List of Workshop Participants and Contributors*

List of Workshop Participants and
Helene M. ApSimon
Centre for Environmental Technology, Imperial College, Princes Gardens, London
SW7 2AZ, United Kingdom
Vladimir Bashkin
Institute of Soil Science and Photosynthesis, USSR Academy of Sciences, 142292
Pushchino, Moscow region, Russia
Miroslav Bicik
Czech Hydrometeorological Survey, Zelivskeho 5, 16605 Jablonec n. Nisou,
Czech Republic
Michael F. Billett
Department of Plant & Soil Sciences, Aberdeen University, Meston Building,
Aberdeen AB9 2UE, United Kingdom
P. Birch
Polytechnic of East London, Romford Road, London El5 4LZ, United Kingdom
Pavel Blazka
Hydrobiological Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Na sadkach 7,370
05 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
Owen Bricker
US Geological Survey, USGS/WRD MS 432, Reston, VA 22092, United States
Jiri Cerny
Czech Geological Survey, Klarov 3/131,11821 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Nils Christophersen
Department of Informatics, University of Oslo, PO Box 1080, Blindern, N-0316
Oslo, Norway
M. Robbins Church
US Environmental Protection Agency, 200 SW 35th Street, Corvallis, Oregon,
United States
*This list of participants was revised in early 1993 and thus reflects the significant politico-geographical changes which have happened in Europe (e.g. unification of Germany, division of the of Soviet
Union and Czechoslovakia).
In most cases, however, we were not able to trace individuals listed to
their new positions and addresses.
Thomas A. Clair
Environment Canada, Water Quality Branch, 1075 Main Street, PO Box 861,
Moncton, N. B. EIC 8N6, Canada
Malcolm Cresser
Department of Soil Science, University of Aberdeen, Meston Walk, Aberdeen
AB9 2UE, United Kingdom
Ahmed Daldum
INRA, CRF, Foret d'Amance, Champenoux, 54280 Seichamps, France
Etienne Dambrine
INRA, CRF, Foret d' Amance, Champenoux, 54280 Seichamps, France
Pedro Jose Depetris
Universidad Nacional de Cordoba-FCEF
Cordoba, Argentina
y N, Avda Velez Sarsfield 299, 5000
Ian Douglas
School of Geography, University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, United
Charles T. Driscoll
Syracuse University, Department of Civil Engineering, 231 Hinds Hall, Syracuse
NY 13244-1190, United States
Radu Drobot
Civil Engineering Institute, Faculty of Hydrotechnics, Sevastopol 30 AP.2,
Bucharest, Romania
Vac1av Elias
Institute of Hydrodynamics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Podbabska 13,
166 12 Praha 6, Czech Republic
Bridget Emmett
Institute of Ecology, Bangor Research Unit, UCNW, Deiniol Road, Bangor,
Gwynedd, United Kingdom
Daniela Fottova
Geological Survey, Malostranske namesti 19, 11821 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Wolfgang Gerds
Academy of Science, G. Dimitroff PI.1, Leipzig, 7022, Federal Republic of Germany
Frank Giese
Inst. Geographie und Geookologie, Rudower Chaussee 5, 1199 Berlin, Federal
Republic of Germany
Manfred Graf
Heinrich-Hertz-Inst. Atmos. und Geomagnetismus, Rudower Chaussee 5, 1199
Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany
Peringe Grennfelt
IVL, Dagjamningsgatan 1, PO Box 47086, S-402 58 G6teborg, Sweden
Hana Groscheova
Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Czech
Per Gundersen
Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute, Stovbrynet 16, DK-2800 Lyngby,
Jim Harris
Polytechnic of East London, Romford Road, London El5 4LZ, United Kingdom
Miroslav Havel
Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Czech
Jan Hosek
Geological Survey, Malostranske namesti 19, 11821 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Jakub Hruska
Geological Survey, Malostranske namesti 19, 11821 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Hans Hultberg
Swedish Environmental Research Institute, PO Box 47086, S-402 58 G6teborg,
Ake Iverfeldt
Swedish Environmental Research Institute, PO Box 47086, S-402 58 G6teborg,
Dean S. Jeffries
National Water Research Institute, PO Box 5050, 867 Lakeshore Road,
Burlington, Ontario, Canada
Alan Jenkins
Institute of Hydrology, MacLean Building, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford,
Oxfordshire OXIO 8BB, United Kingdom
Chris E. Johnson
Syracuse University, Department of Civil Engineering, 231 Hinds Hall, Syracuse
NY 13244-1190, United States
Robert Kaufman
Geological Survey, Malostranske namesti 19, 11821 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Stephan Kempe
SCOPEIUNEP Int. Carbon Unit, Inst. Biogeochem. and Marine Chemistry,
Bundesstrasse 55, D-2000 Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany
Martin Kennel
Bavarian Forest Research and Experimental Station, Schellingstrasse 12-14, D8000 Munchen 40, Federal Republic of Germany
Vladimir Kinkor
Geological Survey, Malostranske namesti 19, 11821 Praha I, Czech Republic
Martin Kralik
Geotechn. Inst.- Arsenal Bundesanstalt, Faradayg. 3, PF 8, Wien A-I 030, Austria
Pavel Kram
Geological Survey, Malostranske namesti 19, 118 21 Praha I, Czech Republic
Josef Krecek
Agricultural University of Prague, Jungmannova II, Praha I, Czech Republic
Radovan Krejci
Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Albertov 6, 128 43 Praha 2, Czech
Hans Kros
The Winand Staring Centre, PO Box 125,6700 AC Wageningen, The Netherlands
Marek Kruk
Institute of Ecology PAS, Dziekanow Lesny, 05-092 Lomianky, Poland
Steven E. Lindberg
Environmental Science Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, PO Box 2008,
Oak Ridge, TN 37831, United States
M. Iggy Litaor
Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
80309-0450, United States
Vaclav Lochman
Forestry and Game Management Institute, Jiloviste-Strnady 136, 156 04 PrahaZbraslav, Czech Republic
Elve Lode
Tallinn Technical University, Water Protection Laboratory, Jarvevana tee 5,
Tallinn, Estonia
Danilo Lopez
Lab. Estudios Ambientales, IZT Fac. Ciencias UCV, Aptdo 47058, Caracas 1041,
Jose Manuel Maass
Uni. Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Apartado Postal 70-275, Mexico D.F.C.P.
