CXP Communication Pre-Detailed Design Research Rev.A

Ruggedized Camera Encoder
March 13, 2014
Hornyak, Jason, Moreno, O’Connor, Streat
CoaXPress Communication Subsystem Detail Design Rev.A
Author: Lennard Streat, Computer Engineering, RIT
Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design I
RIT Ruggedized Camera Encoder (P14571)
Ruggedized Camera Encoder
March 13, 2014
Table of Contents
1. Module 1: Conceptual Overview
 Introduction & Application
 Transceiver Concepts
 Data Transmission Rate Table
 CoaXPress (CXP) Daughter Cards Trade Analysis
 Design Overview
2. Module 2: CoaXPress Physical Layer
 High-Speed Serial Interface Description
 High-Speed Mezzanine Card (HSMC) Design
 CoaXPress HSMC Schematic
 Mechanical Implications
 Bill of Materials
3. Module 3: CoaXPress Firmware Layer
 CoaXPress Communication Standard
4. Module 4: Conclusion
Hornyak, Jason, Moreno, O’Connor, Streat
Ruggedized Camera Encoder
March 13, 2014
Hornyak, Jason, Moreno, O’Connor, Streat
Conceptual Overview
Introduction & Application
A Ruggedized Camera Encoder (RCE) is a compact and robust system that analyzes a
stream of image data in real-time. Typically, video analytics are completed using post
processing techniques on a unit that is separate from the camera stream. This system will
eliminate the need for post processing, which cuts down on turnaround time and the need
for a secondary system.
The goal of this project is to deliver a working prototype that will have a small
enclosure, with two tethered camera inputs, acquiring HD 1080p 30fps image data. The
system will be capable of processing the image data in real-time running different video
analytics algorithms. It will be capable of streaming compressed image data over GigE to a
standard video client for diagnostics.
The purpose of this document is to provide a detailed treatment of the high-speed
communication layer that will manage transmission of data from a sensor to a host
processor; namely, from a high-speed, high-resolution camera sensor to an image
processing DesignCore board.
Transceiver Concepts
For this engineering design project data will be received from a camera sensor over
a coaxial cable, processed inside of an image processing DesignCore card, encoded to
standard H.264, and then transmitted out to other devices using a variety of I/O standards
(such as USB, HDMI, and GigE). This document addresses the first layer
of this process, namely the reception of the camera sensor data over a
coaxial cable using the CoaXPress (CXP) high-speed serial
communication standard. In later modules of this document further
details will be provided concerning the aforementioned concepts.
However, this section will deal address transceivers.
Figure—1.1a: Radio
Grade 59 (RG59) DIN
1.0/2.3 coaxial cable.
What is a transceiver?
A transceiver (XCVR) is a device that has both transmission and receiving functionality
paired together into one circuit module. For the purpose of this engineering design project
transceivers will explicitly be used to refer to the interface comprised of a Deutsches
Institut Für Normung (DIN 1.0/2.3) coaxial cable connector.
Ruggedized Camera Encoder
March 13, 2014
Hornyak, Jason, Moreno, O’Connor, Streat
What is a coaxial cable?
A coaxial cable (Fig. 1.1) is a cable that has a
central core that is shielded by a dielectric
insulator, wrapped in a conducting metal shield
and contained in a plastic jacket (usually polyvinyl
chloride—PVC). The term “coaxial” comes from the
fact that the conducting core runs in parallel to the
two sub-layers of the metallic shield. This cable is
designed to improve signal integrity via high and
low frequency noise protection as well as
Figure—1.1b: Coaxial Cable.
minimization). The plastic jacket is there for
mechanical protection, the dielectric maintains consistent impedance along the wire. The
metallic shield is comprised of a braid of wire and an aluminum wrap; the wire braid
shields the data cable from low frequency noise (AC noise) and the aluminum wrap shields
the data cable from high frequency noise (RF signals).
