كلية العلوم دليل كلية العلوم 5102 األقسام العلمية 02 قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department دليل كلية العلوم 5102 01 قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department قسم الكيمياء مقدمـــــــــــــــة يعترب قسم الكميياء بلكية العلوم جامعة معر اخملتار من أأوائل الأقسام اليت أأنشأأت مع افتتاح جامعة معر اخملتار عام ،1991حتت مظةل لكية العلوم أنذاك ،ولقد منى قسم الكميياء مع تطور جامعة معر اخملتار من عدة نوايح أأاكدميية وادارية .ومعل القسم عىل تغيري خطته ادلراس ية لتكون متوافقة مع الوضع اجلديد بنشاء لكية العلوم. أأصبحت الكميياء يف عرصان احلايل من الاتساع وتنوع املوضوعات حبيث انبثق عهنا العديد من الفروع اليت أأصبحت علوم ًا مس تقةل بغض النظر عن الرتابط الوثيق فامي بيهنا .كام أأن الكميياء تتقاطع مع العلوم الأخرى ،وعىل ختوم هذه التقاطعات مت حتقيق أأمه الجنازات والاكتشافات .هذا الهنوض العارم للكميياء تطلب تكوين كمييائيني همرة مزودين بملعرفة النظرية والعملية عىل حد سواء. لقد مت تصممي برانمج الكميياء وفقا لرؤية ورساةل اجلامعة لتدريب أأجيال جديدة من خرجيي الكميياء ويساعدمه عىل الزتود بملهارات الالزمة لسوق العمل من خالل املقررات الأساس ية و كذكل مقررات تتناول خمتلف اجلوانب التطبيقية .كذكل ينظم القسم زايرات ميدانية للمصانع واملؤسسات ذات العالقة بلتخصص ،ويقوم طلبة القسم بجراء التدريبات العملية الأاكدميية والتطبيقية اليت تؤهلهم لالخنراط يف برامج ادلراسات العليا أأو التحاقهم بسوق العمل .كام يقوم القسم بتدريس مقررات خاصة بطلبة ادلراسات العليا املسجلني يف برانمج املاجس تري اذلي بد أأ يف مطلع العام .6002 لك ويضم قسم الكميياء خنبة من أأعضاء هيئة التدريس يف ختصصات ا ميياء اخملتلفة .بلضافة ايل عدد من الهيئات املعاونة من حمارضين مساعدين ومعيدين ومعيدات ،كام يضم القسم عدد من الكوادر الفنية املؤهةل اليت ترشف عىل جتهزي و تشغيل اخملتربات العلمية. يقوم أأعضاء هيئة التدريس بلقسم بجراء أأحباث علمية ممتزية يف خمتلف التخصصات ادلقيقة يف جمال الكميياء ،كام يقومون حبضور مؤمترات علمية وعاملية عىل املس توى القلميي والعاملي لتقدمي حمارضات وأأحباث علمية ,والتعاون العلمي بني اجلامعة واجلامعات العاملية املرموقة.كام يتعاون أأعضاء هيئة التدريس مع مركز الاستشارات والبحوث بجلامعة يف خدمة اجلامعة واجملمتع بتقدمي العديد من ادلورات التدريبية يف خمتلف اجملالت العلمية والتعلميية .وكذكل تقدمي العون يف حتليل العينات بواسطة خمترب التحليل اليل وذكل بلتعاون مع ادارة اللكية ومركز الاستشارات والبحوث بجلامعة وكذكل خترجي الكوادر املتعلمة واملتخصصة القادرة عىل العمل والبذل والعطاء يف اجملالت اخملتلفة. القسم الربامج رئيس القسم منسق برانمج الباكلوريوس منسق برانمج املاجس تري املعلومات الأساس ية الكميياء -1باكلوريوس علوم (كميياء) -6ماجس تري علوم (كميياء) د .خادل سامل الصاحلني د .حسني عبد الفتاح خلف د .سامل عبد ربه رؤية القسم: لك لك يسعى قسم ا ميياء لتحقيق ماكنة برزة بني أأقسام ا ميياء بلكيات العلوم حبيث يصبح من الأقسام الرائدة ومركزا لالمتياز يف جمال التعلمي والبحث العلمي وخدمة اجملمتع عىل املس توى احمليل والقلميي والعاملي. رسالة القسم: الزتام القسم بعداد خرجيني عىل درجة عالية من املعرفة واملهارة يف النوايح النظرية والعملية والتطبيقية يف جمال الكميياء لتلبية احتياجات سوق العمل من الكوادر املهنية املتخصصة ،وكذكل اعداد بحثني ذوي كفاءة عالية قادرين عىل الابتاكر والبداع. أهداف القسم: دليل كلية العلوم 5102 01 قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department اعداد متخصصني ملمني بأأساس يات عمل الكميياء نظراي ومعليا ،اضافة اىل تدريس مادة الكميياء لطلبة الأقسام الأخرى يف لكية العلوم وبعض اللكيات الأخرى يف اجلامعة. للك اجراء البحوث العلمية ومواكبة التطور العلمي ميياء. السهام يف نرش الثقافة العلمية عن طريق عقد املؤمترات والندوات العلمية. تشجيع تعريب العلوم بلتأأليف والنرش والرتمجة. لك تقدمي الاستشارات العلمية يف جمال الكميياء ملؤسسات ادلوةل والقطاع اخلاص واجراء التحليالت ا مييائية.للمنتجات الصناعية. البرامج والدرجات العلمية مع درجة الباكلوريوس يف الكميياء بعد اجتياز ما مجموعه 140-130ساعة متدة .و موزعة عىل مثانية فصول دراس ية. درجة املاجس تري يف ختصصات :الكميياء غري العضوية -الكميياء الفزيايئية -الكميياء التحليلية -الكميياء العضوية -الكميياء احليوية. رئيس قسم الكميياء مجالات العمل لخريجي قسم الكيمياء فرص العمل خلرجيي الكميياء كثرية ومتنوعة ويف خمتلف اجملالت مثل: اخملتربات الطبية واجلنائية والبحوث. ضبط اجلودة والسالمة يف اخملتربات.الصناعات البرتوكاميوية. اخملتربات البيئية وادارة النفاايت- . صناعة الأغذية والزيوت والأصباغ واملنظفات صناعة مواد البناء والتعدين والسرياميك والزجاج.الصناعات الطبية وادلوائية. صناعة الأمسدة والبالستيك- . التدريس يف التعلمي العام. املاكتب العلمية والاستشارية واخلدمية.أعضاء هيئة التدريس بالقسم خادل سامل الصاحلني المس: دكتوراه 6013 - املؤهل العلمي: بريطانيا ماكن احلصول عيل املؤهل: حمارض ادلرجة العلمية: ك ميياء حيوية التخصص: Email: khaledk630@yahoo.com السادة الأساتذة اذلين تولوا رئاسة القسم منذ نشأأته حتت مظةل لكية العلوم والفرتة اليت شغل لك مهنم فهيا منصبه: م 1 2 3 4 5 2 2 9 9 الامس أأ.د .محمد عبد اجلواد العوشار(*) د .فرج سعيد حسني (*) أأ.د .صابر الس يد منصور املسامري أأ .محيدة طاهر القلبطي أأ .أأسامء أأبو بكر الصالي د .جالل محمد عبد القادر د .محد محمد ادريس د .سامل عبد ربه محمد د .خادل سامل الصاحلني التخصص كميياء مبيدات كميياء حتليلية كميياء فزيايئية كميياء عضوية علوم املادة كميياء حتليلية كميياء حتليلية وغري عضوية كميياء أأغذية كميياء حيوية (*) قسم الكميياء يف هذه الفرتة اتبعا للكية الزراعة أعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم الكيمياء املؤهل واترخيه الامس م دكتوراه 1999 أأ.د .صابر الس يد منصور املسامري 1 دكتوراه 6002 د .محد محمد ادريس 6 دليل كلية العلوم 5102 ادلرجة العلمية أأس تاذ أأس تاذ مشارك التارخي 1991 -1999 1996 -1991 6002-1996 6009-6002 6011-6009 6016-6011 6014 -6016 مارس-أأغسطس 6014 -6014حيت ا ألن التخصص كميياء فزيايئية كميياء حتليلية 01 قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department 3 4 5 2 2 9 9 10 11 16 13 14 15 12 12 19 19 60 61 66 63 64 د .حسني عبد الفتاح خلف د .أأرشف حسن أأبو زيد د .جالل محمد عبد القادر د .سامل عبدربه د .خادل سامل الصاحلني د .فريوز الزبري خادل أأ.عيل احلايج شلش أأ.صاحل مؤمن بوفروه أأ.عبد الرازق سلامين كواش أأ.هناء سعيد بوجنيديه أأ.هناء عبدالغين سعيد أأ.منريه عبدهللا عبد العاطي أأ.سعاد خليفه معر أأ.امريه عبد هللا خطاب أأ.احالم محمود عيل أأ.مسيه محمود الرباين أأ.حنان محمد الفطييس أأ.نرسين فرج خريهللا أأ.س ندس عيل البريه أأ.اميان معر سعد أأ.هدي سعد مفتاح أأ.كرمية عيل عبد الغين دكتوراه 6005 دكتوراه 6009 دكتوراه 6016 دكتوراه 6013 دكتوراه 6013 دكتوراه 6013 ماجس تري ماجس تري ماجس تري ماجس تري ماجس تري ماجس تري ماجس تري ماجس تري ماجس تري ماجس تري ماجس تري ماجس تري ماجس تري ماجس تري ماجس تري ماجس تري أأس تاذ مشارك حمارض حمارض حمارض حمارض حمارض أأس تاذ مساعد حمارض مساعد حمارض مساعد حمارض مساعد حمارض مساعد حمارض مساعد حمارض مساعد حمارض مساعد حمارض مساعد حمارض مساعد حمارض مساعد حمارض مساعد حمارض مساعد حمارض مساعد حمارض مساعد حمارض مساعد كميياء فزيايئية كميياء عضوية كميياء حتليلية كميياء حيوية كميياء حيوية كميياء حيوية كميياء حتليلية كميياء غري عضوية كميياء حتليلية كميياء غري عضوية كميياء عضوية كميياء عضوية كميياء حتليلية كميياء حتليلية كميياء حتليلية كميياء عضوية كميياء فزيايئية كميياء فزيايئية كميياء حيوية كميياء حيوية كميياء غري عضوية كميياء غري عضوية أعضاء هيئة التدريس بقسم الكيمياء الموفدين للخارج لنيل درجة الدكتوراه التخصص ادلرجة العلمية املؤهل واترخيه الامس م كميياء فزيايئية حمارض مساعد ايفاد دكتوراه أأ.ايناس عبد املويل املدين 1 كميياء عضوية حمارض مساعد ايفاد دكتوراه أأ.هناء امحد س يف النرص 6 ك ميياء بيئية حمارض مساعد ايفاد دكتوراه أأ.طارق الس يفاط طيب 3 كميياء عضوية حمارض مساعد ايفاد دكتوراه أأ.احباره محمد الرشيف 4 ك ميياء حيوية حمارض مساعد ايفاد دكتوراه أأ.هبة فوزي ادلويم 5 علوم املواد حمارض مساعد ايفاد دكتوراه أأ.أأسامء أأبو بكر الصالي 2 كميياء غري عضوية حمارض مساعد ايفاد دكتوراه أأ.دلل ابراهمي امراجع 2 ك ميياء عضوية حمارض مساعد ايفاد دكتوراه أأ .