PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Grant Agreement no.: Project Acronym: Project Title: Instrument: Thematic Priority: Deliverable nº.: Deliverable Title: Date of preparation: Author(s): Deliverable lead partner: WP Leader: Partners involved: Dissemination level: PROJECT 308468 PVCROPS Photovoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Collaborative Project FP7-ENERGY.2012.2.1.1 DELIVERABLE D2.2 First version of the technical specifications for grid connected PV systems 31/10/2014 Francisco Martínez, Eduardo Lorenzo UPM UPM UPM, DIT, ONE, RTONE, ACCIONA, INGETEAM, REDT PUBLIC PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 COMMON QUALITY ASSURANCE PRACTICES AND PVCROPS OPTIONS 3 2.1 PV modules data sources and guarantees. 3 2.2 Energy yield forecast and PV performance modelling. 4 2.3 Testing performance: PR and PRSTC. 5 2.4 Measurement of operation conditions: pyranometers, thermocouples and reference devices. 8 3 2.5 Thermal (infrared) revisions: dealing with hot-spots. 10 THE PVCROPS QUALITY ASSURANCE PACKAGE 12 3.1 Project profitability and risk. 12 3.2 Quality assurance procedures. 14 3.2.1 Initial Yield Assessment. 14 3.2.2 On-site horizontal and effective solar radiation measuring campaigns. 15 4 3.2.3 Laboratory testing of PV module samples. 16 3.2.4 Commissioning testing of entire PV plants. 17 3.2.5 Operation surveillance. 18 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND QUALITY CONTROLS FOR GRID CONNECTED PV SYSTEMS 19 4.1 PV system layout. 20 4.2 Definitions. 21 4.3 Standards. 21 4.4 Technical requirements. 22 4.4.1 PV arrays. 22 4.4.2 Supporting structure. 24 4.4.3 Inverters. 25 4.4.4 LV/MV transformer, protection and measurement cells. 26 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 4.4.5 Measurement, monitoring and data acquisition. 26 Effective incident irradiance and cell temperature sensors. 26 Meteorological station. 27 SCADA. 28 4.4.6 Buildings and auxiliary services. 28 4.4.7 Grounding and lightning protection. 29 4.4.8 Safety and fire protection. 29 4.4.9 Civil works. 30 4.5 Quality control procedures. 31 4.5.1 Prior to installation. 31 4.5.2 Commissioning. 32 4.5.3 After one year of operation. 36 REFERENCES 38 ANNEX 1. PV ENERGY PERFORMANCE MODELLING INTO THE FRAME OF QUALITY ASSURANCE OF PV POWER SYSTEMS CONNECTED TO THE GRID 40 ANNEX 2. DEALING IN PRACTICE WITH HOT-SPOTS 80 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 1. INTRODUCTION Technical Quality Assurance Procedures of PV systems connected to the grid look for tightening expectations and realities, both in terms of energy production along the PV plant lifetime. Expectation is established, prior to the construction of the PV plant, by means of a forecast simulation exercise modelling the energy yield under a baseline scenario describing, both, the solar resource at the site and the PV plant electrical performance. More in detail, the solar resource is modelled by means of temporal series of operation conditions values, namely in-plane irradiance, G, and solar cell temperature, TC; while the PV plant performance is modelled through its power response to these values, PAC = PAC(G,TC). Once the PV plant is in routine operation, testing and monitoring campaigns are performed to analyse the fulfilment of these models. It must be emphasized that predicting the evolution of the operation conditions at the PV plant site unavoidably rely on available meteorological data, is far of being an exact science and no one can holds responsible for future weather evolution. However, the performance of the PV plant is a matter of technical quality and strict responsibilities which use to be endorsed to Engineering, Procurement and Construction Contractors, EPCC, whom, in turns, requires responsibilities from PV module and inverter manufacturers. Because of that, the technical specifications of the PV plant and of the testing and monitoring must not be rigorous from a scientific point of view and, at the same time, discriminant enough to result in clear PV plant acceptance/rejection decisions. A rapid PV market growth is observed from 2005. Less than 10 years have being enough to achieve a total installed PV power above 100 GW. An important part of this market develops under “Project Finance” schemes associated to compulsory “Due Diligence” procedures, looking for assuring the technical quality of the PV plant and, so, to guarantee the investment recovery. Because of that, addressing the bankability of PV projects, through the modelling of its energetic yield followed by on-site measuring campaigns, has become a common PV engineering task. Roughly speaking, most PV plants currently in operation fulfil the energy production expectation established at the design, so that it can be suspected that few can be added to the current state-of-art of specifying the technical characteristics and the corresponding quality controls of PV plants. However, this is far of being the case, as revealed by significant discrepancies between different PV performance models, in-field testing procedures and acceptance/rejection criteria coexisting at today market. During the last ten years, the IES-UPM has offered quality control services (yield assessments, in-field testing, irradiance sensor calibrations, failure diagnosis, etc.) to the PV industry and has carried out on-site testing campaigns for more than 60 PV plants totalling 300 MW, in close relation with EPCC and financial entities. The experience thus gained has been extensively published in high reputation scientific journals1-14, has led us to the conviction of that considerable improvements can still be expected in terms of uncertainty reduction along the whole technical quality assurance process, and has now provided the grounds for the elaboration of the Technical Specifications for Grid Connected PV Systems and for the corresponding Quality Control Procedures presented 1 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation at this report. These are the specific objectives of the Work Packages 2 and 9 of the PVCROPS project. This report, first, summarizes today technical common quality assurance practices, disclosing relevant feebleness and discussing corresponding solutions. Three questions are particularly addressed: modelling the energy performance of PV generators in adherence with PV manufacturer’s datasheet information, in-field testing of PV plants with as low uncertainty as possible and how to deal in practice with hot-spots. Once these technical questions are clarified, a complete quality control package is developed. It extends to all the project phases and comprises the following steps: - Initial Yield Assessment. - On-site horizontal and effective solar radiation measuring campaigns. - Laboratory testing of PV module samples. - Commissioning testing of entire PV plants. - Operation surveillance. The consistency of this package is better appreciated when understood as a progressive uncertainty reduction process. Hence, uncertainty estimation and corresponding impact on project profitability and risk are addressed. Finally, the report presents a set of technical specifications and quality control procedures of general application for large ground PV plants and BIPV systems. Looking for direct market applicability, they are presented in such a way that they can be easy adapted to the contractual frames regulating the construction of PV plants. 2 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 2. COMMON QUALITY ASSURANCE PRACTICES AND PVCROPS OPTIONS Common quality assurance practices deserving further comments concerns: 2.1 PV modules data sources and guarantees. PV modules are rated in power at the so called Standard Test Conditions, STC (G* = 1000 W/m2 and TC=25oC). However, their efficiency varies with irradiance and temperature, so that, the power they deliver at other operation condition is given by: ππ·πΆ (πΊ, ππΆ ) = π∗ π (πΊ,ππΆ ) π∗ (1) where the superscript * means STC, P* is the rated power and η means efficiency. Because PV modules operate in a wide range of (G, TC) values, dealing with them requires not only the rated power values but also information related with the efficiency variation with irradiance and temperature. Obviously, in order to preserve the PV modules performance guaranties, this information must be agreed with the PV module manufactures. Manufacturers provide datasheets for each PV module type. According with the standard EN 50380 (“Datasheet and nameplate information for photovoltaic modules”) they must contain: ο· The Nominal Operation Cell Temperature, NOCT. ο· Characteristic values for three points of the I-V curve (short circuit current, ISC, open circuit voltage, VOC, and power and voltage at maximum power point, PDC and VM) at two different (G, TC) conditions: at STC (G*, TC*) and at NOCT (G = 800 W/m2, TC = NOCT ≈ 45o C). ο· The efficiency reduction from STC to (G = 200 W/m2, TC*). ο· The temperature coefficients for open circuit voltage, β, and for short-circuit current, α. However, this norm is nowadays far of being generally respected. In contrast, despite not required at EN 50380, all the datasheets we know include the value of the temperature coefficient for power, γ. Our experience with today datasheets suggests two main drawbacks: 1. Datasheets content is often not fully coherent. For example, there are two ways of deriving P* values from I-V curves measured at other than STC conditions. The one is to extrapolate to STC the full I-V curve in accordance with IEC60891, using α and β. The other consist on, first, obtain the maximum power of the measured curve and, second, to extrapolate to STC only this value, using γ. Ideally, both results should fully coincide. However, they usually differ about 23%, and our experience includes differences up to 5%. This can be a 3 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation consequence of differences on the characteristics of different specimens belonging to the same PV module type. In fact, module to module parameter variations has been pointed out as a significant source of uncertainty15, 16. As a representative example, observed width ranges at a flash-list of 126 crystalline silicon PV modules recently received at our laboratory are 3% for P*(which corresponds to a common market tolerance), 6.4 % for ISC*, 1.2% for VOC*, 5.2% for IM* and 5.4% for VM*. 2. Today standard guarantees are restricted to the value of P* while the rest of the datasheet content is given by way of general information, but not particularly intended to support efficiency quality controls. Because of that, guarantees on other than P* values must be agreed with the PV modules manufacturer, prior to the PV modules supply. The IES-UPM experience on the quality control of large PV plants includes several cases of PV manufactures providing guarantees also on γ values. This is important because thermal losses (due to TC≠TC*) use to be particularly relevant at the energy balance of a PV plant. Both, datasheet limitations and doubtful representativeness of data from particular specimens, represent uncertainty sources for energy yield forecasts performed at the project design. Uncertainty can be further reduced by fitting the performance model with data directly measured at the concerned PV array. However, that can only be made once the PV generator installation. Hence, after the responsibility guarantees chain has been established. In practice, that often leads the involved EPCC to a rather unfair position: to assume responsibilities on the full energy behavior of the PV array having the only formal support of PV manufacturer guarantees on P* values. That demands to enlarge the PV manufacturers’ commitment to also give guarantees on other than P* values. This is likely easier when such values are directly obtained from datasheets (for example, the NOCT and temperature coefficients) that when they are extracted from other than PV manufacturers information (for example, the value of the parallel resistance obtained from a I-V curve measured on a particular specimen at an independent organization). 2.2 Energy yield forecast and PV performance modelling. Energy yield forecast is more often performed by means of commercially available software packages17 ( Most of them describe the PV behavior by means of the so called 5 parameters one diode model equation. Required input data for this model (series and shunt resistance, photocurrent, saturation current and diode quality factor) are not found at the PV manufacturer datasheets. Instead, they are derived from certain software authors assumptions from I-V curves measured on particular specimens at independent testing organizations, which entail a risk of breaking-off of the responsibility chain. For example, PVsyst, maybe the most worldwide extensively used PV software, relies on own suppositions for the parallel and series resistances or, if available, on I-V curve databases from TISO (Swiss test center for PV modules) and from PHOTON (German PV journal) and warns the user about the lack of PV manufactures commitment “…for definitive simulations, the user is advised to carefully verify the library data with the 4 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation last manufacturer’s specifications… We drop out any responsibility about the integrity and the exactness of the data and performance including in the library.” (Disclaimer at the PVsyst User’s Guide). The same is found at the concerned databases: “The database was compiled to the best of our knowledge and with the greatest possible accuracy. At the same time, PHOTON cannot be held responsible from any damage that results from the use of this database.” (Disclaimer at Photon database). The PVsyst authors have even expressed their wishes of further PV manufactures commitment: “…These data are key parameters of the model, and should be part of the module’s specifications in the future.” 18. However, these data remain absent from the PV module manufacturer’s engagement. In order to overcome this problem, PVCROPS has reviewed available PV performance models at the lights of, both, accuracy and adherence to datasheet information, concluding that the model given by: π(πΊ,πC ) π∗ = [1 + πΎ · (πC − πC∗ )][π + π πΊ πΊ∗ πΊ + π · ln πΊ∗ ] (2) is particularly convenient. This model describes thermal losses by means of γ, a value which is always found at manufacturer datasheets. Moreover, the three parameters, a, b and c, describing the efficiency dependence on irradiance are obtained from values corresponding at two other than G* irradiance values, which must also be found at datasheets, providing they comply with EN 50380. Details on this reviewing research are found at Annex 1. The model has been included at SISIFO, a PV simulation software developed at PVCROPS, free available at, and it is used on the here proposed technical specifications for on-site measuring campaigns. 2.3 Testing performance: PR and PRSTC. Technical performance of grid connected PV plant is usually assessed by means of the Performance Ratio, PR, observed along a given operation period. This index, defined in IEC 61724 (“Photovoltaic system performance monitoring: guidelines for measurement, data exchange and analysis”), is calculated as ππ = πΈAC ∗ πΊT πN ∗ (3) πΊ where EAC is the energy effectively delivered to the grid, ππ∗ in the nominal power of the PV generator, understood as the product of the number of PV modules multiplied by the corresponding in-plate STC power, and GT is the in-plane yearly irradiation during that period. The PR value can be directly calculated without any kind of modelling, because EAC, ππ∗ and GT values are directly given by the billing energy meter of the PV plant, the PV manufacturer datasheet (or the flash-list) and the integration of a solar irradiance signal. This mere PR lumps together avoidable and unavoidable losses. The first ones are due to technical imperfections deriving on real performance below the nominal 5 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation characteristics announced by the EPCC or by the equipment manufacturers (underrating, mismatching, under efficiency, etc.), while the second ones are intrinsic to the functioning (thermal and irradiance efficiency losses) or to the design (shades and inverter saturation) of the PV plant. Therefore, only avoidable losses are really related with the technical quality of the PV plant. Nevertheless, this mere PR is still adequate for qualifying that technical quality, providing that full year periods are considered. This is because, for a given PV plant and site, the PR value tends to be constant along the years, as much as the climatic conditions tend to repeat. This way, contractual management of the PR only requires of an agreement on the guaranteed value (derived from the initial yield simulation exercise and a margin of safety agreed among the parties involved on the project), on the solar radiation measuring device (further discussed on the next section of this report) and on the correction to account for longterm degradation effects. However, quality assurance procedures also include the consideration of other than full year periods. Reception testing when the PV plant is put into commissioning, and monthly production reporting are two relevant examples. When sub-year periods are considered, the PR dependence on unavoidable and timedependent losses requires corresponding correction in order to properly qualify the technical quality of a PV plant. Otherwise, the qualification result of a same PV plant varies with the climatic conditions of the qualification period, which seems contrary to the common sense. These losses are the ones derived from the efficiency variation with temperature and irradiance, from intrinsic to PV design phenomena: shades and inverter saturation, and from possible angular and spectral response differences between the PV generator and the irradiance sensor. A convenient way of doing such correction is to consider the so called Performance Ratio at Standard Test Conditions, PRSTC, which can be properly understood as the PR of the same PV plant but corresponding to an hypothetic period with the PV generator is permanently kept at STC (G = 1000 W/m2; TC= 25oC). The PRSTC for a given period, βt, is given by: PRοt (4) PR STC,οt ο½ ο (1 ο οE u u ) where βE represents energy losses during the considered period and the subscript “u” extends to all the unavoidable energy losses phenomena. All these losses must be calculated from measured G and TC values, which require some kind of modelling. The coherence of the full quality assurance process requires using the same PV performance model that at the energy yield forecast. Otherwise, the assumptions of energy forecast underlying are not properly verified. Thermal losses are typically the most significant at the global energetic balance of a PV plant. In energy terms, βπΈ ππΆ ≠ππΆ∗ , they result from weighting the power thermal losses, βπππΆ ≠ππΆ∗ , by the incident irradiance. That is: βπΈππΆ ≠ππΆ∗ = ∫βt βππ ≠π∗ ·πΊ·dt πΆ πΆ ∫βt πΊ·dt (5) where βπ ππΆ ≠ππΆ∗ , in accordance with the here selected PV performance model, defined by equation (2), is given by: βπππ≠ππΆ∗ = πΎ · (πC − πC∗ ) (6) 6 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation As a representative example, Figure 1 shows the evolution of the weekly PR and PRSTC, observed from March 2011 to February 2012, at a PV plant located in Navarra (Spain). Thermal and irradiance losses have been calculated with the model defined by equation (2), and the plant is free of shades and inverter saturation. Table 1 presents the corresponding mean, maximum and minimum values for this year and also for the year from March 2012 to February 2013. As expected, the PRSTC performs significantly more constantly, roughly, ±3% versus ±15%. We believe this is a great benefit, in terms of sound technical quality evaluation, in return for the pain of measuring not only G but also TC and of performing rather simple modelling just based on PV manufactures datasheet. Figure 1. Observed evolution of the weekly PR and PRSTC, from March 2011 to February 2012, at a PV plant located in Navarra (Spain). PRW PRSTCW March 2011 – February 2012 Mean Maximum Minimum 1.06 0.85 0.93 (+12.8 %) (-8.9 %) 0.97 0.94 0.95 (+2.3 %) (-1 %) March 2012 – February 2013 Mean Maximum Minimum 1.040 0.752 0.936 (+10.5 %) (-18.7 %) 0.987 0.934 0.953 (+3.3 %) (-1.9 %) Table 1. Mean, maximum and minimum values of weekly PR and PRSTC values observed along two years at a PV plant located in Navarra (Spain). PRSTC is significantly more stable than PR It is worth mentioning that some projects have addressed technical quality on the basis of observed PR values by considering a different guaranteed value for each month. The 12 reference PR values are established by a simulation exercise on the basis of solar radiation and ambient temperature databases. However, the validity of this PR monthly 7 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation correction procedure is likely not general but restricted to particular climatic regions. In fact, our results show weekly PR variations up to 5 % on the same month, which seem not adequate for large scale PV plants qualification. Because of that, the here proposed technical specifications for on-site measuring campaigns rely on the PRSTC concept. 2.4 Measurement of operation conditions: pyranometers, thermocouples and reference devices. Solar radiation databases provide input data for energy yield forecast in terms of broadband (as seen by pyranometers) horizontal radiation. Then, energy yield forecast requires transposition from horizontal to the plane of array and also correction for angular, spectral and soiling losses. This way the so called effective (as seen by PV generators) radiation is obtained. However, when on-site testing of PR or PRSTC values, effective irradiance can be directly measured by using a reference module of the same type of that the concerned PV generator. This way, such correction and corresponding uncertainties (typically about 3%) are fully avoided. Hence, reference modules are particularly suitable for assessing the technical quality of PV plants. Nevertheless and despite this is unanimously recognized at specialized laboratories7, 19-23 such modules are seldom used at today commercial PV plants. A possible explanation is that reference modules are understood as similar to reference cells. This is theoretically correct, because their angular and spectral responses are the same. However, their practical use significantly differs. A large variety of reference cells is found at the market, and some are nonstandardized and bad quality products (poorly encapsulated, suspicious calibrations, etc.) often leading to unacceptable measurement errors24. That is in detriment of the general reputation of reference devices and in favour to opt for pyranometers, which are well standardized and good quality products. To make matter worse, reference modules are not the object of routine market activities. Instead, they must be specifically prepared which means stabilization followed by calibration. The stabilization requirements are given at international standards IEC 61215 and IEC 61640. In any case, this makes a minimum Sun exposition of 60 kWh/m2. It is worth mentioning that round-robin tests performed in European laboratories have shown calibration accuracy better than 2% for crystalline silicon modules25. It is also worth mentioning that reference modules and PV generators response to dirt accumulation is the same: neither the irradiance measured by the reference modules or the efficiency of the PV generators are affected by isolated dirtiness as, for example, caused by depositions of birds. As a representative example, Figure 2 shows the evolution of the weekly PR observed from mid-June to end-July 2014 at a PV system located in Madrid. PRPYR and PRREF represent the PR corresponding, respectively, to irradiation measured by a pyranometer and by a reference module. The value of PRSTC with irradiation measured by a reference module has also been included, PRSTC,REF. Table 2 shows the corresponding numerical values. An improvement of up to 2% in accuracy is obtained by using a reference module instead of a pyranometer. 