FPGA Transceivers
Transceivers typically operate at higher frequencies than the host processor
because the host processor provides data to the transmitter in parallel (using multiplexing),
and the transmitter sends the data serially. “The task of parallel-to-serial conversion is
performed by a multiplexer (MUX) in the transmitter. The MUX should be synchronized with a
system clock generated by a clock multiplication unit (CMU) that incorporates a VCO, a PLL
and a clock path [4].” For instance, if a processor transmits 8-bit data at 500 Mbit/s, the
transceiver must to transmit that data at 4 Gbits/s to keep up. Transceivers are realized in
three general layers—the Media Access Controller (MCA), Physical Coding Sub-Layer (PCS)
and the Physical Medium Attachment Layer (PMA).
1. Media Access Controller (MAC)—assembles packets to be given to PCS to be
transmitted across the link. Disassembles packets received across the link. Handles
error and fault messages from link.
2. Physical Medium Attachment Layer (PMA)—handles encoding the data being
transmitted to the format expected by the receiver/transmitter. E.g. encoding,
decoding, scrambling, descrambling.
3. Physical Coding Sub-Layer (PCS)—converts digital data to serial analog stream.
E.g. parallel to serial conversion.
Ruggedized Camera Encoder
March 13, 2014
Hornyak, Jason, Moreno, O’Connor, Streat
Figure—1.2: Transceiver general architectural diagram. The MAC layer is not included,
because it is assumed that this is implemented in the FPGA fabric [5]. This is the full duplex
data path.
The PCS may be implemented either in hardware, or in software, but the PMA must
be handled in hardware. For most real-world applications, a standard specific transceiver
interface is defined. However, FPGA transceiver interfaces are designed to be flexible and
as such are fully customizable. For instance, the complete PCS layer depicted in Fig. 1.2
may be bypassed, where the functionality would then be implemented in the FPGA fabric
The transceiver interface (Fig. 1.2) is described as being a SerDes, or a SerializerDeserializer. A SerDes takes a multiple data line input and converts it a representation that
features fewer wires. There are significant benefits to using a SerDes, such as EMI
reduction, lower power consumption, and cost reduction.
Figure—1.3: SerDes Architecture [3].
For this engineering design project the CoaXPress interface is a SerDes interface
(Fig. 1.3), where the transmitter (TX) acts as the serializer and the receiver acts as the
deserializer (RX). At gigabit signaling speeds explicit clocks are not typically used.
Ruggedized Camera Encoder
March 13, 2014
Hornyak, Jason, Moreno, O’Connor, Streat
Consequently, the clock rate information is embedded within the data using encoding
techniques, such as 8B/10B encoding standard. The SerDes interface is capable of
operating at a clock frequency higher than that of the host FPGA by using Phase-Locked
Loops (PLL) to scale up the clock frequency. Synchronization occurs between the
transmitter and receiver during transmission using various techniques beyond the scope of
this discussion.
Phase-Locked Loop
“Feedback system combining a voltage controlled oscillator (VCO) and a phase
comparator so connected that the oscillator maintains a constant phase angle relative to a
reference signal. Phase-locked loops can be used, for example, to generate stable output high
frequency signals from a fixed low-frequency signal [6]”.
Figure—1.4: Phase-Locked Loop functional diagram (left). PLLs use a source frequency
(FREF), which is usually compliant to the Rubidium Standard, because the signal integrity at
the output of the PLL is only as good as that of the input signal. For high-frequency-clock
serial communication, the clock must have a low-jitter, high-reliability signal. Reliability of
the output signal is also dependent upon the delay of the internal components, especially the
low pass filter (loop filter) [6]. The figure to the right is the Voltage Controlled Oscillator
(VCO); discussion of this is beyond the scope of this design document [7]. Clocking in the
Transceiver are managed by configurable Clock Management Unit PLLs, ATX PLLs, MPLLs,
or/and FPLLs; the availability of each is FPGA dependent [8].
Ruggedized Camera Encoder
March 13, 2014
Hornyak, Jason, Moreno, O’Connor, Streat
FPGA Transceiver Classes
Some FPGA manufacturers provide a line of boards with transceiver communication
capabilities. For the purposes of this project, only the Xilinx and Altera brands were
considered (Table 1.1).
