Voltage Stability Assessment in an Interconneted Distributed








Asian Journal of Research in

Social Sciences and


Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities

Vol. 6, No. 7, July 2016, pp. 489-502.

ISSN 2249-7315

A Journal Indexed in Indian Citation Index

DOI NUMBER: 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.00440.8

Category; Science and Technology

Voltage Stability Assessment in an Interconneted

Distributed Photovoltaic System

Dr. M. Senthil Kumar*; Dr. C. B. Venkatramanan**; P. Raja Kumar***


Department of EEE,

Sona College of Technology,

Salem, Tamilnadu, India.

**Associate Professor,

Department of EEE,

Sona College of Technology,

Salem, Tamilnadu, India.

***PG Student,

Department of EEE,

Sona College of Technology,

Salem, Tamilnadu, India.


Stress on the generation and transmission capability of the power system increased as the energy demand increases. Distributed generation (DG), which is usually placed near the load centre has the capability to meet these energy increment in demands. Hence, for making the power system highly durable and reliable, Distributed generations are interconnected with the existing power system.

Based on the nature of the primary source of generation and the energy conversion technology these types of generation have important i mpacts on power system voltage stability. One of the most significant threats considered for a secure operation of the power system is voltage instability problem. Voltage collapse might occur in an interconnected power system due to voltage instability and thus lead to power blackouts.

Hence in an interconnected power system it is essential to know the strength of the buses to monitor and improve the stability of the system. This paper focuses on voltage stability analysis of an interconnected distributed photovoltaic system with IEEE 30 bus system. The voltage stability of the system assessed by evaluating voltage stability indicators at each bus of interconnected power systems. Fast Voltage Stability Index value of each bus is evaluated under normal and critical load conditions. The index value helps to identify the weakest or the bus which is likely to get voltage collapse due to voltage instability problem in the interconnected system.


Distributed Generation, Power System Stability, Voltage Stability Indicators,

Voltage Collapse and Fast Voltage Stability Index (FVSI).


Kumar et al. (2016). Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities,

Vol. 6, No.7, pp. 489-502.


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