8 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Figure 2. Weekly PR observed from mid-June to end-July 2014 at a PV plant located in Madrid. PRPYR and PRREF represent the PR corresponding, respectively, to irradiation measured by a pyranometer and by a reference module. The value of PRSTC with irradiation measured by a reference module has also been included. Performance Ratio PRPYR PRREF PRSTC,REF Mean 0.775 0.801 0.880 Maximun 0.824 0.819 0.889 Minimun 0.726 0.784 0.870 Range ± 4% ± 2% ± 1% Table 2. Main values corresponding to Figure 2. Using reference modules instead of pyranometers improve the PR accuracy of up 2%. On similar lines, the open circuit voltage of a reference PV module is in practice a better indicator of TC that direct temperature measurements given by thermocouple glued to the back of the modules. The VOC method, described at IEC 60904-5, avoids possible thermocouple sticking failures and also the uncertainty associated to non-homogeneous temperature distributions inside the PV modules. This is because the thermocouple is glued to a single point while the open circuit voltage of the PV module integrates the values corresponding to all the solar cells. To summarize, reference Si-x modules are very good quality products (design approved by IEC 61215, measurements normalized by IEC 60904-1) allowing in-field measurements of PV generator characteristics with the lowest possible uncertainty. The here proposed technical specifications rely on these devices. 9 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 2.5 Thermal (infrared) revisions: dealing with hot-spots. A hot-spot consists of a localized overheating in a photovoltaic (PV) module. It appears when, due to some anomaly, the short circuit current of the affected cell becomes lower than the operating current of the whole module and giving rise to reverse biasing, thus dissipating the power generated by other cells as heat. Figure 3 shows two infrared (IR) images of hot-spots. The anomalies that cause hot-spots can be external to the PV module (shading or dust) or internal (micro-cracks, defective soldering, potential induced degradation –PID). In general, when a hot-spot persists over time, it entails both a risk for the PV module’s lifetime and a decrease in its operational efficiency. (a) (b) Figure 3. Hot-spots in two modules. (a) General view of a tracker with hot-spots caused by PID. (b) Hot-spot caused by micro-cracks. The operating temperature of the hot-spot is 87 ºC while the mean temperature of the rest of the module is 53 ºC. Hot-spots are relatively frequent in current PV generators and this situation will likely persist as the PV technology is evolving to thinner wafers, which are prone to developing micro-cracks during the manipulation processes (manufacturing, transport, installation, etc.). Fortunately, they can be easily detected through IR inspection, which has become a common practice in current PV installations. However, there is a lack of widely accepted procedures for dealing with hot-spots in practice as well as specific criteria referring to the acceptance or rejection of affected PV modules in commercial frameworks. For example, the hot-spot resistance test included in IEC-61215 (Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic modules. Design qualification and type approval) is successfully passed if the module resists the hot-spot condition for a period of 5 hours, which suggests that this standard addresses transitory hot-spots, as those caused by also transitory shading, but not permanent ones, caused by internal module defects. Along the same lines, the IEC-62446 (Grid connected photovoltaic systems. Minimum requirements for system documentation, commissioning tests and inspection) only states: “A hot-spot elsewhere in a module usually indicates an electric problem […] In any case investigate the performance of all modules that show significant hotspots”. Furthermore, a draft of the IES-60904-12 (Photovoltaic devices: infrared thermography of photovoltaic modules) clearly establishes how to capture, process and analyse the IR images, but still does not set out any PV module acceptance/rejection criteria. Not surprisingly, the IES-UPM experience includes many cases of EPCC and PV module manufacturers requesting advice on how to proceed with collections of IR 10 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation images of affected modules, and whose corresponding contracts lacked the previsions to ask a relevant question: which affected PV modules should be changed under the PV manufacturer’s responsibility? In order to ask this question, PVCROPS has investigated the hot-spot impacts on the lifetime and on the operational efficiency of the affected module (that is, the efficiency of the PV module when it is integrated at a PV generator and connected to an inverter able of tracking the maximum power point of the assemble). First, hot-spots are characterized by the temperature increase of this cell in relation to the non-defective ∗ ones and normalized to the STC irradiance, βππ»π . Then, using observations on 200 affected modules as experimental support, the following acceptance/rejection criteria are proposed: 1) If βππ»π ∗ < 10°πΆ, to consider the module non-defective, except in the case that one or more by-pass diodes are defective. 2) If βππ»π ∗ > 20°πΆ, to consider the module defective. 3) If 10°πΆ < βππ»π ∗ < 20°πΆ, to consider all the modules with an effective power loss (measured as a decrease in the operating voltage in relation to a nondefective module of the same string) that exceeds the allowable peak power losses fixed at standard warranties defective. It is worth mentioning that this procedure and acceptance/rejection criteria have already been applied by the IES-UPM when mediating in hot-spot conflicts between module manufacturers and EPCC during the last years. Details on this research are found at Annex 2. 11 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 3. THE PVCROPS QUALITY ASSURANCE PACKAGE 3.1 Project profitability and risk. PV project investment requires estimate, both, profitability and risks. Profitability is addressed by calculating the most probable value of the yearly energy production, which is a key parameter for the baseline economic scenario. This value is typically denoted as EP50, where “E” means yearly energy and “P50” means that this value is just at the middle of the probability range. In other words, the probability of real energy production exceeding this value equals the probability of being below it. In practice, EP50 is just the direct result of a forecast simulation exercise, modelling the energy yield with some dedicated software, under a solar climate scenario described by an available solar radiation data base, a PV plant described by the technical information announced by the equipment manufacturers (PV module, inverter and transformer datasheets) and an allowable energy losses scenario agreed by the owner, the financing bank and the EPCC in charge of the construction of the PV plant. Risks derive from the fact that such simulation exercise relies on a set of suppositions that do not necessarily will exactly be matched by later realities. For example, the solar radiation in the years to come can be somewhat different of the solar radiation observed in the past and that provided the grounds for the elaboration of the database. Differences among initial suppositions and further realities are denoted, somewhat inappropriately, as “errors” and are obviously unknown at the beginning of the project. Because of that, they are treated as random variables, each defined by its corresponding mean and standard deviation values, ε and σ, respectively. Table 3 lists the main reasons for such differences, more properly defined as “uncertainty sources” Assuming these uncertainty sources are independent each other, the expected yearly energy production is properly described by means of a Gaussian distribution with standard deviation, σT, given by: π ππ = √∑ ππ2 1 where “i” extends to all identified uncertainty sources. Then, basic statistics allows quantifying the risk, linking expected production and occurrence probability values. For example, the EP90, i.e. the energy production value having 90% probability of being exceeded by real production is given by: πΈπ90= πΈπ50 − 1.28ππ 12 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Uncertainties First Year 20 years Database, σDB Mean Bias Error and Root Mean Square Error of Yearly Irradiation given at corresponding database. Interannual variability, σAV The range between the extreme Yearly Global Irradiation values observed along a period of 10 years is understood as the 95% confidence interval No applicable Long term trend, σDL Non applicable 0,9% (Note 1) Solar radiation, σSR = (σDB2 + σAV2+ σDL2)1/2 Transposition from horizontal to tilt radiation and operation temperature estimation , σOC 4% (Note 2) Power response of PV system, σPR 2% (Note 3) Simulation, σSIM = (σOC2 + σPR2)1/2 Initial STC of PV arrays, σIP 2% (Note 4) Ageing, σAG No applicable 1% (Note5) STC Power of PV arrays, σSTC = (σIP2 + σAG2)1/2 Energy Yield, σT = (σRS2 + σSIM2+ σSTC2)1/2 Table 3. Main uncertainty sources affecting to energy yield values. 1 Solar Radiation is subject to decadal cycles and other long-term trends, due to atmospheric composition (SOx emissions, volcanos, etc.). Available literature shows the magnitude of these trends varies with location, between +0.05% e -0.3% per year. These two values can be understood as the upper and lower limits of a 95% confidence interval, so that, under a Gaussian hypothesis, their difference is equal to 3.82 times the corresponding standard deviation. This way, the expected deviation after N years can be estimated as a mean value decreasing with time, at a ratio of -0.125% per year (mean value among the extremes), and a standard deviation increasing with time, at a ratio of 0.09% per year. For a period of 20 years, that leads to a decreasing of 1.25% with a standard deviation of 0.9%. 2 SISIFO includes models for broken down global horizontal radiation into its diffuse and direct radiation components, for considering the anisotropic nature of the diffuse radiation, and for considering the dust effect on the angular response of PV arrays. The uncertainty estimation derives from the comparison of estimated values with values measured at several well maintained PV installations. This term also considers the uncertainty on the operation temperature. 3 SISIFO relies on certain models for considering the PV array efficiency dependence on irradiance and operation temperature, and also for considering the influence of the relative load on the efficiency of inverters and transformers. These models include adjusting parameters which are fitted to the information provided by equipment manufacturers. Uncertainty derives from possible differences between the real performance and the performance described by this information, namely regarding the efficiency of PV arrays. 4 This uncertainty component derives from possible differences between real and nominal STC values, associated to power tolerance at manufacturing, and from light induced initial degradation. 5 According with available literature, the degradation margin observed for crystalline silicon varies between 0.4 and 0.8% of loss of power per year. This way, degradation at the end of N years can be estimated by a mean value decreasing with time, at a ratio of -0.6% per year (mean value among the extremes), and a standard deviation increasing with time, at a ratio of 0.1 % per year. For a period of 20 years, that leads to a decreasing of 6 % with a standard deviation of 1 %. 13 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Note the risk of failure associated to bet on EP90 is limited to 10%. Banks, which typically are rather conservative entities, use to associate project financing to EP90 values. This is why facilities for calculating not only EP50 but also EP90 and other EPX values are found in some simulation software: SISIFO, a free access tool developed in PVCROPS, PVsyst, etc. Table 4 provides values for other risk levels, sometimes found in PV project financing. EPX = EP50 - βXσT EPX (%) βX 50 0 75 0.67 80 0.84 90 1.28 95 1.96 99 2.58 Table 4. Coefficients for the calculation of different risk levels. 3.2 Quality assurance procedures. Being the risks intimately associated to uncertainties, any quality assurance process can be properly understood as a progressive uncertainty reduction process. Each particular quality assurance step adds information related with a particular issue at the yield estimation process. Obviously, that reduces associated uncertainty and risk. The particular quality assurance procedures proposed at PVCROPS are as follows: 3.2.1 Initial Yield Assessment. Estimating profitability and risks is the obvious first step of any quality assurance process. As mentioned above, this is done in terms of EP50 and EP90 values. The first results from a forecast performance exercise under given solar climate information, PV array geometry, technical characteristic of selected components as announced by their manufacturers and a certain allowable losses scenario. The second is estimated by analysing the different uncertainties associated to each step at such forecast exercise. PVCROPS has developed SISIFO, a free access and open source simulation tool ( able of EP50 and EP90 calculations and also economic evaluations under different scenarios. SISIFO is based on cutting-edge modelling and is supported by detailed comparison of simulated and monitored results at large PV plants totalling more than 300 MW. 14 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 3.2.2 On-site horizontal and effective solar radiation measuring campaigns. Dealing with solar radiation encompasses the largest uncertainty at Yield estimation exercices. Currently available databases often result from certain atmospheric models able to derive solar radiation estimations from satellite observations (given in terms of colour intensity at different wavelengths for the pixel corresponding to a concerned site). Such models include some parameters which are adjusted to fit solar radiation measurements at specific existing ground meteorological stations distributed over the concerned region. That assures the solar radiation estimates encompass the minimum possible error for the ensemble of these control ground stations sites, but not for the particular site where the PV plant is going to be located, that can sometimes be located far from these sites. Hence, a certain uncertainty must be associated to using a solar radiation database for a given site. Obviously, the denser the control stations network and the closer the site to a control station the lower the uncertainty. In fact, solar radiation databases use to provide additional information allowing for the estimation of the standard deviation values that must be associated to corresponding irradiation data content. An obvious procedure for reducing such uncertainty consists on performing a solar radiation measuring campaign directly at the concerned site and large enough to provide statistically significant correction for the model at the back of the database. For example, that can be made by comparing model estimates and ground measurements in terms of daily irradiation along a full year. Then, a simple linear fit provides a correction factor for each month, which is finally applied to the database content, thus removing any possible bias in the long-term modelled data. This is possible because, despite such database content is based on past observations along 10 or more years, the correction reflects site climatic peculiarities (altitude, humidity, etc.) that use to remain over the years. In practice, that can hardly be made with free available solar radiation data bases, because corresponding responsible (more often public meteorological services) do not regularly provide actual solar radiation estimates but only long term past averages. In fact, providing both past averages and actual estimates is the core business of specialized companies, able of directly access satellite images and derive solar radiation values by means of own dedicated models. On-site measurement of the energy resource during a year is traditionally required for assessing the bankability of wind energy parks. This practice is now expanding to large PV plants and must be welcome, because it helps to reduce uncertainty and, therefore, to increase confidence on PV technology. However, it should be adapted to PV engineering peculiarities. Using pyranometers for global horizontal solar radiation measurements instead of anemometers for wind speed ones is obviously the first step, but additional refinements can be envisaged when considering that the “fuel” that is converted to electricity by PV plants is not the solar radiation as seen by an horizontal pyranometer (the basic instrument supporting solar radiation databases) but the solar radiation incident on the PV array surface and filtered by the spectral and angular responses of the particular PV module technology and also by the dust accumulated on the modules surface (no perfectly cleaned sunglasses can serve as a proper analogy for soiling and for this responses). 15 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Translation from horizontal to in-plane irradiances and spectral and angular correction can be afforded by modelling, but at the price of some associated uncertainty. Available literature26 shows that the best combination of models to perform these tasks is not general but varies according with the characteristics of the solar radiation at the site (diffuse/global ratio, turbidity, etc.), the orientation of the PV array, the solar cell and cover glass technology, etc., making it difficult to know what combination of models performs best at any given site. On-site horizontal radiation with pyranometers and also effective radiation with reference PV modules with the same orientation of the future PV array is an appealing possibility for minimizing the uncertainty associated to such modelling. Even more, that allows assessing even soiling, providing adequate maintenance during the measuring campaign. It is opportune remembering that, despite to be scarcely known at general solar radiation ambiences, reference PV modules are very good quality products encompassing lowest possible uncertainty measurements when PV systems are concerned. 3.2.3 Laboratory testing of PV module samples. Independent laboratory testing of a representative PV module sample and comparison with corresponding “flash-list” data is a common practice today for controlling the power delivered by the PV manufacturers. However, even assuming perfect coincidence, some uncertainty on PV module performance still persists. On the one hand, c-Si modules are somewhat affected by so called Light Induced Degradation, LID, which is a very rapid decrease in efficiency with the first few days of exposure. Manufacturers use to provide positive tolerance for the power rating of their products and also guaranties on that STC power will remain above 97% of the nominal value after the first year of exposure. Despite that represent a kind of formal protection against excessive LID and other possible initial failures, it is strongly recommended testing the representative modules sample not only “as received” but also after an exposure above 60 kWh/m2. That assures the PV module reaches the PV plant in proper conditions and also provides information for estimating real LID rates. On the other hand, PV efficiency varies with irradiance and temperature. Related information is usually provided at manufacturers’ datasheets, in terms of temperature coefficients and efficiency reduction from STC to 200 W/m2. However, experience shows this information is sometimes of doubtful representativeness. Therefore, it is also recommended testing the irradiance and temperature performance of the modules control sample. That allows detecting possible performance irregularities before PV modules reach the field and provides more certain information that datasheets. Then, Yield assessment can be refreshed with this new LID and performance data, and warning can be issued in case of significant differences (above 2%) with initial results. On other lines, it is worth considering testing also PV modules propensity to so called Potential Induced Degradation, PID. This is a medium-term degradation phenomenon sometimes observed in real PV arrays after few months of exposure. Despite work in progress, PID is still not considered at the current version of IEC 61215 qualification standard. Meanwhile, propensity for PID can be quickly tested 16 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation (about a week) and preventive measures, like PV array grounding, can be adopted at the PV system in case of modules result not PID free. Finally, it is worth to taking advantage of laboratory testing to prepare reference PV modules for further use as operation conditions sensors at the PV plant. As rule of thumb, we propose two reference modules per MW, for irradiance and temperature, respectively, plus four: two intended to keep on dark at the PV plant site, in order to serve as reference for future degradation measurements, and two intended to spare parts. 3.2.4 Commissioning testing of entire PV plants. Commissioning testing represents a great chance for assuring the PV systems already in operation fulfil their specifications and are free of threats for their lifetime. In addition, it also represents a chance for in-depth characterization of PV plant performance, which provides the grounds for careful operation surveillance. The following test sequence is here recommended: – STC power of individual modules. That can be made without removing the selected modules from their definitive installation site. Better than 3% accuracy is obtained by simultaneous tracing of I-V curves of the concerned module and of a reference module located just close to it. Samples of about 20 – 30 modules per MW are considered to be representative. – Visual and Infrared inspections of the PV arrays. Somewhat like persons develop fever in case of illness, PV modules and other electric equipment develop so called hot-spots in case of anomalies (micro-cracks, defective soldering, bad contacts, etc.). Fortunately, they can be easily detected by inspecting with IR cameras, which is now a common practice of PV engineering. PVCROPS has investigated the hot-spots impact on, both, the lifetime and the efficiency of the affected modules, and has proposed a set of acceptance/rejection criteria for contractual dealing of this problem (see 2.5). – PRSTC of the generation units. Large PV plants use to be composed by several generation units, each injecting AC power to an internal AC grid. The overall energy performance of each unit is properly characterised by measuring the PRSTC along a representative period (about a week) of normal operation. The PRSTC is a kind of Performance Ratio, but corrected to STC. This correction requires measuring not only incident irradiance, as for the mere PR, but also operation temperature and performing some calculations, using the same PV performance model that involved at Initial Yield Assessment. The outstanding benefit for this rather low added complexity is that the PRSTC is neither time nor site dependent, so that it precisely qualify the technical quality of the generation unit and of the entire PV plant. – In-depth characterization of the generation units. The PRSTC lumps together the performance of all the generation unit elements: PV array, inverter and transformer. More in-depth characterization can be made at the price of 17 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation measuring not only irradiance, as for the mere PR, and operation temperature, as for the PRSTC, but also measuring the DC and AC power responses on the input and the output of the inverter, respectively. That must be done with highly accurate power analysers and paying particular attention to DC current measurements. The corresponding benefit is to clearly distinguishing between the performance characteristics of the PV system components (STC power of the PV array, efficiency dependence on temperature and irradiance, inverter efficiency versus load) and also to observe the PV system behaviour in both normal and abnormal operation (shades, inverter saturation, partial clouding, etc.). All this information not only enjoy enthusiast engineers but also allow for detailed energy losses analysis and, therefore, for advanced operation surveillance. 