R Assoc.Prof.Dr.Burhan DAVARCIOĞLU Atomic and Molecular Physics Spectral Characterization of Clays Layered Silicate Polymer Nanocomposites Date of Birth: January 19, 1960 Place of Birth: Iskenderun-HATAY, TURKEY E-Mail: burdavog@hotmail.com Phone: +90-532-5616947 Present Address: Department of Physics, Faculty of Science and Art, Aksaray University, 68100 - Aksaray-Turkey Curriculum Vitae - CV Educational Attainment Degree Year University Doctorate-Ph.D. 1992 Gazi University-Turkey, Institute of Science and Technology-Physics Department-Atomic and Molecular Physics Master-M.Sc. 1987 Gazi University-Turkey, Institute of Science and Technology-Physics Department-Atomic and Molecular Physics UndergraduateB.Sc.Eng. 1984 Hacettepe University-Turkey, Physics Engineering Foreign Languages English FLUENT Engineering Faculty-Department of Academic Positions-Academic Degrees Year Position 1984-1985 Research Assistant. Hacettepe University-Turkey, Nuclear Medicine Department-Radiation Physics and Radioisotope Laboratories 1985-1992 Research Fellow. Gazi University-Turkey, Institute of Science and Technology-Physics Department 1992-1994 Dr. Research Fellow. Gazi University-Turkey, Institute of Science and Technology-Physics Department 1994-2007 Assist. Prof. Dr. Nigde University-Turkey, Faculty of Science and Art-Physics Department-Atomic and Molecular Physics Division 2007-2011 Assist. Prof. Dr. Aksaray University-Turkey, Faculty of Science and Art-Physics Department-Atomic and Molecular Physics Division 2012-..... Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aksaray University-Turkey, Faculty of Science and Art-Physics Department-Atomic and Molecular Physics Division University Outside and Academic Advising Year Position January/March1993 Short Military Service, Ministry of Defense-Turkey Dr. Burhan Davarcıoğlu/ACADEMICS 1/14 1994-2002 Abroad Academic Advising (Nigde University-Turkey, Physics Department; Ministry of National Education and Council of Higher Education funded for 4 students-International Relations Unit) 1996-2000 2007-..... Industrial Activities: City of Hatay-Adana-Nigde, Turkey; University-Industry Cooperation Information Technology Consulting (Consultant, Information Technology) University-Industry Cooperation Coordinator, Project Coordinator at the University-Industry Cooperation Framework 1998-2001 Nigde University-Turkey, Physics Department-Advising of Undergraduate Students 2002-2004 Nigde University-Turkey, Institute of Science and Technology-Physics Department-Advising of Master Students 2003-2006 Nigde University-Turkey, Physics Department-Advising of Undergraduate Students 2009-2011 Aksaray University-Turkey, Physics Department-Advising of Undergraduate Students Make Contributions to the University Administrative Tasks Year Position 1994-1995 Founding Vice-Director (Graduate Dean); Institute of Science and Technology, Nigde University-Turkey 1994–1996 Founding Chairman of Physics Department; Faculty of Science and Art, Nigde University-Turkey 1994-1996 Head of Atomic and Molecular Physics Division; Physics Department-Institute of Science and Technology, Nigde University-Turkey 1994-2007 Head of Atomic and Molecular Physics Division; Physics Department-Faculty of Science and Art, Nigde University-Turkey 1999-2001 Deputy Chairman; Department of Archeology and Art History-Faculty of Science and Art, Nigde UniversityTurkey Mayıs/Eylül-2000 Deputy Dean; Faculty of Science and Art, Nigde University-Turkey 2000–2001 Vice-Dean; Faculty of Science and Art, Nigde University-Turkey 2001-2003 Founding Chairman of Technical Programs Division; Halil-Zohre Ataman Vocational School, Nigde UniversityTurkey 2001-2003 Director; Halil-Zohre Ataman Vocational School, Nigde University-Turkey 2010-2012 Head of Nuclear Physics Division; Physics Department-Faculty of Science and Art, Aksaray University-Turkey Board Membership 1992-1993 Research Projects Coordination Committee Membership; Institute of Science and Technology, Gazi University-Turkey 1992-1993 Journal Publications Board Member of Science; Institute of Science and Technology, Gazi University-Turkey 1994-1995 Member of the Board; Institute of Science and Technology, Nigde University-Turkey 1994-1996 Institute Board Membership; Institute of Science and Technology, Nigde University-Turkey 1994-1996 Faculty Board Membership; Faculty of Science and Art, Nigde University-Turkey 1996-2000 Science Publication Committee Membership; Nigde University-Turkey 1997-1998 Research Fund Purchasing Committee Membership; Nigde University-Turkey 1997-1999 Scientific Research Fund Project Selection and Evaluation Panel Membership; Nigde University-Turkey 1997-2001 Science and Education Committee Membership; Nigde University-Turkey 1997-2002 Problem-Based Education Committee Membership; Nigde University-Turkey 1999-2001 Faculty Board Membership; Faculty of Science and Art, Nigde University-Turkey 2001-2003 School Board Membership; Halil-Zohre Ataman Vocational School, Nigde University-Turkey 2001-2003 Member of the Senate; Nigde University-Turkey Other Academic Positions Entrance Examination Jury; Research Fellow, Master and Doctorate Take Part in the Jury Thesis Defense Examination; Master and Doctorate Take Part in Various Council Created by the University Senate Confirmation Take Part in the Various University Scientific Research Project Evaluation Teaching UNDERGRADUATE Course Code Lesson 0406101 Physics-I (Mechanics, Thermodynamics) Credits 0406201 Physics-II Optics) 0406103 Physics Laboratory-I (Electricity Heat and and Magnetism, 5 5 2 Dr. Burhan Davarcıoğlu/ACADEMICS 2/14 0406104 Physics Laboratory-II 2 0406305 Differential Equations 4 0406404 Partial Differential Equations 4 0406503 Electromagnetic Theory-I 4 0406504 Electromagnetic Theory-II 4 1040080 Physics-IV (Modern Physics) 4 1040082 Electronics Laboratory 3 1040089 Waves and Optics Laboratory 3 0205202 Scientific Principles of Technology 3 0406501 Quantum Physics-I 4 0406601 Quantum Physics-II 4 0406303 Quantum Physics Laboratory 2 0406407 Quantum Physics Mechanics 4 0406408 Atomic and Molecular Physics 4 0406467 (Elective) Spectroscopy Methods-I 3 0406468 (Elective) Spectroscopy Methods-II 3 0406469 (Elective) Spectral Analysis Methods-I 3 0406470 (Elective) Spectral Analysis Methods-II 3 0406612 (Elective) Lasers and Masers 3 0406515 (Elective) General