Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 90 10EE53 TRANSMISSION SUBJECT CODE: 10EE53 No. OF LECTURE HRS'/ WEEK: 04 TOTAL No. OF LECTURE HRS. : 52 AND DISTRIBUTION IAMARKS: 25 EXAM HOURS: 03 EXAM MARKS: 100 PART-A UNIT -1 TYPICAL TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS SCHEME- GEN~RAL LAYOUTOF POWER SYSTEM, STANDARD VOLTAGES FOR TRANSMISSION, ADVANTAGES OF HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION. TRANSMISSION LINE EFFICIENCY AND LINE DROP. FEEDERS, DISTRIBUTORS & SERVICE MAINS. . .5 HOURS UNIT-2 OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINES-TYPES OF SUPPORTING STRUCTURE'SAND LINE CONDUCTORS USED. SAG CALCULATION-SUPPORTS AT SAME LEVEL AND AT DIFFERENT LEVELS. EFFECT OF WIND AND ICE, SAG AT ERECTION, STRINGING CHART AND SAG TEMPLATES. LINE VIBRATORS. 5 HOURS UNIT-3 INSULATORS-INTRODUCTION, MATERIALS USED, TYPES, POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION OVER A STRING OF SUSPENSION INSULATORS. STRING EFFICIENCY & METHODS OF INCREASING STRINGS EFFICIENCY, GRADING RINGS AND ARCING HORNS. TESTING OF INSULATORS. 6 HOURS UNIT-4 (A)CORONA-PHENOMENA, DISRUPTIVE AND VISUAL CRITICAL VOLTAGES, CORONA POWER LOSS. ADV ANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF CORONA. 4 HOURS (B) UNDERGROUND CABLES-TYPES, MATERIAL USED, INSULATION RESISTANCE, THERMAL RATING OF CABLES, CHARGING CURRENT, GRADING OF CABLES, CAPACITANCE GRADING & INTER SHEATH GRADING, TESTING OF CABLES. 6 HOURS PART-B UNIT -5 AND 6 LINE PARAMETERS: CALCULATION OF INDUCTANCE OF SINGLE PHASE LINE, 3PHASE LINES WITH EQUILATERAL SPACING, UNSYMMETRICAL SPACING, DOUBLE CIRCUIT AND TRANSPOSED LINES. INDUCTANCE OF COMPOSITE CONDUCTOR LINES. CAPACITANCE-OF SINGLE-PHASE LINE, 3PHASE LINES WITH EQUILATERAL SPACING, UNSYMMETRICAL SPACING, DOUBLE CIRCUIT AND TRANSPOSED LINES. CAPACITANCE OF COMPOSITE CONDUCTOR LINES. 12 HOURS Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 1 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 UNIT-7 PERFORMANCE OF POWER TRANSMISSION LINES-SHORT TRANSMISSION LINES, MEDIUM TRANSMISSION LINES-NOMINAL T, END CONDENSER AND P MODELS, LONG TRANSMISSION LINES, ABeD CONSTANTS OF TRANSMISSION LINES, FERRANTI EFFECT, LINE REGULATION. 8 HOURS • UNIT-8 DISTRIBUTION-REQUIREMENTS OF POWER DISTRIBUTION, RADIAL & RING MAIN SYSTEMS, AC AND DC DISTRIBUTION: CALCULATION FOR CONCENTRATED LOADS AND UNIFORM LOADING. 6 HOURS TEXTBOOKS: 1. A COURSE IN ELECTRICAL POWER-SON! GUPTA & BHATNAAGAR, DHANP AT RAI & SONS. 2. ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEMS-Co EDITION ,2009. L. W ADHWA, NEW AGE INTERNATIONAL, 5TH REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. ELEMENTS OF POWER SYSTEM ANALYSIS- ~.D. STEVENSON, TMH,4TH EDITION 2. ELECTRIC POWER GENERATION TRANSMISSlON & DISTRIBUTION-S. M. SINGH, PHI,2ND EDITION, 2009. . 3. ELECTRICAL POWER-DR. S. L. UPPAL, KHANNA PUBLICATIONS .. Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 2 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 SL.NO CONTENTS PAGE 1 UNIT-1 TYPICAL TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS SCHEMETYPICAL TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS SCHEMETRANSMISSION LINE GENERAL LAYOUT OF POWER SYSTEM, STANDARD VOLTAGES FOR TRANSMISSION, 6-16 No ADVANTAGES OF HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION. EFFICIENCY AND LINE DROP. FEEDERS, DISTRIBUTORS & SERVICE MAINS. UNIT2- 2 OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINESTYPES OF SUPPORTING STRUCTURES AND LINE CONDUCTORS USED. SAG CALCULATION-SUPPORTS AT SAME LEVEL AND AT DIFFERENT LEVELS. EFFECT OF WIND AND ICE, 17-38 SAG AT ERECTION, STRINGING CHART AND SAG TEMPLATES. LINE VIBRATORS. UNIT 3- 3 INSULATORS INTRODUCTION 39-47 MATERIALS USED, TYPES, POTENTIAL DISTRIBUTION OVER A STRING OF SUSPENSION INSULATORS. STRING EFFICIENCY & METHODS OF INCREASING STRINGS EFFICIENCY, GRADING RINGS AND ARCING HORNS. TESTING OF INSULATORS. 4 UNIT-(A)CORONA CABLES PHENOMENA. (B)UNDERGROUND 48-53 DISRUPTNE AND VISUAL CRITICAL Dept of EEE, SJBIT 3 Transmission 10EE53 and Distribution VOLTAGES. CORONA POWER LOSS. AovANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF CORONA. TYPES, MATERIAL USED. INSULATION RESISTANCE. THERMAL RATING OF CABLES. CHARGING CURRENT. GRADING OF CABLES. CAPACITANCE GRADING & INTER SHEATH GRADING. TESTING OF CABLES. 5 UNIT5AND6 54-81 .. LINE PARAMETERS: CALCULATION OF .. INDUCTANCE OF SINGLE PHASE LINE. 3PHASE LINES WITH EQUILATERAL SPACING. UNSYMMETRICAL SPACING. DOUBLE CIRCUIT AND TRANSPOSED LINES. INDUCTANCE OF COMPOSITE CONDUCTOR LINES. CAPACITANCE-OF SINGLE-PHASE LINE, 3PHASE LINES WITH EQUILATERAL SPACING. UNSYMMETRICAL SPACING. DOUBLE CIRCUIT AND TRANSPOSED LINES. 6 f-- CAP ACITANCE OF COMPOSITE CONDUCTOR LINES. UNIT 7 • 81-120 PERFORMANCE OF POWER TRANSMISSION LINES-SHORT TRANSMISSION LINES. MEDIUM TRANSMISSION LINES-NOMINAL T, END CONDENSER AND P MODELS. LONG TRANSMISSION LINES. ABCD CONSTANTS OF TRANSMISSION LINES. FERRANTI EFFECT. LINE REGULATION. - 7 IEEE, SJBIT UNIT 8 120-155 4 "c i mission and Distribution ! \ <; 10EE53 iiiiiiiiiiiiiji;'..., -.: '.-..;., ';,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ----- DISTRIBUTION -REQUIREMENTS OF POWER DISTRIBUTION. RADIAL & RING MAIN SYSTEMS - AC AND DC DISTRIBUTION: I I I CALCULATION FOR CONCENTRATED LOADS AND UNIFORM LOADING. • : .. SJBIT 5 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 UNIT -1 TYPICAL TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS SCHEME- STANDARD VOLTAGES FOR TRANSMISSION. ADVANTAGE OF HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION. FEEDERS, DISTRIBUTORS & SERVICE MAINS. 5 HOURS • INTRODUCTION ELECTRICAL ENERGY IS GENERA TED BY CONVERSION OF SOURCES: WATER FUEL NUCLEAR SUN WIND BIOMASS OCEAN TURBINES-MECHANICAL TO ELECTRICAL POWER PLANTS NUCLEAR PLANT D::ot ofEEE, SJBIT FOSSIL FUEL POWER PLANT 6 E- C'Cl ~ C tI) tI) tI) C 0 ..-S C'Cl c '"0 0 tI) 4-J ~ ;:s 4-J 0 ..c ..- c ,'" < ~....:l ~~ 0< =E--E---z ~ ~ ~ ....:l 0 :s ....:l ~ ~ ~ E--z " e-; Q C) 0... ...... 0 t.t-.. ~ ~ ~ 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution WIND POWER TOWERS PLANT SOLAR THERMAL T&DININDIA • • • • • • GENERATION HAS INCREASED BY 60 TIMES THE FIRST 100KV LINE COMMISSIONED IN 1911 132 KV LINE IN 1931 220 KV LINE IN 1962 400 KV LINE IN 1978 765 KV LINE IN 2007-IN UP, PANJAB AND MP • COUNTRY IS DIVIDED INTO 5 REGIONS NORTHERN SOUTHERN EACH WITH REGIONAL M of EEE, SJBIT 8 Transmission and Distribution • • • • • 10EES3 EASTERN ELECTRICITY BOARD WESTERN NORTH-EAST CENTRAL GOVT. ALSO CONTROLS MANY GEN. PLANTS, TRN. LINES AND SUBSTATIONS THROUGH NTPC, NHPC, PGCIL ETC. ADVANTAGES OF HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION 1.TRANSMISSION EFFICIENCY INCREAASES AS THE TRANSMISSION VOL TAGE INCREASES 2. FOR A GIVEN POWER, P.U RESISTANCE DROP DECREASES VOLUME OF CONDUCTOR MATERIAL REQUIRED REDUCES SINCE CURRENT DECREASES WITH INCREASE IN VOLTAGE, 3. POWER TRANSMITTING CAPACITY OF THE TRAMN. LINE IS PROPORTIONAL TO SQUARE OF THE OPERATING VOLTAGES. THEREFORE, OVERALL CAPITAL COST DECREASES. 4, COST OF TRANSMISSION LINE PER KM DECREASES WITH INCREASE IN VOLTAGE LEVEL. 5. WITH INCREASE IN VOLTAGE, SIL(SURGE IMPEDANCE LOADING) OF THE LINE INCREASES - SO, POWER TRANSFER INCREASES. HOW DOES POWER REACH US? .' • • • • ELECTRIC POWER IS NORMALLY GENERATED AT llKV IN A POWER STATION. To TRANSMIT OVER LONG DISTANCES, IT IS THEN STEPPED-UP TO 400KV, 220KV OR 132KV AS NECESSARY. POWER IS CARRIED THROUGH A TRANSMISSION NETWORK OF HIGH VOLTAGE LINES. USUALLY, THESE LINES RUN INTO HUNDREDS OF KILOMETRES AND DELIVER THE POWER INTO A COMMON POWER POOL CALLED THE GRID. THE GRID IS CONNECTED TO LOAD CENTRES (CITIES) THROUGH A SUBTRANSMISSION NETWORK OF NORMALLY 33KV (OR SOMETIMES 66KV) LINES. Dept of EEE, SJBIT 9 Transmission and Distribution • 10EE53 THESE LINESTERMINATEINTO A 33KV (OR 66KV) SUBSTATION,WHERE THE VOLTAGEIS STEPPED-DOWNTO llKVFORPOWERDlSTRIBUTION TO LOAD POINTS THROUGHA DISTRIBUTIONNETWORKOF LINESAT llKV ANDLOWER. TRANSMISSION • • A TRANSMISSION GRID IS A NETWORK OF POWER STATIONS, TRANSMISSION CIRCUITS, AND SUBSTATIONS. ENERGY IS USUALLY TRANSMITTED WITHIN THE GRID WITH THREE-PHASE AC. TRANSMISSION SYSTEM BOOkV,400kV lines (Extra High Voltage) 132kV lines (High Voltage) llkV feeders (Distribution network) 11kV/41SV Distribut:ion TranSformer on pole ['leDt EEE, SJBIT 10 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 WHAT IS POWER TRANSMISSION? • • A PROCESS IN THE DELIVERY OF ELECTRICITY TO CONSUMERS, IS THE BULK TRANSFER OF ELECTRICAL POWER. POWER TRANSMISSION IS BETWEEN THE POWER PLANT AND A SUBSTATION NEAR A POPULATED AREA. ELECTRIC POWER TRANSMISSION ALLOWS DISTANT ENERGY SOURCES (SUCH AS HYDROELECTRIC POWER PLANTS) TO BE CONNECTED TO CONSUMERS IN POPULATION CENTERS. !){STRIBUTION WHA T IS DISTRIBUTION? ELECTRICITY DISTRIBUTION IS THE DELIVERY FROM THE SUBSTATION TO THE CONSUMERS. • ELECTRICITY IS USUALLY TRANSMITTED OVER LONG DISTANCE THROUGH OVERHEAD POWER TRANSMISSION LINES. UNDERGROUND POWER TRANSMISSION IS USED ONLY IN DENSELY POPULATED AREAS DUE TO ITS HIGH COST OF INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE, A POWER TRANSMISSION SYSTEM IS REFERRED TO AS A "GRID"; A TRANSMISSION GRID IS A NETWORK OF POWER STATIONS, TRANSMISSION CIRCUITS, AND SUBSTATIONS. ENERGY IS USUALLY TRANSMITTED WITHIN THE GRID WITH THREE-PHASE AC. A SUBSTATION IS A HIGH-VOLTAGE ELECTRIC SYSTEM FACILITY. IT IS USED TO SWITCH GENERATORS, EQUIPMENT, AND CIRCUITS OR LINES IN AND OUT OF A SYSTEM. ;: • IT ALSO IS USED TO CHANGE AC VOLTAGES FROM ONE LEVEL TO ANOTHER, AND/OR CHANGE ALTERNATING CURRENT TO DIRECT ,;'UPP.ENT OR DIRECT CURRENT TO ALTERNATING CURRENT. 11 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 SUBSTATION TYPES • AL THOUGH, THERE ARE GENERALLY FOUR TYPES OF SUBSTATIONS THERE ARE SUBSTATIONS THAT ARE A COMBINATION OF TWO OR MORE TYPES. - STEP-UP TRANSMISSION SUBSTATION STEP-DOWN TRANSMISSION SUBSTATION - DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION _ UNDERGROUND DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION - SUBSTATION FUNCTIONS - SUBSTATION EQUIPMENT STEP-UP TRANSMISSION SUBSTATION • A STEP-UP TRANSMISSION SUBSTATION RECEIVES ELECTRIC POWER FROM A NEARBY GENERATING FACILITY AND USES A LARGE POWER TRANSFORMER TO INCREASE THE VOLTAGE FOR TRANSMISSION TO DISTANT LOCATIONS. Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 12 Transmission and Distribution • • • • • • • 10EE53 A TRANSMISSION BUS IS USED TO DISTRIBUTE ELECTRIC POWER TO ONE OR MORE TRANSMISSION LINES. THERE CAN ALSO BE A TAP ON THE INCOMING POWER FEED FROM THE GENERATION PLANT TO PROVIDE ELECTRIC POWER TO OPERATE EQUIPMENT IN THE GENERATION PLANT. A SUBSTATION CAN HAVE CIRCUIT BREAKERS THAT ARE USED TO SWITCH GENERATION AND TRANSMISSION CIRCUITS IN AND OUT OF SERVICE AS NEEDED OR FOR EMERGENCIES REQUIRING SHUTDOWN OF POWER TO A CIRCUIT OR REDIRECTION OF POWER. THE SPECIFIC VOLTAGES LEAVING A STEP-UP TRANSMISSION SUBSTATION ARE DETERMINED BY THE CUSTOMER NEEDS OF THE UTILITY SUPPLYING POWER AND TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY CONNECTIONS TO REGIONAL GRIDS. TYPICAL VOLTAGES ARE: HIGH VOLTAGE (HV) AC:69 KV, 115 KV, 138 KV, 161 KV, 230 KV EXTRA-HIGH VOLTAGE (EHV) AC:345 KV, 500 KV, 765 KV ULTRA-HIGH VOLTAGE (UHV) AC:1100 KV, 1500 KV DIRECT-CURRENT HIGH VOLTAGE (DC HV): ±250 KV, ±400 KV, ±500 KV DIRECT CURRENT VOLT AGE IS EITHER POSITIVE OR NEGATIVE POLARITY. A DC LINE HAS TWO CONDUCTORS, SO ONE WOULD BE POSITIVE AND THE OTHER NEGATIVE. HVDC TRANSMISSION • • ;;- • • HIGH VOLTAGE DIRECT CURRENT (HVDC) IS USED TO TRANSMIT LARGE AMOUNTS OF POWER OVER LONG DISTANCES OR FOR INTERCONNECTIONS BETWEEN ASYNCHRONOUS GRIDS. WHEN ELECTRICAL ENERGY IS REQUIRED TO BE TRANSMITTED OVER VERY LONG DISTANCES, IT CAN BE MORE ECONOMICAL TO TRANSMIT USING DIRECT CURRENT INSTEAD OF ALTERNATING CURRENT. FOR A LONG TRANSMISSION LINE, THE VALUE OF THE SMALLER LOSSES, AND REDUCED CONSTRUCTION COST OF A DC LINE, CAN OFFSET THE ADDITIONAL COST OF CONVERTER STATIONS AT EACH END OF THE LINE. ALSO, AT HIGH AC VOLTAGES SIGNIFICANT (ALTHOUGH ECONOMICALL Y ACCEPT ABLE) AMOUNTS OF ENERGY ARE LOST DUE TO CORONA DISCHARGE, THE CAPACITANCE BETWEEN PHASES OR, IN THE CASE OF BURIED CABLES, BETWEEN PHASES AND THE SOIL OR WATER IN WHICH THE CABLE IS BURIED. Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 13 Transmission and Distribution 10EES3 A SUBSTATION ADVANTAGES OF USING HIGH VOLTAGE FOR TRANSMISSION • • • TRANSMISSION EFFICIENCY IS IMPROVED BY INCREASING THE VOLTAGE USING A STEP-UP TRANSFORMER, WHICH REDUCES THE CURRENT IN THE CONDUCTORS, WHILE KEEPING THE POWER TRANSMITTED NEARLY EQUAL TO THE POWER INPUT. THE REDUCED CURRENT FLOWING THROUGH THE CONDUCTOR REDUCES THE LOSSES IN THE CONDUCTOR AND SINCE, ACCORDING TO JOULE'S LAW, THE LOSSES ARE PROPORTIONAL TO THE SQUARE OF THE CURRENT, HALVING THE CURRENT MAKES THE TRANSMISSION LOSS ONE QUARTER THE ORIGINAL VALUE. DC SYSTEMS REQUIRE RELATIVELY COSTLY CONVERSION EQUIPMENT WHICH MAY BE ECONOMICALLY JUSTIFIED FOR PARTICULAR PROJECTS. Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 14 Transmission and Distribution • 10EE53 SINGLE PHASE AC IS USED ONLY FOR DISTRIBUTION TO END USERS SINCE IT IS NOT USABLE FOR LARGE POLYPHASE INDUCTION MOTORS TRANSMISSION TOWERS ;: FEEDERS, DISTRIBUTORS AND SERVICE MAINS • • A DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM CAN BE SUBDIVIDED INTO: FEEDERSCONDUCTORS OF LARGE CURRENT CARRYING CAPACITY CARRY CURRENT TO THE FEEDING POINTS IN BULK • DISTRIBUTORSCONDUCTORS FROM WHICH CURRENT IS TAPPED OFF FOR SUPPLYING THE CONSUMER • SERVICE MAINSSMALL CABLES BETWEEN THE DISTRIBUTORS AND THE CONSUMERS PREMISES PI CAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 15 Transmission and Distribution iDEES3 :.iiiiiiiiiii_' __ i1iioO,_' 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 5 RVICE AINS GENERATING STATION OR SUBSTATION TYPICAL DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM • THE POWER NETWORK, WHICH GENERALLY CONCERNS THE COMMON MAN, IS THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK OF llKV LINES OR FEEDERS DOWNSTREAM OF THE 33KV SUBSTATION. EACH llKV FEEDER WHICH EMANATES FROM THE 33KV SUBSTATION BRANCHES FURTHER INTO SEVERAL SUBSIDIARY llKV FEEDERS TO CARRY POWER CLOSE TO THE LOAD POINTS (IJOCALITIES, INDUSTRIAL AREAS, VILLAGES, ETC.,). • AT THESE LOAD POINTS, A TRANSFORMER FURTHER REDUCES THE VOLTAGE FROM llKVT0415VTOPROVIDE THE LAST-MILE CONNECTION THROUGH 415V FEEDERS (ALSO CALLED AS LOW TENSION (LT) FEEDERS) TO INDIVIDUAL CUSTOMERS, EITHER AT !)V(AS SINGLE-PHASE SUPPLY) OR AT 415V (AS THREE-PHASE .:..; L)1)PLY). Dept of EEE, SJBIT 16 Transmission and Distribution • • 10EES3 A FEEDER COULD BE EITHER AN OVERHEAD LINE OR AN UNDERGROUND CABLE. IN URBAN AREAS, OWING TO THE DENSITY OF CUSTOMERS, THE LENGTH OF AN llKV FEEDER IS GENERALLY UPT03KM. ON THE OTHER HAND, IN RURAL AREAS, THE FEEDER LENGTH IS MUCH LARGER (UP TO 20 KM). A 41SV FEEDER SHOULD NORMALLY BE RESTRICTED TO ABOUT 0.5-1.0 KM. UNDULY LONG FEEDERS LEAD TO LOW VOLTAGE AT THE CONSUMER END. i ADVANTAGES OF HIGH VOLTAGE TRANSMISSION 1. TRANSMISSION EFFICIENCY INCREAASES AS THE TRANSMISSION VOLTAGE INCREASES 2. FOR A GIVEN POWER, P.U RESISTANCE DROP INCREASES - VOLUME OF CONDUCTOR MATERIAL REQUIRED REDUCES SINCE CURRENT DECREASES WITH INCREASE IN VOLT AGE, 3. POWER TRANSMITTING CAPACITY OF THE TRAMN. LINE IS PROPORTIONAL TO SQUARE OF THE OPERATING VOLTAGES. THEREFORE, OVERALL CAPITAL COST DECREASES. 4. COST OF TRANSMISSION LINE PER KM DECREASES WITH INCREASE IN VOL TAGE LEVEL. 5. \VITH INCREASE IN VOLTAGE, SIL(SURGE IMPEDANCE LOADING) OF THE LINE INCREASES - SO, POWER TRANSFER INCREASES. COZ, PSIL = V2/Z0 ofEEE, SJBIT 17 Transmission and Distribution 10EES3 UNIT-2 OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINES- SAG CALCULATION IN CONDUCTORS A) SUSPENDED ON LEVEL SUPPORTS B) SUPPORT AT DIFFERENT LEVELS. EFFECT OF WIND & ICE TENSION. 5 HOURS INTRODUCTION Conductor sag and tension analysis is an important consideration in overhead distribution line design as well as in overhead transmission line design. The quality and continuity of electric service supplied over a line (regardless of whether it is a distribution, a sub-transmission, or a transmission line) depend largely on whether, the conductors have been' properly installed. Thus, the designing engineer must determine in advance the amount of sag and tension to be given the wires or cables of a particular line at a given temperature. In order to specify the tension to be used in stringing the line conductors, the values of sag and tension for winter and summer conditions must be' known .. Tension in the conductors contributes to the mechanical load on structures at angles in the line and at dead ends. Excessive tension may cause mechanical failure of the conductor itself. The factors affecting the sag of a conductor strung between supports arc: 1. Conductor load per unit length. 2. Span, that is, distance between supports. 3. Temperature. 4. Conductor tension. in order to determine the conductor load properly, the factors that need to be taken into account are: 1. Weight of conductor itself. 2. Weight of ice or snow clinging to wire. 3. Wind blowing against wire. The maximum effective weight of the conductor is the vector sum of the vertical weight and the horizontal wind pressure. It is very important to include the most adverse condition. The wind is considered to be blowing at right angles to the line and to act against the projected area of the conductor, including the projected area of ice or snow that may be clinging to it. Economic design dictates that conductor sag should be minimum to refrain from extra pole height, S8 provide sufficient clearance above ground level, and to avoid providing excessive horizontal spacing between conductors to prevent them swinging together in mid-span. Conductor tension pulls the conductor up and decreases its sag. At the same time, tension elongates the conductor, from elastic stretching, which tends to relieve tension and increase sag. The elastic property of metallic wire is measured by its modulus of elasticity. The Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 18 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 modulus of elasticity of a material equals the stress per unit of area divided by the deformation per unit of length. That is, since T u= A pSI where u a=stress per unit area in pounds per square inches T = conductor tension in pounds A = actual metal cross section of conductor in square inches The resultant elongation e of the conductor due to the tension is stress e ~ modulus or elasticity Of course, if the modulus of elasticity is low, the elongation is high, and vice versa. Thus, a small change in conductor length has a comparatively large effect 'on conductor sag and tension. Sags and stresses in conductors are dependent on the initial tension put on them when they are clamped in place and are due to the weight of the conductors themselves, to ice or sleet clinging to them, and to wind pressure. The stress in the conductor is the parameter on which everything else is based. But the stress itself is determined by the sag in the conductor as it hangs between adjacent poles or towers. Since the stress depends on sag, any span can be used provided the poles or towers are high enough and strong enough. The matter is merely one of extending the catenary in both loading. Thus, the problem becomes the balancing of a larger number of lighter and shorter poles or towers against a smaller number of heavier and taller ones. LINE SAG AND TENSION CALCULATIONS A conductor suspended freely from two supports, which are at the same level and spaced L unit length apart, as shown in Figure 2 takes the form of a catenary curve providing the conductor is perfectly flexible and its weight is uniformly distributed along its length. if the conductor is tightly stretched (i.e., when sag d is very small in comparison to span L), the resultant curve can be considered a parabola. If the conductor's sag is less than 6 percent of its span length, the error in sag computed by the parabolic equations is less than 0.5 percent. If the conductor's sag is less than 10 percent of the span, the error is about 2 percent. In distribution systems, determining accurate values of sag is not so important as it is in transmission systems. Nevertheless, even in the distribution lines, if the conductor is strung with too low tension, the resultant sag will be excessive, with the likelihood of wires swinging together and short-circuited. The usual tendency, Dept of EEE, SJBIT 19 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 however, is to pull the conductor too tight, which causes the conductor to be overstressed and stretched when the heaviest loading takes place and the normal sag after this loading becomes excessive. Then the excessive sag needs to be pulled out of the conductor, a process that also causes the conductor to be overstressed on heaviest loading. This process of overstressing and pulling up may cause the conductors, especially the smaller ones, to he broken. This can be eliminated by measuring the line tension more accurately. • Supports at Same Level catenary Method Figure 1 shows a span of conductor with two supports at the same level and separated by a horizontal distance L. _ Let '0' be the lowest point on the catenary curve and '1' be the length of the conductor- between two supports. Let 'w' be the weight of the conductor per unit length, 'T' be the tension of the conductor at any point 'P' in the direction of the curve, and Hbe the tension at origin O. Further, let's' be the length of the curve between points 0 and P, so that the weight of the portion s is ws. Tension T can be resolved into two components, Tthe horizontal component and T" the vertical component. Then, for equilibrium, T1 ~ Hand TY ~ WS Thus, the portion OP of the conductor is in equilibrium under the tension Tat P. the weight Ws acting vertically downward, and the horizontal tension H. In the triangle shown in Figure 2, ds represents a very short portion of the conductor, in the region of point P When s is increased by ds the corresponding x and yare increased by dx and dy, respectively. Hence, Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 20 --------_. -~--,--------------------- - Transmission and Distribution -- 10EES3 I I v ~~~_j Figure 1. Conductor . , Xl SJBIT suspended between supports at same elevation. 21 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution dy ws tan () = -. =-. dx H smce .tben ((is)2 dx = 1+ (WS.)2 If Therefore, dx == .. tis VI + (wsIH)'1 Figure 2 Integrating both sides gives . 1 - j Vi + (wsIH)2 r= . ds Therefore, Dent c f EEE, SJBIT 22 .msmission and Distribution d --;". 10EE53 .' _'·;.z;·;....... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . x= Whc: " ,\ i;; the H ° w Sinh -1 w v' "ij, - ). 2' + K constant of integration. When x = 0, $ = 0, and K = 0, s ......H '1.1 t: .," Y' lJ', •.h ws H ° SIn h -wx H L• I .. S = :2 = H. W wL sinh 21] .' J ='-$10' . 2H inh -wL , 'w 2H , ....roximately '- 'I.. 1) w2L t::::L ( 1+ 2. 24H . , ., .:8IT 23 Transmission 1DEES3 and Distribution dy ~ ws = sinh ~ dx H····· H or dy~sm". h wx H dx., Jntegrating both sides, y == J sinh j; dx H wx cos -'_' + KI w H y== - I f the lowest pain t of the curve is taken as the origin,when x=O, y = 0, then KI = Hlw, = since, by the series, coshO=1. Therefore, H ( wx ) .y = -w cosh--H - 1 is the equation of the curve that is called a catenary . Parabolic Method In the case of short spans with small sags, the curve can be considered as a parabola. When the horizontal tension is the same, the radius of curvature at the lowest point of the conductor is the same for both the parabola and the catenary. but the outlines of the two curves are different at all points between the lowest point of the curve :' the point of support. As the span length and sag are increased, the difference in outline of the two curve becomes more significant. Changes in the loading will produce different changes in the length of the two curves to make the sags different. Since the sag by the parabola solution is smaller than the sag by the catenary solution for the same horizontal tension, the angle ()will be smaller. Thus, the vertical component of tension is smaller for the parabola solution than for the Dept of ;':EE, SJBIT 24 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution catenary. This difference increases along the curve toward the support, becoming maximum at the supports. However, for the sake of simplicity, the following assumptions are made: 1. The tension is considered uniform throughout the span, the slight excess of tension at the supports over that in the middle being neglected. 2. The change in length of the conductor due to elastic stretch or temperature expansion is taken as equal to the change of length of a conductor equal in length to the horizontal distance between the points of supports . .In Figure 3, let P be any point on the parabolic curve such that arc OP is equal to x. The portion OP of the conductor is in equilibrium under the action ofT, H. and wx. As previously done, the tension T can be resolved into two components, T, and Ty. Theq, for equilibrium, T', == Hand T.,. = wx Figure 3. Parameters of parabola. TAKING MOMENTS ABOUT P. moments clockwise= moments anticlockwise or Hy x = WX? ... 2 y:;; _WX.• 2H Distribution lines usually have comparatively short spans with small sag. The difference between the maximum tension T and the horizontal tension H is relatively small because of Dept of EEE, SJBIT 25 Transmission and Distribution 10EES3 short spans and small sags. Under such conditions, a slight error will result if T is substituted for H in the equation for sag. Therefore, wx2 2T y=-. When, x=!L , And y is equal to sag or deflection d; therefore, the sag is 2 d= wL 8T 1= L(l + ~1:) EXAMPLE 10.1 A sub-transmission line conductor has been suspended freely from two towers and has taken the form of a catenary that has c = 1600 ft. The span between the two towers is 500 It, and the weight of the conductor is 4122 Ib/mi. Calculate the following: (a) Length of conductor (b) Sag. (c) Maximum and minimum values of conductor tension using catenary method. (d) Approximate value of tension by using parabolic method. Dept of EEE, SJBIT 26 Tra: smission and Distribution 10EE53 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"""",,~' Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Solutioi. (a) C,i:',g equation (10.6), lH, inh _, wt. I =~Sln w 2H or I= 2C( sinh ~) H c=~ w e-r- j; 1 nererore, I :;.2 x 1600 . h. sm 500 2 X 1600 = 3200 sinh 0.15625 = 502.032 'i ft equation (10.8), 1= L(1 + ~;;:) 1= L(l + = 500(1 2~;2) + 24 = 502.0345 ft 5002 X ) 16002 U·) thing equation (lO.16L H ( cosh --wt: - 1) d::=: _, 2H w d= C(COSh L -1) 2c c= if -w 27 10EES3 Transmission and Distribution Therefore, d = 1600(cosh 2 :i~oo- 1) = 1600(cosh 0.15625 - 1) =- 19.6 ft (c) Using equation (10.33), Tmax ;;;; w( c + d) 4)22 = 52sO (1600 + 19.6) -== 1264.4 lb Using equation (10.35). = 4122 x 1600 5280 ::' 1249.llb (d) From equation (10.46), WL2 T=·_·· - . 