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~IFC-01_EE201603_TOC_DUM_eb.indd CoverII
2/5/2016 10:59:20 AM
March 2016, Vol. 55, No.3
Modular Instruments
Taking signals to bits, modularly
By Tom Lecklider, Senior Technical Editor
Research Insights
3D-printing initiatives span
whimsical to practical
By Rick Nelson, Executive Editor
Optical Communications
Shining a light on bandwidth,
data-transmission measurements
By Rick Nelson, Executive Editor
RF/Microwave Product Focus
New products: new capabilities
By Tom Lecklider, Senior Technical Editor
PCB Test
Medical Test
Wireless health to drive a
trillion sensors
By Dr. Mehran Mehregany, Case Western Reserve
University and Case School of Engineering San Diego
EE Industry Update
EE Product Picks
Index of Advertisers
Systems and software address testability
By Rick Nelson, Executive Editor
IEDM sees Si and beyond-Si innovations
By Rick Nelson, Executive Editor
EMC Test
Automotive conducted
disturbance testing
By Tom Lecklider, Senior Technical Editor
Written by Engineers
…for Engineers
EE-EVALUATION ENGINEERING (ISSN 0149-0370). Published monthly by NP Communications, 2477 Stickney Point Rd., Ste. 221-B, Sarasota, FL 34231. Subscription rates:
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March 2016
~IFC-01_EE201603_TOC_FINAL_eb.indd 1
2/8/2016 11:45:17 AM
Technologists, officials
boost autonomous
rogress is proceeding in rolling out autonomous vehicles, although the technology faces regulatory and technical roadblocks. From a technical standpoint, autonomous vehicles still need human intervention. From September 2014 through
November 2015, Google self-driving cars operated for 424,331 miles on California
public roads, according to a report filed by Google, with the autonomous functionality disengaging 272 times. Drivers initiated 69 disengagements of the self-driving
functionality, and Google indicates 13 events would have led to unsafe contact
with another object. Reasons for disengagements included weather conditions and
other vehicles being operated recklessly.
It’s one thing to autonomously drive around Silicon Valley, but it’s quite another
to operate in winter conditions. Consequently, Ford is conducting what it calls the
industry’s first autonomous vehicle tests in snow-covered environments. Jim McBride, Ford technical leader for autonomous vehicles, said, “It’s one thing for a car
to drive itself in perfect weather. It’s quite another to do so when the car’s sensors
can’t see the road because it’s covered in snow. Weather isn’t perfect, and that’s
why we’re testing autonomous vehicles in wintry conditions—for the roughly 70%
of U.S. residents who live in snowy regions.” Ford’s tests are taking place in Michigan, including at Mcity, a 32-acre simulated urban and suburban environment at
the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.
Ford points out that GPS is accurate only to several yards. So the vehicles employ LiDAR, which can identify lane location down to the centimeter. Unfortunately, on snow-covered roads, LiDAR and other sensors such as cameras—whose
lenses might be covered with snow—can’t see the road.
The approach taken by Ford and University of Michigan technologists equips
autonomous vehicles with high-resolution 3D maps providing complete information about the road and what’s above it, including road markings, signs, and landmarks. “The maps we created with Ford contain useful information about the 3D
environment around the car, allowing the vehicle to localize even with a blanket of
snow covering the ground,” said Ryan Eustice, associate professor at the University of Michigan College of Engineering.
An autonomous vehicle creates the maps while driving the test environment in
favorable weather, with technologies automatically annotating features like traffic
signs, trees, and buildings. When the vehicle can’t see the ground, it detects aboveground landmarks to pinpoint itself on the map.
“The vehicle’s normal safety systems, like electronic stability control and traction control, which often are used on slippery winter roads, work in unison with
the autonomous driving software,” said McBride.
Government has a role to play in autonomous vehicles, and to tha end, in January U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx unveiled a 10-year,
nearly $4 billion proposal to accelerate the development and adoption of vehicle
automation. “We are on the cusp of a new era in automotive technology with enormous potential to save lives, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and transform mobility for the American people,” said Foxx.
“The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is using all of its available tools to accelerate the deployment of technologies that can eliminate 94%
of fatal crashes involving human error,” said NHTSA administrator Mark Rosekind. “We will work with state partners toward creating a consistent national
policy on these innovations, provide options now and into the future for manufacturers seeking to deploy autonomous vehicles, and keep our safety mission
paramount at every stage.”
Rick Nelson
e-mail: rnelson@evaluationengineering.com
Deborah Beebe
e-mail: dbeebe@evaluationengineering.com
Tom Lecklider
e-mail: tlecklider@evaluationengineering.com
Emily Baatz
e-mail: ebaatz@npcomm.com
Glenn Huston
e-mail: ghuston@npcomm.com
Laura Moulton
e-mail: lmoulton@npcomm.com
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e-mail: krussell@npcomm.com
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e-mail: jrussell@npcomm.com
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02-03_EE201603_Editorial_FINAL_eb.indd 2
March 2016
2/8/2016 9:32:18 AM
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02-03_EE201603_Editorial_FINAL_eb.indd 3
2/16/2016 3:51:51 PM
EE Statistics Insight
$500 billion
Market opportunity for niche electric
vehicles created by 2026
$72 billion
Market for medium and large hybrid
and pure electric buses by 2025
20% to 65%
CAGR for niche electric vehicles over
the coming decade
(Source: IDTechEx, Electric Vehicle Forecasts,
Trends and Opportunities, 2016-2026)
Cost per vehicle of micro-hybrid and
lightweighting technology
54.5 mpg
U.S. target over the next decade for
fuel efficiency
95 grams
European target over the next decade
for CO2 emissions per kilometer
(Source: Lux Research, Building the Car of 2025:
How to Cost-Effectively Get to 54.5 MPG Using the
Right Mix of Advanced Technologies)
Full high-definition panel market
share for notebook PCs in Q1 2016
Full high-definition panel market
share for notebook PCs in Q3 2016
(Source: IHS, Large Area Display Market Tracker)
Littelfuse invests in silicon-carbide technology
As part of the company’s strategy to move more significantly into power semiconductors for industrial and automotive markets, Littelfuse has made an investment in
Monolith Semiconductor, a start-up company developing silicon carbide technology.
Silicon carbide is a rapidly emerging semiconductor material that enables power devices to operate at higher switching frequencies and temperatures vs. conventional
silicon. This allows inverters and other energy-conversion systems to be built with
significantly improved power density, energy efficiency, and cost.
“Investing in and partnering with Monolith’s experienced team of silicon-carbide
and power semiconductor experts allow us to quickly evolve our portfolio with strategically relevant and innovative technology,” said Ian Highley, Littelfuse senior vice
president and general manager, Semiconductor Products, and CTO. “Silicon-carbide
power technology is among the most promising advancements in the semiconductor
market today. It will be an important tool in helping us solve complex problems for
our customers.”
Microchip’s LoRa wireless
module passes LoRa
Alliance certification
Microchip Technology has announced
that its RN2483 LoRa module passed
the LoRa Alliance’s LoRaWAN Certification Program. The RN2483 module
was independently tested by Espotel’s
accredited test laboratory to meet the
functional requirements of the latest
LoRaWAN 1.0 protocol specification for
operation in the 868-MHz license-free
band. This ensures that designers can
quickly and easily integrate their end
devices into any LoRaWAN network.
The LoRaWAN standard enables lowdata-rate Internet of Things (IoT) and
machine-to-machine wireless communication with a range of up to 10 miles, a
battery life of 10 years, and the capability to connect millions of wireless sensor
nodes to LoRaWAN gateways.
“The launch of an accredited certification program is a key step toward the
LoRa Alliance’s mission to standardize
an open specification for secure, carriergrade, low-power wide-area networks
(LPWAN). We are proud to be the first
and only company to have a module
certified to the LoRaWAN 1.0 specifica-
Courtesy of Microchip Technology
tion,” said Steve Caldwell, vice president
of Microchip’s Wireless Product Division
and chair of the LoRa Alliance Strategic
Committee. “This certification program
will provide assurance to end customers that their application-specific end
devices will operate on any LoRaWAN
network, which is a crucial requirement
for the global deployment of the IoT using LPWANs.”
“Microchip was well prepared for certification testing, and Microchip’s engineers had a very professional and meticulous approach during the test execution,”
said Jouko Nikula, the product owner of
Espotel’s LoRaWAN test services. “Espotel also will use Microchip’s RN2483 module as a benchmark product when further
developing the LoRaWAN certification,
interoperability, and performance testing
in our test and research laboratory.”
Richardson RFPD partners with Astrodyne TDI
Astrodyne TDI has recently partnered with Richardson RFPD, an Arrow
Company, to offer its line of EMI and RFI power-line filter products
worldwide. With 35 locations across the globe, Richardson RFPD is a
specialized electronic-component distributor providing design engineers
with technical expertise and localized global design support for the latest
products on the market from worldwide suppliers of RF, wireless, energy,
and power technologies.
Bill Gray, vice president, global sales, Astrodyne TDI, said, “We strive to
provide our customers with innovative power solutions for demanding applications worldwide. By working with Richardson RFPD, we can do just
that while providing a focused, technical field team with a global footprint.”
Courtesy of Richardson RFPD/Astrodyne TDI
04-05_EE201603_IndustryUpdate_FINAL_eb.indd 4
March 2016
2/8/2016 2:37:50 PM
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04-05_EE201603_IndustryUpdate_DUM_eb.indd 5
2/8/2016 12:12:58 PM
Taking signals to bits, modularly
By Tom Lecklider, Senior Technical Editor
elegates to the Third Planet Redesign Conference have agreed that
temperature shall exhibit integer
values instead of the continuous range it
has had. This simple change will greatly
enhance measurement accuracy.
By knowing beforehand that a temperature measurement must be a whole
number of degrees, you can get exact results from an ADC. In contrast, the digital representation of a signal’s continuous analog value is only an estimate.
How well that estimate corresponds
to the original signal depends on the
ADC’s resolution, accuracy, differential
and integral nonlinearities, sampling
rate, bandwidth, and noise. Of course, an
ADC does not have a solitary existence,
being preceded by analog signal conditioning and followed by digital signal
processing. Each introduces additional
errors and uncertainties.
An ADC with signal conditioning
forms the basis of a digitizer, and some
modular digitizers when coupled with
suitable software are sold as oscilloscopes. However, although the situation
gradually is changing, digitizers most often are modular, and oscilloscopes usually are traditional bench instruments. This
distinction typically relates to the way in
which each type of device is used—oscilloscopes for troubleshooting and digitizers for data acquisition.
Both instrument types typically have
a wide range of triggering capabilities—ways to select only certain kinds
of events from the overall signal or to
synchronize acquisition with an external trigger. And, especially in very highspeed modules, a significant amount of
memory may be included to locally address fast data transfer.
As explained by Chris Gibson, senior product manager, data acquisition
at VTI Instruments, “There still is value
in benchtop instrumentation…. Having
buttons and a display at your fingertips
is convenient when troubleshooting. The
lack of restriction on size/power/cooling
allows for the ability to design for challenging application requirements. A lot
of the measurement science, though, is in
the [digital] processing, and the ability to
build that processing into FPGAs allows
vendors to shrink the overall footprint.”
He continued, “The trade-off in selecting a benchtop device is that it is not very
06-09_EE201603_SpecialReport_ModularInst_FINAL_eb.indd 6
scalable; to add channels, one must purchase additional boxes that increase the
measurement footprint. With a modular
instrumentation architecture, a measurement system can start with small channel counts and scale up easily through
the addition of more modules. And with
regard to the display/pushbuttons, there
are many soft front panels these days
that do an excellent job at replicating a
physical panel.”
ADC architectures vary considerably
depending on the intended application.
For low frequencies including audio, ∑ Δ
ADCs with up to 24-bit resolution often
are used. At the other extreme, highspeed, 8-bit flash converters operate up
to at least 10 GS/s and to much higher
speeds when interleaved.
High resolution, low speed
Although Guzik Technical Enterprises is
best known for its high-speed technologies, comments made by Lauri Viitas,
director of business development at the
company, are particularly relevant to
the discussion of high-resolution ADCs.
He said, “… a quick look at the industry
shows that modular digitizers dominate
the high-resolution market. Since the increased resolution is beyond what the
eye can see on a screen, it is natural to
process the information (via FPGAs or a
controller) to get the measurement insight
required by the application. Once this is
the case, a faceless instrument is just as
effective as a traditional instrument with
a screen since the data is valuable only
when processed anyway.”
This point of view may be entirely justified. For example, ADLINK Technology’s Zake Lin, product
automation product segment, commented,
“ADLINK’s PCIe/PXIe-9529 24-bit highprecision signal acquisition module with
dynamic range up to 110 dB and eight
input channels was chosen for multichannel vehicle navigation testing in China,
measuring signal-to-noise ratio (SNR),
THD+N, channel crosstalk, volume, primary frequency, and [additional] items.
Eight 24-bit sampling analog input channels mean the 9529 can simultaneously
measure two four-channel devices, and included LabVIEW drivers allow quick development of in-house testing programs.”
On the other hand, being able to directly observe small signal aberrations
often helps an engineer identify the
likely cause. A few 12-bit bench oscilloscopes have become available, and resolution up to 16 bits is provided by oversampling. And, National Instruments’
PXI-5922 is listed as a flexible resolution
oscilloscope/digitizer, which trades off
resolution for speed—24 bits at 500 kS/s
to 16 bits at 15 MS/s.
In a 2010 tutorial, Analog Devices’ Walt
Kester wrote, “The ∑Δ ADC is the con-
Figure 1. Sigma-delta modulator block diagram
Courtesy of Analog Devices
March 2016
2/8/2016 11:34:24 AM
verter of choice for modern voiceband,
audio, and high-resolution precision industrial measurement applications.”1 The
noise shaping inherent in this type of converter makes possible the high resolution
provided by many models of ∑Δ devices.
