NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE * *.I’ FOR AERONAUTkS * TECHNICAL NOTE No. 1592 Lmgley Aeronautical Laboratory Langley Field, Va. w!gv Washington . NATIOWL ADVISORY COMKIXTEEFOR PERONAUTICS TECHNICAL NCXCENO. 159 COMPFUZSSlBLEFlOWTABLESFORAIR By Marie A. Burcher A tabUl&iOn is presented of functions of th8 Mach number which are frequently US8d in high-Sp88d aerodynamics. The tab188 iIElUd8 valu8s of Mach nImib8r from 0 to 10.0 in increments of 0.01 and the functions are based on the assumption that air is a perfect gas having a Specific-heat ratio of l.h-00. Il?'IRODUCTION i In hi&-speed research, frequent Us8 must be YEad Of th8 theoretical r8titiOnShipE existing between th8 Mach nurmber and various flow parametere, for example, the Str8am-tub8 area ratio, pressure, temperature, and density ratios referred to stagnation conditions, and the normal shdck 'relations. The pUrpOS8 of the tabulation is to present values of the most cammonlg needed functions for Ma&number increments (0.01) small enough to provide for linear interpolation without loss of accuracy for the Mach number range from 0 to 10.0. The quantities shown are fhctions solely of the Mach number with the eXCeptiOn Of a f8W dimensional q,Uantiti88 Computed for Specified stagnation conditions. Tables I and II cover the subsonic and supersonic Mach nrrmber ranges, respectively. An earlier unpublished Compressible flow table which has been in 13~38at the Langley Laboratory of the National Advisory Cortmittee for Aeronautics since 1945 was COmpUt8d by Mis6 Vivian P. Adair of the Fluid and Gas Dynamics Section. The present tabulation extended this preview work from M = 3.0 to M = 10.0 and added a number of functions not included in th8 earlier table. Y * . A sketch illustrating the notation ditions in subsonic and supersonic flow adopted for the stream conis shown as figure 1. A cross-sectional area of stream tube A cr cross-sectional area of atream tube for Ml = 1.0 . ---- 2 NACA TN No. 1592 a 0peed of sound in air FC compressibility M Mach nUmber P Mach mgl8 P absolute 9 dynamic pressure, pounds per square foot (coquted for arbitrary stagnatIon pressure, p. = 2l21 I.b/sq ft) factor (V/a) (.ti-l$ pressUr8, pOUnda per S&r8 T temperature, v airspeed P angle between oblique shock and flow (see fig. 2), degrees 9 ratio %lax maximum possible flow-deflection oblique shock, degrees Em8x maxham acute angle between oblique undisturbed stream (see fig. 2), P Subscripts: 0 1 2 3 cr heats, To = 520~ F absolute, 7 Y an $P+? (.I absolute CoRQut8d