AB82 Thevenin’s Theorem Maximum Power Transfer Theorem Analog Lab Experiment Board Ver. 1.0 QUALITY POLICY To be a Global Provider of Innovative and Affordable Electronic Equipments for Technology Training by enhancing Customer Satisfaction based on Research, Modern manufacturing techniques and continuous improvement in Quality of the products and Services with active participation of employees. An ISO 9001: 2000 company 94-101, Electronic Complex, Pardesipura INDORE-452010, India. Tel.: 91-731-2570301 Fax: 91-731-2555643 Email: info@scientech.bz Web: www.scientech.bz AB82 Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 2 AB82 Thevenin’s Theorem Maximum Power Transfer Theorem AB82 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.Introduction 4 2. Theory 6 3.Experiments • Experiment 1 To verify Thevenin’s Theorem. 9 • Experiment 2 To verify Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. 12 4.Warranty 14 5.List of Service Centers 15 6.List of Accessories with AB82 16 Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 3 AB82 INTRODUCTION AB82 is a compact, ready to use Thevenin’s Theorem Maximum Power Transfer Theorem experiment board. This is useful for students to study Thevenin’s Theorem and Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. It can be used as stand alone unit with external DC power supply or can be used with SCIENTECH Analog Lab ST2612 which has built in DC power supply, AC power supply, function generator, modulation generator, continuity tester, toggle switches and potentiometer. List of Boards : Model AB01 AB02 AB03 AB04 AB05 AB06 AB07 AB08 AB09 AB10 AB11 AB14 AB15 AB16 AB17 AB18 AB19 AB20 AB21 AB22 AB23 AB25 AB28 AB29 AB30 AB31 AB32 AB33 Name Diode characteristics (Si, Zener, LED) Transistor characteristics (CB NPN) Transistor characteristics (CB PNP) Transistor characteristics (CE NPN) Transistor characteristics (CE PNP) Transistor characteristics (CC NPN) Transistor characteristics (CC PNP) FET characteristics Rectifier Circuits Wheatstone Bridge Maxwell’s Bridge Darlington Pair Common Emitter Amplifier Common Collector Amplifier Common Base Amplifier Cascode Amplifier RC-Coupled Amplifier Direct Coupled Amplifier Class a Amplifier Class B Amplifier (push pull emitter follower) Class C Tuned Amplifier Phase Locked Loop (FM Demodulator & Frequency Divider / Multiplier) Multivibrator ( Mono stable / Astable) F-V and V-F Converter V-I and I-V Converter Zener Voltage Regulator Transistor Series Voltage Regulator Transistor Shunt Voltage Regulator Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 4 AB82 AB41 AB42 AB43 AB44 AB45 AB51 AB52 AB53 AB54 AB56 AB65 AB66 AB67 AB68 AB80 AB81 AB83 AB84 AB85 AB88 AB89 AB90 AB91 AB92 AB93 AB96 AB97 AB101 AB102 AB106 Differential Amplifier (Transistorized) Operational Amplifier (Inverting / Non-inverting / Differentiator) Operational Amplifier (Adder/Scalar) Operational Amplifier (Integrator/ Differentiator) Schmitt Trigger and Comparator Active filters (Low Pass and High Pass) Active Band Pass Filter Notch Filter Tschebyscheff Filter Fiber Optic Analog Link Phase Shift Oscillator Wien Bridge Oscillators Colpitt Oscillator Hartley Oscillator RLC Series and RLC Parallel Resonance Kirchoff’s Laws (Kirchhoff’s Current Law & Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law) Reciprocity and Superposition Theorem Tellegen’s Theorem Norton’s theorem Diode Clipper Diode Clampers Two port network parameter Optical Transducer (Photovoltaic cell) Optical Transducer (Photoconductive cell/LDR) Optical Transducer (PhotoTransistor) Temperature Transducer (RTD & IC335) Temperature Transducer (Thermocouple) DSB Modulator and Demodulator SSB Modulator and Demodulator FM Modulator and Demodulator ………… and many more Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 5 AB82 THEORY Thevenin’s Theorem : Any two-terminal, linear bilateral dc network can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a voltage source and a series resistor Fig. 1 The Thevenin equivalent circuit provides equivalence at the terminals only − the internal construction and characteristics of the original network and the Thevenin equivalent are usually quite different. This theorem achieves two important objectives: Provide a way to find any particular voltage or current in a linear network with one, two, or any other number of sources. We can concentrate on a specific portion of a network by replacing the remaining network with an equivalent circuit. Sequence to proper value of RTh and ETh Preliminary : 1. Remove that portion of the network across which the Thevenin equation circuit is to be found. In the fig. 2, this requires that the load resistor RL be temporarily removed from the network. 