and Special Theory of Relativity 3 0406373 (Elective) Medical Physics 3 0406438 (Elective) Molecular Physics 3 0405539 (Elective) Photochemistry 3 0406614 (Elective) Biophysics 3 3040042 (Elective) Astronomy 3 3040058 (Elective) Health Physics 3 3040061 (Elective) Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy 3 0404456 (Elective) Numerical Analysis 3 0404468 (Elective) Physics and Technological Applications 3 0406701 Research Project-I 2 0406801 Research Project-II 2 0407701 Physics Applications-I 4 0407801 Physics Applications-II 4 GRADUATE (Master and Doctorate) Course Code Lesson Credits 1903501 Advanced Quantum Mechanics-I 3 1903502 Advanced Quantum Mechanics-II 3 1903505 Advanced Electromagnetic Theory-I 3 1903506 Advanced Electromagnetic Theory-II 3 1903533 Molecular Spectroscopy-I 3 1903534 Molecular Spectroscopy-II 3 1903584 Molecular Group Theory 3 1402527 Spectroscopy Methods 3 1402530 Laser Physics 3 1402536 Medical Physics 3 1902534 Thermal Analysis 3 1902538 Radiation Chemistry 3 1902576 Advanced Photochemistry 3 1402810 Specialization Courses 3 1402811 Specialization Courses 3 PRINCIPAL AREAS OF EXPERTISE Laser Physics Solid state laser structures and spectroscopy Vibrational Spectroscopy Infrared and Raman spectroscopy of clathrate compounds with complex and structured analysis Dr. Burhan Davarcıoğlu/ACADEMICS 3/14 Spectroscopy Clays of Clays spectroscopic methods (FTIR, XRD, DTA, TGA, XRF and ICP-MS) to determine the qualitative and quantitative REFEREE 1. REVIEWER Spectroscopyeurope, www.spectroscopyeurope.com. John Wiley & Sons Ltd and IM Publications LLP. ISSN: 0966-0941, Since December 2001 2. REVIEWER Journal of Petroleum and Gas Engineering, www.academicjournals.org/JPGE. Physical Sciences-Chemical Abstracts. ISSN: 2141-2677, Since February 2010 3. REVIEWER African Journal of Biotechnology, www.academicjournals.org/AJB. Biological Sciences. ISSN: 1684-5315, Since April 2010 4. REVIEWER Epitoanyag, www.szte.org.hu. Materials Science. ISSN: 0013-970X, Since February 2011 5. REVIEWER International Review of Chemical Engineering, www.praiseworthyprize.com/ireche.htm. Chemical and Advanced Materials. ISSN: 2035-1755, Since May 2011 6. REVIEWER International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology, www.ijopaasat.in. Science and Technology. ISSN: 2229-6107, Since August 2011 7. REVIEWER International Research Journal of Biotechnology, www.interesjournals.org/IRJOB. International Research Journals. ISSN: 2141-5153, Since September 2011 8. REVIEWER Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, www.intechweb.org. Clay Mineral-Author Panel. ISSN: 1847-9804, Since November 2011 9. REVIEWER International Research Journal of Geology and Mining, www.interesjournals.org/IRJGM. International Research Journals. ISSN: 2276-6618, Since December 2011 10. REVIEWER Advances in Bioresearch (Isı Web of Science), www.soeagra.com. Society of Education. ISSN: 0976-4585, Since June 2012 11. REVIEWER Scientific Research and Essays, www.academicjournals.org/SRE. International Research Journals-Chemical Abstracts. ISSN: 1992-2248, Since November 2012 12. REFEREE EUROPEAN COMMISSION AUTHENTICATION SERVICE (ECAS)-COMMUNITY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION SERVICE (CORDIS), EX2006C139707 Expert Candidature Number; the EC Framework Programme, http://cordis.europa.eu/emmfp7. The 7th Framework Programme of the European Community for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration Activities and its Specific Programmes. Expert in the Scientific Programs. Research in the Relevant Scientific and Technological Fields, International Cooperation in Science and Technology. Since December 2012 13. REVIEWER Basic Research Journal of Medicine and Clinical Sciences, www.basicresearchjournals.org. Medicine and Clinical Sciences. ISSN: 2315-6864, Since January 2013 14. REFEREE NATIONAL SCIENCE CENTRE-POLAND, www.ncn.gov.pl. The Physical Sciences and Engineering Coordinator Unit/NCN Panels. SONATA, ST7-ST8. Since March 2013 15. REVIEWER International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Technology, www.ijaet.org. Science and Technology. ISSN: 2231-1963, Since March 2013 16. REVIEWER Topclass Journal of Agricultural Research, www.topclassglobaljournals.org. International Research Journals. ISSN: 2315-88XX, Since May 2013 17. REVIEWER International Journal of Physical Sciences, www.academicjournals.org/IJPS. Physical Sciences-Chemical Abstracts. ISSN: 1992-1950, Since August 2013 18. REVIEWER Physical Sciences Research International, www.netjournals.org/psri. Physical Sciences-Chemistry. ISSN: 2354-2146, Since December 2013 19. REVIEWER British Journal of Applied Science and Technology, www.sciencedomain.org. Science and Technology. ISSN: 2231-0843, Since June 2014 20. REVIEWER International Research Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry, www.sciencedomain.org. Physical SciencesChemistry and Technology. ISSN: 2231-3443, Since August 2014 21. REFEREE EUROPEAN COMMISSION AUTHENTICATION SERVICE (ECAS)-RESEARCH AND INNOVATION. EUROPEAN RESEARCH CENTER (ERC), EX2006C139707 Expert Candidature Number; the EC Framework Programme, http://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/experts. The Framework Programme for Research and Innovation “Horizon 2020”, European Commission. International Cooperation in Science and Technology. Expert in the Scientific Programs. European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights. Since September 2014 22. REVIEWER International Journal of Modern Theoretical Physics, www.modernscientificpress.com/IJMTP. Physical Sciences-Chemical Abstracts. ISSN: 2169-7426, Since October 2014 23. REVIEWER American Chemical Science Journal, www.sciencedomain.org. Physical Sciences-Chemical Abstracts. ISSN: 2249-0205, Since December 2014 24. REVIEWER Journal of Applied Physical Science International, www.ikpress.org. Material and Natural Sciences-Chemical Abstracts. ISSN: 2348-0130, Since January 2015 25. REVIEWER Sky Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management, www.skyjournal.org/SJSSEM. Soil ScienceChemical Abstracts. ISSN: 2315-8794, Since March 2015 26. REVIEWER British Biotechnology Journal (PubMed-http://publicaccess.nih.gov/submit_process.htm#c)-(Isı Web of Dr. Burhan Davarcıoğlu/ACADEMICS 4/14 Science), www.sciencedomain.org. Biotechnology-Chemical Abstracts. ISSN: 2231-2927, Since April 2015 27. REVIEWER Journal of Applied Chemical Science International (ISI Thomson Reuters), www.ikpress.org. Chemical Sciences, Inorganic-Industrial-Analytical Chemistry-Chemical Abstracts. ISSN: 2395-3705, Since July 2015 Leading Responsibilities 1. Co-President; Fourth Mediterranean Clay Meeting, Middle East Technical University (Ankara-Turkey), September 5-10 (2006). 