3.2.5 Operation surveillance. Large PV plants are often surveyed by SCADAS monitoring operational data and alarms. Further analysis allows for daily, monthly and yearly reporting of the operational energy balances. Following the cutting-edge procedures described above (measuring irradiance and temperature by means of reference modules, not only PR but also PRSTC determination, in-depth characterization during Commissioning tests, periodic comparison on in-field reference modules with kept on dark ones, etc.) and on comparing observed productions with estimated from operation conditions, it is possible to detect and to diagnose hidden failures, and to evaluate PV modules aging. 18 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 4. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS AND QUALITY CONTROLS FOR GRID CONNECTED PV SYSTEMS This section presents technical specifications and quality controls for the particular case of a large PV plant connected to the medium voltage, MV, distribution grid and being the object of a due diligence process linked to bank financing. We have selected this case as particularly representative not only because it represents a significant share of the global PV market but mainly because bankability contexts systematically require rigorous quality assurance processes. PV projects of lower entity can also find here inspiration, and simplify the proposed specifications and control methods in order to cope with their own particularities (size, budget, technical risk, etc.). It must be remembered that technical specifications and quality controls are intended to assure that real energy production satisfies the expectation created by a dedicated Yield Assessment carried out before the construction of the project. Additionally to the Solar Resource Assessment, the input data for this study are the technical information supplied by the EPCC and the baseline loss scenario agreed between all the parties involved in the project (EPCC, investors and independent experts). This scenario establishes the maximum allowable difference between the performance of the ideal reference system and the real system to be constructed. This reference ideal means that system performance is assumed to be optimal and all its components are assumed to correspond exactly to the technical datasheets of the manufacturers. Obviously, these Yield Assessment input data must be fully consistent with the prescribed system technical specifications and also with the acceptance/rejection criteria at corresponding quality controls. The modelling of PV generator performance, i.e. the modelling of efficiency dependence on operation conditions, deserves particular comment. As mentioned above, we advocate for the model defined by equation (2), which parameters can be directly related with datasheet of the manufacturers, and we have developed a free software (SISIFO) based on that model. However, other widely used commercial software relying on the so called one-diode model which corresponding 5 parameters are derived from assumptions or from I-V measurements external to manufacturers. Over the paper, that entails a certain risk of breaking-off the PV module guarantee chain, as clearly advised by these software authors. However, especially when dealing with crystalline silicon generators and sunny places, both models perform consistently and lead to similar results at corresponding Yield Assessments, providing equivalent solar resource estimation models. This allow to make somewhat compatible the use of software based on the one-diode model for initial Yield Assessments with the use of equation (2) for calculating the PRSTC, which is definitively better than the mere PR, for qualifying the technical quality at reception essays. On the other hand, it must be advised that technical specifications always require local adaptation. In particular the physical conditions of the site, the national regulations and the market circumstances should be taken into account. For example, the here proposed specifications state that “support structures must be rigid and resistant to wind gusts up to 150 km/h” and that “they must be done in aluminium or hot galvanized steel”. However, a higher wind velocity can be required in regions affected by tornados, and other materials like wood can also be accepted if corresponding market availability entails lower prices. On the same lines, central inverter generally represents a cheaper 19 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation solution than distribute (string) inverters. However, the last can be preferred at building integrated PV systems often affected by shades. The protection scheme and the inverter features (power factor, response to abnormal voltage or frequency conditions, etc.) must comply with particular national electric regulations. 4.1 PV system layout. Figure 4 describes the basis electrical layout of a large PV plant. It is formed by several generation units, each composed by PV arrays and inverters feeding, through corresponding LV/MV transformers, an internal MV line which is connected to the national grid at the Common Coupling Point CCP. In turns, each generation unit can be composed by only one inverter or by the parallel of several inverters, each one with its corresponding PV array (Figure 5).The PV plant also includes measuring and monitoring devices (reference modules, standard meteorological stations, SCADA) and auxiliary services (buildings, security systems, etc.). Generation Unit 1 P AC P DC PV Array Inverter Internal MV line Connection point Generation Unit 2 . . LV/MV Transformer Energy meter Generation Unit N-1 Power line Protection and measurement cell Generation Unit N Figure 4 Basic electrical layout of the PV installation 1 1 : : N N (a) Only one inverter (b) One inverter, N MPPT inputs (c) N inverters in parallel Figure 5. Acceptable alternatives for PV array-inverter. 20 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 4.2 Definitions. The STC power of the PV plant is here understood as the nominal power of the PV arrays, i.e. the product of the total number of modules by the in-plate STC power given at the datasheet of manufacturer. This can be different of the nominal power of the PV plant, which is given by the maximum allowable power injected at the CCP. On similar lines, the nominal power of the PV arrays can be different of the nominal power of the inverter which is the maximum power at its output. 4.3 Standards. All the components of the PV installation should fulfil the national standards and international ones, guaranteeing quality, integrity and an optimal performance after its installation. Some standards affect to the specific devices of a PV installation: modules, arrays and inverters. Particularly interesting are: IEC 61215 Crystalline Silicon Terrestrial Photovoltaic Modules: Design Qualification and Type approval IEC 61646 Thin-Film Terrestrial Photovoltaic Modules: Design Qualification and Type approval IEC 61730 Photovoltaic Module Safety Qualification IEC 60364-7-712 Electrical Installations of Buildings – Part 7-712: Requirements for Special Installations or Locations Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Power Supply Systems More general devices (electric lines, cables, energy meters, buildings and protection systems) should fulfil the national regulations in force. Particularly relevant are: IEC 60555-2,-3 Disturbances in supply systems caused by household appliances and similar electrical equipment - Part 2: Harmonics, Part 3: Voltage fluctuations. IEC 61727 Photovoltaic (PV) systems - Characteristics of the utility interface IEC 62116 Test procedure of islanding prevention measures for utilityinterconnected photovoltaic inverters. IEC 1024-1 Protection of structures against lightning. Part 1:General principles 21 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation IEC 62305-4 IEC 60309 Protection against lightning. Part 4: Electrical and electronic systems within structures Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes – Part 1: General requirements. Other standards that must be taken into account, especially in the quality control procedures, are: IEC 62446 Grid connected photovoltaic systems – Minimum requirements for system documentations, commissioning test and inspection. IEC 61829 Crystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) array: On-site measurement of I-V characteristics. IEC 60891 Photovoltaic devices – Procedures for temperatures and irradiance corrections to measured I-V characteristics IEC 61853-1 Photovoltaic (PV) module performance testing and energy rating: Part1: Irradiance and temperature performance measurement and power rating. 4.4 Technical requirements. 4.4.1 PV arrays. 1) Each PV array must be formed by PV modules of the same manufacturer, type and model. 2) The PV modules must have certifications IEC 61215 or IEC 61646 if they are crystalline silicon or thin-film, respectively. 3) The PV modules must have certification IEC 61730. 4) The PV modules must be resistant to Potential Induced Degradation (hereafter PID). NOTE. This question is being addressed in a new, still draft, version of IEC 61215. Meanwhile, different laboratories use different test procedures, all of them able of detecting the PV modules propensity to suffer PID. 5) The plugs of all the modules, and also of all the cables between the modules and the connection boxes, must be the same model to ensure good connections. They must be placed in such a way that they are free of accumulation of dust, sand or water to avoid short-circuits and/or premature degradation. 22 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 6) 7) DC cables must be attached to the supporting structure or placed in trays to avoid loose cables that could rub against objects such as roof tiles or sharp structures that could damage their insulation or even provoke trip hazard. The STC power measured in the input of each inverter must be equal or above to 93% of the nominal power. In other words, the sum of the losses due to initial degradation, mismatching and wiring cannot be above 7%. NOTE: This value is proposed as an absolute maximum. Lower losses can be specified, in particular with PV modules offering positive tolerance in rated power. Whichever the case, this value must be consistent with the Yield Assessment baseline loss scenario 8) The PV modules must not exhibit “hot spots” or “hot cells” when there is not shade cast over them and the inverter is injecting to the grid normally. 9) Preferably, as a protection measure against indirect contact, the PV arrays (active poles) should not be earthed. 10) The expected operational ranges of PV array voltages and currents (VOC, ISC, VM and IM) must agree with the technical specifications of the inverter. 11) All the strings, consisting of modules connected in series, must be protected with fuses in both poles. String fuses must be rated (at 50ºC) between 2 and 4 times the modules STC short-circuit current, below the rated DC current of module cables. NOTE. Strictly, electric security at no-earthed PV arrays requires only one fuse. However, the second fuse allows for easy string electrical separation from the rest of the PV array, which can be useful for inspection and maintenance purposes. An intermediate solution consist on protect one pole with a fuse and provide some easy isolation mean to the other pole. 12) The parallel association of strings must be done inside connection boxes including the following elements: a) All the string with operative fuses. b) Overvoltage protection devices (operative surge arrestors) between both positive and negative poles and earth (another one between poles is optional). NOTE: This is not strictly necessary if the cable that connects these boxes and the inverter has a length lower than 20 m. c) Load breaking switch to safely open the DC part in case of emergency. d) Depending on the configuration, these devices can be integrated in the inverter. e) Fixed labels warning the risk of electric shock. f) Poly-Methyl–Methacrylate (PMM) sheets for preventing direct contact with live wires, fuses, busbars, etc. 23 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation g) Individual labels for each cable, reporting about its polarity and its origin. h) A blocking system in doors or covers for when they are open to avoid damage due to wind gusts. 13) The elements inside the connection boxes should be correctly ordered and disposed so that positive and negative poles are as separated as possible to minimize the risk of direct contact. 14) All the fuses, surge arrestors and load breaking switches must fulfil the standard IEC 60634-7-712. 15) The connection boxes must have (and respect) at least IP54, in accordance with the standard IEC 60529, and must be resistant to UV radiation. So, cable entering connection boxes must be correctly installed and sealed to not modify this IP protection degree. 16) DC cables from connection boxes to inverter input must run in underground tubes, with manholes separated no more than 15 meters. The extremes of the tubes must be sealed once the tubes and cables are totally laid. 4.4.2 Supporting structure. 17) Supporting structures must be rigid and resistant to wind gusts up to 150 km/h and to corrosion environments equal to or higher than C4, in accordance with the standard ISO 9223. 18) Supporting structures must be done in aluminium or hot dipped galvanized steel. The installation procedures must ensure anti-corrosion protection. This is also applicable to doors, trays, bolts, nuts, washers and fixation elements in general. 19) All the parts of the supporting structure must be correctly assembled, must fit with each other and must be compatible to avoid galvanic corrosion. 20) Supporting structures must allow every single module to be accessible for periodic inspections. 21) PV modules must be rigidly fixed to the supporting structure with appropriate clams and/or bolts and nuts according to the PV modules manufacturer specifications. 22) All the PV modules must be elevated at a height of 1 meter (to avoid shade from vegetation) to 4 meters (to facilitate clean-up tasks) above the floor level and have a free separation space between adjacent modules at least of 1 cm. 23) Supporting structures must allow quick drainage in the case of heavy showers. 24 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 24) Mounting systems of supporting structures must allow acceptable thermal expansion of all the system components. 25) Moorings and tensioners of the supporting structures should be clearly marked for easy maintenance. 4.4.3 Inverters. 26) Nominal power of the PV inverter should be equal or larger than 80% of the STC nominal power of their corresponding PV array: N PInv ο³ 0.80 PN* 27) The so-called “European efficiency” of the inverters must be at least 0.95. This efficiency is given by the formula: ο¨ EUR ο½ 0.03 οο¨5 ο« 0.06 οο¨10 ο« 0.13 οο¨20 ο« 0.1οο¨30 ο« 0.48 οο¨50 ο« 0.2 οο¨100 where ο¨ 5 , ο¨10 , ο¨ 20 ,ο¨ 30 ,ο¨ 50 , ο¨100 are the instantaneous power efficiency values at 5%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 50% and 100% load. 28) The inverters should properly operate at their nominal power and with an ambient temperature TA = 50ºC. 29) In order to preserve the quality of the general electricity service, the inverters should comply with IEC 61000-6-2 and IEC 61000-6-4 (EMI), with EN 50178 (Grid quality requirements) and also with particular national codes. NOTE. Concrete project specifications should pay particular attention to clarify the following aspects: response to abnormal conditions of voltage or frequency, response face voltage sags, power factor and regulation of active and reactive power. 30) The inverters should include anti-islanding protection with automatic shut down once sags requirements are fulfilled, in accordance with standard IEC 62116. 31) Inverter-on after grid voltage and frequency restoring should be delayed between 1 to 3 minutes. 32) The inverters should include protection against inverse polarization in its DC input, short-circuits in its AC output, over-voltages (operative surge arrestors) in both input DC and output AC, insulation failure with output to relay. 33) The inverters should include detection and protection in case of lack of insulation in accordance with the requirements of standard IEC 60364-7-712. 34) The inverter should include and emergency stop device (software or hardware) and it should be easily accessible. 25 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 35) In order to facilitate the acceptance tests, the inverter must include means (shunt, toroid, etc.) for measuring DC input current with accuracy of, at least, 0.5%. Such means must be duly certified and fully accessible during reception test. NOTE. This specification applies only if acceptance tests consider not only a PR or a PRSTC measurement, but also additional equipment characterization. 36) Own consumption of inverters can be powered by the same line which connects the inverter or line of auxiliary services. 37) When using central inverters, they should be located inside a specific building (electrical room) with adequate fans or air circulation systems to avoid overheating. The building door should have a blocking system (or alternative option) for when it is open to avoid damage due to wind gusts. 38) When using distributed inverters, they can be located inside a building or outdoors. In the latter case, inverters should be in the shade and enclosures must have a minimum level of protection IP54. Anyway, they have to be installed on supporting structures which are adequate to carry its weight over their entire lifetime and in well ventilated areas with at least minimal clearance to walls, other objects and other inverters as specified by the manufacturer. 39) The inverter should record data about the main electrical operation variables (DC and AC currents, DC and AC voltages; DC and AC power; power factor, alarms status) with good accuracy and at least each 15 minutes. 4.4.4 LV/MV transformer, protection and measurement cells. 40) LV/MV transformers and MV protection and measurement cells must comply with the national regulations. 41) Preferably, inverters, transformers and protection and measurement cells should be hosted together in prefabricated concrete buildings, steel containers, etc. in such a way that in-field cabling and installation works are minimized. 4.4.5 Measurement, monitoring and data acquisition. Effective incident irradiance and cell temperature sensors. 42) The sensors to measure the effective incident irradiance over the PV arrays, Gef, and their cell temperature in operation, TC, will be reference PV modules of the same manufacturer, type and model than the ones installed in the PV arrays. 26 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 43) The PV reference modules for measuring Gef will be equipped with class 0.5 shunt resistors in such a way that the corresponding voltage for the STC irradiance G* = 1000 W/m2 ranges from 100 mV to 200 mV. These resistors shall be installed with similar IP protection degree than the PV module box. 44) Measurement procedures will be in accordance with IEC 60891, IEC 60904-2 and IEC 60904-5. Stabilization and calibration of reference modules must be done by a well-recognized independent laboratory. NOTE. Round-robins among independent laboratories have shown calibration accuracy better than 2% for crystalline silicon modules. Nevertheless, specification can assign priority to a particular laboratory. 45) Pairs of reference PV modules (one for Gef and another for TC) will be distributed along the PV plant, in order to get Gef and TC average representative values, to estimate the dust energy impact (by cleaning just a group) and to provide redundancy for increasing monitoring reliability. The following rules apply: a) At least, two pairs of reference modules. b) The distance between any points of a PV array and a pair of reference modules must be less than 300 m. 46) Additionally, a pair of PV reference modules will be supplied and keep on dark conditions, to allow for future recalibrations of the installed ones. 47) All the reference PV modules will be installed and fixed to the support structure in the same way than the PV array ones and must remain out of any shadow. Meteorological station. 48) The meteorological station must include: a) A pyranometer class I/II, in accordance with ISO 9060, to measure the horizontal global irradiation, G(0), installed at such a height that can be easily cleaned and is free of shade (not lower than 2 m).. b) A thermometer to measure the absolute room temperature (PT100, PT1000 or equivalent), protected from direct sunlight and direct wind gusts, with accuracy better than ο±0.5ºC. c) An anemometer and a vane for measuring wind speed and direction at 4 meters high. The tower supporting the wind speed sensor must be securely anchored to the ground. d) A Data Acquisition System (hereafter DAS) with additional channels enough to record the signal of the reference PV modules. 27 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 49) The meteorological station will be close to the general services building, in such a way that the pyranometer can be easily cleaned. SCADA. 50) The SCADA has to be able to communicate with and receive relevant information from: a) All the inverters of the PV installation, in order to monitor the relevant variables of energy flux (DC and AC currents, DC and AC voltages; DC and AC power; power factor, alarms status). b) All the connection boxes of the PV arrays, in order to monitor the status of string fuses and switches. c) All the tracker control units, in order to monitor the status of tracking routine. d) The meteorological station, in order to monitor all the measured variables. e) All the reference PV modules that are not connected to the meteorological station DAS or to the inverter inputs. f) All the energy meters. g) All the MV protection cells, in order to monitor the status of switches and protections. 51) To avoid problems with lightning, the communication between the SCADA and all these devices should be done via optical fibers or wi-fi network. 52) The SCADA must include transmission facilities though GSM and also via Internet. 53) The SCADA system should not include remote control of the PV installation. The remote operation is not recommended. The PV installation must be continuously connected to the grid. In case of disconnection is recommended that a person check in which was the direct cause. 4.4.6 Buildings and auxiliary services. 54) The low voltage electricity line for supplying auxiliary services shall have a LV/LV isolating transformer to avoid earth derivations through the parasitic capacity of PV array. 28 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation NOTE. The need of this specification depends on the inverter internal configuration. In case of the so called “transformerless“, TL, inverters this isolating transformer is not required. 55) Preferably, central inverters, LV/MV transformers, associated protections and panels must be located inside prefabricated buildings to allow mount, connect and test the equipment in the factory, so that work in the field is minimized. 56) The project must include a general service building to house the spare parts, tools, computers, visitor reception, etc. 57) The buildings doors should have a blocking system (or alternative option) for when they are open to avoid damage due to wind gusts. 58) All the buildings of the installation must be watertight. 4.4.7 Grounding and lightning protection. 59) MV and LV groundings must be independents to avoid that a fault in the MV line impacts negatively on the LV connected devices. 60) All the metallic structures and devices connected on the LV line must be grounded. This connection must be equipotential. 