Vol. 35, No. 9 Journal of Semiconductors September 2014 A 14-bit 100-MS/s CMOS pipelined ADC featuring 83.5-dB SFDR Zhao Nan(赵南) , Wei Qi(魏琦), Yang Huazhong(杨华中), and Wang Hui(汪蕙) Division of Circuits and Systems, Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China Abstract: This paper demonstrates a 14-bit 100 MS/s CMOS pipelined analog-to-digital converter (ADC). The nonlinearity model for bootstrapped switches is established to optimize the design parameters of bootstrapped switches, and the calculations based on this model agree well with the measurement results. In order to achieve high linearity, a gradient-mismatch cancelling technique is proposed, which eliminates the first order gradient error of sampling capacitors by combining arrangement of reference control signals and capacitor layout. Fabricated in a 0.18-m CMOS technology, this ADC occupies 10.16-mm2 area. With statistics-based background calibration of finite opamp gain in the first stage, the ADC achieves 83.5-dB spurious free dynamic range and 63.7-dB signalto-noise-and distortion ratio respectively, and consumes 393 mW power with a supply voltage of 2 V. Key words: pipelined ADC; bootstrapped switch; gradient error; pseudo-random sequence DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/35/9/095009 EEACC: 2570 1. Introduction High-speed, high-resolution analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) are extensively used in various applications, such as wireless communication, high-speed data measurement, image processing and radar. These applications require the ADC to achieve not only over 12-bit resolution at high sampling rate, but also high linearity over Nyquist bandwidthŒ1 . Among existing types of ADCs, pipelined ADC with switch-capacitor structure is most suitable for over 12-bit resolution and mega sampling rate, but it’s also accompanied by many design challenges to achieve high linearity. Based on operation phases of switch–capacitor (SC) circuits, the distortion in pipelined ADCs can be categorized as sampling distortion and amplifying distortion. Sampling distortion is mainly caused by signal-dependent resistance of sampling switches, which is a dominant factor to limit the linearity especially at high frequency. An effective way to reduce sampling distortion is to use bootstrapped switches instead of conventional CMOS switchesŒ2 . To maintain high linearity within wide bandwidth, it is essential to optimize the parameters of bootstrapped switches. However no model or formulas have been derived to reveal quantitative relationship between sampling distortion and design parameters for bootstrapped switches, while models for conventional CMOS switches have been proposed in Refs. [3–5]. As a consequence, parameters of bootstrapped switches are determined experientially, and it is unfavourable to achieve high linearity. Therefore, it is indispensable to establish the nonlinearity model to estimate parameters for bootstrapped switches with highlinearity requirement. The other type of distortion–amplifying distortion, is primarily induced by capacitor mismatch and finite opamp gain. Mismatch-induced distortion is usually diminished by the following ways: adopting larger capacitor size, specific layout techniques or capacitor foreground cali- brationŒ14 . However, they all have shortcomings: larger capacitor means more power and area; conventional layout matching techniques (such as common centroid and cross coupled) will split capacitors and introduce more random capacitor error, foreground calibration will interrupt normal conversion and increase the complexity of analog circuits. It is necessary to reduce the mismatch error of capacitors without increasing the circuit complexity as well as area and power. The other source of amplifying distortion is insufficient open-loop gain of the opamp, which is required to be more than 100 dB for 14-bit accuracyŒ6 and hard to implement especially with the scaling of CMOS technology. Calibration algorithms have been proposed to compensate harmonic distortions introduced by finite opamp gain in Refs. [6–12] and become a mainstream. In this paper, we describe a 14-bit 100-MS/s CMOS pipelined ADC. The nonlinearity