3d = (4122/5280) x 5002 8 x 19.6 --1244.7Ib Supports at Different Levels: Unsymmetrical Spans Consider a span L between two supports, as shown in Figure 10.5, whose elevations differ by a distance h. Let the horizontal distance from the lowest point of the curve to the lower and the higher supports be xl and x2, respectively. By using equation (I 0.46), that is, Dept of EEE, SJBIT 28 10EES3 Transmission and Distribution wx2 y=_._ 2T d I and d, sags can be found as and B h L Figure 4. Supports at different levels. 29 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution Therefore, or or since L = XI + X2 Therefore, 2Th wL =X2 ~ Xl By adding the above two equations, 2Th 2x2= L + -.- wL = -L2 X2 Dept of EEE, SJBIT Th wL +~- 30 ,, 33 ; ii, SJBIT 1DEES3 Transmission and Distribution B Figure 5. Case of negative x, On Subtracting the same two equations, 2x =i L _ 2Th wL J L Th x=---1 In 2 wl: then Xt uation, ;:L-:' is positive then ..l'l is zero then x 1 is negative iL'gative, the lowest point (the point 0) of the imaginary curve lies outside :-<,~_~f span, as shown in Figure 5 ., i r j 'l .. SJBIT 31 Dept ofEEE, SJBIT Transmission and Distribution 34 10EE53 10.5 EFFECTS OF ICE AND WIND LOADING The span design consists in determining the sag at which the line is constructed so that heavy winds, accumulations of ice or snow, and excessive temperature changes will not stress the conductor beyond its elastic limit, cause a serious permanent stretch, or result in fatigue failures from continued vibrations, in other words, the lines will be erected under warmer and nearly still-air conditions and yet must comply with the worst conditions. 10.5.1 Effect of Ice In mountainous geographic areas, the thickness of ice formed on the conductor becomes very significant. Depending on the circumstances, it might be as much as several times the diameter of the conductor. Ice accumulations on the conductor affect the design of the line (1) by increasing the dead weight per foot of the line and' . (2) by increasing the projected surface of the line subject to wind pressure. Mostly used for distribution lines. Figure 6. Probable configuration of ice covered conductor cross-sectional area. Even though the more likely configuration of a conductor with a coating of ice is as shown in Figure 6, for the sake of simplicity, it can be assumed that the ice coating, of thickness t, inches, is uniform over the surface ofa conductor, as shown in Figure 7. Then the cross-sectional area of the ice is Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 32 Transmission and Distribution iDEES3 for a I-f: : »gth of conductor, Swi = de ~ 2tr I ft2/ft Therefore, the horizontal force exerted on the line as a result of the wind pressure with no ice (Figure 8) is • for a I Jt L.T;,thof conductor, where r \:,rizontal wind force (i.e., load) exerted on line in pounds per feet ind pressure in pounds per square feet whereas with ice (Figure 9), it is Figure 9. Force of wind on conductor covered with ice. FIGURE • 10 P == SWiP lb/unit length i.> \ !:: :-JGTH OF CONDUCTOR, <:jBIT 35 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution p_ de +21, - 12 P Ib/ft THEREFORE, THE EFFECTNE LOAD ACTING ON THE CONDUCTOR IS W.. =: V pZ + (w + W,)Z Ib/ft ACTING AT AN ANGLE e TO THE VERTICAL, AS SHOWN IN FIGURE 10. By REPLACING W BY WE IN THE PREVIOUSLY DERIVED EQUATIONS FOR TENSION AND SAG OF THE LINE IN STILLAIR, THESE EQUATIONS CAN HE APPLIED:rO A WIND- AND ICE-LOADED LINE. FOR EXAMPLE, THE SAG EQUATION BECOMES d= W~L2 8T ft EXAMPl.F.lO.2 A STRESS-CROSSING OVERHEAD SUB-TRANSMISSION qNE HAS A SPAN OF 500 FT OVER THE STREAM. THE LINE IS LOCATED IN A HEAVY-LOADING DISTRICT IN WHICH THE HORIZONTAL WIND PRESSURE IS 4 LB/FT2 AND THE RADIAL THICKNESS OF THE ICE IS 0.50 IN. USE AN ACSR CONDUCTOR OF 195 KCMIL HAVING AN OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF 1.093 IN., A WEIGHT OF 5399 LB/MI. AND AN ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF 28,500 LB. ALSO USE A SAFETY FACTOR OF 2 AND 57 LB/FT3 FOR THE WEIGHT OF ICE. USING THE PARABOLIC METHOD, CALCULATE THE FOLLOWING: (A) WEIGHT OF ICE IN POUNDS PER FEET. (H) TOTAL VERTICAL LOAD ON CONDUCTOR IN POUNDS PER FEET. (C) HORIZONTAL WIND FORCE EXERTED ON LINE IN POUNDS PER FEET. (D) EFFECTIVE LOAD ACTING ON CONDUCTOR IN POUNDS PER FEET. (E) SAG IN FEET Dept of F,EE, SJBIT 36 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 Solution (a) Using equation (10.63), w, = l.25t,(dc + t l) = 1.25 x 0.50(1.093 + 0.50) ;=: 0.9956 .. (hi lb sing equation (10.64) • WT=,W+ Wi The weight of the conductor is W = 5399 1b/mi 1 ~ w = 52,805399 = l.02251blft Therefore. Wr = 1.0225 + 0.9956 "'"2.01811b/ft (c) From equation (10.72), d; + 2t . • 37 8£ lJ Zp'v £~£['Z, . [810'(: x 89 (} soo = r= p = :iJp,s rU:>fl.l~A (J) ~ L·O~·~un6t.:l r Hlq( csst '2: I I U1ql £t.69 0 OS;Z'PI x 8 ~OO~x £~£l' z - LS~ ._ ." - t: z7 .1>1· , '(teOI) uonenba WOld qI o~ttI = . Z ... = J.. (a) OOS"8Z ZrOI ~ln1Jf.1U! UA\oqs su lJ/qf £~£I'Z = {STOOl + ''lLL69°0 j\ l; if'M = + M) + zd A = ..M ~)JnjH pUR (£L"Or) uonenbo gU!Sn(p) 'tror lI/q( LL69·0 = t X ZI. O~·O £S3301 X Z + £60· I = Transmission and Distribution iDEES3 UNIT-3 CORONA- PHENOMENA, EXPRESSION FOR DISPUTATIVE & VISUAL CRITICAL VOLTAGES & CORONA POWER LOSS 4 HOURS ., " Introduction Corona on transmission lines causes power loss, radio and television interference, and audible noise (in terms of buzzing, hissing, or frying sounds) in the vicinity of the line. At extra high-voltage levels (i.e., at 345 kV and higher), the conductor itself is the major source of audible noise, radio interference, television interference, and corona' loss. The audible noise is a relatively new environmental concern and is becoming more important with increasing voltage level. For example, for transmission lines up to 800 kV, audible noise and electric field effects have become major design factors and have received considerable testing and study. It had been observed that the audible noise from the corona process mainly takes place in foul weather. In (Icy conditions, the conductors normally operate below the corona detection level, and therefore, very few corona sources exist. In wet conditions, however, water drops on the conductors cause large number of corona discharges and a resulting burst of noise. At ultrahigh-voltage levels (1000 kV and higher), such audible noise is the limiting environmental design factor. Phenomena ., Succinctly put, corona is a luminous partial discharge due to ionization of the air surrounding a conductor caused by electrical overstress. Many tests show that dry air at normal atmospheric pressure and temperature (25°C and 76 em barometric pressure) breaks down at 29.8 kV/cm (maximum, or peak, value) or 21.1 kV/cm (rms, or effective, value). There are always a few free electrons in the air due to ultraviolet radiation from the sun, cosmic rays from outer space, radioactivity of the earth, etc. As the conductor becomes energized on each half cycle of the ac voltage wave, the electrons in the air near its surface are accelerated toward the conductor on its positive half cycle and away from the conductor on its negative half cycle. The velocity attained by a free electron is dependent on the Intensity of the electric field. If the intensity of the electric field exceeds a certain criti cal value, any free electron in this field will acquire a sufficient velocity and energy to knock one of the outer orbit electrons clear out of one of the two atoms of the air molecule. This process is called ionization, and the molecule with the missing electron is called a positive on. The initial electron, which lost most of its velocity in the collision, and the electron According to Nasser, "coronas have various industrial applications, such as in high-speed printout devices, in air purification devices by electronic precipitators, in dry-ore separation systems, as chemical catalysts, in radiation detectors and counters, and in discharging undesirable electric charges from airplanes and plastics. Coronas are used as efficient means 1\:pt ofEEE, SJBIT 39 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 of discharging other statically electrified surfaces of wool and paper in the manufacturing industry. Knocked out of the air molecule, which also has a low velocity, are both accelerated by the electric field, and therefore, each electron is capable of ionizing an air molecule at the next collision. Of course, after the second collision, there are now four electrons to repeat the process, and so on, the number of electrons doubling after each collision. All this time, the electrons arc advancing toward the positive electrode, and after many collisions, their number has grown enormously. Therefore, this process is called the avalanche process. Note that each so-called 'electron avalanche is initiated by a single free electron that finds itself in an intense electrostatic field. Also note that the intensity of the electrostatic field around a conductor is nonuniform. Therefore, it has its maximum strength at the surface of the conductor and its intensity diminishes inversely as the distance increases from the center of the conductor. Thus, as the voltage level in the conductor is increased, the critical field strength is approached, and the initial discharges take place only at or near the conductor surface. For the positive half cycle, the electron avalanches move toward the conductor and continue to grow until they hit the surface. For the negative half cycle, the electron avalanches move way from the conductor surface toward a weaker field and ceases to advancewhen the field becomes too weak to accelerate • . ~,['T!.r;E,SJBIT 40 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 40r-------~------.-----~_r------~------~ 30 • ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ 20 "0 .!? 0.. 0. « 10 o O~--------~-- --~----------L--N~O~iO:n:iz:at:lO~n~(:da:r:k~re~g~jo:n:)J 1 2 Gap spectng, d, 3 4 5 em Figure 1 THE ELECTRONS TO IONIZING VELOCITY. THE CORONA CONSISTED OF A SEQUENCE OF LOWAMPLITUDE CURRENT PULSES WHOSE REPETITION RATE DEPENDED ON THE SHARPNESS OF THE POINT. FIGURE 1 ILLUSTRATES THE FACT THAT WHEN THE VOLTAGE ACROSS A POINT- • TO-PLANE GAP IS GRADUALLY INCREASED, A CURRENT (IN THE ORDER OF ioA) IS MEASURED. HERE THERE IS NO IONIZATION THAT TAKES PLACE, AND THIS CURRENT IS KNOWN AS THE SATURATION CURRENT. S,2.3 Factors Affecting Corona As a rule of thumb, if the ratio of spacing between conductors w the radius conductors before corona phenomenon occurs. Since for overhead lines this ratio is much greater than 15, the flashover can be considered as impossible under normal circumstances. At a given voltage level, the factors affecting corona include line configuration, conductor type. Dept of EEE, SJBIT 41 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 condition of conductor surface, and weather. In a horizontal configuration, the field near the middle conductor is larger than the field near the outer conductors. Therefore, the disruptive critical voltage is lower for the middle conductor, causing larger corona loss than the ones for the two other conductors. If the conductors are not spaced cquilaterally, the surface gradients of the conductors and therefore the corona losses ate not equal. Also, the conductor height affects the corona loss, that is, the greater the height, the smaller the corona loss. The corona loss is proportional to the frequency of the voltage. Therefore, the higher the frequency, the higher the corona losses. Thus, the corona loss at 60 Hz is greater than the one at 50 Hz. Of course, the corona loss at zero frequency, that is, direct current, is far less than the one for ac current. The irregularity of the conductor surface in terms of scratches, raised strands, die burrs, die grease, and the particles of dust and dirt that clog the conductor can significantly increase the corona loss. For the same diameter, a stranded conductor is usually satisfactory for about 80-85 percent of the voltage of a.smooth conductor. As said before, the size of the conductors and their spacings also have considerable effect on corona loss. The larger the diameter, the less . . likelihood of corona. Therefore, the use of conductors with large diameters or the use of hollow conductors or the use of bundled conductors increases the effective diameter by reducing the electric stress at the conductor surfaces. The breakdown strength of air varies with atmospheric conditions. Therefore, the breakdown strength of air is directly proportional to the density of the air. The air-density factor is defined as 0= 3.9211p 273 + t where p = barometric pressure in centimeters of mercury t = ambient temperature in degrees Celsius Rain affects corona loss usually more than any other factor. For example. it may cause the corona loss to be produced on a conductor at voltages as low as 65 percent of the voltage at which the same loss takes place during fair weather. Heavy winds have no effect on the disruptive critical voltage or on the loss, but presence of smoke lowers the critical voltage and increases the loss. Corona in fair weather may be negligible up to a voltage close to the disruptive critical voltage for a particular conductor. Above this voltage, the impacts of corona increase very quickly. A transmission line should he designed to operate just below the disruptive critical voltage in fair wether so that corona only takes place during adverse atmospheric conditions. Therefore, the calculated disruptive critical voltage is an indicator of corona performance of the line. However, a high value of the disruptive critical voltage is not the only criterion of satisfactory corona performance. The sensitivity of the conductor to foul weather should also be considered (e.g., corona increases more slowly on stranded conductors than on Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 42 • Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 smooth conductors). Due to the numerous factors involved, the precise calculation of the peak value of corona loss is extremely difficult, if not impossible. The minimum voltage at which the ionization occurs in fair weather is called the disruptive critical voltage and can be determined from E = o V. 0 r In(Dlr) • where Eo = value of electric stress (or critical gradient) at which disruption starts in kilovolts per centimeters Vo = disruptive critical voltage to neutral in kilovolts (rms) r = radius of conductor in centimeters D = spacing between two conductors in centimeters Since, in fair weather, the EO of air is 21.1 kV/cm rrns, D Vo == 21.1r In ~ r kV which is correct for normal atmospheric pressure and temperature (76cm Hg at 25°C). For other atmospheric pressures and temperatures, D Vo = 21.10r In t • kV where 0 is the air density factor. Further, after making allowance for the surface condition of the conductor by using the irregularity factor, the disruptive critical voltage can be expressed as where m = irregularity factor (0< mt) I) ..: for smooth, polished, solids, cylindrical conductors (;.93-0.98 for weathered, solid, cylindrical conductors t.: 'SJBIT 43 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 =0.87-0.90 for weathered conductors with more than seven strands =0.80--0.87 for weathered conductors with up to seven strands Note that at the disruptive critical voltage v" there is no visible corona. In the event that the potential difference (Or critical gradient) is further increased, a second point is reached at which a weak luminous glow of violet color can be seen to surround each conductor. The voltage value at this point is called the visual critical voltage and is given by where Vv -visual critical voltage in kilovolts (rms) mv=irregularity factor for visible corona (0< mI, 1) =1 for smooth, polished. solid, cylindrical conductors =0.93-0.98 for local and general visu corona on weathered, solid, cylindrical conductors = O.70-0. 75 for local visual corona on weathered stranded conductors =0.80-0.85 for general visual corona on weathered stranded conductors Note that the voltage equations given in this section are for fair weather. For wet weather voltage values, multiply the resulting fair weather voltage values, multiply the resulting fair weather voltage values by 0.80. For a three-phase horizontal conductor configuration, the calculated disruptive critical voltage should be multiplied by 0.96 and 1.06 for the middle conductor and for the two outer conductors, respectively. 8.1 Assume that a three-phase overhead transmission line is made up of three equilaterally spaced conductors, each with overall diameter of 3 em. The equilateral spacing between conductors is 5.5 m. The atmosphere pressure is 74 em Hg and the temperature is lOoC. If the irregularity factor of the conductors is 0.90 in each case, determine the following: (a) Disruptive critical rms line voltage. (b) Visual critical rrns line voltage. EXAMPLE Solution Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 44 • iDEES3 nsmlssion and Distribution '1' """, ,,,,,,,· ••ioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ~ (a) , 3.9211p I :n3 + t C = 3.9211 x 74 273 + 10 =. 025'3 L D .18mo' In ~ r "')'11 x 1.0253 x 0.90 x 1.51n ~~~ • 72.4 kV/phase l;. the rrns line voltage is Vo = V3 x 172.4 = 298.7 kV (t· \'isual critical rrns line voltage is .. :t1.18mr.o(1 + .J:r)ln ; 2].1 x 1.0253 x 0.90 x 1.5 x (1 + 'vi1.0253 0.3, )In 5152 x 1.5 m .J '...:,.U4.2 kV/phase .ire, the rms line voltage is VI) = V3 x 214.2 = 370.9 kV na Loss to Peek,the fair weather corona loss per phase :tor can be calculated from j • 241 r, = T (f ' ( r .)lf2 + 25) D (V - VO)2 X 10-5 kW!km .cncy in hertz (,: IT 45 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution V -Iine-to-neutral operating voltage in kilovolts Vo = disruptive critical voltage in kilovolts The wet weather corona can be calculated from the above equations by multiplying Vo by 0.80. Peek's equation gives a correct result if (1) the frequency is between 25 and 120 Hz, (2) the conductor radius is greater than 0.25 em. and (3) the ratio of V to va is greater than 1.8. r, (X (~rI2 The power LOSS IS proportional to the square root of the size of the conductor. Therefore, the larger the radius of the conductor, the larger the power loss. Also, the larger the spacing between conductors, the smaller the power loss. Similarly, r, tx (V - VO)2 that is, for a given voltage level, the larger the conductor site, the larger the disruptive critical voltage and therefore the smaller the power loss. According to Peterson (11], the fair weather corona loss per phase or conductor can be calculated from r - 1.11066 X c - r, = 10~4 [In(2Dld)Y 1.78738 X 10-4 [In(2Dld)f. tv 2F kW/km . :! tv F kW/mi where d = conductor diameter D = spacing between conductors f frequency in hertz V= line-to-neutral operating voltage in kilovolts F= corona factor determined by test and is a function of ratio of V to Va = .. In ;~eneral,the corona losses due to fair weather conditions arc not significantly large at ext:ra-high-voltage range. Therefore, their effects are not significant from technical andlor economic points of view. Whereas the corona losses due to foul weather conditions are very significant. Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 46 Transmission and Distribution iiiiiiiiiiii~",,,",;;q;;;," iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii TP',RW where TP:',RW ~ TP<.FW 10EE53 ___ + [ ~ jr'ln(l + KR)] ~ E;' = total three-phase corona losses due to rainy weather in kilowatts per kilometer fT', ,FW;:;; total three-phase corona losses due to fair weather in kilowatts per kilometer V = line-to-line operating voltage in kilovolts r = conductor radius in centimeters n =: total number of conductors (number of conductors per bundle times 3) E, = voltage gradient on underside of conductor i in kilovolts (peak) per centimeter m= "an exponent (~ 5) J = Joss current constant (--4.37x 10-10 at 400 kV and 3.32 x 10-10 at 500 kV and 700 kV)* R = rain rate in millimeters per hour or inches per hour K = wetting coefficient (10 if R is in millimeter per hour or 254 if R is in inches per hour) . • 0)1'. TH 1 .,,! XAMPLE 8.1 AND ASSUME THAT THE LINE OPERATES AT 345 KV AT 60 Hz AND [',). ! ,'JGTH IS 50 ML. DETERMINE THE TOTAL FAIR WEATHER CORONA LOSS FOR THE • . : U . S.;LHT 47 10EES3 Transmission and Distribution LINE BY USING PEEK'S FORMULA. Solution According to Peek, the fair weather corona loss per phase is 390 1/2 r, = T (/+ 25) rD 390 = 1.0253 (60 + 25) (V - VO)2 X 10-J~ 1 SU2 ;50 (199.2 - 172.4)2 X 10-5 = 12.1146 kW/mi/phase or J for the total line length, P, = 12.1146 x 50:::;605.7 kW/phase Therefore, the total corona loss of the line is r, = 3 x 605.7 =-1817.2 kW UNIT-4 INSULATORS- TYPES, PIN INSULATORS, SUSPENSION INSULATORS, STRAIN INSULATORS, SHACKLE INSULATORS, CAUSES OF INSULATION FAILURE. TESTING OF INSULATORS. 4 HOURS INSULATORS • rr L~fi iL ;vU:CHANICAL SUPPORT FOR CONDUCTORS AND ALSO PREVENT CURRENT TO FLOW TO GROUND VIA SUPPORTS. 1. PROVIDES NECESSARY INSULAnON BETWEEN LINE CONDUCTORS AND SUPPORT (GROUND). Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 48 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 PROPERTIES: 1) HIGH MECHANICAL STRENGTH IN ORDER TO WITHSTAND CONDUCTOR LOAD, WINDLOAD. 2) HIGH ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE OF INSULATOR MATERIAL IN ORDER THAT DIELECTRIC STRENGTH IS HIGH. • 1) MATERIAL SHOULD BE NON-POROUS, FREE FROM IMPURITIES AND CRACK. 2) HIGH RATIO OF PUNCTURE STRENGTH TO FLASH OVER • MATERIALS PORCELAIN, PORCELAIN LEAKAGE. COMMONLY GLASS, STEATITE OR SOME OTHER COMPOSITE LESS EFFECTED MATERIALS. BY TEMP. CHANGE AND GIVES LESS TROUBLE FROM USED INSULATORS 1PIN INSULATORS 2 SUSPENSION INSULATORS 3 STRAIN INSULATORS 4 SHACKLE INSULATORS 12Smm. HC-PN11OS • Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 49 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 CAUSES OF INSULATION FAILURE - INSULATORS REQUIRED TO WITHSTAND BOTH MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL STRESS. - HIGH ELECTRICAL STRESS MAY CAUSE BREAKDOWN OF INSULATORS. -- FLASHOVER** (DUE TO ARC FORMATION IN THE SURFACE BETWEEN CONDUCTOR AND PIN) -- PUNCTURE** (DISCHARGE OCCURS FROM CONDUCTOR TO PIN VIA BODY OF INSULATOR) FLASH OVER VOLTAGE SAFETY FACTOR OF INSULATOR = PUNCTURE STRENGTH Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 50 Transmission and Distribution 10EES3 .. • SUSPENSION INSULATORS: - USED FOR mGHVOLTAGE (>33KV) - CONSISTS OF NUMBER OF PORCELAIN DISCS CONNECTED IN SERIES BY METAL LINKS IN THE FORM OF STRING. - CONDUCTOR IS SUSPENDED AT THE BOTTOM END OF THE STRING AND OTHER END IS FIXED IN THE CROSS ARM OF THE TOWER. - EACH DISC CAN INSULATE UPTO 11 KV. So NUMBER OF DISC IN A STRING DEPENDS UPON THE VOLTAGE LEVEL OF TRANSMISSION. (FOR 66 KV, 6 DISC) "I' :" ,:."., .... I I.;; j~. l"'l~'r.' SJBIT -, -_. I. _• .., 51 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 Anv ANTAGES OF SUSPENSION INSULATORS: - CHEAPER THAN PIN TYPE BEYOND 33 KV - EACH DISC IS DESIGNED FOR 11 KV. HENCE DEPENDING UPON THE WORKING VOLTAGE, DESIRED NUMBER OF DISC CAN BE CONNECTED IN SERIES. - ANY DAMAGE DISC CAN BE REPLACED. D WHOLE DISC WILL NOT BE USELESS IF ONE DISC DAMAGES. - ARRANGEMENT PROVIDES GREATER FLEXIBILITY TO THE LINE. - INSULATOR IS FREE TO SWING IN ANY DIRECTION AND CAN TAKE UP THE POSITION OF MINIMUM MECHANICAL STRESS. - GENERALLY USED WITH STEEL TOWERS. SINCE CONDUCTOR RUNS BELOW EARTHED CROSS ARM, IT CAN PROVIDE PROTECTION FROM LIGHTNING. 29 STRAIN INSULATORS: - USED IN DEAD END OF THE LINE WHERE THE LINE IS SUBJECTED TO GREATER TENSION. - FOR HV X-MISSION LINE, IT CONSISTS OF ASSEMBLY OF SUSPENSION INSULATORS AS SHOWN. - FOR HIGH TENSION IN THE LINE TWO OR MORE STRINGS OF STRAIN INSULATORS CAN BE USED IN PARALLEL. - FOR LOW VOLTAGE « 11 KV), SHACKLE INSULATOR USED AS STRAIN INSULATOR Dept of EEE, SJBIT 52 • Transmission and Distribution iDEES3 SHACKLE INSULATORS: - CAN ALSO BE USED AS STRAIN INSULATOR. - FREQUENTLY USED FOR LOW VOLTAGE (400 V) DISTRIBUTION LINE. - CAN BE USED BOTH HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL POSITION. - DIRECTLY FIXED TO THE POLE WITH BOLT OR CAN BE FIXED IN THE X-ARM. - USED WHERE WE NEED TO RUN THE LINE WITH CERTAIN BENDING WITH SOME ANGLE. (WHERE TURNING OF THE ROAD ETC. OCCURS) ..- UNIT - 5 UNDERGROUND CABLES- TYPES, MATERIAL USED, INSULATION RESISTANCE, THERMAL RATING OF CABLES, CHARGING CURRENT, GRADING OF CABLES, CAPACITANCE GRADING & INTER SHEATH GRADING, TESTING OF CABLES. of EEE, SJBIT 6 HOURS 53 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 UNDERGROUND CABLES INTRODUCTION Underground cables may have one or more conductors within a protective sheath. The protective sheath is an impervious covering over insulation, and it usually is lead. The conductors are separated from each other and from the sheath by insulating materials. The insulation materials used are 1. rubber and rubberlike compounds. 