Sampling at a very high rate relative to
the final output data rate causes the converter’s noise to be spread over a large
bandwidth. Filtering the output eliminates much of this noise, improving the
SNR. Oversampling in any kind of ADC
has this benefit. However, in a ∑Δ ADC
(Figure 1), the modulator further shapes
the noise, as Kester explained, “… so that
it lies above the passband of the digital
output filter, and the ENOB [effective
number of bits] is therefore much larger
than would otherwise be expected from
the oversampling ratio.”1
To put things in perspective, 24 bits
of resolution correspond to one part in
16,777,216, or 59.6 nV out of a 1-V signal.
At room temperature, the rms noise generated by a 1-kΩ resistor is about 400 nV
over a 10-kHz bandwidth. Therefore, an
obvious caveat to designing with highresolution ∑Δ ADCs is the use of lownoise techniques. Minimizing the bandwidth (Δf) helps a great deal because the
noise is proportional to √Δf.
High-speed physical applications
Improved IC process technology together
with ∑Δ ADC architecture evolution have
allowed higher speed applications to be
addressed. VTI’s Gibson explained, “…
advances in ADC technology allow end
users to get more granularity in the data
that they are analyzing, but it pushes the
volume of data to be processed to new
levels. Our first-generation products were
maxing out at 51.2 kS/s and 16 bits of
resolution. Our latest digitizers now can
sample every channel simultaneously at
625 kS/s and 24-bit resolution.”
The four-channel EMX-4350 PXIe digitizer Gibson referred to features true differential inputs and very high alias signal
rejection—two factors contributing to the
typical -125-dBFS spurious-free dynamic
range (SFDR) specification and -98-dB
THD rating from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. As a
guide, since SNR and signal to noise and
distortion ratio (SINAD) values are not
listed in the datasheet, an ENOB of about
14.7 bits corresponds to -90-dB SINAD.
As described by Klaas Vogel, a consultant at Elsys, “Our products … are
frequently used in the field of structural
health monitoring through acoustic emission and ultrasonics. The purpose is to detect, store, and analyze surface displacements in rock, concrete, brick (buildings,
bridges, mining, oil-drilling, etc.) of an
internal, external, and/or seismic nature.”
The company’s TPCE-120-16-4x and
TPCE-240-16-4x modular digitizers
sample with 14-bit resolution at 120
MS/s and 240 MS/s, respectively, and
30 and 60 MS/s at 16 bits. Contrary to
conventional resolution enhancement
that averages 16 successive samples to
add two bits of resolution, 16-bit resolution is achieved with only a factor of
four speed reduction.
Increasing resolution by oversampling and averaging often relies on the
inherent noise present in the system. For
random uncorrelated white noise, the
oversampling ratio = 2(2n) where n is the
number of added bits. Dithering uses a
signal that has been summed with the
input to cause more ADC levels to be
crossed in successive samples than otherwise would be. The signal can be the
system’s own noise, or it can be a specially developed signal that takes advantage
of the ADC’s specific architecture to enhance resolution by n bits but at a lower
oversampling ratio. Dithering does not
improve an ADC’s integral nonlinearity
but can improve differential nonlinearity.
Lehmann, high-speed digitizers product manager, commented on the smaller
footprint of the recently introduced twochannel M9217A PXIe 16-bit isolated
digitizer compared to the earlier L4532A
LXI digitizer. In the latter, processing
was done onboard while in the newer
M9217A it is mostly done on the PXIe
controller. Relative to the L4532A, the
M9217A appears to have a little more
noise, resulting in slightly lower SNR.
The L4532A datasheet also discussed
2-MHz and 200-kHz noise filtering and
listed typical ENOB values, but neither
the filters nor the ENOB numbers are included in the M9217A datasheet.
Both the LXI and PXIe digitizers are
intended for automotive and mechatronic
applications and feature independently
isolated input channels. The channels are
protected to 400 V with the maximum
input listed as ±256 V high-to-low. In addition, each channel’s low side can float
as far as ±40 V off ground to accommodate differential signals. However, the
datasheets do not state that the inputs are
truly differential, and an isolated input is
not the same as a differential input: The
high and low sides have different characteristics—they are not balanced.
ADLINK’s PCIe-9814 12-bit digitizer
simultaneously samples each of the four
input channels at up to 80 MS/s and features a 40-MHz bandwidth. Version PCIe9814P includes a PLL module for precise
clock synchronization. In addition, this
fully autocalibrating module provides
1 GB of onboard memory and selectable
10-MHz or 20-MHz digital filtering. As
described by the company’s Lin, “The
PCIe-9814’s FPGA-based 31st-order FIR
digital filter supports noise reduction
March 2016
06-09_EE201603_SpecialReport_ModularInst_FINAL_eb.indd 7
when signal content is 20 MHz or less....
The FPGA-based FIR digital filter performs much faster than on the host, with
no host CPU bandwidth occupied.”
The 9814 datasheet includes values for
SNR and THD, both of which vary little
with either input range or input impedance, being approximately 64 dB and -73
dB, respectively. With these values and
the relationship
SINAD = 20 log
SINAD = 63.5 dB and ENOB = 10.25 bits
measured with a 10-MHz signal having a
-1-dBFS amplitude, sampled at 80 MS/s,
and with no output filtering. With the
20-MHz output filter turned on, ENOB
increases slightly to about 10.5 bits.
National Instruments makes no secret
of leveraging technology developed by
other companies. Often, this means using the latest Analog Devices ADCs, but
for the 5-GHz, 12.5-GS/s PXIe-5186 development, the company partnered with
Tektronix. As stated on NI’s website, “The
analog front end and ADC ASICs incorporated in the 3-GHz bandwidth NI PXIe5185 and 5-GHz bandwidth NI PXIe-5186
are state-of-the-art silicon germanium
parts designed by Tektronix and used
across the full suite of the Tektronix highperformance oscilloscopes.” Like many
relatively high-speed digitizers, this device has eight-bit resolution—the same as
many of Tek’s higher bandwidth scopes.
Very dense or fast modules
NI’s Ben Robinson, product managermodular instruments, cited the company’s eight-channel PXIe-5171R reconfigurable oscilloscope (Figure 2) as an
application of the compact and low-power Analog Devices 14-bit ADCs as well
as the increased logic density and larger
number of signal processing resources in
the Xilinx Kintex-7 FPGAs. He said that
including a user-accessible FPGA means
Figure 2. PXIe-5171R eight-channel
reconfigurable oscilloscope
Courtesy of National Instruments
2/8/2016 11:35:26 AM
that “… engineers and scientists can perform real-time processing and softwaredefined measurements on hardware,
eliminating the need for complex postprocessing operations.”
Guzik’s Viitas agreed, adding, “…
[An] advantage of modular digitizers is
that they are fundamentally designed for
signal-processing applications. By placing
powerful FPGAs onboard, coupled to a
high-speed PCIe bus back to a controller or
GPU, the user is given a new palette of options for placing signal processing where
it is needed, an architecture that simply is
not possible with traditional instruments.“
Figure 3. 6000 series AXIe digitizers
Courtesy of Guzik Technical Enterprises
The AXIe format was developed to support large,
high-power applications,
such as the developing 5G
standards, phased-array
radar, and high-speed
data acquisition in physics, which all require from
Figure 4. M9703A AXIe eight-channel digitizer
tens to hundreds of chanCourtesy of Keysight Technologies
nels. Viitas explained, “A
modular solution is a perfect match because the user installs the
interpolator. In addition, the B01 option
number of modules needed to meet their
adds real-time signal-processing capaapplication. The high-speed trigger and
bilities. The company’s Lehmann said,
timing bus found in AXIe can be used to
“This system was developed for designkeep all the channels synchronized.”
ing and testing satellite telecommunicaGuzik’s ADC 6000 series 8-bit digitiztions systems where the main requireers (Figure 3) provide one channel at 40
ment was multichannel synchronization
GS/s and 13-MHz bandwidth (6131), two
and FPGA programming capability.”
channels at 20 GS/s (6082), or four chanThe 32-channel M9709A 8-bit digitizer
nels at 10 GS/s each (6044). Up to 128 GB
samples at up to 1-GS/s, accommodating
of onboard memory is available, enabling
signal frequencies up to 500 MHz. Up to
long data records. A PCIe Gen 2 link on
16 GB of onboard memory supports synthe AXIe backplane ensures high-speed
chronous data acquisitions.
data transfer for further processing.
Keysight has introduced the eightModular digitizers are at the heart of
channel 12-bit M9703B AXIe module
data-acquisition systems and, with ap(Figure 4) with up to 3.2-GS/s sampling
propriate architecture and software, can
rate, 2-GHz bandwidth, real-time digital
perform well as oscilloscopes. Of course,
downconversion, and a time-to-trigger
a digitizer has an analog front end, and
for best results, it needs to match your
signal: differential or single-ended, voltage range, floating or grounded, 50 Ω or
10 MΩ, etc.
The digitizer’s ENOB combines accuracy, resolution, noise, and distortion so
all of these factors must be optimized to
result in a high ENOB. If a higher ENOB
device is available that also suits the rest
of your requirements, your measurements will be more accurate, although
probably more expensive as well.
Whether a digitizer is used as a scope
or DAQ system, trade-offs are necessary
when you require high performance. As
shown via the products that have been
discussed, very high-resolution measurements are restricted in speed. Very
high-speed measurements typically need
more power and more volume in which
to dissipate it. The highest speed modules cost more and typically don’t have
a large number of channels.
And, if you already have developed
part of a PXI/PXIe test system, multiple
PXIe digitizer modules may be more economical than opting for a high channelcount AXIe module. However, there are
many hybrid systems that mix formats to
advantage and some hybrid chassis that
support them. EE
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06-09_EE201603_SpecialReport_ModularInst_FINAL_eb.indd 8
1. Kester, W., “ADC Architectures III: SigmaDelta ADC Basics,” Analog Devices, MT-022
Tutorial, August 2010.
March 2016
2/8/2016 11:35:38 AM
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06-09_EE201603_SpecialReport_ModularInst_DUM_eb.indd 9
2/5/2016 11:04:16 AM
Shining a light on bandwidth,
data-transmission measurements
By Rick Nelson, Executive Editor
ver increasing data-transmission speeds coupled with the
need to contend with higher-order modulation schemes
are presenting optical-communications test-and-measurement challenges. Products ranging from complete optical
modulation analysis systems to software tailored to opticalcommunications formats can help propel optical communications capabilities toward 130 Gbaud.
“The optical communication industry is always on the lookout
for ways to increase the data-transmission speed,” said Dr. SungHoon Im, director of technical sales at Coherent Solutions. “Nonconventional technologies such as coherent modulation formats,
OFDM, and few-mode transmission are driving the need for truly
flexible test equipment that can handle these new technologies.”
To meet the challenges, Im said, “Our IQTransmitter provides our customers with the highest bandwidth and the most
advanced automatic bias control to enable reliable generation
of high-quality coherent optical signals.” He added, “IQTransmitter is the only product on the market with 40 GHz of analog
bandwidth and is the obvious choice for customers working on
next-generation transmission speeds, such as 56 Gbaud.” He
said that the company pairs its hardware products with intuitive software controllers so that customers can easily utilize the
numerous hardware features.
Other products include optical coherent transmitters, an IQ
modulator automatic bias controller, a narrow linewidth tunable laser, a variable optical attenuator, an optical switch, and
a power meter. Also, Im said, Coherent serves as an ODM supplier to its partner company Teledyne LeCroy for optical modulation analyzers (OMAs).
Patrick Connally, technical marketing engineer for highbandwidth oscilloscopes at Teledyne LeCroy, elaborated on
the OMAs (Figure 1), saying they leverage the seamless integration between Teledyne LeCroy’s 10Zi-A
Series real-time oscilloscopes and OpticalLinQ analysis software.
He said the oscilloscope and software in
tandem with the IQS42
and IQS70 Coherent
Optical Receivers test
and other formats of
optical signals.
He said the IQS70
Coherent Optical Receiver together with
the 10-65Zi-A oscilloscope provide a system
bandwidth of 65 GHz
Figure 1. Coherent Optical Receiver with
and can characterize
real-time oscilloscope
Courtesy of Teledyne LeCroy
leading-edge 56-Gbaud
10-13_EE201603_SpecialReport_Optical_FINAL_eb.indd 10
communications systems and enable detection at up to 130
Gbaud. For lower-rate applications, the 42-GHz IQS42 Coherent Optical Receiver pairs with the 36-GHz 10-36Zi-A to test
signals up to 32-Gbaud DP-16QAM or DP-QSPK.
Connally concurred with Im that “… the optical communications industry continuously seeks ways to increase data-transmission speed. New technologies such as coherent modulation
formats, OFDM, and few-mode transmissions are driving the
need for truly flexible test equipment which can handle these
new technologies. Our IQS OMA system with its modular architecture and integrated software provides a uniquely flexible
platform best suited to handle any nonconventional techniques
that customers may be developing.”
Key trends
Mike Kelly, Ph.D., application developer, and Robert Jahn,
product marketing manager, both at Keysight Technologies,
compiled a list of trends driving the need for innovation in optical communications test:
• ROADM-based networks drive a dramatic increase in measurement content for calibrating components, requiring higher
test repetition rates and wavelength accuracy. Complex modulated signals drive more advanced polarization-dependent measurements. And the increasing integration level of components
requires synthesis of traditional passive optical test methods
with electrical and RF measurements.
• Higher speed classes on long-distance lines (100G/400G/1Tb)
drive the need for coherent detection of modulation schemes.
Test equipment must be able to characterize the signal and the
robustness of receiver detection algorithms.
• Higher speed datacom transceivers have a need for deeper
characterization of built-in components like WDM filters.
Keysight, they said, offers a complete stimulus response solution with optical modulation analyzer and high-speed arbitrary
waveform generators and a broad range of characterization
tools with tunable laser sources, power meters, and solution
software to support the time-consuming characterization work.
Insatiable demand for bandwidth
“In general, the insatiable demand for data bandwidth in communication systems requires higher bit rates, more bits per unit
interval, or both,” said David Taylor, technical marketing manager, Tektronix. He said Tektronix is uniquely positioned to deliver
the measurement capabilities needed to enable communication
engineers to continue to advance the state of the art with respect
to both direct signal modulation and higher-order modulation.