model of bootstrapped switches is proposed, and the quantitative relationship between harmonic distortion and switch parameters is derived. The model gives instruction to optimize parameters of bootstrapped switches for the sake of high linearity at high frequency, and is validated by both simulation and measurement results. To reduce the distortion induced by capacitor mismatch, a gradientmismatch cancelling technique is present. By combining arrangement of reference control signal and capacitor layout in multiplying-DAC (MDAC), first-order gradient error of capacitors is eliminated during differential signal transmission, with no addition of area, power and complexity of analog circuits, and not interrupting normal conversion. Background calibration similar to Ref. [10] is adopted to compensate the nonlinear error caused by finite opamp gain in the first stage. The ADC achieves 63.7-dB SNDR and 83.5-dB SFDR with 19.1-MHz input signal, and maintains 77.0-dB SFDR up to 79.1 MHz. 2. Architecture Architecture of the pipelined ADC is shown in Fig. 1. A * Project supported by the National Science Foundation for Young Scientists of China (No. 61306029) and the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (No. 2013AA014103). † Corresponding author. Email: zhaon08@gmail.com Received 29 January 2014, revised manuscript received 19 February 2014 © 2014 Chinese Institute of Electronics 095009-1 J. Semicond. 2014, 35(9) Zhao Nan et al. Fig. 1. Architecture of the pipelined ADC. dedicated sample-and-hold amplifier (SHA) is employed as the front end of the ADC to maintain high linearity with higher input frequency, and flip-around structure is adopted for the consideration of power and noiseŒ15 . A 4-bit first stage is employed to relax the requirement of opamp settling accuracy and capacitor matching, and its nonlinearity caused by finite opamp gain is calibrated in the background. The subsequent stages consist of five 3-bit stages and one 3-bit flash, offering an extra 2 bits to ensure calibration precision with lower quantization noise. The final digital output of the ADC is truncated to 14 bits after calibration. 3. Nonlinearity switches modeling of bootstrapped 3.1. Analysis of switch resistance and sampling distortion A simple switch-capacitor sampling circuit is shown in Fig. 2. At the falling edge of clock ˚ , the switch turns off and the instant input signal is sampled on the capacitor CL . In the sampling phase, the SC circuit serves as an RC low-pass circuit and satisfies the following equationŒ3 : Ron CL dvout C vout .t/ D vin .t/; dt (1) where Ron is the resistance of the sampling switch. With an input signal vin .t / D Aej!0 t , vout .t/ is easily derived as: vout .t/ D G0 Aej.!0 t '/ D G0 vin .t /; (2) where D Ron CL is time constant , and G0 is static error: G0 D 1=Œ1 C .!0 /1=2 : (3) Equation (2) indicates that nonlinear time constant will introduce sampling distortion. Since the value of capacitor CL is signal independent, sampling distortion is caused by nonlinear resistance Ron exclusively. Bootstrapped switches are widely used to improve the linearity performance. It greatly decreases the input-dependent on-resistance by generating the gate–source voltage Vgs that is irrelevant to input signalŒ16 . Figure 3 gives the typical structure of bootstrapped switchŒ17 (in this paper, the connections of substrates are omitted in figures for simplicity, and the bulk terminals of NMOS and PMOS devices are tied to ground and VDD respectively), and the on-resistance is given below with Vgs D VDD ideally: W .VDD Ron D Kn L Vthn / 1 : (4) However, the on-resistance is still relevant to the input signal with the consideration of body effect and transistor parasitic capacitors. Considering the body effect, threshold voltage Vth is signal-dependent and can be approximated as: 2 Vthn .vin / V0 C V1 vin C V2 vin ; (5) where V0 , V1 , V2 are Taylor expansion coefficients and depend on CMOS process: 8 p p ˆ V0 D Vthn .VCM / D Vth0 C . VCM C 2˚F C 2˚F /; ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˇ ˆ ˆ dVthn .vin / ˇˇ < D =2.VCM C 2˚F /1=2 ; V1 D ˇ dv in vin D0 ˆ ˆ ˆ ˇ ˆ ˆ 2 ˆ ˆV D d Vthn .vin / ˇˇ D =4.VCM C 2˚F /3=2 : :̂ 2 ˇ 2 dvin vin D0 (6) On the other hand, Vgs becomes signal-dependent by considering parasitic capacitors. Let Cgg represent the parasitic capacitor on the node Vg in Fig. 3, and then Vgs can be expressed as: Cgg Cboost Vgs D VDD Vin ; (7) Cboost C Cgg Cboost C Cgg where Cboost is the boosting capacitor in bootstrapped switch serving as a charge pump. Equation (7) indicates that the relevance of Vgs and vin depends on the ratio of Cgg and Cboost . Larger Cboost will reduce signal dependency of Vgs , but meanwhile transistors M0 and M1 will be enlarged to provide sufficient charging current for Cboost , and the parasitic capacitor Cgg will be increased consequently. With the two non-ideal factors above, the resistance of the bootstrapped switch is nonlinear and is approximated as: 2 Ron .vin / R0 C R1 vin C R2 vin ; (8) where R0 is the resistance at quiescent operating point VQ , and R1 , R2 are given below: 095009-2 J. Semicond. 2014, 35(9) Zhao Nan et al. 8 1 W ˆ ˆ ˆ R0 D Ron .vin D 0/ D Kn VQ ; ˆ ˆ L ˆ ˆ ˆ ˆ ˇ ˆ ˆ Cgg dRon dVthn ˇˇ ˆ ˆ ˆ R D R0 =VQ ; D V C 1 1 < dVthn dvin ˇvin D0 Cboost C Cgg " #ˇ ˆ ˆ ˆ d2 Ron dVthn 2 dRon d2 Vthn ˇˇ ˆ ˆ ˆ C ˇ ˆR2 D 2 2 ˆ ˇ dvin dVthn dvin dVthn ˆ ˆ vin D0 ˆ ˆ ˆ :̂ D 2V12 R0 =VQ2 C V2 R0 =VQ : (9) We can conclude that the signal dependency of the onresistance will be decreased by minimizing the quiescent resistance R0 , increasing the boosting capacitor Cboost and reducing the parasitic capacitor Cgg . Based on the resistance expression given by Eqs. (8) and (9), we can derive the quantitative relationship between sampling distortion and parameters of the bootstrapped switch, and the third harmonic distortion (HD3) is chosen as the specification. Noting that G0 in Eq. (3) is a higher-order infinitesimal than , vout .t / in Eq. (2) can be rewritten as vout .t/ vin .t dvin .t/ Ron CL : dt / vin .t/ Fig. 2. Simple switch-capacitor sampling circuit. Fig. 3. Typical structure of bootstrapped switch. Table 1. Parameters of the bootstrapped switch. Parameter Value Sampling capacitor CL 4 pF Supply voltage VDD 2V Differential signal amplitude A 1V Quiescent operating point VQ 1V (10) With the input signal vin .t/ D Aej!0 t and Eq. (8), Equation (10) is reformulated as vout .t/ D A.1 !0 R0 /ej!0 t A2 !0 R1 ej2!0 t A3 !0 R2 ej3!0 t : (11) If we expand vout (t) as Fourier seriesŒ4 : vout .t/ D 1 X kD1 Ck cos k!0 t C 1 X Sk sin k!0 t: (12) C32 C S32 =A: (13) kD1 HD3 can be expressed asŒ4 HD3 D Amp3rdharmonic Ampfundamental q Thus, we derive the formula of HD3 by using Eqs. (9) and (11): " # .Cgg =.Cboost C Cgg / C V1 /2 V2 R0 2 C CL !0 A2 : HD3 D 4 VQ VQ2 (14) As mentioned before, V1 , V2 are process parameters; VQ is quiescent operation point, and R0 , Cgg and Cboost are design parameters of bootstrapped switches. Apparently, harmonic distortion will be decreased by smaller quiescent resistance R0 and larger ratio of Cboost versus Cgg , and is proportional to the input frequency. Equation (14) reveals the quantitative relationship between sampling distortion and parameters of bootstrapped switches. By means of Eq. (14), switch parameters can be optimized to achieve high linearity with a high-frequency input signal, and the design flow can be divided into four steps. First, figure out the process parameters V1 and V2 . By sweeping the source voltage Vs of NMOS transistor, the Vth -vs-Vs curve is obtained and used to make the polynomial approximation of Vth . The first and second-order coefficients are V1 and V2 . Second, choose the proper value of boosting capacitor Cboost . As mentioned before, larger Cboost needs raising charging current, which leads to larger parasitic capacitor Cgg . Therefore, the ratio of Cgg and Cboost can be optimized. In the process we use, the minimum Cgg /Cboost generally occurs when Cboost is chosen in the range of 1–5 pF. Third, determine another parameter by system requirement, including the quiescent point VQ , the signal amplitude A and the sampling capacitor CL . Third harmonic distortion HD3 and input frequency !0 are also confirmed as the performance specification. With the three steps above, the size of switching transistor in a bootstrapped switch can be calculated by Eq. (14), which is the last step. 