61) The PV arrays: a) They do not require an external system of lightning protection. b) Positive and negative DC cables of the PV arrays should be installed in such a way as to reduce as much as possible the area of the loop of the array wiring. 62) The protection against lightning of building must fulfil the standards IEC 61173 and 60364-7-712 (besides the national requirements). 4.4.8 Safety and fire protection. 63) All the PV installation must be protected by a metallic fence of, at least, 2.5 m. high, with a suitable gap at the bottom to allow small wild animals to enter the PV plant but not people. 64) Around the perimeter of the PV installation should have a system of surveillance and automatic intrusion detection. 65) Extinguishing fire means should be provided in accordance with corresponding national rules. 29 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 4.4.9 Civil works. 66) The civil works must include, but not limited to, the following works: a) Soil improvement and consolidation, if necessary. b) Preparation of roads for proper access to all the PV arrays, connection boxes, inverters, etc. c) PV arrays structure foundations if this solution was selected against rammed piles. d) Construction of the building if not delivered as standard complete product. e) Construction of underground cable ducts and trenches below freezing depth inside the PV installation. f) Drainage system for storm water for proper infiltration to the subsoil. g) Fence foundations. 67) General state-of art, site information and existing national rules must be considered to derive particular civil works specifications. For example: a) Foundation design must be consistent with the “Soil Geotechnical Analysis”. b) The MV cable will be laid in a minimum depth of 0.9 m on a sand bed of 0.1 m thick and protected with flexible corrugated tube of an adequate section to leave 50% of its space for future needs. Refilling will be done with appropriate material in layers of 15 cm thickness, each properly compacted. Up to 20 cm above crest level of the cables a signal band for each of the cables will be laid; and the routing of the cables within the installation will be marked by upright post (guide marks) with plates at least every 200 m and where required for reasons for change of direction. c) The LV cable will be laid in a minimum depth of 0.8 m on a sand bed of 0.1 m thick and protected with flexible corrugated tube of an adequate section to leave 50% of its space for future needs. Refilling will be done in layers of 15 cm thickness, each properly compacted. About 15 cm above crest level of the cables a signal band for each of the cables will be laid. d) The crossings of roads will be made through appropriate cement cable ducts or polyethylene heavy duty (PEH) pipes, with a wall thickness of not less than 5 mm. 30 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation e) Chests or manholes must be installed every 90 m and in any change of direction. 68) Based on the climatic data and specially the rainfall data, and the Site’s configuration and topography, the Contractor will design and build a drainage system in order to protect the installation infrastructures against erosion and flash floods. 69) Location of fence, meteorological station, posts, walls, buildings, trees, etc. must avoid cast shadows over PV arrays and, if existing, must allow normal movement of trackers. 70) Especial efforts should be made to properly integrate PV installations in their surrounding environment and ecosystem. 4.5 Quality control procedures. Table 5 describe the key features of the testing programme PHASE Prior to the installation Laboratory measurements Commissioning In-field measurements After one year of routine operation TESTS Module tests: ο§ I-V curves before and after Sun exposition. ο§ Temperature and low light coefficients. Module tests: ο§ Visual and thermal inspection. ο§ STC power. System test: ο§ PRSTC. ο§ PV arrays and inverter characterization. Module tests ο§ Visual and thermal inspection. System test ο§ PR and PRSTC. OBJECTIVE ο§ To identify possible anomalies. ο§ To prepare reference modules as irradiance and temperature sensors. ο§ To identify possible defects. ο§ To assure system performance satisfies specifications. ο§ To tune PV system efficiency models. ο§ To analyze real system performance. ο§ To advise on handover of ownership. Table 5. Key features of the testing programme. 4.5.1 Prior to installation. 71) Prior to the shipphing to the installation, a sample of PV modules will be tested at a recognized laboratory. The minimum number of specimens is the 31 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation number of reference modules defined at plus four. These modules must be accompanied by corresponding electric characteristics obtained at the manufacturer flash. 72) Module power output at STC will be measured, first, as received and, second, after a minimum Sun exposition period equivalent to 60 kWh/m2. A warning will be issue if: a) In average, the STC power measured at “as received” modules differs more than 2% of the flash value. b) Any PV module degrades more than 2%. 73) Temperature and low light efficiency coefficients will be measured after the minimum Sun exposition period. Energy Yield Assessment (already done at the design phase, using datasheet performance information) will be repeated using the average measured coefficients as input for PV array performance modelling. A warning will be issued if corresponding yearly energy yields differs more than 2%. 74) The modules will be calibrated to serve as reference devices for measuring effective irradiance and module temperature at actual PV arrays. For that, half the modules will be equipped with shunt resistors. Final calibration values will be issue after a comparison process among all the modules, to assure that corresponding irradiance and temperature measurements differ less than 1%. 4.5.2 Commissioning. 75) After an initial period of Sun exposure long enough for the total irradiation on the PV arrays reaches at least 200 kWh/m2 and, in any case, not less than one month the following tests will be carried out: a) Visual and thermal (IR) inspection of the PV arrays. b) STC power of individual PV modules. c) Performance Ratio of the generator units at STC, PRSTC. d) Characterization of generators units: inverter efficiency versus load and STC power of PV generator referred at inverter input and performance index referred at energy meter input. NOTE. Independent characterization of PV arrays and inverters is not strictly required to assure the whole system performs as expected. However, derived information can be useful for fine tuning of PV performance models which, in turns, can be useful for further failure detection and degradation estimation. 76) Any PV module showing the “important visual faults” specified at the norm IEC 61215 will be rejected. 32 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 77) Thermal (IR) images must be obtained with the PV system in normal operation and must respect the following conditions: a) On-plane irradiance higher than 700 W/m2. b) Irradiance variations during the previous 10 minutes less than 20% 78) Observed hot-spots are characterized by means of the difference between the temperature of the coldest solar cell, TCC, and the temperature of the hottest solar cell, THC, of the affected PV module, normalized at STC irradiance. That is: ∗ βππ»π = (ππ»πΆ − ππΆπΆ ) πΊ πΊ∗ 79) Hot-spots acceptance/rejection criteria are: ∗ a) βππ»π ≥ 100ºC leads to automatic rejection, even when the hot-spot is caused by any shadow affecting the PV array. ∗ b) βππ»π > 20ºC in absence of shades leads to automatic rejected. ∗ c) 10π C ≤ βππ»π ≤ 20π C in absence of shades will lead to measure the effective power loss, understood as the decrease of the PV module operation voltage in relation to a non-defective module of the same string. The PV module will be rejected if such effective power loss excess 20%. ∗ d) βππ»π < 10ºC is always acceptable. 80) A representative number of PV modules (at least, 10 modules per MW) will be selected for I-V curve testing. Corresponding STC power values will be derived from I-V curves measured outdoors. Actual irradiance and temperature values, required for translation to STC, must be given by a reference module located very close to the measured module. 81) Resulting average STC power must be at least 96% of the average flash values, provided by the PV module manufacturer. Moreover, resulting STC power for every individual module must be at least 94% of the corresponding flash value. 82) The PRSTC test principle consists on the simultaneous observation of the operating conditions: on-plane effective irradiance, Gef, and cell temperature, TC; and on comparing the estimated energy, calculated from the operating conditions, with the actual produced energy, calculated as the difference in the energy-meter readings at the beginning and at the end of the tests, EAC,REAL. 83) The minimum period for the PRSTC test must be five consecutive days. Measurements must be registered from sunrise until sunset. The test duration 33 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation must be long enough to fulfil the condition of at least 24 hours of on-plane irradiance higher than 700W/m2. 84) PV arrays and irradiance sensors must have the same soiling degree during the entire PRSTC test. NOTE: That can be achieved by cleaning both (array and sensors) just before the beginning of the test or, which is simpler, not cleaning during the previous 15 days. Whichever the case, any action affecting the degree of dirtiness of the PV arrays and sensors must be avoided. 85) The operating conditions Gef and TC will be recorded at least once per minute. 86) The value of PRSTC is given by: E AC , REAL PR STC ο½ P* οt G* ο₯ G ο1 ο« ο§ ο¨T ef ,i i C ,i Gef ,i Gef ,i οΉ ο© ο TC* οͺa ο« b * ο« c ln * οΊ G G ο» ο« ο©ο where P* is the array nominal power, G* = 1.000W/m2, T*C = 25ºC, οt is the data time resolution (1 minute or less), “i” is the time index for all the test period, ο§ is the power temperature coefficient, whose value is negative and it is provided by the PV modules manufacturer and a, b and c are the parameter describing the dependence of the modules efficiency on irradiance. All these parameters must have the same values that supposed at the Energy Yield Assessment carried out at the project design phase. NOTE: In any case, the PV performance model at the Energy Yield Assessment and at the PR STC test should be consistent. 87) Resulting PRSTC value must be equal or higher than 0.85. NOTE: This acceptance threshold value must be put into relation with allowed loses scenario at the Energy Yield Assessment. For example: Lumped PV array and inverter technical loses: 7%; DC/AC loses: 3%; LV/MV loses: 2%; technical availability and tolerance: 3%, lead to allow up to 15% of total energy loses, which is in coherence with 0.85 (0.85+0.15 = 1) 88) The PV system characterization test principle consist on the simultaneous observation of the operating conditions –on plane effective irradiance (Gef) and cell temperature (TC)–, and of the power system response –inverter DC input power (PDC) and inverter AC output power (PAC). NOTE: Security related reasons usually recommend restricting P AC measurements to the low voltage inverter output. Nevertheless, the concept can be easily extended to LV/MV or even MV/HV transformers, providing accurate enough power measurements are available . 89) PDC and PAC must be measured with a high quality wattmeter. NOTE: Particular attention should be paid to DC current measurements. Clamp meters are adequate for highly accurate AC current measurement but not for DC current ones . 34 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 90) The minimum period for the characterization test must be 24 hours. Measurements must be registered from the sunrise until the sunset (or from midday of the first day to the midday of the next one). The test duration must be long enough to fulfil the condition of at least 4 hours of irradiance level higher than 700 W/m2. 91) Operation conditions and power values must be recorded at least once per minute. 92) For every set of values (Gef, TC, PDC) not affected by anomalous effects (shadows, inverter shut down, etc.) and fulfilling the condition Gef > 800 W/m2, the DC PV array power at the standard temperature, PDC,25, must be calculated with the following equation: PDC , 25 ο½ PDC 1 ο« ο§ ο¨TC ,i ο TC* ο© ο ο Then, the STC power result at the inverter input, P*G,INV, is the value providing the best fit to the line given by the equation: PDC , 25 ο½ PG*, INV Gef G* The set of points (PDC,25, Gef) are the obtained in the test. NOTE 1. Previous equations implicitly assume that PV array performance is almost constant for irradiances over 800 W/m2, which is typically the case for crystalline silicon modules. The characterization test concept can be extended to Thin Film materials, providing careful consideration of efficiency versus irradiance particularities. Note 2: An alternative option for obtaining the array STC is to measure the I-V curve with an electronic load as defined in IEC 60904-1 and extrapolate it to STC as defined in IEC 60891. This alternative procedure could be more difficult for large PV arrays (electronic loads used to be limited in its input current) and its uncertainty could be higher, as it is based on only a few measurements of the I-V curve at midday. 93) For every set of values (Gef, TC, PDC) not affected by anomalous effects (shadows, inverter shut down, etc.) and irrespective of the irradiance, the DC PV array power at the standard temperature, PDC,25, must be calculated with the following equation: PDC , 25 ο½ PDC 1 ο« ο§ ο¨TC ,i ο TC* ο© ο ο Then, the irradiance coefficients a, b and c are the values providing the best fit to the equation: ∗ ππ·πΆ,25 = ππΊ,πΌππ πΊππ πΊππ πΊππ (π + π + π ππ ) πΊ∗ πΊ∗ πΊ∗ 35 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 94) In order to characterize the inverter, every set of values (PDC, PAC) will be translated to the corresponding set of values (ο¨ inv, p): ο¨inv ο½ PAC pο½ PAC N PINV PDC N where PINV is the inverter nominal power. The so-called inverter efficiency coefficients, k0, k1 and k2, are obtained as the best fit of all the points (ο¨ inv, p) in the next equation: ο¨ inv ο¨ p ο© ο½ p p ο« k 0 ο« k1 p ο« k 2 p 2 The same equation can be used to obtain the values ο¨5, ο¨10, ο¨20, ο¨30, ο¨50, ο¨100 corresponding respectively to p = 0.05, p = 0.1, p = 0.2, p = 0.3, p = 0.5 and p = 1, involved in calculating the energy efficiency of the inverter. 4.5.3 After one year of operation. 95) The supplier will operate the PV installation, under its exclusive responsibility, during the first year after commissioning. 96) Provisions must be taken to clean the PV arrays each time the dirtiness degree reaches 5%. NOTE 1: Specific dirtiness threshold for cleaning must reflect a compromise between the cost of cleaning and the cost of energy. Practical values range from 3 to 6%. NOTE 2: Daily cleaning one of the reference modules devoted to measure irradiance while keeping the others un-cleaned provides a practical method for estimating the dirtiness degree, just by comparing corresponding irradiance readings. 97) The visual and thermal inspections of the PV arrays, and the measurement of STC power of individual modules already specified for Commissioning tests –76) to 81)– must be repeated at the end of this year. 98) The yearly value of PR is given by: PRYEAR ο½ where “i” extends to all the year. 36 E AC , REAL οt P* * ο₯ Gef ,i G i PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 99) Resulting PRYEAR value must be equal or higher than 0.77. NOTE: This acceptance threshold value must be put into relation with allowed loses scenario at the Energy Yield Assessment. Following with the example given at specification 87), unavoidable yearly losses at the PV array (thermal, irradiance, shading and inverter saturation), as estimated in this Yield Assessment, must be added to the already considered 15% of energy losses. Assuming that such unavoidable loses are estimated at 8%, allowable total energy loses stand up to 23%, which is consistent with the here prescribed PRyear value. 37 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation REFERENCES 1. Muñoz J., Lorenzo E. Capacitive load based on IGBTs for on-site characterization of PV arrays. Solar Energy 80, 11. 1489-1497, (2006). 2. Muñoz J., Lorenzo E., Martínez-Moreno F., Marroyo L., García M. An investigation into hot-spots in two large grid connected PV plants. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications 16, 8. 693-701. (2008). 3. Narvarte L., Lorenzo E. Tracking and Ground Cover Ratio. 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PV ENERGY PERFORMANCE MODELLING INTO THE FRAME OF QUALITY ASSURANCE OF PV POWER SYSTEMS CONNECTED TO THE GRID INTRODUCTION Technical quality assurance procedures look for tightening expectations and realities. When a PV plant connected to the grid is concerned, prior to its construction, expectation is established by means of a forecast simulation exercise describing the expected site evolution of the operation conditions, namely, in-plane irradiance, G, and PV module temperature, TC, and the corresponding power response of the PV system. That allows estimating the yearly energy production, of paramount importance for the economic balance and for the bankability of the PV plant. Solar radiation databases and technical specifications of the PV plant components provide input data for this exercise. It must be noted that predicting operation conditions unavoidable rely on available meteorological data that are far from being an exact science, as revealed by significant discrepancies between the many popular meteorological data sources (Lorenzo, 2011) and by dedicated studies (Martinez J, 2009) (D Thevenard, 2013). Because of that no one can holds responsible neither for future weather nor for operation conditions evolution. However, the power response of PV generators is mainly a matter of technical quality and strict responsibilities use to be endorsed to PV equipment suppliers, who obviously must agree on the corresponding technical specifications they are requested to guarantee. In other words, at the lights of market applicability, the models describing the energy performance of the PV plant must not only be accurate but also based on features specifically guaranteed by manufactures. Later, once the PV plant is in operation, its technical quality is assessed through some performance indexes derived from observed energy productions. Typically, this is done at the Commissioning, during a relatively short period of few weeks, and also at the routine operation, considering full year periods. Contractual rules for responsibilities endorsement (acceptance/rejection, penalties, etc.) are associated to these indexes. Again, the calculation of such indexes requires modelling the performance of the PV plant components and, again, such modelling must be accurate and based on technical information previously agreed with corresponding manufactures. The efficiency of other than PV generator components (DC/AC inverters, transformers, wires, etc.) is usually known with high accuracy (let us say, better than 1%). Hence, the problem of modelling the PV plant performance reduces in practice to describe the DC maximum power, PDC, response of the PV arrays, i.e., to give a solution for the function PDC = PDC(G, TC). This response is often named “performance surface”. It is worth nothing that the particular point of this surface corresponding to the so called Standard Test Conditions, STC (irradiance = 1000 W/m2; spectrum AM1.5; cell temperature = 25oC) is just the rated power of the PV generator. In the following we will use an asterisk* to refer to parameters measured under these 40 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation conditions. Hence, P* = PDC (G*, TC*). Note that this point is, in fact, an input for the performance surface, i.e., PDC = PDC (P*, G, TC). Reviewing models for performance surface construction at the lights of, both, accuracy and market applicability is the main objective of this paper. Besides reviewing today quality assurance practices and PV modelling possibilities, this paper presents the results of a careful measuring campaign with four different today commercial PV technologies: c-Si, CdTe, CIGS and amorphous silicon, a-Si. Six PV arrays (three are a-Si, from different manufactures), each with P*between 2 and 2,4 kW, have been connected to the grid at the South of Navarra (Spain) and keep in routine operation along two years, from March 2011 to February 2013. Measured power and energy production values are compared with modeled ones from different sets of equations. It is anticipated that a simple model considering just the maximum power point, but not the full I-V curve, and requiring coefficients which are already considered at standard tests leads to daily energy errors about 2%, below the uncertainties associated to in-field measurements. COMMON QUALITY ASSURANCE PRACTISES Today widespread quality control practices somewhat related with PV performance modelling are: PV module data sources and guarantees Manufactures provide data sheets for each PV module type. According with the standard EN 50380 (“Data sheet and nameplate information for photovoltaic modules”) they must contain characteristic values for three points of the I-V curve (PDC, ISC, VOC and VMPP) for two different (G, TC) conditions: STC (G*, TC*), NOCT (800 W/m2, ≈45o C), the efficiency reduction from STC to (200W/m2, TC*), the NOCT and the temperature coefficients for open circuit voltage, β, and for short-circuit current, γ. However, this norm is nowadays far of being generally respected. In contrast, despite not required at EN 50380, all the data sheets we know include the value of the temperature coefficient for power, γ. Our experience with today data sheets suggests two main drawbacks. On the one hand, data sheets content is often not fully coherent. For example, there are two ways of deriving P* values from I-V curves measured at other than STC conditions. The one is to extrapolate to STC the full I-V curve in accordance with IEC-6081, using α and β. The other consist on, first, obtain the maximum power of the measured curve and, second, to extrapolate to STC only this value, using γ. Ideally, both results should fully coincide. However, they usually differ about 2-3%, and our experience includes differences up to 5%. This can be a consequence of differences on the characteristics of different specimens belonging to the same PV module type. In fact, module to module parameter variations has been signaled as a significant source of uncertainty (Allet N, 2011) (Stein J, 2013). Another possible reason is certain carelessness in data sheet content, foster by the scarce use on rigorous quality control process. 