Transceiver Grade
Stratix V GX/GS/GT
> $4,995.00
8.5Gbs – 28Gbs
Stratix IV GX/GT
> $4,495.00
Arria 10 GX/SX/GT
Arria V GX/GT/GZ
6Gbs – 28.1Gbs
> $3,995.00
Arria II GX/GZ
> $3,195.00
Cyclone V GX/GT
> $1,099.00
3Gbs – 5Gbs
Cyclone IV GX
> $1,295.00
Table—1.1: Altera FPGA transceiver capability classification. For the purpose of this project
FPGAs at the lower end may be used (to minimize costs) because the project only requires that
one camera be used for the demo, but that the design is extendable to more. One camera may
easily be processed on a 3Gbs transceiver [8].
Transceiver Serializer and Deserializer Block Diagrams
The SerDes interface is very complex in nature, especially on FPGA systems (due to
the flexibility). Altera and Xilinx provide IP Cores to simplify transceiver interface design.
On the Altera website a tutorial is provided that dives deeply into the functionality of
Transceivers for the Altera brand FPGAs. Therefore, this topic will not be deeply covered.
Note: Some online documentation addresses the logical element consumption of the IP Cores.
Figure—1.5a: The Serializer/Transmitter path block diagram. This is an expansion of the
transmitter block diagram provided in Fig. 1.2. The PCS path is circled [8].
Serialization of the data occurs in five major steps.
1. (PCS) Phase Compensation—because the serializer typically operates at a different
frequency than the host processor (FPGA), phase compensation is made to synchronize
the host processor and the serializer.
Ruggedized Camera Encoder
March 13, 2014
Hornyak, Jason, Moreno, O’Connor, Streat
2. (PCS) Byte Serialization—Reduces the FPGA fabric clock rate requirements while
leveraging the higher data rate necessary by the transmitter.
3. (PCS) 8B/10B Encoding—Takes 8-bit data and a 1-bit control to 10-bit code groups.
Ensures that the data transitions enough to allow the deserializer to synchronize with
the receiver. Maintains a neutral running disparity, which has an impact on EMI
4. (PMA) Bit Serialization—converts parallel to serial data. It has two clocks (one on
the parallel side, and another on the serial size. Note: the PMA is not explicitly labeled
in the figure.
5. (Post PMA) Transmitter Buffering—hardware that improves signal integrity
before transmission of data to optimize data quality and power consumption. An
example technique that is applied is pre-emphasis, which magnifies the high
frequencies of the data signal and filters out noise. Signals are transmitted in a
different format.
Beyond the aforementioned steps there are error checking tests that are made using a
Pseudo-Random Binary Sequence (PRBS) and further customizations. For instance, higher
end transmitter interfaces have a longer serialization pipeline. Furthermore, the whole PCS
phase may be bypassed, as previously mentioned. For more information reference the
Altera Transceiver Basics tutorial [8].
Figure—1.5b: The Deserializer/Receiver path block diagram. This is an expansion of the
receiver block diagram provided in Fig. 1.2. Figure should be read from right to left.
Deserialization occurs in ten primary steps:
1. (Pre PMA) Receiver Buffer—converts differential input signal into a CMOS value.
Most importantly, it supports equalization (to aid in signal integrity), which
compensates for signal degradation due to factors such as power loss that may have
occurred during transmission. High end transceivers support adaptive equalization.
2. (PMA) Clock & Data Recovery—clock data is recovered from the received data to
synchronize the data reception process. A high-speed clock and low-speed clock are
generated to handle the deserializer and the PCS module, respectively.
3. (PMA) Deserializer—converts the serial data (LSB first) to parallel data.
Ruggedized Camera Encoder
March 13, 2014
Hornyak, Jason, Moreno, O’Connor, Streat
4. (PCS) Word Alignment—uses an alignment pattern to identify data word
boundaries and realigns data via method such as shifting. This ensures that the data
will be properly read by the receiving processor.