“Emerging higher levels of direct signal modulation are
impossible to analyze with conventional NRZ measurement tools,” he said. “Tek’s portfolio has the highest sensitivity, which translates to the best possible margin in performing
these sensitive measurements.”
In addition, he said, “Higher-order modulation requires close
attention to instrument-induced vertical noise and jitter noise
March 2016
2/8/2016 11:32:01 AM
S P E C I A L R E P O R T - O P T I C A L C O M M U N I C AT I O N S
floors. The combination of the capability to perform advanced
equalization and clock extraction from the most heavily marginalized signal is unique to Tek’s Real-Time PAM-4 solution.”
He added, “Tektronix’ optical PAM-4 portfolio leverages
the industry’s most sensitive/lowest noise optical modules
(80C15/80C10). Tek’s real-time ATI oscilloscope portfolio
(DPO70000SX) has the lowest noise and highest ENOB in the
industry, which are critical for PAM-4 measurements.”
From development to installation
Hiroshi Goto, business development manager at Anritsu, said,
“Anritsu offers a full portfolio of solutions that can be used during development, manufacturing, and installation and maintenance of optical devices, modules, and systems.” For example,
the new BERTWave MP2100B (Figure 2) supports simultaneous
BER measurements and eye-pattern analysis. “By combining
the measurement capability of two instruments, the BERTWave
MP2100B reduces cost-of-test by as much as 40% and significantly improves test times and measurement reliability,” Goto
said. “Its built-in bit error rate tester (BERT) can be configured
to one, two, or four channels to reduce the time to conduct simultaneous BER measurements of multichannel optical modules by as much as 80%.” He added that a new fast sampling
mode with speeds up to 150 kS/s permits eye pattern analyses—such as eye mask tests—to be performed up to 1.5 times
faster than with legacy models.
Figure 2. BERTWave MP2100B BER tester
Courtesy of Anritsu
Anritsu also has recently introduced an integrated test solution featuring its MP1800A BERT signal quality analyzer and
GRL-PCIE4-BASE-RXA calibration/receiver test software from
Granite River Labs (GRL) that simplifies calibration so engineers
can conduct high-quality reproducible receiver and jitter tolerance tests on high-speed devices, Goto said. The new solution
also incorporates a noise signal source, a variable ISI channel,
and a real-time oscilloscope. The GRL software controls the system to automate calibration of the complex test signal and simplifies jitter tolerance tests for verification of high-speed designs.
OFC exhibits
At OFC March 20-24 in Anaheim, CA, Anritsu will for the first
time exhibit the BERTWave MP2100B, Goto said. Also, the
company will show the MP1800A in a variety of configurations, including one with the Anritsu 4PAM/8PAM converter
(MZ1834A/MZ1838A). This system can generate the high-quality, low S/N, 4PAM and 8PAM data signals required for the characterization of high-speed backplanes and 400 GbE interfaces.
In another configuration, four MP1800A BERTS will be synchronized to create an ultra-high-speed transmission test system that
supports testing up to 1 Tb/s with multichannel synchronization
signals, such as Quad DP-16QAM and Dual DP-64QAM.
Im at Coherent said his company will exhibit a high-bandwidth coherent communications test platform, which consists
of the 40-GHz IQTransmitter with auto bias control, the IQS70
Coherent Optical Receiver with 70 GHz of bandwidth, a 65GHz Teledyne LeCroy real-time oscilloscope, and a high-speed
electrical signal source from another partner company. “This
setup will have enough bandwidth to generate and characterize next-generation baud rates such as 56 Gbaud and higher,”
he said. “We also will be launching our new IQABC, the IQ
modulator automatic bias controller. IQABC uses sophisticated
algorithms to accurately track and stabilize the bias points of
any OIF-compliant IQ modulator. It will ensure that the coherent optical signal our customers generate always will be stable
and repeatable to save them equipment setup time and enable
them to accelerate their product development and testing.”
In addition to featuring its optical modulation analysis platforms, Teledyne LeCroy will highlight its VectorLinQ Vector
Signal Analysis software, which enables users to gain a means
of looking at the electrical tributaries of their higher-order
modulation signals. “Unlike some competing offerings based
on VSA packages for RF communications, we designed VectorLinQ from the ground up to run on oscilloscopes for optical
applications,” Connally said.
“The software’s unique user interface enables you to build
signal-processing chains with elements such as filters, mixers,
phase estimators, and equalizers,” he said. “Even more flexibility comes through the ability to insert custom MATLAB processing blocks at any point in the processing chain. The I and Q
signals are passed to MATLAB, the custom code is applied to
them, and the results are returned to VectorLinQ to be handed
off to the next processing block, visualized, and measured. The
software offers various ways to analyze and view demodulated
waveforms, such as constellation and eye diagrams, as well as
myriad parameter measurements. Its unique multistream architecture lets users view up to eight demodulated signals at
once; these can be eight separate signals from the same oscilloscope or the same signal with eight different processing chains
applied to it for comparison of results. This results in an excellent tool for prototyping DSP algorithms.”
Tektronix will highlight several products at OFC, Taylor said:
• DPO70000SX Series real time oscilloscopes (Figure 3), which
offer the convenience and versatility of 70-GHz high performance real-time systems with the debug and trigger capability
needed to solve system-level challenges and test needs for NRZ,
PAM-4, and complex modulation analysis;
• DSA8300 Series sampling oscilloscopes, which are suitable for
accurate characterization of optical transmitter performance for
major single-mode optical standards using industry-leading
built-in optical reference receivers with very low OSNR;
• CR286A clock-recovery instruments, which support most 100Gb/s standards and work in concert with the Tektronix sampling
scopes and BERTs to deliver a stable clock for accurate timing
measurement analysis; and
• BERTScope BSA Series BERTs, which provide long pattern generation of PRBS signals along with accurate BER measurement
results and deep, root-cause analysis.
In addition, he said, “For multilane generation, the PatternPro PPG Series pattern generators and PED series error detectors provide test generation and BER of PRBS and custom
patterns for 100G and 400G NRZ and PAM-4 applications in
multichannel test configurations.”
Keysight Technologies plans to highlight several products at
OFC, including the N4391A and N4392A optical modulation
analyzers, the 81606A tunable laser sources, the M8195A arbitrary waveform generator, N7700A Photonic Application Suite
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Figure 3. DPO70000SX Series real-time oscilloscope system
Courtesy of Tektronix
software, 81195A Optical Modulation Generator software, and
the Lightwave Component Analyzer.
“Our products emphasize traceable and well-defined specifications for optimum accuracy under application conditions,
whether measuring power, wavelength, polarization, RF responsivity, or digital modulated signals,” Kelly and Jahn noted.
“The combination of fiber-optic technology, high-speed digital
and RF capabilities, and application software allows Keysight
to meet the new challenges in optical communications test.”
They added that Keysight offers complete test solutions (including optical modulation analyzers, BERTs, and arbitrary
waveform generators) to cover the test needs of next-generation optical networks in the telecom and datacom area with
speeds up to 400G/1T.
As this article goes to press, other companies have not detailed their plans for OFC, but they are likely to highlight recently introduced products, including the new Yokogawa
AQ6375B optical spectrum analyzer (Figure 4), which operates
in the short-wavelength infrared region, covering wavelengths
from 1,200 nm to 2,400 nm. With a design based on the company’s AQ6375 instrument, the new analyzer combines high measurement performance with ease of operation, and it incorporates a gas purging feature, a built-in cutoff filter, data-logging
capabilities, a double-speed mode, and support for Windows
file sharing in addition to the existing Ethernet/GPIB and USB
interfaces. The file-sharing feature uses Windows Explorer to
access the user area of internal memory via the Ethernet interface using the Windows Server Message Block function.
Applications for the AQ6375B cover the analysis of telecom
devices and systems operating in single-mode transmission in
all the windows of optical communications from the beginning
of the O-band at 1,260 nm to the end of the U-band at 1,675 nm.
In addition, in December EXFO announced the release of its
FTBx-740C-DWC high-resolution tunable OTDR (Figure 5),
designed to test through-field mux/demux channels using the
Figure 4. AQ6375B optical spectrum analyzer
Courtesy of Yokogawa
10-13_EE201603_SpecialReport_Optical_FINAL_eb.indd 12
customer’s wavelength to efficiently troubleshoot faulty links or deliver first-time-right
deployments during construction. This
DWDM OTDR complements EXFO’s coarse
wavelength-division multiplexing (CWDM)
OTDR and Ethernet test modules to provide
a comprehensive kit for field technicians.
With commercial services in fiber-to-the
building/fiber-to-the-premises and with cellular backhaul deployments evolving and
migrating from CWDM to DWDM, EXFO’s
tunable DWDM OTDR empowers technicians
to perform in-service tests from the head-end
up to the customer’s premises while locating
problems and preventing costly SLA penalties
and maintenance-downtime periods. In contrast with the traditional light source and OSA
approach that requires two technicians and
synchronization, this single-ended OTDR test solution enables
one technician to quickly respond to network failures. In addition, this technology complements the existing test procedures
currently used for CWDM deployments.
EXFO’s FTBx-740C-DWC unit is a tunable OTDR in the Cband and covers channel spacing of 100 GHz/50 GHz based on
the ITU-T standard grid. The tunable laser also features a high
dynamic range for improved performance and the long reach
needed to cover metro/long-haul applications.
Figure 5. FTBx-740C-DWC high-resolution tunable OTDR
Courtesy of EXFO
Challenging existing networks
The need for high-speed networks will continue to grow. As
Kelly and Jahn at Keysight put it, “The needs of big data usage,
cloud applications, the Internet of Things, and a huge number
of mobile devices are challenging the existing communication
networks for wireline and wireless voice and data traffic. The
industry has adopted coherent optical transmission communication systems, which use advanced modulation schemes, to cope
with the explosive demand for data transportation. This solution comes with some new requirements that need to be understood along the whole communication link from the transmitter through fiber cable and network elements to the receiver.”
Capable test equipment will be needed to ensure the network
design is robust against signal distortions and link impairments.
And, of course, the equipment will need to be easy to use.
As Taylor at Tektronix noted, his company “… offers turnkey
test-automation packages that conduct all relevant optical characterization measurements and deliver reports to the end user,
who may not be an IEEE standards expert, obviating the need
to read and correctly apply thousands of pages of technical procedures to do their job.” EE
March 2016
2/8/2016 11:32:41 AM
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10-13_EE201603_SpecialReport_Optical_FINAL_eb.indd 13
2/8/2016 3:49:19 PM
Systems and software
address testability
By Rick Nelson, Executive Editor
rinted-circuit-boards present significant test-and-meaKeysight now is ready to roll out phase 2 of the ICT automasurement challenges as complexity and performance
tion process. “We are continuing to shrink the footprint of our
increase and components shrink. Traditional in-circuit
testers while offering better usability, such as new features on the
testers and flying probers have a role to play, as do automated
latest 09.00 software and improved test coverage,” Chari said.
optical and X-ray inspection, but techniques based on boundGOEPEL electronic also sees a key role for boundary scan
ary scan are increasingly playing a complementary role. Furand has announced the availability of boundary-scan integrather, test technology engineers are extending boundary-scan
tion into SPEA’s multicore ICT platform. With the level of intederived techniques not only to look beneath LGAs and BGAs
gration provided for the SPEA 3030 ICT system, execution of
but to peer deep inside board-mounted chips. Ultimately, the
interactive boundary-scan tests now is possible on all cores of
domain of the circuit-board engineer extends from design capthe ICT (up to four), GOEPEL said, adding that simultaneous
ture to production test.
execution of different test sequences opens up technological
Over the past year since IPC Apex Expo 2015, “Our interacand economic advantages supporting the parallel test of sevtions with customers are all pointing to a greater need for solueral UUTs.
tions to help reduce their scrap piles from mobile boards to all
The boundary-scan integration option from GOEPEL has
sorts of sensor boards,” said NK Chari, director of marketing
been available in selected SPEA ICT systems for several years,
and support at Keysight Technologies’ Measurement Systems
GOEPEL said. The new integration enables real parallel test
Division. “The key here is to take a deeper dive, going beyond
execution involving all resources of the SPEA 3030 ICT systhe standard board and functional test for the PCBAs and trytem (Figure 1). The SPEA LEONARDO software initializes the
ing to better understand our customers’ problems.” Keysight’s
tests of the GOEPEL CASCON boundary-scan software, which
key differentiator, he said is to
is able to activate measurement and driver instruments of the
“… improve product quality
ICT system—thereby achieving a
right from the design-for-test
real interaction between boundphase while reducing the cost
ary scan and the individual ICT
of test.”
cores. CASCON then transfers
Key drivers are loss of test
the test results to the SPEA softaccess and increasingly faster
ware and assigns them to the reand higher-powered compospective cores.
nents. “For example, in 2015
Evolving boundary scan
we saw the adoption of DDR4
GOEPEL also has been workand LPDDR4 pick up signifiing to evolve its boundary-scan
cantly, and there was a concurrent need to ensure
technology beyond the board
good test coverage,” Chari said. “HDMI boards
and into the chip. One result
were another area of interest, which caused us
of this effort is the recent anto further push the test capabilities of our x1149
nouncement that the company’s
boundary-scan analyzer. Moving forward, the
VarioTAP model libraries now
need for more of such embedded test capabilities
support the sixth-generation Inwill grow as the industry continues to take up
tel Core processors, codenamed
even newer technology for NAND flash, embedSkylake, whose BGA and LGA
ded multimedia controllers, multicore procespackaging typically prevents disors, etc.” The company’s boundary-scan team,
rect contact with external instruhe said, is working on test applications from the
Figure 1. 3030 Series board tester
ments. VarioTAP models allow
initial DFT stage to volume production.
