Terahertz Electronics Michael S. Shur Electrical, Computer, and Systems Engineering and Center for Integrated Electronics Rm 9015, CII, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 8-th Street, Troy, New York 12180-3590 http://www.ecse.rpi.edu/shur/ Presented at Nano and Giga Challenges in Electronics, Photonics, and Renewable Energy Conference McMaster University August 14, 2009 Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 1 Outline • THz applications and “THz gap” • State State-of-the-art of the art of THz electronics and THz transistor • Ballistic transport -> unavoidable in modern transistors – Ballistic “mobility” – Ballistic admittance Id = 5mA, Vgs=-0.4 V 500 • Plasma wave THz electronics – Instability and THz generation – Resonant and non-resonant THz detection – Subwavelength imaging – Plasma wave THz arrays • Conclusions and future work Y (μm) 400 300 200 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 X (μm) From Veksler, D.B. Muraviev, A.V. Elkhatib, T.A. Salama, K.N. Shur, M.S. , Plasma wave FET for subwavelength THz imaging imaging, International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium December 12-14, 2007 College Park, Maryland, USA Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 2 THz applications THz detection of concealed weapons. 1 IEEE©(2007) ©(200 ) Hidden art revealed by 2 Terahertz. h THz image of ozone hole.3 IEEE©(2007) ©(200 ) 1 R. Appleby and H.B. Wallace, “Standoff detection of weapons and contraband in 100 GHz to 1 THz Region”, IEEE Trans. Antennas Prop. Vol. 55, p. 2944 (2007). 2 ScienceDaily (Feb. 5, 2008), http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2008/02/080204111732.htm. 3 F. Pieternel, E. Levelt, G. W. Hilsenrath, C.H.J. Leppelmeier, P.K. van den Oord, J. Bhartia, J. F. Tamminen, J.P. de Hann, and J.P. Veefkind, “Science objectives of the ozone monitoring instrument”, IEEE Trans. On Geoscience And Remote Sensing, Vol. 44, No. 5, pp. 1199-1208 (2006). Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 3 THz Applications THz cancer detection.1 THz applications in dentistry.2 Explosive detection using THz radiation.3 1 PTBnews: http://www.ptb.de/en/publikationen/news/html/news021/artikel/02104.htm. BBC News, Monday, June 14, 1999, news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/368558.stm. 3 Y. Chen, H. Liu, M.J. Fitch, R. Osiander, J.B. Spicer, M.S. Shur, X.-C. Zhang, “THz diffuse reflectance spectra of selected explosives and related compounds” compounds , Passive Millimeter Millimeter-Wave Wave Imaging Technology VIII. Edited by R.J. Hwa, D.L. Woolard, and M.J. Rosker, Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 5790, p. 19 (2005). 2 Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 4 THz gap From W.J. Stillman and M.S. Shur, Closing the Gap: Plasma Wave Electronic Terahertz Detectors, Journal of Nanoelectronics and Optoelectronics, Vol. 2, Number 3, pp. 209-221, December 2007 Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 5 THz Schottky Diode 100 GHz – 2.5 THz From http://www.acst.de/images/company_diode.jpg http://www acst de/images/company diode jpg Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 6 Mm wave Schottky diode in 0.13 micron process O cell One ll layout l t Diode cross section From S. Sankaran, and K. K. O, “Schottky Barrier Diodes for mm-Wave and D t ti iin a F Detection Foundry d CMOS Process,” P ” IEEE Elec. El Dev. D Letts., L tt vol. l 26, 26 no. 7 7, pp. 492-494, July 2005 Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 7 Resonant Tunneling Diodes (Color online) Fundamental structure of the RTD oscillator . (a) Slot resonator and RTD, (b) potential profile and current– voltage characteristics of RTD, and (c) equivalent circuit of (a). (a) Fundamental oscillation up to 0.65 THz and harmonic oscillation up to 1.02 THz From Masahiro ASADA, Safumi