3.2. Model validation The model is used to optimize parameters of a bootstrapped switch, so as to achieve over 80-dB SFDR with input frequency up to 80 MHz. In our design, bootstrapped switches the same as Fig. 3 are used in SHA and some circuit parameters are chosen as Table 1 shows, where CL is sampling capacitor of SHA. Cboost in a bootstrapped switch is chosen as 1 pF based on the tradeoff between the parasitic and boosting capacitor, and Cgg is 100 fF correspondingly. With the fabrication technology file, process parameters V1 and V2 are fitted as 0.161 and –0.0315 V 1 respectively. The size of switching transistor is then calculated as 100 m/0.18 m by following the design flow mentioned in Section 3.1. The model is validated by simulation. Differential switch- 095009-3 J. Semicond. 2014, 35(9) Zhao Nan et al. Fig. 4. HD3 versus input frequency. Fig. 5. Typical 3-bit MDAC architecture. capacitor sampling circuit is simulated in Cadence Virtuoso, with a 100 m/0.18 m switching transistor and 1-pF Cboost , as well as other parameters in Table 1. Changing input frequency from 20 to 80 MHz, we obtain the simulated HD3-vs-frequency curve drawn in Fig. 4. It illustrates that the model agrees well with simulation, and maximum relative error is only 3%. Measurement results of ADC are also shown in Fig. 4. It’s observed that the measured HD3 differs greatly from the model calculation at low frequency and becomes close as the frequency increases. This is reasonable because harmonic distortion of pipelined ADC is limited by a settling error of amplifiers at low frequency, and the model isn’t suitable. Yet at high frequency, the distortion is dominantly limited by nonlinear sampling switches in SHA, so the proposed model is appropriate and proved correct. 4. Gradient-mismatch cancelling technique Capacitor mismatch in MDACs leads to inter-stage gain error of residue transfer, and results in wrong digital codes as well as distortion. In CMOS technology, metal–insulator– metal (MIM) capacitors exhibit good matching and the mismatch standard deviation is inversely proportional to the square root of the capacitor areaŒ18 . Thus capacitor size in MDACs is determined by process parameters to ensure matching accuracy. For the fabrication technology we use, a capacitor of 25 25 m2 satisfies the matching accuracy of the 4-bit first stage of our 14-bit ADC theoretically, but in practice the mismatch error has chance to go beyond the expected range due to process variation and accordingly causes the reduction of fabrication yield. One approach to solve this problem is enlarging the capacitor size to provide matching margin, but larger capacitors will consume more power and increase the chip area significantly. In various sources of capacitor matching errors, gradient error contributes much to mismatch. Therefore, decreasing gradient error is one attempt of affording matching margin without increasing capacitor size. Layout techniques help designers to minimize gradient-induced mismatch such as common-centroid and cross-coupled, but the capacitors will be split to smaller unit segments consequentlyŒ19 , which induce more matching error due to the decreasing area, and increase the routing complexity. In this paper, we propose a gradient-error cancelling technique by combining arrangement of reference control signal and capacitor layout without splitting capacitors. Take a 3-bit MDAC for example, and Figure 5 shows the typical architecture. In the amplifying phase ˚2 , the output of decoder (i.e. reference control signal) determines which reference voltage the sampling capacitors connect to. The ideal transfer function of residue voltage can be written as: Vres D 4Vin 4 X Di Vref ; (15) i D1 where the reference control signal Di D f 1; 0; 1g, represents the i -th capacitor connecting to fVrefn ; Vref ; Vrefp g respectively. In practice, the array of Di depends on the digital output of comparators referred to as Dout . For the same Dout , the combination of Di is not unique. For example, if Dout is (00001111)2 , the combination {D1 , D2 , D3 , D4 } can be either 0001 or 0010, both of which are functionally correct for the residue transfer. Therefore, alternative decoding