Courtesy of SPEA
flexible execution of processor
There still is an important role for traditional
emulation tests using the procesboard test, Chari said, “But it’s a matter of movsor’s native debug interface, offering embedded instruments
ing beyond the comfort zone with a solution. For a long time,
for test, hardware debug, and design validation even after
our i3070 and i1000 in-circuit test (ICT) solutions have become a
mounting. This enables users to accelerate prototyping, shorten
de rigueur part of quality control. But customers also want them
time frames for new product introduction, and ensure the qualfaster, leaner, meaner.” When Keysight introduced the fully auity of production test with reduced access. GOEPEL realized
tomated i3070 and i1000 inline in-circuit testers, he said, peothe development and verification of the VarioTAP models in
ple were curious but hesitant to adopt automation. “We know
cooperation with Congatec, using the conga-TC170 fanless,
human nature is somewhat resistant to change,” Chari said.
sealed COM Express module (Figure 2).
“However, we are very glad to observe that since last Apex,
Also addressing boundary-scan technology with new initiareceptivity to our inline ICT solutions is really taking off as end
tives is ASSET InterTech. The company’s HSIO (high-speed
users start adopting them much more readily.”
14-17_EE201603_PCBTest_FINAL_eb.indd 14
March 2016
2/8/2016 11:42:37 AM
Beginning with design
Figure 2. Congatec conga-TC170 module connected to GOEPEL TIC122
TAP interface card
Courtesy of GOEPEL electronic
input/output) Validation Assistant (HVA) is a new datamining tool for ASSET’s ScanWorks boundary-scan platform. HVA
automatically analyzes a database of signal-integrity test data
and quantifies the risk associated with potential design flaws or
poorly performing devices on a system’s HSIO buses.
As the throughput on HSIO buses has increased, they have
become more sensitive to interference, and their operating margins relative to their eye masks have decreased. The slightest
design or assembly flaw or a variation in the components on the
circuit board can severely reduce HSIO throughput, possibly
causing a system crash, according to Tim Caffee, ASSET’s vice
president of design validation and test. Many silicon providers, including Intel, have recommended an extensive battery of
validation tests on all of the lanes on the SerDes HSIO buses on
system circuit boards. And, these tests typically are performed
on multiple prototype circuit boards. A simple pass/fail test,
Caffee said, would not show how close the bus signaling is to
its eye mask. By knowing the operating margin and analyzing
it statistically, engineers can associate a level of confidence with
the system’s operations.
ScanWorks HVA automatically organizes and correlates the
validation database gathered by various validation teams in an
organization so engineers can efficiently identify vulnerabilities. In addition, redundant validation testing can be identified
and eliminated to speed up the validation process over the life
cycle of the product.
“Continually validating a system over all of its life cycle has
become tremendously important and much more complicated
as the speeds of HSIO buses have escalated,” said Caffee. “For
example, Intel might recommend that the HSIO on a design
should be validated with a suite of five tests on five different
prototypes. Statistically analyzing all of that test data is not
straightforward, so, unfortunately some system suppliers still
rely on pass/fail validation testing, and that is inadequate if
you want to project the
risks associated with a design. HSIO Validation Assistant gives engineers the
information they need in a
view that makes the most
sense to them.”
ScanWorks HVA has
been integrated into the
ScanWorks HSIO tool
that validates the signal integrity on all of the
high-speed buses on Intel
circuit board designs, including QuickPath interconnect, serial management interface, double
data rate memory bus, PCI
Express, PCIe Graphics,
direct memory interface,
serial ATA, and universal
serial bus.
PCB designs typically begin with schematic capture, using
software like Cadence OrCAD Capture. “OrCAD Capture is
the de facto industry-standard schematic capture product in the
business,” said Manny Marcano, president and CEO of EMA
Design Automation, a full-service provider of EDA tools. In
January, EMA announced a North American OrCAD Capture
maintenance (Figure 3) initiative aimed at delivering technology to IoT innovators and the maker community. “In today’s
economy, there are many innovators in large and small companies that want to bring their ideas to life as products but might
not have the budget for the best tools,” said Marcano in a press
release. “We want to fix this situation.”
Typically, throughout the EDA industry, the initial purchase
of any product includes software cost and a one-year maintenance cost. To address the needs of the innovator, EMA is offering Cadence OrCAD Capture for only the cost of maintenance.
The benefits are product updates and bug fixes for a year, live
phone support by EMA’s technical team, access to the EMA resource center, and access to Cadence online support.
EMA also offers a three-month license of OrCAD Library
Builder, enabling an engineer to quickly create symbols, footprints, and 3D models for numerous part types. Tutorials and a
self-paced training course lead new users through the software
to get them proficient with OrCAD Capture quickly.
“At the end of the maintenance period, customers can choose
whether to pay for another year of maintenance. Whether they
do or not, the software is theirs,” added Marcano. “We find that
the vast majority of OrCAD customers choose maintenance each
year so they can benefit from product updates and support.”
A key aspect of PCB design is ensuring testability. To that end,
Aster Technologies offers the TestWay electrical DFT analyzer,
which enables validation of designs at the schematic-capture
stage to ensure that adequate measures have been included to
comply with the manufacturer’s test requirements. The ability
to verify that PCB designs have been developed with adequate
design-for-test in mind, the company says, is key in determining the most effective test strategies and accurately calculating
fault coverage, which are crucial in improving competitive advantage, lowering cost, and ensuring product quality.
Complementing electrical test
Electrical test techniques extend from prototype to production,
but optical and X-ray inspection can add valuable informa-
Figure 3. Cadence OrCAD Capture screenshot
Courtesy of EMA Design Automation
March 2016
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2/8/2016 11:42:55 AM
tion in production. Adour palm, but we are pleased to push its
dressing this area, Saki,
boundaries even further with these new
a provider of automated
optical inspection (AOI)
He added that contract electronics
equipment, debuted its
manufacturers and specialized automothird-generation 3D AOI
tive electronics manufacturers that desire
line, offering throughput
automation and space maximization can
increases of 15%, at NEPCON Japan Jan. 13look forward to the latest i3070 in-circuit
15 in Tokyo. Saki’s new BF-3Di-D (dual-lane)
test solutions—a lean inline solution as
and BF-3Di-Z (extra large platform) 3D AOI
well as offline solution with a robotic arm.
equipment (Figure 4) provides measureBoth solutions are helping users to auments of components with a height range betomate board-test processes and reduce
tween 0 and 20 mm, achieving 1-μm height
footprint. “We have spent a fair amount of
resolution, a false call rate of less than 100
effort to make ICT automation state of the
ppm with zero escapes, and an increased
art,” Chari said, in order “… to pack more
positioning speed of 50%. The new camera
punch per inch of the system …” to maxiand lighting systems capture clear, detailed
mize the line capacity while simultaneousimages with no shadowing for inspection of
ly optimizing human resources, enabling
the most difficult defects, such as lifted leads, Figure 4. BF-3Di-Z AOI equipment
people to be redeployed, leaving the board
tombstones, reverses, and height variations.
test routines to the machines.
Courtesy of Saki
Saki also demonstrated its 3D automated
Digitaltest said it will show its new
X-ray inspection system that provides 100%
Condor MTS 505 (Figure 6) flying-probe
head-in-pillow detection. This system takes up to 200 slices
system and Digitizer 2.0 reverse engineering software. The
of a component and inspects and measures the solder-joint
Condor flying-probe solution provides larger board capability,
structures, with on-the-fly reconstruction and volume meafaster programming, and increased optical capability for lowsurements, creating 3D data for the entire sample. The system
to medium-volperfectly separates the top and bottom sides of the PCB for exume production.
tremely high-resolution images and best-in-class process capaThe new Digitizer
bility and gage repeatability and reproducibility, which are es2.0 helps recover
pecially needed for applications in the aerospace, medical, and
CAD data. Digiautomotive markets where reliability is critical.
tizer generates a
And finally, once your board is tested and inspected, you
CAD file for the
may want to protect it. For that purpose, Grieve offers a class
board that con100 cleanroom cabinet oven—dubbed No. 797 (Figure 5). The
tains all the board
260°F (127°C) electrically
components and
heated oven currently is
nets. The file can
used for drying coatings
be used for board
onto PCBs at the customer’s
test, repair, and/
facility. Workspace dimenor remanufacture.
sions of this 20-kW oven
Also at Apex,
measure 36” W x 36” D x
JTAG Technolo39” H. A 1,000-cfm, 1.5-hp
gies will show- Figure 6. Condor MTS 505 flying probe system
Courtesy of Digitaltest
recirculating blower procase its JT 5705
vides horizontal airflow to
Series boundarythe workload.
scan controller hardware for PCB assembly and system testing.
The oven features 4-inch
The series incorporates both JTAG/boundary-scan controller
insulated walls, a stainfunctions and mixed-signal I/O channels. The first in the seless steel interior with
ries—the JT 5705/USB—is supplied as a desktop instrument,
continuously back-welded
primarily aimed at hardware validation applications in design,
seams, an exterior finished
small-scale production test, and in some cases, field service and
with white epoxy paint, a
repair. The second model is the larger JT 5705/RMI, a 1U-high
brushed stainless steel door
19-inch rack-mountable instrument for use in systems or as a
Figure 5. Class 100 cleanroom cabinet oven cover and control panel
benchtop tester.
Courtesy of Grieve
face, a 30” x 24” x 6” thick
JTAG also said it will be touting the motto “Optimize your
stainless steel high-temperATE with JTAG Technologies Inside.” At Apex, the company
ature HEPA recirculating filter and all safety equipment for
will explain that ICT, MDA, or flying-probe systems can be uphandling flammable solvents. Controls on No. 797 include a
graded with JTAG Technologies’ boundary-scan solutions via
digital-indicating programming temperature controller and an
special add-on cards and software integration suites that enable
SCR power controller.
users to benefit from the features of the combined systems.
Peter van den Eijnden, managing director of JTAG TechnoloApex Expo 2016
gies commented, “We are cooperating with renowned ATE supAt Apex 2016 March 15-17 in Las Vegas, Keysight will highlight
pliers to make sure that our customers will continue to enjoy
a new solution to improve the efficiency of test development
optimal use of their existing ICT/MDA/FPT/FCT systems
and debug of boundary-scan tests for multiple boards with
throughout the coming years. In joint efforts with various test
long chains, and it will present a solution that aims at improvsystem manufacturers, we developed special hardware and
ing test coverage of server boards using test cards. “All these
software solutions. These special solutions enable perfect intewill be enabled on our power-packed x1149 boundary scan anagration of our tools into these test systems so users benefit from
lyzer,” Chari said. “The form factor is just slightly larger than
advantages of the combination of both methods.” EE
14-17_EE201603_PCBTest_FINAL_eb.indd 16
March 2016
2/8/2016 11:43:12 AM
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14-17_EE201603_PCBTest_DUM_dB.indd 17
2/5/2016 11:13:55 AM
Automotive conducted
disturbance testing
By Tom Lecklider, Senior Technical Editor
nsuring automotive conducted immunity is one-fourth of
the overall EMC job. Thoroughly covering all aspects of
automotive EMC involves all four combinations of conducted, radiated, immunity, and emissions over a wide range
of signal types and frequencies.
Because a conventional car is electrically isolated, conducted
EMI generally relates to interference caused by internal systems
that affects other electronics within the car. In addition, car electrical systems must withstand disturbances to the battery system such as sinusoidal noise and starting drops as defined in
ISO and SAE pulse 2b and pulse 4 and other starting profiles
specified by each manufacturer. EV and hybrid immunity testing is not covered in this article.
Automotive pulse conducted immunity
Figure 1 shows a typical conducted immunity test setup based
on Teseq equipment. The transient generator block comprises a
number of modules depending on the types of pulses required.
Importantly, it also includes a built-in coupling decoupling network (CDN) that adds the pulse waveforms to the battery voltage and allows an oscilloscope to monitor the result. The split
between tests classed as battery disturbances and those that are
considered EMC-related is evident in Figure 1, in which the
NSG 5600 function generator is a separate module. This instrument generates battery-related disturbances and is shown connected to the battery simulator.
Load dump
One of the more severe conducted disturbances results from
disconnecting the battery while the alternator continues to
output current. This doesn’t happen under normal operation,
Figure 1. Typical immunity test setup
Courtesy of Teseq
18-21_EE201603_EMCTest_FINAL_eb.indd 18
but cable corrosion, poor or loose connections, and intentional
disconnection are possible causes. As described in ISO 167502:2010, the associated load-dump pulse (designated pulses 5a
and 5b [clamped] in ISO and SAE standards) has an amplitude
from 79 V to 101 V in a 12-V system and lasts from 40 ms to 400
ms. A 2006 paper stated, “The amplitude of the pulse depends
on the alternator speed and on the level of the alternator field
excitation at the moment the battery is disconnected. The pulse
duration depends essentially on the time constant of the field
excitation circuit and on the pulse amplitude.”1
The pulse has a risetime between 5 ms and 10 ms and a much
longer fall time. Two types of generators have been available—
one that drives a pulse shaping network from energy stored in a
capacitor and the other that amplifies an input signal. The main
difference is that the shape of the output from the amplifierbased system is much less sensitive to the size of the driven
load. As the load resistance decreases for the stored energy/
pulse shaping approach, the pulse duration becomes less.
Today’s generator designs must meet the requirements of ISO
7637, ISO 16750, and SAE J1113 as well as those of the various
car manufacturers, each of which has one or more of its own
standards. Interestingly, rather than considering load dump as
an EMC event, ISO 16750 groups it with battery-related issues
such as voltage reduction during engine starting. However, Japan’s JASO A1, B1, and D1 pulse specifications all call for a 1-μs
pulse risetime, and Mercedes Benz MBN 284 part 2 as well as
SAE J1455 require 100-μs risetime. Large amplitude pulses with
these risetimes can affect EMC by causing radiated emissions
and crosstalk within a wiring harness.
The emtest LD 200N load dump generator is an example of a
generator that, in addition to the basic pulse shape, can create
a clipped pulse to simulate the
action of a car’s transient protection circuitry. Source impedance
is selectable from 0.5 Ω to 38 Ω
in 0.1-Ω steps, and pulse duration can be extended to 1,200 ms.
Risetime of <1 μs is supported.