5. (PCS) Deskew Step—aligns all input channels to the channel 0 clock. Ensures that
multi-channel data arrives at the proper rate and handles error signaling in the event
that alignment is lost.
6. (PCS) Rate Matching—compensates for PPM differences between transmitter and
receiver. Removes or inserts characters in the data stream to pad the data stream
(preventing overflow and underflow); regulates data rate into the subsequent stages.
Each serial transmission standard stuffs the data stream with different bit patterns.
(Cannot be used with the Byte deserialization phase).
7. (PCS) 8B/10B Decoding—undoes the encoding step made in the transmitter. Not all
serial transmission standards have this encoding/decoding step. It may detect
disparity errors.
8. (PCS) Byte Deserialization—this step, in like manner to the same step in the
transmitter, reduces the clock rate requirements of the host system. This works in
reverse by outputting parallel data at a slower rate than the data is received.
9. (PCS) Byte Ordering—restores transmit byte order by re-ordering bytes after the
byte deserialization process. (Cannot be used with the rate matcher). This step must
handle scramble codes (they should not be stored).
10. (PCS) Phase Compensation—ensures correct timing between transceiver and the
FPGA, in like manner to the transceiver compensation step.
Note: There are more complex versions of this signal flow pipeline [8].
Data Transmission Rate Table
Today, there are many serial data transmission standards in use. This section is
devoted to providing a brief background on several of the available serial interface
standards. Serial communication interfaces exist to provide a robust, cost-area effective
solution to intersystem communication. Some older standards are typically used to
interface in low-speed requirement environments, such as RS232, RS422, RS423, and
RS485. Some applications include low-speed sensor interfacing, short distance device
communication, and more. As time has progressed mid-speed communication standards
have been developed that are designed for operating in the megabit range such as I2C, SPI,
and USB and CAN. Sample applications are inter-processor communication on a single PCB,
consumer devices, automotive control and communication, and multiple-device
communication networks.
Ruggedized Camera Encoder
March 13, 2014
Hornyak, Jason, Moreno, O’Connor, Streat
For some modern applications higher speeds are necessary. For instance, modern
CPU-to-memory interfaces, video processing, bioinformatics, Neuromorphic computing and
simulation. In such data-intense applications communication standards such as GigE, USB
3.0, SATA, HDMI 1.3, and PCIe 3.0 are used. CoaXPress falls in this category of
communication standards. It exhibits transmission speeds far superior to other standards
in its class, such as Camera Link (which operates in the megabit range). An approximate
comparison of the serial transmission standards has been provided in the following table.
Max Data Rates
Configuration Distance
115200 bit/s
2/9 Pins
15 m
1 Mbit/s
2 Pins
40 m
2 Mbit/s
2/3 Pins
50 m
3.4 Mbit/s
2 Pins
50 Mbit/s
4/8 Pins
10 m
1 Gbit/s
8 Pins
30 m
USB 3.0
5 Gbit/s
4 Pins
6 Gbit/s
15 Pins
Camera Link III
2 Gbit/s
300 m
6.25 Gbit/s
68 m
HDMI 1.3
10.2 Gbit/s
19 Pins
PCIe 3.0
128 Gbit/s
82 Pins
15 m
Table—1.2: Approximate specifications for each serial data transmission standard. Note:
these rates are simply provided for reference, not all of the values are specifically consensually
agreed upon. Data was compiled via various internet searches. The purpose of this table is to
depict the relative performance of each cable standard. CoaXPress and Camera Link
(competing technologies) have been highlighted [9].
CoaXPress Daughter Cards Trade Analysis
An FPGA Mezzanine Card (FMC) is an ANSI standard that defines the I/O standards
for interfacing mezzanine modules to a field-programmable gate array. Modules that are
added to a host system are called mezzanine modules or daughter boards/cards;
mezzanine modules may be hardware accelerators, I/O cards, etc. Altera has also published
the High Speed Mezzanine Card standard (HSMC), for similar applications, with a different
This section highlights several CoaXPress mezzanine cards currently available on
the public market. FMCs support transmission speeds up to 10 Gbit/s. The connectors (Fig.
