Can Maximum Cancer Core Length Involvement on Template Transperineal Prostate Mapping Biopsies Rule-in and Rule-out Clinically Significant Prostate Cancers? Yipeng Hu1, Hashim Uddin Ahmed2, Nimalan Arumainayagam2, Alex Freeman3, David J Hawkes 1, Mark Emberton2, Dean C Barratt1 1 Centre for Medical Image Computing, University College London, London, UK 2 Department D t t off Urology, U l Division Di i i off S Surgical i l and d IInterventional t ti l Sciences, S i University U i it College C ll London, L d London, L d UK 3 Department of Histopathology, University College London Hospital, London, UK Introduction Transperineal prostate mapping (TPM) using a 5mm grid may have a role in a) accurate risk stratification of men advised to have active surveillance and b) disease localization for focal therapy and as an alternative reference standard to whole-mount histology for evaluation of non-invasive diagnostic tests. However, although TPM is likely to have high accuracy for detection of clinically significant foci it will also detect small low grade foci. At present, it is difficult to determine which foci are significant based on the TPM. The objective of this work is to a) investigate the relationship between maximum cancer core length (MCCL) and volume of the index (largest) cancer and b) determine the MCCL threshold to be used in identifying clinically significant cancers. Methods 126 consecutive whole-mount radical prostatectomy cases were evaluated from 1999 to 2001. Each whole-mount slice had individual cancer foci delineated (by a pathologist) and scanned/digitised. 3D models of each gland were reconstructed by aligning adjacent slices into a common space, using image registration and a shape-based interpolation technique (see figure 1). Fi ti Fixation related l t d ti tissue shrinkage h i k was accounted t d ffor. TPM was simulated i l t d on the th reconstructed t t d data. d t The Th simulator i l t incorporated i t d both inter-patient variance (e.g. gland geometry and cancer distribution) and inter-operator variance (e.g. needle orientation and localization error) – see figure 2. Several hundred simulations were run for each case to compute the detection accuracy, for each pre-defined MCCL threshold (1 to 10 mm). Figure 1. An example of the process to reconstruct the histological data, Row (a): original digitised histological slices with marked pathological lesions; Row (b): segmented prostate gland (shown in gray level intensity) and lesions (shown in pinkish colour); Row (c): Aligned slices after registration; and right Column (d): three views of reconstructed gland with lesions shown in yellow. Figure 2. illustrates the extent of the simulated positions and orientations of the template grid relative to the gland after reorientation so that the base-apex axis is horizontal. Reference base-apex axis is shown as black dotted line with relative positions of the template, from left, transverse view and 3 sagital views with different templates’ positions. Results A total of 781 foci were reconstructed, with mean index volume 2.32cc (range 0.02-17.24cc) and mean number of lesions per specimen 6.2 (range 1 – 37). Overall, increasing the threshold of MCCL from 1mm to 10mm increased both sensitivity and negative predictive value (NPV) whilst specificity and positive predictive value (PPV) decreased, all in a non-linear fashion. A threshold MCCL of ≥ 6mm and ≥ 4mm were found to best rule-in and rule-out the presence of lesions of volume ≥ 0.5cc and ≥ 0.2cc. Lesion MCCL Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV Volume (mm) (%) (%) (%) (%) (cc) ≥ 0.2cc ≥4 97.3 64.6 95.7 75.1 ≥ 0.5cc ≥6 95.1 53.8 83.2 82.1 Table 1 summarising the accuracy values for MCCL thresholds 4 & 6 mm. Figure 3: Accuracy values for ≥ 0.2cc lesion detection for increasing cancer core length (CCL) thresholds Figure 4: Accuracy values for ≥ 0.5cc lesion detection for increasing cancer core length (CCL) thresholds Conclusions Using two MCCL thresholds within individual biopsies from a TPM provides accurate information by which to predict whether a particular lesion is clinically significant with respect to two volumes, 0.2cc and 0.5cc. Therefore, TPM is accurate to a) risk stratify cancer into low and high risk, b) deliver focal therapy to only clinically significant foci with surveillance of untreated areas and c) evaluate novel diagnostic tests in men with a raised PSA with a histology gold standard that is both accurate and appropriate.