SUZUKI, and Naomichi KISHIMOTO “Resonant Tunneling Diodes for Sub-Terahertz and Terahertz Oscillators” Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. Vol. 47, No. 6, 2008, pp. 4375–4384 Expected up to 60 microwatt at 2 THz Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 8 0.41 THz Si 45 nm CMOS VCO F From S. S Lee, L B. B Jagannathan, J th S. Narasimha, Anthony Chou, N. Zamdmer, J. Johnson, R. Williams, L. Wagner, J. Kim, J.O. Plouchart, J. Pekarik, S. Springer and G G. Freeman, Freeman IEDM Technical Digest, p. 225 (2007) After E. Y. Seok et al., “410-GHz CMOS Push-push Oscillator with a Patch Antenna,” 2008 International Solid-State Circuits Conference, pp 472-473, pp. 472-473 Feb Feb. 2008, 2008 San Francisco, Francisco CA Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 9 Northrop Grumman fmax is higher than 1 THz From R. Lai, X. B. Mei, W.R. Deal, W. Yoshida, Y. M. Kim, P.H. Liu, J. Lee, J. Uyeda, V. Radisic, M. Lange, T. Gaier, L. Samoska, A. Fung, Sub 50 nm InP HEMT Device with Fmax Greater than 1 THz, IEDM Technical Digest, p. 609 (2007) InGaAs/InP Based HEMT 35 nm g gate device cross section Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 10 Room Temperature Tunable Emission 300 2.5 2.0 200 1.5 1.0 100 1/f0 ((1/THz) InSb Dete ector Signal (mV V) 3.0 0.5 0 0.0 0 0 02 0.2 04 0.4 06 0.6 08 0.8 0.0 Usd (V) From D. B. Veksler, A. El Fatimy, N. Dyakonova, F. Teppe, W. Knap, N. Pala, S. Rumyantsev, M. S. Shur, D. Seliuta, G. Valusis, S. Bollaert, A. Shchepetov, Y. Roelens, C. Gaquiere, D. Theron, and A. Cappy, ppy, in Proceedings g of 14th Int. Symp. y p "Nanostructures: Physics and Technology" St Petersburg, Russia, June 26-30, 2006, pp 331-333 From W. Knap, J. Lusakowski, T. Parenty, S. Bollaert, A. Cappy, V. Popov, and M. S. Shur, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, No 13, 2331-2333, 2331 2333, March 29 (2004) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 11 THz transistors: issues •Effective gate length is longer •Parasitics are important •Matching is difficult •Device physics is different –In THz transistors, electrons experience very few collisions –Electron inertia is very important –Electrons behave as a fluid Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 12 Effective gate length From V. O. Turin, M. S. Shur, and D. B. Veksler, IJHSES, vol. 17, No. 1 pp. 19-23 (2007) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 13 Effect of gate extension From V. O. Turin, M. S. Shur, and D. B. Veksler, IJHSES, vol. 17, No. 1 pp. 19-23 (2007) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 14 Five-terminal HFET with additional biased capacitively coupled contacts Source C3 VS1 Dielectric 5 Gate Drain C3 VD1 VS VD AlGaN G Source 2DEG Drain GaN From G G. Simin, Simin M. M Shur and R. R Gaska, Gaska IJHSES Vol Vol. 19 19, No No. 7 7–14, 14 1 (2009) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 15 Capacitively coupled contact with additional DC bias V1 Capacitively-coupled p y p contact ((C3) Dielectric V0 S i Semiconductor d t Ohmic or Schottky contact After G. Simin, M. Shur, R. Gaska, Patent pending 2/12/2007 Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 16 Novel THz Device design: 5-terminal THz GaN HFET 35 35 HFET 5 term 5-term MOSHFET 25 20 15 10 25 20 15 10 5 5 0 0 5 -5 5 -5 10 100 HFET 55-term term MOSHFET 30 H 221, dB MSG G/MUG, dB 30 1000 Frequency, GHz 10 100 1000 Frequency, GHz Cut-off frequencies for regular (dash) and 5-terminal (solid) GaN HFETs with 30-nm long gate (ADS simulations). G. Simin, M. Shur and R. Gaska, ISDRS, accepted for publication (2009) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 17 Product Half Pitch, Gate length (nm) Prod duct half-p pitch, gate length ((nm) 1000 100 Ballistic 10 silicon 1 FROM INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP FOR SEMICONDUCTORS 2007 EDITION EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 18 THz Performance Using Ballistic Transport M. S. Shur and L. F. Eastman (1979) From http://www.bell-labs.com/news/1999/december/6/1.html Ballistic Transistor Has Virtually Unimpeded Current Flow (Dec. 6, 1999) Intel Itanium 'leapfrog' to 32-nm Colleen Taylor, Contributing Editor -- Electronic News, 6/14/2007 If the 25 nm node predicted by ITRS is reached in 2009 - 2010, all transistors will be ballistic Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 19 Energy band, field, and concentration profiles of n+-n-n+ sample in equilibrium Fe rm i level ~L D D i s ta t nce ~LD D i s ta n c e D i s ta n c e Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 20 Drude Equation and Equivalent Circuit σ0 σ= 1 + iωτ 3D o= e nS L Lm L= 2 e nS C 2D o=e ns W m L= 2 e ns W Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 21 Energy band diagram for a ballistic sample quasi-Fermi levels Ec Fermi level in equilibrium V/2 V V/2 V/2 Distance Conduction C d ti band b d edge d in equilibrium In the dashed energy region electron are moving only from the left to the right Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 22 DC Ballistic mobility μbal eL =α mv Values of constant α and thermal and Fermi velocities for 2D and 3D geometries (see Eq. (1)). kB is the Boltzmann constant, T is temperature (K). Geometry 2D 3D α= 2 π α = 3/ 4 Degenerate h vF = 2πns [8] m ( h vF = 3π 2ns m ) 3/ 4 Non-degenerate ⎛ π kBT ⎞ 1/ 2 1 α= 2 vth = ⎜ ⎟ [4] 2 ⎠ ⎝ 2m 2 ⎛ 8k T ⎞ vth = ⎜ B ⎟ [3] ⎝ πm ⎠ α= π 1/ 2 [3]A. van der Ziel, M. S. Shur, K. Lee, T. H. Chen and K. Amberiadis, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. ED-30, No. 2, pp. 128-137, February (1983) [4] M. Dyakonov and M. S. Shur, in, The Physics of Semiconductors ed. by M. Scheffler and R. Zimmermann (World Scientific, 1996), pp. 145-148, (1996) [8] S S. Rumyantsev Rumyantsev, M M. S S. Shur Shur, W W. Knap Knap, N N. Dyakonova Dyakonova, F F. Pascal Pascal, A A. Hoffman Hoffman, Y Ghuel Ghuel, C C. Gaquiere Gaquiere, and D D. in Noise in Devices and Circuits II, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 5470 , pp. 277-285 (2004) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 23 Mo obility (cm2/V-s) Experimental Evidence for Ballistic Mobility (after Shur (2002) 100000 50000 77 K GaAs 300 K 10000 5000 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 Length (micron) 10 20 From M M. S S. Shur Shur, IEEE EDL EDL, Vol Vol. 23 23, No 9 9, pp pp. 511 -513, 513 September (2002) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 24 Ballistic Admittance in Quantum Wires Re(Y) 1 However in 1D systems e-e interaction might completely destroy these oscillations 08 0.8 0.6 0.4 0. 2 0 5 10 Im(Y) 15 20 L/vF After M. Buttiker, J. Phys Cond. Phys. Cond Matter, vol. 5, 93-61 (1993) L/vF Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 25 Ballistic Admittance versus Frequency Re(Y) 1 0.8 ω d Im Y θ d Im y Q= = Re Y dω Re y dθ 0.6 0.4 0. 0 2 0 Im(Y) 5 10 15 20 L/vF Q~7 L/vF After A. P. Dmitriev and M. S. Shur, Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 142102, (2006) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 26 Oscillation frequency GaAs GaN Si Device length ( m) After A. P. Dmitriev and M. S. Shur, Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 142102, (2006) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 27 Dispersion of Plasma Waves 3D + + + r E 2D ungated - + -r 2D gated r E + d E e2 N 3 D ωp = εε 0m ωp = ωp ωp k e2 N 2D d 1 ωp = k kd kd<<1 εε 0 m e2N2D k 2 εε 0 m ωp k Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur k 28 29 Plasma wave electronics •Plasma wave instability (D k (Dyakonov‐Shur instability) Sh i bili ) can be used for generation of THz radiation**) THz L Gate Source ns 2D Channel: δU~P •Nonlinearity of plasma wave excitations can be used for THz excitations