Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Strengthening Financial Inclusion Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Content Particulars Page No. Chairperson’s Statement 1 Highlights of the Sector 5 Sectoral Credibility Building Initiative 8 Image building, Media engagement and Public relations 9 Engagement with the legislators, members of the standing committee on Finance 9 Voice from the community to the Policymakers 10 Tirunelvelli (Tamil Nadu) Financial inclusion conclave 10 Cuttack SHG Convention 11 New Delhi Interface on Financial Inclusion 11 Meeting with the Finance Minister 12 Meeting with Governor, Reserve Bank of India 13 Channels of Communication 13 MFI Directory 13 Microfinance Institutions (Development and Regulation) Bill, 2012 14 Representation to RBI 15 Self Regulatory Organization (SRO) 16 National Financial Inclusion Conference 2014 17 Policy Engagement on Business Correspondents (BCs) model 18 Sa-Dhan’ SHG related activities 19 A study on the Cost Structure of SHGs & Federations: Promotion to Sustainability 21 Inclusive Credit Information Bureau 21 Data and Research Work: Bharat Microfinance Report 22 State Chapters 23 Membership 25 Membership Survey 26 15th Sa-Dhan Annual General Body Meeting held at New Delhi 29 Member List 30 Auditors’ Report 47 Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Sa-Dhan Board of Directors Mrs. Ela R. Bhatt (Chair Emeritus) Dr. C. Joslin Thambi Founder Managing Director SEWA Bank Bullock Cart Workers Development Association (BWDA) Mr. Jagdananda (Chair) Member Secretary Dr. Ramesh Bellamkonda CYSD Managing Director BSS Microfinance Pvt. Ltd. Ms. Jayshree Vyas (Co-Chair) Managing Director Mr. Kuldeep Maity SEWA Bank Managing Director & CEO Village Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. Mr. Sharad Joshi (Treasurer) Secretary Mrs. Gitanjali Satapathy Cecoedecon Development Centre Secretary Mr. N. Peter Palannisamy Kalighat Society for Development Facilitation (KSDF) Managing Director Nanayasurabhi Development Mr. K S Singhwan (Independent Director) Financial Services CGM SIDBI Sister Rosily Directress Mr. P. Satish (Independent Director) Holy Cross Social Service Centre CGM NABARD Mr. R. D. Gadiyappanavar Chief Executive Officer Sanghamithra Rural Financial Servcies Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Reflections from the Chairperson: The Way Forward The year 2013-14 has been crucial for the microfinance sector with many challenges and changes occuring. Sa-Dhan has been actively engaged in various aspects of the Microfinance Sector ranging from Microfinance Bill, Regulatory and Legislative Policies, Strengthening SHG movement, and Credit Bureau (CIBs) through a range of initiatives. A high quality media and PR strategy on microfinance objectives and activities has been undertaken to sensitize policy makers, regulators and general public about the role and needs of the Micro Finance Sector in reaching the unreched. The Association has also had fruitful discussions with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on the setting up of an Self Regulatory Organization (SRO). Sa-Dhan has undertaken a series of initiatives to strengthen the SHG movement, be it in National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM); Ministry of Finance (MoF) promoted Women Self Help Group (WSHG) program or other state programs. Our aim now is to ensure that the members who have developed and nurtured SHGs migrate smoothly to NRLM and adequate safeguards and incentives are put in place. The Association has undertaken a study on the cost structure of SHGs and Federations’ promotion and sustainability in association with the Centre for Microfinance (CmF), Jaipur and SRTT. In association of IFC and Experian, Sa-Dhan has organized workshops on credit information sharing with CIBs. This year, first time we held our National Financial Inclusion Conference in Mumbai. The theme of the conference was “Partnership & Future Growth: Emerging roles of Microfinance Sector”. The conference touched upon many crucial issues ranging from SRO, Enhancing fund flow to the SHG sector, Inclusive CIBs, SHGs and NRLM to important aspects of MFI sector. Having the conference in Mumbai also provided an important forum to understand the concerns of the lending institutions and bring resolutions towards the liquidity crunch. With the new government at the center, there is an urgent need for the Association to start engaging at all levels to create an Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 1 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion enabling environment and, most importantly, to establish a National Microfinance Policy, as was suggested by the previous parliamentary standing committee. Policy makers have highlighted that the focus on inclusive growth and financial inclusion will remain a key priority in the coming years. In addition to this, implementation of RBI guidelines, adherence to the Unified Code of Conduct, working with the Government agenda on financial inclusion and NRLM, financial literacy, and working on alternative models, such as the BC Model, that enhance human and social capital. This is both the worst of times and the best of times for microfinance in India. While the current efforts (e.g. for the Microfinance Bill, Regulatory Systems) will bring a lot of clarity and transparency in the sector. I must emphasize that the strength of this sector needs to be further developed around grassroots as well as institutional innovations for deepening our outreach and enhancing our social impact. I am sure that our improved performance in the emerging landscape will be a pathfinder for the government and donor community in the common fight against poverty. Lastly, I would like to reiterate that the sector has come to a critical stage of its evolution and whilst over the last year the Association has responded to many challenges, there is still further work to be done. Furthermore, in order to be able to continue effectively responding to such external and sectoral challenges going forward, Sa-Dhan itself needs to address various internal challenges and deal with these head on in the coming months. Some of the important issues to be addressed are: Creating common standards for member performance, especially in the light of member reporting, transparency and sharing of data, to strengthen discipline and self regulation. Scaling up the impact of member programs and /or services, and this includes the Self Help Groups and their federations. Promoting inter-organizational learning and accountability, in both the self-help groups, and the MFIs. We should note the increasing growth of the self-help groups using the Business Correspondent Model. Increasing visibility and recognition as “the voice of the industry”, based on a strong depository of knowledge. Effective networking and engagement with policymakers government agencies, especially at the State level. Launching a network-wide innovation process with an innovation scaling up strategy. and other Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 2 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Meeting the needs and expectations of members with a focus on delivering high quality, low-cost demand-driven services to members Strengthening the governance, management and efficiency of the network. I have every confidence that Sa-Dhan can address these issues and emerge as a stronger and more vibrant association with the capability to guide and shape the microfinance sector, helping it move beyond the sectoral crisis it has been facing for some time. Sd/Jagadanand Chairperson Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 3 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion The Context & Priorities Microfinance movement in India is showing upward trend after undergoing transition during the past three years. The period under reporting has witnessed several new developments in the sector. Microfinance Bill was deliberated very intensely among Parliamentarians and the Standing Committee on Finance. Bank fund flow to MFIs has regained momentum. SHG movement too reversed its negative trend in bank linkage with 79 lakh SHGs savings linked and 48 lakh SHGs credit linked. For Sa-Dhan, this year has been the phase of intense engagement with all stakeholders to sensitize them to the sector’s perspective on the Microfinance Bill. Our first set has been building and improving the policy environment for the industry. On the resource side, we managed to expand our efforts to increase resource flow for our smaller members, showing a growth of 49 per cent. As part of the efforts, we were engaged with RBI, NABARD, SIDBI, Banks and other financial institutions. The Association has attempted to bring in new insights under SHG programme this year, one on cost structure of SHG promotion and another on individual SHG members’ data reporting to Credit Information Bureau. The study on the cost of promotion of sustainable SHGs and Federations was undertaken in association with Centre for Microfinance (CmF), Jaipur and SRTT. Similarly, in association with IFC and Experian, we took up ‘Inclusive CIB project’ to explore ways of including SHG data in CIB data base. The outcome of the study was shared with banks and SHPIs through two workshops held subsequently on the topic. The projects helped to shore up resources for Sa-Dhan besides giving opportunities for Sa-Dhan team to demonstrate its Technical Assistance potential. During this year RBI has issued notification on SRO for the sector. Sa-Dhan Board has deliberated upon the pros and cons of Sa-Dhan becoming SRO and made an application to the RBI for SRO recognition. We have focused on State interventions through the Sa-Dhan state chapters. Apart from members meet, a series of workshops and conferences undertaken on several important issues viz. Financial Inclusion, Regulatory and Code of Conduct Compliance, Banker’s meet, Code of Conduct validation exercise and others. The overwhelming response inspired us to develop and disseminate standard manuals on operatios, internal audit, credit and standard loan documentation process and formats. In March, we have had our National Financial Inclusion Conference which witnessed an in-depth discussion on SRO, MFIs, SHPIs, Fund flow, Credit bureau, etc. We are hopeful that our efforts will yield fruitful results for the sector. Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 4 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Highlights of the Sector Audited figure as on 31st March, 2014. MFIs render their services in 28 states and 5 union territories in India. MFIs have a presence in 573 districts of the country. As on 31st March, 2014 Microcredit cumulative Outstanding through SHG Bank Linkage and MFI Programmes has crossed Rs.80000 crore. As on 31st March, 2014 total number of clients stood at 320 lakh. 67% clients reside in rural area and rest 33% in urban area. The loan portfolio of MFI sector has bounced back after the AP crisis. As of March, 2014, the total loan portfolio has reached an all time high of over Rs. 30000 crore. 95% of clients of MFIs are women, this works out to 300 lakhs as of March, 2014. This fact exemplifies the women- empowerment-commitment of MFIs. The MFIs also serve, as of March 2013, SC/ST clients (58 lakhs) and minority clients (63 lakhs). In November, 2009, the RBI advised banks to draw up a road map to provide banking services through a banking outlet in every village with population of more than 2000. As of March, 2013, 2.21 lakh BCs operate in the country. MFIs net worth outstanding Stood at over Rs. 7000 crore as on March, 2014 which is the same as previous year. SHPIs have played a very key role in conceiving and giving momentum to SHG movement. They have been adequately recognized by NABARD, banks and the government as evident from their engagement with the SHPIs. Microfinance through cooperative organizations have been an important intervention in credit delivery to the otherwise unbanked population. Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 5 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion MFI Client Outreach (CO) and Loan Portfolio (LP) across states as on 31 st March, 2013 Source: The Bharat Microfinance Report 2013 Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 6 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion SHG Client Outreach (SCO) and SHG Loan Outstanding (SLO) Across Indian States as on 31st March, 2013 Source: The Bharat Microfinance Report 2013 Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 7 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion ACTIVITES AND INTERVENTIONS OF SA-DHAN Following is a brief of some key interventions of Sa-Dhan: 1. Sectoral Credibility building initiative: Post AP crisis in 2010 the reputation of the sector was badly hit among various stakeholders and the public at large. Individual perception and understanding of the sector and its components like rate of interest, coercive recovery practices, multiple lending & over indebtedness, profiteering etc affected the image of the sector in media, opinion makers, decision makers etc. For instance many of legislators and other officials equated microfinance with money lending. A lot of measures were taken by the Government and the regulator to streamline the operations of the MFIs and to provide a regulatory framework for the sector. Among others the MFIDR Bill 2012 was introduced in the Parliament. As the Bill was pending in the Parliament, it was felt pertinent that the sectoral image and its understanding among various stakeholder especially the Parliamentarians and media is key to its passage. With an objective of building credibility of the sector and presenting the true picture to the outside world, a sectoral credibility building exercise was undertaken. A crucial component of the Initiative was to divulge the veracity about the microfinance sector, especially among the legislators, government officials, standing committee members and other key stakeholders that lead to an informed debate in the standing committee discussion over the MFIDR Bill. Some of the objectives of the exercise are given below: Following are the central elements of the programme: Opinion building among Parliamentarians/Legislators Opinion building and promoting visibility among Media Deeper engagement with Govt bodies like MoF, MoRD SIDBI, IRDA, PFRDA, etc Greater engagement with Regulator (RBI, IBA & NABARD) KOL (Key Opinion Leaders-Bankers/IBA/Academics/Associations) Key stakeholders including DFID, SIDBI, IFC, FICCI, Sa-Dhan, MFIN and sectoral experts have jointly designed the intervention and Sa-Dhan acted as the secretariat for executing the plan. Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 8 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Following are the key activities undertaken in this program: 1.1 Image Building, media engagement and Public Relations: Post AP crisis the debate on microfinance impact was widely visible in the media. It was observed that the reason for misconception about the sector was due to lack of awareness amongst the audience about the financial services, gap that exists at the bottom of the pyramid and the work being done by the microfinance sector in addressing this gap. The exercise undertook to engage with media houses and opinion makers to present the developments happening in the sector. Some of our key engagement and outcomes under this exercise for a period of seven months is described below: Various relationship building meetings were held with editors and journalists of national and regional media houses like Times of India, The Financial Express, Business India, The Economics Times, Out Look, Business Standard, etc. This has led to changed perception about the processes and practices of the MFIs and subsequently there were 11 positive mainstream coverage in national news along with 69 stories as a result of press releases. Additionally there were 16 feature stories in regional media covering states like Bihar, Rajasthan, MP, West Bengal and others. One editorial roundtable was organized with editors of ET and Times Opinion to update them about the sector and it trends. The meeting resulted with the national coverage in The Economics Times quoting Sa-Dhan and Bharat Microfinance Report on 26th of Dec 2013 Social Media page was also developed in twitter to update the mass audience Relevant news on the sector was shared on the daily basis among the members called “The Daily Media Monitor”. 1.2 Engagement with the legislators, members of the standing committee on Finance: Under this program we had reached out to the offices of all the members of the standing committee on finance beside other MPs. Precisely, 30 meetings were held with 19 MPs from 10 different party lines and 10 states. One of the key observations Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 9 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion of this intervention was to find a favourable change in perception about the sector among those MPs whom we could establish subsequent meetings. Meeting with the Chairman of Standing Committee of Finance was extremely crucial to convene the committee meeting on the MFIDR bill. Sa-Dhan organized a meeting with the chairman Mr. Yashwant Sinha in his constituency in Hazaribagh on 15th May and discussed the importance of the bill. It was also requested to him to give an audience to a sectoral delegation of the sector for a detailed presentation on the MFIDR Bill. Subsequently representatives from the sector comprised on Mr. Vijay Mahajan, Ms Veena Mankar, Mr Girija Satish, Mr Mathew Titus, Ms Achla Savyasaachi met Mr Sinha on 23rd May 2013 in Delhi and raised the importance of the Bill. Mr. Sinha agreed to take up the MFI Bill in the committee meeting in priority. Sa-Dhan team had detailed meeting with the then Chief Minister of Gujarat Mr. Narendra Modi in the sideline of the National Conference on Panchayati Raj & Rural Development, held at Gandhi Nagar, Gujarat. The Association highlighted the need and importance of recognizing alternative channels in achieving universal financial inclusion. Collaboration and synergy of different government programs with institutions like MFIs and SHPIs were also discussed. 1.3 Voice from the community to the Policymakers: In our endeavour to present the impact of microfinance on the lives of the poor, SaDhan organized interface events between the clients of the MFIs and the policymakers especially the MPs. This kind of interfaces an innovating way to present the voice of the clients directly to the policymakers. The architecture of the affair imagined the importance of delivering the awareness of the ground reality among the policy makers and other key legislators. Thence it was designed to bring all the policy makers, legislators and end users of MFIs product i.e. especially women clients, under a single roof to discuss their accessibility, availability and affordability of financial services and assistance. 1.3.1 Tirunelvelli (Tamil Nadu) Financial inclusion conclave As part of engaging with the parliamentary members of standing committee- Finance, a district level financial inclusion conclave cum felicitation event for Dr. RamaSubbu, Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 10 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion MP, Tirunelveli constituency, was jointly conducted by BWDA, Sa-Dhan and MFIN on 13.07.13 at Tirunelveli. Memorandum to the MP was given in a grand manner with the presence of some 2000 to 2500 SHG members emphasizing the need for the MFI Bill 1.3.2 Cuttack SHG Convention Sh. Bhatruhari Mahtab, Hon’ble MP interacted with members of SHGs and MFIs in a convention organized by Sa-Dhan. Sharing of experience by the members unfolded the far-reaching impact of microfinance program in their lives. There were tales of women being able to come out of the four walls, earning their livelihoods, supporting their families at times managing as sole bread-earners, financing children’s education and health care. 1.3.3 New Delhi Interface on Financial Inclusion Sa-Dhan organized a national interface on Financial Inclusion in New Delhi on 21st November, 2013. Approximately 50 representatives from MOF, RBI, NRLM, SIDBI, PFRDA, IRDA, UNDP, DFID, MFI practitioners were also present in the event. Approximately 200 women clients from across the nation shared their concerns, issues and impact before the audience. Hon’ble MP Mr. Shiv Kumar Udasi Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 11 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion appreciated the services provided by the MFIs and expressed concern over the high cost of fund for the MFIs. The sessions were crafted into three parts to discourse the impact of microfinance on livelihoods, empowerment and capital formation. The event witnessed a vibrant discussion between the clients and policymakers, around the challenges being faced by women in financial services arena and the immensely positive experience they have had with microfinance service providers. Various positive aspects of accessibility to financial services through MFIs vis-à-vis enterprise building and livelihood promotion, education, health, social security, empowerment, decision making, leadership etc were thoroughly discussed. 1.4 Ongoing policy Engagements: 1.4.1 Meeting with the Finance Minister Sa-Dhan was represented in the pre-budget consultation meeting with the Finance Minister and represented the need for bringing in a fresh legislation for microfinance, formulating a national policy in financial inclusion, promotion of a credit guarantee fund for MFIs and favourable taxation treatment to the not for profit MFIs. 1.4.2 Meeting with Ministry of Finance Besides the finance minister, Sa-Dhan has been meeting the officials in the department of financial services, MOF for timely updates and sharing progress of the sector, essentially for MF Bill, credit guaranty fund, National policy for Financial Inclusion & role of MFIs, WSHG program and various other policy recommendations. Liquidity has been a major concern especially for NGO-MFIs, small organizations and unserved and underserved regions. The association made representations to the senior officials in the Ministry of Finance. It was also shared that a more structured intervention such as guarantee fund is desired to encourage banks lending to MFIs. Sa-Dhan has also been interminably engaging with bankers and funders for a incessantly fund flow to the sector Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 12 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion 1.4.3 Meeting with Governor, Reserve Bank of India Sa-Dhan called in the Governor of RBI in Feb. 2014 to update him about the sector and reinforce the need for streamlining regulation. The Governor paid attention to the issues related to operation of MFIs, policy and regulatory complications, client outreach and GLP, and many others. Sa-Dhan has also represented the sectoral delegation to RBI Deputy Governors Dr K C Chakrabarty, Dr H R Khan, Mr Anand Sinha and other officials and represented the sectoral issues in the RBI monetary policy review meetings 1.4.4 Meeting with other departments in RBI Sa-Dhan and its delegation has regularly met different departments in the RBI including DNBS, RPCD, DBOD, etc on issues pertaining to NBFC-MFI and prudential regulation, priority sector lending, facilitating fund flow, external commercial borrowing, BC model etc. 1.5 Channels of Communication: Along with the above initiatives for sectoral credibility building it was discern that apart from the above channels we should develop a mode of communication to communicate a dedicated set of audience periodically on various developments of the sector. Thence Flyers were developed that are periodic, precise, issues based and visually added with photos, table, charts, etc. Thenceforth, Sa-Dhan developed three flyers covering the topic of “Microfinance the promise of Financial Inclusion”, “Microfinance Sectoral Initiative”, “Legal and Regulatory Framework for MFIs in India” “Self Help Groups & SHG Movement” and so forth. It was widely circulated among the parliamentarians, legislators, ministries, government officials, banks, state government offices, members and many more. It was well appreciated by many of the readers like members of parliament, government officials, stake holders and others. 