2. varnished cambric, and 3. oil-impregnated paper. Rubber is used in cables rated 600 V-35. kV, whereas polyethylene (FE), propylene (PP) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) arc used in cables rated 600 V138kV. The high-moisture resistance of rubber makes it ideal for submarine cables.. Varnished cambric is used in cables rated 600 V-28 kV. Oil-impregnated paper is used in solid-type cables up to 69 kV and in pressurized cables up to 345 kV. In.the solid-type cables, the pressure within the oil-impregnated cable is not raised above atmospheric pressure. In the pressurized cables, the pressure is kept above atmospheric pressure either by gas in gas pressure cables or by oil in oil-filled cables. Impregnated paper is used for higher voltages because of its low dielectric losses and lower cost. Cables used for 59 kV and below are either (1) low pressure, not over 15 psi, or (2) medium pressure, not over 45 psi. High-pressure cables, up to 200 psi, installed pipes arc not economical for voltages of 69 kV and below. Voids or cavities can appear as the result of faulty product or during the operation of the cable under varying load. Bending the cable in handling and on installation, and also the different thermal expansion coefficient of the insulating paper, the impregnating material and the lead sheath result in voids in the insulation of cable not under pressure. The presence of higher electrical field strength ionization that appears in the voids in the dielectric leads to destruction of the insulation. The presence of ionization can he detected by means of the power factor change as a test voltage is applied. The formation of voids is avoided in the case of the oil-filled cable. With the gas-filled cable, the pressure in the insulation is increased to such a value that existing voids or cavities are ionization free. Ionization increases with temperature and decreases with increasing pressure. CONDUCTORS The conductors used in underground cables can be copper or aluminum. Aluminum dictates larger conductor sizes to carry the same current as copper. The need for mechanical flexibility requires stranded conductors to be used. The equivalent aluminum cable is lighter in weight and larger in diameter in comparison to copper cable. Stranded conductors can be in various configurations, for example, concentric, compressed, compact, and rope. UNDERGROUND CABLE TYPES Cables are classified in numerous ways. For example, they can be classified as (1) underground, (2) submarine, and (3) aerial, depending on location. They can be classified DeptofEEE,SJBIT 54 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 according to the type of insulation, such as (1) rubber and rubberlike compounds, (2) varnished cambric, and (3) oil-impregnated paper. They can be classified as (1) single conductor, (2) two conductor duplex, three conductor, etc., depending on the number of conductors in a given cable. They can be classified as shielded or nonshielded (belted), depending on the presence or absence of metallic shields over the insulation. Shielded cables can be solid, oil filled, or gas filled. They can he classified by their protective finish such as (1) metallic (e.g., a lead sheath) or (2) nonmetallic (e.g., plastic). insulation shields help to (1) confine the electric field within the cable; (2) protect cable better from induced potentials; (3) limit electromagnetic or electrostatic interference; (4) equalize voltage stress within the insulation, minimizing surface discharges; and (5) reduce shock hazard (when properly grounded) [1]. In general, shielding should be considered for nonmetallic covered cables operating at a circuit voltage over 2 kV and where any of the following conditions exist [2]: 1. Transition from conducting to nonconducting conduit. _ 2. Transition from moist to dry earth. 3. In dry soil, such as in the desert. 4. In damp conduits. 5. connections to aerial lines. 6. Where conducting pulling compounds are used. 7. Where surface of cable collects conducting materials, such as soot, salt, or cement deposits. 8. Where electrostatic discharges are of low enough intensity not to damage cable but are sufficient in magnitude to interface with radio or television reception. In general, cables are pulled into underground ducts. However, if they have to he buried directly in the ground, the lead sheath (i.e, the covering over insulation) has to be protected mechanically by armor. The armor is made of two steel tapes wound overlapping each other or heavy steel wires. Where heavy loads are to be handled, the usage of single-conductor cables are advantageous since they can be made in conductor sizes up to 3.5 kcrnil or larger. They are also used where phase isolation is required or where balanced single-phase transformer loads are supplied. They are often used to terminate three-conductor cables in singleconductor potheads, such as at pole risers, to provide training in small manholes. They can be suppLied triplexed or wound three in parallel on a reel, permitting installation of three single-conductor cables in a single duct. Figure 4.1shows a single- conductor, paperinsulated power cable. 1he belted cable construction is generally used for three-phase low- voltage operation, up to 5 kV, or with the addition of conductor and beLt shielding, in the 10-15 kV voltage range. It receives its name from the fact that a portion of the total insulation is applied over partially insulated conductors in the form of an insulating belt, which provides a smooth "cushion" for the lead sheath. Figure 1. Single-conductor, paper insulated power cable. (Courtesy ofOkonite Company.) Dept of EEE, SJBIT 55 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 Even though this design is generally more economical than the shielded (or Type H) construction, the electrical field produced by three-phase ac voltage is assymmetrical, and the fillers are also under electric stress. These disadvantages restrict the usage of this cable to voltages below 15 kV. Figure 2, shows a three-conductor, belted, compact-sector, paperinsulated cable. They can have concentric round, compact round, or compact-sector conductors. The three-conductor shielded, or type H, construction with compact sector conductors is the design most commonly and universally used for three-phase applications at the 5-46-kV voltage range. Three-conductor cables in sizes up to lkcmil are standard, hut for larger sizes, if overall size and weights are important factors, single-conductor cables should be preferred. It confines the electric stress to the primary insulation, which causes the voltage rating (radial stress) to be increased and the dielectric losses to be reduced. The shielded paperoil dielectric has the greatest economy for power cables at high voltages where reliability .. and performance are of prime importance. Figure 3 shows a three-conductor, shielded (type H), compact-sector, paper-insulated cable. .. Figure 4, presents various protective outer coverings for solid-type cables, depending on installation requirements. Figure 5, shows the recommended voltage ranges for various types of paper-insulated power cables. Most cable insulations are susceptible to deterioration by moisture to varying degrees. Paper and oil, which have had all the moisture completely extracted in the manufacture of a paper cable, will reabsorb moisture when exposed to the atmosphere, and prolonged exposure will degrade the exceptionally high electrical qualities. Because of this, it is mandatory in all paper cable splices and terminations to reduce exposure of the insulation to moisture and to construct and seal the accessories to ensure the complete exclusion of moisture for long and satisfactory service life. Therefore, it is important that all cable ends are tested for moisture before splicing or potheading. The most reliable procedure is to remove rings of insulating paper from the section cut for the connector at the sheath, at the midpoint, and nearest the conductor and immerse the tape "loops" in clean oil or flushing compound heated to 280-300°F. If any traces of moisture are present, minute bubbles will exclude from the tape and form "froth" in the oil. The shields and metallic sheaths of power cables must he grounded for safety and reliable operation. Without such grounding, shields would operate at a potential considerably above the ground potential. Therefore, they would be hazardous to touch and would incur rapid degradation of the jacket or other material that is between shield and ground. The grounding conductor and its attachment to the shield or metallic sheath, norman" at a termination or splice, needs to have an ampacity no lower than that of the Dr : of EEE, SJBIT 56 T r;J ~<mission and Distribution iDEES3 shield: . ";case of a lead sheath, the ampacity must be large enough to carry the available fault ,:' "i.' : 'llld duration without overheating. Usually, l' SJBIT 57 lJ8fS 'gmT.1 0 l\)~:.j .. £53301 uounqt.ustrj pUE UOJSSJlliSUE.l.L Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 Figure 4 (Continued). Each cable type can _De.but usually is not, used beyond indicated VOltages High oil pressure"oilo!'ltatic" low oil pressure oil filled 0f'iSh gas ....pre~StJre , I I UIlltMdlum gas pre~ure IllI Low gas pressure Solid Belted solid I 1 I I I I 2,5 7.S 15 l I I I 23 35 46 69 Voltage, kV If I I 115 161 230 138 Figure 5. Recommended voltage ranges for various of paper-insulated paper cables. (Courtesy of Okonite Company.) the cable shield lengths are grounded at both ends such that the fault current would divide and flow to both ends, reducing the duty on the shield and therefore the chance of damage. The capacitive charging current of the cable insulation, which is on the order of 1 mAlft of conductor length, normally flows, at power frequency, between the conductor and the earth electrode of the cable, normally the shield. Of course, the shield, or metallic sheath, provides the fault return path in the event of insulation failure, permitting rapid operation of the protection devices [1]. CABLE INST ALLA TION TECHNIQUES There are a number of ways to install the underground cables; for example: 1. Direct burial in the soil, as shown in Figure 6. The cable is laid in a trench that is :,1l:,1]. I,j by machine. 2. in ducts or pipes with concrete sheath, as shown in Figure 7. For secondary network -ystems, duct lines may have 6-12 ducts. '1. Wherever possible, in tunnels built for other purposes, for example, sewer lines, water IT'qins. gas pipes, and duct lines for telephone and telegraph cables. 59 I 345 I 5~ 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution Protective barrier (ll) (0) Figure 6. Direct burial: (a) for single-conductor cables; (b) for triplexed cables. In general, manholes are built at every junction point and comer. The spacing of manholes is affected by the types of circuits installed, allowable cable-pulling tensions, and utility company's standards and practice. Manholes give easily . accessible and protected space in which cables and associated apparatus can he operated properly. For example, they should provide enough space for required switching equipment, transformers, and splices and terminations. Figure 4.8 shows a. straight-type manhole. Figure 4.9 shows a typical street cable manhole, which "is usually used to route cables at street intersections or other locations where cable terminations are required. TABLE 1 Typical Values of Various Dielectric Materials Dept of EEl':, SJBIT Dielectric Material K Air 1 Impregnated paper 3.3 Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) 3.5-8.0 Ethylene propylene insulation 2.8-3.5 Polyethylene insulation 2.3 60 Transmission and Distribution iiiiiiiiiiioo.;;-...;.... ;;:,,~-. 10EE53 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1 Cross-Linked polyethylene 12.3-6.0 1 Dielectric Constant of Cable Insulation The dielectric constant of any material is defined as the ratio of the capacitance of a condenser with the material as a dielectric to the capacitance ofa similar condenser with air as the dic"Jc'ctric,it is also called the relative permittivity of specific inductive capacity. It is \ ,:icl';> denoted by K. (It is also representedby e, or SIC.) Table I gives the typical valu .. : Ci' the dielectric constants for various dielectric materials -. .__' C O.0073K .. F/IOOO it 106 JoglO(Dld) (4.31 where C == capacitance in farads per 1000 it K = dielectric constant 'Qf. cable insulation D = diameter over insulation in unit length d= diameter over conductor shield in unit length Charging Current By definition of susceptance. b= we S (4.32 or b=21TfC S (4.33 Then the admittance Y corresponding to C is V=jb Of· i , 61 10EES3 Transmission and Distribution or Y = j2'1TfC (4.3 S Therefore, the charging current is (4.3 Of, . . . . ignormg j, (4.3 .. For example, substituting equation (4.31) into equation (4.36), the chargii current of a single conductor cable is found as O.OO73KVo...N) l061oglO(Dld) 21(/ 1(. = X (4.3' or O.0459fKV(L_N) It where = 103 JoglO(Dld) (4.3, A/IOOOft f = frequency in hertz D == diameter over insulation in unit length d == diameter over conductor shield in unit length K = dielectric constant of cable insulation V ::= line-to-neutral voltage in kilovolts At 60 Hz frequency, 2.752KV(L.N) I, == l031oglO(DJd) A/lOOOft The charging current and the capacitance are relatively greater for insulated cables than in overhead circuits because of closer spacing and the higher dielectric constant of the insulation of the cable. In general, the charging current is negligible for overhead circuits at distribution voltages, contrary to high-voltage transmission circuits. Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 62 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution Determination of Insulation Resistance of Single-Conductor Cable Assume that the cable shown in Figure 8 has a length of 1 m. Then the incremental insulation resistance of the cylindrical element in the radial direction IS Figure 8. Cross section of single-conductor cable. (4.40) Therefore, the total insulation resistance between the conductor and the lead sheath is P R, == 2Trlln Vi R r (4.41 ) Iii = total insulation resistance in ohms p == insulation (dielectric) resistivity in ohm meters I = total length of cable in meters .R = outside radius of insulation or inside radius of lead sheath in meters r = radius of conductor in meters (illife practical version of equation (4.41) is given by the Okonite ." .: ".yt as \.... -_,_tl (4.42) R, = total insulation resistance in megohms per 1000 ft for particular ;.....lJle construction Tsi = specific insulation resistance in megohms per 1000 ft at 60 of D == inside diameter of sheath d '= outside diameter of conductor bIT 63 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution TABLE 4.2 GNES TYPICAL R VALUES OF VARIOUS INSULATION MATERIALS. EQUATION (4.19) INDICATES THAT THE INSULATION RESISTANCE IS INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL TO THE LENGTH OF THE INSULATED CABLE. AN INCREASE IN INSULATION THICKNESS INCREASES THE DISRUPTIVE CRITICAL VOLTAGE OF THE INSULATION BUT DOES NOT GIVE A PROPORTIONAL DECREASE IN VOLTAGE GRADIENT AT THE CONDUCTOR SURFACE. THEREFORE, IT DOES NOT PERMIT A PROPORTIONAL INCREASE IN VOLTAGE RATING. EXAMPLE 4.3 A 250-KCMIL, SINGLE-CONDUCTOR, SYNTHETIC RUBBER, BELTED CABLE HAS A CONDUCTOR DIAMETER OF 0.575 IN. AND AN INSIDE DIAMETER OF SHEATH OF 1.235 IN. THE . CABLE HAS A LENGTH OF 6000 FT AND IS GOING TO BE USED AT 60Hz AND 115KV. CALCULATE THE FOLLOWING: (A) TOTAL INSULATION RESISTANCE IN MEGOHMS AT 60 of. (B) POWER LOSS DUE TO LEAKAGE CURRENT FLOWING THROUGH INSULATION RESISTANCE. Solution (a) By using equation (4.42), D R, =: r$,log d From Table 4.2, specific insulation resistance r $1 is 2000 f\t1fi I 1000 ft. Therefore, the total insulation resistance is . ·1.235 RI = 6 x 2000 log 0.575 =3.984MO (b) The power loss due to leakage current is V~ 115,0002 R, == 3984 X 106 ::::3.3195 W TABLE 4.2 TYPICAL VALUESOF R Insulation Material Dept of EEE, SJBIT 'ai (Mfl I1000it) Synthetic rubber 2,000 Ethylene propylene insulation 20,000 Polyethylene 50,000 64 1DEES3 Transmission and Distribution PVC 2,000 Cross-linked polyethylene 20,000 For a sector-type three-conductor cable, D3S where D = overall = D - O.35d (4.67) diameter of cable with circular cross-sectional conductors == overall diameter of cable with sector-type three conductors -d;:; diameter-of conductor D3s S = lead sheath thickness of cable t = belt insulation thickness of cable T = thickness of conductor insulation in inches Geometric Factors The geometric factor is defined as the relation in space between the cylinders formed by sheath internal surface and conductor external surface in a single-conductor betted cable. For a three-conductor belted cable, this relation (i.e., geometric factor) is sector shaped, and by relative thicknesses of conductor insulation T and belt insulation 1. For a -single-conductor cable, the geometric factor G is given by D G = 2.303 loglo d (4.68) where D = inside diameter of sheath d == outside diameter of conductor Table 4.3 presents geometric factors for single-conductor and three- conductor belted cables. In this table, G indicates the geometric factor for a single-conductor cable, Go indicates the zero-sequence geometric factor, and G1 indicates the positive-sequence geometric factor for three-conductor belted cables. Also, Figures 9 and 10 give geometric factors for single-conductor and three-conductor belted cables. In Figure 11, Go indicates the zero-sequence geometric factor and G1 indicates the positive- sequence geometric factor. in Table 4.3 and Figures 9 and 10, Dept of EEE, SJBIT 65 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution T= thickness of conductor insulation in inches t = thickness of belt insulation in inches d=outside diameter of conductor in inches For single-conductor cables, 1=0 EXAMPLE 4.8 A single-conductor, paper-insulated, belted cable will be used as an underground feeder of 3 ml. The cable has a 2000-MCM (2000-kemil) copper conductor. (a) Calculate the total de resistance of the conductor at 25 "C. (b) Using Table 4.5, determine the effective resistance and the skin effect on the effective resistance in percent if the conductor is used at 60-Hz alternating current. . (c) Calculate the percentage of reduction in cable ampacity in part (b). Solution {a) From Table 4.5, the de resistance of the cable is R<l<; :::: 0.00539 n/lQOO ft or the total dc resistance is Rdc = O~OO539x 5280 x 3' = 0.0854 n (b) From Table 4.5, the skin effect coefficient is 1.233; therefore, the effective resistance at 60 Hz is Rf:ff = (skin effect coefficient) x Rdc = (1.233) x 0.0854 =0.10530. or it is 23.3 percent greater than for direct current. (c) The reduction in the cable ampaeity is also 23.3 percent. SHEATH CURRENTS IN CABLES The flow of ac current in the conductors of single-conductor cables induces ac voltages in the cable sheaths. When the cable sheaths are bonded together at their ends, the voltages induced give rise to sheath (eddy) currents, and therefore, additional12R losses occur in the sheath. These losses are taken into account by increasing the resistance of the relevant conductor. For a single-conductor cable with bonded sheaths operating in three phase and arranged in equilateral triangular formation, the increase in conductor resistance is Dept of EEE, SJBIT 66 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 (4.77) • i ,JBIT 67 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution where Xm = mutual reactance between conductors and sheath per phase I ohms per mile ra = sheath resistance per phase in ohms per mile The mutual reactance between conductors and sheath can be calculate from }{m = 0.2794 f 60 loglo 2S 70 + r, (4.78 and the sheath resistance of a lead sheath cable can be determined fron 0.2 r = -::---~:---~ J (TO + r,)(ro - rJ where (4.79 f = frequency S = in hertz spacing between conductor centers in inches r 0 ::=; outer radius of lead sheath in inches T f == inner radius of Iead sheath in inches In equation (4..78). (4.80 and Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 68 1'1'... 1 <mission and Distribution _ 10EES3 .....•. ;..." ....,.,., ..:..... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii GMD=DIII =s Therefore, for other conductor arrangements, that is, other than equilaters triangular formation, f JoglO o; Xm = 0.2794 60 D .. n' !mi/phase (4.81 Dm D (4.82 s and if the frequency used is 60 Hz, Xm = O.27941og 10 k or · 1 .Drn X m= O.1213 n lJ,' (4.83 s Hence. in single-conductor cables, the total resistance to positive- 0 negative-sequence current flow, including the effect of sheath current, is (4.84 1 ),': \ !. 69 Transmission and Distribution 1DEES3 where ta = total positive- or negative-sequence resistance, including shea current effects rc = ac resistance of conductor, including skin effect The sheath loss due to sheath currents is (4.8t p.J = [2 Ar or (4.8 or (4.8' where r.J = sheath resistance per phase in ohms per mile 1= current in one conductor in amperes Xm =:; mutual reactance between conductors and sheath per phase ohms per mile De~t of i:EE, SJBIT 70 : .:nsmission and Distribution 10EE53 For a three-conductor cable with round conductors, the increase conductor resistance due to sheath currents is Ar = 0.04416 ( ')2 r, '0 + 'I fi/mi I phase {4.S where • _ d + 2T S - v'3 (4.8 and rJ = sheath resistance, from equation (4..79) r 0 = outer radius of lead sheath in inches r1 = inner radius of .lead sheath in inches S = distance between conductor center and sheath center for thre conductor cable made of round conductors d = conductor diameter in inches T = conductor insulation thickness in inches For sector-shaped conductors, use equations (4.88) and (4.82) but cc ductor diameter is d = 82-86% of.diameter of round conductor having same cross-sectional area gle-conductor cables may be operated short-circuited or open-circuited. If the hort-circuited, they are usually bonded and grounded at every manhole. This sheath voltages to zero but allows the flow of sheath currents. There are ! iques of operating with the sheaths open-circulated: , :ound wire is used, one terminal of each sheath section is bound to the ground ner terminal is left open so that no current can flow in the sheath. " .. c i '; " '\ " , 1, . ':" ', ii;i .. \~.;.) bonding, ': ; c . "c shown in Figure 12, so that only the sheaths are transposed electrically. The bonded together and grounded at the end of each complete transposition. Thus, sheath voltages induced by the positive-sequence currents becomes zero. -<'dancebonding, impedances are added in each cable sheath to limit sheath termined values without eliminating any sequence Currents. ,'.;»g transformers [5]. i; c' ;,,:1' i\ at each section, connections are made between the sheaths of cables c 'c c.' ' , IT 71 Transmission and Distribution r----- 10EE53 ------1 -.z- '"':" Figure 12. Cross bonding of single-conductor cables. EXAMPLE 4.9 Assume that three 35-kV, 350-kcmil, single-conductor belted cables are located in touching equilateral formation with respect to each other and the sheaths are bounded to ground a several points. The cables are operated at 34.5kV and 60Hz. The cable has a conductor diameter of 0.681 in., insulation thickness of 345 emil, lead sheath thickness of 105 emil, and a length of lOmi.Conductor ac resistance is O.l9Q/Wmi per phase at 50°C. Calculate the following: (a) Mutual reactance between conductors and sheath. (b) Sheath resistance of cable. (c) increase in conductor resistance due to sheath currents. (d) Total resistance of conductor including sheath loss. (e) Ratio of sheath loss to conductor loss. T of FEE, SJBIT 72 Transmission and Distribution 10EES3 (f) Total sheath losses of feeder in watts if current in conductor is 400 A. Solution (a) By using equation (4.78). Xm = 0.279410glQ 2S '0 + r, O/mi/phase where r,» O.~l + 0.345 == 0.686 in. '0 = r, + 0.105 == 0.791 in. S = 1.582 in. Therefore, 2 x 1.582 Xm = 0.2794Iog1() 0.791 + 0.686 = 0.09244 nl mi or Xm ;;;;: 0.9244 0.1phase (b) using equation (4.79)., 0.2 r = ----:-:---- (ro + 'j)('o - S rJ 0.2 ----~~~~---::--::-::-:::(0.791 + 0.686)(0.791 - 0.686) = 1.2896!l/mi (1-; 's = 12.896!l/phase iV") 'sing equation (4.77), 0.092442 + 0.092442 = 1.2896 1.2896l = 0.00659 Ofmi ;-. '--".; !. L:. :"JBIT 73 vL Lt£trO = 06I'O 6~90(rO ~seqd/U 6S96'l = OJ JO !lU/U6~6rO = 6S'90(fO+ 061'0 = '(MfV) uonsnba gU!s[l (p) <)Suqd/U 6S90'O =.LV 10 £53301 , .. J' mission and Distribution .. 1DEES3 1~; ; i Tlut i Sheath loss = 3.47% x conductor ]2R loss ,; U .ing equation (4.87), tor three-phase loss 1 ,: 3 X 4002 X 0.00659 = 3163.2 W/mi or, for total feeder length, r, =31,632W , ; : i J , '1' 75 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution Therefore, -/1.3326 1.9+ j4.64 -j2.1734 1.9+ j4.64 -}0.4918 -;1.3326 -j0.4918 -j1.8244 -j2.4441 -jO.4918 -/1-8'244 -jO.4918 -jO.4918 1.9+ j4.64 -j].3326 -1'2.1734 -jl.3326 -jl.8244 -j0.4918 -j0,4918 -j1.8244 -j1.8244 -jO.4918 -j0.4918 1.9+ /4.64 -j1.3326 -jl.3326 1.9 + j4 ..64 -/2.1734 -J1.3326 -;2.4441 -j1.8244 ~j0.4918 -;2.1734 .. - j1.3326 1.9 + j4.64 By Kron reduction. [Zncwl = [ZJ] - HZ';;} - [Zj]}[Zkrl {[Zmr - [Zs]} or 4.521 + j2.497 [Zobel = 1.594 - J:Z.604 [ 1.495 - )3.090 1.594 - j2.604 2.897 + J?802 0.930 - Jl.929 1.495 - j3.090] 0.930 -. jl,929 • 2 ~97 + j3.802 . (b) By doing the similarity transformation, [Z')121 == [Ar1[Zlloc][A] n LOCATION OF FAULTS IN UNDERGROUND CABLES There arc various methods for Locating faults in underground cables. The method used for locating any particular fault depends on the nature of the fault and the extent of the experience of the testing engineer. Cable faults can be categorized as 1. Conductor failures or 2. Insulation failures. In general, conductor failures are located by comparing the capacity of the insulated conductors. On the other hand, insulation failures are located by fault tests that compare the resistance of the conductors. In short cables, the fault is usually located by inspection, that is, looking for smoking manholes or listening for cracking sound when the kenetron is applied to the faulty cable. T . j ccation of ground faults on cables of known length can be determined by means of the balanced-bridge principle. Kenetron is a two-electrode high-vacuum tube. They arc used as power rectifiers tor applications requiring low currents at high de voltages, such as for electronic dust precipitation and high-voltage test equipment. ;)' Y EEE, SJBIT 76 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 Fault Location by Using Murray Loop Test It is the simplest of the bridge methods for locating cable failures between conductors and .. ground in any cable where there is a second conductor of the same size as the one with the fault. It is one of the best methods of locating high-resistance faults in low-conductorresistance circuits. Figure 13 shows a Murray loop. The faulty conductor is looped to an un faulted conductor of the same cross-sectional area, and a slide-wire resistance box with two sets of coils is connected across the open ends of the loop. Obviously, the Murray loop cannot be established if the faulty conductor is broken at any point. Therefore, the continuity of the loop should he tested before applying the bridge principle. In order to avoid the effects of earth currents, the galvanometer is connected as shown in the figure. A battery energizes the bridge between the sliding contact or resistance box center and the point at which the faulty line is grounded. Balance is obtained by adjustment of the sliding contact or resistance. If the non-grounded (un-faulted) line and the grounded (faulted) line have the same resistance per unit length and if the slide wire is of uniform cross-sectional area, A 2L-X -=--_ B X or X ~ 2L A units of length ( 4.212) units of length (4.213) 1+ B or x= 2 LB A+B where X= distance from measuring end to fault point L= length of each looped conductor A=resistance of top left-hand side bridge arm in balance B=resistance of bottom left-hand side bridge arm in balance Therefore, the distance X from the measuring end to the fault can be found directly in terms of the units used to measure the distance L. of EEE, SJBIT 77 Transmission and Distribution 10EES3 Fault Location by Using Varley Loop Test It can be used for faults to ground where there is a second conductor of the same size as the one with the fault. ft is particularly applicable in Locating faults in relatively high- resistance circuits. Figure 4.35 shows a Varley Loop. The resistance per unit length of the un-faulted conductor and the faulted conductor must be known. Therefore, if the conductors have equal resistances per unit length (e.g., rc), the resistance (2L-X)rc constitutes one arm of the bridge and the resistanc 1 Be pcsltien varl<y loop positioo Figure 14. Varley loop. Dept of EEE, SJBIT 78 Tra: .mission and Distribution RJ R2 = iDEES3 R3 + XTc (2L - X)rc or (4.214) " Dr X= R·~2R J . 