محيدة طاهر القلبطي 9 مساهمات قسم الكيمياء في خدمة المجتمع: يقوم القسم بنرش التوعية اخلاصة بلتلوث البييئ وأاثره السلبية. تنفيذ دورات تدريبية عيل الأهجزة املعملية املتاحة دلي القسم. تقدمي الستشارات الفنية لرشاكت القطاع اخلاص وقطاعات ادلوةل اخملتلفة. اجراء التحاليل املعملية للعينات الواردة من القطاعات اخملتلفة لدلوةل. اقامة معارض للكتاب العلمي والثقايف. دليل كلية العلوم 5102 01 قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department اقامة املعرض الشامل الأول والثاين عيل التوايل بقسم الكميياء عايم .6003 ، 6001 مساهمات قسم الكيمياء العلمية: أ .الأبحاث العلمية: يشارك القسم عن طريق أأعضاء هيئة التدريس بنرش أأحباهثم العلمية يف ادلورايت العلمية ادلولية واحمللية. ب .الكتب المنشورة (ترجمة وتأليف): كميياء املياه – ترمجة أأ .د .صابر الس يد منصور املسامري – مطبوعات جامعة معر اخملتار – .6000 ()1 الكميياء البيئية -ترمجة أأ .د .صابر الس يد منصور املسامري – مطبوعات جامعة معر اخملتار – .6000 ()6 لك ا ميياء احليوية ،د .سعد عبد محمد و د .اتج ادلين مرغين ،مطبوعات جامعة معر اخملتار . ()3 (4) Rutile as Superacid Catalysts: Preparation, Morphology and Catalytic Activity, by: Hussein A. Khalaf, In: Rutile; Properties, Synthesis and Applications. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., (2012). https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=33144 ج .المؤتمرات العلمية: شارك قسم الكميياء يف عدد من املؤمترات احمللية وادلولية تصل ايل 15مؤمترا ()1 قام القسم بتنظمي مؤمتر"املؤمتر الأول للكميياء" يف الفرتة 63-61أأبريل 6014وقد خرج عن املؤمتر مناقشة العدديد من الأحباث ()6 وأأوراق العمل سواء يف صورة حمارضات أأو معلقات أأعقهبا طباعة كتاب حيتوي عيل هذه الأحباث. د .ورش العمل: أأدار القسم عدد من الورش خالل الأعوام 6014 -6016حتت العناوين التالية: الأاثر السلبية للصناعات الغذائية. الأهجزة العلمية وتطبيقاهتا. الكميياء والبيئة الصناعات الكمييائية ودورها يف التمنية. هـ .مكتبة القسم: مت انشاء مكتبية علمية داخل مبين قسم الكميياء حتتوي عيل عرشات من الكتب املتخصصة يف علوم الكميياء اخملتلفة ومزودة قمقاعد ومناضد للطلبة. الخطة الدراسية لقسم الكيمياء (برنامج البكالوريوس) تفسير أرقام المقررات الخاصة بقسم الكيمياء (مرحلة البكالوريوس) دليل كلية العلوم 5102 51 قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department أأرقام الأحاد أأرقام العرشات 0 1 6 3 4 5 2 9 ()9-1 أأرقام املئات 1 6 3 4 - التفسري الس نة ادلراس ية الأويل (املس توي الأول والثاين) الس نة ادلراس ية الثانية (املس توي الأول والثاين) الس نة ادلراس ية الثالثة (املس توي الأول والثاين) الس نة ادلراس ية الرابعة (املس توي الأول والثاين) مواد عامة كميياء حتليلية كميياء غري عضوية كميياء عضوية كميياء فزيايئية كميياء حيوية مقررات خمتارة مقررات حبثية ترتيب املقرر داخل اجملموعة التخصصية يتطلب احلصول عيل باكلوريوس العلوم يف الكميياء دراسة ما بني 140 – 130وحدة دراس ية معمتدة موزعة هذه الوحدات عيل النحو التايل: متطلبات الحصول علي درجة البكالوريوس في العلوم تخصص الكيمياء Credits Item 11 6 113 130 متطلبات اجلامعة University Req. متطلبات اللكية Faculty Req. متطلبات القسم Department Req. مجموع الوحدات Total Credit أولا :متطلبات القسم الإجبارية Credits Prerequest Hours Theoretical Practical 6 2 6 2 6 2 CHEM 101 3 3 3 CHEM 211 CHEM 211 CHEM 313 CHEM 314 CHEM 101 3 3 3 3 3 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 CHEM 222 3 6 CHEM 101 CHEM 221 دليل كلية العلوم 5102 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Course Code General chemistry 1 General chemistry 2 Fundamentals of Analytical chemistry Volumetrica Analysis Gravimetric Analysis Electrochemical Analysis Spectrophotometric analysis Chemistry of Essential groups Chemistry of transitional elements Coordination chemistry CHEM 101 CHEM 102 CHEM 211 CHEM 212 CHEM 313 CHEM 314 CHEM 415 CHEM 221 CHEM 222 CHEM 323 50 قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department CHEM 324 6 CHEM 131 CHEM 232 CHEM 233 CHEM 334 Lanthanides and Actinides Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry Aliphatic chemistry Aromatic Chemistry Heterocyclic chemistry Reaction mechanism CHEM 335 Organic Spectroscopy 6 CHEM 436 6 CHEM 242 CHEM 343 Natural products Thermodynamics and phase rule Kinetic chemistry Surface chemistry and catalysis CHEM 344 Qountum chemistry 6 CHEM 445 CHEM 251 CHEM 352 CHEM 353 CHEM 454 CHEM 490 Electrochemistry and corrosion Fundamentals of biochemistry Enzymes chemistry Metabolism Nuclic Acids Graduate project Sum 6 6 6 6 6 6 55 CHEM 425 CHEM 241 Code Course CHEM 416 CHEM 417 CHEM 426 CHEM 427 CHEM 428 CHEM 429 CHEM 437 CHEM 438 CHEM 439 CHEM 446 CHEM 447 CHEM 448 Cromatographic analysis Topics in Analytical Chemistry Inorganic spectra Organometalic compounds Groups theory Industrial inorganic chemistry Stero chemistry polymers Dyes Advanced quantum chemistry Physical chemistry of polymers Photochemistry and Colloids CHEM 449 Nanochemistry CHEM 455 Biochemistry for cancer cells 55 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 - 2 2 CHEM 222 6 6 6 6 6 3 3 3 3 3 6 2 3 CHEM 101 CHEM 101 CHEM 232 CHEM 233 CHEM 131, CHEM 232 CHEM 233 6 6 3 3 2 6 6 6 - 3 3 3 2 2 2 77 44 CHEM 324 CHEM 102 CHEM 241 CHEM 242 CHEM 101, MATH 102 CHEM 241 CHEM 131 CHEM 251 CHEM 352 CHEM 353 - المتطلبات الإختيارية:ثانيا Hours Credit Prerequest Theoretical Practical 6 6 3 CHEM 314 6 6 3 CHEM 314 2 2 CHEM 323 2 2 CHEM 323 2 2 CHEM 222 2 2 CHEM 221 2 2 3 CHEM 334 6 6 3 CHEM 334 2 2 CHEM 233 2 2 CHEM 344 2 2 3 CHEM 241 2 2 CHEM 242 CHEM 232, 2 2 CHEM 343 2 2 CHEM 251 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department CHEM 251 CHEM 352 CHEM 251 CHEM 232 - 2 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 6 6 Hormones Biochemistry of Nutrition Blood biochemistry Chemistry of Petroleum Fundamentals of environments Water Chemistry CHEM 456 CHEM 457 CHEM 458 CHEM 460 CHEM 461 CHEM 462 ثالثا :المتطلبات الداعمة Prerequest Credit MATH 101 3 3 3 3 3 3 18 Hours Theoretical Practical 6 2 6 2 6 2 6 6 2 6 6 6 16 2 Course Code General Physics General Botany General zoology Generla mathematics 1 Generla mathematics 2 Statistics Sum PHYS 164 BOTA 101 ZOOL 101 MATH 101 MATH 102 MATH 191 وسائل التقييم : أ.مقررات نظرية وسائل تقيمي أأساس ية اختبار جزيئ 30 اختبار هنايئ 60 ب.مقررات تحوي جزء عملي وسائل تقيمي أأساس ية اختبار معيل اختبار جزيئ 60 60 وسائل تقيمي أخري اختبار شفوي أأو واجبات أأو نشاط 10 وسائل تقيمي أخري اختبار هنايئ نظري اختبار شفوي أأو واجبات أأو نشاط 10 50 اجملموع 100 اجملموع 100 الخطة الدراسية لقسم الكيمياء (برنامج الماجستير) يدرس الطالب خلال مرحلة الماجستير 32وحدة دراسية منها 30وحدة دراسية مخصصة لمقررات في الجوانب المتقدمة من أفرع الكيمياء ،و 2وحدات دراسية تخص رسالة الماجستير. أولا :قائمة المقررات الإلزاميةCompulsory courses : Course Credits Code Advanced Analytical Chemistry 3 CHEM 510 Advanced Inorganic Chemistry 3 CHEM 520 Advanced Organic Chemistry 3 CHEM 530 دليل كلية العلوم 5102 No. 1 6 3 52 قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department 4 5 52 Advanced Physical Chemistry Advanced Biochemistry 3 3 CHEM 540 CHEM 550 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department Optional Courses : قائمة المقررات التخصصية:ثانيا No. 1 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Course Spectrophotometric Analysis Chromatographic Analysis Electrochemical Analysis Separation Methods Thermal Analysis Environmental Analysis Topics In Analytical Chemistry Organometalic chemistry Inorganic compound spectra Inorganic reaction mechanism Industrial Inorganic chemistry Solution Chemistry Topics in Inorganic chemistry Identification of organic compounds Synthesis of organic compounds Natural Products Polymers Topics in Organic Chemistry Surface Chemistry and catalysis Solid state Groups theory and applications in chemistry Kinetic chemistry Molecular spectroscopy and Qountum chemistry Electrochemistry and Corrosion Topics in Physical Chemistry Advanced Protein Chemistry Advanced Metabolism Chemistry Advanced Carbohydrate Chemistry Advanced Lipid Chemistry Tissues and Biological Fluids Advanced Hormone and vitamin chemistry Nucleic Acid Chemistry Enzyme Chemistry Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Code CHEM 511 