1.6 MFI Directory During interaction with various stakeholders, it was felt that there is widespread misconception on the total number of MFIs operating in India. Opinion makers and policymakers have quoted between 200 to 36000 MFIs in existence and the concerns Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 13 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion associated with their regulation. To alleviate such concern and at the instance of Govt of India, it was decided to develop a MFI Directory of India with consolidated facts and figures on number of MFIs, Loan portfolio, client outreach, insurance and pension portfolio, no. of branches and others.The objective was to establish the number of MFis operating in india and also to ring fence the bonafide and registered MFIs against the unscruplus moneylenders in the disguise of MFIs. in the It’s worthwhile to highlight some of the key findings of the MFIs Directory, as of now 254 MFIs nationwide have updated their details, the total client outreach of the sample size is 4.15 Cr and gross loan portfolio is 24327 cr. Complete findings will be shared very soon among the stake holders and members of Sa-Dhan. 2. Legislative Framework 2.1 Microfinance Institutions (Development and Regulation) Bill, 2012 In the pursuit of legitimizing microfinance operations and to provide a legislative framework for the MFIs, Sa-Dhan has been advocating for a central Act on microfinance regulation. Sa-Dhan played a key role in developing the MF Bill 2012, extensively engaged with the policymakers and lawmaking process for introduction of the Bill and debate in the parliament. Our efforts primarily remained focused on meeting the Members of the Parliament especially the members of the standing committee on Finance, apprising them of the issues of the sector and the importance of passing the bill. The period under reporting has witnessed a number of interventions and intense engagements with the policy making bodies including MPs, MLAs, Standing Committee of Finance, Speaker Office of the Lok Sabha, Ministry of Finance (MoF), RBI and NABARD. Detailed engagement under this process is already discussed previously in the report. The journey of Microfinance Bill 2012 has crossed another important milestone on 4th Oct 2013 as the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Finance heard oral evidence from the sectoral representatives in which Sa-Dhan was the key representative. While discussing the Bill, the committee sought responses on various issues and challenges through a set of questions. As desired by the Committee, a written response was developed and submitted by Sa-Dhan (both in English and Hindi). Report of the committee to the parliament has made number of references to our written submission. The committee submitted its final report to the Parliament on 13th Feb. 2013. The committee observed that prima facie the Micro Finance Institutions (Development and Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 14 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Regulation) Bill, 2012 has failed to address certain key issues and desired that these issues should be reviewed de novo. The committee emphasized the need for further ground work, consensus building, and deeper studies in vital issues. The Committee suggested for formulating a national policy on financial inclusion which also includes Microfinance. The committee has suggested for constitution of a unified and independent regulator for the entire micro finance sector as a whole, which may be termed as the Micro Finance and Development Regulatory Council (MFDRC) with representatives from all agencies and institutions concerned like, RBI, NABARD and SIDBI and the nominees from Central Government and MFIs. 3. Regulatory Framework 3.1. Representation to RBI Sa-Dhan had been putting all-encompassing effort to represent and put forth the issue and challenges of microfinance sector to both RBI and Ministry of Finance. For all intents and purposes Sa-Dhan continuously engages with various departments of RBI. Our engagement with RBI has brought in the following changes/dispensations it the regulatory requirement Registration of NBFC-MFI – Issue of delay in NBFC-MFI licensing was raised. It was also highlighted that bankers ask for the license repeatedly and lack of license deprives the MFIs to raise ECB. The RBI acknowledged the concern of the sector. License would be issued shortly once the scrutiny of applications gets over Margin – Margin cap for all NBFC-MFIs with asset size of more than 1000 cr has been increased to 12% from the earlier cap of 10%. Effectively, all the NBFCMFIs irrespective of their size would have a margin cap of 12% till 31st March, 2014. NBFC as BC- Sa-Dhan had been extensively advocating for NBFC-MFIs to function as BC, Consequently RBI issued a notification allowing NBFC-MFIs to operate as BCs. PSL – Under the norms for priority sector lending, aggregate loan for IGA has been reduced from 75% to 70%. Sa-Dhan has comprehensively sought for intervention by RBI on state money lender act which significantly affect the operations of the MFIs. Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 15 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion A handbook was published by Sa-Dhan “Handbook for MFI on RBI Regulation and its compliance” for better understanding of regulation and compliance of MFIs. 4. Self Regulatory Framework 4.1 Self Regulatory Organization (SRO) – Sa-Dhan has been doing pioneer work in the sphere of Code of Conduct, reporting on both financial and non-financial parameters, Grievance Redressal Mechanism, state level mechanism for reaching out to the ground level engagement with important stakeholders. Sa-Dhan policy engagement with RBI DNBS brought a significant understanding on the amount of work the microfinance sector has done to improve the practices in the field. The Association has not only played a significant role in building consensus over COC but also developed an evaluation tool, conducted evaluations of three largest MFIs in AP and nearly 50 other small and medium size MFIs across India with a help of dedicated team of people. . RBI has recognized the work done and took various documents from Sa-Dhan in this regards. RBI has issued guidelines towards recognizing associations as SROs by a press release dated 26th November, 2013. Following areas have been identified which need due attention: It should have adequate capital to be able to discharge its functions without being overly dependent on subscription from members. The Board should have adequate representation from both large and small NBFC-MFIs. 1/3rd of the Board of Directors should be independent and not associated with member institutions. The Board of Directors and individuals comprising the management should be considered fit and proper, by the Reserve Bank. It should have adequate internal controls in place. Sa-Dhan contemplated ways of becoming an SRO. In due consultation and discussion with its Board members, NBFC members and RBI, the association had the following options: The SRO application process may follow two tracks. Track-1 and Track-2 Track-1 is putting the application to RBI with existing set up to avoid loss of time. This will also help Sa-Dhan to incorporate suggestions from Sa-Dhan to complete the SRO process in an informed way. Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 16 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Track-2 is about moving simultaneously to amend the MoA to incorporate clauses on inducting independent directors, large and small NBFC MFIs. Consequently, Sa-Dhan has expressed its intention to become SRO and submitted application to the RBI. 5. National Financial Inclusion Conference 2014 Sa-Dhan has organized, 9th National Financial Inclusion Conference on March 14, 2014, in Yashwantrao Chavan Centre, Mumbai. The theme of the conference was “Partnership & Future Growth: Emerging roles of Microfinance Sector”. Renowned personalities from the sector and various stakeholders across the sector attended the conference and shared their thoughts and suggestions with the aim to foster growth with an enhanced regulatory compliance. The one daylong conference had total of seven panel sessions and a presentation session. In the opening session, there was a discussion on Financial Inclusion and Self Regulatory Organization (SRO). Subsequently, parallel sessions one focusing on MFI segment and other focusing on the SHG segment were conducted. The panelists, who shared their thoughts from dais, were eminent people from different institutions such as Reserve Bank of India, Microfinance Institutions Network, Public Sector Banks, NGO MFIs and Private Sector Banks. The conference started with in-depth discussion on SRO. Since it is difficult for one authority like RBI to monitor large number of organizations hence need for SRO was felt. To act as an independent agency SRO would need to generate funds from other sources apart from membership fee and its key role would be of effective customer complaint redressal system. On relation between banks and MFI regarding funding, use of tools like securitization would help MFIs, apart from present special India Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 17 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Microfinance equity funds. Use of technology had helped in making business viable for banks and affordable for the clients. It has brought down monitoring cost as well. More people can be covered under financial inclusion through mobile as in rural area there are more mobile connections than bank accounts. In the SHG segment, discussions were kicked off with present status check of SHGs in India, especially after Andhra Pradesh crisis. Discussion also focused on quality aspect of SHGs and members felt need for nurturing and monitoring of SHGs even after credit linkages. While discussing inclusive credit information system, members emphasized on use of cost effective technology. It was further felt that RBI and IBA should make data sharing compulsory. In another session dedicated on NRLM, discussion was held on the objective and role of NGOs and civil society organizations. 