Curriculum vitae Publication list

Curriculum vitae
Personal data:
Date of birth:
Gian Michele Graf
Theoretical Physics
8093 Zurich, Switzerland
July 14, 1962
Education and Professional Career:
Undergraduate student in Physics at ETH Zürich. Diploma thesis advisor: Prof.
J. Fröhlich.
Graduate student at the Institute of Theoretical Physics of ETH. PhD awarded
on March 22, 1990. Advisor: Prof. W. Hunziker.
Assistant Professor of Mathematics, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena.
Assistant Professor of Theoretical Physics, ETH Zürich.
Associate Professor of Theoretical Physics, ETH Zürich.
2001Professor of Theoretical Physics, ETH Zürich.
Related data:
1991: Plenary talk at the X International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Leipzig.
1992: Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow.
1996: Professorship in Mathematics at the Université Paris XI (declined).
1998: Invited talk ∗ at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Berlin (not delivered).
2003: Invited talk at the XIV International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Lisbon.
2006: Member of the Scientific Committee of the XV International Congress on Mathematical
Physics, 2006.
2006: Invited talk at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Madrid.
Research stays (≥ 1 months) at: California Institute of Technology, Pasadena; Mittag-Leffler
Institute, Stockholm; Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, Minneapolis; Institut
des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Bures-sur-Yvette; Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton;
Fields Institute, Toronto; E. Schrödinger Institut, Vienna; Technion, Haifa
Publication list
Refereed publications:
[1] Phase space analysis of the charge transfer model. Helv. Phys. Acta 63, 107-138 (1990).
[2] The Mourre estimate in the semiclassical limit. Lett. Math. Phys. 20, 47-54 (1990).
[3] Asymptotic completeness for N -body short-range quantum systems: A new proof. Commun. Math. Phys. 132, 73-101 (1990).
[4] A remark on long-range Stark scattering. Helv. Phys. Acta 64, 1167-1174 (1991).
[5] (with F. Gesztesy, B. Simon) The ground state energy of Schrödinger operators. Commun.
Math. Phys. 150, 375-384 (1992).
[6] (with B. Simon) Asymptotic series for the ground state energy of Schrödinger operators.
J. Funct. Anal. 112, 442-446 (1993).
[7] (with J. Fröhlich, J.M. Richard, M. Seifert) Proof of stability of the hydrogen molecule.
Phys. Rev. Lett., 71, 1332-1334 (1993).
[8] (with J.P. Solovej) A correlation estimate with applications to quantum systems with
Coulomb interactions. Rev. Math. Phys. 6, 977-997 (1994).
[9] Anderson localization and the space-time characteristic of continuum states. J. Stat.
Phys. 75, 337-346 (1994).
[10] (with D. Schenker) The free energy of systems with net charge. Lett. Math. Phys. 35,
75-83 (1995).
[11] (with D. Schenker) On the molecular limit of Coulomb gases. Commun. Math. Phys.
174, 215-227 (1995).
[12] Stability of matter through an electrostatic inequality. Helv. Phys. Acta 70, 72-79 (1997).
[13] (with D. Schenker) 2-Magnon scattering in the Heisenberg model. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré,
67, 91-107 (1997).
[14] (with L. Bugliaro, J. Fröhlich) Stability of quantum electrodynamics with non-relativistic
matter. Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 3494-3497 (1996).
[15] (with C. Fefferman, J. Fröhlich) Stability of non-relativistic quantum mechanical matter
coupled to the (ultraviolet cutoff) radiation field. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 93, 15009-15011
[16] (with L. Bugliaro, C. Fefferman, J. Fröhlich, J. Stubbe) A Lieb-Thirring bound for a
magnetic Pauli Hamiltonian. Commun. Math. Phys. 187, 567-582 (1997).
[17] (with C. Fefferman, J. Fröhlich) Stability of ultraviolet-cutoff quantum electrodynamics
with non-relativistic matter. Commun. Math. Phys. 190, 309-330 (1997).