can be used for THz detection*) *)M. Dyakonov and M. S. Shur, IEEE Trans. Elec. Dev. 43, 380 (1996) 43 380 (1996) **)M. Dyakonov and M. Shur, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 2465 (1993). Drain Hokusai Print Water wave analogy Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 29 Plasma Wave THz Electronics (Courtesy of W. Knap) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 30 2D Plasmonic Devices for THz Applications THz Generators THz Detectors and Mixers M. Dyakonov and M. Shur, IEEE T-ED (1996) K Guven K. G et al., l PRB (1997) (199 ) V. Ryzhii et al., JAP (2002) W. Knap et al., APL, JAP (2002) X G Peralta X.G. P l et al., l APL PL (2002) A. Satou et al., SST (2003) V.V. Popov et al., JAP (2003) V. Ryzhii et al., JAP (2003) F Teppe F. T et al., l APL (2005) I.V. Kukushkin et al., APL (2005) D. Veksler et al., PRB (2006) K Knap et all APL (2008) Stillman et al (2008) M. Dyakonov, y , M. Shur,, PRL (1993) ( ) K. Hirakawa, APL (1995) K. D. Maranowski, APL (1996) V.V. Popov et al., Physica A (1997) S.A. Mikhailov, PRB ((1998); ) APL ((1998)) P. Bakshi et al., APL (1999) N. Sekine at al., APL (1999) R. Bratshitsch et al., APL (2000) Y. Deng g at al., APL (2004) ( ) W. Knap et al., APL (2004) M. Dyakonov and M.S .Shur, APL (2005) N. Dyakonova et al., APL (2006) j APL (2006) DRC 2007 Otsuji Otsuji LEC (2008) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 31 Plasma THz Electronics Advantages •Small size (easy to fabricate matrixes/arrays) •Compatible with VLSI technology Id = 5mA, Vgs=-0.4 V 500 •For detectors: Y (μm) –High sensitivity –Broad spectral range –Band Band selectivity and tunability –Fast temporal response 400 300 200 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 X (μm) Veksler, D.B. Muraviev, A.V. Elkhatib, T.A. Salama, K.N. Shur, M.S. , Plasma wave FET for subwavelength THz imaging imaging, International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium December 12-14, 2007 College Park, Maryland, USA Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 32 Plasma Waves in a Field Effect Transistor •FET channel plays a role of a resonant cavity for plasma waves 50 Frequen ncy (THz)) •Plasma frequency can be tuned by can be tuned by gate‐to‐channel voltage 10 5 Plasma modes Si 1 Transit mode 0.5 0.02 •Plasma waves can propagate much faster than electrons faster than electrons GaN GaAs 0.5 0.05 0.1 0.2 Gate Length (micron) 1 From V. Ryzhii and M.S. Shur, Plasma Wave Electronics Devices, ISDRS Digest, WP7-07-10, pp 200-201, Washington DC (2003) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 33 Radiation intensity from 1.5 micron GaN HFET at 8 K . From Y. Deng, R. Kersting, J. Xu, R. Ascazubi, X. C. Zhang, M. S. Shur, R. Gaska, G S. G. S Simin and M. M A. A Khan, Khan and V. V Ryzhii, Ryzhii Millimeter Wave Emission from GaN HEMT, Appl. Phys. Lett. Vol. 84, No 15, pp. 70-72, January 2004 Inte ensity (a.u.)) 5.0 8 GHz cutoff 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 00 0.0 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250 Frequency (GHz) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 34 Room Temperature Tunable Emission 300 2.5 2.0 200 1.5 1.0 100 1/f0 ((1/THz) InSb Dete ector Signal (mV V) 3.0 0.5 0 0.0 0 0 02 0.2 04 0.4 06 0.6 08 0.8 0.0 Usd (V) From D. B. Veksler, A. El Fatimy, N. Dyakonova, F. Teppe, W. Knap, N. Pala, S. Rumyantsev, M. S. Shur, D. Seliuta, G. Valusis, S. Bollaert, A. Shchepetov, Y. Roelens, C. Gaquiere, D. Theron, and A. Cappy, ppy, in Proceedings g of 14th Int. Symp. y p "Nanostructures: Physics and Technology" St Petersburg, Russia, June 26-30, 2006, pp 331-333 From W. Knap, J. Lusakowski, T. Parenty, S. Bollaert, A. Cappy, V. Popov, and M. S. Shur, Appl. Phys. Lett. 84, No 13, 2331-2333, 2331 2333, March 29 (2004) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 35 THz response of CMOS (non-resonant) NFETs PFETs First demonstration of terahertz and sub‐terahertz response in silicon CMOS • Extension earlier work on n‐channel Si FET response to p‐channel devices. • Compare and contrast n and p‐channel responsivity, detectivity and response speed in open drain and drain current enhanced response configurations. From W. Stillman, F. Guarin, V. Yu. Kachorovskii, N. Pala, S. Rumyantsev, M.S. Shur, and D. Veksler, Nanometer Scale Complementary Silicon MOSFETs as Detectors of Terahertz and Sub-terahertz Radiation, in Abstracts of IEEE sensors Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 2007, pp. 479-480 Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 36 Non-resonant detection (ωτ<<1) Drrain curren nt Id , mA 25 Ugs = 0 mV 20 Ugs = -100 mV 15 Ugs = -200 200 mV 10 Ugs = -300 mV 5 0 Ugs = -400 400 mV V Respons se (Arb. Un nits) f = 0.2 THz; T=300 K 250 nm GaAs FET 30 Ugs=-100 mV 25 Uggs=-200 mV 20 Ugs=-300 mV 15 Ugs=-350 mV 10 5 0 -4 0 1 2 10 Vresponse -2 10 Drain Current Id(A) Drain voltage g Uds ,V d U a2 = 4(U gs − U th )(1 − jd / jsat )1/ 2 -3 10 jd << jsat Symbols – experiment Colored curves - theory D. Veksler et al , Phys. Rev. B 73, 125328 (2006). Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 37 HEMT for Resonant THz detection d 1) M. Dyakonov and M. S. Shur, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 2465 (1993) 2) A. El Fatimy, N. Dyakonova, F. Teppe, W. Knap, N. Pala, R. Gaska, Q. Fareed X. Fareed, X Hu, Hu D. D B. B Veksler, Veksler S. S Rumyantsev, Rumyantsev M. M S. S Shur, Shur D. D Seliuta, Seliuta G. G Valusis, S. Bollaert, A. Shchepetov, Y. Roelens, C. Gaquiere, D. Theron, and A. Cappy, Electronics letters, Vol. 42 No. 23, 9 November (2006) Respon nse ΔV, arb.. units 1) plasma freq p quency (TH Hz) Theory: 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 Experiment:2) f=0.761 THz AlGaN/GaN 4K 20 K 70 K -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 3 2 ωp = 1 0 Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 4π e 2 n2 d 2 k εm -5 5 -4 4 -3 3 -2 2 gate voltage (V) -1 1 0 38 Resonant detection near instability threshold 0.15 δU, mV Id=8mA Id=22mA 0.10 f = 0.6 THz; T=300 K GaAs FET 250 nm 0 05 0.05 0.00 -0.3 03 ω0τ <1, but ω0τeff >>1 -0.2 02 -0.1 01 00 0.0 Gate voltage Vgs, V 01 0.1 1 2τ effff = ( Instability increment 1 2τ − vd L ) The decrement decreases with electron velocity or drain current due to approaching to the threshold of the plasma wave instability. F. Teppe, W. Knap, D. Veksler, et al, Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 052107 (2005) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 39 Homodyne detection by plasma FET: Mixing of laser modes Heterodyne detection has a much higher sensitivity and is usable for diffuse 0.1 reflection imaging 0.0 a) -0.1 2.52 THz THz laser -0.2 Oscilloscope S IFIR-50 FP L (1 THz – 7 THz) Responsee, mV Amp plitude (a. u u.) Lens 1 0.1 0.0 -0.1 10.00 20.00 30.00 Time, μs Respon nse, mV Chopper -0.3 -0.4 Single mode regime -0.5 0.1 0.0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 -0.4 -0.5 b) Mode mixing 0 Spectrum of laser mode beatings 0 0 1 2 3 Freq enc (MHz) Frequency (MH ) 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time, ms From Dmitry Veksler, Andrey Muravjov, William Stillman, Nezih Pala, and Michael Shur, Detection and Homodyne Mixing of Terahertz Gas Laser Radiation by Submicron GaAs/AlGaAs FETs, in Abstracts of IEEE sensors Conference, Atlanta, GA, October 2007 Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 40 9 Comparison of THz Detection Devices (300 K) 10-11 – 10 1μs Not-9 tunable 10-7 - 10 Schottkyy Diode 10-9 1 ms -7 10 -8 10 -10 10 -12 10 -14 10 -16 10 -18 50 60 70 80 Frequency f, Hz 300nm 200nm 10 90 Lg=120nm -9 -11 tunable Not – 10 < 10 ps -10 10-6 – 10Tunable < 10 ps ? 