6. Policy Engagement on Business Correspondents (BCs) model In accordance with the mandate of Sa-Dhan to advocate for favorable policy towards financial inclusion and build the capacity of its members for delivering reliable and affordable financial services to the poor client in most efficient way. The Association bears a stronger stake in promoting and strengthening the operations of BC model and leveraging its full strength through its strong association of community development finance institutions working in different legal forms and adopting diverse operational models. Sa-Dhan’s’ 21 MFI members are working as BC in association with 10 different banks, reaching out to 13.81 lakhs and mobilizing bank savings of Rs. 1140.05 crores. But in recent times BC model has faced both design and operational problem. A recent development under this has been the permission of NBFC to operate as BCs. In order to understand the aforesaid issues in more details, Sa-Dhan and GIZ have decided to come together to explore opportunities on synchronizing their efforts around the BC model. As a first step, both have decided to jointly organize two workshops for microfinance institutions (MFIs) & SHPIs who are either operating as BC or interested to be a BC. The rationale for conducting the workshops was to understand the ground challenges in terms of sustainability, technological, geographical, legal formalities etc. As a step ahead it was also decided to take the issues and challenges to RBI and MoF for further facilitation on the same. Following are the broader objectives of the workshops Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 18 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion To identify the intervention points for improving operations of BC model To identify, promote and strengthen sustainable business model for BC operations. To build the capacity of its members, including technological advancements, for adoption of BC model and its efficient delivery. To evolve an efficient supportive supervision and client grievance redressal mechanism in accordance with RBI guidelines To evaluate impact of the capacity building component of this project on both efficiency and quality perspective. To propose further refinement of the BC model based on evaluation results and advocate for its promotion as an alternate way of financial inclusion and branchless banking. The two events were organized on 16th and 17th of January, 2014 in New Delhi respectively for MFIs and SHPIs. As a first step towards building a larger joint effort for strengthening MFIs and SHGs and their federations as banking correspondents, the two workshops were full of learning. It has been expected to design the future work based on these learning Sa-Dhan’ SHG related activities 7. Sa-Dhan pioneered the work women self help groups (WSHG) with support from the Ministry of Finance and focused on poorer states, Left Wing Extremist (LWE) districts and North East states. Our members CECOEDECON, We the People, Holy Cross Social Service Centre shared their experiences of implementing the Women’s SHG Scheme in the districts allotted to them. The Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 19 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Association subsequently shared the feedback obtained from anchor NGOs with Ministry of Finance (MoF). The Association has been in touch of Small Farmers Agriculture Consortium (SFAC) on possible collaborations between Sa-Dhan members and SFAC. Sa-Dhan highlighted the need for funds to revive and build capacities of the existing SHGs at all appropriate platforms like meeting with MoF, NABARD, RBI, Commercial banks etc. The association sought capacity building funds for promotion of new SHGs and 2nd tier institutions such as SHG federations, cooperatives and producer companies. The Association has recommended necessary policy reforms like changes in the Producer Companies Act, replication of the MACS Act in Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. Sa-Dhan has organized 4 regional conclaves to discuss policy and operational issues and to find appropriate solutions on Community Based Economic Organizations (CBEOs). The Association has had three meetings with SIDBI’s PSIG program on collaboration in PSIG states. A proposal on capacity building of SHPIs; BC; self reliant cooperatives; monitoring and reporting of WSHG; micro insurance, MFI data work and code of conduct trainings in PSIG sates is submitted to Ministry of Finance (MoF). In order to promote ethical and best practices for SHPIs member, the Association is in the process of developing a self-assessment tool for SHPIs. It would also include standards and a rating tool for measuring financial and social performance standards for CBEOs. Sa-Dhan has been planning to act as an aggregator for CBEOs either directly or indirectly as a neutral facilitator and extend technical support in the areas of registration, institutional building, bank finance, collective bargaining etc. through member SHPIs. This would further strengthen the voice of CBEOs collectively. The Association has been closely observing the needs of livelihood/microenterprise financing needs by visiting several clusters. The objective is to develop tailor made loan products to enhance livelihood/microenterprise financing through product diversification. Sa-Dhan has been intensely involved in policy briefing meetings and consultations with MoF, RBI and NABARD on BC model to bring necessary changes in the model for its wider application. Promotion of BC model would further enhance financial services to microenterprises. Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 20 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion 7.1 A study on the Cost Structure of SHGs & Federations: Promotion to Sustainability Sa-Dhan has undertaken a study on the cost structure of SHG promotion and sustainability in association with Centre for Microfinance (CmF), Jaipur and SRTT. The title of the study was “A study on the Cost Structure of SHGs & Federation: Promotion to Sustainability”. Some of the major recommendations from the study are as follow: In regards to the LWE program run by MoF, the grant incentive of Rs. 10,000 looks rational for promoting SHGs in normal conditions. However, to sustain the SHGs for longer period, it needs to be ensured that the SHGs are credit linked and they maintain minimum average loan outstanding to render sufficient service charges to respective SHPIs. The study has evidently shown that it takes a long time to attain the desired goals of SHGs. Therefore focus shouldn’t only be given on promotion of SHGs but also to sustaining them for longer period. In this regard SHG federations could be of higher importance, so now time has come to visualize the importance of SHG federations and work for their sustenance. One of the crucial aspects of sustaining SHGs for a longer period is that its members should have confidence in SHGs and they should see it as effective mechanism in their fight against poverty. In this regards it is important to understand that members don’t only feel need for accessibility of financial services, but also require technical and other supports require for promoting sustainable livelihoods. SHPIs, therefore, need to assess the needs of SHGs and plan accordingly at micro-level. 7.2 Inclusive Credit Information Bureau Sa-Dhan in association with IFC and Experian Credit Bureau has started pilot programmes in order to enable all borrowers especially those from SHG-Bank linkage programs and NGO-MFIs to share their data. This has demonstrated a uniqueness of Sa-Dhan to bring technology to unregulated sectors and help borrowers to become more financially trained and reduce their indebtedness. Sa-Dhan organized Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 21 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion awareness workshops on “SHG Members’ Credit Information Sharing with CIBs” one each in Alwar and Kanpur. 8 Data and Research Work: Bharat Microfinance Report 8.1 Sa-Dhan has been publishing "The Bharat Microfinance Report” since 2004 to cater to the information needs of the various stakeholders. The report purports to provide a primary-data based analytical information to the government, policy makers, the RBI, banks, and MFIs enabling them to make informed intervention in the sector. 2013 edition was published with help of 155 MFIs data and disseminated to all stakeholders. Graph-1 shows the trend of no. of MFIs contributing data to the report series over a period of time. The fluctuation in respondent-number after 2010 is due to the impact of microfinance crisis on the MFIs in general. Trend of contributing MFIs over the years No. of MFIs 300 264 233 250 239 200 172 150 129 155 86 100 50 145 184 41 43 49 53 0 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Year Graph-1 The report coverage has been improved significantly over a period of time. In 2013 report, for example a separate chapter on Community Based Organization including Self Help Groups has been introduced. Similarly, number of parameters and the depth of analysis have also been improved in a way to make it useful to various stakeholders. Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 22 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion 9. State Chapters 9.1 North East Sa-Dhan made a joint representation to Principal Secretary Finance, Assam and Registrar of Societies, to allow microfinance as a development function so that NGOs carrying this objective in their MOAs can smoothly renew their certificate with the registrar of Societies in Assam. Subsequently, a detailed set of documents were sent to the Chief Minister of the state that includes details of NGO-MFIs working in other state and various policy documents where NGO MFIs have been allowed to work under priority sector guidelines etc. A conference had been organized in Guwahati, Assam with an objective of “Mapping the Demand & Institutional Responses” in the Financial Inclusion agenda. More than 140 participants attended the conference representing banks, MFIs, researchers, state govt representatives, policy makers & regulators. Sh. Mansingh Rongpi, Parliamentary Secretary of Finance and Minister of State, Government of Assam inaugurated the convention and addressed the participants. The panelist resolves around the importance of coming together and resolves the innate and external threats faced by the industry. 9.2 Tamil Nadu Tamil Nadu state Chapter General Body Meeting was held on 07th June, 2013 in Chennai. In depth discussion on Income Tax, technology related issues and recent Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 23 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion development in the sector were discussed. Update on the MFI Bill, skewed bank funding status, COCA workshops etc have been discussed. The Association also organized a one day workshop on ‘Regulatory and Code of Conduct Compliance by MFIs’ in collaboration with SIDBI and Smart Campaign. The workshop was held on 6th & 7th June, 2013 in Chennai. The purpose of the workshop was to facilitate the Compliance of Unified Code of Conduct in Sa-Dhan’s member organizations. Sa-Dhan jointly with ASSOCHAM organized a Convention on ‘Microfinance: Synergizing with Banks to Reach the Last Mile’ on 14 th February, 2014 in Chennai. The convention witnessed in depth discussion on various issues ranging from General, Regulatory and Operational issues. The convention was concluded with recommendations on Constant flow of equity to the MFIs, MFIs should be considered a part of mainstream, renewed focus on quality of service and customer protection, adoption new technologies in a big way, need to pay attention towards PACS, Credit rating of MFIs, interaction between banks and microfinance institutions. 