for of specific fOOt f80t direction per second behInd shock - , taken as 1.400 angle (s&fig. 2) for shock and direction degrees of expansion angle required to Change Mach number from 1.0 to Ml (8863 fig. 3), de@T888 _ mam amsit bf al+ at sea level . _. -- Stations in assumed stream tub8 (fig. I). For US8 Of th8 tables In subsonic flight problems Ml should be taken as the flight Mach number; then subscript 1 refers to atms-ph8riC conditions and subscript o refers to stagnation COIIditiOnS on th8 aircraft. similarly, for SU$8rSOIIic flight problems Ml is the flight Mach number, and subscripts 0 and 1 are, respectively, the ideai stagnation and the atmosph8ric conditions. -.- I Y Y 3 NACA TN No. 1592 ACCURACY The values given in the tables were computed individually. Most of the steps in the various calculations were carried to seven Over half of the values significant figures on machines. The rest of the values given have been checked by recalculation. were checked by en examination of the differences between readings. The values are believed to be correct to the number of places shown, with the possible exception of the values of $ax, which may occasionally be in error by one point in the last place (O.Ol"). . DISCCSSION The fomulas used in calculating the tables are, in general, well-known and their derivation may be found in modem text books A possible exception is the equation for & on fluid mechanics. which was first given in reference 1. For convenience, all the equations me listed in the appendix= It has been found convenient to use the stream-tube notation shown in figure 1. The theoretical relations involved are, of course, equally applicable either to stream-tube problems such as those encountered in wind tunnels and internal-flow systems or to .flight problems. Attention is called to. the fact that the subscript d refers to the ideal stagnation conditions (sta@mtion conditions for isentropic deceleration to zero velocity). For the stagnation conditions at an impact subsonic-flight application, tube, for exemple, are represented by the subscript 00 In the supersonic case, however, because of the presence of a normal compression shock ahead of the 3qac-t tube, the stagnation pressure shown by an impact tube will not correspond to the value represented by this subscript o but rather to that represented by the subscript 3, which refers to the sta@ation condition behind a normal shock. The atmospheric conditions (p, T, and p) in the flight case are represented by the subscript 1. Y The assumption that air is a perfect gas with a value of 7' of l.