[18] (with M. Aizenman) Localization bounds for an electron gas. J. Phys. A, 31, 6783-6806
[19] (with L. Bugliaro, C. Fefferman) A Lieb-Thirring Bound for a magnetic Pauli Hamiltonian,
II. Revista Matematica Iberoamericana 15, 593-619 (1999).
[20] (with J. Fröhlich, J. Walcher) On the extended nature of edge states of Quantum Hall
Hamiltonians, Annales Henri Poincaré 1, 405-442 (2000).
[21] (with J. Fröhlich, D. Hasler, J. Hoppe, S.-T. Yau) Asymptotic form of zero energy wave
functions in supersymmetric matrix models, Nucl. Phys. B567, 231-248 (2000).
[22] (with J.E. Avron, A. Elgart, L. Sadun) Geometry, statistics and asymptotics of quantum
pumps. Phys. Rev. B62, R10618 (2000).
[23] (with J.E. Avron, A. Elgart, L. Sadun) Optimal quantum pumps, Phys. Rev. Lett. 87,
236601 (2001).
[24] (with J.E. Avron, A. Elgart, L. Sadun) Time-energy coherent states and adiabatic scattering, J. Math. Phys. 43, 3415-3424 (2002).
[25] (with W. Aschbacher, J. Fröhlich, K. Schnee, M. Troyer) Symmetry breaking regime in
the nonlinear Hartree equation, J. Math. Phys. 43, 3879-3891 (2002).
[26] (with D. Hasler, J. Hoppe) No zero energy states for the supersymmetric x2 y 2 potential,
Lett. Math. Phys. 60, 191-196 (2002).
[27] (with P. Elbau) Equality of bulk and edge Hall conductance revisited, Commun. Math.
Phys. 229, 415-432 (2002).
[28] (with F. Bernasconi, D. Hasler) The heat kernel expansion for the electromagnetic field
in a cavity, Ann. H. Poincaré 4, 1001-1013 (2003).
[29] (with J.E. Avron, A. Elgart, L. Sadun, K. Schnee) Adiabatic charge pumping in open
quantum systems, Comm. Pure and App. Math. 57, 528-561 (2004).
[30] (with J.E. Avron, A. Elgart, L. Sadun) Transport and Dissipation in Quantum Pumps.
J. Stat. Phys. 116, 425-473 (2004).
[31] (with A. Elgart, J. Schenker) Equality of the bulk and edge Hall conductances in a mobility
gap. Comm. Math. Phys. 259, 185-221 (2005).
[32] (with C. Buchendorfer) Scattering of magnetic edge states, Ann. H. Poincaré, 7, 303-333
[33] (with L. Cattaneo, W. Hunziker) A general resonance theory based on Mourre’s inequality,
Ann. H. Poincaré 7, 583-601 (2006).
[34] (with A. Vaghi) A remark on the estimate of a determinant by Minami, Lett. Math. Phys.
79, 17-22 (2007).
[35] Aspects of the integer quantum Hall effect. Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics
Spectral theory and mathematical physics: a Festschrift in honor of Barry Simon’s 60th
birthday, 429-442, Proc. Sympos. Pure Math., 76, Part 1, Amer. Math. Soc. (2007).
[36] (with J.E. Avron, S. Bachmann, I. Klich) Fredholm determinants and the statistics of
charge transport, Comm. Math. Phys. 280, 807-829 (2008).
[37] (with G. Ortelli) Comparison of quantization of charge transport in periodic and open
pumps, Phys. Rev. B77, 033304 (2008).
[38] (with G. Bräunlich and G. Ortelli) Equivalence of topological and scattering approaches
to quantum pumping, Comm. Math. Phys. 295, 243 (2010).
[39] (with S. Bachmann and G. Lesovik) Time ordering and counting statistics. J. Stat. Phys.
138, 333-350 (2010).