Teseq’s LD 5550 load-dump
generator is described in the
datasheet as using an active
pulse shaping circuit, and as the
manufacturer claims, “… [is the]
only generator capable of suppressed pulses without affecting the pulse width.” However,
there also is a comment at the
beginning of a Teseq automotive test brochure, stating, “…
all Teseq’s automotive transient
generators utilize capacitive discharges into pulse shaping networks, yielding compliant, high
energy transients.”2
Compared to the emtest instrument, the LD 5550 risetime
March 2016
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is no faster than 90 μs. The emtest datasheet lists the pulse
repetition rate specifications of various manufacturers—for example, Ford ES-XW7T CI 240 (AB-Version) “3 pulses every 30
seconds”—but does not list the unit’s capabilities. Teseq’s LD
5550 specification states pulse repetition as “15 s to 600 s in 0.1-s
steps” and notes that pulse repetition depends on pulse energy.
Both Teseq and emtest are part of AMETEK’s Compliance Test
Solutions group.
HILO Test’s PG 2804 is a load-dump generator with selectable source resistance (0.5 Ω, 1 Ω, 2 Ω, 4 Ω, and 8 Ω) and
pulse duration (50 ms, 100 ms, 200 ms, 400 ms) and adjustable charging voltage. As stated in the datasheet, “PG 2804 includes generation of pulse 5 [a and b]. It is designed to be connected to the power supply interface of the CAR-TESTER….
The software program CAR-remote permits the PC control
of the generator via Ethernet and fiber optic and allows the
standardized documentation according to IEC 17025 and the
evaluation of test results.”
The company’s CAR-TEST-SYSTEM 14 provides pulse waveforms 1, 2a, and 3. As an option, an electronic power supply can
be added that, according to the datasheet, “… serves as an adjustable voltage source to the electrical simulation system … for slow
switching pulses 2b, 4 sine between, and [load dump] pulse 5 a
and b.” HILO products are available from Reliant EMC.
fast transients corresponding to type 3a/3b pulses with burst
frequency programmable from 1 kHz to 100 kHz in 100-Hz
steps. Like the pulses in Table 1, these transients also are created by switching and influenced by the characteristics of the
wiring harness but are distinguished by being at least 10x faster
and up to 600-V in amplitude.
A Teseq frequently-asked-questions file3 addressed improvements to the FT 5531 in line with ISO 7637-2:2011 pulse width
tolerances and included Figure 2, an overlay of 200 100-ns 100V pulses terminated in 50 Ω. The oscilloscope measurement
columns list statistics for amplitude, width, and risetime. The
column labels include the scope’s designations P1, P2 … P6 to
indicate separate measurements. These labels do not refer to
ISO pulse types P1, P2, etc. The included histograms are guides
to how each variable is distributed but need to be used with
care. For example, the pulse width distribution appears to be
narrow because there is a larger variation in values than for the
pulse risetime, which appears broader.
Japan’s Noiseken Noise Laboratory also manufactures an
automotive transient surge simulator, Model ISS-7650, which
generates load-dump pulses. It uses a capacitive discharge
approach in compliance with the ISO standard. Like Teseq’s
LD5550 and emtest’s LD 200N generators, it too provides type
5b clipped waveforms. The pulse repetition period is from 30 s
to 999 s, and from one to 999 pulses can be programmed. Pulse
Pulse generators
duration is selectable from 40 ms, 100 ms, 200 ms, 350 ms, and
In addition to electrical system tests related to starting, load
400 ms while both output resistance and output voltage are
dump, and the surge from connecting a battery, automotive
programmable in small increments. Risetime is set to the nomielectronics must withstand transient interference generated
nal 10 ms -5ms/+0 ms, and a 60-V/30-A CDN is built in.
when various loads are switched. Similar to the designation of
The Noiseken range includes the Model ISS-7630 pulse 3a
pulse 5a/5b to represent load dump pulses, several other pulse
and 3b transient generator and the Model ISS-7610 pulse 1 and
shapes have been defined as shown in Table 1 for a number of
2a generator as well the Model BP4610 function generator/
standards. P1 is a transient caused by disconnecting the battery
transient surge simulator with a built-in 60-V/10-A DC to 150from inductive loads. P2 simulates transients caused by interkHz amplifier. The ISS-7602 rack provides a convenient place to
ruption of current in a device connected in parallel with the
house the various units, but the company doesn’t appear to ofDUT due to the wiring harness inductance.
fer an integrated conducted immunity test system as a standard
Significantly different signals generally require separate genproduct. Noiseken equipment is available in the United States
erators. Teseq’s NSG 5500 actually is a collection of several tranfrom Shinyei Corporation of America.
sient generators and the LD 5550 load-dump module. The MT
Keysight Technologies has taken a different approach: replay5511 generator simulates all of the Table 1 pulses and provides
ing captured transients from real car electrical systems. Almost
higher test voltages, additional impedances, and more pulse
any oscilloscope can be used to capture transients although
widths. The company’s FT 5531 generates 100-ns and 150-ns
Keysight’s M9210A 10-bit and InfiniiVision 9000 H-Series 12-bit
scopes can improve fast transient
resolution. Once captured and
Pulse Name
Voltage Range
Internal Ri
t1 (sec.)
downloaded to your PC for edit(V)
Pulse Interval
ing, the files can be used to drive
an arbitrary waveform generator
P1: Pulse 1 (normal) 0-330 (1-V steps)
1 μs, 2 μs, 3 μs
2 ms, 6 ms
4, 10, 20, 30, 50, 90 0.5-60 (0.1 steps)
and power amplifier or, as described in a Keysight application
R1: Pulse 1 (Re0-200 (1-V steps)
1 μs
2 ms
0.2-60 (0.1 steps)
note, the company’s N6705A DC
power analyzer. The N6705A can
SA1: Pulse 1 (SAE,
0-600 (1-V steps)
1 μs, 3 μs
1 ms
20, 50
0.5-60 (0.1 steps)
reproduce waveforms defined at
1 ms)
up to 512 points and provide up
HV1: Pulse 1 (HV,
0-600 (1-V steps)
1 μs, 3 μs
2 ms, 2.3 ms
10, 20, 30, 50
0.5-60 (0.1 steps)
to 600 W of power.4
Although the N6705A uses
only 512 points, it employs a
P2: Pulse 2
0-330 (1-V steps)
1 μs
50 μs
2, 4, 10, 20, 50, 90
0.2-60 (0.1 steps)
point/dwell model that assigns
a separate dwell period to each
SA2: Pulse 2 (SAE)
0-330 (1-V steps)
1 μs
50 μs, 35 μs
2, 50
0.2-60 (0.1 steps)
amplitude point. An algorithm
is described in reference 4 that
F22BC: (Classic
0-330 (1-V steps)
1 μs
50 μs, 150 μs, 200
4, 10, 30
0.2-60 (0.1 steps)
converts previously captured,
μs, 400 μs
equal-time-sampled data to the
point/dwell format. The algoP6: Pulse 6
0-330 (1-V steps)
60 μs
300 μs
0.5-60 (0.1 steps)
rithm compresses long acquisitions by grouping together
P22: Classic
0-330 (1-V steps)
2 μs
50 μs
0.2-60 (0.1 steps)
consecutive samples with ampliJapanese
tudes varying by less than a usTable 1. Switching transient simulation pulse types
er-determined threshold value.
Courtesy of Teseq
March 2016
18-21_EE201603_EMCTest_FINAL_eb.indd 19
2/8/2016 11:40:18 AM
Figure 2. Overlay of 200 type 3 pulses showing repeatability
Courtesy of Teseq
Some fine waveform detail will be lost, but the major features
will be retained.
Finally, a Littlefuse application note5 that covers the
use of the company’s TVS diodes to suppress automotive transients noted that, although a vehicle’s alternator
typically uses zener diodes to protect against load-dump
surges, this may not be enough. The paper reviewed tests
using a 2,200-W TVS diode with both the ISO 16750-2 requirement for 10 load-dump pulses applied at 1-minute
intervals and the ISO 7637-2 specification of a single pulse, concluding that the device limited voltage to about 24 V in either
Automotive RF conducted immunity
Rather than requiring a series of specially defined pulses, automotive RF conducted immunity testing uses a signal generator, power monitoring capabilities, an amplifier, a directional
coupler, and control software. AR RF Microwave Instrumentation provides these functions in the Model CI00401A 150-W
RF conducted immunity system covering the frequency range
from 100 kHz to 400 MHz. Accessory kit TK3000 includes all
the attenuators, injection probes, calibration fixtures, calibration resistors, and termination resistors necessary for automotive testing.
Frankonia also offers a self-contained system with similar capabilities to address conducted RF immunity tests from 10 kHz
to 400 MHz according to IEC/EN 61000-4-6, ISO 11452-4, MILSTD-461 E/F, CS114, and SAE-J1113-2. The CIT-10 has a 75-W
amplifier; the directional coupler needed to measure both forward and reflected power is optional. Frankonia products are
available in the Unites States from Ophir RF and Reliant EMC.
In addition to automotive-specific pulse generators, emtest
manufactures the CWS 500N1.3 continuous wave simulator
for conducted RF immunity testing from 10 kHz to 400 MHz.
As well as the built-in 1-kHz 80% amplitude modulation that
satisfies a large number of car company specifications, this generator provides a 2-Hz 80% AM signal to test medical appliances and a 1-Hz PM signal with 50% duty cycle to test safety
equipment such as fire alarms. The current monitor measures
frequencies up to 1 GHz, allowing the instrument to be used at
higher frequencies with an external amplifier.
18-21_EE201603_EMCTest_FINAL_eb.indd 20
Teseq’s NSG 4070 is a versatile multifunction EMC immunity test system for both conducted and radiated testing.
The 9-kHz to 1-GHz signal generator output is available for
use with external amplifiers or can be connected to an internal 20-W, 30-W, or 75-W amplifier with 150-kHz to 230-MHz
frequency range. Remote control from a PC is supported, but
the instrument has sufficient built-in routines to be used as
a standalone test system. Several diagrams in the datasheet
make it clear how the device can be used with various CDNs,
clamps, and injection probes.
ETS-Lindgren’s EMGen RF Signal Generator Model 7003-001
is used with the company’s EmCenter modular test system and
provides both a low-frequency 9-kHz to 230-MHz output as
well as a high-frequency 80-MHz to 6-GHz output. Although
the EmCenter can include power meter modules, a separate RF
amplifier is required. And, in common with other manufacturers, a separate CDN or current clamp is required to couple the
signal to the DUT wiring.
Where automotive conducted RF immunity testing is relatively
straightforward and equipment from many manufacturers can
address it either completely or partially, electrical disturbance
and transient testing is specialized. Unless you are regularly involved in this type of testing, renting the more unusual equipment should be considered. The RF immunity test instruments
are general-purpose in nature and can be used to satisfy other
types of test requirements. EE
1. Spriessler, R. and Fuhrer, M., “Load Dump Pulses According to Various
Test Requirements: One Phenomenon—Two Methods of Generation—
A Comparison,” Automotive EMC Conference, 2006.
2. Automotive electrical disturbances: transient emissions, immunity, and
battery simulations, Teseq, January 2013.
3. Schlup, C., “Technical Information, FAQ, FT_5531,” Teseq, Aug 2012.
4. Automotive ECU Transient Testing Using Captured Power System Waveforms, Keysight Technologies, Application Note 5989-7763EN, July 2014.
5. Automotive Circuit Protection using Littlefuse Automotive TVS Diodes,
Littlefuse, Application Note, 2015.
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18-21_EE201603_EMCTest_DUM_eb.indd 21
2/5/2016 11:44:11 AM
IEDM sees Si and beyond-Si innovations
By Rick Nelson, Executive Editor
esearch organizations CEA-Leti and imec recently have
reported significant semiconductor-technology innovations with respect to silicon (Si) as well as materials beyond silicon. The reports aligned with last year’s International
Electron Device Meeting (IEDM 2015) held Dec. 7-9 in Washington, D.C. Organizers describe IEDM as a forum for reporting
breakthroughs in the areas of semiconductor and electronic device design, manufacturing, physics, and modeling—touching
on devices ranging from CMOS transistors to sensors.
CEA-Leti presented new details about its R&D efforts in
post-7-nm CMOS device architectures, materials, and computing-system paradigms at IEDM.
“Our tradition is to take a broad, production-oriented approach to technology development to reduce risks and accelerate the transition into high-volume manufacturing, and this
is our approach for the post-7-nm realm,” said Olivier Faynot,
manager of Leti’s Microelectronic Section, in the run-up to the
meeting. “Our interdisciplinary exploration and analysis of upstream factors, like neuromorphic computing, give us a strategic perspective on device-level requirements, which in turn
helps us evaluate options for new materials, transistor designs,
and integration techniques.”
Emphasizing power efficiency
At a LetiDay event on Dec. 6, the organization shared details on
ultra-low-power atomic-scale devices, emphasizing that power
efficiency will be the key issue in post-7-nm generations expected to enter production in 2019. Leti strategic marketing manager Carlo Reita noted during a LetiDays event in Grenoble in
June that nonrecurring engineering costs will reach $1.34 billion at the 5-nm node (totaling $2.24 billion with yield ramp-up
costs added in), underscoring the need for more efficient design
and implementation measures.1
Faynot expects to meet the challenges with new-generation
CMOS logic, likely utilizing stacked nanowires, and resistive
RAM memory technology integrated using 3D approaches.
In October at the IEEE SOI-3D-Subthreshold Microelectronics Technology Unified Conference in Rohnert Park, CA, Leti
researcher Sylvain Barraud demonstrated a viable integration path for stacked nanowires. In addition, benchmark
studies show that stacked nanowires offer the best trade-off
in terms of performance and parasitic capacitances, the key
for energy efficiency.
Leti said it has about 20 scientists and engineers engaged in
post-7-nm development plus an additional 10 researchers from
partners, including IBM, STMicroelectronics, and academic labs.
Quantum computing
In addition, Leti and its research partner CEA-Inac announced
they are investigating a silicon-on-insulator (SOI) technology
for quantum computing with proven scalability. In this approach, quantum dots are created beneath the gates of fieldeffect transistors, which are designed to operate in the “fewelectron” (n-type) or “few-hole” (p-type) regime at cryogenic
temperatures (below 0.1 K). The approach offers an alternative
to semiconductor spin qubits realized in III-V materials, which
have a limited lifetime because of coupling between the electron spin and the nuclear spins of the III-V elements.