2. Chairmanship; 13. National Clay Symposium, Suleyman Demirel University (Isparta-Turkey), September 12-14 (2007). 3. Session Chairman; III. National Geochemistry Symposium, Kocaeli University-Tübitak-Butal (Bursa-Turkey), October 16-18 (2008). 4. Session Chairman; Turkish-German Conference on Energy Technologies, Middle East Technical University (Ankara-Turkey), October 13-15 (2014). 5. Regulatory and Scientific Committee Member; 3rd Annual International Conference on Physics, Athens Institute for Education and Research (Athens-Greece), July 20-23 (2015). 6. Scientific Board Member (Delegates of the EFCE Working Party on Drying); 5th European Drying Conference, Danubius Congress Park Hotel Flamenco (Budapest-Hungary), October 21-23 (2015). Organizations Members (Scientific and Social Contributions) 1. New York Academy of Sciences (Active Member), Since April 1997 2. Clay Turkish National Committee of Science (Clay Session), Since September 2004 3. Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology (PICMET) (Member), Since April 2006 4. University-Industry Collaboration Centers Platform (Workshop Group), Since May 2008 5. Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (Technology Development Projects Group), Since October 2008 6. International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (Member), Since May 2009 7. International Association for the Study of Clays (AIPEA) (Member-Budapest), Since August 2009 8. Korea Eureka-Research Development and Innovation (Member), Since March 2013 9. Athens Institute for Education and Research-ATINER (Academic Member-Physics Research Unit), Since February 2015 PUBLICATIONS Prepared Theses 1. Davarcıoğlu, B., ULTRASONIC DISTANCE MEASUREMENT. B.Sc.Eng. Thesis, Hacettepe University-Turkey, Engineering Faculty-Department of Physics Engineering, January (1984), 47 Pages. Supervisor: Prof.Dr.Turhan ALPER Instead of using ultrasound image to be determined when determining the place of bats in nature have created the idea of ultrasonic distance measurement. Measuring the return time of ultrasonic waves to an object hit is the basis of this study. Instead of microwave frequencies in the ultrasonic radar system called the frequency can hear the people (ultrasonic) sound waves are used. This generated digital electronic circuit assembly and a printed circuit is made. This has been done with ultrasound distance measurement, the measured distance values are shown on the digital display. Problems with reflections from the ultrasound from the surface of the object in the measurement revealed that there are drawbacks. A reflection direction of the incident sound wave and the angle of the surface depends on the shape of the surface. No matter how small angle of incidence, the possibility of stripping the surface reflection of the sound without being so high and so on, is made from a faulty measurement. In the far distance is reduced to a great extent the accuracy of the measurements. 2. Davarcıoğlu, B., SOLID–STATE LASERS. M.Sc. Thesis, Gazi University-Turkey, Institute of Science and Technology-Physics Department, February (1987), 118 Pages. Supervisor: Assoc.Prof.Dr.Atilla OZMEN In this study, the theory and progress of the solid-state lasers have been reviewed. The term solid-state lasers implies lasers using solid crystalline or glass materials doped with a suitable ion. In this thesis, especially the solid-state laser materials have been investigated. A lot of information has been collected and this information has been arranged. Then, using this information the structure of these lasers examined. Solid-state laser structures is related with different types of solid-state laser materials. At this study, crystalline host materials are described, pointing out their characteristics pertinent for laser systems. Rare-earth and transition metal impurities used as laser materials are tabulated and the role of sensitization in increasing the overall efficiency of laser systems is described. 3. Davarcıoğlu, B., AN INFRA–RED SPECTROSCOPIC STUDY OF MANGANESE PYRIDINE, 4–METHYLPYRIDINE TETRACYANOMETALATE COMPLEXES AND MANGANESE PYRAZINE, 4,4’–BIPYRIDINE TETRACYANOMETALATE–BENZENE CLATHRATES. Ph.D. Thesis, Gazi University-Turkey, Institute of Science and Technology-Physics Department,July (1992), 166 Pages. Supervisor: Prof.Dr.Ziya KANTARCI In this study, Td-type Mn(pyridine)2M’(CN)4, Mn(4-methylpyridine)2M’(CN)4 (M’=Cd or Hg) complexes and Mn(pyrazine)M’(CN)4.C6H6, Mn(4,4’-bipyridine)M’(CN)4. C6H6 (M’=Cd or Hg) clathrates have been prepared for the first time, and their structure have been investigated by using infra-red spectroscopy in the region 4000-200 cm-1. In this investigation, the spectral results indicate the following: 1– The both nitrogen of (pyridine)2, (4-methylpyridine)2, pyrazine ve 4,4’-bipyridine Dr. Burhan Davarcıoğlu/ACADEMICS 5/14 molecules bound to the metal Mn and constructed [Mn-M’(CN)4]∞ three-dimensional polymeric structure, 2– This structure has two types of cavities in which guest benzene molecules are trapped, 3– The host structure of these complexes and clathrates are similar to those found in other Td-type complexes and clathrates. Articles, Papers, Books and Other Publications EDITORIALS INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHED ARTICLES 1. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Study of Radiation by Solid-State Lasers ” Proc of ISRP-5 (Ed.: D.A. Bradley)-Ruder Boskovic Institute, Dubrovnik-Yugoslavia. 