10 2 Not tunable -12 Pyroelectric Plasma Wave Detector 10 0.5 Microbolometer Response time (Hz) NEP, W/H Hz Detector NEP (W/Hz½) Spectral density, V /Hz Si MOS -10 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Gate voltage Vg, V Advantages of Plasma wave detector: El Fatimy, N. Dyakonova, F. Teppe, W. •Band selectivity and tunability (resonant detection) Knap,D. B. Veksler, S. Rumyantsev, M. S. Shur, N. Pala, R. Gaska, Q. Fareed, X. •Fast temporal response Hu, D. Seliuta, G. Valusis, C. Gaquiere, D. •Small Small size (easy to fabricate matrixes/arrays) Theron, and A. Cappy, IElec. Lett. (2006). •Compatible with VLSI technology Table courtesy of D. Veksler, RPI •Broad spectral range Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 41 Achieved Detector Performance GaAs : 1 THz detection demonstrated n = 2×1011 cm-2 L = 0.2 µm. Detection 120 GHz - 2.5 THz R ~ 10 - 103 V/W GaN : 1 THz detection demonstrated n = 2 ×1013 cm-2 & L =2 µm Room temperature generation (Knap et al Veksler et al (2006) Si : 120 GHz – 3 THz detection demonstrated 10 W/Hz NEP ~ 10-10 W/H Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 42 Subwavelength Imaging: coupling of THz radiation into transistor Lock-in Chopper SR8300 λ=184 μm FIR Laser Polarizer Vgs The spatial images are obtained by recording radiation induced drainto source voltage as a function of to-source the transistor position with respect to the focused THz beam Rload Vds 3d NanoMax 341 Displacement 5 10 μm Veksler, D.B. Muraviev, A.V. Elkhatib, T.A. Salama, K.N. Shur, M.S. , Plasma wave FET for sub-wavelength THz imaging, International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium December 12-14, 2007 College Park, Maryland, USA Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 43 Transistor responsivity pattern exhibits two spots of maximum response p with different signs g Source: Terahertz gas laser SIFIR50 at 1.63 THz (184 μm) 1.00 0.75 tyy (a nsit 1000 0.50 .u.) 0.25 400 800 0.00 0 μm 400 X (μm 400 300 600 ) 800 200 D jd = 0 Vgs = 0.45V, 200 100 Y, μm G S 0 -100 -200 -300 Fujitsu FHX06X GaAs/AlGaAs HEMT Lg=0.25μm W=200μm δUd, V -2.9E-5 -2.4E-5 -1.9E-5 -1.5E-5 -9.7E-6 -4.8E-6 0 4.8E-6 9 7E 6 9.7E-6 1.5E-5 1.9E-5 2.4E-5 2.9E-5 ) 600 200 Y( Inte Beam profile in the focal spot: -400 -500 -400 -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300 400 X, μm Veksler, D.B. Muraviev, A.V. Elkhatib, T.A. Salama, K.N. Shur, M.S. , Plasma wave FET for sub-wavelength THz imaging, International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium December 12-14, 2007 College Park, Maryland, USA Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 44 Theory Hydrodynamic equations for 2D gas in the FET channel: Zgd ~ ~ ∂v ∂v v e ∂U +v + + =0 ∂t ∂x τ m ∂x Ua ∂n ∂ (nv) + =0 ∂t ∂x Boundary conditions: en = CU Zgs Ub U ω ( 0 ) − jω ( 0 ) Z = U a , U ω ( L ) + jω ( L ) Z = U b . We see that the response might have different signs depending on the ratio 1 δV = − 4U gs − U th ⎛ ω0 ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ω ⎠ 3 |Ua |2 / |Ub |2 ω0 = (μU g )−1/ 3 (CL* ) ⎛ ⎞ | U a |2 | U b |2 ⎜ ⎟ − ⎜ (1 − j / j )1/ 2 (1 − j / j )3 / 2 ⎟ d sat d sat ⎝ ⎠ −2 / 3 Z ≈ − i ω L* Veksler, D.B. Muraviev, A.V. Elkhatib, T.A. Salama, K.N. Shur, M.S. , Plasma wave FET for sub-wavelength THz imaging, International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium December 12-14, 2007 College Park, Maryland, USA Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 45 Transistor THz responsivity vs. drain current and gate voltage Theory: Experiment: 1/2 3/2 Response=1/(1-Id/Isat) -α/(1-Id/Isat) α=0, Isat=5e-2 α=0.2, =0 2 Isat=1e-2 α=0.7, Isat=5e-3 0.6 δUd, mV V Re esponse,, a.u. 2 0 Vgs=-0.63 V Vgs=-0.45 V Vgs=-0.30 V Vgs=-0.15 V Vgs= 0.0 V 0.0 -0.6 1 10 jd, ma 1 10 j , ma d Veksler, D.B. Muraviev, A.V. Elkhatib, T.A. Salama, K.N. Shur, M.S. , Plasma wave FET for sub-wavelength THz