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Ruggedized Camera Encoder
March 13, 2014
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5) for these mezzanines are purchased through the Samtec Company. Samtec sells these
connectors in two types—high pin count (HPC) and a low pin count version (LPC).
Figure—1.6a: FMC Connector Form Factor [10].
Figure—1.6b: FMC Connector Form Factor [13].
CoaXPress (CXP) is an “asymmetric high speed point to point serial communication
standard for the transmission of video and still images, scalable over single or multiple
coaxial cables. It has a high speed downlink of up to 6.25Gbs per cable for the video...” [6].
Further details concerning the CXP standard are provided in later sections. This remainder
of this section is dedicated to presenting technology used to interface with CoaXPress
devices. The majority of the products in this space are completely integrated systems or
frame grabbers; frame grabbers are devices that capture individual still frames from an
analog video signal. Therefore, a large majority of products were not presented seeing as
the capabilities are very similar.
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Kaya Instruments HSMC for CXP
The Kaya organization has developed “the industry’s first High
Speed Mezzanine Card defined by Altera providing a high
performance CoaXPress compliant connection” [7]. This card
(HSMC-CXP) is capable of interfacing with up to 4 CXP mode
cameras. The card also features control GPIO. A hardware block
diagram has been provided. HSMC-CXP features 8 Bayonet NeillConcelman (BNC) Radio Frequency (RF) connectors, which are
quick, connect/disconnect coaxial cable connectors. The four
connectors on the left are host links and are provided with 13W
power via Power over CoaXPress (PoCXP). The device is capable of
operating in an environment with -40C to 85C temperature
Figure—1.7a: Kaya
ranges. The same company also released an FMC compatible CXP
HSMC-CXP [12].
mezzanine card. Currently, this is the only company that provides
an HSMC/FMC compliant CXP mezzanine card. It also features Opto-isolated outputs.
Figure—1.7b: HSMC-CXP (left; Fig. 1.7a) and FMC-CXP (right) [12] [14].
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Matrox Radient eV-CXP
The Matrox Radeint eV-CXP is a high performance
CoaXPress frame grabber, capable of reading data
from 4 devices. It features four BNC connectors that
may be connected to an external sensor. There is a
memory interface on board that may be connected
to up to 4 GB of storage. A GPIO interface is placed
on the board in addition to a PCIe 2.0x8 bus. All of Figure—1.8a: Kaya HSMC-CXP [23].
the frame reconstruction and color space
conversion is done on board. This system is not relevant in terms of its form factor, but is
relevant with regards to its CoaXPress interface. BitFlow (as well as several other
companies [18]) has designed similar boards, such as the Cyton-CXP [16].
Figure—1.8b: Matrox Radient eV-CXP block diagram [23].
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Unknown CoaXPress Evaluation Boards
There are several CoaXPress evaluation kits on the market, albeit they are poorly
documented. This section is dedicated to addressing those boards. Microchip owns two IPs
in this space: EVB-DBSUB1584 and EVB-DSUB1586—a transmitter (camera) and receiver
(host) module, respectively. These devices are available for purchase for just under
$400.00, but are not documented. Also, the sensor-to-image website ( has an FPGA
core. In the picture demonstrating the physical setup of the evaluation system, there are
two unnamed CoaXPress cards—one used on an Altera board and another on a Xilinx board
Figure—1.9: The functional diagram for the core is depicted (left) and the daughter card
used to demo it (right). It has two female BNC connectors, a camera, power and some other
circuitry, presumably for control and configuration on board [17].
In light of the aforementioned designs, the basic components and functionality
needed to produce a feasible design become clear. For the application that this document is
addressing, the CoaXPress HSMC/FMC must meet the following requirements:
1. Host connectivity—this enables the device as a CoaXPress receiver. The design is
expected to be extendable to 4 inputs—this requires the HSMC/FMC to utilize 4 CXP
DIN 1.0/2.3 connectors. The device must also be capable of communicating the
transmitter (camera) to control it.
