invalid: - Request for synchronisation operation handled by RWI when the semaphore is reserved by the user (specified when the session was opened). - passing of a sepmaphore during an asynchronous transfer request, when the semaphore is implicit to RWI (no semaphore specified when the session was opened). - primitive H_RWWAIT called when the semaphore is explicit (specified when the session was opened or redefined during an asynchronous transfer request). primitive H_RWCHECK called when the semaphore is implicit to RWI. SYNCOMP 00B7 Complementary record is accessed through a secondary record SYNONYM 00E1 Something else has the same name (COBOL Status Key value 02) WRITE UFAS and UFASEXTENDED Indexed REWRITE Disk Files With Secondary Keys READ SYSOV 1202 One or several valid secondary key duplicates are created. The next record (according to the key of reference) is a duplicate of the current record. System configuration overflow Catalog Management ATTACH GAC Job Management OMH SBR 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 The specified catalog cannot be attached due to a system table overflow. Try again later. Lock List Handling The number of active lockids exceeds the value of the CONFIG parameter NBLOCKID. Check the values of the CONFIG parameters LOCKSIZE and NBLOCKID. Memory Request Request exceeds system capacity. Load Module 1. At least one segment of the load module Loader exceeds the maximum size allowed on this configuration. 2. The step has one or more segments whose size is greater than the maximum size supported by the system configuration. Decrease the size of the segment(s). Message There is an overflow in the operator message Management queue or in the mailbox. Try to send the message later. Collector There is no more space in the SBR type 0 segments. Contact the Service Center. 54-17 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory System Nucleus Loader VMM UFAS-EXTENDED VCAM/ISO SYSOVLD 0506 Job Management System Output TDS TABOV 1219 GAC and GACEXTENDED Job Management Journalization MCS OMH PCF 54-18 Loading is impossible because of insufficient memory size. Contact the Service Center. The request exceeds the system's capacity. Contact the Service Center. The number of buffers available for the whole system has overflowed. Decrease the total number of buffers. The maximum for V3A7 is 4000. The maximum for V3B7 is 8000. The maximum number of sessions allowed by VCAM/ISO has been reached. Increase the allowed number of ISO sessions at configuration time or at SSAP definition. System overload Allocate Job Entry System load table is full (no entry is free). A software problem caused an overload in the OWQ Block addressing the Mask table. Contact the Service Center. XCP2 There are no more segments available for the TDS application in the JPPC job. Increase the CONFIG JPPC parameter or modify the MAXCONV parameter in the system configuration. No more space in table Commitment Unit The lock list has overflowed. The offending CU Management is aborted and restarted automatically from the beginning. The number of lock list entries specified by NUMLOCK is guaranteed to the CU. Alternatively, the maximum number of lock-ids that can be active simultaneously for GAC files (NBLOCKID) has been exceeded. Resource Locking The value specified by NUMLOCK is insufficient for the CU. Load Module Too many sharable modules active in the Loader system. The limits of the journal tables have been exceeded. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. Internal system error. Contact the Service Center. SWI More than 80 labels in an SWI writer (JCRSWI). Number of FECs used exceeds the maximum. Message The quota of questions or repeatable messages Management is reached for the current user. The table of repeatable messages is full. Alternatively, there are not enough segments in the given list to load a dialog of messages. Overflow in the Program Checkout Facility working area. Reduce the number of commands or the number of action points during the Program Checkout Facility session. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes Queued Files OPEN RBF Station Management Tabulation Handling Services SBR System Nucleus System Output TDS UFAS (Any Organization) UFAS-EXTENDED (Any Organization) TEMPLIM Incorrect "NUMSF" value (>200) in $H_FD. The file cannot be opened. Table overflow: too many stations defined. (The maximum is 254.) Too many tabulations used. There is an overflow in the SBR table (MSC option). Contact the Service Center. VMM 1. Virtual memory file table overflow. Too many files created. (Internal error.) 2. A new Page Table Segment cannot be created as there are no more Page Table Area Control Entries. 3. There are no more regions to allocate. 4. There is a PGBT overflow. In all cases, contact the Service Center. Dynamic Table overflow (too many sharable modules, Addresser pre-initialized load modules or checkpoints). Destroy the unused objects. The Output Writer table is full. End an idle WRITER or GTP with the TOW command. TPR Operation Transaction tried to lock more pages than TDS can control. OPEN Either a TDS controlled file was not declared as a UFAS file at generation, or there is an internal error. The number of allocated SCBs has already Allocation of Sequence Control reached the maximum. Block (Internal) BATAB/CILOCK overflow (XUFAS, 4). Contact the Service Center. Sequence Control Block number overflow (XUFAS, 41, 45, 63). Check this number. 00A1 Temporary limit of file has been reached (COBOL Status Key value 10) BFAS Sequential (Disk) READ System Nucleus (Internal) VMM Temporary end of file. New records must be introduced (in I/O or APPEND mode) before any further READ commands. It may be necessary to allocate a larger file. Normal return code. The last block of a virtual memory file has been deleted. TERNASG 0904 Terminal not assigned TERNAV 0A04 Terminal not available (down) IOF OMH RBF 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Terminal Management Access Method IOF session terminated abnormally. Destination terminal not available. (For example, operator not logged on.) Destination not available. 54-19 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TIMELIM 0029 TDS TIMEOUT TPR 1E03 File assignment OMH Main Console Management Message Management OPEN/CLOSE System Nucleus TDS RWI VCAM TPR time limit exceeded. Time on exhausted (in MLA) ARS RBF 54-20 Time limit reached The wait for an automatic migration-in operation was too long. Use the DISPLAY_ARS command to check the TIMEOUT value of the ARS configuration parameter. See the ASM 7 File Migration Administrator's Guide. Hardware problem. Check console or contact the Service Center. Timeout (console) and user recovery requested. DPS6 takes too much time to answer. The system assumes it is down. Task Management The CPTIME limit specified in the STEP JCL command has been reached. Ensure that the program does not make a loop, then increase the CPTIME value in the STEP JCL command. XCP2 Too long a wait for a TDS-XCP2 verb. Refer to the CPI-C/XCP2 User's Guide. I/O Watchdog limit exceeded. The input or output request termination was not received by GCOS within 20 seconds. Subsequent retries result in a return code of DVNAV (device not available). H_MCSEND In BSC only. Too much time has been taken by the application to send the next block of a file. Resynchronization is needed. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes TMLIM 0023 A time value specified in the request has been forced to the authorized limit TMPTYLIM 0023 0024 Time and priority values specified in the request have been forced to the authorized limit TMRNAV 0A0C Timer not available TMRVIOL 1402 Timer access violation TOIDC 1E41 VIP time out, input data correct TOIDE 1E42 VIP time out, input data error TONID 1E40 VIP time out, no input data TOOLATE 0400 Request has occurred too late Network Generation OMH TPUNKN Message Management 100E IDS Type unknown Various Operations Journalization OMH 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 The server is not active. The state of the server is no longer compatible with the requested function. Disconnection without reply to a pending question. The submitter of the question is aborted. Cataloged Messages Record type unknown (not declared at preallocation time). 1. The step to journalize has an unknown type. 2. The file being opened is of an unknown type. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. The referenced message key or subkey does not exist in the catalog. No message will be sent to the console. Correct the key or subkey, or add a new message to the catalog. 54-21 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory TQOV 1235 Temporary quota exceeded for the project TRBSYIDC 1E11 Terminal busy, input data correct TRBSYIDE 1E12 Terminal busy, input data error TRBSYNID 1E10 Terminal busy, no input data TREGERR 1815 T-register error TRNMERR 1871 Tree name error Catalog Management CATLIST TRUNC 0600 The star convention is illegal in the FROM parameter. Check and modify the parameter. UNCAT The cataloged object name does not follow the catalog standard naming conventions. Check object name against catalog standard. The specified station name does not follow catalog naming conventions. Truncating has occurred in a move operation (COBOL Status Key value 9T) Dump Analyzer File Management GCL Job Management OMH PASCAL RTP 54-22 The DPAN file has been truncated. The action to be taken depends on the contents of the file. The output file to be restored by the FILREST File Space or FILDUPLI utility is too short. Extend the file Management automatically by specifying the OUTALC Utilities parameter. Save and Restore There is not enough space in the existing output file to restore or duplicate a file. Use a larger output file or extend the current file using the OUTALC or EXTEND parameter. Truncation has occurred because the length of the result was greater than the length of the receiving area. Mailphore Message truncated because larger than (System) maximum size. Message The output buffer too small to contain the Management message, or a message is truncated as the mailbox has overflowed. (H_LISTIOF macro.) Compound Temporary overflow in tables, or other problem Messages with handling tables. READ The floating point data which has been read has too many significant digits. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes RWI Services TDS Tabulation Handling XCP2 UFAS-EXTENDED TSKUNKN UFAS/BFAS Tape READ Unit Record Driver: Printer WRITE 1001 GPL System Nucleus TYPEERR Task unknown Requests on Task does not belong to the process group. External Task Task Management 1. The task name specified in the $H_BEGTSK external primitive or in the $H_INITSK internal primitive is invalid; it is not known in the current process group. Check the activation context of the $H_BEGTSK primitive. 2. The value of the OCCUR argument in the $H_ABTSK external primitive is invalid; it is a negative value or a value greater than the number of occurrences of the task. 3. The value of the OCCUR argument in the $H_WAITTSK external primitive is invalid; it is a negative value or a value greater than the number of occurrences of the task. Check the activation context of the $H_WAITTSK primitive. 4. The task name specified in the $H_BEGTSK, the $H_ABTSK, or the $H_WAITSK external primitive does not correspond to a task known in the process group. 1809 Availability Control GCL Entity type erroneous GAGS Network Generation PASCAL RTP 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Truncation has occurred. Multiblock transfer operation refused (following a partial transfer (truncated) because end of volume or file was reached). The request must be resubmitted with a smaller number of blocks. Tabulation expansion would cause overflow on output string, therefore truncation has occurred. The length of a received record exceeds the conversation buffer size. Refer to the CPIC/XCP2 User's Guide. The communication area in RFLDEF override is too small. Block being read has been truncated to the length specified in BLKSIZE. If non-standard tape, check block length. A line has been truncated (DOF mode message). Messages Physical type unknown. During the allocation of a GCL variable, an inconsistent data type has been discovered. Modify the value assigned to the variable. The type of server is invalid. Check the compatibility between the NAME and TYPE of the server, then try the command again. The type of data read does not correspond to the type of its receiving variable. 54-23 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory System Nucleus TDS UABORT Get System Semaphore VMM Attempt to perform an action on a type 0 segment from a ring 2/3, or an invalid type of object specified in the argument. Master Command Wrong type of correspondent (TM, XCP1, XCP2, etc.). The function requested is not valid for the type of correspondent specified. Check the correspondent's name. 04CA Abort requested by user GCL UBUGERR The user program has been aborted due to an abnormal condition. 186B TDS User bug error in a job TPR Operation VCAM/ISO UFASPATH 00B5 UFATERR TDS UMOVLD IDS II user error. Refer to the JOR or TPR trace. The ISO session encountered a problem when notifying. Use the User VCAM Trace to analyze the problem. Check the validity of semaphore structures. The item belongs to a UFAS path 186A File Management Erroneous semaphore type (either 0 or 2). User fatal error in a job Save and Restore The file image to be restored is not relocatable or the input save file has an incorrect format. Allocate the output file at the appropriate address or check the validity of the input save file. TPR Operation User fatal error detected by IDS/II access method. 0502 User memory overloaded (COBOL Status Key value 30) File or Device Management Job Management SORT/MERGE 54-24 Create File Descriptions Memory Request Resource Management Unsuccessful because of lack of memory. Unsuccessful because of lack of memory. The user memory is overloaded, so that there is insufficient memory to allow a step to increase its dynamic working set (DWS) or to allow a new step to begin executing. The user must wait before starting a new step. The SORT memory size is too small. Increase the SORT memory size. If this occurs in a required memory SORT, possibly replace it with a SORT having a disk work file. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes System Nucleus Automatic Resource Manager VMM There is no region available for the VMM. There are too many steps in the dimension with the ICA attribute. Use DDIM to determine the number of steps in the dimension, then decrease the multiprogramming level (MDDIM command). The main memory is overloaded. Decrease the memory load by decreasing the multiprogramming level (use the MDDIM command). UNBUNDL 0AE0 0AFF Function unbundled UNBVIOL 1621 Unblock violation UNDERLIM 0021 A value specified in the request has been forced to the lowest authorized limit Job Management Memory Release The working set has reached its minimum (System) value. No action required. UNDRFLOW 0300 PASCAL RTP UNRECIO Underflow liable to occur Various Operations 1E05 A floating point value has been specified which is too small to be represented in the machine. Unrecoverable IO termination (COBOL Status Key value 30) Any File Organization Any Operation (and TDS) Availability Control File Management Set Function Mask/Set Operating Mode System Disk File Storage and Tape Handling Save and Restore System Nucleus VMM Unit Record Driver: Diskette Unit Record Driver: Printer GET 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 OPEN WRITE CLOSE Unrecoverable I/O termination has occurred. The disk drive, disk pack and system error log should be examined. Abnormal termination of the channel program of Set Function Mask. Check device accessibility. Unrecoverable I/O termination. Read or write failed. Allocate a dummy file for this address. Unrecoverable I/O error occurred during a read or write operation on a disk volume. Contact the Service Center. An unrecoverable I/O error has occurred during the transfer of a page between main memory and the backing store. Note the disk responsible and contact the Service Center. If the number of I/O errors reaches a certain value, the backing store file will be reformatted at the next system restart. Unrecoverable I/O termination. Contact the Service Center. Unrecoverable hardware error detected. Consult Service Center. 54-25 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory UNSTABLE 1C29 IDS UNUSED Undefined U CLOSE 0017 Unused resource GCL RBF UPDCI Station Management 00C1 GAC READ, START, WRITE, REWRITE, DELETE Mother task is terminated Process Management USEREQ Task Management 0980 The main process is terminated, which causes the SAM process to abort. A subtask has been aborted because the main task is terminated (completed or aborted). Check why the main task is terminated. User request (for an abort) GTWriter DMU TDS Record being accessed was unlocked at the end of the previous commitment unit and has meanwhile been modified by another user. (Warning sent only in LOCKMARK mode, in DEFINE.) There are too many updatable indexes 04C1 System Nucleus The resource requested is not present on the site. Station known but not yet in use. A CI has been updated UPDIDXOV 121B UPTERM A step abort has forced the closure of an IDS area. The area is left in an UNSTABLE state. Any TPR Command USERRJCT 1B00 1BFF A "TTW ABORT" command has been issued. A utility running in interactive mode has received a QUIT command from a user after a break. Abort caused by user request. User rejection USERUNKN 1025 User unknown (not found in catalog) Catalog Management CATALOG The specified user does not exist in SITE.CATALOG. VACANT 0B00 Table (entry) or queue is vacant V FUERR 1C23 VFU error Unit Record Driver: Printer 54-26 OPEN There is an incoherence in the VFU. Abort step and check VFU with FPRU. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes VMALIM 0030 VMA limit size reached for an allocation made in batch mode VMANAV 0A1A VMM area not available IRM (Internal) VMM Network Generation No more IOF AREA free for step loading or for resuming a step with swap-in IOF function. (Internal error.) Some permanent workspace has been lost, damaged, or destroyed. Restart GCOS 7 with the CLEAN option and run the CRNETGEN utility. VMAOV 122E Virtual memory area overflow VMAOVLD 0508 Virtual memory area overload VOLLIM 0028 Volume limit reached BFAS Sequential (Disk and Tape) UFAS Tape File Management WRITE End of volume reached. For disk, may have to allocate larger file. File Storage and Tape Handling Requested space not available. For disk, allocate a smaller space. For tape, change volumes. Not enough space available in the specified volume or media list. Verify the command and free some space. Volume limit. Partial transfer because end of volume was reached, in mode EOV. The end of the last volume mounted has been reached. (Partial volume mounting.) Information only. File Space Management Utilities RWI UFAS and UFASEXTENDED VOLOUT 185E UFAS-EXTENDED Outside bounds of volume MOUNT = 1, and the address given for access is out of the range of the volume. VQOV 1234 Requested space greater than the amount allowed by Quota Control on the selected volume(s) VTOCERR 1865 Error in the VTOC File Management 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 File Storage and The VTOC is damaged. Tape Handling Save and Restore An attempt has been made to save a volume which is in an unstable state. Check INVOL. Test of Spare Disk Non-standard Volume Table of Contents. Tracks Investigate using VOLCHECK utility. 54-27 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory VTOCLIM 002B VTOC limit reached File Management System Disk File Storage and Tape Handling WALIM 002F Error in VTOC file labels. No more room in VTOC or no more file labels in VTOC. The VTOC is full. If there is any free space on the disk run VOLSAVE or VOLPREP to extend the VTOC with the options SHORT and VTOCSIZE = new-size, followed by VOLREST. Record length greater than ALN value. Truncated (COBOL Status Key value 9U) BFAS Sequential DiskREAD Files BFAS Tape Files READ Catalog Management READ Dump Analyzer Network Generation UFAS and UFASEXTENDED Disk Files All Organizations Unit Record Driver: Diskette WAOV READ GET 1212 IOF Journalization 54-28 PASCAL RTP Format SBR Collector and Analyzer 00B8 Record is truncated to the length specified (ALN bytes). Work area overflow FORMS WDMOD Truncation occurred when moving the current record from the data block to the user-specified work area. The size of the work area or the maximum data transfer expected (specified by the ALN parameter) was exceeded. Read will be successful in any case. Wrong logical item length when compared with expected item length. The specified record has been truncated. Extend the working area. The user's buffer is full before all the data descriptors have been read in. Increase the size of the buffer or use a DPAN buffer. Internal interface error. Contact the Service Center. The returned record is truncated (ALN bytes), as the user record area is too small. A system error has occurred during a work area overflow. Contact the Service Center. An exception occurred when moving the received data to the user area. Verify the characteristics of the areas used (FIN, PUT, GET or ASKIOF macros). Error while journalizing on a new journal sector. Send the PRLOG log to the Service Center. A line which has been formatted is too long to be written to the text record. Insert a WRITELN statement. Syntax error. Refer to the error message. A modification to a CI has been made in deferred update mode 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes WDNAV 0A19 GAC CI deferred update not available OPEN, CLOSE, DEASSIGN UFAS and UFASEXTENDED (Any Organization) WITHAR TDS has assigned a file with SHARE = MONITOR with an access mode which authorizes sharing (not SPREAD or SPWRITE). Only deferred update protection has been requested. When an attempt is made to access the file, it will be aborted. The Before Journal must be specified in this case, or the file must be accessed in exclusive mode. Deferred write cannot be used for the current transaction. Information only. When the file was opened, an attempt was made to salvage it using the UFAS File Salvager, but ACCESS=READ. To salvage the file, ACCESS must be WRITE. 1C1F The project still has access rights WITHDETL 1C0F Object has lower levels Catalog Management UNCAT WITHREL 1C10 Object has relationship Catalog Management CATDELET WITHSYN The object to be deleted cannot be deleted as it still has dependent nodes or the file has a valid media list. Perform DEALLOC or check catalog contents. The catalogued object (user/project/billing) cannot be deleted: it still has dependent objects. Check site catalog contents. 1C11 Object has synonym WRITPROT 1E0A Device in write protect state Any File Organization OPEN File Management RWI System Disk UFAS-EXTENDED (Any Organization) Unit Record Driver: Diskette WRONGDAT 1DC0 1DFF 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 PUT, OPEN, DELETE Attempt to open a file for writing rejected because disk is in protect state. Volume protected. Device in write-protect state. The part of the file for which the transfer was not performed is on a device for which write operations are temporarily forbidden. A UFAS salvaging is tried at OPEN time on this file, but access is READ. The first job using this file must be with ACCESS=WRITE. As above (volume protected). Wrong data sent to unit records 54-29 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory WRONGDV 1C0C UFAS/BFAS Tape Wrong device READ WRONGITM 0440 File addressing mechanism used is not supported for tape files. At least one item of the output is wrong Catalog Management CATALOG FORMS GTWriter WRONGMD Queued Files BUILD RBF Access Method DPS 6 1C1B RBF The efn assigned to the ifn is not cataloged. Catalog the file. The contents of the form are invalid. Check that the form is valid for the current device and has not been corrupted. Contact the Service Center. There is an inconsistency in the GTWriter tables. GTWriter aborts. NAME option: start name not found in directory, or there is an error in at least one entry. NAMELIST option: at least one entry name not found in directory, or there is an error in at least one entry. Unexpected status received from VCAM. Wrong reference mode OPEN WRONGORG 1C02 LOCATE mode not allowed. Wrong file organization (COBOL Status Key status 9P) Any File Organization Any Operation COBOL RTP Error Logging File Management File Space Management Utilities File Storage and Tape Handling FORMS GAC and GACEXTENDED Network Generation 54-30 Inconsistency between the actual file organization and that declared in the COBOL SELECT clause. The organization described in the COBOL program for the file being opened does not correspond with the actual organization of the file. The organization and format parameters of a log file to be opened do not correspond to those of the file definition. Verify and modify the parameters of the log file concerned (SYS.ERLOG, SYS.LOGC or SYS.LOGF). The file referenced by the efn parameter either has an incorrect file organization or does not support file extension. Check the file organization using FILLIST. Wrong FILEORG or FILEFORM parameters (Allocate). The specified form leads you to reference a subfile which is not of type FRM. GAC has been specified for a file which is not a UFAS file. The file literal specified in the SAVE or LOAD parameter of the CRNETGEN command does not correspond to a library. Correct CRNETGEN and run it again. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 RESNAV to YETALLOC Return Codes OMH PASCAL RTP RBF TDS Cataloged Messages Various Operations OPEN UFAS and UFASEXTENDED (Any Organization) The catalog format has been specified incorrectly. The organization of a file is incompatible with the type of processing required. Protocol not implemented. Attempt to open a TDS controlled file that is not a UFAS-type file. Check the source of the TDS generation. Conflict between the primitive and the file organization (FILEORG, FILEFORM). FILEFORM must be UFAS, and FILEORG must be SEQ, REL, IDX or IDS according to the primitive called. WRONGPAR 183F TDS VCAM/ISO Wrong parameter Master Command The CNOS administrative transaction aborts because the status parameter given in the call (OPEN_POOL, CLOSE_POOL, MD_NEWCONNECT, DISP_RESLIMIT, DIS_POOL, LIST_POOL, DISP_COR, LIST_COR) cannot be reached by TDS. Check the status parameter of the call (in the transaction code). The CNOS administrative transaction aborts because the call performed (OPEN_POOL, CLOSE_POOL, MD_NEWCONNECT, DISP_RESLIMIT, DIS_POOL, LIST_POOL, DISP_COR, LIST_COR) has the wrong number of parameters. Check the call (in the transaction code). Error in the interface with ISO sessions due to 1.) incorrect parameter value, 2.) incorrect parameter length, 3.) inconsistency in the ISO protocol, 4.) attempt to access an unreadable area. Use the User VCAM Trace to better analyze the problem. Check the application interface with ISO Session Service parameters. WRONGPMD 1C05 Wrong processing mode (COBOL Status Key value 99) Any File Organization Any Operation OPEN BFAS Sequential PASCAL RTP 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 OPEN The processing mode used (IN, OUT I-O, APPEND), conflicts with another parameter. Correct the program. The processing mode implies writing but ASSIGN specifies ACCESS = READ or SPREAD. Correct JCL. The processing mode at file opening does not allow that COBOL clause. The type of access requested for a file is incompatible with the open mode For example, PUT or WRITE was requested when the file was opened in RESET mode. Change the opening mode. 54-31 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory RBF TDS OPEN Unit Record Driver: Diskette OPEN WRONGSSF 1DC1 Unit Record Driver: Printer Wrong SSF data OPEN WRITE WRONGSTA 0450 Processing mode not allowed. Attempt to open a TDS controlled file in OUTPUT or APPEND processing mode. Change the PMD parameter; it must be INPUT or UPDATE. Processing mode is not IN/OU/AP in standard or IN/OU/IO in foreign. Inconsistency in the data form parameters and/or the VFU. Correct program. Incorrect system header. A line may be out of place in the page (DOF, SSF or ASA). At least one macro statement has been lost. Macro processing is restarted at the next statement FORMS System Nucleus Dynamic Addresser TDS Transaction /Network Subsystem The contents of the data map are invalid. Check that the form is valid and has not been corrupted. Contact the Service Center. Status error. The status of the object makes it impossible to perform the required function. Modify the caller's code or attempt the function later. An error has occurred when generating the network. Refer to the Network Generation message. WRVIOL 1483 Write violation YES 0000 Request fulfilled Dump Analyzer The option ACTIVE has been specified for the characteristics of the test decor of the system to be dumped. Testing has been performed correctly. YETALLOC 1C16 File Management 54-32 File is already allocated File Space Management Utilities The catalog entry referenced by the efn parameter already contains a list of media. Check the catalog entry using FILLIST. Check the specified file name. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 55. Return Codes Listed in Numerical Order Return codes are coded indicators of a condition or conditions which exist when a step terminates, either normally or abnormally. The return codes result from either a programmer error, a system error, or at the request of an operator command. The GCOS 7 return codes have both a numerical code, and a mnemonic (meaningful symbolic) code. Return codes can appear in: • a Job Occurrence Report error message, • a Data Management Utility error message, • an Operator Console message. Return codes indicating that a step has terminated normally have values from 0000 to 00FF. Abnormal step termination is indicated by return codes from 0100 to 7FFF. The return codes are listed in this section in numerical order of code value. Each entry in the list has one of the following two formats: Format with Two Numerical Values for a Return Code Num. a Num. b where: Mnemonic Explanation Num. a (Numerical Value a) is the lowest value (four hexadecimal digits) a return code can have. Num. b (Numerical Value b) is the highest value (four hexadecimal digits) a return code can have. Mnemonic is the name of the return code. Explanation gives a general explanation of the return code. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 55-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory Format with One Numerical Value for a Return Code Num. c Mnemonic Explanation where: Num. c (Numerical Value c) is the value (four hexadecimal digits) of a specific return code. Mnemonic is the name of the return code. Explanation gives a general explanation of the return code. List of Return Codes 55-2 Numerical Value(s) Mnemonic Explanation 0000 00FF NORMAL Operation has been normal or almost normal 0000 DONE Request has been fulfilled 0000 YES Request has been fulfilled 0001 DONEIDC Done, correct input data 0002 DONEIDE Done, input data error 0003 DEBUG Debugger must be called 0005 IGNORE Do not take any action 0006 INTER The action has been done but an interrupt has occurred 000F SKIPPED Records or blocks have been skipped 0010 ENQUE Request has been enqueued 0011 PADDING PADDING has occurred during a move operation 0012 ALREADY Service was already fulfilled before the current request was issued 0013 NO Negative answer to test request 0013 NOTYET Answer to a test request is negative 0014 RELOC Relocation was applied 0015 ALMOST Request not fully performed 0016 DUMMY A dummy file was assigned 0017 UNUSED Unused resource 0018 LONGWAIT It may be some time before the available resources are free 0019 RETRY Request not done, please retry 0020 003F LIMIT Value limit has been reached during the operation 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Return Codes Listed in Numerical Order 0021 UNDERLIM A value specified in the request has been forced to the lowest authorized limit 0022 CHAINLIM The limit of a chain of elements has been reached 0023 TMLIM A time value specified in the request has been forced to the authorized limit 0023 0024 TMPTYLIM The time and priority specified in the request have been forced to the authorized limit 0024 PRTYLIM A priority value specified by the user in the request has been forced to the authorized limit 0025 COUNTLIM A count value limit has been reached during the operation 0026 LINKLIM A link number limit has been reached during the operation 0027 DATALIM File limit reached 0028 VOLLIM Volume limit reached 0029 TIMELIM Time limit reached 002A FORMLIM Form limit reached 002B VTOCLIM VTOC limit reached 002C EXTLIM Maximum number of extents reached 002D DIRLIM End of directory reached 002E SPACELIM File space limit has been reached 002F WALIM Record length is greater than ALN value, so it has been truncated 0030 VMALIM VMA size limit reached. Allocation made in batch mode 0031 FORMEND1 End of form 1 0031 0032 FORMEND End of form 0032 FORMEND2 End of form 2 0033 FORMHEAD Head of form reached 0034 FORMLMHD Both limit and head of form reached 0035 FEND1LIM Full form 1 and form limit reached 0036 JUSTEXEC The execute right is just allowed 003F QREACHED Permanent quota almost reached (consumption is at least 80% of CAT quota) 0040 004C H200CN Last crossed channel number without form limit crossing over 0040 H200CN0 No VFU without FORMLIM 0041 H200CN1 Channel number 1 without FORMLIM 0042 H200CN2 Channel number 2 without FORMLIM 0043 H200CN3 Channel number 3 without FORMLIM 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 55-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 55-4 0044 H200CN4 Channel number 4 without FORMLIM 0045 H200CN5 Channel number 5 without FORMLIM 0046 H200CN6 Channel number 6 without FORMLIM 0047 H200CN7 Channel number 7 without FORMLIM 0048 H200CN8 Channel number 8 without FORMLIM 0049 H200CN9 Channel number 9 without FORMLIM 004B H200CNB Channel number 11 without FORMLIM 004C H200CNC Channel number 12 without FORMLIM 0050 005C H200CNL Last crossed channel number with form limit crossing over 0050 H200CNL0 No VFU with FORMLIM 0051 H200CNL1 Channel number 1 with FORMLIM 0052 H200CNL2 Channel number 2 with FORMLIM 0053 H200CNL3 Channel number 3 with FORMLIM 0054 H200CNL4 Channel number 4 with FORMLIM 0055 H200CNL5 Channel number 5 with FORMLIM 0056 H200CNL6 Channel number 6 with FORMLIM 0057 H200CNL7 Channel number 7 with FORMLIM 0058 H200CNL8 Channel number 8 with FORMLIM 0059 H200CNL9 Channel number 9 with FORMLIM 005A H200CNLA Channel number 10 with FORMLIM 005B H200CNLB Channel number 11 with FORMLIM 005C H200CNLC Channel number 12 with FORMLIM 0080 009F NEMPTY Table (entry) or queue is not empty 0081 STILLMSG Message(s) still pending 0082 STILLPG Process group(s) still pending 0083 STILLTER Terminals still pending 00A0 EMPTY Table (entry) or queue is empty 00A1 TEMPLIM Temporary limit of file has been reached 00AA OBSOLETE Too late to give previously valid action 00B4 NODE The item is a node item 00B5 UFASPATH The item belongs to UFAS path 00B6 COMPREC A complementary record is accessed through a secondary record 00B7 SYNCOMP A complementary record is accessed through a secondary record 00B8 WDMOD A modification to a control interval has been made in deferred update mode 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Return Codes Listed in Numerical Order 00BE RESOURCE The item is a resource item 00BF FUNCKEY Function key 00C1 UPDCI A CI has been updated 00C2 QFNACCES SITE.QUOTA file not accessible 00C4 SPNACNT Space not accounted by Quota Control (volume is not a quota controlled volume) 00C8 CHECK A check is mandatory here 00D2 00DB CANCEL Something has been cancelled 00D3 CANEVT Cancel an event within event manager 00D4 CANIO The IO was cancelled 00DC NORECFND No record found 00DE ENDLOGMD End of logical module (printer) 00DF MULTPLX Multiplexing is requested 00E0 NOTED Request taken in account 00E1 SYNONYM Something else has the same name 00E2 GENEMPTY Generation not yet created 00E3 FVLIM The entire list of volumes containing the file has been communicated to the user 00E4 FILEMARK File mark recognized 00E6 JOBCMD A job command is detected 00E7 KEYHIGH Record selected has next highest key value 00E8 PSIEXS Private segment information excess 00E9 SPLIT Internal splitting 0100 7FFF ABNORMAL Operation has not been performed because of abnormal execution conditions 0110 NOTDONE Function not performed, nothing destroyed, explanation already provided 0114 NORUN Request not run by the operator 0115 NOTALL Request not fully performed (unpredictable results may occur) 0120 DAMAGED Function not performed. Some entities are damaged 0200 BUSY The object of the request is still working 0201 ISDBUSY Request deleted because one or more ISD(s) are pointing to the segment 0202 ILLBAERR Illegal base register 0203 BLKBUSY The referenced block is active 0204 KEYCHG Attempt to change existing record key 0205 OUTSEQ Record key is lower than that of the previous record 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 55-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 55-6 0206 SHUTDOWN Request not performed due to shutdown 0300 UNDRFLOW Underflow liable to occur 0301 037F AUPI Administrative Utilities Programmatic Interface 0380 03FF DSAC Distributed System Administration and Control 0400 TOOLATE Request has occurred too late 0410 DUPNAME Duplicate name 0410 0420 DUPENTY Duplicate entities 0411 DUPKEY New record key duplicates existing record key 0412 DUPUSER Duplicate user 0413 DUPSTTN Duplicate station 0420 DUPREL Duplicate relationship 0425 DISABLED Data transfer logical path inhibited 0430 NODETAIL Object has no lower level 0435 DATAGAIN Initial amount of data input but data limit not reached (gain of data) 0436 DATALOSS Data limit reached, but initial amount of data not input (loss of data) 0437 RECNFD Record not found or has been deleted 0440 WRONGITM At least one item of the output is wrong 0450 WRONGSTA At least one macro statement has been lost. Macro processing is restarted at the next statement 0460 CONFLICT Parameter value is incompatible with another parameter value 0480 04BF FAILURE Software IO failure 0481 IOFAIL 0482 IOACT Channel in enqueued or active status 0484 IONOP Channel not operational 0485 MCRDFAIL Read failure in macro processing, abort the currently running procedure 0486 MCWRFAIL Write failure in macro processing, abort the currently running procedure 0487 ABNCCAD Abnormal completion code returned with additional data 0488 SRCHFAIL Search failure 04C0 04E0 ABORT Abort the current running step 04C1 UPTERM Mother task is terminated 04C2 ABOPROC Fatal error, abort the currently running procedure 04C3 ABTASK Abort task Software IO failure 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Return Codes Listed in Numerical Order 04C4 ABORTPG Abort process group 04C5 PROCEXCP Abort by process or system exception (strictly reserved to ECP) 04C6 ILLSEM Illegal semaphore 04C7 HARDMALF Hardware malfunction 04C8 INVSTACK Invalid stack (descriptor) 04C9 INVPECT Invalid private PECT entry 04CA UABORT Abort requested by user 04CC ABORTCU Abort Commitment Unit 0500 05FF OVERLOAD Some component of the system is currently overloaded 0501 CMOVLD Central memory overloaded 0502 UMOVLD User memory overloaded 0503 BSOVLD Backing store overloaded 0504 OPQOVLD Operator queue overloaded 0505 REQOVLD Request overloaded 0506 SYSOVLD System overloaded 0507 FILEOVLD System file overloaded 0508 VMADVLD Virtual memory area overloaded 0509 PURGECI A control interval must be purged 0600 TRUNC Truncation has occurred in a move operation 0700 NOWAIT Synchronization must have occurred before that service can be requested 0800 087F BOUNDOUT Value out of bounds 0801 RONOUT Run occurrence number out of bounds 0802 INDOUT Index out of bounds 0803 SUBFROUT Subfile reference out of bounds 0804 ADDROUT Address out of bounds 0805 RANGEOUT Cannot be assigned 0900 093F NASSIGND Entity not assigned to the process (group) 0902 FILENASG File not assigned 0903 DVNASG Device not assigned 0904 TERNASG Terminal not assigned 0905 ECBNASG Event control block not assigned 0906 BUFNASG Buffer not assigned 0907 ECPNASG ECP not assigned to ECB 0908 MDNASG Media not assigned 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 55-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 55-8 0909 IFNNASG No entity assigned to the internal file name 0940 ABTPRC Abort the current running process 0960 FORMRCVY Form recovery needed 0980 USEREQ User request (for an abort) 0A00 0AFF NAVAIL Entity not available (down, locked ...) 0A01 FWNAV Firmware function not available 0A02 DVNAV Device not available 0A03 MDNAV Media not available (down...still used) 0A04 TERNAV Terminal not available (down) 0A05 FUNCNAV Function not yet implemented 0A06 FLNAV File not available 0A07 ITMNAV Item (in a list) not available 0A08 IRNAV Input reader not available 0A09 CPYNAV File copy not available 0A0A BUFNAV Buffer not available 0A0B PCSNAV Process not available 0A0C TMRNAV Timer not available 0A0D OPSTNAV Option string not available 0A0E FLNMNAV File name not available 0A0F SPACENAV Space not available 0A10 IFNASG An entity is already assigned to the internal file name 0A11 IFNDEF A JCL DEFINE has already referenced the IFN 0A12 ERROPNAV Error option not available 0A13 GENNAV Generation not available 0A14 SGNAV No segment available 0A15 RESNAV Resource not available 0A16 SMNAV Shareable module not available 0A17 DATANAV Data not available 0A18 SCIDXNAV Secondary index not available 0A19 WDNAV CI differed update not available 0A1A VMANAV VMM area not available 0A1B KSNAV Backing store not available 0A1C CINAV Control Interval not available 0A1D FILEMIG File cataloged as migrated-out. 0A20 PATHNA Message path not available 0A20 0A3F COMNAV Telecommunications entities not available 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Return Codes Listed in Numerical Order 0A21 DNODNOP Destination node saturated 0A22 DBMXNOP Destination mailbox not operable 0A30 MBXSAT Mailbox saturated 0A31 DNODSAT Destination node saturated 0A32 DBMXSAT Destination mailbox saturated 0A33 DAPPLSAT Destination application saturated 0A40 SPCNTNAV Requested space not allowed by Quota Control (may be an uncataloged not temporary file or cataloged file without an owner on a quota controlled volume) 0A41 QFNAV Quota control not available 0AE0 0AFF UNBUNDL Function unbundled 0AE1 RPWUNBUN Report writer unbundled 0AE2 SRTUNBUN Sort unbundled 0AE3 COMUNBUN Communications unbundled 0B00 VACANT Table (entry) or queue is vacant 0C00 NVACANT Table (entry) or queue is not vacant 0D00 DEADLOCK Deadlock 0D00 RESIDENT The object is resident so the operation should not be attempted 1000 10FF ENTYUNKN Entity unknown 1001 TSKUNKN Task unknown 1002 MPHUNKN Mailphore unknown 1003 CNSLUNKN Console unknown 1004 CVUNKN Control variable unknown 1005 RONUNKN Run occurrence number unknown 1006 JOBUNKN Job unknown 1007 EFNUNKN External file name unknown 1008 SFNUNKN Subfile name is unknown 1009 JNBUNKN J-number unknown 100A REQUNKN Request unknown 100B CDUNKN Command unknown 100C RSUNKM Resource unknown 100D CLASSUKN Class unknown 100E TPUNKN Type unknown 100F FLABUNKN File label unknown in the volume 1010 OPSCUNKN Scientific options unknown 1011 EMUUNKN Emulator unknown 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 55-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 55-10 1012 PCSUNKN Process unknown 1013 GEXTUNKN Global extent unknown 1014 OGENUNKN Oldest generation unknown 1015 LABUNKN Label unknown 1016 SCATUNKN Subcatalog unknown on volume 1017 OBJUNKN Object unknown on volume 1018 OBJ1UNKN Object1 unknown on volume 1019 OBJ2UNKN Object2 unknown on volume 101A RELUNKN Relationship unknown on volume 101B COPYUNKN Copy unknown on volume 101C ACCTUNKN Account unknown on volume 101D AGENUNKN Absolute generation unknown on volume 101E SGENUNKN Symbolic generation unknown on volume 101F RGENUNKN Relative generation unknown on volume 1020 INDUNKN Index unknown 1021 QUNKN Queue unknown 1022 LINKUNKN Link name unknown 1023 KEYUNKN Key unknown, record not found 1024 OPUNKN Unknown operator 1025 USERUNKN User unknown. Not found in catalog 1026 PROJUNKN Project unknown. Not found in catalog 1027 BILLUNKN Billing unknown. Not found in catalog 1028 STTNUNKN Station unknown. Not found in catalog 1029 APPLUNKN Application unknown. Not found in catalog 102A RLUPUNKN Relation user/project unknown 102B RLBPUNKN Relation billing/project unknown 102C RLAPUNKN Relation application/project unknown 102D RLSPUNKN Relation station/project unknown 102E DNODUNKN Destination node unknown 102F DBMXUNKN Destination mailbox unknown 1030 DNSPEC Destination not specified 1031 NJAFT After journal is not accessible 1032 CASEUNKN Not a case constant 1033 MISSREL Missing relationship between file and index 1200 12FF OVERFLOW Overflow would occur 1201 SPACEOV Space overflow 1202 SYSOV System configuration overflow 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Return Codes Listed in Numerical Order 1203 CPOV Channel program overflow 1204 DIMOV Overflow of the area dimension 1205 