2 (2L ~l 2 R'j) rc units of length (4.215) where X = distance from measuring end to fault point L = length of each looped conductor R I = resistance of bottom left-hand side bridge arm in balance t. - = resistance of top left-hand bridge arm in balance /' == adjustable resistance of known magnitude conductor resistance in ohms per unit length. T Tf 11, ti, C~ ',) i,'tor resistance is not known, it can easily be found by changing the switch to ;':hi'.!Cn and measuring the resistance of the conductor 2L by using the Wheatstone j. c Cable Checks cables should be subjected to a nondestructive test at higher than normal \ ~,!:;c; ', egger testing is a common practice The word trade name of a line of ohmmeters manufactured by the James G. Diddle 'y '<crtain important information regarding the quality 1\ in",', Figure 15. Lightweight battery-operated :i " .unes O.Biddle Company.) . 'HiT cable route tracer. (Courtesy 79 Transmission and Distribution 10EES3 Figure 16. Automatic digital radar cable test set. (Courtesy of James G BiddleCompany. ) and condition of insulation can be determined from regular Megger readings that is a form of preventive maintenance. For example, Figure 13 shows a portable high-resistance bridge for cable-fault-locating work. Faults can be between two conductors or between a conductor and its conducting sheath, concentric neutral, or ground. Figure 14 shows a heavy-duty cable test and faultlocating system, which can be used for either grounded or ungrounded neutral 15-kV cables. The full 100 rnA output current allows rapid reduction of high-resistance faults on cables rated 35 kV ac or higher to the level of 25 kV or lower for fault- locating purposes. Figure 15 shows a lightweight battery-operated cable route trace that can be used to locate, trace, and measure the depth of buried energized power cables'. Figure 16 shows an automatic digital radar cable test set that requires no distance calculations, insulation calibrations, or zero pulse alignments, Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 80 .. Transmission and Distribution 10EES3 UNIT-6 • LINE PARAMETERS: CALCULATION OF INDUCTANCE OF SINGLE PHASE, 3PHASE LINES WITH • EQUILATERAL & UNSYMMETRICAL SPACING. INDUCTANCE OF COMPOSITE CONDUCTOR LINES. CAPACITANCE-CALCULATION FOR TWO WIRES & THREE PHASE LINES, CAPACITANCE CALCULATION FOR TWO WIRE THREE-PHASE LINE WITH EQUILATERAL SPACING. & UNSYMMETRICAL 10 HOURS TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS THE POWER TRANSMISSION LINE IS ONE OF THE MAJOR COMPONENTS OF AN ELECTRIC POWER SYSTEM. ITS MAJOR FUNCTION IS TO TRANSPORT ELECTRIC ENERGY, WITH MINIMAL LOSSES, FROM THE POWER SOURCES TO THE LOAD CENTERS, USUALLY SEPARATED BY LONG DISTANCES. THE DESIGN OF A TRANSMISSION LINE DEPENDS ON FOUR ELECTRICAL PARAMETERS: 1. SERIES RESISTANCE 2. SERIES INDUCTANCE 3. SHUNT CAPACITANCE 4. SHUNT CONDUCTANCE THE SERIES RESISTANCE RELIES BASICALLY ON THE PHYSICAL COMPOSITION OF THE CONDUCTOR AT A GIVEN TEMPERATURE. THE SERIES INDUCTANCE AND SHUNT CAPACITANCE ARE PRODUCED BY THE PRESENCE OF MAGNETIC AND ELECTRIC FIELDS AROUND THE CONDUCTORS, AND DEPEND ON THEIR GEOMETRICAL ARRANGEMENT. THE SHUNT CONDUCTANCE 1NSULATORS AND AIR. TO NOMINAL CONDUCTANCE IS DUE TO LEAKAGE CURRENTS FLOWING ACROSS As LEAKAGE CURRENT IS CONSIDERABLY SMALL COMPARED CURRENT, IT IS USUALLY NEGLECTED, IS NORMALLY NOT CONSIDERED AND THEREFORE, SHUNT FOR THE TRANSMISSION LINE MODELING. EOUIY ALENT CIRCUIT Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 81 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution ONCE EVALUATED, THE TRANSMISSION LINE AND ARRANGEMENT OF THE LINE PARAMETERS ARE USED TO PERFORM PARAMETERS TO MODEL DESIGN CALCULATIONS. (EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT THE THE MODEL) REPRESENTING THE LINE DEPENDS UPON THE LENGTH OF THE LINE. • I. Dent Cl;' EEE, SJBIT 82 " r: I ,', LOAD LOAD \' I ,j, I EQUIVALENTCIRCUIT OF A SHORT- FIGURE 13,2 EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT OF A MEDIUM- LENGTH TRANSMISSION LINE, " ISMISSIONLINE. .. .. 83 A TRANSMISSION LINE IS DEFINED AS A SHORT-LENGTH LINE IF ITS LENGTH IS LESS THAN 80 KM (50 MILES). IN THIS CASE, THE SHUT CAPACITANCE EFFECT IS NEGLIGIBLE AND ONLY THE RESISTANCE AND INDUCTIVE REACTANCE ARE CONSIDERED. ASSUMING BALANCED CONDITIONS, THE LINE CAN BE REPRESENTED BY THE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT OF A SINGLE PHASE WITH RESISTANCE REACTANCE XL IN SERIES (SERIES IMPEDANCE), AS SHOWN IN FIG.13.l. A LENGTH BETWEEN 80 KM (50 MILES) AND LENGTH LINE AND ITS SINGLE-PHASE CIRCUIT CONFIGURATION [1]. 240 KM (150 R, MILES), THE LINE IS CONSIDERED A MEDIUM- EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT CAN BE REPRESENTED IN A NOMINAL P THE SHUNT CAPACITANCE OF THE LINE IS DIVIDED INTO TWO EQUAL PARTS, EACH PLACED AT THE SENDING AND RECEIVING ENDS OF THE LINE. FIGURE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT FOR A MEDIUM-LENGTH BOTH SHORT- PARAMETER AND AND INDUCTIVE IF THE TRANSMISSION LINE HAS MEDIUM-LENGTH 13.2 SHOWS THE LINE. TRANSMISSION LINES MODELS. HOWEVER, IF THE LINE IS LARGER THAN 240 USE APPROXIMATED LUMPED- KM, THE MODEL MUST CONSIDER PARAMETERS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED ALONG THE LINE. THE APPROPRIATE SERIES IMPEDANCE AND SHUNT CAPACITANCE ARE FOUND BY SOLVING THE CORRESPONDING DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS, WHERE VOLTAGES AND CURRENTS ARE DESCRIBED AS A FUNCTION OF DISTANCE AND TIME. FIGURE 13.3 SHOWS THE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT FOR A LONG LINE. THE CALCULATION OF THE THREE BASIC TRANSMISSION LINE PARAMETERS IS PRESENTED IN THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS [17]. 13.2 RESISTANCE THE AC RESISTANCE OF A CONDUCTOR IN A TRANSMISSION LINE IS BASED ON THE CALCULATION OF ITS DC RESISTANCE. IF DC CURRENT IS FLOWING ALONG A ROUND CYLINDRICAL CONDUCTOR, TH~ CURRENT IS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED OVER ITS CROSS-SECTION AREA AND ITS DC RESISTANCE IS EVALUATED BY Roc = pI (fl)· A. (I 3. 1) where p = conductor resistivity at a given temperature (H-m) 1 = conductor length (m) A = conductor cross-section area (rn") Z sin hr/ rf Load y tan h (rJ!2) 2 rl/2 FIGURE ll.3 Equivalentcircuit ofa long-length transmission line. Z = zl = equivalenttotal seriesimpedance (0), y= yl=equivalent total shunt admittance (:S), z=sedes impedance per unit length (O/m), y=shunt admittance per unit length (5/m), y =,;Z}' = propagation constant. IF AC CURRENT IS FLOWING, RATHER THAN DC CURRENT, THE CONDUCTOR EFFECTIVE RESISTANCE IS HIGHER DUE TO FREQUENCY OR SKIN EFFECT. Dept of EEE, SJBIT 84 .. FREQUENCY THE EFFECT FREQUENCY OF THE AC VOLTAGE RESISTANCE DUE TO THE NONUNIFORM KNOWN AS SKIN EFFECT. As PRODUCES SECOND OF THE EFFECT ON CURRENT. THE CONDUCTOR THIS PHENOMENON IS FREQUENCY INCREASES, THE CURRENT TENDS TO GO TOWARD THE SURFACE OF THE CONDUCTOR AND THE CURRENT REDUCES THE EFFECTIVE CROSS-SECTION DENSITY DECREASES AT THE CENTER. SKIN EFFECT AREA USED BY THE CURRENT, AND THUS, THE EFFECTIVE RESISTANCE INCREASES. ALSO, ALTHOUGH IN SMALL AMOUNT, OCCURS WHEN OTHER CURRENT-CARRYING CONDUCTORS ARE PRESENT IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY. A SKIN CORRECTION FACTOR K, OBTAINED • A DISTRIBUTION A FURTHER BY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS CONSIDERED TO REEVALUATE THE AC RESISTANCE. FOR RESISTANCE INCREASE AND BESSEL FUNCTIONS, 60Hz, KISESTIMATED AROUND IS 1.02 (13.2) OTHER VARIATIONS IN RESISTANCE ARE CAUSED BY 'TEMPERATURE . SPIRALING OF STRANDED CONDUCTORS BUNDLE CONDUCTORS ARRANGEMENT 13.2.2 TEMPERATURE EFFECT THE RESISTIVITY OF ANY CONDUCTIVE MATERIAL VARIES LINEARLY OVER AN OPERATING TEMPERATURE, AND THEREFORE, THE TEMPERATURE RESISTANCE RISES, THE OF ANY CONDUCTOR SUFFERS THE SAME VARIATIONS. As CONDUCTOR RESISTANCE INCREASES LINEARLY, OVER NORMAL OPERATING TEMPERATURES, ACCORDING TO THE FOLLOWING EQUATION: (13.3) I where R2 = resistance at second temperature t2 R] = resistance at initial temperature tj T = temperature coefficient for the particular material eC) Resistivity (p) and temperature coefficient (1) constants depend upon the particular conductor r.t: Table 13.1lists resistivity and temperature coefficients of some typical conductor materials [31. 13.2.3 SPIRALING AND BUNDLE CONDUCTOR EFFECT THERE .: ARE TWO TYPES OF TRANSMISSION : :'HEAD CONDUCTORS, MADE DepL of EEE, SJBIT OF NAKED LINE CONDUCTORS: METAL AND OVERHEAD SUSPENDED ON AND UNDERGROUND. INSULATORS, 85 ARE iDEES3 Transmission and Distribution PREFERRED OVER UNDERGROUND CONDUCTORS BECAUSE OF THE LOWER COST AND EASY MAINTENANCE. ALSO, OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION LINES USE ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS, BECAUSE OF THE LOWER COST AND LIGHTER WEIGHT COMPARED TO COPPER CONDUCTORS, SECTION AREA IS NEEDED TO CONDUCT TYPES OF COMMERCIALLY REINFORCED CONDUCTOR (ACSR), (AAC), AVAILABLE THE SAME AMOUNT ALUMINUM OF CURRENT. CONDUCTORS: THERE ARE DIFFERENT ALUMINUM-CONDUCTOR-STEEL- ALUMINUM-CONDUCTOR-ALLOY-REINFORCED AND ALL-ALUMINUM- ALTHOUGH MORE CROSS- (ACAR), ALL-ALUMINUM- ALLOY-CONDUCTOR (AAAC). .. TABLE 13.1 Resistivity and Temperature Coefficient of Some Conductors Material Resistivity at 2WC (H.m) Temperature Coefficient (0C) 1.59X 10-8 1.72 X 10-8 1.77 X 10-8 2.83 X 10-8 243.0 234.5 241.5 Silver Annealed copper Hard-drawn copper Aluminum 228.1 ALUMINUM STRANDS 2 LAYERS, 30 CONDUCTORS STEEL STRANDS 7 FIGURE ACSR 13.4 STRANDED ALUMINUM CONDUCTOR WlTH STRANDED STEELCORE (ACSR). IS ONE ALTERNATE ---~ CONDUCTORS OF THE MOST USED CONDUCTORS LAYERS OF STRANDED CONDUCTORS, IN TRANSMISSION LINES. IT CONSISTS OF SPIRALED IN OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS TO HOLD THE STRANDS TOGETHER, SURROUNDING A CORE OF STEEL STRANDS. FIGURE 13.4 SHOWS AN EXAMPLE OF ALUMINUM AND STEEL STRANDS COMBINATION. THE PURPOSE OF INTRODUCING A STEEL CORE INSIDE THE STRANDED ALUMINUM CONDUCTORS IS TO OBTAIN A HIGH STRENGTH-TO-WEIGHT EASIER TO MANUFACTURE RATIO. A STRANDED CONDUCTOR OFFERS MORE FLEXIBILITY AND THAN A SOLID LARGE CONDUCTOR. HOWEVER, THE TOTAL RESISTANCE IS INCREASED BECAUSE THE OUTSIDE STRANDS ARE LARGER THAN THE INSIDE STRANDS ON ACCOUNT OF THE SPIRALING [8]. THE RESISTANCE OF EACH WOUND CONDUCTOR AT ANY LAYER, PER UNIT LENGTH, IS BASED ON ITS TOTAL LENGTH AS FOLLOWS: Dept of EEE, SJBIT 86 , Transmission and Distribution Rcooo = ~ VII + (1)2 'ifp 1DEES3 (13.4) (Dim) ,,,hereRcand = resistanceof wound conductor (D) J I . + (1T~)' Prond ~ length of wound conductor (m) limn}..= re anve prtc h = -.-.- 0 f woun d con d uctor 2rJaycr • lwtn = length of one turn of the spiral (m) .21'111}'t!r~diameter ofthe layer (m) THE PARALLEL COMB INAnON OF N CONDUCTORS, WITH SAME DIAMETER PER LAYER, GIVES THE RESISTANCE PER LA YERAS FOLLOWS: Rlayer . I = -»-. (n1m) I:_!_' .. (13.5) . IRI l"" , Similarly, the total resistance of the stranded conductor is evaluated by the parallel combination of resistancesper layer. In high-voltage transmission lines, there may be more than one conductor per phase (bundle cOnfig· uration) to increase the current capability and to reduce corona effect discharge. Corona effect occurs when the surface potential gradient of a conductor exceedsthe dielectric strength of the surrounding air (30 kVfern during fairweather), producing ionization in the area dose to the conductor, with consequent corona losses,audible noise, and radio interference. As corona effect isa function of conductor diameter, fine configuration, and conductor surface condition) then meteorological conditions playa kej' role in ~s evaluation. Corona lossesunder rain or snow, for instance, are much higher than in dry weather. Corona, however, can be reduced by increasing the total conductor surface. Although corona losses rely on meteorological conditions) their evaluation takes into account the conductance between conductors and between conductors and ground. By increasing the number of conductors per phase} the \nal cross-section area increases, the current capacity increases, and the total AC resistance decreases proportionally to the number of conductors per bundle. Conductor bundles may be applied to any Depl ofEEE, SJBIT 87 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution 1 1'1( , '.., d 1 I I,. d ~ d ,., ... ... a • • (a) (c) (b) FIGURE 13.5 Stranded conductors arranged in bundles per phase of (a) two, (b) three) and (c) four. voltage but are 'alwaysused at 345 kVand above to limit corona. To maintain the distance between bundle conductors along the line,spacers made of steel or aluminum bars are used. Figure 13.5shows some typical arrangement of stranded bundle:configurations. CURRENT-CARRYING (AMPACITY) IN OVERHEAD TRANSMISSION CAPACITY LINES, THE CURRENT-CARRYING CAPACITY IS DETERMINED THE CONDUCTOR RESISTANCE AND THE HEAT DISSIPATED FROM ITS SURFACE [8]. MOSTLY BY THE HEAT GENERATED IN A CONDUCTOR (JOULE'S EFFECT) IS DISSIPATED FROM ITS SURFACE AREA BY CONVECTION AND RADIATION GIVEN BY Dept DfEEE, SJBIT 88 Transmission and Distribution 10EES3 (13.6) • where R = conductor resistance (0) I = conductor current-carrying (A) S = conductor surface area (sq. in.) W<; = convection heat loss ('IN/sq. in.) Wr= radiation heat loss (W/sq. in.) Heat dissipation by convection is defined as i' ( ) _ 0..0128# we where p = atmospheric pressure (atm) v = wind velocity (ft/s) ~.!23~ air ( 13.7) ut W dcond = conductor diameter (in.) Talc = air temperature (kelvin) ~d .:l t .=:= Tc - Tair = temperature rise of the conductor (0C) Heat dissipation by radiation is obtained from Stefan-Boltzmann law and is defined as Wr = where 36.8£ [( t; T ) 4 ( 1000)4] • air 1000'- (W/sq. in.] (13.8) We = radiation heat loss ('tVI sq. in.) E = emissivity constant (1 for the absolute black body and 0.5 for oxidized copper) T. = conductor temperature (OC) [ "ccc ambient temperature (OC) Substituting Eqs. 03.i) and (13.8) in Eq. (13.6) we can obtain the conductor ampacity at given ternperarures 1= V/s(wc + w r} (A) R 1= R 'T'I\ 1 ~.l.< al! \i AND "'." !'IL),SJBIT .(T:lOO()4 - ~r)~(A) S (At(O.OJ28v'PV) 'r '3 ItC:i + 36.8E - nd (13.9) (13.10) INDUCTIVE 89 10EES3 Transmission and Distribution A CURRENT-CARRYING CONDUCTOR. CONDUCTOR IF THE CURRENT VOLTAGE IS INDUCED. PRODUCES CONCENTRIC VARIES WITH THEREFORE, THE TIME, AN INDUCTANCE MAGNETIC FLUX LINES AROUND THE THE MAGNETIC FLUX CHANGES AND A IS PRESENT, DEFINED AS THE RATIO OF THE MAGNETIC FLUX LINKAGE AND THE CURRENT. THE MAGNETIC FLUX PRODUCED BY THE CURRENT IN TRANSMISSION LINE CONDUCTORS PRODUCES A TOTAL INDUCTANCE WHOSE MAGNITUDE DEPENDS ON THE LINE CONFIGURATION. To DETERMINE THE INDUCTANCE OF THE LINE, IT IS NECESSARY TO CALCULATE,AS IN ANY MAGNETIC CIRCUIT WITH PERMEABILITY M, THE FOLLOWING FACTORS: 1. MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY 2. 3. MAGNETIC FIELD DENSITY • H B • FLUX LINKAGE L l3.4.1 INDUCTANCE CONDUCTOR OF A SOLID, ROUND, INFINITELY LONG CONSIDER AN INFINITELY LONG, SOLID CYLINDRICAL CONDUCTOR WITH RADIUS R, CARRYING CURRENT I AS SHOWN IN FIG. CURRENT 13.6. IF THE CONDUCTOR IS MADE OF A NONMAGNETIC MATERIAL, AND THE IS ASSUMED UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED (NO SKIN EFFECT), THEN THE GENERATED INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL MAGNETIC FIELD LINES ARE CONCENTRIC CIRCLES AROUND THE CONDUCTOR WITH DIRECTION DEFINED BY THE RIGHT-HAND RULE. l3.4.2 INTERNAL MAGNETIC FLUX INDUCTANCE DUE TO INTERNAL To OBTAIN THE INTERNAL' INDUCTANCE, A MAGNETIC FIELD WITH RADIUS X INSIDE THE CONDUCTOR OF LENGTH L IS CHOSEN, AS'SHOWN IN FIG. 13.7. THE FRACTION OF THE CURRENT Ix ENCLOSED IN THE AREA OF THE CIRCLE CHOSEN IS DETERMINED BY 7rX2 Ix = J-, (A) (13.11 ) 1Tr Extarna! Field FIGURE 13.6 External and internal concentric magnetic flux lines around the conductor. Dept of EEE, SJBIT 90 iDEES3 Transmission and Distribution _--- ... ;0""..0;. ... - ---.. .' _- ... , I I ! Jx --------\ , .>:: FIGURE 13.7 Internal magnetic flux. AMPERE'S LAW DETERMINES· THE MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY Hx, CONSTANT AT ANY POINT ALONG THE CIRCLE CONTOUR AS Hx = I I' -== -x (AIm) 21Tr2 . (13.12) 21TX The magnetic flux density Bxis obtained by (13J3) where J.l = fLo = 4-rr x 10-7 HIm fur a nonmagnetic material. The differential flux: d<,6enclosed in a ring of thickness dx lOr a I-m length of conductor and the differential flux linkage dA in the respective area are d<,6= Bxdx = ~ (~) (Ix!)r 1Tx2 d<,6= -fLo .d.\ = --rrr2 2-rr (13.14) dx (Wb/m) 4 dx (Whim) (13.15) The internal flux: linkage is obtained by integrating the differential flax linkage from x = 0 to "-in! = f' .0 X = r dA = fLo I (Wb/m) 81T (13.16) . Therefore, the conductor inductance due to internal flux linkage, per unit length, becomes - "-in! 1.; rtt---I Dept ')1' LFE, SJBIT - fLo (H I m ). 81T (13.17) r 91 Transmission 10EES3 and Distribution EXTERNAL INDUCTANCE THE EXTERNAL INDUCTANCE IS EVALUATED ASSUMING THAT THE TOTAL CURRENT AT THE CONDUCTOR SURFACE (MAXIMUM FIELD CIRCLE OF RADIUS Y (FIG. DENSITY By, I IS CONCENTRATED SKIN EFFECT). AT ANY POINT ON AN EXTERNAL MAGNETIC 13.8), THE MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY H, AND THE MAGNETIC FIELD PER UNIT LENGTH, ARE Hy By = .L. (Aim) (13.18) 2-rry = /LHy = /La !_ (T) (13.19) 21T Y The differential flux d</>enclosed in a ring of thickness dy, from point DI to point D2, for a l-rn length of conductor is (13.20) As the total current I flows in the surface conductor, then the differential flux linkage dA has the same magnitude as the differential flux d</>. D2 ciA = d</>= J.Lo ~ dy (Wb/m) 270 y (B.21) The total external flux linkage enclosed by the ring is obtained by integrating from DI to D2 FIGURE 13.8 External magnetic field. Dl. '\1-2 = f (D) J.L 1JD1 -dy = _Q_ J.L I In ciA = _Q_ 270 . D, D, Y 270 _I ~ (Wb/m) (13.22) In general, the total external flux linkage from the surface of the conductor to any point D, per unit length, is Aext = J f) r J1. lin ciA = _.0 270 (D)'r' [Wb/rn] (13.23) . The summation of the internal and external flux linkage at any point D permits evaluation of the total inductance of the conductor 401> per unit length, as follows: Dept of EEE, SJBIT 92 and Distribution 'frd 1)("mission Amtl+A at =~ I [l+ln(~)] = iDEES3 :I InC_~4r) J.Lo I.(__!!_) tot = Amt+I Aut = 21f n (ill,1R L \\'h cte W : ',' (HI m (13.24) (Vvbjm) ). (13.25) H. (geometric mean radius) = e-1/4, = 0.7788r c considered as the radius of a fictitious conductor assumed to have no internal flux but t> inductance as the actual conductor with radius r. I'['.;L)LC L\.;'~CE OF A TWO-WIRE SINGLE-PHASE LINE c '" nsider a two-wire single-phase line with solid cylindrical conductors A and B \\1th the same .. arne length 1,and separated by a distance D, where D > f, and conducting the same current I, as - : ~':g. 13.9. The current flows from the source to the load in conductor A and returns in B (IA=-In). l;'.lgnetic flux generated by one conductor links the other conductor. The total flux linking ,;c, ; -\, for instance, has two components: (a) the flux generated by conductor A and (b) the flux '~,'; conductor B which links conductor A. .. in Fig. 1110, the total-flux linkage from conductors A and B at point Pis (13.26) (13.27) EIT 93 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution • D .', A Q FIGURE 13.9 where EXternal magnetic flux around conductors in a two-wire single-phase line. flux linkage from magnetic field of conductor A on conductor flux linkage from magnetic field of conductor B on conductor ASBP= flux linkage from magnetic field of conductor B on conductor AsAP = flux linkage from magnetic field of conductor A on conductor The expressions of the flux linkages above, per unit length, are AAAP= AABP= A",AP J.Lo =21T P P P P Itn. ( --DAP ) (\\'bjm) GMRA DaP J.Lo A.>lJlp = BspdP= --Itn J A at point A at point B at point B at point _ 2'lT D AsAP = fDJo.P BApdP = _ J.Lo I 2'lT •D (Dsp) -- (Wb/m) (13.29) (DAP) D (Wb/m) (13.30) D In (13.28) Assp = J.l.-o I In( _DnP __)_ (Wb/m) 21T GMRB . (13.31) The total flux linkage of the system at point P is the algebraic summation of AAP and Asp (13.32) D J.l.o _ [. ( -_-AP ) _( - D ) ( -DBP Ap =-11n 2'lT GMRA Dept ofEEE, SJBIT DAP GMRs ) ( D)] -- DsP J.Lo _ ( rY =-11n 2'lT GMRAGMRB ) (Wb/m) (13.33) 94 • •. Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 If the conductors have the same radius. TA= TS = T, and the point P is shifted to infinity, then the total flux linkage of the system becomes A = JLo I1n(__E_) GMR p ,. r h', (vVb/m) (13.34) 'IT and the total inductance per unit length becomes ~'.L )).1 0 Rux linkage of (a) conductor A at point Pand or B on conductor A at point P. Single-phase system. (13.35) g Eqs, (13.25) and (13.35), it can be seen that the inductance of the single-phase system is t', (' i nd uctance of a single co nductor, r ,I line with stranded conductors, the inductance is determined using a new GMR value ',,11:1ed GM~trnndo:h evaluated according to the number of conductors. If conductors A and B in the ;,~-phasesystem, are formed by nand m solid cylindrical identical subcondnctors in parallel, respectt~hen " h ',' .. GMRA-!trllnd~= n2 n II II Dij (13.36) Dij (13.37) i=l j=1 m GMRB-!tI'il~ = m1 m II II i=1 ]=1 GMR.tmnded for a particular cable can be found in conductor tables given by the -r, [f ,'j .; '_<_ (' !,L c": . _. \,!!':, ,e conductor is composed of bundle conductors, the inductance is reevaluated taking t the number of bundle conductors and the separation among them. The GM~und1c is to determine the final inductance value. Assuming the same separation among bundle the equation for GMRbundl£,up to three conductors per bundle, is defined as GMR" i .~ ;~:~-.lIilT bundle conductors = Vi d-1 GMR.t~ (13.38) 95 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution GMRII bundle conductors = yt dn-J GMRsmoocd (13.38) 'where n = number of conductors per bundle GMR.trand.,d = GMR of the stranded conductor d = distance between bundle conductors For four conductors per bundle with the same separation between consecutive conductors, the GIvlRlxmdl., is evaluated as GMRt bundle conductors = 1.09 {/ d3GMR$lranded (13.39) • INDUCTANCE OF A THREE-PHASE LINE The derivations for the inductance in a single-phase system can be extended to obtain the inductance per phase in a three-phase system. Consider a three-phase, three-conductor system with solid cylindrical conductors with identical radius rA, rB, and ro placed horizontally with separation P'B' Doc, and Dc~ (where D> r) among them. Corresponding currents lA' In, and lc flow along each conductor as shown in Fig. 13.11. The total magnetic flux enclosing conductor A at a point Paway from the conductors is the sum of the flux produced by conductors A, B, and C as follows: cPAP = cPAAP + cPABP + cPACP (13.40) where cPAAP= flux produced by current IA on conductor A at point P cPABP= flLLX produced by current In on conductor A at point P cPAep=flux produced by current lc on conductor A at point P Considering l-rn length for each conductor, the expressions for the fluxes above are Dept ufEEE, SJBIT 96 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 .. , FIGURE B.ll Magnetic flux produced by each conductor in a three-phase system. cPAAP = JLo In ( GMR DAPA 2"ITIA ) (13.41) (Whim) (13.42) (13.43) , SIBIT 97 Transmission and Distribution 1DEES3 The corresponding flux:linkage of conductor A at point P (Fig. 13.12) is evaluated as (13.44) having (13.45) (a) p (b) p FIGURE 13.12 Flux linkage of (a) conductor A at point P, (b) conductor B on conductor A at point 1>, and (c) conductor C on conductor A at point P. Three-phasesystem. Dept of EEE, SJBIT 98 ;\nsmission and Distribution L>!IP = J AACP = J AASP JLo. BBP dP = - 10EE53 IB in (~p) -D DAli 2Tl' Lb JLo Ic In -D BcpdP= -. DA(; (Dcp) 2Tl' \\'1<\e AAP=total flax linkage of conductor A at point (Wb/m) (13.46) (WhIm) (13.47) AD AC P '- .r= flax linkage from magnetic field of conductor A on conductor A at point P A !BP= flux linkage from magnetic field of conductor B on conductor A at point P <" ", = flux linkage from magnetic field of conductor C on conductor A at point P "'uting Eqs. (13.45) through (13.47) in Eq. (13.44) and rearranging, according to natural ,i,hin.> law, we have DAP ) AM = -fLo [ IA In ( --R- GM 21T AAP =;; [IA A + In In(Lnp) -D + lc ~B In(G1~:RJ +18 In(D:B) (U:p)] In - DAC + Ietn(D:J + 21T fLo [IAIn(DAP) + 18 In(Dsp) + Ic (Wb/m) (13.48) ] In(Dcp)] (\"lb/m) ,(13.49) ':hc arrangement ofEq. (13.48) into Eq, (13.49) is algebraically correct according to natural logarithms " .. r-wever, as the calculation of any natural logarithm must be dimensionless, the numerator in the ,;,i'.I'I$ In(l!GMRA), tn(l/DAB), and In(l/D.",c) must have the same dimension as the denominator. ;, "'.':1:" applies for the denominator in the expressions In(DAP)' In(DBP)' and In(Dcp). , a balanced three-phase system, where h + Is + Ic = 0, and shifting the point P to infinity in 'Lat DAP= DBP = DCi'> then the second part of Eq. (13.49) is zero, and the flux linkage of k< A becomes AA = J10 21T [1... In (G IR .) 