[40] (with J.E. Avron, M. Fraas, P. Grech) Landau-Zener tunneling for dephasing Lindblad
evolutions, Comm. Math. Phys. 305, 633-639 (2011).
[41] (with J.E. Avron, M. Fraas, P. Grech) Optimal time schedule for adiabatic evolution Phys.
Rev. A82, 040304 (2010).
[42] (with J.E. Avron, M. Fraas, O. Kenneth) Quantum response of dephasing open systems.
New J. Phys. 13, 053042 (2011).
[43] (with J.E. Avron, M. Fraas, P. Grech) Adiabatic theorems for generators of contracting
evolutions. Comm. Math. Phys. 314, 163-191 (2012).
[44] (with J.E. Avron, M. Fraas) Adiabatic response for Lindblad dynamics. J. Stat. 148,
800-823 (2012).
[45] (with M. Porta) Bulk-edge correspondence for two-dimensional topological insulators.
Proceedings and other publications:
[1] Asymptotic completeness for N -body short-range quantum systems. Séminaire sur les
Équations aux Dérivées Partielles, École Polytech., Palaiseau (1990).
[2] Asymptotic completeness for N -body quantum systems. Proceedings of the Xth International Congress on Mathematical Physics, Springer (1992).
[3] (with D. Schenker) Classical action and quantum N -body asymptotic completeness. In
“Multiparticle Quantum Scattering with Applications to Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular
Physics, IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its Applications”, Springer (1997).
[4] N -body quantum systems: A tutorial. In “Multiparticle Quantum Scattering with Applications to Nuclear, Atomic and Molecular Physics, IMA Volumes in Mathematics and its
Applications”, Springer (1997).
[5] An electrostatic inequality with applications to the constitution of matter. Journées
”Équations aux Dérivées Partielles”, Saint-Jean-de-Monts (1996).
[6] Stability of matter in classical and quantized fields. Documenta Mathematica, Proceedings
of the International Congress of Mathematicians, Berlin 1998.
[7] (with J. Hoppe) Asymptotic ground state for 10 dimensional reduced supersymmetric
SU(2) Yang–Mills theory, hep-th/9805080.
[8] (with C. Würsch, S. Egger, D. Pescia, M.G. Pini, A. Rettori) On the possibility of tricritical
behaviour in ultrathin magnetic films, preprint (1998).
[9] Ground states of supersymmetric matrix models. Séminaire sur les Équations aux Dérivées Partielles, École Polytech., Palaiseau (1999).
[10] (with C. Stamm, A. Vaterlaus, D. Pescia) Transition to single domain in mesoscopic
ultrathin dots with perpendicular magnetization, preprint (2000).
[11] (with D. Hasler, J. Hoppe) Vanishing index for supersymmetric 2-matrix model with odd
dimensional gauge group, hep-th/0205285.
[12] (with A. Elgart, L. Sadun, K. Schnee) Transport in adiabatic quantum pumps. Proceedings
of the XIVth International Congress on Mathematical Physics.
[12] Finite Casimir energy for the electromagnetic field in a cavity. Proceedings Oberwolfach
[13] (with S. Bachmann) Charge transport and determinants. Proceedings of the QMath10
Conference 2007. World Scientific (2008).
