Ihf "ER• .C? FFI .E LETTERS C. .'1L Y F C• : P e:Ri .. 7 . r T, .7 . ?lixoa .t .T, ~. . 1il.bp:7It DEPARTMENT .2 n/$9 6..D. Cane D/5B2 Cann D1 .1E 12 flay 1.95 9 .1 J : r :r Aircraft Indw.traes Association, Rocket Ccla.ttee Review of "General Safety -~ mce lI;.rer for C1-~,md cz?.s Gu:.cled 1Tiss?1e 3"xope1lants ." Document T,0 . 1113-1-6 . Aac .o .'C .-ar;CU sTM crmnl: with your d:per;ment and the Plant Engi neering r. r : ;r ~ :a ., .^S .'ta•?' :^_ 1o ;} 'L'- . ';t of rt:C0 Z-M:rdcd rcvisioxrs to T .O . 11C4-6 . Ou ., or, ?~ ,i ;ions c=r for use is d i- ;ca : orsvit21 other Trifts-tary :'?w i n rc ~Zn ;>>rf• :~ ::r;~ uil- coati-1u( `,-n a°sist y)v :i.n this e.`.fort• .. rC(I 1 2'e F: t., C . :u 0)'~ its . tt, o T:hc+mso n Tlaut Etgin er • d di:T :L :; :CS di: . ','~• D . Crus h ' 3 i1/532 CE.u o 11 . E . Cra g =1/59c5 C:ai2o BNA 11663 7 0 DEPOSITION EXHIBI T e,SZa tb-L-7- ell) AGREN REPORTING & VIDE D Crossland RSS-260-3572 CONFIDENTIAL - UNDER PROTECTIVE ORDER , United States District Cou rt for the Central District of California No . CV 97-1554 HDMSpO1719961 11, It_ : lIJ . OiW:► t 0 . C16, 'r : . o:i Cn ; :iIc .i C,..IDCU u LSSa•ES i'ROJ' . : J, ti : ;'s , i 1, LI TIi3 JC TI~I . The fo71o: r1t :P corsr. tr are preconted to provide helpful eritieiaa to, and irrorov~ •: + ; of, Abe Mr Force Tech ni cal Order No . 11C-1-6. Rocl :c tciyno cot'rrc tri.t,z t o `.tent eXpre3sed in the "L:tro ;htetion" end "Ccrerttl rc :lsr: ~s" of the fall Alrcra.t Corporation report on the &.i!u st:~+icct wrLtt-:t Dcc ::u1bcr 3, 1957 . II . SPECTrIC JJ ;%I~1T S 'X) E : The prr~ ,-raph nuSaro b221otr rotor to tI .3 corrocponclinc pa .. gi aph r~tvr~crs .x .s ~ r Force Toorni cal Order Ho . 1J.C-1-6 1 Lsck of reference to s . given p-'ral,rarh 1' t the Technical Order ge.ierelly icotca concirren:a . 1 . P( :~DE A: :D 5C?PE Parraph (c) 1~7scr"arc a ,d on the best available cafety data . . Where data is not 3ra; la, :! e, ecn.;erva t:ivo ruJ.es are presentcd to aert7E ao guides during tac C^ntrcctor 's de:el.op<ti:nt of mathods of safe operation until proposa_t for char, e hats been schvi.ttcd aryl accepted by the cot~tro11ing Agr~tc/" in place of lir_c:s 3 and k ~ R,ea-on : To allow ::or ].ctitu'.e i reacarch aid devalo }naent pro ams . • 3 . vw ItdIiI01~5 IARY BLDGGs Ixr,y building or Add and irsart aftcr tL S1IZTx0'.? : structure used .i connection with orarvstinC L,nildinos and/ax test stands, lit not oortw~5r. t ; or h tended .~ cort ixs mis.sile propellants] and includes such bulcir1ac : i in the a; . r_•.t'4 rrca as eq :ipna nt rooms, pu p }K,u;.es , rs„d s rd?a :- bu : :. :i rtg. : 1:i'h pro :,ot occupied z z..; hazaadou s ors a'~•i.ons, and ar: . tic rr'i r riz.e aaeo, : : The deg .n_ti .n o° "Service -risi.ch ars not eccuT 5.eC dt:ring i:estittg . CO;E3JSTIDLE :Iil w1. 5e 2roai a: .^•71 ceions or fires" . doge :iot itc.Q.ude Etructurcc UJ:Lt Con tu^ with 3 tU tircrc "?. Corpc .' atioa . C:':L131l :1IT : (s& P:oP3LiAmr ) . Chat ,Ce to rFRJIi ,IJ T i easont To be canny: .