1 (1991), 43-51. ISBN: 978-919-26-67-2 2. Kantarcı, Z., Karacan, N., Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Infrared Spectroscopic Studies on the Hofmann-Td-type Complexes: Mn(Pyridine)2Cd(CN)4 and Mn(Pyridine)2Hg(CN)4 ” Journal of Molecular Structure. DOI: 10.1016/0022-2860(94)07985-4; 323 (1994), 53-58. ISSN: 0022-2860 (Citations: 15) 3. Kantarcı, Z., Davarcıoğlu, B., Bayrak, C., “ An Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Pyrazine- and 4,4’-bipyridil-Td-type Clathrates: Mn(pyrazine)M(CN)4 benzene (M=Cd or Hg) and Mn(4,4’-bipyridil)M(CN)4 benzene (M=Zn, Cd or Hg) ” Journal of Inclusion Phenomena and Macrocyclic Chemistry. DOI: 10.1023/A:1008127407158; 39, 1-2 (2001), 115-121. ISSN: 0923-0750 (Citations: 12) 4. Gürel, A., Kayalı, R., Davarcıoğlu, B., Çiftçi, E., “ The Geology and Origin of Chlorite, Smectite, Illite and Palygorskite in the Messinian Alluvial Fan Deposits of Ulukisla Basin (Central Turkey) ” Beihefte zum European Journal of Mineralogy. 16, 1 (2004), 50-56. ISSN: 0935-123X (Citations: 2) 5. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Spectral Characterization of Nigde-Dikilitas Clays, Central Anatolian Region-Turkey and Petroleum ” Mineralogia. 33 (Special Papers, www.mineralogia.pl) (2008), 52. ISSN: 1896-2203 6. Davarcıoğlu, B., Çiftçi, E., “ Investigation of Central Anatolian Clays by FTIR Spectroscopy (Arapli-Yesilhisar-Kayseri, Turkey) ” International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences. 3, 3 (2009), 154-161. ISSN: 1307-1149 (Citations: 2) 7. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Investigation of Central Anatolian Region Nigde-Dikilitas (Turkey) Clays by FTIR Spectroscopy ” Epitoanyag. 62, 2 (www.szte.org.hu) (2010), 55-60. ISSN: 0013-970X (Citations: 1) 8. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ The Acousto-Ultrasonic Characterization of Physical Properties of Human Bones ” Journal of Applied Biological Sciences. 4, 1 (2010), 41-44. ISSN: 1307-1130 9. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ FTIR Spectroscopic Techniques for Quantitative Characterization by Abrasion with Potassium Bromide ” International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences. 4, 2 (2010), 35-40. ISSN: 1307-1149 10. Davarcıoğlu, B., Çiftçi, E., “ The Clay Minerals Observed in the Building Stones of Aksaray-Guzelyurt Area (Central Anatolia-Turkey) and Their Effects ” International Journal of the Physical Sciences. 5, 11 (2010), 1734-1743. ISSN: 19921950 (Citations: 4) 11. Davarcıoğlu, B., Çiftçi, E., “ Spectral Characterization of Kolsuz-Ulukisla-Nigde Clays, Central Anatolian Region-Turkey and Petroleum Exploration ” Journal of Petroleum and Gas Engineering. 1, 3 (2010), 41-53. ISSN: 2141-2677 (Citations: 3) 12. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ An Overview of Diode Pumped Solid State (DPSS) Lasers ” International Archive of Applied Sciences and Technology. 1, 2 (2010), 1-12. ISSN: 0976-4828 (Citations: 1) 13. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ The Interactions Between the Excited States in Stabilized Lasers ” International Journal of Natural and Engineering Sciences. 5, 13 (2011), 27-32. ISSN: 1307-1149 14. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Spectral Characterization of Non-clay Minerals Found in the Clays (Central Anatolian-Turkey) ” International Journal of the Physical Sciences. 6, 3 (2011), 511-522. ISSN: 1992-1950 (Citations: 2) 15. Rzayev, Z.M.O., Söylemez, E.A., Davarcıoğlu, B., Denktaş, E.B., “ Functional Copolymer/Organo-MMT Nanoarchitectures. X. Synthesis and Characterization of Preintercalated MMT-Octadecyl Amide/Imides of Maleic and Itaconic Acids and Their Nanocomposites ” Journal of Materials Science and Engineering. 5, 4 (2011), 363-377. ISSN: 1934-8959 16. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ The Physics Engineering Profile and Possible Opportunities for Technology in the University-Industry Cooperation in Turkey ” International Archive of Applied Sciences and Technology. 2, 1 (2011), 1-13. ISSN: 0976-4828 17. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Physical Characterization of Electromagnetic Energy Absorption of Human Body Tissues ” International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology. 1, 4 (2011), 19-25. ISSN: 2221-8386 18. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ The Dielectric Properties of Human Body Tissues at Electromagnetic Wave Frequencies ” International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology. 1, 5 (2011), 12-19. ISSN: 2221-8386 19. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ The Distribution of the Heat Produced by Electromagnetic Fields on Human Head ” International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology. 1, 7 (2011), 17-25. ISSN: 2221-8386 20. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ The General Characteristic of Weak Intermolecular Interactions in Liquids and Crystals ” International Journal of Modern Engineering Research. 1, 2 (2011), 443-454. ISSN: 2249-6645 21. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Broadly Tunable Femtosecond Solid State Lasers ” International Archive of Applied Sciences and Technology. 2, 2 (2011), 11-23. ISSN: 0976-4828 22. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Studies on Frequency Stabilization of Diode Pumped Nd:YAG Laser ” International Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences and Technology. 8, 2 (2012), 78-93. ISSN: 2229-6107 23. Rzayev, Z.M.O., Söylemez, E.A., Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Functional Copolymer/Organo-MMT Nanoarchitectures. VII. Interlamellar Controlled/Living Radical Copolymerization of Maleic Anhydride with Butyl Methacrylate via Preintercalated RAFT Agent-Organoclay Complexes ” Polymers for Advanced Technologies. DOI: 10.1002/pat.1867; 23, 3 (2012), 278-289. ISSN: 1099-1581 (Citations: 2) Dr. Burhan Davarcıoğlu/ACADEMICS 6/14 24. Davarcıoğlu, B., Baysal M.B., “ Broadly Tunable Chromium Doped Zinc Selenide Laser in the Mid-Infrared Region ” International Journal of Modern Engineering Research. 2, 2 (2012), 288-296. ISSN: 2249-6645 25. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Radiofrequency Technique to Prevent the Formation of Limestone in Water System ” International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology. 4, 4 (2013), 906-912. ISSN: 2231-5381 26. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ An Overview of the Water Disinfection with Ultraviolet Radiation Nowadays: New Approaches ” International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering and Technology. 2, 7 (2015), 577-587. ISSN: 2348-7968 27. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Solar Water Disinfection Considerations: Using Ultraviolet Light Methods to Make Water Safe to Drink ” International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering and Technology. 