2. Mark the terminals of the remaining two-terminal network. (The importance of this step will become obvious as we progress through some complex networks) RTh : 3. Calculate RTh by first setting all sources to zero (voltage sources are replaced by short circuits, and current sources by open circuits) and then finding the resultant resistance between the two marked terminals. (If the internal resistance of the voltage and/or current Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 6 AB82 sources is included in the original network, it must remain when the sources are set to zero.) ETh: 4. Calculate ETh by first returning all sources to their original position and finding the open-circuit voltage between the marked terminals. (This step is invariably the one that will lead to the most confusion and errors. In all cases, keep in mind that it is the open-circuit potential between the two terminals marked in step 2.) Conclusion : 5. Draw the Thevenin equivalent circuit with the portion of the circuit previously removed replaced between the terminals of the equivalent circuit. This step is indicated by the placement of the resistor RL between the terminals of the Thevenin equivalent circuit. Experimental Procedures : Two popular experimental procedures for determining the parameters of the Thevenin equivalent network: Direct Measurement of ETh and RTh For any physical network, the value of ETh can be determined experimentally by measuring the open-circuit voltage across the load terminals. The value of RTh can then be determined by completing the network with a variable resistance RL Measuring VOC and ISC : The Thevenin voltage is again determined by measuring the open-circuit voltage across the terminals of interest; that is, ETh = VOC. To determine RTh, a short-circuit condition is established across the terminals of interest and the current through the short circuit ISC is measured with an ammeter Using Ohm's law : RTh = VOC / ISC Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 7 AB82 Fig. 2 Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 8 AB82 Maximum Power Transfer Theorem : The Maximum Power Transfer Theorem states that when the load resistance is equal to the source's internal resistance, maximum power will be developed in the load. Since most low voltage DC power supplies have a very low internal resistance (10 ohms or less) great difficulty would result in trying to effect this condition under actual laboratory experimentation. If one were to connect a low value resistor across the terminals of a 10 volt supply, high power ratings would be required, and the resulting current would probably cause the supply's current rating to be exceeded. In this experiment, therefore, the student will simulate a higher internal resistance by purposely connecting a high value of resistance in series with the DC voltage supply's terminal. Refer to fig. 1. The terminals (a & b) will be considered as the power supply's output voltage terminals. The student will use a potentiometer as a variable size of load resistance. For various settings of the potentiometer representing RL, the load current and load voltage will be measured. The power dissipated by the load resistor can then be calculated. For the condition of RL = Ri, the student will verify by measurement that maximum power is developed in the load resistor. In other word The maximum amount of power will be dissipated by a load resistance when load resistance is equal to the Thevenin/Norton resistance of the network supplying the power. If the load resistance is lower or higher than the Thevenin/Norton resistance of the source network, its dissipated power will be less than maximum. This is essentially what is aimed for in stereo system design, where speaker “impedance” is matched to amplifier “impedance” for maximum sound power output. Impedance, the overall opposition to AC and DC current, is very similar to resistance, and must be equal between source and load for the greatest amount of power to be transferred to the load. Load impedance that is too high will result in low power output. A load impedance that is too low will not only result in low power output, but possibly overheating of the amplifier due to the power dissipated in its internal (Thevenin or Norton) impedance. Taking our Thevenin equivalent example circuit, the Maximum Power Transfer Theorem tells us that the load resistance resulting in greatest power dissipation is equal in value to the Thevenin resistance (in this case, 680 Ω) : With this value of load resistance, the dissipated power will be Maximum Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 9 AB82 EXPERIMENT 1 Objective : To verify Thevenin’s Theorem. Apparatus required : 1. Analog board of AB82. 