2. PoCXP—Power of CoaXPress support will supply 13W power to the transmitting
device, which will be a camera. The device will not have a power source. Therefore, this
is vital.
3. Small Form Factor—the FMC/HSMC presented by the Kaya Instruments Company
was bounded by 70.5mm x 88mm (both form factors for the Kaya products were
averaged together).
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4. CXP-6—to meet the 6.25Gbs requirement, the device must be CXP-6 compliant, or
5. Temperature Stability—the HSMC/FMC must be capable of operating within the
temperature range of -40C to 85C.
6. Optoisolation—since the output operates at high frequencies, the logic on the board
should be isolated from the outputs/inputs [19] [20] [25].
7. SamTec Connectors—SamTec connectors must be used for the HSMC/FMC output.
Basic GPIO options are also desirable, as they allow for simpler debugging and control.
8. Power—the board must be relatively low power; but still capable of delivering 13W of
power. Surge protection should be available [24] [25].
In the next section, the design of the hardware of the proposed device will be more
thoroughly explored.
Design Overview
The system proposed in this detailed design document is discussed within this
section. Various block diagrams are presented in this section (Fig. 10a & b). In the
previous section, design requirements were identified, via a trade analysis. These
requirements were compiled into features and a light review of contemporary technology
was made as a part of a feasibility analysis.
Design V.1
The design features four DIN 1.0/2.3 connectors (Fig.1.10a), for connecting with
the CXP coaxial cables. Within the original specification, the design is only required to be
capable of deserialization. However, serialization capabilities have been indicated on the
functional block diagram; having transmission capabilities is useful for reuse purposes.
Since this was not a requirement, only two of the connectors on the board were given
transmission and reception capability.
Another design concern was EMI effects. To address this, all logic on the board was
placed within shielding (red box with dotted lines). Electromagnetic interference would
originate from the coaxial cabling. No protection was placed on the GPIO or the HSMC
output connector. However, this is also an option, but likely to be unnecessary as this was
not explicitly included in any of the other designs (See Trade Analysis). GPIO has been
inserted to control each individual DIN 1.0/2.3 interface. The main purpose of this
interconnection is to enable/disable power to these components—this is expected to
reduce power consumption in applications that do not use all of the DIN 1.0/2.3 interfaces.
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Figure—1.10a: 4xCXP-HSMC design configuration (v.1). It has optoisolation on the BNC
connectors to protect the equalization circuitry from voltage transients in the sensors. PoCXP
is implied in all the DIN 1.0/2.3 connectors.
Design V.2
A secondary layout variation is presented (Fig. 1.10b). In this design, power control
is handled at the DC-DC power supply interface instead of separately from that component.
In this design the DC-DC converter output is essentially gated by a buffering system (such
as tri-state buffers) or transmission gate logic. Also it should be noted that within both
designs LEDs will be placed at various points to provide visual feedback.
One useful utility to this design is that a basic loop-back test may be done by
connecting the driver modules to the single function receivers. The FPGA may transmit
frames through the drivers and read back the values via the receivers. These designs
assume that the best-practices have been applied (such as adding terminations).
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Figure—1.10b: 4xCXP-HSMC design configuration (v.2). It has optoisolation on the BNC
connectors as with v.1, but the control circuitry was condensed to improve ease of
Note: It is likely that the trace lengths must match for each of the transceivers. To
accommodate this fact, the wires running from the DIN 1.0/2.3 connectors closest to the
output should be lengthened to match that of those further away from the HSMC connector.
This is useful in the event that the DIN 1.0/2.3 connectors are being used to read in time
associated data in parallel, so as to match the timing. Traces must be matched to ±50 mm.
PCB layering was not considered in this section. However, this is a concern that must be
incorporated into the design.
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Figure—1.10c: 4xCXP-HSMC design configuration (v.3). It has optoisolation on the DIN
1.0/2.3 connectors as with v.1, but the control circuitry was condensed to improve ease of
Design V.3
The design provided in Fig. 1.10c was the final design that was chose. The hardware
equalization and drivers are providing in a hardware IP owned by the EqcoLogic company.
