• MOSFET Configurations • Op Amps • 741, 356 • Imperfections • Op‐amp applications Acknowledgements: Ron Roscoe, Neamen, Donald: Microelectronics Circuit Analysis and Design, 3rd Edition 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 1 MOSFET Configurations • Common source • Common Drain ‐ Source follower • Common gate 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 2 Basic FET Amplifiers Common Source Common Drain Common Gate Ai Av Vo Vi g m (ro RD ) Av RS ro Ri ) 1 R R i Si RS ro gm RO 6.101 Spring 2015 ( IO g R RD )( m Si ) ( Ii R D R L 1 g m RSi Av g m ( RD RL ) 1 g m RSi 1 RS ro gm Lecture 7 3 MOSFET Configuration Summary Configuration Common Source Source Follower Common Gate 6.101 Spring 2015 Voltage Gain Av > 1 Av ≈ 1 Av > 1 Current Gain __ __ Ai ≈ 1 Lecture 7 Input Output Resistance Resistance RTH RTH Low Moderate to high Low Moderate to high 4 JFET Application Current Source +15V • • • • • Household application: battery charger (car, laptop, mp3 players) Differential amplifier current source Ramp waveform generator High Speed DA converter using capacitors Simple circuit: 2N5459 Nchannel JFET 2N5459 iD IDSS = current with VGS=0 VP = pinchoff voltage vGS iD I DSS 1 VP 6.101 Spring 2015 2 5 Op‐Amps • Active device: V0 = a(V+-V-); V+ note that it is the difference V Vof the input voltage! • a=open loop gain ~ 105 – 106 • Most applications use negative feedback. • Comparator: no feedback • Active device requires power. No shown for simplicity. • Classics op-amps: 741, 357 ~ $0.20; one, two or four in a package. • Newer op-amps operate at <3.3V (OPA369 1.8V) o 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 6 Op‐Amp Packaging LM324 LF353 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 7 356 JFET Input Op‐amp 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 8 JFET Differential Pair Small Signal Model 6.101 Spring 2015 9 741 Circuit 22 transistors, 11 resistors, 1 capacitor, 1 diode 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 10 Differential (Emitter Coupled) Pair BJT Diff Pair 6.101 Spring 2015 Small Signal Model 11 Differential Pair – Common Mode Voltage Small Signal Model 6.101 Spring 2015 12 Differential Pair – Differential Mode Voltage 6.101 Spring 2015 13 MOSFET Differential Pair Small Signal Model 6.101 Spring 2015 14 Virtual Node Analysis + V2 Vout = a(V2-V1) a - V1 Vx + a = gain β = feedback or loop function V1 Vx Vout • If a>>1 and a>> β then • Current into input terminals zero by design • Typical values: a~100,000 & a β >>1 • ok for a=a(s) and β = β(s) as long as a(s) β(s) >> 1 • β is the loop transfer function V1 Vx aV2 aV1 V1 1 a Vx aV2 (not to be confused of β of a BJT) 1 a V1 Vx V2 V2 1 a 1 a 6.101 Spring 2015 v1 ~ v2 • Lecture 7 a β is the loop gain 15 Op Amps – Virtual Node • • With negative feedback, output will drive the input voltage difference to zero => V+ = V‐ Input current = 0 Benefits of Feedback Stabilize gain against device variations, temperature, aging Reduce distortion by the feedback factor [(1+aβ)] Input and output impedances adjusted by (1+aβ) Gain determined by passive components Disadvantages of Feedback Loss of gain; need more stages Greater tendency for instability (oscillations) 1 a V2 V2 V1 Vx 1 a 1 a 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 16 741 Op Amp Max Ratings common mode voltage appears at both inputs Need +Vcc, -Vee for operation Idiot proof 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 17 741 Electrical Characteristics Almost zero 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 18 LF356 not rail to rail 