& valid for the condftfons usually encountered in the subsonic and lower supersonic speed regions for normal stagnation conditions. For Mach numbers greater than about 4.0 or for unusual stagcation conditions, however, the behavior of air will depart appreciably from that of a perfect gas if the liquefaction condition is approached, and caution should be.used ia applying the results in the tables at the higher Mach numbers. The data, of reference 2 * . . . . A._. NAZA TN No. 1592 4 afford-a mean8 of estimating the conditions under which the constituents of air will Uquefy at the relatively low pressures usually encountered in supersonic a-erodynam3.c problem. Langley Aeronautical Laboratory National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Langley Field, Va., January 8, 1948 NACA TN No. 1592 FORMULASITSEDFOR CALCULATIONS Subsonic Calculations The significant Mach number functions for subsonic applications are given in the column headings of table I. The notation used is illustrated in figure l(a). In flight appiications, if Ml is the flight Mach number2 pl represents the atmospheric pressure and p. the s:agnation pressure indicated by an ideal pitot tube. Similarly, Tl and. pl are atmosphsric temperature and density, respectively. Tne following formulas, require no discussion: p1 -= PO which are functions .1 + L+!$ ( A - cr = Ml A1 , r of Ml and 7, I--;7 * ( ) l&y l+qq f 6 NACA TN No. 1592 The values of Pl presented temperature To =.--520° F absolute. in tabls I are based on a stagnation The form,ti is 0 al v==M1ao Tne value of per second. a,. for The -values of To ql ao. was taken 8s lLU7.372 feet - = 520' F tib&Iut& were obtained from the ftJi&la 91=$.f$*p-Pl 0 PO 2 = l484.7M, u 0 taken as 2121 pounds per square foot. The where p. was arbitrarily dynamic -pressure far any other p, (regardless oC& v-alw of To) can consequently Be obtained by rc&l$iplying the tabulated values by the ratio ~~2121. .-. Thti'general formula for the compressibility factor is l?Or Small values of Ml, F, was computed from F, = 1 + $412 +' &Ml4 + .&Ml6 NACA TN No. 1592 7 Supersonic Calculations The functiona pertinent to Problems involving supersonic flow are shown in the column headings of table II. The stream.