Courses (1991-present):
— N -body Schrödinger operators
— Linear algebra
— Measure and integration
— Complex variables
— Quantum mechanics of disordered systems (twice)
— Quantum mechanics of large systems
— Theoretical physics for math students (Electrodynamics; General relativity, each 3 times;
Quantum Mechanics):
— Statistical mechanics of lattice models (twice)
— Selected topics in Quantum field theory
— Electrodynamics
— Thermodynamics and Statistical mechanics (twice)
— Mechanics of continua (twice)
— Classical mechanics (3 times)
— Applications of group theory in physics (twice)
— Quantum field theory (twice)
Organizer of student seminars series: ‘Quantum optics’ (Winter 93/94, with K. Hepp), ‘Mathematical physics’ (Summer 96, with J. Fröhlich), ‘Path integrals and semi–classical methods
in Quantum mechanics’ (Summer 97, with J. Fröhlich), ‘Quantum field theory and Quantum
optics’ (Winter 98/99, with J. Fröhlich), ‘Hydrodynamics’ (Summer 99, with W. Hunziker),
‘Topological aspects of field theory’ (Winter 00/01, with Z. Kunszt), ‘First Encounter with
String Theory’ (Winter 02/03, with J. Fröhlich, Z. Kunszt), ’Random Matrices’ (Winter 03/04,
with J. Fröhlich, D. Wyler), ‘Statistical Mechanics out of Equilibrium’ (Summer 05, with J.
Fröhlich),’General Relativity’ (Winter 06/07, with C. Schmid).
Diploma Students:
Fabrizio Petrillo (Winter 93/94); Felix Eberhard (Summer 95); Luca Bugliaro (Winter 95/96);
David Hasler (Winter 97/98); Johannes Walcher (Summer 98); Ahmed Rehman (Summer 98);
Sébastien Dirren (Winter 98/99, with J. Fröhlich); Roland Friedrich (Summer 99); Davide
Spinelli (Summer 99); Jürgen Mayr (Winter 99/00); Simon Schwarz (Winter 99/00); Maurizio
Storni (Summer 00); Christoph Buchendorfer (Summer 01); Peter Elbau (Summer 01); Mildred
Hager (Summer 01); Fabrizio Bernasconi (Winter 01/02); Philipp Schütz (Winter 02/03);
George Kottanattu (Winter 03/04); Alexandros Guekos (Summer 04); Samuele Chiesa (Winter
04/05); Gregorio Ortelli (Summer 05); Alessio Vaghi (Winter 05/06); Andreas Ahlm (Summer
06); David Moser (Summer 06); Thomas Eggel (Fall 07); Gerhard Bräunlich (Fall 07); Cyril
Stark (Fall 07); Philip Grech (Spring 08); Dorian Credé (Spring 08), Thomas Coutandin (Fall
08); Fabian Portmann (Fall 08); Daniel W´’ursch (Fall 08); Roger Sax (Spring 09); Christoph
Cedzich (Fall 09); Vincent Beaud, Maximilian Kelm (Fall 10); Simone Balmelli (Spring 11);
Michael Scherrer, Lisa Hänggli (Fall 12)
PhD Students:
Daniel Schenker (1993-1996); Luca Bugliaro (1995-1998); David Hasler (1998-2002); Kai Schnee
(1998-2002), Christoph Buchendorfer (2001-2005), Sven Bachmann (2005-2009), Gregorio Ortelli (2005-2009), Philip Grech (2008-2011), Vincent Beaud (2011-.
Jeffrey Schenker (2003-2005), Margherita Disertori (2003-2005), Davide Batic (2005-2007),
Marcello Porta (2010-2012), Martin Fraas (2011-)
Other Responsibilities
Board of examiners of Liceo Cantonale (high school) Lugano 2;
Student Admission Committee of ETH Zürich;
Editorial Board of Annales Henri Poincaré; Section editor for “Quantum mechanics”;
Head of the Institute of Theoretical Physics, ETH Zürich.
Member of the “Konferenz der Dozenten”, ETH Zürich, and of its “Ausschuss”.
Coorganizer of a Program on Open Quantum Systems at the E. Schrödinger Institute,
2005: Coorganizer (with J. Fröhlich) of the symposium “Physics in the 21st Century – 100
Years after Einstein’s ”Annus Mirabilis” ”, Zurich.
2005-: Member of the Board of the “Sprachenzentrum der ETHZ und UniZ”.
2008-: Member of the Conseil d’administration de l’IHES (Swiss representative).
2008 Local organizer of the Clay Mathematics Institute 2008 Summer School, Zurich