^^d i-i:t o? .i- r • BNA 11663 8 Crossland RSS-260-357 3 CONFIDENTIAL - UNDER PROTECTIVE ORDER. United States District Court for the Central District of California No . CV 97-1554 HDMSp01719962 T1IJQ4 Colcu 1Ji~h Be?1 icc :»ft Corporation . TJHil3Ifl) BUD .DS ;C : C:' an~e to reap; as ro].low : "Any building (o :.her tuz on opcratthg, ssrv~.re or auxfli.ary building) need in whole or in part as a rat i ta.tion for hu uan beings, or other buildings used for• perconael siscnbly . " feaeon : Addod " service or a~aci liary- building", because they should not require the name strict diatanct : spacing as inhabited buildings . Deleted the last sentenes bc :auze the detailed explanAtioa of quantities and distances are covered in Section 11 . iAGAZITTEi Add and insert "e plosive" before propellants . Reason : ! :on-e ~ .lcsi~*e prope lris are not dangerous ar ticles and do not fit tho dofiniticn as given. Ldd and insert ai'ter RF^.BC 5i'O ;TAuF, t °R:)2: T?fK : Any tesael t~scd to contain propeUants which are Led directly into units bcing tested or operated . " Reno : : Thin definition ie required to differentiate between storage tanks and tanks need in he actual test . SE3GZCE aimDr' G : Date "heating plants" . • Reason : A heating plant could be an anxiliaay building or a service building depe : :di ng on st the occup. n y is during hazardous conditions and is covered ur_dar the terri "and similar buildings" . TEJT ARM Change .lines 1 and 2 to read as follows : "0FtRATI?JO AREA : The location and region containing one or more text stands, auxi]iary t)lli] .'1ngs and rtorage facilities, for static tests . " Reason: Hazardous testa or o1:sration© haae previously been defined as occurring in operating Ucildf ng3 . Change is msde for consistency . h . CLASS1 +CATIOf OF C .I1E !!I L:IL3 P3OPELLA'TTS It in q recc ;`nded that tL± Gr ; up 1 through 11 classifications be r e-.evaluated vsir.Technical Order i :o . ll!-1- 2 and T . C .C . regulation Tariff No . 10 as miidos, l1e~: pi~on2l.] .ants ors in Sse and should be included . Reason : The xicting c1aesificatio1is arc not scparat d tith respect to relative hazard and do not present a lo ;i .c~1 division of propal1nzts for the purpose of hazard evaluation . 5 . LOCATI '1T AJTD P_Utll:!C it=TT OF FAC ?.LITI :S FO GUIDED ; TI :>STh PR J P ..LL!L T S Concur t:+ith Ba11 Aircraft Coruoraticn acept that t. eir tzblen 4, e 3 and C should be reviec~ed on the bcri s of propce .~1s made for section 11 this report . BNA 11663 9 Crossland RSS-260-3574 CONFIDENTIAL - UNDER PROTECTIVE ORDER , United States District Court for the Central District of California No . CV 97-1554 HDMSp01719963 6 . 2!S .' :tJCi'iO: ! n . Eiectrifs l;JirinC and Fq .paaent . D?let . paragraphs ( 1) through (10) an3 re: riL i .c c-cadi "All electrical zriri g and equipment shall cor p y :rith tiro epj li cihie sections of the National IIect :^icnl Code . " Reasoni The iJationsl E1cctx~eal Code is a~ro realistic in the classification of hazardous locations end pernits corres)onding cats use of explosion-proof, vaor-proof, weatherproof, and ordinary electrical equipment . 8, STORAGE AND T:ilLtSi'O.iTAi'IOH of PitO :'1LM1TS AND LOADED I4ISSTFB a . General Storage Requiremcrnte Delete (3) (a) through (3) (i ) Change (3) (j) to (3) ( a) and to road ae follaws~ "All propellants mutt be stored in containers made of materials as prescribed in the IntersLa'e Comncrce Corsaission Re Miens . 1 Rorcon : I .C .C . prescribes n:itcble c a terials prior to cozmon use of Irce3 .lant .s by industry . Cheese raragraph ( 7) to read as fo1lorret "Tanks containing propellarit~ subject to decx : osition or excess 'xe eveporation loesee • then exposed to hat clima tic conditions , such as nitric acid, 2 drogen pcroxide, alcohol, etc ., shell be provided with a suitable roof or other ado4uate rains to protect the ta nks and their contents . Beason : In miry ca: cs tanks are constructed with specicl jacketing ttich satisfy the above requirements . Paragraph (15)• Concur'.rth Dell