2. DC power supplies +12V, +15V from external source or ST2612 Analog Lab. 3. Digital multimeter. 4. 2 mm patch cords. Circuit diagram : Circuit used to study Thevenin’s is shown in Fig 3. Fig. 3 Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 10 AB82 Procedure : • • Connect +12V, +5V dc power supplies at their indicated position from external source or ST2612 Analog Lab. To measure practical value of Thevenin's equivalent voltage VTH of given circuit, proceed as follows : 1. Connect a 2mm patch cord between test point 1 & 2. 2. As we want to replace left side of Load resistance by its Thevenin's equivalent circuit. Disconnect load resistance by removing Patch cord between test point 3 & 4. 3. Measure voltage between test point 3 & 5. 4. It is the required value of Thevenin's equivalent voltage. • To measure Theoretical value of Thevenin's equivalent voltage VTH of given circuit, proceed as follows : 1. Determine the value of current I flowing through 511E resistor with the help of basic current laws. 2. Product of current I and resistance value 511 is the required theoretical value of VTH. 3. Compare theoretical and practical value of Thevenin;s equivalent voltage VTH • To measure practical value of Thevenin's equivalent Resistance RTH of given circuit, proceed as follows : 1. Disconnect the 2mm patch cord between test point 1 & 2. 2. As we want to replace left side of Load resistance by its Thevenin' s equivalent circuit. Disconnect load resistance by removing Patch cord between test point 3 & 4. 3. Connect test point 2 & ground so as to replace source by its internal resistance (Assuming it negligible) 4. Measure resistance between test point 3 & 5. 5. It is the required value of Thevenin's equivalent resistance RTH. Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 11 AB82 • • • Measure Theoretical value of Thevenin’s equivalent resistance RTH between test point 3 & 5 of the given circuit by using fundamentals of resistance in series and parallel. Compare theoretical and practical value of Thevenin’s equivalent resistance RTH. To compare the given circuit with its Thevenin’s equivalent circuit proceed as follows: 1. Connect a 2mm patch cord between test point 1 & 2. 2. Set the value of Load resistance of given circuit and its equivalent circuit equal to 500Ω, 600Ω, 700Ω… 1K. 3. Connect an ammeter between test point 3 & 4 to measure current flowing through load resistance of given circuit. 4. Connect an ammeter between test point 6 & 7 to measure current flowing through load resistance of Thevenin’s equivalent circuit. 5. Compare current flowing through both of the load resistance. Result : 1. Theoretical value of Thevenin’s equivalent voltage VTH = __________ 2. Practical value of Thevenin’s equivalent voltage VTH = ____________ 3. Theoretical value of Thevenin’s equivalent resistance RTH = ________ 4. Practical value of Thevenin's equivalent resistance RTH = __________ 5. (Yes/No) _________, The value of current flowing through the load resistance in both of the cases is approximately equal. Hence Thevenin’s theorem is verified. Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 12 AB82 EXPERIMENT 2 Objective : To verify Maximum Power Transfer Theorem. Apparatus required : 1. Analog board of AB82. 2. DC power supplies +12V, +5V from external source or ST2612 Analog Lab. 3. Digital multimeter. 4. 2 mm patch cords. Circuit diagram : Circuit used to study Maximum Power Transfer Theorem is shown in Fig 3. Fig. 3 Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 13 AB82 Procedure : • Connect + 12V, +5V dc power supplies at their indicated position from external source or ST2612 Analog Lab. 1. Set a value of load resistance R L at some lower value (100Ω, 200Ω, 300Ω…… 600Ω, 680Ω, 700Ω) than Thevenin’s resistance by keeping ohm meter between test point 7 and ground. 2. Connect a multi-meter between test point 6 & 7 as an ammeter to measure current flowing through Load resistance RL. 3. Determine the product of IL* RL, the power dissipated for this value of Load resistance. 