9.3 Odisha The state government had repealed the Odisha Self Help Cooperative Act as a ripple effect of chit fund scams in eastern India. Sa-Dhan in consultation with its State Chapter has facilitated the formation of the platform, “Samabaya Surkhya Manch (SSM) to bring the voices together to take action against the repealing of OSHCA2001. Time to time Odisha High Court hearings and developments of the issues were being communicated to the members. Series of meetings helped the members to Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 24 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion resolve their issues among themselves and to be alert as per State Cabinets decision & guidelines of Department of Cooperation on repealing of OSHCA-2001. Model bye laws from the State Cooperative Union have been collected and communicated to the Cooperatives and members; which helped them to modify their Bye Laws as per earlier State Cooperative Act and timely submission of the documents to the Registrar of Cooperatives Societies, Department of Cooperation. 10. Membership Sa-Dhan continuously strives to broaden its membership base. The membership pattern as on 31st March, 2014 is given in the Table - 1 Type of Membership Legal Forms Primary 94 NBFC 63 Associate 146 Society 100 Total 240 Trust 24 Sec. 25 Company 23 Cooperative 13 Operation Direct 175 Bank 05 Indirect 65 Local Area Bank (LAB) 02 Total 240 Pvt. Ltd. Company 10 Total 240 Table-1 10.1 New Member During the FY 2013-14, 9 new institutions have joined the Association. The name of institutions are as follow: Shikhar Microfinance Pvt. Ltd. (SMPL)-NBFC – Delhi Intrepid Finance & Leasing Pvt. Ltd. -NBFC– Maharashtra Chanura Microfin Manipur –NBFC- Manipur Apex Abishek Finance Ltd. –NBFC- Tamil Nadu Growing Opportunity Finance (India) Pvt. Ltd. –NBFC- Tamil Nadu Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 25 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion REPCO Microfinance Ltd. -NBFC– Tamil Nadu Unnati Trade & Fincon Pvt Ltd - NBFC - West Bengal Annapurna Microfinance Pvt Ltd - Society - West Bengal Dakshin Budhakhali Improvement Society (DBIS) - NBFC - Odisha 10.2 Membership Survey This year Sa-Dhan undertook one membership survey across the India with an objective to understand the expectation of Members from the Association and to articulate the vision for the Association in 2020. Given the state of the sector today, to remain relevant to members and to our mission, Sa-Dhan has to deep dive in to the challenging topics of raising liquidity, implementing an effective Code of Conduct tool, looking at the holistic issues facing SHGs, promotional measures for Self Help Groups, SHG credit bureau pilot, WSHG, building an impartial SRO framework and working through the challenges of our membership structure. The membership survey from 65 Institutions across India including 34 Primary and 31 Associate members from 15 States have been received and analyzed. The feedback as per Legal form and State wise are as follows: Legal form wise no. of feedback from Members 7 4 7 7 29 NBFC-MFI 5 7 NBFC 8 8 2 State wise total no. of feedback from Members 4 1 1 7 14 Society/NGO 3 AP 5 AS 3 BR GJ 2 13 2 JH KA The Association has received precious feedbacks in all aspects of Policy Advocacy, Capacity Building Measures, Research & Data Work and other initiatives. Members’ feedback would enable us to prioritize our action accordingly for fruitful result. Analysis of the feedback and the average score clearly indicates that members Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 26 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion expectation from Sa-Dhan hinge upon three thematic areas i.e., Policy & Advocacy, Capacity building and Research & data work. The expectations of member MFIs from Sa-Dhan are as follows: SRO- Sa-Dhan shall be recognized as SRO at the earliest so that a standard can be followed amongst its members. Microfinance Bill- Sa-Dhan should work more seriously for passage of the bill at the earliest. Interface with Policy Maker, RBI, NBFC/MFI CEO, Political Leader, Women Leader, Bankers; Efforts should be made for more frequent interactions with Banking Sector; SaDhan should provide for support to members in the areas of training, MIS development etc.; Training to CEO/Board of Director for NBFC management, RBI Law; Training to Middle Level Management on NBFC Management & Various regulation affect on NBFC micro finance practices; Periodic Visit and Feed Back sharing on data. Sa-Dhan should conduct annual conference at different places in India for the benefit of members to disseminate policies and ensure compliance of regulations being an SRO. Sa-Dhan should work on mobilising new loans from lenders as they still facing problem in getting sanction of new loans and struggling to survive. RBI’s policy on NBFC-MFI in regard to lending to an individual by two MFIs, ceiling on annual income of microfinance clients. Building client’s awareness about present industry norms. Strengthening the SHG movement with increased promotional fund and bank linkage; Development of technology for transactions. Capacity building of SHG members and their leaders on SHG management, Financial literacy, Livelihood promotion initiatives, Social issues which help in the empowerment of women; More data should be generated to find out as to how and to what extent microfinance program is effective in poverty alleviation and livelihood promotion Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 27 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Coordinate with MFIs (Banks / FIs as well) in submitting the accurate and qualitative and up to date client data to Credit Information Companies (CICs) on regular intervals not lesser than 30 days including the organizations working with SHGs & JLGs; Teaming up MFIs (top managements) for policy issues discussion and conflict resolutions etc. on issues of pricing transparency, client protection & governance practices etc. Need to work on the Consolidated and Cumulative Geographical Operational Syndication of MFIs and may suggest the MFIs to take new initiatives to fill the regional syndication operational gaps To initiate dialog with various mainstream insurance agencies so as to develop more suitable user friendly composite insurance products for clients. Credit Linkage to WSHG and Interest rate of WSHG loan; Financial Literacy; Overlapping of WSHG with NRLM. Information about New Donors Banks and Investors; Knowledge exchange programmes; Workshops / Training of partners on emerging issues; showcasing unique models of MF initiatives. 10.3 With NABARD for more fund flows for SHPIs; With NRLM for NGOs engagement ; Code of conduct for SHPIs; NGOs head capacity building for sustainable SHG model and linking with livelihoods; Documents best practices in the sector on SHG-livelihood theme. Monthly Member Teleconference Initiative (MMTI) Every district and state has different issues, some are homogenous and others are not. In depth understanding of the issues, would help the Association to act strategically on its interventions including policy, capacity building and SRO related activities. Owing to time and distance constraints, it is not feasible to meet regularly all members of a particular state. Taking this into consideration Sa-Dhan has started a periodic state specific teleconference event. We have organized MMTI with West Bengal and North East. It has also been instrumental to source the issues on larger platform e.g. the issue of multiple lending in North East, raised by the members during MMTI, had been a topic discussed in the National Conference. Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 28 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion 11 15th Sa-Dhan Annual General Body Meeting held at New Delhi Sa-Dhan conducted its 15th Annual General Body meeting on 24th September, 2013 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. The Annual General Body meeting was attended by 90 representatives from member organizations. Highlights Dr. Amiya Sharma, then Chair of Sa-Dhan, welcomed 4 new members, namely G U Financial Services Pvt Ltd., Annapurna Microfinance Pvt Ltd., Dakshin Budhakhali Improvement Society & Unnati Trade & Fincon Pvt Ltd. The General Body considered and adopted the minutes of General Body meeting held on 6th August, 2012. The General Body considered and adopted the Directors Report and Audited Account for the financial year April 2012 – March 2013. Election of the Governing Board members. Following were joined the Sa-Dhan Board. Mr. Jagadananda – CYSD Ms. Jayshree Vyas – Sewa Bank Dr. Ramesh Bellamkonda – BSS Microfinance Mr. Kuldip Maity – Village Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. Ms. Gitanjali Satapathy – Kalighat Society for Development Facilitation Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 29 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Sa-Dhan Member List - State wise ANDHRA PRADESH Mr. S. C. Hassain Mr. P. V. Ravikumar Chief Executive Officer CEO The Payakaraopta Women’s Mutually Aided CoStar Youth Association (Star Microfin Service Society) operative Thrift and Credit Society Ltd. (PWMACTCS) Central Office: 17-178-17/1, Beside Telephone Exchange, Flat No. 3&4, Siva Surya Apartments, Main Road, Velgode (K) village, Kurnool District -518533, Payakaraopeta-531126, Andhra Pradesh Vishakapatnam Dist Andhra Pradesh, Mr. M. Ernest Paul Saadhana MicroFin Society nd # 50-760A-116, 2 Floor Gayatri Estates, Kurnool, Andhra Pradesh - 518 002 Mr. G. Dasratha Reddy CEO Future Financial Services Ltd. 4-368, CB Road, Greams Pet, Chittoor, 517002, AP. Dr. G. Muniratnam General Secretary Rashtriya Seva Samithi (RASS) Seva Nilayam, Annamaiah Marg AIR By Pass Road, Tirupati, Chittoor District 517 502 Andhra Pradesh Mr. L. Jayakumar, Secretary & CEO Hope Integrated Rural Development Society H-no 45/142/8, Upstairs, Road no 2, Venkataramana Colony, Kurnool. 518003 Andhra Pradesh. Mr. Varikuty Prabhudas CEO CRESA Financial Services Pvt. Ltd D.NO. 73-12-4A,Near Muncipal School,Narayanapuram, Rajahmundry, East Godavari, A.P.-533106 Mr. N. Satyanarayana CEO Siri Micro Fin Society rd 28 & 29, 3 floor, Ucon Plaza, Park Road, Kurnool – 518002 Andhra Pradesh Mr. Patan Nazeer Khan PARTNER 1/71-4, Rajiv Marg, Yeramukka Palli Kadapa- 516004, Andhra Pradesh Mr. Jakkuluri Manimma CEO Mother Therisa Mahila Mutually (MTMM) Aided coo-perative credit society ltd Muppalla (Po.) Chandariapadu(Mdl) Krishna district , Pin No – 521183 Andhra Pradesh Dr. Amiya Sharma Executive Director Rashtriya Gramin Vikas Nidhi (RGVN) th Rajgarh Road, 8 Bye lane, Kamrup Guwahati - 781003 Assam Sri B. Paul Muktieh Chairman & Managing Director, North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Limited, (NEDFi) NEDFi House, G.S. Road Dispur, Guwahati , Kamrup- 781 006, Assam ASSAM Dr. Anjana Borkakati Managing Director Prochesta Sonadhar Senapati Road Goswami Service Station, House No - 2, 2nd Floor Silpukhuri, Guwahati - 781 003 Mr. N. Irabanta Singh CEO UNACCO Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. 