CHEM 516 CHEM 513 CHEM 514 CHEM 515 CHEM 516 CHEM 521 CHEM 522 CHEM 523 CHEM 524 CHEM 525 CHEM 531 CHEM 532 CHEM 533 CHEM 534 CHEM 541 CHEM 542 CHEM 543 CHEM 544 CHEM 545 CHEM 542 CHEM 551 CHEM 552 CHEM 553 CHEM 554 CHEM 555 CHEM 556 CHEM 557 CHEM 558 )توصيف المقررات الدراسية لقسم الكيمياء (مرحلة البكالوريوس Courses Description (B.Sc. Chemistry) 52 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department General chemistry 1 CHEM 101 Theoritical part: Importance of Chemistry, physical quantities and their measurement in Chemistry, SI Units. chemical stoichiometry. Atomic structure and periodic table. Gases and laws of gases, kinetic theory of gases, acid-base theory. Practical part: Identification of acid base radicals in simple salts. General chemistry 2 CHEM 102 Theoritical part: Liquids and solids, solutions, properties of solutions, ideal and nonideal solutions, chemical equilibrium, Chemical thermodynamics, thermochemistry. Practical part: Separation and identification of mixtures. Fundamentals of analytical chemistry CHEM 211 Theoritical part: Introduction to analytical chemistry, stoichiometry, different ways of expressing concentrations, acid-base reactions, definition of pH, buffer solutions, ionization and equilibrium constants, neutralization titrations, theory of acid base indicators, gravimetric analysis. Traninig Part: solving problems, Preparation of standard solutions, Calibaration of solutions, diltion of concentrated solutions,…. Volumetric Analysis CHEM 212 Theoritical part: Acid-base titration, Indicators used in redox, titration, redox, balancing chemical equations, redox reaction, types of standard, Nernest equation and its applications, electrochemical cells, precipitation reactions, compleximetric reactions, EDTA in compleximetric reactions. Practical Part: Measuring pH in acids and bases, redox titrations, precipitation titration, compleximetric titration, Different experimentals in Titrations. Gravimetric Analysis CHEM 313 Theoritical part: Precipitation methods, the colloidal state, supersaturation, purity of precipitation, co-precipitation, precipitation from homogenious solution, ignition of precipitate, fraction precipitation, organic precipitates, volatilization and evolution methods. Practical Part: determination of some metals and metal oxides using gravimetric analysis. Electrochemical Analysis CHEM 314 Theoritical part: Electrochemical Methods of Analysis: Classification of the Methods, Controlling and Measuring current and potential, Potentiometric methods: Potentiometric (Galvanic) electrochemical cell, Cell notation for electrochemical cell, Nernst equation, Liquid junction potential, Reference electrodes, Quantitative applications. Voltammetry: Voltammetric (Electrolytic) electrochemical cell, Voltammetric measurements, Current in voltammetry, Voltammetric techniques: polarography, stripping analysis, amperometry, Analytical applications. Practical Part: Determination of vitamin C using potentiometry, acid-base titrations using conductivity, applications in polarography. Spectrophotometric Analysis CHEM 415 Theoritical part: The study of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), its interaction with matter, components of spectrophotometer, flame photometer, atomic 51 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department absorption spectrophotometer, alternative techniques, Analytical methods using Uv-Vis and Infra-red spectra. Practical Part: determination of λmax for Mn by Uv-vis, Determination of cobalt using UV-vis spectrophotometer, determination of K and Na in water by flame photometer, determination of Cu by spectrophotometry, determination of Fe by spectrophotometry, determination of some metals using atomic absorption. Chromatographic Analysis CHEM 416 Theoritical part: Basics of separations methods, extraction methods (liquidliquid), ion exchange separation, separation by precipitation, chromatographic separations: (Paper, TLC, column, gas chromatography), statistical analysis of analyticalresults. Practical Part: Separation of some inorganic salts using (Liquid-liquid) extraction, separation of dye using TLC, separation using paper chromatography, determination of Ca in Egg shell. Chemistry of main groups CHEM 221 Theoritical part: General properties of the elements of the main groups, Electronic configuration of representative elements, Group I elements :properties of Lithium, Sodium, potassium, Rubidium, cesium, francium, Group II elements: properties of Beryllium, magnesium, calcium, Strontium, barium and radium, Group III elements: properties of Boron, Aluminum Gallium, Indium and thulium. Group IV elements: properties of carbon, silicon, germanium, tin and lead, Group V elements: properties of Nitrogen Phosphors, Antimony and bismuth, Group VI elements: of Oxygen, sulfur, selenium, tellurium and polonium, Group VII elements: properties of Flour, chlorine, Bromine, Iodine, and Astatine Group VIII elements: Helium, neon, Argon, krypton, xenon and radon. Practical Part: Identification of base radicals in salt mixtures. Transion elements CHEM 222 Theoritical part: Features of transition elements and their ions, Colored and complex ions, Magnetic and catalytic properties of transition properties, Industrial uses of transition elements, Color, magnetic properties of transition elements. Occurrence, properties and compounds of titanium and vanadium. Occurrence, properties and compounds of chromium. Occurrence, properties and compounds of manganese. Occurrence, properties and compounds of Iron. Occurrence, properties and compounds of cobalt and nickel. The causes of acidity of transition metal ions, Group 1B Copper, Silver and Gold; Occurrence, properties and compounds of copper, Group 2B Zinc, Cadmium and Mercury. Practical Part: Preparation of some simple salts and analysis each one using volumetric and gravimetric methods. Preparation of some disalts and analysis each one using volumetric and gravimetric methods. Coordination chemistry CHEM 323 Theoritical part: Properties of transition metal complexes, Classification of ligands, Nomenclature of coordination compounds, Isomerism in complex 51 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department compounds, Detection and structure determination of complexes, Valance bond theory VBT, Octahedral and square planar complexes according to VBT, Crystal bond theory CFT, Octahedral and square planar complexes according to CFT, Some Applications of CFT, Uses of Crystal field stabilization energy values, Molecular orbital theory MOT, Energy order of orbitals and their filling with electrons, Comparison of CFT and MOT. Practical Part: Preparation of some complexes and analysis each one using volumetric, gravimetric, spectrophotometric and instrumental methods. Chemistry of Lanthanides and Actinides CHEM 324 Theoritical part: Introduction to the chemistry of lanthanides and actinides. Uses of lanthanides and actinides. General properties of lanthanides and actinides. Differences between lanthanides and actinides. Electronic structure of lanthanides and actinides. Preparation and properties of divalent lanthanides compounds. Preparation and properties of trivalent lanthanides compounds. Preparation and properties of tetravalent lanthanides compounds. Separation principles of lanthanides and actinides. Separation methods of lanthanides and actinides. Organometallic chemistry of lanthanides and actinides. Physical properties of lanthanides and actinides. chemical properties of lanthanides and actinides. Nuclear chemistry of lanthanides and actinides. Nuclear and