-tube notations applicable to this case are figure l(b). The formulas P~/P,, al/a,, Vl, and ~1 are the same for for Pl/Por supersonic calculations as for subsonic calculations. The value of Po was taken as 2121Pounds per square foot and the value of a0 W&B taken as lJl7.372 feet per second. for To = 520° F absolute Formulas having especial significence in supersonics, however, are T1/To, Al. -= Acr -.zL ) 1 IL + -2 If1 1 + * 2(y-1) < 112 -1 vA+ CO8 ,[m]1’2 c ) Y R --= 6- +p,-90o -P where E-= Sill -1 1 Y+Q I ml2 [ - 7 + 1) 1 + yM12 ( + 1' -1 414 8 -NACA TN No. 1592 3 Pg3 ( >( 1 PO = P, P2 - 2 p1 p2= M1 01 > (5x?2 , NACA TN No. 1592 1. Crocco, Luigi: Singolari& della corrente'gassoea lmperacmtica L'Aerotecnica, vol. XVII, nell'intorno di una prora a diedro. fast. 6, June 1937, pp* 519-534. of 2. Dodge, Barn&t F., and Dunbar, Atherton K.: An Investigation the Coexisting Liqui& and Vapor Phases of Solutions of Oxygen Jour. Amera Chem. Society, vol. 49, no. 3, and Nitrogen. 197, PP. ml-610. I 9 .I . 10 NACA TN No. 1592 0 1.003 - 1,000 1.000 0 1.000 1.000 .0346 -0518 .9999 .a591 .gYY8 .a.73 .Ol .9999 .Q3 .04 :gz . ssS9 :gg, .9!x@ .9997 2 .9983 .9975 .99m .9995 -2% :3 .og .9955 .9966 .9944 :9968 *Y9g3 :;g; * 9984 ,120s .I377 .1548 .lO .ll .l2 .993Q .59$ .9940 .9928 .99m .%a’6 .99n .l3! .14 :gg mm6 .95Q3 :g .m18 .1887 ~~56 .2224 .15 .9844 .16 .17 .18 :gtZ .02 :z: .996b .YY5Q .9& l-OOo .9999 -9955 - 9949 .9943 .I9 .9776 .Y751 .wo .g822 .9936 .9928 .2c .a .22 .9725 .9697 .g668’ * 9803 .99= .23 .24 .25 .26 .27 .28 :g ::2 .9740 .97a :;g? .9&4 .g676 2% .9&5 .9886 :1%$; -2391 -3o51 .3213 :s .3374 :g .Y923 ,991-r -9592 *961.g :E :i$; .3Q .9395. .9564 :Z :;gZ .9274 .92P .9&3 .Nll 2% 1947; .4914 .5059 .52Q3 .5345 .5486 .35 .36 .37 .g1w ::a .38 - 39 :gS -93 8 .9n :;g; .6o2g .6159 :2 :g; .p243 .92Q7 .969o .3675 .6288 .6415 .k? .43 3%:872$2 * .5624. 9347 - 9733 .44 :EE; .87% *9170 .9132 .9094 :;:g .9627 .45 . a703 :g- :z$ .9055 .m6 .8916 .g6n .9594 .gsri :g .8541 .843s :8G :Z ,rI * .99.52 :s :g$ .9928 .r9 :zg .9978 .4162 .4315 .wa .Y645 .Y774 :gE .9986 6983 .9980 :Z! :;g .9433 .34 .YY95 .9994 .9992 A557 .2723 .2887 :g .Yw .P $22 0 1.000 l.m 1.000 .a84 22.35 33.52 44.69 .5936 I..335 2.373 55.85 67.02 78.18 .as.n 100.5 3.705 5.331 7.249 9.458 ll.96 133:9 E-: 2-2 167.2 178.3 leg.4 200.5 211.5 145.0 156.1 222.6 233.6 244.6 255.6 266.6 277.6 288.6. 2W.5 310.4 321.3 1.000 1.000 l.QoL 1.001 1.001 1.002 l.oa 1.002 1.002 1.003 1.004 24:7y 28.70 l-Oo3 ,‘-3 lh 1.m 1:oO-r Ez 1.009 1.010 32.88. 37.33 1.w l.oc@i 1.011 l.QLL3 14.74 .ygll ' 332.2.9905 1.015 Ez 1:ow l.Ql.7 1.019 1.010 l.Oll 1.012 Lcw 1.023 1.025 a2.15: .-. 1.014 1.030 g-g 52:26 57.75 63.48 69.4-i' 75.69 1.013 88.83 95.74 102.9 . 1.016 1.017 Lo28 1.033 . 1.036 1.09 1.042 110.2 117.8 LQla --- l.cRO -. 