1M A + Is in (DlAU.) + Ie In (D1AC.)]. (13.50) (\Vb/ m) • 99 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution Similarly. the flux linkage expressions for conductors Hand C are An =~ [IA In(~) Ac =~ [h In(~A) + In(~B) + In(G~~Rc)] + In In(~~Ra) Ia + Ie In(~e)] Ie (13.51) (\~!m) (13.52) (Wb/m) The linkage of each phase conductor depends on the three currents, and therefore, the inductance per phase is not only one as in the' single-phase system. Instead, three different inductances (self and . mutual conductor inductances) exist. Calculating theinductance values from the equations above and .arranging the equations in a matrix form we can obtain the set of inductances in the system (13.53) where AA, As. Ae = total flux linkages of "conductors A, H, and C LAA:t LSII, Lee = self-inductances of conductors A, B, and C field of conductor A at point P LAB. Lac, l..cA, LIlA> LeB, LAC = mutual inductances among conductors V{Ith nine different inductances in a simple three-phase system the analysis could be a little more complicated. However, a single inductance per phase can be obtained if the three conductors are arranged with the same separation among them (symmetrical arrangement), where D:..= DAB = Doc = L\:.A. For a balanced three-phase system (fA + Ia + Ie = O. or IA = -Is - Ie), the flux linkage of each conductor, per unit length, will be the same. From Eq, (13.50) we have (13.54) If GMR value is the same for all conductors (either single or bundle GMR), the total flux linkage expression is the same for all phases. Therefore, the equivalent inductance per phase is Lph...., = Po 2'lT .iNDUCTANCE I"INES OF TRANSPOSED Dept of} ':EE, SJBIT In( D ) (Him) GMRphas<: THREE-PHASE (13.55) TRANSMISSION 100 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution IN ACTUAL TRANSMISSION LINES, THE PHASE CONDUCTORS CANNOT MAINTAIN SYMMETRICAL ARRANGEMENT ALONG THE WHOLE LENGTH BECAUSE OF CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS, EVEN WHEN BUNDLE CONDUCTOR DIFFERENT FOR SPACERS ARE USED. WITH ASYMMETRICAL SPACING, THE INDUCTANCE WILL BE EACH PHASE, WITH A CORRESPONDING UNBALANCED VOLTAGE DROP ON EACH CONDUCTOR. THEREFORE, THE SINGLE-PHASE EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT TO REPRESENT THE POWER SYSTEM CANNOT BE USED. HOWEVER, IT IS POSSIBLE TO ASSUME SYMMETRICAL ARRANGEMENT IN THE TRANSMISSION LINE BY TRANSPOSING THE PHASE CONDUCTORS. IN A TRANSPOSED SYSTEM, EACH PHASE CONDUCTOR OCCUPIES THE LOCATION OF THE OTHER TWO PHASES FOR ONE-THIRD OF THE TOTAL LINE LENGTH AS SHOWN IN FIG. 13.13. IN DISTANCE D, (GMD) THIS CASE, THE AVERAGE DISTANCE GEOMETRICAL MEAN DISTANCE AND THE CALCULATION OF PHASE INDUCTANCE DERIVED FOR' SUBSTITUTES SYMMETRICAL ARRANGEMENT IS STILL VALID. THE INDUCTANCE PER PHASE PER UNIT LENGTH IN A TRANSMISSION LINE BECOMES J.Lo ( GMD ) . .' Lp"""" = 21T In G~fRp"""" (Him) (13.56) Once the inductance per phase is obtained. the inductive reactance per unit length is (13.57) A C A B B G ><= c ><= A B 1---------------------+-------------------------+---------------------., //3 //3 1/3 FIGURE 13.13 Arrangement of conductors ill a transposed line. CAPACITANCE REACTANCE CAPACITANCE EXISTS CAPACITIVE AND AMONG TRANSMISSION LINE CONDUCTORS DIFFERENCE. To EVALUATE THE CAPACITANCE BETWEEN CONDUCTORS WITH PERMITTIVITY «, DUE TO THEIR POTENTIAL IN A SURROUNDING MEDIUM IT IS NECESSARY TO DETERMINE THE YOLTAGE BETWEEN THE CONDUCTORS, AND THE ELECTRIC FIELD STRENGTH OF THE SURROUNDING. CAPACITANCE CONDUCTOR CONSIDER OF A SOLID, CYLINDRICAL, PERMITTIVITY «0, A SINGLE-SOLID LONG CONDUCTOR AND WITH A CHARGE OF Q" WITH RADIUS COULOMBS PER METER, UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED ON THE SURFACE. THERE IS A CONSTANT ELECTRIC FIELD STRENGTH Dept of EEE, SlBIT R, IN A FREE SPACE WITH ON THE SURFACE OF CYLINDER 101 1DEES3 Transmission and Distribution (FIG. 13.14). THE RESISTIVITY OF THE CONDUCTOR IS ASSUMED TO BE ZERO (PERFECT CONDUCTOR), WHICH RESULTS IN ZERO INTERNAL ELECTRIC FIELD DUE TO THE CHARGE ON THE CONDUCTOR. THE CHARGE QI> PRODUCES AN ELECTRIC FIELD RADIAL TO THE CONDUCTOR WITH EQUIPOTENTIAL SURFACES CONCENTRIC TO THE CONDUCTOR. ACCORDING TO GAUSS'S LAW, THE TOTAL ELECTRIC FLUX LEAVING A CLOSED SURFACE IS EQUAL TO THE TOTAL THEREFORE, AT AN OUTSIDE POINT CHARGE P INSIDE THE VOLUME ENCLOSED BY THE SURFACE. SEPARATED X METERS FROM THE CENTER OF THE CONDUCTOR, THE ELECTRIC FIELD FLUX DENSITY AND THE ELECTRIC FIELD INTENSITY ARE Density], =!1 = _1_ (C) A (13.59) 21TX Bectrie Field Lines FIGURE 13.14 Electricfieldproduced from a single conductor. Dept of EEE, SJBIT 102 ----- - --------------------------------------- Trausunssion and Distribution 10EES3 ~.~A!§.:::::;.~~·i<iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ep = Densityp = _q_ (Vim) S (13.60) 21TSOX where Den"ityp= electric flux density at point P electric field intensity at point P A = surface of a concentric cylinder with l-m length and radius x (nr') E::::' t'7) = ~: = permittivity of free space assumed for the conductor (F/m) The potential difference or voltage difference between two outside points PI and Pz 'with correspondipi! jl':- r., ,", Xl and Xl from the conductor center is defined by integrating the electric field intensity fro n: 1 .' ;.'~ Vi-2 = X: J ::r, dx Ep-- = X JX! -'-"q ---dx =.--.q x, 2»so x 21TSo [Xl] In __ (V) Xl Then, the capacitance between points PI and Pz is evaluated as q C'-2 2»&0 =V = -[ 1-2 I X2 n- . . ] (13,62) (F/m). XI If point Pj is located at the conductor surface (XI = r); and 'point P2 is located at ground surface below the conductor (Xl = h), then the voltage of the conductor and the capacitance between the conductor and. :C"'.'.,' . are q Vcond = --. 2'lT&0 In [It] - (V) q 4ond-groWld = Vo:md (13.63) r -rhl 2m>"o.... = In - (13.64) (F/m) r ,\ P.\( IT ".>l'CE OF A SINGLE-PHASE LINE WITH Two , TWO-WIRE SINGLE-PHASE LINE WITH CONDUCTORS A AND B WITH THE SAME RADIUS R, <:FT'..\p.:. '·:liCL '; T~V A DISTANCE r: '.ONDUCTOR D > RA AHASA AND RB. THE CONDUCTORS ARE ENERGIZED BY A VOLTAGE SOURCE CHARGE QP AND CONDUCTOR BA CHARGE Q AS SHOWN IN FIG. 13.15. THE CHARGE ON EACH CONDUCTOR GENERATES INDEPENDENT ELECTRIC FIELDS. CHARGE QP ON COND\JCTC~ ( r.; ~: l~_,\ •> .. ' A /'. VOLTAGEVAH_A BETWEEN BOTH CONDUCTORS. SIMILARLY,CHARGE Q ON CONDUCTOR :, , ;~SA VOLT AGE V AB-B BETWEEN CONDUCTORS . 'JBrr 103 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution D D A FIGURE 13.15 Electricfield produced from a two-wire single-phasesystem. V:-O\B-A is calculated by integrating the electric field intensity, due to the charge on conductor A, on conductor B from r; to D (13.65) VAB-S is calculated by integrating the electric field intensity due to the charge on conductor B from D to VAB-U J'" Eudx =--In-q = D 2~EO [f'- B] YB (13.66) D The total voltage is the sum of the generated voltages VAH-A and VAB-B Vw = VAll-A + VAll-B = -- [D] q 2~EO In - rA - -- q 2~EO In [rB]. - = -- q . D 2~EO .[..D2 In-. - ] If the conductors have the same radius, fA = fS= 1; then the voltage between conductors capacitance between conductors CAB' for a l-m line length are ~~B = .s. In [D]r 1TEO (V) ~EO CAB = [D] In - (F/m) (13.67) .rAlll VAS> and the (13.68) (13.69) r The voltage between each conductor and ground (G) (Fig. 13.16) is one-half of the voltage between the two G~;;dl1cl.(':-~. Therefore, the capacitance from either line to ground is twice the capacitance between lines Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 104 Transmlssion and Distribution VAB VBG = 2 (V) VAG = CAG = - 10EE53 q VAG 21TSo = -_ (F/m) (13.70) (13.71) In [~] .. q+ A ~~--~~I--~ B . VAG ') Capacitance between line to ground in a two-wire single-phaseline. {·.\P \{!! .'.NCE OF A THREE-PHASE LINE 105 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution Consider a three-phase line with the same voltage magnitude between phases, and assuming a balanced system with abc (positive) sequence such that llA+ qa + qc =0. The conductors have radii rA' ra. and rc. and the space between conductors are DAB>DBC> and DAC (where DAB. Dac. and DAc > rA. ra. and rd· Also, the effect of earth and neutral conductors is neglected. The expression for voltages between two conductors in a single-phase system can be extended to obtain the voltages between conductors in a three-phase system. The expressions for VAB and VAC are (13.72) (13.73) If the three-phase system has triangular arrangement with equidistant conductors such that DAB = DBC = DAC = D, with the same radii for the conductors such that rA=rs = rc = r (where D > r), the expressions for \fAB and v...c are VAS ~ 2:" ~ 2~" VAC ~ 2:eo [qAIO [~] + ~m ~2~e. Dept;' r' j:.' ~E, SJBIT [q.m [~] +q.ln [q.m [~] + q,m [qAm [~] [~l [~ll [~ll +qcln (V) (13.74) [~l + qcln [;]] +90k[~]] (V) (13.75) 106 Transmission and Distribution 1DEES3 Balanced line-to-line voltages with sequence abc, expressed in terms of the line-to-neutral voltage are where VAN is the line-to-neutral voltage. Therefore, VAN can be expressed in terms of VAD and ~c as VAN = VAn + VAC (13.76) 3 and thus, substituting. ~<\B and VAN ~ ~e, VAC from Bqs, (13.67) and (13.68) we have [[qAln [~] .. ~ ~so [2q.ln + qsln + [qAill [;]] [~l(qs +qc) ill [;]] + [~] + ~ln [;]]] (V) (13.77) Under balanced conditions qA + tin + lJc= 0, or -q ....= (qB + qc ) then, the final expression for the lineto-neutral voltage is VAN = -2 1 qA In 'ITSo [D]r (V) (13.78) The positive sequence capacitance per unit length between phase A and neutral can now be obtained. The same result is obtained for capacitance between phases Band C to neutral qA CAN = v- 2'ITSo = . AN CAPACIT ANCE OF STRANDED [D] In- (13.79) CP/m) r BUNDLE CONDUCTORS THE CALCULATION OF THE CAPACITANCE IN THE EQUATION ABOVE IS BASED ON 1. SOLID CONDUCTORS WITH ZERO RESISTIVITY (ZERO INTERNAL ELECTRIC FIELD) 2. CHARGE UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED 3. EQUILATERAL SPACING OF PHASE CONDUCTORS IN ACTUAL TRANSMISSION LINES, THE RESISTIVITY OF THE CONDUCTORS PRODUCES A SMALL INTERNAL ELECTRIC FIELD AND THEREFORE, THE ELECTRIC FIELD AT THE CONDUCTOR SURFACE IS SMALLER THAN THE ESTIMATED. HOWEVER, THE DIFFERENCE IS NEGLIGIBLE FOR PRACTICAL PURPOSES. BECAUSE OF THE PRESENCE OF OTHER CHARGED CONDUCTORS, NONUNIFORM, is THE CHARGE DISTRIBUTION IS AND THEREFORE THE ESTIMATED CAPACITANCE IS DIFFERENT. HOWEVER, THIS EFFECT NEGLIGIBLE FOR MOST PRACTICAL CALCULATIONS. IN A LINE WITH STRANDED CONDUCTORS, THE CAPACITANCE IS EVALUATED ASSUMING A SOLID CONDUCTOR WITH THE SAME RADIUS AS THE OUTSIDE RADIUS OF THE STRANDED CONDUCTOR. MOST TRANSMISSION THIS PRODUCES A NEGLIGIBLE DIFFERENCE. LINES DO NOT HAVE EQUILATERAL SPACING OF PHASE CONDUCTORS. THIS CiiLSLS U;FtERENCES BETWEEN THE L1NE-TO-NEUTRAL CAPACITANCES OF THE THREE PHASES. HOWEVER, f)cni (' 1'1 FE.. SJBIT 107 10EES3 Transmission and Distribution TRANSPOSING THE PHASE CONDUCTORS BALANCES THE SYSTEM RESULTING IN EQUAL LINE-TO-NEUTRAL CAP ACITANCE FOR EACH PHASE AND IS DEVELOPED IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER Consider a transposed three-phase line with conductors having the same radius r, and with space between conductors DAB, ~,and DAC , where DAB,Doc, and DAc > r. Assuming abc positive sequence, the expressions for VABon the first, second, and third section of the transposed line are VABflut = 2~eo [qA In [D;B] + ~ In [v'AB] + qcln[~:]] = 2:'80 [qAIn (13.80) [~~]J (V) (13.81) [D;c] + qs In [O:c) + qc In [~]] (V) (13.82) v.~second = 2~eo [qAln[r;c] + qnln[~] v.~third (V) + qC1n Similarly, the expressions for VAC on the first. second, and third section of the transposed line are VAC firn V.~C5«ond = 2~eo [~ln[ D;c] + qsIn [::] = 2~eo [qAln[D;B] + qnln[~~J VACthird= 2~80 [~dn[n;c] +_--qB In [~:] + ~ In [;~]] + qC1n[;AB]] + ~ln[;oc]] (13.83) (l3.84) (13.85) Taking the average value of the three sections, we have the final expressions of VAS and VAC in the transposed line Dept of EEE, SJBIT 108 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 (13.86) (13.87) For a balanced system where =q« = (qB + qc), the phase-to-neutral voltage VA.>;! (phase voltage) is (13.88) where GMD = ~/DABDBCDO\ = geometrical mean distance for a three-phase line. For bundle conductors, an equivalent radius r., replaces the radius r of a single conductor and is determined by the number of conductors per bundle and the spacing of conductors. The'expression of rc is similar to GMRbundle used in the calculation of the inductance per phase, except that tbe actual outside tJdhlo ,;f the conductor is used instead of the G~IRpb"sr. Therefore, the ex-pressionfor YAN is ¥:\N transp = -2-1 1rEo [GMD] qA. In-re (V) (13.89) where r" = (d"-lr)l/n=equivalent radius for up to three conductors per bundle (m) fr 1.09 (d3t)I/4 = equivalent radius for four conductors per bundle (m) (I distance between bundle conductors (rn) i, -:number of conductors per bundle i ,;:'" , l~iC capacitance and capacitive reactance, per unit length. from phase to neutral can be CAN tramp = XAN trsnsp I I·J. SJBIT = qA 21rso (') = --:r;-::G:-:-"-1D=-=-] FI'm AN tramp In •..~i;e . 1T I' 1 21r/C r\Ntransp = _.._1_. In [GMDJ. (Him) 41rfEo f.,. (13.90) (13.91) 109 Transmission and Distribution 1DEES3 CAPACITANCE DUE TO EARTH'S SURFACE CONSIDERING A SINGLE-OVERHEAD SEPARATED A DISTANCE H FROM CONDUCTOR WITH A RETURN PATH THROUGH TH.E EARTH, EARTH'S SURFACE, THE CHARGE OF THE EARTH WOULD BE EQUAL IN MAGNITUDE TO THAT ON THE CONDUCTOR BUT OF OPPOSITE SIGN. IF THE EARTH IS ASSUMED AS A PERFECTLY CONDUCTIVE HORIZONTAL PLANE WITH INFINITE LENGTH, THEN THE ELECTRIC FIELD LINES WILL GO FROM THE CONDUCTOR TO THE EARTH, PERPENDICULAR TO THE EARTH'S SURFACE (FIG. 13.17). H Earth's Surface FIGURE 13.17 Distribution of electric field lines from an overhead conductor to earth's surface. To calculate the capacitance, the negative charge of the earth can be replaced by an equivalent charge of an image conductor with the same radius as the overhead conductor, lying just below the overhead conductor (Fig. 13.18). The same principle can be extended to calculate the capacitance per phase of a three-phase system. Figure 13.19 shows an equilateral arrangement of identical single conductors for phases A, B, and C carrying the charges qA, qa, and qc and their respective image conductors A', B', and C'. DA, DB, and Dc are perpendicular distances from phases A, B,and C to earth's surface. DAA" DBll', and Dcc' are the perpendicular distances from phases A, B, and C to the image conductors A', B', and C', \hltage VAncan be obtained as V:"8= _1_ qA In[~AB] +... q8 In [D'IlJ + QC.I0. [~k] -..j :\ AS 21iEo [ -iJAln [D'_'-.\B 1] D.~A!. Dept ofEEE, SJBIT AC [Dsc] - qn In [DaB - QC1n 1] DAB! (V) (13.92) D,K' 110 • Transmission and Distribution iDEES3 • , Equivalent Earth Charge FlC,L'RE 13.18 Equivalent image.conductor representing the charge of the earth. III 10EES3 Transmission and Distribution Beqs Overhead Conductors crOcI : ,, Dc I , Image Conductors FIGURE 13.19 Arrangement of image conductors in a three-phase transmission line. As overhead conductors are identical, then r = arrangem~nt, D=DAO = Doc = DCA rs: = ro= rc. Also, as the conductors have equilateral Similarly, expressions for Voc and \j.c are Dept of EEE, SJBIT 112 Transmission and Distribution ~2~; [-qAln VBC VAC ~ 'uo The [q+ .~\ oltage VAN +q.H~] -In [~]) [~] [0,] -In [~]) - qsm iDEES3 +qc( ln [ti] - In[;;])] (V) (13.94) [~:l qc [~l- 1 + (In In[~:]) (V) (13.95) becomes, through algebraic reduction, • (13.96) Therefore, the phase capacitance CAN' per unit length, is C:<\N =- IJA v'\N 2'lT80 .3 = In (~J ln = (F/m) [t~::.~:~:] (13.97) Equations (13.79) and (13.97) have similar expressions, except for the term In «DAlY Dsc DCA,)113/(DAA' Dln, '1/3) included in Eq. (13.97), That term represents the effect of the earth on phase increasing its total value. However, the capacitance increment is really small, and is usually aI)""';"'6 -rause distances from overhead' conductors to ground are always greater than distances ;·..·,;..luctors. (' Characteristics ), ~ 1 ,"') , of Overhead Conductors , and 13.2b present typical values of resistance, inductive reactance and capacitance react.t length, of ACSR conductors. The size of the conductors (cross-section area) is specified in , , ,'<11eters and kcmil, where a emil is the cross-section area of a circular conductor 'with a ; 1/ 1000 in. The tables include also the approximate current-carrying capacity of the j assuming 60 Hz, wind speed of 1.4 mijh, and conductor and air temperatures of 75"C , .spectively Tables 13.3a and 13.3b present the corresponding characteristics of AACs. ". ,3IT 113 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution UNIT-7 PERFORMANCE TR.-LINES, NOMINAL T OF POWER TRANSMISSION LINES- SHORT TR.-LlNES, MEDIUM METHOD, END CONDENSER METHOD, IT METHOD AND LONG TRANSMISSION LINES, ABeD CONSTANTS OF TRANSMISSION LINES, POWER FLOW THROUGH LINES, P-V & Q-V COUPLING. 10 HOURS SHORT TRANSMISSION UNES (UP TO 50 rnl, OR 80 km) In the case of a short transmission line, the capacitance and leakage resistance to the earth are usually neglected, as sbown in Figure 2.23. Therefore, the transmission line can be treated as a simple, lumped, and constant impedance, that is. .. Z==R+jXL =zl ;; rl+ jxl n (2.163) where Z = total series impedance per phase in ohms z = series impedance of one conductor in ohms per unit length XL = total inductive reactance of one conductor ill ohms x ==inductive reactance of one conductor in ohms per unit length I;;;; length of line The current entering the line at the sending end of the line is equal to the current leaving at the receiving end. Figures 2.24 and 2.25 show vector (or phasor) diagrams for a short transmission line connected to- an inductive load and a capacitive load, respectively, It can be observed from the figures that V.l =Vn + IRZ (2.164) Is= III = I (2.165) Vfl==VS-JRZ (2.166) where Vs "'"sending-end phase (line-to-neutral) voltage VR = receiving-end phase (line-to-neutral) voltage Is = sending-end phase current Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 114 .. IDEES3 Transmission and Distribution IS~ IR_"" ..... y Sending end + Vs y a' y + Vn (50urce) end (source) NO--------------------------------------ON' . Figure 2.23. Equi..'alent circuit of short transmissionline. .. ' '~':E,SJBIT Receiving 115 Transmission and Distribution lOEES3 Agure 2.24. Phasor diagram of short transmission line to inductive load. IR = receiving-end phase current Z = total series impedance per phase Therefore, using the reference. equation (2.164) can be written as (2.167) where the plus or minus sign is determined by 4> If' the power factor angle 'of the receiving end or load. If the power factor is lagging. the minus sign is employed. On the other hand, if it is leading. the plus sign is used. However. if equation (2.166) is used, it is convenient to use Vs as the reference. Therefore. VR =Vs - (Is cos <Ps± Jls sin <lls)(R (2.168) + jX) where €J>s is the sending-end power factor angle, that determines. as before. whether the plus or minus sign will be used. Also, from Figure 2.24, using VIt as the reference vector 7 Vs = V(VR + IR Dept of EEE, SJBIT COS<l>R + IX sin (I>}l)2 + (IA'''COS4>R ± IR sin 4>R)4 (2.169) 116 .msmission and Distribution ""~">">,~,,.,,,,,,~, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~ iDEES3 Ys VB Figure 2..25. Phasor diagram of short transmission line connected to capacitive load. and load angle (2.170) or ~ (I = tan -1 IX cos <l>R ± lR sin <})R VR + lR cos4tR + IX sin <PH > (2.171) > The generalized constants, or ABeD parameters, can be determined by inspection of Figure 2.23. Since [::]=[~ ~][~;] (2.172) and AD - BC = 1, where A=l B=Z C=o (2.173) 0= 1 then (2.174) and Lic 'I ;! r: S.JBIT 117 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution The transmission efficiency of the short line can be expressed as .,.,= output input _ V3VRI cos 4>R - V3Vsl cos <l>s _ VR cos <l>R - Vs costl>s (2.175) Equation (~.175) is applicable whether the line is single phase or three phase. The transmission efficiency can also be expressed as _ Y1 - output. output + losses For a single-phase line, (2.176) For a three- phase line, (2.177) 2.17.1 Steady-State Power Limit Assume that the impedance of a short transmission line is given as Z = Zj_g_. Therefore, the real power delivered, at steady state, to the receiving end of the transmission line can be expressed as . PA = Vs X VR Z . cos(8 - 0) - 2 It V z cos 0 (2.178) and similarly, the reactive power delivered can be expressed as (2.179) of EEE, SJBIT 118 lOEES3 T!"-mslnission and Di~;trlbution If Vs and VR are the line-to-neutral voltages, equations (2.178) and (2.179) give PR and QR values per phase. On the other hand, if the obtained PRand Q8 values are multiplied by 3 or the line-to-line values of Vs and VIl are employed, the equations give the three-phase real and reactive power delivered to a balanced load at the receiving end of the line. If, In equation (2.178), all variables are kept constant with the exception of I), so that the real power delivered, PR• is a function of ~ only, PI{ is maximum when I) = e. and the maximum power t obtainable at the receiving end for 8' given regulation can be expressed as Z~ (VV;Z - R). V2 PR,m..,. = (2.180) where Vs and VI! are the phase (Iine-to-neutral) voltages whether the system is single phase or three phase. The equation can also be expressed as vi x cos 9 (2.181) Z • Also called the steady-state power limit. SJBIT 119 lOEES3 Transmission and Distribution If Vs = vR' (2.182) or (2.183) aod similarly, the corresponding reactive power delivered to the load is given by . .QJ R = .v1 - __..! Z sin (J (2.184) As can be observed. both equations (2.183) and (2.184) are independent of Vs voltage. The negative sign in equation (2.184) points out tha·[ the load is a sink ofleading vars,' that is, going to the load or a source of Iagging VaTS (i.e., from the load to the supply). The total three-phase power transmitted on the three-phase line is three 'times the power calculated by using the above equations. If the voltages are given in volts, the power is expressed in watts or vars. Otherwise. if they are given in kilovolts, the power is expressed in megawatts or megavars. In a similar manner, the real and reactive powers for the sending end of a transmission line can be expressed as v:~Z V 2. _ Vs X Ps-Zcoso- R cos(8+o) (2.185) sin(8 + 8) (2.186) and QS = V x V2 Z sin (J __l. - S Z v R If, in equation (2.185). as before. all variables are kept constant with the exception of 8, so that the real power at the sending end, Ps' is a function of l) only, Ps is a maximum when (J + 0 = 180" , For many decades, [he electrical utility industry has declined to recognize two different kinds of reactive power, leading and lagging ~'aT.f.Only magnetizing ~'ar$are recognized, printed on varmeter seals pJates, bought, and sokl. Therefore, in [he following sections, the leading Of. lagging van will be referred 10 R!>magnetizing vars. '(Ii of EEE, SJBIT 120 ........c- '1r.rnsmisslon and Distribution ".0;<,....... '· 10EE53 ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~ Therefore, the maximum power at the sending end. the maximum input power. can be expressed as (2.187) or (2.188) However. jf Vs = YR' (2.189) and similarly. the corresponding reactive power at the sending end, the maximum input vars, is given by v1 Qs = Z$.SIO (J (2.190) As can be observed, both equations (2.189) and (2.190) are independent of VI'fvoltage, and equation (2.190) has a positive sign this time. 2.17.2 Percent Voltage Regulation The voltage regulation of the line is defined by the rise in voltage when full oad is removed, that is, Iv I-IVRI (2.191) = . sIVRI' x 100 Percentage of voltage regulation or • Percentage of voltage regulation t ee IV.'tt~ll-IVRFLI IV'" x 100 • II.Ft (2.192) where IVsl = magnitude of sending-end phase (line-to-neutral) voltage at no load IVIfl = magnitude . of receiving-end phase (line-to-neutral) voltage at full load • For further information sec: Stevenson SJBIT 13. p, 97), 121 lOEES3 Transmission and Distribution IV,q,NL.1 = magnitude of receiving-end voJtage at no load IVR.FLI=: magnitude of receiving-end voltage at full load with con- stant IVsl Therefore, if the load is connected at the receiving end of the line, and An approximate expression for percentage of voltage regulation is , (R cos¢> :± X sin Percentage of voltage re~ulatlOn;::;' lit . ltv . EXAMPLE ¢l ) R X R 100 (2.193) 2.5 A three-phase, 6o..Hz overhead short transmission line has a line-to-line voltage of 23 leV at the receiving end, a total impedance of 2.48 ± j6.57 01 phase, and a load of 9 MW with a receiving-end I.lgglllg power factor of 0.85. (a) Calculate line-to-neutral and line-to-line voltages at sending end. (b) Calculate load angle. Solution Method I: Using complex algebra: (a) The line-to-neutral reference voltage is VR{L'L) VR(L-N) = = V3 23 X lO} L!!. v'3 ....."'"13,294.8 is!.. V The line current is 9Xl~ ..' I ::; V3 )( 23 x l()~x 0.85 x (0.85 - ,0.527) Dept of EEE, SJBIT =: 266.1(0.85 - 10.527) =:; 226.19 - j140.24 A 122 lOEES3 and Di~;l:ribution Transrnission Therefore, IZ = (226.19 - jI40.24)(2.48 + j6.57) = 266.1/-31.8° x 7.02/69.32 0 = 1868.95 L37.52°V Thus, the line-to-neutral voltage at the sending end is VS(L.N) ... VR(L-N) + IZ = 14,820 /4.4 0 V The line-to-line voltage at the sending end is = V3VS(L_N) VS(L'U ;:: 25,640 V (b) The load angle is 4.4°. Method II. Using I as the reference: (a) VR cos <IlR + IR;;; 13,294.8 x 0.85 + 266.1 x 2.48 ~ 11.960 VR sin!l>R + IX = 13,294.8 x 0.527 + 266.1 x 6.57;;; 8754 Then ~~jL-N);:: (11,960.52 + 8754.662)1I2 314,820 V/phase VS(L-L) =25,640 ( '" -I b) tlls='¥R+8=tan c5 = 4>s - 8754 n,960 V = 36.20 4>R = 36.2 - 31.8 = 4.40 Method III. Using VR as the reference: (a) VS(L-N) = [(VR + IR cos 4>8 + IX + (IX cos ¢lR IR cos <l>R =: - sin ¢JR)2 IR sin <l>R)2f2 266.1 x 2.48 x 0.85;;;;;;560.9 IR sin <l>R = 266.1 X 2.48 X 0.527 -- 347.8 IX cos <l> R = 266.1 X 6.57 x 0.85 = 1486.0 sin 4tR = 266.1 X 6.57 x 0.527 = 921.0 J){ ! 