logics of a specific Di are available for designer’s choice. In the differential condition, four pairs of sampling capacitors CiP; N (i D 1, 2, 3, 4) means eight control signals referred to as DiP; N correspondingly. If we set the control signals of each capacitor pair to be inverse, i.e. Di P D Di D , and make all capacitor pairs share the same axis of symmetry on the layout, the first order gradient error of these capacitors will be eliminated. Figure 6 and Table 2 show the details and the derivation is given below. We arrange the capacitor layout as Fig. 6. Eight sampling capacitors are surrounded by smaller dummy capacitors, which create approximately the same environment for each sampling capacitor. Both top plate and bottom plate of the dummy capacitors are connected to the ground to isolate the signal coupling for adjacent capacitor. Each pair of sampling capacitors is yaxis symmetric and the axis of symmetry is illustrated in Fig. 6. Assuming that the ideal value of the capacitor unit is C0 , and Ci is the first order gradient error for i-th pair of sampling capacitors, we obtain: 095009-4 Ci P; N D C0 ˙ Ci : (16) According to charge redistribution of residue amplifica- J. Semicond. 2014, 35(9) Zhao Nan et al. Dout;comp 0000 0000 0000 0001 0000 0011 0000 0111 0000 1111 0001 1111 0011 1111 0111 1111 1111 1111 Table 2. Decoding diagram of reference control signal Di P;N . D2P D3P D4P D4N D3N D2N D1N Vres transfer function 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4Vin – 4Vref 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 4Vin – 3Vref 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 4Vin – 2Vref 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 4Vin – Vref 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4Vin 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 4Vin C Vref 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 4Vin C 2Vref 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 4Vin C 3Vref 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4Vin C 4Vref D1P 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Fig. 6. Layout of sampling capacitors in 3-bit MDAC. Fig. 7. Transfer curves with the injection of PN sequence. tion, the following equation can be derived: Vinp 4 X Ci P Vi nn i D1 4 X iD1 Vref 4 X Ci N D Vref DiN Ci N iD1 4 X 5. Circuit design strategies 5.1. Calibrated 4-bit first stage Di P Ci P i D1 Vresp CfP C Vresn CfN : (17) Using the reference control signal given by Table 1, and substituting Eq. (16) into Eq. (17), we derive the differential residue transfer function considering capacitor mismatch: vres D 4vin vref 4 X i D1 Di C 2VCM 4 X Ci =C0 : (18) i D1 Comparing with the ideal transfer function of Eq. (15), P Equation (18) only has an additional term of 2VCM 4iD1 Ci =C0 , which is a common-mode offset and remains constant when input signal changes. Equation (18) indicates that by means of inverse control signal and corresponding symmetric capacitor layout, the firstorder gradient error is cancelled and only common-mode offsets are left in the differential residue transmission. This can be verified by circuit simulation. Assuming that the gradient error Ci .i D 1, 2, 3, 4) is set to be 0.4%, 0.3%, 0.2%, 0.1% respectively, and the reference control signals are decoded as Table 2, we achieve the simulated SFDR of 96 dB, while it’s less than 83 dB by adopting another arbitrary combination of reference control signals. Though analyzed in 3-bit structure, the proposed gradientcancelling approach is effective in any multi-bit structure. In our ADC design, this technique is applied to all stages to maintain the matching accuracy during the variation of CMOS process without extra increase of area. Finite opamp gain limits the linearity of pipelined ADC most significantly, especially in high-resolution high-speed ADCs. It results in inter-stage gain error, which leads to distortion. With the CMOS technology scaling, the gain of opamp will be decreased due to lower power supply, and distortion is deteriorated accordingly. Background calibration is an effective way to maintain high linearity with finite opamp gain and hence adopted by most 14-bit pipelined ADCsŒ6; 12; 19 . In this