41 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation In fact, today standard guarantees are restricted to the value of P*while the rest of the data sheet content is given by way of general information, but not particularly intended to support efficiency quality controls. Because of that, guarantees on other than P*values must be agreed with the PV modules manufacturer, prior to the PV modules supply. The IES-UPM experience on the quality control of large PV plants, now spanning PV plants up to about 300 MW and mainly performed on the frame of “due diligences” associated to large (multimegawatt) PV plant bank financing, includes several cases of PV manufactures providing guarantees also on γ values. This is important because thermal loses (due to TC≠TC*) use to be the particularly relevant at the energy balance of a PV plant. On the other hand, data sheets content do not allow to easily fitting the PV performance models on the back of energy yield forecast. For example, the well-known 5 parameters one diode model requires the value of the parallel resistance, given by the slope around ISC, which cannot be derived from today data sheets. Attempting to overcome these lacks of information, additional data can be obtained from, other than manufacturers, organizations allowing the access to I-V curve databases they compile with own measurements performed on particular specimens they acquire at the market. Obviously, PV manufactures deny contractual liability for this information. Both, datasheet limitations and doubtful representativeness of data from particular specimens, represent uncertainty sources for energy yield forecasts performed at the project design. Uncertainty can be further reduced by fitting the performance model with data directly measured at the concerned PV array. However, that can only be made once the PV generator installation. Hence, after the responsibility guarantees chain has been established. In practice, that often leads the involved EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) company to a rather unfair position: To assume responsibilities on the full energy behavior of the PV array having the only formal support of PV manufacturer guarantees on P* values. That demands to enlarge the PV manufacturers’ commitment to also give guarantees on other than P* values. This is likely easier when such values are directly obtained from datasheets (for example, the NOCT and temperature coefficients) that when they are extracted from other than PV manufacturers information (for example, the value of the parallel resistance obtained from a IV curve database form an independent organization). Finally, it is opportune to remember than PV modules are usually marketed with power tolerances around 3% and that the variability of other characteristics is even larger. As a representative example, observed width ranges at a flash-list of 126 crystalline silicon PV modules recently received at our laboratory are 3% for P*(which corresponds to a common market tolerance), 6.4 % for ISC*, 1.2% for VOC*, 5.2% for IM* and 5.4% for VM*. Energy yield forecast Energy yield forecast is more often performed by means of commercially available software packages ( Most of them describe the PV behavior by means of the so called 5 parameters one diode model equation. Required input data (series and shunt resistance, photocurrent, saturation current and diode quality factor) are mainly obtained 42 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation from I-V curves databases which are not linked to the PV manufactures but to independent testing organizations. That entails the breaking-off of the responsibility chain. For example, PVsyst relies on databases from TISO (Swiss test center for PV modules) and from PHOTON (German PV journal) and warn the user about the lack of PV manufactures commitment “..for definitive simulations, the user is advised to carefully verify the library data with the last manufacturer’s specifications…We drop out any responsibility about the integrity and the exactness of the data and performance including in the library..” (Disclaimer at the PVSYST User’s Guide). The same is found at the concerned databases: “The database was compiled to the best of our knowledge and with the greatest possible accuracy. At the same time, PHOTON cannot be held responsible from any damage that results from the use of this database.” (Disclaimer at Photon database). The PVsyst authors have even express their wishes of further PV manufactures commitment: “..These data are key parameters of the model, and should be part of the module’s specifications in the future..” (Mermoud A., 2010). However, these data remain absent from the PV module manufacturer’s engagement. On-site measurement campaigns Technical performance of grid connected PV plant is usually assessed by means of the Performance Ratio, PR, observed along a given operation period. This index , defined in IEC 61724 (“Photovoltaic system performance monitoring: guidelines for measurement, data exchange and analysis”), is calculated as ππ = πΈπ΄πΆ (1) ∗ πΊπ ππ ∗ πΊ Where EAC is the energy effectively delivered to the grid, ππ∗ in the nominal power of the PV generator, understood as the product of the number of PV modules multiplied by the corresponding in-plate STC power, and GY is the in-plane yearly irradiation during that period. The PR value can be directly calculated without any kind of modelling, because EAC, ππ∗ and GY values are directly given by the billing energy meter of the PV plant, the PV manufacturer data sheet (or the flash-list) and the integration of a solar irradiance signal. This mere PR is adequate when full year periods are considered, because, for given PV plant and site, this value tends to be constant along the years, as much as the climatic conditions tend to repeat. This way, contractual management of the PR only requires of an agreement on the solar radiation measuring device and on the correction to account for long-term degradation effects. However, quality assurance procedures also include the consideration of other than full year periods. Reception testing when the PV plant is put into commissioning, and monthly production reporting are two relevant examples. When sub-year periods are considered, the PR dependence on unavoidable and time dependent loses, requires corresponding correction in order to properly qualify the technical quality of a PV plant. Otherwise, the qualification result of a same PV plant varies with the climatic conditions of the qualification period, which seems contrary to the common sense. These loses are the ones derived from the efficiency variation with temperature and irradiance, from intrinsic to PV design phenomena: shades and inverter saturation, and from 43 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation possible angular and spectral response differences between the PV generator and the irradiance sensor. A convenient way of doing such correction is to consider the so called Performance Ratio at Standard Test Conditions, PRSTC, which can be properly understood as the PR of the same PV plant but corresponding to an hypothetic period with the PV generator is permanently keep at STC (G = 1000 W/m2; TC= 25oC) up to receive the same amount of onplane irradiation that corresponding to the qualification period. The PRSTC for a given period, βT, is given by: ππ βπ ππ πππΆ,βπ = ∏ (1−βπΈ ) π (2) π Where βE represents energy losses during the considered period and the subscript “i” extends to all the unavoidable energy losses phenomena. All these losses must be calculated from measured G and TC values, which require some kind of modelling. The coherence of the full quality assurance process requires using the same PV performance model that at the energy yield forecast. Otherwise, energy forecast underlying assumptions are not properly verified. Thermal losses are typically the most significant at the global energetic balance of a PV plant. In energy terms, βETC≠TC*, they result from weighting the power thermal losses, βPTC≠TC*, by the incident irradiance. That is: βπΈππΆ≠ππΆ ∗ = ∫βπ‘ βπππΆ≠ππΆ∗ .πΊ.ππ‘ ∫βπ‘ πΊ.ππ‘ (3) where βPTC≠TC* derives from the performance surface: βπ ππΆ≠ππΆ ∗ = ππ·πΆ (π∗ ,πΊ,ππΆ )−ππ·πΆ (π∗ ,πΊ,ππΆ∗ ) ππ·πΆ (π∗ ,πΊ,ππΆ∗ ) (4) Broadband irradiance and effective irradiance Solar radiation databases provide input data for energy yield forecast in terms of broadband (as seen by piranometers) horizontal radiation. Then, PV performance modelling requires transposition from horizontal to the plane of array and also correction for angular, spectral and soiling loses. This way the so called effective (as seen by PV generators) radiation is obtained. However, when on-site testing of PR or PRSTC values, effective irradiance can be directly measured by using a reference module of the same type of that the concerned PV generator. This way, such correction and corresponding uncertainties (typically about 2-3%) are fully avoided. Hence, reference modules are particularly suitable for assessing the technical quality of PV plants. Nevertheless and despite this is unanimously recognized at specialized laboratories (King DL, 2004) (Fabero F., 2005) (Montgareuil A.G, 2007) (Friesen G G. R., 2007) (Martinez MF, 2011) (Reich NH M. B., 2012) such modules are seldom used at today commercial PV plants. A possible explanation is that reference modules are understood as similar to reference cells. This is theoretically correct, because their angular and spectral responses are the same. However, their practical use significantly differs. A large variety of reference cells is found at the market, and some are non-standardized and bad quality 44 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation products (poorly encapsulated, suspicious calibrations, etc.) often leading to unacceptable measurement errors (Düpont R., 2009). That is in detriment of the general reputation of reference devices and favour to opt for pyranometers, which are well standardized and good quality products. To make matter worse, reference modules are not the object of routine market activities. Instead, they must be specifically prepared which means stabilization followed by calibration. The stabilization requirements are given at international standards IEC 61215 and IEC 61640. In any case, this makes a minimum Sun exposition of 60 kWh/m2. It is worth mentioning that round-robin tests performed in European laboratories have shown calibration accuracy better than 2% for crystalline silicon modules (Hermmann W., 2007). It is also worth mentioning that reference modules and PV generators response to dirt accumulation is the same: neither the irradiance measured by the reference modules or the efficiency of the PV generators are affected by isolated dirtiness as, for example, caused by depositions of birds. Hence, reference Si-x modules are very good quality products (design approved by IEC 61215) allowing in-field measurements of PV generator characteristics with the lowest possible uncertainty. In that follows we will adhere to this practice, dealing with performance surfaces defined as PDC = PDC (P*, Geff, TC), where Geff means effective irradiance. This way, energy yield forecast has to deal with problem of deriving this value from the corresponding broadband irradiance, Gbb. This problem is left here for future work. PERFORMANCE SURFACE MODELLING ALTERNATIVES MPP models The simplest PV performance surface model describes just the maximum power point of the PV generator and is given by the linear relation: ππ·πΆ = π∗ πΊπππ (5) πΊ∗ This formula implicitly assumes that PV module efficiency is constant, which is scarcely realistic. A first refinement consists on considering that efficiency is affected by temperature, decreasing at a constant rate. That leads to: ππ·πΆ = π∗ πΊπππ πΊ∗ [1 + πΎ(ππΆ − ππΆ∗)] (6) where γ is considered a constant value. This formula goes a long way back (Evans D, 1981) (Osterwald, 1986), handling with this equation requires just information from today standard measurements: P* is the PV array rated power, which can be estimated as the product of the number of PV modules constituting the PV array multiplied by their nameplate STC power, and γ is routinely measured into the frame of worldwide extended accreditation procedures: IEC 61215 and IEC 61646 for crystalline silicon and thin film devices, respectively. P*and γ values are always included in PV manufacturer’s data sheets or in more specific information as flashreports. This allows for straightforward responsibility assignments. As mentioned above, P* is precisely the object of standard PV manufacturers guarantees, and our experience on due diligences includes several cases of PV manufactures also assuming responsibilities for γ values. 45 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Equation (6) can be slightly complicated to also consider the efficiency dependence on irradiance. That was initially attempted by adding a base 10 logarithm (Evans D, 1981)but it is better implemented by an empirical model proposed about ten years ago (Randall JF, 2003) (Willians SR, 2003) and already used by several authors (Beyer H.G., 2004) (Reich NH v. S., 2009). This way: ππ·πΆ = π∗ πΊπππ πΊ∗ [1 + πΎ(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )](π1 + π2 πΊπππ πΊ∗ + π3 ππ πΊπππ πΊ∗ ) (7) Where a1, a2 and a3 are empirical parameters that can be directly determined from two measured values of the relation between the efficiency at a given G divided by the efficiency at G*, keeping TC = TC*. The particularization of this equation for STC leads to the condition π1 + π2 = 1 (8) Efficiency increases with decreasing irradiance, due to series resistance effects, are represented by the term a2.Geff/G*, providing a2≤0, while efficiency decreases with decreasing irradiance, due to parallel resistance effects, are represented by the term a3.ln(Geff/G*), providing a3 ≥0. Looking for yield estimations based on only information originally disclosed by PV manufactures, the possibilities to fit the model with data sheet information deserves particular comment: As mentioned above, some data sheets give efficiency values for three different operation conditions: STC (G*, TC*), NOCT (800 W/m2, ≈45o C) and low irradiance (200W/m2; 25oC) and also give the value of the temperature coefficient for power, γ. That allows correcting the NOCT efficiency to (800W/m2, 25oC). Then, these three efficiency values at 1000 W/m2, 800 W/m2 and 200W/m2 theoretically allow fitting a model with three parameters. However, errors in the efficiency of 800 W/m2 propagate nearly 1 to 1 to the results of yearly energy calculations, and the uncertainty of this value is in the 2% range with current data sheets (Heydenreich W., 2008). Efficiency value at 600 W/m2 would be better than at 800 W/m2, but it will likely be a long way until such value appears on standard data sheets. A practical possibility for setting a1, a2 and a3 values rely on standard tests. The sequence test prescribed in IEC 61215 and IEC 61646 includes the measurement of the efficiency at G= 200 W/m2, or G/G* = 0.2. A possible approximation from only this value is: π1 = 1; π2 = 0; π3 = π200 −1 π1000 ππ0.2 (9) Because a2=0, this approximation neglects the positive effect of decreasing irradiance due to the series resistance. However, when c-Si and sunny places are concerned, it can be even more important than the negative effect of decreasing irradiance due to the parallel resistance. Because of that, we generally disregard this possibility. Another practical possibility, overcoming this difficulty, consists on granting generality to already published values for particular specimens. For example, the JRC of ISPRA has published efficiency values at different irradiances for several technologies (Kenny RP, 2013). Finally, efficiency measurements can be performed for specific PV module or array. This cannot be applied for energy yield forecast, but it provides a further interesting reference. 46 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Table A1.1 present the results of adjusting the model parameters for the Yingly YL 160 polycrystalline silicon PV module with these three possibilities. In all the cases, the value of γ has been the same that at the data sheet. Models are denoted with a sequence of letters: First, the model type (“MPP”); second, the addressed efficiency dependence (“C” means constant efficiency, “T” means efficiency dependence on only TC, “TG” means dependence on TC and Geff) and, third, the source of information (“D”, “P” and “OM” means, respectively, datasheet, published and own measurements). Figure 1 shows the corresponding relative efficiency, ηG/η*, versus irradiance curves. Later on, we will see that the large difference on model parameters, despite corresponding visible differences on these curves, has rather little impact on energy calculations. Model Information source Input data parameters notation o γ (%/ C) a1 a2 a3 None None MPPC 0 1 0 0 Data sheet P*=160W MPPTD -0.45 1 0 0 MPPTGD -0.45 1.10 -0.1 0.08 MPPTGP -0.45 1.184 -0.184 0.118 MPPTGA -0.45 1.266 -0.266 0.166 PNOCT= 116.2 W η200/ η1000≥0.95 o γ = -0.45 %/ C (Kenny RP, 2013) for a Pc_Si PV module Oper Cond PDC(W) STC 53.3 0.6G , TC* * 32.4 * 10.2 0.2G , TC* Own η.6G*/ η* = 1.03 Measure. η.2G*/ η*= 0.95 Table A1.1. Parameters of different MPP model versions for the YL 160 silicon PV module Table A1.2 contains a chronological list of different formulations of MPP models. They have been proposed mainly to improve the accuracy of TF modules at very low irradiance and also to cope with the logarithm in case G =0. However, associated differences in terms of yearly energy yields are scarcely significant; typically well below the uncertainty of in-field measurements. A round-robin of different energy prediction methods, some based on such different formulations, within the European project “Performance” has concluded that “All 47 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation energy prediction methods showed similar results, which does not allow for any preferred selection at this stage” (Friesen G G. R., 2007). Equation Reference πΊπππ π(πΊπππ , ππΆ ) = π ∗ [1 + πΎ(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ ) + ππππ10 ( ∗ )] πΊ (Evans D, 1981) ππ·πΆ (πΊπππ , ππΆ ) = π΄ + π΅πΊπππ + πΆπΊπππ ππΆ (Taylor RW., 1986) π(πΊπππ ) = π0 + π1 πΊπππ + π2 πππΊπππ (Willians SR, 2003) π(πΊπππ ) = π. πππΊπππ + π (Randall JF, 2003) π(πΊπππ ) = π ∗ [π1 + π2 πΊπππ + π3 ππ(πΊπππ . π −1 π2 )] (Beyer H.G., 2004) π(πΊπππ , ππΆ ) = π ∗ [1 + πΌ(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )][1 + π0 ππ ( + π½(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )] πΊπππ πΊπππ 2 ) + π ππ ( ) 1 πΊ∗ πΊ∗ ππ·πΆ (πΊπππ , ππΆ ) = π·1 πΊπππ + π·2 ππΆ + π·3 (πππΊπππ )π5 + π·4 ππΆ (πππΊπππ )π5 π(πΊπππ ) = ππΊπππ + πππ(πΊπππ + 1) + π[ππ2 πΊπππ + π − 1] πΊπππ + 1 (Willians S B. T., 2005) (Rosell JI, 2006) (Heydenreich W., 2008) π(πΊπππ ) = 1 + π(πΊπππ − 1) + ππππΊπππ + π(πΊπππ − 1)2 + πππ2 πΊπππ (Montgareuil AG, 2009) π(πΊπππ ) = π1 + π2 πΊπππ + π3 ππ(πΊπππ + π4 ) (Reich NH v. S., 2009) ππ·πΆ πΊπππ πΊπππ πΊπππ 1 + π1 ππ ∗ πΊπππ + π2 ππ( ∗ )2 + π3 (ππΆ − ππΆ∗ ) + π4 (ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )ππ ∗ πΊ πππ πΊ πΊ πΊ ] = π∗ ∗ [ πΊπππ 2 πΊ ∗ ∗ 2 +π5 (ππΆ − ππΆ )ππ( ∗ ) + πΎ6 (ππΆ − ππΆ ) πΊ (Huld T F. G., 2011) Table A1.2. MPP models equations. The notation (πΊπππ , ππΆ ) means the whole power surface is described by only this equation, dealing together with irradiance and temperature effects. The notation (πΊπππ ) means that both effects are treated as independent of each other. The given equation describes the dependence on irradiance, while the temperature dependence is given by the additional factor [1 + πΎ(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )]. 48 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation It is also worth comment that equation (7) associate easy calculations. For example, thermal losses calculation from Geff and TC records is straightforward βπ ππΆ≠ππΆ ∗ = −πΎ(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ ) (10) and βπΈππΆ≠ππΆ ∗ = − ∫βπ‘ .πΎ(ππΆ −ππΆ∗ ).πΊπππ .ππ‘ ∫βπ‘ πΊπππ .ππ‘ (11) Moreover, it can be corrected to estimate shading losses (Quaschning V., 1998) (Martinez F M. J., 2010) and it has an inherent facility for solving the inverse to the performance surface. The value of P* can be directly deduced from PDC measurements by the inverse of equation (9), which provides a way of accurate measuring of the real STC power of large PV arrays (Martinez MF, 2011) The on-going attempt of the IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) to develop an “energy rating” standard for PV devices includes an empirical MPP model, allowing the adjusting parameters to vary with Geff and TC, if necessary. Described in IEC 618532, parts 1 to 4, this attempt looks for rating the PV modules by the energy they produce along five standard days which are intended to be representative of different climates types around the world (for example, the so called NICE day attempts to represent climates characterized by Normal Irradiance and Cold Environment conditions). These reference days are tabulated with irradiance, ambient temperature, wind speed, angle of incidence and spectral distribution over each day. The PV module performance surface is obtained by measuring 21 power values at corresponding pairs of irradiance (from 100 to 1100 W/m2) and temperature (from 15 to 75oC). Additional measurements are also required to asses spectral and angle of incidence effects. In practice, all these measurement entail significant complexity (Kenny RP, 2013) at the only reach of few specialized laboratories. Both, complexity and laboratory constraints are heavy prices that must be justified by significant accuracy gains, which does not seem to be the case. In fact, a detailed validation of the complete IEC 618532 methodology for c-Si modules has conclude that errors in daily terms are generally within +/- 10% for the daily calculations, and remember that similar accuracies can be already reached for c-Si modules by neglecting all spectral and angel of incidence effects (Friesen G G. R., 2007).This is noticeable because it suggest that benefits than can be expected from increasing modeling complexity are rather modest. In fact, the paper includes the following sentence: “The authors feeling is that the complexity of the standard is actually not beneficial for an accurate energy prediction, as it requires data which is actually normally not know and the generation of this… seems to affect the overall agreement more than it would be without this complicated step” (Jyotirmoy Roy, 2008). Moreover, the representativeness of the standard days is also put into question. : “…for a relevant energy rating, a longer and more representative time scale than the reference days would need to be chosen” (Jyotirmoy Roy, 2008). Similar conclusions got the authors of a comparison between this model and the much simpler one given by equation (7) with real data recorded at Canada. “While the median absolute errors for the more complex IEC 61853 method were generally lower (2% as opposed to 2.8% for the other method) it is not clear 49 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation whether the gain in accuracy would justify the added cost in complexity..” (Poissant Y P. S., 2008) Also based on large sets of empirical measurements made on modules in other than STC, is the effort been made at Sandia National Laboratories from mid-1990 (King DL, 2004) to develop a PV array performance model, capable of modelling the performance of concentrators as well as flat-modules. The original version of this model uses broadband irradiance as input and includes several equations and many coefficients to cope with spectral and angular responses. However, that is not necessary when using effective irradiance as input and the model can be substantially simplified. This model determines the performance surface by means of empirical equations for, both, the current and voltage at the maximum power point. Combining both, expressions of the relative efficiency can be derived. A rather simple possibility, originally developed at TISO, a Swiss test centre for photovoltaic modules, is given by (Willians S B. T., 2005): πΊπππ πΊπππ π(πΊπππ , ππΆ ) = π ∗ [1 + πΌ(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )][1 + π0 ππ ( ∗ ) + π1 ππ2 ( ∗ ) + π½(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )] πΊ πΊ This equation was implemented in the PVGIS interactive web applications for the estimation of PV production, using empirical values obtained from measurements of a single c-Si module: α =1.2x10-3 oC-1 ; β = -4.6x10-3 oC-1 ; c0=0.033 and c2=-0.0092 (Huld T S. M., 2008). Later, it has been substituted by a slightly more complex possibility (Huld T F. G., 2011): ππ·πΆ = πΊπππ π∗ πΊ ∗ [ 1 + π1 ππ πΊπππ πΊ∗ πΊπππ 2 ) + π3 (ππΆ − ππΆ∗ ) + π4 (ππΆ πΊ∗ πΊ ππΆ∗ )ππ( πππ )2 + πΎ6 (ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )2 πΊ∗ πΊπππ + π2 ππ( +π5 (ππΆ − − ππΆ∗ )ππ πΊπππ πΊ∗ ] (12) Coefficients for 18 crystalline PV modules has been obtained by means of an extensive measurement campaign (at least 24 power values at corresponding (Geff, TC) pairs have been measured for each module), and the results have been combined to generate a model for a generic crystalline silicon module that has been included in the online PV estimator in PVGIS. It is given by k1= -0.01724; k2= -0.04047; k3= -0.0047 oC-1; k4=1.49x10-4 oC-1 ; k5= 1.47x10-4 oC-1 and k6=5x10-6 oC-2. FF models The performance surface can also be described through the Fill Factor, FF. ππ·πΆ = πΌππΆ πππΆ πΉπΉ (13) The relation with the operation conditions is given by: ∗ πΌππΆ = πΌππΆ πΊπππ πΊ∗ [1 + πΌ(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )] ∗ πππΆ = πππΆ [1 + π½(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )] 50 (14) (15) PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation It can be postulated that the FF is independent of irradiance and linearly related with temperature, so that: πΉπΉ = πΉπΉ ∗ [1 + π(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )] (16) where ξ is the temperature coefficient for fill factor. The derivative of equation (13) with respect to temperature leads to 1 πππ·πΆ ππ·πΆ πππΆ = 1 ππΌππΆ πΌππΆ πππΆ + 1 ππππΆ πππΆ πππΆ + 1 ππΉπΉ (17) πΉπΉ πππΆ or πΎ =πΌ+π½+π (18) Combining these equations leads to: ππ·πΆ = π∗ πΊπππ πΊ∗ [1 + πΌ(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )][1 + π½(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )][1 + π(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )] (19) Which allows directly solving the performance surface using the temperature coefficients given at manufactures datasheet. Because the FF is in practice much less temperature sensitive than VOC, some authors have suggested to consider it as constant, or ξ = 0 (Fuentes M, 2007). This formula disregards the efficiency dependence on irradiance. However, that can be considered by adding a semi-empirical corrective term to the calculation of VOC. This way, equation (15) is replaced by: ∗ [1 πππΆ = πππΆ + π½(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )] + ππ‘ ππ πΊπππ (20) πΊ∗ and ππ·πΆ = π∗ πΊπππ πΊ∗ [1 + πΌ(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )][1 + π½(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )][1 + π(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )][1 + ππ‘ ∗ [1+π½(π π ∗ )] πππΆ πΆ− πΆ ππ πΊπππ πΊ∗ ] (21) Vt is the sometimes called thermal voltage, which is given by: ππ‘ = πππΆπ πππΆ π (22) where m is the usual ideality factor, NCS the number of solar cells associated in series, k is the Boltzmann’s constant – 1.381x10-23J/oK- and q is the absolute value of the charge on an electron - -1.602x10-19C -. TC is expressed in absolute temperature (K). 