DC Circuits Objective: To learn how to build and run an electrical circuit. To measure current and voltage anywhere in the circuit. To determine the relationships between current, voltage and resistance. To learn and apply Kirchoff's Rules Apparatus: SnapCircuits board, circuit elements, cables, DC power supply, multimeters (combination voltmeter/ammeter/ohmmeter), light bulb (6V limit – do not exceed for a single bulb in series). Introduction So far our labs have focused on electric fields that have macroscopic effects – a charged rod that attracts bits of paper or foil, a charged copper sphere, and scotch tape strips that attract or repel each other. Now we will examine the microscopic effects of electrical fields in wires that conduct electricity. In today's lab you will build simple circuits and learn to measure current, voltage and resistance. Theory The following summarizes what you have have already learned in lecture about circuits: Electric Potential You should recall that the electric field E is related to the electric potential, V. If the electric potential changes by the amount V across a distance s , the electric field is: E=− V s Current Current I is defined as the flow of charge Q per unit time: I= Q t Ohm's Law For certain materials, the current, I, that flows is directly proportional to the applied potential difference, V, where the constant of proportionality is the material's resistance, R. This relationship is known as Ohm's law. V = IR Ohm's law essentially says that there's a linear relationship between the voltage applied to a material and the amount of current that flows. Materials for which the voltage-current relationship is described by Ohm's law are known as ohmic materials; those materials for which the voltage-current relationship is not described by Ohm's law are known as, you guessed it, non-ohmic. Kirchoff's Junction Rule In general, the current entering any point in a circuit must equal the current leaving that point. This rule is particularly useful when we apply it to a circuit junction. A junction is a location in a circuit where three or more wires meet. This junction rule indicates that charge does not accumulate nor disappear at a junction. The junction rule is a consequence of the law of conservation of charge. In the junction on the right, the current i1 splits up into i2 and i3. Because charge cannot accumulate nor disappear at a junction, the following equation must be true: i1 = i2 + i3 or equivalently i1 – i2 – i3 = 0 Kirchoff's Loop Rule The algebraic sum of all potential differences around any closed loop in a circuit is zero. This is a consequence of the law of conservation of energy. Starting from the negative terminal of the battery and proceeding clockwise, the sum of the potential differences in a complete loop is given by the following equation: +Vb – iR1 – iR2 = 0 Procedure You will build a series of circuits using SnapCircuit circuit elements and connectors, which will be connected to a DC power supply. A DC (Direct Current) power supply supplies a constant potential difference (voltage); a typical flashlight battery is another example of a DC power source Circuit elements, including light bulbs and power supplies/batteries, have two terminals: plus (+) and minus (-). Current enters through one and and leaves through the other. So a closed circuit (as in the circuit containing two resistor and one battery, above) should be one continuous, closed loop (or series of loops). On your power supply, there is a green Power button. Before you push it, make sure that the “Coarse” and “Fine” current knobs are set to the middle position, and that the “Coarse” voltage knob is set to the minimum position. After you press the Power button, you can slowly adjust the voltage with the two voltage knobs. Do not exceed 6V on the power supply if you are using a single light bulb in series with it. The voltage (or current) is displayed on the red LED display on the face of the power supply, with a lever that lets you select voltage or current. Remember, this is the voltage (or current) reading through the power supply and not necessarily at every point in the circuit. A voltmeter must be connected in parallel with the circuit element across which you are measuring the voltage. In contrast, an ammeter must be connected in series with the circuit element through which you are measuring the current. In the labs, we will be using measuring devices called multimeters, which can serve as a voltmeter, ammeter or ohmmeter depending on the setting. Make sure that if you are using the multimeter as a voltmeter (ammeter) that you have it connected in parallel (series) or your results will not only be incorrect but you may damage the multimeter. Also, when you're using the multimeter as an ohmmeter, you should not have a power supply or battery in the circuit – the only thing between the ohmmeter's terminals should be the circuit element (resistor or bulb). Record all drawings, observations and calculations in the hand-in sheet and