exploration and design of sar logic for low power high speed sar adc

International Journal of VLSI Design, 2(2), 2011, pp. 121-128
A.R. Kasetwar1, & V.G. Nasre2
Electronics Department Bapurao Deshmukh college of engineering, Wardha M. S.India
(1E-mail: abhay_4674@rediffmail.com, 2vrushnasre@gmail.com)
Abstract: Analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are key design blocks in modern microelectronic digital
communication systems. An analog?to?digital converter (ADC) acts as a bridge between the analog and
digital worlds. It is a necessary component whenever data from the analog domain, through sensors or
transducers, should be digitally processed or when transmitting data between chips through either
long-range wireless radio links or high-speed transmission between chips on the same printed circuit board.
With the continued proliferation of mixed analog and digital VLSI systems supporting diverse chip
functionalities, the need for small sized, low-power and high-speed analog-to-digital converters using
conventional CMOS process has increased. Moreover, nowadays power dissipation has become a key
performance to be considered in analog designs, especially in those developed for portable devices.
Various examples of ADC applications can be found in data acquisition systems, measurement systems
and digital communication systems also imaging, instrumentation systems. Hence, we have considered all
the parameters and improved the associated performance significantly reduce the industrial cost of an ADC
manufacturing process and design specially power consumption. There is a wide variety of different ADC
architectures available depending on the requirements of the application. They can range from high-speed,
low resolution flash converters to the high-resolution, low-speed oversampled noise-shaping sigma-delta
converters. Among various ADC architectures, we chose to implement a Successive Approximation Register
(SAR) ADC that is one of the best suited for low power. We target a resolution of 4-bit and a power
consumption of few milli watts. The SAR ADC is implemented in 0.18um CMOS technology with a power
supply of 1v.
Keywords: SAR, ADC, CMOS Technology, Low power, high speed.
As IC fabrication technology has advanced, more
analog signal processing functions have been
replaced by digital blocks, analog-to-digital
converters (ADCs) retain an important role in most
modern electronic systems because most signals of
interest are analog in nature and must to be
converted to digital signals for further signal
processing in the digital domain. Analog to Digital
Converters (ADCs) are currently adopted in many
application fields to improve digital systems, which
achieve superior performances with respect to
analog solutions.
There is a wide variety of different ADC
architectures available depending on the
requirements of the application. Successive
approximation and algorithmic ADCs are one of the
best example. Successive-approximation analog-to-
digital converters (SAR-ADCs) have recently
become very attractive in energy efficient moderateresolution/moderate-speed applications due to
their minimal active analog circuit requirements.
In a SAR-ADC, a digital-to-analog converter
(sub-DAC) tries to estimate the value of each sample
of the input analog signal through successive
approximations and comparisons. Based on the
ADC resolution, after a particular number of cycles,
the digital word stored in the successiveapproximation register (SAR) corresponds to the
analog sample with a particular quantization error.
It typically generates one bit per clock cycle, the
benefits are the low area needed for the
implementation. ADCs of this type have good
resolutions and quite wide ranges
Successive-approximation-register (SAR)
analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) represent the
majority of the ADC market for medium-to highresolution ADCs. SAR ADCs provide up to 5Msps
sampling rates with resolutions from 8 to 18 bits.
The SAR architecture allows for high-performance,
low-power ADCs to be packaged in small form
factors for today’s demanding applications. With
ADS and Microwind we have designed 4 bit low
power SAR ADC with 0.18µm technology.
The block diagram of a successive approximation
ADC is shown in Figure. It consists of a comparator,
a DAC and a successive approximation register
(SAR). The successive approximation ADC uses a
binary search algorithm to find the closest digital
code for an input signal. When an input signal is
applied to the converter, the comparator simply
determines whether the input signal is larger or
smaller than the DAC output and produces one
digital bit at a time starting from the MSB. The SAR
stores the produced digital bit and uses the
information to change the DAC output for the next
comparison. This operation is repeated until all the
bits in the DAC are decided. In order to achieve
N-bit resolutions, a successive approximation ADC
requires N clock cycles. Because the performance is
limited by DAC linearity, the calibration of the DAC
is needed to achieve high resolution.
International Journal of VLSI Design
The successive approximation Analog to digital
Converter circuit typically consists of four chief sub
1. A sample and hold circuit to acquire the
input voltage(Vin).
2. An analog voltage comparator that
compares Vin to the output of the internal
DAC and outputs the result of the
comparison to the successive approximation
register (SAR).
3. A successive approximation register sub
circuit designed to supply an approximate
digital code of Vin to the internal DAC.
4. An internal reference DAC that supplies the
comparator with an analog voltage
equivalent of the digital code output of the
SAR for comparison with Vin.
The successive approximation register is
initialized so that the most significant bit (MSB) is
equal to a digital 1. This code is fed into the DAC,
which then supplies the analog equivalent of this
digital code (Vref/2) into the comparator circuit for
comparison with the sampled input voltage. If this
analog voltage exceeds Vin the comparator causes
the SAR to reset this bit; otherwise, the bit is left a 1.