1,m 125.5 1.027 1.048 167.1 1.0% 1.0% 1.068 1.072 1.076 1.045 :;tg .gs%. .ga80 .9873 .9866 :96& .Y844 :2% .9836 ..9820. g&8 .6784 .9a12 .6x9 .98a3 a795 2% .7246 .7356 0 11.17 .9-i= .9777 -9768 386.4 397.1 175.9 184.9 407fY 418;6 194.0 429.3.. 203.'3 440.0 450.6 461.2 471.8 482.4 4g.e 513:y 524-4 534.8 - 1.035 l.Oj.7 1.t.3. 212.7 i&l 22~2.3~ . La43 23.9 1.045 1.081 1.006 1.091 l.og6 251.6 . 1.049 1.047 l.lW l.loa 22.; 281:g 1.052 1.054 1.120 1.126 l . x-2 iti7 -- 1.. 241.7 292.x. - 302.5 .-L e 1.056 Log9 1.061 1.n4 ’ 11 NACA TN No. 1592 . ICABLEL-SUBSONIC E&W - Conold&. ‘5 . “1 “1 PO a0 &x?+ m&30 .8374 .- .8634 .8sb2 ::$2 rg?i .7901 :tE! :E: .&13 :g .G43 :iZg A733 :g .g614 .72aT .nb .0x4 .8u5 .960x . tiT1 :Ei .79& :;;g .9555 .79s6 .7%5 .m4 .7763 *-In2 :gX ;.gc61 .9037 .YoJ-3 .7660 .76oT .*.7557 .r/505 .7452 . --7----H. ,740o :7347 .8865 ;&SO :~%Z .7l89 :gg ,876s =: :-- -- . . . . . . -. :. -- - ., ._ - .9x@ .TW7 :;g .9519 . __ ;:z 408.3 1:Oa 1.087 LogO 647.5 65.6 66? .6 677.6 687.5 451.0 461.6 l.og3 1x37 1.100 1.103 1.107 1.250 l&2 1.275 1.288 1.301 697.4 707.3 7l7.1 726.9 736.7 472.2 74&4 756.1 1.129 1.132 :E a3213 :gfZ .9958 .9969 .65l :E$ .99-B '1% 1:166 1.170 l.l75 1.1 2 E89 1.667 1.79 1.747 1.793 1.843 887.8 1.194 906.6 915.0 924.0 1.w 1.960 2.028. 694.5 702.8 ;*;g 1:209 9&T 941.8 950.7 711.0 719.0 613.8 .63's L.CQOO 896.9: :gZ = r 1;219 1.225 1.230 EE . 977.0 1.246 1.252 1020 _-- 1.214 ~~~. $2.; lmj: 10l.l :Z 1.400 1.420 1.441 1.463 1.48-f I':% 1.567 1.598 1.631 g:; 623.3 632.6 .TTu 1:239 l.l.lo 1.114 1.117 l&21 1.125 1.149 1.153 :2% .671.1 .a658 -, 1.197 575.0 .6S70 --- ;.07g 794.5 :$F$ .9893 . ~~~: 6l7:2 627.3 637.4 .9413 .Tk61 .95-W' :$g .6yz4 .~-, 1.13 1.163 1.1n 1.179 1.188 % 1:144 .9797 .9824 . 1.064 L.067 1.069 1.072 1.075 gg: . $2 7 . .b/sq ft) %s 7&o :Ef$ .9362 .7U6 .7083 .63!z ‘7 :2: .9.9669 .7W .Tm c ,’ :z .a244 .83~ .96-s .9647 :%2 _ -9711 :% . I .7963 q1 Lo = 2121 56 .9324 .9307 :;g .’ F6:; $2 $2 .9?P .97= .8405 .a357 :E .74cn c- 545.2 .784o .7-t@ .m6 . .9759 .7569 .7672 :Eg; .&Ol Vl r,-520% abs .) ?zf 11270 784.2 1.276 2.19s 2.193 2.294 2.432 2% 2.931 3.203 3.5-n 4.113 ;:z 0 . I * ‘: I -2 "1 1.45 1.144 ::g 1.48 I:$ 1.49 #: ::g ::?I 1.59 1.60 1.61 l.m 1.6 1.62 T a s, E 43.60 m.44 lo.79 43.23 VI.73 u.Qy bQ.8'5 Llra ll.3? k?.g1 u..p 11.59 be.16 11.611~85 ::3 ::t$ 1.161 22 l.Ql? l.Qls Lee-t 1. 4 1.32 1.m l.srB 1.w ::EE ::iC l.lM Ll43 1.l40 1.137 Los ea3Q ; .;g ::g 1.3% A%2 2.69 ::g :$z :'$ 1:74 1.367 1.376 l.% 1.39l l.wr I.418 1.469 1.439 1x0 1.46l 1*47Q .l.W 1.495 ::g 1.53r 1.543 - i:g 1.913 1.99 :3 1:l.