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 19 LM6152 – Rail to Rail Output 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 20 Decibel (dB) Vo dB 20 log Vi log10(2)=.301 Po dB 10 log Pi 100 dB = 100,000 = 105 80 dB = 10,000 = 104 3 dB point = 6.101 Spring 2015 half power point Lecture 7 60 dB = 1,000 = 103 40 dB = 100 = 102 21 741 Open Loop Frequency Gain 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 22 Non‐Inverting Amplifer Rs + _ vin 3 +15 + 7 2 4 - v 6 A v+ Zero input current; therefore v vin + -15 v- vout R2 _ R1 R1 vout but v v R 1 R 2 so vin R1 R1 R 2 vout R1 R 2 vin R1 or Av 1 β (not to be confused with β of a BJT) for finite A 6.101 Spring 2015 vout ; R2 R1 R1 R1 R2 vout A Av 1 A vin 23 741 Open Loop Frequency Gain Rs + _ vin 3 + 7 6 A v+ 2 - 4 + -15 v- vout R2 R1 Examples at 1 Hz, 1000 Hz, and 10kHz +15 Voltage gain Av=40dB = 100; R2= 100k, R1= 1k; [101 = 40.1dB!] β=0.01 _ At 1 Hz, Avol = 100 dB = 1 x 105 = 100,000. A 105 10 5 Av 100 40dB 1 A 1 10 5.01 10 3 At 1000 Hz, Avol = 60 dB = 103 = 1000. A 103 103 1000 Av 90.9 39.2 dB 3 1 A 1 10 .01 1 10 11 At 10 kHz, Avol = 42 dB = 1.26 x 102 = 126. Av A 126 126 126 55.8 34.9dB 1 A 1 126.01 1 1.26 2.26 β is the loop transfer function aβ is the loop gain 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 24 741 vs 356 Comparison 741 356 BJT JFET 0.5uA 0.0001uA Input resistance 0.3 MΩ 106 MΩ Slew rate* 0.5 v/μs 7.5 v/μs 1 Mhz 5 Mhz continuous continuous Input device Input bias current Gain Bandwidth product Output short circuit duration Identical pin out * comparators have >50 v/μs slew rate 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 25 So Why BJT in Op‐amps? BJTs have higher transconductance (gain), better consistency in spec between pieces, and in some applications, lower noise than FETs. Like most JFET op amps, the LF356 has a relatively high offset voltage, and relatively high drifts. BJT op-amps tend to have much lower offset voltage and drifts. 6.101 Spring 2015 26 Gain Bandwidth Product = Constant (No free lunch) Gain: 60dB = 103 Bandwidth = 5x103 Gain Bandwidth product = 5x106 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 27 Op‐Amp Imperfections – Real World • • • • • • • • • 6.101 Spring 2015 Input offset voltage Input Current Bias Input Offset Current Finite Output Voltage Swing Finite Current Finite Gain, gain bandwidth product Voltage Noise – Johnson Noise Phase Shifts Slew Rate Lecture 7 28 Input Offset Voltage * 741: 6000μv 357: 10,000μv * Analog Devices MT-037 Tutorial 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 29 Offset Adjustments 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 30 Input Bias Current * The input offset current, IOS, is the difference between IB– and IB+, or IOS = IB+ − IB–. 741: 200na 357: 0.05na * Analog Devices MT-038 Tutorial 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 31 Inverting Amplifier Bias Current Compensation I IN I B I F 0 RF IIN IB RIN + _ VIN IB + VOFF IF -2 V OFF R1 I B V OUT V IN V OFF V I B OFF 0 R IN RF +15 7 A 6 3 VOUT -15 R1 but with no input signal, V IN and we want V OUT 0, so : + 4 + _ _ 1 1 1 1 - I B V OFF ; - I B R1 I B RF RF R IN R IN 1 1 1 thus : as a condtion for no offset at V o RF R1 R IN V OUT I B R F // R IN I B R1 AVOL IB - VDIFF RF//RIN R1 IB + +15 V OUT 0 if R F // R IN R1 AVOL -15 + VOUT _ V OUT I B R F // R IN I B R1 AVOL V OUT 0 if R F // R IN R1 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 32 Common Mode Rejection Ratio CMRR CMRR: ratio of the commonmode gain to differential-mode gain. Example, if a differential input change of Y volts