submit. Activity 1 Connect the cables of an ohmmeter (select this function on your multimeter) to the terminals of a resistor (100 Ω or the lowest you can find) and confirm that the resistor's value is accurate. Activity 2 Build a simple circuit where a flashlight bulb is powered by a DC power supply. Slowly raise the voltage to between 5 and 6 Volts. Remember, do not exceed 6V on the power supply if you are using a single light bulb in series with it. Draw the circuit in pictorial form, and draw its representation in schematic form (using symbols for resistor, battery, etc). Activity 3 Measure and record the voltage across the bulb using the multimeter in the voltmeter setting. Before you make the measurement, make sure the leads are connected to the multimeter correctly. The red lead should be placed in the V socket and the black lead should be placed in COM socket. Also make sure that the meter is connected in parallel with the bulb. Check with your TA if you're unsure about any of these steps. Also measure and record the voltage across the light bulb using the power supply's voltage display. How do the two measurements compare? Activity 4 Turn the power supply down and then off. In a moment you'll measure the current through the light bulb using the multimeter in the ammeter setting. Make sure the leads are connected to the multimeter correctly. The red lead should be placed into the 10A socket and the black lead should be in the COM socket. Also remember to connect the ammeter in series with the bulb. Check with your TA if you're unsure about any of these steps. Once you have the correct connections, turn on the power supply and turn the voltage to the value you used in Activity 3. What is the current as measured by the multimeter in the ammeter setting? What is the current as measured using the power supply's current display? How do the two measurements compare? Activity 5 Now vary the voltage across the light bulb from zero to the maximum rating of the light bulb at 11 evenly-spaced values of voltage. At each of these values, measure and record the voltage and the corresponding current. (Measure the voltage using one multimeter in the voltage setting—make sure it is connected in parallel with the light bulb. Measure the current using the other multimeter in the ammeter setting—make sure it is connected in series with the light bulb.) Activities 6-9 Repeat Activities 2-5 above, but this time for a resistor (pick a low resistance value, around 100 Ω). Plot V vs. I for both bulb and resistor; you can use Graphical Analysis if you wish (recommended). Is there a difference between the shapes of their graphs? Is the resistor an ohmic device? Is the bulb an ohmic device? (Hint: What is the relationship between voltage and current for an Ohmic device?) For the resistor, find a value for the slope of the V vs. I graph. How does this value compare to the resistance value as labeled on the resistor? Activity 10 Connect two resistors of known value in series and then connect them to the power supply. In a moment, you'll turn the power supply on and set the power supply's voltage to 5V. Before doing so, predict (calculate) the voltage across each resistor and the current through each resisitor. Then actually measure these values. How close (give a percentage error) were your predicted values to your measured ones? Draw the complete circuit and indicate the current through and voltage drop across each circuit element (including the power supply). Is Kirchoff's Loop Rule obeyed? That is, do the potential differences add to zero as you loop through the circuit? Activity 11 Connect two resistors of known value in parallel and then connect them to the power supply. In a moment, you'll turn the power supply on and set the power supply's voltage to 5V. Before doing so, predict (calculate) the voltage across each resistor and the current through each resistor. Then actually measure these values. How close (give a percentage error) were your predicted values to your measured ones? Draw the complete circuit and indicate the current through and voltage drop across each circuit element (including the power supply). Is Kirchoff's Junction Rule obeyed? That is, is the current entering the junction formed by the parallel resistors the same as the sum of the currents through each individual resistor? Is Kirchoff's Loop Rule obeyed? That is, do the potential differences add to zero as you loop through the circuit? Assessment and Presentation (Hand-in Sheet/Lab Notebook) After entering your results from Activities 1-10 above in the hand-in sheet, answer the following questions: 1. Resistance is often a function of temperature. How does the temperature of the light bulb influence its resistance? 2. Christmas Tree light bulbs are connected in parallel, not series. Can you think of a practical reason for this? 3. Connect a light bulb in series with a 100 Ω (or as close as possible) resistor and connect to a power supply. Are you able to make the bulb light up? If not, explain why.