Also, Leti announced it has developed two techniques to induce local strain in fully depleted (FD)-SOI processes for next-
22-23_EE201603_Semicondoctors_FINAL_eb.indd 22
generation circuits that will produce more speed at the same, or
lower, power consumption and improve performance. The first
relies on strain transfer from a relaxed SiGe layer on top of SOI
film. In a recent paper in the ECS Journal of Solid State Science and
Technology,2 Leti researcher Sylvain Maitrejean described how
with this technique he was able to boost the short-channel electron mobility by more than 20% compared with an unstrained
reference—showing significant promise for enhancing the onstate currents of CMOS transistors and thus for improving the
circuit’s speed.
The second technique is similar to strain-memorization
methods and relies on the capability of the buried-oxide (BOX)
layer to creep under high-temperature annealing.
At last year’s International Conference on Solid State Devices
and Materials (SSDM 2015) in Sapporo, Japan, Leti researchers
showed that with this local-stress technique they can turn regular unstrained SOI structures into tensile strained Si (sSOI) for
NFET areas. Figure 1 shows a stress profile from 2D Raman
extractions for Si MESAs after the “BOX-creep” process with
50-nm thick SiN. The researchers reported that this BOX-creep
process also can be applied to compressive strain creation, as
they described at the Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop conference June 14-15 in Kyoto, Japan.
“Leti has continuously focused on improving and fine-tuning
FD-SOI technology’s inherent advantages since pioneering the
technology 20 years ago,” said Maud Vinet, head of Leti’s Advanced CMOS Laboratory, in a press release. “These two new
techniques broaden the capabilities of Leti’s FD-SOI platform
for next-generation devices and further position the technology
to be a vital part of the Internet of Things and electronics products of the future.”
Figure 1. Stress profile after the BOX creep process as presented at
SSDM 2015
Courtesy of CEA-Leti
And finally, Leti announced it has signed an agreement with
Keysight Technologies to adapt Leti’s UTSOI extraction flow
methodology within Keysight’s device-modeling solutions for
high-volume SPICE model generation. The simulation of the
Leti-UTSOI compact model currently is available in Keysight’s
modeling and simulation tools. This agreement expands the
collaboration to include the extraction flow and will enable device-modeling engineers to efficiently create Leti-UTSOI model
cards for use in Process Design Kits.
March 2016
2/8/2016 9:25:44 AM
“This collaboration between Leti and Keysight will strengthen the global FD-SOI ecosystem by providing an automatic
extraction flow for building model cards associated with the
Leti-UTSOI models, which already are available in all the major SPICE simulators,” said Marie Semeria, Leti’s CEO, in a
press release. “This professional, automatic extraction-flow
solution will address designers’ needs as they weigh FD-SOI’s
benefits over competing solutions for the 28-nm technology
node and below.”
“Keysight’s modeling solutions provide both automation
and flexibility for device modeling,” added Todd Cutler, general manager of Keysight EEsof EDA. “The addition of a LetiUTSOI modeling technology will further expand our offering
in CMOS modeling. We have been collaborating with Leti on
many projects, and we are pleased to extend our relationship to
improve access to the Leti-UTSOI.”
Beyond silicon
Looking beyond silicon at IEDM was nanoelectronics research
center imec, which demonstrated what it called “record enhancement” of novel InGaAs gate-all-around (GAA) channel
devices integrated on 300-mm silicon. The organization said it
is exploring emerging tunnel devices based on optimization of
the same III-V compound semiconductor.
imec said it had optimized both the channel epitaxy quality and the gate-channel passivation to realize III-V-on-Si GAA
devices with a record peak transconductance at 0.5 V. In search
of device technologies beyond FinFETs and GAA nanowires
for sub-0.5-V operations, imec said it is investigating InGaAs
tunnel-FETs (TFETs). It added that homo-junction III-V TFETs
achieving a record ON-state current (ION) and superior subthreshold swing have been demonstrated. These results increase the knowledge on the impact of defectivity and channel
optimization on device operations and pave the way to advanced logic devices based on III-V-on-Si for high-performance
or ultra-low power applications.
Specifically, imec presented GAA InGaAs nanowire FETs
(gate length Lg = 50 nm) that performed at an average peak
transconductance (gm) of 2200 μS/μm with a subthreshold
swing of 110 mV/decade. imec succeeded in increasing the
performance by gate-stack engineering using a novel gate stack
atomic-layer-deposition (ALD) inter-layer (IL) material developed by ASM and high pressure annealing. The IL/HfO2 stack
achieved a 2.2 times higher gm for a device with a gate length of
50 nm, compared to the reference Al2O3/HfO2 stack.
imec also presented a planar InGaAs homo-junction TFET
with 70% indium (In) content. The increase of In content from
53% to 70% in an 8-nm channel was found to significantly boost
the performance of the device.
Deeply scaled CMOS
Also at IEDM, imec presented breakthrough results to increase
performance and improve reliability of deeply scaled silicon
CMOS logic devices.
Continued transistor scaling has resulted in increased transistor performance and transistor densities for the last 50 years,
imec noted, adding that with transistor scaling reaching the
critical limits of atomic dimensions, imec’s R&D program on
advanced logic scaling targets the new and mounting challenges for performance, power, cost, and density scaling to future
process technologies. The organization is looking into extending silicon CMOS technology by tackling the detrimental impact of parasitics on device performance and reliability and by
introducing novel architectures such as GAA nanowires that
are considered to improve short channel control.
Specific achievements reported at the meeting include a record low-contact resistivity of 1.5 Ωcm2 for n-Si, a decreased
access resistance in NMOS Si bulk finFETs through the applica-
Figure 2. AlGaN/GaN stacks featuring optimized low dispersion buffer designs
Courtesy of imec
tion of extension doping by phosphorus-doped silicate glass to
achieve damage free and uniform sidewall doping of the fin,
and junction-less high-k metal-gate-all-around nanowires to
improve on- and off-state hot-carrier reliability.
In addition, imec presented three novel aluminum gallium
nitride (AlGaN)/gallium nitride (GaN) stacks featuring optimized low dispersion buffer designs (Figure 2). Moreover, imec
optimized the epitaxial p-GaN growth process on 200-mm silicon wafers, achieving e-mode devices featuring beyond stateof-the-art high threshold voltage and high drive current.
To ensure a good current-collapse-free device operation in
AlGaN/GaN-on-silicon devices, dispersion must be kept to a
minimum, imec explained. Trapped charges in the buffer between the GaN-based channel and the silicon substrate are
known to be a critical factor in causing dispersion. imec compared the impact of different types of buffers on dispersion and
optimized three types: a classic step-graded buffer, a buffer
with low-temperature AlN interlayers, and a super lattice buffer. These three types of buffers were optimized for low dispersion, leakage, and breakdown voltage over a wide temperature
range and bias conditions.
imec also optimized the epitaxial p-GaN growth process
demonstrating improved electrical performance of p-GaN
HEMTs (high electron mobility transistors), achieving what it
called a beyond state-of-the-art combination of high threshold
voltage, low on-resistance, and high drive current. The p-GaN
HEMT results outperformed their MIS-HEMT (metal-insulated
semiconductor HEMT) counterparts.
imec’s GaN-on-Si R&D program aims at bringing this technology toward industrialization. imec’s offering includes a
complete 200-mm CMOS-compatible 200-V GaN process line.
imec’s program provides partners with early access to nextgeneration devices and power electronics processes, equipment, and technologies to speed up innovation with shared
costs. Current R&D focuses on improving the performance and
reliability of imec’s e-mode devices while in parallel pushing
the boundaries of the technology through innovation in substrate technology, higher levels of integration, and exploration
of novel device architectures. EE
1. Mourey, B., “What chipmakers will need to address growing complexity,
cost of IC design and yield ramps,” Solid State Technology, June 2015.
2. Maitrejean, S., et al., “Converting SOI to sSOI through Amorphization
and Crystallization: Material Analysis and Device Demonstration,” ECS
Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, pp. 376-381, volume 4,
issue 9, 2015.
March 2016
22-23_EE201603_Semicondoctors_FINAL_eb.indd 23
2/8/2016 9:26:02 AM
Wireless health to drive
a trillion sensors
By Dr. Mehran Mehregany, Case Western Reserve University and Case School of Engineering San Diego
Schematic representation of pervasive technologies enabling wireless health
ealthcare is a basic human need;
this need is universal and endless. Society expects quality care
affordably accessible to all. As in any
engineering problem, trade-offs are inescapable in solutions to meeting these
expectations. Nevertheless, we would
like to believe that quality, reach, and
cost should each be optimized without
compromises to one another. At the same
time, the unending universality of the
need makes delivery of healthcare a great
business opportunity. The regulatory requirements benefit the incumbents of the
industry and provide pricing power.
The U.S. healthcare system is built
on fee-for-service, wherein the service
is reactive to illness. An aging population, longer lives, and increasing cases
of chronic diseases are some of the key
drivers escalating healthcare expenditures. Annual U.S. healthcare spending is
projected to be ~$3.3 trillion in 2015; that
is, ~$10,000 per person. Spending as a
share of the GDP generally has remained
stable in recent years, at ~18%. Approximately 75% of healthcare cost is associated with chronic diseases (for example,
hypertension, obesity, diabetes, asthma,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,
heart failure). Approximately 45% of the
U.S. population has at least one chronic
24-27_EE201603_MedicalTest_FINAL_eb.indd 24
disease; about 50% of the population has
two or more.
The microelectronics industry, driven
by Moore’s law, seems to succeed in continuously making things better, faster,
and cheaper. It is tempting, then, to envision the microelectronics-enabled capabilities to bring the same benefits to
healthcare delivery as they have to the
delivery of many other services (shopping, entertainment, transportation, education, etc.). One such solution is wireless health, which in slight variations
also is known as digital health and mobile health (mHealth). The basic idea is
to monitor patients remotely while they
go about their lives and deliver responsive care preventatively and on demand.
Keeping chronic-disease patients out of
clinics and hospitals saves care cost. At
the same time, there is the prospect of
improving quality and reach of care.
Wireless health
Wireless health solutions are enabled
by the convergence of four pervasive
technologies, namely unobtrusive sensing, wireless communication, ubiquitous computing, and social networking.
Miniature, low-cost, high-performance
sensors—based on microsystems technology—that can measure a variety
of physical, chemical, and biological
parameters are increasingly available.
These sensors may be worn on the body,
implanted in the body, and/or deployed
in one’s surroundings; in fact, the typical smartphone continues to incorporate
more sensors to better interface with the
physical world.
Wireless connectivity is increasingly
available with higher performance at
lower cost and in smaller form factor and
with lower power. From embedded microprocessors to cellular phones to servers in data centers (that is, the cloud),
computing is a readily available commodity. Finally, a variety of web-based
platforms provides the opportunity to
build a wide range of social networks for
many different purposes.
The wireless health field is in its infancy and not yet a formal discipline. At this
time, it is mostly a concept, but a remarkably powerful and rich one that enables
effective and efficient ways to collect,
forward, and process medical data and
information within the healthcare ecosystem. In the illustration, it is not difficult to imagine “them” to be all elements
of the healthcare delivery infrastructure,
“me” the consumer patient, “you” my
support social network (family, friends,
and peers), “him” the care coordinator,
and “her” consumer health and wellness
companies. This wirelessly enabled ecosystem is a rich resource for care delivery, which can be preventative and personalized as well. In this ecosystem, the
consumer patients can be more cared for
than ever before while going about their
normal lives.
From sensors to wearables
to wireless health
Sensors make up the front line of collecting data from the physical world, including our bodies. Wearables such as patches, fitness trackers, smart watches, and
smart apparel are enabling platforms
that carry sensors, locally process and
store onboard sensor data, and transmit
this data to off-board computational
platforms for further analysis and use.
Sensors are, therefore, key to enabling
wearables—they are an integral part of
wearable technology. A recent study1
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predicts that sensors will support a $75
billion wearables technology market by
2025. It forecasts 3 billion wearable sensors by 2025, with about one-third being
new sensor types.
Health and wellness applications
currently are the major drivers of wearables—the killer applications, no pun
intended! While many health applications may require implantable medical
devices—often also enabled by sensors—wearable devices are preferable
since they are nonintrusive in comparison. In some cases, health and wellness
applications may be addressable by “deployables,” devices that are in our immediate environment rather than on or
in our bodies. An example is commercial
devices on the market deployed under a
mattress for sleep monitoring.
Another recent study2 predicts double-digit growth in the next several
years in the number of Americans with
wearable devices and expects 39.5 million Americans to be wearing fitness
trackers and smart watches in 2015—an
increase of ~58% from 2014. The study
reports that wearables currently are
most popular among American adults
between 25 and 44. It is natural to expect that use of wearables will grow in
popularity among the elderly in support
of independent living.
Topol3 provides a list of the top chronic diseases in the United States and the
sensors the patients need in each case to
monitor their status for a “healthier normal.” Applications are plentiful, but we
are technology limited.
Engineers are key to solving care quality, reach, and cost challenges through
wireless health solutions. However, they
need to work closely with clinicians to
assure relevance and efficacy of such
solutions. This, in turn, requires becoming familiar with clinical terminology
and healthcare delivery ecosystems. An
area of importance is user-experience engineering since wireless health devices
often closely interact with the user. This
area requires specific attention to the
user-base needs and preferences. The elderly may not welcome mainstream solutions—consider eyesight and activity
differences, for example.
Wireless health products,
businesses, and business models
Wireless health product and service opportunities span a wide spectrum of
health and wellness needs. They also
enable development and deployment
of new business models. Although the
approach is rooted in basic and feature
phones, the rapid growth of the smartphone has played a defining role in turbocharging wireless health innovation. A
variety of external sensors can be used in
association with a smartphone to expand
the range of the wireless health application space. These sensors leverage the
phone’s platform and use its capabilities
to deliver specific data measurements.
Custom platforms were necessary before the proliferation of smartphones and
still may be needed in some applications.
However, any project should carefully
weigh the application requirements to
assess if a custom platform is competitive
in the long run. Smartphones advance at
a rapid pace characterized by customer
receptivity for new features and capabilities. As a result, a custom solution that
is unique today may not be competitive
tomorrow as the smartphone platform
integrates more capabilities.