Then the next bit is set to 1 and the same test is done,
continuing this binary search until every bit in the
SAR has been tested. The resulting code is the digital
approximation of the sampled input voltage and is
finally output by the DAC at the end of the
conversion (EOC).
Using ADS, we have designed SAR components
and analyzed their simulation results to design SAR
A. Design Of Shift Register Using DETDFF
Because the difference between input signal and
reference successively gets smaller, circuit noise will
limit the achievable resolution. A faulty comparator
decision means that further iterations will not
provide additional information of the input signal.
Conventional single-edge-triggered flip-flops
(SET-FF’s) changes states at the time when the clock
signal goes from 0 to 1 or at the time when the
clock goes from 1 to 0. The former are called
positive-edge-triggered flip-flops (PET-FF’s) or
rising edge-triggered flip-flops (RET-FF) and the
latter are called negative-edge-triggered flip-flops
(NET-FF’s) or trailing-edge triggered flip-flops
Successive Approximation Register ADC
represents the majority of the ADC market for
medium to high resolution. This topology requires
just one comparator; an N-bit SAR ADC will require
N comparison periods and will not be ready for the
next conversion until the current one is complete.
The advantage of edge triggering is that the
setup time for data input is independent of the clock
pulse width. This makes system design simpler.
It is also less sensitive to noises. However, these
flip-flops respond only once per clock pulse cycle.
Energy and time are wasted.
Figure 1: SAR ADC
Exploration and Design of SAR Logic for Low Power High Speed SAR ADC
T he s e d ouble -e d ge- trigge re d f lip- f lop s
(DET-FFs) have two major advantages. First, power
dissipation is reduced. With the conventional
SET-FF’s, one of the two clock transitions
accomplishes nothing. However, this transition may
cause changes in the output of some logic elements
internal to the FF’s. In addition, extra energy is
wasted to charge or discharge the capacitive load
of the global clock line in a system using SET-FF’s.
This is particularly true in CMOS where static power
dissipation is small and the dynamic power
dissipation is the main contributor of energy
dissipation. Second, the speed of the system is
accelerated. With both edges able to cause state
transition, some redundant logic can be eliminated.
Moreover, the clock period will be shortened
because there is no need to wait for the clock signal
to toggle up and down. The main disadvantage of
DET-FF’s has been the substantial increase in the
number of components required to build such FF’s.
In most cases, more than double the logic counts is
expected. This paper proposes a novel design in
CMOS which will implement static DET-FF’s with
relatively little increase in components.
Figure 3: Transient Response of DETDFF
This example hints that a 4 bit shift register can
also be designed by just replacing traditional Single
Edge Triggered D Flip-flop with Double Edge
Triggered D Flip-flop. Figure 4(b) shows the
waveforms of 4 bit shift register.
Dynamic DET flip-flops have also been
investigated based on the fact that the DET flip-flops
can be connected in series to form a shift register.
Figure 2(a) shows two DET flip-flops connected in
series, which form a 4-bit shift register.
Figure 4: (a) 4 Bit Shift Register using DETDFF
Figure 2: (a) Positive and Negative Level Sensitive Latch
(b) SET Flip-Flop (c) DET Flip-flop
Figure 4: (b) Transient Analysis of 4 Bit Shift Register
International Journal of VLSI Design
B. Comparator
Transient Response
In order to precisely slice the input data, a reference
voltage may be transmitted, on a different signal
path, along with the data. Alternatively, the data
may be transmitted differentially (an input and its
compliment). In either case a differential amplifier
is needed as shown in below Fig. 5. Differential
amplifier input buffer amplifies the difference
between the two inputs. In the simple case one
input to the input buffer is DC voltage, say 0.5 V
(Vinm in fig). When the other input (Vinp) goes
above 0.5 V, the output of the buffer changes states
(goes from low to high or vice versa).
A very small increase in Vinp above Vinm is
required to make the output of the buffer switch
states. Looking at Fig, we can see the input falls
below VTHN (= 250mV here), then the circuit won’t
work very quickly (the MOSFETs moves into the
sub threshold region). So we would expect the
propagation delays to increase.
Vinp > Vinm → out = ‘1’
Vinp < Vinm → out = ‘0’
Figure 5: An (n-Flavor) Input Buffer for High-Speed Digital
Ideally the delay of the buffer is independent of
power supply voltage, temperature, or input signal
amplitudes (or pulse shape). To get better
performance for lower input level signals, we might
use the PMOS version of the buffer as shown in Fig
6. The delays are considerably better, however, there
is an offset that appears rather large (because the
output changes at the same time as Vinp going past
Vinm, indicating that an offset is present). To avoid
this offset, we might use the NMOS buffer in Fig. 5
with the PMOS buffer in Fig. 6 to form a buffer that
operates well with input signals approaching
ground or VDD. The result seen in Fig. 7. By using
the buffers in parallel, the complementary nature
results in buffer that is robust and works over a wide
range of operating voltage. Fig. 8 (a, b,) shows the
CMOS test circuit and transient analysis of
comparator .