imaging, International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium December 12-14, 2007 College Park, Maryland, USA Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 46 THz Imaging with plasma FET •THz image is a result of superposition of the responses from different parts of the transistor. transistor •Drain current leads to increase in th ratio the ti b between t negative ti and d positive responses. As a result the maximum of the response shifts in XY plane plane. Sub-wavelength THz resolution is typically reached using a needle or subwavelength l h di diaphragms h and d optically i ll iinduced d d di diaphragms h Here sub-wavelength resolution might be achieved due to variation of the responsivities driving the transistor with the drain current Veksler, D.B. Muraviev, A.V. Elkhatib, T.A. Salama, K.N. Shur, M.S. , Plasma wave FET for sub-wavelength THz imaging, International Semiconductor Device Research Symposium December 12-14, 2007 College Park, Maryland, USA Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 47 Grating Gate Devices and FET Arrays •grating-gate of a large area serves as an aerial matched THz antenna •due to constructive interference between the gates the plasmons in all FET-units are excited in phase Absorb bance (AU) 0.25 0.20 0.15 0.10 0 05 0.05 0.00 LS=0.1μm LS=0.2μm LS=0.3μm LS=0.5μm •higher-order plasmon resonances (up to 7th order) 0 1 2 3 can be b effectively ff ti l excited it d with ith a slit-gating lit ti gate t Frequency due to strong electric-field harmonics generated in slits 4 5 6 (THz) Plasmon absorption in a slit-grating gate device is 103 times stronger t th than in i array off non-interacting i t ti FET units it V. Popov, M. Shur, G. Tsymbalov, D. Fateev, IJHSES, September 2007 Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 48 7 Electronic island at the surface of semiconductor grain in pyroelectric matrix Inversion electron and hole islands at the surface of pyroelectric grain in semiconductor matrix Pyroelectric Po Po Semiconductor Semiconductor Hole inversion island Pyroelectric Electronic island Electronic inversion island Control by external field – Zero dimensional Field Effect (ZFE) After V. Kachorovskii and M. S. Shur, APL, March 29 (2004) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 49 Terahertz oscillations 2D island might oscillate as a whole over grain surface. The oscillations can be exited by AC field perpendicular to Po Oscillation frequency ω0 = 4π eP0 ( ε + 2εp ) mR MOVABLE QUANTUM DOTS (MQD) Oscillation frequency is of the order of a terahertz ω0π/2~ 1 THz to 30 THz CAN SWITCH OR SHIFT FREQUENCY BY EXTERNAL FIELD OR BY LIGHT After V. Kachorovskii and M. S. Shur, APL, March 29 (2004) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 50 Conclusions •Silicon penetrated THz range •C C3 contacts reduce parasitics in THz transistors •Transport is ballistic in submicron transistors, and the physics is very different •Ultra short channel transistors support plasma waves in THz range with the channel acting as a resonance cavity •Plasma waves can be used for detection and generation of THz radiation •A plasma wave FET can achieve THz resolution at nanometer scale ays o of THz p plasma as a wave a e ttransistors a s sto s p promise o se x1,000 ,000 •Arrays increase in performance Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 51 I am grateful to my THz colleagues for their hard work, inspiration, and contributions Dr. Dyakonova and y Prof. Dyakonov Dr. Deng Dr. Muraviev Dr. Veksler Prof. M. Ryzhii Dr. Satou Dr. Kachorovskii Dr. Dmitriev Dr. Levinshtein Prof. Pala Prof. Zhang Dr. Popov Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur Dr. Knap Prof. V. Ryzhii T. Elkhatib Dr. Rumyantsev Dr. Stillman Prof. Xu 52 Acknowledgment This work has been supported by NSF, ONR, and DARPA (MTO) Michael Shur (shurm@rpi.edu) http://nina.ecse.rpi.edu/shur 53