$ 1.m :*g ;:5$ 36.03 35.79 3545 35.51 35a 34% 34.b 34.b 34.18 33.96 i3n ::g 1.79 1-m 1.8l 1.h 1.63 l.BL :s ;iJ '. , T r7.m mm. l&lo l-r.24 laB.4017.46 uMP11.6B a.9 11.50 Wi!lJB.IQ 19.56 38.34 I$4 la.)5 m.l.7 la.76 m.b4 LB.97 3.olO 3.048 3.087 :ig 3.w 3.245 3.ea5 3-m 3.366 3.Sa6 3.447 3.480 3.52s 3.57l $2 A63 B.ltll Q.lgB Pal4 Q.Q.3 e.247 e.EK3 em9 eslO e.3ll ::g e.359 Q.3l5 ::g n.4ep 2.438 a.454 Q.4$ Q.W Q.5W --=e , ‘: 1.645 1.160 LX!9 ::g 1.B ::z % -9 1.7% :I% l.EHl 1:l@ 1.176 1.1sj l.l$n 1992 1.m :2 1:BI 1.68 1.69 e.Qa6 Q.3al e.35A e.38g e.k?j - ,., .I ‘9 PO 0.1492 .14-P .144T -t :$ .I& 1.555 1.9 190 l?m 1.5 1.6l9 1.633 l&6 1.660 1.674 :EB ::," :E :z! .ll& .Yea .llll .lW ::i$ 1.W :*gz 1:&6 1.&l ::tg ::$i .I339 32 .a3 .lm .lBu :Tg 1:&I% 1.885 1.9w 1.918 3l.q P.Bs 30.68 94.33 30.17 *.?I. 25.99 eY.pT 2535 ~1.83 26.10 21.91 4. Z-2.09 4.40 e2.q 4.315 a.45 4.361 a.63 4.4~7 E-z& 4.453, 3o.m ~5.33 *.97 za.44 pB.p9 a.14 eB.oa 27.86 ?a.m es.36 ~9.63 a.90 30.16 eb.Q 4.976 Q4.n 5.0~1 ~4.92 5.47 e%% 5.x26 4.e3 5.176 cr.u y.47 E-7.04 p.73 26.Yd 9.59 e6.n 3e.8 as.8 F2.3 as.51 P.l6 m*?e 33.m 4.96 5. m.10 5.m co4 eb8 'rn.Ye : 5.6 26.66 5.681 6.79 3.m 4.503 :% . :. :'j.. : :zg j. .a3 &I Ii i:gj k6?1 mm ’ . I I ‘, , I , TA5?x lI.- - m-cmtimad & Y 0. 2.35 2.s 3 2:jg Gm fG 003 e:k? 2.43 2.44 2.4n 2.49 9.46 Q.47 Q.48 4.49 0.47R? ::?E .4!u4 ::2 -4933 :kg A41 2% g-g.2 :g ::$i .44n 959:s '1% .43a .4234 .4963 %:: ..4* :z Q.44 F?.SbB Q.494 2.917 2.940 2.60 e.61 e.62 26 ,:Q .#2 .4610 :Z -4630 .w 54 .o 5 3 .9 934.9 53g.i 2.55 P.% P ::Ei :g Q.763 @.I@ .&3 22 e:EE$ jg .4l67 a.836 2.93 Q.99l Q.979 3.w :g .4x9 ::E .4m :g .ha .4@3 :z IO.29 lO.9l K-b* 10.96 bl.le 30.9 30.4s 30s 3a.m 3-L-P Il.4l 3im 30.91 ~.ol 3LlC Y.19 11.a Il.86 lP.og lP.31 12.53 2-l g.3 &9 :% 468.9 3.193 2.71, P.77. e.T2 29 2.77 a.78 3.330 2.79 7 :2i .bwb G?.n P cG=i 3l..f 1 13.19 r3.40 313 31.61: .4ca8 2% :$$i :% :$ .TiTQ :;3 :j-$ .3acg .3581 :z 497:4 &3.; :SZ 446.6 4.43.0 419.4 439.9 4P.3 .%x4 ::Zi $3 2Y.m :E :E 2% ;g .336Q .3x35 - - 2o.w m.8~ m.Tz ~0.69 20.6e m.* 2.90 2.91 45.n 45.~5 32.59 32.67 8.980 9.045 9.lll 46.16 32.75 46.j-7 32.83 9.m 46.m ye.91 g.*y 46.78 32.98 9.310 a0.47 46.98 so.33 47.19 53.06 33.14 m.32 47.99 33.u ?%a 47.59 33.29 80.17 47.79 33.36 y $f ;.; 99.*if 3 9.PO 9.5n P&S yJ.Y 3 * * *G $9 ii:; $tg ;:9l8 19.81 48.78 33.73 9.986 it E 48.98 49.18 19.61 49.37 33.m 10.9~ 33.87 10.06 YY.* lO.lP 19.9 4936 ss.01 LO.26 19.47 49.76 31.w ld lfl.14 5D.p 34.4110X.9 l&m 5aga 34.47 10.76 k5 01 5l sI.oJ m 3L S.tA 60 10.83 10 PO l8.89 s&6 342.5 lO;p7 l&a lB.76 sl.65 5l.eA 34.73 IL* 34.79 ll.le $2 #UT ~:~ 2.99 $*S :: 2 34:97&b ii: if’s lags 18.33 L8.27 %:a 5e.93 93.11 SYm E:5 ~~ 35.15 11.75 ss.zl Il.63 Ys.4Ln. I L l . * 2 l/z%5 :Z .a33 .B?lO :2$ a55 my7 .Qw .2lol '.p655 .eGs .Bm .?m .453 .m3 4. 