This circuit is self biased because no external
references are used to set the current in the circuit
(the gate of M6 is tied up with M3). When Vinp is
greater than Vinm, the current in M2 is larger than
current in M1 (VGS2 > VGS1). The current in M1
flows through M3 and is mirrored by M4 (and so
M4’s current is less than M2's current). This causes
the diff-amp’s output, Vom, to go towards ground
(until the current in M2 equals the current in M4)
and the output of the inverter, Out, to go high.
Figure 7: Rail to Rail Input Buffer
Figure 6: A PMOS Input Buffer for High-Speed Digital
Figure 8: (a) Test Circuit of Comparator
Exploration and Design of SAR Logic for Low Power High Speed SAR ADC
Figure 8: (b) Transient Response of Comparator
Resistor ladder networks provide a simple,
inexpensive way to perform digital to analog
conversion (DAC). The most popular networks are
the binary weighted ladder and the R/2R ladder.
Both devices will convert digital voltage information
to analog, but the R/2R ladder has become the most
popular due to the network’s inherent accuracy
superiority and ease of manufacture. Figure 9(a) is
a diagram of the basic R/2R ladder network with
N bits. The “ladder” portrayal comes from the
ladder-like topology of the network. Note that the
network consists of only two resistor values; R and
2R (twice the value of R) no matter how many bits
make up the ladder. The particular value of R is not
critical to the function of the R/2R ladder
Figure 9: (a) Ladder Network
Let’s take a look at how an R/2R ladder works.
Term. is the termination resistor and is connected
to ground. Digital information is presented to the
ladder as individual bits of a digital word switched
between a reference voltage (Vr) and ground.
Depending on the number and location of the bits
switched to Vr or ground, Vout will vary between
0 volts and Vr. If all inputs are connected to ground,
0 volts is produced at the output, if all inputs are
connected to Vr, the output voltage approaches Vr,
and if some inputs are connected to ground and
some to Vr then an output voltage between 0 volts
and Vr occurs. These inputs (also called bits in the
digital lingo) range from the Most Significant Bit to
the Least Significant Bit. As the names indicate, the
MSB, when activated, causes the greatest change in
the output voltage and the LSB, when activated, will
cause the smallest change in the output voltage. If
International Journal of VLSI Design
we label the bits (or inputs) bit 1 to bit N the output
voltage caused by connecting a particular bit to Vr
with all other bits grounded is:
Vout = Vr/2N where N is the bit number.
For bit 1, Vout =Vr/2, for bit 2, Vout = Vr/4 etc.
The expected output voltage is calculated by
summing the effect of all bits connected to Vr. For
example, if bits 1 and 3 are connected to Vr with all
other inputs grounded, the output voltage is
calculated by:
Figure 9: (b) Design of R-2R DAC
Figure 9: (c) Simulation Results of of DAC
Vout = (Vr/2) + (Vr/8)
which reduces to Vout = 5Vr/8. The R/2R
ladder is a binary circuit.
The effect of each successive bit approaching the
LSB is 1/2 of the previous bit. The full-scale output
is less than Vr for all practical R/2R ladders, and
for low pin count devices the full-scale output
voltage can be significantly below the value of Vr.
Equation can be used to calculate the full-scale
output of an R/2R ladder of N bits.
Exploration and Design of SAR Logic for Low Power High Speed SAR ADC
Figure 10: (a) Design of SAR ADC
Figure 10: (b) Simulation Results of SAR ADC
International Journal of VLSI Design
Dual-Edge-Triggered Flip-Flops”, IEEE J. VLSI
Systems, 10 No. 6, pp. 913-919, Dec 2002.
In this paper, low power and high speed SAR ADC
is proposed and designed in 0.18µm CMOS
technology. We presented high speed and low
power design of DETDFF and by using the same
we designed shift register whose speed of operation
is nearly doubled than that of shift register made
up of SETDFF with low power consumption. of
SETDFF with low power consumption. Also we
presented CMOS comparator circuit which is a
combination of n-flavored and p-flavored buffers
and remove the disadvantages of both. An area
efficient DAC architecture strictly based on the
R-2R ladder topology is designed. We implemented
SAR ADC by using these components. This SAR
ADC is designed in 0.18uM CMOS Technology with
4 bit resolution. It consumes 71.18uW of power. Its
rate of conversion is 25Ms/s.
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A MOST-Only R-2R Ladder-Based Architecture for
High Linearity DACs Dimitris Karadimas, Michail
Papamichail and Kostas Efstathiou Dept. of
Electrical Engineering & Computer Technology,
University of Patras, Greece karadimas@apel.ee.
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On The Study of a Digitally Calibrated R-2R Ladder
Architecture D. S. Karadimas, K. A. Efstathiou
Dept. of Electrical Engineering & Computer
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karadms@apeI. ee. upatras .gr
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