Radiation chemistry CHEM 425 The nucleus criteria of nuclear stability, Classification of nuclides, Natural radioactivity, properties and types of radiation and laws of radioactivity, Identification and separation of Isotopes. applications of radioisotopes as tracers, interaction of ionizing radiation with matter, Nuclear Transmutation, fission reaction, nuclear reactor. Inorganic Spectroscopy CHEM 426 Introduction, Kinds of bands, Factors affecting band width, Effect of temperature on spectroscopic absorption. Colour studying, characterization of colour, Spin orbit coupling, Electronic spectra of metal complexes, Crystal field theory. + Mid-term examination, Crystal field theory, Calculation the crystal field stabilization energy in low spin, Application crystal field theory in tetrahedral system, Calculation of energy levels in the complexes of tetrahedral systems. Organometallic compounds CHEM 427 Complexes of л acceptor (Л- acid)ligands, Bonding in linear carbon monoxide Groups, Bond length measurements as an evidence of Multiple nature of M-CO bond, Vibrational spectral measurements as an evidence of multiple nature of M-CO bond, Polynuclear metal complexes, Recognizing the presence of bridging CO groups by using infrared spectra, Preparation of metal carbonyls, Dinitrogen, isocyanides and nitric oxide. Complexes, Olefin complexes, Mono olefin –metal complexes, 1,3-butadiene-metal complexes, Cyclopentadienyl compounds, Cyclopentadienides compounds, Other Arene-metal compounds. Groups Theory 51 CHEM 428 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department Symmetry elements and operations, Point groups, Non-degenerate representations, Group theory, Matrices, Degenerate representations, Revision notes, Revisiting chemical bonding, Applications to chemical bonding, Revisiting vibrational spectroscopy, Applications to molecular vibrations, Interpretation of IR spectra, Industrial chemistry CHEM 429 Chemical processes and operations, Energy control in industrial processes, Manufacture of mineral acids, Manufacture of alkalis, Manufacture of detergents, Manufacture of paints and pigments, Manufacture of nitrogenous fertilizers, Manufacture of phosphatic Fertilizers, Manufacture of sulphuric acid, Manufacture of phosphoric acid, Manufacture of cement, Manufacture of building materials, Drinking water treatment, and Sewage water treatment. Aliphatic chemistry CHEM 131 Theoritical Part: Introduction (Carbon compounds, chemical bonds, atomic and molecular orbitals, hybridization, polarity and inductive effect), Alkanes and Cycloalkanes; nomenclature, physical properties, sources off, synthesis, reactions. Alkenes and Alkynes; nomenclature, physical properties, synthesis, reactions. Conjugated Dienes; Allyl radical and stability, Allyl cation, Resonance and the Stability of conjugated dienes. Organic halides; nomenclature, physical properties, Synthesis, Grignard reagents, Nucleophilic substitution SN1, SN2. E1, E2 mechanism). Alcohols and Thiols; Ethers, Epoxides and Sulphides; Phenols, Aldehydes and Ketones; Carboxylic acids and Their Derivatives, Amines. Practical Part: Identification of organic compounds by using physical and chemical properties Aromatic chemistry CHEM 232 Theoritical Part: Aromatic Compound (Aromaic character, Hukel rule, Nomenlature, Electrophilic substitution reactions (Alkylation, Acylation, Halogenatio, Sulphonation, Nitration; reaction mechanism), Side chain halogenation and oxidation, Reactivity and Orientation in substituted benzene). IUPAC nomenclature, classification, physical properties, synthesis, reactions of the following aromatic classes: Phenols, Nitro compounds, Aldehydes and Ketones; Carboxylic acids and their derivatives, aromatic amines, Polynuclear aromatics. Practical Part: Identification of organic compounds by using physical and chemical properties. Heterocyclic compounds CHEM 233 Theoritical Part: Classification and Nomenclture of heterocyclic compounds, Aromaticity, Basicity, studying the physical properites, addation, electrophilic, neuclophelic reactions and synthesis of: Three and four membered rings with one hetero atom, Five membered rings with one hetero atom, Six membered rings with one hetero atom, Fused ring systems, Five membered rings with two and three hetero atoms, Six membered rings with two hetero atoms, Fused ring systems. Heterocyclic compounds versus microbes, Antibiotics, antitumors and as Dyes. Biologically important Heterocycles, Uracils and Purins. Practical Part: Separation and identification of organic mixtures. 51 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department Reaction Mechanism CHEM 334 Theoritical Part: Introduction, Thermodynamic and Activation energy. Physical and Chemical Methods to Follow a Reaction Mechanism, reaction kinetics, Isotope labeling, intermediate determination, stereochemistry, crossover experiments. Reactions: Acids and Bases, types of organic reactions, Nucleophilic Substitution, Elimination Reactions, Electrophilic Addition to a double bond, Nucleophilic Addition to a carbonyl group, Rearrangements an free radicals. Practical Part: Separation and identification of organic mixtures Spectroscopy CHEM 335 Theoritical Part: Introduction, Structural elucidation by Spectroscopic Methods; Ultraviolet (UV) and Visible, Infrared (IR), 1H and 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Mass Spectrometry; Application of these spectroscopic tools. Practical Part: Synthesis of some organic compounds and conforme it's structure by spectral data. Natural Products CHEM 436 Introduction, classification of natural products, Isolation and Separation of natural products, General properties and biosynthesis of natural products, General methods of structure elucidation of terpenoids, Alkaloids, steroids and phenolic compounds (anthocyanis, flavones and isoflavones, ….). Steriochemistry CHEM 437 Theoritical Part: Stereochemical Structures, Chirality , Configuration of Chiral Centers, Multiple Stereocenters, Optical Activity, Absolute Configuration, Sequence Rules for Specifying Configuration, Physical Properties of Enantiomers , Resolution of Enantiomers, Stereoselective Reactions, Formation of Enantiomers, Formation of Diastereomers, Stereochemistry to Deduce Mechanism, Conformational Analysis, Conformational Energies, A Values, Strain in Ring Systems, Stereoelectronic Effects. Practical Part: Synthesis of some organic compounds and studying the physical and chemical properties. Polymers CHEM 438 Theoritical Part: Classification of polymers, Chemical and Physical properties, General methods for polymer synthesis, Condensation and Addition polymerization, Copolymerization, Polymer technology and application, Degradation and Stabilization of polymers. Practical Part: Synthesis of some polymer and studying the physical and chemical properties. Dyes CHEM 439 Dyes & colour- Modern theory of colour-.Classification of dyes- dyes according chemical structures (nitro dye- azo dye- aniline yellow …..)