AKO ĎALEKO JE K APLIKOVANÉMU VÝSKUMU MN/CA IX story Jaromír Pastorek IDENTIFICATION OF CARBONIC ANHYDRASE IX CA IX (MN) Transmembrane 58/54 kDa glycoprotein, induced by HeLa cell density, trimers in non-reducing conditions Pastoreková, Závadová, Košťál, Babušíková, Závada: Virology 187, 620-6, 1992. Y M75 Expression correlates with the tumorigenic phenotype and is associated with tumor tissues Závada, Závadová, Pastoreková, Čiampor, Pastorek, Zelník: Int J Cancer 54, 268-274, 1993. Liao, Brewer, Zavada, Pastorek, Pastorekova, Manetta, Berman, DiSaia, Stanbridge: Am J Pathol 145, 598-609, 1994. Potential diagnostic utility in early detection of cervical carcinoma Primary structure of cDNA and gene organization → protein composition → CA IX Pastorek, Pastorekova, Callebaut, Mornon, Zelnik, Opavsky, Zat'ovicova, Liao, Portetelle, Stanbridge, Zavada, Burny, Kettmann: Oncogene 9, 2877-88, 1994. Opavsky*, Pastorekova*, Zelnik, Gibadulinova, Stanbridge, Zavada, Kettmann, Pastorek: Genomics 33, 480-487. signal peptide proteoglycan-like region - PG carbonic anhydrase domain - CA CO2 + H2O ⇔ HCO3- + H+ transmembrane anchor - TM intracytoplasmic tail - IC HUMAN CARBONIC ANHYDRASES M75 DISTRIBUTION OF CA IX IN HUMAN TISSUES Pastorekova, Parkkila, Parkkila, Opavsky, Zelnik, Saarnio, Pastorek: Gastroenterology 112, 398-408, 1997 Saarnio, Parkkila, Parkkila, Waheed, Casey, Zhou, Pastorekova, Pastorek, Karttunen, Haukipuro, Kairaluoma, Sly: J Histochem Cytochem 46, 497-504, 1998 Bartosova, Parkkila, Pohlodek, Karttunen, Galbavy, Mucha, Harris, Pastorek, Pastorekova: J Pathol 197, 1-8, 2002. Saarnio, Parkkila, Parkkila, Haukipuro, Pastorekova, Pastorek, Kairaluoma, Karttunen: Am J Pathol 153, 279-285, 1998. REGULATION OF CA IX EXPRESSION - TRANSCRIPTION Kaluz, Kaluzova, Opavsky, Pastorekova, Gibadulinova, Dequiedt, Kettmann, Pastorek: J Biol Chem 274, 32588-32595, 1999. 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Kaluz 2002 Kopacek 2005 hypoxia (non-RCC) MAPK pVHL (RCC) PI3K HIF-1 cell density α mRNA methylation (RCC) SP1 HIF-1 β α REGULATION OF CA IX EXPRESSION - SPLICING Barathova et al, BJC 2007, in press REGULATION OF CA IX EXPRESSION – STABILITY & SHEDDING Rafajova, Zatovicova et al, IJO 2004, in press Zatovicova et al, BJC 2005 REGULATION OF CA IX EXPRESSION Normoxia - splicing variant AS CA IX Hypoxia, cell density - WT CA IX Key transcription factors HIF & SP1 Post-translation – shedding - phosphorylation - modulation of enzyme activity WT CA IX enzymaticly active in hypoxia inactive in normoxia AS CA IX inactive reduces activity of WT when added to hypoxic cells ROLE OF CA IX IN CELL ADHESION neo CA IX Zaťovičová, Tarábková, Švastová, Gibadulinová, Jakubíčková, Biesová, Rafajová, Mucha, Gut, Parkkila, Waheed, Sly, Horak, Pastorek, Pastorekova: J Immunol Methods, 2003, in press. HYPOXIA Cellular changes Reduced proliferation Anaerobic metabolism Acidic microenvironment Reduced cell adhesion Angiogenesis Cell death Selection of aggressive tumour cells poor prognosis Clinical consequences worse responses to conventional treatment modalities Resistance to radiotherapy and chemotherapy blood vessels doxorubicin hypoxia HIF-mediated molecular responses to hypoxia Metabolic shift from oxidative phosphorylation to anaerobic glycolysis Purpose: To maintain production of energy Consequence: High production of lactic acid, CO2 & protons Glycolysis-deficient cells Acidic tumors in vivo pH regulation Monocarboxylate transporter H+ Vacuolar proton pump H+ H+ CO2 Na+/H+ antiport H+ Bicarbonate transporter Purpose: neutralize pHi & survive acidify pHe & invade and metastasize CA IX is a component of bicarbonate metabolon CA IX activity = inhibited by bicarbonate but not lactate CO2 + H2O HCO3- + H+ ROLE OF CA IX IN pH REGULATION A N B H N H lactate CA IX mock CA IX MDCK Normoxia Hypoxia mock CA IX C Svastova et al-FEBS Let-2004 Hypoxia regulates CA IX level + catalytic activity CA IX–selective sulfonamides as promising tools for imaging of hypoxic tumors in vivo HeLa transfected with delCA variant unpublished 5 min IMMUNOTARGETING 1h 4°C 1 VII/20 MAb CA IX 2 37°C r r ecy p to ng c li rec e 20 min P 3 ? io n