'j.:, SJBIT 123 Transmission lOEE53 and Distribution Therefore, V$(I.._N) = [(13,294.8 + 560.9 + 921.0)2 + (1486.0 - 347.8)2JI/2 = [14,776.72 + 1138.22)112 s=r 14,820V V3VS(L_I..) VS(L-L) ... S;;25,640V s: _ -I 1138.2 _ e (."b)" ....tan 14,776.7 - 4.4 Method IV. Using power relationships: Power Joss in tbe line is P10$S = 3i1.R "",; j x 266.12 x 2.48 X 10-6 = 0.521 MW Total input power to tbe line is PT= P+ PI"'" =9 + 0.527 = 9.52iMW Var loss in the line is QI".. =312X =3 X 266.12 X 6.57 X 10-6:;;; 1.396 Mvar lagging Total rnegavar input to the line is Psin 4>R Q r = cos.p +Q ID~' R = 9 x 0.527 0.85 + 1.396 = 6.976 Mvar Jdgg,mg Total megavolrampere input to the line is ST=VP~+Q~ "'"V9.5272 () V a + 6.9762 = 11.81 MVA ~ Sr S(L.-.L} - V31 11.81 x 106 = V3 x 266_1 ;;; 25,640 Dert ofEEE, SJBIT V 124 Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 P (b) cos e, = S~ 9.527 . = 11.81 :::;0.807 laggmg Therefore. = 36.2" €l>s 5 = 36.2" - 31.8" = 4.4° Method V. Treating the three-phase line as a single-phase line and having Vs and VR represent line-to-line voltages, not line-to-neutral voltages: . (a) Power delivered is 4.5 MW 4.5 X 106 IU"e ,:: 23 X 10) x 0.85 -= 230. 18·A =:? x 2.48 = 4.960 X;oop·= 2 x 6.57 = 13.140 . Rlcop VR cos <l>R = 23 X 103 x 0.85 = 19,550 V Vn sin <l>R == 23 X 10l x 0.527:::: 12,121 V IR =230.18 x 4.96 -= 1141.7 V IX = 230.18 x 13.14"" 3024.6 V Therefore. VS(L-L) = [(VR COS<l>R + IR)"l + (VR sin <PR + IX)2fl2 = [(19.,550 + 1141.7)2 + (12,121 + 3024.6)2],12 = [20,691.72 + 15,145.61JIIZ ~25.640V .. Thus, VS(L.L) VS(L.N) -= V3 = 14,820 V ( .. (b) <ls = tan -I a = 36:2" - "I f L~EE,SJBIT 15,145.6 20,691.7 36 20 = . 31.8" ""4.4" 125 Transmission 10EES3 and Distribution 2.6 EXAMPLE Calculate percentage of voltage regulation for the values given in Example 2.5. (a) Using equation (2.191). (b) Using equation (2.193). Solution (a) Using equation (2.191). = IVS~;JVklx 100 Percentage of voltage regulation = . 14,820 - 13,294.8 x 100 13.294.8 =11.5 (b) Using equation (2.193). Percentage of voltage regulation =1 R cos <)JR + X sin <)JR VR R = 266 1 2.48 xO.SS . xl 00 + 6.57 x 0.5?7 x 100 13,294.8 . = 11.2 Representation of Mutual Impedance of Short Lines Figure 2.26(a) shows a circuit of two lines. x and y, that have selfimpedances of ZH and Zn. and mutual impedance of Z:t)" Its equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 2.26(b). Sometimes, it may be required to preserve the electrical identity of the two lines. as shown in Figure 2.27. The mutual impedance ZXY can be in either line and transferred to the other by means of a transformer that has a 1: 1 turns ratio. This technique is aJso applicable for three-phase lines. ExAMPLE 2.7 Assume that the mutual impedance between two parallel feeders is 0.09 + jO.3fl/mi per phase. The self-impedances of the feeders are 0.604 /50.4° and 0.567 /52.9° O/mi per phase, respectively. Represent the mutual impedance between the feeders as shown in Figure 2.26(b). Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 126 lOEE53 Transmission and Distribution 1 ~1 Zn - Z-'JI Figure 2.27. Representation of mutual impedance between two circaits by means of 1: 1 transformer. Solution Zry == 0.09 + jO.3 n = 3.85 + jO.465 fl /52.fJO = 0.342 + jO.452 n Zu"" 0.604/50.40 Zy, ,."0.567 Therefore, z...- Zxy Zy'I - = 0.295 + jO.l65 fl Z~y = 0.252 + jO.152 n Hence, the resulting equivalent circuit is shown in Figure 2.28. 0,09 + jO,3 0 Fjgure 2.28 ,. .E, SJBIT 127 Transmission IOEES3 and Distribution 2.18 MEDIUM-LENGTH TRANSMISSION LINES (UP TO 150 ml, OR 240km) As the line length and VOJt:I~C Increase, the use of the formulas developed for the short transmission hues grve inaccurate results. Therefore, the effect of the current leaking through the capacitance must be taken into account for a better approximation. Thus. the shunt admittance is "lumped" at a few points along the line and represented by forming either a T or a Il network, as shown in Figures 2.29 and 2.30. In the figures, Z=zl For the T circuit shown in Figure 2.29, Vs=IsX }Z+IRx!Z+V,R = [Ill + (VR + III x ~Z)YHZ + VR + lR~Z or (2.194) B A and or Is= .__. Y X VR + (1 C Alternatively. + 4ZY)IR (2.195) D neglecting conductance so that and yields Ic=VcXY Vc=VR+IRX Dept of EEE, SJBIT !Z 128 6ZI lJ8fS puc (ZOZ'z) J;)lSUtlJl JO 'x!l~eut (WZ'z) J~l;)utl!Jt?d l!n:ll!::J Ip.Jauaa S;)WO"~q 'lq..llcm "lfl <l~nJI!;) .l-ltlU~WOll{! ..I0J - Zk~ + t =0 (ooz'Z) X=:) ZX¥+t=v (S61'Z) lZXt +Z= (661'Z) a a ;) ............. H1(Azi + I) + HA x A =.$"I (L61'Z) A(zi x HI + HA) + HI = X X;)A+ 11'1 = ;;,II+)il "" sl '081V v (961'Z) .. JO (Zf)l(ZAf +l)IfI+AIfAJ+Zt xHI+HA= z~x sl + JA= SA £53301 on 0: ..... If[ X ~ .uars 'tEI3 .10 V Z + HA(ZX¥ + r)::= sA lO Z(UI + itA x Ai) + llA= sA '(SOZ'Z) uouanbe OlU! (LOZ'Z) uouenbo 8U!lnmsqns Ag (80,'Z) 'OSYV (LQZ'Z:) <I _____..._...... ~I(ZA (90Z'Z) ~ f + I) + lfA(Z,A f + x) =.\'I JO iiI + lfAx X ¥ + X HH1Z + NA(ZA '(SOZ'C:) uopsnba i + OJ = sl OlU! (POZ'Z) uonenbo gU!lOlnsqnS Ag pUB 0: V (toz'C;) JO £53301 In lJ8JS pu(: (61Z'Z) ZzA ~ + A] ""[0 ZAy+t ZAt (L.IZ"Z) (91Z'Z) V•. ] J II + 1""0 Zc;At +A =::) (~IC:"Z) z=g ZAt + I =V (vIZ''l) o (£I~'Z) t11(ZX J ...----.. t + T) + ~A(ZtA.~ + A) = $1 lO HIZAY = sl + ~A(zxi + 1)A.f + til + IIAX f «ZYZ'Z) uonenbe 01O! (LOZ'C:) uO!lunb~ jU!lnlHsqns ~q .. (ZlZ'Z) ' HIZ x A. f + HA(Z.\f (HZ'Z) '(OIZ'Z) uopanba + I)A i= 1.')1 OlU! (6OZ'l:) uopsnbo ~unnmsqns AS pue !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!'.'!"'""'.... .".""'",,~'"~': £53301 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution As can be proved easily by using a delta-wye transformation, the nominal-T and nominal-Il circuits are not equivalent to each other. This result is to be expected since two different approximations are made to the actual circuit, neither of which is absolutely correct. More accurate results can be obtained by splitting the line into several segments, each given by its nominal-T or nominal-Tl circuits and cascading the resulting segments. Here, the power loss in the line is given as (2.221) which varies approximately as the square of the through-line current. The reactive powers absorbed and supplied by the line are given as (2.222) and (2.223) respectively. The Q L varies approximately as the square of the through line current, whereas the Qc varies approximately as the square of the mean line voltage. The result is that increasing transmission voltages decrease the reactive power absorbed by the line tor heavy loads and increase the reactive power supplied by the line for light loads. The percentage of voltage regulation for the medium-length transmission line's is given by Stevenson [31 as . Percentage of voltage regulation= IVsl/~AI- iVR,FLI . IV I x 100 . (2.224) R.FI. IVsl = magnitude where of sending-end phase (line-to-neutral) volt- of receiving-end phase {line-to-neutral) age at full load with constant IAI :.0 magnitude of line constant A volt- age IVR,I't.I"" magnitude EXAMPLE IVsl 2.8 A three-phase 138·kV transmission line is connected to a 49-MW load at a 0.85 lagging power factor. The line constants of the 52-mi-Iong line are Z = 95 /18° nand Y = 0.001/90° S. Using nominal-T circuit representation, calculate: (a) The A, B. C, and D constants of the line. (b) Sending-end voltage. Dept of EEE, SJBIT 132 Transmission and Distribution lOEE53 (c) Sending-end current. (d) Sending-end power factor. (e) Efficiency of transmission. Solution 138kV V}!(L'N) = v'3 = 79,768.8 V Using the receiving-end voltage as the reference, VR(L'N) = 79,768.8 1St.. V The receiving-end current is ~x~ .. iR= v'3x138XI03xO,gs:;;241.46A .. c or 241.46/-31.8 A (a) The A, B, C, and D constants for the nominal-T circuit representation are A= 1 + ~YZ = 1+ hO.OOl /9<Y')(95/78<» = 0.9535 + }0.0099 = 0.9536 (0.6° B=Z+ }YZ2 :::95 /78°"+ 1(0.001/90")(95/78°)2 :::18.83+ j9O.86 = 92.79 /78.3° n C:;; Y = 0.001/9(f S D"'" 1 + ~YZ=A = 0.9536/0.6" >] .. (b) [VSfL.-N Is = [O.9536/0.6Q 0.001/900 92.79/78.3:][? 0.9536 ~ 0] 79,768.8iQ: _41.46 -3!.&_ L The sending-end voltage is VS(L.N) = 0.9536/0.6° x 79,768.8/.!!_ + 92.79 /78.3 0 x 241.46 / -31.8° = 91,486 + jI7,0486'" 93,060.9 /10.4" V Or 'i SJBIT 133 10EE53 Transmission and Distribution (c) The sending-end current is Is = O,OOl/9fr x 79,768,8 ~ = 196.95 - + 0,9536/0.6° j39.5 = 200.88/-11.3° x 241.46/-31.8° A (d) The sending-end power factor is e, = 10.4°+ 11.3°.::::21.7" cos <lls = 0.929 (e) The efficiency of transmission is output II= input = = v'3VRIR cos 4>R Y3Vsls cos e, x 100 138 X 103 x 241.46 x 0.85 x 100 160,995.4 x 200.88 x 0,929 =94.27% EXAMPLE 2.9 Repeat Example 2.8 using nominal-Il circuit representation. Solution (a) The A, B, C, and D constants for the nominal-If circuit representation are A= 1+ !YZ ;::0.9536/0.6° B ;:;::Z;;:;95/78° {1 C = Y + 1y2Z = O.OOl/9QD + 1(0.0011900)2(95 = -4.9379 L78°) x 10-0 + jl02.375 x lO-s:;;; 0.001L9O.3°S D= 1 + !YZ=A = 0.9536/0.6° (b) [VS(L'N)] Is . = [°.9536/0.6° . 0'(XJl/90.3° 95/7SO][ 0.9536/0.6° 79,768.8!.sr 241.46/-31.$° ] Therefore, VS(L-N) = 0.9536/0.6° x 79.768.8 ~ + 95/78 0 x 241.46!~31.8° = 91,940.2 + j17,352.8 = 93,563.5 L1O.7°V Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 134 ~';nnsmission and Distribution 10EE53 ~.,.~*"·"·~~:.,~;"'."""'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii or VS(L-L) "'" 161,864.9/4fJ.7"V (c) The sending-end current is Is =0.001/90.3" x 79,768.8LQ:+ 0.9536/0.6° x 241.46/-31.8" = .196.53 - j39.51 :: 200.46/-11.37" A (d) The sending-end power factor is <1>$ = 10.7" + 11.37" = 22.07" cos ~s = 0.927 (e) The efficiency of transmission is 71= = 'V'3VRIR cos ~R v'3VsIs cos ~s .. 00 xi 138 X 103 x 241.46 x 0.85 x 100 161,864.9 x 200.46 x 0.927 =94.16% The discrepancy between these results and the results of Example 2.8 is due to the fact that the nomlnal-T and nominal-If circuits of a mediumlength line are not equivalent to each other. In fact, neither the nominal-T nor the nominal-If equivalent circuit exactly represent the actual line. LONG TRANSMISSION LINES (ABOVE 150 ml, OR 240km) A more accurate analysis of the transmission lines require that the parameters of the lines are not lumped, as before, but are distributed uniformly throughout the length of the line. Figure 2.31 shows a uniform long line with an incremental section dx at a distance x from the receiving end, its series impedance is z dx, and its shunt admittance is y dx, where z and yare the impedance and admittance per unit length, respectively. The voltage drop in the section is dVi = (Vz + dV;o) - V". = dV". = (I.. + d(z)z dx or (2.225) .'.E, SJBIT 135 lOEE53 Transmission and Distribution ~I + Vs V.. N x .. l ~~ I~ dx N' ~I~ x-o ~ FIgure 2.31. One phase and neutral connection of three-phase transmission line. Similarly, the incremental charging current is (2.226) Therefore, (2.227) and dlr dx =yVx (2.228) Differentiating equations (2.227) and (2.228) with respect to .r, d2V" dl~ --=zdx'l dx (2.229) and ,. d2I.. tb?=Y dV" (2.230) dx Substituting the values of dlxldx and dV;rldx from equations (2.228) and (2.229) in equations (2227) and (2.230), respectively, d2V t =yzV. (2.231) dx Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 136 lOEE53 Transmission and Distribution and (2.232) o. v.. At x = = V/l and I., = JR- Therefore, the solution of the ordinary second-order differentia] equations (2.231) and (2.232) gives! V(x);:; (cosh Yfi,x)VI'l + ( .fy sinh vYiX)IR (2.233) A B Similarly, I(x) = ( Yf- sinh '\IYZx)VR + (cosh v'YZx)IR (2.234) D c Equations (2.233) and (2.234) can be rewritten as Vex) = (cosh yx)V/l + (Zc sinh yx)h (2.235) = {Y<sinh yx)VR + (cosh YX)IR (2.236) and I(x) where y = propagation constant per unit length, ;;.;;ffz Zc <:: characteristic (or surge or natural) impedance of line per unit length, :;;;;VzlY Y" == characteristic (or surge or natural) admittance of line per unit length, :;.VYTZ Further, Y"'" a where ex := + jf3 (2.237) attenuation constant (measuring decrement in voltage and current per unit length in direction of travel) in nepers per unit length P '= phase (or phase change) constant in radians per unit length (i.e., change in phase angle between two voltages, or currents, at two points one per unit length apart on infinite line) , See Stevenson (J. p. 1031 and Neuenswander 12, p. 35), : LEE, SJBIT 137 Cst'Z'Z) (LtZ'Z) 0 ljU!S :>Z =- 'M:J\ tjU!S AlZf\ "" II-..qu~s 'z = 9 . e qsoo = Yif. qsoo = 11.,qsoa == V pue (SVZ'z) 'SlU1l:1SUOO (I:)gV JO SUI1:}1 ul pu~ JO (Itt·z) [ sA$'1]. (_ [[1-..4.$.00 IA. qlI!s 'z puc 1I..qu!S~A]· =[~I.] .. I/'" qsoo sA (OVZ'Z) (6£Z'Z) pue "I(l/'" 4ulS 'Z) + 11A(/A.qsoo) = sA ~w003q (9£Z'Z) ptre (~€z·z) suonsnba 'J = x U;}qM. £53301 'Jr.msmission and Distribution iiiiiOo, ;,c"';""',,........ lOEE53 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiii c = Y~sinh ..,1= VYiZsinh VYZ= v, sinh B (2.249) D = A = cosh "(I (2.2S0) = coshVYZ=cosh" 9=VYZ (2.251) sinh ')'1 = HeY! - e-Y') (2.252) cosh "il= He + e-"{l) (2.253) Y{ Equations (2.238)-(2.251) can be used if tables of complex hyperbolic functions OJ" pocket calculators with complex hyperbolic functions are availble. Alternatively, the following expansions can be used: sinh "'it "" sinh{al +jl3t) = sinh al cos PI + j cosh al sin pi (2.254) cosh "(1= cosh(al + fPl) == cosh at cos pi + j sinh at sin pI (2.255) Furthermore, by substituting for ..,1 and Zc in terms of Y and Z, that is, the total line shunt admittance per phase and the total line series impedance per phase, in equation (2.245) gives (2.256) and (2.257) or, alternatively, (2.258) and (2.259) The factors in parentheses in equations (2.256)-(2.259) can readily be found by using Woodruff's charts, which are oat included here but can be found in L. F. Woodruff, Electric Power Transmission (Wiley, NY, 1952). ; ,..,' " SJBIT 139 iDEES3 Transmission and Distribution The AB~D parameters in terms of infinite series can be expressed as YZ A= 1+ 2 y2Z2 + 24 + y3Z3 720 y'Z4 + 40,320 + ... (2.260) (2.261) (2.262) where Z = total line series impedance per phase =zl =; (r + ixdl .0. Y ;;;;:total line shunt admittance per phase ';;;;;; yl == (g+ jb)1 S In practice, usually not more than three terms are necessary in equations (2.260)-(2.262). Weedy [7] suggests the following approximate values for the ABeD constants if the overhead transmission line is less than 500 km in length: A=D== 1 + !YZ (2.263) + kVZ) (2.264) C=Y(l + lYZ) (2.265) B =Z(l and However, the error involved may be too large to be ignored for certain aoolications, ExAMPLE 2.10 A single-circuit, (>O.Hz, three-phase transmission line is 150 mi long. The line is connected to a load of 50 MVA at a lagging power factor of 0.85 at 138 kV. The line constants are given as R = 0.1858 fi/mi, L = 2.60 mH/mi, and C = O.012~F Imi. Calculate the following: (a) A, B. C, and D constants of line. (b) Sending-end voltage. (c) Sending-end current. Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 140 Transmission lOEES3 and Distrihution (d) Sending-end power factor. (e) Sending-end power. (f) Power loss in line. (g) Transmission Hoe efficiency. (11)Percentage of voltage regulation. (i) Sending-end charging current at no load. (j) Value of receiving-end voltage rise at no load if sending-end voltage is held constant Solution +- j21T'X z =0.1858 60 x 2.6 10-3 X + jO 9802::: O.99TI /79.27 fi/mi =0.1858 D y = j2w x 60 x 0.012 X to-ii = 4.5239 x 10-6 /9lf'S/mi The propagation constant of the line is -r = VYi = [(4.5239 X 10-6 {9IJ)(O.9977/79.27")]1/2 = [45135 x 1O-6f2/(!9<r + 79.27°) = 0.002144/84.63" The characteristic impedance of the tine is )1/2 0.9977/79.27" 'Z . ( z, = ~y = 4.5239 x 1O-6~ = (O.9:'~~ 6)'11/1<79,27 10 0 _ 9O = 469.62/-5.37°n Q) The receiving-end line-to-neutral voltage is 138kV VR(L.N} = v'3 = 79,674.34 V Using the receiving-end voltage as the reference, VR(L?N) The receiving-end current is III = v'3 mx~ J 3 x 138 x 10 "" 79,674,34!.!t.. V = 209.18 A .' or 209.18/-31.8 0 (a) The A, B, C, and D constants of the line: A = cosh "il == cosh(a + i(3)! '" Heal elJIl ... e'-Ill e-1JJ/) = He'll !(JI ...e-al t:..P.D 141 A Zvl £S98'O "" S'<J:I SO;) 060'0£ = o£'91 + 06L'0 = S'¢1 S!lOpCJl~h\od pua-Surpuos ~lf.l (p) 0(,91 -!V80S'9Ll = (08·t£.....!81'60Z) x " (oLS'O!L.6V6·O)+ (J)7vt'vL9'6L)(o81'06! L900'O) = SI pU~.gU!PU;)S~U (o 51 lU<ilUO;) A St· L8t'lL 1 = ("I")S A A 06L'n! )O'OLt'66 "'" (08'1£-! Sr'60Z)(oVt'6L/ ~·Stt) + (:07 pt·PL9·61.)(.JSO! L6V6'O)ee (tVI}S'A Sf ~1J\!IIOAPU;).l1U!PU~ :)111'SOU oS'I£ -7 ~W6OZ][ -:IfO!1.6P6'O [ ;oj tt:'N,,9'6L "pt'6L/ t>'sPt 081'067 L9000'O ] oLs~67 L6t6'O = [(N":!HA][~ ~] = [{N-:~SA] oLf/O! L6t6'O s 081'06/ (q] = IJ... qsO;) = V = (I L9000'O = 0urw/ £91£'0 x .J.£·S-/ Z9'69t = ~Z 1J.. qUfs - I 1 ." , = I},. qU!s. ~.l""i) . uoV\7·.6L/ VS'StT = = (olS'W/9l£9'O)(oL£'S-!18'P£Z) (00£9'O! + USO'O)(oLt'S~/ UfP£Z) /'0_3 -If}! = nrKZ = [os('8t..... 7 £OL6'O- oS£'Sl! 90£O't):L£'S -/ [Wl=( 0/_;) IO(:O'O-J- tolr~3 [lfj-/ {O(o'o<>](cLf'S7_Z9'69rH :;:; 1'Zt = [CUI_a .;» - lrJ,:iJ /(>3HYz:;:; 1t)3 I(Vr + lI)qU!S Z'= iJ...qU!S ~Z= 9 JS07 L6t6'O;;;;~60(ro! + 96P6'O"'+ os-£'ST! 900n)i = :1 (S£'SI-! £OL6'O (o~nH-7 1Ot:(lO-J +oS£'SI!lotooaH'" (loznl_d laro'o_a + tote o,a t~o lH = v •;)JOP1;)q~ £53301 IDEES3 ion and Distributlon (e) The sending-end power is Ps '= V3Vs(L_L)ls cos <1>s = V3 x 172,287.18 x 176.8084 x 0 8653 = 45,654.46 kW (f) The receiving-end power is PR = V3VR(L_L/k cos <P,R = 'V:J x 138 x 103 x 209.18 x 0.85 = 42,499 kW Therefore, the power loss in the line is PL == Ps - PEt "" 3155.46 kw (g) The transmission line efficiency .is . Pp . 42,499 7J ... P $ x 100 = 45,654.46 x 100 == 93.1% (b) The percentage of voltage regulation is . Percentage of voltage regulation = 99,470.04 -79,674.34 79,-614.34 x 100 = 24.9% (i) The sending-end charging current at no load is I" 0) = ~YVso_.I'I) = (339.2925 x 10-6)(99,470.05) ;;;;;33.75 A The receiving-end voltage rise at no load is VR(l...N) ;;;;VS(I..'N) - ZI" = 99,470.05 /13.79" - (149.66/79.27")(33.75/103.79") == 104,436.74/13.27" V Therefore. the line-to-line voltage at the receiving end is VR(L.L) = V3VR(L.N) "'" 180,889.74 V 2.19.1 Equivalent Circuit of Long Transmission line Using the values of the ABCD parameters obtained for a transmission line, it is possible to develop an exact 11 or an exact T, as shown in Figure 2.32. For the equivalent-If circuit. Zn = B = Z<sinh () (2.266) ""Z, sinh-yl (2.267) sinh VYZ =Z --==-- (2.268) \1Yi SJBIT 143 10EES3 Transmission and Distribution I I -I- + Vs -. Yn 2" ---'- Zn 1 I ,-"in T c.........._ (b) . . Figure 2.32. Equivalent and T circuits for long transmission line. and (2.269) or Yn = 2 tanh.[(l 12)"(/) (2.270) Ze or Yn Y tanh(1I2)VYZ T= 2" (2.271) (1/2)vYz For the equivalent-T circuit, 'Lr A-I "2 = --c- = cosh(}- 1 y~sinh () (2.272) or (2.273) or ZT T= Z tanh (1J2)vYZ 2" (ll2)vYZ (2.274) and (2.275) Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 144 H8JS (LLZ'Z) JO (9LZ'Z) JO £53301 lOEE53 Transmission and Distribution Surge Impedance loading (SIL) of Transmission Line In power systems, if the line is lossless,' the characteristic impedance Z, of a line is sometimes called surge impedance. Therefore, for a loss-free line. R"'O and G=O Thus, z:c = Vy rz ~ 'Ieff. n (2.287) and is a pure resistor. It is a function of the line inductance and capacitance as shown and is indepenent of the line length. The surge impedance loading (SIL) (or the natural loading] of a transmis• When dealing with bigh frequencies or with surges due to lightning, losses are "oneil ignored (3). Dept of EEE, SJBIT 146 10EE53 nsrnission and Distribution sion Hoe is defined as the power delivered by the line to a purely resistive load equal to its surge impedance. Therefore, SIL= IkV R(L-Ll 12 MW Z.. (2.288) SIL:;' !kV R(L-L) 12 MW VIAe (2.289) SIL = v'3lvRUA.) II]L I W (2.290) II I = IV~(L-~)l (2.291) e or • or where L V3xVLlC A and SIt. = surge impedance loading in megawatts or watts IkVR(l.L)1 "" magnitude of line-to-line receiving-end voltage in kilovolts IVJl(L.ql == magnitude of line-to-line receiving-end voltage in volts Z. = surge impedance in ohms, =::YEiC IL""" Line current at surge impedance loading in amperes In practice, the allowable loading of a transmission line may be given as a fraction of its SIL. Thus, SIL is used as a means of comparing the load-carrying capabilities of Jines. However, the SIL in itself is not a measure of the maximum power that can be delivered over a line. For the maximum delivered power, the line length, the impedance of sending- and receiving-end apparatus, and all of the other factors affecting stability must be considered. Since the characteristic impedance of underground cables is very low. the SIL (or natural load) is far larger than the rated load of the cable. Therefore, a given cable acts as a source of Jagging vars. The best way of increasing the SIL of a line is to increase its voltage level, since, as it can be seen from equation (2.288), the SI.L increases with its square. However, increasing voltage level is expensive. Therefore, instead, the surge impedance of the line is reduced. This can be accomplished by adding capacitors or induction coils. There are four possible ways of " SJBIT 147 Transmission 10EE53 and Distribution changing the line capacitance Or inductance, as shown in Figures 2.36 and 2.37. For a lossless line, the characteristic impedance and the propagation constant can be expressed as Z=~ " (2.292) C and y=VLC (2.293) Therefore, the addition of Jumped inductances in series will increase the line inductance, and thus; the characteristic impedance and the propagation constant will be increased. which is not desirable. The addition of lumped inductances in parallel will decrease the line capacitance. Therefore, the propagation constant will be decreased, but the characteristic impedance will be increased, which again is not desirable. The addition of capacitances in parallel will increase the line capacitance. Hence, the characteristic impedance will be decreased, but the propagation constant win be increased, which affects negatively the system stability. However, for the short lines, this method can be used effectively. Finally. the. addition of capacitances in series will decrease the line inductance. Therefore, the characteristic impedance and the propagation constant will be reduced. which is desirable.' Thus, the series capacitor compensation of transmission Jines is used to improve stability limits and voltage regulation. to provide a desired load division, and to maximize the load-carrying capability of the system. However, having the full line current going through the capacitors connected in series causes harmful overvoltages L L L ) L ~L L ) {oJ (b) Figure 2.36. Transmission line compensation by adding lump inductances in: (a) series; (b) parallel (i.e., shunt). Dept of EEE, SJBIT 148 .. nsmission and Distribution lOEE53 L o~lI~l O-+----1L It------t---c ccc o--II~'-.....jl...( --11 ....( --0 0 0 (aJ (b) Figure 2.37. Transmission line compensation by adding capacitances in: (0) parallel (i.e., shunt); (b) series. on the capacitors. during short circuits. Therefore, they introduce special problems for line protective relaying," Under fault conditions, they introduce an impedance discontinuity (negative inductance) and subharmomc currents, and when the capacitor protective gap operates. they imprc...... high-frequency currents and voltages on the system. All of these factors result. in incorrect operation of the conventional relaying schemes. The series capacitance compensation of distribution lines has been attempted from time to time for many years. However, it is not widely used. EXAMPLE 2.13 Determine the SIL of the transmission line given in Example 2.10. Solution The approximate value of the surge impedance of the line is z ;; ff (: 'V C =' ( ..2.6 X 10-3 0.012 x 10 ')'112 = 465..5fl 6 Therefore, SIL ~. fkV. R(I."(.) 12 ;;;;:--.11381l v'LlC 469.62 "'" 40 . 913 MW which is an approximate value of the SIL of the line. The exact value of the SIL of the line can be determined as SIL SJBIT . 12 = _._-_._::: In812 40.552 MW = IkV .R(l-L) z, 469.62 149 Transmission 10EE53 and Distribution GENERAL CIRCUIT CONSTANTS Figure 2.38 shows a general two-port, four-terminal network consisting of passive impedances connected in some fashion. From general nework theory, Vs=AVR+BIR (2.294) Is"" CVR+DIR (2.295) VR = DVs - Bls (2.296) IR = -CVs + AIs (2.297) and Also, and It is always true that the determinant of equations (2.294) and (2.295) or (2.296) and (2.297) is always unity, that is, AD-Be=1 Is~ + Vs - (2.298) IR~ A, 8, C, 0 (pas~ive network) Figure 2.38. General two-part, four-terminal network. Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 150 - -_. --------,~----------------------- Transmission and Distribution 10EE53 In the above equations, the A. B, C, and D are constants for a given network and are caned general circuit constants. Their values depend on the parameters of the circuit concerned and the particular representation chosen. In general, they are complex numbers. For a network that has the symmetry of the uniform transmission line, A=D (2.299) 2.20.1 Determina.tionof A. B, C, and 0 Constants The A, B, C, and D constants can be calculated directly by network reduction. For example, when IR = 0, from equation (2.294). Vs A=- (2.300) VB and from equation (2.295), (2.301) Therefore, the A constant is the ratio of the sending- and receiving-end voltages, whereas the C consrant is the ratio of sending-end current to receiving-end voltage when the receiving end is open-circuited, When VB = 0, from equation (2.294), (2.302) When Vn = 0, from equation (2.295), (2.303) Therefore, the B constant is the ratio of the sending-end voltage to the receiving-end current when the receiving end is short-circuited. Whereas the D constant is the ratio of the sending-end and receiving-end currents when the receiving end is short-circuited. Alternatively, the A, D, C, and D generalized circuit constants can be calculated indirectly from a knowledge of the system impedance parameters as shown in the previous sections. Table 2.4 gives general circuit constants for different network types. Table 2.5 gives network conversion formulas to convert a given parameter set into another one. As can be observed in equations (2.294) and (2.295), the dimensions of the A and D constants are numeric. The dimension of the B constant is impedance in ohms, whereas the dimension of the C constant is admittance in siemens. EE, SJBIT 151 10EES3 Transmission and Distribution =- 2400IS!.. + 2.173 /17.7" x 83.33/-300 = 2576.9 - j38.58 = 2.577.2l. -0. 