- dyes and fiber polymer system- reactive dyes. Thermodynamic and phase rule CHEM 241 Theoritical Part: Introduction and intensive and extensive properties of chemical systems, State functions and processes in chemical systems, The First law of thermodynamics, The enthalpy change in chemical systems, Hess's law 21 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department of thermochemistry, The Second law of thermodynamics, The third law of thermodynamics. Phase rule: introduction, one, two and three component systems. Practical Part: Experiments in heat of solution, neutralization heat, Entropy of urea, two and three component systems. Kinetic Chemistry CHEM 242 Theoritical Part:reaction rate , order and molecularity, factors affecting reaction rate, methods for determining the reaction order, kinetic equations for different reaction orders, effect of temperature on the reaction rate, kinetics of the complex reactions, chain reactions, theories of reaction rates and mechanisms, effect of ionic strength on reaction rates, kinetics of enzyme reactions. Practical Part: Experiments in kinetics and reaction rates. Surface Chemistry and catalysis CHEM 343 Theoritical Part: meaning of surface tension, measuring of surface tension, Uses Parchor, Speading and witting agent, Meaning of Adsorption, Adsorption mechanism, Analysis of adsorption isotherm, Determination of surface texture, Catalysis, homogeneous catalysis, heterogeneous catalysis, Catalysis in Solution Catalysis by Enzymes, Catalysis by polymers, and Catalysis on surfaces. Practical Part: Experiments in catalysis and catalytic reactions. Quantum chemistry CHEM 344 Introducton, Postulates of Q. M., Schrödinger Eq. in space and momentum coordinates. One-dimensional systems. Three-dimensional systems. Angular momentum operators. Approximaton methods Time-independent perturbation theory for nondegenerate state. Time-independent perturbation theory for degenerate state. Electrochemistry and corrosion CHEM 445 Theoritical Part: Electrolyte solutions (Fundamentals of electrostatics, electrical conductance and conductivity, transport numbers, strong and weak electrolytes, Debye-Hückel theory, ionic strength.), Electrochemical cells (Configuration of electrochemical cells, redox reactions in solution and at the interface, standard electrode potential, chemical cells and concentration cells), Thermodynamics and electrochemistry (Work function of metals, Fermi energy of electrons, Galvani and surface potentials, electromotive force and its measurement, Nernst equation, electrochemical and chemical equilibrium, determination of thermodynamic quantities), Electric double layer (Models of Helmholtz, Gouy and Chapman, and Stern, capacity of the double layer, zero charge potential, electrocapillarity equation, specific adsorption.), Technical and analytical applications (Electrolysis cells, batteries, fuel cells, corrosion, electrocrystallization, electrochemical sensors, photovoltaics, polarography, cyclic voltammetry). Corrosion; Types, cell of corrosion, factors affecting corrosion, corrosion inhibition. Practical Part: Different experiments in electrochemistry and corrosion. Advanced Quantum Chemistry 20 CHEM 446 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department Exact and approximate many-electron wave functions, One-electron basis sets, Molecular integral evaluation, Second quantization formalism, Solution of the Hartree-Fock equations, Addressing electron correlation with configuration interaction, coupled-cluster and Møller-Plesset perturbation theories, Numerical benchmarking of the considered models. Physical Chemistry of Polymers CHEM 447 Theoritical Part: Molecular Weights of Polymers: Distributions, averages, and methods of determination. Structure of Polymer Chain: Introduction to chain isomerism, stereochemistry, configurations, and conformations. Amorphous State of Polymers: In depth examination of polymer conformation, microstructure, and dynamics in the amorphous state including Rouse and Reptation dynamics. Polymer viscoelasticity: Stress relaxation, Creep, mechanical models of polymer behavior, and dynamic viscoelasticity. Crystalline State of Polymers: Crystallization and kinetics, crystalline structures, experimental methods. Polymer Solutions and Blends: Thermodynamics, phase separation, mechanisms, kinetics. Relaxation and Transitions in Polymers: Polymer relaxation mechanisms, the glass transition, time-temperature superposition, and experimental methods. Rubber Elasticity: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics of polymer elasticity. Practical Part: Experiments in Polymer’s characterization and physical properties. Photochemistry and Colloids CHEM 448 The concept of photochemical and dark reactions. The electromagnetic radiation, definition and properties. Photochemical laws and quantum yield. Kinetics of photochemical reactions. Photochemical phenomena and processes.Classification of colloidal solutions and suspensions. Preparation and purification of colloidal solutions. Properties of colloidal systems. Emulsions and gels. Applications of colloids. Nanochemistry CHEM 449 Nanoparticles: Types, compositions, and structures. Metal and semiconductor nanocrystals. Porous inorganic nanoparticles. Organic (latexes) and carbonbased nanoparticles (carbon nanotubes, graphene). Nanoparticle synthesis. Classical Colloid Theory: Nucleation and growth, Ostwald ripening. Homogeneous vs. heterogeneous nucleation. Anisotropic growth and shape control. Catalyzed (seeded) growth. Nanocrystal doping, solid solutions and Vegard's rule. Optical characterization: Absorption and photoluminescence (PL & PLE) spectroscopies, steady-state vs. fast spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering. Structural characterization: XRD, TEM, AFM. Deviations between bulk and near-surface crystal structures. Chemistry of small surfaces: Curvature and neighboring-charge effects on chemical reactivity and equilibria (pKa's, redox potentials). Applications in structural materials, imaging, lighting, energy conversion, and catalysis. Environmental, safety, and ethical aspects of nanotechnology. Fundamentals of Biochemistry 25 CHEM 251 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department Theoritical Part: Introductory biochemistry. Acids, bases and buffers. Amino acids and proteins: classification and characteristics- carbohydrates: classification, derivatives and reactions - Lipids: classification and propertiesIntroduction to biological membranes and lipoproteins-Nucleic acids: chemical structures of nitrogenous bases, nucleosides and nucleotides- and -Introduction to enzymes, hormones and vitamins. Practical Part: Fundamental laboratory of biochemistry in carbohydrates, lipids, amino acids and protein. Enzymology CHEM 352 Theoritical Part: Definition and assays of enzymes - Properties of enzymes – Enzyme classification and nomenclature - Isolation and purification of enzymes from different sources - Characteristics and structures of enzymes -Mechanism of enzyme action – Coenzymes and their role in catalysis - Enzyme kineticsInhibitors and activators of enzymes - Types of enzymatic catalysis. Practical Part: A set of special experiments designed to study parameters of enzyme activity, activation & inhibition, and isolation & characterization of enzymes. Metabolizim CHEM 353 Theoritical Part: Introduction to metabolism and bioenergetics. Saccharides metabolism. Glycogen metabolism. Glycolysis and its regulation. Fructose and galactose metabolism. Citric acid cycle. Oxidative phosphorylation. Gluconeogenesis. Pentose phosphate shunt. Photosynthesis. Classification of lipid, lipolysis, lipogenesis. Biosynthesis of fatty acids. Oxidation of fatty acids. Ketogenesis. Metabolism of amino acids (anabolism and catabolism of individual amino acids). Urea cycle. Practical Part: A selection of metabolic experiments that include carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins. Nucleic Acids CHEM 454 Introduction to the nucleotides structure and their metabolism (synthesis and degradation of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides). Nucleic acids: Chemical composition of DNA and