There`s A Bunny in My Basket Block 4 Prepare all appliqué pieces

There’s A Bunny in My Basket
Block 4
Prepare all appliqué pieces. Use basket from Block #1. For the dimensional blocks
omit ears #11 and #12.
1. Center the basket bottom piece #1 on the background and press in place.
Position the basket lining pieces #2 and #3, and the basket rim pieces #4
and #5. Press in place and edge stitch the basket sides and the top and
bottom of the rim pieces. Position the basket handle, press in place and
edge stitch.
For the dimensional bunny continue with the Options section.
2. Position the face, #8 and continue with the eyes, nose, and ears. Press in
place and edge stitch. There is no need to edge stitch the top of the head.
This will be covered by the umbrella.
3. Position the basket rim #7, press in place and edge stitch. Place the
umbrella handle #14 leaving it ¼” up from the bottom of the block. Press in
place and edge stitch. Add paws #15 and #16 press in place and edge stitch.
4. Position the umbrella pieces # 17 - #20. Press in place. Position piece #21,
the knob at the tip of the umbrella. Press in place. Edge stitch piece #21,
then the umbrella pieces.
5. Use a fabric marker to draw the eye pupils using notebook reinforcements
as a template. Add the bunny’s smile.
Cut 4 of the ear pattern #22. Stitch right sides together using a scant ¼” seam
allowance, leaving the narrow end open for turning. Trim or pink the seam and
turn right sides out. Press.
1. Position the face in the basket. Press the bottom edge and a little up the
sides to hold it in place. Put the ears under the top edge of the face between
the ear placement lines on the pattern. Press the rest of the face in place
over the ears. Edge stitch around the face stitching the ears in place.
2. Position the eyes and nose, press in place and edge stitch. Position the
umbrella handle #14A leaving it ¼” up from the bottom edge of the block
and going between the bunny’s ears. Press in place and edge stitch.
3. Position the basket rim #7, press in place and edge stitch.
4. Place the umbrella handle #14A one quarter inch up from the bottom of the
block and going between the bunny’s ears. Press in place and edge stitch.
5. Position the bunny’s paws #15 and #16, press in place and edge stitch.
6. Cut a rectangle of fabric 4½” x 10½” for the lining of the umbrella. Fuse
pieces #17, #18, #19, and #20 to the wrong side of the lining piece.(See
Diagram 1.)
Cut out the umbrella. Edge stitch between pieces #17 and #18, pieces #18
and #19, and pieces #19 and #20. (See Diagram 2.)
8. Put a tear away stabilizer (I use paper) under the umbrella piece and edge
stitch along the bottom edge.(See Diagram 3.)
9. Trace the top curve of the umbrella onto the paper side of fusible webbing.
Draw another line inside the first line making the curve about ¼” wide. Cut
out and carefully fuse it to the top of the umbrella. (See Diagram 4.)
10. Position the top center of the umbrella just below the top of the umbrella
handle. Gently curve the top edge of the umbrella piece and fuse it to the
block. Edge stitch.
11. Draw the bunny’s eye pupils using notebook reinforcements as a template.
Add the smile with a fabric marker.
Diagram 1. Umbrella pieces ready to be fused to the lining.
Diagram 2. Edge stitching between umbrella pieces.
Diagram 2.Edge stitching along the bottom of the umbrella.
Diagram 4.Fusible web on the lining along the top of
the umbrella.