produces a change of 1 V at the output, and a common-mode change of X volts produces a similar change of 1 V, then the CMRR is X/Y. CMRR often expressed in dB: CMRR 20 log 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 AOL ACM 33 Inverting Amplifer – Virtual Ground Analysis Assumptions Infinite input impedance: i 0; v 0 because v is grounded . A A A i 0 V R R f in Rf if iin 2 Rin + _ vin - iin i f 0 +15 A 3 + vin 0 0 vout 0 Rin Rf 7 6 4 -15 + vout vout R f Av vin Rin _ 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 34 Schmitt Trigger Vin V- Vo • Schmitt trigger have different triggers points for rising edge and falling edge. • Can be used to reduce false triggering • This is NOT a negative feedback circuit. V+ R2 R1 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 35 Schmitt Trigger + RC Feedback = Oscillator R3 10K V- 0.33uf + • 741 op‐amp. • R1=10k, R2=4.7k, R3=10K, C=.33uf • Display V‐ and Vout on the scope. Set R3=4.7k. Predict what happens to the frequency. Vout R1 10K R2 6.101 Spring 2015 4.7K Lecture 7 36 High Pass Filter HPF AV (dB) C V1 R V2 0 -3dB slope = 6 dB / octave slope = 20 dB / decade log f fLO or f-3dB Av V2 R j CR s CR V1 R 1 j CR 1 s CR 1 j C Degrees PHASE LEAD 90o 45o 0o -45o log f fLO or f-3dB 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 37 Differentiator Insights AV (dB) 0 -3dB slope = 6 dB / octave slope = 20 dB / decade log f fLO or f-3dB Degrees R2 1 R1 sC Av at low frequency Av sCR2 ; s j ; sCR1 1 PHASE LEAD 90o 45o 0o sCR1 1 -45o log f fLO or f-3dB sCR2 1 multiplying by s equals differentiation 6.101 Spring 2015 differentiation works only at f << flo Lecture 7 38 Low Pass Filter LPF AV (dB) R V1 C V2 0 -3dB slope = -6 dB / octave slope = -20 dB / decade log f fHI or f-3dB 1 Av j XC V2 V1 R j X C 1 Av sRC 1 j C 1 1 j RC 1 R j C Degrees PHASE LAG 0o -45o -90o fHI or f-3dB 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 log f 39 Integrator Insights AV (dB) 0 -3dB slope = -6 dB / octave slope = -20 dB / decade log f fHI or f-3dB Degrees PHASE LAG 0o -45o R2 Av R1 ; s j ; 1 sCR2 sCR2 1 at high frequency R2 Av R1 sCR2 -90o 1 sCR1 fHI or f-3dB integration works only at f >> fHI log f sCR2 1 dividing by s equals integration 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 40 Why R2? Without R2, any DC bias current will saturate Vout since the DC gain is the open loop gain 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 41 Frequency Domain Insight • Integration and differentiation easy to understand in time domain • In frequency domain, difference between square wave and triangle wave is amplitude and phase – same harmonics. • Integrator (LPF) rolls off harmonics and phase shift to create a triangle wave • Differentiator (HPF) amplifies harmonics and phase shift to create a square wave. 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 42 Basic OpAmp Circuits Non-inverting Voltage Follower (buffer) vin + vin vout - vout Differential Input vin 2 R1 R2 R1 R1 R2 R1 vin Integrator vout vout R2 R1 vout vin vin1 vout vin C R vout R2 R2 R1 v in 2 vin1 vout 1 RC t vin dt 43 Crossover Distortion (hole) 10k +15 +15 10k 2N3904 +15 10k 2N3904 +15 0.1F - 2 3 + 0.1F vout 7 - 2 6 LF356 vin 10k RL 0.1F ?k vin -15 2N3906 [a] 6 LF356 4 3 + 4 RL 0.1F -15 ?k [b] -15 vout 7 2N3906 -15 Why is [b] better? 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 44 Diode Biasing +12 V +12 V RB1 2N2219 1N4001 RE=5.6 1/2 watt D1 IN914 C + vin _ [From Preamplifier] 2 - 7 6 ?opamp 3 + D2 1N914 +12 RE=5.6 1/2 watt 2N2905 + vout RL 4 -12 _ RB2 1N4001 -12 V -12 V RF 6.101 Spring 2015 Lecture 7 45