RNA, copying of DNA, , Protein synthesis (translation) and genetic codes, Regulation of gene expression, Recombinant DNA Technology, antibiotic effects. Cancer Cell Biochemistry CHEM 455 Cancer an overview – Tumor growth and spread – Cancer causing radiation – Cancer and viruses – Cancer causing chemicals – Mechanism of carcinogenesis – Experimental cancer research – Cancer and heredity –Cancer and hormones – Unmasking the cancer – Treatment of cancer -Coping with cancer – Progress in cancer research – Prevention of cancer. Hormones CHEM 456 Hormones classification, their effects on the molecular and cellular levelsEndocrine hormones (thyroid, parathyroid, pituitary, hypothalamus, pancreas, renal and gonads) - Diseases related to hormonal disturbances. Biochemistry of Nutrition CHEM 457 Digestion, absorption, transport and transformation of carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, vitamins, water and minerals - Nutrition in relation to health - Energy 22 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department balance and weight control - Nutrition of man throughout life - Physical fitness - Nutritional deficiency diseases in man – Problems of world food shortage and suggested solutions - Food safety and food technology (food additives and food analyses). Blood Biochemistry CHEM 458 Theoritical Part: Properties and functions of blood. Cellular and non-cellular components of blood. Structure and function of hemoglobin. Metabolism of erythrocytes and its abnormalities (e.g. jaundice). Types of anemia, biochemical basis of each. Types and functions of leucocytes. Coagulation and its interrelationship to platelets. Blood formation and its disorders. Types of plasma proteins and their variation in different (liver and kidney) diseases. Practical Part: Collection of blood specimens. Method of separation of plasma and serum from whole blood. Types of anticoagulants. Method of separation blood components blood or Haematology test (haemoglobin, Red blood cell count, White blood cell count, Haematocrit or packed cell volume and Platelet count). Method of separation of main protein in plasma and serum. Electrophoretic separation of serum proteins. Chemistry of Petrolium CHEM 460 Composition of petroleum, Theories of formation of petroleum, Continue theories of formation of petroleum, Migration of petroleum and cracking, Petroleum refinery, Flash point and octane number, Synthetic petroleum, Petrochemicals from methane, Petrochemicals from ethane and ethylene, Petrochemicals from propylene and acetylene, Petrochemicals from benzene. Fundamentals of Environment CHEM 461 Environmental chemistry and pollution: Some concepts and principles of Chemistry involved in environmental processes. Chemistry related to atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. Pollutants, Atmospheric pollution (Air pollutants, Chemistry involved in Green house effect, Ozone depletion, Acid rain and Photochemical smog). Air quality standards, Aquatic pollution (Aquatic pollutants, eutrophication, Chemical speciation). Techniques of monitoring air pollutants and aquatic pollutants. Methods for minimizing pollution. Treatment methods for sewage and industrial effluents. Treatment of water for domestic use. Water Chemistry CHEM 462 Theoritical Part: Chemical equilibrium principles of acids-bases, dissolutionprecipitation, oxidation-reduction, and complexation applied to understanding the chemistry of surface waters, groundwaters, and water and wastewater treatment. Chemical factors that affect water quality, Water/wastewater treatment processing, Chemicals and bio-chemicals in water and wastewater treatment, Natural and man-made pollutants that affect water quality, Purposes, benefits and disadvantages of key chemical and biochemical processes used in water/wastewater treatment, Parameters and assessment of water and wastewater quality. Practical Part: Determination the physical and chemical properties of water. 22 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department Graduated Project CHEM 490 How to get information from the classical library How to get information from electronic sources How to write an essay from the collected information on a subject General Mathmatics 1 MATH 101 General revision for sets and inequalities. Relations and functions: Domain and Range - Types of functions - operations on functions - Inverse function. Limits. Definition of a limit and proof of some theorems- Right and left limits- limits when tends to infinity. Continuity. Definitions and theorems. Differentiation. Definition of a derivative- Rules of differentiation- Implicit differentiation. Trigonometric functions and their derivatives. Applications. Increasing and decreasing functions, Maxima and Minima- concavity and convexity and points of inflection- Curve tracing using derivatives. General Mathmatics 2 MATH 102 Role's Theorem- Mean value theorem- L.Hospital's Rule for limits.Definite integration Reiman sum- Definition- properties- fundamental Theorem of calculus (I and II). Indefinite Integration with simple examples. inverse trigonometric functions- logarithmic function- exponential function -Hyper geometric functions and their Derivatives, Methods of integration: By substitution. Applications of Integration. Plane Area- Volumes- Arc length (for a curve) - surface area- center of mass. Improper integration. Statistics MATH 191 Frequency distributions: Organizing data, array and frequency tables, relative and cumulative frequency tables, graphical representations. Measures of Central Tendency: The arithmetic mean, median, mode, geometric mean, harmonic mean, quartiles, deciles and percentiles. Measures of Dispersion: The range, mean deviation, variance, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, and coefficient of quartile variation; measures of skewness and kurtosis. Correlation and Regression: Bivariate frequency table, simple regression, simple correlation, rank and rank correlation. General Botany BOTA 101 Introduction to botany, living organisms, nomenclature and classification of the plant, Modes of nutrition, the importance of the plant, an overview of the cell, the cell categories. Plant kingdom. Kingdom Protista (in general), bacteria and viruses (General). Algae: general characteristics life cycles, economic importance. Fungi: classification, economic importance, lichens: types, economic importance. Mosses: general characteristics, classification, study the life cycle of mosses. Ferns: general characteristics of the different sections, life cycle of ferns. General characteristics of gymnosperms and angiosperm . plant Physiology: transpiration, photosynthesis, respiration, photosynthesis Introduction to genetics. General Zoology 22 ZOOL 101 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department Introduction to cell biology - methods of studying cells (microscopy) - cell structure (Prokaryote and eukaryote) - the cell cycle - cell division (mitosis and meiosis) - Reproduction (A sexual and sexual) - Embryonic development principles of genetics (Mendel laws, Genetic vocabulary, homozygous, heterozygous, phenotype, genotype, alleles, dominance, multiple alleles, polygenic inheritance - Animal tissues (Epithelial , connective , muscular and nervous) - Introduction to animal classification and Nomenclature. 