4. Record the value of Load Resistor RL, Current flowing through Load resistance IL, Power dissipated PL in an observation table as shown below : Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Load Resistance RL 400Ω 450Ω 500Ω 550Ω 600Ω 650Ω 680Ω 700Ω 750Ω Load Current IL Power dissipated PL Result : ________(Yes/No), the maximum amount of power will be dissipated by a load resistance when that load resistance is equal to the Thevenin resistance of the network supplying the power and the value of Maximum power dissipated is found equal to _________ . Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 14 AB82 WARRANTY 1) We guarantee the instrument against all manufacturing defects during 24 months from the date of sale by us or through our dealers. 2) The guarantee covers manufacturing defects in respect of indigenous components and material limited to the warranty extended to us by the original manufacturer, and defect will be rectified as far as lies within our control. 3) The guarantee will become INVALID. a) If the instrument is not operated as per instruction given in the instruction manual. b) If the agreed payment terms and other conditions of sale are not followed. c) If the customer resells the instrument to another party. d) Provided no attempt have been made to service and modify the instrument. 4) The non-working of the instrument is to be communicated to us immediately giving full details of the complaints and defects noticed specifically mentioning the type and sr. no. of the instrument, date of purchase etc. 5) The repair work will be carried out, provided the instrument is dispatched securely packed and insured with the railways. To and fro charges will be to the account of the customer. DESPATCH PROCEDURE FOR SERVICE Should it become necessary to send back the instrument to factory please observe the following procedure: 1) Before dispatching the instrument please write to us giving fully details of the fault noticed. 2) After receipt of your letter our repairs dept. will advise you whether it is necessary to send the instrument back to us for repairs or the adjustment is possible in your premises. Dispatch the instrument (only on the receipt of our advice) securely packed in original packing duly insured and freight paid along with accessories and a copy of the details noticed to us at our factory address. Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 15 AB82 LIST OF SERVICE CENTERS 1. Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 90, Electronic Complex Pardesipura, INDORE – 452010 2. Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. First Floor, C-19, F.I.E., Patparganj Industrial Area, DELHI – 110092 3. Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. New no.2, Old no.10, 4th street Venkateswara nagar, Adyar CHENNAI – 600025 4. Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 202/19, 4th main street Ganganagar, BANGALORE- 560032 5. Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 8,1st floor, 123-Hariram Mansion, Dada Saheb Phalke road, Dadar (East), MUMBAI –400014 6. Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 988, Sadashiv Peth, Gyan Prabodhini Lane, PUNE – 411030 7. Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd SPS Apartment, 1st Floor 2, Ahmed Mamoji Street, Behind Jaiswal Hospital, Liluah, HOWRAH-711204 W.B. 8. Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd Flat No. 205, 2nd Floor, Lakshminarayana Apartments ‘C’ wing, Street No. 17, Himaytnagar, HYDERABAD- 500029 Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Ph : (0731) 2570301 Email : info@scientech.bz Ph : (011) 22157370, 22157371 Fax : (011) 22157369 Email : ndel@scientech.bz Ph : (044) 42187548, 42187549 Fax : (044) 42187549 Email : chennai@scientech.bz Ph : (080) 51285011 Fax : (080) 51285022 Email : bangalore@scientech.bz Ph : (022) 56299457 Fax : (022) 24168767 Email : stplmum@scientech.bz Ph : (020) 24461673 Fax : (020) 24482403 Email : pune@scientech.bz Ph : +913355266800 Email : kolkata@scientech.bz Ph : (040) 55465643 Email : hyd@scientech.bz 16 AB82 LIST OF ACCESSORIES 1. 2mm Patch cord (red) .........................................................2 Nos. 2. 2mm Patch cord (black) ......................................................2 Nos. 3. 2mm Patch cord (blue) ........................................................2 Nos. Scientech Technologies Pvt. Ltd. 17