9 4m2 4.m 4m 4x96 4x4 4.m ;g .w :E :% .lm :% .I@= .l8c6 .1791 .ln6 2761 .1746 .17X .3n7 .17ce ;g .lGM . ; .e4g6 2-z .a37 .w &I .2423 .24x? 3414 :22 .- :ZZ2 :z I 2596 .234P 4.m. .239;! 1zE ::5 :z a43 :*9 r:k?la :% .2379 :E$ t-P .a86 4.*t :%2 .Qlz9 .Plll x93 :sxg .W .ma 2-2 4.26l 4.263 4.2-n ::s 4.~6 4.94 :$G :.s .lPm Sk3 A92 :.39 .wm 4.3 *T 3 .19og 4.350 .I337 4.355 :Z :i$; 33% .I355 .ml .2YM .2Y43 :Z .432 5% .ew ml-7 .2313 .P3lO 5% :z ::Z.Z 5% :S .15?s :ZZ .m 7 - 4 z P c :3c : 23 :D : E 2 5 i1 41 3.1565 .lSZ .153 .lge6 .15l3 .l a, lge.9 191.3 :h .l4& A51 '2433 L-7 ::2 3:: 186.5 15.26 iE3i-t 178:8 177.4 :; :E l-P.9 171.5 :E ti?k 13.1 157.7 1%.4 1x1.1 145.n 144.0 l4.Q 1h.d *AU 14.l.9 14.l5 142.8 2: WJ:3 , * * I I I 4 % c 133.1 gi cLlZ23 .J.a3 :$ 2x33 131.6 :g. *t 7.lI a35 2:: 9.2' :% .Ilcn 32 1p3.1 lee.1 1p1.1 1w.P ::ig .lceJl .wl .Icde 3% % S7:3 ::2 .loeO .lOU .lW 3; u3.5 u2.6 ?0'0:8 IQ.9 log.0 13.14 7o.n 39.83 abe 13.l.I 70.82 2.: g.$ Z:F f:$ :% .Q787 lice :Z22 pi6 3:98 %?:8y 108.1 rEz 3 :7 103.9 103.0 1022 101.4 100.6 ;:; m.eA71.8 le.81 8. 92 12.7872.03 32.~5 U.-E 72.16 P.4 :S% .QlP :Z :2!% .cm6 :ZE$ :EZ n.yA la.95 q.06 44s a5.B le.P b.9 e.50 le.28 e-2z-: ru!674.l8 2:g4ah Io.Til 40.* mph lea7a.m iv3ho.64 -26.05 m45 12.42 73.45 40.43 40.46 ~-99 73.55 40.4a a.17 le.36 7Q.6 40.54 23.m l2.j 73.76 le.23 25:ez IpLy 74.u bD.66eb.16 22.13 iea 40.68 !ez7 Lp.lo 74.63 40.70 05. r2.m 74.79 40.72f4. le.4 74x9 40.74es.2 IS.09 74.9 40.76 p6.73. u.9e ixsa 11.90 75.48 u.87 75.s Il.83 7!JB u.RQ 75.78 ~1.m 75.87 Il.% n.97 11.75 76.4 ll.73 76.16 ll.70 .%.s lI.m 76.3 so& W-16 kcGJ5'Q-i&a 40.%7'27:99 bQ.83 z-7.9 ca.91 rlxe h0.p 27.n co.* e7.85 Lo.96 4.96 40.99 m.07 4&w fax9 4l.01 ff3.p . ’ I , , ~6 .163 .16&l 23 .16lQ :%I :$Z .l.M .l%l .1576 ::9 :I' 3 2 -4 ::% ::9 0, 5.w ::3 5.M :i22 .1361 .I553 ;g :Z$ :'E ::2 5.92 , 0 ::: 5.B 5.2 5.d I .a516 5.088 5.@0 J5.u .l!!d ::% .gi .1487 .lsBe ::g 2469 .141 2 z :i .I441 .1436 .143? ::E! 5.w 5.la8 ::t? 5.ll a 539 5.lE2 ::tZ 5.130 5.133 5.ub 22 c .I . 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NACA TN No. 1592 32 Isentropf c expansion I I ii+ ;p I-:-=: :;. 0 (a) Subsonic. 1 T rl -I F-==w I 0 / Sonic throat II cr e Supersonic Normal shock I I I I . 1 @fC, = 1.0) (b) Supersonic. FYgure l.- Sketch showing stream-tube notation. , . , Ml wFIgwe 2.- Oblique-shock notation. aA= 1.0 Flgure 3.- Expansion-angle notation.