2, 8 (2015), 253-264. ISSN: 2348-7968 28. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ The Clay Minerals from Central Anatolia (Turkey): Their Use and Effects in the Building Stones ” Wulfenia. 22, 10 (2015), 186-199. ISSN: 1561-882X REFEREED NATIONAL JOURNAL ARTICLES 1. Davarcıoğlu, B., Kayalı, R., “ Orta Anadolu Bölgesi Aksaray-Güzelyurt Kaolinitik Killerinin FT-IR Spektroskopisi ile İncelenmesi ” Selçuk Üniversitesi Mühendislik-Mimarlık Fakültesi Dergisi. 23, 1-2 (2007), 49-58. ISSN: 1300-5200 (Citations: 2) 2. Davarcıoğlu, B., Gürel, A., Kayalı, R., “ Orta Anadolu Bölgesi Kil Minerallerinin Spektral Karakterizasyonu ve İnsan Sağlığı ” 15. Yıl Mühendislik Mimarlık Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı (Eds.: N. Keskin, R. Varol, A.U. Akçil)-Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Yayınları. 4 (2007), 106-116. ISBN: 978-9944-452-15-1 3. Davarcıoğlu, B., Kayalı, R., Gürel, A., “ Araplı-Yeşilhisar-Kayseri (Orta Anadolu Bölgesi) Killerinin FT-IR Spektroskopisi ile İncelenmesi ” Kil Bilimi ve Teknolojisi Dergisi. 1, 3 (2008), 163-173. ISSN: 1306-5769 (Citations: 3) 4. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Orta Anadolu Bölgesi Aksaray-Güzelyurt Kil Mineralleri ve Balneoterapi Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi ” Sondaj ve Uygulamalı Yerbilimleri Dergisi. 4, 7 (2008), 34-40. ISSN: 1309-2421 5. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Kolsuz Yöresi (Ulukışla-Niğde) Kil Mineralleri ve Balneoterapi, Orta Anadolu ” SES’08 Bildiriler Kitabı (Eds.: M. Afşin, M.A. Hınıs)-Aksaray Üniversitesi Yayınları. 2 (2009), 139-151. ISBN: 975-7210-02-6 6. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Fiziksel Büyüklüklerin Karakterizasyonu Üzerine Bir Analiz ” Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi. 2, 2 (2009), 54-58. ISSN: 1308-0040 7. Davarcıoğlu, B., Çiftçi, E., “ Orta Anadolu Bölgesi Mustafapaşa Formasyonu (Niğde) Killerinin FTIR Spektroskopisi ile İncelenmesi ve Karakterizasyonu ” Kil Bilimi ve Teknolojisi Dergisi. 1, 4 (2010), 239-249. ISSN: 1306-5769 8. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Kil Minerallerinin Balneoterapi Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi ve Mineralli Su, Orta Anadolu Bölgesi ” Tarım Bilimleri Araştırma Dergisi. 4, 2 (2011), 15-21. ISSN: 1308-3945 International Conferences (Proceedings) and Abstracts/Meetings Attended 1. Davarcıoğlu, B., Özmen, A., “ The Properties of Solid-State Lasers ” 6th Hungarian Conference on Molecular Spectroscopy, Szekszard (Hungary), June 6-12 (1990). Proceedings and Abstracts (Full Article. Ed.: A. Drobnik), SSL 111. ISBN: 981-231-56-9 2. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Study on Investigation of Td-type Clathrates by Using IR Spectroscopy ” 29th International Conference on Coordination Chemistry, Lausanne (Switzerland), July 19-24 (1992). Abstract Book, 76. 3. Davarcıoğlu, B., Kantarcı, Z., “ An Infrared Spectroscopic Study on Pyridine and 4-Methylpyridine Manganese(II) Tetracyanometalate(II) Complexes ” XVth International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Warsaw (Poland), August 9-14 (1992). Abstract Book, P 138. 4. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ An Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Manganese Pyrazine and 4,4’-Bibyridine Tetracyanometalate-Benzene Clathrates ” Xth FECHEM Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Agia Pelagia, Crete (Greece), September 5-10 (1993). Abstract Book, P 53. 5. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ The Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Td-type Complexes: Mn(4-Methylpyridine)2Cd(CN)4 and Mn(4Methylpyridine)2Hg(CN)4 ” Xth FECHEM Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Agia Pelagia, Crete (Greece), September 5-10 (1993). Abstract Book, P 54. 6. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ The Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Td-type Complexes: Mn(Pyridine)2Cd(CN)4 and Mn(Pyridine)2Hg (CN)4 ” 1st Journal of Organometallic Chemistry Conference on Applied Organometallic Chemistry, München (Germany), November 4-5 (1993). Abstract Book, P 20. 7. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Some Studies on Spectra-Structure Correlations in Td-type Clathrates ” 8th International Symposium on Molecular Recognition and Inclusion, Ottowa, Ontario (Canada), July 31-August 5 (1994). Book of Abstracts (Ed.: C.I. Rateliffe), 85. 8. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Discharge Excited Metal Vapour Lasers ” NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Super Intense Laser Physics, Volga, Moscow (Russia), August 4-9 (1995). Proceedings (Full Article. Ed.: M.V. Federov), 101-105. ISBN: 816-12-7816-7 9. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ The Analysis of Film Surfaces by Abrasion with KBr ” XXIII European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Balatonfüred (Hungary), August 25-30 (1996). Book of Abstracts (Eds.: J. Mink, G. Jalsovszky, G. Keresztury), PC 9.4, 396. ISBN: 963-04-6983-9 10. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ An Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Manganese 4,4’-Bipyridine Tetracyanometalate-Thiophene Clathrates: Mn(C10H8N2)Cd(CN)4.C4H4S and Mn(C10H8N2)Hg(CN)4.C4H4S ” 9th International Symposium on Molecular Recognition and Inclusion, Lyon (France), September 7-12 (1996). Proceedings (Chemical Abstracts, Eds.: W. Coleman, M. Munoz), 246. 11. Davarcıoğlu, B., Gürel, A., “ An Overview of the Guest-Host Interaction on Zeolite Synthesis ” XXII International Symposium on Macrocyclic Chemistry, Seoul (Korea), August 3-8 (1997). Proceedings and Abstracts (Full Article. Eds.: Dr. Burhan Davarcıoğlu/ACADEMICS 7/14 K. Kim, J. Suh), PB 50, 36, 170-175. ISBN: 981-943-5667-17-5 12. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Continuous Wave Metal Vapour Lasers ” International Symposium on Lasers, Atomic and Molecular Physics, Istanbul (Turkey), September 16-20 (1997). Proceedings and Abstracts, OL 7, 1-12. 13. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Techniques Utilized in Studying the Structures of Inorganic and Coordination Compounds ” 3rd General Conference of the Balkan Physical Union, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), September 2-5 (1997). Proceedings and Abstracts (Full Article), 4P 255, 256-261. 