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CoaXPress Physical Layer
High-Speed Serial Interface Description
The HSMC specification (owned by Altera) defines the
electrical and mechanical properties of high-speed
mezzanine card adapters for FPGA-based host processors.
The purpose of this standard is for interprocessor
communication and high speed data transfer. This design is
Figure—2.1: HSMC logo [13].
based on the Samtec 0.5 mm pitch, surface-mount QTH/QSH
connector family. The connector is separated into three banks—each having a separate
clocking mechanism (CLKINx/CLKOUTx), data pins and special functionality. This section is
a summary of the requirements in [13].
HSMC may come in various sizes, but must adhere to the standardized dimensional
envelopes. The host processor must also provide 12 V DC and 3.3 V DC to the mezzanine
card. The mezzanine card must feature a Samtec ASP-122952-01 connector, which pairs
with the Samtec ASP-122953-01
host board connector. The socket is
comprised of 160 total pins, and 12
ground plane connection pins in the
center. Bank 1 has 40 pins; banks 2
and 3 have 60 pins. Note: the host
board provides transceivers to bank 1
and single-ended signals to banks 2
and 3—the single-ended signals are
capable of differential signaling (such
as LVDS).
The specification specifies a
minimum clearance on the connector
(Fig. 2.2a).
Figure—2.2a: Physical layout requirements of the HSMC PCB. The HSMC design must align
the HSMC port all the way at one end of the PCB. There are restrictions on the PCB width and
clearance near the connector [13].
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High-Speed Mezzanine Card (HSMC) Design
Pins of prime importance on the HSMC port include: pin 1 (XCVR_TXp0), pin 3
(XCVR_TXn0), pin 2 (XCVR_RXp0), and pin 4 (XCVR_RX_n0). The receive signals must also
be terminated by 100-Ohms differential; termination should be handled on-die, but
board-level termination is acceptable. Trace widths must be 5 mm or greater to reduce
skin-effect losses and should reference the ground layer with no split plane crossings.
Signal traces should not run more than 8 in on the host or the mezzanine card. The
purposes of these specifications are to promote signal integrity. Traces should be simulated
if they are designed to run faster than 1 Gbit/s.
Ideally, the FPGA should be capable of providing 50-Ohm output impedances for its
driving signal. Bi-directional capabilities must be available on all CMOS class pins. When
connected to the HSMC port, the mezzanine card’s load should cause the host processor to
light indicate a proper mechanical connection via a PSTn LED. Voltage and current
specifications must be met [13]. Traces containing the LVDS or CMOS signals should be
closer to their reference plane than they are to each other and should meet specific length
Figure—2.2b: Cut out underneath Surface Mount Device (SMD) pads
Limited cross-talk is allowed (10% of the signal swing). For example, a 3.3V source
should not result in a swing greater than 330mV in any other data line. To ensure this,
parallelism rules must be followed during the design phase. The documentation also
specifies the recommended wire relative distances for parallel traces that minimizes cross
talk to a safe threshold. The host processor must provide the mezzanine card with 1 Amp
for 12 V lines and 2 Amps for 3.3 V lines. The complete HSMC is allotted (at a minimum
18.6 W). Cabling within specification is available.
Impedance fluctuation should be closely considered [13]—one technique that is
used to adjust the impedance at the connector pads is executed by making cut outs on the
plane of the layer just below the SMT pad. Sample pad structure is provided in Fig. 2.2b.
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Ruggedized Camera Encoder
March 13, 2014
Hornyak, Jason, Moreno, O’Connor, Streat
CoaXPress FMC Schematic
Figure—2.3a: Here is presented a rough schematic of the rough schematic of the transceiver
interface used for CXP [27]. The interface is presented in two layers, a schematic-wise layout
block (top) and a higher level block layout (bottom).