paper, a statistics-based background calibration similar to Ref. [10] is applied to enhance the linearity and correct inter-stage gain error in the first stage. By injecting pseudorandom sequence (PN), the transfer curve of residue is shifted CVref vertically, as shown in Fig. 7. By means of the probability principle, the residue difference h1 of two transfer curves at the same analog input Vin is extracted and inter-stage gain error a1 is calculated as a1 D h1 =H1 , where H1 is the ideal residue difference Vref /2. As shown in Fig. 8, digital residue of Stage1 (i.e. the digital outputs of backend ADC), is corrected by compensating a1 off-chip and the linearity is enhanced consequently. Unlike Ref. [10], the PN sequence is injected into the signal path by an additional capacitor CC in MDAC instead of the redundant comparators, and Figure 9 demonstrates the schematic. This PN-injection approach minimizes the circuit complexity due to calibration and consumes less power. 5.2. Operational amplifiers As the front end of pipelined ADC, SHA is required to amplify the signal precisely and accurately with unity gain. Thus opamps of high gain and wide bandwidth are inevitable. For 14-bit accuracy and mega sampling rate, two-stage amplifier with gain boosters and Miller compensation are most suitable to achieve high DC gain and large GBW without losing sig- 095009-5 J. Semicond. 2014, 35(9) Zhao Nan et al. Fig. 10. OTA schematic for (a) SHA and (b) Stage2. Fig. 8. Calibration block diagram of pipelined ADC. Fig. 11. Circuit schematic of comparator. Fig. 9. Schematic of PN injection in 4-bit MDAC. nal swing. The schematic of the amplifier in SHA is shown in Fig. 10(a). It attains a DC gain greater than 110 dB, a phase margin of 73 degree and 2-Vpp differential output swing at 2-V supply, while the current of the main opamp is 50.4 mA. The opamp requirement of Stage2 is relaxed owing to the gain of 4-bit first stage, but a DC gain of at least 80 dB is still needed. A conventional telescope two-stage amplifier can only achieve maximum gain of 70 dB, while an amplifier with boosters attains a gain far beyond the requirement and introduces much more complexity. Therefore, a triple-cascode twostage amplifier is utilized, as shown in Fig. 10(b). The gain of amplifier will be increasingly shifted 20 dB by adding a pair of cascade transistors. However, this structure involves a complicated signal path and more pole-zero doublets, so Ahuja compensation is adopted instead of Miller compensation to obtain good phase margin at high unity-gain frequency. 5.3. Comparators Comparators used in the presented ADC consist of three parts: a preamplifier handling analog input, a latch accelerating arbitration, and a set-reset (SR) trigger serving as output stage. When ˚1e is high, the preamplifier amplifies the input voltage and the latch prepares to compare. At the falling edge of ˚1e , the latch begins to arbitrate and generates the output. The output stage offers sufficient driving capability and ultimately generates the digital codes. Schematic of the comparator is shown in Fig. 11. It’s similar to the one in Ref. [21] yet modified by adding two PMOS transistors in the dashed circle. These additional transistors charge the intermediate node of latch to VDD and eliminate the residual information from previous clock cycles. 5.4. Clock jitter In SC sampling circuits, the uncertainty of sampling clock, so-called clock jitter, introduces the aperture jitter error. It levels up the noise floor and deteriorates signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). The relationship between SNR and clock jitter is given by the following equationŒ24 : SNR D 20 log10 1 ; 2fsig tj (19) where fsig is the frequency of input signal, and tj is the clock jitter. It indicates that SNR is decreased with higher input frequency. Therefore, the impact of clock jitter should be carefully considered to maintain high SNR in the whole Nyquist band. The jitter can be reduced by both minimizing the noise of the clock buffer and decreasing the rising/falling time of the clock edgeŒ25 . Hence, a differential-to-single amplifier and short inverter chain are adopted as clock buffer circuits in our design. The amplifier converts the differential clock input to the pulse signal and provides sharp rising/falling edge. The noise of the clock buffer is minimized by increasing the current 095009-6 J. Semicond. 