Aircraft Corpor4ticn . Chcq a paragraph (16) to read as follows : "Store and hana'le in accordance w~.th computability chart . " Reasons Coi"patability charts arc set up for the specific purpose of separating non-compatible meteri la, :rhether liquid or solid . b . Ready Storage Paragraph ( 2) . Delete . Conflicts With read;; storage definition . Paragraph (5) . Delete . See paragraph (Li) . d . Intraplant Traasportaticn Fara„rape (2) . Add after Safety danuf., "as pp7. i.oab1e" . Reason : Clarification of use of reguJ.atione listed . BNA 116640 I Crossland RSS-260-3575 CONFIDENTIAL - UNDER PROTECTIVE ORDER, United States District Cou rt for the Central District of California No . CV 97-1554 HDMSp01719964 i~ . I G :1:. ;AL CI' .'. J Tf G k~ ~J ltIiii TS a . litu :alof O idec it . ::oUa ?rJpeltsnts s Pa;aC;.' :.at : (5) (F) . Concur with Bell Aircraft Corporation . co Di po1 of G'JitiCG iI 3ile PropaDlants . Concur with Bell Lir :raft Corporation on all of para graph c . d . FiocturFe aid EgUip .acat of Operating Bu3l4iag and Test Stands . Paragraph CL .) . Concur Stith Bc'tU Aircraft Corporation . Paragraph (G) . Coacar with Eel] . Aircraft Corporation . Paragraph (9) . C~n :ur with Doll Aircraft Corporation . e . Control of Static Electricity . Paragraph (2) (b) . Delete . ( 2) (a) adsa quate . f . Sanitation, Protective Clothing and First Ai d Ptrarranh (7) (b) . Concur with L U Aircraft Corporation. • i . (viraleant i.ons . :-d1 the t».lo".r.~n( : The follouirg gereral precautions ahsll be sa jcct to the pracadures as b~ .ishcd by the contractor based on the ha~.ards present it the mri_ot'3 £aa`.litics . " 11 . QUA?ITIT? DITANC~ TA>31.~S FOR. GJI SLI iLZ5S]I1: Pll'. AITTS «:is section :-ccpt• cs extensive inv. sti~ation and the establishment of realistic nrhodo for detcrrain;.ng ~pl.csi .vo quantities and revision of Qaantity-Diats~ce tables and stovoi c ccu~.t.tbility charts which inu1d raflect the cNsntities used . A sug Qsted approach :could ba t,c. set up a coda based on the following proc:dures : 1 . Ectabl_tsh a Qaaiti'yDishncc table based or a loneran eocplociv_, eg . TNT . The clerk 9 tabJ.e frog: T .C . 11W-.1-2 is an a:ar.cple of such a table . 2 . Iletori no the gtv..at ity of propellants or nis:ture of propoLaztc uic :~ can contribute to an erplooion urcler cor:ditLons being cohsi :ic_ cd and determin^ the required distances ton tables. 3, PctonT• ne :.r- egiival~nt blast e ert r relationship botlreen the 1o o zn errmlo .iv+e e; d the propellant er txtu,•o cf proollonts being considered . • BNA 11664 1 Crossland RSS-260-3576 CONFIDENTIAL - UNDER PROTECTIVE ORDER , United States District Court for the Central District of California No . CV 97 .1554 HDMSp01719965 . Poisonou' prcacllr-sir. 4x+t1d requir cp eiaJ . consideration with respect to toxic c3ru bret, trorid be treated in the sane ranrler as wk' other piny>1Lv~t rcysct to blast hoz>sx'd . The codes 'va not ride ar~r mention of special building desi re titich would . o Uct : inhrhited auildins or Control Canters to ba placed within di .arcs : or nc,r!ru corotruction brill not withstand blast presaures . Rocket4ne rowacnds that the AIR, Rocket Technical Co . mittee cor:tirue it3 odor, t~ s~c'iir the eristi codes and establish a r r~istic and upplicabJ .c set o~ cocio3 to be used in oonnection with the miooile pro~ran . • • BNA 116642 Crossland RSS-260-357 7 CONFIDENTIAL - UNDER PROTECTIVE ORDER, United States District Cou rt for the Central District of California No . CV 97-1554 HDMSp01719966