21 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department توصيف المقررات الدراسية لمرحلة الماجستير Courses description (M.Sc. Chemistry) Advanced Analytical Chemistry (CHEM 510) Principles of instrumentation: Instrument performance characteristics; UV– visible spectrometers, atomic spectrometers, Fourier transformed infrared spectrometers. Analytical measurements; quality assurance and quality control in measurements. Signals noise and signal to noise ratio. Basic operational amplifier circuits and their applications. Data quality and reporting. Analytical electrochemistry: Control potential microelectrode techniques; potential step methods and potential sweep methods. Controlled current microelectrode techniques. Methods involving forced convection. Hydrodynamic methods. Techniques based on concept of impedance. Electrochemical quartz crystal micro and nano balance techniques. Complex chemical equilibria: Importance of conditional equilibrium constants and non-ideal systems, activity and activity coefficients, conditional solubility product and its application in non ideal systems, acid-base eqilibria in polyprotic systems, conditional constants in complexometry, redox and precipitation titrations. Non aqueous solvents and their applications in chemical analysis, speciation, importance and difficulties in analysis. Thermal methods in chemical analysis: Definitions & tools used in thermal analysis, thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), temperature programmed reduction (TPR) & temperature programmed oxidation (TPO), combustion analysis, thermo mechanical analysis(TMA), thermometric titrations Spectroscopic Analysis (CHEM 511) Spectrochemical measurement , Optical component of spectrometers , Optical sources , Transducers , and measurement systems , Atomic spectroscopy , Flame and Plasma atomic emission spectrometry , Molecular spectroscopy , Scattering methods . Chromatography (CHEM 512) Solid and Liquid phase chromatography , Gas Chromatography . Electrochemical Analysis (CHEM 513) Potentiometer : pH and Ion-Selective electrodes , Voltammetry . Instrumentation for stripping analysis , Electrolytic conductance , Coulometry . Separations Methods (CHEM 514) Theory of solvent extraction and phase equilibria, as applied to analytical separations; thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of separation; theory, instrumentation and analytical applications of gas chromatography, planar chromatography, liquid chromatography, size exclusion chromatography, ion 21 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department chromatography, supercritical fluid chromatography; hyphenated methods; capillary electrophoresis Thermal Analysis (CHEM 515) Thermal Analysis, Differential thermal analysis and differential scanning calorimetry , Calibration and sample preparation , Thermogravimetry , Application of thermal analysis Environmental Chemistry: (CHEM 516) Global environmental problems; air pollution; sampling of air, water and soil for chemical analysis; monitoring techniques of air pollutants, air quality standards, pollutants standards index (PSI), monitoring of volatile organic compounds; water pollution: water quality parameters and their determination, algal blooms and algal toxins, monitoring pesticide residues in water and soil, water treatment: municipal water treatment, waste water treatment methods. Advanced inorganic chemistry (CHEM 520) Atomic structure, metal and nonmetals, bonding theories, acid and bases, Inorganic reactions, isomers in inorganic, coordination compounds. Organometallic Chemistry (CHEM 521) The effective atomic number rules and the chemistry of organometallic compounds , Metal Nitrosyls-Metal Carbonyles , Dinitrogen complexes , Metallocenes , Other aromatic cyclopoleyenes , Non-aromatic olefin and acetylene complexes , Catalysis by organometalic compounds , Fluxional molecules . Inorganic compounds spectra (CHEM 522) Theory of IR and Raman Spectroscopy , Some Application of IR and Raman spectroscopy in Inorganic Chemistry , Ultra Violet and Visible Spectroscopy , –NMR Spectroscopy and its application in inorganic Chemistry , ESR Spectroscopy , Mass Spectroscopy , Moessbauer Spectroscopy . Inorganic Reaction mechanisms (CHEM 523) The kinetic model, Introduction to Ligand substitution Reactions Octahedral complexes- Ligand substitution Reactions, Racemization Reactions, Square planar Complexes-Ligand Substitution Reactions, Ligand substitution by Redox processes , Red ox Reactions , photochemical Reactions. Industrial Inorganic Chemistry (CHEM 524) Water treatment processes, water softening, water purification by RO and flash distillation. Production of ammonia: manufacturing and purification of synthesis gas, types of reactors. Catalytic reaction of syn gas, applications of ammonia Manufacturing of nitric acid, conventional and modified Ostwald process Applications of nitric acid, production of hydrazine - Processes mining and beneficiation of phosphate rock, calculations on phosphate rock analysis 21 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department Processes of phosphoric acid production, digestion processes, uses of phosphoric acid - Types of sources of sulfur, mining of sulfur deposits, production of sulfur dioxide - Manufacturing of sulfuric acid. Fluorspar and production of fluorine. Solution Chemistry (CHEM 525) Types of solutions, solutions of gas-liquid, liquid-liquid and solid-liquid. Thermodynamics of solutions. Vapour pressure- Temperature and composition diagrams. Fractioning column. Advanced organic chemistry (CHEM 530) Chemical bonding and structure, Aromaticity, Concerted Reactions, Stereochemical principles. Conformational, steric and stereoelectronic effect, Organic reaction mechanisms, Nucleophilic Substitution., Carbanion and nucleophilic carbon species, Reactions of carbonyl compounds and aromatic substitution reactions Identification of organic compounds (CHEM 531) Introduction ,Ultraviolet (UV) spectroscopy , infrared spectroscopy (IRS) mass spectroscopy , nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR) spectroscopy, 13C NMR spectroscopy , mis cellaneous topics determining the structure of organic compounds form spectra, Synthesis of organic compounds (CHEM 532) Synthesis of organic macromolecules and their uses in organic chemistry. Peptide synthesis , β-lactam antibiotics ,conformations of polypeptides naturally occurring low molecular weight peptides . photosynthesis, nitrogen fixation and intermediary metabolism , photochemical cyclization . the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds , free-radical reactions , pericyclic Reactions , the total synthesis of aromatic steroids .The total synthesis of oxygen ring compounds , Designing a synthesis I. Natural products (CHEM 533) Classification of natural products , physic –chemical data , terpenoids carotenoids steroids , alkaloids m anthocyanins , vitamins , haemoglobin , chlorophyll and phthalocyanins , the total synthesis of synthesis of pyrrol pigments , the total synthesis of prostaglandins ,the total synthesis of nucleic acids, the total synthesis of naturally occurring aromatic steroids of nucleic achds , the total synthesis of naturally occurring aromatic steroids , the total synthesis of natural occurring oxygen ring compounds the chemistry of coumarins , xanthonoids , anthraquinones Polymer (CHEM 534) Introduction to polymer science, Polymer Structure, Molecular Interactions, Polymer crystals: Step-wise kinetics, Polycondensation mechanism, Cationic polymerization, Anionic polymerization, Initiators for free radical 21 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department polymerization, Mechanism for free radical polymerization, Chain transfer, Polymerization techniques, Fluorine containing polymers, Polystyrene, Poly(vinyl chloride), Kinetics of