Mechanical Implications
Due to EMI effects, it may be advisable to shield the complete CXP data reading
mezzanine card or the complete system (the host, paired with the HSMC). Furthermore, heat
dissipation becomes a more significant challenge, because heat has a negative impact on
signal integrity. In the event that the system becomes too hot, the CXP interface may fail.
Heat generation is primarily a concern that arises from the design of the host system and
the environmental temperature ranges. As for other mechanical concerns, they go beyond
the scope of this document.
Note: there may be a tradeoff between shielding the system more effectively and temperature
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Ruggedized Camera Encoder
March 13, 2014
Hornyak, Jason, Moreno, O’Connor, Streat
Bill of Materials
This section contains a list of necessary parts with estimated costs listed as well.
Parts that are not necessarily implemented in both designs have been presented.
Furthermore, optional components are presented as well.
Part #
0805 Resistors
0805 Capacitors
LG R971-KN-1
Part Name
Unit Cost
HSMC Connector
0805 Resistor
0805 Capacitor
0805 LED
OSRAM Opto Semi
GPIO Header
Amphenol 282121-75
DIN 1.0/2.3 Jack
Coaxial Cable
Push Button
Texas Instruments
Table—2.1: Component materials listing. Note: lead-times (a very important variable) was
not considered in this materials listing).
III. CoaXPress Firmware Layer
CoaXPress Communication Standard
CoaXPress is an asymmetric high-speed serial communication standard over a
coaxial cable. This technology comes in several variants (CXP-1 through CXP-6). For this
engineering design project CXP-6 is proposed as the desired serial communication
interfacing standard.
The CXP receiver is capable of uplink transmission at a rate of 20.833 Mbit/s—this
communication may be made as the transmitter is transmitting data. Data is separated
using filtering techniques. Its primary application is video analytics. Most devices in this
space are frame grabbers. There exists an FPGA IP core for this technology that is available
through various vendors (namely S2I, Kaya Instruments, and Demand Creation).
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Ruggedized Camera Encoder
March 13, 2014
Hornyak, Jason, Moreno, O’Connor, Streat
Figure—3.1: Kaya Instruments FPGA CXP IP core [28].
Note: This section does not address the CoaXPress standard in more detail because the
standard document was not available online during the time this document was written.
The CXP SerDes interface is a robust interface capable of transmitting data at gigabit
speeds. This SerDes interface is only a subsystem within the complete design. This system
is anticipated to present considerable electrical and firmware design challenges, due to
moderate complexity and unavailability of the CXP specification documentation. This
subsystem is a major risk factor for the project. A design has been presented, which is
expected to be capable of meeting the electrical-mechanical requirements. The software
requirements are the main challenge. To overcome this, it is recommended that a
preexisting core be used for the receiver.
23 | P a g e
Ruggedized Camera Encoder
March 13, 2014
Hornyak, Jason, Moreno, O’Connor, Streat
Reading eye diagrams.
Coaxial Cable Basics.
TI SerDes presentation.
High Speed Serial Data Transmission Integrated Circuits with Half-Rate Clock and Quarter-Rate
Clock in SiGe BiCMOS Technology. Young Uk Yim.
Altera Transceiver Course.
(Fundamentals of Phase Locked Loops, MT-086 Tutorial, Analog Devices).
Wikipedia VCO.
Transceiver Basics.
WayTek Wires.
[10] SamTec Connectors.
[11] CoaXPress Website.
[12] Kaya HSMC for CXP.
[13] HSMC Specification.
[14] Kaya FMC-CXP.
[15] CoaXPress Presentation.
[16] Cyton-CXP.
[17] Microchip.
[18] Active Syilicon CXP products.
[19] Optoisolation.
[20] Optocouplers.
[21] BNC Connectors.
[22] Coax BNC Connector Tutorial.
[23] Matrox Frame Grabber.
[24] Coaxial cable surge protection.
[25] High-speed Optoisolation.
24 | P a g e
Ruggedized Camera Encoder
March 13, 2014
Hornyak, Jason, Moreno, O’Connor, Streat
[26] CoaxPress electrical characteristics.
[27] CXP article.
[28] CXP IP Core example.
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