14. Davarcıoğlu, B., Bayrak, C., Kantarcı Z., “ An Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Td-type Clathrates: Mn(4,4’bipyridil)(CN)4.2benzene (M=Zn, Cd or Hg) and Mn(pyrazine)M(CN)4.benzene (M=Cd or Hg) ” Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXI, Ankara (Turkey), September 5-10 (1999). Book of Abstracts, PTU 47, 303. 15. Davarcıoğlu, B., Kayalı, R., “ Investigation of Central Anatolia Arapli-Yesilhisar-Kayseri Region Clays by FTIR Spectroscopy ” Fourth Mediterranean Clay Meeting, Ankara (Turkey), September 5-10 (2006). Abstracts (Ed.: F. Toksoy-Köksal), 35. (Citations: 1) 16. Kadir, S., Gürel, A., Lepetit, P., Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Preliminary Approach to Mineralogy and Depositional Environment of Late Miocene Cappadocian Volcanic Province Urgüp-Basköy-Güzelöz (Nevsehir, Central Anatolia, Turkey) ” Fourth Mediterranean Clay Meeting, Ankara (Turkey), September 5-10 (2006). Abstracts (Ed.: F. Toksoy-Köksal), 73. 17. Davarcıoğlu, B., Gürel, A., Kayalı, R., “ Investigation of Eastern Black Sea Rize-Findikli-Camlihemsin region clays by FTIR spectroscopy ” 6th International Industrial Minerals Symposium, Izmir (Turkey), February 1-3 (2007). Proceedings (Full Article. Eds.: M. Kemal, T. Batar, E. Kaya, A. Seyrankaya), 87-95. ISBN: 978-9944-89-221-6 (Citations: 2) 18. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Spectral Characterization of Kolsuz Area (Ulukisla-Nigde) Clays, Central Anatolian Region, Turkey ” XXIX European Congress on Molecular Spectroscopy, Opatija (Croatia), August 31-September 5 (2008). Book of Abstracts (Eds.: S. Music, M. Ristic, S. Krehula), O7-1, 262. ISBN: 978-953-6690-76-3 19. Davarcıoğlu, B., Çiftçi, E., “ Spectral Characterization of Kolsuz-Ulukisla-Nigde Clays (Central Anatolia Region) and Petroleum Exploration ” 7th International Industrial Minerals Symposium, Kusadasi (Turkey), February 25-27 (2009). Proceedings (Full Article. Eds.: Ü. İpekoglu, A.H. Deliormanlı, S. Şen, G. Akar, D. Karakuş), 18-29. ISBN: 978-9944-89-673-3 20. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Spectral Characterization of Cukurbag Area (Camardi-Nigde) Clays, Central Anatolian Region-Turkey ” XIV International Clay Conference, Castellaneta Marina (Italy), June 14-20 (2009). Book of Abstracts, V 2, 435. 21. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Investigation of Eastern Black Sea Region Clays by FTIR Spectroscopy (Rize-Findikli-Camlihemsin, Turkey) ” Colloquium Spectroscopicum Internationale XXXVI, Budapest (Hungary), August 30-September 3 (2009). Book of Abstracts (Eds.: G. Zaray, G. Galbacs, V.G. Mihucz), OL 26, 74. 22. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ The Clay Minerals Used in the Building Stones of Aksaray-Guzelyurt (Central Anatolian Region) and Their Effects ” 2nd International Marble and Natural Stones Congress, Izmir (Turkey), February 2-4 (2010). Proceedings (Full Article. Ed.: E. Nakoman), 383-395. 23. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Central Anatolian Region, the Clay Minerals Used in the Building Stones of Kolsuz-Ulukisla-Nigde and Their Effects ” 3rd International Marble and Natural Stones Congress, Izmir (Turkey), February 5-7 (2013). Book of Abstracts (Eds.: S. Ozer, A.B. Yavuz), MRR-II, 112-113. 24. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Nanotechnology in Packaging Industry and Its Applications ” 3rd Annual International Conference on Physics, Athens Institute for Education and Research (Athens-Greece), July 20-23 (2015). Book of Abstracts (Ed.: G.T. Papanikos), 27. ISBN: 978-960-598-021-4 National Conferences (Proceedings) and Abstracts/Meetings Attended 1. Davarcıoğlu, B., Gürel, A., Kayalı, R., “ Orta Anadolu Bölgesi Niğde-Dikilitaş Killerinin FT-IR Spektroskopisi ile İncelenmesi ” 12. Ulusal Kil Sempozyumu, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi (Van), Eylül 5-9 (2005). Bildiriler Kitabı (Tam Metin. Eds.: T. Yakupoğlu, M. Açlan, O. Köse), 63-72. ISBN: 975-7616-34-6 (Citations: 2) 2. Gürel, A., Davarcıoğlu, B., Kayalı, R., Çiftçi, E., “ Mustafapaşa Formasyonu Killerinin Sedimantolojik, Mineralojik ve Jeokimyasal Özellikleri (Dikilitaş-Niğde) ” 12. Ulusal Kil Sempozyumu, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi (Van), Eylül 5-9 (2005). Bildiriler Kitabı (Tam Metin. Eds.: T. Yakupoğlu, M. Açlan, O. Köse), 135-145. ISBN: 975-7616-34-6 3. Davarcıoğlu, B., Kayalı, R., “ Orta Anadolu Bölgesi Aksaray-Güzelyurt Killerinin FT-IR Spektroskopisi ile İncelenmesi ” 30. Yıl Fikret Kurtman Jeoloji Sempozyumu, Selçuk Üniversitesi (Konya), Eylül 20-23 (2006). Bildiriler Kitabı (ÖzetAbstract. Eds.: F. Arık, M.T. Nalbantçılar, A. Öztürk, Y. Bozkır), 150. (Citations: 3) 4. Davarcıoğlu, B., Gürel, A., Kayalı, R., “ Karadeniz Bölgesi Rize Killerinin IR-Spektroskopisi ile İncelenmesi ” 1. Rize Sempozyumu, Rize Valiliği-Rize Üniversitesi (Rize), Kasım 16-18 (2006). Bildiriler Kitabı (Tam Metin), 275-282. ISBN: 975-5627-89-6 5. Davarcıoğlu, B., Gürel, A., Kayalı, R., “ Orta Anadolu Bölgesi, Kolsuz Yöresi (Ulukışla-Niğde) Killerinin Spektral Karakterizasyonu ” 13. Ulusal Kil Sempozyumu, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi (Isparta), Eylül 12-14 (2007). Bildiriler Kitabı (Tam Metin. Eds.: M. Kuşçu, O. Cengiz, E. Şener), 1-15. ISBN: 978-9944-89-334-3 (Citations: 1) 6. Davarcıoğlu, B., Gürel, A., Kayalı, R., Çiftçi, E., “ Aksaray-Güzelyurt (Orta Anadolu Bölgesi) Killerinin Spektral Karakterizasyonu ” Kapadokya Yöresinin Jeolojisi Sempozyumu, Niğde Üniversitesi (Niğde), Ekim 17-20 (2007). Bildiriler Kitabı (Tam Metin. Eds.: M. Korkanç, A. Lermi, G. Yalçın), 97-105. ISBN: 978-9978-89-156-6 7. Davarcıoğlu, B., Çiftçi, E., “ Orta Anadolu Bölgesi Kil Minerallerinin Spektral Karakterizasyonu ve İnsan Sağlığında Kullanımları ” 2. Tıbbi Jeoloji Sempozyumu, Maden Tetkik ve Arama Genel Müdürlüğü (Ankara), Şubat 6-9 (2008). Bildiriler Kitabı (Tam Metin. Ed.: E. Atabey), 182-191. ISBN: 978-975-7946-33-5 8. Davarcıoğlu, B., Çiftçi, E., Afşin, M., “ Orta Anadolu Bölgesi, Aksaray-Güzelyurt Killerinin Karakterizasyonu ve Kaplıca Tedavisinde Kullanımları ” VII. Ulusal Kaplıca Tıbbı ve Balneoloji Kongresi, Oruçoğlu Thermal Resort (Afyonkarahisar), Nisan 10-13 (2008). Bildiriler Kitabı (Özet-Abstract. Eds.: M.Z. Karagülle, M. Karagülle), 21. Dr. Burhan Davarcıoğlu/ACADEMICS 8/14 9. Davarcıoğlu, B., Çiftçi, E., Afşin, M., “ Orta Anadolu Bölgesi Kil Minerallerinin Spektral Karakterizasyonu ve Petrol ” III. Ulusal Jeokimya Sempozyumu, Kocaeli Üniversitesi-Tübitak-Butal (Bursa), Ekim 16-18 (2008). Bildiriler Kitabı (Tam Metin. Eds.: S. Tokel, N. Köprübaşı), 70-84. 10. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Kolsuz Yöresi (Ulukışla-Niğde) Kil Mineralleri ve Balneoterapi, Orta Anadolu ” Su-Enerji-Sağlık Sempozyumu, Aksaray Üniversitesi (Aksaray), Ekim 20-23 (2008). Bildiriler Kitabı (Özet-Abstract. Eds.: M. Afşin, M.A. Hınıs), 88-91. 11. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Üniversite-Sanayi İşbirliğinde Fizik Mühendisliği Profili ve Teknolojiye Sağlayabileceği Fırsatlar ” Üniversite-Sanayi İşbirliği Ulusal Kongresi-2009, Anadolu Üniversitesi (Eskişehir), Mayıs 7-8 (2009). Bildiriler Kitabı (Tam Metin. Üniversite-Sanayi İşbirliği Merkezleri Platformu, Eds.: F. Kara, D. Kilerci, P. Dağ), 283-293. 12. Davarcıoğlu, B., Çiftçi, E., “ Orta Anadolu Bölgesi, Niğde-Dikilitaş Killerinin Spektral Karakterizasyonu ” 14. Ulusal Kil Sempozyumu, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi (Trabzon), Ekim 1-3 (2009). Bildiriler Kitabı (Tam Metin. Eds.: M. Arslan, E. Abdioğlu, İ. Temizel), 93-105. ISBN: 978-975-6983-60-7 13. Davarcıoğlu, B., “ Orta Anadolu Bölgesi Kil Minerallerinin Balneoterapi Yönünden Değerlendirilmesi ve Mineralli Su ” 1. Ulusal Su Kaynakları Yönetimi Sempozyumu, Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Üniversitesi (Karaman), Ekim 20-22 (2010). Bildiriler Kitabı (Özet-Abstract. Eds.: M. Karataş, K. Yürekli), 17. Citations (Web of Science) SCI (Science Citation Index), SCI-Expanded, SSCI (Social Science Citation Index), AHCI (Arts&Humanities Citation Index) 33 SCI (Science Citation Index), SCI-Expanded, SSCI (Social Science Citation Index), AHCI (Arts&Humanities Citation Index) outside 23 Conference Proceedings Citation Index-Science (CPCI-S) and Book 6 Citations in Each Year Average Citations per Item: 8.25 Projects 1. Şimşek, M., Kasap, E., Özbay, A., Davarcıoğlu, B., Sertbakan, R., “ Çeşitli Bileşiklerin Raman Spektrum Parametrelerinin İncelenmesi ” GAZİ ÜNİVERSİTESİ BİLİMSEL ARAŞTIRMA PROJELERİ FONU, FEF.05/92-30 Projesi (12 ay süreli), 1992 Başlama Tarihi: Ocak 1992 Bitiş Tarihi: Aralık 1992 Projenin Sonuçlandırılması: Ocak 1993 2. Kayalı, R., Gürel, A., Davarcıoğlu, B., Çiftçi E., “ Orta Anadolu Bölgesindeki Endüstriyel Hammaddelerinden Kil ve Diyatomitlerin Spektroskopik Yöntemlerle Nitelik ve Niceliklerinin Belirlenmesi ” TÜBİTAK, YDABCAG-101Y067 Projesi (32 ay süreli), 2001 Başlama Tarihi: Kasım 2001 Bitiş Tarihi: Mart 2005 Projenin Sonuçlandırılması: Temmuz 2006 3. Canımoğlu, A., Gümüş, A., Davarcıoğlu, B., Kayalı, R., “ Elektron ve Proton Radyasyonuna Tutulmuş ve Tutulmamış InP Yarı-iletken Örneklerinin Parametrelerinin DLTS ve TL Yöntemi ile Belirlenmesi ve Sonuçların Karşılaştırılması ” NİĞDE ÜNİVERSİTESİ ARAŞTIRMA FONU, FBE-2001/024 Projesi (24 ay süreli), 2002 Başlama Tarihi: Şubat 2002 Bitiş Tarihi: Kasım 2004 Projenin Sonuçlandırılması: Nisan 2005 Books, Lecture Notes and Technical Reports Managed Undergraduate Theses (Research Project Scope and Physics Applications) 1. Hamza Arslan., “ Infrared Lazer Diyot Spektroskopisi ” Niğde Üniversitesi. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi. Fizik Bölümü, Haziran 2001, 32 sayfa. 2. Mahmut Yıldırım., “ Optik Spektrometrelerin Çalışma Prensipleri ” Niğde Üniversitesi. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi. Fizik Bölümü, Haziran 2001, 24 sayfa. 3. İbrahim Yüksekkaya., “ Ultraviyole Işığın Ölçüm Teknikleri ” Niğde Üniversitesi. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi. Fizik Bölümü, Haziran 2001, 31 sayfa. Dr. Burhan Davarcıoğlu/ACADEMICS 9/14 4. Ali Rıza Aykut., “ Lazer Uzaktan Kumandalama Eşitlikleri ” Niğde Üniversitesi. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi. Fizik Bölümü, Haziran 2002, 48 sayfa. 5. Fatih İpek., “ Bir Lazer Titreşim Ölçeri ” Niğde Üniversitesi. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi. Fizik Bölümü, Haziran 2004, 46 sayfa. 6. Remzi Samancı., “ Suda Üçlü Sıcak Film Uç Kalibrasyonu ” Niğde Üniversitesi. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi. Fizik Bölümü, Haziran 2004, 19 sayfa. 7. İsmail Çerçioğlu., “ Dört Nokta Uç ile Özdirenç Ölçümleri ” Niğde Üniversitesi. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi. Fizik Bölümü, Haziran 2006, 43 sayfa. 8. Ali Korkmaz., “ Termoçift Kalibrasyonu ve Uygulamaları ” Niğde Üniversitesi. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi. Fizik Bölümü, Haziran 2006, 29 sayfa. 9. Uğur Öksüz., “ Uzaktan Algılama Teknolojisi ve Kullanım Olanakları ” Niğde Üniversitesi. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi. Fizik Bölümü, Haziran 2006, 29 sayfa. 10. Zeynal Engin., “ Floresans Spektroskopisi ” Niğde Üniversitesi. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi. Fizik Bölümü, Haziran 2006, 21 sayfa. 11. Muhammed Bahadır Baysal., “ Infrared Bölgede Ayarlanabilir Cr2+:ZnSe Lazeri ” Aksaray Üniversitesi. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi. Fizik Bölümü, Mayıs 2012, 38 sayfa. 12. Osman Oğur., “ Su Sisteminde Kireç Oluşumunun Radyo Frekansı Tekniği ile Önlenmesi ” Aksaray Üniversitesi. FenEdebiyat Fakültesi. Fizik Bölümü, Ocak 2013, 32 sayfa. 13. Ayşegül Karadağ., “ Lazer Jiroskopu ve Günümüzde Kullanım Alanları ” Aksaray Üniversitesi. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi. Fizik Bölümü, Mayıs 2014, 22 sayfa. 14. Mesut Halıcı., “ Prototip Güneş Havuzu ile Elektrik Üretimi Tasarımında Ön Yaklaşım ” Aksaray Üniversitesi. Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi. Fizik Bölümü, Devam ediyor. Supervised Master Theses 1. Engin Canımoglu., “ Theory of Clathrates and Inclusion Compounds ” Niğde Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Fizik Anabilim Dalı, Aralık 2004, 64 sayfa. 2. Bülent Erdogan., “ Photoacoustic Spectroscopy ” Niğde Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Fizik Anabilim Dalı, Temmuz 2006, 128 sayfa. 3. Ahmet Tarık Ozozan., “ Thin Disc Lasers ” Aksaray Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Fizik Anabilim Dalı, Devam ediyor. 4. Yadgar Hussein Shwan Al-Bajalan., “ Cr2+:ZnSe Laser in the Infrared Region ” Aksaray Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Fizik Anabilim Dalı, Devam ediyor. 