9° V (c) The input impedance is: _ Vs _ AVR + BIR Z,n - Is - CVR + DIn = 2577.2/-0.9° "" 309·3 /?<9 I" n 83.33/ -30" .. cW.' (d) The real and reactive power loss in the line: SL =SS-SR where S5 =V,sls = 2.577.2 1-0.9'" x 83.33 1+30" = 214,758/29.1" or SS =1S x z .n·sXP""214758/291"VA , .. Therefore. SL = 214.758[29.1"- 200,000 130" = 14,444.5 + j4444.4 that is, the active power loss is 14,444.5 W, and the reactive power loss is 4444.4 vars, Power Relations Using A, B, C, and D Line Constants For a given long transmission line, the complex power at the sending and receiving ends are (2.338) and (2.339) Also, the sending- and receiving-end voltages and currents can be expressed as Dept ofEEE, SJBIT Vs =AVn -+- BIR (2.340) Is= CVR + DIn (2.341) 152 .uars puc (psrz) JO (Ov£'Z) uounnbe WOlJ pun pue lO (OS£;'Z) '(Zv£'Z) uouenba wOld (6t£·Z) (gp£'Z) (LP£'Z) VSA=SA ~HA=lfA ~l.Iso.J=V=(I ~ (~t£·z:) Mf\ qD!S ~ (9P£'Z) qU!S it ;: ~ ;) ;: o = ff7 e =fI D7v sUI: - sAV"'" lfA (tti:'Z) + sA3- = ~I SIO (£t£·Z) ~qso~= (PV£';::) =V pun £53301 lOEE53 Transmission and Distribution By substituting equation (2.352) and (2.355) into equations (2.338) and (2.339), respectively, (2.356) and (2.357) Therefore, the real and reactive powers at the sending end are Ps = AY; B cos(f3 - VSVR a) - -----yJ cos({3 + 0) (2.358) and (2.359) and the real and reactive powers at the receiving end arc PR = VyVR. 'B cos({3 - 8) - AV~ B (2.360) cos(f3 - a) and (2.361) For constant Vs and YR, for a given line, the only variable in equations (2.358)-(2.361) is a, the power angle. Therefore, treating Ps as a function of {j only in equation (2.358), Ps is maximum when f3 + 8 = 180°. Therefore, the maximum power at the sending end, the maximum input power, can be expressed as (2.362) and similarly the corresponding reactive power at the sending end, the maximum input VaTS, is (2.363) On the other hand, PR is maximum when 8 = {3.Therefore, the maximum Dept ofEEE, SJBIT 154 Transmission and Distribution lOEE53 power" obtainable at the receiving end can be expressed as VSVR PR•mu == ~ - Avi iJ (2.364) cos(f3 - a) and similarly, the corresponding reactive power delivered at the receiving end is QR.lnu = - • AY~ . B sm(t3 - (2.365) a) In the above equations, Vs and VR are the phase (Iine-to-neutral) voltages whether the system is single phase or three phase. Therefore, the total three-phase power transmitted on the three-phase line is three times the power calculated by using the above equations. If the voltages are given in volts, the power is expressed in watts or VaTS. Otherwise, if they are given in kilovolts, the power is expressed in megawatts or megavars, For a given value of ,,(, the power loss Pl,. in a long transmission line can be calculated as the difference between the sending- and the receiving-end real powers, (2.366) and the lagging vars loss is (2.367) SJBn 155 10EES3 Transmission and Distribution TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION Unit 1. Basics of Transmission and Distribution 1. Draw the line diagram of a typical power supply scheme indicating the standard voltages.(5) 2. Write short note on advantages ofHV transmission.(5) 3. Write short note on H V D C transmission.(5) 4. Write short note on feeders, distributors and service mains.(5) 5. Write the comparison betn. Overhead and underground transmission systm.(5) 6. What are the advantages and limitations of high voltage a.c transmission? (6) Unit 2. Overhead Transmission Lines 1. Show that a transmission line conductor suspended between level support assumes the shape of a catenory. Derive the expression for sag.(8) 2. Explain what is sag and why it is inevitable in over head transmission lines? What are the factors influencing it?(5) 3. With usual notations derive an expression for maximum sag of a tranmn. Line where the supports are at different levels?(5) 4. Obtain the expression for sag in a freely suspended conductor when the supports are at equallevels.(8) 5. Explain the effects of sag in overhead trasmn. Line.(5) 6. Obtain the expression for sag in a power conductor when the supports are at equal levels, taking into the effect of wind and ice loading(8) 7. Write short note on effect of ice load and wind effect on sag oftransmn. Line.(5) b. From the first principles derive the expression for sag in a freely suspended conductor when the supports are at unequal levels (6) Dept of EEE, SJBIT Page 1 .u.smission and Distribution ; I Unit 3. Corona I, What is corona? Derive expression for the disruptive critical voltage and visual uitical voltage.(8) What are the effects of corona? (3) Write short note on disruptive critical voltage. (6) '>~cuss the advantages and disadvantages of corona. (6) .plain the terms with reference to corona. " i)disruptive critical voltage ii) Power loss due to corona (4) , ': rite short note on corona in transmission lines.(5) .vrite short note on factors affecting corona and methods of reducing corona effect. 8. Explain the terms with reference to corona. i)visual critical voltage ii) Power loss due to corona (7) Unit 4. Insulators .xplain the various tests conducted on insulators. (7) 'Vith usual notations, derive the general expression for the metal link of string to ~capacitance, when guard ring is used for the string of insulators.(5) '/lhat is string efficiency in the context of suspension insulators? Explain the .nethods of improving the same.(8) ,1 v/rite short note on different types ofOH line insulators. , efine string efficiency and hence calculate the mathematical expression for it.(8) '>,plain the methods of improving the string efficiency.(6) 'lhat are the insulators with OH Lines? Discuss the desirable properties of ',)sulators and name the types of insulators.(6) Unit 5. Under ground Cables , .av. the cross sectional view of a single core cable and explain the , .truction.I S) ,:. SJBlT Page 2 10EES3 Transmission and Distribution 2. Compare the dielectric stress of a homogeneous cable with that of a capacitance graded cable. (7) 3. Write short notes on testing ofcables.(5) 4. Derive an expression for insulation resistance of a cable. (5) 5. Explain capacitance grading of cables with appropriate derivation. (10) 6. What is meant by grading of cables? Briefly explain the various methods of grading. (7) 7. Write short note on thermal rating of cables.( 5) 8. Derive expressions for the maximum and minimum dielectric stress in a single core cable and ontain the criterion for keeping the diectric stress to a minimum value. (6) 9. Compare the merits and demerits of underground system overhead system. (6) 10. State five advantages of using underground cables for power distribution. (5) 11. Write short note on laying ofUG Cables. (5) Unit 6. Transmission Line Parameters 1. Explain the terms self GMD and mutual GMD and prove that the inductance of a group of parallel wires carrying current can be represented in terms of their geometric distances. (10) 2. Derive an expression for the capacitance of a unsymmetrically spaced but regularly transposed line. (10) 3. Derive the expression for the inductance of a 3 phase transmission line with un symmetrcal spacing without transposition. Use the Flux linkage concept. (10) 4. Write short notes on transposition oftransmn. Lines. (l0) 5. Derive the expression for the inductance ofa 3 phase unsymmetrically spaced but transmission line/km. (8) 6. Derive the expression for the capacitance of a 3 phase single ckt. Line with equilateral spacing (10) 7. Show how the inductanceof3 phase trasmn. Line with equilateral and symmetrical spacing between conductors can be calculated. (8) Dept of EEE, SJBIT Page 3 C;';,;:: .smission and Distribution lOEE53 -...' ,,,~,.,"'''''''''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Derive the expression for the capacitance of a 3 phase line with unsymmetrical spacing. (8) 5. What is skin effect? Which are the factors influencing skin effect? (4) " Derive from first principles, an expression for the inductance per phase per km of :; 3 phase regularly transposed tm. Line. The conductors are of diamt. d mt. and ; laced at the comer of a triangle of sides a, b, c.(lO) Ca !culate the inductance of single phase two wire line starting from ! .indamentals.I 10) Unit 7. Performance of Transmission Line 1. l>:< vc expressions for generalized ABeD constants for a long transmission line using .•:n rous method of analysis. (10) 2, Derive expressions for ABeD constants for a medium transmission line using nominal T model. Hence prove AD-Be = 1. (10) ::, \Vrite short note on classification of transmission lines. (5) '.'! ; short note on Ferranti effect.(5) are ABeD constants of a trasmn. Line? Determine the same for a a medium r..ission line using nominal TI model. Hence prove AD-Be = 1. (10) , ;::.::, ,: the expressions for sending end voltage and current of a medium trasrnn. Line (llc'minal T method) interms ofY, Z, Vr and Ir. (8) \\ ',' short note on surge impedance loading. (5) -,I, Pc.'; \ ,: expressions for generalized ABeD constants for equivalent T representation of ,,; :ransmission line. (10) i(;,!",.uss the terms voltage regulation and transmission efficiency as applied to smission line. (4) l [, \\ rite and explain the classification of overhead trasrnn. Lines. (4) ;, Calculate the effcy. And voltage regulation for medium tm. Line assuming nominal T 1.' !i.,ive an expression for the effcy. And voltage regulation for short tm. Line giving , " .ctor diagm. (6) "",~,~-",.,.,_"_"""",,,!,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ,",'t, SJBIT Page 4 ,insmission and Distribution iDEES3 Unit 8. Distribution Systems 1. Write short note on radial and ring main distributors. (5) 2. What is meant by DC distribution? Explain with diagram different types of DC distribution and discuss their merits and demerits. (10) 3. Write short note on radial distribution system. (5) 4. Show different types of distribution systems with single line diagrams and state the merits and demerits of ring main and radial distribn. Systems. (10) 5. Calculate the total voltage drop in uniformly loaded distributor, when it is fed at one end. (50 6. Write short note onring main distributors. (5) 7. Write short note on feeders, distributors and service mains, (5) '""'"''''''''''"!'!' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! D· i of EEE, SJBIT Page 5 .. lOEE53 T: r:'~:nission and Distribution TRANSMISSION AND DISTRIBUTION Unit 1. Basics of Transmission and Distribution Duw the line diagram of a typical power supply scheme indicating the standard .. \ .iltages.I.S) Jul2009/Janll Write short note on advantages ofHV transmission.tS) Jan2010/Ju111 'Vrite short note on H V D C transmission.(5) Jul2009/Janll Write short note on feeders, distributors and service mains.(5) Ju12010/Augll Write the comparison betn. Overhead and underground transmission system.(5) o. What are the advantages and limitations of high voltage a.c transmission? (6) Jul2009/Janll Unit 2. Overhead Transmission Lines 'how that a transmission line conductor suspended between level support ..imes the shape of a catenory. Derive the expression for sag.(8) Jul2008/Augll ;.xplain what is sag and why it is inevitable in over head transmission lines? What .re the factors influencing it?(5) Ju12008/Janll ''''ith usual notations derive an expression for maximum sag of a tranmn. Line , here the supports are at different levels?(5) Ju12009 / Janll Obtain the expression for sag in a freely suspended conductor when the supports ;'i"e at equallevels.(8) ::: Explain the effects of sag in overhead trasmn. Line.(5) Jul2010/Janll Ju12009/Janll Cutain the expression for sag in a power conductor when the supports are at equal " , ~k;1ginto the effect of wind and ice loading(8) Ju12009/Janll -vrite short note on effect of ice load and wind effect on sag oftransmn. Line.(5) SJBlT Page 1 Transmission and Distribution 10EES3 8. From the first principles derive the expression for sag in a freely suspended conductor when the supports are at unequal levels (6) Ju1200S/AuglO Unit 3. Corona 1. What is corona? Derive expression for the disruptive critical voltage and visual critical voltage.(8) .. Ju12009/Janll 2. What are the effects of corona?(3) Jan2010/Ju109 3. Write short note on disruptive critical voltage. (6) 4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of corona. (6) Aug2009/Janll Ju12009/Janll 5. Explain the terms with reference to corona. Jan200S!JuIl i)disruptive critical voltage' 0 ii) Power loss due to corona (4) 6. Write short note on corona in transmission lines.(S) Ju12009/Janll 7. Write short note on factors affecting corona and methods of reducing corona effect. 6. 8. Explain the terms with reference to corona. i)visual critical voltage Ju12009/Janl0 ii) Power loss due to corona (7) Unit 4. Insulators 1. Explain the various tests conducted on insulators. (7) Ju12009/Janl 2. With usual notations, derive the general expression for the metal link of string to 3. line capacitance, when guard ring is used for the string of insulators.(S) Ju12009/Janll 4. What is string efficiency in the context of suspension insulators? Explain the S. methods of improving the same.(8) Ju12009/Janll 6. Write short note on different types of 0 H line insulators. Jul2009/Janll ? Define string efficiency and hence calculate the mathematical expression for it.(8) 8. Explain the methods of improving the string efficiency.(6) Ju12010/JanlO 9. What are the insulators with 0 H Lines? Discuss the desirable properties of insulators and name the types of insulators.( 6) Dept of EEE, SJB1T Ju12009/Janll Page 2 nsrnission and Distribution 10EE53 Unit 5. Under ground Cables ·Taw the cross sectional view of a single core cable and explain the construction.(5) Aug2009/Janll 2. Compare the dielectric stress of a homogeneous cable with that of a capacitance • ,. graded cable. (7) Ju12010/Janll .vrite short notes on testing of cables.(5) Jul2009/Janll .ierive an expression for insulation resistance ofa cable. (5) Jul2009/Janlr . Explain capacitance grading of cables with appropriate derivation. (10) Nhat is meant by grading of cables? Briefly explain the various methods of )·,rading.(7) Ju12009/Janll Write short note on thermal rating of cables.(5) Ju12010/Janll Derive expressions for the maximum and minimum dielectric stress in a single core cable and ontain the criterion for keeping the diectric stress·to a 'minimum value. (6) Ju12009/Janll · 'ornpare the merits and demerits of underground system overhead system. (6) (~Iatefive advantages of using underground cables for power distribution. (5) /rite short note on laying ofUG Cables. (5) Ju12009/Janll Unit 6. Transmission Line Parameters '<plainthe terms self GMD and mutual GMD and prove that the inductance of a roup of parallel wires carrying current can be represented in terms of their !',eometricdistances. (10) Jul2009/Janll " .rive an expression for the capacitance of a unsymmetrically spaced but regularly transposed line. (10) Ju12009/Janll ·crive the expression for the inductance of a 3 phase transmission line with un -rnetrcalspacing without transposition. Use the Flux linkage concept. (10) 'Writeshort notes on transposition oftransmn. Lines, (10) .J. Ju12009/Janll ,)c:rivethe expression for the inductance of a 3 phase unsymmetrically spaced but .,:i:., SJBIT Page 3 10EES3 Transmission and Distribution transmission line/km. (8) Ju12009/Janll 6. Derive the expression for the capacitance of a 3 phase single ckt. Line with equilateral spacing (10) Jul2009/Janll 7. Show how the inductanceof3 phase trasmn. Line with equilateral and symmetrical spacing between conductors can be calculated. (8) Ju12009/Janll 8. Derive the expression for the capacitance of a 3 phase line with unsymmetrical spacing. (8) Ju12009/Janll 5. What is-skin effect? Which are the factors influencing skin effect? (4) • 6. Derive from first principles, an expression for the inductance per phase per km of a 3 phase regularly transposed tm. Line. The conductors are of diamt. d mt. and placed at the comer ora triangle of sides a, b, c.(10) Ju12009/Janll 7. Calculate the inductance of single phase two wire line starting from fundamentals.(10) Jul2009/Janll Unit 7. Performance of Transmission Line 1. Derive expressions for generalized ABCD constants for a long transmission line using rigorous method of analysis. (10) Jul2009/Janll 2. Derive expressions for ABCD constants for a medium transmission line using nominal T model. Hence prove AD-BC = 1. Jul2009/Janll (10) 3. Write short note on classification of transmission lines. (5) Jul2009/Janll 4. Write short note on Ferranti effect.(5) Jul2009/Janll 5. What are ABCD constants of a trasmn. Line? Determine the same for a a medium transmission line using nominal TI model. He.nceprove AD-BC = 1. (10) 6. Derive the expressions for sending end voltage and current of a medium trasmn. Line (nominal T method) interrns ofY, Z, Vr and Ir. (8) 8. Write short note on surge impedance loading. (5) Ju12009/Janll Jul2009/Janll 9. Derive expressions for generalized ABCD constants for equivalent T representation of long transmission line. (10) Ju12009/Janll 10. Discuss the terms voltage regulation and transmission efficiency as applied to Dept of EEE, SJBIT Page 4 r:lnsrnission and Distribution lOEE53 transmission line. (4) Ju12009/Janll 11.Write and explain the classification of overhead trasmn. Lines. (4) Ju12009/Janll 12. Calculate the effcy. And voltage regulation for medium tm. Line assuming nominal T method. (8) Ju12009/Janll 13.Derive an expression for the effcy. And voltage regulation for short tm. Line giving the vector diagm. (6) Ju12009/Janll • I' Unit 8. Distribution Syste'ms L Write short note on radial and ring main distributors. (5) Ju12009/Janll 2. What is meant by DC distribution? Explain with diagram different types of DC distribution and discuss their merits and demerits. (10) 3. Write short note on radial distribution system. '(5) , Ju12009/Janll Ju12009/Janll 4. Show different types of distribution systems with single line diagrams and state the merits and demerits of ring main and radial distribn. Systems. (10) .~, Calculate the total voltage drop in uniformly loaded distributor, when it is fed at r_ one end. (50 Ju12009/Janll Write short note onring main distributors. (5) Ju12009/Janll 7. Write short note on feeders, distributors and service mains, (5) Ju12009/Janll Page 5 06EE53 Transmission and Distribution Unit 1 1. State the Advantages of High Voltage Transmission Advantages of high voltage transmission 1. Transmission efficiency increaases as the transmission voltage increasesfor a given power, 2. P U resistance drop decreases 3. Volume of conductor material required reduces since current decreases with increase in voltage, 4. Power transmitting capacity of the tramn. line is proportional to square of the operating voltages. therefore, overall capital cost decreases. 5. Cost of transmission line per km decreases with increase in voltage level. 6. with increase in voltage, sil(surge impedance loading) of the.line increases - so, power transfer increases. 2. How does power reach us? Electric power is normally generated at 11kv in a power station. To transmit over long distances, it is then stepped-up to 400kv,.220kv or 132kv as necessary. Power is carried through a transmission network of high voltage lines. Usually, these lines run into hundreds of kilometres and deliver the power into a common power pool called the grid. The grid is connected to load centres (cities) through a sub-transmission network of normally 33kv (or sometimes 66kv) lines. These lines terminate into a 33kv (or 66kv) substation, where the voltage is stepped-down to 11kv for power distribution to load points through a distribution network oflines at 11kv and lower. 3. What are the Substation types Although, there are generally four types of substations there are substations that are a combination of two or more types. - step-up transmission substation - step-down transmission substation - distribution substation - underground distribution substation - substation functions substation equipment Dept of EEE, SJBIT Page 1 • Transmission and Distribution 06EE53 Unit 2 1. What are the factors affecting Sag? The factors affecting the sag of a conductor strung between supports arc: 1. Conductor load per unit length. 2. Span, that is, distance between supports. 3. Temperature. 4. Conductor tension. • 2. What are the effects of corona? Derive expression for the visual critical voltage (8) .J:m/Feb-09 Corona on transmission lines causes power loss, radio and television interference, and audible noise (in terms of buzzing, hissing, or frying sounds) in the vicinity of the line. At extra high-voltage levels (i.e., at 345 ~V and higher), the conductor itself is the major source of audible noise, radio interference, television interference, and corona loss. The audible noise is a relatively new environmental concern and is becoming more important with increasing voltage level. For example, for transmission lines up to 800 kV, audible noise and electric field effects have become major design factors and have received considerable testing and study. It had been observed that the audible noise from the corona process mainly lakes place in foul weather. In (Icy conditions, the conductors' normally operate below the corona detection level, and, therefore, very few corona sources exist. In wet conditions, however, water drops on the' conductors cause large number of corona discharges and a resulting burst of noise. At ultrahigh-voltage levels (1000 kV and higher), such audible noise is the limiting environmental design factor. 1\ transmission line should he designed to operate just below the disruptive critical voltage in lair wether so that corona only takes place during adverse atmospheric conditions. Therefore, calculated disruptive critical voltage is an indicator of corona performance of the line. ; 1,,w[;VV, a high value of the disruptive critical voltage is not the only criterion of .uisfactory corona performance. The sensitivity of the conductor to foul weather should also he considered (e.g., corona increases more slowly on stranded conductors than on smooth conductors). Due to the numerous factors involved, the precise calculation of the peak value ()r corona loss is extremely difficult, if not impossible. The minimum voltage at which the ioriization occurs in fair weather is called the disruptive critical voltage and can be ddcnnined from ! he E = Vo o rIn(D/r) where Eo ~ value of electric stress (or critical gradient) at which disruption starts in kilovolts centimeters Va -disruptive critical voltage to neutral in kilovolts (nns) Page 2 Transmission and Distribution r D radius 06EES3 of conductor m centimeters = spacing between two conductors in centimeters Since, in fair weather, the EO of air is 21.1 kVlcm rrns, D Vo = 21.1r In r kV which is correct for normal atmospheric pressure and temperature (76cm Hg at 25°C). For other atmospheric pressures and temperatures, D Vo::; 21.1c5r1n -t kV where (5 is the air density factor. Further, after making allowance for the surface condition of the conductor by using the irregularity factor, the disruptive critical voltage can be expressed as where m -irregularity factor (0< mO 1) ~1 for smooth, polished, solids, cylindrical conductors ~0.93-0.98 for weathered, solid, cylindrical conductors ~0.87-0.90 for weathered conductors with more than seven strands ~0.8Q-.0.87 for weathered conductors with up to seven strands Note that at the disruptive critical voltage V" there is no visible corona. In the event that the potential difference (Or critical gradient) is further increased, a second point is reached at which a weak luminous glow of violet color can be seen to surround each conductor. The voltage value at this point is called the visual critical voltage and is given by where Vv~visual critical voltage in kilovolts (rrns) mr irregularity factor for visible corona (0< ml , I) ~l for smooth, polished. solid, cylindrical conductors ~0.93-0.98 for local and general visu corona on weathered, solid, cylindrical conductors ~0.70-0.75 for local visual corona on weathered stranded conductors ~0.8Q-.O.85 for general visual corona on weathered stranded conductors Note that the voltage equations given in this section are for fair weather. For wet weather voltage values, multiply the resulting fair weather voltage values, multiply the resulting fair weather voltage values by 0.80. For a three-phase horizontal conductor configuration, the calculated disruptive critical voltage should be multiplied by 0.96 and 1.06 for the middle conductor and for the two outer conductors, respectively. Dept of EEE, SJBIT Page 3 • Transmission and Distribution 06EE53 3. What are the Effects of ice and wind loading The span design consists in determining the sag at which the line is constructed so that heavy winds, accumulations of ice or snow, and excessive temperature changes will not stress the conductor beyond its elastic limit, cause a serious permanent stretch, or result in fatigue failures from continued vibrations, in other words, the lines will be erected under warmer and nearly still-air conditions and yet must comply with the worst conditions . • Effect of Ice In mountainous geographic areas, the thickness of ice formed on the conductor becomes very significant Depending on the circumstances, it might be as much as several times the diameter of the conductor. Ice accumulations on the conductor affectthe design of the line (1) by increasing the dead weight per foot of the line and (2) by increasing" the projected surface of the line subject to wind pressure. Mostly used for distribution lines . •••• Ice Figure 6. Probable configuration of ice covered conductor cross-sectional area. Even though the more likely configuration of a conductor with a coating of ice is as shown in Figure 6, for the sake of simplicity, it can be assumed that the ice coating, of thickness t, inches, . '"form over the surface ofa conductor, as shown in Figure 7. i :':] the cross-sectional area of the ice is or A , == 1Tt(d , _ c +1,) A, = 1!47Tt,(d, + t,) • m.2 ft" d = diameter of conductor In inches , = radial thickness of ice coating in inches t SJBIT Page 4 Transmission 06EE53 and Distribution • t, t. Figure 7. Assumed configuration of ice-covered conductor cross-sectional area. If itie ice load is assumed to be uniform throughout the length of the conductor, the volume of ice i: • V.