1.1 ≤ m ≤1.3 is a reasonable choice range for crystalline silicon. Table A1.3 describes different based on FF modelling possibilities for the Yingly 160 YL PV module. The notation letter sequence is now: First, the model type (“FF”) and second, the 51 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation addressed FF dependence (“C” , “T” and “G” respectively means constancy, dependence on temperature and dependence on irradiance). Model Source of information Input data Notation P*=160W Datasheet Parameters FFC FF* = 0.717, ξ = 0 FFTD FF* = 0.717, ξ = -0.02%/oC ISC*= 7.8 A VOC*= 29 V o α= 0.1 %/ C o β = -0.37%/ C FFTGD FF* = 0.717, ξ = -0.02%/oC, m=1.3 o γ = -0.45 %/ C Table A1.3. Parameters of different FF model versions for the YL 160 silicon PV module. Full I-V curve models A PV generator is traditionally represented by an equivalent circuit referred as the 5parameter one diode model. It is composed by a current source, an anti-parallel diode, an internal series resistance and a shunt/parallel resistance. Based on the Shockley and Queisser diode equation, the corresponding mathematical model is given by π+πΌπ π )− ππ‘ πΌ = πΌπΏ − πΌ0 [exp ( 1] − π+πΌπ π π π (23) where the 5-parameters are: the photocurrent, IL, the diode saturation current, I0, the thermal voltage, Vt, the series resistance, RS, and the parallel resistance, RP. Good descriptions of this model are available from the early photovoltaic days (Loferski J., 1993) and are easily found at basic text books (Backus C.E., 1976) (Green M., 1982) (Duffie& Beckman, 1991) (Lorenzo E, 1994). Dealing in practice with this model requires solving three different problems: - To extract the parameters at STC from available information To extend the parameters to other than STC To solve the equation to find the MPP value. Extraction of parameters at STC The literature is rich in variations around methods to solve the problem of extracting these I-V model parameters from measured I-V curves. (Charles JP, 1981) (Phang JCH, 1984) (Jia QX, 1995) (Chan D.S.H, 1987) (de Blas M, 2002) (Haouari-Merbah M, 2005) (Bashahu M N. P., 2007) (Bouzidi K, 2007) (Tsuno Y., 2007) (Zhou W, 2007) (Kim W, 2010) (Ghani F, 2012) (Dongue SB, 2013) (Stein J, 2013) (Hernandez J, 2013) (Singh NS, 2013) (Venkateswarlu G, 2013) (Ortiz- 52 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Conde A, 2014) (Ma T Y. H., 2014). However, for our present purposes, fitting the model with PV manufacturer’s datasheet is more relevant. In principle, to determine 5 parameters requires 5 independent information sources: equations, datasheet values or assumptions. Two are easily obtained from writing the equation (23) for ISC* and VOC*. Respectively: ∗ πΌππΆ = πΌπΏ∗ − πΌ0∗ (ππ₯π ∗ πΌππΆ π π∗ ππ‘∗ − 1) − ∗ πΌππΆ π π∗ ∗ π π (24) and 0 = πΌπΏ∗ − πΌ0∗ ππ₯π ∗ πππΆ ππ‘∗ − ∗ πππΆ ∗ π π (25) There are many possible approaches for the other three. A simple one consist on imposing the P* value and making reasonable assumptions for m and RP*. Note this approach assures P* but do not requires the I-V curve passing for any particular point, apart ISC*and VOC*. Then, the corresponding FF*is compared with the fill factor of an ideal cell (a cell with RS*null and RP* infinite), FF0, using available semi empirical expressions for the MPP (Green M., 1982). The following equations apply: ∗ π£ππΆ = ∗ πππΆ ππ‘∗ ππ∗ = π π∗ πΉπΉ0∗ = ∗ πΌππΆ ∗ πππΆ ππ∗ = π π∗ ∗ πΌππΆ ∗ πππΆ ∗ ∗ π£ππΆ −ln(π£ππΆ −0.72) ∗ π£ππΆ +1 (26) (27) ∗ π£ππΆ +0.7 πΉπΉ0∗ (1−ππ∗ ) )[ π ∗ ]} ∗ π£ππΆ π πΉπΉ ∗ = πΉπΉ0∗ (1 − ππ∗ ) {1 − ( (28) Again, 1.1 ≤ m ≤1.3 is a reasonable choice range for crystalline silicon. Obviously, RP*must be larger than VM*/(ISC*-IM*). Therefore, a possibility consists on using a multiple of this quantity as a default value for each technology (PVsyst). For example, 5 times can be a reasonable approach for crystalline silicon modules. The calculation sequence is: obtain vOC* and rP* from m, RP and equation (26), rS*from equation (28), RS*from equation (26) and solve the system formed by equations (24) and (25). A further simplification of this approach is considering RP*as infinite. Then: πΉπΉ ∗ π ∗ π π∗ = (1 − πΉπΉ∗ ) πΌππΆ ∗ 0 ππΆ ∗ ∗ πΌπΏ∗ ≈ πΌππΆ and πΌ0∗ = πΌππΆ exp (− ∗ πππΆ ) ππ‘∗ (29) Assuming RP*as infinite simplify the equivalent circuit of the PV generator, resulting the so called “4-parameters model”, which is extensively used for crystalline silicon modules operating in sunny places (Jia Q, 1988) (Lorenzo E, 1994) (Xiao W, 2004) (Bellini A, 2009) (Hernandez J, 2013) (Massi Pavan A M. A., 2014), because it represents a good compromise between accuracy and complexity. On the same lines, even the “3-parameters model” resulting from the ideal cell, where effects of series and parallel resistances are neglected, leads to reasonable good results, showing PDC errors below 4% for a large range of Geff and TC (Mahmoud Y, 2010) (Saloux E, 2011) (Vajpai J, 2013). 53 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Coming back to the 5-parameters model, several equations can serve as additional pieces of information. For example, a third equation results from imposing the I-V curve passing for the point (IM*, VM*). Writing equation (23) for this point leads to: 1 πΌ∗ π ππΆ ∗ (1−π π∗ /π π ) )] ∗ ∗ ππΆ /(π π πΌππΆ )) ∗ π π∗ = πΌ∗ [πππΆ − ππ∗ + ππ‘∗ ln (1 − πΌ∗π (1−π ∗ (30) A four equation derives from imposing the derivative of power in this point is null. Then ππ ππ = π(πΌπ) ππ ππΌ = πΌ + π ππ (31) dI/dV can be obtained by observing that the mathematical model (equation (23))is of the shape I = f(I,V). ππ(πΌ,π) ππΌ ππΌ = ππΌ + ππ π π(πΌ,π) ππ (32) or ππΌ ππ = π π(πΌ,π) ππ π π(πΌ,π) 1− ππΌ (33) partial derivatives are π π(πΌ,π) ππ πΌ = − π0 ππ₯π π‘ π+πΌπ π ππ‘ 1 −π π and π π(πΌ,π) ππΌ =− πΌ0 π π π+πΌπ ππ₯π π π ππ‘ π‘ π − π π (34) π and writing the condition (dP/dV)MPP=0 for STC leads to ∗ πΌπ + ππ∗ π∗ +πΌ∗ π ∗ πΌ∗ 1 − 0∗ ππ₯π π ∗π π − ∗ ππ‘ ππ‘ π π ∗ ∗ π ∗ πΌ∗0 π π π∗π +πΌ∗π π π 1+ ∗ ππ₯π − ∗π ππ‘ ππ‘∗ π π =0 (35) The fifth equation can be derived from the open circuit temperature coefficient data, writing ∗ πππΆ (ππΆ ) = πππΆ [1 + π½(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )] (36) for a TC value close to TC*. The particular temperature value is not critical, since any TC ranging from 1 to 10 K above or below TC*leads to the same result. VOC(TC) is found from equation (25) –written without asterisks- once the temperature dependence of I0, IL, Vt and RP is now. This dependence is considered in the following section. Now, the system formed by equations (24), (25), (30), (35) and (36) is complete. This particular approach (De Soto W, 2006) has been widely used in USA and it was adopted as a standard for energy calculations at the solar initiative promoted by the California Energy Commission, CEC. However, solving this implicit and non-lineal equation system requires numerical methods demanding extensive computation and also good initial guesses for the iterations to converge. Powerful mathematical tools such as the equation solver EES from F-Chart (De Soto W, 2006), the Newton-Raphson (Villalva MG G. J., 2009), the bisection (Sera D, 2007) and the Levenberg- 54 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Marquardt algorithms (Celik AN, 2007) has been employed. The inherent difficulties of this process have stimulated the research of alternatives. Other equations have been derived from recognizing the slope of the I-V curve at ISC can be assimilated to the RP (Chan D, 1986) (Sera D, 2007) (Ma T Y. H., 2014) ππΌ | ππ πΌππΆ =− 1 π π (37) , the slope of the I-V curve at MPP is immediately deduced from equation (31) (Xiao W, 2004) (Saloux E, 2011) ππΌ | ππ πππ πΌ = − ππ (38) π or from establishing a relation between m and RP (Jia QX, 1995). ππ‘= ππ +πΌπ π π −πππΆ π π −ππ (πΌππΆ −πΌπ )(1+π π )+ ππΆ π π π ππ[ ] π π πΌππΆ (1+ π )− ππΆ π π π π (39) Assuming a value for m, simplifying (24) π ∗ ∗ πΌπΏ∗ = πΌππΆ (1 + π π∗ ) (40) π and iterating on RS and RP until finding the only pair (RS,RP) that warranties P*has been proposed as a way of facilitating the extraction of parameters (Villalva MG G. J., 2009). Fixing the values of m and also RS and RP and deriving IL and I0 from solving the system formed by (24) and (25) is another easy possibility. The following equations have been proposed for that (Carrero C, 2010). π π∗ = 1 ∗ ∗ (πππΆ πΌπ − ππ∗ − ππ‘∗ ππ ∗ ∗ ∗ ππ +ππ‘∗ −πΌπ π π ) ππ‘∗ (41) and π π∗ = ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ (ππ −ππ‘∗ )(ππ −πΌπ π π ) ∗ −πΌ ∗ )(π ∗ −πΌ ∗ π ∗ )−πΌ ∗ π ∗ (πΌππΆ π π π π π π‘ (42) Reviews of loses resistance estimation methods can be found (Bashahu M H. A., 1995) (Coftas D, 2008). There is also a trickle of mathematical innovation propositions: Lambert functions (Jakhrani A, 2014) (Ghani F, 2012), Genetic algorithms (Venkateswarlu G, 2013), Special Trans Function Theory (Singh NS, 2013), Generalized Reduced Gradient (Lo Brano V C. G., 2013) Extension of parameters to arbitrary conditions Most typically, IL is assumed to be almost linearly related with Geff πΌπΏ = πΌπΏ∗ πΊπππ πΊ∗ [1 + πΌ(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )] 55 (43) PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation The diode saturation current is given by the equation (Messenger RA, 2004) πΈ π 1 1 πΌ0 = πΌ0∗ ( ππΆ∗ )3 exp[ ππ (π ∗ − π )] πΆ (44) πΆ πΆ where Eg is the material energy band gap (1.121 eV for crystalline silicon). Eg exhibits a small temperature dependence that can be described by (De Soto W, 2006) πΈπ = 1 − 0.0002677(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ ) πΈπ∗ m is assumed to be constant, so that: π ππ‘ = ππ‘∗ ππΆ∗ (45) πΆ TC at equations (15) and (16) is expressed in absolute temperature (K). RS is generally assumed to be constant, while an empirical equation is used to describe the observed relation between RP and G (De Soto W, 2006) πΊ∗ π π = π π∗ πΊ (46) πππ Mainly looking for improving the reproducibility of the model at low irradiance conditions, alternatives to this typical procedure have been proposed: PVsyst assume that that RP increases quasi-exponentially when G diminishes: π π = π π∗ + (π π0 − π π∗ )ππ₯π (−ππ π πΊπππ πΊ∗ ) (47) where the parallel resistance at no irradiance, RPO, and the exponential coefficient cRP are empirically adjusted. The observed ratio RP* /RPO ranges from 4 for crystalline silicon to 12 for triple junction amorphous. cRP ranges from 2 (CdTe) to 5.5 for Si (Mermoud A., 2010). Dependences of I0 on Geff and of RS on TC can be considered by introducing an empirical equation for RS π π = π π∗ ππ₯π[πΏ(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )] (48) and replacing (I0) with: πΊ∗ πΌ0 = πΌ0∗ (πΊ πππ π πΈ 1 1 )π ( ππΆ∗ )3 exp[ ππ (π ∗ − π )] πΆ πΆ πΆ (49) where δ and τ are empirical values that have to be adjusted with other than STC information, given raise to the so called seven-parameters models (Boyd T, 2011) (Siddiqui M, 2013). In fact, CEC require PV manufactures providing the maximum current and voltage at 200W/m2 and 25oC (CEC). An alternative equation for I0, based on the temperature coefficient of voltage data, is obtained deriving I0 from (25) πΌ0 = (πΌπΏ − πππΆ π ) ππ₯π (− πππΆ ) π π π‘ 56 (50) PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation and ∗ [1 πππΆ = πππΆ − π½(ππΆ − ππΆ∗ )] + ππ‘ ππ πΊπππ πΊ∗ (51) Solving the model to find the MPP value Equation (23) is an implicit and non-linear one, which is typically solved by iterative methods (Newton-Raphson, etc.). Ruiz has developed an analytical procedure, based on the Taylor series of the first Newton-Raphson step, which is easy of apply. It is given by the following equations: π·π0 = π£ππΆ −1 π£ππΆ −ππ π£ππΆ ππ = 2 π·π = π·π0 + 2ππ π·π0 1−ππ (1−ππ ) (53) 1−exp(−π£ππ (1−ππ )) ππ ′ = 1 + ππ ππ₯π[−π£ππ (1 − ππ )] π· ′ ππ = ππ ′ − π£ π ππ πΌπ πΌππΆ π£π ′ = 1 − 1 ln(π£ππ ππ ) π£ππ 1 ′ π£π = π£π ′ + π£ πππ·π ′ ′ = ππ − ππ (π£π − ππ ) (52) ππ ππ πππΆ πΌ ′ = π£π − πΌ π ππ ππΆ (54) (55) (56) where the normalized conductance is gp = 1/rP and vOC, rS and rP are given by (26) written without asterisks. This set of equations avoids the calculation of IL and I0. Combining models (3, 4 or 5 parameters) and methods for extracting parameters, translating to other than STC conditions and solving the MPP point, give rise to a multiplicity of based on IV curve modelling approaches. Looking for exploring the usefulness in practice of this multiplicity, we have selected: - 4 parameters model, m=1, RS as given by (30). 5 parameters, m=1.2, RS as given by (41); RP as derived from (28). 5 parameters as given at the PVsyst database, RP dependence as (47) 5 parameters as given at the PVsyst database, RP dependence as (46). This case is referred as IVPVsystN-2. 5 parameters as given at the PVsyst database, RP dependence as (47) and solving MPP by (52) to (56) 5 parameters as adjusted to measured I-V curves at different operation conditions, RP dependence as (46) and solving MPP by (52) to (56) The first and second approaches entail low and medium complexity, respectively. The third is the standard approach of PVsyst, which is a widely reputed software that can somewhat serve as reference. PVsyst considers the RP dependence as (47) and solves the MPP using a NewtonRaphson algorithm. Hence, the two following cases are variations around this reference and have been notated, respectively as V1 and A. Finally, the last case requires additional I-V 57 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation measurements and can be understood as representing large complexity. Table A1.4 describes these modelling possibilities for the Yingly 160 YL PV module. The notation letter sequence is now: First, the model type (“IV”); second, the number of parameters (3, 4 or 5); third the assumption for m (“12” means m=1.2, “A” means adjusted) and, fourth, the solving method for MPP (“N” and “A” means Numeric and Analytic). Model Source of information Datasheet Input data P*=160W Notation Parameters IV410N m= 1, ISC*= 7,8 A RP = ∞, VOC*= 29 V RS = 0,505 Ω o α= 0.1 %/ C IL*=ISC* o β = -0.37%/ C I0*= 0.48 nA IM*= 7 A IV512N 0.292 Ω, RP = 80.6 Ω , IL*=7.83 A, I0*= 22.8 nA VM*= 23 V PVSyst databases m= 1.2, RS = m= 1.17, I0*= 13.8 nA, IVPVsystN Ídem data RP = 160 Ω, RS = 0,34 Ω IVPVsystN-2 IL*=7.83 A IVPVsystA m= 1.28, ISC*= 8,045 A Own o measurements α= 0.019 %/ C IV5AA o β = -0.385%/ C RP = 85 Ω, RS = 0,35 Ω Table A1.4. Parameters of different I-V curve model versions for the YL 160 silicon PV module Other models PDC variations with Geff and TC are implicit at the STC values of the 5 parameters and corresponding extrapolation equations of the one diode model. As mentioned above, 58 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation difficulties for extracting parameters from only manufactures datasheets usually leads to rely on different approximations (or on additional independent measurements at particular specimens, not necessarily representative of the same module type and bin average) leading to also different STC parameters values (See Table 4). Together with different extrapolation techniques, that has led to model accuracy suspicions, mainly when low irradiances and TF are concerned. In fact, significant differences on thermal power coefficients and low irradiance efficiency between the values predicted with commercial simulation software and the experimental values have been reported (Ransome S S. J., 2012). That has provided the motivation for other modelling proposals. In fact, this is the common motivation in the back of all the here referenced as MPP and FF models, all based on adjust thermal and irradiance coefficients for power to empirical values, and also on the back of using some empirical equations for translating STC parameters to other conditions. Hence, distinguishing between MPP, Full I-V curve and other models entail some confusion. Nevertheless, this section groups together some proposals having in common to be formulated by other than direct PDC equations or other than equation (23) formulations. The so called “Loss Factor Model” has born on amorphous silicon ambiences. The efficiency variations with irradiance are described by means of the product of five lose factors, respectively, accounting for the variations of ISC, VOC, the two I-V curve tilts at ISC and VOC, and a kind of FF, relating the maximum power not with the usual product ISCxVOC but with the product of the I and V coordinates of the crossing point of these two tilts. Each of these factor are empirically fitted to the following functional form π(πΊ) = π1 + π2 log πΊ − π3 πΊ 2 (57) So that 15 parameters (additional to α and β, required for describing the variation of ISC and VOC with temperature, and even an extra fill factor temperature coefficient added in the last versions of this model ) and, therefore, an extensive dedicated measurement campaign are required. Based on these lose factors have physical meaning since they relate directly to the behavior of the key points of the I-V curve, this model can likely provide diagnostic information about the relative “health” condition of the modules. As far as we know, this model has never been published at journals submitted to peers review. Instead, it has been often presented on conferences (Ransome S, A Review of kWh/kWp measurements, analysis ans modelling, 2008) (Ransome S S. J., 2011) (Sellner S S. J., 2012) (Ransome S S. J., 2012). Explicit formulations of the I-V curve, looking for easy analytical manipulations and closed form solutions of the performance when operating with load, can be found at (Akbaba M, 1995) (Ortiz-Rivera E, 2005) and (Massi Pavan A M. A., 2014). They are not further described here, because they do not affect to the prediction of the maximum power. The last has been used to analyze mismatch effects in large-scale solar parks (Massi Pavan A M. A., 2014). A modified formulation of equation (23) implicitly making both series and parallel resistances sensitive to irradiance according with equation (46) has also been proposed (Lo Brano V O. A., 2010). The case of a-Si a-Si modules are subject to the Staebler-Wronski effect, where there is a decrease in performance upon exposure to light typically reducing the efficiency by 15-20% compared with 59 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation its initial value. Additionally, after reaching the stabilization (about 6 months of outdoor exposure), the efficiency of this material exhibits seasonal variations that have been attributed to mainly two effects: spectral effects, and thermal annealing. These seasonal changes can be described very closely with the sinusoidal function (Nikolaeva-Dimitrova M, 2010): π(π‘) π∗ π‘ = π΄π ππ (2π π + φ) + ππ΄π (58) Where A is the amplitude, t is the time (month) at which we wish to predict the efficiency, T is the total time period (12 months), φ is the phase and ππ΄π is the average efficiency. PV performance models comparison Roughly speaking, the PV performance modelling panorama can be understood as mainly originated at ambiences, having different means, skills and mandates. On the none hand, big specialized laboratories, like JRC in Europa or SANDIA in USA, that are particularly well prepared for systematic and highly accurate measurements on commercial PV modules and use to be deeply involved in national PV promotion initiatives, have been the main cradle of MPP models, which are essentially empirical and require easy calculations, like adjusting polynomials . On the other hand, universities, typically dealing with research and fundamental studies and being particularly interested on publishable innovations, have been the main cradle of full I-V models, which are essentially physical and require relatively complex calculations, like solving implicit and non-linear equations system. Not surprisingly, most today available model comparisons have been made inside each one of these two ambiences. In fact, among the vast literature disclosed by PV performance modelling reviews (Balasubramanian B, 2014) (Ma T Y. H., 2014) (Rus-Casas C, 2014), we only have found 2 papers simultaneously dealing with energy yields predicted by MPP and IV curve models and, even those in a rather restricted manner: The first (Cameron CP, 2008) compares the energy yield observed at three c-Si PV arrays located at Alburquerque (USA) with the predictions of three performance modelling alternatives available within the so called Solar Advisor Model, SAM, a free software developed by the NREL: the Sandia model, a 5-parameter one-diode model and the simplest MPP that considers only the efficiency dependence on temperature, above referred as MPPTD. The coefficients for implementing the SANDIA and 5-parameters models are taken from the database distributed with SAM (derived from particular specimens measured at SANDIA and NREL) while the temperature coefficient for the MPPTD was taken from the manufactures datasheet. The PV arrays are of different power (1.1, 1.11 and 2.3 kW) and composed by the same module type but from two different bins (210 and 220 STC rating nameplate). The interesting results is not only that “..all the modules agree within about 2%”, but also that the differences of a same model for the three PV arrays are slightly larger than that. Than can be properly understood as that the differences due to module to module variations supersede the differences due to model to model variations. Module to module variations have also been signaled as the main responsible of energy yield prediction errors for other authors (Willians S B. T., 2006). 