5. Güven Çetin., “ Synthesis and Characterization of Magnetic Nanoparticles, and Application Areas ” Aksaray Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Fizik Anabilim Dalı, Hazırlık aşamasında. 6. Murat Kalkan., “ Spectral Characterization of Eastern Black Sea Region Rize-Turkey Clays ” Aksaray Üniversitesi. Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü. Fizik Anabilim Dalı, Hazırlık aşamasında. Books (Book Author, Chapter Author in a Book, Book Translation, Translation Section in the Book) Chapter Author in a Book 1. Nüesch, R., Emmerich, K. (Hrsg.): Beiträge zur Jahrestagung Karlsruhe, DTTG 2004, Berichte der DTTG, Band 10. DTTG – Deutsche Ton Und Tonmineralgruppe e.V. German-Austrian-Swiss Clay Group Association. Nüesch, R., Emmerich, K. (Eds.): Contributions of the annual meeting DTTG 2004, Karlsruhe, Vol.10, pp.(43)-105. ISSN: 14327007 Ali Gürel, Refik Kayalı, Burhan Davarcıoğlu and Emin Çiftçi: The Geology and Origin of Chlorite, Smectite, Illite and Palygorskite in the Messinian Alluvial Fan Deposits of Ulukisla Basin (Central Turkey) 2. Valaskova, V., Martynkova, G.S. (Eds.): CLAY MINERALS IN NATURE – THEIR CHARACTERIZATION, MODIFICATION AND APPLICATION. InTech Open Europe, Rijeka-Croatia (Ivona Lovric, InTech Prepress, Czech Republic), pp.39-54 (326), 2012. ISBN: 978-953-51-0738-5 (The Book Citation Index in Web of Science) Burhan Davarcıoğlu: Kolsuz-Ulukisla-Nigde Clays, Central Anatolian Region – Turkey and Petroleum Exploration 3. Govil, J.N. (Acquisition Ed.): ADVANCES IN PETROLEUM ENGINEERING. Studium Pres LCC, USA. ISBN of Series: 978-162699-041-7 Shishir, S., Pant, K.K., Bajpai, S. (Eds.): Vol.1 (Refining), pp.14-33 (No.2), 2015. ISBN of Volume: 978-1-62699-042-5 (The Book Citation Index in Web of Science) Burhan Davarcıoğlu: Spectral Characterization of Clay Minerals from Central Anatolia Region-Turkey and Petroleum Lecture Notes 1. Kavram Metodlu Deneysel Fizik Laboratuvar Kitapçığı. Niğde Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fizik Bölümü. 1995, 69 sayfa. 2. Temel Fizik-Mekanik Deneyleri için Föy. Niğde Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fizik Bölümü. 1997, 57 sayfa. 3. Fizik Laboratuvarı-I (Mekanik) Deney Föyü. Niğde Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fizik Bölümü. 2000, 18 sayfa. 4. Fizik Laboratuvarı-II (Elektrik) Deney Föyü. Niğde Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fizik Bölümü. 2003, 28 sayfa. 5. Elektronik Laboratuvarı Çözümlü Deney Kitapçığı. Niğde Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fizik Bölümü. 2002, 29 sayfa. 6. Kuantum Fiziği Laboratuvarı Deney Föyü. Niğde Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fizik Bölümü. 2003, 46 sayfa. 7. Dalgalar ve Optik Laboratuvarı Deney Föyü. Aksaray Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fizik Bölümü. 2010, 82 sayfa. 8. Fizik-I (Mekanik) Laboratuvarı Deney Kitapçığı. Aksaray Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Fizik Bölümü. 2013, 58 sayfa. Dr. Burhan Davarcıoğlu/ACADEMICS 10/14 Computer Skills 1. İşletim Sistemi (Windows) 2. Microsoft Office Programları (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, InfoPath, Photoshop) 3. Programlama (Basic, Fortran) 4. Çeviri Teknikleri (Fizik Kitaplarından ve Bilimsel Makalelerden Seçilen Metinleri Anlama ve Türkçe’ye Çevirme) Awards and Scholarships-Foreign Experiences 1. Türk Eğitim Vakfı (TEV) Lisans bursu; Hacettepe Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Fizik Enstitüsü (Fizik Mühendisliği Bölümü) yönetiminin teklifi ile, 1981-1982 (12 ay süreli). 2. Genel Nükleer Tıp ve Temel Radyofarmasi çalışması desteği; Ankara – Gülhane Askeri Tıp Akademisi, 8-19 Haziran 1987 (Türkiye Atom Enerjisi Kurumu). 3. Lisansüstü çalışma bursu; Irak (Bağdat) – Research and Technology Center (Center for International Studies), University of Baghdad, 18 Nisan-3 Mayıs 1990 (Yurt Dışı Teknoloji Laboratuvarı). 4. TÜBİTAK destek bursu; Polonya (Varşova) – International Conference on Organometallic Chemistry, Warsaw Technical University, 9-14 Ağustos 1992 (Yurt Dışı Bildiri). 5. Doktora sonrası araştırma bursu; Macaristan (Budapeşte) – Budapest Technical University, 1993 (4 ay süreli), Prof.Dr.Elemer BISZTERSZKY ve Prof.Dr.Bela VASVARI (Budapesti Müszaki Egyetem – Fizikai Intezete) daveti ile. 6. Doktora sonrası çalışma bursu; Romanya (Bükreş) – Politehnica University of Bucharest, 1994 (2 ay süreli), Prof.Dr.Andrew SUCIU (Materials Science and Engineering – Division Laser Technology) daveti ile. 7. TÜBİTAK yayın ödülü; SCI kapsamında – 1994 (Yurt Dışı Yayın). 8. Takdir belgesi; Niğde Üniversitesi Rektörlüğü Fen – Edebiyat Fakültesi Dekanlığının, 18 Mart 1996 tarihli (Fakültenin Kuruluş Dönemi). 9. Doktora sonrası inceleme ve araştırma bursu; İsviçre (Bern) – University of Bern, 1996 (2 ay süreli), Dr.Frau Julie JAGGI (Technology Transfer – Chemistry Department) daveti ile. 10. Ziyaretçi araştırma bursu; Almanya (Freiberg) – Technische Universitat Bergakademie Freiberg, 1997 (45 gün süreli), Prof.Dr.Edwin WEBER (Institut fur Organische Chemie – Crystalline Inclusion Compounds) daveti ile. 11. TÜBİTAK destek bursu; İtalya (Erice) – International School of Crystallography (Implications of Molecular and Materials Structure for New Technologies), Bologna University, 28 Mayıs-7 Haziran 1998 (Yurt Dışı Yaz Okulu). 12. TÜBİTAK yayın ödülü; SCI kapsamında – 2001 (Yurt Dışı Yayın). 13. Teşekkür belgesi; Aksaray Üniversitesi Rektörlüğünün, 5 Haziran 2009 tarihli (Üniversitenin Yapılandırılması Dönemi). 14. TÜBİTAK yayın ödülü; SCI kapsamında – 2010 (Yurt Dışı Yayın). 15. TÜBİTAK yayın ödülü; SCI kapsamında – 2011 (Yurt Dışı Yayın), – 2012 (Yurt Dışı Yayın). Other Publications and Scientific Activities International Summer Schools 1. Summer School on Advanced in Quantum Optics and Spectroscopy of Solids. 2-10 July 1995, Bilkent University, AnkaraTurkey 2. Summer School on Algebraic Geometry. 7-18 August 1995, Bilkent University, Ankara-Turkey 3. Summer School on Condensed Matter Physics (Quantum Field Theory). 24 June-2 August 1996, Bilkent University, AnkaraTurkey 4. International School of Crystallography (Implications of Molecular and Materials Structure for New Technologies). 28 May-7 June 1998, Bologna University, Erice-Italy Dr. Burhan Davarcıoğlu/ACADEMICS 11/14