A point of note in wireless health innovation is that wireless enablement
should be a genuine benefit, not just a
feature. The wireless enablement is not
always necessary; application requirements should be assessed carefully. A
given wearable application may be sat-
New requirements for EMC immunity testing in the lower frequency range can now be
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key to the test solution is a generator with a unique operator interface and intuitive
menu design, with output signal and impedance determined by the coupling device
selected. Time-saving analysis options to monitor the testing are available through
comprehensive interfaces.
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24-27_EE201603_MedicalTest_FINAL_eb.indd 25
2/8/2016 10:55:56 AM
The app alone comprises the innovation—providing one or
more capabilities
+ Service
The app supported by a service comprises the innovation—providing one
or more capabilities
+ Sensing
The app, enabled by the phone’s embedded sensing, comprises the
innovation—providing one or more capabilities
+ Service
+ Sensing
The app, enabled by the phone’s embedded sensing and supported by a
service, comprises the innovation—providing one or more capabilities
Table 1. Basic approaches to App-driven wireless health innovation
The device alone comprises the innovation—providing one or more
capabilities. An example of this is a wearable patch that measures and
stores the data during an application period; the data is subsequently
downloaded at a docking station.
+ App
The device, supported by an app, comprises the innovation—providing
one or more capabilities
+ Service
The device, supported by a service, comprises the innovation—providing one or more capabilities. An example of this is the patch in the first
row of this table, coupled by a service that returns to the consumer
patient information from downloading and analyzing the data.
+ App
+ Service
The device, supported by an app and a service, comprises the
innovation—providing one or more capabilities
Table 2. Basic approaches to device-driven wireless health innovation
The service alone comprises the innovation—providing one or more capabilities. An example of this is a data transport and analytics solution.
+ App
The service, supported by an app, comprises the innovation—providing
one or more capabilities. In this approach, data entry would be from the
user, e.g., manual, gesture, and voice.
+ Sensor
The service, enabled by a sensor, comprises the innovation—providing
one or more capabilities. An example of this is remote monitoring of
patients with heart disease, analogous to remote security monitoring
of a home.
+ App
+ Sensor
The service, enabled by a sensor and supported by an app, comprises
the innovation—providing one or more capabilities. An example would
be that of the row above, where an app is used to also engage the
patient as to the monitoring results.
Table 3. Basic approaches to service-driven wireless health innovation
isfied by collecting and storing data for
a period of time, then downloading the
data at a docking station.
Table 1 outlines the basic approaches
to app-driven solutions. Table 2 and
Table 3 do the same for device- and service-driven solutions. Since the external
devices usually are sensors, the terms
sensor and device are used interchangeably here. Focusing on solutions enabled
by external devices is not exclusive of
also using the phone’s embedded sensors. It should be noted that external
devices may be peripherals, such as biometric data routers, usually facilitating
the transmission of data from sensors. In
Tables 1, 2, and 3, descriptive examples
are provided for approaches that may be
harder to grasp.
Apps may originate from payers, providers, and/or third parties. Providers are
24-27_EE201603_MedicalTest_FINAL_eb.indd 26
increasingly branding their own apps to
engage their patients and enhance their
services. Inevitably, these provider apps
will tie into the provider’s electronic records, providing access to the patients.
Payer apps enhance external-facing service enhancements for both patients and
providers. Third-party apps may be for
payers, providers, and patients to provide
tools that facilitate a variety of workflow,
engagement, and care delivery needs.
External sensors may be placed in the
body (implantable), on the body (wearable), and off the body (deployable). Implantable devices are the least attractive
as they require intrusion into the body,
which also substantially increases the
technology burden including biocompatibility, power, packaging, and more.
However, some applications—such as
heart failure and aneurisms—may re-
quire implantable pressure sensing.
Wearables are comparatively attractive
if they do not compromise the wearer’s
look and feel. Off-the-body sensors are
most attractive when possible, since
they do not burden the patient.
Apps, products, and services intended
for healthcare (and even consumer health)
must consider the regulatory policies and
regulations. The requirement for approval
from the Food and Drug Administration
may not always be obvious, in part because technology advances are outpacing
the existing review and approval time
constants. At the same time, consumers
and patients expect to use the latest available technology capabilities.
The convergence of pervasive technology—sensing, connectivity, computing,
and social networks—is enabling care to
the patient in the patient’s environment.
Providing care is moving from a fixed time
and place to anywhere, anytime. Sensors
play a key role in this enablement; they
capture the data necessary for diagnostics
and care decisions, which may be communicated to the patient, patient-specific
devices, and the patient’s social network.
These new technological capabilities bring
about opportunities for new business
models centered on devices, apps, and/or
services. The potential is great; so are the
business opportunities. EE
1. Hayward, J., and Chansin, Dr. G., “Wearable
Sensors 2015-2025: Market Forecasts, Technologies, Players, “IDTechEx.
2. “Wearable Usage Will Grow by Nearly 60%
This Year,” eMarketer, Oct. 28, 2015.
3. Topol, E., “Transforming Medicine via Digital
Innovation,” Science Translational Medicine,
Vol. 2, Issue 16, January 2010.
About the author
Dr. Mehran Mehregany is the director of
Case School of Engineering San Diego and
Veale Professor of Wireless Health Innovation and the Goodrich Professor of Engineering Innovation at Case Western Reserve
University. He founded the Case School of
Engineering San Diego in July 2007 and its
Wireless Health and Wearable Computing
programs in 2011 and 2014, respectively.
Mehregany has more than 360 publications
describing his work with sensors, MEMS,
and SiC; holds 20 U.S. patents; is the recipient of a number of awards/honors; and has
founded several technology startups.
Editor’s Note
See this article on the EE website for an example of wearable wireless technology: the Sense4Baby device used to monitor at-risk pregnant
women and/or those in remote locations.
Originally developed by Dr. Mehregany, the
product is owned by AirStrip Technologies.
March 2016
2/8/2016 11:15:34 AM
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24-27_EE201603_MedicalTest_DUM_eb.indd 27
2/5/2016 11:45:22 AM
New products: new capabilities
By Tom Lecklider, Senior Technical Editor
his month’s featured RF and microwave products range from amplifiers and signal sources to a very
flexible active load pull system. With the existing large choice of amplifiers, there must be something
special about the two included here, and there is. In one case, the frequency range is provided as two
bands, which suits the application while also reducing harmonics. In the other case, GaN devices were
used to provide both high power levels as well as low distortion.
For the greatest flexibility, signal sources are synthesized, which requires innovative design
techniques to minimize noise. A family of synthesizers is based on the low noise of a basic 20-GHz unit
with additional multipliers providing three distinct mmWave bands. In another product, a multiloop
architecture contributes to very low harmonic and spurious levels. Finally, several models of an active
load pull system handle wideband modulated signals from 1 GHz to 40 GHz in either a single-ended or
differential configuration.
Real-time spectrum analyzer and RF recorder
The USB-powered BB60C measures and records signals
from 9 kHz to 6 GHz. It features a -158-dBm to +10-dBm dynamic range, a -106-dBm residual spurious level, sweep
speed up to 24 GHz/s, and
a 27-MHz capture bandwidth. Real-time transient
capture is ensured by the
instrument’s 50% overlapping FFT implementation. Although events <4 μs in duration
will be displayed at lower amplitudes, the overlapping FFT ensures that they will not be missed.
The manufacturer’s open-source spectrum analyzer software provides 2D or 3D views as well as a color-graded persistence display. You can select the I/Q data recording rate that
best suits your application from 312.5 kS/s to 40 MS/s: USB 3.0
supports up to 140-MB/s sustained throughput to your PC. And,
because all the computations are performed in a PC, the manufacturer recommends a desktop model with an Intel quad-core
I7-2600 or better or a laptop with an I7-3612QM or better. Signal
Hound, www.rsleads.com/603ee-176
Active load-pull system
Several models of the MT2000 mixed-signal active load pull
system cover the 1.0-MHz to 40-GHz carrier frequency range
and provide either two or four active tuning loops as standard with
five- and six-loop add-ons optionally available. As described in the
manufacturer’s technical data 4T095 document, “This mixed-signal
load pull system is designed to
handle realistic wideband complex modulated signals with a high
dynamic range and provide userdefined reflection coefficients vs.
frequency at the DUT reference planes.”
Because the active loops are reconfigurable, you can use
the hardware to support source pull at f0 and load pull at f0, 2f0,
28-29_EE201603_ProductFocus_MicroRF_FINAL_eb.indd 28
and 3f0, or you can configure the same hardware for differential source and load pull at f0. In addition, use of a proprietary
algorithm minimizes the amplifier requirements. The power
output must be somewhat larger than the power generated by
the DUT, but linearity is not critical. Maury Microwave, www.
PC-based VNA
The two-port PLANAR 804/1 VNA determines DUT S-parameters over the 100-kHz to 8-GHz frequency range, accumulating
from two to 500,001
measurement points
within a chosen scan
segment. Transmission
measurement accuracy varies from 0.1 dB/1
degree at levels from
-50 dB to +5 dB to a
maximum of 1.5 dB/10
degree from -70 dB to -50 dB for frequencies between 100 kHz
and 300 kHz. From 300 kHz to 8 GHz, accuracy is better than 0.2
dB/2 degree for levels >-70 dB.
Time-domain operation and gating, fixture simulation, and
a frequency-offset mode are among the VNA’s features. Embedding and de-embedding, power scanning and compression point recognition, and limit testing are built-in functions
that simplify testing and improve accuracy. Up to 16 channel
windows can be displayed with up to 16 data traces in each,
allowing comparison of previously saved traces with current
values. Smith chart and polar diagrams are available as are
log or linear magnitude, phase, expanded phase, group delay, standing wave ratio, real part, and imaginary part plots.
Copper Mountain Technologies, www.rsleads.com/603ee-178
Banded mmWave synthesizers
Models FSL-2740 (27 GHz to 40 GHz), FSL-5067 (50 GHz to 67
GHz), and FSL-7682 (76 GHz to 82 GHz) are based on the manufacturer’s 650-MHz to 20-GHz QuickSyn Lite synthesizer coupled to a suitable frequency multiplier. The original QuickSyn
March 2016
2/8/2016 9:23:19 AM
synthesizers were developed
by Phase Matrix (now NI Microwave Components) in 2010.
NI launched the Lite version in
2013, retaining the benefits of
the phase-refining technology
that include 100-μs switching
speed, lower than -100-dBc/Hz
typical phase noise, 1-Hz resolution, and a maximum 15-W
power input, all in a compact 4 x 4 x 1.8-inch format.
As described on the company’s website, “The new modules
are powered and controlled by the QuickSyn Lite base unit,
making integration and control simple for the user. Like all
QuickSyn synthesizers, these new mmW sources include serial
SPI and USB control interfaces and are immediately deployable by connecting them to a PC and a DC power source. A
soft front panel enables the user to access frequency control
and frequency sweep plus 32k-point list mode settings. Additionally, embedded firmware allows these modules to be used
as part of integrated auto test solutions. National Instruments,
Handheld spectrum analyzer
With a nonreflective color display, backlit keypad, and long
battery life, the 5.5-lb Spectrum Rider handheld spectrum analyzer is well suited for field work.
Ruggedized in line with MIL-PRF28800F class 2, the instrument
has no vents or fans and features
IP51-type dust and drip protection
together with removable interface
and connector caps. Nevertheless,
RF performance has not been sacrificed as is evident from typical
values of -163-dBm DANL, -105-dBc
phase noise (1 Hz) at 100-kHz offset
(10 MHz to 3 GHz carrier), and 0.5dB amplitude uncertainty.
The frequency range of the basic instrument is 5 kHz to 2
GHz, but this can be extended to 3 GHz or 4 GHz and enabled
via software keycode. Available options are related to improved power measurement capabilities: FPH-K9 allows use of
the manufacturer’s NRP-Zxx power sensors with a range of -67
dBm to +45 dBm and covering frequencies up to 110 GHz, FPHK19 supports power measurements without a separate power
sensor, and FPH-K29 provides pulse and peak power measurements with the manufacturer’s NRP-Z8x wideband power sensors. Rohde & Schwarz, www.rsleads.com/603ee-180
Programmable attenuator
For those readers with too much of a good thing, programmable attenuation may be the answer. The Model
RCDAT-6000-110 attenuator provides from zero to 110-dB signal
reduction in 0.25-dB steps. Importantly, as the datasheet states,
“Its unique design maintains linear attenuation change per dB,
even at the highest attenuation settings.” Numerically, this is
indicated by the typical +53-dBm IP3 value.
Accuracy varies with frequency, being the most consistent
for the 2-GHz to 4-GHz band: typically ±0.15 dB to ±0.50 dB. At
lower and higher frequencies, typical accuracy at the highest
attenuation settings can be as low as ±0.8 dB, although for attenuation less than 40 dB, it is ±0.5 dB or better regardless of
frequency. Typical VSWR ranges from 1.05 to 1.3.
Control is via either Ethernet—HTTP or Telnet protocol—or
USB, which can power the device. Functionality includes programmable attenuation sweep and hop sequences, a timed
sequence of settings that can run without any additional external control. The RCDAT-6000-110 comes with user-friendly GUI
software, API objects for Windows environments, and instructions for use with 32-bit and 64-bit Windows and Linux OS.
Mini-Circuits, www.rsleads.com/603ee-182
High-power amplifier
Providing up to 2,000 W in a rack-mountable 8-U package, the
Model 2180-BBS4A5KXV broadband amplifier is based on GaN
devices that support frequency response from 1,000 MHz to 2,500 MHz,
high gain, and low distortion. According to the datasheet, the class-AB design uses “… advanced broadband
RF matching networks and combining techniques” to achieve long-term
reliability and high efficiency. A builtin monitoring and protection system
features graceful degradation at temperatures >40ºC and power reduction
to a safe level if VSWR exceeds 2:1.
At the maximum 1-dB compression point, 1,500 W is delivered with a 64-dB gain and a 15-dB gain adjustment range.
