1, Introduction to Chemistry

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SECTION 1.1 CHEMISTRY (pages 3–6)
This section defines chemistry and differentiates among its traditional divisions. It also provides
several reasons to study chemistry.
What Is Chemistry? (pages 3–4)
1. What is chemistry?
2. What are some applications of chemistry that affect your everyday life?
3. What are the five major subdivisions of chemistry?
a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________
c. ________________________________
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d. ________________________________
e. ________________________________
4. Is the following sentence true or false? The subdivisions of chemistry often
overlap. ______________________
5. Complete the table by filling in the appropriate subdivision of chemistry.
Investigating a way to make stronger plastic grocery bags
Developing a better insulin-delivery system for diabetics
Determining the minerals present in a soil sample
Using an acid to etch metal
Creating a cleaner burning heating fuel
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Name ____________________________________ Date __________ Class ___________________
CHAPTER 1, Introduction to Chemistry (continued)
Why Study Chemistry? (pages 5–6)
6. Why is the study of chemistry important?
7. Circle the letter of each sentence that describes a job that a professional
chemist can perform.
a. A professional chemist can develop new products such as cosmetics.
b. A professional chemist can help to protect the environment by reducing
c. A professional chemist can perform life-saving medical procedures.
d. A professional chemist can perform quality control in manufacturing.
8. ______________________ chemistry has specific goals for using scientific
knowledge; ______________________ chemistry seeks knowledge for its
own sake.
Reading Skill Practice
Outlining can help you understand and remember what you have read. Write an outline for Section 1.1,
Chemistry. Begin your outline by copying the headings in the textbook. Under each heading, write the
main idea. Then list the details that support the main idea. Do your work on a separate sheet of paper.
This section summarizes ways in which chemistry affects your daily life. It also describes the impact of
chemistry on various fields.
Materials (pages 7–8)
1. One of the most important types of materials in use today is
______________________ , which are also called polymers.
2. One of the most important properties of these polymers is their
high ________________________________________________ ratio.
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Name ____________________________________ Date __________ Class ___________________
3. Circle the letter of each fabric that is made from a polymer.
a. cotton
b. wool
c. nylon
d. polyester
Energy (pages 8–10)
4. List the two ways to meet the ever-growing demand for energy.
a. _____________________________
b. _____________________________
5. Because they are a nonrenewable resource, the supply of
______________________ is limited.
6. What inexhaustible source of energy are chemists trying to find new ways to
capture? ______________________
7. Circle the letter of the word that identifies what devices chemists have
developed to store energy more efficiently.
a. windmills
b. new batteries
c. electric automobiles
d. new internal-combustion engines
8. Is the following sentence true or false? Nuclear power plants currently use the
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process of nuclear fusion to produce energy. ______________________
Medicine and Biotechnology (pages 10–11)
9. What is the role of chemistry in the development of medicines?
10. List three new materials chemists have developed that have medical
a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
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Name ____________________________________ Date __________ Class ___________________
CHAPTER 1, Introduction to Chemistry (continued)
11. Complete the concept map about genes.
are composed of
mapped by
used to treat
used to create
Agriculture (pages 11–12)
12. Circle the letter of each sentence that is true about the role of chemistry in
a. Chemists have helped to increase the world’s food supply by developing
hardier and more productive plants.
b. Chemists do not study photosynthesis or nitrogen fixation.
c. Chemists study plant hormones so they can develop better pesticides.
13. How has the discovery of chemicals called pheromones helped to protect
plants from insects?
used on plants are less specific for the condition they are designed to treat
than those developed in the past. ______________________
The Environment (pages 12–13)
15. What are three ways that chemists work to protect the environment?
a. __________________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________________
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14. Is the following sentence true or false? Insecticides, herbicides, and fungicides
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Match the pollutant with the environmental hazard it creates.
Environmental Hazard
_______ 16. nitrogen oxides
a. acid rain
_______ 17. sulfur compounds
b. ozone depletion
_______ 18. carbon dioxide
c. smog
_______ 19. chlorofluorocarbons
d. global warming
Astronomy and Space Exploration (page 14)
20. Scientists can learn about the chemical composition of stars by analyzing
their ______________________ .
21. Why has it been more difficult to discover the chemical composition of the
moon and planets?
22. What can scientists learn from analyzing the chemical composition of the
rocks from other planets?
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23. Look at Figures 1.16 and 1.17 on page 14. What was the key difference in the
methods scientists used to analyze rocks from Mars and Earth’s moon?
This section describes the steps involved in the scientific method. It also distinguishes between theories
and scientific laws.
The Scientific Method (pages 15–16)
1. What is the scientific method?
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Name ____________________________________ Date __________ Class ___________________
CHAPTER 1, Introduction to Chemistry (continued)
2. Complete the flowchart about the scientific method.
A scientific problem is often discovered when an
______________________ is made, which leads to a question.
A ______________________ is formed when a reason or
explanation is proposed for an observation.
Testing a proposed explanation requires designing an
______________________ .
For the results of the test to be accepted, the test must
produce the same results __________________________ .
An explanation may become a ______________________ if
the same results are found after many tests.
a. forming a hypothesis
b. making an observation
c. planning an experiment
d. analyzing data
4. What do scientists do if the results of an experiment do not support the
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3. Circle the letter of the activity that involves using the senses to gather
information directly.
Name ____________________________________ Date __________ Class ___________________
5. Is the following sentence true or false? Once a theory has been proven, no
experiment will ever disprove it. ______________________
Scientific Laws (page 17)
6. What is a scientific law?
7. Scientific laws can often be expressed by _______________________________________ .
8. Circle the letter of each statement that expresses a scientific law.
a. As the temperature in a cold automobile tire increases, the tire pressure increases.
b. Increased gas pressure in a sealed container might cause an explosion.
c. At constant volume, gas pressure is directly proportional to the Kelvin
d. The pressure increases when a sealed gas is heated because the energy of
the gas particles increases.
This section explains why learning chemistry requires daily effort. It also describes the importance of
writing in the study of chemistry.
Understanding and Applying Concepts (page 20)
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1. What are some skills necessary for learning?
2. Why is it important to learn information that others have discovered?
3. Is the following sentence true or false? An important part of learning is
connecting what is learned in the classroom with what happens in the world
outside the classroom. ______________________
Using Your Textbook (page 21)
4. Reading your textbook once helps you get an idea of the overall
______________________ , but a second, detailed reading, combined
with note-taking, is essential for _____________________________ .
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Name ____________________________________ Date __________ Class ___________________
CHAPTER 1, Introduction to Chemistry (continued)
5. List three ways you can test your knowledge using your textbook.
a. __________________________________________________________________________
b. __________________________________________________________________________
c. __________________________________________________________________________
On Your Own (page 22)
6. What are two strategies you can adopt to enhance your study of chemistry?
a. _____________________________________________________________________________
b. _____________________________________________________________________________
Tests and Quizzes (page 22)
7. Is the following sentence true or false? The best way to study for a test is to
cram at the last minute. ______________________
8. Complete the flowchart on test-taking skills.
Get enough ______________________ the night before.
Read the test over ______________________ when you first get it.
Complete the parts of the test that you can answer
______________________ problems that are difficult until the end.
Show ______________________ when solving numerical
problems and ______________________ your answers to be
certain they make sense.
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________________________________________ .