2014, 35(9) Zhao Nan et al. Fig. 12. Die photograph of proposed ADC. Fig. 14. Measured SNDR and SFDR versus input frequency. Table 3. Measured performance summary. Parameter Value Technology 0.18-m 1P6M CMOS Resolution 14 bit Sampling rate 100 MS/s Signal swing 2 Vpp Supply voltage 2V Area 10.16 mm2 Total power 393 mW SFDR 83.51 dB (fin D 19.1MHz) 77.02 dB (fin D 79.1MHz) SNDR 63.73 dB (fin D 19.1 MHz) 58.42 dB (fin D 79.1 MHz) ENOB 10.29 (fin D 19.1 MHz) 9.41 (fin D79.1 MHz) Fig. 13. FFT spectrum with 19.1-MHz input signal (a) before calibration and (b) after calibration. of the amplifier and decreasing stage number of the inverter chain. With such efforts, the clock jitter is less than 200 fs given by Cadence simulation and satisfies the SNR requirement of 12-bit with 50-MHz input frequency. In the ADC testing, the analog input and the clock signal are both provided by high-performance source E4438C and filtered by LC bandpass, and the off-chip calibration is implemented in Matlab. With an input signal of 19.1 MHz and sampling rate of 100 MS/s, SFDR before and after calibration are 70.6 dB and 83.5 dB respectively, and SNDR is calibrated from 55.4 to 63.7 dB. Corresponding FFT spectrums are presented in Fig. 13. The ADC maintains over 77-dB SFDR and 58-dB SNDR with an input signal up to 80 MHz, as indicated in Fig. 14. The measurement performance is summarized in Table 3. The performance of this work is compared to previous ADCs with similar resolution and speed, as shown in Table 4. The high-SFDR performance of this work is guaranteed by the 4-bit structure of the first stage, the adoption of calibration algorithm, proposed gradient-error cancelling technique and careful layout consideration. SNDR of this work is not sufficient because of the off-chip reference buffer, and it’ll be increased in further work. 7. Conclusion 6. Measurement results Fabricated in a CMOS 1P6M 0.18 m technology, the pipelined ADC in this paper occupies an area of 10.16 mm2 . Figure 12 shows the die photograph. The ADC consumes a power dissipation of 393 mW with 2-V supply. This paper presents a 14-bit 100-MS/s pipelined ADC implemented in 0.18 m 1P6M CMOS technology. The nonlinearity model of bootstrapped switches is established to optimize design parameters of bootstrapped switches and ensure good linearity performance with a high-frequency input sig- 095009-7 J. Semicond. 2014, 35(9) Parameter Bit Sampling rate (MS/s) Power (mW) VDD (V) SFDR (dB) SNDR (dB) Technology (m) FOM1 (pJ/step) FOM2 (pJ/step) FOM1 D Zhao Nan et al. Table 4. Performance comparison with previous ADCs. This work Ref. [20] Ref. [22] Ref. [23] 14 14 14 14 100 80 80 150 393 518 303 140 2 1.8 3.3 1.2 83.51 82.9 84.8 70 63.73 76.5 72 61 0.18 0.18 0.35 0.13 3.13 1.19 1.164 1.018 0.263 0.464 0.218 0.295 Power ; FOM2 2ENOB fs D Ref. [24] 14 100 1100 3.3 83.1 73.6 0.35 3.013 0.770 Power . 10SFDR=20 fs nal. A gradient-error cancelling technique is proposed. With the combined arrangement of the reference control signal and capacitor layout, first-order gradient error is eliminated in differential residue transmission, and matching accuracy remains stable with the process variation. Statistics-based background calibration is utilized in Stage1 to correct the inter-stage gain error due to finite opamp gain, and PN sequence is injected by small capacitors. Measurement results show that this ADC achieves 83.5-dB SFDR and 63.7-dB SNDR at 19.1-MHz input frequency, and maintains over 77-dB SFDR with input frequency up to 80 MHz. The power consumption of ADC is 393 mW and chip area is 10.16 mm2 . [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] References [1] Bardsley S, Dillon C, Kummaraguntla R, et al. A 100-dB SFDR 80-MSPS 14-bit 0.35-m BiCMOS pipeline ADC. IEEE J SolidState Circuits, 2006, 41(9): 2144 [2] Kazutaka H, Furuta M, Kawahito S. A low-power low-voltage 10-bit 100-MSample/s pipeline A/D converter using capacitance coupling techniques. 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