degrad a 37°C + 0.2 M acetic acid ly endoso e li ga nd ar m e 6 t 4 low pH 5 l ysos ome ligan d a nd pt or d e cytoplasm control MAb IV/18 MAb V/10 MAb VII/20 1 fl CA IX ∆CA 2 1 2 1 2 Tumor volume nucleus rece gr ad a tion e nd osome MAb VII/20 (10 mg/dose) 3h CA IX as a screening/monitoring marker Li G, Feng G, Gentil-Perret A, Genin C, Tostain J. J Urol. 2008 Aug;180(2):510-3 1,2 1 Mean serum levels: Metastatic RCC patients 216.68 +/- 67.02 pg/ml or Localized RCC patients 91.65 +/- 13.29 pg/ml Healthy individuals 14.59 +/- 6.22 pg/ml p <0.001 and p = 0.001, respectively 0,8 0,6 0,4 Higher levels = higher recurrence 0,2 0 1 tumor 3 5 7 9 11 shed ECD 13 15 17 19 21 3,5 3,5 3 3 2,5 2,5 2 2 1,5 1,5 1 1 0,5 0,5 Dilutions 1:101:10-320 No.15 CA IX No.16 neo 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 DNEŠNÝ STATUS CAIX - najlepší marker nádorovej hypoxie - marker zlej prognózy (agresívne nádory) - terč pre cielenú liečbu nádorov VÝSLEDKY a PUBLIKÁCIE PROJEKTY a PÍSANIE PATENTY a FIRMY a PAPIEROVANIE atď. Základný výskum – granty VEGA APVV 6. RP EU Euroxy 7. RP EU Metoxia medzinárodná spolupráca: Belgicko, Fínsko, Taliansko, UK.... Výsledok - publikácie citácie medzinárodná spolupráca získavanie projektov patentový podklad Pastoreková S, Závadová Z, Kostál M, Babusíková O, Závada J. 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CRC Press Boca Raton-London-New York-Washington D.C. 2004, p 253-279 WOS - CA IX papers and citations Aplikovaný výskum – vstup komerčných firiem od roku 1992 TRITON (USA) CIBA CORNING corp. (USA) CHIRON corp. (USA) BAYER HEALTHCARE (USA) BAYER SCHERING PHARMA (Germany) SIEMENS (USA) KONTRAKTY S FIRMAMI - CIBA, CHIRON, BAYER, WILEX PATENTY - US patent s celosvetovou pôsobnosťou zameraný na diagnostiku a terapiu CENA VÝVOJA LIEČIVA a DIAGNOSTIKY Firmy – vlastný vývoj patenty Akademické granty WILEX 124I-cG250 PET/CT (coronal slice of the fused abdominal image) in a patient with multiple left renal masses. Uptake of antibody clearly identifies the ccRCC (solid arrow); the mixed cystic mass (dotted arrow) was not clear cell phenotype. FDG-PET in a patient with metastatic ccRCC. The primary (solid arrow) is not clearly seen, though the osseous (dashed arrow) and nodal (dotted arrow) metastases are. Signaling pathways as targets for novel cancer therapies. PI3K, phosphatidyl inositol-3kinase; PTEN, phosphatase and tensin homolog; TSC, tuberous sclerosis complex; mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; HIF, hypoxiainducible factor; VHL, von Hippel–Lindau; Cul, Cullin, ELO, elongins; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase; Hsp90, heat-shock protein 90; VEGF, vascular endothelial growth factor; CXCR4, CXC chemokine receptor-4; EGFR, epidermal growth factor receptor; GLUT, glucose transporter. AKÝ VÝSKUM ROBÍME? ZÁKLADNÝ vs. APLIKOVANÝ (TRANSLAČNÝ) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Applied research: is research accessing and using some part of the research communities' (the academy's) accumulated theories, knowledge, methods, and techniques, for a specific, often state, commercial, or client driven purpose. Applied research is often opposed to pure research in debates about research ideals, programs, and projects. Basic research: (also called fundamental or pure research) has as its primary objective the advancement of knowledge and the theoretical understanding of the relations among variables (see statistics). It is exploratory and often driven by the researcher’s curiosity, interest, and intuition. Therefore, it is sometimes conducted without any practical end in mind, although it may have confounding variables (unexpected results) pointing to practical applications. The terms “basic” or “fundamental” indicate that, through theory generation, basic research provides the foundation for further, sometimes applied research. As there is no guarantee of short-term practical gain, researchers may find it difficult to obtain funding for basic research. AKO DLHO TRVÁ TAKÝTO VÝSKUM/VÝVOJ KTO HO PLATÍ KOMU PATRIA VÝSLEDKY NA VŠETKO TREBA PRINAJMENŠOM DVOCH ĎAKUJEM ZA POZORNOSŤ A ŽELÁM VÁM, ABY NIKTO NEMUSEL POUŽIŤ NAŠE VÝSLEDKY