~rh1Txft,(dc+I,) fefft per loot 1S The weight of the ice is 571b/It3, so that the weight of ice per foot is or approximately w, = 1.25I,(c_ic + 'i) Ib/ft Therefore, the total vertical load on the conductor per unit length is wr= w,'_ w, where Wr = total vertical load on conductor per unit length W = weight of conductor per unit length w, = weight of ice per unit length Unit 3 l.What is corona? Derive expression for the disruptive critical voltage.(8) Jan/Feb 07 Corona on transmission lines causes power loss, radio and television interference, and audible noise (in terms of buzzing, hissing, or frying sounds) in the vicinity of the line. A transmission line should he designed to operate just below the disruptive critical voltage in fair wether so that corona only takes place during adverse atmospheric conditions. Therefore, the calculated disruptive critical voltage is an indicator of corona performance of the line. However, a high value of the disruptive critical voltage is not the only criterion of satisfactory corona performance. The sensitivity of the conductor to foul weather should also be considered (e.g., corona increases more slowly on stranded conductors than on smooth conductors). Due to the numerous factors involved, the precise calculation of the peak value of corona loss is extremely Dept of EEE, SJBIT Page 5 Transmission and Distribution 06EES3 if not impossible. The minimum voltage at which the ionization occurs in fair weather is ,,>d the disruptive critical voltage and can be determined from E = o • '. Vo r In(Dlr) D Vo == grln--o r where Eo ~value of electric stress (or critical gradient) at which disruption starts in kilovolts per centimeters Vo ~ disruptive critical voltage to neutral in kilovolts (rms) r ~radius of conductor in centimeters D = spacing between two conductors in centimeters in fair weather, the EO of air is 21.1 kV/cm rms, h is correct for normal atmospheric pressure and temperature (76cm Hg at 25°C). For other «spheric pressures and temperatures, D t Vo:::;;21.10r In - kV re 8 is the air density factor. Further, after making allowance for the surface condition of . conductor by using the irregularity factor, the disruptive critical voltage can be expressed as where m ~ irregularity factor (0< mO I) ~l for smooth, polished, solids, cylindrical conductors ~0.93-O.98 for weathered, solid, cylindrical conductors ~0.87-0.90 for weathered conductors with more than seven strands ~O.80-0.87 for weather-edconductors with up to seven strands are the effects of corona? Derive expression for the visual critical voltage (8) l'if) 09 .ansrnission lines causes power loss, radio and television interference, and audible noise of buzzing, hissing, or frying sounds) in the vicinity of the line. At extra high-voltage levels 5 kV and higher), the conductor itself is the major source of audible noise, radio renee, television interference, and corona loss. The audible noise is a relatively new Page 6 Transmission 06EE53 and Distribution environmental concern and is becoming more important with increasing voltage level. For example, for transmission lines up to 800 kV, audible noise and electric field effects have become major design factors and have received considerable testing and study. It had been observed that the audible noise from the corona process mainly takes place in foul weather. In (Icy conditions, the conductors normally operate below the corona detection level, and therefore, very few corona sources exist. In wet conditions, however, water drops on the conductors cause large number of corona discharges and a resulting burst of noise. At ultrahigh-voltage levels (1000 kV and higher), such audible noise is the limiting environmental design factor. A transmission line should he designed to operate just below the disruptive critical voltage in fair wether so that corona only takes place during adverse atmospheric conditions. Therefore, the calculated disruptive critical voltage is an indicator of corona performance of the line. However, a high value of the disruptive critical voltage is not the only criterion of satisfactory corona performance. The sensitivity of the conductor to foul weather should also be considered (e.g., corona increases more slowly on stranded conductors than on smooth conductors). Due to the numerous factors involved, the precise calculation of the peak value of corona loss is extremely difficult, if not impossible. The minimum voltage at which the ionization occurs in fair weather is called the disruptive critical voltage and can be determined from E = o IT. Yo::::; v:0 r In(Dlr) Eorln-D r where Eo = value of electric stress (or critical gradient) at which disruption starts in kilovolts per centimeters . Vo = disruptive critical voltage to neutral in kilovolts (rms) r = radius of conductor in centimeters D = spacing between two conductors in centimeters Since, in fair weather, the EO of air is 21.1 kVfcm rms, D Vo::::; 21.1r]n r kV which is correct for normal atmospheric pressure and temperature (76cm Hg at 25°C). For other atmospheric pressures and temperatures, D Vo = 21.10r In t kV where () is the air density factor. Further, after making allowance for the surface condition of the conductor by using the irregularity factor, the disruptive critical voltage can be expressed as Page 7 • Transmission and Distribution Vo =2Llomorln • 06EE53 D - r kV where m = irregularity factor (0< mO I) =1 for smooth, polished, solids, cylindrical conductors =0.93-0.98 for weathered, solid, cylindrical conductors =0.87--0.90 for weathered conductors with more than seven strands =0.80--0.87 for weathered conductors with up to seven strands Note that at the disruptive critical voltage v" there is no visible corona. In the event that the potential difference (Or critical gradient) is further increased, a second point is reached at which a weak luminous glow of violet color can be seen to surround each conductor. The voltage value at this point is called the visual critical voltage and is given by - - ( .ff,. 03) In rD V" = 21.1om"r 1 + kV where Vv -visual critical voltage in kilovolts (rrns) l11v=irregularityfactor for visible corona (0< m l , I) =1 for smooth, polished. solid, cylindrical conductors =0.93-0.98 for local and general visu corona on weathered, solid, cylindrical conductors = O.70-0. 75 for local visual corona on weathered stranded conductors =0.80--0.85 for general visual corona on weathered stranded conductors Note that the voltage equations given in this section are for fair weather. For wet weather voltage values, multiply the resulting fair weather voltage values, multiply-the resulting fair weather voltage values by 0.80. For a three-phase horizontal conductor configuration, the calculated uptive critical voltage should be multiplied by 0.96 and l.06 for the middle conductor and for :L..;tWO outer conductors, respectively. 3.Write short note on disruptive critical voltage. (6) July/Aug-09 .mission line should he designed to operate just below the disruptive critical voltage in fair that corona only takes place during adverse atmospheric conditions. Therefore, the ted disruptive critical voltage is an indicator of corona performance of the line. However, a :,1 :e of the disruptive critical voltage is not the only criterion of satisfactory corona The sensitivity of the conductor to foul weather should also be considered (e.g., corona increases more slowly on stranded conductors than on smooth conductors). Due to the numerous factors involved, the precise calculation of the peak value of corona loss is extremely difficult, if not impossible. The minimum voltage at which the ionization occurs in fair weather is called the disruptive critical voltage and can be determined from . :;IBIT Page 8 06EE53 Transmission and Distribution E = Vo o rIn(D/r) D v:o = E0rlnr .. 4.Explain the terms with reference to corona. i)disruptive critical voltage ii) Power loss due to corona (10) JullAug-08 The minimum voltage at which the ionization occurs in fair weather is called the disruptive critical voltage and can be determined from E o = V. 0 r In(Dlr) where Eo ~value of electric stress (or critical gradient) at which disruption starts in kilovolts per centimeters Vo -disruptive critical voltage to neutral in kilovolts (rms) r ~radius of conductor in centimeters D = spacing between two conductors in centimeters Since, infair weather, the EO of air is 21.1 kV/cm rms, Yo = 21.1r D In r kV which is correct for normal atmospheric pressure and temperature (76cm Hg at 25°C). For other atmospheric pressures and temperatures, D Vo == 21.1orln t • kV where 0 is the air density factor. Further, after making allowance for the surface condition of the conductor by using the irregularity factor, the disruptive critical voltage can be expressed as Dept of EEE, SJ8IT Page 9 Transmission and Distribution 06EE53 D Vo=21.15morln - r kV where m = irregularity factor (0< rnO 1) = 1 for smooth, polished, solids, cylindrical conductors = 0.93-0.98 for weathered, solid, cylindrical conductors = 0.87-0.90 for weathered conductors with more than seven strands t.h e from J • =0.80---0.87 for weathered conductors with up to seven strandsAccording weather corona loss per phase or conductor ~~ , 241 Pc = T (f + 25) (rD.)112 (V - 390 ( r )1l2 r. == T (f + 25) D (V.,.. Where,f Vo)2 X to Peek, can be calculated 10-5 kW/km Vo)2 X 1O-s kW/mi "frequency in hertz V line-to-neutral operating voltage in kilovolts = Vo= disruptive critical voltage in kilovolts The 'ret ., '.'lther corona can be calculated from the above equations by multiplying < "i: : ',:s a correct result if . ( i \ the frequency is between 25 and 120 Hz, , I :: .e conductor radius is greater than 0.25 ern. and CO ratio of V to' VO is greater than 1.8.. ' Vo by 0.80. Peek's r,~(~r/l T1': P"'" (';' OSS IS proportional to the square root of the size of the conductor. :>; larger the radius of the conductor, the larger the power loss. Also, the larger the spacing ,[uctors, the smaller the power loss. Similarly, P~ex: (V - VO)2 ; "'civenvoltage level, the larger the conductor site, the larger the disruptive critical voltage and '. smaller the power loss. Peterson (11], the fair weather corona loss per phase or conductor can be calculated from P _ 1.11066 X 10-4 c - P [In(2Dld)]2 = 1.78738 X 10-4 c [In(2Dld)}2 1. tv F kW/km Z fV F kW/mi nductor diameter SJBIT Page 10 Transmission and Distribution 06EE53 D ~spacing between conductors f = frequency in hertz V= line-to-neutral operating voltage in kilovolts F= corona factor determined by test and is a function of ratio of V to Vo In general, the corona losses due to fair weather conditions arc not significantly large at extra-highvoltage range. Therefore, their effects are not significant from technical andlor economic points of view. Whereas the corona losses due to foul weather conditions are very significant. • where TPc•RW = total three-phase corona losses due to rainy weather in kilowatts per kilometer TP, .FW """ total three-phase corona losses due to fair weather in kilowatts per kilometer V = line-to-line operating voltage in kilovolts r "'"conductor radius in centimeters n = total number of conductors (number of conductors per bundle times 3) E, = voltage gradient on underside of conductor i in kilovolts (peak) per centimeter m = an exponent (SO; 5) J = Joss current constant (-4.37 x 10-10 at 400kV and 3.32 x 10-10 at 500kV and 700kV)# R = rain rate in millimeters per hour or inches per hour K = wetting coefficient (10 if R is in millimeter per hour or 254 if .R is in inches per hour) S.Write short note on corona in transmission lines.(S) Ju1lAug-09 Corona on transmission lines causes power loss, radio and television interference, and audible noise (in terms of buzzing, hissing, or frying sounds) in the vicinity of the line. At extra high-voltage levels (i.e., at 345 kV and higher), the conductor itself is the major source of audible noise, radio interference, television interference, and corona loss. The audible noise is a relatively new environmental concern and is becoming more important with increasing voltage level. For example, for transmission lines up to 800 kV, audible noise and electric field effects have become major design factors and have received considerable testing and study. It had been observed that the audible noise from the corona process mainly takes place in foul weather. In (Icy conditions, the conductors normally operate below the corona detection level, and therefore, very few corona sources exist. In wet conditions, however, water drops on the conductors cause large number of corona discharges and a ~C:C:l:lti'1g burst of noise. At ultrahigh-voltage levels (1000 kV and higher), such audible noise is the limiting environmental design factor. 6.Write short note on factors affecting corona and methods of reducing corona effect. (7) Jan/Feb-lO Dept of EEE, SJBIT Page 11 .. T nsrnission and Distribution C' 06EE53 transmission lines causes power loss, radio and television interference, and audible noise of buzzing, hissing, or frying sounds) in the vicinity of the line. At extra high-voltage levels (i . 'f 345 kV and higher), the conductor itself is the major source of audible noise, radio if; fcn.:nce,television interference, and corona loss. The audible noise is a relatively new en' ,,,qnental concern and is becoming more important with increasing voltage level. For example, f . nsmission lines up to 800 kV, audible noise and electric field effects have become major design f" '. or ': and have received considerable testing and study. It had been observed that the audible noise fi corona process mainly takes place in foul weather. In (Icy conditions, the conductors n operate below the corona detection level, and therefore, very few corona sources exist. In v " itions, however, water drops on the conductors cause large number of corona discharges and burst of noise. At ultrahigh-voltage levels (1000 kV and higher), such audible noise is the .:,uironmental design factor. '.A" (i j r.' .. , 'i' L>'piain the terms with reference to corona. i)visual critical voltage ii) Power loss due to corona (10) Q.No-4 • JullAug-09 ssume that a three-phase overhead transmission line is made up of three equilaterally conducters, each with overall diameter of 3 em. The equilateral spacing between :,' 5.5 m. The atmosphere pressure is 74 cm Hg and the temperature is 10°C. If ! Yfactor of the conductors is 0.90 in each case, determine the following: , uptive critical rms line voltage. iDlT Page 12 06EE53 Transmission and Distribution Jan/Feb - 08 (b) Visual critical rms line voltage. (a) 0= 3.921lp = 3.9211 x 14 = 1.0253 273 + I 273 + 10 D Vo = 21.1omo' ln = 21.1 r - 550 x 1.0253 x 0.90 x 1.5 In 1.5 :,~172.4 kV/phase Thus, the rrns fine voltage is " Vo = V3 x 172.4 = 298.ikV (b) The visual critical rrns line voltage is ( 0.3) D V" =21.10111" 1 + V8r In-; = 21.1 ( 0.3) 1.5 x 1.0253 x 0.90 x 1.5 x 1 + v'1.0253 = 214.2 X 550 In 1.5 kVJphase Therefore, the rms line voltage is VI' = v'3 x 214.2 = 370.9 kV • • 9.Assume that a three-phase overhead transmission line is made up of three equilaterally spaced conductors, each with overall diameter of 3 cm. The equilateral spacing between conductors is 5.5 m. The atmosphere pressure is 74 cm Hg and the temperature is lO°C.Consider Example 8.1 and assume that the line operates at 345 kV at 60 Hz and the line length is 50 mi. Determine the total fair weather corona loss for the Line by using Dept of EEE, SJBIT Page 13 Transmission and Distribution 06EE53 Peek's formula. Solution laniFeb-lO According to Peek, the fair weather corona loss per phase is 390 r, = T (f , rl/2 + 25) D (v- 390 ~)2 X 1O-1~ 1.5112 = 1.0253 (60 + 25) 550 (199.2 - 172.4)2 x 10-5 = 12.1146 kW/mi/phase or, for the total line length. P, = 12.1146 x 50"'" 605.7 kW/phase Therefore, the total corona loss of the line is P, = 3 x 605.7 = 1817.2 kW Unit 3 Overhead Transmission Lines Show that a transmission line conductor suspended between level support assumes the shape of a catenory. Derive the expression for sag.(lO) catenary Method Figure 1 shows a span of conductor with two supports at the same level and separated by a hei: :,~,:,:,ddistance L. Let '0' be the lowest point on the catenary curve and '1' be the length of the conductor between two supports. Let \1" be the weight of the conductor per unit length, 'T' be the tension of the conductor at any point'r' in the direction of the curve, and H be the tension at origin O. !,!hu. kt 's ' be the length of the curve between points 0 and P, so that the weight of the \ WS. can be resolved into two components, T the horizontal component and Then, for equilibrium, T" the vertical Tr ~H and Ty ~ WS " Thus, the portion OP of the conductor is in equilibrium under the tension Tat P. the weight Ws acting vertically downward, and the horizontal tension H. ':imgle shown in Figure 2, ds represents a very short portion of the conductor, in the P When s is increased by ds the corresponding x and yare increased by dx and . SjBIT Page 14 T r.msmission 06EE53 and Distribution a ....- ...... --_ noe .. .. _ . .....,. .......... _ .... _ .. _,_ - ~v H Figure 1. Conductor suspended between supports at same elevation. tan 8 = dy = ws dx H since then (:r=l+(~;r Therefore. dx= Dept of EEE, SJBIT ds Vl + (wslH)i Page 15 1',. l, l .mission and Distribution :!l::::=_: __.... ""---- 06EE53 ... -_ .... Figure 2 In:. >cth sides gives x= X .' 1 . ds f ,/1 + (WS/H)2 = -Hw sinh K H + -rL WS - l.e constant of integration. When x = 0, $ = 0, and K ~0, s= H . h W Sin WX H Page 16 06EE53 Transmission and Distribution When x = !L, I H wL s = - = - sinh -. 2 w 211 Therefore, 1= 2H. -;- 1= 2H w Of wL .. sinh 2H [.!..I! 2H wL + .!. ('WL)3 3! 2H + ... J' . . approximately dy dx = ws = sinh ~ H H or dY"'" . h --wx dx .. H S10 Integrating both sides, y "'" f sinh ;; dx H w y= -cos- I f the lowest point then K, wx H + KI of the curve is taken as the origin, when x=O, y ~ 0 =- f • Hlw, "il,..;e,by the series, coshO=l. Therefore, y = -l/ (cosh -.wx - 1) Dept of EEE, SJBlT HI H Page 17 Transmission and Distribution 06EE53 is the equation of the curve that is called a catenary . Explain what is sag and why it is inevitable in over head transmission lines? What are the factors influencing it?(7) , Conductor sag and tension analysis is an important consideration in overhead distribution line design as well as in overhead transmission line design. The quality and continuity of electric service supplied over a line (regardless of whether it is a distribution, a subtransmission, or a transmission line) depend largely on whether the conductors have been properly installed. Thus, the designing engineer must determine in advance the amount of sag and tension to be given the wires or cables of a particular line at a given temperature. In order' to specify the tension to be used in stringing the line conductors, the values of sag and tension for winter and summer conditions must be known. Tension in the conductors contributes to the mechanical load on structures at angles in the line and atdead ends. Excessive tension may cause mechanical failure of the conductor itself. The factors affecting the sag of a conductor strung between supports arc: 1. Conductor load per unit length. 2. Span, that is, distance between supports. 3. Temperature. 4. Conductor tension. With usual notations derive an expression for maximum sag of a tranmn. Line where the supports are at different levels?( 10) Consider a span L between two supports, as shown in Figure 10.5, whose elevations differ by a distance h. Let the horizontal distance from the lowest point of the curve to the lower and the higher supports be xl and x2, respectively. By using equation (10.46), that is, ... ., iJf EEE, SJBIT Page 18 06EE53 'j'c;}t1';mission and Distribution wx2 y=- 2T d I and d2 sags can be found as - and B L Figure 4. Supports at different levels. Therefore, h=d 2 -d 1 or w Il=-(X 2 2 2T . 2 -x) I or wL h::: 2T (X2 - Xl) since Therefore, By adding the above two equations, Page 19 Tr. , :nlssion and Distribution 06EE53 2Th 2x2=L+ - wL Th -L2 +wi: x2= B t o Figure 5. Case of negative Xl J;: :)e,L;;""Lng the same two equations, 2x -= L --I 2Th wl: L 2 wL then XI x =--I Th .on, " is positive then x 1 is zero then Xl is negative the expression for sag in a freely suspended conductor when the supports are at equal ,.') - refer Q.No-l "., ., ....,', .,' ''"'",',,,,.'' ......... !'II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , ,\;IBlT Page 20 Transmission and Distribution 06EES3 Explain the effects of sag in overhead trasmn. Line.(5) Conductor sag and tension analysis is an important consideration in overhead distribution line design as well as in overhead transmission line design. The quality and continuity of electric service supplied over a line (regardless of whether it is a distribution, a subtransmission, or a transmission line) depend largely on whether the conductors have been properly installed. Thus, the designing engineer must determine in advance the amount of sag and tension to be given the wires or cables of a particular line at a given temperature. In order to specify the tension to be used in stringing the line conductors, the values of sag and tension for winter and summer conditions must be known. Tension in the conductors contributes to the mechanical load on structures at angles in the line and at dead ends. Excessive tension may cause mechanical failure of the conductor itself. Obtain the expression for sag in a power conductor when the supports levels, taking into the effect of wind and ice loading(12) are at equal Effect of Ice In mountainous geographic areas, the thickness of ice formed on the conductor becomes very significant. Depending on the circumstances, it might be as much as several times the diameter of the conductor. Ice accumulations on the conductor affect the design of the line (1) by increasing the dead weight per foot of the line and (2) by' increasing the projected surface of the line subject to wind pressure. Mostly used for distribution lines. • Ice Figure 6. Probable configuration of ice covered conductor cross-sectional area. Even though the more likely configuration of a conductor with a coating of ice is as shown in Figure 6, for the sake of simplicity, it can be assumed that the ice coating, of thickness t, inches, is uniform over the surface ofa conductor, as shown in Figure 7. Then the cross-sectional area of the ice is Dept of EEE, SJBIT Page 21 -.. Tran mission and Distribution 06EE53. or . 2 m. or ., , where d = diameter of conductor in inches / = radial thickness of ice coating in inches I . I. ! :i.:~Lre 7. Assumed configuration ofice-covered conductor cross-sectional area. i " ". '. 1,·•.• '"ad is assumed to be uniform throughout the length of the conductor, the volume of ice per V, "'" J~41T X {I, (d, + I.) ft3/ft ,.1: »fthe ice is 571b/It3, so that the weight of ice per foot is ;'; ; :" .uutely w, = 1.25t,{dc + Ii) (b/ft .. he total vertical load on the conductor per unit length is iVT::: WI'- ':', total vertical load on conductor per unit length of conductor per unit length weight of ice per unit length w = weight •• ~.".~ ..",..,... --~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ I~, SJBIT Page 22 Transmission and Distribution 06EE53 Effect of Wind It is customary to assume that the wind blows uniformly and horizontally across the projected area of the conductor covered with no ice and ice, respectively. The projected area per unit length of the conductor with no ice is SRI where = An'! projected area of conductor covered with no ice in square feet per Unit length Ani = cross-sectional area of conductor covered with no icc in square feet l= length of conductor in unit length for a 1-ft length of conductor with no ice, Sni= - .... Sn. = fidi whereas with ice, it is Swi = Aw.i where SWi= projected area of conductor covered with icc in square feet per unit length Figure 8. Force of wind on conductor covered with no ice. AWi ~ cross-sectional area of conductor covered with ice in square feet 1~length of conductor in unit length for a 1-ft length of conductor, de + 2/, I ft2/ft S wi = 12 Therefore, the horizontal force exerted on the line as a result of the wind pressure with no ice (Figure 8) is P = SniP Ib/unit length for a 1-ft length of conductor, where P= horizontal wind force (i.e., load) exerted on line in pounds per feet p =wind pressure in pounds per square feet whereas with ice (Figure 9), it is Dept of EEE, SJBIT Page 23 Transmission and Distribution Il!.I---'-"- -""-----"'~-- I 06EE53 ...... - ................ -- Figure 9. Force of wind on conductor covered with ice. w+w ..------ WI( Figure 10 P == SwiP lb/unit length fe" :: ; -ft length of conductor, p_ de +2/, 12 P ; :,.~:', Ib/n 'c: effective load acting on the conductor is w", ;:;;\lpZ + (w + W,)2 Iblft acting at an angle 0 to the vertical, as shown in Figure 10. By replacing w by We in the previously derived equations for tension and sag of the line in still air, these can he applied to a wind- and ice-loaded line. For example, the sag equation becomes d=!!',L2 8T SJBIT ft Page 24 Transmission and Distribution 06EES3 Write short note on effect of ice load and wind effect on sag of transmission Line.(5) The span design consists in determining the sag at which the line is constructed so that heavy winds, accumulations of ice or snow, and excessive temperature changes will not stress the conductor beyond its elastic limit, cause a serious permanent stretch, or result in fatigue failures from continued vibrations, in other words, the lines will be erected under warmer and nearly still-air conditions and yet must comply with the worst conditions. In mountainous geographic areas, the thickness of ice formed on the conductor becomes very significant. Depending on the circumstances, it might be as much as several times the diameter of the conductor. Ice accumulations on the conductor affect the design of the line (1) by increasing the dead weight per foot of the line and (2) by increasing the projected surface of the line subject to wind pressure. Mostly used for distribution lines. It is customary to assume that the wind blows uniformly and horizontally across the projected area of the conductor covered with no ice and ice, respectively. From the first principles derive the expression for sag in a freely suspended conductor when the supports are at unequal levels (6) Refer Q.No-3. Dept of EEE, SJBlT Page 25 ..