60 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation The second (Reich NH v. S., 2009) analyses the low light performance of 41 commercially produced c-Si cells. Because the work is made on the context of Product Integrated PV, that are likely to be operated most often indoors that outdoors, this work pays particular attention to the range of very low irradiances (< 100 W/m2). Despite this range is scarcely relevant for standard PV generators, the conclusions of the paper are still useful: the accuracy of diode models in this range can be very high but is very dependent on the used parameters (this is because RP is of paramount importance in this range, which is not the case at normal irradiances); the MPP model given by: π(πΊπππ ) = π ∗ [π1 + π2 πΊπππ πΊ∗ πΊπππ + π3 ππ ( πΊ∗ + π4 )] (59) performs very well. Note this equation is an adaptation of equation (7) by including an additional parameter in the logarithmic part, just to avoid negative efficiencies and to improve fitting accuracy at very low light, below 1W/m2. Again, this is scarcely important for normal irradiances); and that cells from one and the same manufactures show large differences in cell efficiencies at low irradiance. That helps to understand that module to module variations use also to be large. On the other hand, MPP models have been extensively compared within the European Commission funded projects PV-Catapult and PV-Performance. Participated by relevant research institutions, the declared goal of these initiatives was investigating energy rating procedures and supporting the development of IEC 61833. To these aims, round robins between the models used at these institutes, all of them MPP models, have been performed. At the first round-robin, most the models listed at table 2 were investigated for four different module technologies (sc-Si, mc-Si, CIS, 3j-aSi) and four different sites: Cadarache in France (Latitude, φ = 44º; Yearly global irradiation at a latitude tilted surface, Ga(φ) = 1591 kWh/m2 and Diffuse/global ration, D/G = 0.35, according with PVGIS), Wroclaw in Poland (φ =51º; Ga(φ) = 1100 kWh/m2; D/G = 0.53), Petten in Holland (φ =53º; Ga(φ) = 1128 kWh/m2; D/G = 0.49) and Loughborough in England (φ =53º; Ga(φ) = 1043 kWh/m2; D/G = 0.57). They conclude that “..all the prediction methods showed similar results..” (Friesen G, 2007). Uncertainties on monthly energy yields using broadband irradiance as input has been or the order of 5%. They also conclude that “…the use of module sort-circuit current as self-reference for the irradiance determination instead of the pyranometers values leads to a significant improvement”, reducing uncertainty to about 2% (Friesen G D. S., 2009). It is opportune to remember than 2% is below the PV module standard tolerance (3% in P* and more than 5% in ISC*, IM* and VM*). Similar conclusions have follow MPP and FF models comparisons performed at the university of Jaen in Spain (φ =38º; Ga(φ) = 1854 kWh/m2; D/G = 0.31). Concerning the c-Si, the conclusion has been that “..taking an overall view both, FFK and Osterwalds models –here referred as FFC and MPPTD- combine simplicity and accuracy best, so they are definitively recommended for PV engineering in Mediterranean climates “ (Fuentes M, 2007). And this conclusion has been later extended to thin films, following a testing campaing with four different technologies a-Si, CIGS, CdTe and a-Si:H/μSi:H) in Jaen, Madrid (φ =41º; Ga(φ) = 1763 kWh/m2; D/G = 0.31) and Barcelona (φ =41º; Ga(φ) = 1675 kWh/m2; D/G = 0.33) (TorresRamírez M, 2014). 61 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation All these above mentioned comparisons have been performed taking into account just energy prediction accuracy. The question of model complexity and accuracy benefits is on the roots of possible model justification and deserves particular attention. Obviously, the greater the complexity of a particular model is the largest must be the accuracy of the corresponding energy predictions. Otherwise, the model is not justified. Regrettably, papers on the back of model proposals use to restrict their arguments to present the corresponding accuracy when describing the performance surfaces observed at their own experiments. However, and somewhat surprisingly, the comparison with other description possibilities associated to classical knowledge use to be disregarded, so that the relation between complexity increase and accuracy benefits is not addressed in these papers. For the surprise of many, further independent studies and round robin comparisons are showing that grounds for possible accuracy gains are rather limited and, therefore, that large complexity is scarcely justified. “Surprisingly, there doesn´t seem to be a need for overly complicated modelling to achieve this accuracy for most technologies”. That can be read at the final brochure of the Integrated Project Performance, an European initiative dealing with setting standards for the PV industry (EPIA, 2009), following a round robin test comparing 8 energy prediction methods from well know European PV laboratories (Friesen G., 2007). On the other hand, it is opportune to remember that quality control at large PV plants includes also reception tests where the inverse problem, i.e. derive PV system characteristics like P* or PRSTC is also relevant. A word of caution is necessary here regarding current commercial software: as far as we know, none includes facilities for affording such inverse problem. Finally, generality, understood as the model capability to deal with all PV technologies: c-Si, TF and concentrators, has often been signaled as a relevant advantage. However, we think this is a reminiscence of past decades, when many believed that c-Si technologies were inherently expensive and that the global PV market will mainly develop by means of other than c-Si alternatives. Far from that, c-Si predominance is being consolidated at current markets. Hence, a PV performance model can be very useful if it performs accurately for this material. EXPERIMENTAL SET-UP In order to provide an empirical base for evaluating PV performance models, six PV arrays of different technologies (crystalline silicon Si-x, CdTe, CIGS, amorphous silicon a-Si and two double junction a-Si/µSi from different manufacturers), each with P* between 1890 W and 2400 W, have been connected to the grid by means of 2.5 KW inverters, at Navarra (Spain). All the PV generators are static, tilted 30°, due South oriented and fully free of shades. Because PV power is always lower than the inverter capacity, it never goes to saturation, so that PV arrays are permanently keep at the maximum power point, MPP. PDC at the inverter entry, GEFF and TC are measured at 1 second rate and recorded as 10 minutes averages. Moreover, once per month and profiting of clear days, the systems are disconnected during few minutes and PV arrays I-V curves are measured Table A1.5 shows the main features of the involved instrumentation. 62 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Parameter Manufacturer Maximum uncertainty DC Voltage Yokogawa ±(0.2% of reading + 0.2% of range) DC Current Yokogawa ±(0.2% of reading + 0.2% of range) DC Active Power Yokogawa ±(0.3% of reading + 0.2% of range) IV Characteristic Photovoltaik Engineering <1% Pt100 Temperature Omega B Class = ± 0.3ΛC at nominal resistance (0ΛC) B Class = ± 0.8ΛC at nominal resistance (100ΛC) Global Radiation 30º mc-Si reference modules ±2% (Calibrated by CIEMAT*) Yingli Solar Table A1.5: Installed data acquisition equipment, sensors, and their uncertainties. Ideally, Geff is directly given by PV reference devices of the same technology and equally soiled than corresponding PV arrays. In fact, when PV arrays produce electricity, heat dissipation is somewhat lower than at reference modules. But derived temperature differences are very low, typically less than 2oC, so that Geff measurements are not affected. On the other hand, due to doubts about the stability of TF materials, c-Si reference modules entail less uncertainty and are today much better accepted by the market actors than TF ones. Because of that, we decided to measure Geff with only two c-Si reference PV modules, located at the PV arrays surface extremes. Other authors adhere to the same practice (Kenny R, 2003) (Friesen G C. D., 2007) (Sellner S S. J., 2012) (Stein J, 2013). Derived consequences for TF modeling are discussed later on this paper. Now, it is worth mentioning that differences between irradiance measurements of these two reference modules are always lower than 1%, suggesting that dust cover is homogeneous over the full PV arrays surface, so that it can be properly disregarded in the analysis. TC is measured by means of thermocouples placed in the center of the rear side of two modules of each PV array (approximately, 10% of the total modules). Temperature differences from these two thermocouples are always lower than 2oC, suggesting that averages are very representative of the whole PV array operation temperature. 63 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Figure A1.1. General view of the PV arrays In addition, it was mounted a meteorological station with a horizontal pyranometer, a pyranometer with shadowing and a thermocouple, which are able to register the following variables: global radiation, diffuse radiation and air temperature. Because thermal losses are particularly relevant, power temperature coefficients of the same PV modules where the thermocouples are placed were measured at the beginning of the experiment. That has been made outdoors, by exposing the PV modules to the Sun, after being keep at ambient temperature, and recording several I-V curves meanwhile TC increase. Uncertainty is minimized by placing the PV modules nearly perpendicular to Sun, so that Geff ≈ G*, and with wind speed below 1m/s. Then, α, β and γ values are given by the slope of ISC(G*,TC), VOC(G*,TC) and PDC(G*,TC) versus TC (Figure A1.2), respectively. Table A1.6 presents the results, together with other features of the PV arrays. Finally, one must mention that the experiment started in Mars 2011 and is still on-going but that the a-Si PV array from manufacturer M2 has been dismantled in January 2012, due to reasons quite foreign to the experiment. Alfa = 0.086 (%/ºC) R2 = 0.978 Beta = -0.308 (%/ºC) 3.565 R2 = 0.998 Gamma = -0.272 (%/ºC) 62.5 156 62 155 61.5 154 R2 = 0.992 3.56 Voc (G=1000) (V) Isc (G=1000) (A) 3.55 3.545 3.54 3.535 P (G=1000) (W) 3.555 61 153 60.5 152 60 151 3.53 3.525 3.52 18 20 22 24 26 T (ºC) 28 30 32 59.5 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 150 18 20 22 T (ºC) Figure A1.2: Coefficient temperature measurements at the CIGS module. 64 24 26 T (ºC) 28 30 32 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Manufacturer Generator PNameplate/ module M1 Si 160 M2 a-Si M3 Total Total Nameplate γ(%/ΛC) modules Power 14 2240 -0,45 60 40 2400 -0,23 a-Si/µSi 130 18 2340 -0,28 M4 a-Si/µSi 135 14 1890 -0,24 M5 CIGS 107 18 1926 -0,446 M6 CdTe 175 30 2250 -0,25 Table A1.6. Main features of the PV arrays WHEATHER AND OPERATION CONDITIONS Table A1.7 summarizes the main characteristics of the solar radiation at the site, long the two years considered in this work. Yearly radiations have been 1922 kWh.m-2 for the first year and 1882 kWh.m-2 for the second year. Monthly averages of the daily irradiation vary from 2.6 kWh.m-2 in November 2011 to 7.6 kWh.m-2 in July 2012. Table A1.8 shows the equivalent PV module temperature, TCEQ, observed at these months. TCEQ is defined as the average of TC weighted by the irradiance, corresponding just to these months. It is worth noting that PV module equivalents temperatures differences are below 3.5ºC. As expected, the greater the PV module efficiency, the lower the module equivalent temperature. Finally, the distribution of both irradiance (horizontal and in the plane of the array) and temperature (ambient and cell temperatures) are shown in Figure A1.3. In-plane global total (daily) irradiation Period Year Worst month Best month 1922 (5.3) 77 (2.6) 214 (6.9) 1882 (5.2) 92 (3) 236 (7.6) First year: March 2011-February 2012 Second year: March 2012-February 2013 Table A1.7: Yearly and monthly in-plane irradiations for the two years of operation. 65 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Teq. (ºC) G30º Month (kWh.m-2) M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 November 2011 77 26 26 26 25 29 25 July 2012 236 39 - 42 40 41 41 Table A1.8: Equivalent module temperature corresponding to the best and the worst months. 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.2 0.15 F(Ta) F(G0) First Year Second Year First Year Second Year 0.1 0.05 0 0 0.15 0.1 0.05 500 1000 0 -10 1500 0 10 20 30 50 0.25 0.25 First Year Second Year 0.2 0.15 0.15 F(G) F(Tc) 0.2 0.1 0.05 0 0 40 Ta (ºC) G0 (W) First Year Second Year 0.1 0.05 500 1000 0 -20 1500 G (W) 0 20 40 60 Tc (ºC) Figure A1.3. Observed distribution of operation conditions RESULTS Figure A1.3 suggest that any one-year period is statistically representative. Hence, in order to have the maximum available data for all the PV arrays, we have generally selected the period March 2011 – February 2012 for presentation purposes. Looking for assessing the model usefulness for quality assurance purposes, we have compared the MPP and the full I-V curve fitting alternatives described above. The P* values have been the nominal ones, referred as nameplate values at table 4. Comparison is performed in terms of the daily energy errors, which is relevant for energy yield forecast, and also in terms of the weekly PR and PRSTC constancy along the year, which is 66 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation relevant for on-site measurements campaigns. In order to consider their real impact on energy yield calculations, the errors are weighted by the respective daily irradiation (Hoff TE, 2012). This way, the Error and the Weighted Error at day “i” are, respectively, given by: πΈπππ·,π −πΈπΈππ,π πΈπ = ( πΈπΈππ,π ππΈπ = πΈπ (∑π ) (60) πΊππππ,π (61) π=1 πΊππππ,π )/π Where EMOD and EEXP represent the daily modelled and experimental PV array energy values, Geffd the daily effective irradiation and N extends to the number of days of the considered period (year or week, in our case). It worth nothing that the Mean Beas Weighted Error is equal to the error on the energy calculated for the considered period. Crystalline silicon Energy yield Figure A1.4 shows the frequency distribution of the daily energy errors, E and also WE, and its relation with the clearness index of the day, KTd, for the MPPTGA model. Corresponding MBWE and RMSWE values are -0.08 % and 1.18 %. The following comments apply: - The MBWE error obviously depends on the difference between the nominal and the actual peak power value. In fact, P* values deduced from our I-V measurements suggest the actual STC power is 2% larger than the nominal value, which is likely a consequence of the positive tolerance (0-+3%) at PV manufacturing process. Hence, looking for disclosing the errors associated to the model itself, regardless of the manufacturer tolerance, we have used P*=1.02xP*NOM as the reference for energy calculations. Obviously, using P*=P*NOM will increase the errors by 2%. - Apart of the P*value, the main source of error is the limited model ability of a model with only three parameters (a1, a2 and a3) to reproduce the observed efficiency at low irradiances. Because of that, the lower KTd the higher absolute E. However, the low overall impact on energy, observable on the WE versus KTd figure, does not motivate for model complexity increases, requiring additional parameters and experimental PDC(Geff, TC*) values for fitting. - Thermal loses accounts for 4% (βETC≠TC* is equal to the MBWE difference between MPPC and MPPTD models). Irradiance losses, accounts for only 0.4% (βEG≠G* is given by the MBWE difference between MPPTD and MPPTGA models). Obviously, this result is local and PV module dependent. Hence, it is worth remembering that Navarra is a rather sunny place. 67 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Errors Weighted Errors (a) (b) Figure A1.4. (a) Observed frequency distribution of the daily energy errors and weighted errors for the MPPTGA model. (b) Its relation with the clearness index of the day. Table A1.9 gives the errors for all the considered models. Comments are: - Rather simple MPP and FF models perform as well as the more complex IV ones. - The use of published values for polycrystalline modules (MPPTGP) performs better than the use of a generic c-Si model (MPPTGPVGIS). - IV models are rather sensitive to RP assumptions, as disclosed by the differences between IV410N (RP* = ∞) and IV512 (RP* = 60 Ω), and also between 5PVsystN (RP versus G as per equation (47)) and 5PVsystN-2 (RP versus G as per equation (46)). - The analytical procedure proposed by Ruiz for solving the MPP point of an I-V curve is very convenient. It is very easy of implement and associated errors are insignificant, as revealed by the similarity of 5PVsystN and 5PVsystA results. 68 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation - Somewhat surprising, the MPPTD, considering just the variation of the efficiency with TC but neglecting the effects of G performs very well. In order to further explain this result, which is consistent with the energy loses balance mentioned above, figure A1.5 plots the ratio βERP/βERS versus KTd, as given by MPPTGA, where βERP and βERS, respectively, represents the daily energy loses and gains due to RP and RS effects. They mutually cancel for KTd ≈ 0.45 and they asymmetrically behave respect to KTd: RS gains for KTd > 0.45 are lower than RP loses for KTd < 0.45. The figure also helps to understand that this result is local and PV module dependent. MPP models C TD TGD TGP TGPVGIS TGA ME 3.25 0.99 -1.04 -0.55 - 2.8 -0.83 RMSE 5.68 3.2 1.37 1.58 3.16 -2.77 MWE 4.4 0.36 -0.69 -0.03 - 1.73 -0.08 RMSWE 6.98 1.21 1.1 1.1 0.85 1.18 FF models C TD TGD ME 1.81 1.9 1.77 RMSE 3.33 3.43 3.17 MWE 1.88 2.05 -1.24 RMSWE 3.21 3.46 2.58 IV models 410N 512N 5PVsystN 5PVsystN-2 5PVsystA 5AA ME -0.05 -10.93 -5.56 -0.95 -7.53 0.05 RMSE 7.07 12.79 11.01 3.59 17.22 0.85 MWE 1.8 -6.87 - 2.39 -0.22 -2.48 0.04 RMSWE 2.59 1.14 1.38 1.03 2.64 0.84 Table A1.9. Mean and RMS values, expressed in %, of the daily energy errors and weighted errors associated to 15 different PV performance modelling alternatives. 69 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Losses Rp/Gains Rs 2,5 2 1,5 1 0,5 0 0 0,2 0,4 KT 0,6 0,8 1 Figure A1.5. Daily ratio between energy loses due to RP and energy gains due to RS versus clearness index Performance indexes Figure A1.6 shows the observed evolution of the weekly PR and PRSTC, again from March 2011 to February 2012. Thermal and irradiance loses at the last have been calculated with the MPPTGA model. As expected, the PRSTC performs significantly more constant, allowing for a much sound technical quality evaluation on the basis of the energy production observed in relatively short periods. Table A1.10 presents the corresponding mean, maximum and minimum values for this year and also for the year from March 2012 to February 2013. As expected, PRSTC performs significantly more stable than PR. We have notices on some technical quality evaluations done on the basis of observed PR values, by considering a different reference value for each month. The 12 reference PR values are established by a simulation exercise on the basis of solar radiation and ambient temperature databases. However, the validity of this PR monthly correction procedure is likely not general by restricted to particular climatic regions. In fact, our results show weekly PR variations up to 5 % on the same month, which seem not adequate for large scale PV plants qualification 70 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Figure A1.6. Observed evolution of the weekly PRW and PRSTCW, from March 2011 to February 2012 PRW PRSTCW March 2011 – February 2012 Mean Maximum Minimum 1.06 0.85 0.93 (+12.8 %) (-8.9 %) 0.97 0.94 0.95 (+2.3 %) (-1 %) March 2012 – February 2013 Mean Maximum Minimum 1.040 0.752 0.936 (+10.5 %) (-18.7 %) 0.987 0.934 0.953 (+3.3 %) (-1.9 %) Table A1.10. Mean, maximum and minimum values of PRW and PRSTCW values observed along two years. 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DEALING IN PRACTICE WITH HOT-SPOTS R. Moretón1, E. Lorenzo1, L. Narvarte1 1 PV Systems Research Group, Solar Energy Institute, Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain ABSTRACT The hot-spot phenomenon is a relatively frequent problem in current photovoltaic generators. It entails both a risk for the photovoltaic module’s lifetime and a decrease in its operational efficiency. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of widely accepted procedures for dealing with them in practice. This paper presents the IES-UPM observations on 200 affected modules. Visual and infrared inspection, electroluminescence, peak power and operating voltage tests have been accomplished. Hot-spot observation procedures and well defined acceptance and rejection criteria are proposed, addressing both the lifetime and the operational efficiency of the modules. This procedure is oriented to its possible application in contractual frameworks. 80 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 1 INTRODUCTION A hot-spot consists of a localized overheating in a photovoltaic (PV) module. It appears when, due to some anomaly, the short circuit current of the affected cell becomes lower than the operating current of the whole and giving rise to reverse biasing, thus dissipating the power generated by other cells as heat. Figure A2.1 shows two infrared (IR) images of hot-spots. The anomalies that cause hot-spots can be external to the PV module: shading [1-3] or dust [4]; or internal: microcracks [5-8], defective soldering [5-6,9-11], PID [12-13]... In general, when a hotspot persists over time, it entails both a risk for the PV module’s lifetime and a decrease in its operational efficiency [5-6,14-17]. (a) (b) Figure A2.1. Hot-spots in two modules. (a) General view of a tracker with hot-spots caused by PID. (b) Hot-spot caused by micro-cracks. The operating temperature of the hot-spot is 87 ºC while the mean temperature of the rest of the module is 53 ºC. Hot-spots are relatively frequent in current PV generators and this situation will likely persist as the PV technology is evolving to thinner wafers, which are prone to developing micro-cracks during the manipulation processes (manufacturing, transport, installation, etc.)[7,10-11,18-19]. Fortunately, they can be easily detected through IR inspection, which has become a common practice in current PV installations[6,16,20-22]. However, there is a lack of widely accepted procedures for dealing with hot-spots in practice as well as specific criteria referring to the acceptance or rejection of affected PV modules in commercial frameworks. For example, the hot-spot resistance test included in IEC-61215 (Crystalline silicon terrestrial photovoltaic modules. Design qualification and type approval) is successfully passed if the module resists the hot-spot condition for a period of 5 hours, which suggests that this standard addresses transitory hotspots, as those caused by also transitory shading, but not permanent ones, caused by internal module defects [23]. Along the same lines, the IEC-62446 (Grid connected photovoltaic systems. Minimum requirements for system documentation, commissioning tests and inspection) only states: “A hot-spot elsewhere in a module usually indicates an electric problem […] In any case investigate the performance of all modules that show significant hot-spots” [24]. Furthermore, a draft of the IES-60904-12 (Photovoltaic devices: infrared thermography of photovoltaic modules) clearly establishes how to capture, process and analyse the IR images, but still does not set out any PV module 81 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation acceptance/rejection criteria [25]. The IES-UPM experience includes many cases of actors in the PV sector, mainly module manufacturers and engineering, procurement and construction companies (EPC), requesting advice on how to proceed with collections of IR images of affected modules, and which corresponding contracts lacked the previsions to ask a relevant question: which affected PV modules should be changed under the PV manufacturer’s responsibility? This paper addresses both the lifetime and the operational efficiency of PV modules with hot-spots. Starting from the observations of 200 affected modules as experimental support, hot-spot observation procedures and well defined acceptance/rejection criteria are proposed, looking for its possible application in contractual frameworks. 