Both the second and third harmonic levels are guaranteed to
be less than -15 dBc at 2,000-W output, and the guaranteed
spurious signal level is -60 dBc. Remote management and diagnostics are via an embedded web server. Built-in nonvolatile memory records events and stores factory setup recovery files. Optionally extended memory may be used to store
control parameters and log events. EMPOWER RF Systems,
Multichannel RF synthesizer
One to four phase-coherent channels as well as very low
harmonic and spurious levels distinguish the 10-MHz to 6-GHz
HSX9000 Series synthesizers. A multiloop
architecture ensures
both instantaneous
and long-term stability, and thermal monitoring allows you
to track relative channel temperatures—according to the data
sheet, the only remaining contribution to drift.
Each channel of the 1-U high synthesizer can be independently tuned in 0.001-Hz steps. Typical phase offset resolution is
0.1 degree with calibrated output power ranging from -110 dBm
to +18 dBm. The maximum SSB phase noise is <-122 dBc/Hz at
10-kHz offset from 3.0 GHz to 6.0 GHz. Lower frequencies are
developed by dividing, which improves phase noise by at least
6 dB. For example, for outputs between 375 MHz and 750 MHz,
the fundamental range has been divided by two three times—a
factor of eight—and the guaranteed phase noise is -142 dBc/
Hz—a 20-dB improvement.
With a virtual front panel, the synthesizer operates under the HID protocol and requires no driver installation. It
can be controlled via MATLAB, LabVIEW, C++ code, and VB
code, to name a few methods. Holzworth Instrumentation,
March 2016
28-29_EE201603_ProductFocus_MicroRF_FINAL_eb.indd 29
2/8/2016 9:23:49 AM
AC/DC power supply
The ASM400 Series highdensity open-frame AC/DC
power supply provides 400 W
of regulated power in a 3-inch
x 5-inch form factor. The power
density of the ASM400 series
results in a small footprint,
making it flexible for use in powering portable medical equipment and numerous industrial applications.
The ASM400 Series is certified to IEC60601-1 third-edition
BF isolation as a Class I (grounded) input with a Class II (nongrounded) input and 2 MOPP option. This power supply series
is suitable for portable home medical use and direct-connect
patient life-sustaining applications such as infusion pumps,
ventilators, and portable dialysis machines. Features include
a 5-V auxiliary and a 12-V fan output as well as a remote-on
signal. Custom output voltages are available. Astrodyne TDI,
DAQ application options
Three module options for
the rugged SomatXR dataacquisition system include the
MX840B-R Universal Module,
developed especially for measurement tasks that require
the use of multiple transducer
types; the MX411B-R Highly
Dynamic Module, suitable for highly dynamic acquisition
and analysis of mechanical measurement quantities; and the
MX471B-R CAN Module, designed for connecting the SomatXR
data acquisition system to a CAN network.
All three new amplifiers have IP65/IP67 protection ratings
ensuring they’re both dust- and water-tight. An extended operating temperature range (-40°C to +80°C or -40°F to +176°F)
allows the amplifiers to work in a wide range of harsh environments. They meet MIL−STD-202G standards and are vibration
resistant up to 10g and shock resistant up to 75g. HBM, www.
E-band VNA option
An E-band option for the
ShockLine MS46500B Series
two- and four-port performance vector network analyzers (VNAs) addresses the
market need to lower cost-oftest for E-band components. With the 55-GHz to 92-GHz option
installed, the MS46500B series can reduce production costs
and more efficiently verify the performance of high-frequency
passive components, such as antennas, filters, and duplexers,
during manufacturing.
In addition to the E-band frequency capability, the vendor
also introduced 20-GHz and 40-GHz options for the ShockLine
MS46500B Series. With these options, the MS46500B VNAs
address the S-parameter and time-domain measurement requirements associated with microwave applications. Anritsu,
Record and playback
storage system
For applications requiring extended
electronic waveform acquisition and
generation, the Tera-Store storage system works with its PC-based digitizer
and generator cards to increase possible
recording and replay times. The new system can be used with any of the vendor’s
M2i, M3i, or M4i series of PCIe digitizer
or waveform generator cards and delivers data storage sizes from 1 to 32 TB with full support for
continuous data streaming at rates up to 3 GB/s. The combination makes it possible to capture high-frequency signals up to
the GHz range and continuously store them for hours or lower
frequency signals for even longer periods of time. Spectrum,
RF vector signal generators
The VSG2G1 and VSG6G1 USBconnected portable RF vector signal
generators provide features and
functions comparable to full-size
analog RF signal generators. Offering frequency ranges up to 2.2 GHz
(VSG2G1) or 6.2 GHz (VSG6G1),
the instruments can provide frequency sweep, frequency hopping using I&Q modulation, and
arbitrary signal generation. Both
of the VSGxG1 models are suitable for field test situations
since they are compact and convenient and can be configured to operate without a connected PC. They also can operate in ATE systems as a signal-source module, simulating
many different RF systems for test purposes. With output
levels up to 10 dBm (Band 0&1), signals can be delivered in
CW, sweeping, and hopping modes. The VSGxG1 RF vector
signal generators are made by Triarchy Technologies. Saelig,
30-31_EE201603_EEProductPicks_FINAL_eb.indd 30
Bluetooth resistance testers
The DET24C earth/ground digital clamp-on resistance tester now
includes Bluetooth. This upgrade
allows users to download stored
test results instantly to a PC instead of downloading them using
an IrDA interface. Using Bluetooth
V2.0 and enhanced data rate, data
from the DET24C no longer needs to be transferred using a
USB dongle, making the process faster and more convenient. PowerDB Lite software, which comes standard with
the instrument, also has been updated to enable users to
select the download method of their choosing. Megger,
Hearing-aid charger-receiver
The LTC4123 combines a 30-mW wireless receiver with a
constant-current/constant-voltage linear charger for NiMH bat-
March 2016
2/8/2016 11:25:00 AM
teries, such as Varta’s power
one ACCU plus series. An
external resonant LC tank
connected to the LTC4123
enables the IC to receive
power wirelessly from an
alternating magnetic field
generated by a transmit coil.
Integrated power management circuitry converts the
coupled AC current into the DC current required to charge
the battery. Wireless charging with the LTC4123 allows for
a completely sealed product and eliminates the need to
constantly replace primary batteries. Zn-Air (Zinc-Air) detection enables applications to work interchangeably with
both rechargeable NiMH batteries and primary Zn-Air batteries with the same application circuit. Linear Technology,
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PCB enclosure
The EXN Series enclosure is made of an anodized aluminum extrusion
with plastic or aluminum
endcap covers. Removal
of the cover allows a usersupplied printed-circuit
board to slide in. The extruded aluminum construction has
grooves that enhance heat dissipation. The enclosures are
suitable for use as instrument cases and for housing electronic power supplies, remote controls, and a variety of factoryfloor and outdoor applications. Included continuous gaskets
seal against weather and water, allowing the enclosures to be
used outdoors or indoors in wash-down and dusty environments. Bud Industries, www.rsleads.com/603ee-229
Index of Advertisers
ED&D, a world leader in Product
Safety Test Equipment manufacturing, offers a full line of equipment for meeting various UL, IEC,
CSA, CE, ASTM, MIL, and other
standards. Product line covers categories such as hipot, leakage current, ground, force, impact, burn,
temperature, access, ingress (IP code), cord flex, voltage, power,
plastics, and others. ED&D
Visit www.rsleads.com/603ee-361
50 and 100 Volt
AMETEK CTS ...........................................www.tesequsa.com.........................................................25
AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation ...www.arworld.us/powerful ..............................................5
AR RF/Microwave Instrumentation ...http://www.arworld.us/html/catalogRequest............31
Avtech Electrosystems Ltd...................www.avtechpulse.com...................................................31
Avtech has pioneered the
design of user-friendly 50 & 100
Volt general-purpose lab pulse
generators. We can provide an
alternative for the discontinued
Agilent 8114A or HP214!
2 and 10 ns rise time units with
PRF to 1 and 10 MHz. Variable
baseline option and output
currents to 8 Amps with
accessory transformers.
Avtech Electrosystems Ltd.
Visit www.rsleads.com/603ee-360
CertifiGroup .............................................www.CertifiGroup.com ...................................................31
Educated Design & Development. Inc. ...www.ProductSafet.com .................................................31
EMC 2016..................................................www.emc2016.emcss.org ..............................................21
IMS 2016...................................................ims.mtt.org .........................................................................27
AR is excited to share the brand new
2016 catalog which features the new
and impactful AR BUILT to LAST logo
on the cover. Page through the catalog to find updated introduction sections that provide detail on AR’s new
liquid-cooling capabilities, mismatch
testing, new enhancements to touch
screen capabilities, new products
and more! AR RF/Microwave
Innovative Integration...........................www.innovative-dsp.com ................................................8
Keysight Technologies .........................www.keysight.com/find/5G-Insights .............................3
Keysight Technologies .........................www.keysight.com/find/TrueformUS ............................9
Keysight Technologies .........................www.keysight.com/find/ScopeMVP ...........................17
Multi-Contact USA ................................www.multi-contact-usa.com ..................................... IBC
National Instruments ............................ni.com/automated-test-platform ................................. BC
Pickering Interfaces Inc.......................www.pickeringtest.com/radio....................................IFC
Universal Switching Corp....................www.uswi.com ................................................................13
This index is provided as a service. The publisher does not assume liability for
errors or omissions.
Visit www.rsleads.com/603ee-363
March 2016
30-31_EE201603_EEProductPicks_FINAL_eb.indd 31
2/8/2016 3:07:52 PM
By Rick Nelson, E xecutive Editor
3D-printing initiatives span whimsical to practical
ecent initiatives related to 3D printing run the gamut
from practical to whimsical, from the rapid turnaround
of optical prototypes based on CAD data to the development by university researchers of a children’s toy called a
zoolophone—a xylophone with animal shapes. But even the
whimsical project turns out to have practical applications, ranging from noise and vibration control to RF filtering.
Practicality was at the forefront of a joint initiative announced
last November by OPTIS, a CAD software vendor, and Luxexcel, a 3D-printing service for optical products. They teamed up
to provide automotive manufacturers a fast and easy way to go
from design to 3D-printed prototype.
Software from OPTIS—a CAD software vendor specializing
in the simulation of light, human vision, and physically correct
visualization—enables automotive designers and manufacturers to simulate their lighting and optical designs, testing and
verifying virtual prototypes within their CAD environment.
But the transition to real prototypes traditionally has been timeconsuming and expensive, involving, for example, diamond
milling and turning or—for elaborate freeform shapes—injection molding.
Luxexcel’s Printoptical technology offers an alternative. OPTIS has integrated Luxexcel material within the OPTIS library,
providing customers fast access to 3D-printed customized and
fully optimized prototypes (Figure 1) within a few days. Commented Paul Cornelissen, head of marketing and online business development for Luxexcel, in a press release, “With this
digital process, we change a 3,000 years old analog industry
and make it future proof.”
Whimsical could describe the zoolophone
(Figure 2), built by
computer scientists at
Engineering, Harvard, and MIT,
who used it to demonstrate that sound can
be controlled by 3Dprinting shapes. They
presented their work1
at SIGGRAPH Asia last
November in Kobe, JaFigure 1. 3D-printed optical prototypes
pan—an event targeting
Courtesy of OPTIS, Luxexcel
the computer-graphics
community, which has
long been interested in the simulation of contact sounds as
well as computational fabrication techniques such as those the
researchers used.
The researchers developed an algorithm that optimized
for 3D printing the instrument’s keys in the shape of lions,
turtles, elephants, giraffes, and more, modeling the geometry to achieve the desired pitch and amplitude of each part.
The zoolophone is an idiophone—an instrument that produces sound through its own vibration rather than employing
strings (chordophones), columns of air (aerophones), or membranes (membranophones). Most idiophones employ rectangular bars, for which the relationship of sound and geometry is
well understood.
32-BC_EE201603_ResearchInsights_FINAL_eb.indd 32
In contrast, determining the optimal animal shape that produces the desired amplitude and frequency proved to be computationally challenging. The team spent nearly two years
developing computational methods while borrowing concepts
from computer graphics, acoustic modeling, and mechanical
engineering as well as 3D printing. To increase the chances
of finding the optimal shape, the researchers developed a fast
stochastic optimization method, which they call Latin Complement Sampling (LCS). LCS requires as input a desired shape as
well as frequency and amplitude spectra, and LCS optimizes
the shape through deformation and perforation to produce the
wanted sounds—including overtones. Previous algorithms
had been able to optimize either amplitude or frequency but
not both.
Figure 2. Zoolophone, a metallophone with a variety of animal shapes
Courtesy of Changxi Zheng/Columbia Engineering
“Our zoolophone’s keys are automatically tuned to play
notes on a scale with overtones and frequency of a professionally produced xylophone,” said Changxi Zheng, assistant professor of computer science at Columbia Engineering, who led
the research team.2 “By automatically optimizing the shape of
2D and 3D objects through deformation and perforation, we
were able to produce such professional sounds that our technique will enable even novices to design metallophones [metal
idiophones] with unique sound and appearance.”
More than a toy, the researchers say, the zoolophone represents fundamental research into understanding the complex relationships between an object’s geometry and its material properties. “Our discovery could lead to a wealth of possibilities
that go well beyond musical instruments,” Zheng added. For
example, the algorithm could help reduce computer-fan noise,
control vibration in bridges, and advance the construction of
micro-electro-mechanical resonators. Zheng already has been
contacted by researchers interested in applying his approach
to MEMS RF filters.
“Acoustic design of objects today remains slow and expensive,” Zheng said. “We would like to explore computational design algorithms to improve the process for better controlling an
object’s acoustic properties, whether to achieve desired sound
spectra or to reduce undesired noise. This project underscores
our first step toward this exciting direction in helping us design
objects in a new way.” EE
1. Zheng, C., et al., “Computational Design of Metallophone Contact
Sounds,” ACM Transactions on Graphics, November 2015.
2. “Change the Shape, Change the Sound,” Newswise, Oct. 28, 2015.
March 2016
2/8/2016 9:29:36 AM
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