Document No: IG10e Version: Name of Procedure: Author: Release Date: Review Date: 1.1 Remote Access Risk Assessment Lauren Hamill, Information Governance Officer Version Control Version Release Author/Reviewer Date 1.0 L. Hamill 2012 1.1 L. Hamill This document supersedes all previous issues. Changes (Please identify page no.) Change of format. Contents Section Page 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………. 3 2. Purpose……………………………………………………………………................... 3 3. Scope ………………………………………………………………………………….. 3 4. Using the Risk Assessment Questionnaire..……………………………………… 3 Appendix 1 – Remote Access Risk Assessment Questionnaire………………………. 4 1. Introduction Remote access is an ever increasing method of suppliers maintaining our software, systems and equipment as well as a means of the Trust providing regulatory data to third party organisations. It does, however, pose a number of unique security issues which must be thoroughly addressed at the outset in order to ensure that our networks and data are secure and used appropriately. 2. Purpose As part of Information Governance requirements and to ensure the security and confidentiality of Trust data, the Trust is required to assess the risks associated with third party access to Trust’s systems and the data stored within them as well as any related transfers of data from those systems. The purpose of this procedure and accompanying assessment is therefore to ensure that such risk assessment is carried out and that remote access is only granted where appropriate and secure to do so. 3. Scope The assessment at Appendix 1 should be used when engaging a new Third Party requires remote access to Trust networks or equipment. 4. Using the Assessment Questionnaire It is the responsibility of the relevant IAO, Supplies or Projects (as appropriate) to ensure that the assessment is carried out by the supplier and that any necessary data from the IT department is collected prior to any remote access being granted. The completed assessment questionnaire will be reviewed and approved by the Information Governance Team and the Information Security Manager. A copy of the signed form will then be returned to the Supplies contact, Projects contact or relevant IAO/IAA as appropriate to confirm approval. The Information Governance Team and/or Information Security Manager may include comments or recommendations and may approve the assessment on the basis that any recommendations are in place prior any remote access being granted. It is the responsibility of the Supplies contact, Projects contact and/or relevant IAO/IAA as appropriate to ensure that any such recommendations are met by the Third Party. The remote access should also be logged on the relevant IAO’s Information Risk Management Tool. Appendix 1 – Third Party Due Diligence Assessment Organisation Name: Organisation Address: Service Provided: Organisation Contact: Name: Name: Title: Department / Location: Telephone: Title: Project Manager / Department: Supplies Contact: Telephone: Email Name: Information Asset Owner: (All systems/assets must have an Information Asset Owner (IAO). IAO’s are normally the Assistant Divisional Managers and report to the SIRO) Title: Department: Telephone: Email Email Information Asset Name: Administrator: Title: (All systems / assets must have an Information Asset Administrator (IAA) who reports the IAO as stated above. IAA’s are normally System Managers / Project Leads) Department: Telephone: Email SECTION 1 – TO BE COMPLETED BY THE THIRD PARTY / SUPPLIER Section Question 1. GENERAL Please outline the machines/systems supplied or to be supplied to the Trust. Please set out the service provided or to be provided to the Trust in relation to the above machines/systems and why remote access is required. SYSTEM ACCESS Please outline how the system(s) will be accessed e.g. dial-in, using N3 connection etc. Is open access required i.e. the ability to access the system without Trust prior knowledge or approval (such as using a token system)? If open access is required, please provide justification as to why such access is required. If open access is not required, please outline the intended control mechanisms and procedures for access to be granted, including consent procedures e.g. token obtained from IT Where prior approval / consent is obtained, please confirm that evidence of this will be kept. 1.1. 1.2. 2. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. Who will be authorised (within the third party) to access the system(s)? 2.7. Will the system(s) be accessed by anyone situated outside the EEA? 2.8. If yes to 2.7, from which countries will the system(s) be accessed? 2.9. Will the system(s) be accessed by anyone situated outside the UK (but within the EEA)? 2.10. Please outline the data which is required to be accessed 2.11. 3. 3.1. 3.2. Will access be available to data which is not required e.g. ability to access patient data when only equipment performance data is required? If so, what? TESTS & AUDITS Will regular testing/auditing be carried out on the access granted (by the Third Party) to ensure that only required data is accessed and / or removed from Trust system(s)? How often will such tests/audits be carried out? Description/Comments Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No 4. Will the results of such tests/audits be provided to the Trust on a regular basis? REMOVAL & TRANSFER OF DATA 4.1. Will any data be removed from Trust systems? 4.2. If yes, please detail the data to be removed. 4.3. Please provide justification as to why data is required to be removed. 4.4. Will consent/prior approval be sought prior to the removal of any data? 4.5. Please outline the intended consent procedures. 4.6. Where prior approval / consent is obtained, please confirm that evidence of this will be kept. Yes No 4.7. Will the removed data be transferred anywhere outside the EEA? Yes No 4.8. If yes to 4.8, which countries will the data be transferred to? 3.3. 4.9. 5. 5.1. Will the removed data be accessed by anyone situated outside the EEA? 5.3. If yes to 4.8, which countries will the data be accessed from? 5.5. No Yes No Yes No Will the removed data be transferred anywhere outside the UK (but within Yes No the EEA)? STORAGE & ACCESS TO REMOVED DATA (only relevant if data is to be removed from Trust systems) Who will be authorised (within the third party) to access the removed data? 5.2. 5.4. Yes Will the removed data be accessed by anyone situated outside the UK (but within the EEA)? Please outline how the removed data will be stored, including security controls. 5.6. How long will the removed data be kept for? 5.7. How will the removed data be deleted / destroyed? Yes No Yes No SECTION 2 – TO BE COMPLETED BY THE RELEVANT TRUST CONTACT Section 1. 1.1. 1.2. Question Description/Comments INTERNAL MONITORING Will the third party’s access to Trust systems be audited or monitored in anyway? Yes If so, please provide details and if not, please explain why not. Form completed by: Name: Signature: Information Governance Office Approval: Name: Title: Title: Date: Comments/Recommendations: Signature: Date: Information Security Manager Approval: Name: Title: Signature: Date: Comments/Recommendations: No