2 FUNDAMENTALS OF HOT-SPOTS For explanation purposes, we first consider the case of a group of n identical solar cells, associated in series and protected by a by-pass diode (Figure A2.2-a). The operating conditions: incident irradiance, G, operating temperature, TC, and polarization voltage, V, are such that a certain current, IC, is circulating through these cells. A hot-spot appears in a cell (Figure A2.2-b) when some defect (microcrack, shade, etc.) reduces its corresponding short circuit current, ISC,D, so that πΌππΆ,π· < πΌπΆ (1) which forces the cell to operate at a negative voltage, ππ· = −(π − 1)πππ· + π (2) where subscripts “D” and “ND” refer, respectively, to defective and non-defective cells. Consequent power dissipation heats the defective cell, giving rise to a hotspot, characterized by the temperature increase of this cell in relation to the non-defective ones, βππ»π . The by-pass diode assures V ≥ 0, thus limiting the negative biasing and the power dissipation in this cell. Obviously, the maximum hot-spot temperature is attained when the group is short-circuited or, which is nearly the same, when the bypass-diode is ON. Note that βππ»π is directly related to the product πΌπΆ × ππ· . In other words, hot-spot temperature mainly depends on the operating voltage and incident irradiance (which modulates πΌπΆ ), on the defect gravity (which determines πΌππΆ,π· ) and on the second quadrant I-V characteristic of the defective cell (which modulates ππ· ). As this characteristic can substantially differ from one cell to another, even within the same PV module [REF/JM], the hotspot temperature also depends on the particular defective cell. As a representative example, Figure A2.3 shows the second quadrant I-V curves of 7 solar cells of a same PV module [26]. It can be observed that power dissipation at a hot-spot can vary an order of magnitude depending on the defective cell [1-2,16,26-27]. 82 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation (a) (b) Figure A2.2. (a) Electrical connection of n originally identical cells protected by a by-pass diode. One of the cells is affected by a shade or an internal defect that limits its short-circuit current. (b) I-V curve of both the affected cell and the non-affected ones. Figure A2.3. Second quadrant I-V characteristics of 7 cells of a same PV module. The great dispersion is notorious. Voltages for a same current vary about one order of magnitude. Now, let us consider the case of a PV module made up of three series associated groups, each made up of n cells and a bypass diode (Figure A2.4-a). Note that many currently commercial PV modules respond to this configuration, with n ranging typically from 20 to 24. A defective cell like the one described above does not reduce now the PV module sort-circuit current but becomes an anomalous step in the first quadrant of the I-V and P-V curves (Figure A2.4-b). 83 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation (a) (b) Figure A2.4. (a)Electrical scheme of a PV module with 3 groups, each made up of n cells and a by-pass diode. (b) I-V and P-V curves of a defective and a non-defective module. Observe the difference in the current at the maximum power point. Again, βππ»π depends on the operating voltage of the concerned group, which, in turn, depends on the operating voltage of the PV module. The voltage at the step marks the bypass diode turning ON, and βππ»π reaches its maximum for the voltage range below this step. Figure A2.5 shows examples of I-V curves of real modules affected by hot-spots. It is worth noting that current at the maximum power point of the defective module, πΌπ,π· , is always lower than that corresponding to the non-defective ones, πΌπ,ππ· : πΌπ,π· < πΌπ,ππ· (a) (3) (b) Figure A2.5. (a) I-V curve of a defective module affected by a fill-factor loss (b) I-V curve of a defective module with a step anomaly. Furthermore, if a module like these is connected in series with many other modules (often between 20 and 30 modules) and the resulting string is connected 84 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation to an inverter able to impose the MPP, the operating current of the group must range from between πΌπ,ππ· and πΌπ,π· . Then, the larger the number of modules in the series, the closer the operating current will be to πΌπ,ππ· . In this situation, the operating voltage of the defective module is well below that corresponding to its MPP. The important thing to remember is that the power loss of a defective PV module is much larger when it works associated to other non-defective modules than when it works alone. A practical consequence of the latter is that this module could pass the standard warranty conditions (referring to the maximum power of the module alone) while failing to deliver the power in practice. Figure A2.6. I-V curves of a defective and a non-defective module connected in series. Sinusoidal signals represent the oscillations due to the MPP tracking. Voltage excursions are clearly greater in the defective module, leading to variations in the operating voltage and differences between both modules. On the other hand, figure A2.6 helps us to understand two hot-spot related phenomena derived from the typical slight current excursion caused by the inverter MPP tracking algorithm. On the one hand, the associated voltage excursion of the defective module is much larger than that corresponding to the non-defective ones. On the other hand, the operating voltage differences between defective and non-defective modules, βππ»π , can vary following the MPP search. In turn, these voltage fluctuations become βππ»π fluctuations. This is clearly visible in figure A2.7, which shows the records, every 5 seconds, of βππ»π versus βππ»π in a particular defective module (measurement details are explained later) over a period of a day. Large instability is observed in the low βππ»π region (below 20 °C), which is obviously also associated with low irradiances (characteristic of the early morning, the late afternoon and passing clouds), when the MPP algorithms are prone to instability. However, the relationship between βππ»π and βππ»π becomes essentially stable in the high βππ»π region, where most energy is generated. 85 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Figure A2.7. Operating voltage losses, βππ»π versus hot-spot temperature, βππ»π . The MPP tracking algorithm makesβππ»π fluctuate at low irradiance These phenomena can also be observed in figure A2.8, which shows the simultaneous records of the in-plane irradiance (black line) and the operation voltages of 3 modules of the same string (one non-defective, blue dots; and two defective, yellow and red dots). Large voltage excursions in the defective module become evident. Figure A2.8. Evolution of the operating voltage of 4 modules in the same string. Finally, not only defective cells but also defective by-pass diodes can bring about hot-spots. In the latter case, short-circuited diodes give rise to an easily recognizable thermal pattern, consisting of an anomalous hotter band, somewhat like a brushstroke extended over the cells protected by the affected diode, with several cells exhibiting temperature differences of about 5 °C. Figure A2.9 shows an example of a PV module with a conducting by-pass diode. 86 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation (a) (b) Figure A2.9. (a) PV module with one conducting by-pass diode. The cells protected by the diode are 4 °C hotter than the rest of the cells. (b) Close view of the connection box. The affected diode is at 110 °C while the others are working at 70 °C. This is because the solar cells that make up real PV modules are not completely identical, but have a certain electrical characteristic mismatch that becomes a dispersion of voltage. At the short-circuit condition imposed by the defective diode, the sum of the voltage of all the cells protected by it is null, leading some cells becoming positive biased and others becoming negative biased. In this situation, the latter are slightly hotter than the former. Obviously, despite the temperature difference remaining low, such a module loses effective power, at a ratio equal to the number of defective diodes divided by the total number of diodes. 2.1 Hot-spot characterization Because of the aforementioned dependence on βππ»π with irradiance, it is appropriate to characterize hot-spots through a value normalized to the standard irradiance, πΊ ∗ =1000 W/m2. βππ»π ∗ = βππ»π πΊ∗ πΊ where * stands for the Standard Test Conditions (STC). Up to now, there has not been a widely accepted correlation for considering this effect on the heating of modules [25]. Nevertheless, we think that there is a certain advantage of assuming that the temperature difference is proportional to the incident irradiance. Non-linearities in the βππ»π − πΊ relationship are likely to be small for the relatively narrow irradiance range defined by πΊ > 700 π/π2 , which is the condition that we have imposed on our IR images. Finally, it should be mentioned that slight temperature differences also appear in non-defective modules, mainly due to differences in heat dissipation. For example, the cells near the frame tend to be cooler while the cells around the connection box tend to be hotter. In our case, we propose βππ»π ∗ = 10 °πΆ (4 °C due to the variation in the cell efficiency in the first quadrant and 6 °C due to dissipation differences) as a minimum threshold to consider the PV module as possibly defective. 87 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 3 EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS In this work, we have analysed a sample of 200 PV defective modules from two PV plants located at Cuenca and Cáceres (Spain), respectively, 122 poly-crystalline silicon modules from one single manufacturer (p-Si1) and 78 mono and polycrystalline silicon modules from two manufacturers (m-Si and p-Si2). These defective modules were selected on the basis of a previous IR report made by the maintenance personnel of the PV plants. Then, we carried out the following tests: visual inspection, IR inspection, electroluminescence (EL), peak power and operating voltage. The Cuenca PV plant (12 MW) has been in operation since September 2011. Hot-spots soon appeared, but the module manufacturer agreed to substitute all the modules exhibiting βππ»π ∗ > 30 °πΆ on March 2013. The IR inspection that led to the selecting of the sample of defective modules was carried out on June 2013 and the IES-UPM tests on January 2014. The process was similar for the Cáceres PV plant (8 MW). The operation start-up was in September 2008, the modules with hot-spots larger than 30 °C were substituted on June 2010, the IR inspection leading to the detection of the 78 defective modules took place in July 2012 and, finally, the IES-UPM tests were carried out in May 2013. It is worth noting that, in the case of the Cuenca PV plant, the initial IR inspection was made in the summer while the tests were carried out the following winter, while in the case of the Cáceres PV plant both inspections took place near the summer months. We will later discuss the consequences of these differences. 3.1 Visual inspection Figure A2.10 show examples of visible defects, where micro-cracks cause a current drift and a corresponding heat that leads to the burning of the metallization fingers and in bubbles at the rear of the modules. However, we found observable defects in only a 19% of the concerned PV modules, which is too weak a correlation for considering visual defects as a basis for dealing with hot-spots. (a) (b) Figure A2.10. (a) Burnt metallization fingers caused by micro-cracks (b) Bubbles at the rear part of the PV modules affected by hot-spots. 88 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 3.2 Infrared inspection We obtained the IR images by means of an infrared camera (FLIR-E60). As the relevant parameter in this test is more the temperature difference than the absolute temperature value, imaging can be done at either the front or the back of the module. Just for convenience, we did all of them at the rear. Figure A2.11 shows the frequency distribution of βππ»π . This does not reflect the total hot-spot occurrence, but only the hot-spots observed some months after the substitution of all the modules with βππ»π ∗ > 30 °πΆ. Hence, the distribution tail beyond this value is a clear symptom of hot-spot time evolution. We did not observe any PID phenomena (which, as observed in figure A2.1(a), typically lead to a recognizable spatial pattern), thus most hot-spots are likely to be due to micro-cracks and depend on the temperature of the module, as the thermal stress affects the contact resistance between the two sides of the crack. Hence, an evolution of βππ»π ∗ is to be expected over the year, being larger in summer than in winter. On the other hand, daily thermal cycling typically entails degeneration, leading to a probable worsening of hot-spots over time. However, these are not absolute rules. Each micro-crack is somewhat unique and even an improvement with thermal cycling can be observed [18]. Figure A2.11. Frequency distribution of the temperature difference in the PV modules with hotspots. The values with βππ»π ∗ > 30 °πΆ reflect the hot-spot evolution. Figure A2.12 shows the combined result of these effects. Each point in the graph describes the observed βππ»π ∗ at two different moments. Figure A2.12(a) shows the evolution at the Cáceres PV plant between July 2012 (average ambient temperature, TA = 34 °C) and May 2013 (TA = 25 °C). All the modules showing βππ»π ∗ > 5 °C in July have been considered. Despite the dispersion being high, on average, βππ»π ∗ has increased 11%. Figure A2.12(b) shows the case at the Cuenca PV plant between June 2013 (TA = 28 °C) and January 2014 (TA = 10 °C). Only those modules with βππ»π ∗ > 15 °C in June have been considered on this occasion. Here, 89 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation the average βππ»π ∗ has decreased by 22%, in an example of seasonal effects overcoming the degradation over time. (a) (b) Figure A2.12. Hot-spot temperature evolution. Each point corresponds to a particular module and describes βππ»π ∗ at two different moments. At the Cáceres PV plant (a), both moments were during hot months. A general βππ»π ∗ increase over time is noticeable (slope coefficient > 1). On the other hand, at the Cuenca PV plant (b), the latter moment was during a colder month than the former. In this case, an average βππ»π ∗ decrease can be observed (slope coefficient < 1). 3.3 Electroluminescence The objective of this test was to analyse the correlation between the portion of isolated area of a cell affected by micro-cracks and the magnitude of hot-spots. The analyses were carried out directly in the field during night using an EL camera (pco.1300 solar) and a power source. Each module was polarized in the fourth 90 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation quadrant at 25% of the STC rated short circuit current. The experiment was carried out in January 2014 and applied only to a smaller sample of 35 PV modules in the Cuenca PV plant, due to the difficulties of implementing this test on site. We have followed the crack type classification proposed by Köntges et alt. [18], dividing the affected cells into C-type (those exhibiting only background noise for the inactive cell part) and B-type (those exhibiting a reduced intensity but higher than the background noise). Figure A2.13 shows an example of an EL image obtained in the field and figure A2.14 shows the relationship between the fraction of cell that is isolated and the temperature difference. Figure A2.13. Electroluminescence image of a hot-spot affected PV module obtained in the field. Two cells with appreciable isolated areas can be observed (nearly a 40% for the left side cell – 20% B-type and 20% C-type crack – and almost 20% for the upper side cell – B type crack). ∗ Figure A2.14. Relationship between βππ»π and the fraction of cell isolated by a crack. Squares and circles represent B-type and C-type cracks respectively, in accordance with the Köntges et alt classification. 91 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation We observed that all the modules showing a hot-spot in the summer IR inspections had some micro-crack in the affected cell but none of the cells with B-type cracks generated a hot-spot in winter. A proportional but very weak trend between the isolated area and βππ»π ∗ (R2=0.03) was found. The relationship between the isolated fraction area and the power loss of the module, which remained very weak (R2=0.05) was also analysed. A possible explanation is that the contact resistance between the two sides of the micro-crack varies with module temperature and can be much larger during the day (when hot-spots are observed) than during the night (when EL are obtained). Then, some areas can be miss-classified, leading to an incorrect estimation of the hot-spot problem. Whichever the case, EL images, despite being a very useful tool for quality control during the PV manufacturing processes, is not appealing for dealing with hot-spots in the field. 3.4 Electrical inspections: power and operating voltage Individual I-V curves of all the affected PV modules were obtained with a commercial I-V tracer (Tritec Tri-ka) and extrapolated to STC in accordance with the IEC-60891 (procedure 1), using the current and voltage temperature coefficients given by the manufacturer. 53% of the modules presented some anomalies in the I-V curve, as steps or an abnormally low fill factor. Figure A2.15(a) shows the relationship between βππ»π ∗ and the power loss in respect to the manufacturer’s flash value, for 50 PV modules of the Cuenca PV plant. The high spread can be observed as can the fact that most of the modules satisfied the usual power warranty condition (typically, 90% of the minimal rated power output after 10 years). However, this is scarcely representative of their in-field behaviour, which is better appreciated through the operating voltage of the module, when working within the PV array. The latter was measured by simply inserting “T” connectors into the module output wires. Then, the voltage losses as regards the non-defective modules can be understood directly as power losses, as the current is common for all the modules connected in series. Figure A2.15(b) shows the relationship between the power loss and the operating voltage loss for the same 50 modules. As can be observed, the effective losses are a 55% higher than the power losses when considering the module alone. 92 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation (a) (b) Figure A2.15. (a) Relationship between the temperature difference and the power loss for 50 PV modules. 8 of them are out of warranty conditions. (b) Relationship between the power loss and the operating voltage loss (effective power loss). In this case, 19 modules do not comply with warranty requirements. Two key observations can be outlined. First, the standard peak power is not a good indicator of the energy production capacity of defective modules, so that it must be disregarded for dealing with hot-spots. Second, the correlation between βππ»π ∗ and βππ»π ∗ and thus, power losses during operation, is positive, but the large dispersion does not allow the correlation at individual levels to be applied. In other words, the power loss of a defective module must be deduced from direct voltage measurements not from thermal observations. Apart of that, figure A2.16 shows the relationship between the temperature difference and the operating voltage loss for a more complete ensemble of the 113 PV modules of the three different manufacturers. 93 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation Figure A2.16. Relationship between the temperature difference and the operating voltage loss for 113 modules from 3 different manufacturers. It can be observed that the behaviour is not the same for every manufacturer (neither in the correlation slope nor in the spread around it). The correlation between operating voltage loss and temperature difference is stronger in the case of module p-Si1 (R2=0.63) and weaker for the cases of modules m-Si and p-Si2. These divergences likely reflect differences in the original material as well as non-uniform degradation affection due to different operation times (3 years in the case of module p-Si1 and 5 years for modules m-Si and p-Si2). Whichever the case, this behaviour spread is not relevant here. 4 DISCUSSION Hot-spots threaten the PV module lifetime, as degradation processes are generally accelerated by temperature. In particular, encapsulate discoloration and browning, and delamination [28-29]. Previous experiences do not allow a clear relation between module temperature and lifetime [14] to be established. Therefore, in order to set a maximum acceptable value, βππ»π,ππ΄π ∗ , we must rely on intuitive but reasonable approaches. We propose to consider 85°C, which is the maximum temperature of the thermal cycling tests described in the IEC-61215 as the maximum absolute PV module temperature for acceptance/rejection purposes. This limit has been also proposed by other authors [14]. Then, βππ»π,ππ΄π ∗ should be thus so as to guarantee that the hot-spot absolute temperature remains below that limit. Figure A2.17 shows the annual frequency distribution of the day-time operating temperature in the Cuenca PV plant, which can be considered as representative of a Mediterranean climate (characteristic of southern Europe and some parts of USA, Australia or South America). The maximum cell temperature is 70 C and the 99-percentile temperature is 65°C. As these high temperatures are 94 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation also associated to high irradiances, setting βππ»π,ππ΄π ∗ = 20°πΆ limits the time above 85 °C to around 40 hours a year (1% of the time) for these climate conditions, which seems a reasonable commitment. Moreover, it avoids reaching 100°C, which has been sometimes suggested as an absolute maximum for preventing early degradation [31]. Figure A2.17. Annual frequency distribution of the operating temperature at the Cuenca PV plant As regards energy losses, it seems logical to just extend the application of usual warranties to defective modules. Hence, it is proposed to reject any module exhibiting hot-spots whose corresponding voltage losses (in relation to a nondefective module being part of the same series association) within the PV system in normal operation, exceeds the allowable peak power losses fixed at standard warranties. This is also applicable to PV modules with defective by-pass diodes, regardless the temperature of the derived hot-spot. 5 CONCLUSIONS There is still not a widely accepted reference on how to face the hot-spot problem within commercial frameworks. Supported by experimental observations on 200 PV modules exhibiting hot-spots, the following procedure is proposed as a practical in-field approach to accomplish IR imaging inspection: 1) Assure G > 700 W/m2 2) Perform the analyses in summer, preferably on the hottest days 3) Extrapolate the temperature difference, βππ»π ∗ , considering a lineal relationship with the irradiance. Then, for every PV module with a hot-spot, the following is proposed: 95 PhotoVoltaic Cost Reduction, Reliability, Operational performance, Prediction and Simulation 4) If βππ»π ∗ < 10°πΆ, to consider the module non-defective, except in the case that one or more by-pass diodes are defective. 5) If βππ»π ∗ > 20°πΆ, to consider the module defective. 6) If 10°πΆ < βππ»π ∗ < 20°πΆ, to consider all the modules with an effective power loss (measured as a decrease in the operating voltage in relation to a non-defective module of the same string) that exceeds the allowable peak power losses fixed at standard warranties defective. Finally, it is worth mentioning that this procedure and acceptance/rejection criteria have already been applied by the IES-UPM when mediating in hot-spot conflicts between module manufacturers and EPC during the last years. REFERENCES [1] Alonso-Garcia, M. C., Ruiz, J. M., & Chenlo, F.. 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