04510, Mexico
Vladimir Majer
Geological Survey, Ma10stranske namesti 19, 11821 Praha 1, Czech Republic
John L. Malanchuk
National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, 722 Jackson Place N.W.,
Washington, D.C. 20503, United States
Kenneth M. Mavuti
University of Nairobi, Dept. of Zoology, PO Box 30197, Nairobi, Kenya
Dagmar Minarikova
Geological Survey, Malostranske namesti 19, 11821 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Myron J. Mitchell
State University of New York, ColI. Envir. Sci. For., Syracuse, NY 13210, United
Bedfich Moldan
Centre for Environmental Scholarship, Charles University, Petrska u1ice3, 118 21
Praha 1, Czech Republic
Filip Moldan
Swedish Environmental Research Institute, PO Box 47086, S-402 58, G6teborg
Jan Mulder
Department of Soil Science and Geology, Agricultural University, PO Box 37,
6700 AA Wageningen, The Netherlands
Colin Neal
Institute of Hydrology, MacLean Building, Crowmarsh Gifford, Wallingford,
Oxfordshire OX10 8BB, United Kingdom
Bengt Nihlgard
Department of Plant Ecology, Ecology Building, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden
James K. Otton
US Geological Survey, MS 939 Box 25046, Lakewood, CO 80127, United States
Alvaro R.C. Ovalle
Dept. Geoquimica, Inst. Quimica Univ. Federal Fluminense, Morro do
Valonguinho sin, Nitcroi, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Tomas Paces
Czech Geological Survey, Klarov 3/131,11821
Praha 1, Czech Republic
Norman E. Peters
us Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, 6841 Peachtree Business Ctr.,
Suite 130, 3039 Amwiler Rd, Atlanta, Georgia 30360-2824, United States
Jacques Ranger
INRA, CRF, Foret d'Amance, Champenoux, 54280 Seichamps, France
Rein Ratsep
Department of Plant Ecology, Ecology Building, S-223 62 Lund, Sweden
Allan Rodhe
Division of Hydrology, Uppsala University, PO Box 554, S-751 22 Uppsala,
Howard B. Ross
OK Petroleum AB, Warfvinges vag 25, S-112 91 Stockholm, Sweden
Valenti Rull
Maraven S.A., Av. La Estancia, PO Box 829, Caracas 10lO-A, Venezuela
Josef Rusek
Institute of Soil Biology, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Na sadkach 7, 370
05 Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
Jiri Samec
Geological Survey, Malostranske namesti 19, 11821 Praha I, Czech Republic
Jaroslav Santroch
Czech Hydrometeorological Survey, Na Sabatce 17, 14306 Praha 4--Komorany,
Czech Republic
Gerhart Schneider
Environment Management, UNEP, PO Box 30552, Nairobi, Kenya
Jerald L. Schnoor
University of Iowa, 1136 Engineering Building, Iowa City, Iowa 52242, United
Sigrid Schwarz
Federal Environmental Agency, Radetzkystrasse 2, A-1030 Wien, Austria
Yuri Semenov
Institute of Geography, Siberian Department Russian Academy of Sciences,
UJanbatorsky S1. 1, Irkutsk 664033, Russia
Raymond Semkin
National Water Research Institute, PO Box 5050, 867 Lakeshore Road,
Burlington, Ontario L7R 4A6, Canada
Karel Sevcik
Geological Survey, Malostranske namesti 19, 118 21 Praha 1, Czech Republic
Ronald L. Severson
US Geological Survey, Box 25046, MS 973, Denver, CO, United States
Sun Shuncai
Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology, 73 East Beijing Road, Nanjing,
Harald Sverdrup
Chemical Center, Lund Institute of Technology, Box 124, S-221 00 Lund, Sweden
Wayne T. Swank
Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, 999 Coweeta Lab Road, Otto, NC 28763, United
Heikki Tanskanen
Geological Survey of Finland, Envir. Geol. Group, Betonimiehenkuja 4, SF-02150
Espoo, Finland
Marina Timofejeva
Estonian Land-reclamation Project, Mustamae Tee 33, 200006 Tallinn, Estonia
Teresa Vegas
GEOHIDRA C.A., Div Ambiental, Apartado 47851, Caracas 1040, Venezuela
Josef Vesely
Czech Geological Survey, Malostranske namesti 19, 118 21 Praha 1, Czech
Otto Weinzierl
Montanuniversitat Leoben, Rosseggerstrasse 15, A-8700 Leoben, Austria
Richard Wright
Norwegian Institute for Water Reasearch (NIVA), PO Box 69 Korsvoll, N-0808
Oslo, Norway
Petr Zach
Forestry and Game Management, Institute Praha 5-Jiloviste
Strnady, Czech
Zbynek Zeman
Landscape Ecology Institute, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Seifertova 57,
43400 Most, Czech Republic