MSGOV Message number overflow 1206 BUFNBOV Buffer number overflow (not enough in the working pool) 1207 SGOV Segment size would exceed maximum size 1208 DVOV No more devices 1209 LINKOV No more links 120A 120E STAKOV Stack overflow 120B R0STAKOV Ring 0 stack overflow 120C R1STAKOV Ring 1 stack overflow 120D R2STAKOV Ring 2 stack overflow (GCOS 7-V3A only) 120E R3STAKOV Ring 3 stack overflow 120F COUNTOV Count overflow 1210 DIROV Overflow of the directory part of a queued file 1211 ECBOV ECB overflow 1212 WAOV Work area overflow 1213 ECPOV Event completion procedure overflow 1214 SFNBOV Too many subfiles opened 1215 NVOLOV Overflow in the number of volumes 1216 FILEWSOV File working set overflow 1217 CMWSOV Central memory working set overflow 1218 CATOV No more space in catalog 1219 TABOV No more space in table 121A PTIMEOV Process timer overflow 121B UPDIDXOV Overflow in the maximum number of updatable indexes 121C FLOATOV Floating point overflow 1220 BAMOV BAM overflow 1221 ERLMOV Error limit overflow, abort the currently running procedure 1222 BSWSOV System backing store working set overflow 1223 ENTRYOV Overflow in the number of entries 1224 ISDOV Overflow in the number of ISDs requested 1225 PRTYVIOL Priority violation 1226 EPTOV Entry point table overflow 1227 ALTRKOV No more alternate track available 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 55-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 55-12 1228 FILEOV File overflow after record insertion, one record is lost 1229 PAGEOV Page overflow 122A PDIOV PDI overflow 122B PLDSTKOV Process local detachment stack overflow 122C BKSOV Backing store overflow 122D BKSIDOV Backing store identifier overflow 122E VMAOV Virtual memory area overflow 122F SUMOVERR Overflow in summation field 1230 QUOTAOV 1232 SQOV Requested space rejected by Quota Control on the selected volumes (volume is not in the project's quota list) Temporary quota exceeded for the project's session 1233 PQOV Permanent quota exceeded for project 1234 VQOV Requested space greater than the amount allowed by Quota Control on the selected volume(s) 1235 TQOV Temporary quota exceeded for the project 1400 16FF ACSSVIOL Access violation 1401 HYVIOL Hierarchy access violation 1402 TMRVIOL Timer access violation 1403 CLOSVIOL Entity should not be closed 1404 LEVVIOL Level of access (to a file) not allowed 1405 PSWVIOL Password violation 1406 MTCHVIOL Entity found but out of allowed domain 1407 ACTIVECU CU already active 1440 SCTYVIOL Security violation 1441 SNDVIOL Send violation 1442 RCVVIOL Receive violation 1443 INITVIOL Initialize violation 1444 MODVIOL Mailphore modification violation 1445 DLVIOL Mailphore deletion violation 1446 LQVIOL List Quota violation 1460 146F SHRVIOL Sharing violations 1461 DVVIOL Device violation 1462 SHLVVIOL Sharing level violation 1463 PMDVIOL Processing mode violation 1464 OUTVIOL Incompatibility between user PMDs 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Return Codes Listed in Numerical Order 1465 SHCTVIOL Sharing control violation 1466 LOKVIOL Lock protocol violation 1480 14FF ADDRVIOL Address violation 1481 CALLVIOL Call violation 1482 RDVIOL Read violation 1483 WRVIOL Write violation 1500 15FF FILEVIOL File violation 1501 ARVIOL Access rights violation 1502 OVRVIOL Overriding rules violation 1503 SCATVIOL Incorrect access to a subcatalog 1504 IFNVIOL IFN violation 1505 IFNSTRU IFN string already used 1600 161F RNGVIOL Ring violation 1616 EVRVIOL Event management ring violation 1617 NOTVIOL Notify ring violation 1618 RPARVIOL Parameter not allowed because of the primitive ring issued 1619 CKRVIOL Check ring violation 1620 ABTVIOL Abort violation 1621 UNBVIOL Unblock violation 1622 FMVIOL Function mask/file mask violation 1623 RESVIOL Attempt to access an unassigned resource 1624 SADMVIOL SYSADMIN identification violation 1630 163F DMCSVIOL Data management control structures access violation 1631 FECBVIOL Invalid access to an FECB 1632 NOTOPENV IFN not in open volume state 1700 1740 FORBID Forbidden action 1701 JENTFBID Job entry forbidden 1702 INDVFBID Input device forbidden 1703 DVIDFBID Device identification forbidden 1704 EXTFBID Space extension forbidden 1705 ARSTFBID Access rights setting forbidden 1706 ACTIVVMA Deletion forbidden for active VMM area 1707 INVUSE Invalid use of function 1708 ARDLFBID Deletion of access rights forbidden 1709 NFREEVMA No free VMA 170A NRECURS Recursion not allowed 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 55-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 55-14 170B NCOMPREC No complementary record allowed 1710 171F REJCT Action rejected 1711 SESREJCT Session opening rejected 1712 DPREJCT Dialog protocol rejected 1713 PCREJCT Presentation control rejected 1714 ILLRECOV Illegal recovery 1730 OPERATOR Decision taken by operator 1800 1BFF PARAMERR Parameter erroneous due to a programming error 1801 MODERR Error in modification request 1802 LCPERR Error in logical channel program 1803 SEEKERR No seek command in a disc channel program 1804 CPERR Error in channel program 1805 OPCERR Operation code error 1806 OPTERR Error in options 1807 LNERR Length erroneous 1808 SDERR Error in segment descriptor 1809 TYPEERR Entity type erroneous 180A NEXPDERR Segment is not expandable 180B NSWAPERR Segment is not swappable 180C DVCERR Device class error 180D NMTCHERR Unmatch error 180E EXECERR Segment is not executable 180F DVNERR Device name error 1810 DRTERR Device requirement table error 1811 MSGERR Message error 1812 ECBERR Event control block error 1813 CDERR Command error 1814 IDERR Identifier error 1815 TREGERR T-register error 1816 SNDARERR Error in sending area 1817 RECARERR Error in receiving area 1818 STAKERR Specified segment should not be a stack 1819 ADDRERR Address error 181A INDERR Index error 181B COUNTERR Check fails on number of records on a media 181C JNBERR J-number error 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Return Codes Listed in Numerical Order 181D MDERR Media error 181E LINKERR Not possible for a link 181F ALIASERR Not possible for an alias 1820 EXTERR Extent error 1821 IFNERR IFN does not lead to a valid structure 1822 PCERR Physical channel error 1823 ADFTERR Address format error 1824 182F LABELERR Value of label is incorrect 1825 EFNERR EFN does not match 1826 TYPERR Label type does not match 1827 NSTDLAB Non-standard label 1830 RWIDERRL RW session identification error 1831 FECBERR FECB error; argument is not a valid FECB 1833 FLIDERR File identification error 1834 NUMBLERR Erroneous number of blocks 1835 SYNCERR Synchronization mode error 1836 SHRERR Sharing violation 1837 FLIDMISS File identification is missing 1838 RIMISS Request identification is missing 1839 FRMTERR Error in format request 183A LOCKERR Error in lock count value 183F WRONGPAR Wrong parameter 184F NULLPTR Reference to a null pointer 1850 SAMERR SAM integrity error 1851 SGTPERR Segment type error 1852 PNBERR P-number error 1853 ARGERR Argument error 1854 PROTERR Protocol error 185A MOUNTERR Mounting request error 185E VOLOUT Outside bounds of volume 185F RECSZERR Record size error 1860 RECFERR Record format error 1861 BLKFERR Block format error 1862 BLKSZERR Block size error 1863 DIRERR Error in queued file directory 1864 ASGERR Assignment is denied 1865 VTOCERR Error in the VTOC 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 55-15 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 55-16 1866 BDELERR Start delimiter error 1867 IDELERR Intermediate delimiter error 1868 EDELERR End delimiter error 1869 PCSERR Error in the process identification 186A UFATERR User fatal error (in a job) 186B UBUGERR User bug error (in a job) 186C OBJTPERR Incorrect object type 186D RELTPERR Incorrect relationship type 186E BAMERR Data block not in the expected state 186F DESCERR Address in description incorrect 1870 187F NAMEERR Name error 1871 TRNMERR Tree name error 1872 SGNMERR Segment name error 1873 RGENERR Relative generation error 1874 AGENERR Absolute generation error 1875 SGENERR Symbolic generation error 1876 COPYERR Copy error 1877 JPNBERR JP error 1878 NOMATCH No matching name 1879 CATERR A file that is requested to be cataloged is not, or vice versa 1880 188F INITERR Error in initialization of a file 1887 IDXNSTBL Unstable index 1888 SCIDXOBS Index and primary file have different update dates 1889 SEQERR Not in proper sort sequence 1890 RECERR Record does not agree with previous specification 1891 JCLERR Error in JCL Statement 1892 SORTERR Invalid parameter values have been defined for the sort 1893 RCERR Invalid return code 1894 ILLLDN Illegal logical device number 1895 COMDERR Communication description error 1896 JOBNRTRY Job command read out of standard read mode 1897 JOBRTRY Job command is to be re-read 1898 KEYERR Key mismatch between source program and preallocation 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Return Codes Listed in Numerical Order 1899 NEGSZERR Unexpected negative size has been found 1A00 1AFF MATHERR ARG error when calling math function 1A01 SEXPOV Overflow for X > 174.67 1A02 DEXPOV Overflow for X > 174.67 1A03 QEXPOV Overflow for X > 174.67 1A04 SLOGZR Argument is zero: log undefined 1A05 SLOGNG Argument is less than zero log undefined 1A06 DLOGZR Argument is zero: log undefined 1A07 DLOGNG Argument is less than zero log undefined 1A08 QLOGZR Argument is zero: log undefined 1A09 QLOGNG Argument is less than zero log undefined 1A0A STW0UN Result too small when ARG less than -260 1A0B STW0OV Result too big when ARG > 251 1A0C DTW0UN Result too small when ARG < -260 1A0D DTW0OV Result too big when ARG > 251 1A0E QTW0UN Result too small when ARG < -260 1A0F QTW0OV Result too big when ARG > 251 1A10 DM0DZR Second argument is zero 1A11 QM0DZR Second argument is zero 1A12 SPWRZRNG Zero to negative power is undefined 1A13 SPWRNG Negative power to number is ambiguous 1A14 DPWRZRNG Zero to negative power is undefined 1A15 DPWRNG Negative power to number is ambiguous 1A16 QPWRZRNG Zero to negative power is undefined 1A17 QSPWRNG Negative power to number is ambiguous 1A18 SSQRNG Square root of negative number 1A19 DSQRNG Square root of negative number 1A1A QSQRNG Square root of negative number 1A1B SSNCPREC ARG > 10**8 loss of precision 1A1C DSNCPREC ARG > 10**15 loss of precision 1A1D SNCPREC ARG > 10**27 loss of precision 1A1E STANOV ARG too near to N*PI/2 1A1F STANPREC ARG > 10**8 loss of precision 1A20 DTANOV ARG too near to N*PI/2 1A21 DTANPREC ARG > 10**15 loss of precision 1A22 QTANOV ARG too near to N*PI/2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 55-17 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 55-18 1A23 QTANPREC ARG > 10**27 loss of precision 1A24 SCOTOV ARG too near to N*PI from above 1A25 SCOTLOW ARG too near to N*PI from below 1A26 SCOTPREC ARG > 10**8 loss of precision 1A27 DCOTOV ARG too near to N*PI from above 1A28 DCOTLOW ARG too near to N*PI from below 1A29 DCOTPREC ARG > 10**27 loss of precision 1A2A QCOTOV ARG too near to N*PI from above 1A2B QCOTLOW ARG too near to N*PI from below 1A2C QCOTPREC ARG >10**27 loss of precision 1A2D SASCUD Undefined for |ARG | > 1 1A2E DASCUD Undefined for |ARG | > 1 1A2F QASCUD Undefined for |ARG | > 1 1A30 SAT2ZR Both are equal to zero 1A31 DAT2ZR Null vector 1A32 QAT2ZR Undefined function 1A35 SFACOV ARG > 56 overflow 1A36 SFACNG Negative argument 1A37 SGAMOV ARG > 57.53 overflow 1A38 SGAMNGA ARG almost a negative integer 1A39 SGAMZR ARG = 0 1A3A SGAMUN ARG less than -57.53 underflow 1A3B SGAMZRA ARG almost zero 1A3C SGAMNG ARG is a negative integer 1A3D SLGMNG ARG less than 1 1A3E SLGMNGA ARG almost a negative integer 1A3F SLGMUD Function undefined 1A40 SLGMUN ARG less than -100 undefined 1A43 DFACOV ARG > 56 overflow 1A44 DFACNG Negative argument 1A45 DGAMOV ARG > 57.53 overflow 1A46 DGAMNGA ARG almost a negative integer 1A47 DGAMZR ARG = 0 1A48 DGAMUN ARG less than -57.53; underflow 1A49 DGAMZRA ARG almost zero 1A4A DGAMNG Negative argument 1A4B DLGMNG Negative argument (or zero) 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Return Codes Listed in Numerical Order 1A4C DLGMNGA ARG almost a negative integer 1A4D DLGMUD Undefined 1A4E DLGMUN ARG less than -150 underflow 1A51 QFACOV ARG greater than 56 overflow 1A52 QFACNG Negative argument 1A53 QGAMOV ARG greater than 57.53 overflow 1A54 QGAMNGA Argument is almost a negative integer 1A55 QGAMZR Argument is zero 1A56 QGAMUN ARG is less than -57.53 underflow 1A57 QGAMZRA Argument is almost zero 1A58 QGAMNG Negative argument 1A59 QLGMNG Negative argument (or zero) 1A5A QLGMNGA ARG almost a negative integer 1A5B QLGMUD Undefined 1A5C QLGMUN ARG less than -200 underflow 1A5D SEXPUN ARG less than -200 underflow 1A5E DEXPUN ARG less than -200 underflow 1A5F QEXPUN ARG less than -200 underflow 1A60 SPWRUN ARG less than -200 underflow 1A61 DPWRUN ARG less than -200 overflow 1A62 QPWRUN ARG less than -200 overflow 1A63 SPWROV Result > 10**252: overflow (power) 1A64 DPWROV Result > 10**252: overflow (power) 1A65 QPWROV Result > 10**252: overflow (power) 1A66 SCSHOV ARG > 175.36: overflow (cosh) 1A67 DCSHOV ARG > 175.36: overflow (cosh) 1A68 QCSHOV ARG > 175.36: overflow (cosh) 1A69 SSIHOV ARG > 175.36: overflow 1A69 SSIHOV ARG >175.36:overflow (sinh) 1A6A DSIHOV ARG > 175.36: overflow (sinh) 1A6B QSIHOV ARG > 175.36: overflow (sinh) 1A70 CSTHPREC |real ARG | >= 2**19*PI (complex tanh) 1A71 CDTHPREC |real ARG | >= 2**50*PI (complex tanh) 1A72 CQTHPREC |real ARG | >= 2**100*PI (complex tanh) 1A73 CSTNPREC |imag ARG | >= 2**19*PI (complex tan) 1A74 CDTNPREC |imag ARG | >= 2**50*PI (complex tan) 1A75 CQTNPREC |imag ARG | >= 2**100*PI (complex tan) 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 55-19 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 55-20 1A76 CSATANOV ARG=+-i: overflow (complex arctan) 1A77 CDATANOV ARG=+-i: overflow (complex arctan) 1A78 CQATANOV ARG=+-i: overflow (complex arctan) 1A79 CSATNHOV ARG=+-i: overflow (complex arctanh) 1A7A CDATNHOV ARG=+-i: overflow (complex arctanh) 1A7B CQATNHOV ARG=+-i: overflow (complex arctanh) 1A7C SATNHUN |ARG |> |: underflow (arctanh) 1A7D DATNHUN |ARG |> |: underflow (arctanh) 1A7E QATNHUN |ARG |> |: underflow (arctanh) 1A7F MATHARG Not normalized argument when calling a mathematical function 1B00 1BFF USERRJCT Rejection of a user 1C00 1DFF STATEERR Entity in an erroneous state due to a programming sequence error 1C01 NOTOPEN File not open 1C02 WRONGORG Wrong file organization 1C03 NOTOPENS Subfile not open 1C04 NOCURREC No current record 1C05 WRONGPMD Wrong processing mode 1C06 NOLOCK No lock 1C07 OPEN File already opened 1C08 OPENS Subfile already opened 1C09 NOINIT Attempt to operate a non initiated object 1C0A NOTOBS Not obsolete 1C0B EXHAUST End of data already signalled 1C0C WRONGDV Wrong device 1C0D INVCHAR Invalid character 1C0E FVNOTCUR File volume is not current 1C0F WITHDETL Object has lower levels 1C10 WITHREL Object has relationship 1C11 WITHSYN Object has synonym 1C12 BADOWNER Attempt to create a wrong catalog structure 1C13 OUTNAV One subfile is already opened in output mode, so the output is no longer available 1C14 FORCE Closing of user file has been forced 1C15 PSTATERR Process state error 1C16 