4-15/402, National Games Village Apartment, Borrajai, Beltola, Kamrup, Guwahati-781029 Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 30 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Mr. Sarat Ch. Das Grameen Sahara nd 2 floor, Samabai building, kulshi road, chhaygaon, Kamrup-781124 Assam. Mr. Pratim Chelleng President Global Welfare Society, GLOWS 2nd floor, Dewan Market, Opp. ESIC office, Bamunimaidan, Guwahati, Kamrup, Assam- 781021 Mr. Hiren Kalita Secretary Ajagar Social Circle Agia, Goalpara, Assam- 783120 Mr.Nirmal Sharma Secretary All Assam Socio Economic & Health Association (AASHA) Tilana Village, Po: Mugkuchi, Dist: Nalbari, Pin No: 781334 Ms.Rupal Kalita MD RGVN (North East) Microfinance Ltd House No- 2,Padma Path ,Bye Lane No-8, R.G.Baruah Road, Zoo Road Tiniali, Guwahati,Kamrup – 781024 Assam Mr. Arbind Singh, Executive Director, NIDAN Microfinance Foundation 304, Maurya Tower, Block-C, Maurya Lok Complex, Patna-800 001, (Bihar) India Mr. R.R. Kalyan CEO Centre For Development Orientation & Traning (CDOT) 96/1E, 2nd Floor, Opp. Lotus Appt. New Patliputra Colony, Patna- 13 Bihar Mr. V. Satyamurti Chief Executive Officer All India Association for Micro Enterprise Development (AIAMED) K - 6, Akash Barathi Apartments 24 - I. P. Extension Delhi-110 092 Mr. Vipin Sharma Program Director Access Development Services 28, Hauz Khas Village, New Delhi-110016 BIHAR Mr. Thakur Rabindra Nath Secretary Societal Upliftment & Rural Action for job & Empowerment (SURAJE) AT & P.O. Karghar, District Rohtas – 821107, Bihar. Mr. Shashi Ranjan Sinha CEO Saija Finance Private Limited 3rd Floor Uma Complex , Fraser Road Patna,Bihar-800001 DELHI Mr. Manas Satpathy Executive Director PRADAN E-1 A, Kailash Colony, New Delhi – 110 048 Mr. Sanjay Kumar Director SEWA Bharat st # 7/5, 1 Floor, South Patel Nagar New Delhi - 110008 Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 31 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Dr. N. P. Singh Co-Chairman Asian Society for EntrepreneurshipEducation & Development (ASEED), Aseed House, C-8/8007, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi – 110070 Rtn. Mr. T.K.Mathew Secretary & Chief Executive Deepalaya 46, Institutional Area, D Block Janakpuri, New Delhi - 110 058 Mr. H. P. Singh Chairman cum Managing Director Satin Creditcare Network Limited th 5 Floor, Kundan Bhawan Azadpur Commercial Complex Delhi- 110033 Dr. Rajesh Kumar Chief Executive Officer Society For Promotion of Youth & Masses (SPYM) 111/9, Opposite Sector B-4, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi – 110070 Mrs. Veena Kohli President All India Women’s conference Sarojini House, 6, Bhagwan Das Road, New Delhi - 110001 Mr. Ravi Gupta, COO Planned Social Concern G- 76, Harsh Path, Shyam Nagar, Jaipur- 302019 Shri J.N.L Srivastava Chairman Ishara Finance & Rural Development Pvt. Ltd. IFFCO Foundation, IFFCO House, 34, Nehru Place, New Delhi - 100019 Mr. Satyavir Chakrapani CEO Shikhar Development Foundation nd A-113, 2 Floor, Behind ICICI Bank Palam Extension, Dwarka sec- 7 New Delhi – 110077 Mr. Ajaya Mohapatra Chief Executive Officer We the People 102, D-211, Laxmansingh Complex-I Munirka, New Delhi-110067 Mr. Kultar Singh CEO Sambodhi Research & Communications Pvt. Ltd. O-2, Second Floor, Lajpat Nagar Part-II New Delhi- 110024 Mr. I.S Phogat General Manager Punjab National Bank Priority Sector & Lead Bank division (Agri-Business Cell) Head Office ,Atma Ram House 1,Tolstoy Marg, New Delhi-110001 Mr. G. Senthil Kumar Manager CARE India E-46/12, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase II, New Delhi – 110020 Ms.Bhagyashri Dengle CEO Plan International (India Chapter) E-12,Kailash Colony, New Delhi-110048 Mr. Satyavir Chakrapani Chief Executive Shikhar Microfinance Pvt Ltd. (SMPL) A-113, 2nd Floor, Behind ICICI Bank Palam Extention, Sector -7, Dwarka New Delhi – 110 077 Smt. Ela R Bhatt / Ms. Jayshree Vyas Founder / M.D. SEWA Bank 109, Sakar-II, Opp. Town Hall, Ellisbridge Ahmedabad – 380 006Gujarat GUJARAT Ms. Vijayalakshmi Das, Chief Executive Officer Friends of Women’s World Banking India (FWWB) 101, Sakar I Building, Opp: Gandhigram Station, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad Gujarat - 380 009 Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 32 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Ms. Gazala Paul Managing Trustee Samerth Trust Q-402, Shrenand Nagar Part-II Vejalpur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380 051 Mr. Divyang Bhatnagar CEO The Saath Savings and Credit Cooperative Society Ltd. 0/102, Nandavan-V, Near Prernatirth Jain Derasar, Jodhpur, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380 015 Dr. Dinesh Awasthi / Mr. Manoj Mishra / Vasant Patel. Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI) Near Village Bhat, Via. Ahmedabad Airport & Indira Bridge P.O.Bhat 382 428, Dist. Gandhinagar, Gujarat Mr. Jayendra Patel Vice Chairman & MD Arman Financial Services Limited 502-3-4, Sakar III, Opp. Old High Court Off. Ashram Road, Ahmedabd-380 014. Gujarat. Mr. Bhadresh Rawal Chief Executive PRAYAS (Organisation for Sustainable Development) 60, Maruti Nagar, Near Yadav Nagar, Meghpur Road, Anjar, Kuttch- 370110, Gujarat Indian School of Microfinance for Women nd 2 floor - Shukun Arcade, Nr. Medisurge Hospital, Mithakhali six road, Ahmedabad-380006. Gujarat Ms. Vijayalakshmi Das CEO Ananya Finance For Inclusive Growth Pvt.Ltd. 101, Sakar 1 Building, Nr. Gandhigram Station, Ashram Road, Ahmedabad - 380 009, Gujarat HARYANA Ms. Frances Sinha, Executive Director EDA Rural Systems Pvt. Ltd nd # 602, Pacific Square, 32 Milestone, NH 8 Gurgaon 122 001 Mr. Deepak Alok Director Prime M2i Consulting Pvt. Ltd. A-19, Eldeco Station 1 Sector 12, Faridabad - 121007, Mr. Rakesh Dubey President S. V. Credit line (P) Ltd. 5th Floor, Tower B, SAS Towers, Medicity, Sector - 38, Gurgoan - 122001. Haryana Mr. Girija Satish Executive Director Nav Bharat Jagriti Kendra (NBJK) At-Amritnagar, PO Korrah, Dist. Hazaribag-825301Jharkhand Mr. Tanay Chakravarty Managing Director Ajiwika Society Behind SBI Training Centre, Williams Town, B.Deoghar, Jharkhand - 814 112 JHARKHAND Sister Rosily Directress Holy Cross Social Service Centre Post Box 59, Hazaribagh - 825301 Jharkhand Mr. Bhawani Shankar Gupta Secretary SUPPORT D.V.C. Colony, Behind Hanuman Mandir Hazaribagh, Jharkhand – 825301 Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 33 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Dr. Shyam Kunwar Bharti Gen. Secretary Mahila Kalyan Samiti Dhori Staff Quarter, Near Dhori Dispensary, P.O – Dhori, P.S – Bermo, Pin – 825102, Distt – Bokaro, Jharkhand Mr. Gautam Jain Managing Director Vedika Credit Capital Ltd. th 406, Shri Lok Complex, 4 Floor, H.B. Road, Ranchi, Jharkhand- 834001. Mr. Bajrang Singh Director cum Secretary Samarthan Weakling Development Foundation Rajbari (Tali Bangala), Mihijam, Jamtara, Jharkhand- 815354 KARNATAKA Mr. R.D. Gadiyappanavar, Chief Executive Officer, Sanghamithra Rural Financial Services, No. 612, 1C Main Road, Domlur Layout, Bangalore-560071. Mr.N.D Tiwari Executive Director OUTREACH No.205, HBR Layout, 1st Stage Extension, 2nd Block Bangalore – 560 043, Karnataka. Dr. Ramesh Bellamkonda Chairman & MD BSS Microfinance Private Limited Regd. Office: No.11, 2nd Block, 2nd Stage, Outer Ring Road, Near BDA Complex, Nagarbhavi Layout, Bangalore-560072 Mr. Suresh K. Krishna Managing Director Grameen Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. No. 26, Srinivas Arcade, Srinidhi Layout Opposite Srinidhi Public School, Chunchanagatta,Bangalore – 560078 Karnataka Ms. Santosh Vas Chairperson Janodaya Public Trust th th No.3, 9 Cross, 5 Main, Jaymohan Extension, Binson Town post, Bangalore, Karnataka-560 046 Mr. Albin Pinto Managing Director - Finance Opportunity Microfinance India Ltd. #139 (1st Floor), Infantry Road Bangalore-560 001 Kaveri Credits (India) Pvt. Ltd. th th No. 219/26, 6 main, 4 Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore-560 011 Mr. Narayana Swamy M. Chief Executive SAMUHA nd 157/48/1, 2 cross, T Ramayya Garden SOS Childrens village post, Hulimavu Village, Bannerghatt road Bangalore – 560076, Karnataka Dr. L. H. Manjunath Executive Director Shri Kshethra Dharmasthala Rural Development Project Dharmashri Building, Dharmasthala, Belthangady Taluk, Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka - 574 216 Mr. C.Y.Bhardwad Chaitanya Institute for Youth & Rural Development (CHINYARD) At/PO: Agadi, Via Aralikatti, Tq. Hubli, Dist. Dharwad, Karnataka 581207 Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 34 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Eric Savage Co-Founder & President Unitus Advisors Pvt. Ltd. No. 9 / 3, Kaiser-E-Hind st 1 Floor, Richmond Road Bangalore - 560 025, Karnataka Mr. Vivekanand N. Salimath Chairman IDF Financial Services Pvt Ltd. st st 1 Floor, 147, 1 Main, 11 ‘C’ cross nd West of Chord, 2 stage Mahalakshmi Puram Bengaluru - 560086, Karnataka Mr. Samit Ghosh CEO and Managing Director, Ujjivan Financial Services Pvt Limited Manjunath complex, No. 93 Jakkasandra Extension Sarjapur Main Cross Road, st 1 block Koramangala, Bangalore - 560034, Karnataka Mr. Abhishek Agarwal Country Head - India ACCION Technical Advisors India rd No. 9/3, Kaiser-E-Hind, 3 Floor Richmond Town, Bangalore - 560 025 Mr. Niranjan Sheelavant Secretary / CEO Nirantara Community Services No- 19-1-160, Basavashraya, th th 5 Cross, 6 House, Shivnagar South, Bidar, Karnataka- 585401 Mr. Paramasivaiah N T Mr. Nagendra V. Mali Managing Director Navachetana Microfin Services P Ltd Mali Compound, Shivabasavnagar, Havri-581110, Karnataka Mr. P. Narayanappa CEO Prakruthi Foundation 41, Sri Srinivasa Nilayam st th 1 floor, 7 main, Jayaram reddy layout Horamavu Main road Bangalore – 560043, Karnataka Mr. P. S. Reddy Managing Director RORS Finance Private Limited 65, Ramakrishna Extension Srinivaspur P.O.Dist. Kolar – 563135, Karnataka Ms. Shibani Sachdeva Regional Director Planet Finance India nd 12/1 2 floor, Haudin road Ulsoor, Bangalore- 560042 Mr. V S Radhakrishnan CEO Janalakshmi Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. Rajashree Saroja Plaza,No.34/I,Andree Road,Shantinagar, Banglore -560027 KERALA Mr. B. S. Balachandran Mr. K. Paul Thomas General Secretary Executive Director Bharat Sevak Samaj (BSS) ESAF Microfinance & Investments Pvt. Ltd. Sadbhavana Bhavan, Brahmins Colony, Kowdiar (EMFIL) nd P.O. Thiruvananthapuram - 695003, Kerala ESAF Centre P. B. No. 12, 2 Floor, Hephzibah Complex, Mannuthy, Trichur-680651, Kerala Fr. Paul Cherupilly Executive Director Welfare Services Ernakulam Ponnurunni, Vyttila P.O., Dist. Ernakulam, Kochi -682 019, Kerala. Mr. Jayson Joy M.J Managing Trustee Shalom Microfinance Limited Bldg.No-59, Shalom Bhavan, Devi Nagar, Nurani P.O., Palakkad - 678004, Kerala Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 35 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Chairman HOPE Microcredit Finance (India) Pvt. Ltd. Hope Complex, Near Stadium, Bus Stand, Coimbatore Road, Palakkad – 678 001, Kerala Mr. Indra Bhusan Verma Executive Secretary Bal Mahila Vikas Samiti - VAMA 9-C, Maharana Pratap Nagar, Near Jiwaji Club, Lashkar, Chetakpuri Road, Gwalior – 474009 MP Mr.M.M Hassan Chairman Janasree Sustainable Development Mission City/Town: Thiruvananthaputam,District: Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala-695014 MADHYA PRADESH Kum. Arti Kushwah Chief Executive Priyasakhi Mahila Sangh 92/4, Bhagat Singh Nagar, Sanwer Road Banganga, Indore – 452 007 Madhya Pradesh Mrs. Rekha Koushal CEO Aprajit Mahila Sakh Sahakarita Maryadit 121,Aadarsh Bijasan Nagar, Pardeshipura,Indore Madhya Pradesh-452008 Mrs. Harvinder Bedi CEO Development Support Team (DST) Flat No. 2, Pooja Heritaje Apartments Plot No.46, Anand Park, Lane No.3, Aundh, Pune - 411007 Mr. Amul Urdhwareshe Director Sahayog Microfinance E - 7/88, Lala Lajpat Rai Society, Arera Colony, Bhopal – 462016 Madhya Pradesh MAHARASHTRA Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. (HDFC), th Romon House, 4 Floor, H T Parekh Marg, 169 Backbay Reclamation, Churchgate, Mumbai – 400 020 Dr. Sudha