Notice of Exemption for Bailey Site Reservoir Solar Project

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TO: Contra Costa CounW-i
r 1 207~
Clerk's Office
555 Escobar ~f%df'c:aCosta Water [)isl.
]\/lartinez, CA 94553 t.Siarrrririr)
From: Contra Costa Wate
Concord, CA 9452
P R O J E C T TITLE: Bailey Site Solar Project
P R O J E C T LOCATION: The Bailey Site is a Contra Costa Water District (CCWW buried water
storage reservoir located on a 5.67-acre parcel in Concord, CA (see attached Exhibit 1-Location Map).
The solar panels would be installed on top of the reservoir site. The nearest intersection is Wharton Vday
at Melody Drive. The attached Site Plan Map (Exhibit 2 ) provides detailed information on the
configuration of and the location and extent of planned improvements, showing the solar array on the
reservoir site. A photo (Exhibit 3) is provided illustrating solar panels as constructed. No sensitive
species would be affected by the project. No cultural or paleontological impacts would occur. Archival
and background research confirms that there is a low probability that cultural resources would be
affected by the Project.
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed Project would consist of the installation of approxin~ately
820 solar panel arrays on top of the existing Bailey Reservoir in an area approximately 1-acre in size.
The solar arrays are estimated to produce up to 3 17,000 kilowatt hours annually. The energy production
would be used for operation of the existing pump station and to offset electricity currently purchased
from PG&E. Exhibit 2 shows the layout. Each solar array would coilsist of several cells that convert
light into electricity by absorbing the energy of the sun and causing cunent to flow between two
oppositely charged layers.
Design requirements include the follouling:
The proposed solar arrays would be non-rotating (fixed) and-mounted to face soutl~at an angle of
20 degrees from horizontal. The arrays would be supported by steel structures with an overall
height of approximately 8-feet, similar to the attached photo (see Exhibit 3).
One Power would be required to convert power from direct current (DC) to alternating
current (AC). The power inverter would be installed on a 200-square fool concrete foundation
pad approximately 12-inches thick near the solar arrays.
The proposed Project would include conduits built within the framework of the photovoltaic
supports. From the photovoltaic arrays, the conduits would be located below ground, leading to
the inverter and then 60 feet to the PG&.E switchgear located in the fenced area of the pump
station (see Exhibit 2).
The proposed Project would include security fencing approximately 8-feet high. Security
lighting would be shielded and activated by motion detectors.
Access to the proposed Project would be through the existing paved access roads.
Construction requirements include the following:
* The proposed Project would require minor grading of portions of the site prior to installation of
the photovoltaic anays, power inverters, and power conduits. ]\lo off-hauling of soil from the
site will be required. Once grading is complete, the steel support structures for the photo\loltaic
power arrays would be installed on small concrete footings approximately 6-inches thick under
each array support and placed on grade. The photovoltaic arrays would then be installed on the
support structures and the inverter would be installed on a 12-inch-thick concrete pad. The
Bailey NOE
power conduits from the arrays to the inverter would be installed by trenching the soil on top of
the reservoir roof, to a depth of approximately 12-inches (see Exhibit 2).
Construction would occur over an approxi~nate4-month period using the following equipment:
scrapers, backhoes, concrete trucks, water trucks, and portable diesel power generators.
Approxin~ately10 construction personnel would be onsite during construction activities \vhich
would occur Monday through Friday between the hours of 7:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M.
Operations and maintenance (0 & M) activities:
Electricity generated by the panel arrays would be used to power the existing reservoir pump
station. 0 & M activities would consist of water washing of the photovoltaic modules once or
twice a year and periodic repair or replacement of facility components, as necessary. Gravel
may be installed within the photovoltaic allay area; however, if gravel is not used, weed
abatement techniques would be implemented. Maintenance of the proposed Project would
require an estimated 10-20 hours per year.
Pre-Mitigation Design Features of the Project:
Slats will be installed in the fencing to screen the solar arrays from public view along the
unimproved access road that serves as a trail to the nearby Newhall Community Park.
Construction activities u~illbe limited within 24-hours after significant rainfall to avoid potential
impacts to California Tiger Salamander and California Red Legged Frog that could reside in
nearby Galindo Creek.
Permits/Agreements/Surveys required:
None needed.
AGENCY APPROVING PROJECT: Contra Costa Water District
AGENCY CARRYING O U T PROJECT: Contra Costa Water District
REASONS WHY PROJTCT IS EXEMPT: The Project is exempt under CEQA Guidelines Section
15301, which exempts the "minor alteration of existing public or private structures, facilities,
mechanical equiymenl.. .involving negligible or no expansion of use beyond that existing at the time of
the lead agency's determination." Examples include "(b) Existing facilities of both investor and
publicly-owned utilities used to provide electric power, natural gas, sewerage, or other public utility
CONTACT PERSOP: Scott VJeddle, Project Manager (925) 688-8318.
Mark A. Seedall, Principal Planner
Attachments: Localion Map, Sire Plan Map, Photo
Bailey NOE
Exhibit 1- Location Map
Bailey NOE
Exhibit 2- Site Plan Map
Bailey NOE
Exhibit 3- Photo of Solar Array Supported by Steel Structure
Bailey NOE