YETALLOC File is already allocated 1C17 YETASG File is already assigned 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Return Codes Listed in Numerical Order 1C18 NOTCLOSV IFN not in close volume state 1C19 NODELETE Record deletion not allowed 1C1A NOUPDATE Update not allowed 1C1B WRONGMD Wrong reference mode 1C1C NOSWAP VMM area cannot be swapped 1C1D STAGEER Processing state has not reached the expected stage 1C1E SWAPPED Area(s) already swapped 1C1F WITHAR The project still has access rights 1C20 EMPTPLST Empty polling list 1C21 STNOINIT Station not initialized 1C22 JUMPERR Illegal jump 1C23 VFUERR VFU error 1C24 PAPERR Paper definition error 1C25 HEADERR Wrong header 1C26 BSNFERR Block serial number format error 1C27 ILLCPHDR Illegal channel program error 1C28 UPDCI A control interval has been updated 1C29 UNSTABLE Undefined 1C30 JRNALERR Journal information not consistent 1DC0 1DFF WRONGDAT Wrong data sent to unit records 1DC1 WRONGSSF Wrong SSF data 1E00 1E4F IOERR IO in an erroneous state due to a firmware or a hardware error 1E01 MLAINTER MLA interlocked 1E02 DATAERR Error in data read 1E03 TIMEOUT Time-on exhausted (in MLA) 1E04 BREAK Break recognized 1E05 UNRECIO Unrecoverable IO termination 1E06 STANDBY Device stand by 1E07 OFFLINE Device off line 1E08 DEFTRACK Defective track 1E09 PARITYER Parity error 1E0A WRITPROT Device in write protect state 1E0B REPNEED Repositioning needed 1E10 TRBSYNID Terminal busy, no input data 1E11 TRBSYIDC Terminal busy, input data correct 1E12 TRBSYIDE Terminal busy, input data error 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 55-21 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 1E20 1E21 1E22 1E25 1E26 1E30 1E31 1E32 1E40 1E41 1E42 2000 20FF 2100 21FF 2200 22FF 2300 23FF 2400 24FF 2500 25FF 2600 26FF 2800 280F 2800 2807 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2805 2806 2807 2808 280F 2808 2809 280A 280B 280C 280D 280E 280F 55-22 RTCOVNID RTCOVIDC RTCOVIDE STUNTEST ILSTREQ MGNAKNID MGNAKIDC MGNAKIDE TONID TOIDC TOIDE CCBUFNAS CCDADVL CCFMVL CCFLGIL CCBRIL CCNUMIL CCILLEG IOTERM DSB0 DSB00 DSB01 DSB02 DSB03 DSB04 DSB05 DSB06 DSB07 DSB2 DSB20 DSB21 DSB22 DSB23 DSB24 DSB25 DSB26 DSB27 Retry count overflow, no input data Retry count overflow, input data correct Retry count overflow, input data error Station declared under test by MLA Illegal station I/O request Message not acknowledged, no input data Message not acknowledged, input data correct Message not acknowledged, input data error VIP time out, no input data VIP time out, input data correct VIP time out, input data error Buffer not assigned Disk address violation File mask or function mask violation Invalid flag modification Invalid branch address Invalid CCE number Illegal CCE Hardware detailed status byte Detailed status byte 0 Detailed status byte 0 for channel 0 Detailed status byte 0 for channel 1 Detailed status byte 0 for channel 2 Detailed status byte 0 for channel 3 Detailed status byte 0 for channel 4 Detailed status byte 0 for channel 5 Detailed status byte 0 for channel 6 Detailed status byte 0 for channel 7 Detailed status byte 2 Detailed status byte 2 for channel 0 Detailed status byte 2 for channel 1 Detailed status byte 2 for channel 2 Detailed status byte 2 for channel 3 Detailed status byte 2 for channel 4 Detailed status byte 2 for channel 5 Detailed status byte 2 for channel 6 Detailed status byte 2 for channel 7 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 56. Device Management Return Codes in More Detail This section explains in more detail the return codes set by the Device Management modules. The return codes are given in the following format: <mnemonic> <number>, <return code> where: <mnemonic> is the SIU name (always DVMGT, with the single exception of HPR). <number> is a one- or two-digit number which indicates the internal function of the module (i.e. the procedure) which set the return code. <return code> is one of the return codes explained in this manual. The return codes are listed in numerical order of function number. HPR 0, DVIDFBID The allocation of the printer has been rejected. requested belt is unknown in SYS.URCINIT. DVMGT 3, BUSY The media has been declared unavailable by the system (cartridge library only): Resource not currently available. DVMGT 3, HARDMALF The media has been declared unavailable by the system (cartridge library only): Hardware problem. DVMGT 3, MDNAV The media has been declared unavailable by the system or after a CR or CJ command. DVMGT 3, RSUNKN The media has been declared unavailable by the system (cartridge library only): The media is not in the library. DVMGT 6, DVNAV The requested Dynamic Drive Reconfiguration (applies to cartridges only), is not possible. There is only one device in the configuration. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 The 56-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DVMGT 6, INVUSE The requested Dynamic Drive Reconfiguration (applies to cartridges only), is not possible. The cartridge is in a cartridge library, or must be mounted on a given device. DVMGT 7, TRUNC Normal return code. The information returned about a pool of devices is incomplete. The number of devices is greater than the number specified. DVMGT 9, IGNORE Normal return code when an AVR has not been issued after a device state change. DVMGT 9, NOWAIT Controller recovery while an AVR is running. DVMGT 10, RSUNKN No error; the requested volume has not been found in the given system tables. DVMGT 11, ARGERR System or user error while checking if a volume is known to the system: No device type is given. The device type is not a disk, diskette, tape, nor cartridge. No device attributes are given for disks. A device name is given. Incomplete device attributes for a cartridge on multi-model sites (model name is missing). For a non-removable disk, both the volume name and the device name have been given. DVMGT 11, BUSY The supplied volume name is already in use. DVMGT 11, WRONGDV System error, or no information can be returned regarding the given media: No device type is given. No device name or volume name is given. No device name is given and the device type is not a disk, diskette, tape, nor cartridge. No device attributes are given for disks specified by their volume names. Incomplete device attributes for a cartridge on multi-model sites (model name is missing). The volume name is unknown. The volume is NSTD, out of NV scope. The volume name is known, but the volume is not allocated and the device is OUT, STANDBY, or in AVR (for a nonALONE MIRROR disk, both copies are OUT, STANDBY, or in AVR). The volume name is known, but the device is allocated in device mode. The device name is unknown. A volume with the specified volume name is not mounted on the specified device. 56-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Device Management Return Codes in More Detail DVMGT 12, DISABLED Only incomplete information can be returned about the given media: The device exists, but is OUT (for a non-ALONE MIRROR volume: not requested by T&D, both copies are OUT, or one is OUT and the other is unknown - STANDBY or in AVR). DVMGT 12, STANDBY Only incomplete information can be returned about the given media: The device exists, but is not allocated and: STANDBY or DISMOUNT MEDIA or in AVR or the volume is NSTD out of NV scope. For a not ALONE MIRROR volume, both copies are STANDBY or in AVR; or one is STANDBY or in AVR and the other is unknown. DVMGT 12, WRONGDV System error, or an unused entry has been found while scanning the system tables to obtain information about media: Value out of range, or unused due to MIRROR disk pairing. DVMGT 13, WRONGDV System error or an unused entry has been found while scanning the system tables to obtain links between volumes and devices: Value out of range, or unused due to MIRROR disk pairing. DVMGT 14, ENQUE Normal return code. One or several media requested by a step are not yet mounted. DVMGT 14, MDNAV A step cannot be started because the requested media has been declared unavailable by the operator. DVMGT 16, ARGERR System error: The given function code is not allowed for the given device class. DVMGT 18, BREAK The mounting (or write-permission check) request has been cancelled by a break or a CANCEL response. DVMGT 18, CONFLICT Contradictory requests: The request for write-permission cannot be executed because access protection was requested during allocation of the volume. DVMGT 18, DVNASG System error while executing a mounting (or writepermission check) request: The media is not assigned to this user. Value out of range, or unused due to MIRROR disk pairing. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 56-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DVMGT 18, HARDMALF The given media cannot be mounted or switched to write permit (for a cartridge library only): Hardware problem. DVMGT 18, MDNAV The given media cannot be mounted or switched to write permit because it has been declared unavailable by the operator. DVMGT 18, RESNAV The given media cannot be mounted or switched to write permit (for a cartridge library only): The media is not available. DVMGT 18, RSUNKN The given media cannot be mounted or switched to write permit (for a cartridge library only): The media is not in the library. DVMGT 18, STANDBY The given device is STANDBY or seized. DVMGT 19, BUSY The allocation of a media has not been performed, and (for static allocation only) the job that requested it has been enqueued: Allocation is not currently possible (device is OUT, or there is an exclusivity conflict, ...), but may be possible later, and the job may be restarted (for static allocation). DVMGT 19, DVIDFBID The allocation of a media has been rejected due to a system error, or a user error, or because it is not possible: Device is not available at the moment. Incorrect parameters. Incorrect device type or device attributes. Value out of range or unused due to MIRROR disk pairing. Incompatible options within the same job. Allocation is not possible, and will not be possible later (a job has requested more devices than are available in the configuration, ...). In some cases, for dynamic allocation, DVIDFBID is returned instead of BUSY, but no enqueuing is possible. DVMGT 20, DAMAGED System error at deallocation time: Damaged system tables. DVMGT 20, DVCERR System error at deallocation time. Incorrect parameters DVMGT 20, EMPTY Normal return code when a media has been deallocated: The media was allocated, and has now been deallocated. DVMGT 21, BUSY The reservation of a volume has not been performed, and (for static reservation only) the job that requested it has been enqueued: The volume is already reserved by another user. 56-4 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Device Management Return Codes in More Detail DVMGT 21, DVNAV DVMGT 21, WRONGDV DVMGT 23, DVCERR The reservation of a volume has been rejected because of a user error: Incorrect device type or device attributes. Incomplete device attributes for a cartridge on multi-model sites (model name is missing). System error while reserving a volume or cancelling the reservation. Value out of range, or unused due to MIRROR disk pairing. Device class/device attribute not compatible with the requested device in the NAME_VOLUME command. DVMGT 23, WRONGPAR System error: Wrong MV command requested by AVAIL. DVMGT 25, DVIDFBID Cancellation of reservation of a pool of devices is not performed because no device exists with the specified attributes within the pool. DVMGT 25, DVNAV Cancellation of reservation of a pool of devices has not been performed because of a user error, or because the request is irrelevant: There is no device to be deallocated in the pool. The disk is non-removable. Incomplete device attributes for a cartridge on a multi-model site (model name is missing). DVMGT 26, DAMAGED System error while reserving a device: Damaged system tables. DVMGT 26, DVIDFBID The reservation of a pool of devices has not been performed because of a system or user error, or because it is not possible: Device is not available at the moment. A job requested more devices than are available in the configuration. User error in specification of the request. Incomplete device attributes for a cartridge on a multi-model site (model name is missing). Damaged system tables. DVMGT 26, DVOV The reservation of a pool of devices has not been performed because it is not currently possible, and (for static reservation only) the job that requested it has been enqueued: Not enough devices available in the configuration for the requested class, device held, or already reserved.. DVMGT 27, DAMAGED 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 System error while translating a device class. 56-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DVMGT 27, DVCERR Device class translation not possible: The string cannot be translated, due to a syntax error. DVMGT 27, DVNAV For printers, the given number of hammers is different from 120, 132, 136 or 160. The given device class does not exist in the configuration: The string corresponds to a correct description, but the device or device class does not exist in the current configuration. DVMGT 27, IDERR The given device class is incomplete. DVMGT 28, TPUNKN Device type translation not possible: Unknown device type. DVMGT 29, MDNAV Device not available. The belt is not identified. DVMGT 30, DVNAV Reconfiguration rejected at AVR time. DVMGT 30, DVVIOL Reconfiguration of SHARED media rejected. The device being recognized is not sharable. DVMGT 30, MDNAV AVR for cartridge library. Optic label differs from magnetic label. DVMGT 30, RESNAV Reconfiguration of SHARED media rejected. The source drive is seized by the other system. DVMGT 30, RSUNKN At AVR time: For allocation with the ANY MEDIA option, volume not found in system tables. For a cartridge library, unknown optic label. 56-6 DVMGT 35, WRONGDV System error: Value out of range. DVMGT 36, TRUNC Normal return code. The returned site description has been truncated: Array too small. DVMGT 36, WRONGDV System error, or an unused entry has been found while scanning the system tables: Value out of range, or unused due to MIRROR disk pairing. DVMGT 37, SGNAV System error: The segments required for DVMGT system tables cannot be successfully created. DVMGT 38, DVCERR System error while allocating a disk for several steps: Value out of range, or unused due to MIRROR disk pairing. The volume is not a disk. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Device Management Return Codes in More Detail DVMGT 38, DVNASG System error while allocating a disk for several steps: Volume not allocated to the requestor, or incorrect allocation options. DVMGT 39, DVNAV Media dismounting allocations: cannot be avoided between two The device to be passed has been declared unavailable by the operator. DVMGT 40, IOFAIL Abnormal I/O termination while resetting file locks (in file labels) or releasing the space allocated to temporary files, on a VBO disk. DVMGT 41, ALMOST Normal return code. Accessibility checking, unlocking of file locks, or mirror disks resynchronization cannot be performed for some disks (affects only SHARED disks). DVMGT 41, ARGERR System error: Incorrect parameters. DVMGT 41, NOTDONE Accessibility checking, unlocking of file locks, or mirror disks resynchronization cannot be performed due to a system problem (affects SHARED disks only). DVMGT 42, WRONGDV System error: Value out of range, or unused due to MIRROR disk pairing. DVMGT 43, NOTDONE File locks, VTOC locks, or temporary files have not been cleaned: The volume is not a SHARED or RESIDENT disk. The cleaning could not be performed. DVMGT 44, RSUNKN GCOS has been started with NCONFIG and the disk does not belong to the standard configuration. DVMGT 45, DVNAV Information has been requested for the specified device. If not overridden, incorrect device name. DVMGT 45, TPUNKN Information has been requested for the specified device. If not overridden, incorrect device type. DVMGT 48, SYSOV System error: A new extent is necessary to enlarge system tables, but it cannot be created. DVMGT 51, ARGERR System error: Unknown function code. DVMGT 60, DVIDFBID The request for allocation of the media has been rejected: The user has assigned the same non-sharable volume twice. DVMGT 62, ARGERR No information can be returned about a device type: Incorrect parameters. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 56-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 56-8 DVMGT 62, WAOV The information returned about a device type is incomplete: The number of devices is greater than the specified number. DVMGT 63, ARGERR No information can be returned about a device type: Incorrect parameters. DVMGT 63, WAOV The information returned about a device type is incomplete: The number of devices is greater than the specified number. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 57. File Management Return Codes in More Detail This section gives more information about the return codes set by the File Management, File Assignment, File Description Processing and File Processing Preparation modules. The return codes are given in the following format: <mnemonic> <number>, <return-code> where: <mnemonic> is a mnemonic indicating the module: DFASG = File Assignment; DFDES = File Description Processing; DFPRE = File Processing Preparation; DUAL = File Management in the Transactional Context Restart Facility. <number> is a one- or two-digit number indicating the internal function of the module which set the return code. This is not important for the user. <return-code> is one of the return codes explained in this manual. The return codes are listed in alphabetical order of mnemonic and numerical order of function number. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 57-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 57.1 FILE ASSIGNMENT DFASG 2, ALMOST DFASG 2, DUMMY DFASG 2, IFNNASG DFASG 2, INDERR DFASG 2, UFASPATH DFASG 3, CONFLICT The ifn parameter supplied to the primitive H_RTVLID corresponds to several efns because file concatenation has taken place. The ifn parameter supplied to the primitive H_RTVLID was previously assigned with the value DUMMY. Only the general resident bit is returned. DFASG 2, IFNERR An incorrect file descriptor has been supplied to H_RTVLID. The ifn supplied to H_RTVLID was not previously assigned. H_RTVLID has been used on a file concatenation. The rank of the requested efn was specified, but the value given was greater than the maximum number of efns assigned for the concatenation. H_RTVLID has been used with an ifn which has already been used to assign a catalog file link. This means that several files with secondary indexes can be assigned simultaneously using one ASSIGN statement. Generally, this means that the input parameters specified for a static assign were incoherent or incompatible. However, this return code may also be output in the following cases: Device class not supported. MWLIB or MWINLIB command specified for a device other than a disk. Two assigns have been made on the same tape in the same process group. The NEXT parameter was not specified for the second ASSIGN. Two assigns have been made on the same efn in the same process group. The ACCESS parameter was set to WRITE for the first assign and to ALLREAD for the second. Two assigns have been made on the same efn in the same process group, with different values for the SHARE parameter. (This is only possible without error when the ACCESS parameter is set to READ, and the SHARE parameter is set to NORMAL or ONEWRITE.) Two assigns have been attempted on the same efn with contradictory device names. Assigns have been attempted on the same efn with an incompatible NOVOLWR parameter. Two assigns have been attempted on the same efn with an incompatible POOL parameter. 57-2 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 File Management Return Codes in More Detail A define has been attempted on a ***file which has already been assigned to a different device, or a device that does not exist. An assign which is not temporary has been attempted for a work file. A work file has been assigned with LABEL=NSTD or LABEL=NONE. A concatenated file has been assigned in a mode which is not permitted. Two MWLIB or MWINLIB commands, each requesting exclusive mode, have been specified for the same efn.An incorrect value has been specified for the SHARE, ACCESS or FILESTAT parameter. An attempt has been made to allocate a cataloged file without specifying the CATNOW parameter. Overriding journal options by a DEFINE is forbidden in this case. The NBEFN and FIRSTVOL options are incompatible. MOUNT=ALL is mandatory with the NEWVERS or the RELSPACE parameter. ACCESS=SPWRITE or ACCESS=WRITE is mandatory with the NEWVERS or the RELSPACE parameter. If the NEWVERS and the FIRSTVOL parameters are specified together, the last parameter to be specified must be 1. The FIRSTVOL parameter has a value which is more than the value specified for the LASTVOL parameter. The FIRSTVOL parameter has a value which is more than the total number of volumes specified. An attempt has been made to assign a cataloged file which does not have a volume list. The maximum number of ifns has been reached for this process group. The maximum number of assigned files has been reached for this process group. An attempt has been made to assign a file with DVC=MS without the device class specification. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 57-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DFASG 3, IFNASG DFASG 3, JUSTEXEC DFASG 4, ABOPROC DFASG 4, IOFAIL DFASG 5, CONFLICT An attempt has been made to assign a file dynamically on a different site, with an enqueuing semaphore which is permitted to activate the Output Writer. This is not possible on a different site. The ifn is already assigned to this process group. An assign has been performed with ACCESS=EXECUTE, and the issuer has the EXECUTE right. An exception has been recovered by the ONCOND mechanism. An I/O error has occurred during reading from or writing to the SYS.KNODET file. This return code can be set during a warm restart or after a system crash in the following cases: The segment containing the dynamic assigns does not exist. DFASG 5, SYSOV DFASG 6, CONFLICT DFASG 6, OPEN DFASG 7, BUSY The specified ifn does not exist in the segment which contains the dynamic assigns. The maximum number of ifns have been assigned for the process group. An incorrect value has been specified for the ALLUNIT parameter of the H_DYNAL primitive. An attempt has been made to call the primitive H_DYNAL for a file which is already open. Set during static allocation in the following cases: - The file referenced has already been assigned by another job. DFASG 7, CONFLICT - Another job has already requested that the file be allocated. Set during static allocation in the following cases: The file has already been assigned as a cataloged file without the CATNOW parameter being specified. DFASG 8, FLABUNKN DFASG 9, BUSY DFASG 9, CONFLICT The maximum number of ifns has been reached for this process group. During the deassign of a dual shared, non-resident file, the list of corresponding volumes is empty. The maximum number of static defines has been reached. Set in the following cases: The maximum number of static defines has been reached. This ifn has already been defined. DFASG 10, FLABUNKN 57-4 Overriding the journal options is forbidden without having the RECOVERY access right. During a warm restart, a dual-shared, non-resident file is being deassigned and the list of corresponding volumes is empty. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 File Management Return Codes in More Detail DFASG 16, FLABUNKN DFASG 17, FILENASG DFASG 18, ALMOST DFASG 18, CONFLICT At job termination, an attempt has been made to suppress file passing for a dualshared, non-resident file and the list of corresponding volumes is empty. The ifn is not assigned. A dynamic assign has been attempted with the NOWAIT option, and the referenced volumes are not mounted. Set during a dynamic assign in the following cases: A non-resident file was assigned and the volume number was specified as less than 1 or greater than 10. A non-resident file was assigned dynamically and the VOLIDE segment was not specified. Incorrect label type. A value specified for a work volume is greater than the value specified for the total number of volumes. Incorrect value specified for ABNSTEPEND. Incorrect value specified for NORSTEPEND. Incorrect value specified for MASK. The value specified for CATRANK is greater than 5. The parameters NBEFN, ANYMED or ANYEFN have been specified for the assign and FILSTAT is not UNCAT. NBEFN or ANYEFN has been specified for a device which is not tape. NBEFN or ANYEFN has been specified with CATNOW. CATNOW has been specified for a device which is not tape or disk. ANYMED has been specified with CATNOW when a resident file is being assigned. NBEFN or ANYEFN has been specified when FILSTAT is not UNCAT and a resident file is being assigned. ANYMED has been specified when FILSTAT is not UNCAT and a resident file is being assigned. DFASG 18, OPEN 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 ANYMED has been specified when FILSTAT is not UNCAT and the device is not tape. The ifn specified to be used in input mode has already been assigned, and is now in the open or close state, but has not yet been deassigned. 57-5 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DFASG 19, CONFLICT Set in the following cases: An incorrect input parameter has been specified for a dynamic define. DFASG 19, NOWAIT DFASG 19, OPEN DFASG 20, OPEN DFASG 21, ARVIOL DFASG 22, ALMOST DFASG 24, SEQERR DFASG 40, BUSY DFASG 41, BUSY DFASG 42, BUSY DFASG 43, BUSY DFASG 45, BUSY DFASG 46, BUSY DFASG 47, BUSY DFASG 48, BUSY DFASG 49, BUSY DFASG 50, BUSY DFASG 51, BUSY DFASG 52, BUSY DFASG 53, BUSY DFASG 55, BUSY DFASG 56, BUSY DFASG 57, BUSY 57-6 An ifn has been specified for a dynamic define, and the corresponding efn is already open. An ifn has been specified for a dynamic define, which has already been defined. An ifn has been specified for a dynamic define, and the corresponding efn is already open. A dynamic deassign has been attempted on a file which is still open. A dynamic assign has been attempted from a caller who is not in ring 0 or ring 1, and ACCESS = EXECUTE. The referenced SFN has already been consigned. Indicates that before consigning the SFN, a check was made which revealed the file to be open already. Exclusive access to the process group has been requested, and the file is already assigned to the requestor. As above, but the file is already assigned to another process group. A process group has requested exclusive access to a file which is already being accessed exclusively by another process group. The file is already assigned to the process group, but another process group has asked for the same file to be allocated. The number of subfiles which may be assigned has been exceeded. A process group has attempted to access a file which is already being accessed by another process group, but the second process group has specified a different device name. Two process groups are trying to share the same file, but one process group has specified NOVOLWRITE and the other has specified VOLWRITE. Two process groups are trying to share the same file, but the values specified for the SHARE parameter are incompatible. Inter-process group sharing is incompatible. A process group has attempted to access a file with ACCESS = ALLREAD while other process groups are writing to the file. A process group has attempted to access a file with ACCESS = WRITE while the other process groups accessing the file are in ALLREAD mode. A process group has attempted to access a file with ACCESS = ALLREAD while the other process groups accessing the file have a catalog attached. The maximum number of jobs that can share a file has been reached. There is a conflict with inter-system sharing. There is an overflow in the knot table. There are no more type 0 vacant entries or semaphores. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 File Management Return Codes in More Detail DFASG 58, BUSY DFASG 59, BUSY DFASG 60, BUSY DFASG 61, BUSY 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 There is an overflow in the table of attached catalogs. A file has been passed by another process group and the value of the SHARE parameter of the assign is incompatible. A file has been passed by another process group, but the assign cannot be performed in passing mode. An attempt has been made to assign an auto-attachable cataloged file and the volume on which the catalog resides is not mounted, or the cataloged file is already being accessed exclusively by another process group. 57-7 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 57.2 FILE DESCRIPTION PROCESSING DFDES 1, AGENUNKN DFDES 1, ARVIOL DFDES 1, CONFLICT A cataloged file has been assigned with an empty generation, and the CATNOW parameter has not been specified. A cataloged file has been assigned, but the issuer does not have the necessary access rights on the catalog to use it. Set in the following cases: A cataloged file has been assigned, but SITE.CATALOG does not exist. A reference has been made to a generation of a cataloged file which is not accessible. Several files have been assigned and passed with the same efn. The current file is a resident file, and the user did not specify the media list. An attempt has been made to share a file which is not sharable, as it does not reside on a disk. An attempt has been made to assign a file which has already been assigned with a different value for SHARE or JOURNAL. DFDES 1, IOFAIL DFDES 1, SADMVIOL DFDES 1, SCATUNKN DFDES 1, SCATVIOL DFDES 1, SYSOV DFDES 4, ARGERR DFDES 4, ARVIOL A file has been assigned with FILESTAT = SUBCAT, but the efn is not cataloged. A file has been assigned, but the corresponding block in the SYS.KNODET file cannot be read from or written to. A SYS. file has been assigned with SYS1. The access rights are correct, but the issuer is not SYSADMIN. A SYS. cataloged file has been assigned, but the SYS.CATALOG does not exist. A cataloged file has been assigned, but the value given for the CATRANK parameter is incorrect, or the parameter was not specified. It is impossible to attach the file as there is an overflow in the catalog tables. The primitive H_RTFILE has been used to retrieve a cataloged file description. The file is a large magnetic tape file. The value specified for the TENTH parameter is less than 1 or greater than 25. Set in the following cases: The caller requires a special interface, but is not in ring 0 or ring 1. DFDES 4, CATERR DFDES 4, GENEMPTY DFDES 4, OBJUNKN 57-8 The issuer has incorrect access rights. An incorrect value has been specified for the CATRANK parameter (less than 0 or greater than 5). The wrong generation has been specified. A file generation description has been requested, and the catalog does not have one. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 File Management Return Codes in More Detail DFDES 4, SCATUNKN DFDES 4, TRNMERR DFDES 5, GENEMPTY DFDES 5, SCATUNKN DFDES 32, BUSY DFDES 33, BUSY DFDES 34, BUSY DFDES 35, BUSY DFDES 36, BUSY DFDES 37, BUSY DFDES 38, BUSY 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 The primitive H_RTFILE has been used and the SITE.CATALOG does not exist. An absolute generation number has been specified as zero, and several of these exist. A request has been made to update a generation which does not exist. A request has been made to modify a generation and the SITE.CATALOG does not exist. A file comes from two different catalogs, and the values given for the SHARE or JOURNAL parameter are different. A file has the same efn and volume list as a cataloged file, but FILESTAT is neither CAT nor SUBCAT. The oldest and newest generations of a file have been assigned simultaneously; (close loop only). A subcatalog and a catalog have the same efn but their media lists are different. Two files have the same efn, their media lists are partially identical, but the value given for FILESTAT is different. Two files are partially identical as they have a common set of media names. A homonym cannot be distinguished. 57-9 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 57.3 FILE PROCESSING PREPARATION DFPRE 2, BLKSZERR DFPRE 2. DATALIM DFPRE 2. FUNCNAV Block size greater than 32 K bytes (not supported by PIAR). A disk file cannot be extended because no increment size was defined for the file or no space is available for the extension. Set in the following cases: An extension has been requested but MOUNT is not ALL. DFPRE 2. IFNERR DFPRE 2, MDERR DFPRE 2, OPTERR DFPRE 2, SPACENAV DFPRE 6, ABOPROC DFPRE 6, CONFLICT An extension has been requested but the file cannot be found on the specified volume. An invalid ifn has been specified. The number of volumes on which the file resides exceeds the maximum, i.e. 10. Allocation unit is not a cylinder, track, or file. No space has been allocated for the file. An exception has occurred during file execution. Set in the following cases: An attempt has been made to allocate a disk file in partial processing. No access method has been found which corresponds to the device, format and organization given for the file. DFPRE 6, DATANAV DFPRE 6, DUPNAME The access level is not I/O or basic for an assigned volume of a tape or a disk. Logical access to a file is forbidden after the failure of a recovery utility that has left the file in an unstable state. (Disk files only.) Set in the following cases (disk files only): A check option was requested for a file allocation and a file already exists with the same efn. DFPRE 6, EDELERR 57-10 A file name has been found twice on the media list for the assign. The list of volumes given by the user does not contain the one where the file ends. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 File Management Return Codes in More Detail DFPRE 6, EFNUNKN Set in the following cases: An efn was not found in the media list given as a parameter of the assign statement and: The file to be opened is a disk file and allocation has not been requested. The file to be opened is a tape file, and the processing mode is neither OUTPUT nor APPEND, (except for APPEND INADDR), and the open was not issued by the primitive H_RFLDEF. The file to be assigned is a native diskette file. DFPRE 6, FLABUNKN DFPRE 6, FLNMNAV DFPRE 6, FUNCNAV DFPRE 6, FVNOTCUR DFPRE 6, MDERR A tape file exists but there is an inconsistency between the new generation requested by the user and the real state of the generations. A disk file label cannot be found. An allocation request was made, but the NOALLOC parameter was specified for the open. Generation switching cannot be performed because both the old and new generations are already present. An attempt has been made to access a native tape file with FILEFORM=NSTD in output mode. A disk file is being processed in MOUNT=ALL mode, and the volumes list in respect to the "end of space" indicator of labels is incorrect. Set in the following cases: For a disk file, the sequence of volumes in the media list specified for the assign is incorrect. DFPRE 6, NOTOBS DFPRE 6, WRONGORG For a diskette file, the volume sequence number found in the label is neither one nor zero. Generation switching cannot be performed because the expiration date of the old generation has not been reached. Set in the following cases: The organization of the file does not match the ORGCHECK option specified for the open. The ORGHDR field specified to the primitive H_DFLDEF was incorrect. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 57-11 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DFPRE 6, WRONGPMD Set in the following cases: ACCESS=READ for the assign, and the processing mode for the open is neither INPUT nor REVERSE. The processing mode for a disk file is REVERSE. The processing mode for a tape file is IO, IA or UP. The processing mode for a non-standard tape file is APPEND. The processing mode for a diskette file symbiant is not INPUT. The processing mode for a standard diskette file processed with FSN=ANY is not INPUT. DFPRE 8, LNERR DFPRE 8, INVUSE When allocation is requested for a diskette file, the processing mode is not OUTPUT. The specified efn is of incorrect length. Set in the following cases: The first file on a volume gives the IDRC/non-IDRC status of the first volume. The files that follow it should have the same attributes as the first file, but they do not. IDRC compaction is requested for a media stored in a non-IDRC cartridge library. DFPRE 11, ALREADY DFPRE 11, IFNERR DFPRE 11, IFNSTRU DFPRE 11, IFNVIOL DFPRE 11, NOWAIT DFPRE 11, OPTERR DFPRE 17, ABOPROC DFPRE 17, EFNUNKN DFPRE 17, FUNCNAV DFPRE 17, IFNERR DFPRE 17, INVUSE DFPRE 17, IOFAIL DFPRE 17, MDERR DFPRE 17, NOTOPEN 57-12 Density not supported. The specified ifn is at open state. An invalid ifn has been specified. The same ifn string is already in use for an active file of the same job. Specific EFD: the same ifn string used by an ifn at open state. The specified ifn is currently active for another primitive. Invalid function number requested. An exception has occurred during code execution. The first tape of a tape file cannot be accessed. MODPMD is only allowed for a mono-volume file. An attempt has been made to write to a tape file which has a native label, but is of non-standard format. An invalid ifn has been specified. Current user is not allowed to release SFINITed files. An irrecoverable I/O error has occurred when accessing a system file. When a file was being assigned for partial processing, an incorrect value was specified for the LASTVOL parameter. The specified ifn is not open and deassign has not been requested. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 File Management Return Codes in More Detail DFPRE 17, NOWAIT Set in the following cases: The ifn is being accessed by another primitive. DFPRE 17, REPNEED DFPRE 18, COUNTERR DFPRE 18, DATALIM DFPRE 18, DUMMY DFPRE 18, FUNCNAV DFPRE 18, IFNERR DFPRE 18, NOCURREC DFPRE 18, NOTOPEN DFPRE 18, NOTOPENV DFPRE 19, CONFLICT DFPRE 19, DATALIM DFPRE 19, EXHAUST DFPRE 19, FUNCNAV DFPRE 19, LEVVIOL DFPRE 19, NOCURREC DFPRE 19, NOTOPEN DFPRE 19, WRONGPMD DFPRE 20, ALREADY 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 There is an access conflict with another primitive of the same process group. The volume cannot be correctly repositioned so no end of file label has been written. The number of blocks read by the access method on input does not correspond to the number of blocks written. A CLOSV has been performed for the last volume of a file. A file with a dummy ifn has been successfully closed. The FORCE option is not allowed for tape files when the processing mode is not INPUT. An invalid ifn has been specified. The last volume of a multi-volume file has been reached but the end of data indicator is not present in the label. The specified file is not open. The current volume cannot be found. The DFPRE 19 messages pertain to the particular access method being used. For further information, see Return Code CONFLICT. The DFPRE 19 messages pertain to the particular access method being used. For further information, see Return Code DATALIM. The DFPRE 19 messages pertain to the particular access method being used. For further information, see Return Code EXHAUST. The DFPRE 19 messages pertain to the particular access method being used. For further information, see Return Code FUNCNAV. The DFPRE 19 messages pertain to the particular access method being used. For further information, see Return Code LEVVIOL. The DFPRE 19 messages pertain to the particular access method being used. For further information, see Return Code NOCURREC. The DFPRE 19 messages pertain to the particular access method being used. For further information, see Return Code NOTOPEN. The DFPRE 19 messages pertain to the particular access method being used. For further information, see Return Code WRONGPMD. Space has already been allocated for the file. 57-13 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DFPRE 20, ARGERR Set in the following cases: The value of the ACCMODE parameter is invalid. The value of the REFMODE parameter is invalid. For a tape file the volume sequence number given in the INADDR parameter does not belong to the media list. The address of the zone to which the efn is to be returned is invalid. The address of the zone to which the subfile name is to be returned is invalid. DFPRE 20, ARVIOL DFPRE 20, CALLVIOL DFPRE 20, CONFLICT The address of the zone to which the file attributes are to be returned is invalid. An assign has been attempted with ACCESS=EXECUTE, but the caller is not at least of ring 1. An error occurred when calling the access method. Set in the following cases: No access method has been found which corresponds to the device, format, and organization given for the file. FIRSTVOL is specified as a parameter for the assign, the processing mode is neither APPEND nor INPUT, and the file is not a cataloged tape file. FIRSTVOL=EOF is specified as a parameter for the assign, and the processing mode is not APPEND. DFPRE 20, DUMMY DFPRE 20, EFNUNKN DFPRE 20, FUNCNAV LASTVOL=EOF is specified as a parameter for the assign, and the processing mode is not INPUT. A file with a dummy ifn has been opened successfully. A work tape has been wrongly requested for a cataloged tape file. Set in the following cases: Files are being concatenated and the processing mode is not INPUT. Files are being concatenated and the access mode is not sequential. An allocation request has been made for a disk file and MOUNT is not equal to ALL. The access level specified for a reopen is incompatible with the value specified for the previous open. DFPRE 20, IFNERR DFPRE 20, IFNNASG 57-14 - For a file in non-standard format file with a native label, the processing mode is not INPUT. An invalid ifn has been specified. The specified ifn is not assigned. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 File Management Return Codes in More Detail DFPRE 20, MDERR DFPRE 20, NOWAIT DFPRE 20, OPEN DFPRE 20, SEQERR DFPRE 20, WRONGPMD The current media does not belong to the media list specified for the assign. The specified ifn is currently active for another primitive. The specified ifn is already open. The first volume sequence number in the media list is incorrect. Set in the following cases: The processing mode specified is invalid. There is an inconsistency between the device and the processing mode because: The specified processing mode is IA, IO or UP for a tape file. The specified processing mode is not input for a tape file with a non-standard label. The specified processing mode is REVERSE for a disk file. The specified processing mode is not INPUT, but the access mode for the assign is READ, ALLREAD or EXECUTE. There is an inconsistency between the sharing mode and the processing mode. When only read operations are allowed, the processing mode must be either INPUT or UPDATE. The processing mode is input but CATNOW has been requested. DFPRE 21, ARGERR DFPRE 21, CONFLICT DFPRE 21, DATALIM The check on the processing mode requested in the assign has failed. The requested volume sequence number is greater than 10. The write ring checking for a tape file has failed. Set in the following cases: An attempt has been made to add an eleventh work media. DFPRE 21, DATANAV DFPRE 21, DUMMY DFPRE 21, EFNUNKN 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 During deallocation with the UNCATNOW parameter specified, the end of the media list has been reached. A disk file has been found in an unstable state. The volume has been opened successfully with a dummy ifn. The specified file has not been found on the volume. 57-15 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DFPRE 21, FUNCNAV Set in the following cases: The specified function is not allowed when ACCESS = DEVICE. The specified function is not allowed for devices other than disk, diskette or tape. MD=* has been specified for an assign but CATNOW has not been specified. DFPRE 21, IFNERR DFPRE 21, MDERR Work media cannot be added to an uncataloged file. An invalid ifn has been specified. Set in the following cases: The volume to be opened cannot be found in the media list specified for the assign. In the case of a cataloged tape file the volume sequence number is greater than 250. The NEXT option is restricted to diskette files or tape files in INPUT mode. The current media tenth cannot be retrieved by the catalog. For diskette files, the sequence of the media list is invalid. DFPRE 21, MDNAV DFPRE 21, NOTCLOSV DFPRE 21, NOTOPEN DFPRE 22, CONFLICT DFPRE 22, DUMMY DFPRE 22, FUNCNAV For diskette files, blank volume sequence numbers are mixed with non-blank volume sequence numbers. The specified media has been declared not available by the operator. No volume has been previously closed. The specified ifn is not open. Inconsistency in Data Management Structures. A file description has been successfully retrieved for a dummy ifn. Set in the following cases: The input structure specified for H_DFLDEF is incorrect. DFPRE 22, IFNERR DFPRE 22, NOTOPEN DFPRE 25, ADDROUT DFPRE 25, ADFTERR 57-16 No label can be transferred: the function is not defined for this device. An invalid ifn has been specified. The specified ifn is not open. The input address does not match with the space address of the file. The format of the parameter address is invalid: the file organization does not support physical record number addresses. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 File Management Return Codes in More Detail DFPRE 25, CPYNAV Set in the following cases: The copy number is invalid. DFPRE 27, FLABUNKN DFPRE 27, INVUSE The extent description corresponding to the input dual copy number is not available. The specified extent does not exist. The specified media is not a VBO media. The specified media does not exist. The specified ifn is not open. The extent is in an unstable state. Invalid input media address format. It is impossible to restart the ifn processing. An I/O error has occurred on a system file. It is impossible to retrieve the specified media. An attempt has been made to write to a file on tape protected by a ring. The file label was not found on the specified volumes. Set in the following case: DFPRE 27, MDERR IDRC status detected on a media mounted on a non-IDRC cartridge drive. Set in the following cases: DFPRE 25, EXTERR DFPRE 25, FUNCNAV DFPRE 25, MDERR DFPRE 25, NOTOPEN DFPRE 25, NOWAIT DFPRE 25, OPTERR DFPRE 26, CONFLICT DFPRE 26, IOFAIL DFPRE 26, MDERR DFPRE 27, CONFLICT End of file not found on media list. During output processing, the header labels were unable to be written. For a long cataloged tape file, the next media tenth cannot be retrieved by the catalog. The media list for a diskette file is inconsistent: blank volume sequence numbers are mixed with non-blank volume sequence numbers. DFPRE 27, OPTERR DFPRE 28, SPACENAV DFPRE 29, ALREADY 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 When a diskette file is being concatenated using the NBEFN specified for the assign, the first occurrence of the file is missing. An option reserved for a different device was used. No space has been allocated for a diskette file. The same ifn string is already used in user pool. 57-17 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory DFPRE 29, FUNCNAV Set in the following cases: The TYPE parameter specified for the dynamic file descriptor is 0, but the caller's ring is not at least 1. The FILEFORM parameter is not BFAS or UFAS. The FILEORG parameter is not QUEUED or SEQUENTIAL. The FILEORG parameter is QUEUED, but FILEFORM is UFAS. The RECFORM parameter is invalid. RECSIZE is greater than BLOCKSIZE. The DATAFORM parameter is invalid. The ADDRFORM parameter is invalid. DFPRE 29, IFNERR DFPRE 29, OPEN DFPRE 32, CONFLICT DFPRE 33, ALREADY DFPRE 33, ARGERR The caller's ring is not at least 1 and therefore modification or deletion of a type 0 dynamic file descriptor is forbidden. The dynamic file descriptor that was specified to be deleted cannot be retrieved from the user pool. The specified ifn is open and so the dynamic file descriptor cannot be modified or deleted. Checkpoint processing has failed. The specified ifn is already locked. Set in the following cases: The specified COBOL option is invalid. DFPRE 33, FUNCNAV DFPRE 33, IFNERR DFPRE 33, IFNNASG DFPRE 33, NOLOCK DFPRE 33, SHCTVIOL DFPRE 33, TIMEOUT DFPRE 38, IFNERR 57-18 There is an inconsistency between the Time Slicing and the Repeat inputs. Function not available for SFINIT files. An invalid ifn has been specified. The specified ifn is not assigned. The specified file was not locked. The specified function cannot be carried out as the file is under the control of GAC. The wait for a resource has been too long, or no wait can be performed. The specified ifn is either invalid or not open. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 File Management Return Codes in More Detail 57.4 INTERNAL FUNCTIONS FOR SERVICE CENTER USE ONLY The internal function numbers given in this subsection correspond to the internal functions of File Processing Preparation as shown in the following table. File Processing Preparation Internal Functions Function Number 2 6 8 11 17 18 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 38 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Internal Function Allocate Space for or Extend a Disk File Create Data Management Control Structures (Part of OPEN) Create the Labels on a Tape Synchronize Access to Data Management Control Structures Modify the Processing Mode for a Tape File; Close a File Close a Volume Open a File (Main Procedure) Open a Volume Retrieve a File Description Convert Media Addresses File Management Part of Restart Processing Volume Positioning and Label Reading Allocate Space for a Diskette File Create, Delete or Modify a Dynamic File Descriptor File Management Part of Checkpoint Processing Lock a File Release Space for a Disk File 57-19 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 57.5 FILE MANAGEMENT IN THE TRANSACTIONAL CONTEXT RESTART FACILITY DUAL 3, INVUSE DUAL 3, IOFAIL DUAL 4, ARGERR DUAL 4, IOFAIL DUAL 5, ARGERR DUAL 5, EFNUNKN 57-20 When initializing access to the SYS.KNODET file, the first file block read is not a FICB block. When initializing access to the SYS.KNODET file, the first file block read is invalid. The requested function is unknown; it is neither READ nor WRITE. The file block read is invalid. There are more than 16 extents found in the SYS.PMF files. No SYS.PMF nor "JCSJ" file was found. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 58. TDS Return Codes in More Detail 58.1 TPR/TRANSACTION ABORT CODES NOTE: Bracketed codes, [1234], may be returned to the user or may appear in a dump: codes where no USE was specified are returned only in the TPR. Return Code Number [0804] 1853 Return Code Explanation ADDROUT ARGERR 1501 ARVIOL 1E04 1206 BREAK BUFNBOV 00D3 120F CANEVT COUNTOV 1223 ENTRYOV [1C0B] [1228] [0A06] EXHAUST FILEOV FLNAV 0A05 FUNCNAV [1020] [0A07] INDUNKN ITMNAV [0204] KEYCHG [1807] LNERR Address out of bounds. COBOL SYMBOLIC-QUEUE within the output CD or device name separated by "/" (1C syntax). Access right violation. WRITE while in "statistical read" requested. Break request issued from a terminal. TDS buffer pool overflow - Switching to Before Journal is not possible. Increase buffer pool size or add before journal. Transaction cancelled. The transaction requires more locked pages than declared at TDSGEN (refer to MAXIMUM NUMBER OF LOCKED PAGES in the TDS section). Entry overflow - number of entries exceeds, limit, try CLOSE DEASSIGN again. End-of-file already signalled. File overflow due to a record insertion. File in alert status - must be recovered before it can be opened. Unavailable function for specified file, e.g., READ on user journal file. Index unknown - TDS error. A program tries to modify a file protected by the Before Journal but the journal was suppressed by the "SUPPRESS BEFORE JOURNAL" message. Attempt to change record key on re-issue of WRITE. Erroneous length for variable length record. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 58-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory 58-2 Return Code Number 1466 Return Code Explanation LOKVIOL [1C04] NOCURREC [1C19] 1878 0115 NODELETE NOMATCH NOTALL 1C01 [0700] NOTOPEN NOWAIT 1730 OPERATOR 1806 OPTERR 1463 04C5 1021 PMDVIOL PROCEXP QUNKN 1623 RESVIOL 1442 0A18 RCVVIOL SCIDXNAV 1214 SFNBOV 1441 1219 SNDVIOL TABOV 0029 [1E05] 0980 186B TIMELIM UNRECIO USERREQ UBUGERR The transaction tries to access a file opened in statistical read mode which is not explicitly specified for it. A sequential file request preceded a direct request. No DELETE allowed. The next program name is unknown. Set by M CANCEL when execution was incomplete. Repeat command. Referenced file is not open. Simultaneous requests on a file have occurred, in violation of non-concurrency. Transaction cancelled by M CANCEL command. Attempt to execute a transaction with SUPPRESS BEFORE JOURNAL while files are SHARED and integrity is set to HIGH or MEDIUM. Processing mode violation. Procedure exception within a program. SYMBOLIC-QUEUE within input CD is incorrect. Result of a resource handling violation, e.g. FREE/SAVE-COMMON function performed without calling TAKE-COMMON. Violation FOR INQUIRY transaction. Violation when wrong RECEIVE used. Secondary index of UFAS indexed file was not created. Too many users in TRACE Print mode DIRSIZE parameter of "<tdsname>DEBUG" file is too small to accommodate all users. Violation when using SEND. The transaction tried to lock more pages than currently allocated. The transaction will be automatically restarted with a higher number of locked pages allocated. TPR time limit exceeded. Irrecoverable I/O error. Abort requested by user. IDS/II user error: see detailed explanation in JOR or TRACE. When a TPR aborts with this code, the message is printed in the JOR and in the TRACE file when the terminal is in TRACE. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 TDS Return Codes in More Detail 58.2 TDS RETURN CODES ON [M] OPEN, [M] CLOSE Return Code Number 1501 Return Code Explanation ARVIOL 0200 0460 0A17 BUSY CONFLICT DATANAV 1800 0A02 DVCERR DVNAV 1208 DVOV 1007 1223 EFNUNKN ENTRYOV 1820 0A06 EXTERR FLNAV 1821 IFNERR 0A10 IFNNASG 1898 KEYERR 0A03 0900 MDNAV NASSIGND 1C07 1806 OPEN OPTERR 1462 SHLVVIOL 1219 TABOV 1C02 WRONGORG The requestor does not have access rights for the specified file. See the Data Security Facilities User's Guide. File currently assigned to another job. Internal error in the file's characteristics. File data lost due to a crash at creation time. Device-class error - check syntax. Specified device not available - check syntax. Device overflow - too many devices indicated. External file name unknown - check syntax. Entry overflow - number of entries exceeds limit, try [M] CLOSE_TDS_FILE DEASSIGN again. Volume(s) of a multivolume file missing. A file must be recovered before it can be opened. For IDS/II areas, the return code corresponds to one of the following: 1. The assigned area is not an IDS/II area. 2. The assigned area name is not the name declared for this ifn. 3. The file's user label is invalid. 4. The schema date is different from the area date. (For detailed explanations see the JOR). Internal file name in error; file may already be open, the syntax may be incorrect, or there may be an internal error. Internal file name already assigned. Issue an [M] CLOSE_TDS_FILE DEASSIGN, then [M] OPEN_TDS_FILE. Source program record key and PREALLOC record key do not match. Media not available - issue CR MSnn. No ASSIGN for the internal file named in [M] OPEN_TDS_FILE. File already opened. Missing or inadequate DEFINE. Required file integrity level cannot be obtained. No dynamic corrective action may be performed. Include the DEFINE in the next TDS session. SHARE=MONITOR not specified for a TDScontrolled file. Either a TDS controlled file is not UFAS or there is an internal error. Error in file organization - usually non-UFAS file specified as a TDS controlled file. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 58-3 59. XBUP Messages Messages of type XBUPnnn are produced by RDDF 7. A full description of these messages is given in the document: RDDF 7-V2 Administrator's Guide ............................................................. 47 A2 44US. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 59-1 A. Completion Codes for I/O Errors An I/O Completion Code is a special kind of return code that indicates the status of an Input/Output hardware event. You can find I/O Completion Codes within a message sent by a system component. They are usually indicated by IOCC = xxxx, COMPLETION CODE: <XXXX>, COMPLETION CODE = XXXX, or something similar. Here is an example of a Completion Code in a message: QL50. FATAL I/O ERROR ON DIRECTORY OR BAM BLOCK NUMBER <blk_number>, COMPLETION CODE: <XXXX>. The meaning of the completion codes are listed below for cartridge tape errors, tape errors and disk errors. Code values are in ascending numerical order under each category. A.1 CARTRIDGE TAPE ERRORS Type of Error Code Value Device Condition EOF/BOT Logical EOF 9101 9102 Operational Check Media unavailable 9208 Write protect 9210 Device reserved 9240 Unequal length check 9280 Repositioning needed 92FF 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 A-1 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory Hardware Check ID BURST not detected Controller fault Retry failure Cartridge failure Overrun Device fault 9400 9400 9404 9408 9440 9440 Data Errors Read/Write error 9804 ID burst error 9808 Tape positioning error 9840 Channel parity error 9880 Program Check Program release Function mask violation Function mask reject Resume error Illegal sequence Illegal data Illegal count Illegal CCE A-2 B001 B002 B004 B008 B010 B020 B040 B080 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Completion Codes for I/O Errors A.2 TAPE ERRORS Type of Error Code Value Comments Device Condition EOF/BOT Logical EOF End of tape Handler loss 9101 9102 9110 9120 Operational Check Media unavailable Write protect 9208 9210 Device/DLI reserved 9240 Unequal length check 9280 Device problem: remount tape on a different drive. Either system fault or indicates that the label length given in the JCL is incorrect. (Check occurs during file open.) Repositioning needed 92FF Hardware Check Off line or hardware check 9400 DA register error Volume unavailable EV2 error Off line Time out error 9404 9408 9410 9420 9440 Device problem:remount tape on different drive; 9400 may indicate that tape assigned as 7-track but mounted on 9-track drive (or vice versa). Data Errors PSI error 9800 Dropped frame or bits 9801 Raw overscrew/LRC 9802 Tape time out 9804 Postamble, CRC or 9804 tape mark Data compare/ID 9808 burst Bad preamble Frame parity Block detector error PSI parity error Read error without standby 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Indicates a faulty drive or hardware interface error: may disappear if tape mounted on different drive 9810 9820 9840 9880 98C0 A-3 GCOS 7 Messages and Return Codes Directory Program Check Program release Function mask violation Function mask reject Resume error Illegal sequence Illegal data Illegal argument Illegal CCE A-4 A/B001 A/B002 A/B004 A/B008 A/B010 A/B020 A/B040 A/B080 In general, system fault. 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 Completion Codes for I/O Errors A.3 DISK ERRORS Type of Error Code Value Comments 8104 May indicate a bad track or a drive error: retry with another drive. Volume unavailable 8201 Change drive. Function mask violation 8208 System at fault or channel program error. Write protect 8210 Put the drive in write mode. Unequal length 8280 Count error in data transfer. Device off line 8410 Device fault: change drive. Channel exception 8401 Time out 8402 Marginal condition 8404 DLI parity error 8408 Device fault 8440 DLI error 8420 Underrun/overrun 8480 Device Condition Record not found Operational Check Hardware Check Hardware interface fault: change drive. Data Errors Error data field 8808 Error key field 8810 Error count field 8820 Missing address marker 8840 PSI error 8880 May indicate a missing record because of a bad track. Hardware interface: change the drive used. Data-Device Check R/W into index mark 8980 47 A2 10UJ Rev09 System fault. A-5