copolymerization; Physical properties of polymer, Molecular weight, Average MW values, Fractionation of polydispersed systems, Electric properties, Spectroscopic characterization of polymers (UV-vis, FTIR, 1H-NMR,13C-NMR, SEM, and X-ray, Thermal property tests (Thermal conductivity, T g, Heat capacity). Advanced physical chemistry (CHEM 540) Kinetic molecular theory of gases , Thermo chemistry , Thermo dynamics , Chemical kinetics , Nuclear chemistry and Radio chemistry , Electro chemistry , Symmetry and group theory , Quantum mechanics and atomic structure , The solid state , Spectroscopy and photo chemistry. Surface Chemistry and Catalysis (CHEM 541) Introduction in surface chemistry: Gas-liquid interface, liquid – liquid interface, Gas- solid interface; Homogenous catalysis; Heterogeneous catalysis; Enzymatic catalysis; Applications of catalysis in industry. Solid State Chemistry (CHEM 542) Crystal structure . Bonding in solids, Crystallography and diffraction techniques , Other techniques , Microscopy , spectroscopy and thermal analysis. Crystal defects, Non-stoichiometry and solid solution . Interpretation of phase diagrams . Electrical properties, Magnetic and optical properties . Groups Theory and Applications in Chemistry (CHEM 543) Theories in conflict, The symmetry of the water molecules, The electronic structure of water molecule , The electronic structures of some cubic molecules, Groups and subgroups, Molecular vibration, Direct products, Space groups, Spectroscopic studies of crystals . Chemical Kinetics (CHEM 544) How kinetic results are expressed, Prediction of reaction rates, Gas-phase reactions, Chemical reactions in solution, Reactions in solid, Experimental methods. Molecular Spectroscopy and Quantum (CHEM 545) Classical mechanics, The failures of classical physics, Schrödinger equation, The interpretation of the wavefunction, Quantization, The Postulates of quantum mechanics (Operators, Expectation values), Uncertainty principle. Translational motion, Vibrational motion, Rotational motion. The structure and spectrum of atomic hydrogen, The structures of many-electron atoms, The spectra of complex atoms. The hydrogen molecule-ion, The structures of diatomic molecules, The structures of polyatomic molecules, Unsaturated and aromatic hydrocarbons, Metals (band theory), Valence-bond theory. General features of spectroscopy, Pure rotation, The vibrations of diatomic molecules, 21 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department The vibrations of polyatomic molecules. Measures of intensity, Chromophores, vibrational structure, other types of spectroscopy. Electrochemistry and Corrosion (CHEM 546) Electrical conductivity and interionic interactions, Electrode potentials and double layer structure at phase boundries, Electrical potentials and electrical current, Theories of corrosion, Methods for the study of the electrode electrolyte interface, Industrial electrochemical processes , Analytical application. Corrosion Measurement Techniques - linear polarisation, Tafel extrapolation, EIS, electrochemical noise, harmonic analysis, Mott Schottky technique - Eight Forms of Corrosion - Cathodic Protection - Carbon dioxide corrosion Corrosion Inhibitors - Evaluation of Corrosion Inhibitors used in Oil and Gas Production - Analytical Techniques Used in Failure Analysis, SEM/EDS, TEM, XRD, Mossbauer, XPS, FTIR, Raman - Failure Analysis in Oil and Gas Production - Protective Coatings. Advanced Biochemistry (CHEM 550) Water, pH and buffers, Structure of cell, Chemistry of amino acid, proteins, Enzymes, Carbohydrates, Lipids and Chemistry and metabolism of Nucleic acids, Chemistry of Hormone and Vitamin, Photosynthesis, Bioenergetics, Muscle and the cytoskeleton, Advanced Protein Chemistry (CHEM 551) Amino acids, Peptide, Protein, Synthesis of essential and non essential amino acids, Amino acid catabolism, Urea cycle, Detoxication of ammonia, Metabolism of individual amino acid, Conversion of amino acid to specialized products. Advanced Metabolism Chemistry (CHEM 552) Introduction, Thermodynamics and metabolism, Glycolysis, Gluconeogenesis, TCA, HMP-shunt-Glycogen, Electron transport chain and oxidative phosphorylation- Fatty acid oxidation, Ketone bodies, Fatty acid synthesis, Phospholipid metabolism, Amino acid metabolism, Urea cycle, Synthesis of amino acid, metabolism in well-fed state and starvation. Advanced Carbohydrate Chemistry (CHEM 553) Monosaccharides., Disaccharides, Polysaccharides, Digestion and absorption, glycolysis, TCA, Pentose phosphate pathway, Glycogen, Glycosaminoglycans, Glycoproteins, Photosynthesis, Glyuconeogenesis, Biological oxidation. Advanced Lipid Chemistry (CHEM 554) Chemistry of different types of lipid, Membrane structure, Digestion and absorption, fatty acid oxidation, Ketogenesis and Ketolysis, Fatty acid synthesis, Eicosanoids, Synthesis of TG, Phospholipid and cholesterol, Lipoprotein, Steroid and Hormones. 20 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department Tissues and Biological Fluids (CHEM 555) Biochemistry of cells , Membranes structure, Extra cellular matrix including collagen Elastein, Bone and Cartilage, Role of Liver in metabolism, Mitochondrial electron transport chain, Tissue enzymes, Immune system, Mechanical work by cells, Biological fluids, eig. Blood, Semen, Lymph, Urine and Milk. Advanced Hormone and vitamin chemistry (CHEM 556) Hormonal action, Mechanism of hormonal action, Pituitary hormones and hypothalamus, Thyroid, Hormones that regulate calcium, Hormones of adrenals and gonads, Pancreatic and gastrointestinal hormones, Vitamins classificationSource, Coenzymes and their roles and function of water and fat soluble vitamin^Requirements and deficiency. Nucleic Acid Chemistry (CHEM 557) Nucleotides, Metabolism of purines and pyrimidines, Nucleic acid structure and functions, DNA organization, repair and replication, Transcription, processing and modification, Protein synthesis (Translation) and genetic codes, Regulation of gene expression, Recombinant DNA Technology, Development of cancer. Enzyme Chemistry (CHEM 558) Properties, Kinetic, Inhibition, Regulation, Mechanism of enzymes, Coenzymes, Enzymes in clinical diagnosis. Enzymatic synthesis. Synthesis of polysaccharides, The enzymatic of nucleic acids, Enzymatic protein synthesis, The biosynthesis of .natural rubber, The stepwise synthesis of protein, Synthesis of graft -copolymers, Purification of polymers, Chemical transformation of polymers, The macromolecular solution. The gel state, The rubber-elastic state (viscoelasticity), The solid state, The crystalline state, Structure and properties in the solid state, Biodegradable polymers, Designing of polymers. 25 5102 دليل كلية العلوم قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department أأثناء تقيمي قسم الكميياء يف اجلودة 6013 ورشة معل عن اجلودة يف السودان 6014 دليل كلية العلوم 5102 22 قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department املؤمتر ادلويل الأول للعلوم الكمييائية وتطبيقاهتا 6014 ورشة معل داخل قسم الكميياء دليل كلية العلوم 5102 22 قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department ورش معل داخل قسم الكميياء دليل كلية العلوم 5102 22 قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department معامل قسم الكميياء دليل كلية العلوم 5102 21 قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department املعرض الس نوي لقسم الكميياء دليل كلية العلوم 5102 21 قسم الكيمياء Chemistry Department معرض الكتاب بلقسم 6013 أأ.د صابر الس يد منصور املسامري دليل كلية العلوم 5102 د .حسني عبد الفتاح خلف اصدارات قسم الكميياء من الكتب العلمية د.سعد عبد ،د .اتج ادلين مرين 21