Kothari Managing Trustee Chaitanya Head Office: Moti Chowk, At. P:ost. Rajgurunagar, Tal. Khed, Dist. Pune – 410 505 Dr. Marcella D’souza Executive Director Watershed Organization Trust (WOTR) `Paryavaran' Behind Market Yard, Ahmednagar - 414 001, Maharashtra Brig. Raghunath V. Jatar Executive Trustee Development Initiative for Self-Help and Awakening (DISHA) C/o. Samaj Seva Kendra, S. N. 4272, Behind Akrudi P.O, Akrudi, Pune, Maharashtra- 411 035 Ms. Sonali Ponshe Vayangankar Vice Chairman & Managing Director Mahila Arthik Vikas Mahamandal Ltd. (MAVIM) Mezzaninie Floor, MHADA BLDG, Kalanagar, Bandra (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra- 400 051 Ms. Preeti Telang CEO Swadhaar FinAccess Head offiice: 101,Jolita Complex ,Plot No.639 Ghatla Village Road,N.B.Patil Marg Chembur(East),Mumbai-400071 Mr. K. Hariharan AVP, Microfinance Institution group, Development Banking YES Bank Ltd th Nehru Centre, 09 floor, Dr. Annie Besant Road, Worli, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400018 Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 36 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Mr. A. K. Garg Managing Director Agricultural Finance Corporation Ltd Dhanraj Mahal, First floor, Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Marg, Mumbai - 400 001 Mr. Rajesh Badakh CEO Sakhi Samudaya Kosh Plot No. 16, Umberge Niwas, Meher Nagar, Bijapur road, Solapur, Maharashtra - 413001 Smt. Shikha Sharma Managing Director & CEO Axis Bank Ltd. Axis House, C-2 Wadia International Centre, Pandurang Budhkar Marg, Worli, Mumbai - 400 025 Mr. Anil Jadhav Chairman Hindusthan Microfinance Pvt Ltd Hindusthan Bhawan, Ambedkar Nagar, Jarimari, Kurla Andheri Road Kurla, Mumbai, Maharashtra- 400072 Mr. Crispino Lobo Executive Director Sampada Trust “Sampada”Behind Market Yard, Ahmednagar, 414001, Maharashtra Mr. Murali Natarajan Managing Director & CEO Development Credit Bank Corporate & Registered Office, Peninsula Business Park, Tower ‘A’, 6th floor, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai – 400 013 Mr. Ramraj Pai Director CRISIL Ratings CRISIL Ltd. CRISIL House, 121/122 Andheri-Kurla Road, Andheri (E) Mumbai- 400093 Ms. Subhada Deshmukh President CHALANA Amhi Amchya Arogyasathi, Taluq. Kurkheda,Dist. GARCHIROLIMaharashtra Ms. Veena Mankar Managing Director Swadhaar Finserve Pvt Ltd 603, Shree Prasad House, Plot no. 517, 35th road, TPS – III, Bandra (West), Mumbai – 400050 Mr. Royston Braganza CEO Grameen Capital India Ltd. th 402, 5 floor, 36 Turner road, Bandra (W)Mumbai400050, Maharashtra Mr. Sanjay Kher National Sales Manager- Special Products SME Rating Agency of India Ltd. st Sumer Plaza,Unit No.102,1 Floor, Marol Maroshi Road,Marol Andheri –East, Mumbai- 400059 Mr. Avijit Saha, ICICI Bank Ltd General Manager- Rural & Inclusive Banking Group Corporate Head Office ICICI Tower, 4th Floor, Nrth Tower, East Wing, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai- 400051 Mr. Rishi Gupta COO & ED Intrepid Finance & Leasing P. Ltd Plot 38/39 Tarun Bharat, Sector 30, Sanpada, Navi Mumbai – 400705 Mr. Tennyson Kazingmei Executive Director Volunteers for Village Development, (VVD) VVD Wildwood Training Centre, Border road, Kharar Shongza, Hundung, Dist- Ukhrul, Manipur-795142 MANIPUR Mr. Y. Biren Singh Secretary General OISCA-Manipur Chapter Sangaiparou, Air port Road, Imphal-795-001 Manipur Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 37 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Mr. AK. Tikendrajit Singh CEO Youth Volunteers Union Waiview Bhavan,Thubal Wangmataba, Thoubal– 795138, Manipur Mr. Lamkhomang Kipgen CEO WSDS- Institute of Innovative technology transfer and Environment GOLLUT GENS Post Box No. 58(HPO), New Lambulane, Imphal (East)- 795001, Manipur Mr. K. James Lalrongbawl MD North East Region Finservices Ltd. Jim Blessing Home, Ground Floor, Sangaiprou, Airport Road, Imphal, Manipur – 795001 Mr. P K Khuman CEO Chanura Microfin Manipur (CMM) Hodam Leirak Machin Airport Road, Opposite Tiddim Oil Pump, Imphal West-795001, Manipur Mohammad N. Amin President ADHIKAR 113/2524, Khandagiri Vihar, Khandagiri Bhubaneswar-751 030, Orissa ODISHA Mr. Pradeep Kumar Behera Secretary ADARSA At-Gourpara (Farm Road), P. O. Modipara, Dist. Sambalpur-768 002 Orissa Mr. Jagadananda Member-Secretary Centre for Youth & Social Development (CYSD) E-1, Institutional Area, Gangadhar Meher Marg, P.O. R.R.L. Bhubaneswar – 751013, Orissa Mr. Govind Das Secretary GRAM-UTTHAN At/Po: Pimpuri, Via-Rajkanika, Dist-Kendrapara, Orissa-754 220 Mr. Khirod Chandra Malick Chairman Bharat Integrated Social Welfare Agency (BISWA) At - Danipali, PO - Budharaja, Dist-Sambalpur-768004, Orissa Mr. Kedareswar Choudhury Secretary Darbar Sahitya Sansad (DSS) At. Sodhua (Arapada), P. O. Dalakasoti, Via-Balipatna Dist-Khurda, Orissa-752 102 Mr. Subrat Kumar Singh Deo Executive Director Madhyam Foundation N-3/202, Ekamra Kanan Road IRC Village, Nayapalli Bhubaneswar, Dist. Khurda, Orissa - 751 015 Mr. Parshuram Nayak Director Swayamshree Micro Credit Services (SMCS) Plot No. 549/2126(P)/F Front Road of BIG Bazar, Patia & Back side of Petrol Pump Patia, Bhubaneswar-751024, Odisha Mr. Hari Shankar Rout Secretary Social Welfare Agency & Training Institute (SWATI) At. Malerimaha, P. O. Paburia Dist. Kandhmal – 762112 Orissa Mr. Pabitra Mohan Bal Chief Functionary Mahila ViKas Prathamika Sanchaya Samabaya Ltd. AT/PO: Kantabad, Via: Janla Dist: Khurda – 752054, Orissa. Mr. Baman Charan Mohanty Chief Executive Upkar At/Po: Nimapara, Canal Road, Dist: Puri, - 752106, Orissa Mr. Rajendra Meher Secretary Youth Council for Development Alternatives (YCDA) At. /Po: Baunsuni, Tikirapara Road, Dist: Boudh-762015, Orissa Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 38 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Mr. Nagendra Bihari Maharana Chief Executive Khandagiri Madhyamika Mahila Samabaya Sangha Ltd. C/O- Khetrabasi Sahoo, At- Dopati Sahi, POBalakati, Dist- Khurda, Odisha Mr. Babula Kumar Prasad Chairman PRASAD Foundation V.I.P Road, Puri- 752001, Orissa Ms. Sagarabala Sahoo Chief Executive Orissa Rural Infrastructure Development Association (ORIDA) Durgabazar Colony, P.O- Daspalla, Dist: Nayagarh, Orissa- 752084 Mr. Jugal Kishore Pattnaik Managing Director Mahashakti Foundation Sanchaya Shakti Bhawan, Madanpur Rampur – 766102, Dist. - Kalahandi, Orissa. Er. N. Satapathy President Asian Institute for Rural Regeneration At – Kalamishri, P.O. Lendura, District Cuttack 754203, Orissa Mr. Ajit Kumar Dash Secretary Bright Association for Noble & Decent Human Understanding (BANDHU) rd AT: Madhuban, 3 Lane, PO Puri – 752002, Orissa Mr. Gopal Chand Sahu Secretary ODISHA At Mahulapalli, P.O. Madhupalli, Via – Poolasaran, Dist. Ganjam – 761105, Orissa Ms. Sharda Patel President Sanginee Secondary Co-operative Ltd. AT – Hill Town, Near JP Evening College, P.O. Bhawanipatna – 766001, District Kalahandi, Orissa Mr. Keshab Ch. Behera Secretary Banki Anchalika Dibasi Harijan Kalyana Parishad AT/P.O. Banki, District Cuttack – 754008, Orissa Mr. Basant Kumar Jena Secretary PRAGATI Pragati Complex, College Square, Duttatota Puri752001, Orissa Mr. Kshetra Mohan Khuntia Chief Executive Organization for Development Coordination (ODC) 122, Kedar Gouri Vihar, Behind Mesco Tower, Bhubaneswar, Dist- Khurda- 751014, Orissa Mr.Deepak Kindo CEO Sambandh finserve Pvt.Ltd. Plot no -7,Sindh Colony, Mission Hata, Rajganagpur,District-Sundargarh Orissa-770017 Mr. Gobinda Chandra Pattanaik CEO People’s Forum HIG-44 ,Dharamvihar Khandagiri Square, Bhubaneswar, District: Khundra, Orissa -750030. Ms.Nayana Mohanty CEO Swayanshree Mahila Samabaya Ltd. At:- Badambadi (Near Special Primary School), Po.- Arunodaya Market, Dist. – Cuttack, Pin – 753012, Orissa Mr. Md. N Amin CEO Adhikar Microfinance Pvt. Ltd. Plot No-77/180/970, Subudhipur Bhubaneswar-751019, Orissa Mr.Govind Chandra Dash MD G U Financial Services Pvt. Ltd Plot No-4709/5012, Gajapati Nagar,Sainik School ,Bhubaneswar-751005,District-Khurdha,Orissa Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 39 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Mr. Dibyajyoti Pattanaik CEO Annapurna Microfinance Pvt. Ltd. HIG-97, Dharma Vihar, Khandagiri Bhubaneswar – 751 030, Odisha PUNJAB Mr.Sarvjit Singh Samra MD Capital Local Area Bank Midsa Corporate Park ,3rd Floor 37 ,G.T Road, Jalander, Punjab -144001 RAJASTHAN Mr. Ambuj Kishore Programmes Director Association for Rural Advancement through Voluntary Action & Local Involvement (ARAVALI) Patel Bhawan, H.C.M.-R.I.P.A (OTS), Jawahar Lal Nehru Marg, Jaipur - 302017, Rajasthan Sharad Joshi CEO Cecoedecon Development Centre CECOEDECON, SWARAJ Bhavan, Plot No. F-159-160, Industrial & Institutional Area, Sitapura, Tonk Road, Jaipur-302 022, Rajasthan Ms.Priyanka Singh Chief Executive SEVA Mandir Old Fatehpura, Udaipur -313 004. Rajasthan Mr. Amar Chand Purohit Chief Executive Pustikar Sakh Sahakari Samiti Ltd. Setubandh Rameshwr Temple Complex, Inside Jalori Gate, Jodhpur - 342001 Rajasthan. Mr. Rajesh Singhi Executive Director IBTADA Plot No. 4, Scheme 8, Gandhinagar, Alwar – 301001 Rajasthan Mr. Amitava Banerjee Executive Director Bhoruka Charitable Trust 1, Prabhu Dayal Marg, Near Sanganer Airport Jaipur 302011, Rajasthan Mr. Pramod K. Paliwal Secretary Arth Micro Finance Pvt. Ltd. A-11, Mahaveer Udyan Path Bajaj Nagar, Jaipur-302015 Mahendra Pal Singh Likhari CEO Sahayata Microfinance Pvt. Ltd rd 303, 3 floor, Mahaveer complex, 5C Madhuban, Udaipur - 313001 Rajasthan Ms. Richa Audichya CEO Jan Chetna Sansthan 1-C-40,Housing Board Colony, Akra Bhatta, Abu Road-307026 Dist. Sirohi (Raj.) India TAMIL NADU Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 40 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Mr. S Devaraj, Chairman & Managing Director Mr Arjun Muralidharan, CEO Grama Vidiyal Microfinance Ltd th 2-A, Sathia Illam, 2A- 10 Cross, Alli Street, Annamalai Nagar, Tiruchy-620 018 Tamil Nadu Mr. N. Peter Palanisamy Managing Director Nanayasurabhi Development Financial Services No.16. Panbagam. Grace Garden, Thiru.Ve.Ka. Nagar, Behind Govt. Hospital, Puthur, Trichy – 620 017, TamilNadu Mr. B. Mahendran, Chief Executive Officer Indian Association for Savings & Credit (IASC) 726/B, Second Floor, Srivenky Complex, Cross Cut Road (Near Fly Over), Coimbatore – 641 012 Tamil Nadu. Mr. Asok Kumar Rathnam Chairman & Managing Director Sarvodaya Nano Finances Ltd. 279, Avvai Shanmugam Salai Royopettai, Chennai-14 Mr. R. Asok Kumar CEO Sarva Jana Seva kosh Ltd. (SJSK) 279, Avvai Shanmugam Road Royapettah, Chennai – 600 014, Tamil Nadu Ms. N. Radha Executive Director League For Education And Development [LEAD] # 80/40, 1 Street, Rayar Thoppu Sriramapuram, Srirangam Trichirapalli – 620006, Tamilnadu Dr. C. Joslin Thambi Director Bullock-Cart Workers Development Association (BWDA) P. Box No-93, 858 East Pondy Road, Villupuram-605 602, Tamil Nadu Dr. N. Sethuraman President Mahasemam 1 & 2, Lake Area, Uthangudi Post, Madurai - 625 107, Tamil Nadu Mr. Peter Rex Charly Director New Life Flat ‘B’ Adhiyaman Towers nd 2 Cross, Kamban Street Kumaran Nagar, Trichirapalli – 620017 Tamil Nadu Mr.David Solomon Chief Executive Ecumenical Church Loan Fund of India (ECOLOF) 29, Poonamallee High Road, Fins Campus, Periamet, Chennai-600 003 Mr. S. P. Annadurai Executive Director Guidance Society For Labour Orphans & Woman (GLOW) Sowlore Village, K. Pudur Post, Tirupattur Taluk, Velore Dt. 635653, Tamilnadu Mr. M. Sathiyamoorthi Managing Director SMILE Microfinance Limited No. 4/22, Dr. Natesan Road, (Opp: Police Training College), Ashok Nagar, Chennai- 600083 S.Suvisedagan Aruliah Associate Director – Microfinance Innovative microfinance for poverty alleviation and Community transformation (IMPACT) # 16, VOC Main street, Kadambakkam, Chennai 600024 Mr. P Pandian Director Community Development Centre Main Road (Near Ghat Road) Genguvarpatti, Theni Dt. Tamilnadu - 625203 Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 41 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Ms. N. Radha Chief Executive Sangamam Women’s Multipurpose Thrift and Credit Co-operative Society Ltd. # 8/40, Ist Street, Royar Thoppu, Sriramapuramviveka, Srirangam Trichy, Tamilnadu- 620006 Mr. K. Hirudayasami Chief Executive People’s Action for Transformation No-A, A-Block, St Paul's Complex, Bharathiar Salai, Trichy, Tamil Nadu- 620001. Mr. G. George Director Community Services Trust Rakshas Building, 16-E, Sathyanarayan Street, Swarnapuri, Salem- 636004, Tamilnadu Mr. J. Anthoni Samy CEO Manidham Grameen Savings cum Credit Services No. 5, Sathiyamurthy street, Suvalpettai Arakkonam, Vellore – 631001 Tamil Nadu Mr. P. N. Vasudevan CEO Equitas Microfinance India Pvt. Ltd. th 4 Floor, Temple Towers, 672 Anna Salai, Nandanam, Chennai-600035, Tamil Nadu Dr. C. Joslin Thambi Director BWDA Finance Ltd (BFL) P. Box No-93, 858 East Pondy Road, Villupuram-605 602, Tamil Nadu Mr. P Pandian Director CDC Microfinance Pvt.Ltd Main Road (Near Ghat Road) Genguvarpatti, Theni Dt.Tamilnadu -625203 Mr. D. Selvam Founder Secretary Rural Education and Action Development (READ) 1926 (8/58), Sakthi Vinayagar Street, Vilandai, Andimadam, Ariyalur- 621801, Tamilnadu Mr. R.M. Paramasamy CEO Society for Human Equality ,People Health, Education and Rural Development (SHEPHERD) 97, Ayyanar Colony, City/TownThanakkankulam, Thirunagar District-Madurai-625006, Tamil Nadu Mr.Pon. Aananth Water Credit officer, South Asia I Floor, Plot B – 227, 15th Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 600083. Mr. K. A. Ananthan President Rural Education, Environment Development & Multipurpose Awareness Society, 121/2, Kalaramani, Modachur post, Gobichettipalayam TK- 638476, Erode District, Tamilnadu Dr. M. Arumai Raj MD Virutcham Microfinance Ltd. Ambedkar Cultural Academy (DACA)Mandela Nagar P.T.C. Post, Madurai – 625 022. Tamilnadu. Mr. M. Muthu Kumar Apex Abishek Finance Limited B-27, Hudco Colony, Near PSG Hospitals Peelamedu, Coimbatore – 641 004 Tamil Nadu Mr. Samuel Chandar CEO Growing Opportunity Finance (India) P Ltd No.73, 1st floor, ‘Y’ Block, 6th Street Anna Nagar, Chennai 600040 Mr. R. Varadarajan CEO REPCO Micro Finance Ltd No.33, North Usman Road, T. Nagar Chennai – 600 017, Tamil Nadu MSME Development and Finance Ltd. Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 42 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion TELANGANA Mr. Vijay Mahajan Mr. M Udaia Kumar MD Managing Director Bhartiya Samruddhi Finance Ltd Share Microfin Limited (BASIX Group) D.No.I-8-437,438,364 & 445,7th floor,Splendid rd H.O. :3 Floor,Surabhi Arcade,Troop Bazar,Koti, Tower,Huda Road,Begumpet, Hyderabad-500016 Hyderabad-500001, Telangana Telangana Mr. Mihir Sahana Managing Director Indian Grameen Services (IGS) 5-1-664/665/679, 3rd Floor, Surabhi Arcade, Bank Street, Troop Bazar, Koti, Hyderabad-500001 Mr. M R Rao MD & CEO SKS Microfinance Pvt.Ltd My Home tycoon, 03rd floor above “Life style” Block – “A” 6-3-1192, Kundanbagh, Main road Hyderabad 500016. Telangana Ms. G. Padmaja Reddy Managing Director Spandana Sphoorty Financial Services Ltd Plot No. 79.Vinayak Nagar, Care Crystal, Near Spencer Super Market, Gachibowli, Hyderabad500032 Telangana Mr. Vijay R Nadkarni Managing Director Krishna Bhima Samruddhi Local-Area Bank Ltd., 7-5-108/B/1, 1st Floor, Venkateshwara Colony, Mahboobnagar - 509 002 Telangana Mr. John Gaddala Secretary Pragathi Seva Samiti Pragathi MAC Credit & Marketing Federation Ltd. 2-6-45/2, New Shanthi Nagar Colony, Road No. 2, Circuit house Road Hanamkonda, Warangal 506001, Telangana Mrs. R.Girija CEO SWAWS Credit Corporation India Pvt. Ltd. Door No.C-2, II floor, Pooja Plaza, Vikrampuri, Kharkhana, Secunderabad – 500009 Telangana Mr. Uppe Raja Rao Secretary Social Education and Voluntary Action- Micro Foundation of India (SEVA) H. No 11-24-36, M. V. Colony, Road No. 2 Deshaipet Road, Warangal Telangana - 506 002 Mr.Sundara Rao MD Maanaveeya Holdings & Investments P Ltd. Plot No. 107, Prasasan Nagar, Jubilee Hills, Road No - 72, Hyderabad-500033 Mr. S. Viswanatha Prasad Chief Executive The Bellwether Microfinance Fund P Ltd. III Floor, 8-2-596, Road No. 10, Banjara Hills Hyderabad -500034 Telangana Mr. Kishore Puli Managing Director Trident Microfin Private Ltd. H.No. 11-8-15, MIG 33, Shree Sai Arcade, 1st & 2nd floor, Saroornagar, Ranga Reddy Dist Hyderabad-500035 Telangana Dr. Vidya Sravanthi Managing Director Asmitha Microfin Ltd. 1 – 2 – 58, Plot No. 1 – 3, N Block, Kakatiya nagar Habsiguda, Hyderabad. Telangana.- 500007 Sri C. Mohan Naidu CEO Development Organization for village Environment (DOVE) 1 – 92/2A, Prabhatnagar Colony, Chaitanapuri, Dilsukhnagar, Hyderabad – 500006, Telangana Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 43 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Dr. S. Srinivas Senior Faculty The Livelihood School nd 2 Floor ,C/O Arora Business School, 6-3-456/18 & 19,Beside NIMS,Dwarkapuri Colony, Panjagutta Hyderabad-82,Telangana Mr. S. K. Dwivedi Executive Director Grameen Development Services (GDS) B - 1/ 84, Sector-B, Aliganj, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh - 226 024 Chief Executive Officer Indur Intideepam MACS Federation Ltd. 5-67, P&O- Dharmaram (B), Mandal Dichpally, Nizamabad, Telangana- 503230 UTTAR PRADESH Mr. Ganesh Pandey Convener Shramik Bharti 392, Vikas Nagar (Lakhanpur) Kanpur – 208 024 (U.P.) Mr. Mukul Jaiswal Managing Director CASHPOR Micro Credit B/4, D.I.G. Colony,Maqbool Alam Road,Near State Bank of India Varanasi - 221002, Uttar Pradesh Mr. Anil K. Singh Chief Executive Officer Network of Enterpreneurship & Economic Development (NEED) 39, Nil Vihar, 14-Sector Power House, Indira Nagar, Lucknow-226 016, UP Mr. Ambarish Singh CEO PAHEL Livelihoods I/14/5-A Hausila Near ,Near J.B Polytechnic, Faizabad - 224 001, Uttar Pradesh Mr. Rahul J Mittra Director Margdarshak Financial Services Ltd. B-905 CIG Colony, Mahanagar Lucknow – 226006 U.P Mr. K. N. Tiwari Director Disha India Micro Credit Sultanpur-Chilkana Saharanpur - 247 231, Uttar Pradesh Mr. Anil Singh, Director Mr. Sanjay Singh, Secretary Parmarth Samaj Sevi Sansthan Mona House, Opp. Collectrate Churkhi Road, ORAI (Jalaun) 285001 Uttar Pradesh. Mr. Paras Nath Singh Secretary Yuva Chetna Kendra Gayatripuram, Kasia Road Deoria – 274001, U.P. Mr. Anup Kumar Singh Managing Director Sonata Finance Private Limited 125B/6B, Pt. Madan Mohan Malviya Marg, George Town Allahabad - 211002, U. P. Mr. Vinod Jain Managing Trustee Trust Microfin Network 3/455, Vishal Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow – 226 010 Uttar Pradesh Mr. Moses Prashant Rao Chief Executive Nirman Bharti Samajik & Arthik Vikas Sangathan B-991, Sector-A, Mahanagar, Lucknow 226007 Uttar Pradesh. Mr. Sunil Agrawal Managing Director S.E. Investments Ltd. Block- 54, Sanjay Place, Agra- 282002 U.P. Ms. Mamta Mishra CEO Drishtee Foundation Knowledge Boulenard, Tower B, 8th floor, Plot No: A8A, Sector-62, Noida, Gutam Budh Nagar – 201301 Uttar Pradesh Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 44 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Mr.Artiman Tripathi CEO Janhit Foundation S.P.-24,Chetan Vihar,Sector-C,Aliganj Lucknow ,Uttar Pradesh-226024 UTTARAKHAND Mr. Islam Hussain Executive Director PAHAL Gola Bairrage Road (Near Railway Station) Kathgodam, Nanital – 263126, Uttarakhand Mr. Mahendra Singh Kunwar Secretary Himalayan Action Research Centre 744, Indira Nagar, Phase II, P. O. - New Forest, Dehradun - 248 006, Uttarakhand Mr. Vijay Kumar CEO Uttarakhand Micro-finance and Livelihood Promotion Cooperative Institution First Building, Rajeshwar Nagar, Phase – 5 (above OBC Bank), Sahastradhara Road, Gujrara, Dehradun - 248001 Uttarakhand. WEST BENGAL Mr. A. K. Maity CMD Village Welfare Society (VWS) Village Tower, F-15, Geetanjali Park, 18/3AKumud Ghoshal Road, Ariadaha, Kolkata, West Bengal – 700057 Mr. Chandra Shekhar Ghosh CMD Bandhan Financial Services Pvt. Ltd DN-32, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata – 700091West Bengal Mrs. Gitanjali Satapathy Secretary Kalighat Society for Development Facilitation (KSDF) # 57/A, Gurupada Haldar Road, Kalighat Kolkotta, W.B - 700026 Mr. Kapilananda Mondal CEO cum Secretary Vivekananda Sevakendra-o-Sishu Uddyan (VSSU) Vill: Ullon, P.O. Ramlochanpur Dist. South 24 Parganas, W.B.- 743 336 Mr. Chinmoy Khaskel Chief Functionary Ullon Social Welfare Society Post Office: Ramlochan Pur, Village: Ullon, Police Station Mondir Bazar, South 24 Pgns, West Bengal – 743336 Mr. Shubhankar Sengupta CEO AROHAN Financial Services Ltd Prafulla, 195/1, Rajdanga, Chakrabortypara, Kasba, Kolkata, West Bengal- 700107 Mr.Kuldip Maity Chief Executive Village Financial Services Pvt. Ltd Village Towers, F-15, Geetanjali Park, 18/3A, Kumud Ghoshal Road, Ariadaha, Kolkata-700057. Mr. Malay Dewanji CEO Liberal Association for Movement of People (LAMP) 28/1B/1, Bose pukar Road Kolkata-700042, West Bengal. Mr. Ganesh Chandra Modak Secretary Society for Model Gram Bikash Kendra 107, Jodhpur Park, Kolkata - 700068, West Bengal. Mr. Pranab Rakshit Chief Executive Officer Sarala Women Welfare Society 4/2/3 Dino Master Lane, Shibpur, Howrah - 711103 West Bengal. Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 45 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Strengthening Financial Inclusion Mr. Bishwajit Das Executive Director Belgharia Janakalyan Samity AE - 592, Sector - 1, Salt Lake City Kolkata 700064 Mr. Ranjib Ghosh CEO SEBA Rahara Dakshinpalli Canal side Road, P.O. Rahara, Dist:- 24 Pgs(N), Kolkata- 700 118 Mr. Kashinath Haldar Secretary Haridanga Ramkrishna Vivekananda Sangha Nabudaya Palli (Baghar Gole), 237, Boral Main road, Kolkata, 24 Pargana (South), West Bengal- 700103 Mr. Sudipta Banerjee CEO Sahara Utsarga Welfare Society 10/9,Chiner Park, Rajarhat,Gopalnagar Kolkata – 700059, West Bengal Ms. Pronoti Sadhank Secretary Parama Mahila Samity, Kamalpur, Purbanawapara, Nadia- 741501 Mr. Pulak Kuamr Dey CEO Coochbehar Khagrabari Relief Services, KRS Vill- Khagrabari (Taltala), Post & Dist- Coochbehar736101 West Bengal Mr. Animesh Naiyer CEO Dhosa Chandaneswar Bratyajana Samity Vill & Post- Dakshin Barasat,P.S-Jaynagar, West Bengal Pin-743372 Mr.B.S Kayal CEO Bengal Women Welfare Association 1/1 Q, Prince Golam Md Shah Road, nd 2 floor,Kolkata,West Bengal-700095 Mr. Anjan Das Gupta Managing Director ASA International India Microfinance Pv Ltd Block : IB -163, Salt Lake City, Sector-III Kolkata, West Bengal-700106 Mr. Ranjit Ghosh President Barasat Anweshan Harpara , P.O-Beraberia,Madhabpur North 24Parganas,Kolkata(W.B)-700121 Mr.Prasanta Ku.Panda CEO Dakshin Budhakhali Improvement Society 43B,Sadananda Road, Gr-floor,Kolkata West Bengal -700026 Mr. Sandip Kumar Sinha Chief Executive Unnati Trade & Fincon Pvt Ltd 184, Andul Station Road Jhorehat, Howrah – 711 302 West Bengal Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 Annual Report 2013 – 14 Head Office: 12 & 13, 2nd Floor, Special Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi - 110067 (India) T: +91-11-47174400 F: +91-11-47174405 Email: W: Regd Office: Plot No. 4, Second Floor, Chandragiri Colony Near RTA Office, Trimulgherry, Secunderabad – 500015 Telefax : +91 40 40216026 /+91 40 40037179 Email: Sa-Dhan: The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions 56